Quality Control Notes
Quality Control Notes
Quality Control Notes
Module 4
Control charts
Control charts are the graphic devices for detecting the
variations in the production process and determining the
permissible limits of variation. The technique of control
charts are pioneered by W.A .Shewart.
It consists of three horizontal lines
1) Central line (CL) which indicates the desired
standard level of the process.
2) Upper control limit (UCL) which indicates the upper
limit of tolerance.
3) Lower control limit (LCL) which indicates the lower
limit of tolerance.
𝑝̅ 𝑞̅
UCL = n𝑝̅ + 3√
Where 𝑞̅ = 1- 𝑝̅
A p-chart is constructed by taking sample numbers along
X axis and fraction. of defectives s along Y axis .
Horizontal lines corresponding to CL , LCL and UCL are
drawn on the graph . Then the fraction defectives are
plotted against the corresponding sample numbers . The
process is said to be under statistical control if all the
plotted points lies between the control limits LCL and
UCL. If any of the plotted points lies outside the control
limits then the process is said to be out of control.