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6 175739 Diabetes

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Nancy Reyes Montes de Oca Friday 21st October 2022


In Mexico, type 2 diabetes is one of
the main causes of blindness,

chronic renal failure and non-
traumatic amputations, and is one
of the 10 most frequent causes of
hospitalization in adults. In

addition, it increases the risk of
suffering a myocardial or cerebral
infarction, and explains 30% of
general mortality.

Based on data from the
aforementioned national surveys;
estimated that, by 2030, the
prevalence of type 2 diabetes
mellitus would reach 12 to 18%, and Source: https://www.practo.com/

by 2050, from 14 to 22%.

Over time, the type of Conclusion and future prospects
pharmacological treatment for Mechanisms involving autoimmune
people living with diabetes has destruction of pancreatic beta-cells
changed; exclusive treatment with and peripheral tissue resistance to The innovation of this new drug turns
oral hypoglycemic agents, the use insulin have been suggested to cause out to be a hopeful and viable tool
of insulin, the use of glycosylated diabetes mellitus. towards the cure of type 2 diabetes
hemoglobin to monitor the control mellitus, although it still has to
of the disease, however, not all With molecular bases and gene advance in the research stages and
patients do not follow their therapy, it is possible to develop a must continue with an arduous path
treatment to such an extent that drug with a mechanism of action that of applications in animal models in
they permanently abandon it due can regenerate pancreatic beta-cells order to confirm its efficacy long
to the constant consumption of at a speed that only a single dose is term, and to be able to be used in the
drugs that interferes with the daily enough to obtain a favorable clinic with accessibility for all people.
activities of these patients. response to treatment.
The research and development of In addition, the advances reflect that,
an alternative treatment becomes In such a way that this form of cell in the future, apart from achieving a
potentially interesting and replacement is no longer destroyed cure for the disease through
necessary, or, much more by the patient's own immune system biotechnology, restoring absent
attractive, of a procedure that and does not involve complications, insulin levels, it would also be possible
makes it possible to cure the such as those caused by the use of to allocate similar drugs for the
disease, without patients immunosuppressants in the case of prevention of this condition, indirectly
presenting complications at the pancreas and pancreatic islet managing to counteract the various
vascular level in the event that the transplants. secondary complications. that
control of the blood glucose is patients with diabetes mellitus
insufficient. Basically, the cells of the present.
Studies on gene therapy have extrapancreatic tissues will be able to
begun with the aim of being able to “biologically design” themselves to
express insulin. These include liver
use it for the treatment of diabetes
tissue, bone marrow, and circulating
mellitus, however, they are only
limited to achieving an monocytes. Supported by multiple
Boada, C. C., & Martinez-Moreno, J. M. (2013).
autoimmune response by studies that the liver shares an
Pathophysiology of diabetes mellitus type 2:
preventing the destruction of these embryonic endodermal origin with beyond the duo “insulin resistance-
cells. Therefore, I believe that the pancreas, it is shown that the cells secretion deficit”. Nutricion hospitalaria,
something more innovative could can be manipulated to induce the co- 28(2), 78-87.
expression of insulin and glucagon. DeFronzo, R. A., Ferrannini, E., Groop, L.,
be invented that truly eradicates
Henry, R. R., Herman, W. H., Holst, J. J., ... &
the disease. Weiss, R. (2015). Type 2 diabetes mellitus.
Nature reviews Disease primers, 1(1), 1-22.
Ginter, E., & Simko, V. (2013). Type 2 diabetes
mellitus, pandemic in 21st century.
Diabetes, 42-50.
Denova-Gutiérrez, E., Muñoz-Aguirre, P.,
Shivappa, N., Hébert, J. R., Tolentino-Mayo,
L., Batis, C., & Barquera, S. (2018). Dietary
inflammatory index and type 2 diabetes
mellitus in adults: the diabetes mellitus
survey of Mexico City. Nutrients, 10(4), 385.

Source: https://www.commonwealthfund.org/ Source: https://www.tipacilar.com/diabetes-mellitus/

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