3.3.4 Photochemical Reactors
3.3.4 Photochemical Reactors
3.3.4 Photochemical Reactors
Table of contents
1. Technology
1.1 Description of technology / working principle
1.2 Types and versions
1.3 Potency for Process Intensification: possible benefits
1.4 Stage of development
2. Applications
2.1 Existing technology (currently used)
2.2 Known commercial applications
2.3 Known demonstration projects
2.4 Potential applications discussed in literature
3. What are the development and application issues?
3.1 Technology development issues
3.2 Challenges in developing processes based on the
4. Where can information be found?
4.1 Key publications
4.2 Relevant patents and patent holders
4.3 Institutes/companies working on the technology
5. Stakeholders
5.1 Suppliers/developers
5.2 End-users
6. Experts brief final judgment on the technology
1. Technology
reagents and reaction products;
sensitizers or catalysts (on support) if necessary.
light source
Each of these components and the relation/contact between these components can
be configured in several ways. The light source and its position are the major issues
distinguishing photochemical reactors from other reactors.
The different positions of the light source relative to the cavity in which the reagents
and/or catalysts are present can be summarized as follows:
immersion of the lamp in the chemical medium (immersion reactors);
external position of the lamp relative to the reactor (a transparent wall is
required) (annular reactors);
external light production with guided channelling through the reactor (optical
fiber, hollow tube reactor);
alternative set-ups, made possible by intensifying the reactor mass transfer
(e.g. illumination of spinning discs);
use of solar illumination generally requires concentration of the light energy
by focusing with paraboles.
Until recently the light source was dimensioned towards the macro- (solar) or meso-
scale (pressure lamps, excimer lamps). However, recent advances include
microscale illumination (LEDs).
Photocatalytic reactors can use the catalyst in the form of a slurry (thus requiring a
separation step after reaction) or immobilized on the wall or reactor internals (thus
requiring excellent mass transfer).
and conversions of up to 100% can be achieved. However, it can be somewhat
misleading to compare with traditional processes as often another chemical pathway
is followed.
On the other hand, it must also be taken into account that the photochemical
pathway is sometimes the only chemical pathway that is known. In this case no
alternatives exist except the one of no-production. From this point of view, it can be
expected that when the technology would be economically viable, new products will
become commercially available.
2. Applications
Commercial applications mainly use immersion or annular reactors
2.3 Known demonstration projects
(Are there any demonstration projects known related to the technology under consideration?
In which process industry sectors are those projects carried out: large volume chemicals
specialty chemicals & pharma consumer products ingredients based on agro feedstocks?
In Table 3 provide the short characteristics of those projects.)
Table 4. Technology development issues
Interdiciplinary R&D
Light sources remain too often the large, teams at universities
inefficient and short-lasting conventional lamps. (physics, chemistry,
Improved/novel Novel designs of light sources should aim at chemical engineering and
light sources smaller, long-lasting light sources with a high electric/electronic
and catalysts energy conversion. Catalysts need to be engineering) in
developed that suit the features of the light collaboration with light
source (wavelength, energy intensity). equipment manufacturers
and catalyst producers.
The physics of light need to be combined with Interdiciplinary research
chemistry and thermodynamics of chemical teams at universities
Modelling reactions in order to produce more complete (physics, chemistry,
models. These models should be used to chemical engineering and
devise optimal reactor configurations. electronic engineering).
R&D studies at
Scale up and Optimal configuration of light (catalyst) universities (chemical
optimal reactor reactor cavity with minimum energy loss and engineering) in
configuration maximum mass transfer. collaboration with reactor
engineering companies.
By improving existing
designs (e.g. LED) or
designing novel light
sources. Within R&D
Reduce energy losses on the path from energy
light efficiency projects including
generation to molecule excitation
engineering and physics
(both academia and
Tackle scale up problems, e.g. by Reactor design supported
penetration miniaturization of light and chemical tank by improved models.
depth of light in (microreactors), by improved (micro)mixing, or Academia and industry
view of scale up by introduction of suspended, randomly within chemical
distributed light sources in the bulk solution engineering community.
Developing new
luminescent molecules
with the desired
optimal properties. R&D projects
Provide tailor-made light sources (and catalysts)
wavelength and including
for specific chemical processes.
intensity electric/electronic
engineering and physics
(both academia and
List the potential reactions/processes that could
overview of feasibility studies by
occur photochemically, together with the
potential industry
economy requirements to render them viable
Numerous patents exist for the use of light in a photochemical process. A worldwide
patent search on photochemical, photocatalysis and photochemistry resulted in
1764, 186 and 23 patents, respectively. For photochemical reactor and
photocatalytic reactor 89 and 40 patents were found, respectively.
The patents listed here consist of the first ones and the most recent ones, together
with some specific break-throughs (micro-illumination and microreactors). Focus is
on patents not exclusively directed towards air and water treatment.
EP1415707, EP1398077 (2004),
PJ Barthe et al. (Corning
Method and microfluidic reactor for microreactor
DE10246626 (2004), Selective
halogenation of alkyl aromatic
compounds, useful as intermediates
K Morgenschweis et al.
for the production of plant protection microreactor
agents, comprises insertion of
halogenating agents in a micro-reactor
under photochemical initiation
US6633042 (2003), Solar
KH Funken et al.
WO02062465 (2002), Photochemical
D Meissner activation of light
JP9299456 (1997), Photocatalyst K Sakai et al. (Toyoda
LED illumination
apparatus Gosei Co. Ltd.)
US4795617 (1989),
Electroluminescent chemical L.R. OHare
activation system
US3458418 (1969), Process for
carrying out photochemical reactions W. Beckmann (BASF)
photochemical reactor
and apparatus thereof
US3431188 (1969), Process and
I Stoichi et al (Toray)
apparatus for photochemical reaction
US266186 (1953), Two-stage LJ Governale et al. (Ethyl
photochemical reactor Corp.)
solar-driven wastewater
treatment, thermochemical
Plataforma Solar de Almera Spain
synthesis reactions driven by
photovoltaic cells
Prof. Frei, Laboratory of Chemical
Biodynamics, Lawrence Berkeley
USA photochemical synthesis
Laboratory, University of
California, Berkeley.
Prof. Funken, Deutsche
Forschungsanstalt fr Luft- und Germany solar photochemistry
Raumfahrt, Kln
Prof. A.K. Ray, Dept. of Chemical
Engineering, National University Singapore photocatalytic reactors
of Singapore
Prof. A.M. Braun, Lehrstuhl fur
photochemical synthesis and
Umweltmesstechnik, Universitt Germany
Dr. M.T. Maurette, CNRS photoreactions (synthesis and
Toulouse destruction) and photoreactors
5. Stakeholders
5.1 Suppliers and developers
(Provide the list of key suppliers/developers in Table 9)
air and wastewater cleaning
patent for Photo-Cat water
and air automated
Purifics Environmental
Canada treatment system,
Technologies Inc.
US2005211641 (2005),
US6136203, US5589078,