Molecular Solid Solution of Lanthanide-Titanium-Oxo Clusters With Enhanced Photocatalytic Hydrogen Evolution
Molecular Solid Solution of Lanthanide-Titanium-Oxo Clusters With Enhanced Photocatalytic Hydrogen Evolution
Molecular Solid Solution of Lanthanide-Titanium-Oxo Clusters With Enhanced Photocatalytic Hydrogen Evolution
•ARTICLES• February 2024 Vol.67 No.2: 529–535
Received September 19, 2023; accepted October 17, 2023; published online December 19, 2023
Molecular solid solutions of metal clusters containing different metal centers with well-defined structures can accurately regulate
the HOMO-LUMO gap, but are rarely available. Herein, a series of colorless lanthanide-titanium-oxo clusters Ln2Ti4(μ2-O)2(μ3-
O)4(Piv)10(THF)2 (Ln2Ti4, Ln = Eu, Gd, Tb, and Ce, HPiv = pivalic acid) were synthesized by the reaction of pivalic acid with
Ln(Ac)3 and titanium isopropoxide. The light yellow crystal of cluster solid solutions Eu2Ti4−xCdx, containing a mixture of Eu2Ti4
2+ 2–
and Eu2Ti3Cd, was obtained by in situ doping Cd and S . Eu2Ti3.92Cd0.08 displays efficient photocatalytic hydrogen evolution
activity without a co-catalyst, which is up to 2.6 times that of Eu2Ti4. Femtosecond time-resolved transient absorption spec-
troscopy and spin-polarized density functional calculations showed that the enhanced photocatalytic performance of Eu2Ti4−xCdx
can be attributed to the narrower HOMO-LUMO gap and lower LUMO position than that of Eu2Ti4. This studyprovides an in situ
doping method to realize the simple preparation of cluster solid solution.
molecular solid solution, lanthanide-titanium-oxo clusters, photocatalytic, hydrogen evolution
Citation: Chen R, Chen CL, Zhang H, Wang ZH, Sun FL, Du MH, Zhuang GL, Wang C, Long LS, Zheng LS, Kong XJ. Molecular solid solution of lanthanide-
titanium-oxo clusters with enhanced photocatalytic hydrogen evolution. Sci China Chem, 2024, 67: 529–535,
structure [15–17]. Therefore, the cluster molecular solid obtained. Anal. calcd. for Eu2Ti4O30C58H110 (FW = 1782.87,
solution can effectively control the doping position of metal yields 43%): C, 39.07; H, 6.22. Found: C, 39.19; H, 6.20.
ions. However, cluster solid solutions are very rare because Anal. calcd. for Gd2Ti4O30C58H110 (FW=1793.44, yields 60
of the weak interaction and hydrogen bonding among clus- %): C, 38.84; H, 6.18. Found: C, 38.86; H, 6.14. Anal. calcd.
ters [18]. The mixing that occurs between clusters requires for Tb2Ti4O30C58H110 (FW=1796.79, yields 42 %): C, 38.77;
an understanding of distortions and spatial orientations, H, 6.17. Found: C, 38.73; H, 5.96. Anal. calcd. for Ce2Ti4
making it very difficult for different chemical components to O30C58H110 (FW=1759.18, yields 40 %): C, 39.60; H, 6.30.
remain in a single crystal phase (Figure 1). Found: C, 39.42; H, 6.14. All of the yields were calculated
Heterometallic lanthanide-titanium-oxo clusters (LTOC) and based on pivalic acid.
have received much attention because of their special
structures and potential applications [19–21]. Herein, we 2.1.2 Synthesis of mesoporous CdS nanosheet
report a series of isomorphous LTOC Ln2Ti4(μ2-O)2(μ3-O)4- The Cd(EDA) was prepared using Cd(NO3)4·4H2O and
(Piv)10(THF)2 (labeled as Ln2Ti4, Ln = Eu, Gd, Tb, and Ce, CH4N2S as precursors and ethylenediamine (EDA) as sol-
HPiv = pivalic acid). Interestingly, a single crystal of Eu2Ti4−xCdx, vent. CdS(EDA) inorganic-organic hybrid nanosheet was
belonging to cluster solid solution [Eu2Ti4]1−x-[Eu2Ti3Cd]x, prepared with the modified method according to the litera-
2+ 2−
was prepared by in situ co-doping of Cd and S (The ture (seen in supporting information). In a typical process,
detailed recrystallization of cluster solid solution using a 1.5 mmol Cd(NO3)4·4H2O and 3.0 mmol CH4N2S were dis-
Soxhlet extractor seen in Supporting Information, Figure solved in 10 mL pure ethylenediamine under ultrasound till
S1). The Eu2Ti4−xCdx shows enhanced water splitting per- all the reagents were dissolved. The solution was then
formance compared to Eu2Ti4 because of the narrower transfer into 25 mL teflon-lined autoclave and maintained at
highest occupied molecular orbital-lowest unoccupied mo- 180 °C for 18 h. The yellow products were rinsed three times
lecular orbital (HOMO-LUMO) gap and lower LUMO po- with distilled water and ethanol respectively, and dried at
sition than that of Eu2Ti4. Ultrafast transient absorption 60 °C overnight in a vacuum oven to evaporate the solvent.
spectroscopy was performed to probe the excited state dy- Mesoporous CdS was prepared with further hydrothermal
namics of Eu2Ti4 and Eu2Ti4−xCdx. methods. Typically, 30 mg CdS(EDA) was dissolved in
10 mL deionized water under ultrasound for a few minutes.
Then the obtained suspension solution was transferred into
2 Experimental 25 mL autoclave and maintained at 140 °C for 12 h. The
yellow products were rinsed three times with distilled water
2.1 Sample preparation and ethanol respectively, and dried at 60 °C overnight in a
2.1.1 Synthesis of Ln2Ti4(μ2-O)2(μ3-O)4(Piv)10(THF)2· vacuum oven to evaporate the solvent.
2H2O (Ln = Eu (1), Gd (2), Tb (3) and Ce (4))
A mixture of Ln(Ac)3 (0.100 mmol), tetrabutyl titanate 2.1.3 Synthesis of H[Eu2Ti4−xCdx(μ2-O)2−ySy(μ3-O)4(Piv)9-
(TBT) (0.12 mmol) and pivalic acid (2.00 mmol) were dis- (THF)]
solved in a mixed solvent with tetrahydrofuran (THF ) (1.50 A mixture of Eu(Ac)3 (0.100 mmol), TBT (0.12 mmol) and
mL) and CH3CN (4.50 mL). The mixture was stirred for 1 h pivalic acid (2.00 mmol) were dissolved in a mixed solvent
and then heated to 85 °C for 6,000 min. After the mixture with THF (1.50 mL) and CH3CN (4.50 mL). Then different
cooled to room temperature, different bulk crystals were weights (0.2, 0.5, 1.2 and 2 mg) of CdS nanosheet were
added to different reaction bottles. The mixture was ultra-
sound for at least 1 h and then heated to 85 °C for 6,000 min.
After the mixture cooled to room temperature, different bulk
crystals were obtained. x and y were calculated by in-
ductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometer
(ICP-OES) (Table S2, Supporting Information online). Sin-
gle crystal data for clusters solid solution Eu2Ti3.91Cd0.09 (5)
with maximum doping amount were collected and shown in
Table S1.
The clean and dry indium tin oxide (ITO) glasses served as curve for quantification. The mean results and variance were
the working electrodes. 3 mg catalysts were dispersed in the obtained by testing each sample for three times under the
0.65 mL water, 0.25 mL isopropanol and 100 μL nafion and same conditions, and error bars were plotted.
then sonicated for producing slurry. The conductive tape was The photocatalytic apparent quantum yields were tested
used to adhere to part of ITO glasses to leave an area of 1 with Eu2Ti3.92Cd0.08 at 313 nm. The catalyst was irradiated by
cm×1 cm for depositing 40 μL slurry. And then, the working a 313 nm monochromatic light for 12 h, the intensity of
electrode with 40 μL slurry was dried at room temperature monochromatic light was calibrated to be 70 mW cm , and
naturally. The electrochemical measurements were per- the irradiation area was 19.625 cm . The amount of H2 mo-
formed in the cell equipped with three electrodes, namely the lecules generated in 12 h was 98.54 μmol. The apparent
working electrode, counter electrode (Pt plate) and reference quantum efficiency was calculated to be 0.13%±0.01%.
electrode (Ag/AgCl). EIS measurements were carried out in
a three-electrode system and recorded over a frequency range
of 100–200 kHz with ac amplitude of 20 mV at 0 V. A 10% 3 Results and discussion
methanol solution was used as the supporting electrolyte.
The photocurrent was measured in the same three-electrode 3.1 Synthesis and structural determination of Ln2Ti4-
system. A 300 W Xenon light was applied as the light source. (μ2-O)2(μ3-O)4(Piv)10(THF)2·2H2O (Ln = Eu, Gd, Tb, and
A 10% methanol solution was used as the electrolyte. The Ce) and H[Eu2Ti4−xCdx(μ2-O)2−ySy(μ3-O)4(Piv)9(THF)]
Mott-Schottky plots were also measured using the same solid solution
three-electrode system over an alternating current (AC) fre- The crystals of cluster Ln2Ti4 were synthesized by the re-
quency of 1,000, 1,200 and 1,500 Hz. These three electrodes action of pivalic acid, lanthanum acetate, and titanium iso-
were immersed in the 0.2 M Na2SO4 aqueous solution (pH propoxide. The X-ray diffraction analysis shows that the
6.6). Ln2Ti4 are isostructural and crystallize in the triclinic P-1
space group. Herein, we only discuss the molecular structure
2.3 Photocatalytic hydrogen production of Eu2Ti4 in detail. The structure of Eu2Ti4 consists of two
3+ 4+ 2− 2− −
Eu , four Ti , two μ2-O , four μ3-O , ten Piv , and two
3+ 4+ 2−
The photocatalytic H2-production experiments were per- THF ligands (Figure 2a). Two Eu , four Ti , two μ2-O and
2− 10+
formed via a photocatalytic H2-production activity evalua- four μ3-O form an [Ln2Ti4(μ2-O)2(μ3-O)4] metal-core
tion system (CEL-SPH2N, CEAU Light, China) in a 100 mL with a distorted octahedral geometry (Figure 2b). All Ti are
Pyrex flask, and the openings of the flask were sealed with six-coordinated and Eu are seven-coordinated. The Eu–O
silicone rubber septum. A 300 W xenon arc lamp was used as distances are 2.268(7)–2.452(1) Å, while the Ti–O distances
the light source. The focused intensity on the flask was about are 1.847(1)–2.054(8) Å, close to that of the reported LTOC
200 mW cm . The central property of the xenon arc lamp is [19–21]. The yellow crystal of Eu2Ti4−xCdx solid solution
shown in Figure S1a. In a typical photocatalytic H2-pro- was synthesized by the same method with the addition of
duction experiment, 0.025 mmol Ln2Ti4 (Ln = Eu, Gd, Tb, CdS nanosheet (Figure S2). Under heating conditions,
2+ 2–
and Ce) clusters were suspended in 20 mL of H2O with 2 mL Cd and S were controlled to release and generated the
of methanol as the sacrifice agent. Before irradiation, the Eu2Ti4−xCdx cluster solid solution (Figures S3, S4). With
system was vacuumed for 10 min via the vacuum pump to different adding amounts of CdS, the formed solid solution
completely remove the dissolved oxygen and ensure the re- samples were labeled as Eu2Ti3.985Cd0.015, Eu2Ti3.96Cd0.04,
actor was in an anaerobic condition. This is a heterogeneous Eu2Ti3.92Cd0.08, and Eu2Ti3.91Cd0.09, respectively. The certain
reaction since the clusters are stable in water. The solid so- ratios of Eu/(Ti+Cd) were defined by ICP-OES (Table S2).
lutions used in catalytic reactions are obtained by re- The composition of the Eu2Ti4 cluster and Eu2Ti4−xCdx
crystallization (Figure S1b) to remove any possibly formed solid solution was confirmed by electrospray ionization mass
CdS nanoparticles by using a Soxhlet extractor. The photo- spectrometry (ESI-MS) in dichloromethane. Two main
catalytic products were analyzed by gas chromatography groups of peaks in the range from 1,600 to 1,800 were ob-
(GC7920, CEAU Light, China) through an automatic de- served (Figure 2e). The largest mass charge ratios in each
tection system (CEL-SPH2N, CEAU Light, China). The group of peaks are 1664.1763 and 1703.2362, respectively,
peaks with retention time located at 2.0 min were char- in agreement with the calculated values of 1664.1964 for
acterized as hydrogen (by pure hydrogen characterization). [Eu2Ti4(O)6(Piv)10(NO3)] and 1703.2691 for [Eu2Ti4(O)6)-
In addition, after a specific volume of pure hydrogen was (Piv)11] , suggesting that the Eu2Ti4 maintains its structural
given, a series of standard curves for hydrogen were de- integrity in CH2Cl2. Except for the same groups of peaks of
termined by integration of the resulting peak area. The final Eu2Ti4, two new peaks of 1582.1152 and 1638.1452 ap-
results were obtained by integrating the peak area of the gas peared after CdS doping. These two peaks are corresponding
produced by the sample and substituting it into the standard to [Eu2Ti3Cd(O)5(S)(Piv)9] (cal. 1582.0727) and [Eu2Ti3Cd-
532 Chen et al. Sci China Chem February (2024) Vol.67 No.2
Figure 2 (a) The structure of Eu2Ti4(μ2-O)2(μ3-O)4(Piv)10(THF)2. Eu, Ti, O, and C are shown in purple, green, red, and grey, respectively. (b) The metal-oxo
core of Eu2Ti4. (c, d) The crystal photographs of Eu2Ti3.91Cd0.09 solid solution and Eu2Ti4 cluster. (e) The ESI-MS of Eu2Ti4 cluster and Eu2Ti3.91Cd0.09 solid
solution (color online).
− 2+
(O)6(Piv)9(THF))] (cal. 1638.1534), indicating that Cd uniform distribution of Cd and S elements in Eu2Ti4−xCdx
2– 4+ 2−
and S took the place of Ti and O of Eu2Ti4, respectively crystal solid solution (Figure 2b, c).
(Figure 2e). The powder X-ray diffraction (PXRD) patterns
of Eu2Ti4 and Eu2Ti3.91Cd0.09 matched well with their simu- 3.2 Photocatalytic hydrogen production
lated peaks, indicating the good purity of the obtained
clusters and cluster solid solution (Figure S5). The Raman Heterogeneous photocatalytic hydrogen evolution reaction
spectra showed characteristic peaks for Cd–S bond at 303 of Eu2Ti4 cluster and Eu2Ti4−xCdx solid solutions was tested
and 607 cm in Eu2Ti3.91Cd0.09, which is consistent with that without any photosensitizer or co-catalyst under light irra-
of Cd–S bond of CdS (Figures S6, S4b) [22,23]. The Cd–O diation. The photocatalytic H2 amount of Eu2Ti4 cluster with
vibration at 450 cm was observed which corresponds to the methanol as a sacrificial solution under 12 h UV-visible light
transverse optical (TO) + transverse acoustic (TA) combi- illumination was shown in Figure S9. The photocatalytic
−1 −1
nation at the CdO Brillouin zone L point [24,25]. And the activity of Eu2Ti4 is 856 μmol g h , which is the highest
peaks located at 377 and 937 cm are attributed to the 1LO catalytic activity among the reported titanium oxo-clusters
(longitudinal optical) and 2LO phonons stretches of Cd–O (Table S6). As shown in Figure S10, the hydrogen produc-
[24–27]. The appearance of Cd–O bonds in Raman spectra tion of Eu2Ti4 is near a straight line after 48 h illumination
confirms the successful substitution of Cd into the solid so- with turnover number up to 70. To verify the role of the
lution. As shown in Figure S7, the two peaks at 405.3 and lanthanide element in the composites, Ln2Ti4 (Ln = Eu, Gd,
412.0 eV are attributed to Cd 3d3/2 and Cd 3d5/2 of CdS, Tb, and Ce) clusters with different lanthanides and P25 as
respectively [28]. Notably, when compared to CdS, the Cd photocatalysts were studied under the same photocatalytic
3d3/2 and Cd 3d5/2 peaks of Eu2Ti3.91Cd0.09 are shifted in the conditions. The photocatalytic H2 production activities of
negative direction by 0.1 and 0.2 eV, which can be ascribed Eu2Ti4, Gd2Ti4, Tb2Ti4, Ce2Ti4, and P25 were 856, 205, 180,
−1 −1
to the increase of electron density caused by the successful 154, and 90 μmol g h , respectively (Figure 3a and Table
substitution of Cd and S. In addition, no diffraction peaks of S4). Also, Eu2Ti4 exhibited the highest photocatalytic ac-
the CdS nanosheet were observed in PXRD (Figure S5). tivity among other homologous series and showed excellent
These all indicate that Cd and S enter the lattice of the solid stability (Figure 3a, c). The EIS and photocurrent response of
solutions by substitution, rather than by simple surface ad- the isomorphic clusters were measured to study their charge
sorption. This result is also supported by scanning electron separation efficiency. As shown in Figure S11a, b, the Eu2Ti4
microscope (SEM) images of Eu2Ti3.91Cd0.09 (Figure S8a). cluster has the smallest semi-circle and a significantly larger
The energy dispersive X-ray (EDX) mapping elements show photocurrent response among the isomorphisms demon-
that the Cd and S elements are uniformly distributed strating a better charge transport and transfer ability. These
throughout the microcrystals (Figure S8b). Moreover, the results indicated that the Eu in the clusters plays an im-
crystal of Eu2Ti4 is colorless, while the crystal of Eu2Ti4−xCdx portant promoting effect on photocatalytic HER. The high
is light yellow. The change of crystal color also proves the photocatalytic stability of Ln2Ti4 clusters was confirmed by
Chen et al. Sci China Chem February (2024) Vol.67 No.2 533
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