Food Security
Food Security
Food Security
As per the Economic Survey (2018-19), India needs to take big initiatives to improve its food security as it
faces supply constraints, water scarcity, small landholdings, low per capita GDP and inadequate irrigation.
Food security, as defined by the United Nations’ Committee on World Food Security, means that all
people, at all times, have physical, social, and economic access to sufficient, safe, and nutritious
food that meets their food preferences and dietary needs for an active and healthy life.
Food security is the combination of the following three elements:
Food availability i.e. food must be available in sufficient quantities and on a consistent
basis. It considers stock and production in a given area and the capacity to bring in food
from elsewhere, through trade or aid.
Food access i.e. people must be able to regularly acquire adequate quantities of food,
through purchase, home production, barter, gifts, borrowing or food aid.
Food utilization: Consumed food must have a positive nutritional impact on people. It
entails cooking, storage and hygiene practices, individuals health, water and sanitations,
feeding and sharing practices within the household.
Food security is closely related to household resources, disposable income and socioeconomic
status. It is also strongly interlinked with other issues, such as food prices, global environment
change, water, energy and agriculture growth.
Food security concerns can be traced back to the experience of the Bengal Famine in 1943
during British colonial rule, during which about 2 million to 3 million people perished due to
Since attaining independence, an initial rush to industrialize while ignoring agriculture, two
successive droughts in the mid-1960s, and dependence on food aid from the United States
exposed India’s vulnerability to several shocks on the food security front.
The country went through a Green Revolution in the late 1960s and early 1970s, enabling it to
overcome productivity stagnation and to significantly improve food grain production.
Despite its success, the Green Revolution is often criticized for being focused on only two
cereals, wheat and rice; being confined to a few resource abundant regions in the
northwestern and southern parts of the country that benefited mostly rich farmers; and
putting too much stress on the ecology of these regions, especially soil and water.
The Green Revolution was followed by the White Revolution, which was initiated by Operation
Flood during the 1970s and 1980s. This national initiative has revolutionized liquid milk production
and marketing in India, making it the largest producer of milk.
Of late, especially during the post-2000 period, hybrid maize for poultry and industrial use and
Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) cotton have shown great strides in production, leading to sizeable
exports of cotton, which made India the second largest exporter of cotton in 2007–2008.
India, currently has the largest number of undernourished people in the world i.e. around
195 million.
Nearly 47 million or 4 out of 10 children in India do not meet their full human potential because of
chronic undernutrition or stunting.
Agricultural productivity in India is extremely low.
According to World Bank figures, cereal yield in India is estimated to be 2,992 kg per
hectare as against 7,318.4 kg per hectare in North America.
The composition of the food basket is increasingly shifting away from cereals to high⎯value
agricultural commodities like fish, eggs, milk and meat. As incomes continue to rise, this trend will
continue and the indirect demand for food from feed will grow rapidly in India.
According to FAO estimates in ‘The State of Food Security and Nutrition in the World, 2018” report,
about 14.8% of the population is undernourished in India.
Climate Change: Higher temperatures and unreliable rainfall makes farming difficult. Climate
change not only impacts crop but also livestock, forestry, fisheries and aquaculture, and can cause
grave social and economic consequences in the form of reduced incomes, eroded livelihoods, trade
disruption and adverse health impacts.
Lack of access to remote areas: For the tribal communities, habitation in remote difficult
terrains and practice of subsistence farming has led to significant economic backwardness.
Increase in rural-to-urban migration, large proportion of informal workforce resulting in
unplanned growth of slums which lack in the basic health and hygiene facilities, insufficient
housing and increased food insecurity.
Overpopulation, poverty, lack of education and gender inequality.
Inadequate distribution of food through public distribution mechanisms (PDS i.e. Public
Distribution System).
Deserving beneficiaries of the subsidy are excluded on the basis of non-ownership of below
poverty line (BPL) status, as the criterion for identifying a household as BPL is arbitrary and
varies from state to state.
Biofuels: The growth of the biofuel market has reduced the land used for growing food crops.
Conflict: Food can be used as a weapon, with enemies cutting off food supplies in order to gain
ground. Crops can also be destroyed during the conflict.
Unmonitored nutrition programmes: Although a number of programmes with improving
nutrition as their main component are planned in the country but these are not properly
Lack of coherent food and nutrition policies along with the absence of intersectoral
coordination between various ministries.
Corruption: Diverting the grains to open market to get better margin, selling poor quality grains
at ration shops, irregular opening of the shops add to the issue of food insecurity.
Recent Government Initiatives
International Initiatives
The High-Level Task Force (HLTF) on Global Food and Nutrition Security was established
by the UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon in 2008.
It aims to promote a comprehensive and unified response of the international community
to the challenge of achieving global food and nutrition security.
Formulation of the First Millennium Development Goal (MDG 1), which included among its
targets cutting by half the proportion of people who suffer from hunger by 2015.
The United Nations Secretary-General launched the Zero Hunger Challenge in 2012 during the
Rio+20 World Conference on Sustainable Development. The Zero Hunger Challenge was launched
to inspire a global movement towards a world free from hunger within a generation. It calls for:
Zero stunted children under the age of two
100% access to adequate food all year round
All food systems are sustainable
100% increase in smallholder productivity and income
Zero loss or waste of food
SDG Goal 2. End hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition and promote sustainable
The government policy needs to adopt an integrated policy framework to facilitate agriculture
The measures should focus mainly on rationale distribution of cultivable land,
improving the size of the farms and providing security to the tenant cultivators apart
from providing the farmers with improved technology for cultivation and improved inputs
like irrigation facilities, availability of better quality seeds, fertilizers and credits at lower
interest rates.
Aeroponics and hydroponics are systems that allow plants to be grown without soil.
Plants grown in this way take in water and nutrients efficiently. These methods can be used
in the areas of poor soil quality and soil erosion.
Adoption of crops and techniques with lower water requirements, such as the
System of Rice Intensification (SRI) method of rice production, contributes to resilience by
enabling equal or better yields to be achieved with less water withdrawal.
Planting crops with lower water requirements and agricultural practices that
maintain soil moisture, such as maintaining vegetative cover between crops, can also
contribute to resilience.
Crop diversification: Higher profitability and stability in production highlight the
importance of crop diversification, e.g. legumes alternative with rice and wheat. Growing of
non-cereal crops such as oilseeds, fruits and vegetables etc need to be encouraged.
Strategies for better food storage should be adopted.
The Blue Revolution: Sea, lakes and rivers can be used to provide food and nutrition. Fish are a
very good source of protein and do not require good soil.
Biotechnology and appropriate technology: Selective breeding or genetic modification (GM)
of plants and animals can be done to produce specific features and adaptations.
For example, selective breeding has been used on dairy cows to increase milk yields. GM
has been used on wheat to produce crops that are disease resistant.
Existing direct nutrition programmes should be revamped to enable management by
women’s Self Help Groups (SHGs) and /or local bodies along with orientation and training of
community health workers, Panchayati Raj Institution (PRI) members, other opinion leaders,
caregivers and other stakeholders can be another area.
Efforts should be made by the concerned health departments and authorities to initiate and
supervise the functioning of the nutrition related schemes in an efficient way.
Annual surveys and rapid assessments surveys could be some of the ways through which
program outcomes can be measured.
Focus needs to be shifted to the workers in the informal sector by providing decent wages and
healthy working conditions.
Local community education on key family health and nutrition practices using
participatory and planned communication methodologies will be helpful.
The cooperatives play an important role in food security in India especially in the southern and
western parts of the country. The cooperative societies set up shops to sell low priced goods to
poor people. The cooperatives should be encouraged.
Fostering rural-urban economic linkages can be an important step towards ensuring food
security by-
enhancing and diversifying rural employment opportunities, especially for women and
enabling the poor to better manage risks through social protection,
leveraging remittances for investments in the rural sector as a viable means for improving
Way Forward
Food security of a nation is ensured if all of its citizens have enough nutritious food available,
all persons have the capacity to buy food of acceptable quality and there is no barrier on
access to food.
The right to food is a well established principle of international human rights law. It has evolved to
include an obligation for state parties to respect, protect, and fulfil their citizens’ right
to food security.
As a state party to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the International Covenant on
Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, India has the obligation to ensure the right to be free from
hunger and the right to adequate food.
India needs to adopt a policy that brings together diverse issues such as inequality, food
diversity, indigenous rights and environmental justice to ensure sustainable food security.