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National College: For Medical and Technical Studies

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For Medical and Technical Studies

Cardiovascular System (ME-CVS-214)
Mid Exam

DATE: Saturday 27/10/2007 TIME: 09:00 – 10:30

NAME: ……………………………………………………………………….
Circle only one:
1. End systolic ventricular blood volume is:
a. 50ml.
b. 100ml.
c. 80ml.
d. 5-6L.
2. Ejection phase is characterized by:
a. It occurs during diastolic phase of the cardiac cycle.
b. It causes closure of aortic and pulmonary valves.
c. It ejects 5L to the systemic circulation.
d. The pressure in the right ventricle will reach 25mmHg.
3. During standing; if you measure the blood pressure in the leg (one meter away
from the heart), the systolic blood pressure will be:
a. 200mmHg.
b. 120mmHg.
c. 150mmHg.
d. 50mmHg.
4. Which one of the followings will cause vasodilation?
a. Adrenaline in high dose.
b. Atrial natriuretic peptide.
c. Antidiuretic hormone.
d. Noradrenaline.
5. Which one acts on B-receptors causing vasodilation?
a. Adrenaline.
b. Noradrenaline.
c. Acetylecholine.
d. Antidiuretic hormone.
6. All the followings are local factors controlling blood flow except:
a. Temperature.
b. Adrenaline.
c. CO2.
d. O2.
7. Which one of the followings will not cause vasodilation?
a. Increased Oxygen (O2).
b. Increased temperature.
c. Increased lactic acid.

d. Histamine.
8. The stroke volume is:
a. 80ml.
b. 50ml.
c. 130ml.
d. 5000ml.
9. All the following statements are correct regarding lactate dehydrogenase EXCEPT:
a. It is a tetramer.
b. It is elevated in plasma after infarction.
c. Its activity is of diagnosing value of infarction in patients admitted more than 48 h
after infarction.
d. Its activity in plasma peaks about 24h after infarction.
10. Which one is false:
a. Elevated levels of plasma cholesterol results in an increased risk for CVD.
b. Troponin T and I are released into the plasma in the response to liver damage.
c. High levels of HDL are associated with decreased risk for heart disease.
d. PG I3, D3 and E3 strongly inhibit platelets aggregation.
11. Which statement is false regarding trans- fatty acids?
a. They are unsaturated fatty acids.
b. They are formed during hydrogenation of vegetable oils.
c. They elevate serum LDL and HDL.
d. They behave more like saturated fatty acids.
12. All the following are effects of cigarettes smoke EXCEPT:
a. It increases heart rate and blood pressure.
b. It increases peripheral vasoconstriction.
c. It plays a role in mobilization of fatty acids from adipose tissue.
d. It decreases plasma carbon monoxide level.
13. Blood pressure is considered optimal if it is:
120 a. Less than
130 b. Less than
140 c. Less than
160 d. Less than
180 e. Less than
14. A patient with severe hypertension who presents with disorientation convulsions
and loss of consciousness and whose symptoms completely improve with lowering of
blood pressure is most likely suffering from:
a. Cerebral haemowhape
b. Cerebral infection
c. Hypertensive encephalopathy
d. Subdural haematoma
e. Subarachnoid haemowhape
15. Essential hypertension may be caused by:
a. Genetic factors
b. Renovascular disease
c. Endocrine disease
d. Aortic coaractation
e. Long term use contraceptive pills

16. Which of the following groups of drugs should be avoided if possible – in patients
with severe hypertension:
a. Beta blockers
b. Non steroidal anti – inflammatory drugs
c. Angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors
d. Diuretics
17. The heart rate is increased by:
a. stimulation of the parasympathetic
b. beta blockers
c. cold weather
d. exercise
e. digitalis
18. The cardiac output:
a. is about 2 L/min at rest in adults
b. is increased by increasing the heart rate
c. is decreased by increasing the stroke volume
d. is not changed during exercise
e. is higher in females than males
19. The conductive system of the heart does NOT include:
a. Internodal pathways
b. bundle of His & its 2 branches
c. Purkinje system of fibers
d. interventricular septum
e. A-V node
20. The stroke volume is decreased by:
a. stimulation of the parasympathetic
b. calcium ions
c. stimulation of the baroreceptors
d. exercise
e. digitalis
21. The cardiac muscle differs from skeletal muscle because it is:
a. striated muscle
b. supplied by blood during systole
c. dependent on glucose as a main source of energy
d. not tetanized during repeated stimulation
e. active in the absence of oxygen
22. The sino-atrial node (SA node):
a. is a neural structure
b. is found in the left atrium
c. is supplied by the sympathetic but not the parasympathetic nervous system
d. delays conduction from atria to ventricles
e. responsible for the normal cardiac rhythm
23. The P wave in the ECG indicates:
a. atrial contraction
b. atrial depolarization
c. ventricular depolarization
d. atrial repolarization
e. ventricular contraction
24. The cardiac output:
a. is the amount of blood pumped by each ventricle per beat
b. can be measured using the Fick principle

c. increases when there is aortic stenosis
d. is not affected by the arterial blood pressure
e. is directly proportional to the end systolic volume
25. The stroke volume equals about:
a. 70 ml
b. 5 L
c. 125 ml
d. 100 ml
e. 130 ml
26. Concerning the end diastolic volume, which of the following is correct?
a. equals about 50 ml
b. is increased in tachycardia
c. is decreased in hypervolemia
d. has direct relation with the stroke volume
e. has no relation with the venous return
27. Generalized edema is not caused by:
a. heart failure
b. renal failure
c. lymphatic obstruction
d. liver cirrhosis
e. malnutrition
28. Concerning the action potential in skeletal muscles:
a. depolarization is caused by chloride influx
b. repolarization is caused by potassium efflux
c. action potential is characterized by presence of a plateau phase
d. action potential is characterized by presence of a prepotential
e. the duration of the refractory period is higher than the duration of contraction
29. Cardiac tamponade is:
a. Cardiac failure
b. Cardiac failure due to respiratory failure
c. Cardiogenic failure due to liver failure
d. Cardiogenic shock with low cardiac out put
e. Cardiogenic shock with high cardiac out put
30. Pericardial effusion is:
a. Accumulation of fluid in the pericardial sac
b. Accumulation of fluid inside the heart
c. Resulted from pleural effusion
d. Accumulation of fluid in the peritoneum
e. Untreatable condition
31. Constrictive pericarditic can occur as a complication to infection with:
a. Caxsackie A virus
b. Influenza virus
c. Tuberculosis
d. Candida
e. Adenoviruses
32. In Dressler's syndrome the pericarditis is due to:
a. Bacterial infection
b. Viral infection
c. Parasitic infection
d. Tuberculosis
e. Immune response triggered by injury to the heart

33. The followings open in the right atrium EXCEPT:
a. The superior vena cave.
b. Anterior cardiac vein.
c. Coronary sinus.
d. Inferior vena cava.
e. Oblique vein of the left atrium.
34. Which of the followings does not branch from the subclavian artery:
a. Superior thyroid artery.
b. Cost cervical trunk.
c. Vertebral artery.
d. Internal thoracic artery.
e. Suprascapular artery.
35. The following are tributaries of the azygos vein EXCEPT:
a. Hemiazgyos.
b. First superior intercostals vein.
c. Right bronchial vein.
d. Esophageal vein.
e. Subcostal vein.
36. The followings are signs of Fallot's Tetralogy EXCEPT:
a. Aortic overriding.
b. Mitral stenosis.
c. Pulmonary stenosis.
d. Right ventricular hypertrophy.
e. Patent interventricular foramen.
37. The radial pulse is best felt at:
a. Lateral to tendon of palmaris longus.
b. Lateral to tendon of brachioradialis.
c. Medial to tendon of extensor carpiulnaris.
d. Lateral to tendon of flexor carpiradialis
e. In between tendons of flexor digitorum superficialis.
38. The following veins drain in the portal system Except:
a. left gastric vein.
b. superior rectal vein.
c. splenic vein.
d. left renal vein.
e. superior mesenteric vein.
39. Concerning the cardiac muscles:
a. the elongate nuclei are mainly centrally located.
b. the sarcoplasm containing rows of mitochondria and sarcoplasmic reticulum.
c. intercalated discs are specialized transverse junctions.
d. purkinje fibers coordinate contraction of the myocardium during each pumping
e. the sarcomeres of cardiac muscle have an identical banding pattern to that of
skeletal muscle.
40. Concerning the visceral or smooth muscles:
a. are elongated, spindle-shaped cells .
b. bound together in irregular branching fasciculi and these are contractile units.
c. contractile proteins of visceral muscle muscle are not arranged in myofibrils as in
skeletal and cardiac muscle.
d. generally much shorter than skeletal muscle fibers and contain only one nucleus.
e. usually disposed in layers.

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