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Question Bank Satellite

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Four Year B.

Tech (Seven Semester)

BEC4705: Satellite Communication
Course Outcomes
Determine orbital mechanics, Kepler's laws, locating, elements, launches, and
BEC4705.1 communication effects in satellite systems.

Examine satellite subsystems and multiple access techniques for comprehensive

BEC4705.2 understanding and application

Analyze satellite link & earth station design principles for effective communication.

Examine essential concepts of Slow Earth Orbit & Non- Geo Satellite Systems, covering
BEC4705.4 orbits, coverage, delays, throughput, system designs.

Examine proficiency in Satellite Navigation & GPS principles, covering signals, receivers,
BEC4705.5 accuracy, and Differential GPS.

Course Contents
Origin of Satellite communication Current state of satellite communication Orbital
aspect of satellite communication ,orbital mechanism Equation of Orbit, Orbital element
Unit I
and orbital perturbation Space craft system, Attitude and orbit control system Telemetry
tracking system Command Power system Communication sub systems


1. Write the advantages and disadvantages of Satellite Communication.

2. Distinguish between active and passive satellites.

3. Write the advantages of Geo Stationary orbit.

4. Compare LEO, MEO, GEO.

5. State Kepler's laws of planetary motion.

6. Define orbital Parameters.

7. Comment on Look angles?

8. Summarize the parameters which may affect the orbital position of the satellite?

9. Discuss the understand by station Keeping? What are the methods used for that?
10. Define Slant Range.

11. Comment Why is Uplink frequency greater than the downlink frequency?

12. Summarize the types of Launch Vehicles used for Satellite Launching?

13. Summarize Payload of a Communication Satellite?

14. Discuss the requirements of an Earth Station antenna?

15. Define apogee and perigee.

16. Write the advantages of Geo Stationary orbit.

17. Define orbital Parameters.

18. State the meant by polar orbiting? Explain in detail.

19. Write brief notes on the advantages and disadvantages of using satellites in LEOs,
MEOs and GEOs for satellite communications.
20. State Kepler’s three laws of planetary motion. Illustrate in each case their relevance to artificial



Four Year B.Tech (Seven Semester)

BEC4705: Satellite Communication
Course Outcomes
Determine orbital mechanics, Kepler's laws, locating, elements, launches, and
BEC4705.1 communication effects in satellite systems.

Examine satellite subsystems and multiple access techniques for comprehensive

BEC4705.2 understanding and application

Analyze satellite link & earth station design principles for effective communication.

Examine essential concepts of Slow Earth Orbit & Non- Geo Satellite Systems, covering
BEC4705.4 orbits, coverage, delays, throughput, system designs.

Examine proficiency in Satellite Navigation & GPS principles, covering signals, receivers,
BEC4705.5 accuracy, and Differential GPS.

Course Contents
Satellite link Design system System Noise and Temperature and T/T ratio Down link
Unit 2 Design of satellite system Domestic Satellite system Uplink satellite system Design of
satellite link for specified (C/N)


1. Describe the main effects of the earth’s equatorial bulge on satellite orbit.

2. Write notes on SSP, Effects of Atmospheric drag on satellite orbit.

3. Derive the expression for antenna look angles.

4. Explain the orbital elements? Derive the six orbital elements of satellite from Newton’s law
of motion.

5. Define argument of perigee with neat sketch.

6. Summarize the types of Launch Vehicles used for Satellite Launching?

7. Comment the methods used for attitude control?
8. Discuss the functions carried out in Telemetry, Tracking & Command (TT&C) Subsystem ?
9. Discuss the types of redundancy connections used in Spacecraft?
10. Analyze the types of antennas used in Spacecraft?
11. Examine the Capacity of a Satellite Communication System can be increased?
12. Illustrate the methods used to improve the reliability of Satellite System?
13. Illustrate the noise power spectral density?
14. Derive the equations of losses for clear sky conditions.
15. Define is an Intermodulation noise?
16. A satellite downlink at 12GHZ operates with a transmit power of 6w & an antenna
gain of 48.2db.Calculate the EIRP in Dbw.
17. Write the equation of system noise factor.
18. Calculate the gain of a 3m parabolidal antenna operating at a frequency of
12GHZ.Assume an aperture efficiency of 0.5.
19. Define noise factor and system noise temperature.
20. Calculate for The range between a ground station & a satellite is 42000km. Calculate
the free space loss a frequency of 6GHZ.

21. An antenna has a noise temperature of 35k & its matched into a receiver which has a
noise temp of 100k. Calculate the noise power density & the noise power for a BW of
22. Why link budget is calculated for satellite communication system?
23. Derive and express the link equation for received power at the earth station.
24. Which factors does effects the system noise temperature?
25. Define antenna beam width and antenna gain.
26. Explain the EIRP& Transmission losses.



Four Year B.Tech (Seven Semester)

BEC4705: Satellite Communication
Course Outcomes
Determine orbital mechanics, Kepler's laws, locating, elements, launches, and
BEC4705.1 communication effects in satellite systems.

Examine satellite subsystems and multiple access techniques for comprehensive

BEC4705.2 understanding and application

Analyze satellite link & earth station design principles for effective communication.

Examine essential concepts of Slow Earth Orbit & Non- Geo Satellite Systems, covering
BEC4705.4 orbits, coverage, delays, throughput, system designs.

Examine proficiency in Satellite Navigation & GPS principles, covering signals, receivers,
BEC4705.5 accuracy, and Differential GPS.

Course Contents
Introduction to Multiple Acess Techniques FDMA: Effect of Intermodulation,
Companding FDM/FM. TDMA: Frame structure and Design , TDMA synchronization
Unit 3 and timing. Code Division Multiplexing Access SS transmission and reception
Applicability of CDMA to commercial system Multiple Acess on Board Processing
SCPS system Digital speech Interpolation system DAMA system


1. Draw the block diagram & Explain the System noise temperature.
2. Explain the carrier to noise ratio of uplink & downlink frequency.
3. Give the expression for G/T ratio and its use.
4. Write notes on atmospheric absorption and scintillation at troposphere and ionosphere.
5. Derive the expression for C/N for uplink.
6. Derive the expression for C/N for downlink.
7. Describe the effects of rain and intermodulation noise on C/N ratio.
8. Write notes on frequency of operation.
9. Derive the expression for combined uplink/downlink C/N ratio.
10. Compare the difference between active and passive attitude control?
11. Summarize the antenna system that can be used for global coverage.
12. Explain spacecraft power subsystem.
13. Discuss the attitude, orbit and control (AOCS) subsystem of spacecraft.
14. Explain the carrier to noise ratio of uplink & downlink frequency.
15. Discuss the Propagation effects and their impact on satellite-earth links?
16. List out different phenomena which leads to signal loss on transmission through the
earth’s atmosphere.
17. Define depolarization and attenuation effects on the received power.
18. Explain the dominant propagation phenomena on satellite links at frequencies above 10 GHz
& explain?
19. Describe Atmospheric absorption, rain, cloud and ice effects.



Third Year B.Tech (Seven Semester)
BEC4705: Satellite Communication
Course Outcomes
Determine orbital mechanics, Kepler's laws, locating, elements, launches, and
BEC4705.1 communication effects in satellite systems.

Examine satellite subsystems and multiple access techniques for comprehensive

BEC4705.2 understanding and application

Analyze satellite link & earth station design principles for effective communication.

Examine essential concepts of Slow Earth Orbit & Non- Geo Satellite Systems, covering
BEC4705.4 orbits, coverage, delays, throughput, system designs.

Examine proficiency in Satellite Navigation & GPS principles, covering signals, receivers,
BEC4705.5 accuracy, and Differential GPS.

Course Contents
Propagation of satellite system on geo positioning Earth's path-Propagation effect
Unit 4 Sintillation effect Land and sea multipath Rain and Ice effects Rain Drop distribution,
calculation of Attenuation Rain effect on Antenna Noise Temperature


1. List type of configuration is used in VSAT system?
2. Discuss the is medium gain directional antenna?
3. Define Radiation pattern and beamwidth.
4. Define side lobes and antenna directivity.
5. Comment What do you understand by polarization and axial ratio?
6. Write the expression to calculate polarization of circular polarized radiated waves?
7. Draw and discuss the various types of wire antennas.
8. Briefly explain the construction of array antennas.
9. Discuss the applications of crossed slot antennas.
10. Explain the attenuation effects on the satellite earth link.
11. Explain the depolarization process for transmitting antenna.
12. Discuss the propagation effects not associated with raindrops.
13. Discuss is rainfall rate and described it by using CDF?
14. Compare between KU-band and the C-band receive only systems.
15. Describe briefly about the rains effects.
16. Explain about inter-satellite link.
17. Summarize the 3 different types of applications with respect to satellite systems.
18. Mention the 3 regions to allocate the frequency for satellite services.
19. List the types of satellite services.
20. Describe the operation of typical VSAT system. State briefly where VSAT systems and find
widest applications.
21. Explain the Satellite switched TDMA & CDMA.



Four Year B.Tech (Seven Semester)
BEC4705: Satellite Communication
Course Outcomes
Determine orbital mechanics, Kepler's laws, locating, elements, launches, and
BEETC802PE.1 communication effects in satellite systems.

Examine satellite subsystems and multiple access techniques for comprehensive

BEETC802PE.2 understanding and application

Analyze satellite link & earth station design principles for effective communication.

Examine essential concepts of Slow Earth Orbit & Non- Geo Satellite Systems, covering
BEETC802PE.4 orbits, coverage, delays, throughput, system designs.

Examine proficiency in Satellite Navigation & GPS principles, covering signals, receivers,
BEETC802PE.5 accuracy, and Differential GPS.

Course Contents
Error detection and Correction techniques introduction Error detecting codes : Linear
block codes ,Error detection with Linear block code , Performance of Block error
Unit 5 correction codes ,Convolution codes, Cyclic Codes and BCH codes Earth station
Design, Antenna Tracking, LNA,HPA,RF Multiplexing Factor affecting Orbit
Utilization tracking ,equipment for earth station


1. Explain why a minimum of four satellites must be visible at an earth location utilizing the GPS
system for position determination.
2. Describe briefly about the rains effects.
3. Explain about inter-satellite link.
4. With the aid of a block schematic, briefly describe the functioning of the receive only home TV
5. What is meant by space division multiple access?
6. What is meant by frequency reuse?
7. What is meant by burst position acquisition & burst position synchronization?
8. What are the non geostationary orbits and explain in brief.
9. List out the characteristics, merits and demerits of LEO, MEO and GEO.
10. How many types of orbits can be used for satellites in wheather forecasting?
11. Discuss the direct broadcast satellite (DBS) frequency plan with orbit location.
12. What do you mean by differential GPS? Explain briefly.
13. Discuss the various applications of GPS system.
14. Draw and discuss the block diagram of a DBS system.
15. Explain the various components of GPS receiver?
16. Draw the structure of GPS navigation data and explain each block?
17. Describe and compare the MATV and CATV systems.

18. What is the GPS position location principle? Explain the functioning of each segment?
19. Draw and explain the block diagram of DBS -TV receiver?
20. What are the data communication services involved in the field of computers
and telecommunications?
21. State and explain the differential segment of a global positioning satellite system.
22. Explain why a minimum of four satellites must be visible at an earth location utilizing the
GPS system for position determination.
23. List the advantages to use the Ku band for direct broadcast satellite service.


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