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CBSE Class 9 English Language and Literature Learning Outcomes 2021 22

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CBSE Class 9 English Language and Literature

Class IX Learning Outcomes 2021-22

Suggested Pedagogical Processes Learning Outcomes

The learners may be provided The learner —
opportunities individually or in groups
and encouraged to —  listens to announcements,
 comprehend audio/video scripts, read instructions, read aloud texts, audio
aloud texts and answer comprehension and videos for information, gist and
and inferential questions by listening. details; responds by answering
 use English news, films, songs, questions accordingly.
dramas, role-play, talks on internet,  listens to and discusses literary/non-
etc., as a resource to develop listening literary inputs in varied contexts to
comprehension and understanding of infer, interpret, and appreciate.
the use of tone/intonation/stress, etc.,  communicates thoughts, ideas, views
in speech. and opinions verbally and non-
 meet people and discuss on variety of verbally.
issues, or listen to record discussions  speaks fluently with proper
with people from different professions pronunciation, intonation and pause,
through face to face or electronic media. using appropriate grammar.
 participate in inter and intra school  listens to and speaks on a variety of
activities like school exhibitions, annual verbal inputs, viz. debate, speech,
day celebration, debate competitions, group discussion, power point
discussions, quiz competitions and presentation, radio programme,
sports events. interview, mock parliament, etc.
 make announcements during school  reads aloud and recites poems/prose
functions, take interviews of people with proper stress, pause, tone, and
or personalities by framing questions, intonation.
introduce a speaker; develop news  reads with comprehension the given
items and present in class or school text/materials employing strategies
assembly. like skimming, scanning, predicting,
 organise and participate in discussions, previewing, reviewing, inferring, and
present viewpoints or arguments, summarising.
express contrasts with logic and  reads silently with comprehension
reasoning, in the process develop andinterprets layers of meaning.
problem solving and reasoning ability;  writes short answers, paragraphs,
and critical thinking. reports using appropriate vocabulary
 recite poems with proper stress and and grammar on a given theme.
intonation.  writes letters both formal and
 use audio-video or text materials for informal, invitations, advertisements,
writing short skits, role plays, street notices, slogans, messages, and e-
plays and dramatise to communicate mails.
messages.  writes short dialogues and
 refer to dictionary, magazines and participates in role plays, skits, street
periodicals, thesaurus, encyclopedia, plays, etc., for the promotion of
electronic media, visit library and social causes like Beti Bachao Beti
consult various resources for improving Padhao, Swachh Bharat Abhiyaan,
English language proficiency. human trafficking, conservation of
environment, childlabour, drug abuse,
promotion of literacy, etc.
 uses appropriate punctuation marks
and correct spelling of words while
taking down dictation.
Learning Outcomes at the Secondary Stage
 ask questions on the texts read in  takes notes and makes notes while
the class and during discussions; be listening to TV news, discussions,
patient and respectful and take turns speech, reading aloud/silent reading of
while listening to others and expressing texts, etc., and summarises.
their views.  reads with understanding information in
 share experiences of language used his environment outside the schools as
outside the classroom as in the market, in hoardings, advertisements, product
post office, etc., and share their labels, visiting market place, etc.
experiences such as journeys, visits,  organises and structures thoughts,
hobbies, etc. presents information and opinions in
 understand different registers/use of a variety of oral and written forms for
appropriate words through a variety different audiences and purposes.
of listening and speaking activities on  interprets map, graph, table to
topics such as sports, cookery, music, speak or write a paragraph based on
gardening, riding; use these registers interpretation.
in their day-to-day life and use them  edits passages with appropriate
wherever necessary. punctuation marks, grammar and
 read and narrate stories, describe correct spelling.
incidents with fluency and in sequence.  uses grammar items in context, such
 take down dictation by listening, as, reporting verbs, passive and tense,
attentively, using appropriate time and tense, subject-verb agreement,
punctuation marks. etc.
 to improve their listening and reading  uses words, phrases, idioms and
skills by taking down notes from word chunks for meaning-making in
passages read aloud, news on TV, during contexts.
discussions in the class; understand  understands and elicits meanings of
the processes on how to make/take the words in different contexts, and by
notes after reading a passage/article, using dictionary, thesaurus, and digital
etc., and then summarise. facilities.
 use map to understand directions,  reads literary texts for
space, and distance; look at graphs, enjoyment/pleasure and compares,
charts, and tables to know how data interprets and appreciates characters,
has been given and interpreted. themes, plots, and incidents and gives
 connect the issues in the texts they opinion.
read to the world outside and think on  explains specific features of different
possible solutions. literary genres for interpretation and
 design advertisements and invitations literary appreciation.
for celebrations, prepare weather  identifies and appreciates significant
reports, news items and discussions by literary elements, such as, metaphor,
using audio-video support. imagery, symbol, simile, personification,
 jot down ideas, develop an outline, onomatopoeia, intention or point of
write the first draft, edit, revise, and view, rhyme scheme, themes, titles, etc.
then finalise (for writing short and long  writes short stories and composes poems
passages/paragraphs, notices, and on the given theme or on their own.
reports, using these processes).
 exhibits in action and practice the
 utilise the given visual input and values of honesty, cooperation,
graphs with the clues provided and patriotism, and while speaking and
write passages/paragraphs. writing on variety of topics.

Learning Outcomes for the English Language
 edit writings of self or peers using  uses bilingual or multilingual abilities
appropriate punctuation marks such to comprehend a text and participates
as capital letters, comma, semicolon, in activities like translations and
inverted commas, grammar, and bilingual and multilingual discourses
correct spelling. on various themes.
 understand and learn to encode and  uses Sign Language to communicate
decode texts of different genre through with fellow learners with hearing
individual, pair, and group reading. impairment in an inclusive set up.
 understand the functions of grammar,  reads poems, stories, texts given in
the usages for accuracy in language Braille; graphs and maps given in
(both spoken and written) by the tactile/raised material; interprets,
processes of noticing and identifying discusses, and writes with the help of
them in use and arriving at the rules. a scribe.
 familiarise with a variety of vocabulary  appreciates similarities and differences
associated with various themes using across languages in a multilingual
these in different contexts through classroom and society.
various inputs like collocations, word  recognises and appreciates cultural
webs, thematic vocabulary, and word experiences and diversity in the text and
puzzles. makes oral and written presentations.
 be acquainted with proverbs, phrases,
idioms, and their usage.
 use creativity and imagination and
connect the discourse with real life
contexts while expressing themselves
through speech and writing.
 imagine and describe characters and
situations using prompts, flash cards,
verbal clues, pictures, and create
 be exposed to a variety of poems like
lyric, ballad, ode, limerick, elegy, etc.,
and notice onomatopoeic sounds,
symbols, simile, metaphors, alliteration,
and personification, for appreciation.
 identify comparisons, allusions, poet’s
or writer’s point of view, literary devices,
 undertake group or individual project
work of interdisciplinary nature on
social, cultural, and common themes
to work with language — collection,
processing, analysing, interpreting of
information, and then presenting orally
and in writing.
 know and promote core values such
as tolerance, appreciation of diversity
and civic responsibility, patriotism
through debates, discussions, reading

Learning Outcomes at the Secondary Stage
of biographies, stories of struggles, and
episodes of ethics and morality.
 follow the concept of directions on
a given map of a locality, town, city,
country; tactile or raised material for
children with special needs.
 read alternative material such as
Braille texts, poems, cartoons, graphic
presentations, audio tapes, video tapes,
and audio visuals to speak on issues
related to society.
 get familiarised with Sign Language
for using with learners with hearing
impairment in an inclusive environment
in the school.
 use bilingual and multilingual ways
to exchange ideas or disseminating
information by taking the help of ICT,
PPT, role play, street play, drama,
written scripts, etc.

Learning Outcomes for the English Language

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