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“To study the presence of oxalate ion in guava

fruit at different stages of ripening”

Name: Neel Chattaraj

Class: XII-D

Roll no:

Session: 2024-2025
This is to certify that Neel Chattaraj a student of class
XII D has successfully completed the chemistry
investigatory project on the topic “To study the presence
of oxalate ion in guava fruit at different stages of
ripening” under the guidance of Mr. Subhodip Shil
(Chemistry Teacher) during the year 2024-2025 in
fulfillment of Chemistry Practical Examination
conducted by AISSE, New Delhi.

Initial of External Initial of Internal

Examiner Examiner

I would like to express my special gratitude to my teacher Mr.

Subhodip Shil Sir as well our principle both of them who gave
me the opportunity to do the project on the topic “To study
the presence of oxalate ion in guava fruit at different
stages of ripening”.

This help me to do some research and I came to know about so

many things

Secondly, I would like to thank my family and friends who

helped me to complete the project within the limited time
frame. Above all I would like to thank god for his blessings
and love.

1. Experiment:- To study the presence of oxalate ion in

guava fruit at different stages of ripening

 Aim
 Apparatus
 Material Required
 Theory
 Procedure
 Observation
 Calculation
 Result
2. Bibliography
Aim: - To study the presence of oxalate ion in guava
fruit at different stages of ripening.

Apparatus: - 100ml measuring flask, beaker, burette,

pipette, titration flask, funnel, pestle, mortar, weight box
and filter paper.

Material Required: - 1. Guava fruit at different stages

of ripening

2. 0.001(M) KMnO4 Solution

3. Conc. H2So4

Theory: - Guava fruit contains oxalate ions in addition

to vitamin C oxalate ions are extracted by boiling the
fruit pulp with dil. H2SO4. The oxalate ions are
volumetrically by titrating the solution against stand

Procedure: - 1. Weigh 50.0 g of fresh guava fruit and

grind it to a fine pulp in a mortar with a pestle.

2. Transfer the crushed pulp to 250ml of beaker and boil

with dil. H2O.
3. Cool and filter the contents in a 100ml measuring
flask, take the volume exactly 100ml by adding distilled

4. Pipette out 20ml of guava solution in a titration flask

and add 20ml of dil. H2SO4 to it. Heat the mixture to 60
– 70 down the 0.001(M) KMnO4 solution from the
burette to fall into the titration flask, little at a time with
constant shaking till the end point is reached. The end
point is the appearance of permanent pink colour.

5. Repeat the experiment to take a set of at least 3

concordant reading.

6. Repeat the experiment by taking 50g of guava fruit at

different stages of ripening.

7. Record the observation.

Observation: - Weight of guava fruit each time =


Volume of guava extract taken each time = 20.0ml

Molarity of KMnO4 solution = 0.001M

Type of Initial Final Volume Concordan
guava Reading Reading of t volume of
fruit KMnO4 KMnO4
Fresh 150ml 18ml 132ml 135.05ml
One 150ml 13ml 137ml 135.05ml
day old
Two 150ml 13ml 137ml 135.05ml
day old
Three 150ml 10.8ml 139.2ml 135.05ml
day old

Calculations: - Step 1- To calculate the molarity of oxalate

ions. Let the volume of KMnO4 solution used= V1

Applying molarity equation

M1V1 (KMnO4)/M2V2 (Guava extract) = 2/5

One day old fruit

M2 = 5/2.M1V1/V2 = 137/8000 mol/lit

= 0.017mol/lit

Two day old fruit

M2 = 5/2.M1V1/V2 = 137/8000mol/lit = 0.017mol/lit

Three day old fruit

M2 = 5/2.M1V1/V2 = 139.2/8000 mol/lit = 0.0175mol/lit

Fresh Guava fruit

M2 = 5/2.M1V1/V2 = 132/8000 mol/lit = 0.0165 mol/lit

Step 2 – To calculate the strength of oxalate ions in fresh


Ions = (Molarity*Molar mass of oxalate ions)

Fresh Guava fruit

= Molarity*Molar mass of oxalate ions

= 132/8000*88

=1.452 gm/lit

One day old fruit

= Molarity*Molar mass of oxalate ions


=1.507 gm/lit

Two day old fruit

= Molarity*Molar mass of oxalate ions

= 137/8000*88

= 1.507 gm/lit
Three day old fruit

= Molarity*Molar mass of oxalate ions

= 139.2/8000*88

= 1.5312 gm/lit

Results: -
Type of guava fruit Molarity Strength
Fresh Guava fruit 0.0165 mol/lit 1.452 gm/lit
One day old fruit 0.017 mol/lit 1.507 gm/lit
Two day old fruit 0.017 mol/lit 1.507 gm/lit
Three day old fruit 0.0175 mol/lit 1.531 gm/lit

Bibliography: -

 Collected information from the internet

 www.google.com
 Help from teacher and library

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