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Prospectus May 2019

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Making a Difference Together

Revised May 2019

Dear Parents/Carers

On behalf of the staff and governors, I would like to welcome you and your child to Ashton Primary
School. I am confident that you and your child will enjoy this important next step in your child’s life.
At Ashton we work hard to ensure that every child reaches his or her potential. We provide a wide
range of experiences to help make learning fun and meaningful including themed weeks and visitors
to school. We aim high, whether this is in sport, music or academic areas of the curriculum and we
support our children to do as well as they possibly can.

As headteacher, I always welcome your input, please come in and talk to me – both about what you
like and what ideas you have that can help us to develop. We are continuously looking for ways to

We believe strongly that your child’s education should be a partnership between school and home
and therefore it is important that we support each other and that we build a strong, positive
relationship to enable your child to settle and achieve well throughout their primary education. We
ask that you attend parents meetings, workshops and support your child with homework. It is also
important to us that you value the school behaviour policy by reinforcing its importance with your

At Ashton we value each and every child as an individual for their own strengths, personalities, skills
and abilities. Whilst we have high standards and expectations for children in academic areas, our
philosophy is that every child is amazing at something and it is our job to find what this is and to help
your child to thrive.

The details contained in this prospectus should answer many of your questions about school.
However, please remember we are all available to discuss any matter, no matter how small, to ensure
you and your children are happy and supported at our school.

Yours sincerely
Mrs S Blackburn

Head teacher

Making a Difference - Together

Ashton Primary School

Mission Statement

Ashton Primary School is

Where children are:

 Valued, safe and secure
 Happy and grow in confidence
 Given the tools for life long learning
 Independent learners who are eager to achieve
 Given the chance to be the best they can be.

Making a difference together.

Adapted by the children at Ashton Primary School

Where children are:

 Involved, safe and happy
 Boosting self- esteem and growing in confidence
 To be provided with opportunities to aim high
 Children who try their hardest to achieve the best they can be
 Given the choice to be who they want to be

Making a difference together.

Making a Difference - Together


The Ashton Primary School Day 5

School Organisation 6

Food and Drink 8

The Curriculum 9

Discipline and behaviour 11

Clothing 12

Clubs and After School Groups 13

Parents and Community 14

Health and Safety 15

Performance Data 17

Members of Staff/Governors 18

Making a Difference - Together

The Ashton Primary School Day

School begins at 8.55; therefore we ask that pupils arrive at school no later than 8.50 a.m. Please be
punctual as late arrival disrupts the class, your child may miss out on valuable activities and often
children feel very unsettled when joining the class late. Children can come into the junior hall at 8.40
a.m. to take part in our Sally Seal Club. Here they can take part in activities before the school day
begins. There is no charge for this facility we just ask that you arrive promptly at 8.40 a.m. If your
child needs to be dropped off at school before 8.40 a.m., there is a registered Breakfast Club – Stay
and Play. Children are provided with breakfast and activities, under supervision, for a small charge.

If children are not attending any of the above clubs, they should be dropped off in the playground at
the back of school ready to enter when the whistle is blown. Children should not come into school
through the main office doors.

The school day ends at 3.15pm, and children should leave/be collected via the playground. All children
in the infants and up to the end of Year 3 should be collected by an identified and agreed adult.
Children who are in years 4 5 and 6 and who are to walk home alone need a letter of permission from
parents to do this.

Good attendance at school is essential for so many aspects of development as well as academic
progress. Government guidelines and LEA guidelines suggest that we should reasonably expect
children’s attendance to be around 96%, accounting for some lost days due to unavoidable illness. We
would urge you to ensure that children are in school as much as possible. If you are unsure as to
whether your child is too ill to attend, we recommend that you bring them into school, and we will
always contact parents when we feel a child is struggling or suffering due to an illness.

If your child is unable to attend school, please let us know by telephone, before 9.30a.m. For
safeguarding reasons we need to know where children are if they are not in school.


Reflecting the information above regarding the importance of good attendance, please try to make
any doctor or dentist appointments out of school time where ever possible. If you are unable to do so
and you have to take your child out of school, please can you provide school with a copy of the
appointment card/letter so that we can put this on your child’s record and sign them out of the
children’ leaving school during the school day book.

School Security and Safeguarding

Children are asked not to use the main reception entrance, unless arriving to school late, as this is for
parents and visitors. All parents and visitors entering the building are asked to sign in and out using
the visitor’s book on the counter, children arriving late are to be signed into the late book by the
person bringing them to school.

Making a Difference - Together

Mobile phones
We have a school policy on mobile phones which states that all staff/visitors/parents should switch
phones off and keep them in pockets/bags or lockers once in school. This applies to all events on the
school premises, such as assemblies, Sports Day, fundraising events.


We have an assembly of some sort every day, either as a whole school or separate infants/juniors.
On Friday, we hold a Celebration Assembly, when a number of awards are presented including…
 Star of the week
 Writer of the week
 Top Table Award for good manners and behaviour at lunchtimes
 Team points
 Attendance and punctuality

Parents are encouraged and welcome to attend the Celebration Assembly which unless you are
notified otherwise, is on Fridays at 9.05pm. We ask that parents arrive on time, stay for the entire
assembly, and keep mobiles switched off and in pockets/bags throughout.

School Organisation
School currently has seven classes. Each year group is taught as a single class of approximately 30
children. As well as the class teacher, each class has a member of support staff timetabled to the class
for most of the week who will work with groups and individual children.
Foundation – Reception

Key Stage 1 - Year 1 and Year 2

Key Stage 2 – Year 3, Year 4, Year 5 and Year 6

Ashton Primary School also has a SERF unit – (Specialist Educational Resource Facility) which provides
a specialist provision for children experiencing difficulties with speech, communication and language.
These children are integrated into age appropriate classes and receive additional support from Speech
Therapists and specially trained members of staff.

Admission to School
In line with LEA guidelines and policies children are admitted to school at the beginning of the school
year (1st September) in which they reach the age of five. We know what a big step starting school is for
both children and parents so we have a sound induction process which can be adapted to suit the
needs of individual children. In the summer term before admission we organise a programme where
parents and children are invited into school to prepare them for the ‘big day’. This is a chance for
children and parents to get to know key staff, routines and to ask lots of questions to make sure that
everyone feels happy, secure and looking forward to September.

Each year, the majority of parents are offered a place at one of their preferred primary schools. This is
not possible when more applications are received for a school than the places available. If your
preferences cannot be met, you will be told why and how to appeal and/or access a reserve (waiting)
list. This information will come from Lancashire Authority.

Making a Difference - Together

Good communication between home and school is vital. We have a number of ways in which we can
contact you, or the other way round should you need to contact us:
 Weekly newsletter. Each Friday we publish a newsletter with information on forthcoming
events. This can be received via the school website, by email, class Dojo (see below) or if
preferred, a paper copy can be sent home with children.
 Letters of information- this might be information that is specific to your child/their class or a
group of children. Please check your child’s bags and pockets for letters from school.
 The school website is regularly updated with information-www.ashton.lancsngfl.ac.uk.
 Text messaging -we can text parents with any news or reminders.
 Class Dojo – this is an interactive program between home and school which requires parents
to enrol with an email address and password – it’s a great way to ask teachers questions and
get a response within 2 working days (so please bear this in mind if it is an urgent message).
Teachers will also post photos and send you pictures and information about how your child is
getting on.
 Twitter - We also have a twitter account, please feel free to add us!
In order for us to communicate with you effectively, it is essential that we have up to date contact
details. If these details change please let the school office know ASAP.

Money and Valuables

Children should avoid bringing money or valuables into school as there is always a risk they will go
Money should normally only be brought in for…
School dinners
Payment for Stay and Play (our before and after child care provision)
Fair trade tuck shop (Friday break times only – no more than 50p)

Money like this should be contained in a clearly marked envelope with the child’s name, class teacher,
purpose and amount. Money should not be left in coats in the cloakroom but taken into class and
given to the teacher for safe keeping.

Parent Pay
In order to avoid money being brought into school and in an attempt for the school to eventually
become cashless, we have a system call Parent Pay which is a very secure website:
www.parentpay.com. This can be used for online payments for many of the examples given above.
School will issue each family with a username and activation password to enable you to pay online
and there are step by step instructions on the website. Please contact the school office if you need
any more information.

Making a Difference - Together

Food and Drink
School meals
School dinners are cooked on the premises. A cafeteria system allows the children to choose from a
menu with three choices each day. Each meal consists of a main dish and a dessert and children
choose their option in advance. There is also a salad bar where children can serve themselves
unlimited fruit and salad. Meals are £2.30 per day (from September 2018) are to be paid for in
advance. If for any reason the amount due is not the standard amount, the office will inform the child
of the cost. If a cheque is sent, it should be made payable to LANCASHIRE COUNTY COUNCIL with the
cheque card number on the back; however, Parent Pay is a preferred method of payment. The school
requests that one week’s written notice be given for a change from school dinners to packed lunch as
the food for the children’s meals is ordered in advance. All Infant children are entitled to free School

Packed Lunches
Children may bring a packed lunch. These are kept on a trolley in the junior corridor and are eaten in
the hall. Swapping food is discouraged and children must take home what they haven’t eaten.
Children’s flasks are allowed, as are plastic bottles, but adult thermos flasks, glass bottles and cans are
not allowed due to danger of breakage. Children who forget their packed lunch are offered a school
dinner, which must be paid for. Please try to ensure that you only put healthy food in your child’s
lunch as we are actively promoting a culture of healthy eating.

As we promote healthy eating and school only allows children to bring in a piece of fruit for break
times. The infant children are given fruit by school each day free as part of the School Fruit Scheme.
Please do not send your children into school with sweets/chocolates or crisps.

Fair Trade tuck shop

We hold a tuck shop on Fridays where the children can purchase healthy snacks such as yogurt
covered raisins, plain popcorn etc each item is 50p,

School milk
Small cartons of milk are available daily for infant children. The current cost of milk is 21p per day and
this is payable at the beginning of each term once your child is 5 years old. Payment should be sent to
school in an envelope clearly marked with your child’s name and class. School will be informed if your
child is entitled to free school milk.

Pupil Premium / Free School Meals

If you receive certain benefits or have a household income below the government’s threshold, it is
important that you register your entitlement with the Area Education Office on 01772 531809. You
will need to provide them with your National Insurance number. Even children in the infants, who
currently receive free school meals, should register as by registering your entitlement, school will
receive extra funding into the budget called ‘Pupil Premium’ which we can spend on enhancing
provision for our children. Your child will then also be entitled to free school milk each morning
throughout the infants.

Making a Difference - Together

The Curriculum

At Ashton we strive to make lessons engaging, meaningful and fun, whilst at the same time meeting
requirements of the national curriculum. Across the curriculum we ensure our main drivers are fully
integrated at all times. The drivers are; Ambition, Knowledge of the World and Emotional Awareness.
The school fully implements all aspects of the Early Years Foundation Stage in Reception class and the
National Curriculum, including personal, health and social education aspects throughout the rest of
the school. The children are taught English and Maths every day and the rest of the curriculum is
planned through a thematic approach, linking subjects wherever possible into a topic, project led
approach. All subjects are led by a member of staff who promotes, keeps other staff updated with
new initiatives and monitors teaching and learning in their subjects:

Subject Leader – Mrs Nicola McArdle
Subject Leader – Mrs Lisa Riley Wheatcroft
Subject Leader – Mrs Liz Hird
History & Geography
Subject Leader – Mrs Jen Carlisle
Subject Leader – Mrs Lisa Smith
Modern Foreign Language (Spanish)
Subject leader – Mrs Lisa Smith
Religious Education
Subject Leader – Miss Bryony Fairclough
Physical Education
Subject Leader – Mrs Carly McCann
Subject Leader – Mrs Laura Sherlock
Subject Leader – Mrs Michelle Harrison-Baines
Subject Leader – Mrs Laura Sherlock
D.T – Design & Technology
Subject Leader – Mrs Lisa Riley Wheatcroft
Leader – Miss Bryony Fairclough
We work hard to ensure that all children have the opportunity to reach their full potential. Some
children may need some additional support to do this. We provide additional help when and where it
is needed. Much of this extra help is targeted in KS1 so that, hopefully, issues can be tackled and
sorted out as quickly as possible. However we have special support assistants to work with children
individually and in small groups in each class. If you feel that your child has additional needs it is
important that we are aware of this, please make an appointment with your child’s teacher in the first

Making a Difference - Together

Parents Evenings, Assessment and Reports

We try to keep you updated on your child’s progress on a regular basis, and in addition to the many
ways that we encourage parents to come into school, you will have three formal opportunities to
review your child’s progress with their teachers during the year. A parents evening is held after the
period of “settling in” before the October half-term. This meeting serves as an introduction to the
class teacher and your child’s general progress can be discussed. Parents are invited towards the end
of the Spring term to discuss general achievement throughout the year. You will receive a written
report at the end of the year and are invited in to school to discuss this with the class teacher if you

In between these times you are encouraged and welcome to contact your child’s class teacher if you
have any questions or concerns about your child’s progress.

SAT Tests

At the end of Years 2 and 6 children are tested as part of the National Curriculum requirements.
National Curriculum tests for Maths and Reading take place in May. Writing is through ongoing
teacher assessment which we submit at the end of June. An information meeting will be held in the
term before the tests and it is recommended that you attend to find out more about the ARE (Age
Related Expectations) against which your child will be assessed, and what you can do to support your
child. You are asked to ensure your children are in school on time for these tests. A summary of the
results is provided with the end of year report.


All research indicates that children who are supported at home go onto achieve better through
primary school, high school and into further education. If you support your child at home it also
reinforces to them that you value the importance of school and education, and their life chances are

Homework is given in line with the school’s homework policy. The length of time spent on homework
varies from about 30 minutes per week for Reception and Y1 to 15 minutes per night in Y2 and Y3
extending to no more than 30 minutes per night by Y6. The children are given homework on a regular
basis 2 or 3 times each week. This may include reading practice, learning spellings and multiplication
tables, research related to topics being studied, reading related activities or maths worksheets.

The most effective way to help to develop your child’s literacy skills is through reading – you reading
to them and them reading to you. Through reading, children absorb spellings, sentence structure and
vocabulary. Children who have a rich and varied experience of books develop a more natural flair for
writing. We encourage you to listen to your child read every day, even if it is for a short period of
time, it is so important.

Making a Difference - Together

We have high expectations for behaviour throughout school. All children deserve to be in a school
which is a calm, secure and safe environment.
We have a structured behaviour policy, and it is based on the following principles:

1. Everyone will act with courtesy and consideration at all times.

2. Any behaviour that threatens the safety of a person or others will be dealt with according to the
behaviour policy.

It is important that school and parents work in partnership to promote good behaviour, and we
expect that parents support this policy and reinforce the work of the school. If you have any concerns
we would like you to come into school and talk about it. Please see the school behaviour policy for
more information.


At Ashton we operate a zero tolerance policy on bullying. We do not pretend that it does not exist but
we deal promptly and appropriately with every concern or allegation made by anyone within the
school community.

Child Protection
School has robust and clear policies and procedures for dealing with safeguarding concerns and all
staff are trained in line with up to date LEA and national policies and procedures. Designated Senior
Lead (DSL) in School for Safeguarding and Child Protection is the head teacher (Sue Blackburn), and
the Deputy DSLs are the deputy head teacher (Nicola McArdle) and Key Stage Leader (Bryony

Because of day-to-day contact with children, schools are particularly well placed to observe outward
signs of abuse, neglect and concerning changes in behaviour. Parents should be aware, therefore,
that where a member of staff may have concerns, the school is required as part of the local Child
Protection Procedures, to report their concern to Children’s Social Care. Parents will always be
informed of a referral, but if contact cannot be made and the risk is immediate a referral may have to
be made without consent.

Making a Difference - Together

The expectation is that children will wear school uniform as follows. To avoid accidents the children
are asked to come in sensible black footwear (not trainers!). As all children are wearing similar items
of clothing, it is essential that all uniform and PE kit is labelled with names.

Girls White shirt and school tie. Purple school V neck jumper / cardigan with yellow stripe. Dark
grey skirt / trousers.
Purple or yellow striped/checked dress in summer.
Black shoes.

Boys White shirt and school tie. Purple school V neck jumper with yellow stripe. Grey/black
trousers or shorts.
White / purple polo shirt in summer.
Black shoes.

Jumpers and polo shirts with school logos are available from Smart Clothing, Lancaster Road, Preston,
and Top One, St John’s Centre Preston.

Jewellery, including earrings and studs should be avoided. This request applies to both boys and girls.
Owing to the number of accidents in Lancashire schools, the wearing of studs and earrings is
forbidden during all physical education and swimming instruction. Adults in school are not allowed to
remove children’s earrings or cover with plasters. The school requests therefore that children should
not have their ears pierced during the school year (only during the long summer holiday).

Hair and Make –up

Extreme hair styles, such as shaving, shaved patterns in hair, coloured hair should be saved for school
holidays and avoided during term time. Any hair accessories, such as bows, clips and hair bands
should be kept small and preferably in school colours of grey/purple/black or white. Children are not
permitted to wear make-up in school.

For physical education it is important that children change into appropriate clothing:
Yellow T shirt, purple shorts and black pumps.
Trainers are not appropriate for indoor PE but children will need trainers for outdoor PE.
To avoid confusion, all items of clothing should be clearly marked with the owner’s name. This should
be brought to school in a suitable PE bag with your child’s name marked on the outside.

Making a Difference - Together

Clubs and After School Groups
At Ashton we are committed to providing your children with as wide a range of additional activities as
possible and we are very fortunate to have a dedicated and committed team of staff who are keen to
volunteer to provide extra-curricular activities in their own time at lunchtime or after school.
We try to provide a range of clubs including sports, arts, games and computing amongst others. We
are delighted that the demand for clubs is huge and we try our best to allocate places fairly. This is
done at the beginning of term when an application form is sent out to all children. It is important that
these are returned by the deadline, as once we have allocated places, it is difficult to squeeze children
into popular activities. There may be a charge, you will always be notified in advance.

Stay and Play - Before and After School Club

The breakfast club operates from 7:30 in the morning until 8.50 and the After School Club from 3.15
until 6.00p.m. There is a scale of charges available from the club co-ordinators or the school office.
These clubs are limited to 30 places. More details can be obtained from the school office and the club

Educational Visits

The staff and governors believe that educational visits provide an important part of a broad
curriculum. Visits are often to museums, galleries or places of local interest and are linked to the class
curriculum. We usually ask for a voluntary contribution towards the cost. Unfortunately the use of
coaches with seat belts has raised the cost of trips and we rely on your generous donations to
undertake these activities. No child is ever refused a place on a visit because they have not
contributed but if insufficient funds are raised to cover the minimum costs the visit may be cancelled.
Children will not be allowed off school site for any trips/visits which extend beyond the local area if
written permission has been requested and not provided. Verbal permission will not be accepted. If it
is recorded on your child’s admission form that children have any medical equipment, they cannot be
allowed to leave school without it (e.g. inhalers).

Making a Difference - Together

Parents and the Community
Home/ School Agreement
The school has an agreed policy with parents and children expects that everyone attending Ashton
signs a home school agreement that sets out what the school will provide how the children are
expected to behave and how the parents can support the school. All parents and children are asked to
sign this agreement when they start school and again when they enter the juniors. The class teacher
also signs the agreement.

Community Links
The school plays an important role in the wider community. We therefore work closely with
associations in the local community. We regularly support charities and hold fund raising events to
raise money. We also have good links with the local library, college and churches. We aim to give all
our children a good understanding of their place in both the local community and the wider world in
which they live.

Parental Involvement
The partnership between home and school is essential to promote children’s happiness and enable
them to thrive at school. Throughout the year we hold workshops and open days which parents are
encouraged to attend. These give ideas of how you can support your children with their learning at
home. Parents are encouraged to take an active and supportive role in their child’s schooling as this
helps to motivate children. You are therefore always welcome in school to all events including class
assemblies. If you have any concerns we would like you to come into school and talk about it. We can
only get the best out of your children if we work together.

Pupil Voice
Since 2015 the children have been represented by a range of pupil groups. Each group or committee
meets up regularly to discuss a specific aspect of school life. Representatives from each committee
then meet with the head teacher/deputy head teacher each term. Committees include: Head Boy and
Girl; House Captains; Eco Club; Rights Respecting Council and Online Safety Champions.

Main holidays are set by governors following the pattern recommended by Lancashire County Council,
plus five In-service training days. We try to match local schools wherever possible. A copy of the
current holiday list is at the back of this prospectus.

Extended Holidays / Leave during term time.

Good attendance is essential and there is no automatic entitlement to any leave during term time,
therefore parents must seek school’s permission before taking their child out of school. An Extended
Holiday Form can be obtained from the school office. School will only authorise the absence if there
are exceptional circumstances. There may still be occasions where, even in exceptional
circumstances, school cannot agree the request for leave, for example during SATs week or important
transitional periods. If you choose to take your child on holiday in term time without permission, you
may be issued with a penalty notice. If you would like more information, please refer to the
Attendance Policy. We urge you to take family holidays during the school breaks – there are 13 weeks
in total.

Making a Difference - Together

Should you have any complaints about the provision made for your child you should in the first
instance discuss them with their class teacher. If there continues to be a problem this should be
brought to the notice of the Head. In very rare circumstances it may be necessary to involve
governors. In these cases the concerns should be put in writing to the Chair of Governors (Mr Chris
Bagguley). We are always keen to hear your views and opinions, and strive to deal with them in a way
that leaves you feeling reassured.

Social Media
We recognise that social media such as Facebook are widely used by parents. We would ask that
parents are mindful of what they post on such sites about other children/other parents or staff from
school. If you have any concerns about anything in school we urge you to come into see us or contact
us as soon as possible rather than publicising this on social media. If we don’t know about a problem,
we can’t do anything about it.

RRSA – Rights Respecting School Award.

At Ashton we have achieved the status of being a Rights Respecting School. The award shows how as a
school we listen to the voice of the child. We look at how we can improve the lives and knowledge of
the children regarding their rights. Becoming a Rights Respecting School supports all children in their
plight and that of others in their community and further afield to be heard. The school has a Rights
Respecting Council made up of approximately 20 children who meet regularly and discuss issues that
are important to them, their friends, family and the wider world.
We have achieved Level 2 of the Award and an extract from the recent Level 2 Assessment shows as
a school our aims:

The school ensures an extensive range of opportunities for the children to access information which
helps them to make informed choices and decisions about many aspects of their lives.

It is evident that the journey to become a Level 2 Rights Respecting School has inspired and
empowered the children of Ashton to commit themselves to becoming strong and global citizens.

Health and Safety

Members of staff who have a First Aid qualification will attend to minor bumps and scrapes; more
serious injuries are referred to the senior teaching staff. The school always errs on the side of caution
and will contact parents if there is some cause for concern. Do not be alarmed if you receive a phone
call. Remember, teachers have to be cautious. If your child receives a bump on the head, you will be
informed and asked to watch out for symptoms of concussion such as, double vision, vomiting,
drowsiness, loss of balance or memory. Please ensure that the school always has the necessary
information to get in touch with a parent or close relative.

Staff at Ashton should not general be required to give medicine to children. However, on written
request, via the medical forms in the office a designated member of staff will administer medicines if
absolutely necessary (usually when the dosage is more than 3 per day, otherwise it should be
administered at home) and only medicines prescribed by a doctor. All drugs must be clearly identified
and labelled with the child’s name, class and proper dosage. Where it is essential that a dose should
not be missed parents are asked to come into school to ensure the medicine is given. Asthmatic
children usually carry their own inhalers and treat themselves as necessary. For the very young
children the inhalers are usually kept in the class teacher’s drawer. If children have an inhaler it is
essential that they take them on all visits off school site. They will not be allowed on a trip without an

Making a Difference - Together

Head lice
Our school policy follows Lancashire County Council guidelines which are as follows:-
1. If a child is seen to have head lice the parents will be contacted and asked to take them home for
the remainder of that day. They may not return until the initial treatment has been completed.
2. The school expects the parents to treat the child within 24 hours of notification of the infestation.

In line with guidance from the Public Health England if children are sick or have diarrhoea they should
remain away from school for 48 hours from the last episode. This is to ensure that they are better,
and also that the bug is cleared and doesn’t spread throughout the class.

Road Safety
Your child’s best road safety teacher is you - basic road safety can only be taught in the street. When
your child is out and about with you it’s your example he or she follows, good or bad. Although Road
Safety Education is taught within the school, it is your responsibility as a parent to give your child the
basic skills. The car park in front of school is for staff only and should not be used by parents at the
beginning or end of the day. The Children’s Centre car park should not be used by Ashton Primary
School parents. The reason for this is that at the beginning and end of the day children are walking to
and from school and it is extremely dangerous for cars to be moving in those areas. Please can parents
use the overflow carpark located on Staveley Place.

Making a Difference - Together

Performance Data

SATs results : The results below show the number of children who achieved National Averages in year
2, (key stage 1) and year 6, (key stage 2) over the past three years. The figure in brackets below the
2018 data is 2018 national average.

End of KS1 Y2 (National figures in brackets)

Reading Writing Maths Combined (children

achieving expected in
reading, writing maths)

School 2018 77% 77% 84% 67%

(N: 76%) (N: 68%) (N: 75%) (N: 64%)

School 2017 83% 79% 83% 79%

School 2016 64% 54% 46% 43%

End of KS2 Y6 (National figures in brackets)

Reading Grammar, Writing Maths Combined

spelling and ( Children achieving
punctuation expected in reading
writing and maths)

School 2018 70% 83% 83% 90% 67%

(N:75%) (N:78%) (N:78%) (N:76%) (N:64%)
School 2017 73% 86% 82% 86% 69%
School 2016 39% 62% 69% 46% 27%

Making a Difference - Together

Staff and Governors
Staff: Headteacher Mrs S Blackburn
Deputy Headteacher Mrs N McArdle
Key Stage One Leader Miss B Fairclough
Key Stage Two Leader Mrs L Riley Wheatcroft
Business Manager Mrs V Robinson

Teaching Staff Mrs J Carlisle

Reception teacher

Mrs. N. McArdle and Mrs McCann

Year 1 teachers

Miss B Fairclough
Year 2 teacher

Mrs. L Hird
Year 3 teacher

Mrs Harrison-Baines
Year 4 teacher

Mrs L Riley Wheatcroft

Year 5 teacher

Mrs L Smith and Mrs L Sherlock

Year 6 teachers

Serf Manager and SENCO Miss Bryony Fairclough

Administrator Miss L Coupe

Teaching Assistants Mrs L Connolly Mr. B. Corlett

Mrs A Egan Mrs. T Green
Mrs K Ireland Miss R Shaw
Mrs L McCullough Mrs Z Sindha
Mrs V Scarborough Mrs D Thornton
Mrs K Rogers (apprentice)

Learning Mentor Mrs L Kennard

Family support worker Mrs L Moores

Site Supervisor Mr S Tyson

Cleaners Vacancy

Welfare Assistants Miss G Crew

Mrs A. Davies
Mrs. D. Thom

Breakfast/After School Mrs D Thornton (Manager )

Mrs A Davies (Deputy Manager)
Ms. T Gibbens
Mrs L McCullough
Mr B Corlett

Making a Difference - Together

Chair of Governors Mr. C. Bagguley c/o Ashton Primary School

Vice Chair Mrs D Foster

Head Teacher Mrs S Blackburn

Parent Governor Miss G. Dean

Mrs A Loughnane

Local Authority Mrs L McQueen

Co-opted governors Mr C Bagguley
Mr. D. Borrow
Mrs D Foster
Mrs O Rawcliffe
Mrs E Hurthault
Prof E Smith

Staff/Teacher Governor Mrs J Carlisle

Observers: Mrs V Robinson

Mrs N McArdle

Clerk to committees Mrs V Robinson

Making a Difference - Together


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