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4.1.6 Properties and Application of Compounds Containing Hydrogen Bonding

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The hydrogen bonding present in the

molecules of ammonia and those of
hydroflouric acid can be depicted as follows
Fig (4.6).The molecules of HF join with each
other in a zig- zag manner.
The exceptional, low acidic strength of
HF molecule as compared to HCl, HBr and
HI is due to this strong hydrogen bonding,
because the partial positively charged
hydrogen is entrapped between two highly
electronegative atoms.
Fig (4.6) Hydrogen bonding in
NH3 and HF molecules.

4.1.6 Properties and Application of Compounds Containing Hydrogen Bonding

1. Thermodynamic Properties of Covalent Hydrides

Our discussion shows that hydrogen bonding exists in compounds having partial positively charged
hydrogen and highly electronegative atoms bearing partial negative charge. Obviously such
intermolecular attractions will influence the physical properties like melting and boiling points. Let
us compare the physical properties of hydrides of group IV-A, V-A, VI-A and VII-A. The graphs are
plotted between the period number of the periodic table on x-axis and boiling points in kelvin on
y-axis Fig (4.7).


Fig (4.7) A Graph between period number and the boiling points of hydrides of IV-A, V-A, VI-A
and VII-A group elements.

A look at the boiling points of hydrides of group IV-A convinces us, that they have low boiling
points as compared to those of group V-A, VI-A, VII-A. The reason is that these elements are
least electronegative. CH4 has the lowest boiling point because it is a very small molecule and its
polarizability is the least.
When we consider the hydrides of group V-A, VI-A, VII-A then NH3, H20 and HF show maximum
boiling points in the respective series. The reason is, the enhancec electronegative character of N,
0 and F. That is why, water is liquid at room temperature, but H2S and H2Se are gases.
It is interesting to know that the boiling point of water seems to be more affected by hydrogen
bonding than that of HF Fluorine is more electronegative than oxygen. So, we should expect
H-bonding in HF to be stronger than that in water and as a result the boiling point of HF should be
higher than that of H20. However, it is lower and the reason is that the fluorine atom can make only
one hydrogen bond with electropositive hydrogen of a neighboring molecule. Water can form two
hydrogen bonds per molecule, as it has two hydrogen atoms and two lone pairs on oxygen atom.
Ammonia can form only one hydrogen bond per molecule as it has only one lone pair.


The boiling point of HBris slightly higher than that of HCl. It means that chlorine is
electronegative enough to form a hydrogen bond. Sometimes it is thought that HCl has a strong
dipole-dipole interaction but in reality, it is a border line case. The hydrides of fourth period GeH4,
AsH3, H2Se, HBr show greater boiling points than those of third period due to greater size and
enhanced poiarizabilities.

2. Solubility of Hydrogen- Bonded Molecules

Water is the best example of H-bonded system. Similarly ethyl alcohol (C2H5OH) also has the
tendency to form hydrogen bonds. So, ethyl alcohol can dissolve in water because both can form
hydrogen bonds with each other. Similarly carboxylic acids are also soluble in water, if their sizes
are small. Hydrocarbons are not soluble in water at all, because they are non-polar compounds
and there are no chances of hydrogen bonding between water and hydrocarbon molecules.

3. Structure of Ice

The molecules of water have tetrahedral structure. Two lone pairs of electrons on oxygen
atom occupy two corners of the tetrahedron. In the liquid state, water molecules are extensively
associated with each other and these associations
break and are reformed because the molecules of
water are mobile. When the temperature of water
is decreased and ice is formed then the molecules
become more regular and this regularity extends
throughout the whole structure. Empty spaces
are created in the structure as shown in the
following Fig (4.8b). That is why when water
freezes it occupies 9% more space and its density
decreases. The result is that ice floats on water.
The structure of ice is just like that of a diamond
because each atom of carbon in diamond is at
the center of tetrahedron just like the oxygen of
water molecule in ice, Fig (4.8 b).
Fig (4.8 a) Structure of liquid water


The lower density of ice than liquid water at 0

°C causes water in ponds and lakes to freeze from
surface to the downward direction. Water attains
the temperature of 4°C by the fall of temperature
in the surrounding. As the outer atmosphere
becomes further cold, the water at the surface
becomes less dense. This less dense water below
4 °C stays on the top of slightly warm water
underneath. A stage reaches when it freezes. This
layer of ice insulates the water underneath for
further heat loss. Fish and plants survive under
this blanket of ice for months. Fig (4.8 b) Structure of ice
Keeping the whole discussion in view we are
forced to believe that the pattern of life for the plants and animals would have been totally different
in the absence of hydrogen bonding in water.

4. Cleansing Action of Soaps and Detergents

Soaps and detergents perform the cleansing action because the polar part of their molecules
are water soluble due to hydrogen-bonding and the non-polar parts remain outside water, because
they are alkyl or benzyl portions and are insoluble in water.

5. Hydrogen Bonding in Biological Compounds and Food Materials

Hydrogen bonding exists in the molecules of living system. Proteins are the important part of living
organisms. Fibres like those found in the hair, silk and muscles consist of long chains of amino
acids. These long chains are coiled about one another into a spiral. This spiral is called a helix. Such
a helix may either be right handed or left handed. In the case of right handed helix the groups like
>N H and > C = 0 are vertically adjacent to one another and they are linked together by hydrogen
bonds. These H-bonds link one spiral to the other. X-ray analysis has shown that on the average
there are 27 amino acid units for each turn of the helix, Fig (4.9 a).
Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) has two spiral chains. These are coiled about each other on a
common axis. In this way, they give a double helix. This is 18-20 Å in diameter. They are linked
together by H-bonding between their sub units, Fig (4.9 b).


Fig (4.9 a) Hydrogen bonding

Fig (4.9 b) Hydrogen bonding in

DNA double helix

The food materials like carbohydrates include glucose, fructose and sucrose. They all have
-OH groups in them which are responsible for hydrogen bonding in them.

6. Hydrogen Bonding in Paints, Dyes and Textile Materials

One of the most important properties of paints and dyes is their adhesive action. This property
is developed due to hydrogen bonding. Similar type of hydrogen bonding makes glue and honey as
sticky substances.
We use cotton, silk or synthetic fibres for clothing. Hydrogen bonding is of vital importance
in these thread making materials. This hydrogen bonding is responsible for their rigidity and the
tensile strength.


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