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For NCERT - Digital Initiatives-V4

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▪ Formal School Education Board in India with schools
pan India and outside India in 25 countries.
▪ Pace Setting Board in the Country.
▪ Provides quality education to promote intellectual,
social and cultural vivacity amongst its learners.
To grant affiliation to schools in India and abroad for the purpose of conduct of
01 examinations

02 To develop Curriculum and syllabi for the purpose of conduct of Board Examinations

To conduct Board Examination for Sec Schools and Sr. Sec. Schools and such other
03 examinations as it may consider fit subject to the approval of the Controlling
Authority .

04 To develop standards for ensuring quality in the affiliated schools

05 To undertake professional development of teachers and organize student enrichment


16 ROs across the country.

Schools located outside India are

looked after by Regional Office

COEs are presently functioning in

same cities where CBSE is having
Regional Offices.
Govt. &
Govt. Aided
Independent JNVs

Total Number of Schools: 27,107 | India – 26,842 +Abroad - 265

Introduction of Skill Modules (Middle School)
◦ The Board has introduced 11 skill modules for the students of class VI-VIII in the year 2020.

◦ The modules have been prepared by the teachers of CBSE schools and the respective Sector
Skills Councils/Industry partners. Technology based Modules:

❑ Coding – in collaboration with Microsoft

❑ Digital Citizenship – in collaboration with Meta

❑ Augmented Reality/ Virtual Reality (AR/VR) – in collaboration Meta

❑ Artificial Intelligence – in collaboration INTEL

❑ Information Technology

◦ 17 new skill modules to be introduced in Middle school

◦ 3 more Skill modules to be introduced in collaboration with ISRO

Skill Modules for Middle schools

Artificial Beauty and Design Financial Information

Intelligence Wellness Thinking Literacy Technology

Marketing /
Travel &
Commercial Handicrafts Mass Media Coding

Augmented Data Science

Reality/ (Class VIII
Virtual Reality only)
All modules of 12 hours duration Assessment to be done by the
(70% of the time duration will be school based on the
devoted for the hands-on criteria/modalities provided by
activities and 30% will be used the Board
for theory)

Schools/students are free Shall be offered through

to opt for one or more the respective Hobby
Skill Module(s) Clubs

Will be available in online self

Schools/students are free learning mode also. The child can
to opt Skill Module(s) take up the classes online.
either at class VI or class Assessment will be school based
VII or class VIII preferably project based
Student Handbooks


Classes VI-VIII Classes VI-VIII Classes VIII-XII Classes VI Classes VI
Student Handbooks


Class VI Class VI
Digital Citizenship and Augmented Reality/
Virtual Reality
◦ CBSE in association with Meta (formerly Facebook) has launched Skill Modules for students of Classes VI-VIII on
‘Digital Citizenship’ and ‘AR/VR’.
◦ The course will cover important aspects for students like digital etiquette, cybersecurity, cyber bullying,
information literacy, using the internet for social good and the future of our digital world with topics such as AI,
AR/VR and the Metaverse.
◦ Teachers have been provided with a ‘Teachers’ Handbook’ and ‘Classroom Material’ to make the facilitation
process easy.
◦ The curriculum of these modules relies on experiential and activity-based learning where students will apply
concepts and theory to real world scenarios through case studies, reflections, and activities.
◦ The curriculum has been designed to ensure that teachers of all subjects and grades can easily understand
and train their students to become responsible digital citizens.
◦ A virtual orientation session was organised for Principals and teachers of all CBSE affiliated schools, to
understand more about the subject on 14th June 2022 on online mode with more than 18,000 participants.
◦ Three webinars have been held with teachers on AR/VR in which 9,910 teachers have participated, whereas
eight face-to-face training programmes have been held with teachers in which 1,608 teachers have been
New Skill Modules to be introduced for Middle schools
Things You should
Life Cycle of What to do when
know about Humanity &
Medicine & Doctor is not Blue Pottery
keeping Medicines Covid-19
Vaccine around
at home

Preservatives and
Pottery Block Printing Food Production Baking

Making of a
Herbal plants Khadi Mask making Media Studies
Graphic Novel

Kashmiri Art form of

Embroidery Kashmir
New Skill Modules – with ISRO
Skill Subjects

Secondary level Sr. Secondary level

1. Information Technology 1. Information Technology
2. Artificial Intelligence 2. Web Application

3. Data Science 3. Typography & Comp. Application

4. Geospatial Technology
5. Artificial Intelligence
6. Data Science
Teacher training programmes (Jan. to July 2022)
Teacher trainings on various skill competency to offer vocational courses in schools
have been undertaken in both online & physical mode.
Trainings have been conducted in collaboration the respective Sector Skills Councils/
relevant industry and also with Sahodaya School Complexes


No. of trainings conducted 95
No. of programmes 70
No. of participants 90,065
YouTube views/participation 66,799


Capacity Building Programmes

More than 8000 online sessions of one hour duration have been
organized during July 2021 to June 2022 and more than 39 lakhs
hours of online training was given to teachers.
These training sessions conducted by 16 Centre of Excellence Subject Specific
(CoEs) under Training Unit, CBSE. General

Sessions Participants*
2020-21 16,447 10,10,163
2021-22 9,012 35,27,950
Total 25,459 45,38,113
Pedagogical Leadership for Principals 9,688 Principals

Online course on FLN 61,994 teachers

More than 60,000 YouTube

Webinar on use of Graphic Novel

Online course on “Holistic Assessment 17,101 teachers

A webinar on integration of Arts and Culture in teaching

32,310 teachers
learning practices

Conducive Learning Environment 18,184 teachers

Online training programmes on Competency Based Education

2712 teachers
with British Council
CBSE MOOCs Technology for Blended Learning
Experiential Learning
Competency Based Learning Storytelling as pedagogy
Cyber Security
NISHTHA 1.0 (Elementary) Introduction to FLN
NISHTHA 2.0 (Secondary)
NISHTHA 3.0 (FLN) Holistic Assessment

Conducive Learning Environment

Introduction of Artificial Intelligence based Learning Skills
◦ With rapid advancements in technology creation and application and with a boom in Artificial Intelligence field,
it is crucial to skill the future workforce with new-age skills to ensure inclusive economic growth and social
development. In simple words, it is important to make the next generation ready for the future led by emerging
technologies such as Artificial Intelligence. Every student - irrespective of gender, ethnicity or background – has
the potential to learn and use AI to solve the world’s challenges.
◦ AI as a Skill Module for Middle School Students, as a Skill Subject for Class 9 -12
◦ AI for ALL, AI Global Impact Festival, Responsible AI for Youth, AI Skill Labs (06 in North East Region)
◦ AI Student Community, AI for Youth Virtual Apprenticeship Program, Bootcamps and Hackathons for students
◦ Training of teachers
◦ Curation a set of 200+ multi-disciplinary AI integrated Lesson Plans for each of the five core subjects – Hindi, English,
Mathematics, Social studies and Science for classes VI - X
◦ Each subject has 40 - 45 Lesson Plans
◦ Teacher trainings are being regularly conducted in which 2434 teachers have been trained so far.
AI For All


AI For All Portal Launch by Honourable Prime

Minister on July 29, 2021
▪ Self-paced content with inbuilt questionnaires.
KEY FEATURES ▪ Can be completed in 4 hours.
▪ Successful completion of each section gives the
user a downloadable digital badge
I. Describe what AI is and get to know what it can
do ▪ Content is compatible with various talkback
II. Become aware of present-day applications of AI
applications to make it completely accessible for
visually impaired.
III. Debunk some common misconceptions around it
▪ The program is available in 11 Indian languages.
▪ This portal has helped to demystify AI for more
IV. Understand the key domains of AI than 1.8+ million citizens from 36 States and
V. Impact of AI across various industries Union Territories.
VI. Get started with a personal plan to explore AI
▪ 3,00,000+ participation from 50+ age group and
43% female participation in the program.

First of its kind ‘open for all’ activity

Successful creation of record title for “Most users to
take an online artificial intelligence lesson in 24
hours” on October 13 – 14, 2020 as a part of the CBSE
-AI for Youth virtual symposium

Programs Participation
AI for Youth Virtual Symposium 1,15,561
Official attempt to Guinness World 58,317
Successfully created Guinness World 13,000
CBSE - IBM AI Enabled SEWA Program
◦ The CBSE-IBM AI Enabled SEWA Program was launched in September 2019 to enable
students to learn Artificial Intelligence (AI) and gain hands on experience and
knowledge through the method of Experiential Learning.
◦ The program follows the concepts of “AI for All” and “AI for Good” thus encouraging
students from all streams to participate in the workshops and develop their unique
ideas into prototypes enabling them to become Creators using AI.
◦ 1,50,000 + students, 16,000 + teachers have been trained on AI. 1,000+ ideas have
been received and 200 projects have been mentored so far.
◦ 100 students have been provided IBM internships. With integration of AI as part of
SEWA, students are given an opportunity to not just learn about AI but also to use
their learning to develop solutions for community issues through AI based projects.
Student Enrichment Activities

Online Platforms developed for the smooth conduct of these activities

CBSE Expression Heritage India Aryabhata Ganit Story Telling

Series Quiz Challenge Competition

Celebration of Ek CBSE Budding

Reading Art Integrated
Bharat Shrestha Authors
Challenge Projects
Bharat Programme

Central Board of Secondary Education

CBSE Sports
Every year Board organizes Inter School Sports & Games Competitions for its
independent categories of private schools. The Board has developed an online platform
for organizing these sports events. The interested schools apply online for hosting
these events; students register online for different sports events and even results are
uploaded and announced online.

Over 300 venues

No. of disciplines- 24 (Cluster/Zonal/Nation

Participation of more than 5.00 Lakh

Foundational Literacy and Numeracy

To provide better understanding among CBSE school teachers regarding

National Mission on Foundational Literacy & Numeracy and to achieve
goals and objectives of the mission, the Board has developed a CBSE FLN
Corner wherein different resource material has been uploaded for the


Competency Based Education

The Board has started taking initiatives to move towards competency based
education as envisioned in NEP 2020. In order to sensitise and empower
stakeholders, the Board has created a CBE Corner on its website wherein
different resource material has been uploaded.

CBE Corner
Structured Assessments for Analyzing Learning

As per NEP 2020 recommendations, the Board will be undertaking

large-scale student assessment for classes 3, 5 and 8 (SAFAL) that
would act as a system-level check on the schooling system at a
regional, state, and national level.

The Board has developed an Online assessment digital

tool for the conduct of test in collaboration with CDAC.
Moving towards Digital Assessment Practices
A Comprehensive Digital Assessment Platform is
being developed with the inbuilt facility for

Conduct of Capacity Building

Exam of Evaluators
3 4

Question Paper
2 5 Deaclaration &
Generation Analysis of Result

Item Authoring & 1 6 Report Generation

Item Curation
Central Board of Secondary Education
CBSE School Quality Assessment and Assurance

As per NEP recommendation, the Board has developed a SQAA Framework (Assessment
Tool) with the objectives of
Whole school Promotion of
transformation Recognition of accountability &
and quality Excellence empowerment of
enhancement School Leaders

In order to enable the schools to do self assessment against the framework,

the Board has developed SQAA Tool on DIKSHA and is in the process of
developing in house portal as well
Holistic Progress Card

As per NEP recommendations, Board has developed a 360-degree

Holistic Multidimensional Progress Card reflecting the progress as
well as uniqueness of each learner. The Board has also developed a
micro website on HPC for sensitizing and empowering its
stakeholders in its use.

Central Board of Secondary Education

e – Resources

The Board developed many resources- Manuals

and Handbooks for different stakeholders and
are made available online at

Central Board of Secondary Education

A-Question-A-Day (AQAD)

◦ AQAD launched on the

CBSE website.
◦ Encourages students to
solve grade appropriate,
thought-provoking question
◦ A-Question-A-Day platform
allows students to give
explanations for their

Cyber Security Awareness Campaigns

◦ CBSE collaborated with HDFC Bank for conducting awareness

programmes on Cyber Security titled ‘Mooh Band Rakho Campaign’
(15,052 YouTube views)
◦ Along with this, trainings are also being conducted regularly on Cyber
Security & Cyber Awareness by CBSE through its CoEs (circular no. 52
dated 07.07.2021)(16,857 teachers).
◦ Also, trainings on Financial Literacy & Digital Tools are being done in
collaboration with Jeevitam through the CBSE Hubs of Learning
(25,219 teachers, 254 batches).
Passport-to-Earn (P2E) - Leveraging LMS-based
solution for large scale access
◦ Initiated through the global partnership of UNICEF, Generation Unlimited,
Accenture and Microsoft, P2E is hosted through Microsoft Community
Training (MCT) Platform
◦ YuWaah, UNICEF shall be supporting CBSE's efforts to making training on 21 st
century skills accessible to students across its 24,000 schools at NO COST to
CBSE or students through an innovative, e-learning solution – Passport to
Earning (P2E)
◦ This LMS platform to host 21st century skills training is being made freely
available to CBSE,
◦ In the first phase/instance, a pilot shall be done with few schools (preferably
with the schools under Skill Hubs).
◦ Based upon the learnings from the pilot phase, P2E shall be modified and
extended to all schools.
Passport-to-Earn (P2E) - Leveraging LMS-based
solution for large scale access (contd.)
◦ The P2E initiative is part of a multi-stakeholder, global partnership between
UNICEF, Generation Unlimited, Microsoft and Accenture, where Capgemini
is a key partner in enabling the scaling of this e-learning solution in India.
◦ The flagship skilling initiative of UNICEF, P2E enables access to skilling,
re-skilling, and upskilling requirements of young people across India
through online training, blended learning models, and offline engagement.
◦ P2E is planned for roll-out in 15 countries by 2025, with India as the first
country for this initiative.
◦ The target is to certify 10 million young people globally, with 5 million from
India, with 21st Century Skills and position them for jobs and/or
entrepreneurship opportunities.
CBSE – Microsoft Industry Engagement & Technology
Exposure Program for Students
This pilot program was a success with over 1000+ registrations in May-June 2022 with students
being enrolled by faculty members from CBSE schools.
Highlights of the program in 2022:
◦ Students learned on key topics each day and worked on a project idea with support from
mentors. They submitted their projects at the end of the program.
◦ Mini challenges and assignments were provided to students during the 5-day program for
continuous assessment and engagement.
◦ Students were given orientation on
o Technology exposure - Cloud, AI, Analytics
o Coding- Make Code and Minecraft
o Social Emotional Skills
o Entrepreneurship
o This was also coupled with inspiring talks from global speakers sharing and guiding on learnings from their
successes and challenges and how do take their ideas and build on them.
o The art of storytelling and how do you frame your problems and work on areas that matter.
CBSE – Microsoft Industry Engagement & Technology
Exposure Program for Students (contd…)
Based upon the feedback received, the next batch of the programme has been announced
vide CBSE circular no. 101/2022.
Program Format
◦ Duration: 5-day virtual sessions – 2 hours per day
◦ Target Audience: 8th to 12th grade students
◦ Number of students covered: 7500 - from August 2022 to June 2023
◦ Mode: Virtual through Microsoft Teams
◦ Mini projects to be taken up by students and also participate in CBSE coding competition as well
as Imagine Cup Junior too so that their ideas can be taken to next level.
◦ On successful completion of program joint certificates to be provided to students by CBSE,
Microsoft and implementing partner
School Innovation Ambassador Programme
◦ Introduced in collaboration with the Innovation Cell of the MoE.
◦ This programme was launched by Hon’ble Education Minister and Hon’ble Union Tribal Affairs Minister
on 16th July 2021 with the aim to train 50,000 school teachers across the country.
◦ The teachers are being trained on five modules, viz., Design Thinking & Innovation; Idea generation &
Idea hand-holding; Intellectual Property Rights; Entrepreneurship & Product / Prototype
Development; and, Finance, HR, and Sales.
◦ Till now, 13,617 teachers have completed the SIATP and have been trained as Innovation
◦ To systematically handhold schools in establishing ideation, innovation, and entrepreneurial
ecosystem in a sustainable manner, ‘School Innovation Council’ initiative was launched on 1st July
2022 by Secretary, DoSEL, MoE and Chairman, AICTE.
◦ The School Innovation Councils shall be set up in school by the Innovation Ambassadors.
◦ Also, a 'National Innovation Entrepreneurship Promotion Policy {NIEPP}' is being developed which shall
help in promotion of innovation and Entrepreneurial skills amongst students.
National Coding Challenge in collaboration with
◦ To provide an opportunity to students of classes VI-VIII to showcase their 21st century
skills for solving some of the real-life issues leveraging technology, CBSE in
collaboration with Microsoft, had organized ‘CBSE Coding Challenge 2022’.
◦ This competition provided a platform for students to learn about various prevailing
real-life issues and work out an innovative solution to address the problem related to
the themes using their coding skills.
◦ The themes for the challenges were ‘Protect Biodiversity and Natural Habitats’,
‘Earth and Cultural Heritage Preservation’ and ‘Accessibility’.
◦ 12,052 teams registered for participating in this competition and submitted 2,310
◦ The winners were announced on 29th June 2022 in an online event.
‘Engaging and Inspiring the learners in computing
through Project-Based Learning’ in collaboration with
ARM School Program (ASP)

◦ CBSE in collaboration with ARM School Program conducted an

Awareness programme on ‘Engaging and inspiring the learners in
computing through Project-Based Learning’ on 9 th February 2022.
◦ This Session introduced the participants to Physical Computing and how
to apply it through Project Based Learning.
◦ 3723 teachers attended this session whereas 1,710 watched on YouTube.
◦ Consequent upon the successful conduct of the first programme more
programmes have been scheduled with ASP.
Be Internet Awesome
◦ Since the pandemic, online learning has become an inseparable part of the teaching
learning scenario in schools across the country and hence, the need to navigate safely is
◦ CBSE in partnership with Google India organized a training on ‘Be Internet Awesome’, a
program dedicated to safeguarding learners and facilitators alike while exploring the
online world.
◦ This program aims to empower users by educating them and providing them with the
right tools and information for their online safety.
◦ One critical aspect of this commitment is also to ensure parents and students have the
right tools that they need to explore the internet confidently.
◦ In the month of July 2022, 04 trainings were conducted with 2791 feedback and
responses and 1765 students trained. The second round of trainings are for IT/ICT
teachers that will commence from September 2022.
National Guidance Festival in association with
Lifology Foundation
CBSE in association with Lifology Foundation, is organising National Guidance Festival
for students & parents of class VIII-XII from 19th September to 24th September 2022.
This will be organized in digital mode and will provide students the information on
future careers, skillsets to excel in the coming days and a clear plan regarding “Which
career paths to choose and How to reach the destination”.
This program is specially aimed at the students to provide them the quality guidance
from the experts and to help co-create a vibrant future.
The sessions will be a mix of expert talk, interaction, experiential learning and exposure
to Assessments & Scientific Career Guidance.
Webinars on Emerging Technologies
◦ In collaboration with NASSCOM, CBSE conducted a series of webinars
from 27th January 2022 to 15th June 2022 for ‘upskilling of teachers on
new age technologies’.
◦ Each of these webinars focused on one of the emerging technologies
and featured the overview of its self-paced learning module available
on FutureSkills Prime platform viz., Artificial Intelligence, Big Data,
Internet of Things, Cloud Computing, Cyber Security, Web Mobile
Development Marketing, Block Chain, Robotic Process Automation,
Augmented Reality Virtual Reality, 3D Printing and Modelling
◦ Around 5,900 teachers participated in these webinars.
ATL Space Challenge
◦ AIM launched the Space Challenge in collaboration with ISRO and CBSE on 6th September
2021 .
◦ The event coincides with the birth anniversary of Swami Vivekananda, also celebrated as the
National Youth Day
◦ The ATL Space Challenge witnessed over 2500 submissions from both ATL and Non-ATL
students across the country from which 75 top innovators were selected.
◦ ATL Space Challenge 2021 witnessed over 6500 students participating in the challenge from
32 States/ UTs. This Challenge also had a heartening participation of over 35% from girl
◦ Out of 2500+ submissions, more than 65% are from CBSE schools. Also, more than 50% (42 in
total) from top 75 innovators are from CBSE affiliated schools.
◦ The result of the ATL Space Challenge 2021 was announced on 12 th Jan. 2022, in an online
ceremony in which top 75 Innovations from 75 winning teams comprising of 200 students from
75 unique schools were awarded.
ATL Marathon 2021-2022
◦ ATL Marathon is a national level innovation challenge, where schools identify community problems of their choice
and develop innovative solutions in the form of working prototypes. The innovative solutions are recognized and
presented at several national and international level platforms.
◦ This competition was open to all students of India (ATL School and non-ATL School) and was an excellent way to
develop and hone an innovation mindset amongst the students.
◦ Students got a chance to vote on a problem statement under each of these pillars and finally work on a solution
to the problem by building a prototype and implementing it, over a period of 4 months.
◦ Top 2 most popular problem statements were chosen under each category after voting.
◦ Over 7200 submissions from over 17,000 students were received from 32 states. Around 4100+ submissions were
received out of which, 7200 are from CBSE schools. Top 300 innovations were identified with 55% female students
and 53% Government School students.
◦ Out of these 300 innovations, 185 innovators are from CBSE schools.
◦ These Top 300 teams underwent a 6–8-week Student Innovator Program (SIP) with corporate partners and Atal
Incubation Centers to further enhance their prototypes.
◦ Top 30 teams have been selected as per the scores from the partners/incubators mentoring them in SEP (Student
Entrepreneurship Program).
◦ These 30 Teams are from 12 states with 60% of them being from Govt. schools. 77% teams had at least 1 female
team member and 7 teams were all-Girls teams.
◦ A total of 22 winners are from CBSE schools.
AWS Young Builders Challenge
◦ In order to provide students an opportunity to unleash their creativity and indulge in
project-based learning, CBSE in collaboration with Amazon Web Services (AWS), Atal
Innovation Mission, NITI Aayog and Ministry of Education – Innovation Cell (Govt. of India),
organized the AWS Young Builders Challenge 2021.
◦ 2,938 schools across 28 states and 06 union territories across India submitted a total of 5,952
◦ 10 schools (from the top 100 in India) were invited to present their ideas at the concluding
virtual showcase event in November 2021 to a panel of dignitaries.
◦ 10 schools from Delhi, Haryana, Karnataka, Punjab, Tamil Nadu, Uttar Pradesh, and West
Bengal emerged as winners showcasing creative concepts to tackle real-world problems
using cloud computing and AI.
◦ The top 10 schools gain direct entry to the Smart India Hackathon (SIH) juniors track. 03
schools were also voted as the top public favourites, based on popular votes.
Smart India Hackathon (SIH) Junior 2022
◦ Smart India Hackathon 2022 is a nationwide initiative to provide students a platform
to solve some of the pressing problems we face in our daily lives, and thus inculcate
a culture of product innovation and a mindset of problem-solving.
◦ Students of class VI-XII from CBSE schools participated in the Smart India Hackathon
(SIH) – 2022 organised by Ministry of Education’s Innovation Cell (MIC), in
coordination with AICTE and CBSE.
◦ 2,914 schools from across the country registered themselves and nominated 2,500+
teams who gave 2,727 ideas.
◦ After screening of the ideas, evaluation/vetting, 526 unique teams from various
schools across the country were selected for the Grand Finale of SIH (Jr.) -2022.
◦ The Grand Finale of SIH (Jr.) - 2022, was held in online mode on 12th August 2022
JuniorSkills Championship
◦ Conducted in collaboration with NSDC.
◦ Launched on 3rd February 2021. The launch programme was attended by 10,897
◦ It was followed up with 8 orientation webinars for CBSE schools, with more than
15,000 participants.
◦ The Championship witnessed 2 Lakh+ registrations across 10 skills and 3 groups.
◦ 161 students from 21 states & UTs were selected for the final round.
◦ 64 students were felicitated in various categories after the final round.
◦ In keeping with the main competition, JuniorSkills Championships shall now be
called as IndiaSkills Jr. Championship.
Online Entrepreneurship Programme
◦ CBSE in collaboration with Udhyam Learning Foundation
conducted the ‘Online Entrepreneurship Programme’.
◦ 500 participants attended the orientation programme.
◦ After this, 22 selected Master Trainers conducted 12 online
programmes for teachers in which 161 teachers were trained.
◦ These teachers then trained the students of their respective schools.
◦ The programme was designed for students of Class 9 & 11.
◦ In this programme, we were able to reach about 40 schools and
impacted more than 700 students.
◦ More than 300 unique business ideas were received and 100 most
inspiring ideas have been compiled in a booklet which is available
on the CBSE website.
Young Warrior NXT
◦ CBSE, along with UNICEF, YuWaah and Udhyam Learning Foundation launched the
#YoungWarriorNXT, a yearlong initiative in August 2021 to empower 10 million young
people, in the age group of 14-24 years, with essential life and employability skills
such as communication, problem solving, self-awareness and enable them to
achieve success in both professional and personal life (Young Warrior NXT).
◦ Around 100 schools were selected to run an in-class 'Life Skills Training Initiative' for
class IX and XI students.
◦ Orientation sessions were held in December 2021 for Principals and Master Trainers.
◦ These were attended by 200+ Principals and 40 Master Trainers.
◦ The Master Trainers have trained around 800 teachers.
◦ These teachers have in turn trained around 17,000 students of their respective
Webinar Series on World Youth Skills Day 2022
◦ On the occasion of World Youth Skills Day, CBSE conducted a series of
Webinars/online sessions for the Principals and Teachers of CBSE
affiliated schools on 15th July 2022. Live streaming of webinars was also
done and no registration was required.
◦ More than 9,000 people participated in the webinars conducted on
the topics - Life Skills Delivery for Young People; Promoting Design
Thinking & Innovation in Schools; and Skilling in schools and National
Credit Framework.
YUVIKA - YUva VIgyani KAryakram (Young Scientist
◦ Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) had organized “Young Scientist Programme”
“YUva VIgyani Karyakram”, YUVIKA – 2022, a special programme for imparting basic
knowledge on Space Technology, Space Science and Space Applications to the school
children with a preference to those from rural areas.
◦ The programme was aimed at creating awareness about the emerging trends in Science and
Technology amongst youngsters, encouraging more students to pursue in Science, Technology,
Engineering and Mathematics based research/career.
◦ It was a residential programme of about two weeks (May 16-28, 2022) which aimed to select
150 students across the country, studying in Class IX as on March 01, 2022 in a school located
within the territory of India. This programme is purely designed, executed and sponsored by
◦ The schedule included inspirational talks, experience sharing by eminent scientists,
experimental demonstration, lab visits, exclusive sessions for discussions with experts, practical
and feedback sessions.
◦ The programme was planned at five centres of ISRO at Thiruvananthapuram, Bengaluru,
Ahmedabad, Hyderabad and Shillong and students were taken to visit Satish Dhawan Space
Centre, Sriharikota at the end of the project.
◦ 58 students from CBSE schools across the country also participated in this Programme.

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