‘St Walburga’s is deeply rooted in its Gospel values. Pupils feel cared
for and happily come to school. They achieve well academically’
Our school is a learning community, rooted in Gospel Values. We want our children to
be supported to become well-rounded, confident and respectful individuals, who are
instilled with a life-long love of learning, a sense of social justice, and who are constantly
striving to be the best they can be.
Our Mission Statement is at the heart of our school, and reflected in every aspect of our
school lives.
Please do not hesitate to contact us to find out more about our school.
Veronica Woodward
‘The over riding feeling is that all children are loved and cared for as in a family’
Parent questionnaire
Highlights from our 2019 data from OFSTED Primary Inspection Data Summary Report:
• Key Stage 2 attainment of the expected standard in reading (90%) was significantly
• Key Stage 2 attainment of the expected standard in writing (98%) and of greater
depth in writing (41%) was significantly above national and in the highest 20% of all
• Key Stage 2 attainment of the expected standard in reading, writing and mathematics
combined (86%) was significantly above average and in the highest 20% of all schools.
• Key Stage 2 attainment of the expected standard in science (95%) was significantly
• The proportion of all children meeting the phonics expected standard in Year 1 (97%)
was significantly above national and in the highest 20% of all schools.
• The percentage achieving a good level of development at the end of the early years
foundation stage (85%) was significantly above national and in the highest 20% of all
schools in 2019.
We were not able to make data comparisons with local and national attainment
in 2020 or 2021 due to the COVID-19 pandemic, but we have continued to assess,
support and challenge our children to achieve the best outcomes they can.
As a Catholic school we provide a Catholic The curriculum is delivered using a wide range
Christian education, based on the life and of approaches and resources. Teachers have
teaching of Jesus Christ, in which the values of the responsibility for planning and delivering
the Gospel underpin all aspects of school life. lessons in their classes. Curriculum coverage
Our children experience a broad and balanced is mapped against long term plans, and the
curriculum, which is enriching and challenging, teachers regularly review and revise their
and develops spiritual, academic, social and approach and the content of their lessons to
emotional growth. reflect the interests and needs of their pupils.
‘Pupils talk confidently about what they have learned and can make
links between different subjects’
Catholic Social Teaching is at the heart of our curriculum, and as well as providing the children
with a wealth of opportunities to serve others within the school, local and worldwide communities,
we ensure that the children have an understanding of the 7 principles of Catholic Social Teaching
through the Caritas in Action scheme of work.
We encourage our children to develop an understanding of their roles and responsibilities in our
community, and to identify and take opportunities to have an impact on the lives of those around
We work closely with you to support your child during this important first year. We encourage
communication with parents, primarily through the ‘Tapestry’ app, so that we can share the
milestones in your child’s Learning Journey with you. Our Reception classrooms and outside area
are set up to promote learning, build positive relationships and enable your child to learn and
develop. We are constantly reviewing and revising our provision and curriculum to ensure that we
are giving our children the strongest start possible in their early years.
Our school day is from 8.40am to 2.50pm, with Developing resilience, making connections and,
a morning break, lunch break and break for the above all, embedding a life long love of learning.
younger children during the afternoon.
Our system of marking and feedback ensures
The school gates open at 8.25am, children that children receive the support and challenge
should not come to school prior to this time they need to make progress in their learning.
unless they are attending a club. School staff For those children who need extra support
are there to meet children on the gate after this on a regular basis, we offer a wide range of
time, and to take any messages which you wish interventions. We have teaching assistants in
to pass on to their class teacher. every class, many of whom have been trained to
provide specialist support. Our SENCo monitors
Our SWOOSH (St Walburga’s Out Of School the progress of every child throughout the
Hours) breakfast club opens at 7.30am – year, and works closely with parents to support
children have the opportunity to enjoy a healthy children at every stage of their learning, seeking
breakfast and activities prior to starting the advice from external agencies when necessary.
school day. If you wish to use this facility, you
can book it via WisePay (subject to availability). At morning play, children are encouraged to
enjoy a fruit snack – for children in Reception
Children must be at school by 8.40am – arriving and KS1, this is provided. Older children are
at school promptly really helps children to welcome to bring their own fruit – but we are a
maximise their learning experience as they nut free school!
have an opportunity to see their friends, and
settle into class before their learning begins for At lunchtime, your child can bring their own
the day. packed lunch from home, or you can order a
packed lunch or hot meal from our school meals
As described previously, our curriculum is broad provider – Forerunner. This must be booked
and balanced, and children have opportunities in advance, and is available to order through
to learn in a variety of ways. We often teach WisePay. The service is nutritious and tasty,
through a topic or text-based curriculum, but and the children enjoy eating hot lunches in
will always adapt our planning to ensure that the school hall. The menu offers a choice of
children have the opportunities to acquire the vegetarian or meat main, plus a jacket potato
skills they need at every stage of their learning. option for each day. For Reception and Key
In addition to the subject content of our Stage 1 children, a meal can be booked free of
lessons, we ensure that the children have the charge. Key Stage 2 children need to pay a small
opportunity to develop the learning behaviours cost, unless eligible for free school meals.
and values at the heart of our curriculum –
If you think your child may be eligible for free school lunches, please
contact the school office or the BCP student support team on 01202 456201.
School ends at 2.50pm for all children apart
from those who are taking part in organised
activities after school hours. Parents will need
to arrange for their child to leave the premises
promptly. Parents of children in Year 4 and
above can apply for a ‘Walkers Pass’ for their
child – this enables their child to leave the
premises unaccompanied to walk home or meet
their parent away from the school. All other
children will not be allowed to leave the school
premises without an adult.
Our Pastoral Support Worker, Mrs Symes, has a wealth of experience and can provide lots of help
and support with any concerns that you may have about your child.
Our PHRE curriculum is based on the Coram-SCARF materials which help children explore emotions
and make healthy choices in their lifestyle and relationships. We also use the 10-10 resources,
recommended by the Diocese of Portsmouth, to support our children in learning about healthy
We pray, informally and formally, throughout our school day. In addition to daily class worship,
children take part in Masses and assemblies. Our ‘Prayer Buddies’ enable our children to share
their spiritual journey with their friends in other year groups – older children are able to model
and share their experiences with younger children, but are also open to learning from them. They
form a special bond, which often endures beyond their time at our school.
Our Mission Statement heroes – shared in whole school assemblies – provide children with
role models who embody our school values. We also celebrate our House Saints – St Francis, St
Bernadette, St Anne and St Joseph; and share the achievements of those children who have been
trying hard to follow our Mission Statement by learning to be the best they can be, and by serving
God and one another.
Father Bern, Parish Priest at the Annunciation and St Edmund Campion, is a regular visitor to
school, celebrating Mass with us. Deacon Barry also joins us on a regular basis, enabling us to share
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament. We also invite priests from other parishes in our pastoral
area to support us with the Sacrament of Reconciliation for Key Stage 2. Sister Maria from the
Handmaids of the Sacred Heart of Jesus Convent in Boscombe has worked with our Year 2 children
to support them in preparation of class liturgies.
We have a very active Worship Council – representatives from each class in Key Stage 2 who help
in the organisation of special prayer days and liturgies in school, and who help to look after our
Prayer Garden.
‘Great Catholic teaching, values and morals which shine in the children
and ethos of the school’
Parent questionnaire
Through our PHRE – SCARF curriculum, we
encourage children to learn about making
healthy choices in their diet and lifestyle.
The food element of our Design & technology
curriculum encourages children to research
and prepare healthy food, and to consider the
environmental impact of their food choices.
‘I love the genuine feeling of caring, love and support displayed to the children
by the staff – Thank you’
Parent questionnaire