ICSE Class 2 Syllabus
ICSE Class 2 Syllabus
ICSE Class 2 Syllabus
Listening and Speaking
Listening and Speaking are further reinforced by providing meaningful context and tasks.
Children listen with comprehension and locate key ideas. They speak about given situations
and are expressive.
Learning Outcomes:
Children will be able to:
engage in role play, skit and conversation;
narrate/retell / relate a story with appropriate facts and relevant, descriptive details, speak
audibly in coherent sentences;
contribute meaningfully to a small group or class discussion to develop a topic;
maintain focus on the topic being discussed;
identify the key ideas from a text that is read aloud;
ask and answer questions about what a speaker says in order to clarify, comprehend and gather
additional information on the topic discussed;
narrate stories / recite poems aloud with expression;
produce complete sentences when assigned to task and situation in order to provide requested
detail or clarification;
use vocabulary in context to ask questions and provide information.
Listening and Speaking
Suggested Learning
Suggested Areas/Content Suggested Transactional Processes
expression and actions.
Develop vocabulary in NOTE: The activities suggested above
context are not necessarily restricted to
Dictation in context listening and speaking. As the
language teacher is aware, all four
language skills are inter-related and
often overlap.
NOTE: Recitation should form an integral part of the school time -table and
may be evaluated and included for Internal Assessment.
Reading and Writing
Children read seen texts/ pictures and interpret them accordingly. They further develop
an interest in reading. Establish a link between thinking and writing.
Learning Outcomes:
Children will be able to:
interpret a picture using simple questions;
comprehend a passage, describes the characters/ feelings and expresses/say how their actions
contribute to the sequence of the events;
rearrange pictures in a sequential order;
recall and retell orally and write stories /folktales /myths from diverse cultures that relate to the
text and those related to their own development.;
read aloud / silently with comprehension;
write answers to comprehension questions on reading and understanding the text;
take dictation - three and four letter words and sentences;
write stand-alone sentences of 8-10 lines on a given topic (e.g. “a visit to the zoo”, “class picnic”,
“my favourite food”, etc.);
draw from and write about personal experiences or real life situations.
Grammar and Vocabulary in Context
Learning Outcomes:
Children will be able to:
recognise nouns as ‘naming words’, verbs as ‘action words’, adjectives as ‘describing words’,
conjunctions (and & but) as ‘joining words’ and prepositions as ‘position words’ in context;
learn the correct use of common and proper nouns, countable and uncountable nouns in context;
apply the correct use of punctuation (including use of capital letters, commas and question
study the correct use of ‘myself’, ‘ourselves’, ‘him/ herself’, etc.;
derive the meaning for a word from its context;
use words and phrases and vocabulary appropriate to the age level;
identify and use homophones, antonyms and synonyms etc. in context.
क�ा - II
थीम 1: सुनना और बोलना
हैं । उसके मख्ु य भाव को पकड़ सकते हैं एवं Li"V उच्चारण के साथ अपनी प्रितिक्रया व्य� करते हैं । कहानी-किवता
बच्चे प�रिचत-अप�रिचत संदभ� में परस्पर वातार्लाप, किवता, कहानी, वणर्न, पहेली आिद को ध्यानपवू क र् सनु कर समझते
आिद को उिचत लय-ताल और हाव-भाव के साथ सनु ाते हैं और पछ ू े गए ç'uksa के Li"V उ�र देते हैं ।
प�रिचत – अप�रिचत प�रवेश से जुड़े िवषयों पर िकए जा रहे वातार्लाप को �िचपवू र्क सनु कर समझ सकें गे
और उसमे भाग ले सकें गे ।
अपना प�रचय तथा अपने बारे में पछ ू े गए ç'uksa का उ�र vkRefo'okl के साथ दे सकें गे।
छोटे-छोटे िनद�श सुन और समझ कर उनका अनुसरण कर सकें गे तथा अपने सािथयों को भी िनद�श दे या
समझा सकें गे ।
घर, आस-पड़ोस तथा िवद्यालय से जुड़ी जानका�रयाँ तथा महत्वपूणर् सूचनाएँ साझा कर सकें गे ।
प�रिचत – अप�रिचत गीतों व किवताओ ं को सनु कर समझेंगे और आनदं लेंगे ।
किवताओ ं को याद करके हाव – भाव के साथ सनु ा सकें गे और अके ले या समहू में गाएँगे ।
िभन्न – िभन्न िवषयों पर आधा�रत रोचक कहािनयाँ सनु एवं सनु ा सकें गे तथा पात्रों क� िवशेषताओ ं का उल्लेख कर
सकें गे ।
कहानी का मुख्य भाव समझ सकें गे तथा कौन, कब, कहाँ और कै से वाले ç'uksa के उ�र दे सकें गे ।
खल ु े अतं वाली कहािनयों क� घटनाओ ं को बदलकर कहानी को आगे बढ़ा सकें गे ।
प�रवेश से संबिं धत िचत्रों को उत्सक ु ता एवं ध्यानपवू क र् देखकर उन पर सहजभाव से अपनी िटप्पणी दे सकें गे तथा
अध्यापक द्वारा पछू े गए ç'uksa के उ�र शब्दों या परू े -परू े वाक्यों में दे सकें गे ।
अपने एवं सहपाठी के बनाए ह�ए िचत्रों के प्रित उत्सक ु ता प्रकट करते ह�ए अपनी भाषा में िचत्रों का वणर्न कर सकें गे
तथा शीषर्क दे सकें गे ।
प�रिचत प�रवेश से िलए गए शब्दों को बोलकर सनु ा सकें गे तथा उस शब्द में आए अ�रों क� ध्विनयों को पहचान
सकें गे ।
अनौपचा�रक संवाद में सनु ी गई पहेिलयाँ बझू सकें गे ।
सुनी और सीखी गई शब्दावली का प्रयोग करते ह�ए अपनी बात व अनुभव सुना सकें गे ।
नए और तक ु वाले शब्द बना सकें गे ।
सुनना और बोलना
ु ािवत िवषय / �ेत्र सझ
ु ािवत िश�ण-अिधगम प्रिक्रया सझ
ु ािवत अिधगम स्रोत
खेल, घर, पस्ु तकालय, बेिझझक अपनी बात कहने देने क� स्वतंत्रता दें िचत्र, पोस्टर, फ़्लैश काडर्,
खाने-पीने क� वस्तएु ँ, त्योहार, तथा प्रितिक्रयाओ ं का स्वागत करें । बाल-सािहत्य, समाचार-पत्र,
मेले, _तएु ँ आिद से संबंिधत वातार्लाप का आयोजन करें और सबको बोलने पित्रकाएँ, कठपतु िलयाँ, हैंड
वातार्लाप का अवसर दें । पपेट, िचत्रकथा पस्ु तकें ,
मैं और मेरा प�रवार सी०डी०, िचत्र आिद
बच्चों से उनके तथा उनके प�रवार, �िचयों,
अपनी पसदं क� किवताएँ तथा काम, त्योहार आिद के बारे में पछ
ू ें । कायर् प्रपत्र
गीत सरल िनद�श व सचू नाएँ साथी तक पह�चँ ाने और
खेल के मैदान तथा क�ा में िदए उनका पालन करने के िलए प्रे�रत करें ।
गए िनद�श क�ा में किवता और कहानी सत्र आयोिजत
दो-तीन वाक्यों वाली िचत्र करें । कहानी कहने के िलए िकसी को िनमंित्रत
कथाओ ं क� पस्ु तकें (ईमानदारी, करें ।
सहयोग, सहायता, दया, प�रश्रम, किवता गान और कहानी का अिभनय करवाएँ ।
िवषयों पर)
कहािनयों के संबंध में ç'u पछू ें , कहानी के पात्रों
सचू नाएँ – दवाई का िछड़काव, के बारे में उनक� राय पछ
ू ें , घटनाओ ं को
सफ़ाई, पौधारोपण, स्कूल में बदलकर कहानी आगे बढ़वाएँ, घटनाओ ं को
अवकाश, वािषर्कोत्सव आिद क्रम से लगवाएँ ।
कहािनयाँ - प�रिचत प�रवेश क�, िचत्रों पर बातचीत करें , (िचत्रों के संबंध में
पारंप�रक कहािनयाँ, बाल बच्चों को स्वतंत्र �प से अपने िवचार व्य�
सािहत्यकारों क� कहािनयाँ करने दें) िचत्रों का वणर्न अपनी कल्पना से करने
प�रिचत प�रवेश और िवषयों पर को कहें ।
सवं ाद, कहािनयाँ व किवताएँ – िचत्र कथाओ ं क� पस्ु तकें देकर कहानी सनु ाने
पश-ु प�ी, खान-पान, प�रवार को कहें ।
संबंधी, िमत्र, िमठाइयाँ, मौसम,
बाल सािहत्य क� पस्ु तकें देखने, पढ़ने, उलटने-
खेल-िखलौने, िवद्यालय,
पलटने के िलए दें ।
पस्ु तकें , पेड़-पौधे, सरू ज-चाँद,
बादल, फ़ोन, वाहन, खेती, हाट- शब्दों के खेल आयोिजत करें – शब्द लड़ी,
बाज़ार, साहिसक कारनामे, शब्द-सीढ़ी, शब्द अत्ं या�ारी, तुकबंदी,
जंगल, क�ड़े-मकोड़े आिद किवताओ ं और गीतों क� अत्ं या�री आिद ।
गैर कथात्मक सामग्री – िनद�श, समाचार पत्रों और बाल पित्रकाओ ं से किवताएँ,
जानकारी परक छोटे-छोटे कहािनयाँ पढ़कर सनु ाएँ ।
पहेिलयाँ पछू ें और बझु वाएँ ।
सुनना और बोलना
ु ािवत िवषय / �ेत्र सझ
ु ािवत िश�ण-अिधगम प्रिक्रया सझ
ु ािवत अिधगम स्रोत
ं , िनमत्रं ण, व्याख्यात्मक लघु नाटकों का अिभनय करवाएँ ।
पाठ्य सामग्री
नाटक / कठपतु ली के खेलों का आयोजन करें ।
शब्दों और अ�रों से जड़ु ी
िविभन्न कायर्क्रमों के बाद बच्चों क� प्रितिक्रया
जानें ।
समाचार पत्र पित्रकाओ ं में छपी
किवताएँ व कहािनयाँ
लघनु ािटकाएँ, गीत, कठपतु ली
खेल आिद क� प्रस्तिु त
थीम 2: पढ़ना एवं िलखना (पठन एवं लेखन कौशल)
समझने लगते हैं और अपने िवचारों को िलखकर अिभव्य� करते हैं । प�रिचत िवषयों पर कुछ क्रमबद्ध वाक्य िलखते हैं ।
अब बच्चे औपचा�रक �प से पढ़ना और िलखना सीख जाते हैं । वे िलिखत, मिु द्रत सामग्री को पढ़कर उसके अथर् को
पठन सामग्री में कुछ व्याकरिणक इकाइयों जैसे सं�ा, सवर्नाम, िवशेषण, िक्रया आिद क� पहचान कर पाते हैं और उनका
शब्द-भडं ार पहले से अिधक समृद्ध हो जाता है ।
िचत्रों का अवलोकन करके िचत्र आधा�रत पछ ू े गए ç'uksa के उ�र दे सकें गे तथा ç'u पछ ू सकें गे ।
िचत्र में देखे गए घटनाक्रम को अपने अनभु वों से जोड़कर समझ सकें गे ।
िचत्र / िव�ापन में िलखी ह�ई भाषा को पहचान सकें गे और उसे अनमु ान के आधार पर पढ़ सकें गे ।
अपना, अपने प�रवार के सदस्यों एवं अपने सहपािठयों के नाम िलखकर उनके िचत्र बना सकें गे तथा उनके बारे में कुछ
शब्द या दो वाक्य िलख सकें गे ।
श्याम पट्ट / चाटर् पर िलखी तुकबंिदयों को पढ़ते ह�ए अपनी कॉपी में अनुलेख िलख सकें गे ।
तक ु बंिदयों, किवताओ ं के अथर् एवं भाव समझते ह�ए उनपर िचत्र बना सकें गे ।
छोटे-छोटे नाटक पढ़ सकें गे और उनका अिभनय कर सकें गे । आवश्यकतानसु ार अपने मन से सवं ाद बोल सकें गे ।
अध्यापक द्वारा िदखाए गए िचत्रों (चाटर् पेपर / पाठ्य पस्ु तक / टीवी कंप्यटू र आिद द्वारा) का वणर्न अपने शब्दों में िलख
और पढ़कर सनु ा सकें गे ।
शब्द, वाक्य, अनुच्छे द, कहानी, नाटक आिद में अंतर कर सकें गे ।
प्रात: कालीन सभा में सरल िवषयों पर अपने िवचार पढ़कर सनु ा सकें गे ।
क�ा / िवद्यालय में सचू ना पट्ट / दीवार पित्रका / बल ु ेिटन बोडर् आिद पर प्रदिशर्त सामग्री को पढ़ और समझ सकें गे ।
नए शब्दों को अनमु ान के आधार पर पढ़ सकें गे और सदं भर् में उनका अथर् समझ सकें गे ।
अपनी भाषा में छोटी-छोटी घटनाओ ं का वणर्न िलख एवं पढ़ सकें गे ।
िवद्यालय क� पित्रका, बल ु ेिटन बोडर् आिद के िलए िचत्र, चटु कुले, पहेिलयाँ आिद िलखकर संकिलत कर सकें गे ।
ç'uokpd शब्दों का मौिखक एवं िलिखत �प से साथर्क प्रयोग कर सकें गे ।
िवद्यालय / घर द्वारा आयोिजत भ्रमण के अनभु वों को सनु ा और िलख सकें गे तथा वहाँ क� प्रस्तिु त िचत्र द्वारा भी कर
सकें गे ।
पढ़ना एवं िलखना
ु ािवत िवषय / �ेत्र सझ
ु ािवत िश�ण-अिधगम प्रिक्रया सझ
ु ािवत अिधगम स्रोत
पढ़ना एवं िलखना
ु ािवत िवषय / �ेत्र सझ
ु ािवत िश�ण-अिधगम प्रिक्रया सझ
ु ािवत अिधगम स्रोत
Theme 1: Numbers
Children continue to strengthen their understanding about two digit numbers and
extend this up to three digits. The basic properties like comparison of numbers,
ordering and forming greatest and smallest three digit numbers are also to be
explored in this class. At this stage child should be capable of looking into the
pattern that numbers and number names have. This helps children in learning the
bigger numbers.
Learning Outcomes:
Children will be able to:
work with two digit numbers;
read and write numerals for numbers up to 999;
use place value in writing and comparing two digit numbers;
form the greatest and smallest two digit numbers (with and without repetition of given
Suggested Transactional Suggested Learning
Key Concepts
Processes Resources
Numbers up to 99 and their Providing opportunities to Place value cards, can be
number names. write number names based on developed. (For e.g. 27 cards
Read and write 3 digit pattern e.g. twenty-one, having numbers 1 to 9, 10 to
numbers up to 999. twenty-two.............. forty- 90, and 100 to 900. These are
of different size as shown
Place and face values of digits one, forty-two.............. & so
in a three-digit number. on.
Comparison of numbers and Conducting activities using
their arrangement in place value cards (also known 1 2 …….
ascending and descending as arrow cards) to construct
orders. numbers with three digits 10 20
along with finding out the
100 ……. 900
place value and face value of
digits. ………..
Using number cards from 0-9
in groups by each child to Spike abacus.
explore & make 3 digit Play money notes and coins of
numbers and write their ` 1, `10 and `100.
number name.
Theme 2: Number Operations
Activities that lay the foundation for work with addition and subtraction begin in
children’s early schooling. Once begun, work continues throughout the elementary
classes. Early work with addition and subtraction with whole numbers must provide
opportunities for children at this stage to see the operations used in real life
situations and with a variety of manipulative material in order to learn the meanings
of the operations and their algorithms. The aim of this theme in this class is that
children should observe various properties of addition and subtraction of numbers like
commutativity, associativity etc. in an informal way. Multiplication as another short
way of repeated addition is seen in more systematic way in this class. The operation
of multiplication further strengthens with experiences of skip-counting. At this stage,
children must encounter familiar situations in real-life problems and pictorial
representations with which they make connection between the new situation and skip
counting. The division is introduced as equal sharing/distribution. Thus, before using
the symbols for division as an operation on numbers it is important that children have
lot of experiences of sharing objects equally. The textbooks and the classroom
activities must include this aspect before formally introducing division.
Learning Outcomes:
Children will be able to:
use place value (with regrouping) in standard algorithm for addition & subtraction;
represent an amount up to `100 using 3-4 notes and coins (of same/ different
add on zero to a number and subtract zero from a number;
observe and generalize commutative property of addition through pattern;
solve daily life problems / activities related to addition and subtraction presented through
pictures and stories;
construct problems that can be solved by addition & subtraction of two digit numbers;
estimate sum and difference of two given numbers;
construct multiplication tables of 2, 3, 4, 5 through repeated addition and different other
ways like skip counting, use of patterns & broom sticks;
use various situations on equal grouping/equal sharing that lead to repeated subtraction;
add and subtract two digit numbers mentally.
Number Operations
Suggested Transactional Suggested Learning
Key Concepts
Processes Resources
Addition and subtraction of Providing a variety of real life Napier strips for
two digit numbers with and contexts either visually and multiplication of numbers.
without regrouping. verbally so that children also Straws or sticks. (Putting one
Use of place value (with learn problem solving. over the other to construct
regrouping) in standard Encouraging children to multiplication tables)
algorithm for addition and construct and solve problems
subtraction. related to operations on
Addition of zero to a number numbers.
e.g. 3×4 as
and subtracting zero from a Conducting activities
number. involving estimation of sum
Commutative property of and differences of two
addition through pattern. numbers. Questions like
Solving daily life problems "How did you estimate?"
Pebbles and other objects.
related to addition and should trigger a detailed
(These can be used for equal
subtraction presented discussion about various ways
sharing and equal grouping).
through pictures and stories. for estimation.
Charts showing addition and
Construction of problems that Involving children in
subtraction of two-digit
can be solved by addition and development/construction of
subtraction of two digit multiplication tables through
numbers. various ways. (Through
Estimation of the sum and practice multiplication facts
difference between two given will slowly get committed to
numbers. memory).
Construction of Using concrete materials in
multiplication tables of 2, 3, classrooms to let children
4, 5 through repeated understand the basic idea of
addition and different other equal sharing/equal
ways like skip counting, used grouping.
of patterns and broom sticks. Encouraging children to add
Various situations on equal subtract single digit numbers
grouping/equal sharing that through various games /
lead to repeated subtraction activities without pen /
Mental addition and pencil.
subtraction of two digit Using charts showing
numbers. addition and subtraction of
two-digit number.
Conducting games in which
children have to do mental
mathematics of adding and
subtracting two digit
Theme 3: Geometry
The aim of this theme is enabling children to describe 3-D objects that they have in
their daily life experiences. This description includes the physical characteristics of
the object like its shape, size, location and orientation which make it different and/or
similar to other objects. They will also be introduced to the informal use of the
geometrical vocabulary like naming shapes as rectangles, squares, triangles and
circles, classifying edges as straight and curved and surfaces as curved and plane
Learning Outcomes:
Children will be able to:
describe basic 3D and 2D shapes with their observable characteristics;
identify basic 3D-shapes such as cuboid, cylinder, cone and sphere by their names;
trace 2D outlines of 3D objects;
identify 2D shapes (rectangle, square, triangle, circle) by their names;
distinguish between straight and curved lines;
draw/ represent straight lines in various orientations (vertical, horizontal, slant).
Suggested Learning
Key Concepts Suggested Transactional Processes
Creation of 2D-shapes Conducting activities on traditional paper Pastel papers sheets,
through paper folding folding for a boat, airplane etc. using various cutters and
& paper cutting. shapes like rectangle, square and triangles. gum/adhesive.
Attribute of 2D shapes Providing concrete 2D-shapes in multiple Card board cut-outs
and their sides and sizes colours, objects having 2D-shapes so of triangular,
corners. that through observations & sense of touch, rectangular, square
Straight lines and children generalize the attributes like sides, regions.
representing them by corners etc. A-4 size
paper folding, Organizing classroom so that children create papers,
straightedge objects, straight-edges through paper folding and sheets,
stretched strings etc. trace them on a paper. tracing
Draw horizontal, Encouraging children to draw straight lines papers/
vertical and straight in different orientation so that they get the butter paper,
lines. idea of a straight line. carbon sheets.
Introduction to curved Discussing and giving examples of what is a Pair of compasses,
lines. straight line and what is not a straight line. scale/straight edge
Providing intuitive experiences through and protractor
exploration about the shortest distance Geoboard and
between two points. rubber bands.
Providing opportunities to draw free hand Maths kit.
straight line, free hand and with the help of
Theme 4: Measurement
The need for uniform units for measurement of some quantities through daily life
experiences forms the basis for learning in class II. Length, capacity (volume) and
weight are measured by applying a unit directly to the object being measured. Hence,
children should be enabled to construct their own units for direct measurement of
length, capacity and weight.
Learning Outcomes:
Children will be able to:
estimate and measure length/distances and capacities of containers using uniform
nonstandard units like a rod/pencil, cup/spoon/bucket etc.;
classify objects as heavier/lighter than, using simple balance;
identify the days of the week and months of the year;
sequence the events occurring over longer periods in terms of hours/days
Suggested Transactional Suggested Learning
Key Concepts
Processes Resources
Measurement of lengths Designing and conducting Paper clips, toothpicks,
and distances using group/individual activities for sticks of equal size.
uniform (non-standard) measuring different objects, distance A measuring tape and a 15
units. using uniform things like paperclips, cm scale for observation
Compare two or more toothpicks, a stick etc. and not for measuring
objects by their weights as Involving children in constructing length.
heavier than/lighter than. simple objects using available Various containers and
Use of the simple balance materials and encouraging them to empty cans/bottles having
to compare weights. compare weights and use of their quantity written on
Order containers based on vocabulary like heavy/light. them.
the perception of their Providing a number of opportunities
capacities and verifying to children to estimate lengths in
them. their vicinity and then verify through
paperclips, tooth picks, chalks et.
Encouraging children (individually
and in groups) to estimate capacities
and to verify by actual measurement?
Questions like "Find how many mugs
/ spoons can fill this container? And
verify it by actual measurement.
Theme 5: Data Handling
Children will be enabled to explore the importance and need for collecting different
data and learn to take decisions on: the type of information needed, how it can be
gathered organized and ways to display and communicate the information to others.
This exploration starts in an informal way in class and children learn to use tables and
pictures to organize data in basic problem-solving strategies.
Learning Outcomes:
Children will be able to:
interpret simple charts and graph;
present information with pictograph.
Data Handling
Suggested Transactional Suggested Learning
Key Concepts
Processes Resources
Simple graphs related to day Organizing activities with Paper clips, containers.
to day life. For example, bus children individually and in Stickers of various objects.
time table chart, height chart small groups around
etc. observing various body parts
and collecting information
through measurement. This
will help children in
presenting data and drawing
Conducting group activities
for data collection and
tabulation. Answers to
questions like “which
vegetables do you not like?
etc.” may be explored in
Measuring articles like paper
clips, containers to collect
Pasting stickers of various
objects to represent data
pictorially by children.
Theme 6: Patterns
This theme aims to encourage children to develop habits of looking for using patterns
as they search for a meaning in Mathematics. It is infused with patterns in numbers,
number operations, measurement, geometrical ideas and data. To realize this, the
teaching – learning process should allow children to observe and generalize simple
patterns that exist in their daily life.
Learning Outcomes:
Children will be able to:
observe, extend and create patterns using different objects, shapes and numbers.
Key Concepts Suggested Transactional Suggested Learning
Processes Resources
Observation and Involving children in Seasonal vegetables like
identification of unit of repeat observing patterns created by ladyfinger, potato and knife
in a given pattern other children to observe a (to get their section).
Extension of the pattern to unit of the repeat. Ink or Water colours and
next few terms on the basis of Asking children to make Paper.
the identified unit of repeat stencils or stamps, tools by Sandpit to make patterns
Create patterns from daily life the section of different using hand, foot prints etc.
experiences. vegetables, thumb, figures, Geoboard and rubber bands.
foot prints etc. and making
designs. This will help them
in identification of a unit of
repeat in the pattern.
Theme 1: About Me
The prime focus of this theme ‘About Me’ is not on focussing on the child’s body parts,
hobbies, habits, content coverage but on children expressing their own ideas and
learning social skills. It also aims at developing the skills of observation, creative and
verbal expression and communication. The theme would also develop self-awareness,
cooperation and working together.
Learning Outcomes:
Children will be able to:
describe personal details verbally as well as in simple written form about their likes and
dislikes and respect other’s likes/dislikes;
describe functions of different body parts including the sense organs;
draw and label external parts of the body, sense organs, self-portrait;
enlist various activities done by different external organs;
share personal hobbies and appreciate other’s hobbies;
make choices about their toys, dresses and other belongings;
engage and take interest in small and large group activities;
communicate (orally as well as written) one’s point of view about personal things (dresses,
toys, etc.);
take interest and solve puzzles and problems related to various body parts, dresses, toys;
demonstrate the use of extended vocabulary related to the theme;
identify one’s own and others’ feelings and develop control over their emotions;
engage and learn to cooperate in small and large group activities;
appreciate and respect the differences among their peer group.
About Me
Suggested Learning
Key Concepts Suggested Transactional Processes
Revisit the concepts in Building on previous learning. Family/photos/family
class I learning. Providing opportunities to share and albums.
Describe self: discuss personal experiences- likes, Picture books.
likes/dislikes, hobbies dislikes, hobbies, etc. Story books.
(orally / written form) To observe different parts of the body Charts/cards depicting
Draw pictures of a human (self), pictures of body parts. body parts.
body and self-portrait. Creating theme based environment Picture cards of various
Locate body parts in a (displaying in the class). body parts and sense
picture. Conducting circle time activities. organs.
Solve shadow puzzles. Differentiating between functions of Compilation of poems,
Main functions of all parts different parts of the body (activity puzzles including jigsaw.
of body (external), sense work). Children’s drawings.
organs. Group activity on discussing and
Care of body parts and sharing amongst groups the
sense organs. differences amongst human beings
and appreciating the same.
Involving children in Group activities
to identify and locate parts of the
body on a Poster/ Chart, cut-out.
About Me
Suggested Learning
Key Concepts Suggested Transactional Processes
Providing opportunities to solve
riddles and puzzles, and sing songs
based on the related theme.
Reflecting expressions through
various activities i.e. shadows,
puzzles, etc.
Preparing their name cards (each
child) with logo, doing activities with
Theme 2: Others in my World
Learning Outcomes:
Children will be able to:
identify and speak about the relationship he/she has with extended family members;
draw family tree of extended family members;
discuss and narrate how festivals are celebrated at home/school and in the neighbourhood;
appreciate the need for celebration of national days and other festivals/other important days;
take care of pets and show empathy and compassion towards pets;
show care and concern towards old, sick and differently abled;
appreciate the cooperation and support of neighbours/ others;
describe the role of family members and also express one’s own role.
Others in my World
Suggested Learning
Key Concepts Suggested Transactional Processes
Revisit learning of key Building on previous learning. Family tree made by
concepts of class I. Providing opportunities to share children children.
Family Tree showing experiences. Photos related to
distant relations Developing family tree with support of various celebrations at
(extended family). elders in a photo album/ scrapbook on home to school.
Togetherness through extended family members. Collection of dresses
sharing, fun, recreation, Opportunities for group discussion on according to festivals
festivals with family and various activities related to they celebrate
relatives. festivals/celebrations. Drawings of children.
Celebration of important Describing, sharing and various activities Puzzles
events/ days/ festivals. related to festivals (clothes, food, Collection of poems,
Care and concern for importance). songs, etc.
differently Discussing the need for avoiding Pictures and charts on
challenged/abled/old. crackers/ loud music/ sounds and different festivals,
Care of pets. chemical colours. Republic and
Indoor and Outdoor Involving children in Group work/ Project Independence Days
Games with peer group. Work related to the theme, circle time and other local
activities. festivals/ events.
Sharing narratives/inspiring stories
related to differently challenged group.
Discussing in groups the need for games,
listing different indoor and outdoor
games, grouping and making and
following rules.
Integration: Languages, Arts Education
Life skills: Care and compassion for animals, Care and concern for the old, differently abled.
Theme 3: My Needs: Food
The theme ‘Food’ in Class II is expected to develop value for care and respect for
food. The theme ‘food’ will also discuss the need of food for living beings and various
issues and concerns related to food habits. The theme will also develop the core
scientific skills of observation and discussion and life skills of self-awareness, respect
for food and diversity in food, amongst children.
Learning Outcomes:
Children will be able to:
identify and name various food items;
discuss need for food for human body;
collect/draw pictures of various kind of food items and name them;
cite examples of food items we get from plants and animals;
explain the need of various kind of foods required for body building, energy giving and body
resistance (immunity of the body to diseases etc.);
identify junk food and give reasons why it is not good for health;
develop sensitivity and respect for food;
develop respect for the diversity of food in the peer group, within families and different age
My Needs: Food
Suggested Learning
Key Concepts Suggested Transactional Processes
Food: Importance and Providing opportunities to Various kind of food items
need share/discuss personal experiences of (actual).
Major Food items: cereals, children. Pictures of food items.
dals, fruits, vegetables, Conducting activities to identify Narratives related to food
milk. different food items we get from habits.
Food items for body plants and animals. Poems/stories on food
building, energy giving, for Doing activities in groups to classify values/care.
wear & tear of body, items based on their sources. Children’s drawing’s.
vitamins, water fibres. Opportunities to draw pictures of Worksheets.
Healthy and junk food. various food items and name them in
Respect diversity of food writing (component wise).
habits (veg and non-veg Organising group discussions to
cultures). discuss various issues related to food
Variations in food and (junk food, non-vegetarian food, food
reasons- different age diversity, etc.)
group, families. Involving children in project work
(classification of food items, plants,
animals as source).
Discussing with the whole class or in
groups about ways to take care of food
at home.
Making picture book on food items –
component wise.
Organizing field trip to a farm, field to
observe sources of food.
Theme 4: My Needs: Water
The theme is aimed at developing awareness on many issues related to water as a need
for living beings. The theme would focus on and discuss sources of water, ways for
purification of water in the family/neighbourhood, causes of water pollution and concern
about wastage of water. The core skills of observation, discussion and experimentation
would to be developed through this theme.
Learning Outcomes:
Children will be able to:
identify and differentiate between natural and man-made water resources;
discuss the need of water in daily life for plants and animals;
draw and label pictures of water resources;
cite examples of natural and man-made sources;
discuss ways to keep the water sources clean;
discuss and suggest ways to prevent the misuse of water;
suggest and share various ways to purify drinking water at home/school;
explain reasons of water pollution in the surroundings (awareness level only);
appreciate the judicious use of water in school/at home.
My Needs: Water
Suggested Learning
Key Concepts Suggested Transactional Processes
Sources of water: natural Building on previous learning. Visit to places to observe
and man-made (rain, dam, Providing opportunities to share water resources (lake,
lake, river, ponds, well, children’s personal experiences. river, pond, pictures/tanks
hand pump). Discussing natural and man-made with elders).
Need for water for plants, sources of water and citing examples Photos of man-made
animals and human of each. natural resources.
beings. Doing activities/simple experiments Simple
Clean water for drinking - (with the support of teachers) for experiments/activities
ways of purification of ways of cleaning drinking water. related to water
water at home/colony Discussing in groups the causes of purification.
(awareness level). water pollution in the Project work on this
Food items contain more school/surroundings. theme.
quantity of water. Appreciating and discussing the ways Children’s drawings,
Causes of water pollution to prevent misuse of water pictures and charts made
(awareness level). Discussing precautions to be taken in by the teacher on key
Judicious use of water. rainy weather (umbrella, raincoat….) concepts in the theme.
Reuse of water at and drinking water. Flash cards on sources of
home/school/ in the Involving children in Project work i.e. water.
surroundings. how to save water- slogan writing
drawings, messages.
Organizing visits to places like ponds,
lakes, rivers in the neighbourhood to
observe the water resources.
Theme 5: My Need- Shelter
Learning Outcomes:
Children will be able to:
identify various types of houses and name them;
cite examples of type of houses built in different parts of the world;
respect diversity in houses and discuss reasons for diversity in houses;
discuss need for cleanliness in houses;
enlist kind of material used for making different types of houses;
draw pictures and label parts of houses;
make models of various kind of houses (under supervision and with support from elders);
appreciate the need for decorating houses.
My Need- Shelter
Suggested Learning
Key Concepts Suggested Transactional Processes
Revisit Concepts of class 1. Building on previous learning. Models of various kind of
Houses in small and large Showing and discussing houses.
cities. visuals/pictures of different kind of Charts prepared by the
Reasons in diversity of houses in the world. teacher.
Houses. Showing video- films/ Videos and
Material used in various documentaries/ sharing narratives documentaries.
kind of houses. related to variation in houses. Picture cards/PPTs/slide
Need and care of house / Telling the story of the ‘Three Little shows.
household things. Pigs’ and any other related to the Worksheets.
Cleanliness of the house theme. Children’s compilation
(ways). Showing various kind of material used work.
Need for light and for making houses-group work on this Concrete material used for
ventilation in the house. Asking to draw pictures of different making house.
Decoration of Houses. kind of house, discriminating them. Story/video (three little
Involving children in model making pigs).
(Hands-on-activity) exercises. Models of a different
Discussing ways / methods to keep houses.
the surrounding/s clean and to share Material required for
the same with others. decorating houses.
Involving children to participate in
keeping the classroom clean, house
decorations, model making;
Involving children in worksheet
activities to learn concepts.
Theme 6: My Need – Clothing
Learning Outcomes:
Children will be able to:
discuss the need of clothes for living beings;
identify various kind of materials used for making clothes;
identify sources of natural and man-made fibres;
give examples of natural and man-made fibres;
differentiate among various cloth materials and give examples of each kind of material;
draw pictures of various kind of dresses worn by males and females, made from these
give reasons why cotton clothes should be worn in summer and silk/woollen clothes in winters,
rayon/ synthetic in the rainy season;
suggest various ways to take care of cotton/silk other materials at home.
My Need – Clothing
Suggested Learning
Key Concepts Suggested Transactional Processes
Revisit concepts of class I. Building on previous learning. Various kinds of cloth/
Variety of cloth material- Organising group discussion on need material.
cotton, silk, wool, canvas, for cloths. Different types of clothes
rayon etc. and their use in Conducting group activities to see worn by males/females
different seasons. various kind of cloth/ materials and Pictures of various kind of
Sources of natural and identify them. clothes.
man-made fibres, sources Providing opportunities to draw Pictures of different
Dress material suited to pictures and label parts of clothes. materials used at home,
different climatic Demonstrating how to use materials to made by fibres.
conditions. maintain/take care of various kind of Materials used for care of
Care of different types of clothes. all kind of clothes.
clothes. Assigning a project based on i.e. Visit to a textile industry
sources of fibres, kinds of clothes, uses (if possible)
of clothes in different seasons etc. Children’s drawings.
Engaging in group activities related to Project Work report.
various tasks i.e. listing of male, female Origami work.
clothes worn on various
Origami activities (paper folding &
making dresses).
Theme 7: My Need - Air
The theme ‘Air’ is aims at focusing on and discussing. simple observable properties of
air, how to keep the air in the surroundings clean and fresh. Through simple activities
the skills of observation, discussion and experimentation would be also be developed.
Learning Outcomes:
Children will be able to:
observe some properties of air;
demonstrate (with the support of elders) that air has weight, occupies space, expands
identify and discuss various causes of air pollution;
suggest some ways to deal with air pollution from smoke/ fumes;
name some common diseases, spread through air;
discuss various ways to prevent these diseases;
demonstrate simple exercises, asanas/ deep breathing for use of air for healthy living.
My Need - Air
Suggested Learning
Key Concepts Suggested Transactional Processes
Revisit concepts of Class I. Building on previous learning. Pictures depicting air
Simple properties of air: Providing opportunities to share related activities.
air occupy space, has children’s personal experiences Material for simple
weight, expands when we related to air. experiments for properties
heat, feel it, etc. Showing experiments, organising of air.
Causes of air pollution group activities to demonstrate Photographs depicting air
Ways to reduce air properties of air. borne diseases.
pollutions in the Discussing various reasons of air e- material on air borne
surroundings pollution and citing examples of each diseases.
Air borne diseases and factor. Slogan / Messages on
their prevention (some Making/designing posters on prevention of air borne
common diseases) prevention of air pollution. diseases.
Involving children to write slogan s/ Slogan / Messages to
messages to prevent air pollution. reduce air pollution.
Assigning Project Work – information
on Air borne diseases and their
Developing creative expression by
engaging them in compilation of
songs, poems, writing own songs,
sharing with peers.
Theme 8: Keeping oneself Clean, Safe and Healthy
The theme is expected to provide information and also develop an awareness on the
issues and concerns related to cleanliness and health. The theme would focus on and
discuss, how to keep oneself healthy, recreational ways at home/neighbourhood, safety
at home and public places and cleanliness related to self and of the surroundings.
Learning Outcomes:
Children will be able to:
identify various reasons of filth/garbage in the surroundings;
suggest some ways how to keep the surroundings clean (use of dustbin and segregation of
discuss various ways of garbage disposal at home/in the surroundings;
discuss various benefits of physical activities like yoga, exercises, games;
emphasis and importance of outdoor games/activities;
enjoy and get involved in recreational activities.
Theme 9: Places in the Neighbourhood
The theme ‘Places in the neighbourhood’ is aimed at providing information and discussing
various places in the neighbourhood. The theme would also throw light on up-keep of
public places in the community. People involved in different professions and the
importance of those professions would also be discussed. Children would learn to
appreciate and respect the role of different professions in our day to day life.
Learning Outcomes:
Children will be able to:
discuss and give reasons for need of the public places in the neighbourhood;
identify various places in the neighbourhood and name them;
explain various functions of each places in daily life;
discuss need for emergency services in the neighbourhood;
appreciate the services/help provided by various people who are involved in different
appreciate the need of recreational/other important services available in the neighbourhood.
Theme 10: Plants
Learning Outcomes:
Children will be able to:
identify and name the different parts of the plant and discuss their functions;
draw main parts of a plant and label them;
appreciate the uses of various parts of a plant;
appreciate tree plantation and use of medicinal plants in daily life;
distinguish between different kind of plants based on their habitat i.e., in water, on land;
discuss reasons of modification of different parts of some plants.
Suggested Learning
Key Concepts Suggested Transactional Processes
Rebuild on previous Building on previous learning. Photographs of trees and
learning. (Class I Children will be helped to identify and plants.
Concepts). name some of the plants and trees in Video films and pictures.
Plants on land, water, their surroundings. Animation (movie) on
climbers. (Examples with Drawing and labelling parts of the plants and modifications.
pictures and their plants in activity work. Medicinal plants (tulsi
description) Brief explanation of photosynthesis. leaf, clove, ginger).
Parts of plants: root. Stem. Providing or asking children to get
Leaf, flower, fruit, seed. seeds/ saplings to look after them at
(pictures and their home or in school if possible.
description) Involving children in tree plantation
Plant products – use at in the school locality, thereby
home. developing a friendship with plants
Plant modification: and taking care of them.
underground, stems, roots. Discussing uses of medicinal plants.
Care and concern for Role play of children about
plants – plantation, grandmother’s remedies.
friendship with plants. Providing opportunities to observe
tulsi, neem leaf, turmeric (haldi),
clove, ginger, etc. in natural form and
discussing their benefits and uses.
Integration: Languages
Life Skills: Care and protection 0f plants and environment
Theme 11: Animals
Learning Outcomes:
Children will be able to:
discuss some observable characteristics of animals;
discuss characteristics/features of animals based on their variations;
draw pictures of various animals and label their parts;
differentiate and compare various animal habitats;
show sensitivity and compassion towards animals;
narrate the process of the life cycle of a butterfly in their own words.
Suggested Transactional Suggested Learning
Key Concepts
Processes Resources
Revision of class 1 concepts. Organising theme based class Puzzles (birds/animals).
Body parts of pet animals. on environment and Visit to
Life cycle of butterfly. conducting activities. Videos showing compassion to
Care and compassion for pets Encouraging children to show street animals.
and other animals. compassion towards animals Flash cards on animals
Animal characteristics: move, by writing stories, poems, Picture cards on life cycle of
grow, eat food. songs. through stories, butterfly.
Animal houses/habitats- live poems, songs.
underground, in the trees, Organizing a pet show in
near water, under water. school to encourage children
Need of shelter for animals. to reflect on what they have
Relationship of human beings observed.
with animals. Sorting activity in small
Classify animals on the basis
of their habits.
Classify on the basis of
characteristics of animals.
Classify animals on the basis
of food habits.
Organising a visit to poultry
farm/bird sanctuary/zoo
Integration: Languages
Note: This theme can be continued in a project mode.
Theme 12: Transport
Learning Outcomes:
Children will be able to:
discuss uses of transport in the surroundings;
identify various kind of transport;
compare traffic seen in cities/villages;
give reasons of traffic jam and suggest ways to reduce it;
discuss cause of air and noise pollution;
stick/draw pictures of various kind of vehicles.
Suggested Transactional Suggested Learning
Key Concepts
Processes Resources
Revision work of Class 1 Providing opportunities to Pictures 2D Model-Paint a
concepts observe and discuss various city/village
Need for various kind of kinds of transport used in the Plastic toy models of
transport: some examples, neighbourhood. transport.
visuals. Organising a visit to public places Models of various modes of
Vehicles driven by use of to observe different modes of Transport.
petrol, diesel, CNG, electricity. transport. Class discussions.
Various modes of transport Discussing the importance of e- material.
used in big cities (metro, local wheelchairs and ramps in schools Visit to a Railway Station/
train, cab bus, auto rickshaw) and in public places. Airport
Causes of traffic jams, Focusing on activities of walking,
pollution (air, noise) cycling at home, travelling in the
Ways of checking noise bus or metro and sharing of
pollution and its effect experiences.
Ways to save petrol/diesel. Organising discussions in the
class on how to minimize noise
Assigning projects individually or
in groups.
Facilitating Model making on
different modes of transport.
Theme 13: Communication
Learning Outcomes:
Children will be able to:
discuss the need and importance of communication in day to day life;
identify and list out various modes of communication;
discuss the positive and negative use of some modes of communication;
identify different ways of communication used in big / metro cities;
demonstrate the use of some modes of communication.
Suggested Transactional Suggested Learning
Key Concepts
Processes Resources
Need for communication. Providing opportunities to Children’s own experiences.
Ways of communication listen to children’s personal Interaction between teacher
available in cities/public experiences. and children on
places. Organizing discussions on communication.
Use of ICT (email, SMS, uses and misuses of different Various modes of
internet) ways of communication. communication.
Communication for Providing opportunities to Demonstrate use of
recreation. observe and solve modes of communication in daily life.
Ways to check misuse of communication. Discussion on letters,
communication devices. Asking children to explore computer, laptop, mobiles, e-
ways of communication mails.
commonly used in big cities.
Theme 14: The World Around Me: Sun, Moon, Sky and Stars
The theme ‘The World Around Me’ is aimed at developing an awareness about the sky
and the sun, moon, stars amongst children and their own ideas about these heavenly
bodies. Simple information on these heavenly bodies would be provided in an interesting
Learning Outcomes:
Children will be able to:
identify the different heavenly bodies seen in day and at night;
distinguish between different heavenly bodies based on some observable features;
describe various heavenly bodies seen in the day/afternoon and at night;
draw pictures of the heavenly bodies;
create / write/collect poems and songs on this theme;
collect pictures/information on this theme;
read symbolic maps/route maps.
Theme 15: Time, Space, Direction
This theme aims to create an awareness regarding the concept of time, space and
direction. This will enable children to talk about time in terms of day and night as well
as today, tomorrow etc.
Learning Outcomes:
Children will be able to:
distinguish the different times in the one full day (24 hours) - morning, afternoon, evening,
discuss and list out the activities done in the morning, afternoon, evening and night;
talk about activities done today and yesterday and to be done tomorrow;
distinguish between left/right, above/below, near/far; up/down, etc.
give and follow simple directions
discriminate between location of various objects (on, in, below, above);
locate objects and places in the surroundings;
identify directions with the support of elders.
Topic 1: Computer – An Electronic Device
A computer is an electronic device that works on IPO cycle (Input-Process-Output). It
is primarily used to input data, process it to produce the required final output.
Learning Outcomes:
Children will be able to:
List out how computers are an electronic device;
compare a human and a computer in their ways of working;
list the advantages and disadvantages of using computer.
Topic 2: Role of Computers
A computer is a multitasking device that performs various tasks. It plays a vital role in
the learning and teaching process.
Learning Outcomes:
Children will be able to:
recall the uses of computer;
specify computer’s integration in classroom activities;
correlate computer use with topics they study in other subjects.
Role of Computers
Suggested Transactional Suggested Learning
Key Concepts
Processes Resources
Role of computers in enhancing Discussing and identifying uses Computers/ IWB with internet
the learning and teaching of computers at various places facility
process. i.e. classroom, office, home etc. Animated stories, videos, etc.
Impact of computers Interacting with and explaining
to the children about the
effectiveness of using
computers in the classroom,
office, home etc.
Integration: EVS
Life Skills: General Awareness
Topic 3: Input and Output Devices
Input devices are used to enter text/data whereas output devices are used to display
desired result. In some cases, output devices may function as storage devices. For
example – CD, pen drive.
Learning Outcomes:
Children will be able to:
identify the input and output devices;
state the functions of each device.
Topic 4: Keyboard – Special Keys
The keyboard has special keys to perform specific tasks, along with alphanumeric keys.
Children will identify the uses of key combinations when using the keyboard.
Learning Outcomes:
Children will be able to:
identify and use the special and punctuation keys;
recall that certain keys are used in combinations;
describe the functions of the different types of keys.
Topic 5: Mouse – an Input Device
A Mouse serves as an input device to type text, play games, draw pictures, watch
videos etc.
Learning Outcomes:
Children will be able to:
identify different activities performed on a mouse;
use the mouse to perform drag and drop activities.
Topic 6: Introduction to Paint
Paint software is a utility software used to transform ideas into picture using various
Learning Outcomes:
Children will be able to:
use shape tools to draw pictures;
open, minimize, maximize and close the paint window;
open and save a file.
Introduction to Paint
Suggested Learning
Key Concepts Suggested Transactional Processes
Introduction to Paint Explaining the purpose and usage of a Computer / IWB with any
software paint software. Paint software.
Opening, minimising, Demonstrating the activities related to show demo / pictures on
maximising and closing Opening, minimising, maximising and the Internet.
Paint window closing Paint window
Saving the file at the Saving the file at the desired location
desired location Opening/editing the existing file
Opening/editing the Showing of shape tools to draw
existing file pictures
Paint window Demonstrating some examples of paint
Open and save a file activities on the computer such as:
Shape tools Birthday cards
Pictures to illustrate Children’s
Day, Environment Day, Sports
Day, Fancy dress etc.
Topic based posters etc.
Providing Hands-on experience in
groups to children on the computer.
Topic 7: File Management – An Introduction
Files are pictures, documents, presentations etc. created using a software. File
management helps us to organise files in the computer.
Learning Outcomes:
Children will be able to:
Develop an awareness on the importance of file management;
save a file in the specified path.