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Economic Growth
Economic Growth refers to the process of increase in production of goods and
services in an economy over a (long) period of time.
It also refers to persistence increase in real GDP or real per capita income.

Economic Development
It refers to that process of economic growth which is accompanied by
improvement in well being of people.
It also refers to progressive changes in the socio-economic structure of an
Economic Growth

Increased production as
Increase in production.
well as social welfare.

It is a quantitative It is a qualitative
concept. concept.

It is a unidimensional It is a multi-dimensional
concept. concept.

It is just a means of well

It is an end in itself.

It can be achieved It can seldom be

without economic achieved without
development. economic growth.

Indicators: Human
Indicators: Real GDP, Development Index,
Real Per Capita Income. Multidimensional
Poverty Index, Real PCI.

Inclusive Growth
UNDP (United Nation Development Programme) has defined it as 'it is the process
as well as outcome where all groups of people have participated in the
organization of growth and have benefited equitably from it'.
Inclusive Growth

It is a Process (means)
that the means should
It is an Outcome (end).
be participative i.e.
through employment.

It can achieved by
It cannot be achieved
redistribution. For
by redistribution. It can
example, food subsidies
be achieved through
and welfare scheme like
old age pension.

Components of Inclusive Growth

Increasing Employability
It means to enhance human capability to be employable through education,
health, skill development.
Access to basic amenities.
Equal opportunities to all.
Women Empowerment
Employment Generation
Promote Investment under schemes like Make in India which focuses on EoDB
(Ease of Doing Business).
MSME should be promoted.
Entrepreneurship Development
Support to labour intensive sectors.
Poverty alleviation and Employment generation programmes.

Human Development
UNDP has defined it as the process of widening people's choices as well as raising
the level of well being achieved.

Human Resource Development (HRD)

HDR is also called Human Capital Formation.
HDR refers to the process of enhancing productive potential of human beings. It is
achieved by providing health care, education, skill development, etc.

Sustainable Development
It refers to that process of economic development which can be sustained in
UN World Commission on Environment and Development (UNWCED) defined
Sustainable Development as 'the development which meets the need of the
present without compromising the ability of future generation to meet their own
It calls for inter-generational equity.
It is related with carrying capacity i.e. capacity of environment to absorb the
adverse impact of human activity.

Features of Sustainable Development

Increase in real GDP
Social Welfare
Conservation of Environment

Dimensions of Sustainable Development

Economic Dimension
Social Dimension
Environmental Dimension

Indicators of Sustainable Development

Green GDP: It is the GDP adjusted for the cost of environmental degradation.
Genuine Savings : It means gross savings i.e. total savings.
Formula for Genuine Savings: Gross Savings - Depreciation in Man Made Capital -
Depreciation in Natural Capital.

Threats to Sustainable Development

Depletion of Resources
Degradation of environment like pollution, soil erosion, deforestation.
Loss of biodiversity.
We should be cautious using non-renewable resources.
Non-biodegradable goods must be reduced.
Promote organic farming.
Product subsidy should be replaced with Direct Benefit Transfer.
Alleviation of poverty.
Economic incentives like carbon tax.
Public awareness should be increased.
Local bodies should take up environmental programme and play a vital role in
promoting awareness.
International Cooperation.

Indicators of Economic Development

Net Economic Welfare (NEW) (~Paul Samuelson)

Real Per Capital Income (PCI)

PCI = National Income / Population
It is regarded as an indicator of standard of living.
It is not a satisfactory indicator of economic development because:
It is based on national income which itself is not a satisfactory indicator of
economic development.
It does not takes into account the composition of national income. That is
it also includes the production of tobaccos, cigarettes, alcohol, etc which
does not increase welfare.
It does not takes into account of the distribution of the national income
i.e. inequalities.
It is silent on the welfare dimension of economic development viz.
education, health, psychological well-being, political liberty, clean
environment, etc.
Physical Quality of Life Index (PQLI) (~M.D. Morris, 1979)
It is based on three components:
Infant Mortality
Life Expectancy at the age of 1 year
Adult Literacy
Human Development Index (HDI)
It was developed by UNDP in 1990 and it was developed by team of
economists of UNDP led by Prof. Mehboob-ul-Haq. Prof. A.K. Sen was also a
prominent member of this team.
Since 1990 it is being published in the Human Development Report of UNDP.
It is based on the following three dimensions:

Mean Years of Schooling: It is the average number of years of education

received by people aged 25 years or above during their lifetime.
It is also the the indicator of inclusive growth.
Dimension Index = Actual Value - Minimum Value / Maximum Value -
Minimum Value. Range of Value is from 0 to 1.
GM of the three dimension indices had made it sensitive to the inter-
dimensional inequalities.
Classification of Countries on the basis of HDI:

Classification of Countries
Developed Countries/Advanced Countries
Underdeveloped Countries/Developing Countries/Third World
Least Developed Countries (LDCs)
Countries were designated/classified as LDCs by UN Economic and Social
Council (UN ECOSOC) in 1971.
Criteria for LDC:
Low Income Countries as per World Bank.
Human Assets Index (HAI) based on Education and Health.
Economic Vulnerability Index (EVI)

HDR (Human Development Report)

Human Development Index (HDI)
Inequality-adjusted HDI (IHDI)
Introduced in 2010.
It accounts for inequalities in the three dimensions of HDI by discounting each
dimensions value according to its level of inequality.
It is more sensitive to both intra-dimensional inequality as well as inter-
dimensional inequality.
Gender Inequality Index (GII)
It was introduced in 2010.
It measures gender disparities in respect of the following three dimensions:

It measures disparities in empowerment and participation of women.

Gender-related Development Index (GDI)
It was introduced in 2014.
It measures gender disparities in respect of the three dimensions of HDI:
Standard of Living
GDI = HDI female / HDI male
It measures disparities in basic amenities.

Global Gender Gap Index

It is published by World Economic Forum (WEF).
It is based on following dimensions:
Health and Survival
Educational Attainment
Economic Participation
Political Empowerment
Global Hunger Index
It is published by International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI).
It is developed by three organization:
Concern World Wide
Undernourished Population
Child Stunting (Low height as per age). It happens because of chronic (longer)
Child Wasting (Low weight as per height). It happens because of acute
(intense) hunger.
Child Mortality (under 5 years).
Range of GHI is 0-100
Classification of Countries as per GHI:
Low (0-10)
Moderate (10-20)
Severe (20-35)
Alarming (35-50)
Extremely Alarming (50-75)

Psychological Wellbeing Indices

Gross National Happiness (GNH)
It was developed by the fourth king of Bhutan J.S. Wangchuck in 1972.
It is based on four pillars:
Sustainable socio-economic development.
Good governance.
Preservation of cultural values.
Conservation of environment.

World Happiness Report

It was developed by UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network (UNSDSN). It
was introduced in 2012.
It is based on six components:
Real PCI (Per Capita Income)
Healthy Life Expectancy
Social Support (Having someone to count on)
Perceived freedom to make life choices.
Freedom from Corruption (related to governance).
Generosity (being plentiful)

Determinants of Economic Development

Economic Factors
Capital Formation / Investment
It refers to the process of increase in the physical stock of capital like
machinery, equipment, factories, etc.
It is the most important determinant of economic growth.
It increases productivity, production as well as future productive capacity of an
Harrod-Domar Growth Model (First Five Year Plan was based on this Model)
Economic Growth = Investment / ICOR (Incremental Capital Output Ratio)
ICOR measures the number of units of capital that are required to
produce an additional unit of output. Higher ICOR shows lower efficiency.
Stage In Capital Formation:
Saving = Disposable Income - Consumption

Dividend is the part of profit which is distributed among

Developing Vs Developed Countries

Finance : Mobilization of savings of households for investment by

firms through financial institutions.
Investment : Expenditure on capital goods (machinery and factories).
Investment / Gross Domestic Capital Formation (GDCF) is 33.3%
of GDP
Private Sector invest about 85%
Public Sector invest about 15%
Components of Investment
Fixed Investment
Valuables e.g. Gold, Silver, etc.
Change in stocks/inventories (raw materials and unsold
finished goods).
Determinants of Investment
Interest Rates
Higher interest rate will have lower investment.
Profitability Expectation (Business Environment)
Ease of Doing Business (EoDB)
Skilled Labours
Tax Rebate
Vicious Circle of Poverty ~ Prof. Ragnar Nurkse
It is a circular constellation of forces tending to act and react upon one another in
such a way as to keep a poor country in the state of poverty.

Economic System
Economic Policy
Structure of an Economy
Level of Specialization
Global Factors
Natural Resources
Non Economic Factors
Socio-Cultural Factors
Political Factors
Psychological Factors
Religious Factors
Demographic Factors

Millennium Development Goals (MDGs)

8 Goals (1990 - 2015)
1. Poverty Reduction by half.
2. Universal Primary Education
3. Reduce Gender Gaps
In Education
In Work
4. Reduce Child Mortality Rate
5. Reduce Maternal Mortality Rate
6. Reduce Diseases
7. Environmental Sustainability
Increase Forest Cover
Ensure Safe Drinking Water
Provide Sanitation
8. Partnership for Development
International Cooperation
Domestic (IT)

Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

Title: Transforming Our World : The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable
17 Goals and Targets 169.
Elaboration of Goals and Addition of New Dimensions.
Elaboration of Existing Dimensions
Goals Related to Environment
Climate Action
Life on Land
Life below Water
Clean and affordable Energy
Safe drinking water and sanitation
Sustainable cites and Communities
Goals Related to Poverty
End Poverty
End Hunger
Reduce Inequalities
New Dimensions/Goals
Decent work and economic growth.
Responsible consumption and production.
Industry innovations and infrastructure
Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions
Other Goals
Quality Education
Gender Equality
Partnership for Goals
Health and Wellbeing
Approach of these Goals
More emphasis on Participation.
Private sectors like NGOs should be promoted.
PPP should be encouraged.
Increasing the participation of civil society and local bodies.
Qualitative Aspect
Absolute Zero or Final Targets (e.g. End Poverty, End Hunger).
Focus is shifting from developing countries towards global approach to global
Based on internal sources of funding.
Linking of social goals with economy.

Side Notes:
Closed Economy : It is an economy which does not have any economic relations with the
rest of the world.

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