General Prospectus
General Prospectus
General Prospectus
General Prospectus
First published 2009
Second ed ition 2010
Third ed ition 2012
Fourth ed ition 2013
Althou gh the information contained in this General Prosp ectu s has been com piled as accu rately as p ossible,
the Cou ncil and the Senate of the Vaal University of Technology accep t no resp onsibility for any errors or
w w w
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General Prospectus
General Prospectus
General Prospectus
General Prospectus
General Prospectus
Ed ucation 2 90 40 38
“Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.”
- N elson M andela
General Prospectus
General Prospectus
General Prospectus
General Prospectus
General Prospectus
General Prospectus
1. Academ ic Staff report for d uty on: Sem ester 1: 07 January
Sem ester 2: 10 July
General Prospectus
6. Public Holidays
General Prospectus
7. Governance Committees
7.1 Council
The Council, constituted in term s of Section 27(4) of the H igher Ed ucation Act, 1997 (Act 101
of 1997), at the tim e com pilation of this Prospectus the Ad m inistrator, Prof P FitzGerald
fulfilled the roll of Council.
7.2 Senate
The Senate, constituted in accord ance w ith Section 28(2) of the H igher Ed ucation Act, 1997
(Act 101 of 1997), consists of:
Mem bers
Moutlana, IN (Prof) (Chairperson) Vice-Chancellor & Principal
Louw , H A (Prof) (Deputy Chairperson) DVC: Acad em ic & Research
Mokoena, TD (Dr) (Secretary) Registrar
Alugongo, A (Prof) H oD: Mechanical Engineering
Aoyi, O (Prof) Professor: Chem ical Engineering
Bad enhorst, LA (Mr) H OD: Process Control & Com puter System s
Bad enhorst, P (Mr) Cam pus Principal: Upington
Brits, H J (Dr) Director: Total Quality
Cam pbell, H M (Prof) H OD: Ind ustrial Eng & Operations
De Beer, D (Prof) Executive Director: TT & I
Dhurup, M (Prof) Executive Dean: Managem ent Sciences
Dicks, DA (Prof) Professor: Electrical Engineering
Dicks, EG (Prof) Associate Professor: Hospitality
Dikio, E (Prof) Associate Professor: Chem istry
Du Plooy, GS (Mr) Senior Director: Curriculum Developm ent
Fouché, CE (Ms) H OD: Com m unication & Ed ucation
Gaed e, RJ (Prof) Associate Professor – Visual Arts & Design
Goniw e, T (Prof) Associate Professor – Visual Arts & Design
Johnson, BJ (Dr) Executive Director: Research
Joubert, DJ (Dr) H OD: Legal Sciences
Joubert, PA (Dr) H OD: H um an Resource Management
Joubert, T (Ms) H OD: Pow er Engineering
Kungune, VGF (Mr) Deputy Registrar: Exam inations & Grad uations
Lom bard , A (Ms) H OD: Information & Com m unication Technology
Mabuza, BR (Prof) Executive Dean: Applied & Com puter Sciences
General Prospectus
General Prospectus
General Prospectus
Moutlana, IN (Prof) (Chairperson) Vice-Chancellor & Principal
Mokoena, TD (Dr) (Secretary) Registrar
De Beer, D (Prof) Executive Director: TT & I
Dhurup, M (Prof) Executive Dean: Managem ent Sciences
Johnson, B (Dr) Executive Director: Research
Louw , H A (Prof) DVC: Acad em ic & Research
General Prospectus
General Prospectus
General Prospectus
General Prospectus
Curriculum Committee
Sm it, JJAC (Dr) (Chairperson) Director: Curriculum Developm ent
Brits, H (Dr) Director: Quality Promotion
Dhurup, M (Prof) Executive Dean: Managem ent Sciences
Dikio, E (Prof) Senior Lecturer: Chem istry
Evangelou, O (Ms) Associate Director: Curriculum Developm ent
Fouché, C (Ms) H oD: Com m unication & Ed ucation
Johnson, BJ (Dr) Executive Director: Research Managem ent
Joubert, DJ (Dr) H oD: Legal Sciences
Joubert, PA (Mr) H oD: H um an Resource Management
Louw , H A (Prof) DVC: Acad em ic & Research
Mabuza, BR (Prof) Executive Dean: Applied & Com puter Sciences
Mend onid is, P (Prof) (A cting) H oD: Metallurgical Engineering
Moloi, KC (Prof) Professor of Ed ucation & Research
N d ege, M (Prof) Executive Dean: Engineering & Technology
N icolaid es, A (Prof) H oD: H ospitality, Tourism & PR Managem ent
Pad ayachee, T (Prof) H oD: Bioscience
Salim , W (Dr) (A cting) H oD: Civil Engineering & Build ing
Sooful, A (Ms) (A cting) H oD: Visual Arts & Design
Van d er Bank, CM (Prof) Executive Dean: H uman Sciences
Van Eck, R (Ms) Senior Lecturer: Biosciences
Vacant Director: Co-operative Ed ucation
Venter, D (Mr) Lecturer: Hospitality & Tourism
General Prospectus
Examination Committee
Louw , H A (Prof) (Chairperson) DVC: Acad em ic & Research
Mokoena, TD (Dr) (Deputy Chairperson) Registrar
Bad enhorst, PJ (Mr) Cam pus Director: Upington
Dhurup, M (Prof) Executive Dean: Managem ent Sciences
Kungune, VGF (Mr) Deputy Registrar: Exam inations
Mabuza, BR (Prof) Executive Dean: Applied & Com puter Sciences
Martin, R (Dr) Cam pus Director: Secunda
N d ege, M (Prof) Executive Dean: Engineering & Technology
Om ara-Ojungu, PH (Prof) Cam pus Director: Ekurhuleni
Van d er Bank, CM (Prof) Executive Dean: H uman Sciences
Inter-Faculty Forum
Louw , H A (Prof) (Chairperson) DVC: Acad em ic & Research
Bad enhorst, PJ (Mr) Cam pus Director: Upington
De Beer, D (Prof) Executive Director: TT & I
Dhurup, M (Prof) Executive Dean: Managem ent Sciences
Johnson, BJ (Dr) Executive Director: Research
Mabuza, BR (Prof) Executive Dean: Applied & Com puter Sciences
Martin, R (Dr) Cam pus Director: Secunda
Mokoena, TD (Dr) Registrar
N d ege, M (Prof) Executive Dean: Engineering & Technology
Om ara-Ojungu, PH (Prof) Cam pus Director: Ekurhuleni
Ramasod i, D (Mr) Executive Director: IT Services
Roberts, N (Ms) Senior Director: Library & Inform ation Services
Van d er Bank, CM (Prof) Executive Dean: H uman Sciences
Vacant Executive Director: Centre for Quality & Learn.
Representative Faculty of Applied & Com puter Sciences
Representative Faculty of Applied & Com puter Sciences
Representative Faculty of Applied & Com puter Sciences
Representative Faculty of Applied & Com puter Sciences
General Prospectus
Rectorate Committee
Moutlana, IN (Prof) (Chairperson) Vice-Chancellor & Principal *
Louw , H A (Prof) DVC: Acad em ic & Research *
Mkuchane, TE (Mr) Executive Director: Office of the VC & Principal
Mokoena, TD (Dr) Registrar
Om ara-Ojungu, PH (Prof) Cam pus Director: Ekurhuleni
Phatud i, CSM (Ms) Executive Director: H um an Resources
Seroka, S (Dr) Executive Director: Stud ent Support Services
Tsieane, FD (Mr) Executive Director: Finance
Vacant DVC: Resources & Planning *
van d er Bank, CM (Prof) Executive Dean: Faculty of H um an Sciences
Zid e, GN (Prof) DVC: Governance & Operations *
Zingitw a, P (Mr) Executive Director: Operations & Logistics
*Statutory Mem bers of Rectorate
General Prospectus
General Prospectus
Ethics Committee
Zid e, GN (Prof) (Chairperson) DVC: Governance & Operations
Mod ise, SJ (Prof) Institute of Chem istry & Biotechnology
Mokoena, TD (Dr) Registrar
Van d er Bank, CM (Prof) Executive Dean: H uman Sciences
General Prospectus
Setlhare, LM (Mr) Presid ent
Seganeo, OW (Ms) Deputy Presid ent
Mpaku, ML (Ms) Secretary General
Sekonyela, ME (Ms) Deputy Secretary
Jentile, V (Ms) Treasurer General
Beya, WA (Mr) Academ ic Officer
Zulu, PM (Mr) Legal & Transformation Officer
Mokhosi, MF (Ms) Religious & Culture Officer
Ramatapa, H T (Mr) Sports Officer
Rasim eni, N E (Ms) Gend er Officer
N komo, N (Mr) Entertainm ent Officer
Mazibuko, MA (Mr) H ousing & Catering Officer
Lesane, OG (Mr) Faculty of Managem ent Sciences
Mod ike, TR (Mr) Faculty of Applied & Com puter Sciences
Matsheng, P (Mr) Faculty of Engineering & Technology
Zitha, TT (Mr) Faculty of H uman Sciences
General Prospectus
D r TD Mokoena Registrar
PhD: Econom ics (PU for CH E)
Ms SA H enning Ad m inistrator
General Prospectus
General Prospectus
General Prospectus
General Prospectus
General Prospectus
General Prospectus
General Prospectus
Ms G Galeta Ad m inistrator
D r TD Mokoena Registrar
PhD: Econom ics (PU for CH E)
Ms SA H enning Ad m inistrator
General Prospectus
General Prospectus
(a) The Senate may from time to time amend, alter or delete any rule, w hether
a General Rule or a rule relating to a specific module, course or
(b) The provisions of these Rules, as applied in particular faculties, may be
restricted in circumstances provided for in the rules of those faculties as
approved under Rule G4.
(c) Except as otherw ise stated or prescribed by the Senate and the Council,
Rules G1 to G33 shall be applicable to every student of the Vaal
University of Technology (hereinafter referred to as “the University”).
G1 Changes in rules
The University m ay revise, rescind or ad d to its rules from tim e to tim e, and any
such alteration, d eletion or ad d ition shall becom e bind ing upon the d ate of
publication or upon such d ate as m ay be specified by the Senate, provid ed that no
change in rules shall be interpreted so as to operate retrospectively to the prejud ice
of any currently registered stud ent.
General Prospectus
G3 Approval of curricula
The Council, upon the approval of the Senate after consultation w ith the relevant
Faculty Board s, shall approve the curricula for all qualifications of the University.
G4 Faculty rules
Subject to the provisions of the H igher Ed ucation Act, the Statutes of the
University, and the follow ing Rules, the Council m ay, upon the approval of the
Senate, m ake or am end rules for each faculty relating to:
a) the eligibility of a stud ent as a cand id ate for any qualification and / or
m od ule, w hich m ay includ e Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL);
b) the selection process;
c) the period of attend ance;
d) the curriculum , w ork and other requirem ents for each qualification;
e) progression and acad em ic exclusion; and
f) any other m atter relating to the acad em ic functions of th e University.
G5 Application to study
a) Applications to stud y m ust be m ad e in such m anner as prescribed , and
m ust includ e presentation of the Matriculation Certificate / N ational Senior
Certificate w here this is required .
b) An applicant w ho has stud ied at any other tertiary ed ucation institution
m ust, in ad d ition, present an acad em ic record and a certificate of cond uct
from that institution, together w ith the application.
G6 Selection requirements
All applicants shall prod uce evid ence satisfactory to the University of their
com petence to w ork for the qualification sought. The University m ay d ecline to
ad m it a cand id ate for a qualification if the cand id ate‟s previous acad em ic
attainm ents are, in its opinion, not sufficiently high to w arrant such ad m ission.
General Prospectus
G9 Registration
a) In ord er to pursue their stud ies in any sem ester, all stud ents of the
University shall com plete the applicable registration proced ure, thereby
affirm ing their acceptance of the rules of the University.
b) The Senate m ay im pose cond itions for the registration of any stud ent.
c) On application to the relevant Faculty Office, and w ith the approval of the
Senate, a stud ent‟s registration m ay be suspend ed for a specified period of
tim e. Such stud ent rem ains subject to the rules of the University, and m ay
return to register before or at expiry of the period of suspension. The period
d uring w hich registration is suspend ed shall not be includ ed in
any calculation tow ard s the m inim um and m axim um periods pr escribed for
any qualification in term s of Rule G12, nor for the evaluation of eligibility for
the aw ard of degrees cum laude or magna cum laude in term s of Rules, BT8
and MT17.
General Prospectus
General Prospectus
G18 Examinations
a) An exam ination m ay be w ritten and / or oral, and m ay includ e
practical w ork.
b) On application and / or on the recom m end ation of the H ead of
Departm ent, w ith the approval of the Senate, a w ritten exam ination m ay,
for a particular stud ent, be replaced or supplem ented by an oral
exam ination.
General Prospectus
General Prospectus
General Prospectus
General Prospectus
G32 Ethics
All acad em ic activities and research in particular, shall com ply w ith the relevant
University policies on ethics and any related requirem ents as d eterm ined by the
Senate and the Council.
N ote: The follow ing Rule is add itional to the preced ing General Rules G1 - G33.
CD 1 Applicability
The rules governing certificates and diplom as in any facult y shall be as prescribed
by the Senate and the Council in the H and book of the applicable faculty.
General Prospectus
N ote: The follow ing Rules are ad d itional to the preced ing General Rules G1 - G33.
BT1 Applicability
The follow ing Rules, BT2 to BT8 inclusive, shall be applicable to every cand id ate
for a d egree of BTech.
BT3 Attendance
a) Every stud ent for a d egree of BTech shall attend an approved course of
stud y as a registered stud ent of the University for a period of at least tw o
sem esters after ad m ission in term s of Rule BT2.
b) Save by perm ission of the Senate, all m od ules shall be com pleted at the
BT4 Curriculum
Save by perm ission of the Senate, the curriculum for a d egree of BTech shall
includ e a prescribed project as one of the m od ules.
General Prospectus
N ote: The follow ing Rules are ad d itional to the preced ing General Rules G1 - G33.
MT1 Applicability
The follow ing Rules, MT2 to MT17 inclusive, shall be applicable to every cand id ate
for a d egree of MTech.
General Prospectus
MT6 Curriculum
a) A stud ent for the d egree of MTech by coursew ork shall com plete all
prescribed m od ules, at least one of w hich shall be a d issertation m od ule
com prising research on a particular topic approved by Senate, and com ply
w ith such other conditions as m ay be prescribed by Senate and the rules of
the Faculty concerned .
b) The d issertation m od ule shall com prise 25% to 50% of the total cred its for
the d egree.
General Prospectus
c) A stud ent for the d egree of MTech by research shall be required to pursue an
approved program m e of research on som e subject falling w ithin the scope of
the stud ies represented in the University. A stud ent shall also com ply w ith
such other cond itions as m ay be prescribed by Senate and the rules of the
Faculty concerned .
MT8 Supervision
A Faculty Board shall, in term s of the policies of Senate, appoint one or m ore
appropriate supervisors, at least one of w hom shall be a m em ber of the University
staff, to ad vise a stud ent w hose research topic is approved , and the stud ent shall be
required to w ork in such association w ith the supervisor or supervisors as the
Senate m ay d irect.
General Prospectus
MT11 Progression
A stud ent w ho, after six sem esters as a full-tim e stud ent or ten sem esters as a part-
tim e stud ent, has not com pleted the requirem ents for the degree shall be required
to apply for re-registration, w hich w ill only be perm itted on receipt of a satisfactory
m otivation.
General Prospectus
N ote: The follow ing Rules are ad d itional to the preced ing General Rules G1 - G33.
D T1 Applicability
Except as m ay be prescribed by the Senate in the rules of any particular faculty, the
follow ing rules, DT2 to DT13 inclusive, shall be applicable to every cand id ate for
the d egree of DTech.
General Prospectus
D T3 Periods of registration
A stud ent registered for the degree of DTech in any faculty shall be so registered
for a m inim um period of four sem esters for full-tim e stud ents or eight sem esters
for part-tim e stud ents before the d egree m ay be conferred .
D T4 Curriculum
a) A stud ent for the d egree of DTech shall be required to p ursue an approved
program m e of research on som e subject falling w ithin the scope of the
stud ies represented in the University.
b) Such program m e shall m ake a d istinct contribution to the know led ge or
und erstand ing of the subject and afford evid ence of orig inality show n either
by the d iscovery of new facts and / or by the exercise of independ ent critical
c) A stud ent shall also com ply w ith such other cond itions as m ay be prescribed
by the Senate and the rules of the Faculty concerned .
General Prospectus
D T6 Supervision
The Faculty Board shall appoint one or m ore appropriately qualified prom oter, at
least one of w hom shall be a m em ber of the University staff, to ad vise a stud ent
w hose research topic is approved , and the stud en t shall be required to w ork in such
association w ith the prom oter or prom oters as the Senate m ay d irect.
D T7 Progression
A stud ent w ho, after eight sem esters as a full-tim e stud ent or tw elve sem esters as a
part-tim e stud ent, has not com pleted the requirem ents for the d egree shall be
required to apply for re-registration, w hich w ill only be perm itted on receipt of a
satisfactory m otivation.
D T8 Submission of thesis
a) Every stud ent for the d egree of DTech shall be required to subm it a thesis
em bod ying the results of their research.
b) At least three m onths before the thesis is to be subm itted for exam ination, a
stud ent shall give notice, in w riting, to the Executive Dean of the faculty
concerned of the intention to subm it such thesis and the title thereof,
provid ed that, in the event of a stud ent failing to subm it the thesis for
exam ination w ithin six m onths thereafter, the notice w ill lapse and a further
notice of intention shall be subm itted .
D T9 Format of thesis
a) Every thesis subm itted shall includ e a d eclaration to the satisfaction of the
Senate stating that it has not previously been subm itted for a d egree in this
or any other university and that it is the stud ent's ow n original w ork.
b) Every thesis subm itted shall be in such form at as prescribed by the Senate
and the rules of the relevant Faculty; provid ed that each thesis shall include
an abstract in English not exceed ing 350 w ord s.
General Prospectus
D T11 Examination
a) The Senate shall appoint for each thesis three exam iners, at least tw o of
w hom shall be responsible for external exam ination.
b) Except w ith the perm ission of the Senate, at least one of the external
exam iners shall be based external to the country.
c) Except w ith the perm ission of the Senate, a prom oter or co -prom oter shall
not be appointed as an exam iner.
General Prospectus
The Ad m issions Policy find s purpose in regulating the adm ission of stud ents
at the Vaal University of Technology (VUT), subject to stipulations of section
74 (1) of the H igher Ed ucation Act, 1997, (Act 101 of 1997), as w ell as a policy
d ocum ent on the requirem ents for ad m ission to stud y at a technikon, w hich
w as approved by the Com m ittee for Technikon Principals (CTP) in N ovem ber
2002, and the Statutes of the VUT.
This policy and its rules and proced ures replace all pr evious policies and / or
circulars on the ad m ission of stud ents to stud y at the VUT. All previous
policies, rules and proced ures w ill be rend ered obsolete by this policy as
approved .
The aim of the Ad m issions Policy is to effectively facilitate the ad m ission and
registration process for all applicants w ho m eet the m inim um VUT ad m ission
requirem ents in a particular program m e.
In term s of the stated aim , the objectives of the Ad m issions Policy are to ensure
a) applicants applying for ad m ission w ill not be d iscrim inated against on the
basis of race, colour, religion, gend er, d isability or nationality, in
accord ance w ith policies and regular practices of the VUT;
b) projections of the num ber of stud ents to be ad m itted and enr olled in any
year at the VUT w ill be d eterm ined by each faculty and approved by the
Senate of the Vaal University of Technology, based on firstly, m eeting
national enrolm ent benchm arks as d eterm ined by the Departm ent of
Ed ucation (DoE); second ly, the capacity of the institution to m eet the
ed ucational and other need s of stud ents, and / or third ly, registration
levels approved for bud getary or other appropriate purposes;
c) ad m ission of an applicant to a specific faculty, d epartm ent and
program m e of the VUT w ill be governed by the General Rules as reflected
in the Prospectus of the VUT and specific rules set out by the relevant
acad em ic faculties;
General Prospectus
d) w hen, at any tim e, the num ber of qualifying applicants for ad m ission
exceed s the num ber of prospective stud ents that can be ad m itted and
enrolled, final ad m ission w ill be on the basis of the VUT‟s evaluation of
the applicant‟s potential for satisfactory perform ance in the specific
program m e to w hich the applicant seeks ad m ission. Meeting the
m inim um requirem ents is, therefore, not necessarily a guarantee for
ad m ission into a particular instructional program m e;
e) provid ed that the criteria set out below are m et, this policy of com petitive
ad m issions w ill not prevent the ad m ission of selected applicants.
Applicants w ho firstly, give evid ence of possessing special talents;
second ly w hose ad m ission contributes to achieving equity consid erations
w ithin the total num ber of stud ents ad m itted and enrolled ; or third ly w ho
seek ed ucational program m es not read ily available at other institutions.
General Prospectus
“Senate” m eans the Senate of the VUT, d uly constituted in term s of the
provisions of the H igher Ed ucation Act, 1997 (Act 101 of 1997).
“Umalusi” m eans the Council for Quality Assurance in General and Further
Ed ucation and Training.
“university” m eans any institution of higher ed ucation established in term s of
the H igher Ed ucation Act, 1997 (Act 101 of 1997) w ith a view to the provision
of university ed ucation.
The Ad m issions Policy d ifferentiates betw een ad m ission requirem ents for
und ergrad uate qualifications and requirem ents for d egree or post grad uate
qualifications. It further stip ulates ad m issions through transfer through
General Prospectus
Entrance requirem ents to any program m e at the VUT w ill be consid ered in
term s of stud ents hold ing a South African Senior Certificate; or a Matric
Certificate; or N 3 Certificate; or the South African N ational Senior Certificate
(N SC). Criteria for persons not m eeting the m inim um requirem ents are
ind icated and the necessary d ocum entation required to be consid ered for
ad m ission to the VUT is stipulated .
All applicants w ill be selected on m erit by the d epartm ent concerned and
such selection m ay includ e selection and / or placem ent tests. The
Ad m issions Policy w ill consider the application of any person in m eeting the
entrance requirem ents for a VUT program m e in term s of stud ents hold ing a
South African Senior Certificate; or a Matric Certificate; or N 3 Certificate; or
the South African N ational Senior Certificate (N SC).
General Prospectus
General Prospectus
General Prospectus
5.6 Re-Admission
All continuing / returning (senior) stud ents of the VUT w ill be required to re -
register each sem ester / year. Such re-registration w ill be d enied in the
follow ing cases:
a) Stud ents w ho fail to obtain a pass grad e in at lea st 50% of the subjects /
m od ules registered for.
b) Senior stud ents w ho fail a subject tw ice.
c) Stud ents w ho fail to obtain the qualification registered for w ithin the
m inim um ad m issible period of tim e.
The registration rules support this Ad m issions Policy are outlined in section
5.8 of this policy.
General Prospectus
The Registration Rules as outlined below supplem ent and give effect to the
Ad m issions Policy of the Vaal University of Technology and should therefore
be read in conjunction w ith this policy. The rules should also be read in
conjunction w ith the General Rules for Stud ents.
5.8.1 Eligibility for registration
Stud ents m ay not register for a course unless an offer of a place in the
course has been m ad e, the offer has been accepted in the prescribed
m anner and all the cond itions for registration have been m et, as
prescribed the Senate of the VUT.
b) Correct subjects
Subjects m ust be entered correctly by subject cod e, and m ust be part
of the course in w hich the student is enrolled.
c) Prerequisites
Stud ents can only register for su bjects for w hich prerequisites have
been m et. Stud ents w ho register for subjects for w hich they d o not
fulfil the necessary prerequisites w ill autom atically be blocked /
d eregistered by the Stud ent Ad m inistration Section, unless such
registration has been allow ed by the relevant H oD (or relevant
Executive Dean). Such acceptance has to be accom panied by a
m otivation from the relevant H oD or Executive Dean.
d) Due d ates
All registration cond itions, includ ing the paym ent of fees, m ust be
m et by the specified d ue d ate.
General Prospectus
In ord er to effect registration, stud ents m ust com plete all relevant sections
of their registration form and sign the declaration on the form .
c) Am ounts payable
The am ount payable for a particular fee in a particular year is
published in the Sched ule of Fees w hich is obtainable from the
Finance Departm ent.
e) Late fees
Stud ents w ho d o not enrol by the ad vertised last d ate for registration
m ust, if perm itted to enrol late, pay a late registration fee.
General Prospectus
g) Waiver of fees
Fees associated w ith registration w ill not norm ally be w aived .
Exceptions to th is can only be allow ed by the Rectorate.
General Prospectus
d) Subject quotas
Stud ents m ay be prevented from enrolling in particu lar course /
m od ule d ue to subject registration quotas.
5.8.6 Prerequisites
b) Changes to prerequisites
Stud ents w ill not be d isad vantaged by any change of prerequisites
provid ed that the stud ent rem ains continually registered in the
course. Should stud ents w ithd raw from a course and be
subsequently re-ad m itted , the new prerequisites w ill apply upon re-
ad m ission.
b) Id entification card s
Issue of cards: Stud ents enrolling for the first tim e w ith the VUT w ill
be issued w ith an id entification card . Stud ents re-enrolling w ith the
VUT w ill have their id entification card valid ated as current for the
period of their re-registration.
General Prospectus
General Prospectus
a) Corrections to registration
Corrections to registration resulting from the registration
confirm ation m ust be lod ged w ith the Stud ent Ad m inistration Office
by the published closing d ate for changes in registration status.
b) Late corrections
Corrections to subject registration after the p ublished closing d ate for
changes in registration status w ill not be entertained .
5.8.10 Re-registration
All continuing stud ents are required to re-register each semester / year by
a d ate specified in the Acad em ic Calend ar. Stud ents w ho fail to re -
register by such d ate w ill incur a late registration fee.
a) Application
Applications to ad d a subject should be m ad e on the relevant form
available from the Stud ent Ad m inistration Office.
b) Dead lines
Subject to a place being available in a subject, registered VUT
stud ents m ay ad d subjects to their registration by the final d ate
published for this purpose in the VUT Acad em ic Calend ar.
General Prospectus
e) N otification
Stud ents w ill receive w ritten ad vice regard ing their application from
the Stud ent Ad m inistration Office.
Closing d ates for registration for each session are published in the annual
acad em ic calend ar. Except through special perm ission from Rectorate, no
late registrations w ill be allow ed .
General Prospectus
5.8.15 Classes
Stud ents are required to present them selves for all sched u led classes and
tutorials from the com m encem ent of the annually ad vertised acad em ic
program m e.
The Ad m issions Policy is developed in accord ance w ith the provisions of the
H igher Ed ucation Act (101 of 1997 as am end ed ), the Statu te of the Vaal
University of Technology as w ell as the follow ing d ocum ents:
b) The policy d ocum ent on the Requirem ents for Ad m ission to Stud y at a
Technikon (CTP 2002);
c) Prom otion of Access to Information Act (2 of 2000);
e) Governm ent Gazette no. 29851 of 2007 – Am end m ents to the program m e
and prom otion requirem ents of N SC (April 2007);
General Prospectus
General Prospectus
2.1 First year stud ents w ho have been accepted for ad m ission at VUT and
w ish to d elay their registration at VUT for a sem ester or a year m ay
request d eferred ad m ission by w riting to the Registrar: Acad em ic
Support. The letter requesting d eferred ad m ission m ust ind icate the
length of tim e requested for d eferral, the reason for requesting the d eferral
and the proposed actions of the stud ent d uring the tim e of the d eferral.
2.2 If d eferred ad m ission is granted , the stud ent m ust p ay a n on-refund able
fee as w ill be prescribed annually.
2.3 Deferred stud ents m ay not enrol at any other university / ed ucational
institution d uring the granted d eferm ent period.
A w ithd raw al occurs w hen a stud ent voluntarily suspend s stud ies either
tem porarily or perm anently. A stud ent w ho d esires to w ithd raw from
stud ies is required to d o so form ally, as outlined in this policy.
3.1.1 A w ithd raw al from the University ind icates that the stud ent has no
intention of returning to VUT. If the stud ent d ecid es to return at a later
d ate, the stud ent m ust apply form ally for read m ission.
General Prospectus
3.1.2 Since w ithd raw al from the University has im m ed iate financial
im plications, stud ents m ust have an exit interview w ith a representative of
the finance d epartm ent. Stud ents are responsible for all tuition associated
w ith course registrations and any other fees associated w ith the
3.1.3 Stud ents w ho w ithd raw from the University should follow these
proced ures:
N otify the Executive Dean of intention to w ithd raw from the
Meet a representative of the Stud ent Services Division for an exit
interview .
Withd raw from all classes in accord ance w ith the policy for course
w ithd raw als if the stud ent w ithd raw s from the University in the
m id d le of a sem ester in w hich the stud ent is taking classes.
Meet w ith a representative of the Finance Departm ent.
Arrange paym ent for all outstand ing fees w ith the Finance
Departm ent.
Ord er an official transcript. Withd raw al w ith perm ission m ay be tem porary or perm anent. A tem porary w ithd raw al is a release from university / stud ies /
program m e for, norm ally, one sem ester and not exceed ing one year. A
tem porary w ithd raw al m ay be treated as a leav e of absence from the
University necessitated by ad verse personal con d itions (such as: ill-health,
bereavem ent, loss of job, fam ily problem s etc.). A perm anent w ithd raw al
General Prospectus In both cases the executive d ean m ust approve the w ithd raw al and set
cond itions governing subsequent resum ption of stud ies. In both cases, if the stud ent is not in good acad em ic stand ing, the stud ent
w ill receive a “Terminat ion” notation on their record s. If the stud ent is in
good acad em ic stand ing, the stud ent record w ill ind icate “Terminat ion
w it hout prejudice”. This is to ensure that the period of w ithd raw al w ill
not be counted in d eterm ining the total uninterrupted registration period
of the stu d ent. A tem porary w ithd raw al m ay not be granted m ore than once d uring the
m axim um tim e allow ed for com pletion of the Program m e. In the case of a
perm anent w ithd raw al, a stud ent m ay form ally apply to resum e the
program m e only:
If they w ere in good acad em ic stand ing w hen the w ithd raw al took
If the period that lapsed d uring such a w ithd raw al d oes not exceed
eighteen m onths, and
At the d iscretion of the executive d ean of the faculty involved . Official w ithd raw al from a Program m e requires approval of the Executive
Dean of the faculty involved . Withd raw al form s are obtainable from the Office of the Registrar:
Acad em ic Support. Withd raw al from Program m es / University / stud ies w ithout such
perm ission being sought and granted w ill prejud ice the stud ent w ith
regard s the Continuation of Stud ies policy and m ay lead to a “FAIL”
grad e in the courses / m od ules registered for.
General Prospectus
Acad em ic stand ing refers to the acad em ic and other cond uct of the
stud ent at the University. A good acad em ic stand ing refers to good
acad em ic perform ance and an acceptable behavioural cond uct of the
stud ent. A stud ent w ho is not in good acad em ic stand ing is a stud ent that
has fallen foul of the Continuation of Stud ies policy and / or has had a
d isciplinary action taken against him / her.
3.4.1 Stud ents w ho fail to m eet the m inim um acad em ic stand ard s or fail to
m aintain good acad em ic stand ing in term s of the Continuation of Stud ies
policy m ay be placed on acad em ic probation.
3.4.2 The d ecision to place a stud ent on acad em ic probation is at the d iscretion
of the executive d ean / faculty board .
3.4.3 Stud ents placed on probation w ill sign a statem ent of cond itions approved
by the Registrar: Acad em ic Support. If the stud ent is unable to satisfy
these cond itions accord ing to the tim eline allocated , the stud ent w ill be
placed on com pulsory perm anent w ithd raw al.
General Prospectus
A. Rationale
This proced ure d ocum ent seeks to assist stud ents to ensure successful
progression through their stud ies and to ensure proper learning support
for stud ents w ho are not m aking satisfactory acad em ic progress.
The und erlying principles to the d ocum ent includ e the fact that a stud ent
is offered one opportunity at each level to repeat the level. A system of
w arnings is used to alert at-risk stud ents to take pre-em ptive corrective
This proced ure d ocum ent gives effect to Rules G30 and G31 in the General
Rules and provisions of paragraph 5.6 of the Ad m issions Policy of the
Vaal University of Technology.
B. Policy
1. First year student (level 1): Unsuccessful during first semester / year
1.1 A first year stud ent (acad em ic SI or acad em ic year 1) (new stud ent) w ho
has passed less than fifty percent of the enrolled cred its of the sem ester
(year for year stud ents), m ay continue w ith stud ies in the particular
program m e in the sam e field of stud y in the subsequent / next sem ester /
year provid ed that:
a. the stud ent registers on ly for the failed credits;
b. the stud ent su bjects him / herself to a com pulsory acad em ic and / or
counselling support to be d eterm ined by the Departm ent of Learning
Support / Faculty; and
c. the stud ent passes 100% of SI (acad em ic year 1 for year stud ents)
cred its and successfully com pletes the counselling / acad em ic
support program m e at the end of such repeat sem ester / year.
1.2 If the stud ent contem plated in 1.1 above fails to achieve the stipulated
cond itions in 1.1(c) ad m ission to the program m e w ill be d enied . Such a
stud ent w ill be referred to the Departm ent of Learning Support.
1.3 If the stud ent contem plated in 1.1 successfully com p leted all the
outstand ing subjects / m od ules d uring the follow ing sem ester / year, the
stud ent w ill be ad m itted to the next level.
General Prospectus
1.4 The stud ent as contem plated in 1.1 above w ill sign a com pulsory w arning
for unsatisfactory acad em ic progress before starting the second attem pt at
the failed cred its referred to in 1.1(a).
2.1 A first year stud ent (level 1) (new stud ent) w ho passes 50% and above of
the enrolled cred its for a sem ester / year m ay register for the outst and ing
cred its (subjects / m od ules com pleted unsuccessfully) and the subjects /
m od ules prescribed for the next level, provid ed that prerequisites are
ad hered to and subject / m od ule com binations can be accom m od ated on
the class tim e table and exam ination tim e table. Su ch stud ent m ust p ass
all the outstand ing m od ules / subjects from SI / year 1 to continue w ith
stud ies.
2.2 If a stud ent d escribed in 2.1 fails to com plete the ou tstand ing SI / year 1
cred its by the end of the historical second sem ester / year, ad m ission to
the program m e w ill be d enied . Such a stud ent w ill be referred to the
Departm ent of Learning Supp ort and 1.1 above, w ill apply. H ow ever, if
the stud ent successfully com pleted all the outstand ing subjects / m od ules
d uring the follow ing sem ester / year, the stud ent w ill be ad m itted to the
next level.
3.1 A senior stud ent (S2, S3, S4 or year 2 for year stud ents) w ho fails to obtain
at least 50% of the cred its for the particular level at the end of the sem ester
/ year m ay continue w ith studies in the particular program m e in the sam e
field of stud y in the subsequent / next sem ester / year provid ed that:
a. the stud ent registers only for the failed credits;
b. the stud ent passes 100% of the required credits for the particular
level; and
c. the stud ent has not alread y signed tw o w arning s for unsatisfactory
acad em ic progress.
3.2 The stud ent d escribed in 3.1 above further has to sign a w arning for
unsatisfactory acad em ic progress as follow s:
a. if the stud ent has alread y signed one w arning, the stud ent w ill sign a
second and final w arning,
General Prospectus
b. if a stud ent has never signed a w arning, the stud ent w ill sign a first
w arning w hich w ill be accom panied by com pulsory acad em ic or
cou nselling support.
3.3 If the stud ent d escribed in 3.1 above fails to satisfy the cond itions as
outlined in 3.1(b), 3.1(c) and 3.2, the stud ent w ill not be allow ed to
continue w ith her / his stud ies at the University.
4. Senior Student (S2, S3, S4 or year 2 for year students): Promoted to next
level of study
4.1 If a senior stud ent (S2, S3, S4 or year 2 for year stud ents) has passed 50%
and above of the enrolled cred its for a sem ester / year, the stud ent m ay
register for the outstand ing subjects / m od ules (subjects / m od ules
com pleted unsuccessfully) and the subjects prescribed for the next level
provid ed that prerequisites are ad hered to and subject / m od ule
com binations can be accom m od ated on the class tim e table and the
exam ination tim e table. Such a stud ent m ust p ass all the outstand ing
m od ules / subjects / cred its from the previous acad em ic sem ester / year
before they m ay be ad m itted into the next level, and m ust sign a w arning
to that effect.
4.2 If a stud ent d escribed in 4.1 fails to com plete the outstand ing cred its by
the end of the historical semester, ad m ission to the program m e w ill be
d enied . Such a stud ent w ill be referred to the Departm ent of Learning
Support. H ow ever, if the stud ent successfully com p leted all the
outstand ing subjects / m od u les d uring the follow ing sem ester / year, the
stud ent w ill be ad m itted to the next level.
A senior stud ent (S5, S6, P1, P2 or year 3 for year stud ents) w ho d oes not
pass all of the prescribed cred its for the program m e d uring the sem ester /
year of registration w ill be w arned regard ing the m axim um perm issible
period s for the existing qualifications as outlined below . Such a stud ent
w ill sign a form al w arning to this effect.
General Prospectus
6. Period of study
6.2 If a stud ent fails to com ply w ith the above m entioned requirem ents, su ch
a stud ent w ill not be allow ed to continue his / her stud ies.
7. A stud ent w ill be refused ad m ission to continue w ith stud ies and
resid ential accom m od ation, if fees are overd ue.
8. The continuation of stud ies m ay be applied on the enforcem ent of the Vaal
University of Technology Code of Cond uct on a stud ent w ho fails to abid e
by the norm s and cod es of the institution.
10. The acceptance of stud ents from other institutions to continue stud ies is
subject to all of the cond itions as contained in this policy includ ing
cond itions as set out in the Ad m issions Policy of the University.
11. Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) can also be applied w here applicable.
12. Where exceptional circum stances prevail, ad -hoc cases w ill be referred to
the Executive Deans to be d ealt w ith at their d iscretion w ithin the
fund am ental principles of the policy.
General Prospectus
1.1 Senate
The official acad em ic bod y constituted in term s of the VUT Act
and Statute.
1.2 Senex
The executive com m ittee of Senate.
The execut
1.3 Assessm ent Com m ittee
The com m ittee appointed by the Senate to d eal w ith assessm ent
m atters.
2.1 All assessm ent regulations and proced ures in connectio n w ith
assessm ent events shall be approved by Senate.
3.1 The d ate on w hich the assessm ent regulations com e into effect is
d eterm ined by Senate.
3.2 This revised set of regulations and proced ures is effective from
January 2005.
4.1 Sum m ative assessm ent at the end of a m od ule (A lso see section B -
4.1.1 Main assessm ent events are those events that occur at the
com pletion of a m od ule / s.
4.1.2 The m ethod of assessm ent as d escribed in 4.1.1 w ill be d eterm ined
by the assessm ent criteria and can includ e a variety of assessm ent
General Prospectus
General Prospectus
5.2.2 The assessor in collaboration w ith the assessm ent centre, shall have
the m od ule question paper and m em orand um / m arking
guid elines m od erated to the satisfaction of the Deputy Registrar
exam inations. Each m od erated question paper shall be signed by
both the assessor and the m od erator. These signatures w ill
ind icate that the question pap er has been approved for use for that
particular assessm ent event.
5.2.3 The assessor shall hand in the question papers for term inating
m od ules at the assessm ent office, from w here it w ill be d istributed
to the relevant external m od erators.
5.2.4 The assessor shall use the prescribed stand ard front page w hen
d raw ing up m em orand a.
5.2.5 The assessor and m od erator shall ensure strict confid entiality at all
tim es.
5.2.6 The assessor shall ensure that all question papers and m em orand a
clearly ind icate the m arks to be aw ard ed per question and p er sub-
section as w ell as the total num ber of m arks for the question paper.
If question papers are d ivid ed into sub-sections, the number of
questions that cand id ates should answ er in each sub -section shall
be ind icated just below the head ing of the sub-section.
In the case of CASS re-assessm ent events and for re-assessm ent
events, the sub-sections should be clearly d istinguishable to afford
the cand id ate the opportunity of com pleting only those sub -
sections for w hich the outcom es have not yet been reached .
5.2.7 The assessor shall set all question papers (exclud ing language
question papers) in English only, except for satellite cam puses,
w here papers m ay be set in (or translated by the Satellite cam puses
into) a language as prescribed by the language policy of the
satellite cam p us in question.
5.2.8 The assessor shall carefully consid er the tim e factor involved in
answ ering a question paper.
5.2.9 The assessor shall ensure that the follow ing inform ation appears
on the front page of each question paper
N am e and level of m od ule (e.g. Physics II)
Internal cod e of the subject or m od ule (e.g. APFSA2B)
Instructional program m e into w hich the m od ule falls (e.g. N.D.
Chem ical Engineering)
The assessor shall ensure that a list of all m aterial w hich is
perm issible for the answ ering of the question paper is ind icated
on the question paper, e.g. pocket calculators are allow ed (type
of calculator shall be specified ); graph paper: (type shall be
specified ); d raw ing tables, etc. Should the syllabus prescribe
General Prospectus
5.3.3 The assessor shall ensure that m arks are aw ard ed accord ing to the
m arking guid e lines / m em orand um . As far as possible, m arking
guid elines / m em orand a should m ake provision for a variety of
d ifferent answ ers.
5.3.4 The assessor shall ensure that the m arking by co-assessors is of the
sam e stand ard as those scripts m arked by the assessors. To
achieve this, the assessor shall check at least 10% (ten percent) of
the scripts w hich have been marked by the co-assessor.
5.3.5 The assessor shall aw ard m arks for every section of the qu estion.
These m arks shall be ind icated in the right-hand m argin of the
answ er script.
5.3.6 The total m arks for the question shall be record ed and encircled
next to the question num ber. The total m arks for each question
shall be record ed on the space provid ed on the back cover of the
answ er script.
General Prospectus
5.3.7 Should an assessor not aw ard any m arks for a specific question or
part thereof, he / she shall ind icate that by m eans of a 0 and also
record it on the space provid ed on the back cover of the answ er
5.3.8 Should a question not have been answ ered at all, the assessor shall
record a X next to the question num ber on the back cover of the
answ er script.
5.3.9 After m arking, the total m ark shall be calculated and record ed on
the back cover of the answ er script. This m ark should now be
converted , on the back cover, to the appropriate exam m ark.
5.3.10 The assessor shall use a red pen.
5.3.11 The assessor shall m ark all the questions that have been answ ered.
If a cand id ate has answ ered m ore than the required number of
questions, the assessor shall m ark the requisite num ber of
questions as originally ind icated on the question paper, the choice
of w hich at the d iscretion of the assessor.
5.3.12 The assessor shall com plete and sign the required report and m ark
/ invigilator‟s list, w hich shall be hand ed in together w ith the
answ er scripts at the assessm ent office.
5.5.3 Mod erators for term inating mod ules should be com petent subject
experts w ho are not m em bers of staff. Should no suitable person
be available, Senex m ay appoint a m em ber of staff as m od erator on
the recom m end ation of the relevant Dean. H ow ever, if the
exam iner is a subject expert, w ho is not a m em ber of staff, the
m od erator can be a staff m em ber.
General Prospectus
5.5.4 Mod erators for non -term inating m od ules m ay be full-tim e or part-
tim e lecturers and / or other com petent persons.
5.5.5 For supplem entary exam inations of term inating m od ules, the
exam ination paper w ill be externally m od erated but the scripts
should be internally m od erated .
General Prospectus
5.7.5 The m od erator shall com plete the prescribed m od erator's report
and hand it in at the assessm ents office together w ith the
m od erated answ er scripts.
General Prospectus
6.3 Minutes
6.3.1 Minutes of all d ecisions of the com m ittee shall be kept b y the
Deputy Registrar: Assessm ent.
6.4 Operation
6.4.1 The Assessm ent Com m ittee shall m eet at least once at the
conclusion of each m ain assessm ent session in ord er to d eal w ith
m atters w hich have been referred to them .
6.4.2 During assessm ents sessions, d ay-to-d ay m atters are hand led by
the m anagem ent com m ittee, on the und erstand ing that all
d ecisions taken by the m anagem ent com m ittee w ill be presented to
the Assessm ent Com m ittee for authorisation and that such
d ecisions are ad d ed to the m inutes of the Assessm ent Com m ittee
as append ices.
General Prospectus
General Prospectus
7.2 A final year stud ent, w ho only requires one m od ule to obtain a
qualification, w ill autom atically qualify for a supplementary
assessm ent, PROVID ED that supplem entary assessm ent is
sched uled for the m od ule.
7.5 M Tech m ay be aw ard ed Cum Laude to the cand id ate in respect of:
Subject and dissertation option: passes all the subjects w ith an
average of 75% and passes the d issertation w ith 75%.
Dissertation only: obtains a m ark of 75% or m ore.
7.6 D-Tech is not aw ard ed Cum Laude. It is only ind icated that the
cand id ate passed or failed .
8.2 N ot m ore than 50% of the com pleted qualification's m od ules can
be exem pted in respect of another incom plete qualification.
General Prospectus
9.2.2 Assessm ent of a DTech thesis shall be d one by three exam iners of
w hich at least tw o m ust be external. One of the external exam iners
should preferably be from a reputable acad em ic institution outsid e
South Africa. The prom oter cannot be an exam iner.
9.3 Id entification of, approval of, and correspond ence w ith exam iners:
9.3.1 The proposed exam iners for each thesis / d issertation shall be
id entified by the relevant acad em ic H ead of Departm ent in
consultation w ith the supervisor/ prom oter w here feasible, for
approval by the Exco of the Faculty Boar d (and Senex).
9.3.2 All correspond ence w ith the exam iners shall be d one through the
office of the acad em ic H ead of Departm ent.
General Prospectus
General Prospectus
10.2 In the case of illness, a valid m ed ical certificate shall accom pany
the stud ent's request provid ed that the Assessm ents Office
reserves the right to obtain further inform ation to authenticate
such illness.
10.3 All special assessm ents shall be w ritten d uring the tim e slots
sched uled for supplem ental events.
General Prospectus
11.2 When granting ad d itional tim e the follow ing proced ures shall be
follow ed :
Cand id ates shall apply in w riting to the relevant faculty at least
three w eeks in ad vance.
The Faculty shall return the application, together w ith their
recom m end ation, to the Director of the Bureau for Stu d ent
The Bureau for Stud ent Counselling should und ertake the
necessary investigation, m ake its recom m end ation and send all
the d ocum entation to the Deputy Vice-Chancellor: Acad em ic
for the attention of the Assessm ents Com m ittee.
The Assessm ents Com m ittee, or its d elegate, d ecid es on the
length of the extension and send s all the d ocum entation to the
assessm ents office.
The assessm ents office notifies the cand id ate and the relevant
Ad d itional tim e is allow ed at the end of the assessm ent session.
In exceptional cases a cand id ate m ay be perm itted to take an
oral assessm ent.
12.1 Irregularities
12.1.1 Any stud ent w ho takes into the venue, or has in his / her
possession or has on his / her person after the question paper has
been hand ed out, any book, mem orand um , note, sketch, m ap, film ,
program m able calculator, non -perm issible m aterial or any other
d ocum ent other than his / her ad m ission pass, unless authorised
by the assessm ent rules or specified by a requirem ent in a
particular question paper.
12.1.2 Any stud ent w ho assists or attem p ts to assist another cand id ate,
obtains or attem pts to obtain help, or com m unicates or attem pts to
com m unicate w ith another person other than the invigilator w hile
in the assessm ent room .
12.1.3 Any stud ent w ho falsely represents him / herself as being a
specific cand id ate for an assessm ent.
12.1.4 Any stud ent w ho creates a d isturbance in the assessm ents room or
behaves in an im proper or an unseem ly m anner and refuses to
stop such d isturbance or im proper unseem ly behaviour after he /
she has been w arned by the invigilator.
General Prospectus
13.2 Duties of the Assessm ent Officer follow ing an assessm ent
13.2.1 The d ate for d isciplinary hearings should be set at the end of the
assessm ent session.
13.2.2 The Assessm ent officer should attend to an assessm ent irregularity
as soon as possible after the irregularity has occurred .
13.2.3 The Assessm ent officer shall ascertain that the correct proced ure
has been follow ed in the handling of the irregularity.
General Prospectus
General Prospectus
14.3 The invigilator shall collect the follow ing from the assessm ents
office, ensuring that sufficient tim e has been allow ed to carry out
all the instructions.
The sealed envelope containing the question papers for each
session for each particular venue. On collecting the sealed
envelope, the invigilator should be satisfied that the envelope
has not been opened or tam pered w ith. Should any irregularity
be suspected , it shall im m ed iately be brought to the at tention of
the Assessm ents Officer. The Assessm ents Officer in
conjunction w ith the Assessm ents Com m ittee w ill d ecid e on a
plan of action.
The correct num ber and type of assessm ent answ er scripts and
other m aterial required for each assessm ent.
The invigilator's lists and other control m aterial required.
General Prospectus
14.5 Before cand id ates are perm itted to enter the assessm ent room , the
invigilator shall ensure that all cell phones, figures, envelopes,
d raw ings, notes and other m aterial that could possibly be relevant
to the particular m od ule, have been rem oved from the assessm ent
room . H e / she shall also ensure that no such m aterials, books or
p apers are in or on the tables in the assessm ent room .
14.8 A cand id ate m ay be perm itted to enter an assessm ent room after
com m encem ent of the assessm ent session und er the follow ing
cond itions:
Only d uring the first hour of the relevant assessm ent session.
The cand id ate w ill only be perm itted to u tilise the rem aining
tim e of that particular session to answ er questions.
14.9 In ord er to be ad m itted to the assessm ents, each cand id ate shall
present his / her proof of ad m ission to that particular assessm ent
as w ell as proof of id entity to th e satisfaction of the invigilator.
Proof of id entity should preferably be an id entity d ocum ent or a
stud ent card . A d river's license or passport is also acceptable.
Should a cand id ate not have any of the above-m entioned
d ocum ents, that person w ill only be ad m itted to the assessm ent on
the recom m end ation of the Assessm ents Officer, w ho w ill ensure
that the cand id ate is id entified .
General Prospectus
14.10 Only cand id ates registered for a particular assessm ent, the
invigilator concerned , the Assessm ents Officer or persons
authorised by the Assessm ents Office m ay be present in an
assessm ents room d uring an assessm ent. The Assessor and
Mod erator w ho are cond ucting an oral assessm ent or the read er of
a speed test m ay also be present for the tim e it takes to perform
their d uties.
14.12 All unauthorised persons shall leave the assessm ent room before
the envelope is opened . After cand id ates have been seated the
invigilator shall m ake the follow in g announcem ents:
The m od ules w hich are to be exam ined .
Request cand id ates not w riting those particular m od ules to
leave the room .
N o cand id ate m ay have unauthorised m aterial or notes in their
N o cand id ate m ay leave the assessm ent room w ithin on e (1)
hour of the com m encem ent of the assessm ent and also not
d uring the last 15 m inutes of the session.
N o assessm ent answ er scrip ts, used or unused , m ay be
rem oved from the assessm ent room .
Cand id ates m ay, in no w ay w hatsoever, com m unicate w ith one
Answ ers should be w ritten w ith a blue or black ink pen or in
any m ed ium as specified in a p articular question paper e.g.
pencil for sketches or d raw ings, etc. Should an assessor not
allow questions to be answ ered in pencil, this rule shall clearly
be stated in the instructions on the question paper.
All inform ation should be correctly filled in as instructed on the
cover of the answ er scripts or file.
Should m ore than one answ er script be used , the cover of the
final and any ad d itional answ ering books should be correctly
and com pletely filled in and the ad d itional answ er script should
be placed insid e the back cover of the first answ er script.
Any request to com m unicate w ith the invigilator should be
ind icated by raising a hand .
Any errata and changes to question papers as instructed by the
Assessm ents Officer.
General Prospectus
14.15 Invigilators shall ensure that no d isruptions are caused and that no
cand id ate attem pts to get assistance from another cand idate or
attem pts to com m unicate w ith another cand id ate or any other
person w ith the exception of the invigilator / s.
14.16 Unless otherw ise stated for a particular assessm ent, invigilators
shall check that no cand id ate has in his / her possession, and for
the d uration of the assessment, any books, m em oran d a, notes,
charts, m aps, figures, photos, d ocum ents or papers (includ ing
blank paper) of any kind , or any aid s relevant to the m od ule being
exam ined except aid s w hich have been supplied and proof of
ad m ission to the assessm ent. Pocket calculators and other
specified aid s m ay be used u nless an instruction forbid d ing their
use appears on the question paper. Papers are to specify clearly
w hich aid s to be used .
14.17 If instructions are not follow ed or if a cand id ate com m its an act
w hich is consid ered to afford an unfair ad vantage, that cand id ate
is guilty of an offence. (See 8).
14.18 All assessm ent aid s and answ er scripts w hich have been hand ed
out shall be collected before a cand id ate m ay leave the assessm ent
room .
General Prospectus
General Prospectus
15.1 Registration for all assessm ents takes place au tom atically w hen a
stud ent registers for a m od ule.
16.1 Functions of Assessm ent Office (see assessm ent stand ard
operating proced ures)
General Prospectus
16.1.1 The sched ule for all sum m ative events should reach the
assessm ent office w ithin one m onth after com m encem ent of
classes. The finalisation of sched ules and ad m inistration of the
assessm ent function w ill be cond ucted by the exam ination office.
17.1 Pass:
A m od ule is p assed w hen a cand id ate obtains at least 50% or
m ore in the final m ark, on cond ition that the cand id ate firstly
m eets the ad m ission requirem ents of at least 50% in the year
/ sem ester m ark, and finally m eets the sub-m inim um
requirem ent of at least 40% in each paper in the m od u le
concerned .
Should a cand id ate obtain 49% as a final m ark it is published
as 50% provid ed the cand id ate m eets the sub-m inim u m
requirem ents and the cand id ate is regard ed as having passed
the m od ule concerned.
17.2 Fail:
A m od ule is failed if a cand id ate obtains less than 50% in the
final m ark and d oes not qualify to pass accord ing to 17.1
Should a cand id ate obtain 50% or m ore as a final m ark bu t
fails to m eet the sub m inim um requirem ents of 40% in the
assessm ent or question papers for the m od ule concerned , the
cand id ate fails, and the final m ark is published as e.g. "51
General Prospectus
FM" w here FM ind icates that the cand id ate has failed to
obtain the sub-m inim um in the m od ule concerned.
18.1 After approval of the results by the Assessm ents Com m ittee,
sched ules of results are prepared , checked and published .
Cand id ates are notified in w riting of their results, w ith
notification of the d ate on w hich supplem entary assessm ents
w ill be held as w ell as the d ate of registration for supplem entary
assessm ents w here applicable.
20.1 Registration for all assessm ents takes place a u tom atically w hen a
stud ent registers for a m od ule.
21.1 Functions of Assessm ents Office (see assessm ent stand ard
operating proced ures)
21.1.1 The sched ule for all sum m ative events should reach the
assessm ent office w ith in one m onth after com m encem ent of
classes. The finalisation of sched ules and ad m inistration of the
General Prospectus
assessm ent function w ill be cond ucted by the assessm ent office.
21.1.2 A m axim u m of three summative events per m od ule can be
ad m inistered by the assessm en t office.
21.1.3 Where a syllabus prescribes for full continuous assessm ent in a
m od ule, sum m ative events are sched uled at the com pletion of
learning units. A cand id ate should obtain a m inim um m ark of
50% for a sum m ative event to pass that m od ule.
21.1.4 The assessm ent office at the site of d elivery w ill be responsible
for entering the results on ITS. Results from satellite cam puses
w ill be m od erated , returned to the satellite and results entered
by their assessm ent office.
21.1.5 If a cand id ate can not w rite on a specific d ate, d ue to a religious
principle, w ritten notification should be subm itted to the
Departm ent Assessm ent w ithin 5 d ays after receiving the
sched ule. The Departm ent Assessm ent w ill refer this to the
21.2 Preparation of assessm ent question papers
21.2.1 The assessm ents office hand s the m arked assessm ent answ er
scripts, together w ith the necessary d ocum entation to the
m od erator, m ad e up accord ing to the applicable sched ule (5.9.1).
Internal m od erators, i.e. m od erators em p loyed by the
University, collect the assessm ent answ er scripts at the
assessm ents office and sign for them . Assessm ent answ er scripts
are sent to external m od erators by registered post w ith a cover
letter d etailing the num ber of answ er scripts and the nam e of
instructional offerings.
21.2.2 Mod erators then perform their d uties as prescribed in 5.8.
21.2.3 On com pletion of m arking, m od erators d eliver assessm ent
answ er scripts together w ith the necessary d ocum entation, or
d ispatch them via registered post, to the assessm ents office of
the Vaal University of Technology.
22.1 Re-assessm ent can be cond ucted d uring the m ain assessm ent or
be integrated into the m od ule. The re-assessm ent should be
cond ucted in the sem ester of enrolm ent. N o re-assessm ent or
supplem entary assessm ent is perm issible thereafter.
22.2 For a theory m od ule, re-assessm ent could be cond ucted at the
end of the m od ule. Stud ents should be assessed on outcom es
not achieved yet. Sections should be clearly indicated o n the
question paper, as SECTION A, SECTION B or SECTION C. The
General Prospectus
assessm ent officer should receive a list ind icating w hich part
should be com pleted by a learner. These lists should be hand ed
to the exam ination office by the lecturer.
22.3 All learners w ill start w riting at the start of the session.
22.4 The sam e regulations for invigilation apply as und er Section 16.
22.5 The results of the re-assessm ent w ill replace the result of the
learning unit that the stud ent is re-assessed on.
22.5.1 In the case of a special assessm ent the actu al m ark obtained by
the cand id ate w ill be the final m ark .
23.2 Pass:
A m od ule is passed w hen a cand id ate obtains at least 50% in
all sum m ative events and an average of at least 50% for the
final m ark that m ay be com piled from form ative and
sum m ative events.
Should a cand id ate obtain 49% as a final m ark it is published
as 50% provid ed the cand id ate m eets the sub-m inim u m
requirem ents and the cand id ate is regard ed as having passed
the m od ule concerned.
23.3 Fail:
A m od ule is failed if a cand idate obtains less than 50% in any
sum m ative event or d oes not obtain a final average of 50%.
Should a cand id ate obtain 50% or m ore as a final m ark but
fails to m eet the sub m inim u m requirem ents of 50% for all
sum m ative events, the cand id ate fails, and the final m ark is
published as e.g. "51 FM" w here FM ind icates that the
cand id ate has failed to obtain the sub-m inim um in the
m od ule concerned .
Should a cand id ate fail any unit after re-assessm ent, the
stud ent m ust re-register for the m od ule d uring the next
sem ester
General Prospectus
23.5.3 Scripts need to be kept at the assessm ent office for a period of
three years.
23.5.4 Unseen scripts m ay be subjected to a re-m ark.
24.2 The d ate and tim e of the oral exam w ill be sched uled by the
head of Departm ent.
General Prospectus
General Prospectus
26.1 After answ er scripts have been m arked by the assessors and have
been m od erated by the m od erators, they becom e the
responsibility of the assessm ent officer that w ill:
26.1.1 Check that all answ er scripts have been returned .
26.1.2 Check that all answ er scripts have been initialled by the assessor.
26.1.3 Check that all answ er scripts sent to the m od erator have been
initialled by the m od erator.
General Prospectus
26.1.4 Check that all exam iners' and m od erators' reports have been
correctly com pleted and signed .
26.1.5 Go through all answ er scripts and check that all answ ers have
been m arked and m arks allocated .
26.1.6 Check that the m arks of all sub-d ivisions of questions have been
calculated correctly and carried over to the back p age of the
answ er scripts of file / fold er.
26.1.7 Check ad d itions and calculations on the back page as w ell as
their transfer to the cover page.
26.1.8 Check that year / sem ester m arks have correctly been transferred
to the cover page.
26.1.9 Check that the year m ark and final sum m ative m ark have been
correctly calculated into a final m ark.
26.1.10 Check transfer of m arks from answ er scripts to invigilator's list.
26.1.11 Ensure that w here the mod erator has recom m end ed an
ad justm ent of m arks, the assessor, H ead of Departm ent and
m od erator shall reach consensus and then subm it to the Dean of
the Faculty, w ho w ill in turn subm it for approval by the
assessm ent com m ittee.
General Prospectus
Stud ent behaviour, both acad em ic and non -acad em ic, is governed by a sp ecific set
of w ritten rules called the Code of Stud ent Cond uct.
These rules prohibits unethical practices such as cheating, plagiarism and d ouble
subm issions, as w ell as offences such as theft, vand alism , m isuse of equipm ent,
supplies and d ocum ents, and h arassm ent. Stud ents accused of such offences are
entitled to a hearing before an im partial com m ittee and are entitled to
representation by an ad visor from w ithin the University.
In the interest of m aintaining civility on cam pus all stud ents m ust com ply w ith the
University‟s Cod e of Stud ent Cond uct, w hich reasonably lim its som e activities and
prohibits certain behaviou r w hich could interfere w ith the classroom sitting, the
ord erly operation of the University, and the pursuit of the University goals and
core values of respect, integrity, collaboration, w ell-being, innovation and quality.
It is expected that the stud ent cond uct w ill be in concert w ith and supportive of the
University„s central purpose and core values.
Each stud ent is responsible and has a d uty to be acquainted w ith all provisions of
the Cod e. It is also presum ed that every stud ent, from the d ate of his / her initial
enrolm ent at the University, has know led ge of the Cod e, as w ell as, policies and
proced ures contained in the Stud ent H and -book. All stud ents are d eem ed to have
agreed to the provisions contained in the Code and are required to ad here to such
provisions as a cond ition of their enrolm ent as stud ents of the University.
The University further recognises each stud ent‟s proced ural right to d ue process
and the audi alteram partem ru le, w hich includ es providing notice setting forth the
alleged violation(s), and a speed y, fair hearing and appeal process, any m em ber of
the University com m unity can initiate accusation of an alleged violation.
General Prospectus
The Stud ent Cod e of Cond uct is available as a separate p ublication throu gh the
offices of Stud ent Life Departm ent and the office of the Stu d ent Facilitator Jud icial
and Training can help stud ents und erstand the Code.
Definitions provid ed elsew here in this Cod e are applicable to the Stud ent Cod e of
Cond uct in its entirety. Term s not expressly d efined in the Stud ent Cod e of
Cond uct w ill be interpreted in accord ance w ith the rule of interpretation as
provid ed for by Interpretation of Statu tes Act.
“Student organisation” an organisation com posed prim arily of stud ents w hich has
been registered or has received recognition accord ing to University policies and
proced ures or is affiliated w ith a University d epartm ent.
“Judicial body” any person or persons authorised by the Assistant Director Stud ent
Life to d eterm ine w hether a stud ent has violated the Stud ent Cod e and to
recom m end im position of sanction.
“W ill” is used in the im perative sense.
“M ay” is used in the perm issive sense.
“Trained students” refers to those stud ents selected by the Stud ent Facilitator
Jud icial and Training to participate in the jud icial process upon com pletion of a
group or one-on-one judicial affairs orientation.
“Preponderance of evidence” refers to w hen consid ering all the evid ence in the case
the proposition on w hich such party has the burd en of proof is m ore probably true
than not true.
“Bias incident” refers to behaviour and / or action d iscrim inating against another
based on race, religion, sexual orientation, ethnicity, national origin, gend er, age,
d isability, or veteran status.
General Prospectus
“Hate crime” refers to the bias incid ent that has risen to a level of a crim inal statute,
w hich includ es but not lim ited to assault, property d am age, or other illegal
cond uct.
“University-sponsored activity” any activity on or off cam p us initiated , approved or
supervised by the University.
The Cod e applies to incid ents occurring on cam pus and others that occur off
cam pus, incid ents that involve stud ents and includ ing those that occur at the
satellite cam p uses of the University.
Jud icial action against any stu d ent com m itting a violation of the Cod e off-cam pus
w ill be consid ered on a case-by-case basis upon filing by a com plainant of an
allegation of an off-cam pus violation of the Confid ential Com plaint Lod gem ent
Form . The com plainant m ust obtain the form from Protection Services and an
officer / investigator m ust assist the com plainant to fill the form . After review of
the form , the officer at Protection Services w ill investigate the com plaint and w rite
a report to be subm itted to the office of the Stud ent Facilitator Jud icial and Training
w ho w ill then m ake a d eterm ination on the appropriateness for a jud icial action to
be initiated .
The ad option of the Stud ent Cod e of Cond uct d oes not prohibit the University from
ad opting or m aintaining add itional rules to govern the cond uct of stud ents.
Allegations of m iscond uct und er the Stud ent Cod e of Cond uct m ay be com bined
w ith allegations arising und er other University rules.
The Stud ent Cod e of Cond uct applies to ind ivid ual stud ents and to stud ent
Stud ents and stud ent organisations are also subject to the follow ing rules:
Rules ad opted by the University to govern the control of vehicles and other
m od es of transportation on University property, to and from University
prem ises;
Rules relating to stud ent classroom cond uct, acad em ic d ishonesty, acad e m ic
eligibility, perform ance and evaluation;
Rules governing stud ent housing;
Rules governing the m aintenance of public ord er;
Rules governing the cond uct of stud ent athletes;
General Prospectus
Rules governing the use of University com m unication and com pu ting
resources; and
Such other rules as m ay be ad opted by the University in furtherance of the
University and ed ucational goals.
N otw ithstand ing anything contained herein to the contrary, acts of acad em ic
d ishonesty, d isruptive stud ent behaviour in the classroom , and appeals to
sanctions im posed in each case, are und er the jurisd iction of the H ead of
Departm ent, Dean of Faculty and H ead Exam ination Departm ent.
The office of the Stud ent Facilitator Jud icial and Training w ill d eterm ine the
com position of jud icial bod ies and cond uct appeal com m ittee and also d eterm ine
w hich w ill be authorized to hear each case. Stud ent com position if any w ill be
d epend ent upon availability of trained stud ents as recom m end ed by the office of
the Stud ent Facilitator Jud icial and Training.
The ju d icial ad visor w ill d evelop proced ures for the ad m inistration of the jud icial
program and proced ural ru les for the cond uct of hearings, w hich are not
inconsistent w ith the provisions of the stud ent cod e. Decisions m ad e by the jud icial
bod y and / or judicial ad visor shall be final, pend ing the norm al appeal process.
A jud icial bod y m ay be d esignated as arbiter of d isputes w ithin the stud ent
com m unity in case that, d o not involve a violation of the Cod e. All parties m ust
agree to the arbitration, and to be bound by the d ecision w ith no right of appeal.
Stud ent cond uct d iscipline record s are confid ential and w ill be treated as such by
all parties concerned .
The University cooperates fully w ith law enforcem ent aut horities. Violations of the
Cod e are also violations of the various Acts of Parliam ent, Provincial legislations
and Municipal bylaw s and ord inances, m ay be referred to the appropriate non
University authority.
The University Protection Services Office w or k closely w ith the local law
enforcem ent authorities, particularly the Vand erbijlpark, Vereeniging, Sebokeng,
Bophelong, Boipatong and Sharpville. The Cam pus Protection Services Officers
General Prospectus
have full pow ers to arrest search and seizure on all University ow ned and operated
property, and are usually the first to respond to calls for police services on cam pus.
With appreciation for the trad ition of freed om of speech and expression on cam pus
the University fosters tolerance for d iffering view points. It is acknow led ged that
points of view w ill d iverge and that som e stud ents w ill believe it necessary to
express them selves by m eans of protest. H ow ever, the University cannot tolerate
d isruption to its acad em ic m ission or m eans of protest that interferes w ith the
legitim ate rights of others.
General Rights and Freedoms
Stud ents shall have the follow ing rights and freed om s:
As m em bers of the University com m unity all stud ents are guaranteed freed om of
expression, inquiry and assembly, the right to form a stud ent governm ent, organise
groups, to join associations in support of any cause or com m on interest, and to
peacefully protest, provid ed that, such activity is cond ucted in a legal m anner, is in
accord w ith University regulations, and d oes n ot abrid ge the rights of others.
Stud ents have the right of fair access to all ed ucational opportunities and benefits
available at the University in an environm ent that is safe, free of invid ious
harassm ent, d iscrim ination, or intim id ation. Stud ents have a right to privacy as it is
entrenched in the Constitution of South Africa Act 108 of 1996.
Stud ents have the right and responsibility to report, in good faith, and w ithout fear
of retaliation, violations of this cod e, the University Cod e of Cond uct and v iolations
of any other policy of the University, to appropriate acad em ic and ad m inistrative
officer of the University.
General Prospectus
All stud ents share the follow ing responsibilities:
1. To read , becom e fam iliar w ith and ad here to the cod e, the University‟s Code of
Cond uct, the Acad em ic Cod e of Cond uct, the Resid ences Cod e of Cond uct and
the Stud ent hand -book of the university.
2. To respect the personal and property rights of others and to act in a
responsible m anner at all tim es.
3. To protect and foster the intellectual, acad em ic, cultural, social and other
m issions of the University.
4. To observe the law s of Local, Provincial and N ational governm ent.
Self-d iscipline is an essential elem ent of ind ivid ual learning and d evelopm ent
accord ingly all stud ents are expected to cond uct them selves as m ature, responsible
citizens of the Republic of South Africa and m em bers of the University com m unity
in accord ance w ith pu blic law s and accepted stand ard of m orality and d ecency. As
such all stud ents are expected to be:
Courteous to fellow stud ents, faculty staff m em bers and to the public at large.
To be honest in his / her acad em ic w ork and his / her d ealings w ith others, obey
local, provincial and national governm ent.
The follow ing is an illustrative list of the types of cond uct that are prohibited by
this cod e. It includ es n ot only actual cond uct, bu t also attem pts to engage in such
cond uct. A reasonable suspicion that a stud ent has engaged in such prohibited
cond uct, or attem p ted cond uct, w ill result in the im m ed iate consid eration of
d isciplinary action und er this cod e.
General Prospectus
1. Causing or creating a fire or any other cond ition that jeopard ises the safety of
ind ivid uals on cam pus and d uring off-cam pus activities,
2. Tem pering w ith safety m easures or d evices such as alarm system s fire
extinguishers, exit signs em ergency ph one system s sm oke or heat d etectors,
fire hoses security system s locked exterior d oors and the sprinkler system s.
3. Failing to conform to safety regulations, such as falsely reporting an incid ent,
failure to evacuate facilities in a tim ely fashion in em er gency situations or in
response to fire alarm s, inappropriate use of the alarm system and sim ilar
cond uct.
4. Falsely reporting the presence of a bom b or any other d angerous d evice or
cond ition.
Possessing, using, storing, transporting firearm s, other w eapons explosives,
firew orks, am m unition or d angerous chem icals (except authorised for use in class
or in connection w ith university sponsored research or other approved activities).
D iscrimination
Engaging in verbal or physical behaviour d irected at an ind ivid ual or group that
accord ing to a person of reasonable sensibilities, is likely to create an intim id ation
or d em eaning environm ent that im ped es the access of other stud ents, faculty and
staff to the ed ucational benefit available from or through the university.
Engaging in verbal, electronic, visual, w ritten or physical behavio ur d irected at an
ind ivid ual or group that in the view of a person of reasonable sensibilities is likely
to provoke or otherw ise result in negative or injurious response or reaction. This
behaviour m ay includ e:
1. m aking an expressed or im plied threat affecting another person‟s acad em ic
pursuits, university em ploym ent, or particip ation in activities sponsored by
the university or organisation or group related to the university, or;
2. engaging in unw arranted retribution or interference w ith respect to such
pursuit, em ploym ent or participation, or;
3. creating an intim id ating or dem eaning situation or environm ent or inflicting
psychological or em otional harm or und ue stress.
Sexual harassment
Sexual harassm ent of the institution shall be application.
General Prospectus
Any w ilful attem pt or threat to inflict injury upon the person of another, w hen
coupled w ith an ap parent present ability to d o so, and any intentional d ispla y of
force such as w ould give the victim reason to fear bod ily harm constitu tes as
assault. An assault m ay be com m itted w ithout actually touching or striking or
d oing bod ily harm . Self-d efence m ay be a m itigating factor to this charge,
d epend ing on the circum stances.
Indecent Assault
Ind ecent assault m eans, the u nlaw ful and intentional assau lt of another w ith the
intention of com m itting an ind ecency. Assault in this m atter is not qualified by an
ind ecent act bu t by the intention of the person com m itting th e assault to behave
ind ecently. This form of assault can be com m itted even though the accused d oes
not d irect his cond uct at the victim ‟s private p arts. What is im portant is the accused
intention, expressed by w ord s or cond uct, and not the nature of the act.
An encounter in w hich physical contact occurs or is threatened betw een tw o or
m ore persons w ith w eapons, blow s or other personal violence and that m ay
includ e pushing, shoving and other acts of physical abuse. Self-d efence m ay be a
m itigating factor to this charge d epend ing on the circum stances of each case.
Alcoholic Beverages
Violation of the University‟s alcoholic beverages regulations and guid elines,
includ ing:
1. The sale, service, possession and / or consum ption of an alcoholic beverage in
acad em ic faculties, includ ing classroom s, stud ios, theatres, aud itoria and / or
laboratories is prohibited .
2. Stud ent organisations m ay not serve alcoholic beverages at events w ithout the
express approval of the Senior Director Stud ent Affairs regard ing the location
and cond itions of possession and consum ption. If approved alcoholic
beverages m ay not be consum ed outsid e of the designated areas for the event.
3. Stud ents serving alcoholic beverages at off-cam pus events m ay not id entify
these events as university sponsored events.
4. After consum ing alcoholic beverages stud ents m ust assum e full responsibility
for their cond uct as it relates to the need for good judgm ent, d iscretion,
m od eration, respect for the rights of others and the legal regulations of t he
jurisd ictions involved .
General Prospectus
H azing is d efined as cond uct that causes or is intend ed to cause psychological,
em otional or physical harm to any person as a part of initiation into or affiliation
w ith any cam pus-based organisation.
D amage to Property
When a stud ent know ingly dam ages the property of another or of the University
w ithout his / her / its consent by d efacing, d eform ing, or otherw ise d a m aging the
property by the use of paint or any other sim ilar substance, by the use of w riting
instrum ents, etching tools or sim ilar d evices, through m eans of fire or explosives,
or through the use of any other instrum entality of any kind and m ixture.
Unauthorized rem oval, d estruction or d am age of University property, or the
property of another stud ent, or the property und er University custod y or control.
Possession of stolen item s from a m em ber (s) of the University com m unity, or the
sale of stolen item s from any source w hatsoever.
Stealing property and / or services, know ingly possessing or transporting stolen
property, or im properly converting the property of another for personal use.
General Prospectus
Prohibition of incitem ent to com m it a crim e is punishable in term s of s ection 18(2)
of the Riotous Assem blies Act 17 of 1956 w hich read s as follow s:
Any person w ho… incites, instigates, com m and s or procures any other person to
com m it any offence, w hether at com m on law or against a statute or statu tory
regulations, shall be gu ilty of an offence and liable on conviction to the punishm ent
to w hich a person convicted of actu ally com m itting that offence w ould be liable.
This offence is punishable in term s of the Corruption Act 94 of 1992 section 1(1).
Prohibition on offer or acceptance of benefit for com m ission of act in relation to
certain pow ers or d uties. Any person –
General Prospectus
When a person unlaw fully and intentionally obtains som e ad vantage, w hich m ay
be of either a patrim onial or non -patrim onial nature, from another by subjecting
the latter to pressure w hich ind uces him / her to hand over the ad vantage.
The unlaw ful and intentional causing of d eath of another hum an being.
Culpable Homicide
The unlaw ful and negligent causing of the d eath of another hum an being.
A person having unlaw ful and intentional sexual intercourse w ith a person w ithout
her consent.
Criminal D efamation
Unlaw ful and intentional publication of m atter concerning another w hich tend s to
injure his / her reputation.
Theft of a property by unlaw fully and intentionally using violence or threats of
violence to take the property or to ind uce subm ission to its taking.
General Prospectus
by any m em ber of the University com m unity that ad versely affects this relationship
or this process m ust, therefore, be consid ered a serious offence.
a. N o stud ent shall, w ith intent to d eceive, represent the w ork of another person
as his / her ow n in any acad em ic w riting, essay, thesis, research report, project
or assignm ent subm itted in a course or program of stud y or represent as his /
her ow n an entire essay or w ork of another, w hether the m aterial so
represented constitutes a part or the entirety of the w ork subm itted .
b. Upon d em onstration that the stud ent has represented and subm itted another
person‟s w ork as his / her ow n, it shall be presum ed that the stud ent intend ed
to d eceive; the stud ent shall bear the burd en of rebutting this presum ption by
evid ence satisfying the person or bod y hearing the case that no such intent
existed .
c. N o stud ent shall contribute any w ork to another stud ent w ith the know led ge
that the latter m ay subm it the w ork in part or w hole as his / her ow n. Receipt
of paym ent for w ork contribu ted shall be cause for presum ption by evid ence
satisfying the person or bod y hearing the case that no such intent existed .
N o stud ent shall:
a. In the course of an exam ination obtain or attem pt to obtain inform ation from
another stud ent or unauthorised source or give or attem p t to give inform ation
to another stud ent or possess, use or attem pt to use any unauthorised m aterial.
b. Represent or attem pt to represent oneself as another or have or attem p t to have
oneself represented by another in the taking of an exam ination, preparation of
or paper or other sim ilar activity.
c. Subm it in any course or program of stud y, w ithout both the know led ge and
approval of the person to w hom it is subm itted , all or a substantial portion of
any acad em ic w riting, essay, thesis, research report, project or assignm ent for
w hich cred it has previously been obtained or w hich has been or is being
subm itted in another course or program of stud y in the University or
elsew here.
d. Subm it in any course or program of stud y any acad em ic w riting, essay, thesis,
research report, project or assignm ent containing a statem ent of fact know n by
stud ents to be false or a reference to a source w hich reference or sour ce has
been fabricated .
General Prospectus
Confidential material
It shall be an offence know ingly to procure, d istribute, or receive any confid ential
acad em ic m aterial such as pend ing exam inations or laboratory results from any
source w ithout prior and express consent of the instructor.
Misrepresentation of facts
It shall be an offence to know ingly m isrepresent m aterial facts to another for the
purpose of gaining ad m ission to the University or obtaining acad em ic ad vantage or
cred it.
The purpose of the d isciplinary sanctions for violations of the Cod e is to ed ucate
abou t responsible behaviou r as m em bers of the University com m unity, to m aintain
ord er and to protect the rights of others.
Stud ents found guilty of violating the Cod e w ill be notified of any sanction by the
d isciplinary chairperson. There is no set sanction for any particular offence w ith the
exception of autom atic expu lsion for any felony conviction. Sanctions w ill be
d eterm ined ind ivid ually and w ill be consid ered w ith the severity of the offence.
Every case w ill be evaluated on its ow n m erits.
Sanctions w ill be classified in sched ule 1 and sched ule 2 for m inor and sever
offences. All sanctions w ill be issued in w riting. Sanctions in the sched ule 1 w ill be
placed in the stud ent‟s confid ential d iscipline file as an official part of a stud ents‟
ed ucational record for five years beyond the stud ent‟s d eparture from the
University and w ill becom e part of the stud ent‟s perm anent d iscipline record . Acts
of acad em ic d ishonesty w ill be m ad e part of the perm anent d iscipline record as
d eterm ined by the Registrar, Dean of Faculty and H ead of Exam ination Office.
General Prospectus
General Terms
Parents of m inor or d epend ent stud ents w ho receive a d isciplinary sanction shall be
notified of that action by the University.
The University reserves the right to apply any sanction for a violation of the Cod e
that, in its sole d iscretion, appropriately ad d ress the gravity and frequency of the
offence. Prior offences are cum ulative, and any stud ent found guilty of the sam e
offence or second offence of equal or greater m agnitud e, m ay be suspend ed or
expelled from the University. Evid ence of prior violations of the Cod e, how ever,
m ay be consid ered after a d eterm ination of guilt has been m ad e as part of the
process of d eterm ining sanctions.
Sanctions are im posed under the Cod e w ithout regard to stud ent classification,
prospective grad uation d ate, the tim e in the sem ester or term w hen the violation
occurs, scholarship status or any other factor.
Stud ents w ho have not com pletely fulfilled their sanctions m ay be allow ed to
participate in general m and atory registration for the subsequent sem ester if all
other financial and acad em ic cond itions have been m et. H ow ever, their registration
w ill be cancelled if they fail to com ply w ith all the stipulations of the sanctions
w ithin the tim e lim it set.
Minor Sanctions
Disciplinary warning or Reprimand
A d isciplinary w arning or reprim and is an official w ritten statem ent of
censure. It is used w hen a stud ent‟s behaviour is unaccep table but is
consid ered to be m inor and / or unintend ed . It includ es a w arning that any
other violation of the University Cod e for w hich the stud ent is found guilty
w ill result in m ore severe d isciplinary action. The w ritten statem ent shall be
d elivered to the stud ent and also kept in the stud ent‟s record for a period of six
(6) m onths.
General Prospectus
Severe Sanctions
Disciplinary probation
A d isciplinary probation m ay be im posed for a specified period of tim e. A
stud ent w ho is und er d isciplinary probation w ill not be perm itted to
participate in intram ural, intercollegiate, sports, stud ent clubs or organisations.
Such stud ent m ay not represent the University in any public function,
com petition or perform ance, hold office in a stud ent organisation or be eligible
to join a fraternity or sorority. Stud ents receiving scholarships for any activities
enum erated above m ay have that scholarship su spend ed or term inated .
Decisions regard ing scholarships w ill be m ad e by the office of the Senior
Director Stud ent Support Services in consultation w ith the Assistant d irector
Stud ent life and Stud ent Facilitator Jud icial and Training and DVC Acad em ic
w ill m ake the final d ecision.
W ithdrawal from class
Decisions regard ing w ithdraw al from class w ill be m ad e by the office of the
Senior Director Stud ent Supp ort Services in consultation w ith the Assistant
General Prospectus
d irector Stud ent life and Stu d ent Facilitator Jud icial a nd Training and DVC
Acad em ic w ill m ake the final d ecision.
Limited access to University property
Ad m inistrative restriction to various parts of the University cam pus, includ ing
but not lim ited to research, com m unication and com pu ting resources for a
specified period of tim e or until certain cond itions are m et. Decisions
regard ing lim ited access to University property w ill be m ad e by the office of
the Senior Director Stud ent Su pport Services in consultation w ith the Assistant
d irector Stud ent life and Stu d en t Facilitator Jud icial and Training and DVC
Acad em ic w ill m ake the final d ecision.
For possession and use of drug paraphernalia from R50-R500.00 to be u tilized
for the aw areness cam paign of such d rugs use.
Limited term suspension
Suspension is approp riate in cases of serious m iscond uct or in cases w hen a
stud ent has violated a cond ition of d isciplinary probation, or has failed to m eet
the stipulations of lesser sanctions. A stud ent m ay be suspend ed from the
University for the rem aind er of the sem ester in w hich the sanction is applied ,
or any portion thereof, for the next sem ester or for any other ad d itional period s
d eterm ined appropriate by the university.
Suspensions are record ed on the stud ents‟ perm anent record (official
transcripts). Stud ents suspend ed from the university are required to return
their stud ent id entification card s room keys and other university property and
shall be barred from the cam pus for the d uration of their suspension.
Exceptions m ay be granted to this prohibition by the SFJT if it first d eterm ines
that the barred stud ent m ust enter university property for the purpose of
cond ucting official business. If the stud ent returns to the cam pus w ithout
perm ission d uring the period of suspension, his / her eligibility to be re
ad m itted to the university is jeopard ised and such persons m ay also be
charged w ith unlaw ful entry and thereby m ad e subject to arrest.
Indefinite suspension
Provid es for all the cond itions d escribed in Lim ited Term Su spension but d oes
not give a specific d ate for th e consid eration of read m ission of the suspend ed
stud ent. This sanction is used in cases of extrem ely serious m iscond uct w hen
evid ence of rehabilitation m ust be presented by the stud ent to the Office of the
Senior Director Stud ent Supp ort Service and forw ar d ed to the office of the
Registrar before the stud ent is read m itted .
University expulsion
Expulsion is the m ost severe sanction that the University m ay im pose.
Expulsion is perm anent d ism issal or separation of the stud ent from the
General Prospectus
University. In ad d ition the stud ent is not eligible for read m ission to the
University and is perm anently barred from the university ow ned or operated
property and from all University-sponsored events. Expulsions are record ed
on the stud ent‟s perm anent record (official transcript). Stud ents expelled from
the University are required to return any id entification card s, room keys and
other university property and m ust leave cam pus im m ed iately upon
notification of being expelled . An expelled stud ent m ay not return to the
cam pus and is p erm anently barred from the university ow ned and operated
build ings or property and from all University -sponsored events. If an expelled
stud ent returns to the cam pu s, he / she w ill be charged w ith unlaw ful entry
and m ay be arrested . An expelled stud ent‟s r elationship w ith the University is
severed perm anently.
Initiating a Complaint
A stud ent w ill becom e involved w ith the jud icial system as a result of alleged
violations of the com m unity stand ard s of the University. Such violations w ill be
d ocum ented and a report subm itted by the Protection Services official responsible
for the investigation of the m atter. While m ost violations occur on the cam pus
(University prem ises), the stud ent population, living in the surrounding
General Prospectus
com m unity off-cam pus, also falls w ithin the jurisd iction of the University jud icial
system .
Anyone w ho has a ground for initiating a com plaint regard ing any University
stud ent m ay d o so by filling in a form at the offices of Protection Services the
follow ing inform ation:
The nam e of the accused ;
A clear statem ent explain ing the nature and circum stances of the com plaint;
The nam es, ad d resses, and telephone num bers of those filing the com plaint.
A stud ent w ho has had a com plaint lod ged against him / her w ill be called by the
Stud ent Facilitator: Jud icial and Training to d iscuss the com pliant. At the m eeting,
the case m ay be held , d ropped , ad jud icated or referred to an appropriate
Com m ittee as provid ed for by the Cod e.
All questions of proced ure and evid ence that m ay arise d uring the hearing,
includ ing any challenge to proced ures anted ating the hearing, shall be resolved by
the Chair after consulting w ith the Stud ent Facilitator Jud icial and Training.
The Stud ent Facilitator Jud icial and Training is neutral betw een the parties. H is /
her role is to ad vise as to the fair cond uct of proceed ings, but the Stud ent Facilitator
Jud icial and Training shall not participate in the d ecisions.
A ruling that a proced ure in the cod e has been follow ed shall not result in
annulm ent of the proceed ings if in the judgm ent of the hearing the error d id not
cause prejud ice to the stud ent or any prejud ice that d id result can be rem ed ied
w ithout causing und ue d elay in the proceed ings.
Witnesses shall be called by the Chair of the hearing and heard one at a tim e. Any
m em ber of the Com m ittee, voting or non-voting, m ay suggest that a w itness be
General Prospectus
called or re-called , includ ing a w itness not nam ed in the list of w itnesses. The
stud ent and the stud ent ad visor shall be allow ed an opportunity to call w itnesses.
In the case of acad em ic offences, the instructor in the course in w hich the offence
took place m ay be present throughout the hearing, m ay be called as a w itness and
m ay consult w ith the d isciplinary officer throughout the hearing.
All parties w ho are present throughout the hearing m ust observe the sam e rule of
confid entiality as the m em bers of the com m ittee.
All w itnesses shall give their testim ony and evid ence in the presence of the accused
stud ent, the com plainant, their ad visors, m em bers of the com m ittee and the Chair.
Any of the aforem entioned persons m ay put questions to the w itnesses. H ow ever,
the Stud ent Facilitator Jud icial and Training m ay not ask qu estions of the parties or
speak d uring the d isposition of the case excep t w ith perm ission of the Chair. The
accused stud ent, com plainant and their ad visors shall have access to any
d ocum ents consid ered by the hearing com m ittee as evid ence in the case.
The accused stud ent and com plainant shall be given an opportunity to give
evid ence on their behalf, should anyone of them d ecid e to give evid ence, they w ill
be subject to questions from the hearing com m ittee and ad visors. N o inference m ay
be d raw n against the accused stud ent for refusing to give evid ence, except to the
extent that allegation against the accused stud ent, because of his / her refusal,
stand s uncontrad icted .
The rules of evid ence applicable in civil and crim inal court proceed ings shall not
apply to the hearing so long as the evid ence has been obtained in good faith and by
reasonable m eans. Evid ence w hich is not relevant, or is only rem otely relevant,
shall be exclud ed . All questions of the ad m issibility of evidence shall be resolved
by the Chair after consulting w ith the Stud ent Facilitator Ju d icial and Training.
General Prospectus
Different category users and loan period s are set out in the Innopac Loa n Rules.
Before an item is issued to a user, he / she m ust prod uce the University ID to
enable the library assistants to check m em bership on the system .
Stud ents m ust return item s out on loan before the University closes at the end of
the year. Arrangem ents can be m ad e for post-grad uate stud ents and researchers
w ho w ant to use sources over the holid ays.
Rem ind ers are sent regularly to stud ents and lecturers. It is im portant to fo llow -up
rem ind ers on m aterials that have been overd ue for long period s.
Action against library users that d id not return borrow ed library m aterial are
ad d ressed in the Innopac Loan Rules d ocum ent.
As no item s are issued in the library w ithout the client‟s stud ent / staff card ,
the person in w hose nam e the item (s) w ere issued w ill be held responsible for
all item s issued to them w ithout exception. Stud ents are w arned d uring
orientation to report stolen card s im m ed iately, so ignorance of this stipulation
cannot be accepted as an excuse. Staff at issuing points must ensure that the
person using the card is ind eed the ow ner of the card .
General Prospectus
General Prospectus
viii. The subject librarian concerned m ust be inform ed about the paym ent to
d ecid e w hether the item should be reord ered, or w hether another item
should be purchased in its place. The replacem ent item m ust cover the
sam e subject field as the lost item .
There is, therefore, a form al agreem ent am ong tertiary institutions to rend er a free
inter-lend ing service to Masters and Doctoral stud ents, acad em ic personnel and
researchers from GAELIC libraries.
Costs that are exclud ed from the agreem ent includ e the follow ing:
Telefax cost
Courier service
Regular photocopies
The requesting library m ust pay inter -lend ing tariffs as determ ined by the State
Library for the above.
Any other inter-lend ing request to or from institutions other than the GAELIC
libraries, is subject to the tariff structure laid d ow n by the State Library.
User of ILL
All registered BTech, Masters and Doctoral stud ents, acad em ic personnel and
researchers at Vand erbijlpark and its Satellite cam puses, m ay place unlim ited
Perm ission for an international inter -lend ing request m ust be granted by the
prom oter of the post-grad uate stud ent or by the head of d epartm ent of an acad em ic
m em ber of staff. Although the cost is usually carried by the library, d epartm ents
m ay be approached to help in case of d ire need .
General Prospectus
N o inter-lend ing requests are d one for junior / d iplom a stud ents.
Any m aterial not available in the library, m ust be ord ered or requested on inter -
library loans.
All inter-library loans m aterial m ust be collected and returned personally to the ILL
A form m ust be com pleted before and after receiving ILL m aterial.
Renew als m ay be requested from supplying library if m aterial is not overd ue.
If borrow ed m aterial is lost or d efaced , the user w ill be resp onsible for the total
costs to be d eterm ined by the supplying library.
1. Loose issues of period icals w ill not be issued to any library clients and m ay not
leave the library.
2. Tables of contents of all serial issues received w ill be scanned , and d istributed
to all interested staff m em bers or the TOC alerts sent autom atically from
Sw etsWise w ill be d issem inated via e-m ail. Som e of the Sw etsWise TOC alerts
have links to the full-text articles, w hich clients can print from their PC.
3. On request, library staff w ill make a photocopy of the article for the client (only
staff m em bers, researchers and post-grad uate stud ents). The cost of the copies
w ill be calculated at the current rate per page, and the faculty w ill be invoiced
at the end of each term .
General Prospectus
General Prospectus
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