Corporate Social responsibility (CSR) is one of the prime focus areas of an organization. It refers
to the responsibility of enterprises for their impacts on society; and the consequences for the
integration of social, environmental, ethical, human rights, and as well consumer concerns into
business operations and core strategy, in close collaboration with stakeholders
According to Swamiji, “The difference between weakness and strength is of a heaven degree; the
difference between virtue and vice is that of a degree; the difference between and hell is that of a
degree, all differences in this world are of degrees and not a kind of characteristics.” “An
Ethics and morality: A morality is a set of rules to guide the actions of an individual human-
being. Rand says about it –“a code of value to guide man’s choice and actions.” So, ethics and
morality would seem to be synonymous but exactly it is not so.
As morality refers to the rules and guidelines which an individual or a group has about what is
right/wrong, good or evil same as ethical principles also give an idea about right or wrong, true
or false. Really speaking, to differentiate between ethics and morality is a difficult task as human
behavior is influenced by emotions and sentiments. As many big organizations and big
businessmen have no predetermined ethics but they may evaluate the good conduct of business
on the basis of customs, expectations of society, and some beliefs. But in way ethics is not
merely the code of conduct based on customs, conventions and the accepted courtesies of a
society but it is the code of conduct developed by proper testing to guide the human behavior. In
short, Ethics and morality, for all purpose may be assumed to mean the same.
The great historian Arnold J. Toynbee writes, “No society could succeed without any religious
aim. Mere desire for prosperity cannot motivate a person for building up an enduring dynamic
and progressive nation.” Needless to say, about the vital role of ethics in our economic life which
could be activated on the basis of religious principle?
Ethics and law: Hosmer (1995) says – Respect for law as an ethical value– What is law? Law is
a code of conduct which the authority in power prescribes for society. It is concerned with the
minimum regulation necessary for public order which is enacted by govt. So government gives
shape to only those minimum social obligations, customs or traditions which are essential to be
complied with by the people. It basically differs from ethics in its option to use force when
necessary and in fact it is backed by power.
The most important divergence between ethics and law is that ethics concentrate on the do’s and
laws on the don’ts. Ethics is a much wider term than law. The required ethical behavior may not
be covered by the law at all. ‘look after the aged’, ‘be considerate to your workers’, ‘Teach well
to your students’, ‘Do not tell a lie’, Obey your elders’,— will fall within the circle of ethics but
not within the law.
Ethics and values: Moral values are deep-seated ideas and feelings that manifest themselves as
behavior or conduct. These values are not so easy to measure or express in words. There is very
thin line which distinguishes between ethics and values both drive what is right and what is
wrong in human conduct and what ‘ought to be’.
Business ethics stands for the saneness or purity of purpose that is upheld through carefully
designed actual practices of business enterprises. It is an embodiment of conscience concern
towards execution of business processes in tune with the nobility of the purpose.
Not just only achieving high level of economic performance but also to conduct one of
business’s most important social challenges, ethically at the same time. Here what we get a
combination of two familiar words—‘Ethics and Business’ in ‘Business Ethics’. Different
meaning is given to business as follows:
Business ethics are the application of general ethical rules to business behavior.
Business ethics are rules of business by which propriety of business activity may be judged.
By Cater Mcnamara— “Business ethics is generally coming to know what is right or wrong in
the workplace and doing what is right— this is in regard to effects of products/ services and in
relationship with stake holders”. “Attention to ethics in workplace sensitizes managers and staff
to know they should act so that they retain a strong moral compass. Consequently, business
ethics can be strong preventive medicine.”
According to John Donalds on Business ethics in short can be desired as the systematic study of
ethical matters pertaining to business industry or related activities, institutions and beliefs.
Business ethics is the systematic handling of values in business and industry.
Business ethics concentrate on moral standard as they apply to business policies, institutions
and behavior. It is a specialized study of moral right or wrong. It is a form of applied ethics.
Business ethics are nothing but the application of ethics in business. It proves that business
can be and have • been ethical and still make profits. Today more and more interest is being
given to the application of ethical practices in business dealings and the ethical implications
of business.
The benefits from all such efforts and endeavors the company shows in the development of
society should trickle down to as many people as possible long back in 1963. Management guru
Peter F. Drucker stated the relationship between organization and society in his book ‘practice of
management’ “is like the relationship between a ship and the sea which Ingrid’s it and carries,
which threatens it with storms and ship wreck which has to be crossed but which is yet alien and
distant, the environment rather than the home of the ship. But society is not just the environment
of the enterprise.
Even the most private of private enterprises is an organ of society and serves a social function.
“The responsibility of management in our society is not only for the enterprise itself, but for
management’s public standing, its success and status, for the very future of our economy and
social system and the survival of the enterprise as autonomous institutions. The public
responsibilities of business must therefore underline all its behavior. Basically it furnishes ethics
of management. ‘L.N. Prasad in ‘ Principal and practices of management gave an operational
In other words, social performance is about making an organization's social mission a reality,
whatever that mission is.
In order to achieve strong social performance, an organization must manage its social
performance as carefully and deliberately as it manages its financial performance.
The Universal Standards for Social Performance Management is a comprehensive manual of
the management practices that a financial institution must implement in order to achieve strong
social performance management (SPM).