SSS - Impact of Work Discipline On Employee Performance
SSS - Impact of Work Discipline On Employee Performance
SSS - Impact of Work Discipline On Employee Performance
Rifa’i February 2023
Pages. 1-8
This study aims to examine the effect of work discipline (WD) on employee performance (EP),
discipline factors are considered as predictors of employee performance. The design in this
study uses survey methods with descriptive and associative approaches. A total of 31
respondents were selected as samples using the non-probability sampling method, namely total
sampling/census. Data sources are primary data by disseminating instruments to selected
respondents. To test the analysis instrument of research data quality, validity and reliability
tests are used, then correlation and influence analysis, linear regression analysis, and
determination coefficient analysis are used. Research findings, it is known that WD can increase
EP. The findings showed that the level of closeness of WD with EP was 0.955, meaning that the
relationship between the two variables was at a very strong and unidirectional relationship
level, the results of calculations and analysis of the coefficient of determination (r2) showed that
WD had a positive effect on EP changes, so that the research hypothesis proposed in this study
was proven. WD has a positive effect on EP. The increase in employee performance can be
explained by Work Discipline (preventive + corrective) by 91.1%, of which 8.9% is the rest
influenced by other variables that are not studied besides the Work Discipline variable.
Keywords: employee performance; work discipline
Human resource management handles various matters related to human resources or workers
working within the company in order to achieve the targets set by the company. Companies in
achieving their goals and competing in this era of globalization require competent and quality
human resources obtained from good human resource management. Human resource
management includes job analysis, planning, recruitment, selection, training, development,
performance appraisal, compensation, safety and health of human resources. These aspects of
human resource management are very closely related and require careful and good application.
Planning provides criteria that must be met by managers to achieve predetermined goals.
While supervision is used with the aim of being able to monitor deviations from the plan caused
by events beyond the control of management. In existing practice, reliable human resources,
morale, work experience are constituted, and increased work discipline, factors that need and
are important to consider in an effort to achieve good performance. Discipline is an attitude,
behavior, and action that is in accordance with company regulations both written and
unwritten. According to Hasibuan (2017:21), discipline is the sixth operative function of Human
Resource Management. Discipline and discipline are the most important operative functions of
HR because the better the discipline of employees, the higher the possibility of employee work
performance that can be achieved. Without good employee discipline, it is difficult for corporate
organizations to achieve optimal results.
Disiplin merupakan salah satu faktor penentu tercapainya target yang harus dipenuhi,
oleh Therefore, increasing work discipline is a factor that needs to be considered in an effort to
improve the performance of employees. Efforts to improve performance for employees are not
easy because they involve mental attitudes, changes in behavior, work discipline and expertise.
According to Hasibuan (2016:64), Stating that expertise should receive primary attention to
selection qualifications, this will determine whether or not a person is able to complete the
work assigned to him. The quality of work can be seen from the work process and work
discipline as well as the work output achieved by an employee in accordance with company
provisions and in accordance with the expectations of stakeholders. In line with the statement
Byars & Rue in Sutrisno (2016:74), states that employee performance as a result of work in
quality and quantity achieved by an employee in carrying out his duties in accordance with the
responsibilities given to him.
This study aims to determine the improvement of employee performance in terms of
work discipline which emphasizes the application of indiscipline enforced through preventive
and corrective actions. The research was conducted at company X in Sukabumi. To fulfill the
objectives of this study, the research stage is carried out by describing the literature review,
research methods, research results and findings, ending with conclusions.
Literature Review
Management Theory
According to Appley & Lee (2010:16), Management is an art and science, in management there
is a strategy of utilizing the energy and minds of others to carry out an activity directed at
achieving predetermined goals. While according to Terry (2012:13), states that management is
a distinctive process consisting of planning, organizing, mobilizing, and controlling actions to
determine and achieve goals through the use of human and other resources.
The research synthesis that management is a process, art and science to carry out an
activity consisting of actions in the form of planning, organizing, mobilizing and controlling to
achieve certain goals.
Work Discipline
Liou & Liang (2021), stated that discipline is a rule applied by management to lead, direct and
guide organizational personnel in an effort to achieve the desires that the organization aspires
to today and in the future.
According to Hasibuan (2017:21), discipline is the sixth operative function of Human
Resource Management. Discipline and discipline are the most important operative functions of
HR because the better the discipline of employees, the higher the possibility of employee work
performance that can be achieved. Without good employee discipline, it is difficult for a
corporate organization to achieve optimal results. Work discipline is divided into two types of
work discipline, namely: (1) Preventive work discipline; and (2) Corrective work discipline.
Employee Performance
Effective quality improvement has become a potentially valuable way to secure competitive
advantage and improve organizational performance (Lakhal, 2009). According to Antony &
Bhattacharyya (2010), states that organizational performance is defined as a measure of how
well the organization is managed and the value they provide to customers and other
According to Sinambela (2019:481), employee performance is the result of work that can
be achieved by a person or group of people in an organization, in accordance with their
respective authorities and responsibilities, in order to achieve the goals of the organization
concerned legally, not violating the law and in accordance with morals and ethics (Firmansyah
et al., 2021). There are four categories that can be used to measure the level of individual
employee performance:
1. Quality
2. Quantity
3. Job knowledge
4. Availabilty
It is realized that many variables are significantly related to employee performance and as
the main contributors, including motivation, work discipline and employee work experience
(Sinambela, 2019:331). If employees have ignored work discipline, it can be ascertained that
performance will decrease so that it is no longer said to be the maximum work achievement
they produce, and vice versa. Following Cole (2008), that discipline reinforces employee
disciplinary action to stimulate the growth of motivation that can encourage employees to
remain at their best performance every time they carry out and complete work that is their duty
and responsibility.
H1 : Work discipline affects the improvement of employee performance
The method used is a descriptive and verifiative method with a quantitative approach. Referring
to Sugiyono's statement (2015:7); Sugiyono (2017:13) about research methods that can be done
by a researcher in order to meet scientific rules in research.
The research sample was 31 people, selected using non-probability sampling techniques
(Sugiyono, 2019:129), with purposive sampling, sampling criteria were considered (Sharma,
2017; Sample units and phenomena that occur in organizations are selectively and subjectively
considered worthy of study related to the characteristics and behavior of the people in them
(Hibberts et al., 2012; Sharma, 2017), this is a consideration referring to the purpose of this
study. Data collection techniques are carried out by observation, interviews and distribution of
instrument deployments. The source of the data used is primary data obtained from
respondents' dates, processed using the help of the SPSS v26 program. Validity and reliability
tests are performed as data quality tests, and for statistical analysis linear regression analysis is
used using the following equations:
a+bx=y … [1]
In addition, analysis of the coefficient of determination (r2) is also used. The formula for
the coefficient of determination in this study is :
KD = r2 x 100% … [2]
KD = Coefficient of determination
r = Correlation coefficient
Work Discipline (WD) :X = 7WD
Employee Performance (EP) :Y = 10 EP
2 Quality standards Respondents expressed hesitation as much as 3.2%, agreed as
(EP2) much as 71.0%, and strongly agreed 25.8%.
3 Result (EP3) Respondents expressed doubt by 3.2%. Respondents who said
agreed as much as 64.5%, and strongly agreed 32.3%.
4 Sum (EP4) Respondents expressed doubt by 3.2%. Respondents who
expressed agreement as much as 67.7%, and strongly agreed
5 Established standards Respondents agreed with 51.6%, and strongly agreed with
(EP5) 48.4%.
6 Job understanding Respondents strongly disagreed with 3.2%. Respondents who
(EP6) said they agreed as much as 45.2%, and strongly agreed as much
as 51.6%.
7 Job completion skills Respondents strongly disagreed with 3.2%. Respondents who
(EP7) said they agreed as much as 64.5%, and strongly agreed as much
as 32.2%.
8 Time provided (EP8) Respondents strongly disagreed with 3.2%. Respondents who
expressed approval as much as 87.1%, and strongly agreed as
much as 9.7%.
9 Completed on time Respondents strongly disagreed with 3.2%. Respondents who
(EP9) said they agreed as much as 67.7%, and strongly agreed as much
as 29.0%.
10 Time maximization Respondents strongly disagreed with 3.2%. Respondents who
(EP10) said they agreed as much as 64.5%, and strongly agreed as much
as 32.3%.
Source: Researchers' calculation results (2023)
Correlation Analysis
To determine the level of closeness between Employee Performance (EP_Y) and Work Discipline
(WD_X), the correlation analysis method is used.
N 31 31
Source: Researchers' calculation results (2023)
It is known that the correlation value of the level of closeness of employee performance
variables with work discipline variables is 0.486 and is marked positively, the correlation value
is between 0.800 – 0.100, which means that it has criteria for a very strong and unidirectional
level of closeness or relationship. The nature of positive relationships which means that if Work
Discipline has improved, Employee Performance will also increase. Vice versa, if Work
Discipline decreases, Employee Performance will also decrease. This shows that work discipline
has a very strong and unidirectional correlation or level of closeness.
The table above, shows that the magnitude of the coefficient of determination seen from
the value of r2 is 0.911 or 91.1%. This means that Work Discipline is able to explain Employee
Performance by 91.1%, has another meaning Work Discipline contributes 91.1% influence on
Employee Performance, and the remaining 8.9% is influenced by other variables that are not
studied other than the Work Discipline variable.
Regression Analysis
The occurrence of changes in employee performance either up or down can be seen from the
direction of change in work discipline. This prediction is shown by the Coefficeinta table.
Table 5. Coefficientsa
Unstandardized Standardized
Coefficients Coefficients
Model B Std. Error Beta t Sig.
1 (Constant) 6.419 1.370 4.685 .000
1.478 .086 .955 17.261 .000
a. Dependent Variable: Employee Performance
Source: Researchers' calculation results (2023)
Based on the results of the correlation analysis, it shows that Work Discipline has a relationship
with a very strong level of closeness with Employee Performance. The results of a simple linear
regression analysis, it is known that the direction of the coefficient of value b for Work
Discipline as an independent variable of 1.478, means that Work Discipline can be predicted to
be able to influence the decline or increase in employee performance in accordance with the
decrease or increase in Work Discipline. The value of r2 close to the value of +1 indicates that
the ability of Work Discipline in explaining and checking Employee Performance is very large.
The magnitude of the contribution of the influence of Work Discipline explained through
preventive discipline and corrective discipline to every change in Employee Performance was
0.911 or 91.1%, while the remaining 8.9% was influenced by other independent variables that
were not studied other than the Work Discipline variable. These results are in line with the
results of the study J. S. Hasibuan & Silvya (2019), which shows the finding that It is partially
known that work discipline has a positive and significant influence on employee performance.
Work discipline is indeed needed to maintain efficiency and support the smooth running
of all company activities so that they can run well sustainably. This shows that the enforcement
of discipline to employees can contribute to the smooth running of company activities so that
they can achieve superior and reliable best performance for the progress of the company.
Therefore, work discipline is the key to the success of an employee to be able to work better
than the company's expectations in achieving its long-term goals in a sustainable manner.
Employee performance increases when strict disciplinary measures are applied, awareness of
work discipline as an effect of discipline enforcement has the potential to improve employee
Descriptively it can be explained that work discipline and employee performance are already in
good performance. The results of linear regression analysis show that Work Discipline as an
independent variable can be predicted to be able to influence the decline or increase in
employee performance in accordance with the decrease or increase in Discipline both
preventive and corrective Work. The ability of Work Discipline in checking and influencing
Employee Performance is very large, this shows that work discipline is one of the best
predictors for improving employee performance. For further research, it is considered
necessary to add other variables that are thought to affect employee performance.
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