Fellowship in Forensic Odontology 2018 19
Fellowship in Forensic Odontology 2018 19
Fellowship in Forensic Odontology 2018 19
SDM College of Dental Sciences & Hospital
Sattur, Dharwad - 580009, Karnataka
Web: www.sdmcds.org; Tel: 0836-2468142
For details, E-mail: ashith@ashithacharya.com; Mobile: 9880192052; Tel.: 0836-2468142 (Ext. No. 115)
Fellowship in Forensic Odontology 2018-19 shared with the enrolled dentists for their personal
educational use, upon request.
The ‘Fellowship in Forensic Odontology’ is a certifi-
cate training in forensic dentistry and a distance Contact Module
learning programme with contact module. The pro- A contact module of one working week (Monday to
gramme will provide extensive theoretical (distance Saturday, with the latter being a half-day) will be or-
education + didactic lectures) and specific practical ganised at SDM College of Dental Sciences, Dharwad.
know-how (laboratory, pre-solved case-based and ac- The contact module will broadly be divided into two
tive case-based training). It focuses on age estimation components—a ‘basic module’ and an ‘advanced
from dental radiographs, skeletal specimens and module’. The basic module covers lectures and basic
tooth sections, bite mark investigation using digital practical training while the advanced module covers
analysis, sex assessment of dental casts and skeletal pre-solved and active case-based learning integrated
specimens, and population identification using dental with statistics and research methodologies in forensic
casts. odontology. Based on request and depending on de-
mand, the week-long contact programme may also be
In all types of cases/practical exercises, standard in- divided into two modules of three days each instead
ternationally-accepted methods and protocols devel- of one continuous week. (Each of the three days will
oped by Dr. Ashith Acharya and diverse organisations be separated by approx. 3 months.)
are applied; details on a vital aspect of odontological
investigation, namely forensic report writing, are also Approx. 45 hours is devoted to teaching−learning in
covered. the contact programme. While dates for the contact
modules will consider preference/choice of the en-
Reading/reference material will be emailed to the en- rolled dentists, the final discretion regarding schedul-
rolled dentists in about five installments at approx. ing of contact module rests with the College and the
1−2 month intervals. Additional reading/reference Department of Forensic Odontology.
material will be provided during the contact module
in Dharwad; lectures will also be undertaken during Assessment
the contact module. Lectures (with notes) will be The Fellowship certification requires assessment of
Signature:……………………………………………………………………………………..Date:.…………………………… Place:…………………………………………………………….
DD/Cheque for Rs. 25,000/- should be made in favour of “Principal, SDM College of Dental Sciences & Hospital”, payable
at Dharwad. Alternatively, a NEFT of Rs. 25,000/- may be made to the following—A/c Name: “Principal, SDM College of
Dental Sciences & Hospital”; A/c No. 12302200001849; IFSC Code: SYNB0001230; A/c Type: Savings Bank; A/c Location:
Syndicate Bank, Sattur Branch, Sattur, Dharwad – 580009.
Please submit the filled and signed application form, along with DD/Cheque and copy of BDS Degree, to the address
below; in addition, please also e-mail the scanned copies of the filled and signed application form and BDS Degree to
the e-mail ID below.