Updates On Lasers in Dermatology
Updates On Lasers in Dermatology
Updates On Lasers in Dermatology
Ashaki D. Patel, MDa,b,*, Rishi Chopra, MDa,b, Mathew Avram, MD, JDa,b,
Fernanda H. Sakamoto, MD, PhDa,b, Suzanne Kilmer, MDb,c, Richard Rox Anderson, MDa,b,
Omar A. Ibrahimi, MD, PhDb,d,1
Lasers Dermatology Updates Vascular Hair removal Tattoo Acne
Selective photothermolysis
Lasers can cause ablative or non-ablative tissue damage. When a laser is used to destroy only a
single tissue target (or chromophore), it uses selective photothermolysis.
Since the advent of selective photothermolysis, lasers have played a large role in expanding the ca-
pabilities of the procedural dermatologist.
Selective photothermolysis allows for the precise and targeted treatment of many skin conditions.
Fractional photothermolysis further expands the ability of procedural dermatologists to improve a
variety of medical and cosmetic conditions.
This review highlights how lasers have evolved since their introduction in the treatment of a variety
of dermatologic applications.
INTRODUCTION AND HISTORY had high rates of scarring and complications due
to the non-selective nature in which the laser en-
The history of laser medicine starts with Albert Ein- ergy was absorbed in the skin. The theory of selec-
stein’s theory of stimulated emission, introduced tive photothermolysis, as elucidated by Drs. John
in 1916. He postulated that when excited mole- Parrish and Rox Anderson, propelled the use of la-
cules/atoms interact with each other, they are sers and forever changed the field of dermatology,
able to stimulate emission of new photons that and other medical specialties.2 The concept of se-
are of a similar frequency, phase, and direction lective photothermolysis refers to localized, “se-
as the original atoms/molecules. This concept lective,” destruction of the desired target by
was used by early physicists, including Theodore combining a selective wavelength that is absorbed
Maiman, to develop the earliest lasers. In 1963, by the target chromophore and a pulse duration
Dr. Leon Goldman, a pioneer in laser medicine, that is equal or shorter than the thermal relaxation
first used a laser on human skin to treat melanoma. time of the target chromophore. The combination
Dr. Goldman also used the continuous wave CO2 of these 2 notions allows for more precise control
and argon lasers to treat port wine stains.1 of thermal energy and allows for more focused
Although the lesions he treated lightened, they destruction. With the advent of selective
Department of Dermatology, Massachusetts General Hospital Laser and Cosmetic Center, 50 Staniford Street,
Suite 250, Boston, MA 02114, USA; b Wellman Center for Photomedicine, Massachusetts General Hospital, 15
Parkman Street, Wang Ambulatory Care Center - Suite 435, Boston, MA 02114, USA; c Laser & Skin Surgery
Center of Northern California, 3837 J Street, Sacramento, CA 95816, USA; d Connecticut Skin Institute, Stam-
ford, CT, USA
Present address: 2 Hampton Road, Darien, CT 06820.
* Corresponding author. 3 Omni Drive, Schaumburg, IL 60193.
E-mail address: Apatel105@mgh.harvard.edu
Téléchargé pour Ahmed MEHERZI (doyen.fmt@gmail.com) à University of Tunis El Manar Faculty of Medicine of Tunis à partir de ClinicalKey.fr par Elsevier
sur février 20, 2024. Pour un usage personnel seulement. Aucune autre utilisation n´est autorisée. Copyright ©2024. Elsevier Inc. Tous droits réservés.
Updates on Lasers in Dermatology 35
Fig. 1. Before and after 4 treatments of a port wine stain in an adult patient with a 595-nm pulsed dye laser.
(Courtesy of Dr. Omar Ibrahimi.)
Téléchargé pour Ahmed MEHERZI (doyen.fmt@gmail.com) à University of Tunis El Manar Faculty of Medicine of Tunis à partir de ClinicalKey.fr par Elsevier
sur février 20, 2024. Pour un usage personnel seulement. Aucune autre utilisation n´est autorisée. Copyright ©2024. Elsevier Inc. Tous droits réservés.
36 Patel et al
Fig. 2. Before and after 4 treatments for rosacea with a 595-nm pulsed dye laser. (Courtesy of Dr. Omar Ibrahimi.)
In addition to cooling, spot size is an important at about 76% to 84% at the 18-month mark for
parameter in laser hair removal. Larger spot sizes the Alex laser and 84% hair reduction at the 12-
allow more photons to be delivered to the target month mark for the Diode laser.18,19 Although
due to less scatter. Smaller spot sizes allow long-term hair reduction data are less convincing
more scattering of photons. With less scatter and for the long-pulsed Nd:YAG laser at 1064 nm than
larger surface area covered, also minimizes the other devices, this is thought to be the best wave-
number of pulses required to cover a treatment length for Fitzpatrick skin phototype V and VI.20 A
area, thereby reducing treatment time. In one 1060-nm diode laser has also been recently re-
double-blinded, randomized controlled study, ported to be safe and effective for LHR of all
when all other treatment parameters are kept iden- skin types, including darkly pigmented individ-
tical, an 18 mm spot size, as compared to a 12 mm uals.21 The 1060 and 1064 nm wavelengths
spot size, led to 10% more reduction in hair have much lower peak absorbance by melanin,
counts.16 making it less likely for epidermal melanin to be
Today, there are multiple wavelengths available heated, and thus decreasing the risk of complica-
for LHR including 755 nm, 800 to 810 nm, and tions (see Fig. 3). Although intense pulsed light
1060 to 1064 nm (Figs. 3 and 4). Although long- (IPL) is sometimes used for hair removal, IPL
pulsed ruby lasers are not commercially available uses a flashlamp with broad band cutoff filter at
in the United States, in one study, a majority of different wavelengths that may not be as selec-
nearly 200 patients had >75% hair loss at the 6- tive and deliver as much fluence as LHR. There-
month follow-up after 4 treatments.17 Alexandrite fore, one has to be careful, especially in treating
and diode lasers, which are commercially avail- darker skin types. Two studies that provide
able in the United States, showed similar results head-to-head comparison between the long-
Fig. 3. Before and 15 months after 3 laser hair removal treatments in the axillae of a patient with a 1060-nm de-
vice. (Courtesy of Dr. Omar Ibrahimi.)
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Updates on Lasers in Dermatology 37
Fig. 4. Before and after 3 treatments of laser hair removal of the upper lip with a 755-nm device. (Courtesy of Dr.
Omar Ibrahimi.)
pulsed Alexandrite and Nd-YAG found results that cold sapphire skin cooling suppressed plume
from an IPL to be inferior.22,23 from laser hair removal as compared to cryogen
Prior to any treatments, it is important that clear spray cooling, possibly eliminating the need for
expectations are set for the patient, and it should smoke evacuators, ventilation, and respiratory pro-
be communicated that LHR does not provide tection if using this method of cooling that required
100% permanent hair removal. Instead, there will contact with a gel.30 Nowadays, several newer la-
be a significant permanent reduction in the growth sers have built in smoke-evacuators to enhance
of hair but there will be a few hairs which persist, user and patient safety.
though they are on average, 19% thinner and
10% lighter in color.24 To help combat this problem,
newer hair removal laser devices have the ability to
deliver several long duration pulses in rapid succes-
sion such that the hair does not have the time to
disperse the heat between pulses. The short delay Patients should be counseled that on average
between pulses is shorter than the thermal relaxa- 15% of hairs will be removed with each laser
tion time of the melanin in the hair follicle being treatment and treatments should be spaced
treated, and thus the hair does not cool off between about 6 to 8 weeks apart to allow hairs to
properly cycle through the various growth
the pulses, allowing for more damage to the hair fol-
licle (patent). Although lasers in the 694 to 1064 nm
range became the most effective way to achieve Avoid treating within the bony orbit,
long-term hair removal, recently there have been including the glabella, due to the high risk
of retinal damage (the retina contains
devices that combine all 3 wavelengths for laser
melanin dense tissues).
hair removal. In 2020 and 2021, 2 retrospective
cohort studies showed that a simultaneous triple Be careful to keep the handpiece perpendic-
wavelength laser device is safe and effective.25,26 ular over convex and concave surfaces to
ensure that the laser energy and any skin
The simultaneous triple-wavelength devices were
cooling methods are being delivered uni-
shown to be safe in skin types III toV as well.27,28 formly and will help avoid complications.
There are several devices that not only blend
various wavelengths but also help deliver pulses
at a programmed percent overlap. Lastly, along
with advances in the technology itself, there have
also been advances in procedure safety. In 2016,
a group out of Massachusetts General Hospital An important parameter within the theory of selec-
used gas chromatography–mass spectrometry to tive photothermolysis is laser pulse duration. Un-
analyze plume after laser hair removal and found like the lasers used for vessels and hair removal,
several carcinogenic compounds within the plume which are on the order of milliseconds, lasers
and thus concluded that the plume should be designed for tattoo removal have optimal pulse
considered a biohazard, warranting the use of duration in the order of picoseconds (Figs. 5 and
smoke evacuators, ventilation, and respiratory pro- 6). This is because the chromophore that is tar-
tection.29 In 2018, Ross and colleagues showed geted in tattoo removal is tattoo ink, which is 10^-
Téléchargé pour Ahmed MEHERZI (doyen.fmt@gmail.com) à University of Tunis El Manar Faculty of Medicine of Tunis à partir de ClinicalKey.fr par Elsevier
sur février 20, 2024. Pour un usage personnel seulement. Aucune autre utilisation n´est autorisée. Copyright ©2024. Elsevier Inc. Tous droits réservés.
38 Patel et al
Fig. 5. Before and after 22 laser tattoo removal treatments with a 1064-nm picosecond device. (Courtesy of Dr.
Omar Ibrahimi.)
4 to 10^-3 mm wide. Based on this size, the pulse visible light in the range of their complementary
duration should be on the order of picoseconds. color. Based on this complementary matching of
In 1998, Ross and colleagues tested this theory colors, green ink, for example, will be best
by comparing nanosecond domain pulses with removed by a laser that emits red light (694 nm).
picosecond domain pulses to remove black ink Some colors such as yellow and orange are
tattoos.31 There was significantly more lightning more difficult to remove because there are few to
with the picosecond laser pulses than the nano- no lasers on the market that operate in their com-
second laser pulses. In vitro studies show that plementary color ranges (400–520 nm).
picosecond lasers can remove smaller tattoo ink However, tattoo removal remains a challenge
particles using lower fluences, and fewer number even when using a picosecond laser in the correct
of treatments.32 More recent human studies have wavelength range. There have been newer
corroborated this data and showed that, at methods and technological developments that
matched fluences, picosecond lasers have been can be combined with picosecond.35 A fractional
able to remove tattoos statistically more signifi- ablative laser will allow extrusion of ink through
cantly than nanosecond lasers.33,34 Today, pico- the micro-columns that the laser creates.35 Gas
second lasers are considered the gold standard bubbles that are created during treatment with a
in tattoo removal. Conversely, long-pulse lasers picosecond laser can also escape faster through
and particularly IPLs, which also run in the milli- the micro-columns and thus allow for repeat
second domain, should not be used for tattoo passes. A recent study showed that the micro-
removal, with a potential to cause severe scars. focused arrays of a fractional nanosecond or pico-
In addition to pulse duration, successful tattoo second laser allow for fewer treatments and more
removal depends on correct selection of wave- passes within 1 treatment session.36 Alternatively,
length. Colors in tattoo inks absorb the most one can also do the fractional picosecond laser
Fig. 6. Before and after 22 laser tattoo removal treatments with a 1064-nm picosecond device. (Courtesy of Dr.
Omar Ibrahimi.)
Téléchargé pour Ahmed MEHERZI (doyen.fmt@gmail.com) à University of Tunis El Manar Faculty of Medicine of Tunis à partir de ClinicalKey.fr par Elsevier
sur février 20, 2024. Pour un usage personnel seulement. Aucune autre utilisation n´est autorisée. Copyright ©2024. Elsevier Inc. Tous droits réservés.
Updates on Lasers in Dermatology 39
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40 Patel et al
Lasers are not a first-line treatment for mel- drug-delivery””(LADD). Ablative fractional lasers
asma. Melasma should be carefully evaluated are a landmark treatment for hypertrophic scars
and treated with first-line standard of care in the last 10 to 15 years. In one consensus paper,
treatments to help stabilize pigment forma- 75% of the respondents use both a vascular and
tion. ablative fractional laser with or without LADD for
thickened and/or contracted scars.52 These lasers
have been noted to allow improvement of texture,
Scars color, pliability, thickness, and quality of life.53–56
Lasers have also revolutionized how we treat scars Non-ablative fractional lasers have also shown to
in the past decade. In brief, injury to the skin trig- improve texture, specifically in hypertrophic and
gers a multiphase healing process categorized atrophic burn scars.57,58 (Fig. 7).
into 3 main phases: inflammatory, proliferative,
and remodeling. The proliferative phase occurs CLINICS CARE POINTS
about 1 week post injury and is characterized by
new vessel formation, fibroblast growth, and the
creation of new extracellular matrix. During the
Vascular lasers and fractional lasers (ablative
remodeling phase, new collagen is being laid
and non-ablative) can treat a variety of scars
down, all while the scar is slowly decreasing its with success.
cellularity and vascularity to eventually build a
mature scar.50 In this long and tightly orchestrated Be careful about laser parameters when treat-
ing scars. Treating at lower densities and
chain of events, much can go wrong. Prolonged
higher pulse energies (depth) is safer for
erythema, for example, can be an early sign of a scars.
pathologic scar. Vascular devices are often used
to treat erythematous scars. Although we do not It is never too late to initiate laser treatment
for scars, though earlier treatment is better.
know the exact mechanism by which vascular de-
Lasers can be implemented as early as right
vices are thought to help, there is some thought after wound formation. Complete epithelial-
that the laser tissue interaction sets forth a cyto- ization is not necessary to initiate laser treat-
kine cascade that triggers scar remodeling rather ment of scars.
than simple vascular destruction.51 Besides ery-
Although ablative fractional lasers can be
thema, scar texture and thickness are also treat- used in darker skin types, one must tread
able via lasers. Fractional lasers, both ablative with caution. In some circumstances, such as
and non-ablative, are crucial in treating the spec- non-hypertrophic scars, non-ablative frac-
trum of scars from atrophic to hypertrophic—the tional lasers may be preferred over ablative
fractionated injury allows for remodeling of the to decrease the risk of PIH.
scar without delivering too much thermal heat.
Additionally, fractional lasers create microscopic
treatment zones with cuffs of thermal coagulation.
These channels are held open, due to the cuff of
coagulation, and allow for subdermal delivery of One of the newest applications of selective photo-
topicals via a concept termed “laser-assisted thermolysis is for acne. Acne is one of the most
Fig. 7. Before and 6 weeks after a single fractional ablative CO2 laser treatment for a scar. Note the improved
texture, color, and thickness in certain areas. (Courtesy of Dr. Omar Ibrahimi.)
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Updates on Lasers in Dermatology 41
Fig. 8. Before and 24 months after a series of 4 monthly treatments with a 1726-nm device. (Courtesy of Dr. Emil
Tanghetti & Accure Acne, Inc.)
Téléchargé pour Ahmed MEHERZI (doyen.fmt@gmail.com) à University of Tunis El Manar Faculty of Medicine of Tunis à partir de ClinicalKey.fr par Elsevier
sur février 20, 2024. Pour un usage personnel seulement. Aucune autre utilisation n´est autorisée. Copyright ©2024. Elsevier Inc. Tous droits réservés.
42 Patel et al
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sur février 20, 2024. Pour un usage personnel seulement. Aucune autre utilisation n´est autorisée. Copyright ©2024. Elsevier Inc. Tous droits réservés.
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Téléchargé pour Ahmed MEHERZI (doyen.fmt@gmail.com) à University of Tunis El Manar Faculty of Medicine of Tunis à partir de ClinicalKey.fr par Elsevier
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44 Patel et al
Téléchargé pour Ahmed MEHERZI (doyen.fmt@gmail.com) à University of Tunis El Manar Faculty of Medicine of Tunis à partir de ClinicalKey.fr par Elsevier
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