Mullin 2007
Mullin 2007
Mullin 2007
BASIC INFORMATION In females, the fistula may open at the Repair without colostomy based on the
posterior vestibule or vaginally. specific clinical presentation and asso-
Focus on search for associated abnormal-
Section I
DEFINITION ciated abnormalities
Imperforate anus is a congenital abnormality ities (VACTERL).
Vertebral abnormalities occur in 33% of ACUTE GENERAL Rx
with a lack of an anal opening of proper size
patients with anal atresia. Stabilization of the newborn with intrave-
and location. Two types are defined by the
location of the rectum in relation to the pubo- ▪ Spinal dysraphism nous fluids and normalizing electrolytes
▪ Tethered cord Broad-spectrum antibiotics to prevent uri-
rectalis sling: