د زينة Lipid Disorder PDF 2
د زينة Lipid Disorder PDF 2
د زينة Lipid Disorder PDF 2
Lipids play a critical role in almost all aspects of biological life – they are structural
components in cells and are involved in metabolic and hormonal pathways. The
importance of having a knowledge of lipid disorders cannot be overstated, not least
because they are common in clinical practice and, in some cases associated with
atherosclerosis such as coronary heart disease, one of the biggest killers in urbanized
Lipids are defined as organic compounds that are poorly soluble in water but
miscible in organic solvents.
Lipidology is the study of abnormal lipid metabolism.
An understanding of the pathophysiology of plasma lipid metabolism is usefully
based on the concept of lipoproteins, the form in which lipids circulate in plasma.
The chemical structures of the four main forms of lipid present in plasma are illustrated
in Figure 1
Triglycerides are transported from the intestine to various tissues, including the
liver and adipose tissue, as lipoproteins. Following hydrolysis, fatty acids are taken
up, re-esterified and stored as triglycerides. Plasma triglyceride concentrations rise after
a meal, unlike that of plasma cholesterol.
• Chylomicrons are the largest and least dense lipoproteins and transport exogenous
lipid from the intestine to all cells.
• Very low-density lipoproteins (VLDLs) transport endogenous lipid from the liver to
• Intermediate-density lipoproteins (IDLs), which are transient and formed during the
conversion of VLDL to low-density lipoprotein (LDL), are not normally present in
The other two lipoprotein classes contain mainly cholesterol and are smaller in size:
• Low-density lipoproteins(LDL) are formed from VLDLs and carry cholesterol to
• High-density lipoproteins (HDLs) are the most dense lipoproteins and are involved in
the transport of cholesterol from cells back to the liver (reverse cholesterol transport).
These lipoproteins can be further divided by density into HDL2 and HDL3.
LDL VLDL 20 55 5 20 B Β
via IDL
HDL Gut/ 50 20 5 25 A,C,E α
If a lipaemic plasma sample, for example after a meal, is left overnight at 4°C, the
larger and less dense chylomicrons form a creamy layer on the surface.
The smaller and denser VLDL and IDL particles do not rise, and the sample
may appear diffusely turbid. The LDL and HDL particles do not contribute to this
turbidity because they are small and do not scatter light. Fasting plasma from
normal individuals contains only VLDL, LDL and HDL particles.
This equation makes certain assumptions, namely that the patient is fasting and the
plasma triglyceride concentration does not exceed 4.5 mmol/L (otherwise
chylomicrons make the equation inaccurate).
There has been recent interest in the subdivision of LDL particles into small dense
LDL2 and LDL3 , which appear 2
to be more
atherogenic and more easily oxidized
than the larger LDL1 particles.
Additionally, another lipoprotein called lipoprotein (a), or Lp(a), has been found.
This is similar in lipid composition to LDL but has a higher protein content. One
of its proteins, called apolipoprotein (a), shows homology to plasminogen and may
disrupt fibrinolysis, thus evoking a thrombotic tendency. The plasma concentration
of Lp(a) is normally less than 0.30 g/L and it is thought to be an independent
cardiovascular risk factor.
The proteins associated with lipoproteins are called apolipoproteins (apo). ApoA
(mainly apoA1 and apoA2 ) is the major group associated with HDL particles. 1 The apoB
series (apoB100 ) is predominantly found with LDL particles and is the ligand for the
LDL receptor. Low-density lipoprotein has one molecule of apoB 100 per particle. Some
reports have suggested that the plasma apoA 1 to apoB ratio may be a useful measure of
cardiovascular risk (increased if the ratio is less than 1) and it is not significantly
influenced by the fasting status of the patient. The apoC series is particularly important
in triglyceride metabolism and, with the apoE series, freely interchanges between
various lipoproteins. Some of the functions of these apolipoproteins are described in
Table 3.
Lipoprotein-associated phospholipase A2 [also called platelet-activating factor
acetylhydrolase (PAF-AH)] is present mainly on LDL and to a lesser degree HDL. It is
produced by inflammatory cells and is involved in atherosclerosis formation and levels
are associated with increased risk of coronary artery disease and stroke.
Table 3:The main apolipoproteins and their common functions
Apolipoprotein Associated lipoprotein Function
A1 Chylomicrons and HDL LCAT activator
A2 Chylomicrons and HDL LCAT activator
Secretion of
B48 Chylomicrons and VLDL
B100 IDL.VLDL,LDL LDL receptor binding
Lipoprotein lipase
C2 Chylomicrons ,HDL, VLDL, IDL
Lipoprotein lipase
C3 Chylomicrons ,HDL, VLDL, IDL
IDL and remnant particle
E Chylomicrons ,HDL, VLDL, IDL
receptor binding
Lipoprotein metabolism
Exogenous lipid pathways
Cholesterol and fatty acids released from dietary fats by digestion together with bile
are absorbed into intestinal mucosa cells where they are re-esterified to form
cholesterol esters and triglycerides. These together with phospholipids and apoA and
apoB are then secreted into the lymphatic system as chylomicrons. This secretion is
dependent upon apoB48 . The chylomicrons enter the systemic circulation via the
thoracic duct. Apolipoprotein C and apoE, both derived from HDL, are added to the
chylomicrons in the lymph and plasma.
The enzyme lipoprotein lipase is located on capillary walls and is activated by apoC 2
and inhibited by apoC 3 . It hydrolyses triglyceride to fatty acids and glycerol. The
former are taken up by adipose or muscle cells or bound to albumin in the plasma. The
glycerol component enters the hepatic glycolytic pathway. During their sojourn within
the circulation, the chylomicron particles get smaller and release some apoA and apoC
along with phospholipids, which then become incorporated into HDL particles. The
chylomicron remnants enriched in apoB and apoE and cholesterol then bind rapidly to
hepatic LDL-receptor-related protein, which recognizes the apoE ligand. Within the
hepatic cells the cholesterol is utilized and the apolipoproteins catabolized. Thus,
ultimately the exogenous pathway delivers triglyceride to adipose tissue and
muscle and cholesterol to the liver.
membranes or in specific tissues such as the adrenal cortex or gonads and utilized in
steroid synthesis.
High-density lipoprotein
The transport of cholesterol from non-hepatic cells to the liver involves HDL
particles, in a process called reverse cholesterol transport (Fig. 8). The HDL is
synthesized in both hepatic and intestinal cells and secreted from them as small,
nascent HDL particles rich in free cholesterol, phospholipids, apoA and apoE.
This cholesterol acquisition is stimulated by adenosine triphosphate-binding
cassette protein 1 (ABC1). If the plasma concentration of VLDL or chylomicrons
is low, apoC is also carried in HDL, but as the plasma concentrations of these
lipoproteins rise, these particles take up apoC from HDL. In addition, HDL can
be formed from the surface coat of VLDL and chylomicrons. Various factors
control the rate of HDL synthesis, including oestrogens, thus explaining why
plasma concentrations are higher in menstruating women than in menopausal
women or men.
The HDL particles can be divided into pre- β(or precursor) HDL, HDL 2 and
HDL3 . The HDL2 , which is a precursor of smaller HDL 3 particles, interconverts
as a result of the acquisition of cholesterol by HDL 3 through the actions of LCAT
and hepatic lipase.
High-density lipoprotein also contains other enzymes, including paroxanase,
which may have an antioxidant role. Removal of HDL may occur by endocytosis,
although there may be specific receptors such as the murine class B type I
scavenger receptor (SR-BI) in liver and steroidogenic tissue, for example adrenal
glands, ovaries and testes. Thus HDL-derived cholesterol can be ‘off-loaded’ in
the liver and secreted in bile or taken up and utilized for steroid synthesis.
High-density lipoprotein cholesterol is cardioprotective not only because of the
reverse cholesterol transport system, which helps to remove cholesterol from the
peripheral tissues, but also because of the mechanisms that include increased
atherosclerotic plaque stability, protection of LDL from oxidation, and
maintaining the integrity of the vascular endothelium.
A plasma HDL cholesterol concentration of less than 1.0 mmol/L confers
increased cardiovascular risk and can be raised by various lifestyle changes, such
as smoking cessation, regular exercise and weight loss.
LCAT: Lecithin–cholesterol acyltransferase is an enzyme that converts free cholesterol into cholesteryl ester.
The study of hyperlipidaemias is of considerable importance, mainly because of
the involvement of lipids in cardiovascular disease.
Fredrickson, Levy and Lees first defined the hyperlipidaemias in a
classification system based on which plasma lipoprotein concentrations were
increased (Table).
Fredrickson’s classification hyperlipidaemias
Type Electrophoretic Increased lipoprotein
I Increased chylomicrons
ncreased β-lipoproteins
Increased β and pre- β-lipoproteins
Broad β –lipoproteins
Increased pre- β –lipoproteins
The Fredrickson’s phenotypes seen in this condition include IIa, IIb and IV.
Familial combined hyperlipidaemia may be inherited as an autosomal dominant
trait (although others suggest that there may be co-segregation of more than one
About 0.5 per cent of the European population is affected, and there is an
increased incidence of coronary artery disease in family members. The metabolic
defect is unclear, although plasma apoB is often elevated due to increased
synthesis; LDL and VLDL apoB concentration is increased.
The synthesis of VLDL triglyceride is increased in FCH and there may also be
a relationship with insulin resistance.
Children with FCH usually show hypertriglyceridaemia and not the type IIa
phenotype (unlike the situation found in FH).
Unlike familial hypertriglyceridaemia, plasma VLDL particles are usually
smaller in FCH. Dietary measures and, if indicated, either a statin or a fibrate are
sometimes used.
Familial hypertriglyceridaemia
Familial hypertriglyceridaemia is often observed with low HDL cholesterol
The condition usually develops after puberty and is rare in childhood. The
exact metabolic defect is unclear, although overproduction of VLDL or a
decrease in VLDL conversion to LDL is likely.
There may be an increased risk of cardiovascular disease. Acute pancreatitis
may also occur, and is more likely when the concentration of plasma
triglycerides is more than 10mmol/L.
Some patients show hyperinsulinaemia and insulin resistance.
Dietary measures, and sometimes lipid-lowering drugs such as the fibrates or
Omega-3 fatty acids, are used to treat the condition.
Apo E shows polymorphism. However, the fact that this phenotype is present
in l in 100 of the normal population, while dysbetalipoproteinaemia is an
uncommon disorder (prevalence approximately 1 in 10,000), implies a role for
other factors in its expression, and in this context it is noteworthy that although
the variant apoprotein is present from birth, the condition does not appear
clinically until adult life. Such factors include obesity, alcohol, hypothyroidism
and diabetes.
Although the diagnosis can be inferred from the clinical and biochemical
findings, it should ideally be confirmed by apo E genotyping.
Treatment consists of dietary measures, correcting the precipitating causes and
either the statin or fibrate drugs.
Polygenic hypercholesterolaemia
This is one of the most common causes of a raised plasma cholesterol
This condition is the result of a complex interaction between multiple
environmental and genetic factors. In other words, it is not due to a single
gene abnormality, and it is likely that it is the result of more than one
metabolic defect.
There is usually either an increase in LDL production or a decrease in LDL
catabolism. The plasma lipid phenotype is usually either IIa or IIb Fredrickson’s
The plasma cholesterol concentration is usually either mildly or moderately
elevated. An important negative clinical finding is the absence of tendon
xanthomata, the presence of which would tend to rule out the diagnosis.
Usually less than 10 per cent of first-degree relations have similar lipid
abnormalities, compared with FH or FCH in which about 50 per cent of first-
degree family members are affected.
There may also be a family history of premature coronary artery disease.
Individuals may have a high intake of dietary fat and be overweight.
Treatment involves dietary intervention and sometimes the use of lipid-
lowering drugs such as the statins.
Hyperalphalipoproteinaemia results in elevated plasma HDL
cholesterol concentration and can be inherited as an autosomal dominant
condition or, in some cases, may show polygenic features.
The total plasma cholesterol concentration can be elevated, with normal LDL
cholesterol concentration. There is no increased prevalence of cardiovascular
disease in this condition; in fact, the contrary probably applies, with some
individuals showing longevity. Plasma HDL concentration is thought to be
cardioprotective, and individuals displaying this should be reassured.
Some causes of raised plasma high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol are
Cholesterol ester transfer protein deficiency
High ethanol intake
Certain drugs, e.g. estrogens, fibrates, nicotinic acid, statins, phenytoin,
Secondary hyperlipidaemias
One should not forget that there are many secondary causes of
hyperlipidaemia. These may present alone or sometimes parallel with a primary
hyperlipidaemia. Some of the causes of secondary hyperlipidaemia are listed
Predominant hypercholesterolaemia
Nephrotic syndrome
Cholestasis, e.g. primary biliary cirrhosis
Acute intermittent porphyria
Anorexia nervosa/bulimia
Certain drugs or toxins, e.g. ciclosporin and chlorinated hydrocarbons
Predominant hypertriglyceridaemia
Alcohol excess
Diabetes mellitus and metabolic syndrome
Certain drugs, e.g. estrogens, β-blockers (without intrinsic sympathomimetic
activity), thiazide diuretics, acitretin, protease inhibitors, some neuroleptics and
Chronic kidney disease
Some glycogen storage diseases, e.g. von Gierke’s type I
Systemic lupus erythematosus