Information Booklet 2017
Information Booklet 2017
Information Booklet 2017
Empowering learners to be positive, self-directed and engaged lifelong learners
Information Booklet
Nau Mai Haere Mai, Afio Mai, , Willkommen - A very warm welcome to Fairfield School.
Fairfield School, which was established in 1963, is a medium-sized urban school, situated in the north-east
corner of Levin. We are a full primary, decile 3 school with an approximate roll of 430 students.
The Fairfield community is a culturally rich and diverse community, which allows our children the opportunity
to engage with, and understand a wide variety of cultural backgrounds. Our current demography is: 62% New
Zealand European, 18% New Zealand Mori, 7% Asian, 9% Pasifika, 1% Middle Eastern/Latin American/African
and 4% Other. At our school, we aim to celebrate the cultural richness of our school in a variety of ways, to
empower our students and to build their pride and mana of their culture.
Fairfield has a proud history of providing quality learning and teaching programmes and seeking the best
opportunities for our learners. We have a large, dedicated staff, who all contribute to the learning experiences
of our children. Staff work in collaboration to ensure quality learning programmes that are founded on sound
pedagogy and effective practice.
As a school, we seek to involve our community through a range of different events and opportunities. A
highlight of the school calendar is the Fairfield Gala, which is an incredibly well patronised community event.
Family and whanau are also involved through sporting opportunities, learning and teaching programmes,
cultural experiences and informal events. Fairfield School enjoys a very active Fairfield Community Group,
who are the primary fundraising source for the school.
We know that a strong home/school partnership and relationship best supports our children and we welcome
parents helping in our school.
This information booklet is designed to provide you with some useful information about our school. If you
have further questions, please feel free to see your childs teacher, our Deputy Principal or myself.
We look forward to working with you and your child at Fairfield School.
Regan Orr
A Schools Charter sets the vision and strategic direction for the school. The Charter is reflective of the
aspirations of the community. The Charter also sets forth the achievement targets the school aims to achieve
and the annual plans, which the school will work through.
Values are deeply held beliefs are about what is important or desirable. They are expressed through the ways
in which people think and act.
New Zealand Curriculum, Pg 10
The following Values are what our Community considered important to provide the foundation for successful
learning and to develop positive relationships.
having a growth mindset, where respect for self, others property being responsible for own actions,
progress and improvement is thinking taking ownership, managing self
managing self
discovering your own special a sense of understanding, respect, relating to others, collaboration,
talents. Solve problems in empathy, empowerment, holistic working together
different ways. Seeking new ideas wellbeing
using language, symbols and texts participating and contributing
A full copy of our Charter can be found on our school website:
We recognise that transitioning to primary school is an important milestone for your child. We work closely
with parents and children to ensure the transition to our school is as successful as possible. We have a very
good working relationship with many of the Early Childhood Centres in Levin, which assists with the transition
process and ensuring we know the most about your child. Of course, the best person to tell us about your
child is you, and we value the information that you share with us about your child.
We have two teachers who will work alongside you for your childs transition, Basia Powell (Assistant
Principal) and Sally Rollinson (New Entrant teacher). Together, Basia and Sally will support you with your
childs transition to school.
Enrolment of a new entrant student is usually preceded by a discussion involving the Principal, and / or
Assistant Principal, the parents and the new student. Parents are invited to enrol their child a term prior to
their 5th birthday. This is to enable new entrants to benefit from an opportunity to enjoy a pre-entry school
Details such as address, phone number, emergency contacts and specific health matters, particularly allergies
or asthma will be noted.
Pre-school visits
We recognise that each individual child is unique and different, therefore pre-school visits are tailored to
meet your childs need. On average, your child will have two scheduled visits to school in the New Entrant
class, but if you would like more, that is no problem.
Typically our scheduled day for school visits is Thursday, however, if this does not suit, we can arrange a
different day and time. The first visit is usually from 8.50am - 11.00am with the second visit from 8.50am -
1.00pm. Your child will need to bring some morning tea and a drink for the second visit.
The aim of the visits are to help families gently work through the changes required when a child starts school.
This is a step towards your childs easy transition into full time schooling.
First Visit
On the first morning, please go to the school reception area by 8:40 am and a member of the leadership team
(normally the Principal or Deputy Principal) will take you and your child to the classroom.
Parents are welcome to stay for the duration of the visit (if you would like to). For some children the transition
may be easier if you leave, but we will be guided by you. If you or your child is anxious, feel free to talk to
your teacher about the best way to handle this.
Letter formation
Our style of writing is called Basic Script.
It avoids any need to make major changes in style during the students school life. As writing skills mature,
links are added between letters thus making writing more fluent for the senior classes. Little change should
be required for any future class or school.
It is a good idea to use the letter formations we use at school if you are teaching writing with your child.
It is an advantage for children to have consistent help with the shape and size of letters when they start
It is helpful if your child can write their name before they start school.
It is important to be at school on time. This fosters sound work ethics as required throughout life. It
also sets routines required for a positive working classroom. Being late can disrupt your childs
readiness for the day.
Children need to be collected on time from the classroom at the end of the school day. The teachers
do not let the children leave the classroom until an adult known to the staff comes to collect the child.
This is a safety precaution. Children not picked up by 3.00pm will wait in the school office.
A named school bag that can hold food and drink, a book bag, and clothing.
Stationery requirements.
Plastic drink bottles containing only water.
Talk positively to your child about starting school
Class visits are important prior to starting school.
Independence: Can your child put on their shoes, and do them up?
Naming possessions allows items to be returned to their owner. (Lunch boxes, school bags, as well as
clothing and footwear.)
Confidence in completing tasks. Encourage children to put away toys and clothes after use, this helps
with classroom routines.
Using crayons, pencils, scissors and glue, develops fine motor skills.
Encouraging a child to talk about their art work, places they visit, or experiences they have had,
improves oral language skills.
Reading to children regularly gives them a good start at school. The public library is an excellent
source of students books.
Your child should be able to:
Give their first and last names
Address and/or phone number
Recognise their own name in print.
Does your child know how to use a handkerchief / tissue?
Is your child able to use the toilet independently and to wash his/her hands afterwards?
On the day your child starts school please come to the office and the Principal or Deputy Principal will
meet you and take you to your childs classroom
At Fairfield School helping children learn to read and to write is very important and the main focus of our
literacy programme.
Writing words and sentences is also a daily activity. Children start to learn to write in a variety of ways. Most
commonly they will attempt to write by themselves and then tell the teacher, or read to the teacher, what
they attempted to write.
Throughout this process the teacher builds on what the student already knows. Other writing includes making
careful copies of correct writings, shared writing, using partly written text and adding individual pieces.
Teachers provide a variety of programmes where children are given the opportunity to succeed and learn in
their own way.
The teaching of mathematics takes place daily. Numeracy is a key component of this programme. We are
happy to explain these processes to parents in more depth. Just ask your class teacher.
Our School Values form the foundation of our school rules and we regularly discuss our values with the
Reading may take many forms. It may not be a home reader but one of the following;
Shared book / library book
Caption work on art
Alphabet activities
Poetry Card
Class Book / home book
Home learning folder
The base words need to be read daily and students need to recognise these words in lots of different forms.
This should then lead to writing these words independently
For any home learning, give praise and support. Children thrive on success.
The first two years are vital as this sets the pattern for reading.
We believe that parents should be aware of what their child has eaten through the day. To allow this to
happen, children take all the contents of their container home.
We suggest you provide your child with a sandwich for morning tea and a sandwich for lunch
Fairfield School Information Booklet - 2016
If you have any issues/concerns
Step 2 Please make a time to see the Assistant Principal, if you need further help.
Step 3 If there is still no resolution than please make an appointment to see the Principal.
We look forward to working with you and your child during their time at Fairfield.
All students should be at school by 8:45am each day, ready to start class promptly at 8:50am when the bell
Should your child be away, you can contact us via a number of methods to inform us of your childs absence:
- Phone the office: 368 5513
- Email the office:
- Notify us via the Fairfield School App
It is important to notify us before 8.50am to inform us of your childs absence and the reason for their
absence. If we dont hear from you and we cant make contact with you, your childs absence will be recorded
as Truant.
Should we not hear from you, we will send out an electronic text message to inform you that your child has
not been accounted for at school. If you receive this message, please contact us to clarify your childs absence.
The Deputy Principal monitors the attendance of all our children. Should an emerging pattern of absence be
noted, she will be in contact with you.
Any child who arrives at school AFTER 8.50am must sign in at the school office.
Certificates, sharing of work and achievements are recognised. Children are recognised every fortnight for
demonstrating the School Values or the Key Competencies.
Parents are welcome to attend assemblies. Team assemblies are held at the discretion of the Team Leader on
alternative weeks.
Fairfield School, in partnership with BNZ Levin, offer a school banking service for all students of the school.
Each Wednesday a representative of BN visits the school, and with the assistance of the Year 7 & 8 students,
are available to accept School Banking into accounts opened by the BNZ for the students.
Simply remind your contacts through your school connections to mention your name and schools name when
they draw down their home loan with ANZ. The school can redeem their credits for a variety of items ranging
from sports equipment to the latest in computer technology.
At Fairfield School we value and encourage positive behaviour. We aim to have a school that is friendly,
positive, and welcoming where children are able to learn.
Our school is committed to promoting the Values and Key Competencies (as expressed in the New Zealand
Curriculum) and the Values of our community, which promote and encourage a safe learning and physical
At Fairfield School we aim for all children to be responsible and respectful citizens, who aspire to be the best
they can. At our school, we value and encourage:
treating everyone with dignity and respect
celebrating the diversity of others
positive reinforcement
At Fairfield we will promote and model a positive environment, where expectations are clear and consistent.
Through classes and assemblies, desired behaviours will be modelled and taught.
Our full procedure for Behaviour Management can be found on our school website.
All staff are in class by 8.35am to meet with students.
Children may come to school on scooters, skateboards or roller blades. These are to be carried into the school
grounds. Bikes and Scooters are to be locked at the bike rack. Skateboards and roller blades are the
responsibility of the student and are stored with their bags during the day.
The school supports the Police view that children under the age of 9 do not have the skills to safely ride to
school, and that it would be preferable for them to walk or bike with a parent.
The wearing of cycle helmets is required by law. The police have requested any child that rides to school
without a helmet, will not be able to ride their bicycle home. Parents will need to come and collect the
The Board of Trustees consists of:
Five parent members elected by the community every three years.
A staff representative, elected by school staff
The School Principal
The principal is a permanent member of the Board and the Staff Representative is elected by the school staff.
Board meetings are held in the school staffroom twice a term. The community is welcome to attend these
Minutes from Board of Trustees meetings are available at the school office.
The Scholastic Book Club operates in our school and is distributed once a term.
Parents are reminded that the school car park is a staff car park and is not to be used for dropping off or
picking up children throughout the day. This is for Health and Safety reasons.
The school will ensure the safety of children in the interim between evacuation following a major disaster, and
parents/caregivers resuming responsibility for their children, and before the re-opening of school following a
Children will be discouraged from wearing shoe-string straps, make-up or shorts that are too short. Parents
may be contacted to discuss this.
Children may wear small ear studs and a watch, unless it is necessary for cultural and or medical reasons.
For safety reasons, we ask that necklaces and dangling earrings are not worn. Children are not to wear
make-up or cosmetics unless it is necessary for medical reasons.
Sunhats must be worn when outside in terms 1 and 4. The school policy is No hat no play. The school has a
uniform sun hat which students are required to wear. Hats may be purchased from the school office. Please
name all hats. We are a sun safe school and encourage children to use sunscreen.
If you are concerned that your child may have lost or misplaced some of their clothing, please come in and
check the lost property bin.
Parent helpers are welcome and invited to assist within the school.
Parents, grandparents, and friends are encouraged to be actively involved in the education of their children.
This is seen as a valuable experience for parents and children.
This includes helping to make classroom equipment, school activities, trips, classroom tasks, library tasks,
book repairs, hearing children read, fundraising, coaching a sports team etc.
If you would like to help in any way please contact the office or your childs teacher.
Parents are reminded of the Privacy Act whereby no children or teachers are to be discussed within the
community. Regular parent helpers will also need to be inducted with the schools Health and Safety
Kapa Haka
Our school has a strong Kapa Haka group, which your child is able to join. Practices are held on a Monday from
1.45pm - 2.30pm by Whaea Hine. Kapa Haka consists of learning waiata, haka and dance. Our Kapa Haka
group perform on a variety of occasions.
At Fairfield School we have developed our own Conceptual Curriculum, based on the New Zealand Curriculum.
Our Conceptual Curriculum focuses on learning about one key concept, underpinned by a range of different
We provide regular communication with our parents and families through a variety of means:
- School Newsletter (distributed on a Thursday)
- Facebook (search for Fairfield School, Levin and Like our page)
- Our School App, which can be downloaded from the App or Android store
- Seesaw App (junior school)
- Through our school website
- Regular notices home from classes
A mobile caravan is now used for dental service at our school.
The caravan visits the school for approximately 1 month each year and is situated outside Room 11 while
The school has a no dogs allowed policy in the interest of keeping the grounds safe and clean for children.
We are a rubbish-free environment, whereby children take home their morning tea and lunch waste.
The school does not require permission for some school events and local trips that are a part of the school
curriculum that do not involve a cost to parents i.e. band concerts, cross country, community walks. Parents
will be notified through the newsletter or a special notice of any upcoming events.
Fairfield School is governed by an enrolment scheme, which manages the likelihood of overcrowding at our
school. Full details of our enrolment scheme can be found on our school website.
All students who live within the prescribed home zone are entitled to automatic enrolment at our
Ballots are held to determine the number of out of zone enrolments that may be admitted.
If you are enrolling a New Entrant child, we will require a copy of their birth certificate or passport
details. Passport Visas are required for migrant students.
Under the Health Regulations 1995, schools are required to keep a register recording the
immunisation status of all enrolled children. Please bring your Immunisation Certificate for sighting on
enrolling your 5 year old.
If you are enrolling your child from another school, while we require an enrolment form from you, some
information will be passed on from your childs last school, eg: academic results
The Health Nurse is a regular visitor to the school on routine matters, which include the assessment of New
Entrants, where this is requested.
Head lice are a common occurrence in all schools. When a parent informs the school of head lice, a notice is
distributed to the class or team. Head lice need to be dealt with, to limit spreading. Preventative measures,
such as tying up hair and not sharing combs or hats, are to be encouraged.
The school will liaise with the home when guidance and counselling are identified, as an appropriate option,
to help students.
Some infectious diseases require a period of exclusion from the school. These are:
o Measles: until the rash disappears
o Chicken pox: one week from the appearance of spots
o Mumps: until the swelling has subsided
o Scabies: nil if being treated
o Ring worm: nil if being treated
o Head lice: nil if being treated
o School sores: nil if being treated
o Asthma an information sheet is to be completed at enrolment time
o Contagious disease will be dealt with by following medical recommendations.
Home Learning is designed to support and enhance childrens learning. Home Learning is developed and
distributed differently in each Team. The Kowhai Team (Year 1-2) primarily have Home Learning that supports
the acquisition of early literacy and numeracy skills, eg: home reading and basic facts. Whereas the Totara
Team (Year 7-8) may have projects or continuation of classroom learning, that supports current learning,
and/or reinforces time management and key learning skills.
If a child says they have no home-learning, encourage them to read or learn their tables. Children should be
able to recall instantly:
Classes visit the library at least once a week to issue books. Children are encouraged to withdraw books to
share with you at home.
Lost property is stored in the container outside the school library.
Manaea Estate provides a lunch order service for our school, whereby you can order your childs lunch and it
is delivered at lunchtime. Orders can be placed by either completing a lunch order at school or completing an
online form via the lunchonline website.
A menu and price list is available from the school office and is on the school website.
Should your child require any medication at school, the appropriate Administering Medication Forms need to
be completed. This allows staff to know the required dosage and provides evidence of your consent.
Due to a significant decline in the use of school milk in 2015, this service has ceased at Fairfield.
The school issues a Weekly Newsletter every Thursday. This is available in a number of ways:
- Print - which is sent home with your child
- Email
- School App
- Facebook
During wet weather, red flags are placed around the field and grassed areas. Students cannot play on these
areas when the red flags are out.
Fairfield operates an Opt-In Religious Education programme, called Champions. This service is held on a Friday
during lunchtime. Should you wish your child to participate, please complete the form available from the
school office.
Reporting to Parents is an important aspect to share with you, your childs progress and achievement.
Alongside formalised reporting opportunities, staff are happy to talk with you at any time of the year, to
discuss how your child is progressing and achieving.
We are currently drafting a Reporting to Parents schedule for parents who have children in the first three
years of their schooling, which aligns with the National Standards.
The Kea Crossings on MacArthur Street and Fairfield Road are supervised by students and staff from 8:30am
until 8:45am each morning and again from 2.45pm - 3.00pm.
Please take care near the crossing and teach children to walk and not run across the road.
On Fairfield Road there is a bus bay. Parents, please abide by the road rules and stay clear of this area at the
designated times.
Fairfield School has a voluntary donation, which can be paid by parents, to support the learning and teaching
at our school.
Should children arrive after 8.50am, they must sign in at the school office.
During the day, if parents/whanau come into school, they must sign in (and out) at the school office. This is
critical for Health and Safety so that we know who is on site.
Should you need to take your child out of school during they day, they must be signed out at the office by
your or the guardian collecting them.
Our school and grounds are smokefree.
Class Lists are held at the school office, listing the various items for each class. Stationery items are not sold
through the office and can be purchased from a stationery store.
Fairfield School does not have a swimming pool. The school promotes swimming as an important part of the
physical education programme and students are taken to the town pool.
Students may use the office telephone, if the matter is considered important or urgent.
Arrival at School
8:35 am Time for children to enter the school buildings.
(No teacher in the room - no child in room).
Before school
Should children arrive at school before 8.35am, we ask that they are to wait in the court area outside Rooms
8-11. This allows teachers preparation time in the classroom before students arrive.
After school
Any junior student not picked up by 3:00 pm will be taken to the school office to wait for their parent.
We ask that valuable items and items of personal significance are not brought to school. Similarly, we request
that the only jewellery children may wear is a watch and sleepers for pierced ears.
Mobile phones are to be handed into the school office, where they can be collected at the end of the day.
The Fairfield School website can be found at
Our website contains a wealth of information, including newsletters, school policies and procedures and
recent events and activities.
Children at Fairfield School will be encouraged to take home food leftovers and wrappings.
This helps parents to know what their children are eating. It helps the school to promote healthy eating and
to eliminate litter.
Fairfield School has been providing quality education for Year 7 and 8 students since 1995.
Our classes focus on broadening the curriculum, reflective of the vocational pathways children may wish to
take as they prepare to embark on their secondary schooling.
As a full primary school, staff know our children well, which bodes for increased success and relationships at
Year 7 and Year 8.
Balanced Curriculum
Fairfield School takes pride in providing a balanced, relevant curriculum and within each curriculum, learning
across the strands.
Additionally, we provide extension programmes and academies to help meet physical, social, and interest
based needs of the students.
We live in a rapidly changing world, where information and knowledge changes quickly. We are also in a very
digitally connected world, where access to information through mobile devices, supports our students to
engage with relevant and recent information. To support our students in this world, the Board of Trustees
provide every student in Year 7/8 with their own iPad for use at school. Use of mobile devices also fosters
creativity and innovation, whereby students can use a range of apps to enhance their learning.
Year 7 and 8 students are given the opportunity to attend Waiopehu College for a technology programme
once a week for 2 hours. (Workshop technologies, textile, food technology, ICT and biotechnology.)
This is a set cost of $2.50 per week or $25.00 per term. Parents are required to pay this cost at the beginning
of each term.
Students are asked to make their own way to the College on a Thursday morning. After the technology
session, children are bused back to Fairfield School.
An annual speech contest is held in term 4 each year for Year 7 and 8 students.
The winner of the Year 8 speech competition is awarded a trophy at the Year 8 Graduation.
Fairfield School students have been among the recipients of these scholarships every year.
The final Year 8 graduation award is an accumulative award of general excellence in curriculum effort,
curriculum achievement, sports and cultural awards throughout the year.