Title:: This, To To All Including
Title:: This, To To All Including
Title:: This, To To All Including
I. Rationale
In line with the mandate of the Philippine Constitution, the state shall protect
and promote the right of all citiz,ens to quality education at all levels and shall
take appropriate steps to make education accessible to all. Republic Ac17277,
the Magna Carta for Persons with Disability and Presidential Decree No. 603,
the Child and Youth Welfare Code uphold and support this provision of the
To strictly adhere with the provision cited in DepEd Order Ilo. 6, s' 2(X)6,
policles and Guidellnes for Special Education at the secondary Level,
(Handbook, p. a, 2006l, that learners with special needs may be admitted
any'time during the year, if circumstances warrant such admission'
As stated in the uN convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities
(UNCRPD), the Department of Education recognizes that "disability is an
evolving concept". Following the UNCRPD to which the Philippines is a
signatory, DepEd recognizes that "persons with disabilities include those who
have long term physical, mental, intellectual or sensory impairments which
in interaction with various barriers hinder their full and effective participation
in society on an equal basis with others" (UNCRPD, 2006, p' 6)'
The National Disability Prevalence Survey estimated those with severe
disability to be around l2o/o of the general population (Philippine Statistics
Authority, 2O 19). In the study entitled "Situation of Children in the
Philippines," the Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD)
stated that around 53% of children with disabilities are from poor households
and are not attending school. The study underlined that child with disabilities
continue to experience barriers to access social and educational services
(Development Academy of the Philippines, 2019).
In view ofthe above statements, there is a need to put into policy the processes
of developing partnerships, raising awaretress, locating, and screening
children with disabilities to increase their participation and ensure access to
quality and equitable education. DepEd recognizes the need for family
support, access to health care, targeted allied health / rehabilitative services,
and social care for Children and Youth with Disabilities (CYWDs) and with
developmental delays. To opLimize participation in education of CYWDs and
with developmental delays, commitment and active participation of a wide
range of sectors shall be engaged. For Child Find, interagency coordination
with national, local government units, communities, and other stakeholders
who shared responsibility for the care and support of children and youth with
disabilities are integral.
UI. Definition of Terms
For purposes of this policy, the following terms are defined and understood as
Child Find shall refer to the identification, location, and evaluation of children
above the age of 5, with disabilities or at risk for developing disabilities who need
special education and related health services to facilitate their inclusion into the
general basic education system (United Nations, n.d.)
Children wtth disabiltties include those who have long term physical, mental,
intellectual, or sensory impairments which in interaction with various barriers
may hinder full and effective participation in societ5r on an equal basis with
others." (World Health Organization, 2Ol2l
child Mapping refers to the process of locating and gathering basic information
on the status of learners with disabilities in the communit5r for screening,
referral and registration.
Learners with Disabilities (LwDf refer to learners in the general early and basic
education system, who require additional support and adaptive pedagogic
methods due to their long-term physical, intellectual, or sensory impairments,
which, in interaction with various barriers, may hinder their full and effective
participation in societ5z on an equal basis with others. They are placed in the age-
appropriate grade levels by the multidisciplinary team based on the latter,s
assessments and diagnoses of the learners.
Multidieciplinary Team refers to a group of professionals who has a specihc
role in the provision of educational assessment, medical diagnosis, and other
needs of learners with disabilities.
Out of School Children (OSCI/ Out of School Youth (OSYI - refers to school-
age children/youth with special cases who are not enrolled in schools.
Referral refers to a written or oral request, which can be provided by the child's
parent, guardian, school screening team (SPED teachers, teacher, Guidance
counselor/ advocate, conducting the initial screening. The document shall be
submitted to the multidisciplinary team for further assessment and evaluation.
Related Setwices refer to support services which include, but not limited to,
linguistic solutions for deaf learners' concerns, speech-language pathologr and
audiolog, services, interpreting services, intervenor services, psychological
services, physical and occupational therapy, recreation, social services, school
health services, counseling and rehabilitation services, orientation and mobility
services, medical services, and transportation services, as may be required to
assist a learner with disability to fully enjoy the rights and benefits from
education services.
Parallel with DepEd Order No. 03, s. 2018, the Department of Education
reiterates the importance of enrolling Out of School Children (OSC) and Out of
School Youth (OSY) especially those who are bounded by disability or have
developmental delays. As these children require diagnostic assessment which
may not be readily available as basis for enrollment and educational placement
for special education program, DepEd shall provide accommodations in the early
registration process of children above the age of5 who are either diagnosed with
disability or have developmental delays to ensure that "no child is left behind".
This policy articulates the processes in ensuring that learners with disabilities
are identified, located, ald screened to facilitate provision of educational
prograrns and services for learners with disabilities in the K to 12 Basic
Education Program. Furthermore, this policy ensures that learners with
disabilities will have access and full participation in the basic education
V. Procedures
developmental delays, commitment, and active participation of a wide
range of sectors shall be engaged. For Child Find, interagency
coordination with both national and local counterparts of the following
agencies who shared responsibility for the care and support of children
and youth with disabilities shall be engaged:
- Health: Early identification, assessment, early
intervention, and comprehensive rehabilitation allow
children with disability to transition better from birth
through school age. At the forefront of quality health and
rehabilitative service provision, partnerships with
national (Regional Hospitals / Medical Centers, and local
health units (Provincial, City / Municipal Health Offices)
are solicited to facilitate information dissemination on
educational services and mapping of children identified
as having developmental delays or those diagnosed with
- Social Welfare and Development: Mainly responsible for
providing social services, social workers empower
children and families by organizing communities and
ECD. Partnerships with social welfare and development
units (Provincial, City / Municipal Social Welfare
Development Office) are important to ensure the
educational advancement of children with disabilities.
- Other service providers and non-government
organizations: Aimed at supporting government programs
by enhancing access to both health and social services,
non-government organizaLions (professionals, charitable,
private, and other stakeholders for children and youth
with disabilities) form part of the comprehensive and
integrated network to support and sustain the education
of children and youth with disability. Partnership is
engaged to seek support in identiffing children requiring
special educational and programs and services
i. Local Government Units holding jurisdiction and Organizations
covering public schools concerned shall be identified and engaged
by the Schools District Supervisor through a MOU / MOA about
how all parties can work together in disseminating information
about educational programs & services and mapping of children
with disabilities or those with developmental delays.
b. Raising Awareness
In the Executive Summary of the State of World's Children published
in 2O13, attitudinal change was highlighted as an important factor
in changing the lives of children with disabilities. Ignorance about
the nature and causes of impairments, invisibility of the children
themselves, serious underestimation of their potential and
capacities, and other impediments to equal opportunities and
treatment all conspire to keep children with disabilities silenced and
marginalized (UNICEF, 2013). For Child Find, the DepEd shall
continue activities that help promote a positive view of disability.
2. L,ocating
To increase the full participation and inclusion of all learners
including the learners with disabilities in public schools, Teachers
shall lind children who have never been in school and those who are
already in school and are struggling in learning regardless of their
ethnicity, cultural diversity, academic strengths and weaknesses,
physical, mental, social and emotional capabilities.
Teacher shall list the located children using Annex 1 -School: List of Learners
with Disabilities That Underwent Child Find Activlties
lll. Teacher shall ensure adherence to Data Privacy Act of 2O12 (RA
No. 10173) in handling all data related to the enrollment and
subsequent screening of learners
3. Screening
Due to challenges in obtaining diagnostic evaluation by a medical
professional, many children with disabilities and developmental delays
remain undiagnosed with no formal medical assessment and
intervention provided prior to school age. In case a child is observed to
have disabilities or developmental delays, screening is recommended.
4. Referral
In case a learner is found to be at risk for disability or developmental
delays based on screening, the following are recommended.
Below is the matrix of responsibilities of each level of governance in
the implementation of child find
Public Awareness
r Execute Child Find Program for the division
and coordinate with Regional Office about
facilitators and challenges to the conduct of
Inter-agency Coordination
o SDOs collaborate with other GOs and NGOs in
planning and implementing mechanisms for
early registration of LWDs/ with difficulties
o Identify partners at the LGU and other
Schools Division community organizations working for and with
Office children with disabilities The Public School
District Supervisor shall designate a focal
person to work and communicate with the
concerned Barangay Chairperson for early
registration to be done in the barangay.
o Prepare summary reports on the
implementation/ conduct of Child Find
Program for submission to RO.
Public Awareness
a Implement Child Find Programs in public
Schools schools with reference to established
guidelines as stated in the CO Memo.
a Designate a Teacher in Charge to
accommodate the needs of children with
disabilities or developmental delays.
a The school head or the SPED Coordinator shall
orient all school personnel updates on proper
data reporting of enrolled learners with
Inter-agency Coordination
Collaborate with LGU and community
organizations as partners in the conduct of
Child Find activities
o Prepare summary reports on the
implementation/ conduct of Child Find
Program for submission to DO
The classihcation of learners in the kamers Information System (LIS)
are the following:
2. Difficulty in Hearing
3. Difficulty in Basic Learning and Applying Knowledge
4. Difliculty in Remembering, Concentrating, Paying
Attention and Understanding
5. Difficulty in Applying Adaptive Skills
6. Difliculty in Displaying Interpersonal Behavior
7. Difficulty in Mobility (Walking, Climbing and Grasping)
8. Diffrculty in Communicating
Every LWDs in the basic education system shall be issued with only one
unique and permanent Learner's Reference Number (LRN) that he/she shall
use throughout the entire basic education program.
The search learner facility of the LIS shall aid in determining whether the
LWDs already has an LRN or not. Learner's disability and difficulty prohle
must always be established before creating the LRN.
school calendars are also required to encode the date of attendance of LWDs
at any time of the school year.
The tagging of LWDs and learners with difficulty and capturing of other
related information can be done provided that the learners are already
enrolled on the LIS or the system.
VIII. Effectivity
This new DepEd Order modifies DO 3, s. 20?18, DO 72, s. 2009,
DO 27,2019 and other issuances accordingly and shall take effect
for immediately upon its publication in the DepEd official website,
Official Gazette, and upon filing with the University of the
Philippines-Office of the National Administrative Register (UP-
IX. References
Governmeat Issuances
DepEd Order No. 44, s. 2O2l (Policy Guidelines on the Provision of
Educational Programs and Services for Learners with Disabilities in
the K to 12 Basic Education Program)
DepEd Order No. 72, s.2OO9 (Inclusive Education as a Stratery to
Increase Participation Rate of Children)
1987 Philippine Constitution
DepEd Order No. 6, s. 2006 (Policies and Guidelines for Special
Education at the Secondary Level)
Presidential Decree No. 603 s. 1974 (Child and Youth Welfare
Republic Act 7277 (Magna Carta for Persons with Disabilities)
Organization, World Health . International Classification of
Disabilitg, and Health- World Health Organization,2OOT.
Press Releage
Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA), the National Disability
Prevalence Survey, 2019
Situational Analysis
Development Academy of the Philippines (DAP), Situation Analysis
of Children in the Philippines, 2O18
Annex 1 to D.O. no. , s.2O22
Prepared by:
Noted by:
School Head
Annex 1 to D.O. no. _, s.2O22
Prepared by:
Noted by:
Annex 1 to D.O. no. , s.2O22
Prepared by:
Noted by:
Regional Director