4 Metil-Im
4 Metil-Im
4 Metil-Im
New coordination polymers [M(Pht)(4-MeIm)2(H2O)]n (M=Co (1), Cu (2); Pht2=dianion of o-phthalic acid; 4-MeIm=4-
methylimidazole) have been synthesized and characterized by IR spectroscopy, X-ray crystallography, thermogravimetric analysis
and magnetic measurements. The crystal structures of 1 and 2 are isostructural and consist of [M(4-MeIm)2(H2O)] building units
linked in innite 1D helical chains by 1,6-bridging phthalate ions which also act as chelating ligands through two O atoms from one
carboxylate group in the case of 1. In complex 1, each Co(II) atom adopts a distorted octahedral N2O4 geometry being coordinated
by two N atoms from two 4-MeIm, three O atoms of two phthalate residues and one O atom of a water molecule, whereas the
square-pyramidal N2O3 coordination of the Cu(II) atom in 2 includes two N atoms of N-containing ligands, two O atoms of two
carboxylate groups from different Pht, and a water molecule. An additional strong OH?O hydrogen bond between a carboxylate
group of the phthalate ligand and a coordinated water molecule join the 1D helical chains to form a 2D network in both
compounds. The thermal dependences of the magnetic susceptibilities of the polymeric helical Co(II) chain compound 1 were
simulated within the temperature range 20300 K as a single ion case, whereas for the Cu(II) compound 2, the simulations between
25 and 300 K, were made for a linear chain using the BonnerFisher approximation. Modelling the experimental data of compound
1 with MAGPACK resulted in: g 2:6; |D|=62 cm1. Calculations using the BonnerFisher approximation gave the following
result for compound 2: g 2:18; J 20:4 cm1.
r 2004 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Phthalate compounds; Carboxylate complexes; Dicarboxylic acid; Cobalt(II); Copper(II); Coordination polymer; Crystal structure;
Helical chain; Magnetic properties
0022-4596/$ - see front matter r 2004 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
2842 S.G. Baca et al. / Journal of Solid State Chemistry 177 (2004) 28412849
phthalate and N-containing ligands. Copper(II) [3233], 817m, 767m, 722m, 701w, 657s, 621m, 561w. Single
cobalt(II) [32,34], and zinc(II) [32,3536] coordination crystals suitable for diffraction studies were obtained by
polymers have been reported so far. In an extension of recrystallization of 2 from hot aqueous solution.
the study here we report on the synthesis, crystal
structure and magnetic properties of new cobalt(II) 2.3. Crystal structure determination
and copper(II) mixed-ligand coordination polymers
[M(Pht)(4-MeIm)2(H2O)]n (where Pht2=dianion of Single crystal X-ray diffraction data for 1 and 2 were
o-phthalic acid, 4-MeIm=4-methylimidazole). collected on a Stoe Mark IIImaging Plate Diffract-
ometer System [37] equipped with a two-circle goni-
ometer and using MoKa graphite-monochromated
2. Experimental radiation at 153 K. Image plate distance 100 mm, o
rotation scans 0180 at f 0 , and 035 at 90 , step
2.1. Materials and methods Do 1:2 ; 2y range 2.2959.53 , dmaxdmin=17.799
0.716 A. The crystallographic data and details on the
All the starting materials were reagent grade and used renements for 1 and 2 are summarized in Table 1. The
as purchased. The infrared spectra were recorded on a structures were solved by direct methods using the
PerkinElmer Spectrum One spectrometer using KBr programme SHELXS-97 [38]. The renement and all
pellets in the region 4000400 cm1. Thermogravimetric further calculations were carried out using SHELXL-97
analyses were carried out in dry nitrogen (60 mL/min) at [39]. The H-atoms were located from Fourier difference
a heating rate of 5 C/min from room temperature (r.t.) maps and rened isotropically. The water molecule H-
to 600 C on a Mettler-Toledo TA 50 instrument. atoms were also located from difference maps but were
held xed with Uiso=1.5(UeqOatom) A2. The non-H
2.2. Synthesis atoms were rened anisotropically, using weighted full-
matrix least squares on F2. Selected bond lengths and
2.2.1. [Co(Pht)(4-MeIm)2(H2O)]n (1) angles for 1 and 2 are listed in Table 2. Crystallographic
A solution of Co(O2CMe)2 4H2O (1.24 g, 5 mmol) in data for the structural analysis have been deposited with
water (10 mL) was added to a hot solution of KHPht the Cambridge Crystallographic Data Centre, CCDC
(1.02 g, 5 mmol) and 4-MeIm (0.82 g, 10 mmol) in water nos. 234706 (1), 234707 (2). Copies of this information
(10 mL). The resulting mixture was stirred and heated may be obtained from The Director, CCDC, 12 Union
for 30 min and left to stand overnight at r.t. The dark Road, Cambridge, CB2 1EZ, UK (fax: +44-1233-
red crystalline product was ltered off, washed with 336033; e-mail: deposit@ccdc.cam.ac.uk or www:
water and ethanol and dried in air. Yield: 1 g, 50%. An http://www.ccdc.cam.ac.uk).
additional batch of 1 can be obtained by keeping the
mother ltrate in air over 2 weeks (yield ca. 20%). Anal. 2.4. Magnetic measurements
Calc. for C16H18CoN4O5: C, 47.42%; H, 4.48%; N,
13.82%. Found: C, 47.94%; H, 4.54%; N, 13.81%. IR Magnetic susceptibility data of powdered samples
data (KBr, cm1): 3414s,br, 3211s, 3008sh, 1596sh, were collected on a MPMS Quantum Design SQUID
1559vs,br, 1493s, 1446s, 1417vs, 1396vs, 1259w, 1234w, magnetometer (XL-5) in the temperature range of 300
1158w, 1108m, 1088w, 962m, 870sh, 840m, 816m, 770m, 1.8 K and at a eld of 1000 G. The samples were placed
725m, 701m, 662s, 624w, 584m. Single crystals suitable in a gelatine capsule and a straw was used as the sample
for diffraction studies were obtained by recrystallization holder. The output data were corrected for the
of 1 from hot aqueous solution. experimentally determined diamagnetism of the sample
holder and the diamagnetism of the sample calculated
2.2.2. [Cu(Pht)(4-MeIm)2(H2O)]n (2) from Pascals constants. The LevenbergMarquardt
A solution of Cu(O2CMe)2 H2O (1 g, 5 mmol) in least-squares tting algorithm, in combination with
water (10 mL) was added to a warm solution of o- MAGPACK [40], was used to model the experimental
phthalic acid (0.83 g, 5 mmol) and 4-MeIm (0.82 g, magnetic susceptibility data.
10 mmol) in water (30 mL). The resulting mixture was
stirred and heated for 30 min. The blue microcrystalline
precipitate was ltered off, washed with water and 3. Results and discussion
ethanol and dried in air. Yield: 1.3 g, 64.2%. Anal. Calc.
for C16H18CuN4O5: C, 46.88%; H, 4.43%; N, 13.67%. 3.1. Synthesis and preliminary characterization
Found: C, 46.2%; H, 4.37%; N, 13.2%. IR data (KBr,
cm1): 3430s,br, 3145br, 3004sh, 1604sh, 1584sh, Reaction of metal(II) acetate with 4-MeIm and
1552vs,br, 1502s, 1489s, 1446sh, 1434s, 1407vs, 1396vs, KHPht or H2Pht in water in a 1:2:1 mole ratio
1261w, 1238w, 1160w, 1110s, 1088w, 971m, 852m, under heating leads to formation of polymers
S.G. Baca et al. / Journal of Solid State Chemistry 177 (2004) 28412849 2843
Table 1
Crystal data and details of structural determinations
1 2
Largest diff. peak and hole (e/A3) 0.509 and 0.505 0.465 and 0.525
[M(Pht)(4-MeIm)2(H2O)]n (M=Co (1) and Cu (2)) in moieties of 2 started at lower temperature (ca. 180 C)
ca. 70% and 64% yields, respectively. The IR spectra of and was then followed by a two-step total weight loss of
these compounds exhibit very strong bands in the 1604 61.68% from 180 C to 300 C, which is due to the loss of
1552 and 14171396 cm1 regions due to the asymmetric two molecules of 4-MeIm and one molecule of phenyl
and symmetric stretching vibrations of the coordinated radical [44] (calculated 58.63%). Further weight loss of
carboxylate groups of the phthalate ligand, respectively 13.53%, corresponding to the elimination of two
[4143]. The peaks that appeared at 32113145 cm1 can molecules of CO [45] (calculated 13.67%), occurred
be attributed to the NH stretching vibration of 4- between 420 C and 530 C. The nal product is CuO
MeIm. The presence of coordinated water molecules in 1 with the remaining percentage of 20.28% (calculated
and 2 caused the appearance of broad absorption bands 19.40%).
with maxima at 3414 and 3430 cm1, respectively.
Thermogravimetric analyses of the polymers performed 3.2. Crystal structures
in the range 25600 C indicate that these coordinated
water molecules are lost rst between 100190 C for 1 3.2.1. [Co(Pht)(4-MeIm)2(H2O)]n (1)
and 80150 C for 2. The weight losses of 4.59% and X-ray structural analysis reveals that 1 consists of
4.57%, respectively, are close to the theoretical values [Co(4-MeIm)2(H2O)] entities linked by bridging phtha-
(4.47% and 4.4%) for the removal of one water late anions into an innite polymeric helical chain (Fig.
molecule per formula unit. On further heating, 1 lost 1). Each cobalt atom in 1 has a distorted octahedral
weight between 200 C and 320 C corresponding to one (N2O4) coordination geometry with two nitrogen atoms
4-MeIm ligand (observed 18.18%, calculated 20.16%), N(1) and N(3) from two 4-MeIm moieties (Co(1)N(1)
then from 320 C to 520 C complex 1 decomposes 2.092(1), Co(1)N(3) 2.087(1) A), two oxygen
abruptly to give the oxide CoO (found 20.30%, atoms O(3a) and O(1w) belonging to the phthalate
calculated 18.49%). The decomposition of the organic moiety (Co(1)O(3a) 2.126(1) A) and a water molecule
2844 S.G. Baca et al. / Journal of Solid State Chemistry 177 (2004) 28412849
Table 2
Selected bond distances (A) and angles (deg)
1 2
Bond distances
Co(1)N(1) 2.092(1) Cu(1)N(1) 1.978(2)
Co(1)N(3) 2.087(1) Cu(1)N(3) 1.981(2)
Co(1)O(1w) 2.113(1) Cu(1)O(1w) 2.040(2)
Co(1)O(3a) 2.126(1) Cu(1)O(3a) 2.009(2)
Co(1)O(1) 2.129(1) Cu(1)O(1) 2.353(2)
Co(1)O(4a) 2.261(1) Cu(1)O(4a) 2.630(2)
Bond angles
N(3)Co(1)N(1) 177.18(4) N(3)Cu(1)N(1) 177.65(9)
N(3)Co(1)O(1w) 86.94(4) N(3)Cu(1)O(1w) 87.94(8)
N(1)Co(1)O(1w) 88.68(4) N(1)Cu(1)O(1w) 89.98(8)
N(3)Co(1)O(3a) 91.66(4) N(3)Cu(1)O(3a) 91.85(8)
N(1)Co(1)O(3a) 91.16(4) N(1)Cu(1)O(3a) 90.41(8)
O(1w)Co(1)O(3a) 169.98(4) O(1w)Cu(1)O(3a) 167.96(8)
N(3)Co(1)O(1) 88.64(4) N(3)Cu(1)O(1) 88.20(8)
N(1)Co(1)O(1) 91.10(4) N(1)Cu(1)O(1) 90.72(8)
O(1w)Co(1)O(1) 93.29(4) O(1w)Cu(1)O(1) 90.56(8)
O(3a)Co(1)O(1) 96.73(3) O(3a)Cu(1)O(1) 101.47(7)
N(3)Co(1)O(4a) 94.41(4)
N(1)Co(1)O(4a) 86.93(4)
O(1w)Co(1)O(4a) 110.04(4)
O(3a)Co(1)O(4a) 59.94(3)
O(1)Co(1)O(4a) 156.50(3)
the phthalate anion are 104.8(2) and 30.6(2) , respec- the whole crystal does not demonstrate chirality. Similar
tively. helical structures with the bridging phthalate ligand
The most interesting feature of compound 1 is the have been found in the zinc(II) mixed-ligand phthalate
formation of a helical structure. The Pht ligands bridge complexes [Zn(Pht)(tu)2]n [25] and [Zn(Pht)(bpy)(H2O)]n
cobalt atoms forming an innite 1D helical chain [31]. The intra-helix Co?Co separation is 6.247(1) A,
running along the [101] direction in the unit cell (Fig. longer than that in the helix of [Zn(Pht)(bpy)(H2O)]n
2). As shown in Fig. 3, one helical chain in compound 1 (5.633 A [31]) but shorter than the corresponding
exhibits right handedness (a) while the adjacent chain is metal?metal distance of 7.367(1) A found in the linear
left handed (c). Because left-handed and right-handed chain of [Co(Pht)(2-MeIm)2]n [34]. It is interesting to
helical chains coexist in the crystal structure (Fig. 3b), note that each phthalate ligand is further involved in
strong OH?O hydrogen bonding with the coordi-
nated water molecule (O(1w)H(1)?O(4)=2.722(1) A).
This hydrogen bond links the adjacent helixes, as
illustrated in Figs. 2 and 4, forming layers along the
[101] direction. The nearest inter-helix Co?Co distance
is 5.164(1) A. There are also two additional NH?O
interactions between the carboxylate oxygens (O(1) and
O(2)) of the phthalate and uncoordinated nitrogens
(N(2) and N(4)) from 4-MeIm molecules
(N(2)?O(1)=2.872(1) A and N(4)?O(2)=2.799(1) A)
and one OH?O contact involving coordinated H2O
(O(1w)?O(2)=2.697(1) A) within the helical chains.
Corresponding hydrogen bonding data are given in
Table 3.
Fig. 4. A perspective view of the 1D helical chains in the crystal structure of 1 along y-axis. The hydrogen atoms and cyclic fragments are omitted for
clarity. Hydrogen bonds are shown as dotted lines.
Table 3
Hydrogen bonding interactions
DH?A d(DH) (A) d(H?A) (A) angle DHA (deg) d(D?A) (A)
N(2)H(2)?O(1)a 0.88 2.061 152 2.872(1)
N(4)H(4)?O(2)b 0.88 1.927 170 2.799(1)
O(1w)H(1a)?O(4)c 0.83(2) 1.90(2) 171(3) 2.722(1)
O(1w)H(1b)?O(2) 0.84(3) 1.92(3) 155(3) 2.697(1)
N(2)H(2)?O(1)a 0.88 2.013 153 2.826(3)
N(4)H(4)?O(2)b 0.88 1.901 171 2.772(3)
O(1w)H(1a)?O(4)c 0.78(6) 1.90(5) 170(6) 2.676(3)
O(1w)H(1b)?O(2) 0.84(4) 1.89(4) 155(4) 2.673(3)
1=2 x; y 1=2; 1=22z:
x; y 1; z:
1=2 x; 1=2 y; 1=2 z:
1.247(3) A, respectively, which do not take part in polymeric helical chains are knitted together by O
coordination to metal ions. The CC bond distances, H?O hydrogen bonds between the oxygen O(4) atom
being between 1.372(5) and 1.400(3) A, and the CCC of the carboxylate and the hydrogen atom of coordi-
angles of the aromatic ring of the Pht molecules, varying nated water molecules (O(1w)H?O(4)=2.676(3) A) to
from 118.9(3) to 121.0(3) , fall in the range of values create 2D layers parallel to the [101] direction in the unit
found in the pure ligand [48] and in 1 or other complexes cell. Between the adjacent helixes the shortest Cu?Cu
[33,34]. The dihedral angles formed between the distance is 5.251(1) A. Additional strong OH?O
carboxylate plane and the aromatic ring in the phthalate hydrogen bonds between a coordinated water molecule
anion are 106.5(2) for O(1)C(9)O(2) and 28.0(2) for and uncoordinated carboxylate oxygen atoms O(2)
O(3)C(16)O(4), quite similar to those found in 1. (O(1w)?O(2)=2.673(3) A) and NH?O bonds invol-
As in 1, the phthalate ligand links the [Cu(4- ving uncoordinated 4-methylimidazole nitrogen atoms
MeIm)2(H2O)] units into an innite helical chain along (N(2) and N(4)) and oxygen atoms (O(1) and O(2)) of
the [110] direction in the unit cell of 2. The intra-helix the phthalate of 2.826(3) and 2.772(3) A, respectively,
Cu?Cu distance is 6.254(1) A which is comparable to were found within the helixes. Corresponding hydrogen
the intra-helix Co?Co distance in 1 (6.247(1) A). The bonding data are given in Table 3.
S.G. Baca et al. / Journal of Solid State Chemistry 177 (2004) 28412849 2847
Fig. 6. Temperature dependence of wM T for compound 1. The circles The authors gratefully acknowledge support from the
correspond to the experimental data, the simulation is depicted as a Swiss National Science Foundation (SCOPES
line. 7MDPJ065712.01/1).
2848 S.G. Baca et al. / Journal of Solid State Chemistry 177 (2004) 28412849
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