(Arising from the Decision of this Court in Land Case No. 33 of 2016)
In law when a court makes its decision it has no powers to revise it.
The court is its own apex as well as its own last resort in respect of a
disputes lodged in the judicial system. As such, decisions of this Court are
considered final and binding as far as the court itself is concerned. Once a
case and in law it becomes functus officio and cannot re-open it for any
under Section 78(a) and (b) of the Civil Procedure Code [Cap 33
matters or evidence this Court cannot not re-open or look back into its
hinged on the public interest policy that litigation must come to an end.
Generally this is a doctrine which enables courts to say litigation must end
at a certain point regardless of what the parties think of the decision which
has been handed down. Before that point is reached parties have rights to
be heard (by way of appeals) at least by three different courts. In this way
independent judge or judges. The court determining the appeal will correct
errors by the trial judge and the right to appeal ensures that as far as
Review by the same court can also be invoked under the same
Section 78 of the Civil Procedure Code because this Court not being the
final court has residual jurisdiction to review its decisions to which there is
exercised cautiously and only where it will serve to promote public interest
and enhance public confidence in the rule of law and our system of justice.
this Court to exercise vide an application presented for filing on 6th April,
2021. In particular, the applicants are praying for the following orders:
"THAT all the parties concerned appear before Hon. Justice Rwizile in
case in land case No. 33 of (2026?) 2016 against the whole of the
grounds that;......
1. That the learned judge erred in for failing to analyse the evidence of
the plaintiff who categorically stated the effect of the illegal eviction
2. That the learned Judge erred for failure for failure to understand the
gist of the case in his final analysis as he dismissed the counter claim
which was not part of the case and part of the record and nobody
tendered evidence to that effect and left the Plaintiff's case
and authorities which were cited to support the case and leading to
4. That the learned Judge erred for failing to analyse the evidence and
use the exhibits which were tendered by the Plaintiff and his
witnesses and his evidence in total which led him to arrive to wrong
5. That the learned Judge was biased by relying on the decision of this
which was a different case and with different analysis and led to the
the Court of Appeal and leave of this honourable court is required
The dispute between the parties stems from land dispute among family
Sozigwa donated to his son Moses Paul Sozigwa Powers of Attorney to look
after his property. What transpired between the father and his son upon
father's return from Finland is not relevant to the matter before hand, but
it is on record that the said property was at the kernel in a dispute in Land
Case No. 157 of 2012 before this court between BARRETTO Haulers (T) Ltd
Versus Mohammed Duale. The Applicant lost the suit and this application
traces its root in the execution processes of the decree in which the
present Applicant was evicted from the property. That decision did not go
down well with the Applicant who in turn has a review in this Court.
didn't file any counter affidavit. The gist of the Applicant's preliminary
objections is that:
1. That the application for review contravenes Order XLII Rule 3 of the
principal officer of the Applicants appeared for the applicants while Mr.
filing written submissions was made. Counsel for the Respondent complied
but the Applicant didn't. Counsel relied entirely on the written submissions
on record.
Submitting in support of the first ground, the learned counsel for the
in court is provided for under Rule 2 of Order XLII of the Civil Procedure
Cod. Under that the law provides that the provisions as to the form of
preferring appeal applies mutatis mutandis to application for review,
Order XXXIX Rule 1(1) of the Civil Procedure Code. The learned counsel
argued the court to find that any review which is brought in any other form
to be defective.
[2004] TLR 218. Drawing further support from the decisions of the Court
stressed that the ingredients of an operative errors are first that there
the record and third the error must be have resulted in miscarriage of
justice, I will only add that the error must be an oversight on the part of
Residual jurisdiction of court (i.e. power to revisit its own decision) kicks in
the error. Secondly residual jurisdiction can be called into play where there
but which is so crucial that had the court seen it before, it couldn't have
determine by itself. Here both the court and the judge determining the
Appeal. All the Applicants needed to establish was that firstly, the existence
Looking at the course taken by the applicants in this application, I am
convinced that all they seek this Court to do is to set aside the judgment
simply because they disagree with same. Had his Lordship Rwizile J, not
to hear and determine this review application. Clearly that would amount
to him sitting on an appeal against his own judgment which is beyond his
That said I find the preliminary objection merited and I sustain it. I
find that the application is utterly misconceived, it is hereby struck out with