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Srs Client Management System

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SRS Client Management System

Software Project Management (Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham)

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Software Requirements



Clients Management System

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1. Introduction 3
1.1. Purpose 3
1.2. Scope of Project 3
1.3. Glossary 3
1.4. Overview of Document 4

2. Overall Description 5
2.1 System Environment 5
2.2 Functional Requirements Specification 5
2.2.1 Employee Use Case 5
2.2.2 Manager Use Cases 6
Use case: Manage Quote 8
Use case: Manage Employee 11
2.3 User Characteristics 13
2.4 Non-Functional Requirements 13

3. Requirements Specification 14
3.1 Functional Requirements 14
3.1.1 Log time 14
3.1.1 User login 14
3.2.2 Add new client 15
3.2.3 Update client information 15
3.2.4 Remove client 16
3.2.5 Manage Quote 17
3.2.6 Manage Invoice 17
3.2.7 Manage Project 18
3.2.7 Manage Employee 19
3.3 Detailed Non-Functional Requirements 20
3.3.1 Security 20

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1. Introduction

1.1. Purpose

The purpose of this document is to present a detailed description of the Clients Management System. It will

explain the purpose and features of the system, the interfaces of the system, what the system will do, the

constraints under which it must operate and how the system will react to external stimuli. This document is

intended for both the stakeholders and the developers of the system.

1.2. Scope of Project

This software system will be a web tool for managing clients for a software development company. This

system will be designed to maximize the managers productivity by providing tools for generating quotes,

invoices as well as reviwing employeers productivity. Currently, the company is using muliple tools for this

purpise which is time-consuming and costly.

More specifically, this system is designed to allow the company managers to review and compare the time

logs from the employees, create quotes for the potential clients, as well as issue invoices for the work. The

system will alow the managers to create projects the employees are working on and use the logged time by

the employees on a similar projects to make better estiamtions and planning in the future. Since the company

is working on different markets, the system will allow generating invoices and quotes in multiple currencies.

1.3. Glossary

Term Definition

Employee A person that is using the system for tracking his daily hours.

Software Requirements A document that completely describes all of the functions of a proposed
Specification system and the constraints under which it must operate. For example, this

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Stakeholder Any person with an interest in the project who is not a developer.

User A person tht is using the sytem.

Database A collection of stored related data

1.4. Overview of Document

The next chapter, the Overall Description section, of this document gives an overview of the functionality of

the product. It describes the informal requirements and is used to establish a context for the technical

requirements specification in the next chapter.

The third chapter, Requirements Specification section, of this document is written primarily for the

developers and describes in technical terms the details of the functionality of the product.

Both sections of the document describe the same software product in its entirety, but are intended for

different audiences and thus use different language.

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2. Overall Description

2.1 System Environment

The Clients Management System has two active actors and one coopeatating system. Both the Employee

and the Manager access the tool through the Internet. The system can’t be used without authorization by the


The sustem is devided into three independent sections. The Manager access the entire system directly while

the Employee has access only to the Time Logs sub-section.

2.2 Functional Requirements Specification

This section outlines the use cases for both Employee and Manager separately.

2.2.1 Employee Use Case

Use case: Log time


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Figure 1 - Employee Use Case

Brief Description

The Employee accesses the Clients Management System on the web, logs in the system and logs time for

particular day.

Initial Step-By-Step Description

Before this use case can be initiated, the Reader has already accessed the Clientns Management System.

1. The Employee sings in the system using his credentials assigned.

2. The system displays a dasgboard page with time logs list.

3. The Employee logs time.

Xref: Section 3.2.1, Log Time

2.2.2 Manager Use Cases

The Manager has the following sets of use cases:

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Figure 2 - Manager Use Cases

Use case: User log in


Brief Description

Both Manager or Employee logs in the system

Initial Step-By-Step Description

Before this use case can be initiated, the Manager has already accessed the landing page page of the system.

1. The User fills the email address and password.

2. The system verifies the credentials. logs in and redirects the user to the Dashboard.

Xref: Section 3.2.2, User log in;

Use case: Manage Client


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Brief Description

The Manager creates a new client, updates information about a current client, deletes a client or views

additional details about a client.

Initial Step-By-Step Description

Before this use case can be initiated, the Manager has already accessed the Dashboard page of the system.

3. The Manager clicks on the Clients form the main menu.

4. The system redirects the user to a Clients List page.

5. The Manager choses to add a new client or to update, delete or view an existing one.

6. If the Manager chooses to add new or update client, the system presents an empty form for filling

information or a filled form for updating information.

7. The Manager fills the information ans submits the form.

8. The system verifies the information and returns the Manager to the Clients List page.

9. If the manager chooses to delete a Clinet, the system prompts for a delete confirmation.

10. The system verifies and executes the action and returns the Manager to the Clients List page.

Xref: Section 3.2.3, Manage Client;

Use case: Manage Quote


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Brief Description

The Manager enters a new Quote or updates information about an existing one.

Initial Step-By-Step Description

Before this use case can be initiated, the Manager has already accessed the Dashboard page of the system.

1. The Manager clicks on the Quotes link form the main menu.

2. The system redirects the user to a Quotes List page.

3. The Manager choses to add a new client or to update, delete or download PDF for an existing one.

4. If the Manager chooses to add new or update existing, the system presents an empty form for filling

information or a filled form for updating information.

5. The Manager fills the information ans submits the form.

6. The system verifies the information and returns the Manager to the Quotes List page.

7. If the manager chooses to delete a Quote, the system prompts for a delete confirmation.

8. The system verifies and executes the action and returns the Manager to the Quotes List page.

9. If the manager chooses to download a PDF, the system automatically dowloads a PDF.

Xref: Section 3.2.4 Manage Quote

Use case: Manage Invoice


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Brief Description

The Manager enters a new Invoice or updates information about an existing one.

Initial Step-By-Step Description

Before this use case can be initiated, the Manager has already accessed the Dashboard page of the system.

1. The Manager clicks on the Invoices link form the main menu.

2. The system redirects the user to a Invoices List page.

3. The Manager choses to add a new invoice or to update, delete or download PDF for an existing one.

4. If the Manager chooses to add new or update existing, the system presents an empty form for filling

information or a filled form for updating information.

5. The Manager fills the information ans submits the form.

6. The system verifies the information and returns the Manager to the Invoices List page.

7. If the manager chooses to delete an Invoice, the system prompts for a delete confirmation.

8. The system verifies and executes the action and returns the Manager to the Invoices List page.

9. If the manager chooses to download a PDF, the system automatically dowloads a PDF.

Xref: Section 3.2.5, Manage Invoice

Use case: Manage Project


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Brief Description

The Manager enters a new Project or updates information about an existing one.

Initial Step-By-Step Description

Before this use case can be initiated, the Manager has already accessed the Dashboard page of the system.

1. The Manager clicks on the Settings->Projects link form the main menu.

2. The system redirects the user to a Projects List page.

3. The Manager choses to add a new project or to update or delete an existing one.

4. If the Manager chooses to add new or update existing, the system presents an empty form for filling

information or a filled form for updating information.

5. The Manager fills the information ans submits the form.

6. The system verifies the information and returns the Manager to the Projects List page.

7. If the manager chooses to delete a project, the system prompts for a delete confirmation.

8. The system verifies and executes the action and returns the Manager to the Projects List page.

Xref: Section 3.2.6, Manage Project

Use case: Manage Employee


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Brief Description

The Manager enters a new Employee or updates information about an existing one.

Initial Step-By-Step Description

Before this use case can be initiated, the Manager has already accessed the Dashboard page of the system.

1. The Manager clicks on the Settings->Employees link form the main menu.

2. The system redirects the user to a Employees List page.

3. The Manager choses to add a new project or to update or delete an existing one.

4. If the Manager chooses to add new or update existing, the system presents an empty form for filling

information or a filled form for updating information.

5. The Manager fills the information ans submits the form.

6. The system verifies the information and returns the Manager to the Employees List page.

7. If the manager chooses to delete an employee, the system prompts for a delete confirmation.

8. The system verifies and executes the action and returns the Manager to the Employees List page.

Xref: Section 3.2.7, Manage Employee

Use case: Manage Currencies


Brief Description

The manager previews Currencies List.

Initial Step-By-Step Description

Before this use case can be initiated, the Manager has already accessed the Dashboard page of the system.

1. The Manager clicks on the Settings->Currencies link form the main menu.

2. The system redirects the user to a Currencies List page.

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Xref: Section 3.2.8, Manage Currencies

Use case: Manage Taxes


Brief Description

The manager previews Taxes List.

Initial Step-By-Step Description

Before this use case can be initiated, the Manager has already accessed the Dashboard page of the system.

3. The Manager clicks on the Taxes>Currencies link form the main menu.

4. The system redirects the user to a Taxes List page.

Xref: Section 3.2.9, Manage Taxes

2.3 User Characteristics

The Employee is expected to be Internet literate and to be able to track their time off the system. The

Manager is expected to be Internet literate as well.

2.4 Non-Functional Requirements

The system will be hosted on AWS EC2 instance and will be running on Apache 2. It will use PHP 7 with

MySQL. The application should be accesable through both, web and mobile devices.

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3. Requirements Specification

3.1 Functional Requirements

The Logical Structure of the Data is contained in Section 3.1.1.

3.1.1 Log time

Use Case Name Log time

XRef Section 2.2.1, Log Time

Trigger The Employee access the Client Managemt System

Precondition The user is loggd in the system

Basic Path 1. The Employee clicks on the Log Time button

2. The system displays an empty form
3. The Emoployee have to select a project from a dropdown he is adding
hours for, date, number of hours as well as description.
4. One the information are filled, the Employee clicks save
5. The system validates the input and returns the Employee to the Time
Logs list or back to the form if there were errors.

Alternative Paths In step 2, the Employee can deceide to cancel the action and return back to the
Time Log list.

Postcondition The time is logged into the system.

Exception Paths The Employee can cancel the action anytime.

Other The projects dropdown contains all the projects added by the admin through
the Settings Section.

3.1.1 User login

Use Case Name User Log In

XRef Section 2.2.2, User log in

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Precondition The employ opens the web address

Basic Path 1. The user fills the email and password form
2. The user clicks log in
3. The system verifies the credentials
4. The system redirects the user to the dashboard

Alternative Paths None

Postcondition The user is logged in

Exception Paths The Employee can cancel the action anytime.

Other None

3.2.2 Add new client

Use Case Name Add new client

XRef Section 2.2.2, Manage Client

Trigger The user selects the Clients link from the main menu.

Precondition The user is signed in and he is on any of the internal pages in the system.

Basic Path 1. The Manager chooses to add a new client;

2. The system presents an empty form for filling client information
3. The Manager fills the information ans submits the form.
4. The system verifies the information and returns the Manager to the
Clients List page.

Postcondition A new client is created in the database.

Exception Paths The attempt may be abandoned at any time.

Other The client information includes name, email address, address, city, state, postal
code, country, phone number, web address

3.2.3 Update client information

Use Case Name Update client information

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XRef Section 2.2.3, Manage Client

Trigger The user chooses a client from the clients list and clicks update

Precondition The user is signed in and he is on the Clients List Page

Basic Path 1. The Manager chooses the client he wants to edit;

2. The system presents filled form with client information;
3. The Manager update the information and submits the form.
4. The system verifies the information and returns the Manager to the
Clients List page.

Postcondition A client information is updated.

Exception Paths The attempt may be abandoned at any time.

Other The client information includes name, email address, address, city, state, postal
code, country, phone number, web address

3.2.4 Remove client

Use Case Name Remove client

XRef Section 2.2.3, Manage Client

Trigger The user chooses a client from the clients list and clicks delete

Precondition The user is signed in and he is on the Clients List Page

Basic Path 1. The Manager chooses the client he wants to delete;

2. The systems prompts the Manager to confirm the delete action
3. The Manager update the information and submits the form.
4. The system verifies the action and returns the Manager to the Clients
List page.

Alternative Paths In step 2, the user can cancel the abbandon the process.

Postcondition A client information is updated.

Exception Paths The attempt may be abandoned at any time.

Other The client information includes name, email address, address, city, state, postal
code, country, phone number, web address

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3.2.5 Manage Quote

Use Case Name Manage Quote

XRef Section 2.2.4, Manage Quote

Trigger The manager clicks on the Quote link from the main menu

Precondition The user is signed in and he is on any of the internal pages in the system.

Basic Path 1. The Manager choses to add a new quote or to update, delete or
download PDF for an existing one.
2. If the Manager chooses to add new or update existing, the system
presents an empty form for filling information or a filled form for
updating information.
3. The Manager fills the information ans submits the form.
4. The system verifies the information and returns the Manager to the
Quotes List page.
5. If the manager chooses to delete a Quote, the system prompts for a
delete confirmation.
6. The system verifies and executes the action and returns the Manager to
the Quotes List page.
5. If the manager chooses to download a PDF, the system automatically
dowloads a PDF.

Alternative Paths None

Postcondition A quote is created; A quote is updated; A quote is deleted; A quote PDF is


Exception Paths The Manager may abandon the operation at any time.

Other None

3.2.6 Manage Invoice

Use Case Name Manage Invoice

XRef Section 2.2.5, Manage Invoice

Trigger The manager clicks on the Invoices link from the main menu

Precondition The user is signed in and he is on any of the internal pages in the system.

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Basic Path 1. The Manager choses to add a new invoice or to update, delete or
download PDF for an existing one.
2. If the Manager chooses to add new or update existing, the system
presents an empty form for filling information or a filled form for
updating information.
3. The Manager fills the information ans submits the form.
4. The system verifies the information and returns the Manager to the
Invoices List page.
5. If the manager chooses to delete an Invoice, the system prompts for a
delete confirmation.
6. The system verifies and executes the action and returns the Manager to
the Invoices List page.
7. If the manager chooses to download a PDF, the system automatically
dowloads a PDF.

Alternative Paths None

Postcondition An invoice is created; An invoice is updated; An invoice is deleted; An invoice

PDF is downloaded

Exception Paths The Manager may abandon the operation at any time.

Other The invoice information include invoice number, date issues, due date, invoice
items etc.

3.2.7 Manage Project

Use Case Name Manage Project

XRef Sec 2.2.6 Manage Project;

Trigger The manager clicks on the Projects link from the main menu

Precondition The user is signed in and he is on any of the internal pages in the system.

Basic Path 1. The Manager choses to add a new project or to update or delete an
existing one.
2. If the Manager chooses to add new or update existing, the system
presents an empty form for filling information or a filled form for
updating information.
3. The Manager fills the information ans submits the form.
4. The system verifies the information and returns the Manager to the
Projects List page.
5. If the manager chooses to delete a project, the system prompts for a
delete confirmation.

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6. The system verifies and executes the action and returns the Manager to
the Projects List page.

Alternative Paths None

Postcondition A new project is created; An existing project is updated; A project is deleted

Exception Paths In step 2, the Manager is supposed to connect a project with a Clinet. If the
client doesn’t exists, the Manager should create one.

Other The project information include name, descrioption and client.

3.2.7 Manage Employee

Use Case Name Manage Employee

XRef Sec 2.2.7 Manage Employee;

Trigger The manager clicks on the Settings->Employees link from the main menu

Precondition The user is signed in and he is on any of the internal pages in the system.

Basic Path 1. The Manager choses to add a new employee or to update or delete an
existing one.
2. If the Manager chooses to add new or update existing, the system
presents an empty form for filling information or a filled form for
updating information.
3. The Manager fills the information ans submits the form.
4. The system verifies the information and returns the Manager to the
Employees List page.
5. If the manager chooses to delete a employee, the system prompts for a
delete confirmation.
6. The system verifies and executes the action and returns the Manager to
the Employees List page.

Alternative Paths None

Postcondition A new employee is created; An existing employee is updated; An employee is


Exception Paths The Manager may abandon the operation at any time.

Other The project information include name, email, role and password.

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3.3 Detailed Non-Functional Requirements

3.3.1 Security

The server on which the Client Management System resides will have its own security to third party access

on the system.

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Downloaded by Sourabh Singh Thakur (st310158@gmail.com)

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