NFPA 80 2010 Installations
NFPA 80 2010 Installations
NFPA 80 2010 Installations
5.2.15 Repair of Fire Doors and i’r'indows. For the purposes ol'fi. l.-l. the operation of doors shall
he dividerl irtto the following categories: liarrtaged glazing material shall be replaced with Ia-
heled glaring. ( l l Selllrlosing doors Replacement glaring materials shall he installed in Ill Automatic-closing doors
accordance with their individual listing. (3) Power-operated fire doors Any breaks in the litre covering of doors shall he Self-ClosingDoors.
repairer! immediatelv.! Self-closing doors shall swing easily and freely and Where a fire door. frame. or any part of its appurte- shall be equipped with a closing device to cause the door to
nances is darrtagerl to the extent that it could impair the close and latch each time i t is opened.
door's proper emergency funcrion. the following actions shall
he performed: Tire closing mechanism shall not have a hold-open
( l } The fire door. frame. door assembly. or any part of its
appurtenances shall be repaired with labeled parts or AutomatioClosing Doors. Automatic-closing doors
parts obtained from the original manufacturer. shall be perntitted to close automatically by means of the in-
{2) The door shall he tested to ensure emergency operation stallation of a closing device and one of the following:
and closing upon completion of the repairs. ( l ) A separate. labeled. fail—safe door holderr'release device I f repairs cannot be made with labeled compo- or a hold-open mechanism that shall be permitted to be
nents or parts obtained from the original manufacturer or an integral part of the basic closing device
retrofitted i n accordance with Section 5.3. the tire door frame. {12} An integral closing device that allows the door to swing
lire door assembly. or appurtenances shall be replaced. freeh- anrl that automatically closes the door during an
alarm condition. provided the hold-open mechanisms are When holes are left it: a door or frame due to released by one or a combination of automatic lire detec-
changes or removal of hardware or plant-ens. the holes shall tors acceptable to the AH]
be repairerl by the following methods:
{ I } Install steel fasteners that. aitttpletely fill the holes! The fire tlnor shall latch upon closure.
(2} Fill the screw o r bolt holes with the same material as the Power-Operated Fire Doors. Power-upended fire
door o r frame doors shall be equipped with a releasing device that shall an-
5.3 Retrofit Operators. tomatically disconnect the power operator at the time of lire.
allowing a self-closing or automatic device to close and latch
5.3.1 The operator. governor. and automatic-closing device the door regardless of power failure or manual operation.
on rolling;r steel lire doors shall be permitted to be retrofitted
with a labeled retrofit operator under the conditions specified 6.2 Supporting Construction.
itt 5.3.2 through 5-3.5.
6.2.1 Walls. Willi openings shall be constructed to readily ac-
5.3.2 The retrofit operator shall be labeled as such. cept the fire door frame.
5.3.3 The retrofit operator shall be installed in accordance The frame shall be Considered to be non-load hear-
with its installation instructions and listing. ing except where specifically designed to carry loads.
5.3.4 The installation shall be acceptable to the :111]. Frames shall lie anchored securely to the wall con-
5.3.5 The retrolit operator sltall be permitted to be provided struction.
hv a tnannl'acturer other than the original manufacturer of the
6.2.2 Sills. Sills shall be installed i n accordance with 1.8.2.
rolling steel lire door on which it is retrolitterl. provided its
listing allows it. to he retrofitted on that tnartulitcturer's doors. 6.2.3 LinteIs. Se iaratr- reinforciu r. units shall be l 'rrovitled for
pressed steel door frames. where necessarv. to support over-
hearl wall loads over door openings.
Chapter 6 SwingingDoors with Builders Hardware 6.3 Openings.
5 . 1 Doors. 6.3.1 Door Frames.
6.1.1 General. This chapter shall cover the installation of li.3.l.1"' Univ labeled door frames shall be used.
swinging with builders ltat'tlnare." Methods ol'anchoring shall he as shown in the listing.
6.1.2“ Components. A lire door assembly shall consist ofcom-
tl'Itl'nlS that are separate products incorpontted into the as-" Door frames intended for drywall installation shall he
semhl)‘ and allowed to have their own snbcotnponents. of the flush hottwmounted or wrap-around type. anti anchors
shall be secured in accordance with the manulitcturer's in-
6.1.3 Mounting of Doors. Swinging composite. hollow metal. erections.
flush sheet metal. metal-clad lkrrlarneiul. and wood core doors
with builders hardware shall he llush n a n t n l e d i n labeled drmr 6.11.4" Proprietarv-tvpe slip-mt door frames shallhe installed itt
l'nnnes. accordance with t h e ruarnrlitcnrrer‘s installation instructions.
6.1.4 Operation of Doors. All sweating doors shall he closed Door frames prrwided with expansion bolt-type atr-
and latched at the time. oflire. rhors shall he installed i n masornv walls onlv.
2010' Birth!"
Too door latches Into
top ol bottom door
._ wl loptional)
Flat ostragal
FIGURE Dutch Door and Dutch Door with Taro Lntchcs.
inr {13 mm} —In - Minimum wallboord to ill. (13 mm}
- .r
l l
l l
Minimum 1 i
two 1 in. (25 mm} 'l 1
long stool screws
per anchor ,t I
l l
i l
l l
Elna or two layers gypsum waltooanzt - Minimum tour so no: nails per anchor [two
per side}
[a] Prussod Stool Door From with lb) Frosted Stool Door From: with
Stool Stud Anchors Wood Stud Anchor:
11 :5 a 4 *1 i . d h. b d
V c L 1?
1L - i 1
— —I '— - _ '- L —————
b i p-
“ I --——— .
a? IF ‘ EiiEiI-r -
'4 I " - - " :
q I ' \
i. — - - 4 - - — 4 ————— J L Mchorhollrnwn ttgl'Itso
1:. i W that trams ll butter: to wall
P v
4 v
'v o
D' i i p q q
mo granted foil
to} Proceed Stool Door Frat-no wlth to) Pressed Stool Door Frsmc with
”scorn-y Anchors Explosion Shell Anchors
2010 Edith"
80-5” l-‘ll-lli I'll )t 19.5 AN [1 lJTl-IER Di’ENlNi i l'lil.) r ElTl‘ll'i-Lii
torieir. structure (brick. structure (brick.
masonry. masonry. masonry,
concrete) concrete] concrete]
Steal plate
_ oxaono /
f minimum
FIGURE A.4.8.6(a) Corner Walls.
FIGURE A4.8.2.8(a) Concrete Sill Supported by a Corbel of Fire door guide
Brick Used with Combustible Floors. hardware
Steal plate bolt
‘9 E I
Throughrbolts ii ‘
23% l
FIGURE A4.8.2.3(b} Angle Iron andConcrete Sill Used with .JL.__..
Combustible Floors.
Throughtbolts /._
6 rt Bull 0
FIONA-“) Z-Bar and Concrete Sill Used with Corn- $5.22 See Annex] for information regarding performance-
hustible Floors. based inspection. testing. and maintenance options for fire
door assemblies. Notable parts of the door assemn can include hut.
A.5.l Walls with openings hart.- less fire resistance than tttt- H1
pierct’d walls. Fire doors. shutters. and lire windows are de- élrtt not limited star rollers. gears. artd closing mechanisms.
signer! to protect the opening under normal conditions of The normal components of a fire door assetnlrlv in-
use. with clear spaces on hoth sides of tho opening. Where the clude a door. a door Frame. hinges. a lock or latch. and a
opening is not used and Combustible material could lie piled rinsing device. They also include. but are ttot limited to. an
against or near the door. window. or shutter. the designed astnrgal. a split astragal. an automatic loot-er. a coordinator.
protection cannot be expected. flush or surface bolts. gasketing. a holder/release device. pro-
tection plates. and glazing materials.
$5.2 Fire doors. shutters. and windows are. of on mine unless
they are properly maintained attd closed or are able to close at A.6.3.l.l Door frames might carry a lalrel stating the hourly
the time of fire. A periodic inspection and maintenance pro- rating. The rating of the installed assemhltr should carry.r the
gram should he implemented and should he the tesprtnsihiliw rating of the door or the door frame, whit:herer is less.
of the property Management.
.-' Door frames should he installed lirllowing the gen-
eta-3.2.1Hinges. Latches. closers. Iattltes. and star rollers are eral guidelines shown in Figure r\.-l.ti.‘.l.l lg). l"he door frame
especialh' suhjett to wear. installations shown in Frgure Hg} do not represent all
201i] Iciliorr
ANNFX .-'t Pill-iii
l‘lpes of installations lmt du illustrate sume tvpieal dnor lrtuue :L6.3.|.7 See Figure :\.ti.3.l.7 l'ur mure inlirrmatiuu regard-
installatiuu techniques required fur the proper installation ui‘ ing tlealatlces and the pull litee iii the drum
lire duur frames.
AfiAJJ It is the intent ul'the standard that artist lire drnrrs will
.L6.3.l.3 See Figure .\.ti.3.l.3(al and Figure .-\.fi.3.l.:i(h} have a rinsing device. Hun-ever. in limited circurttstances the
for examples ul' huw duur frames can he secured in drvwall closer might out he necessary because the dnur Ieal is inactive
applicariuns. and is nurntall)r in the rinsed reunion. Examplesuf stuh applica-
tinns include pairs ufduots tn ruerhanital equipment mums and
tLfiJLL-I Examples ul'prnpriemmtvpe slip-nu duur l'nmtes are certain industrial areas where an inactive leaf is pruvided and is
these fur use nu prepared uperungs in {Install censu-uctiun.
infrequently rated tu penuit Luge equipment. tu he anwed
thrnugh the deer opening. in such instances. the AH] sltuuld be
reasonably assured that the inactive leaf annually will he closed
- tntumescent caulk
and latched. Anuther example where the AH] can unlit the re-
. . as required
f— Exrstrng wall quirement fur a closer involves communicating dtnirs between
ltutelfmntel sleeping rtHJIIIS. In this instance. when the commu-
L - 3a in. {19 mm) dia.
conduit spacer
nicating rooms are occupied by separate parties. the. communi-
cating duurs are part til the guest room separation and normally
F wnuld he closed. Huwever. if the suite uf rmtns is uccupied by a
single Isn't): the curmnunirating dunes are no lunger part of the
Jame punched guest rrmm septuatiuu because the suite ul'reruns wnuld he run-
25 gal-I93 / and dimpled
steel --- -- " . for screws sidered a single gntest rrx'tm.
studs Adequate spring pmver is essential fur hydraulic
Single or deer closers tn cluse a lire dour with stdl‘reient fnrce tn ever-
doutlle rahbet cuute the resistance nl‘ the latching mechanism. l-luwever. tun
profile option
Existing wall
lnturnescenl caulk
as required
Clearances Clearances
.— Access hole and r
25 gauge . Snap plug I! an .I
2010 Edition