Gregory Pir 2013
Gregory Pir 2013
Gregory Pir 2013
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3 authors:
Jill H Simmons
Vanderbilt University
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Pediatrics in Review is the official journal of the American Academy of Pediatrics. A monthly
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EP Joslin, 1933
Type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1DM) is a disorder of glucose homeostasis characterized by au-
toimmune destruction of the insulin-producing pancreatic b-cell that progressively leads to
insulin deficiency and resultant hyperglycemia. If left un-
treated, insulin deficiency leads to progressive metabolic
derangement, with worsening hyperglycemia, ketoacidosis,
Abbreviations: starvation, and death. In an effort to restore and maintain
ADA: American Diabetes Association euglycemia, treatment attempts to mimic the action of the
DKA: diabetic ketoacidosis native b-cell by exogenously replacing insulin and includes
HbA1c: glycosylated hemoglobin frequent monitoring of blood glucose levels.
I:C ratio: insulin-to-carbohydrate ratio As the visionary pioneer Dr. Elliott P. Joslin believed, the
IV: intravenous best possible outcomes of T1DM treatment are realized
TDD: total daily dose when a sense of empowerment, rather than victimization,
T1DM: type 1 diabetes mellitus is imparted to both patient and family. Achieving this em-
T2DM: type 2 diabetes mellitus powerment through diligence and education enables an
individual living with T1DM to attain optimal health and
*Pediatric Endocrinology Clinical Fellow, Ian Burr Division of Pediatric Endocrinology and Diabetes, Vanderbilt University School of
Medicine, Nashville, TN.
Assistant Professor of Pediatrics, Assistant Professor of Pathology, Microbiology, and Immunology, Ian Burr Division of Pediatric
Endocrinology and Diabetes, Vanderbilt University School of Medicine, Nashville, TN.
Assistant Professor of Pediatrics, Ian Burr Division of Pediatric Endocrinology and Diabetes, Vanderbilt University School of
Medicine, Nashville, TN.
well-being and constitutes the ultimate goal—and is supported by the fact that monozygotic twins are not
challenge—of the medical team. uniformly concordant for disease progression. Environ-
The epidemiology and pathophysiology of T1DM are mental factors such as infection may contribute to auto-
discussed in this article, followed by a practical review of immune activation by inciting cross-reactivity against
the diagnosis and treatment of this chronic, lifelong con- antigens on the b-cell that bear a similar molecular structure
dition emphasizing the goal of effective diabetes self- or in a non-specific way, such as promoting the production
management as leading towards enduring wellness. of proinflammatory cytokines that injure islet tissue.
The progression from immune activation to clinically
Epidemiology relevant islet cell loss may take many years and is marked
The prevalence of T1DM among patients younger than early by the presence of serum autoantibodies. Once the
age 20 years in the United States is estimated at 1.54 cases b-cell mass is insufficient to maintain euglycemia, clinical
per 1,000 youth. (1) The highest prevalence is seen among symptoms evolve.
non-Hispanic white children, with 2.0 cases per 1,000,
which is 50% higher than that of black children (1.34 cases Clinical Presentation
per 1,000) and double that of Hispanic children (1.0 cases New-onset T1DM usually presents in one of three ways: with
per 1,000). (1) Girls and boys are almost equally affected, “classic” presenting symptoms, with diabetic ketoacidosis
a fact that distinguishes T1DM from most autoimmune (DKA), or more rarely, as an incidental finding.
illnesses, which tend to affect females more frequently.
The incidence of T1DM in the US pediatric population Classic Symptoms
is estimated to be 19.0 cases per 100,000 person-years. New-onset T1DM presents in the majority of pediatric pa-
The highest incidence is in non-Hispanic white children tients with the classic symptoms of polyuria and polydipsia
followed by black and Hispanic children (23.8, 14.2, (69%) and somewhat less frequently with polyphagia and
and 13.7 cases per 100,000 person-years, respectively). weight loss (33%). (6) Patients and families usually report
(2) The peak age of onset in the United States appears the duration of symptoms as lasting 1 to 2 weeks, but some-
to occur in early puberty to midpuberty. In most studies, times several months. Often, these symptoms become more
a seasonal variation in onset has been observed in children, apparent after an episode of enuresis or with the emergence
with the highest incidence of T1DM occurring during the of nocturia. Patients frequently have vague complaints, such
winter months and the lowest occurring during the sum- as fatigue, and may note blurred vision.
mer months. This finding may result from winter months
having higher rates of viral infections, which cause a meta- Diabetic Ketoacidosis
bolic stress that exceeds the ability of the residual b-cell In roughly one-quarter of cases, a patient with new-onset
mass to produce insulin sufficient to maintain euglycemia. T1DM will present with DKA. These children and ado-
Interestingly, the incidence rate of T1DM appears to be lescents tend initially to have the same classic symptoms
increasing in the United States each year, with a mean an- (polyuria, polydipsia, polyphagia, weight loss), which be-
nual increase in incidence of 2.3% per year, consistent with come more severe. As acidosis develops, these patients
a rising trend observed globally of 2.8% per year. (3–5) frequently lose their appetite and nausea, vomiting, and
abdominal pain become the significant symptoms. To
compensate for the worsening ketoacidosis, hyperpnea de-
Pathogenesis velops (Kussmaul respirations). If unchecked, neurologic
A predisposition for T1DM begins at birth with the in- status progressively deteriorates as acidosis and hyperos-
heritance of genetic risk factors. Although most newly molality worsen, and the patient progresses from drowsi-
diagnosed patients have no family history of T1DM, un- ness to lethargy to obtundation. Risk factors associated
affected children who have a relative with T1DM are at with an initial presentation of DKA include younger
increased risk as compared to the general population. The age, especially children younger than age 2 years, ethnic
most strongly associated susceptibility genes for T1DM minority status, and lower socioeconomic and parental
are located in the major histocompatibility complex re- education levels.
gion on chromosome 6 and most likely operate by direct-
ing immune development and permitting presentation of Incidental Finding
autoantigens to autoreactive lymphocytes. A smaller number of children and adolescents are diag-
A triggering environmental factor probably plays an nosed as having diabetes despite having none of the clas-
additional role in evoking clinical disease. This hypothesis sic symptoms of T1DM. These children usually have
impaired glucose tolerance because of b-cell loss, but two in the obese patient with new-onset diabetes is com-
have not yet had overt symptoms. As home blood glucose plicated by presenting characteristics that often overlap.
monitoring has become more widespread, family mem- Several features, however, are useful in making a presump-
bers with diabetes may check blood glucose levels in tive diagnosis of T1DM versus T2DM in this situation;
other family members, and hyperglycemia will be de-
- T2DM occurs after pubertal onset in the majority of
tected despite a lack of symptoms. Families with diabetes
concerned about risk in their children should be directed
- T2DM is associated commonly with obesity, acanthosis
to a T1DM TrialNet website where screening and longi-
nigricans, and features of the metabolic syndrome such
tudinal observation can be performed (www.diabetes-
as hypertension and dyslipidemia; these features are less In other situations, children will have a
common in T1DM.
seemingly unrelated presenting complaint (eg, vulvovaginal
- Patients with new-onset T1DM are more likely to pres-
candidiasis) that leads to the detection of glycosuria and
ent with the classic symptoms of new-onset diabetes.
then hyperglycemia caused by T1DM.
- The presence of autoantibodies associated with T1DM
are more suggestive of, but not exclusive to, T1DM
Diagnosis than T2DM, particularly when multiple autoantibodies
The diagnostic criteria for all forms of diabetes mellitus are elevated.
are outlined in Table 1. In most cases, the clinical history - Patients with new-onset T2DM are approximately five
is strongly suggestive of new-onset diabetes, and labora- times more likely to have an affected first-degree family
tory evaluation confirms the diagnosis. Once diabetes is member who has T2DM than are patients with new-
diagnosed, it is important to determine which type of di- onset T1DM to have an affected first-degree family
abetes the patient has to form an appropriate treatment member with T1DM.
regimen. During the initial assessment, it is imperative - The prevalence of T2DM is substantially higher among
also to determine whether potential associated acute co- Native-American, Hispanic, and African-American eth-
morbidities, such as DKA and cerebral edema, are pres- nicities, compared to non-Hispanic white youth.
ent. At a minimum, initial laboratory studies should
include a serum glucose level to establish the degree of Patients with new-onset T1DM and T2DM can pres-
hyperglycemia, and a low threshold should be maintained ent with DKA, and the treatment of DKA will be the
in ill-appearing patients for obtaining serum electrolytes same. Those patients who present initially in DKA should
and a blood gas for detecting possible electrolyte abnormal- be continued on insulin until the diagnosis is clear; some
ities that must be corrected as well as the presence of DKA. patients with T2DM may be able to transition to oral
An increasingly frequent diagnostic dilemma is distin- medications once stabilized.
guishing between T1DM and type 2 diabetes mellitus Other causes for new-onset diabetes warrant consider-
(T2DM) as the incidence of obesity and T2DM in the ation. These disorders include genetic defects of b-cell func-
pediatric population rises. Differentiating between the tion, diseases of the exocrine pancreas, and drug-induced
effects. Genetic defects in insulin secretion are becom- 1. Facilitate metabolism and storage of consumed food.
ing recognized increasingly. Among these conditions, During feeding, insulin is needed to facilitate trans-
maturity-onset diabetes of the young (MODY) syn- port of glucose from blood into the cells of insulin-
dromes are a group of disorders characterized by mono- dependent tissues such as muscle, fat, and the liver.
genic defects in b-cell function. These defects limit In the physiologic state, insulin is secreted almost im-
insulin secretion by the b-cell, which leads to hyperglyce- mediately upon eating. By contrast, insulin therapy in
mia; but the disease severity tends to be milder. The con- T1DM utilizes subcutaneous delivery of rapid or
dition presents before age 25 years, is not associated short-acting insulin with meals and snacks. Usually,
with elevated autoantibodies, and is transmitted in an the dosage of insulin given is proportional to the
autosomal dominant fashion. Diseases that cause dam- amount of carbohydrates being ingested. For example,
age to the exocrine pancreas can lead to diabetes, most a patient may take 1 unit of insulin for every 10 grams
commonly in cystic fibrosis–related diabetes and late in of carbohydrates being consumed. This insulin-to-
the course of chronic pancreatitis. Additionally, a num- carbohydrate (I:C) ratio is titrated frequently during
ber of drugs and chemicals are known to induce diabe- the initial weeks of management, and then routinely dur-
tes, including immunosuppressants such as tacrolimus ing ongoing management. The “Rule of 500” some-
and cyclosporine, glucocorticoids, and chemotherapeu- times is used to calculate this initial I:C ratio dose by
tics such as L-asparaginase. dividing 500 by the estimated total daily dose (TDD)
of insulin (estimation of TDD is discussed below).
2. Normalize hyperglycemia. One key to tight glycemic
Treatment control is to minimize the magnitude and duration
Once the diagnosis of T1DM is established, initial care of hyperglycemic excursions throughout the day. To
focuses on restoring euglycemia and teaching the pa- accomplish this goal, an additional “correction factor”
tient and family the basic skills required to take care dose of rapid or short-acting insulin is added to the
of diabetes at home. Initial management is influenced amount of insulin given to cover carbohydrates at
by whether the patient is acutely ill at presentation mealtimes. The correction factor dose is proportional
(eg, whether DKA is present). The approach to initial to the degree of hyperglycemia. To calculate the initial
care should also be tailored to the developmental stage correction factor dose, many clinicians will utilize the
of the patient. Ideally, every child newly diagnosed as “Rule of 1,800” by dividing 1,800 by the estimated
having T1DM should be evaluated by a diabetes team TDD. The number estimates how much 1 unit of in-
consisting of a pediatric endocrinologist, nurse educa- sulin should drop the blood glucose concentration. For
tor, dietician, social worker, child life specialist, and example, a patient with an estimated total daily dose of
mental health professional. 18 units of insulin would be expected to have a 100
At a minimum, during the initial visit with the diabetes mg/dL drop in blood glucose for each unit of insulin
team, the family should learn how to check and record delivered. Therefore, if the target blood glucose level is
blood glucose concentrations using a home blood glu- 100 mg/dL, the patient should receive an additional 1
cose meter, how to draw up and deliver insulin using a sy- unit for a blood glucose of 200 to 299 mg/dL, 2 units
ringe, and how to detect and treat hypoglycemia. Once for 300 to 399 mg/dL, 3 units for 400 to 499 mg/dL,
initial management is completed, care shifts toward on- and so on as a correction factor dose. As with the I:C
going management. The patient and family, with the sup- ratio dose, the correction factor dose is titrated accord-
port of the diabetes team, progressively assume greater ing to the patient’s blood glucose trends.
ownership of diabetes care, with the support of the dia- 3. Maintain euglycemia during fasting. Because glucose-
betes team. Ultimately, optimal diabetes management increasing counter-regulatory hormones retain their
seeks to strike a balance between restoring blood glucose ability to stimulate hepatic glucose production, “basal”
into the euglycemic range in order to minimize the mi- insulin is needed to maintain a euglycemic balance be-
crovascular and macrovascular complications associated tween meals. For this reason, one or two daily doses of
with chronic hyperglycemia while simultaneously mini- long-acting insulin are given to maintain a low level of
mizing a child’s unique vulnerability to hypoglycemia. insulin during fasting.
Initial Insulin Regimen When the initial insulin regimen is being designed, it is
Insulin therapy is prescribed to mimic the action of the helpful to approximate the initial TDD of insulin. Children
b-cell by achieving three basic goals: with long-standing diabetes usually require somewhere
between 0.5 and 1.0 units/kg per day of insulin. Prepu- to provide a steady amount of insulin with little to no
bertal children tend to require a lower TDD, and pubertal peak between mealtimes. This protocol is the most widely
children usually need a higher TDD. In most cases, half of used injection regimen. Short- and intermediate-acting
the TDD is given as long-acting insulin and the other half insulin sometimes are utilized in regimens to minimize
is given as rapid or short-acting insulin to cover meals. the number of daily injections. In a “mixed-split” regi-
With the guidance of the diabetes care team, these doses men, a short-acting insulin is mixed in the same syringe
are adjusted empirically for each patient based on the pa- with an intermediate analogue, and two daily doses are
tient’s blood glucose log. given—one with breakfast and one with dinner. The
It is also important to be mindful of the “honeymoon” short-acting insulin covers breakfast and dinner, while
phase that follows initial diagnosis and treatment with in- the delayed action of the intermediate-acting insulin is
sulin. During this time, endogenous insulin secretion from utilized to cover lunch and a bedtime snack. A major ad-
remaining b-cells continues, and in many cases, insulin vantage of the basal–bolus” regimen over the mixed–split
doses must be lowered to prevent hypoglycemia. The hon- regimen is greater flexibility for when meals and snacks
eymoon phase tends to occur more frequently and lasts can be eaten and how many carbohydrates can be con-
longer in those patients who are older and have a milder sumed. Good results can be obtained with a mixed-split
initial presentation. Usually, the insulin dose reaches its na- regimen, but this treatment requires a patient to eat the
dir at approximately 3 months into therapy and the hon- same amount at the same time each day.
eymoon phase ends by 7 months, although this interval is
highly variable. This period offers a great opportunity for Diabetic Ketoacidosis
achieving tight control, and it has been suggested that Initial Assessment and Monitoring
tight initial control begets improved long-term control. The biochemical criteria for DKA include a blood glucose
Insulin analogues are categorized by their time course level greater than 200 mg/dL and venous pH less than
of action as rapid, short, intermediate, or long-acting, as 7.30 or a bicarbonate level less than 15 mmol/L. The se-
outlined in Table 2 and shown in Figure 1. These phar- verity of DKA can be classified according to the severity of
macodynamic characteristics form the basis of the frame- the acidosis, as shown in Table 3. (7,8) Precipitating fac-
work for a daily insulin regimen that seeks to mimic the tors that could lead to the onset of DKA—such as infec-
b-cell. Figure 2 illustrates a “basal–bolus,” or “multiple tion, or in the case of patients with known T1DM, insulin
daily injection” regimen, in which rapid-acting insulin omission, insulin pump failure, or failure to match insulin
is given with meals and snacks and long-acting insulin dosing to metabolic requirements during illness—should
be investigated. Medication noncom-
pliance is frequently the cause of
Approximate Pharmacodynamic
Table 2. recurrent DKA. In one study,
Characteristics of Insulin Analogues 85% of hospital admissions for DKA
involved discontinuation of medica-
Onset of Peak Effective tion use. (9) The degree of dehydra-
Insulin analogue action action (h) duration (h) tion should be appraised clinically at
Rapid acting presentation and monitored for im-
Lispro (HumalogÒ, Eli Lilly) 15 min 0.5-1.5 4-6 provement during treatment. Un-
Aspart (NovoLogÒ, Novo-Nordisk) fortunately, it is difficult in this
Glulisine (ApidraÒ, Sanofi-Aventis)
setting to estimate dehydration ac-
Short acting
Regular 30-60 min 2-3 8-10 curately according to the clinical
Intermediate acting findings more frequently associated
NPH 2-4 h 4-10 12-18 with acute dehydration because wa-
Long acting ter losses occur over a longer period
Glargine (LantusÒ, Sanofi-Aventis) 2-4 h None 20-24
of time and are both intracellular and
Detemir (LevemirÒ, Novo-Nordisk) 2-4 h 3-9 6-24*
extracellular. The majority of pa-
*Duration of action is dose dependent. tients who present with DKA are be-
- HumalogÒ, Eli Lilly and Company World Headquarters, Lilly Corporate Center, Indianapolis, Indiana
46285. tween 5% and 10% dehydrated.
- NovoLogÒ, LevemirÒ, Novo Nordisk, Corporate Headquarters, Novo Allé, 2880 Bagsvaerd, Because all patients who have
- ApidraÒ, LantusÒ, Sanofi-Aventis, 54 rue La Boétie, 75008 Paris, France. ketoacidosis do not have DKA, other
conditions with similar presentations
Cerebral Edema
Figure 2. Sample “basal–bolus” regimen, with breakfast, lunch, and dinner.
Once the diagnosis of DKA is estab-
lished, the patient should be as-
sessed for comorbidities associated
Table 3. Grades of Diabetic Ketoacidosis Severity with DKA. Most critically, the med-
ical team should monitor for signs
Mild Moderate Severe
and symptoms of cerebral edema
Venous pH 7.21-7.30 7.11-7.20 <7.10 before and during treatment for
Bicarbonate (mmol/L) 11-15 6-10 <5 DKA. Although rare (occurring in
0.5% to 1% of pediatric cases of
DKA), (10) cerebral edema has
been associated with a mortality rate
should be considered. For instance, starvation ketosis and of 21% to 24% and permanent neurologic impairment in
alcoholic ketoacidosis can present with ketoacidosis and el- an additional 15% to 32% of cases. (10) In most cases, ce-
evated blood glucose concentrations but rarely are associ- rebral edema occurs 4 to 12 hours after the initiation of
ated with a blood glucose greater than 250 mg/dL. DKA treatment for DKA (10,11) but can sometimes occur be-
also should be distinguished from other causes of increased fore treatment has been initiated. (8)
Muir and colleagues proposed a bedside, evidenced- Fluid and Electrolyte Therapy
based protocol for the early detection of patients at risk Once intravenous (IV) access is obtained, water and elec-
for cerebral edema, outlined in Table 4. (11) The authors trolyte deficits need to be replaced in order to restore the
found that bedside findings of either two major criteria or circulating volume and the glomerular filtration rate and
one major criterion with two minor criteria could identify improve renal clearance of glucose and ketones from the
cerebral edema sufficiently early for intervention. Diagnos- blood. To replace these deficits, most experts recom-
tic criteria are listed in Table 4 also, but once these signs mend using isotonic saline initially and caution against re-
are present, advanced cerebral edema with the likelihood hydrating the patient too aggressively, suggesting that
of significant neurologic injury is also present. rehydrating too rapidly using hypotonic solution for ini-
It is important to note that cerebral edema is a clinical, tial volume expansion is associated with increased risk for
not radiologic, diagnosis because a substantial number of cerebral edema. (7,8) In general, in children with mod-
patients with cerebral edema and impending neurologic erate to severe DKA, initial rehydration with 10 to 20
collapse will have no positive findings on computed to- mL/kg isotonic solution (either 0.9% saline or Ringer
mography of the brain. (11) Thus, imaging studies lactate) over 1 to 2 hours is recommended.
may be warranted to rule out other causes of neurologic Following the initial fluid resuscitation, the rate of IV
deterioration—although never needed to confirm cere- fluid should be calculated to run at a rate designed to re-
bral edema—but treatment for cerebral edema should hydrate evenly over the next 48 hours. This goal usually
not be delayed for confirmatory neuroimaging. can be achieved by running fluids at a rate of 1.5 to 2
If clinical evidence suggests the presence of cerebral times the calculated maintenance rate. Because large
edema, prompt treatment is needed. Early treatment with amounts of replacement with 0.9% saline has been asso-
mannitol (0.25 to 1.0 g/kg) or hypertonic (3%) saline ciated with hyperchloremic metabolic acidosis, (7,8) the
over 30 minutes (5 to 10 mL/kg) may prevent long-term IV fluids can be changed to a solution with 0.45% or
neurologic consequences or death. greater saline with added potassium after at least 4 to 6
hours of fluid replacement with iso-
tonic solution. As insulin is being
replaced, an intracellular shift of po-
Bedside Evaluation of Neurologic State
Table 4. tassium that leads to a drop in potas-
sium level is seen. For this reason,
of Children with Diabetic Ketoacidosis frequent monitoring is needed as
Diagnostic Criteria for Cerebral Edema the potassium is replaced and IV flu-
Abnormal motor or verbal response to pain ids are administered.
Decorticate or decerebrate posture
Cranial nerve palsy (especially III, IV, and VI) Insulin
Abnormal neurogenic respiratory pattern (eg, grunting, tachypnea, Cheyne-Stokes As the fluid and electrolyte deficit
respirations, apneusis)
Major Criteria is corrected, insulin replacement is
Altered mentation or fluctuating level of consciousness needed to normalize the elevated
Sustained heart rate deceleration blood glucose and suppress ketogen-
Age-inappropriate incontinence esis and lipolysis. After the initial 1 to
Minor criteria 2 hours of fluid rehydration, contin-
uous IV insulin infusion is started at
Lethargy or not being aroused from sleep a rate of 0.1 unit/kg per hour. An
Diastolic pressure >90 mmHg initial IV insulin bolus is contraindi-
Age < 5 years cated and will cause a rapid drop in
Data from Muir AB, Quisling RG, Yang MC, Rosenbloom AL. Cerebral edema in childhood diabetic blood glucose that may precipitate
ketoacidosis: natural history, radiographic findings, and early identification. Diabetes Care. 2004;27 cerebral edema; in addition, IV insu-
(7):1541-1546. (11)
- The presence of any of the first four diagnostic criteria in the table indicates that advanced cerebral lin’s half-life is approximately 7 min-
edema is present with the likelihood of significant neurologic injury. Prompt intervention is indicated to utes and therefore cannot suppress
limit neurologic injury.
- The presence of two major criteria or one major criterion and two minor criteria represent the presence ketosis. (7) Ideally, the continuous
of early cerebral edema; prompt intervention is indicated to prevent long-standing neurologic injury. insulin infusion should lead to a drop
- Signs that occur before treatment should not be considered in the diagnosis of cerebral edema (eg,
vomiting before initial treatment should not be counted). in blood glucose at a rate of 50 to
100 mg/dL per hr. In most cases,
This approach to basal insulin delivery is a key advan- drawback to insulin regimens that seek to control blood
tage of the insulin pump over multiple daily injections in glucose tightly. On average, hypoglycemia occurs twice
that it allows different basal rates at various times of day, weekly in patients intensively treated for T1DM; and se-
which can be used to tailor an insulin regimen to fit var- vere hypoglycemia, defined as an event in which a patient
iations in insulin sensitivity through a daily cycle. For ex- requires the assistance of another person to administer
ample, many patients experience an overnight “dawn carbohydrate or glucagon, has an incidence of 1.1 to
phenomenon” when circadian rises in growth hormone 1.5 episodes per patient-year. (13,14) Initial symptoms
and cortisol have a glucose-raising effect. To balance this of hypoglycemia include tremor, pallor, weakness,
physiologic effect, the overnight insulin basal rate can be sweating, anxiety, hunger, tachycardia, and transient
titrated up without increasing the daytime basal rate. cognitive impairment. Severe hypoglycemia is associated
with significant morbidity and mortality, including car-
Nutrition diac dysrhythmias, seizures, focal neurologic abnormali-
Medical nutrition therapy is an important aspect of ties, and rarely, permanent neurologic impairment and
achieving optimal glucose control. A meal plan should death.
seek to meet the nutritional requirements needed for nor- Diabetes education should teach the patient and fam-
mal growth and development and fit within the family’s ily to recognize the symptoms of early hypoglycemia,
routine of meal and snack times, exercise, and cultural to check the blood glucose level, and to administer
norms. Although the nutritional needs are the same for 15 g of rapidly absorbable glucose (eg, glucose tablets)
children who have diabetes as for children who do not, when the blood glucose level is less than 70 mg/dL.
intensive insulin therapy to achieve tight glycemic control The blood glucose should then be rechecked 15 mi-
relies on an accurate assessment of the total amount of nutes later, with the goal of a glucose level rise to 100
carbohydrates being consumed. For these reasons, a medi- mg/dL or greater. If the glucose level does not rise to
cal nutritionist’s guidance is needed to help establish a meal 100 mg/dL or greater, another 15 g should be given
plan that meets these needs and to teach families how to and the process repeated until the concentration rises to
measure the carbohydrates in meals and snacks accurately. at least 100 mg/dL. Families also should be taught to in-
A common lay misconception of medical nutrition ject 0.5 to 1.0 mg of glucagon intramuscularly in situations
therapy in T1DM is that calories should be restricted or in which the patient has lost consciousness or is otherwise
that certain foods are “off-limits.” In general, these princi- unable to take oral glucose.
ples are influenced by greater familiarity with lifestyle inter-
ventions needed in T2DM. Additionally, earlier approaches Exercise
to insulin therapy relied on fixed doses of mixed insulins Exercise positively affects the overall physical, mental, and
and required rigid mealtimes and carbohydrate amounts. social health in youth with T1DM. The ability to enjoy
The overall guiding principal for medical nutrition physical activity and to develop social skills and confidence
in T1DM today is that the same healthy diet that would through sports participation helps to form a framework for
be ideal for an individual without diabetes would be ideal future health as an adult. Exercise presents a challenge to
for an individual with T1DM. Thus, an appropriate diet many patients with T1DM, however, because of its propen-
seeks to obtain approximately 50% of calories from car- sity to induce hypoglycemia both during and after exercise
bohydrates, 30% from protein, and 20% from fat while lim- as glucose utilization and insulin sensitivity increase.
iting saturated fat and cholesterol intake. The medical team For this reason, patients should be counseled to check
should monitor weight gain, keeping in mind that the same blood glucose levels before, during, and after exercise.
factors influencing the rising obesity epidemic also affect Before the start of exercise, blood glucose levels should
patients with T1DM, and that long-term morbidity and be greater than 100 to 120 mg/dL to decrease the likeli-
mortality associated with obesity can be compounded by hood of exercise-induced hypoglycemia, although, as
the macrovascular and microvascular complications of with all aspects of diabetes, this target should be adjusted
poorly controlled T1DM. For this reason, any trend to- empirically based on self-monitoring. During exercise,
ward becoming overweight and obese should be addressed the glucose level should be checked each hour to target
without delay. a stable glucose concentration. Families should be coun-
seled that the hypoglycemic effect of exercise can be de-
Hypoglycemia layed (eg, occurring overnight after daytime exercise),
Hypoglycemia, biochemically defined as a plasma glucose a process thought to be related to repletion of muscle gly-
level of 70 mg/dL or less, is a serious and common cogen stores.
Rather than increasing glucose consumption prior to struggle tend to have difficulty with depression in the
exercise to prevent hypoglycemia, a preferable approach early years of living with diabetes. Adolescents in partic-
is to decrease the insulin doses that could affect glycemic ular often will go through periods of anxiety, denial, and
levels during exercise. This approach requires consider- rejection of their diagnosis.
ation of several variables, such as the intensity and dura- Children who have T1DM are, in general, more likely
tion of exercise as well as the amount of insulin on board. to suffer from psychological disorders, particularly depres-
These factors tend to make planning for exercise a process sion and anxiety, than their unaffected peers. Patients who
of trial and error. have psychological disorders are much more likely to have
poor glycemic control and hospitalizations for DKA than
Sick Day Management those who do not. Because of the tendency for patients
Because the body’s stress response to acute illness tends to and families to set self-management patterns and habits
trigger stress hormones that increase glucose, children in the early years of living with diabetes that are difficult
with T1DM who experience acute illness should be to break, early identification of psychiatric illness is impor-
monitored closely by checking blood glucose and urine tant. Family-based behavioral interventions, such as goal
ketone concentrations to prevent progression into wors- setting, self-monitoring, positive reinforcement, behav-
ening dehydration and DKA. Although many algo- ioral contracts, supportive parental communication, and
rithms for home treatment during illness have been shared responsibility for diabetes management at an age-
derived, the basic tenants of “sick day” management are appropriate level, have been shown to affect glycemic man-
that blood glucose and urine ketones should be checked agement positively. It is important to know that the level
frequently (eg, every 3-4 hours), that insulin should not of both parents’ involvement and acceptance of the con-
be withheld even when oral intake is limited, and that dition plays a positive role in optimal glucose control.
supplemental doses of rapid-acting insulin should be
given to correct hyperglycemia and suppress ketogenesis Associated Autoimmune Conditions
(eg, every 3-4 hours). Also, dehydration and subsequent Patients afflicted with T1DM carry an increased risk for
acceleration towards DKA should be prevented by fre- the development of other autoimmune conditions. Auto-
quent, small sips of fluids. immune thyroid dysfunction is the most frequently
By carrying out the steps of diabetes sick day manage-
ment early in the course of an illness, patients who often
are in mild to moderate DKA can reverse and resolve ac-
idosis. One algorithm of diabetes sick day rules is pre- Diabetes Sick Day Rules
Table 5.
sented in Table 5. Patients using insulin pumps should Algorithm
deliver the first dose of rapid-acting insulin with a syringe
subcutaneously instead of using the pump to ensure that Management Steps
the insulin is delivered. In most cases, the pump’s infu- 1. Check blood glucose level every 3-4 hours until feeling
sion set should be replaced with a new infusion set to en- 2. Give a correction factor dose with rapid-acting insulin
sure insulin delivery is not being hindered by a “crimp,” every 3-4 hours based upon the blood glucose check
injection site lipohypertrophy, or other abnormality with (even if not eating)
the pump or infusion site. Families should be instructed 3. Check urine ketone concentrations every 3-4 hours
about factors that indicate worsening DKA or impending 4. Encourage fluid intake. Ideally give 1 oz. (30 mL) per
year of age per hour in small, frequent sips
cerebral edema, such as those listed in Table 4, that - If glucose level is ‡200 mg/dL, sugar-free fluids should
would warrant prompt evaluation by a medical team. A be given
postcard with diabetes sick day management steps for - If glucose level is < 200 mg/dL, sugar-containing
patients can be found at http://www.childrenshospital. fluids should be included
Factors warranting medical evaluation
1. Persistent vomiting (eg vomiting more than twice after
Psychosocial Issues starting sick day rules) with moderate to large urine
The diagnosis of T1DM presents a significant stressor to ketone levels (or blood ketone levels greater than 1.5
the patient and family as they deal with making significant mmol/L)
2. Inappropriately rapid breathing
adjustments to their daily lives to manage the condition.
3. Altered mental status
During this time of initial adaptation, many children 4. Inability to perform sick day rules
struggle to make this adjustment, and those who do
acquired autoimmune condition, with a prevalence of (12) If left unchecked, there is a substantial risk of de-
approximately 20% in patients with T1DM. (12) The terioration to gross proteinuria and, ultimately, to end-stage
American Diabetes Association (ADA) therefore recom- renal disease. The early detection of microalbuminuria,
mends measuring a thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) however, presents an opportunity to reverse the trend to-
level after metabolic control has been established to ward nephropathy with careful glycemic and blood pressure
screen for thyroid dysfunction and then every 1 to 2 years control. For this reason, the ADA recommends annual
despite previously normal TSH levels, and at any time if screening for microalbuminuria once the patient is age 10
growth is abnormal or if clinical suspicion exists for thy- years or older and has had diabetes for at least 5 years. (12)
roid dysfunction.
- RETINOPATHY. Poor glycemic control is associated
When both T1DM and thyroid disease are present, the
with substantially increased risk for diabetic retinopathy,
possibility of coexistent adrenal insufficiency should be
a process that begins frequently during the pediatric
considered because the constellation of autoimmune
years; improving glycemic control can minimize the pro-
adrenalitis, autoimmune thyroiditis, and T1DM is pres-
gression of retinopathy. Because retinopathy usually is
ent commonly in autoimmune polyglandular syndrome
not recognized earlier than 5 to 10 years after diagnosis
type 2.
and after pubertal onset, the ADA recommends that the
Patients who have T1DM also are at increased risk for
first ophthalmologic examination should be obtained af-
celiac disease, with an estimated prevalence of 4.5%, as
ter the child is age 10 years and has had T1DM for 3 to 5
compared to approximately 1% in the general population.
years, and routinely thereafter. (12)
(12) The ADA additionally recommends that soon after
diagnosis, patients with T1DM be screened for celiac - NEUROPATHY. Clinically evident diabetic neuropathy
disease using tissue transglutaminase antibody or endo- is rare in children and adolescents; but as with the other
mysial antibody assays, and subsequently if growth failure microvascular complications of T1DM, increased risk is
or gastrointestinal symptoms occur. (12) Many experts associated with poor glycemic control and disease dura-
periodically rescreen patients who have negative antibody tion. The ADA recommends annual foot examinations
levels initially. If symptoms are persistent but antibody beginning at puberty. (12)
levels are negative, gastroenterology consultation and en-
doscopic evaluation should be considered because the - MACROVASCULAR COMPLICATIONS. Atherosclerotic
sensitivities of these screening antibody tests are modest. disease is a major complication of poorly controlled
T1DM. Although macrovascular complications rarely be-
come apparent before adulthood, studies evaluating ca-
Complications rotid intima media thickness, a sensitive marker for
Long-term complications from T1DM result from the coronary and cerebral vascular disease, have shown the
toxic effect of chronic hyperglycemia and manifest as both intima to have greater thickness in children, adolescents,
microvascular disease (nephropathy, retinopathy, neurop- and young adults who have T1DM than in their age-
athy) and macrovascular disease (coronary artery disease, matched counterparts. Studies evaluating intensive insu-
peripheral vascular disease, stroke). The importance of lin therapy have demonstrated a significant benefit over
tight glycemic control to mitigate these effects has been standard therapy for reducing the risk of excessive carotid
confirmed in large prospective studies. (15,16) Although intima media thickness, nonfatal myocardial infarction,
clinical evidence of these vascular complications usually stroke, and death from cardiovascular disease. These
does not become apparent until the adult years, the under- studies also suggested that long-lasting and fundamental
lying pathophysiologic process begins near the time of di- vascular changes occur early in the course of suboptimally
agnosis. Additionally, modifiable or treatable risk factors controlled T1DM, further emphasizing the importance
that compound the risk for these comorbidities, such as of tight glycemic control in the pediatric years. (17)
smoking, hypertension, and hyperlipidemia, become ap-
parent during the adolescent years. For these reasons,
the pediatric years present a key opportunity for early de-
Despite the disease’s challenges, patients with T1DM—
tection of these processes and for interventions that would
once a uniformly fatal condition—can lead lives marked
prevent or minimize future morbidity.
by wellness and achievement through the diligence of
- NEPHROPATHY. The earliest evidence of diabetic ne- effective self-management with assistance from members
phropathy is microalbuminuria (defined as an albumin-to- of a diabetes care team. Emerging research continues
creatinine ratio of 30 to 299 mg/g in a spot urine sample). to broaden our understanding of the pathogenesis of
T1DM and guide future treatment modalities to improve 3. DIAMOND Project Group. Incidence and trends of child-
blood glucose control, lower the rate of diabetes-related hood Type 1 diabetes worldwide 1990-1999. Diabet Med. 2006;
complications, and reduce the daily burden of living with
4. Sperling M. Pediatric endocrinology, 3rd ed. Philadelphia, PA:
T1DM. Immunomodulating therapies, novel insulin ana- Saunders/Elsevier; 2008
logues, and the artificial pancreas are areas of research 5. Vehik K, Hamman RF, Lezotte D, et al. Increasing incidence of
that seek to prevent, treat, and cure this condition. As type 1 diabetes in 0- to 17-year-old Colorado youth. Diabetes Care.
emerging research continues to advance treatment of 2007;30(3):503–509
diabetes, the principles of effective self-management 6. Roche EF, Menon A, Gill D, Hoey H. Clinical presentation of
type 1 diabetes. Pediatr Diabetes. 2005;6(2):75–78
championed by Dr. Joslin will continue to form the 7. Dunger DB, Sperling MA, Acerini CL, et al; ESPE; LWPES.
foundation for living successfully with T1DM. ESPE/LWPES consensus statement on diabetic ketoacidosis in children
and adolescents. Arch Dis Child. 2004;89(2):188–194
8. Wolfsdorf J, Glaser N, Sperling MA; American Diabetes
Association. Diabetic ketoacidosis in infants, children, and adoles-
Summary cents: A consensus statement from the American Diabetes Associ-
ation. Diabetes Care. 2006;29(5):1150–1159
• Type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1DM) is a chronic, lifelong 9. Newton CA, Raskin P. Diabetic ketoacidosis in type 1 and type 2
disorder of glucose homeostasis characterized by diabetes mellitus: clinical and biochemical differences. Arch Intern
autoimmune destruction of the insulin-producing Med. 2004;164(17):1925–1931
pancreatic b-cell, leading progressively to insulin 10. Glaser N, Barnett P, McCaslin I, et al; Pediatric Emer-
deficiency and resultant hyperglycemia. gency Medicine Collaborative Research Committee of the Amer-
• New-onset T1DM can present with the classic findings ican Academy of Pediatrics. Risk factors for cerebral edema in
of polyuria, polydipsia, polyphagia, and weight loss; as children with diabetic ketoacidosis. N Engl J Med. 2001;344(4):
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pain, and lethargy in addition to the classic symptoms; 11. Muir AB, Quisling RG, Yang MC, Rosenbloom AL. Cerebral
or as an incidental finding discovered on urine or edema in childhood diabetic ketoacidosis: natural history, radio-
blood testing performed for other reasons. graphic findings, and early identification. Diabetes Care. 2004;27
• DKA is a life-threatening acute complication of T1DM (7):1541–1546
that requires close monitoring for comorbidities, 12. Silverstein J, Klingensmith G, Copeland K, et al; American
especially cerebral edema. Treatment focuses on Diabetes Association. Care of children and adolescents with type 1
rehydration and insulin replacement. diabetes: a statement of the American Diabetes Association. Di-
• Because T1DM is a chronic illness, the best possible abetes Care. 2005;28(1):186–212
management is achieved when patients and their 13. McCrimmon RJ, Sherwin RS. Hypoglycemia in type 1 di-
families attain ownership of their condition as part of abetes. Diabetes. 2010;59(10):2333–2339
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• Optimal health and wellness is achieved when blood 1991;8(3):217–222
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significantly decreases the likelihood of developing Group. The effect of intensive treatment of diabetes on the
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youth in the United States. JAMA. 2007;297(24):2716–2724 diabetes—2011. Diabetes Care. 2011;34(Suppl 1):S11–S61
PIR Quiz
This quiz is available online at NOTE: Learners can take Pediatrics in Review quizzes and claim credit
online only. No paper answer form will be printed in the journal.
1. You see a 12-year-old boy with a complaint of frequent urination. His mother is concerned because her father
has had type 2 diabetes mellitus for several years. Urinalysis in the office shows the presence of glucose. You
suspect that the boy may have type 1 diabetes mellitus because he also has
A. Acanthosis nigricans.
B. An elevated body mass index.
C. Hispanic heritage.
D. Hypertension.
E. Weight loss.
2. A 6-year-old girl is admitted for new-onset hyperglycemia (ie, a fasting blood glucose level greater than 250
mg/dL). She has had symptoms for approximately 2 weeks and looks ill. The most appropriate of the following
serum levels to measure first is
A. Autoantibodies.
B. Electrolytes.
C. Insulin.
D. lipids.
E. Transaminases.
3. You are reviewing dosage and management of insulin with a 9-year-old girl who weighs 35 kg and has had
type 1 diabetes mellitus for several years. You calculate her total daily dose of insulin; she states she is
receiving 25 units per day. The following statement that is true and relevant to her dosage is that
A. After diagnosis of type 1 diabetes mellitus, the “honeymoon phase” lasts approximately 24 months.
B. Approximately 50% of the total daily insulin prescribed is long acting, with the other 50% being short acting.
C. The “mixed-split” regimen of insulin dosing allows for greater flexibility in diet than the “basal–bolus” regimen.
D. Prepubertal children tend to require a higher total daily dose of insulin.
E. The usual total daily dose of insulin is between 2 and 3 units/kg per day.
4. A 3-year-old boy presents to the emergency department in diabetic ketoacidosis (ie, a blood sugar level of 450
mg/dL). You resuscitate him with isotonic solution and admit him to your intensive care unit for monitoring.
He is treated with normal saline and insulin at a rate of 0.1 unit/kg per hour. His blood glucose level gradually
falls to 180 mg/dL, but ketosis persists, and the serum bicarbonate concentration is 13 mg/dL. At this time, the
most appropriate medical management is to
A. Add bicarbonate to IV fluids, continue insulin infusion.
B. Add bicarbonate to IV fluids, discontinue insulin infusion.
C. Add dextrose to IV fluids, continue insulin infusion.
D. Add dextrose to IV fluids, discontinue insulin infusion.
E. Discontinue IV fluids, change to subcutaneous insulin.
5. A 5-year-old girl is undergoing treatment for diabetic ketoacidosis. Her level of consciousness fluctuates, she
is vomiting repeatedly, and her diastolic blood pressure is 105 mm Hg. You should immediately
A. Add bicarbonate to the intravenous fluids.
B. Administer mannitol.
C. Administer potassium.
D. Infuse hypotonic saline solution.
E. Obtain neuroimaging to look for cerebral edema.
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