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Ons QB Final 1

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Subject: -Optical Network & Satellite Communication


Prepared by Prof S.A.Suryawanshi (E & TC Dept) Page 1 of 10

Name of chapter With

1 Fundamentals of fiber optic communication 14

2 Optical losses 18

3 Optical network 14

4 Overview of satellite systems 30

5 Satellite segments and services 28

Total Marks :- 104

Prepared by Prof S.A.Suryawanshi (E & TC Dept) Page 2 of 10

Q.1 Attempt any FIVE 5*2=10
a) Draw the construction of fiber optic cable
b) List any four types of losses in optical fiber
c) State the application of optical network
d) Define terms: (i) Latitude (ii) Longitude
e) List the antenna tracking methods used in radar system
f) Define critical angle. State snells law
g) State four advantages of geo-stationary satellite
Q.2 Attempt any THREE 3*4=12
a) Draw & explain the architecture of SONET/SDH
b) Compare step index fiber and graded index fiber
c) Draw & explain global positioning system in satellite
d) Draw and explain the working principle of GPS Transmitter
Q.3 Attempt any THREE 3*4=12
a) Describe the concept of earth segment and space segment
b) Write a short note on optical amplifiers
c) Draw & explain the optical fiber communication system list advantages and
d) Why is the uplink is more than downlink frequency in satellite
Q.4 Attempt any FOUR 3*4=12
a) Describe any two types of losses in space
b) Draw block diagram of OTDR & explain its working
c) Explain the advantages and disadvantages of optical fiber
d) Explain the concept of WDM

e) Draw block diagram of satellite subsystem and describe function of each

Q.5 Attempt any TWO 2*6=12

Prepared by Prof S.A.Suryawanshi (E & TC Dept) Page 3 of 10

a) Explain 1.total internal reflection 2.snells law 3. Critical angle
b) Explain the effects of non-spherical earth, atmospheric drag, and eclipse on
satellite motion
c) Draw the block diagram of telemetry tracking and command subsystem and
state its principle of operation
Q.6 Attempt any TWO 2*6=12

a) How power is generated in satellite? Describe how it is distributed to other

subsystem of satellite.
b) Describe the working principle of MEO & draw the characteristics of various
c) Write uplink and downlink frequencies for C-Band, X-Band, and Kn-Band &

Prepared by Prof S.A.Suryawanshi (E & TC Dept) Page 4 of 10

Unit Course Outcome
Name of the Unit
No. (CO)
1 Fundamentals of fiber optic communication CO-647.1
2 Optical losses CO-647.2
3 Optical network CO-647.3

Course Outcome
Q.1 Attempt any FOUR4*2=8Marks (CO)
a) State the use of optical network CO-647.3
b) Define critical angle. State snells law CO-647.2
c) List the application of optical fiber CO-647.1
d) State the laws of reflection. CO-647.2
e) Classify the fiber optic cable CO-647.1
f) Draw the diagram of fusion splice CO-647.2
Q.2 Attempt any THREE3*4=12 Marks
a) Explain the working principle of LED as a light source & CO-647.1
state its types.
b) Draw block diagram of OTDR & explain its working CO-647.2
c) Draw & explain the optical fiber communication system CO-647.1
d) Differentiate between fusion splicing & v-groove splicing CO-647.2
e) Describe the working principle of optical network CO-647.3
f) State and explain the characteristics of optical fiber CO-647.2

Prepared by Prof S.A.Suryawanshi (E & TC Dept) Page 5 of 10

Course Outcome
Unit Name of the Unit
3 Optical network CO-647.3
4 Overview of satellite systems CO-647.4
5 Satellite segments and services CO-647.5

Course Outcome
Q.1 Attempt any FOUR 4*2=8Marks (CO)
a) State the application of optical amplifiers. CO-647.3
b) Define following terms (i) Foot print (ii) Azimuth angle CO-647.4
c) Stare the application of Satellite communication CO-647.5
d) What are the types of satellite? CO-647.4
e) Draw block diagram of satellite subsystem CO-647.5
f) Define optical network. State its need. CO-647.3
Q.2 Attempt any THREE 3*4=12 Marks
a) Explain the optical network standards CO-647.3
b) Draw and explain the block diagram of power subsystem CO-647.5
c) Describe the concept of earth segment and space segment CO-647.4
d) Explain the Keplers law of planetary motion CO-647.4
e) Explain the working of GPS Receiver with block diagram CO-647.5
What do you mean by geostationary satellite CO-647.4
communication system?

Prepared by Prof S.A.Suryawanshi (E & TC Dept) Page 6 of 10

COURSE: -Optical Network & Satellite Communication PROGRAMME: - EJ

CO.NO Course Outcome

CO-647.1 Interpret the function of various block of optical fiber communication system.
CO-647.2 Measure the optical fiber cable parameters
CO-647.3 Select relevant architecture of optical networks for the given application
CO-647.4 Select Uplink and Downlink frequencies for various satellite services
CO-647.5 Maintain satellite services

Prepared by Prof S.A.Suryawanshi (E & TC Dept) Page 7 of 10

Unit Wise Question Bank
Unit -1 Fundamentals of fiber optic communication

1. Classify the fiber optic cable.

2. State the advantages and disadvantages of optical fiber
3. Draw the construction of fiber optic cable.
4. Explain the importance of optical fiber
5. Draw & explain the optical fiber communication system list advantages and
6. Explain the working principle of LED as a light source& state its types.
7. Compare step index fiber and graded index fiber
8. Explain the working principle of optical detector
9. List the application of optical fiber
10. State & explain the characteristics of optical fiber
11. Draw the electromagnetic spectrum.
12. Define Optical Communication.
13. Define modes of propagation.
14. Explain the construction and operation of PIN photodiode.
15.Explain the construction and operation of APD.

Unit -2 Optical Losses

1.Define 1.reflection 2.refraction

2.List any four types of losses in optical fiber
3.Explain 1.total internal reflection 2.snells law 3. Critical angle
4.Define numerical aperture, acceptance angle, acceptance cone
5.List losses of optical fiber. Explain any one
6.Describe the different types of optical fiber losses
7.Define critical angle. State snells law
8.List and explain the properties of splicing
9.Differentiate between fusion splicing & v-groove splicing
10.State and explain the characteristics of optical fiber
11.Draw block diagram of OTDR & explain its working
12.Draw the diagram of fusion splice and rigid alignment tube splice.
13. State the laws of reflection.
14. Write the statements of Snells law.
15. Describe the stepwise procedure for the fusion splicing.
16. Explain the steps for mechanical splice.
Prepared by Prof S.A.Suryawanshi (E & TC Dept) Page 8 of 10
17. Write a short note on absorption losses.
18. State the application of OTDR.

Unit -3 Optical Network

1. Write a short note on optical amplifiers.

2. Explain the concept of WDM
3. Define WDM& list the features of WDM
4. State the use of optical network
5. Write a short note on SONET.
6. Draw & explain the architecture of SONET.
7. State the specifications of 802.3j
8. Explain the Ethernet standards optical network.
9. Define optical network. State its need.
10. Describe with neat diagram optical network elements
11. State the application of optical amplifiers.
12. Define the optical splitter. State its types.
13. State the application of splitter.
14. Write a short note on optical switches.

Unit -4 Overview of satellite systems

1.Explain the following terms w.r.t. satellite: (i) Elevation, (ii) Altitude
2.Define and explain the terms: (i) Uplink frequency (ii) Downlink frequency
3.Why is the uplink is more than downlink frequency in satellite communication?
4.Write uplink and downlink frequencies for C-Band, X-Band, and Kn-Band & Ka-Band.
5. Define following terms w.r.t. satellite: (i) Foot print (ii) Azimuth angle
6.Explain the working principle of active and passive satellite
7.Describe the concept of earth segment and space segment
8.Define and explain the terms: (i) Latitude (ii) Longitude
9.What do you mean by geostationary satellite communication system?
10. Explain the working principle of GEO Satellite
11. Write a short note on MEO.
12. Explain the Keplers law of planetary motion
13. Explain the effects of non-spherical earth, atmospheric drag, and eclipse on satellite
14. Draw & explain the working principle of LEO Satellite
15. State four advantages of geo-stationary satellite.
16. What are the types of satellite?
17. Explain the concept of station keeping.
18. Explain look angle with neat diagram.
Prepared by Prof S.A.Suryawanshi (E & TC Dept) Page 9 of 10
Unit -5 Satellite segments and services

1. Describe the function of Altitude Control Subsystem in Satellite for keeping satellite in
its orbit.
2. Draw block diagram of satellite subsystem and describe function of each sections.
3. Describe the function of telemetry and tracking in satellite communication system.
4. Explain advantages of Satellite communication
5. Illustrate how telemetry tracking and command system is used in satellite.
6. How power is generated in satellite? Describe how it is distributed to other subsystem of
7. List the antenna tracking methods used in radar system. Explain any one of them.
8. Draw the block diagram of telemetry tracking and command subsystem and state its
principle of operation.
9. Draw the block diagram of communication channel subsystem and state its principle of
10. Describe the antenna subsystem of satellite.
11. Draw and explain the block diagram of power subsystem.
12. Describe any two types of losses in space
13. Describe the transmission losses (any two)
14. Explain the antenna misalignment losses and atmospheric losses
15. Draw & explain global positioning system in satellite
16. Draw and explain the working principle of GPS Transmitter.
17. Explain the working of GPS Receiver with block diagram
18. Describe the working of VSAT Architecture with applications

Prepared by Prof S.A.Suryawanshi (E & TC Dept) Page 10 of 10

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