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Practice Paper-4

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Practice Set-4

Mathematics 9. If there is a loss of 15% on an article, then 17. A started a business by investing ` 450.
find the ratio between its cost price and After some time, B has joined the business
1. On dividing a number by 38, we get 90 as
selling price. with the capital ` 300. At the end of the
a quotient and 19 as a remainder. What is
(A) 17 : 20 (B) 20 : 17 year, both divided the profit in the ratio
the number ?
2 : 1, then after how many months did B
(A) 3401 (B) 3382 (C) 23 : 15 (D) 15 : 23
join ?
(C) 3458 (D) 3439 10. Books are bought at prices between (A) 8 months (B) 10 months
` 150 and ` 300 and they are sold at prices
2. A milkman has 75 litres milk in one cane (C) 9 months (D) 7 months
between ` 250 and ` 350, so what is the
and 45 litres in another cane. What will be maximum profit on selling 15 books ? 18. Shikha invested some amount on com-
the measure of the largest vessel that can pound interest. She got ` 2,420 as amount
(A) Cannot be determined
measure the milk of the two cans exactly ? in 2 years and ` 2,662 in 3 years. Find the
(B) ` 750
(A) 1 litre (B) 5 litres rate of interest.
(C) ` 4,250
(C) 15 litres (D) 25 litres (A) 8% (B) 11%
(D) ` 3,000 (C) 10% (D) 12%
3. The average age of 12 players of a team is
11. Four cubes each of side 5 cm are joined 19. The pie chart shows India’s Exports in
25 years. If age of captain is also included
end to end. The surface area of the 2018. The export of cotton and steel was
then the average age increases by 1 year.
resulting solid is : lesser than the export of jewellery and
The age of captain is :
(A) 225 cm2 (B) 20 cm2 software by how many percent.
(A) 38 years (B) 40 years
(C) 35 years (D) 39 years (C) 450 cm (D) 500 cm2 India’s Exports in 2018
4. When a liquid freezes in its solid state, 12. P and Q can complete a piece of work in
its volume increases by 4%. By what 6 days and 8 days respectively, with the
percentage will the volume decrease help of R, they complete the work in 3
when the solid melts back into the days. If the total wages is ` 3,200, then
liquid ? how much should be paid to R ?
(A) 3 % (B) 4% (A) 375 (B) 1200
(C) 400 (D) 320
1 11
(C) 4 % (D) 3 % 13. A takes 2 hours more than B to cover a
13 13
distance of 30 km. If A doubles his speed,
5. Find the simple interest on ` 25,000 for then he takes 1 hour less than B. What is (A) 20% (B) 28%
2 years 3 months at 10% interest per the speed of A ?
(C) 24% (D) 32%
annum. (A) 4 km@hr (B) 7 km@hr
20. The line graph shows revenues (in Lakh
(A) ` 5,625 (B) ` 5,500 (C) 6 km@hr (D) 5 km@hr
rupees) of two software companies for the
(C) ` 5,000 (D) ` 6,500 14. {(– 2)(–2)}(–2) equals to :
last five years. The last 5 years revenues
6. Simplify : (A) 16 (B) 8 of Company B were greater than the last
3120 ÷ 26 + 13 × 30
(C) – 8 (D) – 1 5 years revenues of Company A by :
(A) 536 (B) 2400
15. A sugar solution of 3 litre contains 60%
(C) 3900 (D) None of these sugar. One litre water is added to this
7. The ratio of zinc and copper in an alloy mixture, then find the percentage of sugar
is 5 : 3 and weight of alloy is 200 gram, in the new solution.
(A) 30 (B) 45
then how much gram copper should be
(C) 50 (D) 60
added so that the ratio becomes 3 : 5 ?
1 16. The probability of getting a number
(A) 133 1 gram (B) gram greater than 2 in throwing a die is :
3 200
(C) 72 gram (D) 66 gram 2
(A) (B) 1
3 3
8. If k = 2197 , then find the value of k : (A) 60% (B) 50%
1 1
(A) 7 (B) 14 (C) (D)
3 4 (C) 40% (D) 30%
(C) 11 (D) 13

Practice Paper-4 447

21. The roots of quadratic equation 4x2 + 4x 29. Four of the following five are alike in a 35. Raju is standing facing North. He goes
+ 1 = 0 are : certain way and so form a group. Which 30 metres ahead and turns left and goes
is the one that does not belong to that for 15 metres. Now he turns right and
(A) Real and different goes for 50 metres and finally turns to his
(B) Real and equal group ?
right and walks. In which direction he is
(C) Real positive (A) Chair (B) Table walking now ?
(D) Imaginary (C) Rack (D) Furniture (A) North (B) East
22. Find the value of 'm' in the given figure : 30. In each question given below, there is (C) South (D) West
L a statement followed by two conclu- 36. If a mirror is placed on the line AB,
sions numbered I an II You have to then which of the answer figure will
3m assume everything in the statement to be the correct image of the question
2m 5m be true, then consider the two conclu- figure ?
A O B sions together and decide which of them Question Figure

(A) 18° (B) 20° logically follows beyond a reasonable
doubt from the information given in the
(C) 30° (D) 40° statement.
23. In the following picture, if OA = 10 and Statement : If you are famous artist, then
AC = 16, then OB is equal to : we definitely have a work for you.
Conclusions :
I. You are a famous artist. Answer Figures
II. We need a famous artist.
(A) If only conclusion I follows
(B) If only conclusion II follows
(C) If both conclusions I and II follow
A B C (D) Neither conclusions I nor II follows
31. Arrange the following words as per order 37. Substitute the arithmetical signs in place
(A) 5 (B) 6
in the English dictionary : of in the following equation :
(C) 3 (D) 4 7  7  2  1 = 12
24. In the given figure, if AB + AC = 5AD 1. Rationalism
(A) × – ÷ (B) + – ×
and AC – AD = 8, then area of rectangle
2. Rationale (C) × – + (D) + × –
ABCD is :
3. Rationalization
4. Rationalize 38. Read the following information carefully
5. Rationality and answer the questions that follow
(A) 2, 3, 5, 1, 4 (B) 1, 3, 5, 4, 2 :Rajneesh, Kavita, Suresh, Gambhir and
(C) 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 (D) 2, 1, 5, 3, 4 Mahesh are friends and good players.
32. From the given Answer Figures, select Rajneesh and Kavita are good in Hockey
(A) 36 sq. units (B) 50 sq. units the figure in which the Question Figure and Volleyball. Suresh and Rajneesh are
(C) 60 sq. units (D) 82 sq. units is embedded.
good in Hockey and Tennis. Gambhir and
25. The curved surface area and slant height Question Figure Kavita are good in Cricket and Volleyball.
of a right angled circular cone are
Suresh, Gambhir and Mahesh are good in
363 cm2 and 11 cm respectively. Find
its diameter. Football and Tennis.
(A) 31.5 cm (B) 21 cm Who is good in Hockey, Volleyball and
(C) 14 cm (D) 17.5 cm Cricket ?

Answer Figures
Reasoning (A) Rajneesh (B) Suresh

26. ‘Ship’ is related to ‘Water’ in the same (C) Kavita (D) Gambhir
way as Train’ is related to : 39. In each questions below is given a

(A) Trail (B) Track statement followed by two assumptions
(C) Steam (D) Passenger 33. Which one set of letters when sequentially numbered I and II. An assumption is
27. If in a certain code, ‘GIGANTIC’ is placed at the gaps in the given letter series something supposed or taken for granted.
written as ‘GIGTANCI’. How will‘MIR- will complete it ? You have to consider the statement and
ACLES’ be written in that language ? a_a_bbaa_bbba_a the following assumptions and decide
(A) MIRLCAES (B) MIRLACSE (A) a a b b (B) a b a a which of the assumptions is implicit in
(C) RIMCALSE (D) RIMLCAES (C) a b a b (D) a a a b
the statement.
34. Looking at a woman sitting next to
28. In a class of 20 students, Alisha’s rank is Statement : The city transport
him, Amit said, “She is the sister of the
15th from the top. Manav is 4 ranks above corporation has introduced
husband of my wife.” How is the woman airconditioned buses on various routes
Alisha. What is Manav’s rank from the
related to Amit ? to attract people travelling to their
bottom ?
(A) Niece (B) Daughter work places by car and hence reduce
(A) 10th (B) 11th
th (C) Sister (D) Wife congestion on the roads.
(C) 9 (D) 12th

448 CUET General Test Final Revision

Assumptions : 44. Find the number lying between 900 and 51. Which country’s border does not meet the
I. Majority of the people may still 1000 which when divided by 38 and 57 Caspian Sea?
prefer to travel to their work places (A) Azerbaijan (B) Russia
leaves in each case a remainder of 23.
in their own cars. (C) Ukraine (D) Turkmenistan
(A) 935 (B) 962
II. Many people many now opt for these 52. Article 32 of the Constitution of India
buses for travelling to their work (C) 912 (D) 926
deals with the :
places. 45. In each question below is given a
statement followed by two courses of (A) Right to Constitutional Remedius
Give answer (B) Right against Exploitation
action numbered I and II. A course of
(A) If only Assumption I is implicit. (C) Right to Property
action is a practicable and feasible step
(B) If only Assumption II is implicit.
or administrative decision to be taken (D) Right to Freedom of Speech and
(C) If either Assumption I or II is
for follow-up, improvement, or further Expression
action in regard to the problem, policy, 53. Related area of Golden Revolution is :
(D) If neither Assumption I nor II is
etc. On the basis of the information (A) Eggs (B) Oilseeds
given in the statement, you have to (C) Fruits (D) Fish
40. At what time between 7 : 15 and 8 : 15, the assume everything in the statement
54. The SI unit of acceleration is ______.
hands of a clock will coincide with each to be true, and decide which of the
other ? (A) ms—1 (B) ms—2
suggested courses of action logically
6 4 follows (s) for pursuing. (C) ms2 (D) m/s
(A) 39 min (B) 39 min
11 11 Statement : The government airline has
55. What is the chemical name of ‘oil of
been making huge lossess even as private
5 3 vitriol’?
(C) 38 min (D) 38 min airliners continue to prosper and make
11 11 substantial profit. (A) Sulfuric acid
41. Which of the following figures represents
Courses of action : (B) Calcium hydroxide
the relationship among DOG, CAT and I. All the private airlines should be
PET? (C) Sodium chloride
banned from their operation in the
country. (D) Methyl alcohol

(A) (B) II. The government airline should be 56. How is tuberculosis spread in humans ?
instructed to increase passenger fare
(A) Inoculation into skin
significantly in order to increase its
(C) (D) profit. (B) Direct touching
Give answer (C) Contact with soil
(A) If only I follows (D) Droplet infection
42. In the given following questions there are (B) If only II follows
three statements and three conclusions 57. Who among the following is the co-found-
(C) If either I or II follows
er of Twitter?
I, II and III. Consider all statement (D) If neither I nor II follows
(E) If both I and II follow (A) Tim Barners-Lee
true. Although they are different from
(B) Bill Gates
universal fact, and answer : General knowledge (C) Jack Dorsey
Statements : All telephones are
wires. 46. Where did Lord Buddha give his first (D) Narayana Murthy
sermon? 58. Which famous personality said the
All wires are tamboo.
(A) Lumbini (B) Bodh Gaya following ?
All tamboo are
(C) Sarnath (D) Kushinagar “Don’t take rest after your first victory
47. What was the original name of “Noorja-
Conclusions : I.Some containers are because if you fail in second, more lips
wires. are waiting to say that your first victory
(A) Jabunnisa (B) Fatima Begum
II. Some tamboo are (C) Mehrunnisa (D) Jahannara was just luck ?”
telephones. 48. Who among the following was a leader (A) APJ Abdul Kalam
III. Some containers from Allahabad (now Prayagraj) in the (B) Amartya Sen
are telephones. revolt against the British in 1857 ? (C) Homi Bhabha
(A) Only conclusions I and II follow (A) Maulvi Liaquat Ali (D) Atal Bihari Vajpayee
(B) Only conclusions II and III follow (B) Khan Bahdur Khan
59. Who among the following was the first
(C) Only conclusions I and III follow (C) Tatya Tope
non-Indian to receive the Bharat Ratna,
(D) Rani Laxmi Bai
(D) All conclusions I, II and III follow the highest Indian honour that can be
49. Which river in India flows through a rift
(E) None of these valley ? given to civilians ?
43. A cuboid of size 6 × 4 × 2 cm is cut into (A) Son (B) Narmada (A) Nelson Mandela
smaller cubes of 1 cm length. How many (C) Periyar (D) Penganga (B) Mikhail Gorbachev
smaller cubes can be made out of this ? 50. On which river is the Angel Falls located? (C) Abdul Ghaffar Khan
(A) 64 (B) 48 (A) Amazon (B) Orinoco (D) Josip Broz Tito
(C) 32 (D) 96 (C) Caroni (D) Parana

Practice Paper-4 449

60. Which American President won the Nobel 65. When is ‘World Radio Day’ observed (A) Wilfried Brutsaert
Peace Prize ? every year ? (B) Ignacio Rodriguez-Iturbe
(A) George Washington (A) February 8 (C) Gedeon Dagan
(B) Bill Clinton (B) February 10 (D) Peter S. Eagleson
(C) Barack Obama (C) February 13 71. Who has been appointed as the new For-
(D) February 14 eign Secretary of India ?
(D) Abraham Lincoln
66. ‘Elisabeth Borne’ is the new female (A) Vinay Mohan Kwatra
61. In which year was the Indian Football
Prime Minister of which country ? (B) Rudrendra Tandon
Association established ?
(A) UK (B) France (C) Dinesh Bhatia
(A) 1853 (B) 1873 (D) Santosh Jha
(C) Germany (D) Poland
(C) 1883 (D) 1893 72. Who has been appointed as the new
67. What is the theme of the ‘World Space
62. In which of the following countries is Week 2022’ ? UPSC Chairman ?
the headquarters of International Table (A) Space and Sustainability (A) Romila Thapar
Tennis Federation situated ? (B) Space and Science (B) Arjun Dev
(A) Japan (B) Thailand (C) Accessibility in Space (C) Manoj Soni
(C) England (D) Switzerland (D) Inspiration for Students (D) Bipin Chandra
63. In which of the following cities is 68. Which racing driver won the Formula 73. Who topped the ‘Forbes’ 36th annual
the headquaters of All India Chess One world championship title in 2022 ? World’s Billionaires List’ of 2022 ?
(A) Charles Leclerc (A) Jeff Bezos (B) Elon Musk
Foundation Situated?
(C) Warren Buffett(D) Bill Gates
(A) Mumbai (B) Hyderabad (B) Max Verstappen
74. ‘Moskva’, which was seen in the news,
(C) Chennai (D) Bengaluru (C) Lewis Hamilton is a famous warship of which country ?
(D) Sebastien Vettel (A) Ukraine (B) Russia
64. In which city is the Indian Railways Rail
69. ‘DART Mission’ is a project launched by (C) China (D) Germany
Coach Factory located?
which country ? 75. After the May 2022 Meeting of the Mon-
(A) Chittaranjan
(A) Russia (B) China etary Policy Committee, what is the re-
(B) Bangalore (C) USA (D) UAE vised Repo Rate ?
(C) Chennai 70. Who is the winner of the ‘Stockholm (A) 3.75 % (B) 4.25 %
(D) Kapurthala Water Prize 2022’ ? (C) 4.40 % (D) 4.50 %

7. (A) Let that the weight of zinc and
Mathematics Increase in volume =
104 x
cube units
copper in the alloy is 5x and 3x gram
1. (D) By Remainder Theorem, respectively.
Dividend = Divisor × Quotient Required reduction % Part of zinc in the alloy
+ Remainder 4 x × 100 5x
= = × 200
= 38 × 90 + 19 104 x 5 x + 3x
= 3420 + 19 = 125 gram
= 3439 = 3 %
13 Part of copper in the alloy
2. (C) Required value = H.C.F. of 75
and 45 P×R×T 3x
= 15 (5, 3) 5. (A) S.I. = = × 200
100 5 x + 3x
= 15 litres. 3
3. (A) Let, the age of captain be x years. T = 2 years 3 months = 2 +
12 = 75 gram
1 9
According to the question, = 2 years = years Let, that y gram copper is added
4 4
12 × 25 + x 25, 000 × 10 × 9
= 26 According to the question,
13 S.I. =
100 × 4
125 3
x = 26 × 13 – 12 × 25 2, 500 × 9 =
= 75 + y 5
= 338 – 300 4
= ` 5,625 ⇒ 625 = 225 + 3y
= 38 years
⇒ 3y = 400
6. (D) 3120 ÷ 26 + 13 × 30
4. (D) Let, that volume of liquid be x cube 400 1
units. = 120 + 390 y= = 133 gm
3 3
= 510

450 CUET General Test Final Revision

2197 13. (D) From option, 18. (C) Amount for 2 years
8. (D) k= n
By taking option (D), given that  r 
13 × 13 × 13 A1 = P  1 + 
= speed of A = 5 km@hr  100 
= 13 30
then, Time of A = = 6 hrs
5  r 
9. (B) Let, that C.P. of article be ` x. 2,420 = P 1 +  ...(1)
\ Time of B = 6 – 2 = 4 hrs  100 
x × 15
S.P. = x − If we twice the speed of A = 5 × 2 3
100  r 
= 10 km@hrs and A2 = P  1 + 
85 x  100 
then, time taken to cover 30 km
30 3
= = 3 hrs]  r 
C.P. : S.P. 10 2,662 = P 1 +  ...(2)
 100 
85 x which is 1 hr less than B
x: On dividing equation (2) by (1), we
100 Hence, option (D) is correct.
⇒ 100 : 85 3
(–2) (–2)
14. (A) [(– 2) ]  r 
20 : 17 P 1 + 
( −2) 2, 662  100 
10. (D) Cost price of book  1  =
=  2 2, 420  r 

= From ` 150 to ` 300  (−2)  P 1 + 

 100 
S.P. of book 1
=   = 42 = 16 r 2, 662
= From ` 250 to ` 350 4 ∴ 1+ =
100 2, 420
To earn maximum profit, C.P. should 15. (B) Quantity of sugar in 3 litre
be minimum and S.P. should be r 2, 662
60 ∴ = −1
maximum = 3× 100 2, 420
Profit = 350 – 150 = 200 2, 662 − 2, 420
3 9 =
= 3× = 2, 420
Total profit on 15 books 5 5

= 15 × 200 = 1.8 litre 242
Quantity of water 2, 420
= ` 3,000
11. (C) Dimensions of the resultant solid = 3 – 1.8 r 1
= 1.2 litre ∴ =

= 5 × 4, 5, 5 100 10
On adding 1 litre water
= 20 cm ] 5 cm ] r = 10%
Quantity of sugar in 4 litre
5 cm 19. (B) Required %
\ Curved surface area = × 100%
4 (33 + 17) − (24 + 12)
= 2(lb + bh + hl ) = # 100%
= 1.8 × 25% (33 + 17)
= 2(20 × 5 +5 ×
= 45% 50 − 36
5 + 5 × 20) = # 100% = 28%
= 2 (100 + 25 + 16. (A) The number greater that two on the
20. (A) Total revenue of Company A
100) dice is 3, 4, 5, 6 i.e., four numbers.
= (2000 + 5000 + 1000 + 4000
= 2 × 225 4 Favourable cases

∴ P(A) = = + 3000)
= 450 sq. cm 6 Total cases
= 15,000
1 1 1 1 2
12. (C) + + = = Total revenue of Company B
6 8 R 3 3
= (4000 + 4000 + 5000 + 5000
1 1 1 1 17. (C) Let that, time of B be x years.
+ – =– + 6000)
6 8 3 R A:B = 24,000
4+3−8 1 450 × 12 = 300 × x
=− \ Required %
24 R 150 × 12 : 100 × x
1 1 18 : x 24000 − 15000
– = − =
× 100
R 24 According to the question,
R = 24 days 18 2 9000
3200 = = ×100
Wages of R = 3× = `400 x 1 15000
⇒ 2x = 18 = 60%
So, option (C) is correct.
x = 9 months

Practice Paper-4 451

21. (B) Discriminant, D = b2 – 4ac 25. (B) Area of surface = 363 cm2 Sister Wife
34. (C) Amit
Where, a = 4, b = 4 and c = 1 prl = 363 Husband
∴ D = (4)2 – 4 × 4 × 1 363
r= Hence, she is sister of Amit.
D = 16 – 16 = 0 35. (B)
So, roots of equation 4x2 + 4x + 1 = 0 363 # 7 21
r= = cm
will be real and equal. 22 # 11 2 50m
22. (A) According to the figure, W E
2r = 21 cm
∠AOL + ∠LOM + ∠MOB = 180°
\ Diameter = 21cm 15m
⇒ 2m + 3m + 5m = 180° S
⇒ 10m = 180°
⇒ m = 18°
Reasoning 30m

26. (B) As Ship runs in Water, same as Train Starting point

23. (B)  AB = BN = 8 cm
(Perpendicular bisector) runs on Track.
Hence, now Raju is in the East
27. (B) As,
OA = 10 cm
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 direction.

G I G T A N C I 36. (C)
1 2 3 6 4 5 8 7
B 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Ques. Fig. Ans. Fig.
In right angle ∆ABO, Option (C) is the correct mirror
M I R L A C S E image of the question figure.
OB = 2 2 1 2 3 6 4 5 8 7
OA − AB 37. (B) 7 + 7 – 2 × 1 = 12
28. (A) According to question,
Alisha's rank from top = 15th 14 – 2 × 1 = 12
OB = 100 − 64
Manav's rank from top 14 – 2 = 12
12 = 12
OB = 36 = 6 cm = (15 – 4) = 11th
L.H.S. = R.H.S.
Manav's rank from bottom
24. (C) AC + AB = 5AD
a = (20 – 11) + 1 38. (C)
= (9 + 1)
Foot- Crick- Hock- Basket-
b b = 10th
ball et ey ball
29. (D) Chair, Table, Rack and Drawer are
a different types of furniture. A   × 
AC + a = 5b 30. (B) It is not clear that you are a famous
B    ×
AC = 5b – a ... (1) artist. Because the statement states
'If you are a famous artist'. Here, C ×   
AC – AD = 8 using the word 'if' does not give
AC = 8 + b ... (2) certainty. Hence, conclusion I is not D  ×  
Using pythagoras theorem, correct. But it is clear from the state-
ment that we need a famous artist. Kavita is good in hockey, volleyball
(AC)2 = a2 + b2 Hence, conclusion II is correct. and cricket.
(8 + b)2 = a2 + b2 39. (B) If everyone goes to their workplace
31. (D) According to the English dictionary,
64 + b2 + 16b = a2 + b2 in their own car, the roads are very
2. Rational e 1. Rational i sm crowded. To mitigate this problem,
a2 = 16b + 64
5. Rational i ty 3. Rational i zation the municipal corporation started an
5b − a = 8 + b  air-conditioned bus at various place.
 a + 8 = 4b  4. Rational i ze
Before starting this service, the ob-
  Option (D) is right.
 a = 4b − 8  jective is that some people will take
advantage of this service.
32. (B)
(4b – 8)2 = 16b + 64 In assumption I, 'Majority of the
16b2 + 64 – 64b = 16b + 64 people' is used which makes it
16b2 – 80b = 0 invalid. Hence, only assumption II is
b = 5
It is clear that question figure is 15 29
a = 4b – 8 = 20 – 8 ⇒12 40. (A) n = 7 ⇒
embedded in option (B). 60 4
Area of rectangle 33. (B) aaa/bbb/aaa/bbb/aaa Time between 7 : 15 and 8 : 15, the
= 12 × 5 ⇒ 60 sq. units Hence, abaa is correct. hands of a clock will coincide at

452 CUET General Test Final Revision

The member states of the United patterns and water sources.
 60 
 × n  min. past n. Nations Educational, Scientific and 71. (A) The Indian government appointed
11 Cultural Organization (UNESCO) senior Indian Foreign Service officer

60 29 435 6 first declared this day in the year Vinay Mohan Kwatra as the new
× = ⇒ 39 min.
11 4 11 11 2011. It was later adopted by the Foreign Secretary.
The hands of a clock will coincide at United Nations General Assembly The 1988-batch IFS officer is
6 in 2012 as an International Day. currently serving as Ambassador in
39 min. 66. (B) French President Emmanuel Macron Kathmandu since January 2020. He
11 selected Labour Minister Elisabeth worked in Prime Minister’s Office
41. (D) Borne as his new prime minister. from 2015 to 2017 and had served as
This is only the second time in India’s ambassador to France. Vinay
30 years that a woman has been Kwatra will replace the incumbent
appointed to the prestigious role. Foreign Secretary Harsh Vardhan
She succeeds the incumbent Prime Shringla.
Minister Jean Castex, as the country 72. (C) A scholar of political science, Manoj
42. (D) is expecting legislative elections Soni has been appointed as the
in June. Edith Cresson occupied new Chairman of the Union Public
the office during the presidency of Services Commission (UPSC).
Socialist leader Francois Mitterrand Manoj Soni specialises in
in the early 1990s. International Relations and had
67. (A) In 1999, the General Assembly served as the Vice Chancellor of
Telephone proclaimed World Space Week, to Dr Babasaheb Ambedkar Open
celebrate the contributions of space University and MS University of
science and technology for the Baroda. He was also the youngest
Wire betterment of human condition. Vice Chancellor in independent
Tamboo World Space Week is the largest India.
annual space event in the world. The 73. (B) The ‘Forbes’ 36th annual World’s
Container World Space Week 2022 theme is Billionaires List’ of 2022 was
‘Space and Sustainability’, focusing released recently. It listed 2,668
I. (), II. (), III. () on achieving sustainability in space billionaires of the world, including
and achieving sustainability from 236 newcomers, which fell from last
All conclusions I, II and III follow. space. year’s 493.
68. (B) Max Verstappen was declared Elon Musk tops the World’s
43. (B)
6 cm Formula One world champion after Billionaires ranking for the first time
winning the Japanese Grand Prix ever, with an estimated net worth
title. of USD 219 billion. Jeff Bezos and
4 The 25-year old Belgian-Dutch Bernard Arnault followed Musk.
racing driver was awarded the title This year also marked the largest
when second-place finisher Charles number of Billionaire Drop-off’s
2 cm Leclerc was given five-second since the 2009 Financial Crisis.
penalty. He was the winner of the 74. (B) The 510-crew missile cruiser
(Rectangular block) 2021 Formula One World title as ‘Moskva’, which was a symbol of
Clear from diagram, 24 cubes in well. Russia’s military power, is said to be
every layer. 69. (C) The Double Asteroid Redirection hit by Ukrainian missiles.
Required number of cubes Test (DART) is a NASA space As per Russian Military sources, the
= 24 × 2 = 48 mission aimed at testing planetary warship which was leading its naval
44. (A) LCM of 38 and 57 = 114 defense system against near-Earth assault on Ukraine, was damaged
objects. by an explosion and sank after a
Multiple of 114 lying between Recently, NASA deliberately crashed fire. The 12,490-tonne vessel is the
900 and 1000 = 912 the spacecraft into an asteroid in the biggest Russian warship to be sunk
Then, Required number = 912 + 23 first action of humanity altering the in action since Second World War.
= 935 motion of a celestial body. NASA 75. (C) The Reserve Bank hiked the repo rate
45. (D) None of the courses of action announced that it succeeded in by 40 basis points (bps) to 4.40 per
is suitable. Hence, option (D) is forcing the rocky asteroid out of its cent, after an unscheduled meeting
correct. natural orbit. of the Monetary Policy Committee
70. (A) The renowned hydrologist Wilfried (MPC) in May 2022. Next meeting
General knowledge Brutsaert is awarded the Stockholm of the MPC is scheduled during June
46. (C) 47.(C) 48. (A) 49. (B) 50. (C) Water Prize 2022 for his outstanding 6-8.
work to quantify environmental All six members unanimously voted
51. (C) 52.(A) 53. (A) 54. (B) 55. (A) evaporation. for a rate hike while maintaining
56. (D) 57.(C) 58. (A) 59. (C) 60. (C) Professor Emeritus Wilfried the accommodative stance. The
61. (D) 62-(D) 63- (C) 64. (D) Brutsaert, fondly known as Mr decision aimed to contain inflation,
65. (C) Every year, World Radio Day is Evaporation, is the world’s leading which remained above 6 per cent for
celebrated on February 13 with an authority on terrestrial evaporation. the last three months. Cash reserve
aim to highlight the importance of His works help to make accurate ratio was hiked by 50 bps to 4.5%
radio. predictions of the impact that effective May 21.
climate change has on local rainfall

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