Economic Development
It refers to that process of economic growth which is accompanied by
improvement in well being of people.
It also refers to progressive changes in the socio-economic structure of an
Economic Growth
Increased production as
Increase in production.
well as social welfare.
It is a quantitative It is a qualitative
concept. concept.
It is a unidimensional It is a multi-dimensional
concept. concept.
Indicators: Human
Indicators: Real GDP, Development Index,
Real Per Capita Income. Multidimensional
Poverty Index, Real PCI.
Inclusive Growth
UNDP (United Nation Development Programme) has defined it as 'it is the process
as well as outcome where all groups of people have participated in the
organization of growth and have benefited equitably from it'.
Inclusive Growth
It is a Process (means)
that the means should
It is an Outcome (end).
be participative i.e.
through employment.
It can achieved by
It cannot be achieved
redistribution. For
by redistribution. It can
example, food subsidies
be achieved through
and welfare scheme like
old age pension.
Human Development
UNDP has defined it as the process of widening people's choices as well as raising
the level of well being achieved.
Sustainable Development
It refers to that process of economic development which can be sustained in
UN World Commission on Environment and Development (UNWCED) defined
Sustainable Development as 'the development which meets the need of the
present without compromising the ability of future generation to meet their own
It calls for inter-generational equity.
It is related with carrying capacity i.e. capacity of environment to absorb the
adverse impact of human activity.
Classification of Countries
Developed Countries/Advanced Countries
Underdeveloped Countries/Developing Countries/Third World
Least Developed Countries (LDCs)
Countries were designated/classified as LDCs by UN Economic and Social
Council (UN ECOSOC) in 1971.
Criteria for LDC:
Low Income Countries as per World Bank.
Human Assets Index (HAI) based on Education and Health.
Economic Vulnerability Index (EVI)
Economic System
Economic Policy
Structure of an Economy
Level of Specialization
Global Factors
Natural Resources
Non Economic Factors
Socio-Cultural Factors
Political Factors
Psychological Factors
Religious Factors
Demographic Factors
Side Notes:
Closed Economy : It is an economy which does not have any economic relations with the
rest of the world.