Quiz: A core sample fully saturated with paraffin is immersed in acontainer of liquid displaced 10.9 cm3
of the liquid. The weight of the dry core sample was 20.0 g, while the weight of the dry sample saturated
with paraffin was 20.9 g. Assume the density of paraffin is 0.65 g/cm3.
Thể tích ma trận đá V m =¿ thể tích chất lỏng đã bị chiếm chỗ ¿ 10.9 c m3
0.9 g 3
¿ =1.3846 c m =¿
Thể tích parafin g Thể tích lỗ rỗng V p
0.65 3
3 3 3
Thể tích tổng của mẫu đá V b =V p +V m=10.9 c m +1.3846 c m =12.2846 c m
V 1=V 2 =100 cc
Phương pháp Boyle: Pđầu V đầu=P sau V sau ⟺75 psi∗ (100 cc )=52 psi∗ ( 200 cc−V m )
⇒ V m =57.6923 cc
448.6 g−427.3 g 3
¿ 3
=21.3 c m
1.0 g /c m
Find the Klinkenberg-corrected equivalent liquid permeability of the rock core (mD).
kg Pm 1/ Pm
34.3 1.4 0.7143
29.2 1.9 0.5263
25.4 2.6 0.3846
22.8 3.3 0.3030
{ k ∞=14.9227
k ∞∗b=27.1277
⇒ ∞
k =14.9227 mD
Given a rock with 80 mD absolute permeability, 6 in length, and 1.5 in diameter. During a two-phase
steady state-relative permeability experiment, water was injected at a rate of 0.23 cm3/min while oil
was injected simultaneously at a rate of 0.52 cm3/min. The outlet of the rock was open to atmospheric
pressure while the inlet pressure was measured at 7 psig for both water and oil. The water viscosity is 1
cP and oil viscosity is 0.9 cP. The rock weighs 145.7 g at that stage of the experiment. The water density is
1 g/cm3 while the oil density is 0.72 g/cm3.
k =80 mD
L=6 ∈¿ 15.24 cm
D=1.5 ∈¿ 3.81 cm
3 3
water injected rate q w =0. 23 c m /min=0.0038 c m /s
3 3
oil injected rate q o=0.52 c m /min=0.0087 c m /s
Pout =1atm
P¿ =7 psig=0.4763 atm
μw =1cP
μo =0.9 cP
m=145.7 g
ρw =1 g /c m
ρo =0.72 g /c m
( )
D 3
A=π L=173.75 c m
q o∗μo∗L
k o= =0.001311 Darcy=1.311 mD
A∗( ∆ P )
qw ∗μw∗L
k w= =0.000636 Darcy =0.636 mD
A∗( ∆ P )
ko kw
k ro= =0.0164 k rw= =0.00795
k k
Exercise: Use Excel to calculate and graph the Leverett J-Function, J(Sw) for the following laboratory
data. Remember that J(Sw) is dimensionless and to work in consistent units.
A core was extracted from a producing oil reservoir, with a porosity and permeability of 12% and 50 mD,
respectively. The capillary pressure saturation data were obtained experimentally and found to be
related through the following equation:
Pc =0.5 S w
The interfacial tension is measured at 40 dyne/cm with a contact angle of 0°, and the irreducible water
saturation is 0.2.
After measuring the porosity and permeability on several samples, the average porosity and
permeability of the reservoir was found to be at 16% and 85 mD, respectively.
Use the previous information to generate a representative capillary pressure data for the reservoir
ϕ=12 %=0.12
k =50 mD
Pc =0.5 S w
σ =40 dyne /cm
θ=0 °
Swi =0.2
k reservoir=85 mD
−0.78 −0.78
Pc =0.5 S w =0.5∗0.2 =1.7546 ( ? )
J (Sw )=
σ cos ( θ )
∗ =0.1938=
σ cos (θ )[∗
ϕ √]
⇒ Pc reservoir
=J ( S w )∗σ cos ( θ )∗
√ ϕ
=0.3363 psia ??
Exercise: Capillary pressure measurement on a reservoir rock in the laboratory gave the following
a) What is the flow process for this capillary pressure curve: drainage or
imbibition? Explain?
c) Convert the capillary pressure to oil/water (reservoir conditions) system and plot it using a semi-log
a/ Với nước là pha dính ướt thì đây là quá trình imbibition do độ bão hòa nước tăng lên
c/ Xét độ rỗng - thấm ở điều kiện vỉa = điều kiện phòng lab
V rel
(Tương tự như bài trước tại áp suất bão hòa thì V rel =1 ⇒ V sat =V t , sau khi khí thoát ra thì V rel >1)
Quiz: Calculatec g
Tương tự như c o
1. Pb=2620 psig
2. V o =63.316 cc
3. P =2350 psig
4. V g =4.396 cc
5. V o =61.496 cc
6. V g ¿∗¿
=0.02265scf ¿
7. P¿∗¿=14.65 psia ¿
8. V o =61.496 cc
9. P =¿2100 psig
10. V g =¿4.292 cc
11. V o =59.952 cc
12. V g ¿∗¿
=0.01966scf ¿
14. V o =59.952 cc
Đơn vị
The differential oil formation volume factors Bod (commonly called the relative oil volume factors) at all
the various pressure levels are calculated by dividing the recorded oil volumes V L by the volume of
residual oil V sc , or:
T sc =60 ℉=519.67 ° R
R sdb=
∑ Gas removed ,∗¿ = 0.21256 scf
=853.9962 scf /STB
V o ,residual 0.0002489004 STB
The data from a differential vaporization on a black oil at 220 °F are given. Prepare a table of solution
gas-oil ratios, relative oil volumes, and relative total volumes by this differential process.
Also include z-factors and formation volume factors of the increments of gas removed.
Tương tự
⇒ V sat =V o , T b + P b
V sat
⇒ Bofb = =1.4637 bbl /STB
( V o ) st
+ BT giữa kỳ