Dec 2008
Dec 2008
Dec 2008
Question 1
The following information was extracted from the inventory records of Amabo
Enterprises Limited:
Item Opening Quantity Available Quantity Remaining
stock received stock Issued stock
A4 paper (reams) 3 10 7
Pencils (dozens) 5 10 11
Ball pens (dozens) 12 14 8
Staple (packets) 3 10 7
Markers (packets) 5 10 3
Spring files (pieces) 13 10 9
Books 10 10 15
Box files (pieces) 9 10 5
Compact Discs (dozens) 3 5 2
Clips (packets) 4 10 10
Load an appropriate software and execute the following tasks:
(a) Using a suitable formula, compute the available stock for each item.
Available stock is opening stock plus quantity received less quantity issued.
(b) Assume the re-order level of each item to be half of the available stock.
Compute the re-order level for each of the stock items in the table above.
(c) Using a suitable formula, compute remaining stock. Remaining stock is
available less quantity issued.
(d) Indicate the stock items the company should order with a “1” in the re-
order column. An item is to be ordered when the remaining stock is less
than the re-order level.
(e) Insert a suitable heading above the table, bold and centre.
(f) Save the file on the flash provided with your registration number as its
(15 marks)
Question 2
(a) Load an appropriate word processing program and input the text below:
Teachers’ computer scheme
A programme to enable teachers acquire computers has rolled out with
100 teachers each receiving a laptop computer.
The Ministry of ICT said that the computers will help teachers become
more productive and efficient.
The programme will enable teachers to easily access latest information
since information keeps on changing everyday. The computers will make
teachers become more efficient as they access new information.
The hard disc and computer RAM size also enables the user to
communicate online with colleagues outside office or even abroad face to
face using the camera. It also has a wireless internet connectivity.
(b) Centre and bold the heading and format with font size 26.
(c) Double underline and italicize the heading.
(d) Set line spacing for the text to 1.5 and apply full justification.
(e) Save the document on the flash disk provided with your registration
number as its name.
(5 marks)