Editors: Lawrence S. Chin William F. Regine
Editors: Lawrence S. Chin William F. Regine
Editors: Lawrence S. Chin William F. Regine
William F. Regine
Principles and
Practice of
Second Edition
Principles and Practice of Stereotactic
Lawrence S. Chin • William F. Regine
Part I Introduction
vi Contents
50 Radiosurgery for Cavernous Malformations and Other Vascular Diseases ....... 623
Ajay Niranjan, Greg Bowden, John C. Flickinger, and L. Dade Lunsford
51 Cerebral Cavernous Malformations: Viewpoint—Surgery ................................. 637
Robert L. Dodd and Gary K. Steinberg
52 Trigeminal Neuralgia ............................................................................................... 649
Lawrence S. Chin, Seung S. Hahn, Shilpen Patel, Thomas Mattingly,
and Young Kwok
53 Trigeminal Neuralgia: Viewpoint—Surgery ......................................................... 659
Craig Rabb and Ahmed Cheema
54 Trigeminal Neuralgia: Viewpoint—Medical Management .................................. 665
Neil C. Porter
55 Stereotactic Radiosurgery for Movement Disorders ............................................ 671
Yoshinori Higuchi
56 Perspective on Radiosurgery Versus Conventional Surgery for
Movement Disorders ................................................................................................ 681
Zion Zibly, Andrew B. Shaw, John Y.K. Lee, and Ali R. Rezai
57 Movement Disorders: Viewpoint—Medical Therapy........................................... 695
Abraham N. Lieberman and Sara S. Dhanani
58 Radiosurgery for Drug-Resistant Epilepsies: State of the Art, Results,
and Perspectives ....................................................................................................... 699
Jean Régis, Romain Carron, Fabrice Bartolomei, and Patrick Chauvel
59 Epilepsy: Viewpoint—Surgery ............................................................................... 711
David Carter and Zulma Tovar-Spinoza
60 Epilepsy: Viewpoint—Medical ............................................................................... 723
Gregory K. Bergey
61 Stereotactic Radiosurgery for Psychiatric and Pain Disorders ........................... 731
Chun-Po Yen and Jason P. Sheehan
62 Ocular and Orbital Lesions..................................................................................... 743
Yan Michael Li, Gabriela Šimonová, Roman Lisčák, Josef Novotný Jr.,
Amit Singla, and Lawrence S. Chin
63 Ocular and Orbital: Viewpoint—Surgery ............................................................. 765
Bryant P. Carruth, Robert H. Hill, and Thomas A. Bersani
64 Ocular and Orbital Tumors: Viewpoint-Fractionated Radiation ....................... 773
Nicolas Girard, Françoise Mornex, and Alain Vighetto
John R. Adler, M.D. Department of Neurosurgery, Stanford University, Stanford, CA, USA
Varian Medical Systems, Stanford, CA, USA
Faiz U. Ahmad, M.D., M.Ch. Department of Neurosurgery, Emory University, Atlanta,
Felipe C. Albuquerque, M.D. Division of Neurological Surgery, Barrow Neurological
Institute, St. Joseph’s Hospital and Medical Center, Phoenix, AZ, USA
David W. Andrews, M.D. Department of Neurological Surgery, Thomas Jefferson University,
Philadelphia, PA, USA
James Balter, Ph.D. Department of Radiation Oncology, University of Michigan Hospital
and Health Systems, Ann Arbor, MI, USA
Igor J. Barani, M.D. Department of Radiation Oncology, University of California, San
Francisco, San Francisco, CA, USA
Gene H. Barnett, M.D., M.B.A. Department of Neurosurgery, Cleveland Clinic Foundation,
Cleveland, OH, USA
Fabrice Bartolomei, M.D., Ph.D. Department of Neurophysiology, Aix-Marseille
University—Timone University Hospital, Marseille, France
Gregory K. Bergey, M.D. Department of Neurology, Johns Hopkins University School of
Medicine, Baltimore, MD, USA
Thomas A. Bersani, M.D. Department of Ophthalmology and Otolaryngology, SUNY
Upstate Medical University, Syracuse, NY, USA
Terri F. Biggins, R.N., B.S.N., C.N.R.N. Department of Nursing, University of Maryland
Medical Systems, Baltimore, MD, USA
Frank J. Bova, Ph.D. Department of Neurosurgery, University of Florida, Gainesville,
Greg Bowden, M.D., M.Sc. Department of Neurological Surgery, University of Pittsburgh,
Pittsburgh, PA, USA
David J. Brenner, Ph.D., D.Sc. Center for Radiological Research, Columbia University
Medical Center, New York, NY, USA
Jeffrey N. Bruce, M.D. Department of Neurological Surgery, Brain Tumor Center, Columbia
University Medical Center, New York Presbyterian Hospital, New York, NY, USA
Marc Bussière, M.Sc. Department of Radiation Oncology, Massachusetts General Hospital,
Boston, MA, USA
x Contributors
Gregory P. Lekovic, M.D., Ph.D. Good Samaritan Gama Knife Radiosurgery Center,
Los Angeles, CA, USA
Yan Michael Li, M.D., Ph.D. Department of Neurosurgery, UT MD Anderson Cancer Center,
Houston, TX, USA
Abrahim N. Lieberman, M.D. Department of Neurology, Barrow Neurological Clinics,
Phoenix, AZ, USA
Roman Lisčák, M.D. Third Faculty of Medicine, Clinical Department of Neurosurgery,
Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic
Department of Stereotactic and Radiation Neurosurgery, Na Homolce Hospital, Prague, Czech
N. Scott Litofsky, M.D., F.A.A.N.S., F.A.C.S. Division of Neurological Surgery, Department
of Surgery, University of Missouri School of Medicine, Columbia, MO, USA
Arthur K. Liu, M.D., Ph.D. Department of Radiation Oncology, University of Colorado
Cancer Center, Aurora, CO, USA
James K. Liu, M.D., F.A.A.N.S. Center for Skull Base and Pituitary Surgery, Rutgers New
Jersey Medical School Neurological Institute of New Jersey, Newark, NJ, USA
Departments of Neurological Surgery and Otolaryngology—Head and Neck Surgery, Rutgers
New Jersey Medical School Neurological Institute of New Jersey, Newark, NJ, USA
L. Dade Lunsford, M.D. Department of Radiation Oncology, University of Pittsburgh,
Pittsburgh, PA, USA
Lijun Ma, Ph.D. Department of Radiation Oncology, University of California San Francisco,
San Francisco, CA, USA
Salvador Manrique-Guzman, M.D. Department of Neurosurgery, Johns Hopkins Hospital,
Baltimore, MD, USA
Thomas Mattingly, M.D. Department of Neurosurgery, University of Maryland, Baltimore,
Carlos A. Mattozo, M.D. Department of Surgery, Division of Neurosurgery, David Geffen
School of Medicine at UCLA, Los Angeles, CA, USA
Assistant Professor of Neurosurgery, Department of Neurosurgery,Pontificia Universidade
Catolica de Curitiba, Brazil
Cameron G. McDougall, M.D. Division of Neurological Surgery, Barrow Neurological
Institute, St. Joseph’s Hospital and Medical Center, Phoenix, AZ, USA
Minesh P. Mehta, M.B.Ch.B., F.A.S.T.R.O. Department of Radiation Oncology, University
of Maryland, Baltimore, MD, USA
Thomas E. Merchant, D.O., Ph.D. Department of Radiological Sciences, St. Jude Children’s
Research Hospital, Memphis, TN, USA
Fassil B. Mesfin, M.D., Ph.D. Department of Neurosurgery, SUNY Upstate Medical
University, Syracuse, NY, USA
René-O. Mirimanoff, M.D. Radiation Oncology Department, CHUV, University Hospital
Lausanne, Lausanne, Switzerland
Clinique de La Source, Switzerland
Françoise Mornex, M.D., Ph.D. Department of Radiation Oncology, Centre Hospitalier
Lyon Sud, Hospices Civils de Lyon, Lyon, France
xiv Contributors
L.S. Chin and W.F. Regine (eds.), Principles and Practice of Stereotactic Radiosurgery, 3
DOI 10.1007/978-1-4614-8363-2_1, © Springer Science+Business Media New York 2015
4 M. Kushnirsky et al.
number of sessions, up to a maximum of five” [1]. As FSRT’s needed an improved method of intracranial targeting, and by
conformity and dose falloff improve, it may become neces- this time X-ray technology had sufficiently advanced to be
sary to rework the definition of SRS, perhaps including new practical and quick enough for use in the operating room.
information about radiobiological tissue response. Spiegel and Wycis employed X-ray ventriculography to
identify where a target lesion was in relation to any cerebral
structure. Imaging techniques combined with advances in
Early Roots physiology allowed for recognition of select target pathways:
the dorsomedial nucleus for psychosurgery, the lemniscal
Lars Leksell’s 1951 development of stereotactic radiosur- system for pain, and the extrapyramidal pathways for move-
gery was preceded by a multitude of technological innova- ment disorders [7]. In spite of these developments, the
tions in both stereotactic surgical fixation and medical Spiegel–Wycis frame, which consisted of a Horsley–Clarke
physics. The first stereotactic apparatus was described in device attached to patients’ skulls with a ring secured by a
1908 by Sir Victor Horsley and Robert Clarke [5]. It utilized plaster of Paris cap [5, 8], was not without drawbacks. During
Cartesian coordinates to locate structures within the brain, pneumoencephalography, cerebrospinal fluid was drained so
using bony landmarks for reference. Their work also included that air would enter the cerebral ventricles and allow for tar-
the first stereotactic atlas, which contained illustrated cross geting of brain structures using X-rays. The side effects were
sections of the monkey brain registered to distinguishing fea- so severe that patients were unable to undergo surgery on the
tures on the skull. The major issue with Horsley and Clarke’s same day their imaging and measurements were taken.
system was that intracranial anatomical structures vary sig- However, when positive contrast became available, the pro-
nificantly between individuals in their relationship to bony cedure became more easily tolerated. The Spiegel–Wycis
landmarks of the skull, making accurate targeting impossi- frame spurred the invention of at least 40 other stereotactic
ble. Interestingly, one of the engineers who worked on the devices [5], including Leksell’s.
apparatus designed a frame for human use. Unable to per- Concurrent radiobiological innovations played an equally
suade his neurosurgical colleagues to use it, he stored it in a important role as stereotactic ones in the development of
closet until his family discovered it, almost 60 years later [6]. SRS. Ionizing radiation was used for therapeutic purposes
The first stereotactic device accurate enough for use in soon after it was discovered; three months after Wilhelm
humans was developed in 1947 by Ernest A. Spiegel and Konrad Roentgen published his report in 1895, X-rays were
Henry T. Wycis (Fig. 1.1). This new stereotactic frame used to treat skin and breast cancers [3, 9]. The discovery of
radioactivity by Becquerel in 1896, and of radium by the
Curies soon after, opened the door for the medical use of
radioisotopes. X-rays were used to treat patients with pitu-
itary tumors as early as 1906, and radium brachytherapy was
applied to treat similar conditions at about the same time [10].
Harvey Cushing, the father of American neurosurgery, had
extensive experience with both X-ray and brachytherapy
treatments, although he remained skeptical of the utility of
either [11]. Dosimetry was poorly understood, and treat-
ments were not standardized. Nonetheless, some neurosur-
geons continued to explore the uses of ionizing radiation,
and new methods continued to be developed through the
Fig. 1.4 Lars Leksell treating the first case of acoustic neurinoma with
Fig. 1.2 First stereotactic instrument for radiosurgery using 280 kV first version of gamma knife, 1968. From Textbook of Stereotactic and
X-rays, early 1950s. From Textbook of Stereotactic and Functional Functional Neurosurgery. Lozano, Andres M.; Gildenberg, Philip L.;
Neurosurgery. Lozano, Andres M.; Gildenberg, Philip L.; Tasker, Tasker, Ronald R. (Eds.) 2nd ed. 2009; used with permission
Ronald R. (Eds.) 2nd ed. 2009; used with permission
Extracranial SRS
32. Kondziolka D, Lunsford LD. Stereotactic radiosurgery for squa- 36. Hamilton A, Lulu B, Fosmire H, Stea B, Cassady J. Preliminary
mous cell carcinoma of the nasopharynx. Laryngoscope. 1991; clinical experience with linear accelerator-based spinal stereotactic
101(5):519–22. radiosurgery. Neurosurgery. 1995;36:311–9.
33. Firlik KS, Kondziolka D, Lunsford LD, Janecka IP, Flickinger 37. De Salles AAF, Sedrak M, Lemaire JJ. The future of radiosurgery
JC. Radiosurgery for recurrent cranial base cancer arising from the and radiotherapy. In: De Salles AAF, Gorgulho A, Agazaryan N,
head and neck. Head Neck. 1996;18(2):160–5. discussion 6. Slotman B, Selch M, Burwick AJ, editors. Shaped beam radiosur-
34. Kaplan ID, Adler JR, Hicks Jr WL, Fee WE, Goffinet gery. Berlin: Springer; 2011. p. 305–9.
DR. Radiosurgery for palliation of base of skull recurrences from 38. Gildenberg PL, Krauss JK. History of the stereotactic societies. In:
head and neck cancers. Cancer. 1992;70(7):1980–4. Lozano A, Gildenberg P, Tasker R, editors. Textbook of stereotactic
35. Lax I, Blomgren H, Näslund I, Svanström R. Stereotactic radio- and functional neurosurgery. Berlin: Springer; 2009. p. 35–44.
therapy of malignancies in the abdomen: methodological aspects. 39. Harzing AW. Publish or Perish. 2007. Available from http://www.
Acta Oncol. 1994;33(6):677–83. harzing.com/pop/htm.
Imaging Techniques in Stereotactic
Radiosurgery 2
Jessica Zhou, Yue Cao, James Balter, Neeraj Chaudhary,
Aditya S. Pandey, Greg Thompson, and Christina I. Tsien
L.S. Chin and W.F. Regine (eds.), Principles and Practice of Stereotactic Radiosurgery, 11
DOI 10.1007/978-1-4614-8363-2_2, © Springer Science+Business Media New York 2015
12 J. Zhou et al.
Fig. 2.1 Split window display of image registration of MR and CT for a right parietal brain metastasis for SRS treatment planning in the axial
(right image), sagittal (middle image), and coronal (left image) views
may also require a larger bore for patient setup to allow for the RTOG 9005 trial showed significantly higher CNS toxic-
appropriate MRI compatible immobilization devices. ity in patients with larger tumor diameters [7]. Tumors with
Solutions to these shortcomings of MRI-based plans are diameters between 2.1 and 3 cm have a 7.3-fold increased
being developed. The lack of an identifiable relationship risk of developing toxicity over tumors with diameters of
between MR image values and electron densities has been 2 cm or less. Tumors between 3.1 and 4 cm had a 16-fold
addressed in a variety of ways. Early treatment planning increased risk. In general, SRS is recommended for tumors
using MRI alone involved assignment of bulk densities (e.g., less than 4 cm in size [7].
to bone and the rest of the brain), which resulted in a smaller The safety of SRS and the rates of post–treatment com-
(1–1.5 %) calculated dose difference between the MRI-based plication can also vary based on the location of the tumor
and a CT-based plans when compared to plans without bulk relative to the surrounding cerebral structures. In a review
density assignment. More recent work has included use of by Flickinger et al., the rate of symptomatic radiation
electron density atlases and statistical modeling of tissue necrosis was highest (threefold increased risk) for arterio-
composition to assign attenuation properties. Recent devel- venous malformation (AVM) lesions in the basal ganglia
opments which may benefit MRI–PET systems as well as and the brainstem (pons, midbrain, medulla) [8]. In con-
radiation oncology include ultrashort TE (UTE) imaging and trast, the risk of radiation injury remained low (even with
even more sophisticated attenuation models [4, 5]. These increased volumes) for lesions irradiated in the frontal and
methods may reduce uncertainties of MR planning in most temporal lobes.
regions of the brain to a fairly insignificant level in the near Similarly, the proximity of critical neuroanatomic struc-
future. One issue of note, however, is the potential for local tures to the targeted area is important to consider during SRS
distortion effects, e.g., due to air–tissue interfaces, which planning. Relative contraindications for SRS include close
may cause displacements of 1–2 mm over very short dis- proximity or involvement of the optic tract including the optic
tances from the interface (<1 cm) [6]. nerves and chiasm. The optic apparatus dose is generally lim-
ited to 10 Gy to limit the risk of optic neuropathy [9, 10].
In contrast, the remaining cranial nerves have somewhat
Radiologic and Anatomic Considerations higher dose tolerances [11, 12].
During Treatment Planning
The goal of SRS is not only to give a maximal dose of focal Physiologic MR Imaging and Metabolic
radiation to the target but also to prevent injury to the sur- PET Imaging in SRS
rounding normal tissue. Both tumor size and proximity to
surrounding structures need to be taken into consideration Physiologic MR and metabolic PET imaging can add to
during treatment planning. information obtained by morphological imaging and serve as
Tumor size dictates the feasibility of radiosurgery. a surrogate marker for specific biologic processes. These
Increasing tumor size results in an exponential increase in imaging techniques permit in vivo analysis of tumor tissue
the margin of normal brain tissue irradiated and is potentially properties including chemical composition, tumor vasculature,
associated with a higher risk of complications. Results from perfusion, and tumor cellularity [13].
2 Imaging Techniques in Stereotactic Radiosurgery 13
Fig. 2.2 (a) MR diffusion tensor imaging and tractography illus- cingulum and fornix show significant decreases compared to the
trating a right parietal–occipital mass and the bilateral corticospi- corpus callosum 1 month following radiation, suggesting increased
nal tracts. Peritumoral edema appears to infiltrate and displace the radiation sensitivity. Preliminary data showing a correlation
posterior and superior part of the right corticospinal tract compared between early diffusivity changes and late decline in verbal recall
to the left. (b) Quantitative DTI analyses were performed on spe- suggest that DTI imaging may be a useful biomarker for late CNS
cific white matter structures including the posterior cingulate, for- toxicity [34]. Means and standard errors of the percentage decrease
nix, and corpus callosum. Fractional anisotropy (FA) values in the in FA 1 month post-RT are plotted
matter structures following radiation may also be an indica- increased protein transport mediated by L-type amino acid
tor for delayed radiation-induced neurotoxicity [34]. These carriers at the blood–brain barrier level compared with
studies examined changes in diffusion indices including normal brain tissue [41]. It is able to better differentiate
fractional anisotropy (FA) as an index of fiber integrity, mean tumor from background brain signals than 18F-labeled
diffusivity (MD) as an index of overall diffusivity, radial dif- 2-fluoro-2-deoxy-D-glucose (FDG)-PET, which is more dif-
fusivity (RD) as an index of demyelination, and axial diffu- ficult to interpret due to the high level of intrinsic glucose
sivity (AD) as an index of fiber degradation [35]. Surgical uptake in the brain.
series have demonstrated the utility of DTI in reducing the 18F-fluorothymidine (FLT)-PET uses the alternative
risk of morbidity of brain tumor resections near critical tracer FLT, which is a thymidine analogue that is incorporated
structures. Similar incorporation of DTI tractography imag- exclusively into DNA. This allows measurement of the activ-
ing in SRS may be valuable with regards to delineation of ity of cellular thymidine kinase, which increases several folds
normal tissue avoidance structures in treatment planning for as cells enter the S phase and begin DNA synthesis. Therefore,
lesions near eloquent regions (Fig. 2.2) [36]. Incorporation increased FLT uptake is a direct measure of cellular prolifera-
of tractography data in SRS treatment planning has been tion rate and correlates with Ki-67 staining [42].
shown in studies to lead to decreased dose to critical struc-
tures including the optic tract and pyramidal tracts [37].
Imaging Consideration in the SRS
Treatment of Malignant Tumors
Metabolic PET Imaging
Brain Metastases
With a number of tracer compounds available, PET and
SPECT allow for noninvasive measurements of tumor Whole-brain radiotherapy has been the mainstay of treat-
hypoxia, proliferation index, and markers of apoptosis [38, ment of brain metastasis. However, there has been a recent
39]. The cellular and physiological information obtained shift toward greater use of stereotactic radiosurgery in
may be used in combination with MR imaging, which still patients with a limited number of brain metastases and with
has relatively superior spatial resolution, to improve target controlled systemic disease in order to increase dose to
volume definition in radiotherapy planning [40]. tumor and minimize neurocognitive morbidity [43].
11C Methionine (MET)-PET visualizes increased radio- SRS target volume definition for brain metastasis is typi-
tracer uptake by metabolically active tumor. It is able to detect cally accomplished using conventional thin-cut CT or
increased cellular metabolism in brain tumors involving T1-weighted MR imaging with contrast enhancement.
2 Imaging Techniques in Stereotactic Radiosurgery 15
Studies have reported on improved outcomes with the and following SRS [49]. ADC values for the group showing
addition of a 1–2 mm margin to account for microscopic dis- radiation-induced central necrosis was significantly higher
ease in the SRS treatment of brain metastases [44, 45]. The than those demonstrating recurrent tumor growth. Similar
additional margin may be necessary to account for possible results were noted in a prospective trial of 38 patients treated
infiltrative tumor growth beyond the enhancing border as with gamma knife radiosurgery for brain metastases with
well as the limited accuracy of delineation of the enhancing significant increases in mean ADC values indicative of stable
border based on current imaging methods. A study by disease and unchanged ADC levels indicative of tumor recur-
Baumert et al. evaluated specimens from 76 metastatic brain rence [50]. The changes in ADC occurred before any defini-
lesions and found that 63 % of the specimens showed tumor tive change in volume were evident on further imaging
infiltration beyond the metastases boundary, with small-cell studies. In another study, posttreatment ADC patterns com-
lung cancer and melanoma showing a maximum depth of pared with initial diffusion imaging were used to predict ulti-
infiltration of >1 mm and other histologies <1 mm [45]. mate treatment outcomes on serial MR imaging in 25
Non-small cell lung cancer, melanoma, and sarcoma also metastatic tumors [51]. The authors found that the normal-
showed the most number of infiltration zones outside the ized ADC patterns outperformed initial posttreatment tumor
boundary. Another study by Noel et al. found that the addi- volume in predicting long-term response to treatment.
tion of a 1 mm margin on MRI to account for microscopic At the University of Michigan, alterations in vascular vol-
disease extension for brain metastases improved the 2-year ume and permeability in brain metastases, as measured using
local control rate from 51 to 90 % [44]. dynamic contrast-enhanced MRI hve been analyzed to pre-
SRS is also frequently used as adjuvant treatment to max- dict subsequent volumetric response following radiation. In
imize local control following surgical resection, with a recent prospective study that evaluated 43 lesions from 20
reported control rates of approximately 80 % [46]. In plan- patients, results showed that the percentage decrease in the
ning treatment in the adjuvant setting, one also needs to take high-CBV-defined subvolumes of the tumor was greater in
into consideration changes in the size of the surgical cavity the group of responsive tumors than in the group of stable
when delineating the target volume. In a study by Atalar and progressive tumors (P < 0.007). Perfusion changes were
et al. on 68 lesions, the postresection cavity volume was a significantly better predictor for post-RT response than
smaller than the preresection tumor volume by a median changes in the gross tumor volume observed during the same
percent volume change of 29 % [47]. The authors found that time interval (P = 0.012), suggesting that physiological
the greatest volume change occurred immediately after sur- changes occur prior to volumetric changes [52].
gery during postoperative days 0–3, with no significant PET imaging, including FDG PET, has also been evaluated
change occurring up to 33 days after surgery. Thus, there for differentiating between recurrence and posttreatment
may not be a benefit to an extended waiting period prior to changes. Studies have shown that areas of radiation injury have
proceeding with SRS. A planning margin for microscopic lower glucose metabolism than normal brain tissue due to
extension has also been shown to improve control in the lower cellular attenuation [53]. Varying degrees of accuracy of
adjuvant setting. A study by Soltys et al. analyzed 76 resec- FDG-PET in detecting tumor recurrence versus radiation
tion cavities that were treated with radiosurgery [48]. Less necrosis have been reported. Several retrospective analyses
conformal treatment plans with a 2.4 mm margin of brain have shown sensitivity in detection of tumor recurrence
tissue around the cavity had a 100 % local control rate, com- ranging from 80 to 100 % and specificity higher than 80 %;
pared with 78 % for a 1.7 mm margin, 52 % for 1.5 mm, and however, these studies lacked histopathological validation [54, 55].
43 % for 0.8 mm. Toxicity was minimal and therefore the In a study of 15 patients with a histopathologically confirmed
inclusion of a 2 mm margin to improve local control was diagnosis, Thompson et al. showed that FDG-PET was
recommended. sufficiently sensitive to differentiate recurrent tumor from
radiation effect in only 43 % of the cases and was least accurate
when the lesion volume was less than 6 cm3 [56].
Assessment of Treatment Response MET–PET may provide a better method for differentiating
radiation necrosis from recurrent tumor. In 21 patients with
Novel imaging techniques in addition to conventional suspected recurrent metastatic brain tumor or radiation
contrast-enhanced MRI are now more frequently used to injury, MET-PET scans showed a sensitivity of 78 % and
assess brain metastasis response following radiosurgery. specificity of 100 % in detecting tumor recurrence [57]. In
MR diffusion imaging has been used in the evaluation of another study of 77 patients, a mean SUV ratio of lesion
SRS treatment response (Fig. 2.3). Several studies have uptake to contralateral normal gray matter uptake of greater
noted that longitudinal ADC values may be important in than 1.41 provided the best sensitivity (79 %) and specificity
predicting early tumor response to SRS treatment. In a (75 %) for metastatic brain tumor and a value of greater than
prospective study by Huang et al., 21 patients with 32 brain 1.58 provided the best sensitivity (75 %) and specificity
metastases were analyzed. ADCs were measured both prior (75 %) for recurrent glioma [58].
16 J. Zhou et al.
Fig. 2.3 (a) T1-weighted images (right), ADC map (middle), and (green), a region of interest corresponding to a brain metastases at
perfusion map (left) are shown at baseline prior to SRS for a right baseline (blue) and 2 weeks after SRS (red ). Quantitative ADC his-
parietal brain metastases (top row) and 1 month post SRS treatment togram analysis demonstrate the fractional tumor subvolume with
(bottom row). Qualitatively, there are significant decreases noted in low ADC appeared to increase 2 weeks after SRS consistent with a
tumor volume, diffusion, and perfusion 1 month after treatment. (b) nonresponsive or progressive tumor confirmed on subsequent fol-
Mean ADC histogram analyses performed for the normal tissue low-up imaging at 4 months
Fig. 2.4 Multimodality MR imaging for target volume definition for a defined by T1 post-gad (third image from left). This shows the potential
left temporal glioblastoma. T1 post-gadolinium notes a contrast-enhancing for perfusion MRI to identify aggressive subvolumes in gliomas [11]. C
lesion (far left image) with significant peritumoral edema shown on MR MET PET (far right image) also provides additional information for tar-
FLAIR imaging (second image from left). Perfusion map shows areas of get volume definition compared with conventional MR regarding tumor
high CBV (red) extending beyond the contrast-enhancing tumor rim as extension along the white matter tract
high-grade glioma, choline peak height normalized to contra- had relative CBV values from 0.21 to 0.71, while the recur-
lateral creatine and choline or ipsilateral NAA significantly rent tumor group had CBV values from 0.55 to 4.64. A
correlated with tumor cell density [62]. threshold value of 0.71 therefore optimized differentiation
The degree of spatial overlap between tumor volumes with between the two groups with a sensitivity of 91.7 % and
elevated choline and the radiosurgical target volume has been specificity of 100 %.
correlated with clinical outcome. A retrospective study in
patients with recurrent GBMs treated with SRS found an
improvement in survival if the target volume overlapped with Imaging Considerations in the SRS
the pretreatment MR spectroscopy metabolic lesion by 50 % Treatment of Benign Lesions
or greater (median OS 15.7 versus 10.4 months, P < 0.01) [63].
Newer imaging techniques are also crucial in posttreat- Acoustic Neuroma (Vestibular Schwannomas)
ment follow-up of recurrent gliomas as posttreatment
contrast-enhancing lesions often consist of a mixture of Acoustic neuromas are benign neoplasms derived from
tumor cells and tissue with radiation injury and therefore are Schwann cells of the myelin sheath that show a predilection
difficult to accurately differentiate noninvasively. for involvement of sensory nerves. Acoustic neuromas
MR spectroscopy is one modality that is being increas- account for approximately 5–8 % of intracranial tumors and
ingly used to distinguish the two in the posttreatment set- 80–90 % of cerebellopontine angle tumors. Retrospective
ting. However, there is currently no consensus in the data have shown excellent tumor control rates with stereotac-
literature on which calculated ratios can best differentiate tic radiosurgery [66]. A University of Pittsburgh study of 216
tumor recurrence from radiation injury. One study of 100 patients with unilateral acoustic neuromas treated with
tissue biopsy samples from 44 patients with grade 2-4 glio- Gamma knife (marginal tumor dose of 12–13 Gy) showed a
mas, a choline/NAA ratio cutoff threshold of 2.5, was able 10 year resection-free control rate of 98.3 %, low toxicity
to differentiate recurrent tumor from normal, edematous, with good rates of hearing preservation (Robertson–Gardner
and necrotic brain tissue, with an approximate 90 % sensi- serviceable hearing 45 %), and high preservation rates of tri-
tivity and 86 % specificity [64]. Another study showed the geminal and facial nerve function [67].
ability to differentiate tumor recurrence from radiation Contrast-enhanced MRI is used to evaluate treatment
injury in 27 of 28 patients by using a cutoff value of 1.8 or response. Following SRS treatment, clinical data suggest that
greater for the choline/NAA or choline/creatine ratio repre- acoustic neuromas may temporarily expand in size initially and
senting tumor recurrence [28]. then stabilize. Thus, a longer period of follow-up is required
MR perfusion imaging has also shown its utility in post before determining disease progression. A retrospective review
SRS treatment evaluation. One study prospectively evalu- of 75 patients showed that 23 % had evidence of pseudopro-
ated 42 image-guided tissue specimens from 13 patients gression with onset of enlargement at 6 months, of which 9 %
with high-grade glioma using threshold relative CBV val- remained larger than initial volume at last follow-up. No fur-
ues to distinguish recurrent tumor from radiation changes ther progression was seen beyond 24 months for all patients
[65]. The authors found that the treatment-related group [68]. Another study involving 87 patients showed that peak
18 J. Zhou et al.
tumor volume expansion was observed at 8.6 months after SRS in those patients who did not initially present with radiologic
[69]. At 5 years follow-up, the mean reduction in tumor volume or neurologic changes on the initial posttreatment scan. Nor
was 31 %. However, there were still 10 % of tumors that is serial repeat imaging recommended for those patients who
remained larger than their initial volume. respond well clinically unless neurological deficits emerge.
Considering the potential for pseudoprogression, follow- Imaging may be used for the assessment of potential
up recommendations include posttreatment MR imaging to radiation-related injury to the brainstem.
establish a baseline and at 24 months, followed by yearly
imaging. In general, salvage therapy is not recommended
before 2 years unless there is clinical deterioration. Arteriovenous Malformations
Hydrocephalus can also be seen on follow-up imaging, a
potential complication following SRS treatment of acoustic Arteriovenous malformations (AVMs) are abnormal commu-
neuromas. In a retrospective review of 444 patients treated nications between arteries and veins, usually associated with
with radiosurgery, symptomatic communicating hydroceph- high blood flow that results in blood vessel remodeling. The
alus developed in 5.6 % of patients, with a median time to incidence of AVMs is approximately 0.01–0.1 %, and present-
symptom development of 7 months [70]. Patient monitoring ing symptoms include hemorrhage, seizure, and headaches.
for development of hydrocephalus is recommended follow- The average annual risk of bleeding is 2–3 %, with a slightly
ing SRS treatment for up to 3–4 years. higher risk if there is a prior history of bleed (2–6 %) and
slightly lower risk if no prior bleed (1–3 %) [74]. AVMs are
graded based on the Spetzler–Martin scale, which reflects the
Trigeminal Neuralgia size and venous drainage, as well as eloquence of the adjacent
brain. Current treatment options include surgery, with opera-
Trigeminal neuralgia is a painful syndrome resulting in bility depending on AVM location, embolization, and SRS.
intense and often severe episodes of lancinating pain occur- Following SRS, clinical studies show obliteration rates of
ring in the distribution of cranial nerve V. Although benign, 60–90 % [75, 76]. In one study, 351 patients were treated to
trigeminal neuralgia can significantly diminish a patients’ a median dose of 20 Gy, and the rate of obliteration was
quality of life. Common treatment options include antiepi- 73 % by angiography, 86 % by MR alone, and 75 % overall
leptics, neuroleptics, opioids, and antidepressant medications. [77]. A persistent out-of-field nidus was seen in 18 % of pre-
When medication fails to alleviate the effects of trigeminal viously embolized and 5 % of nonembolized pts. Data on
neuralgia, available treatments include microvascular surgi- larger AVMs show decreasing obliteration and higher com-
cal decompression, ablation, and SRS. SRS has been highly plication rates with increasing volume.
successful in pain control, with excellent response in Although SRS is noninvasive, one disadvantage of SRS
70–90 % of patients [71]. In a prospective clinical trial, 100 compared with surgery is the potential for continued risk of
patients were treated with Gamma Knife radiosurgery to a hemorrhage in the 1–3 years after treatment. A retrospective
median dose of 85 Gy [72]. Of the total, 83% of the patients observational study of 500 patients on the rates of hemorrhage
were pain free at a minimum follow-up time of 12 months showed that, compared with the period between diagnosis
and 70 % had stopped taking medications during the study. and radiosurgery, the risk of hemorrhage decreased by 54 %
Post treatment complications were minimal, with facial par- during a median latency period of 2 years from treatment to
esthesia in 6 % and hypesthesia in 4 %. angiographic evidence of obliteration and by 88 % after
MRI is of paramount importance for the accurate planning angiographic obliteration [78].
of SRS treatment of trigeminal neuralgia. Studies have
shown relatively limited use of imaging in predicting effec- Cerebral Angiography
tive treatment outcome because the evidence of treatment Cerebral angiography has been the gold standard in the initial
benefit or treatment failure is most often readily apparent diagnosis and evaluation of AVMs, as part of radiosurgery
before enhancement occurs. Posttreatment follow-up with treatment planning, and in posttreatment residual AVM moni-
contrast-enhanced MRI taken at 6 months can provide for toring [79, 80]. It is a dynamic, real-time study that shows not
target confirmation due to the high prevalence of contrast only the presence or absence of an AVM but also the vascular
enhancement. The posttreatment imaging characteristics of transit time. It provides superior spatial resolution without
trigeminal neuralgia were assessed by Massager et al., who overlap of adjacent vascular structures as would be seen on CT
reported that at 6 months post-treatment, contrast enhance- or MRI. The image acquisition on cerebral angiography is
ment on T1-weighted MRI was seen in 83 % of trigeminal rapid and enables delineation of the arterial and venous phases
nerve roots [73]. However, they found no correlation between of the circulation, which allows better visualization of the
the occurrence of focal enhancement of the nerve root and AVM nidus and its shunt components. The potential complica-
pain outcome, or development of trigeminal dysfunction. tions of the invasive procedure include stroke, arterial dissec-
Repeated serial imaging is generally not considered helpful tion, and reactions to the contrast agent.
2 Imaging Techniques in Stereotactic Radiosurgery 19
Even though angiography is useful as a diagnostic tool in placement of endovascular catheters and subsequent capture
defining the nidus, feeding arteries and draining veins, it is of cross-sectional vascular imaging with an intra-arterial
limited in its use for radiosurgery treatment planning pur- CTA technique [83]. Together, the high spatial and temporal
poses because of its 2D dataset. This can lead to both over- resolution of biplane angiography can be combined with the
and underestimation of the AVM nidus in the target volume relatively high-contrast soft tissue resolution of CT imaging.
[81]. Alternate approaches include obtaining either intrave- Small cerebral AVMs are often not readily seen on IV-CTA
nous CTA or MRI angiography to provide a 3D view of or MRA and instead may require high-resolution intra-
the nidus [82]. Most recently, hybrid biplane angiography arterial CTA images that may provide better target volume
and CT-on-rails suites have been developed for the safe delineation for SRS treatment planning (Fig. 2.5).
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Techniques of Stereotactic
Localization 3
Victor C.K. Tse, M. Yashar S. Kalani, and John R. Adler
The word stereotactic stems from the Greek words solid and The innovation of their device was having a separate base
arrangement or to order. It describes the ability to locate the frame and a headpiece. The base frame fixed onto the skull
target in a defined three-dimensional space using an estab- rigidly and established the horizontal planes along Reid’s
lished coordinate system. Its application to neurosurgery is line, thus allowing the coordinates to be read along the infra-
credited to Horsley and Clarke at the turn of the twentieth orbital border to the external auditory meatus. The headpiece
century [1], but historically, it has been noted that the idea of was then incorporated perpendicular onto the basal frame to
using anatomical landmarks as reference points to describe adjust the vertical plane. The headpiece carried a micro-
the locations of deep brain structures precedes Horsley and manipulator that was perpendicular to the frame. It was
Clarke (Fig. 3.1). through this micro-manipulator that the aspiration needle
and stimulating electrode were placed into the deep structure
of the brain. The Horsely–Clarke system was based primar-
History of Stereotaxis ily on a set of predictable measurements available to them
that address the location of deep brain structures in reference
The development of sterotactic localization parallels those of to calvarial landmarks.
brain imaging, but the earliest applications of stereotaxis In the early part of the 1900s, most stereotatic localization
predate the advent of imaging modalities. Dittmar in 1873 in clinical use was based on modifications of the Horsley–
describes a study of the medulla oblongata of cat using a Clarke frame with calvarial anatomical landmarks [4]. Later,
device to read off the distance from fixed dependable surface several key technical developments, including the introduc-
anatomical landmark. Zernov in Russia used a similar tion of X-rays, ventriculography, and cerebral angiography,
approach in 1890 to locate deep structures in humans [2]. changed the course of stereotactic localization.
The L’encephalometer was a relatively simple device The introduction of the pneumoventriculogram (first
anchored onto the meridian of the human skull; it used the described by Dandy) with air as the contrast agent allowed
polar coordinate and arc-based angulation system to mark Spiegel and Wycis to use intraventricular landmarks to cali-
the trajectory to the designated structures of the brain. brate the stereotactic frame [5]. They established the use of
In 1889, it was used to locate the central sulcus of the human the posterior commissure, the infra-aural plane, and the
brain for the aspiration of an abscess [3]. Ultimately, its con- Frankfurt line (a straight horizontal line from the top of the
tribution to neurosurgery was overshadowed by the work of external auditory meatus to the inferior border of the orbit
Horsely and Clarke. along either side of the human skull) as reference points.
Not unlike Zenov’s device, Horsely’s device was This approach led to several modifications and refinements
also anchored onto the skull by using a pair of ear bars. of the published atlas for stereotactic localization. By the
late 1950s, the inter-commissural line joining the anterior
V.C.K. Tse, M.D., Ph.D. (*) commissure to the posterior commissure (as introduced by
Kaiser Permanente Medical Group, Redwood City, CA, USA Talairach) was the de facto reference point in defining deep
e-mail: Tsevictor@gmail.com structures in the brain [6] (Fig. 3.2). The internal structures
M.Y.S. Kalani, M.D., Ph.D. of the brain especially those surrounding the ventricles
Division of Neurological Surgery, Barrow Neurological Institute, could be located with a high degree of certainty by reading
St. Joseph’s Hospital and Medical Center, Phoenix, AZ, USA
off the coordinates from a grid and its companion atlas and
J.R. Adler, M.D. adjusted for the magnification of the X-ray taken during
Neurosurgery, Stanford University and Chief of New Clinical
Applications at Varian Medical Systems, Stanford, CA, USA pneumoencephalography.
L.S. Chin and W.F. Regine (eds.), Principles and Practice of Stereotactic Radiosurgery, 25
DOI 10.1007/978-1-4614-8363-2_3, © Springer Science+Business Media New York 2015
26 V.C.K. Tse et al.
Fig. 3.1 The progression in stereotactic localization from 1906 to the operating room where the reference fiducial system is attached to the
modern time. (a) A replicate of the horsely and clarke frame (open head-rest and surface anatomical landmarks are co-registered with the
source from Google images). (b) A modern leskell frame (image used preoperative CT and MRI fused images, thus allowing real-time navi-
with permission from Elekta). (c, d) A frameless system used in the gation and target localization
a treatment probe could be more readily and safely identi- integrals along an X-ray beam path [9]. This laid the ground-
fied. Extrapolating from his early concept Leksell would work for the development of CT imaging, which was readily
eventually imagine the idea of using a collimated radiation incorporated into stereotactic localization.
source instead of a physical probe to allow isocentric target- In 1967 Hounsfield envisaged a computational solution to
centered radiotherapy. By observing this evolution in stereo- reconstructing images based on photon transmission when
taxy it is clear to see how development of the Leksell frame X-rays were taken in all possible directions around an object
eventually resulted in the development of the field of stereo- while it was translating along an axis. He deduced that if
tactic radiosurgery [7]. X-rays were taken in all directions around an object, when
In the early 1960s, Oldendorf elaborated on the tomogra- the data were represented as a series of slices, a mathemati-
phy technique by rotating a radiation source and detector cal model based on Fourier transformation could be used to
around an axis in a constant linear manner, to differentiate differentiate the radiodensity of tissue within each individual
tissue density by its radiation absorption. Theoretically, tis- slice. Furthermore, in knowing topographical map of the
sue at the point of intersection would have constant radiation radiodensity distribution he could regenerate images of
absorption, whereas all other tissues in that plane had vari- structures within that slice. From this basic concept com-
able radiation absorption [8]. Cormack in 1963, used Fourier puted tomography was born. With the support of EMI Inc.,
transformation and backprojection to provide a mathemati- Hounsfield was successful in building the first CT machine.
cal solution and reconstruct the cross-section of radiographic Stereotactic surgery in its early years mainly relied on
images by recapitulating the sum of the radiodensities as line ventriculocisternography to localize internal structures for
28 V.C.K. Tse et al.
Fig. 3.3 The use of a N-localizer (a) to translate two-dimensional coordinates into three-dimensional reference points in the CT images (b).
(c) The localization of the target can then be checked against a phantom base
lesioning, but by the late 1970s, target localization in stereo- To facilitate the digitization of surgical space, a series of
tactic surgery was mainly done by CT imaging. A localizing externally visible fiducial markers would be attached to dis-
plate with vertical fiducial posts filled with radio-opaque crete skin and scalp locations prior to the acquisition of plan-
material was fixed to the base of the stereotactic frame. These ning imaging studies. Upon completing presurgical head
posts essentially formed a picket fence around the perimeter immobilization, most typically in a Mayfield headrest, these
of the stereotactic frame while the patient was being imaged. same fiducials could be spatially registered and even tracked
The positions of the posts were read as the x–y coordinates in using any number of three-dimensional digitizing devices.
the CT images and used as reference points. The location of The earliest digitizer used for frameless stereotactic localiza-
the target was then triangulated. By late 1970s, the accuracy tion, was a mechanical arm (wand) consisting of a series of
of target localization was greatly improved through the inno- optically encoded joints that could be read by a computer. By
vation of Russell Brown who added a diagonal bar across the computationally determining the three-dimensional position
two picket posts to generate an N-localizer. This ingenious of the scalp fiducials, the digitizer enabled the entire head to
design simplified the conversion of the two-dimensional be registered within three-dimensional operative space.
coordinates into three-dimensional reference points in the When during actual surgery, calibrated tools were attached to
CT images (Fig. 3.3). The N-localizer allows the colocaliza- the same mechanical arm surgeons were able for the first
tion of the desired target in both CT and MRI images, and time to “navigate” through a patient’s anatomy by using the
improves the accuracy of multimodal image fusion. In the planning CT (and eventually MRI) as a map, thereby
1980s the N-localizer was universally adapted and was enabling the emergence of “image-guided surgery.” Over
incorporated into the design of the Leskell frame for stereo- time further advances in three dimensional digitization tech-
tactic radiosurgery [10–12]. nology translated directly to improved tools for image guid-
ance. These new digitization technologies, each with their
own advantages and disadvantages, utilized acoustic, elec-
From Frame-Based to Frameless System tromagnetic, and finally optical tracking concepts [13].
Fig. 3.4 The use of DRR in stereotactic localization: (a, b) The stimu- translational and three rotational dimensions (6 degrees of freedom) to
lation CT with its selected alignment center is used to generate a pair of be compared. A and C illustrate skull tracking for treating a patient with
DRR; (c, d): The fusion of two orthogonal X-ray projection images trigeminal neuralgia; B and D illustrate spine tracking for treating a
taken by the tracking system in Cyberknife treatment room and co- lung lesion
registered with the DRRs. This allows the target position in the three
introduces an internal marginal error (the probability in both Unlike conventional CT, CBCT uses a cone-shaped rather
spatial and temporal dimensions within which the target than a fan-shaped beam thus allowing the acquisition of a
may be located) and possibility of causing an error in dose three-dimensional image volume during a single rotation of
delivery. To overcome the geometrical uncertainty of target the X-ray source/detector tandem. These localization vol-
localization caused by motion, one needs dynamic updating umes can be registered directly with the planning CT for bet-
of the spatial location of the target, the motion of the ter visualization and matching of the target location.
patient’s body, and internal organs with respect to time [14]. Additionally, it allows one to use soft tissue anatomy and
In other words, one has to track the target in real time either landmark to track and correct target localization (Fig. 3.5).
by following the movement of the target or by tracking some To date, Megavoltage CBCT has poor soft tissue contrast
moving structures that correlates with the movement of the due to Compton scatter and detection efficiency is low result-
target. The other approach is to use movement information ing in high noise levels with high energy photon. In the
to predict the position of the target or its surrogate at a par- future, with advancement of megavoltage cone beam CT one
ticular point of a motion cycle such as the inspiration or may even be able to do real-time tracking and correct target
expiration motion cycle of the thorax (i.e., gating). In both localization in tandem with beam delivery during radiosur-
cases, this can be achieved by placing infrared reflective gery treatment.
markers onto the patient to allow real time tracking of the
target in reference to the position of the patient. Additionally
internal radio-opaque markers or bony structure can be used
as surrogate markers to tag the target in real time using The Future of Stereotactic Localization
X-Ray or stereoscopic CT scanning system. The use of
markers and DRR has been shown to reduce error [15]; Over the last generation the field of stereotaxy has evolved
however, using bony structures as a surrogate marker runs from a small subdiscipline of neurosurgery used only in the
the risk of “marker migration” if the target and its reference treatment of a handful of functional disorder, to a broad and
bony landmark can move independently to each other. growing category of tools and techniques that now impacts
At the time of treatment planning, both markers are iden- many areas of surgery outside the brain. Moreover, going
tified and registered with respect to the planning isocenter forward the ongoing revolution in minimally invasive sur-
for a chosen phase of motion (i.e., inspiration or expiration gery, which by its nature requires the ever more precise map-
phase of the respiratory cycle). Prior to treatment the patient ping of patient anatomic space into operative space, will only
is positioned using infrared positioning system in the room be fully realized by incorporating at increasingly deeper lev-
to align the treatment isocenter with the isocenter of the els all the principles of stereotaxy. Although the idea of using
machine. The motion of the patient is monitored and recorded real-time imaging as a substitute for stereotactic mapping in
to generate a model of the motion cycle. The technician then open surgical procedures is seductive, e.g., intraoperative
sets the acquisition time of the radiographic monitoring sys- MRI and CT, even here stereotaxy is useful because continu-
tem to correlate with the body motion and compare the real ous imaging and perfect patient immobilization prove impos-
time images to that of the DRR. sible. In the setting of noninvasive surgical procedures, such
as radiosurgery and high intensity focused ultrasound, the
need for stereotaxy is inescapable. As the importance of such
Immobilization and Target Tracking noninvasive procedures grows, we will see further utilization
of robotic tools to enable dynamic compensation for move-
Immobilization of the body helps to reduce motion and ment. Meanwhile, other imaging modalities besides X-rays
increase accuracy. In targeting lesions in the head and neck and MRI can be turned into spatial localization “anatomic”
region this is commonly done using a facial fixation mask. sensors such as ultrasound and perhaps near infrared. By not
In extracranial tracking, devices such as conformal alpha requiring ionizing radiation this approach promises truly
cradle, Vac-lock bag, and Memorial body cradle have been continuous “real-time” “anatomic localization”. It is likely
used to achieve the same effect. The patient is fitted with more specialized tools will be developed to enable specific
these devices during image acquisition in the planning CT clinical applications. As the frontiers of medicine advance
and during stereotactic radiosurgery treatment. The Memorial inexorably, and noninvasive procedures subsume nearly all
body cradle has its own built-in external fiducial coordinate of surgery, stereotaxy is likely to lose nearly all resemblance
system that can be visualized in the planning CT. However, a to the stereotactic head frames which introduced the notion
built-in fiducial system in the immobiliizing device does not of precision targeted surgery a century ago. Nevertheless the
necessarily improve accuracy. intrinsic stereotactic principles of organizing the operating
More recently, the use of real-time “on-board” kilo- environment into a precisely calibrated three-dimensional
voltage cone beam CT (CBCT) facilitates target localization. functional space will remain at the heart of such change.
3 Techniques of Stereotactic Localization 31
4. Kirschner M. Arch Klin Chir. 1923;176(581):581–620. 12. Leksell L. Stereotaxis and tomography, a technical note. Acts
5. Dandy WE. Ventriculography after injection of contrast into the Neurochirurgica. 1980;52:1–7.
ventricles. Ann Surg. 1918;68(1):5–11. 13. Reinhardt HF, Zweifel HJ. Interactive sonar-operated device for
6. Reichert T, Hassler R. Special method of stereotaxic brain opera- stereotactic and open surgery. Sterotact Funct Neurosurg.
tion. Proc Roy Soc Med. 1955;48:469–70. 1990;54:393–7.
7. Leksell L. The stereotaxic method and radiosurgery of the brain. 14. Verhey LJ. Immobilizing patients and positioning for radiotherapy.
Acta Chir Scand. 1951;102:316–9. Semin Radiat Oncol. 1995;5:100–14.
8. Oldendorf WH. The quest for an image of brain: a brief historical 15. Soete G, Van de Steene J, Verellen D, Vinh-Hung V, Van den Berge
and technical review of brain imaging techniques. Neurology. D, Michielsen D, Keuppens F, De Roover P, Storme G. Initial clini-
1978;28(6):517–33. cal experience with infrared-reflecting skin markers in the position-
9. Cormack AM. Representation of a function by its line integrals, ing of patients treated by conformal radiotherapy for prostate
with some radiological applications. J Appl Phys. cancer. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys. 2002;52:694–8.
10. Brown RA, Nelson JA. Invention of the N-localizer for stereotactic
neurosurgery and its use in the Brown-Roberts-Wells stereotactic
frame. Neurosurgery. 2012;70(2 Suppl Operative):173–6. Further Reading
11. Brown RA, Nelson J. The origin of the N-localizer for stereotactic
neurosurgery. Cureus. 2012;4(8):e55. doi:10.7759/cureus.55. Levy M. A Short history of stereotactic neurosurgery. http://www.
for-stereotactic-neurosurgery/203. neurosurgery.org/cybermuseum/stereotactichall/stereoarticle.html
Part II
Radiation Biology and Physics
The Physics of Stereotactic
Radiosurgery 4
Siyong Kim and Jatinder Palta
L.S. Chin and W.F. Regine (eds.), Principles and Practice of Stereotactic Radiosurgery, 35
DOI 10.1007/978-1-4614-8363-2_4, © Springer Science+Business Media New York 2015
36 S. Kim and J. Palta
lower higher
Energy of -9 -8 -7 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1
photon (eV) 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 1 101 102 103 104 105 106 107
Radio waves Infrared Ultraviolet X-ray
Microwaves Diagnostic
Fig. 4.1 The electromagnetic spectrum is illustrated. Therapeutic X-ray or ionizing radiation is in the energy range of 105 eV and higher. The
energy of photon beams commonly used in radiosurgery are higher than 106 eV
Co 5.26 y
potential differences in diagnostic X-ray tubes up to several
hundred kiloelectron volts (keV). The acceleration mecha-
nism in a linear accelerator, however, is somewhat different
b 1– (99.8%) 0.313 MeV because it uses microwave technology similar to that used
for radar to accelerate electrons in a linear tube, often called
an accelerator tube [21]. In linear accelerators, electrons
b 2– (0.12%) 1.489 MeV are usually accelerated to the energy range of 4–25 MeV.
g 1 (99.8%) 1.173 MeV
A 6-MeV electron is most often used to create an X-ray for
radiosurgery. When an electron creates a photon, theoreti-
cally, the photon can take any energy from 0 to the same as
the energy of the incident electron. In other words, the pho-
g 2 (100%) 1.332 MeV
ton beam produced by a 6-MeV electron beam can have an
energy spectrum of 0–6 MeV. The energy of an X-ray pro-
60 duced in a linear accelerator is denoted MV instead of MeV.
28 The major components and auxiliary systems of typical
medical linear accelerators are shown in a block diagram
Fig. 4.2 For 60Co, most of the disintegrations (99.8 %) are the emission
of a β1− with a maximum energy of 0.313 MeV. This leads to an excita- (Fig. 4.3). The role of each part is briefly explained below.
tion of 60Ni, which releases its energy quickly by emitting two gamma
rays (1.173 and 1.332 MeV) in cascade. In some disintegration Power Supply
(0.12 %), a β2− particle with a maximum energy of 1.486 MeV is
The power supply provides direct current (DC) power to the
released and leads to the lowest excited state of 60Ni
source of Gamma Knife needs to be replaced after a certain The modulator generates high-voltage pulses lasting a few
period of time to avoid long treatment times. microseconds that are simultaneously introduced to the
radiofrequency source and the electron gun.
Fig. 4.3 The power supply provides DC to the modulator, which tube. The electron and the microwave are timed exactly to be met in the
provides a high-voltage pulse to the RF generator and electron gun accelerator tube by the modulator. The accelerator tube accelerates the
simultaneously. The electron gun introduces the electron in pulse to the electrons via the resonance cavity. As the accelerated electron comes
accelerator tube. Electron production occurs through the thermionic out of the accelerator tube, the path of the electron is bent through a
process. The RF generator introduces a microwave to the accelerator bending magnet to hit the target and generates an X-ray
4×4 cm2 (a), 6×6 cm2 (b), and 8×8 cm2 (c), for both regular
flattened 6 MV beam and 6 MV FFF beam from a Varian
TrueBeam linear accelerator. As can be seen, dose rates in
FFF mode are larger than those in regular flattened beams by
about two times in 6 MV while profiles are not much differ-
ent. Dose rates in FFF mode become about four times larger
in 10 MV but more nonuniform dose profiles are expected.
Fig. 4.8 Dose rate profiles at 10 cm depth of water in three field sizes, TrueBeam linear accelerator. Dose rate scale is arbitrary and as illus-
4 × 4 cm2 (a), 6 × 6 cm2 (b), and 8 × 8 cm2 (c), for both regular flattened trated, dose rates in FFF mode are larger than those in regular flattened
6 MV beam (denoted as 6 MV) and 6 MV FFF beam from a Varian beams by about two times while profiles are not much different
Fig. 4.13 (a) In the thin line of beam and thin medium, the scattered broad beam and thick medium, the single or multiple scattering of
photons are out of the medium and never return back to the medium. photons can occur at any line of beam. The broad beam is considered
There is thus no contribution by the scattered photons to the dose. as a bundle of thin lines of beam. The scattered photons coming from
Percent depth dose (PDD) is mainly determined by the energy deposi- each beam line to the center line of interest contribute to the total
tion of the primary photons. (b) On the other hand, in the thick dose. PDD values beyond the dmax (depth of dose maximum) increase
medium with the thin line of photon beam, the scattered photons can with field size because there are more line beams for larger fields.
further interact with the medium and return to the center line of PDD Because most radiosurgery fields are small, radiosurgery beams are
measurement. In general, however, this effect is insignificant. (c) In the close to case (b)
Percent Depth Dose electrons rather than by photons themselves. Because most
When a photon beam is incident on a medium, it creates a of the ejected electrons lose energy continuously while
dose distribution within the medium. Relative dose at any traveling through the medium, there is a distance lag
depth is called the depth dose (DD) and when it is expressed between the photon interactions and the dose. This mecha-
as a percentile it is called the PDD. Let us assume a certain nism also creates a so-called build-up region in the shallow
number of photons in a hypothetical narrow beam are inci- depth of the medium. Although the number of interactions
dent on a thin medium (Fig. 4.13a). The number of photons is the highest at the surface of the medium, dose is almost
decreases exponentially because some photons interact zero (because most ejected electrons move deeper into the
with the medium and disappear from the path of the narrow medium). Thus, dose is close to zero at the surface, starts to
beam. Now think of energy deposition (i.e., dose) at depth. build up with depth, and reaches the maximum. Then, the
The absorbed dose is proportional to the amount of radia- dose begins to decrease exponentially. Figure 4.14 shows a
tion interactions. Energy, however, is deposited by ejected typical shape of DD (or PDD) for a narrow beam. In reality,
4 The Physics of Stereotactic Radiosurgery 43
Fig. 4.16 An ideal dose profile in a plane is illustrated The magnitude of radiation produced by the delivery system
is called the output. In general, this is a relative value that is
normalized to the output of a reference field size. Output var-
the target volume is finite in size (Fig. 4.13b). In this sce- ies with field size (or collimator size). Larger field sizes have
nario, some of the scattered photons can scatter back to the higher output.
center of the field and contribute to the dose at depth. This With the PDD, OAR, and output for a given geometry,
effect is minimal, however. relative dose at any point is simply a multiplication of these
The scatter effect is significantly enhanced with a broad three parameters. Absolute dose is obtained when this value
beam (Fig. 4.13c) because more scattered photons can con- is multiplied with the machine calibration factor and monitor
tribute to the dose. The chance of multiple scattered photons units (MU) in the linear accelerator (or calibration dose rate
coming to the central line increases with field size because and treatment time in Gamma Knife).
more scattered photons exist in a larger field, so PDD
increases with field size (Fig. 4.15). In radiosurgery, how-
ever, most fields are relatively small, so the scatter effect is Model-Based Dose Calculation
insignificant. Thus, most radiosurgery beams are similar to
the case shown in Fig. 4.13b, and PDD can be analytically Most model-based dose-calculation methods define a kernel,
expressed as a simple exponential function. which is a function that describes how the dose is distributed
within a medium (mostly water). Two commonly used ker-
Profile or Off-Axis Ratio nels are point kernel and pencil-beam kernel.
Figure 4.16 shows an ideal dose profile, often called the off-
axis ratio (OAR), in a plane where a certain amount of dose Point Kernel
is given uniformly inside the field and no dose is deposited When a photon particle interacts at a point within a medium,
outside the field. In reality, it is not possible to obtain such a a certain amount of energy is released per mass, which is
profile. A typical dose profile in a plane at a certain depth for called the total energy released per unit mass (TERMA).
a clinical radiation beam is shown in Fig. 4.17a. The dose is A part of this energy is absorbed at the point of interaction
uniform in the central area but starts to gradually decrease as (often called the primary interaction point), but the rest of it
it nears the field edge. It then drops rapidly at the geometric is dispersed around the point. The scattered photon can also
44 S. Kim and J. Palta
travel to any other points, interact, and deposit energy around In general, kernel values are preobtained by calculations,
the area of interaction. Therefore, a photon interaction can and sometimes the pencil-beam kernel can be extracted from
contribute dose to the whole volume. The point kernel measurement data.
describes how dose is distributed with respect to the interac-
tion point within the medium, as illustrated in Fig. 4.18.
In general, the distributed dose is expressed as a ratio Isodose Line and Dose–Volume Histogram
between the energy deposited at any point and the total
energy released during the interaction at the primary interac- Once the dose is calculated in the treatment planning system,
tion point. The dose at any point is a summation of kernels each dose distribution is usually displayed in an isodose line,
multiplied with the TERMA from all of the primary photon which is made up of all the points of the same dose connected
interactions. TERMA is easily calculated using analytical in a line. In radiosurgery, isodose lines are expressed as a per-
expression of interaction mechanisms. centile of the maximum dose. Dose distribution within the tar-
get is much more nonuniform in radiosurgery than in
Pencil-Beam Kernel conventional radiotherapy. The maximum dose is usually
The pencil-beam kernel includes dose contributions from all observed in the center of the target, and it is usual to have very
of the primary interactions along a ray instead of at one inter- stiff dose fall-offs near the target boundary. Prescription is
action point. Figure 4.19 illustrates a pencil-beam kernel. If assigned to isodose lines of 50–80 % depending on the situa-
photon energy fluence (the same as the number of photons tion. A prescription isodose line is higher in the case of a sin-
times the corresponding energy per area) is known, dose at gle isocenter and lower with multiple isocenters. Figure 4.20
any point is simply a summation of kernels multiplied with shows isodose lines displayed in absolute value on three (axial,
energy fluence. sagittal, and coronal) planes of tomographic image.
Fig. 4.20 An isodose line connects all points of the same dose. In this figure, absolute isodose lines are displayed in axial, sagittal, and coronal
planes of the CT image
4 The Physics of Stereotactic Radiosurgery 45
get a dose equal to or 0.6
more than 2,000 cGy
0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000
Dose (cGy)
Treatment table
. . Lower shielding
.. ..
. .
The total activity of the Gamma Knife unit with new 201
sources loaded is of the order 6,000 Ci (2.22 × 1014 Bq, where
Bq is the same as disintegration per second, and Ci is
3.7 × 1010 Bq). The activity of each source is about 30 Ci and
its variation is expected to be within ±5 %. With 6,000 Ci, a
typical dose rate is about 300 cGy/min at the center of the
16-cm-diameter, spherical water phantom. As described ear-
lier, this value drops down to 150 cGy/min (50 % of initial
dose rate) 1 half-life (5.26 years) later.
Four helmets of different collimator sizes, 4, 8, 14, and Fig. 4.25 Picture of a Leksell stereotactic frame. The frame is fixed to
18 mm in diameter, are provided. Figure 4.24 is a photograph the patient’s skull and is connected to the couch
of a collimator helmet. A proper helmet is chosen depending
on the target size and is connected to the sliding couch. The
Leksell stereotactic frame (Fig. 4.25) is fixed to the patient’s directly escapes the unit even with the doors open. When the
skull and connected to the couch. Once the target position is doors are closed, exposure rates by leakage radiation are sig-
aligned to the focus, the sliding couch is pushed into the nificantly reduced.
mechanically set treatment position. Its mechanical spatial Several auxiliary capabilities have been developed lately
accuracy is claimed to be in submillimeters (about 0.3 mm). and they provide software that tracks the patient’s position
In treatment mode, the shielding doors are open, resulting in ten times per second. A robotic automatic positioning system
an increase of scatter dose inside the treatment room. When repositions each isocenter with submillimeter precision
the sliding couch is withdrawn and the shielding doors are without operator intervention.
still open, the scatter dose becomes about 1.3 times higher. The current state-of-art Gamma Knife® unit is called
Because of the unit’s design, however, no primary beam Perfexion™ and it is significantly different from previous
4 The Physics of Stereotactic Radiosurgery 47
Fig. 4.26 An inner view of the collimator in PerfexionTM unit. There rotation axes (gantry, collimator, and table) often do not
are eight sectors and 72 holes (3 hole sizes × 24 sub-collimators) in each intersect at a common point. Instead, they only near each
sector. (Courtesy of Young-Bin Cho, PMH)
other within a sphere. The center of this sphere is considered
the nominal isocenter.
versions in its design. There exist a total of 192 sources and The size of the sphere is the key factor in the linear accel-
it has a unique collimator that is a permanent device divided erator’s spatial accuracy, and the smaller the better. Common
into eight moveable sectors, each having 24 sub-collimators consensus says that the sphere needs to be less than 1 mm in
arranged in five concentric rings [33]. The collimator holes diameter for radiosurgery based on the fact that the resolu-
are sized as 4, 8, and 16 mm and either one of them or none tion of modern imaging modalities is around 1 mm. Another
of them can be assigned to each sector. Therefore four field important factor for spatial accuracy is how precisely posi-
sizes (i.e., 0, 4, 8, and 16 mm) are available for each sector tioned the patient is. In a linear accelerator, the patient’s
and automatic change of field size can be made by adjusting positioning is usually determined using the treatment room
the position of the movable sector. Such design enables effi- laser system. Three lasers, one from the ceiling and two from
ciently delivering many diverse combinations of beams to side walls, are aligned to point to the nominal isocenter. By
obtain dose distributions conforming to even highly irregular matching the laser crosshairs and the desired marks on the
targets. Figure 4.26 shows an inner view of the collimator. It frame attached to the patient’s skull, the target is aligned to
can be seen there are eight sectors and 72 holes (3 hole the nominal isocenter. Therefore, laser system accuracy is
sizes × 24 sub-collimators) in each sector. significantly important when used for patient positioning.
In Princess Margaret Hospital, Canada, a modification As described earlier, linear accelerators are equipped with
was made on a Gamma Knife® Perfexion™ unit to add a a so-called secondary collimator system that provides a rect-
cone beam CT system as shown in Fig. 4.27. angular field for conventional radiotherapy, but rectangular
Radiosurgery using Gamma Knife has been performed fields are not considered appropriate for radiosurgery.
for more than 250,000 patients worldwide during the past 30 Therefore, additional circular collimators are commonly
years. Many clinical studies with long years of follow-up used as tertiary collimators [10–14]. Circular beams are
have been reported. superior to rectangular beams for reasons like the sharper
beam, easier dosimetry calculation, more precise beam
delivery, and better field definition for small fields. Because
Isocentric Linear Accelerator tertiary collimation happens closer to the patient, the beam is
more accurately aligned and the penumbra is reduced. More
Most clinical linear accelerators are isocentric, which means rapid dose fall-off outside the target can therefore be
that the gantry, the collimator, and the table can be rotated obtained. Collimator sizes typically range from 5 to 40 mm
with respect to one point in the space called the isocenter. In to treat a variety of lesion sizes and shapes. Most circular
reality, the isocenter may not be a point because three collimators are made of tungsten alloy or lead and are
48 S. Kim and J. Palta
Fig. 4.33 In cyclotrons, protons are injected at the center of two halves
(“dees”) of an electrically powered circular dipole magnet with a con-
stant magnetic field. The proton acceleration occurs within the narrow
gap between the two half-magnets employing a correctly phased alter-
nating electric field. The protons gain energy, twice for each revolution,
while moving in a constant circular path. Accelerated protons with a
fixed energy and a continuous beam current can be extracted
Fig. 4.34 In synchrotrons, the protons are accelerated in an orbit with
a constant radius. As the proton energy increases, the magnetic field
strength also increases to keep them in a stable orbit
Proton Therapy
Clinical proton beams are produced by injecting hydrogen However, synchrotrons do not require energy degraders, thus
atoms with their electron stripped in an accelerating struc- minimizing secondary radiation production in the beam line.
ture; electric fields accelerate the free protons to the desired An elaborate beam transport system (BTS) carries the
clinical energy. The proton accelerators fall into two broad protons exiting the accelerator to the patient site. The beam
categories [20]. Cyclotrons are the classic proton accelera- line consists of focusing, bending, and switching magnets
tors in which protons are injected at the center of two halves that steer a pencil beam of protons to different treatment
(called “dees”) of an electrically powered circular dipole rooms. The length of the beam line can easily exceed 30 m.
magnet with a constant magnetic field (Fig. 4.33). The pro- A stable and precise BTS is required for reproducible dosim-
ton acceleration occurs within the narrow gap between the etry and patient treatments. The stability of the centroid of
two half-magnets employing a correctly phased alternating the beam position in the beam line must be better than
electric field. The protons gain energy, twice for each revolu- 1.00 mm. Therefore, the bending and focusing magnets have
tion, while moving in a constant circular path. Accelerated to be very stable, mechanically and electrically, during the
protons with a fixed energy and a continuous beam current of operation of the proton machine.
up to 1 milliampere (mA) can be extracted and transported
into an evacuated tube (beam line). Proton energy is changed
by inserting an energy degrader in the path of the beam A Proton’s Interaction with Matter
extracted from the cyclotron.
The other type of proton accelerator is the synchrotron, Protons are positively charged elementary particles that con-
which allows preaccelerated protons (up to a few MeV) to be tinuously lose energy and go through small-angle deflections
injected into an accelerating chamber equipped with a num- as they travel through matter before they get absorbed. While
ber of electromagnets. The protons are accelerated in an orbit the radiation dose deposited by photons drops off exponen-
with a constant radius (Fig. 4.34). As the proton energy tially with penetration depth, the dose deposited by protons
increases, the magnetic field strength also increases to keep increases very slowly for about three-quarters of its range of
them in a stable orbit. The acceleration cycle in synchrotrons travel in the medium before increasing sharply, reaching a
is typically 2 s. Therefore, it is only possible to obtain proton maximum value before rapidly dropping off to 0. The depth
beams in pulses with a repetition frequency of 30 cycles per at which the maximum energy is deposited by protons is
minute and the energy of the protons can be varied from called the Bragg peak. Figure 4.35 illustrates a depth dose of
pulse-to-pulse. Operating the synchrotrons is complex a proton beam showing its Bragg peak. The typical peak to
because it requires rapid magnetic field variations to operate. entrance dose ratio of narrow proton beams is 4 or higher.
4 The Physics of Stereotactic Radiosurgery 51
Fig. 4.36 A sample of a patient-specific QA checklist used for linear accelerator-based radiosurgery at the University of Florida. In this sheet,
checklist items are listed chronologically
Dosimetry-related QA procedures are specific to the angle, gantry end angle, and monitor unit, are verified. In
delivery system. In the Gamma Knife unit, the following are subsequent isocenter treatments, the floor stand is set by a
periodically verified: dose rate at the center of a 16-cm- physicist and coordinates are independently double-checked
diameter tissue-equivalent sphere at the focus; shutter error: by two other staff members. Specific QA in the Gamma
connections of frame, collimator helmets, and sliding couch; Knife unit is relatively less intense. It is basically ready for
and leak test on collimator helmets. For linear accelerators, treatment in most cases, and only a few safety checks need to
output is checked daily. If the laser system is used for patient be performed.
alignment, its accuracy needs to be verified rigorously. The
most important QA item is the mechanical accuracy of the
nominal isocenter. Less than a 1-mm diameter around the Conclusion
isocenter sphere is recommended [14, 50]. If an independent
floor stand is used, like at the University of Florida, the accu- SRS is a special radiotherapy technique that holds promise
racy is directly dependent on the floor stand. Thus, no addi- not only radio-therapeutically but also as a noninvasive
tional QA tests on the laser and linear accelerator isocenter, surgical tool. The underlying physics principles for radiosur-
other than those for routine conventional radiotherapy, are gery are the same as those for conventional radiation therapy;
required. however, the accuracy requirements in dosimetry and patient
positioning for radiosurgery are at the millimeter level. There
are several dosimetric parameters that must be measured in
Specific QA tissue-equivalent phantoms such as water including dose
calibration, percentage depth doses, relative dose output fac-
The goal of specific quality assurance is to make sure that the tors, and cross-beam profiles. Radiosurgery treatment fields
machine is running adequately, that all auxiliary devices are are often very small; therefore, the spatial resolution require-
prepared and working properly, and that treatment parameters ments for radiation detectors are much more stringent in
are correctly set just before and during patient treatments. radiosurgery.
Before placing the frame into the patient, the treatment
streamline should be checked to minimize unnecessary treat-
ment delay or cancellation after the frame is on. Figure 4.36 Glossary
shows a sample of a patient-specific QA checklist used for
linear accelerator based radiosurgery at the University of μSv Microsievert, the SI unit for an equiva-
Florida. As you can see, check items are listed chronologically. lent radiation dose that accounts for bio-
Once the secondary collimator is set as needed, the collimator logical effect.
drives are physically disconnected to prevent an accidental AAPM American Association of Physicists in
change of the secondary collimator. To prevent the treatment Medicine.
table from accidentally dropping, a mechanical block is Accelerator A device that accelerates subatomic
applied to the column of the table. Because the patient’s head charged particles or nuclei to high
is connected to the floor stand while his or her body is on the energies.
table, an abrupt drop of the table could cause serious prob- Alpha particle Positively charged particle consisting of
lems as serious as a patient death. For the first isocenter treat- two protons and two neutrons.
ment, the accuracy of focusing the radiation fields to the Beta particle High-speed electron or positron.
isocenter is checked by a Winston–Lutz filming test. Binding energy Net energy required to remove an atomic
A staff member sets the floor stand to the treatment posi- electron from its orbit.
tion. A steel ball in the calibration jig is set to the isocenter Bq Becquerel, the Système International (SI)
coordinates independently by another staff member and unit of radioactivity equal to one disinte-
attached to the floor stand. Then, the verification film is irra- gration per second.
diated in four different beam angles with a 24-mm-diameter Bragg peak Peak can be seen at the end of the depth
circular collimator. If both the floor stand and calibration jig dose curve of heavy charged particles
are set to the isocenter correctly, and beam alignment is such as a proton.
appropriate in all beam angles, images of the ball must be BTS Beam transport system, a proton acceler-
centered within all the circular fields. Figure 4.37 shows an ator system that carries the protons exit-
example of the verification film. Once the film is confirmed ing the accelerator to the patient site.
satisfactory, the patient is moved to the floor. Before the Cavity A device through which power is coupled
treatment beam is on, the size of the circular collimator and to the accelerating particles in a resonant
the treatment parameters, such as the table angle, gantry start mode.
54 S. Kim and J. Palta
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Radiobiological Principles Underlying
Stereotactic Radiation Therapy 5
David J. Brenner and David J. Carlson
L.S. Chin and W.F. Regine (eds.), Principles and Practice of Stereotactic Radiosurgery, 57
DOI 10.1007/978-1-4614-8363-2_5, © Springer Science+Business Media New York 2015
58 D.J. Brenner and D.J. Carlson
Dose (Gy)
10 –3
ciple is illustrated in Fig. 5.4 [32]. In a fractionated regime,
therefore, each X- or γ-ray dose predominantly kills aerobic
10 –4
cells, and the interval between treatments allows hypoxic
cells to reestablish their oxygenated state, thereby reducing
10 –5
the problem of hypoxic radioresistance. An analysis [33] of
survival data for cervix cancer patients undergoing fraction-
10 –6 ated external-beam radiotherapy and high dose-rate brachy-
therapy suggests the clinically relevant oxygen enhancement
10 –7 ratio (OER) for hypoxic tumor subvolumes may be closer to
0 5 10 15 20 25 1.5, substantially lower than the typically reported value of
Dose (Gy) ~3 for in vitro clonogenic survival under anoxic conditions.
An OER of 1.5 agrees with values reported in vitro for
Fig. 5.2 Fraction of surviving cells, after a single radiation dose, in oxygen concentrations of ~5 mmHg (0.66 %). However,
small mouse lymphosarcomas irradiated in vivo. The shallow initial
clinically derived OER values are averaged over cells under a
part of the curve is due to the presence of aerated oxic cells, whereas the
steeper slope at higher doses is caused by the presence of 1–2 % of range of oxygen concentrations, so cells irradiated in vivo
hypoxic cells. Reprinted from Hall EJ, Brenner DJ. The radiobiology under extreme levels of hypoxia, e.g., <0.5 mmHg, may still
of radiosurgery: rationale for different treatment regimes for AVMs have OER values higher than 1.5.
and malignancies. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 1993; 25:381–385.
While stereotactic techniques offer valuable physical advan-
Copyright 1993, with permission from Elsevier
tages over conventional radiotherapy, the potential for reoxy-
genation is reduced as the total dose is delivered in a fewer
However, malignant tumors exhibit a characteristic known number of fractions. Hypofractionation may result in decreased
as reoxygenation whereby, between fractionated doses of biological effectiveness for hypoxic tumors [34]. The clinical
x- or γ-rays, tumors tend to reestablish their original pattern significance of tumor hypoxia and reoxygenation within the
and proportion of oxygenated and hypoxic cells. This prin- context of SRT is still a subject of rigorous debate [35].
5 Radiobiological Principles Underlying Stereotactic Radiation Therapy 59
10 –3
10 –4 rad/min
10 –5
500 1000 1500 2000 2500
Dose (rad)
Fig. 5.5 Illustrating that, as a given single dose is protracted, either by low-
ering the dose rate (as here) or by increasing the number of fractions, the
Fig. 5.4 Schematic illustration of the process of reoxygenation: almost all
biological effect (in this case, cell killing of Chinese hamster cells)
tumors initially contain a mixture of aerated and hypoxic cells. A single
decreases, due to intra-fraction double-strand break (DSB) repair. Based on
radiation dose will kill a larger fraction of aerated oxic cells because they
data from Bedford JS, Mitchell JB. Dose-rate effects in synchronous mam-
are more radiosensitive (see Fig. 5.2). Thus after irradiation, a larger
malian cells in culture. Radiat Res. 1973 May;54(2):316–27. Reprinted
fraction of cells are hypoxic. But after a short time, the tumor tends to
from Hall EJ, Brenner DJ. The dose-rate effect revisited: radiobiological
return to its original proportion of oxic and hypoxic cells, allowing many
considerations of importance in radiotherapy. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys
of the previously hypoxic (but now aerated) cells to be killed by a sec-
1991; 21:1403–1414. Copyright 1991; with permission from Elsevier
ond, and subsequent, dose fractions. Reprinted from Hall EJ, Brenner
DJ. The radiobiology of radiosurgery: rationale for different treatment
regimes for AVMs and malignancies. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 1993;
25:381–385. Copyright 1993, with permission from Elsevier
responding tissues (less than ~3 Gy) and larger (greater than repopulation—if research in predictive assays has taught us
~8 Gy) for early responding tissues [32, 36–40]. anything, it is that inter-tumor variation can be large; thus, in
The practical consequence of the difference in shape this context, some tumors will grow slowly and some will
between the dose–response curves for early and late respond- grow very quickly. For example, it has been suggested that
ing tissues is a marked difference in the response to fraction- the onset to repopulation may be as long as 60 days for
ation of these two types of tissues. Late-responding tissues slowly proliferating prostate tumors [44].
are more sensitive to changes in fractionation than early
responding tissues. The overall outcome is illustrated in
Fig. 5.6. A fractionated regime spares late responding nor- How Do These Radiotherapeutic Principles
mal tissues more than a single acute dose, for a given level of Apply to Stereotactic Radiation Therapy?
tumor damage.
It is pertinent to ask what exactly constitute “early” and In general these three phenomena control the dose delivery
“late” responding tissues. Probably early responding tissues for cancer radiotherapy as follows:
contain a large proportion of cycling cells, while late 1. We must fractionate treatment:
responding tissues contain large proportions of non-cycling • To overcome hypoxia
cells. • For differential response with late effects
2. We would like to prolong treatment:
• To limit early sequelae
Accelerated Repopulation 3. We would like to shorten treatment:
• To prevent accelerated repopulation
As a tumor shrinks during radiotherapy, the surviving clono- Prima facie, requirements 2 and 3 are mutually exclusive
gens are stimulated to proliferate at an accelerated rate [41, and so, in most radiotherapeutic situations, the overall treat-
42]. For T3 laryngeal cancer, this accelerated repopulation ment time represents a compromise between short treatment
does not commence for about 30 days after the beginning of times to minimize tumor repopulation and long treatment
times to prevent unacceptable early complications. In those
protocols that have attempted to utilize shorter overall treat-
ment times, it has been necessary to reduce the overall dose
in order to avoid excessive early complications [45].
By contrast, stereotactic radiotherapy represents a situa-
tion where the contradictory aspects of overall treatment
time can be resolved without the need for compromise.
Because of the excellent dose distributions which can be
obtained using stereotactic radiotherapy, the need for long
overall treatment times to reduce early normal tissue compli-
cations will rarely apply. Specifically, early skin or mucosal
reactions, which are often a limiting factor in radiotherapy,
will not be an issue for intra-cranial stereotactic radiother-
apy. Thus short overall treatment times become a practical
possibility, with their attendant advantages in terms of limit-
ing tumor repopulation.
Fig. 5.7 Tumor control probability for T3 laryngeal cancer, as a func- Inherently, then, SRT is advantageous in terms of repopu-
tion of overall time and overall dose. The data points, at the top of the lation. We discuss here how the remaining two Rs of radio-
dashed vertical lines, are those reported by Slevin et al. [43], and the
surface is the result of a linear–quadratic (with repopulation) fit [42] to therapy (reoxygenation and repair) affect stereotactic
the data, with repopulation effectively starting about 33 days after the radiotherapy for the three main target lesions, malignancies,
beginning of the treatment. Reprinted from Brenner DJ. Accelerated AVMs, and benign tumors.
repopulation during radiotherapy: quantitative evidence for delayed
onset. Radiat Oncol Invest 1993; 1:167–172. Used with permission
treatment as illustrated in Fig 5.7 [43]. Radiation treatments
of duration longer than about 30 days would therefore need As we have discussed, it is very unlikely that a single dose
to increase the total dose to compensate for this clonogen fraction could sterilize even a small tumor which contains
proliferation. Note that it is unrealistic to categorize almost hypoxic malignant cells. Thus there is a clear rationale,
any tumor type as one which is not significantly prone to based on the issue of hypoxia, for stating unequivocally that
5 Radiobiological Principles Underlying Stereotactic Radiation Therapy 61
In summary, in the treatment of AVMs there is probably specifically attributed to cell killing. By contrast, descriptive
nothing to be gained by a fractionated course relative to a empirical models can go disastrously wrong if used outside
single dose. Thus, the optimal treatment for AVMs is the dose/fractionation range from which they were derived—
expected to be single-fraction stereotactic radiotherapy or as when NSD was applied to large doses per fraction [69, 70].
radiosurgery, i.e., a single, highly localized radiation treat-
ment at, of course, the appropriate dose.
Mechanistic Basis
of the Linear–Quadratic Model
Benign Tumors
The standard model is that both tumor control and complica-
Less is known about the sensitivity to fractionation of tions result primarily from cell killing [38, 71, 72]—and the
benign tumors. It is less likely that hypoxia will be a signifi- LQ is a mechanistic model of cell killing (though see below
cant role here [60]; one estimate of the α/β ratio for benign for discussions of possible alternate mechanisms). In Eq.
parasellar meningiomas is 3.3 Gy [61], similar to that for (5.1), αD can be interpreted as the quantity of lethal DNA
late responding normal tissues. For benign tumors as with lesions formed by a single radiation track, i.e., unrejoinable
AVMs, the most likely scenario is that both the target and DSBs, lethally misrepaired or fixed DSBs, and lethal intra-
the surrounding normal tissue respond in a similar way to track exchange-type chromosome aberrations, while βD2 can
fractionation, like that of a late responding normal tissue, be interpreted as the quantity of lethal DNA lesions formed
suggesting that there is little to be gained from fractionation. by two radiation tracks, i.e., lethal inter-track exchange-type
For example, if the dose-limiting late sequelae were chromosome aberrations formed through binary misrepair of
radiation-induced optic neuropathy, which is caused by two separate DSBs [66, 73]. Underlying the application of
damage to the arteries supplying the optic nerve, this almost the LQ to fractionation and protraction effects is the pairwise
certainly responds to changes in fractionation like a classic misrepair of primary lesions such as DSBs or base damage
late responding tissue [62, 63]. formed by separate radiation tracks (hereon in, we shall refer
In summary, in the treatment of benign tumors there is to the DSB as the primary lesion, but base damage sites may
probably nothing to be gained by a fractionated course, rela- well also be relevant here [74]). As schematized in Fig. 5.9,
tive to a single dose. However, we certainly do not have ade- cell killing can occur via chromosome aberrations such as
quate data for a variety of benign tumors to consider this dicentric aberrations [75], formed when pairs of nearby
conclusion definitive.
-¥ -¥
The LQ Formalism Here D ( t ) describes the variation in dose rate over the entire
course of the radiotherapy, and λ is a characteristic damage
The LQ model, in its most usual current version, describes repair rate. Generically, the term after the second integral sign
cell killing in terms of the following mechanisms: refers to the first of a pair of DSBs required to produce a lethal
1. Radiation produces many types of clustered DNA lesions, lesion—the exponential term describing the reduction in num-
including the DSBs, proportional to absorbed dose up to bers of such DSB through repair; similarly, the term after the
several hundred Gy for low- and high-LET radiation first integral sign refers to the second DSB, which can interact
[79–82]. Experiments such as these imply that single- with DSBs, produced earlier, that still remain after repair.
track mechanisms are responsible for the induction of The time factor, G, can be calculated for any fractionation/
DSBs and all other types of clustered DNA damage. protraction scheme and systematically accounts for the effects
2. These DSBs can be repaired, with first-order rate con- of protracting the dose delivery in any way. G can take values
stant λ(=ln 2/T½, where T½ is the repair halftime). from zero to one, with G = 1 for a single acute dose, leading to
In practice, there may be more than one class of DSB the simplest single-fraction LQ formalism shown in Eq. (5.1).
which may be repaired with different rate constants; the The interpretation of G < 1 is a reduction in cell killing due to
LQ formalism can be simply extended to take this into intra-fraction DNA repair which occurs during protracted
account. radiotherapy. Two special cases, which illustrate the main fea-
3. In competition with DSB repair, binary misrepair of pairs tures of the general expression for G, are: (1) for irradiation
of DSBs produced from different radiation tracks (i.e., with n short fractions, each separated by a time T [83]:
different photons) can produce lethal lesions (often iden-
tified as predominantly dicentric chromosomal aberra- G = éë 2q / (1 - q ) ùû éë n - (1 - q n ) / (1 - q ) ùû , (5.6)
tions), the yield being proportional to the square of the
dose (see the quadratic term in Eqs. 5.2 and 5.4). The two
where θ = exp(−λT). When the time between the short frac-
independent radiation tracks can occur at different times
tions is very long, then
during the overall regimen, allowing repair of the first
DSB to take place before it can undergo pairwise misre- G = 1/ n, (5.7)
pair with the second; it is this phenomenon which is the
heart of the fractionation/protraction dependence in the and the most simple LQ model for well-separated fraction-
LQ formalism. ated exposures becomes
4. In addition, single radiation tracks can produce lethal
lesions, possibly by a variety of mechanisms, the yield S = exp éë - D (a + b D / n ) ùû . (5.8)
being linearly proportional to the dose.
Overall, in the LQ formalism, the yield (Y) of lethal Different fractionation/protraction schemes have different
lesions and the corresponding survival (S) equation are time factors, G, any of which can be calculated [64, 84] from
64 D.J. Brenner and D.J. Carlson
Eq. (5.5). Even for high dose rates, dose protraction effects In Vitro
may have a significant impact on cell killing and, ultimately,
treatment effectiveness [85, 86]. It is not easy to generate precise, accurate measurements of
The LQ model can further be used to relate cell death to cell survival at high radiation doses. One recent approach to
clinical endpoints of interest. The tumor control probability this problem is to use DNA flow cytometry for counting cell
(TCP) model quantifies the response of a group of patients to numbers, rather than colonies. This approach can produce
a specific radiotherapy treatment and is essential in the anal- very high statistics data and establish precise survival curves.
ysis of clinical data for local control. The TCP model relates Figure 5.10 shows such survival data for irradiated CHO
the tumor volume (or number of tumor cells) and the radia- cells [94], where it can be seen that the standard errors can be
tion dose to the probability of tumor cure, i.e., the probability made very small with this approach. The single-fraction
that no tumor cells survive the radiation treatment. The most LQ-model fit (Eq. 5.1) to these data clearly fits very well,
commonly used TCP algorithm [87, 88] is based on Poisson indicating that it can predict the pattern of dose–responses
statistics: over the key 1.8–7 Gy dose range.
Similar results have recently been reported by Garcia
TCP = exp éë - N × S ( D ) × eg (T -Tk ) ùû , (5.9) et al. [95], using a more standard colony assay to measure
cell survival. In this case, surviving fractions in the dose
where N is the initial number of tumor clonogens, S(D) is the range from zero to 16 Gy were measured. In order to esti-
surviving fraction of cells predicted by the LQ model, T is mate dose regions where the single-fraction LQ model
the overall treatment time, and Tk is the lag time before (Eq. 5.1) did/did not fit the data, the authors fitted the data
accelerated tumor repopulation begins. The repopulation rate from 0 to 4 Gy, and then from 0 Gy to progressively larger
of tumor cells, γ, is conveniently expressed as γ = ln(2)/Td, doses, each time assessing the goodness of fit of the model to
where Td is the effective tumor doubling time. The TCP for- the data. Typical results are shown in Fig. 5.11, where it can
malism can also be modified to include interpatient variabil- be seen that the quality of fit to the LQ model does not
ity in radiosensitivity [89]. decline significantly until doses above 15 Gy are included.
In Vivo
How Well Does the LQ Model Work,
At Low and High Doses? There are a fairly wide range of quantitative in vivo end-
points for which it is possible to test concordance with the
The goal here is to be able to make equi-effect regimen LQ predictions in the 1.8–20 Gy range [96]. Figure 5.12, for
extrapolations from standard regimes, typically with
1.8–2 Gy per fraction, to hypofractionated regimes. Possible
hypofractionated doses per fraction are, for example, up to
about 7 Gy for prostate [90], and up to about 15–20 Gy for
non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) [91]. For fractionated
stereotactic radiotherapy, we are interested in extrapolating
in the opposite direction, from single-fraction doses as high
as 18 Gy to hypofractionated exposures with lower doses per
fraction [92].
So the general question is whether the LQ formalism
described in the previous section describes radiotherapeuti-
cally relevant dose–responses in the dose-per-fraction range
from, say, 1.8 to 20 Gy. For many situations, such as prostate
cancer hypofractionation, the dose-per-fraction range of
interest is probably about 1.8–7 Gy.
We have previously argued that the LQ model does pro-
vide an appropriate methodology for determining isoeffective
doses at large doses per fraction [93]. Below, we discuss Fig. 5.10 Survival of x-irradiated CHO cells, determined by flow
some in vitro and in vivo experimental data to address the cytometry population counting, 5 days after treatment [94]. The curve
is the corresponding LQ model fit. Reprinted from Brenner DJ. The
question, and then discuss some alternate mechanistic mod-
linear–quadratic model is an appropriate methodology for determining
els to the LQ equations, and their potential impact, relative to isoeffective doses at large doses per fraction. Semin Radiat Oncol.
LQ-based predictions. 2008; 18: 234-239. Used with permission
5 Radiobiological Principles Underlying Stereotactic Radiation Therapy 65
The LQ incorporates both dose-rate-independent mecha- In fact there is no, as yet, strong evidence that saturable
nisms such as these (in the linear term) and dose-rate-depen- repair mechanisms are important at the doses and dose rates
dent mechanisms (in the quadratic term). Assuming LQ of relevance to radiotherapy [116]. However, since SR mod-
correctly models the mechanisms involved in the dose-rate- els appear, prima facie, to be mechanistically different from
dependent term, then with appropriate parameters (α/β actu- binary misrepair models, there is the possibility that they
ally is the ratio of the dose-rate-independent term to the could make significantly different predictions of fraction-
dose-rate-dependent term), LQ should be adequate predict- ation/protraction effects, casting doubt on the validity of
ing fractionation/protraction effects. LQ-based isoeffect dose calculations. In fact, the formalisms
describing most SR models also lead, in an appropriate
approximation, to the same time–dose relations as does the
There Are Other Mechanistic LQ formalism [104]. This comes about because these SR
Models Describing Pairwise Production formalisms reduce to the specific form of the generalized
of Chromosome Aberrations, as Well as LQ Lea–Catcheside time factor, G, which describes protraction
effects in the LQ approach.
It has been known for some time that, in addition to the LQ
model, various other binary misrepair models lead to the
same generalized Lea–Catcheside time factor, G, in an appro- Different Mechanisms at High Single Doses?
priate approximation, and thus predict virtually the same
time–dose relations as does the LQ approach. This result was One additional aspect of the use of large dose fractions is the
demonstrated by several authors [73, 83, 104–107] for the possibility that tumor cell death might be enhanced by addi-
repair–misrepair (RMR) model [108], lethal–potentially tional biological processes resulting in tumor cell killing
lethal (LPL) model [105], the repair–misrepair–fixation [117], such as rapid endothelial cell apoptosis in tumor ves-
(RMF) model [73], and more general binary misrepair sels or systemic abscopal effects. Garcia-Barros et al. [118]
models. In light of the conceptual similarities between the have reported that vascular endothelial cell apoptosis occurs
LQ model and other binary misrepair models, the fact that at doses greater than ~8 to 10 Gy. Recently published clinical
the corresponding formalisms make virtually equivalent data showing a high rate of short-term local control for
predictions for dose–time relationships is not, in retrospect, patients with metastatic spinal cord tumors treated with large
particularly surprising. single doses have been attributed to this phenomenon [119].
Provocative data on the stimulation of antitumor immunity
for melanoma treated with stereotactic body radiation ther-
Lethal Lesions Are Not Poisson Distributed apy (SBRT) have also been reported [120, 121]. There
from Cell to Cell remains a need, however, for more preclinical and clinical
studies before this novel “high dose” biology should be
This Poisson assumption, embodied in Eq. (5.3), is used in accepted as a new mechanism for the effect of high dose
all models which calculate the fraction of inactivated cells fractions [122]. In addition, evidence presented below still
from the average yield of lethal lesions. It is certainly the suggests that the LQ model provides a good description of
case that, based on microdosimetric considerations, this dis- local control data at high doses per fractions despite these
tribution is not exactly Poisson [109]. For densely ionizing possible additional biological mechanisms that are not
radiations such as heavy ions or neutrons, this point is well captured in the model.
taken and important. But for sparsely ionizing radiation such
as X- or γ-rays, below ~50 Gy per fraction, deviations from
a Poisson distribution are quite minor [66, 110]. The Success of Stereotactic Radiation
Therapy: Better Dose Distributions,
Not Better Biology
Repair Mechanisms Saturate at High Doses
While other radiobiological mechanisms at high doses per
Various high dose saturable repair (SR) models have been con- fraction have been shown in the laboratory, there is to date no
sidered [111–115], all having in common the notion that per- clinical evidence of their relevance to SRT response, and the
lesion repair rate decreases as the dose—and the production of LQ model appears to be appropriate for use at all the doses
initial damage—increases. This might arise, for example, if and fractionation schemes of relevance to SRT. Rather than
repair enzymes can be overloaded. Such a change in repair new biological mechanisms, recent analyses of clinical data
rates with increasing dose might in principle result in different suggest that the great success of SRT is primarily related to
dose–response relations at high doses, compared with the LQ its improved conformal dose delivery that permits significant
approach where repair rates are dose independent. escalation of the biologically effective doses [123, 124].
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Treatment Planning for Stereotactic
Radiosurgery 6
David M. Shepard, Cedric Yu, Martin J. Murphy,
Marc Bussière, and Frank J. Bova
This chapter provides an introduction to treatment-planning Over the past three decades, radiosurgery has been trans-
procedures for stereotactic radiosurgery (SRS). A brief formed from a curiosity available at a single institution to a
history of SRS planning is provided in section “Background routinely used therapy available at medical facilities through-
on SRS Planning.” The basic steps followed in the develop- out the world. During this increase in utilization, radiosurgi-
ment of an SRS treatment plan are described in section cal planning and delivery techniques have undergone
“Basic Steps in Developing an SRS Treatment Planning” significant technical improvements including: (1) availabil-
including imaging, contouring, selection of plan parameters, ity of true three-dimensional (3D) image data, (2) improved
and evaluating treatment plan quality. Section “Gamma plan delivery techniques, and (3) increased sophistication of
Knife” focuses on treatment planning for the Gamma Knife. planning algorithms.
Sections “Linac-Based SRS with Circular Cones” and The most critical improvements have come about through
“Linac-Based SRS with Multileaf Collimators” discuss lin- the availability of true three-dimensional image data pro-
ear accelerator-based SRS, and the final two sections (sec- vided primarily through computed tomography (CT) and
tions “CyberKnife” and “Proton SRS”) cover planning for magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scanning techniques.
the CyberKnife and proton radiosurgery. Today’s practicing radiosurgeon has the advantage of view-
ing target and nontarget tissues with increased contrast reso-
lution and with dramatically improved spatial resolution.
Clinician has also benefited from the development of tools
for registering or fusing single and multimodality datasets.
The second area that has undergone significantly improve-
ment is that of plan delivery. For several years, the only
radiosurgical device available was the Gamma Knife. The
Gamma Knife has now been joined by several designs that
D.M. Shepard, Ph.D. (*)
Department of Radiation Oncology, Swedish Cancer Institute, use linear accelerators as the radiation source. While the ini-
Seattle, WA, USA tial linear accelerator (linac)-based systems were less accu-
e-mail: david.shepart@swedish.org rate than the Gamma Knife, devices were developed in the
C. Yu, D.Sc. late 1980s that provided significant improvement in the
Department of Radiation Oncology, University of Maryland delivery accuracy of linac-based radiosurgical units. Recent
School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD, USA years have seen additional advancements in basic linac tech-
M.J. Murphy, Ph.D. nology resulting in highly accurate base linear accelerators.
Department of Radiation Oncology, Virginia Commonwealth These devices provide efficient radiosurgical delivery, and
University, Richmond, VA, USA
have made it possible to extend the benefits of radiosurgery
M. Bussière, M.Sc. to targets outside the cranium.
Department of Radiation Oncology, Massachusetts General
Hospital, Boston, MA, USA The third area of technological advancement in radiosur-
gery has been the increased sophistication of the planning
F.J. Bova, Ph.D.
Department of Neurosurgery, University of Florida, algorithms that has been made possible by the tremendous
Gainesville, FL, USA increase in computer processing power over the past three
L.S. Chin and W.F. Regine (eds.), Principles and Practice of Stereotactic Radiosurgery, 73
DOI 10.1007/978-1-4614-8363-2_6, © Springer Science+Business Media New York 2015
74 D.M. Shepard et al.
decades. The ability to process images, register images, and a large number of beam paths are required to concentrate the
develop plans has gone from a process that required many dose in the target and create steep dose gradients. It is impor-
hours to one that can be accomplished in a matter of seconds. tant to note that as new SRS delivery techniques emerge, cli-
This has allowed radiosurgical teams to not only develop and nicians must examine the impact on dose conformity as
evaluate their first best guess at a plan but to iterate through compared with historical SRS delivery techniques using the
many different plans in order to arrive at a more optimal Gamma Knife or linac-based delivery with circular collima-
plan. tors. A loss in dose conformity may force the user to adopt a
While these planning and delivery tools help provide treatment schedule that deviates from basic radiosurgical
improved treatment plans, the basics principles set forth by principles and begins to depend more upon radiological prin-
Lars Leksell in the 1950s remain the foundation for radiosur- ciples. While this may be appropriate in certain clinical situ-
gery [1–4]. Leksell’s basic idea was to place the target tis- ations, a cautious approach is warranted.
sues in the center of a large number of beams of radiation.
The beams arrangement was designed so that the beams only
intersected over the target issues and they quickly diverged Basic Steps in Developing an SRS Treatment
from the target in all directions. Planning
The majority of clinical data published on radiosurgery is
based upon a planning technique known as sphere packing. The basic steps followed in radiosurgery treatment planning
This technique was initially developed by Leksell and con- are illustrated in Fig. 6.1.
stitutes the basis of the Gamma Knife planning process. It
has also been used in conjunction with many of the linac-
based delivery systems. In this technique, a set of beams are Stereotactic Localization
aimed at a point in space, known as the isocenter. The beams
are selected so that they approach and leave the isocenter Because SRS involves the delivery of a very high dose of
through unique paths, providing both geometric concentra- radiation in either a single delivery or a small number of
tion and a high-dose gradient. Much of the accuracy dis- fractions, it is essential to achieve a high degree of dose
cussed in the radiosurgery literature is a measure of the conformity and accurate patient positioning. This critical
delivery systems’ ability to precisely target radiation beams
at this “point” in space. The resultant dose distribution is
approximately spherical and therefore provides a reasonable
plan for spherical target volumes. For more complex target
shapes, a technique known as sphere packing is employed. In
this technique, the planner places the initial dose sphere
inside the target volume. The initial dose sphere is typically
selected to be the largest sphere that the system can produce
and that can fit “inside” the target volume. The planner then
continues to pack the target volume with spheres of equal or
smaller diameter until adequate target coverage is achieved.
An advantage of linear accelerator-based system over the
Gamma Knife is the ability to produce larger spheres and
therefore pack a specific volume with fewer total spheres or
isocenters. These spheres of dose are created using beam sets
that deliver radiation from a large number of beam angles.
The Gamma Knife makes use of 192 (or 201) individual
beams while multiple arcs are used in the linear accelerator
systems. It has been shown that in order to produce the con-
centration and gradient, which is responsible for a vast major-
ity of all published radiosurgical clinical outcomes, at least 15
beams must be spread over approximately 2π space [5].
In recent years, SRS delivery techniques have expanded
beyond the Gamma Knife and linac-based delivery using cir-
cular collimators to include the CyberKnife, tomotherapy,
and the adaptation of linacs with mini multileaf collimators
(MLC). While each of these systems offers the radiosurgeon
special features, they are all bound by the same principle that Fig. 6.1 The basic steps in SRS treatment planning
6 Treatment Planning for Stereotactic Radiosurgery 75
Fig. 6.3 (a) The fiducial indicator box for CT imaging. (b) The patient
is imaged with a fiducial box attached to the frame (Photos courtesy of
with which each isocenter can be delivered [17–24]. For Forward Versus Inverse Planning
linac-based SRS with circular collimators, the planner strives
to minimize the number of isocenters in a plan to compen- Forward planning is the most common planning approach
sate for the relative inefficiency of the beam delivery [25, for SRS. With forward planning, the treatment plan is devel-
26]. Linac systems, however, have the advantage of a much oped through an iterative trial and error approach. From one
wider range of collimators usually extending from 5 to iteration to the next, the planner attempts to determine a set
50 mm in diameter. of parameters (such as beam angle, beam weights) that give
For linac-based SRS with MLCs, only one isocenter is an acceptable plan. The iterative process is usually stopped
used [25, 27–37], and the planning methods are similar to when the planner is no longer able to make noticeable
those used for external beam radiation therapy. The selection improvements in the plan quality.
of beam directions and field shapes is aided by the use of With inverse treatment planning, the user begins by out-
tools such as beam’s-eye-view (BEV) visualization and digi- lining the target and any sensitive structures. A series of
tally reconstructed radiographs (DRRs). treatment goals are then defined, and an optimization algo-
rithm determines the plan parameters that provide a plan that
best satisfies these goals. The quality of the plan is scored
Dose Calculation using an objective function and constraints. An objective
function reduces an entire treatment plan into a single
A variety of dose calculation techniques have been employed numerical value. The job of the optimizer is to either mini-
for SRS treatment planning [38–48]. Simple empirical dose mize or maximize the value of the objective function.
calculation methods were employed with many of the earlier Typically, an optimization will also include one or more con-
SRS planning systems [17]. For Gamma Knife radiosurgery, straints. A constraint is a condition that must be satisfied in
a standard set of beam data is included with the system, and order for a solution to be considered feasible. The most basic
the user verifies the dose profiles of an individual beams for constraint in any radiotherapy optimization is that the beam
each of the focusing helmets. The use of a standard dataset is weights must be nonnegative.
possible because all Gamma Knife systems use the same As compared with forward planning, inverse planning
design with only slight variations in the single beam dosim- provides two potential advantages. First, the time required
etry. The dose distribution in the patient is calculated by for planning can be reduced because much of the trial and
adding the dose distributions for all 192 beams [20]. For error is removed. Secondly, inverse planning should lead
linac-based SRS with circular collimators, the tissue- to improved plan quality due to the ability of the optimizer
maximum ratios (TMRs) and dose profiles can be measured to consider thousands of plan configurations in selecting
for each collimator size as a function of depths. For a given the optimal plan. Unfortunately, the quality of inverse
arc, the mean TMR for all beam directions is calculated and planning tools for SRS varies significantly from one deliv-
the total dose contributed by the arc can be calculated. Dose ery technique to the next and one planning system to the
distributions can be computed by approximating an arc as a next. Users of some systems will find that an experienced
series fixed beams and summing the dose distributions from planner using forward planning techniques produces the
all of the beams. highest quality plans.
For intracranial SRS, heterogeneity corrections are
generally not applied in the dose calculation. Corrections
to account for variations in the attenuating properties of Evaluation of Plan Quality
tissue, bone, and air are not needed because of the simple
geometry that is employed [44, 49]. The magnitude of the The most common tool for evaluating plan quality is the
resulting error can be estimated by assuming that the aver- visualization of isodose curves superimposed on the patient’s
age beam passes through 5 mm of skull with an average anatomical images. Figure 6.7a shows a typical isodose plot
density of 1.2 g/cc. Assuming an attenuation of 4 %/cm for for a Gamma Knife patient. In this case, the isodose curves
a 6 MV beam, the maximum error in absolute TMR that are plotted as a percentage of the maximum target dose.
would result from ignoring heterogeneity corrections is Isodose curves can also be plotted as a percentage of the pre-
less than 1 %. However, when SRS is extended to extracra- scribed dose or as absolute dose lines. When evaluating plan
nial applications, traditional empirical dose calculation quality, it is common practice to visualize isodose curves in
methods are no longer adequate for accurate dose calcula- the axial, sagittal, and coronal planes. Some systems can also
tions due to the presence of bone and air. Therefore, many display three-dimensional dose clouds that make it possible
treatment-planning systems designed for planning extra- to quickly assess the quality of the dose coverage.
cranial SRS employ 3D pencil beam dose calculation DVHs also serve as an important tool for analyzing plan
methods. quality. A DVH plot from a Gamma Knife patient is shown
6 Treatment Planning for Stereotactic Radiosurgery 79
Fig. 6.7 (a) A Gamma Knife isodose plot with the target outlined in red, the 50 % isodose line in yellow, and the 30 % isodose line in green. (b)
Dose-volume histogram for target in this case
in Fig. 6.7b. For each structure, the DVH plots the fraction of identical to the target volume). As a planning goal, Lomax
the volume covered by each dose level. Both the dose and the and Scheib suggest a conformity index of 0.6 or higher.
volume can be expressed as either absolute or relative values. The RTOG has also defined a homogeneity index that is
DVHs are particularly useful because they reduce a three- equal to the maximum dose in the treatment volume divided
dimensional treatment plan into an easy to read two- by the prescription dose. A case is considered per protocol if
dimensional plot. The comparison of multiple plans is also this ratio is less than or equal to 2.0. In terms of target cover-
simplified by overlying DVHs on the same plot. The disad- age, the RTOG considers a case to be per protocol if the iso-
vantage of DVHs is the lack of spatial information. A DVH dose line equal to 90 % of the prescribed dose completely
will indicate the presence of hot or cold spots, but it does not encompasses the target. Lomax and Scheib suggest an alter-
provide specify where in the structure of interest this under- native volumetric definition of coverage where target cover-
dosage or underdosage is located. Consequently, slice-by- age is defined as the percentage of the target volume covered
slice evaluation of a plan is critical in making a final decision by the prescription [55].
regarding a treatment plan.
Additional parameters have been defined to score both
dose conformity and target coverage for SRS treatment plans Gamma Knife
[50–58]. The most commonly used parameter for scoring
dose conformity is the conformity index defined in the radio- Gamma Knife Unit
surgery quality assurance guidelines of the Radiation Therapy
Oncology Group (RTOG) [52]. The RTOG defined the con- The first Gamma Knife was built in 1967 under the direction
formity index as the volume of the prescription isodose sur- of Lars Leksell of the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm,
face divided by the target volume. For a perfectly conformal Sweden. Currently, there are over 300 units worldwide with
plan where the prescription isodose line exactly matches the approximately 60,000 patients treated annually [59]. Over
target volume, the conformity index would equal 1. A case is the years, there have been a number of advances and updates
considered to be per protocol if this ratio falls between 1.0 to the Gamma Knife. Two models of the Gamma Knife are
and 2.0. A shortcoming of this index is that it does not con- currently offered by Elekta, the 4C (introduced in 2004) and
sider the degree of overlap between the prescription isodose the Perfexion (introduced in 2006).
curve and the target. A plan with a complete geometric miss
of the target could still give a perfect conformity index. As an
alternative, Lomax and Scheib have suggested a conformity Gamma Knife 4C
index defined as “the ratio of the volume within the target
irradiated to at least the prescription isodose over the total Inside of the shielded treatment unit of the Gamma Knife 4C
volume enclosed by the prescription isodose” [55]. (Fig. 6.8), the beams from 201 radioactive sources are
Consequently, this value ranges from 0 (no conformity) to 1.0 focused so that they intersect at a single location. The result
(for perfect conformation, where the prescription isodose is is an elliptical region of high dose with a rapid falloff in dose
80 D.M. Shepard et al.
Fig. 6.10 The isodose curves for a trigeminal neuralgia patient before (a) and after (b) plugging. (c) The plugging pattern. 35 of the 201 sources
have been blocked (blocked collimators are shown in black)
a b c
5 100 5 1 5 1
90 0.9 0.9
80 0.8 0.8
60 0.6 0.6
2.5 50 2.5 0.5 2.5 0.5
40 0.4 0.4
30 0.3 0.3
20 0.2 0.2
10 0.1 0.1
0 0 0
2.5 5 2.5 5 2.5 5
centimeters centimeters centimeters
d e f
5 1.2 5 5
1.2 1.2
1.0 1.0
0.8 0.8 0.8
2.5 0.6 2.5 2.5
0.6 0.6
0.4 0.4 0.4
0.2 0.2 0.2
Fig. 6.12 (a) A bean-shaped target. (b–f) The process of adding shots to create a treatment plan is illustrated
achieved moving from one shot of radiation to the next through an asymmetric arc arrangement, ellipsoidal instead
because there is no need to change focusing helmets and the of spherical isodose distributions can be created.
beams are simply moved into the off position during the tran- For tumors that are small and convex in shape, it is often
sition. This ability to quickly switch from one shot of radia- possible to treat with only one isocenter. When one isocenter
tion to the next facilitates the treatment of larger tumors as is used, the dose uniformity in the target is high and the dose
well as patients with multiple brain metastases. can be prescribed to a high isodose level. When the target
The Perfexion provides improved patient comfort due the volume is large or it deviates from a sphere or an ellipsoid,
increased space inside the collimator body. The larger colli- multiple isocenters are typically required to achieve adequate
mator size also eliminates the need for eccentric frame posi- target dose conformity. The spherical high-dose regions must
tioning, and makes it possible to treat most peripheral lesions. overlap in order to avoid leaving a cold spot in the target.
The Perfexion is also the first Gamma Knife model that Consequently, one must accept a decreased target dose uni-
offers a stereotactic frame with a vacuum-assisted bite block formity as compared to plans using a single isocenter. To
(the Extend system) that makes it possible to deliver frame- date, no negative clinical consequences have been reported
less fractionated treatments. as a result of the lack of dose uniformity seen in Gamma
Knife and linac-based circular collimator treatments.
When multiple isocenters are used, the treatment-planning
Linac-Based SRS with Circular Cones problem is similar to sphere packing problem of the Gamma
Knife [61], where spherical dose distributions are packed
Initial developments in the use of linear accelerator-based together to achieve a composite dose distribution conform-
SRS techniques were centered on the use of multiple con- ing to the target volume. Because the setup and delivery time
verging arc treatments delivered with circular collimators. per isocenter is typically longer for linac-based radiosurgery
For each treatment plan, the user must select the number of as compared with Gamma Knife-based radiosurgery, it is
arcs, the angular arrangement of each arc, the weight generally desirable to deliver a limited number of isocenters.
assigned to each arc, and the number of isocenters. When However, the greater selection of collimator sizes and the
one isocenter is used, the high isodose levels at the isocenter availability of larger collimator sizes as compared with the
are nearly spherical. A variety of arc arrangements have been Gamma Knife reduce the need for the use of a large number
reported [26, 60]. As compared with the Gamma Knife, a of isocenters. Overall, the Gamma Knife centers and linac-
greater number collimator sizes is available with circular based SRS centers have reported similar cure rates and com-
collimators. By adjusting the weightings of the arcs or plication levels.
6 Treatment Planning for Stereotactic Radiosurgery 83
isocenter can lead to plans that are less conformal with a less
Linac-Based SRS with Multileaf Collimators steep dose gradient at the target edge. The decreased dose
gradient is in part the result of the use of larger beams and
An MLC is a field-shaping device that uses movable leaves fewer unique beam paths. As mentioned previously, a routine
made out of a highly attenuating material such as tungsten in Gamma Knife plan will involve as many as 201 beams and a
order to generate arbitrary field shapes (see Fig. 6.13). The typical plan for a linac-based cone-beam treatment would
first MLCs designed for routine external beam delivery typi- include five arcs each covering approximately 100° of gantry
cally had leaf widths that projected to 1 cm at isocenter. rotation. By contrast, a typical micromultileaf plan may have
These MLCs lacked the geometric precision for shaping as few as six beams.
small irregularly shaped fields such as those in commonly Target size is a second issue that impacts one’s ability to
encountered in SRS. create a conformal treatment plan using an MLC. For small
Interest in the use of MLCs for radiosurgery increased targets, such as in the treatment of trigeminal neuralgia, high
when vendors introduced micromultileaf collimators precision in target localization and positioning is required.
(mMLCs), a type of MLC where each leaf projects to a width MLCs may not be suitable for target sizes significantly less
of between 2 and 5 mm at isocenter. mMLCs are suitable for than one centimeter due to the undulating field edges caused
SRS applications, because they are capable of shaping small by the finite leaf width. For larger targets, MLC can provide
irregular fields with acceptable geometric error. Typical efficient beam delivery and dose uniformity due to the use of
mMLCs have between 20 and 80 leaves, arranged in pairs. a single isocenter [50]. However, the dose to surrounding
The maximum field size of mMLCs generally varies from 8 structures increases as the size of the target increases [50].
to 20 cm, much greater than those available with traditional As a result, the dose to normal structures may exceed the
circular collimators. As a result, extracranial SRS and stereo- acceptable limits if one attempts to treat a large tumor with a
tactic body radiation therapy (SBRT) can be delivered. single fraction.
Additionally, vendors now offer MLCs designed for Generally multileaf collimators (including mMLCs) can
both conventional treatments and radiosurgery. For exam- be used for four delivery approaches: (1) fixed-field confor-
ple, Elekta’s Agility MLC has 160 leaves of projected mal delivery; (2) dynamic conformal arc delivery; (3) fixed-
width 0.5 cm at isocenter and offers field sizes up to field intensity-modulated radiation therapy (IMRT); and (4)
40 × 40 cm. Varian offers their HD 120™ MLC, a 120 leaf volumetric modulated arc therapy (VMAT).
MLC which can deliver field sizes up to 22 × 40 cm with
2.5 mm leaves (projected at isocenter) across the central
8 cm of the field. Fixed Fields: 3D Conformal Delivery
Due to their ease of use and wide range of possible appli-
cations, the advent of MLCs has led to a decline in popular- With MLCs, three-dimensional (3D) conformal therapy
ity of SRS delivery using circular collimators. treatment-planning techniques can be applied to SRS plan-
As compared with Gamma Knife and linac-based SRS ning. If there are a sufficient number of MLC-shaped beams,
with circular collimators, the use of an MLC and a single the dose distribution quality can rival that obtained using
with multiple arcs using circular collimators and multiple
isocenters. This is especially true when the targets are larger
and non-spherical in shape. Because only one isocenter is
needed, the dose uniformity created with MLCs is generally
better than that achieved with the use of circular collimators
and multiple isocenters. With the exception of the need for
stereotactic reconstruction from stereotactic frames and
markers, the planning method for SRS essentially matches
that for 3D conformal therapy. Each non-coplanar field is
shaped based on the BEV of the target with additional mar-
gins to account for the width of the beam penumbra, which is
wider than the penumbra from circular collimators and
increases with leaf width.
The use of fixed fields delivered with an MLC is best
suited for convex target shapes. With fixed fields, there is
Fig. 6.13 A photo of Varian’s high definition multileaf collimator only a limited ability spare normal tissues in the center of a
(HD-MLC) (Varian Medical System, Inc. All rights reserved.) concave volume.
84 D.M. Shepard et al.
Dynamic Conformal Arcs nation produce a highly conformal dose distribution. For both
external beam radiation therapy and SRS, IMRT improves
In dynamic conformal arc delivery, the shape of the field dose conformity as compared with the use of conventional
changes continuously to conform to the BEV of the target unmodulated beams [63]. It should be noted that for small
during arced beam delivery. Dynamic conformal arc delivery intracranial targets, IMRT delivered with an MLC may be
combines the dosimetric advantages of arcs (reduced hot- unable to achieve the dose conformality obtained using sphere
streaks of dose through the patient) with the dose conformity packing due the fact the width of the leaves of the MLC are
that is possible with MLC beam shaping. Additionally, this on the order of the size of the targets to be treated.
approach only requires a single isocenter. With the use of The IMRT planning problem is modeled by subdividing
three or four non-coplanar arcs, a uniform high-dose volume each beam into a grid of beamlets. The weight, or intensity,
can be created that conforms to the target. of each of the beamlets is then determined. Because of the
Treatment planning for dynamic conformal arcs requires complexity of determining the appropriate beamlet weights
the delineation of the target and critical structures. The planner inverse (automated) planning techniques are employed.
must determine the number of arcs, their length, and their IMRT planning for SRS and IMRT planning for external
arrangements. For planning and delivery control, each arc is beam radiation therapy share the same general procedures.
approximated as a series of fixed fields. The shapes are The user defines a series of treatment goals, and an optimiza-
typically set based on the beam’s eye view (BEV) of the target tion algorithm determines the plan parameters that lead to a
and critical structures. For example, one can set each field plan that best satisfies those goals.
shape contained within an arc to match the BEV of the target
plus a 3 mm margin. Additionally, one may choose to use the
BEV of a critical structure to design field shapes that block Volumetric Modulated Arc Therapy
that structure throughout the arc path. If the gantry of the
accelerator rotates with a constant speed and maintains a con- Volumetric modulated arc therapy (VMAT) also known as
stant dose rate during rotation, one must assign the same num- intensity-modulated arc therapy (IMAT) is a rotational
ber of monitor units to each beam angle within a given arc. approach to the delivery of IMRT making use of a conven-
The dose calculation for conformal arcs is more compli- tional linear accelerator and a conventional MLC. The gantry
cated than that for conventional arcs due to fact that the field speed, dose rate, and MLC leaf positions are all varied
shapes changes while the beam is on. The planning system dynamically while the gantry rotates about the patient. The
must calculate the dose contributions from a large number of degree of intensity modulation is determined by the number
irregularly shaped fields. In determining the angular spacing of arcs as well as the number of aperture shapes included
of the fixed fields, one must balance the need for accuracy within each arc. The ability to modulate the intensity of radi-
with the desire for a reasonably quick dose calculation time. ation can provide significant dosimetric advantages relative
When an arc is approximated with fields spaced more than 5° to dynamic conformal arc therapy.
apart from one another, the lack of sufficient field overlap In 2007, Varian and Elekta each introduced delivery con-
results in undulating features in the lower isodose lines away trol systems capable of delivering VMAT. Since that time,
from the focal region. These features are not reflected in the VMAT has become a widely adopted delivery technique. A
actual delivery. Finer spacing of the beams will reduce such key advantage of VMAT is the highly efficient nature of the
artifacts in the displayed isodose lines. delivery. This is particularly beneficial when delivering the
In some treatment-planning system, a long arc can also be large doses utilized in radiosurgery treatments. The effi-
broken into multiple sub-arcs. The weights of these sub-arcs ciency can be further increased when VMAT is combined
can be optimized based on the user-defined dose-volume con- with flattening filter-free delivery, a technique where the
straints [62]. During delivery, each of these sub-arcs is treated beam is delivered without a flattening filter thereby permit-
as a separate beam. Generally, this technique works best on ting very high-dose rates.
convex targets and less well on targets with concave surfaces.
Fixed-Field Intensity-Modulated Fields
With fixed-field IMRT, a modulated intensity pattern is deliv-
ered from each beam direction. Consequently, radiation can The CyberKnife (see Fig. 6.14) is a fully integrated radio-
be delivered to the target through preferred locations within surgery system that uses a pair of kilovoltage imaging
each beam. From each beam direction, the dose delivered to devices to locate the treatment site and direct the external
the target is nonuniform. However, all of the beams in combi- treatment beam [64]. The treatment beam is provided by a
6 Treatment Planning for Stereotactic Radiosurgery 85
CT also plays a critical role in the image guidance aspect of places additional demands on its spatial resolution. To
the delivery process. If MRI images are to be used to enhance achieve optimal targeting accuracy [66], it is recommended
anatomical delineation, then the MRI study must be fused to that the CT slice thickness not exceed 1.25 mm [67]. While
the CT study prior to beginning the planning process. this slice thickness is commonly used for intracranial lesions,
The integrated image guidance system allows the it is a higher spatial resolution than is typically used for rou-
CyberKnife to target any treatment site that can be located tine diagnostic studies of extracranial sites.
via radiographic landmarks. Targeting is achieved by regis- CNS lesions, including tumors and AVMs, are the most
tering the landmarks in the kilovoltage (kV) alignment commonly treated sites. As examples of CNS applications,
images with their counterparts in DRRs derived from the we take note of two specialized treatment-planning prob-
treatment-planning CT study. lems: trigeminal neuralgia and spinal lesions. The trigeminal
For treatment sites that maintain a rigid relationship with nerve is visualized for planning using CT cisternography
bony landmarks that can be easily visualized on planar [68]. The patient is scanned over the full head in the
images (such as intracranial lesions), target localization can Trendelenburg position. Typically, 64 cGy is prescribed to
be achieved by measuring the position of the skeletal fea- the 80 % isodose line, encompassing approximately 8 mm of
tures in the treatment room. For treatment sites in soft tissue, nerve, and is delivered in one fraction. Beam alignment and
a common localization strategy is to make use of fiducial tracking during treatment is based on the position of the cra-
markers implanted near the lesion in a manner similar to nium visualized in the treatment room radiographs.
those being employed by other extracranial systems. Accuray Treatments of lesions along the spine are delivered in 1–5
has also introduced the Xsight Spine tracking system that fractions. Targeting is based on typically based on automated
uses advanced image-registration tools to automatically tracking of skeletal structures. The planning CT study (see
track lesions or targets in or near spinal structures. Accuray’s Fig. 6.15) is set up to visualize the region in and around the
Xsight Lung tracking system automatically compensates for lesion with the patient lying supine in an alpha cradle. The
the tumor motion without the need for implanted fiducials. typical treatment dose is 1,200–2,000 cGy prescribed to the
These targeting capabilities enable the user of the 80 % isodose line. Dose to the cord is limited to 800 cGy.
CyberKnife to plan treatments for central nervous system Experience from numerous treatments has shown that
(CNS) lesions in the cranium and anywhere along the spine, patients resting supine in an alpha cradle move less than
as well as soft tissue sites in the thorax, abdomen, and pelvis. 3 mm over the course of a 30 min treatment fraction [9]. The
Although the general treatment-planning procedure is not image guidance system detects and corrects for intra-fraction
site specific, each site introduces some distinctive elements movement.
to the planning process. In addition to CNS sites, the CyberKnife has been used
The important role that the planning CT study plays in to treat pancreatic, lung, prostate, and other soft tissue
target localization and beam alignment during treatment tumors.
6 Treatment Planning for Stereotactic Radiosurgery 87
structure constraints, then the clinician must decide if the dose with depth. As the beam passes through tissue, the dose
best obtainable solution is good enough. After an optimized initially remains approximately constant. Near the end of the
plan has been calculated, the clinician has an opportunity to range, however, the dose quickly increases to its peaks value
fine-tune it in a pseudo-forward planning step by selectively then rapidly falls off to near zero dose. The region of high dose
turning individual beams on and off. at the end of the particle range is called the Bragg peak [70].
The final decision made in the planning process is whether By adjusting the incident energy of the beam, the position of
the original fractionation scheme should be modified in light the Bragg peak can be controlled to match the depth of the
of the achievable dose limits to the target volume and critical lesions being treated. This is, however, a case of too much of a
structures. This is an important consideration for spine treat- good thing. The Bragg peak is usually much narrower than the
ments because there is incomplete knowledge of the spinal span of the average target. This in turn requires that the peak
cord’s tolerance of single-fraction doses. be “spread out” or modulated. The effect of this modulation is
an increase the surface dose of the entrance beam.
Proton delivery systems are not compact like conven-
Proton SRS tional linacs or Gamma Knife units (see Fig. 6.16). Until
recently, proton facilities that were originally designed for
Introduction nuclear research used retrofitted equipment to bring the radi-
ation to the patients. This meant using fixed beamlines and
In recent years, there has been a steady growth in the number innovative methods to deliver fields from various directions.
of proton therapy centers worldwide [69]. The upfront costs Modern proton facilities designed and built for radiation
of a new proton therapy center (frequently in excess of therapy have incorporated gantry systems making their use
$100 M) as well as the high operational costs have been a similar to linacs [71, 72].
limiting factor in the routine clinical adoption of proton ther-
apy. Of those centers offering proton therapy, fewer than half
have an active radiosurgery program. By comparison there Dose Modeling
are approximately 300 Gamma Knife centers worldwide [59]
and a much larger number of linac-based SRS programs. Doses from proton beams are clinically described in Cobalt
The major advantage of high-energy protons and other Gray Equivalent (CGE). The CGE represents the equivalent
heavy charged particles is the characteristic distribution of biological dose to achieve the same cell-kill as 60Co gamma
Fig. 6.16 (a) The STAR (Stereotactic Alignment Radiosurgery) iso- the top cranial hemisphere. (b) A 110-Ton isocentric gantry and 6-axis
centric patient positioning device designed and built by Product Genesis robotic patient positioner designed and built as a collaborative effort
Inc. [82] and used by the MGH (Massachusetts General Hospital, between General Atomic Inc. [83] and Ion Beam Application Inc. [84]
Boston) group in conjunction with horizontal fixed proton beamlines. and used for proton SRT and SRS at the NPTC (Northeast Proton
The patient can be rotated enabling any portal combination aimed from Therapy Center, MGH, Boston)
6 Treatment Planning for Stereotactic Radiosurgery 89
rays. The ratio of the physical to biological dose is called the the most from the reduction of dose to normal brain from
radiobiological effectiveness (RBE). Clinical applications of protons as compared with other modalities. Protons also
protons assume an RBE of 1.1 relative to 60Co [73, 74]. This make it possible to deliver a uniform target dose even with
means that 10 % less physical dose is required when deliver- large lesions. This may be considered an advantage when
ing proton beams compared to X-rays. treating AVM where the target and normal brain are inter-
The Bragg peak measured for a single energy beam is twined. However, additional clinical results are needed to
referred to as a “pristine” Bragg peak. The width of a pristine demonstrate this conclusively.
Bragg peak as measured from the proximal to distal 90 % The immobilization hardware and alignment techniques
dose varies with energy. The width is narrower for shallow used for linac SRS can be applied to proton radiosurgery
fields and broader for deeper fields; however, a typical width particularly when a gantry-based beamline is used. In fixed
is around 0.5 cm. In order to treat larger lesions, multiple beamlines, the need to rotate the patient can lead to torque
pristine Bragg peaks are combined to create a spread out on the patient’s head that can result in slight shifts of the
Bragg peak (SOBP). The SOPB 90–90 % width (also known head relative to an external reference frame. In such cases, it
as the modulation width) can be customized to the thickness would be unwise to rely on conventional stereotactic exter-
of any lesion by varying the depth and weight of each pris- nal reference frames. The insertion of three 1/16″ diameter
tine peak. 316LVM grade stainless steel spheres in the outer table of
It is important to note that the relative weights and depth the patient’s skull used in conjunction with diagnostic qual-
pullbacks of the individual pristine peaks needed to generate ity X-ray treatment alignment system provides a reliable
a flat SOBP are dependent not only on the 90–90 % width reference coordinate system [78]. A benefit of using an
but also on their entire depth dose profile. The pristine peak internal marker system is the flexibility to image, plan, and
shape is also affected by the field diameter. Therefore, for a treat on different days. This is an important consideration
specific beamline, both the energy and the field diameter for proton facilities that have significant overhead due the
must be modeled in the treatment-planning algorithm to need to fabricate custom beam shaping devices, which
properly generate the desired SOBP. An SOPB can be gener- require pretreatment QA/QC and possibly dosimetric verifi-
ated by delivering the dose from each pristine Bragg peak cation. Patients also benefit from not having to wear a ste-
separately or by using beam spreading devices such as spin- reotactic frame while waiting for their treatments as is
ning absorber wheels or ridge filters [75]. necessary with same day CT-Plan-Treat schedules. Using
The lateral dose penumbra of proton beams depends on internal alignment markers does not necessarily preclude
the inherent beam source geometry as well as individual the use of stereotactic bony fixation for CT imaging and/or
treatment field settings. Beamlines designed to treat large the treatment. It does however provide the flexibility to use
fields generally use a double scattering system which can stable noninvasive immobilization devices as assessed on an
results in a 5 cm FWHM source size. When this source size individual patient basis.
is combined with a source-to-axis distance (SAD) of 220 cm Treatment planning for proton therapy requires CT
that is typical for a proton gantry system, the result is a imaging because the dose algorithms convert the pixel den-
80–20 % isocenter plane penumbra of 2.8 mm for a range of sities to proton stopping power. The stopping powers are
8 cm and 6.3 mm for a range of 16 cm. In a small-field single used to calculate the penetration of the protons inside the
scattering system with an SAD of 450 cm, the source size is patient. When required, secondary imaging studies such as
around 1 cm FWHM, and the penumbra is reduced to 2.3 mm PET, MRI and angiography can be fused or merged with
for a range of 8 cm and 5.3 mm for a range of 16 cm. the primary planning CT as is done with conventional treat-
Treatment-planning systems with integrated proton beam ments [79, 80]. Because of the proton penetration conver-
algorithms, such as Elekta’s XiO planning system, must be sion from CT densities and the sharp dose fall off beyond
able to model both the lateral and depth dose profiles based the Bragg peak special precautions are necessary to ensure
on as many clinical variables as possible. This is achieved by that the planning CT’s densities are not artificially altered.
using pencil beam algorithms which model multiple This means that if a CT requires contrast for target and nor-
Coulomb scattering within beam modifying devices as well mal structure delineation it may be necessary to first obtain
as the patient [76, 77]. a non-contrast CT to be used for treatment planning. A sec-
ondary scan performed with contrast is used for structure
delineation and fused to the non-contrast planning CT. This
Pre-planning Consideration is especially important when treating vascular lesions,
where using the contrast CT scan to calculate the proton
As compared with linac and Gamma Knife delivery, protons stopping powers would overestimate the required proton
result in a lower integral dose to the patient due to the sharp range and modulation and result in an increased treatment
dose fall off beyond the Bragg peak. Larger lesions benefit volume.
90 D.M. Shepard et al.
0 5 10 15 20 25
Depth in Water (cm)
Clinical Treatment Planning dose uniformity across targets, it has been the MGH practice,
for proton SRS, to avoid truncating a target so as to treat it
Proton arc therapy is not feasible nor is it necessary to gen- using abutting or patch fields [81]. These techniques are reg-
erate conformal plans. Three to five static ports are gener- ularly used when treating fractionated proton SRT to improve
ally sufficient to obtain satisfactory target dose conformity. dose conformality of very irregular targets; however they
Using BEV (beams-eye-view) projections, the user deter- create small local high-dose points within the treatment
mines the best combination of ports to optimize the dose volume.
conformality. When practical, the use of orthogonal beams Patient demographics are dependent on the practice refer-
minimizes overlap regions between fields. Brass apertures ral patterns as well as the facility’s ability to offer alternative
are custom milled to the shape of the lesion’s BEV projec- treatments. Proton facilities that do not have an alternative
tion (see Fig. 6.17). The expansion of the aperture openings modality option are likely to have a significant fraction
accounts for the penumbra of the specific portal. Blocking (~25 %) of patients with metastatic disease compared to very
of specific critical structures is made easy using the BEV few if an alternative such as linac SRS is available. At the
approach. Custom lucite range compensators are fabricated MGH, 47 % of PSRS patients are AVMs, 19 % pituitary or
to enable dose shaping to conform to the distal edge of the cavernous sinus lesions, 13 % acoustic neuromas, 11 %
target. meningiomas, 4 % extracranial, and 6 % are miscellaneous
Although the beam directions are determined on a case- other disease.
by-case basis, an effort is made to use standard beam arrange-
ments. Pituitary adenomas are located in and around sella
and have similar dose constraints. A standard approach at the Other Considerations
Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH) for pituitary lesions
has been to use four fields (RL, LL, ASO, PSO) (Fig 6.18). When considering the overall advantage of protons for SRS,
The lateral fields avoid the optic structures and brainstem one should compare the dose gradient relative to standard
while passing through the temporal lobes; the PSO avoids Gamma Knife or linac-based systems. As with any such
the optic structures and temporal lobes while passing through treatment device there exist unique planning situations at
the brainstem; and the reduced weight ASO avoids the tem- which it will excel. However when one considers that
poral lobes and brainstem while passing through the optic Gamma Knife or linac-based system routinely produce plans
structures. that expose as little as 5–10 % of normal nontarget tissues in
Another standardized approach is used to treat acoustic the prescription isodose shell while providing dose gradients
neuromas using 3–4 fields (L/RPO, L/RAO, L/RSO, that drop the dose from the prescription dose to half of the
L/RPSO). This field combination limits the dose to the brain- prescription dose in 2.5–4 mm, the margin for improvement
stem, cerebellum, and temporal lobe while avoiding bone is relatively small. The image guidance techniques available
heterogeneities as much as possible. In other cases such as with linac-based systems such as cone-beam CT could also
AVMs, the variability in location, shape, and size makes impact the degree of the advantage seen with proton therapy
standardization difficult (see Fig. 6.19). In order to maximize for SRS and SBRT.
6 Treatment Planning for Stereotactic Radiosurgery 91
Ø 10– 48 mm
20 20
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Designing, Building, and Installing
a Stereotactic Radiosurgery Unit 7
Lijun Ma, Andrew Hwang, and Arjun Sahgal
L.S. Chin and W.F. Regine (eds.), Principles and Practice of Stereotactic Radiosurgery, 95
DOI 10.1007/978-1-4614-8363-2_7, © Springer Science+Business Media New York 2015
96 L. Ma et al.
Gamma Knife
Fig. 7.3 Example of isocenter test tools: (a) an automatic diode scanning tool; (b) a film holder with central prick pin for marking the film before
exposure with the radiation
isocenter alignment check must be carried out for each six degrees of freedom (x, y, z translation, and pitch, yaw,
patient delivery. and roll) to correct for non-flat couch top and minor setup
Figure 7.3 illustrates the isocenter alignment devices for errors. The coordinates on the localizer is commonly set in
the PFX unit. In using the isocenter alignment check tool, the positive numbers in order to minimize misreading in setting
beam profile is first scanned via small-volume detector such up the stereotactic coordinates.
as diode (Fig. 7.3a) across axis directions. A film is pricked With the recent advent of onboard imaging devices, the
with a pin at the isocenter set by the mechanical device isocentric process has been gradually replaced by automatic
(Fig. 7.3b). Then the film is exposed and pinprick mark is image-based setups. An example of such a new generation
compared with the center of the beam profile to determine linear accelerator is shown in Fig. 7.6. Some of the features
agreement between the mechanical and radiation isocenters of this type of linear accelerator include digital control
[5, 25, 30, 33, 34]. boards, an onboard imager (OBI), high dose rate delivery
For linac-based SRS units, the most commonly used iso- without flattening filter attenuation as used for conventional
center alignment check is the Winston–Lutz test method radiotherapy. With an improved digital control system, such
[28, 32]. For the test, a metallic spherical ball is first aligned a linear accelerator is able to deliver arc beams with a high
with the isocenter using wall-mount lasers or a front-pointer. dose rate while being able to adjust the speed of gantry rota-
A series of port films are then exposed downstream for a tion and MLC leaf motions for beam intensity modulation,
“dry-run” of actual beam deliveries. Typically, the film is as well as collecting 2D and 3D onboard kV images during
placed on a special holder attached to the gantry port extend- the process. As a result, patient treatment setup does not
ing underneath the ball. If the linac is equipped with high- need to be referenced to the isocenter setup and verifications,
resolution electronic portal imager (EPID) [35], the image but can solely rely on direct online image studies via OBI for
can be taken with that device in lieu of the film. Once direct planar or volumetric match of the patient position with
exposed, the projected ball image is compared with the edge that defined in the reference CT image studies during the
field to detect any deviations in the isocenter. The Winston– treatment planning process. However, the imaging device
Lutz test is especially useful for linac-based SRS because it must be carefully calibrated so that its reference center coin-
not only checks the isocenter alignment but also detects any cides with the linear accelerator isocenter, so that any shift in
collisions among the gantry, couch, and tertiary collimators patient position detected from the online imaging process
during the patient delivery. can be reliably compensated using changes in couch position
Example isocenter measurement results for a Gamma or beam alignment (i.e., MLC shifts).
Knife unit and a linac-based SRS unit are given in Fig. 7.4. Once the patient is aligned, linac-based SRS commonly
Once the alignment between the laser and mechanical iso- uses either noncoplanar converging fixed beams or dynamic
centers is verified, the target coordinates for the linac-based arc beams. In dynamic rotation delivery, the gantry rotates
SRS treatments are set via a laser-based localizer. A picture while the couch can be either fixed or rotates at the same
of the setup localizer is shown in Fig. 7.5. To facilitate the time. The advantage of the dynamic arc-beam delivery is that
alignment of the isocenter, the localizer can be adjusted in only a single treatment setup is required and parallel-opposed
7 Designing, Building, and Installing a Stereotactic Radiosurgery Unit 99
Fig. 7.4 Results of radiation and mechanical alignment tests for (a) agreement between the pinpricked center and full width half maximum
GK unit and (b) linac-based SRS unit. (a) Used the smallest circular (FWHM) field edge was found to be within 0.5 mm for both cases
field of 4-mm in diameter and (b) used a square field of 4 × 4 cm2. The
Fig. 7.5 A typical linac-based SRS treatment setup and illustrated beam arrangements
beams can be avoided during the entire delivery to produce a weights and intensity modulated arc beam delivery (IMAT or
better entrance and exit dose for a treatment plan. VMAT), MLC-based SRS may also be able to deliver even
With the ubiquitous adoption of high-definition MLC sys- better dose distributions for complex targets as compared to
tems, fixed-cone collimator-based SRS delivery is fast being the conventional fixed-field approach [31]. A picture of a
replaced by MLC-based SRS delivery. From the beginning, dedicated MLC-based SRS linear accelerator is shown in
these high-resolution MLCs were able to shape the beam Fig. 7.7. The unit is considered as a stereotactic unit because
aperture conformally in the beam’s eye view during the gan- it possesses a high-definition MLC with a slightly restricted
try rotation for linac-based SRS delivery; therefore, the tech- maximum field size of 22 × 40 cm2, as compared to the
nique is termed shaped-beam SRS delivery in contrast to the 40 × 40 cm2 maximum field size typical of conventional lin-
traditional fixed-beam cone SRS delivery [27, 29, 31, ear accelerators. In addition, this particular unit also pos-
36–38]. Recent advances in MLC technology have resulted sesses the capacity to perform online near real-time image
in leaf size on the order of even 2.5 mm which allows for guidance via a ceiling and floor-mounted kV X-ray imaging
even small targets <1 cm to be treated. system. The mechanical accuracy of the unit has been
For the majority of treatments, MLC-based SRS is capa- reported to be on the order of 0.5 mm [39], and notably
ble of delivering the full treatment regardless of a single or treated small targets such as the trigeminal nerve root entry
multiple targets with a single isocenter. With optimized beam zone for the treatment of trigeminal neuralgia [38].
100 L. Ma et al.
Potential Issues and Challenges storage
cise treatments with greater efficiency and patient through-
put. One common challenge for existing image guidance
solutions is to ensure that the imaging process is sufficiently A
fast. This is important not only for the purposes of treatment SRS
efficiency and patient comfort but also to ensure that any Unit
observed patient shifts can be corrected in a timely fashion
D Alley E
before and during the beam-on delivery. However, frequent
imaging via the current kV or MV X-ray beams has raised
concerns with respect to excessive imaging dose and risks of Fig. 7.10 A sample floor plan for installing a dedicated SRS unit. The
designated points (A, B, C, D, E) are selected calculation points for
secondary malignancies, particularly for young patients. One barriers transmissions
potential development is in the area of imaging modalities
such as online MR-guided teletherapy treatment devices.
Future studies will confirm whether such new developments For room shielding, the bunker design depends on numer-
would improve the overall accuracy and more importantly ous factors that include the machine load, how frequently a
clinical outcome of such devices over the traditional SRS particular wall is irradiated, and the distance between the
deliveries. wall and the isocenter. To ameliorate requirements for pri-
mary irradiations, it is often advantageous to construct a
bunker in the basement and direct the primary beam toward
Shielding Design the underground earth. Figure 7.10 shows a sample floor
plan hosting a SRS unit. As an illustration, we present here
One of major tasks in building and installing a SRS unit is to an example calculation for shielding design of the floor plan
design a bunker room and to enforce radiation protection in Fig. 7.10.
rules. There are two aspects of source shielding and radiation A simple equation for shielding design calculations is
protection for SRS delivery: (1) to reduce extrafocal radia- given as follows:
tion that contributes to dose deposition outside of the target
R = WUT ´ ( d 0 / d ) ´ 10( - t /TVL ) ´ S ,
volume and (2) to reduce radiation exposure to the operators
and the general public outside of the room.
The radiation to be shielded is generated from the primary where R is the exposure per week, W is the work load (i.e.,
beam directly hitting outside of the target, scattered radia- maximum delivered dose per week), U is the use factor (i.e.,
tions, and leakage radiation from the head of the radiation fraction of the time beam is directed or scattered toward the
source. For extrafocal radiation irradiating the patient barrier, U = 1 if scattered radiation is considered), T is the
internally, the concern is secondary malignancy risk, particu- occupancy factor (i.e., fraction of the time a person is present
larly in the treatment of young patients and patients with at the point), d0 is the reference dose calibration distance
benign diseases or functional conditions to which radiation (e.g., 100 cm for linac-based SRS unit), t is the thickness of
is being applied. Measurements have been carried out to the barrier materials, TVL is the tenth-value layer of the bar-
document such doses for both GK and linac-based SRS units rier material, and S is the scatter factor (e.g., S = 1 if primary
[5, 42]. As a percentage of the target dose, GK and linac- is used, S = 0.001 if scatter radiation is considered).
based units result in ~0.4 % to blood forming organs, ~0.5 % If we need to calculate the required wall thickness near
to the thyroid, ~0.04 % to the gonads, and ~0.05 % to the the console operator at point A, the following parameters
breast or thorax region. One difference between the GK and are first determined as follows: W = maximum 5 patients
the linac-based units is the dose to the lens. Since the dmax for per day × 5 days per week × 5,000 cGy per treatment =
Co is 0.5 cm while for 4–6 MV is in the range of 1.0– 125,000 cGy/week; TVL = 13.5 in. for the concrete of the
1.5 cm, the lens dose is estimated to ~2.5 % of the target wall; d0 = 1 m and d = 4 m; U = 1; T = 1 and S = 1 for the case;
dose. Such a percentage could be important for treatment and the exposure limit is 0.002 rad/week. We have
involving a large dose of delivery such as that for trigeminal
R = 125, 000 ´ 1´ 1´ (1 / 4 ) ´ 10( - t /13.5) ´ 1 £ 0.002.
neuralgia where the target dose ranges from 70 to 90 Gy.
7 Designing, Building, and Installing a Stereotactic Radiosurgery Unit 103
Solving for t from the above equation, we have t ≥ 89 in. some states, the RSO is required to be a qualified operator of
This means that the minimum concrete wall thickness at point the SRS unit.
A should be about 7.5 ft in order to meet the exposure limit. In case of pregnancy, the RSO needs to determine whether
It is clear that either increasing source to barrier distance or it is appropriate for the worker to continue to operate. In gen-
adding high-density shielding materials such as lead in the eral, a declared worker may work as long as the total expo-
wall (reducing TVL value) will significantly reduce the wall sure to the embryo or fetus is maintained within the ALARA
thickness and increase room size. If necessary, the workload dose limits.
can also be restricted to maintain the exposure level to a sat-
isfactory level.
Note that the above calculations represented the simplest Installation and Acceptance
form of open-field single beam shielding calculations. When
considering specialized units such as intensity modulated Installation and acceptance a SRS unit requires extensive
shaped-beam SRS, Cyberknife, and Tomotherapy treat- tests of the functionality of the unit. Common to all SRS
ments, additional factors such as the so-called IMRT factor units, three categories of tests should be performed: (1) dose
should be considered. This is because traditional linear rate calibration and radiation survey; (2) radiation and
accelerators are normally calibrated to deliver 1 cGy per mechanical isocenter alignment; and (3) imaging acquisition
monitor unit at approximately 100 cm source-to-isocenter and treatment planning process.
distance, but units such as Cyberknife and Tomotherapy are The phantoms in Fig. 7.11 are sometimes also used for
calibrated differently. To deliver 1 cGy generally requires a regular quality assurance measurements or serve as the scat-
significantly more monitor units and, in general, a conserva- tering medium for radiation survey tasks. As an example, the
tive multiplicative factor such as 15 is currently assumed for absolute dose rate for a newly installed GK SRS unit should
the purpose of shielding calculations. This in effect increases be measured at least at 300 cGy/min using the 16- or 18-mm
the R value of the above equation for the leakage radiation helmet. This is important because this not only affects the
shielding by a factor of 15 assuming 100 % treatments are delivery efficiency but also ensures adequate source life
IMRT type. The actual percentage of IMRT cases can be before the next reloading is needed. The dose calibration
adjusted according to the individual clinical practices. geometry should be measured using tissue-equivalent phan-
Shielding design is covered in detail in National Council on toms of standard shapes as illustrated in Fig. 7.11.
Radiation Protection and Measurements (NCRP) report Another important specification that needs to be tested is
number 151 (http://www.ncrppublications.org/Reports/151). the radiation and mechanical isocenter alignment. This is
In addition, a number of publications describe shielding for performed using the special mechanical alignment tool for
specific modalities [43–45]. the GK unit and the Winston–Lutz test methods for linac-
based units as previously described. In general, the smallest
field size should be measured to ensure maximum accuracy.
Radiation Safety Program The most important test in installing a SRS unit is to
ensure the delivered dose profiles match the prescribed ones.
Before building or installing a SRS unit, an institutional radi- As a general practice, the beam profiles along all major axes
ation safety committee should be formed to implement a of a single-isocenter delivery should be compared with the
radiation safety program. The goal of the program is to main- calculated profiles. The agreement should satisfy the mini-
tain the radiation exposures to all employees and individual mum manufacturer specifications such as 2 % at the central
members of the public to be “as low as reasonably achiev- axis and 2 mm in the dose gradient region. For accurate
able” (ALARA). This is commonly referred to as ALARA delivery using small collimators (e.g., 4–5 mm in diameter),
principle. the requirements can be more stringent such as 1 % or 1 mm
To implement the program, a general rule is to monitor in the dose profiles. The dose profiles can be measured using
the radiation level that is significantly below the regulated radiochromic films with the insert pieces fit into the standard
legal dose limits (e.g., a factor of 10). In general, film badges calibration phantoms as illustrated in Fig. 7.11. The exposed
are used to monitor the radiation exposure to all SRS opera- radiochromic films should be scanned using the laser densi-
tors and visitors. A radiation safety officer (RSO) should be tometer with a resolution of 100 μm or better. An example
designated for the SRS treatments. The key responsibilities result for the measured dose profile is given in Fig. 7.12.
of RSO are to oversee the radiation exposure reports (e.g., Besides the major tests described above, additional accep-
monthly) and to provide refresher radiation safety training to tance tests may be carried out to meet federal, state regula-
the users (e.g., annually). The RSO needs to be responsive to tions, and institutional protocols for installing a SRS unit.
emergency situations and serve as a person of contact Most of these tests are also part of quality assurance program
between the institution and federal and state agencies. For in using the SRS unit. Detailed tasks are recommended in the
104 L. Ma et al.
Fig. 7.11 Example of customized calibration phantoms for SRS units: (a) an acrylic for linac-based SRS units; (b) the ABS plastic phantom used
for GK, (c) the solid-water phantom for the PFX released in 2009, and (d) the solid-water phantom for the Tomotherapy unit
70 radiosurgery (Cyberknife) [47].
60 One important but often neglected test in accepting a SRS
50 unit is to check imaging quality and accuracy. To carry out
such task, a standard MR/CT phantom with precalibrated
grid pattern should be scanned (preferably with fiducial
localizer box) and imported into the treatment planning sys-
tem to validate image resolution and detect any spatial dis-
tortion for the studies. One test phantom is shown in
85 90 95 100 105 110 115 Fig. 7.13. In general, it is recommended that an anthropo-
Z-AXIS morphic head phantom should be scanned for all imaging
modalities including CT, MR, and angiogram during the
Fig. 7.12 Measured dose profiles as compared with the calculated pro- acceptance of a SRS unit.
file in accepting a GK SRS unit. The agreement was found to be within
1 % and 1 mm requirements for the 4-mm helmet shown here
Fig. 7.13 The grid phantom for detecting MR versus CT spatial distor-
tion of the SRS imaging studies
Fig. 7.14 Source loading unit with opened unit head for handling a
Table 7.2 The servicing period for major components of the SRS units high activity of 60Co sources
check and
Major components servicing frequency Most of the service and maintenance jobs listed in
Couch motion mechanism (all units) Annually
Table 7.2 are performed in the treatment room except for the
APS (GK) Annually
source loading and reloading task specific to the GK. Since
Microswiches (GK) Monthly
the unit requires manipulation of >1,200 Ci of 60Co sources,
Source activity (GK) Every 7–10 years
the radiation exposure is significantly higher than the design
Stereotactic frames and fiducial boxes (all units) Weekly
Alarm and interlocks (all) Daily
limit of a treatment room. Typically, a special hot cell bunker
Audio/video system (all) Annually is constructed for carrying out such tasks.
Laser systems (LB, TU, CK) Daily The hot cell should be large enough to accommodate the
Gantry rotation (LB, TU) Annually source head and the source loading unit. An illustration of
X-ray camera systems (LB, CK) Weekly the source manipulator with the open unit head is shown in
Robotic arms (CK) Quarterly Fig. 7.14. The door of the hot cell should be also shielded to
GK Gamma Knife, LB linac-based units, CK Cyberknife, TU tomo- allow operation of the robotic arms by an operator from out-
therapy unit side. Lead bricks are typically used to shield the doors.
installing a SRS unit, it is recommended that a comprehen- Personnel Training and Qualifications
sive probable risk analysis (PRA) should be carried out. The
goal of PRA is to assign priorities or possible risk factors to Operation of the SRS units require qualified users. The quali-
the individual components and steps or sequences of the SRS fications and the training of the personnel should follow the
unit operations. This aims to eliminate potential cause lead- practice guideline from the American College of Radiology
ing to unrecoverable or disastrous events. (ACR). The minimum requirements for the key members of
For example, a relative low priority can be assigned to team are summarized in Table 7.3 [48].
the functionality of the skull surface measurement device, All core team members should receive basic operation
while a high priority should be given to the functionality of instructions and radiation safety training (physicians, physi-
the isocenter alignment tool such as the laser systems or cists, therapists, dosimetrists). Other ancillary SRS team
patient positioning device. Since the skull surface measure- members may include nursing staff, neuroradiologists, and
ment can be visually checked versus the patient imaging anesthesiologists in cases where pediatric patients are treated.
studies, the chance of operation error and malfunction is
small. Potential errors can be reversed and corrected with-
out significant risk of injuring the patient. However, mal- Quality Control, Quality Assurance,
functions in the laser system and patient positioning device and Quality Management
would directly affect the shot coordinates and may produce
unrecoverable gross delivery errors. Therefore, regular test- Quality control is the process to validate whether a SRS unit
ing and servicing of such major components of the SRS units is compliant to the design requirements. Once a SRS unit is
is required (Table 7.2). built and installed, a series of tests needs to be performed to
106 L. Ma et al.
Table 7.3 Minimum requirements of a qualified user for performing directive without deviation. In case of deviations, the reporting
SRS treatments level for misadministration and variance is narrow for SRS
Member of the team Qualifications deliveries. Typically, the misadministration of single fraction
Radiation oncologist • Certification (e.g., American Board SRS delivery is defined as when the delivered dose differs
of Radiology or equivalent) from the prescribed dose by 10 % or higher. Because of strin-
• SRS training either in residency or gent criteria, small deviations from the standard protocol are
in attending
likely to result in misadministrations to be reported.
Neurosurgeon • Certification (e.g., American Board
of Neurological Surgery) Therefore, most SRS programs require qualified physicists
• SRS training either in residency or to supervise all QA tasks of the procedure. In-treatment
in attending checks, such as validations of target coordinates matching
Qualified physicist • Certification (e.g., American Board the treatment plan, need also be carried out. Redundant QA
of Radiology or equivalent) checks by another team member are also recommended.
• SRS physics training and unit
All qualified SRS users should receive regular refresher
operations and quality assurance
Radiation therapist • State Licensing and Certification
training. The training should cover radiation safety instruc-
(e.g., American Registry of tions and reporting requirements for radiation workers as
Radiological Technologists (ARRT) well as quality assurance chart reviews. One important train-
• Unit operation training ing aspect is reviewing emergency procedures so that users
can respond quickly and appropriately to major equipment
failures or medical emergencies.
ensure initial quality of the unit. Quality control processes
governs all the manufacturing tests involved in testing the
quality of the unit. Cost and Budget
Because SRS units are medical devices, FDA regulates
the manufacturing quality control process. For the unit to be Budgeting for a SRS unit is a complex issue. Historically, the
used for human treatments in the USA, the manufacturers add-on option to an existing linear accelerator has been
need to submit proper documentations showing good manu- appealing because the accelerator is already in place for con-
facturing practice (GMP) in designing and manufacturing ventional radiation therapy treatments. However, it is a gross
process of the device. misconception that any conventional linear accelerator can
Similar to a teletherapy unit, GK and linac-based SRS be used for SRS delivery. Physically, the requirement in the
units involve moving components such as gantry, couch, and isocenter alignment is a factor of two or three higher for SRS
patient positioning devices. A strict quality assurance pro- deliveries as compared with standard fractionated treat-
gram should be enforced. The quality assurance program can ments. In addition, SRS demands high dose rate with a large
be separate into routine quality assurance and patient-specific number of monitor units being delivered regularly. Wear and
quality assurance procedures. The routine quality assurance tear on the expensive linear accelerator components such as
procedures include daily, monthly, and semiannual/annual the klystron (or the magnetron) and the microwave guide
quality assurance procedures, user refreshing training, and could also be substantial for these treatments.
emergency procedures. Patient-specific quality assurance For linac-based SRS delivery, the gantry speed in MU/
procedures include quality management program (QMP) degree should be at least 5 MU/degree and preferably
checks, pretreatment checks such as dry-run [49] and the 10 MU/degree or higher for efficient deliveries. Extra con-
Winston–Lutz tests. The routine quality assurance for SRS siderations need to be paid to pretreatment QA effort,
deliveries generally includes unit functionality, safety inter- machine scheduling, patient flow logistics, and room design.
locks, radiation monitor, and functionality and accuracy of Today, many centers opt to purchase a dedicated SRS unit in
imaging studies. order to maximize the capabilities of SRS treatments.
In addition to general procedures, qualified operators The estimated startup costs for different SRS units are
must carry out unit-specific quality assurance tests. For summarized in Table 7.4.
example, the GK uses radioactive 60Co sources, and the In general, the acquisition and the ownership cost are
Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) regulations (or significantly higher for dedicated SRS units as compared
agreement state regulations) mandate additional tests for with standard radiation therapy equipment. Aside from
operating GK units. For example, annual wipe tests of all the operation logistics, patient care and patient quality of life
helmets are typically required to ensure no source leakage. should be the driving factor for purchasing a SRS unit. It is
A QMP is also required for most SRS deliveries. Major clear that the patients themselves are most likely to go for a
components of such a program include documentation of SRS option when it provides better results compared to
patient identification by at least two methods (name, photo, those standard radiotherapy practices of the past, such as
etc.), and the treatment plan and delivery follows a written whole brain radiotherapy.
7 Designing, Building, and Installing a Stereotactic Radiosurgery Unit 107
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Part III
Stereotactic Radiosurgery Techniques
Gamma Knife Radiosurgery
Ajay Niranjan, Greg Bowden, John C. Flickinger,
and L. Dade Lunsford
L.S. Chin and W.F. Regine (eds.), Principles and Practice of Stereotactic Radiosurgery, 111
DOI 10.1007/978-1-4614-8363-2_8, © Springer Science+Business Media New York 2015
112 A. Niranjan et al.
Table 8.1 Number and location of active Table 8.2 Brain disorders treated worldwide by gamma knife
Gamma Knife sites worldwide [6] radiosurgery by December 2011 [6]
Continent Country Units Category Indication Total
Africa Egypt 2 Malignant tumors Chondrosarcoma 957
Morocco 1 Nasopharyngeal carcinoma 1,770
Australia Australia 1 Other malignant tumor 10,400
Asia China 16 Malignant glial tumor (grade III and IV) 30,874
India 7 Metastatic tumor 252,372
Indonesia 1 Total 296,373
Iran 1 Benign tumors Hemangiopericytoma 1,533
Korea 15 Glomus tumor 2,335
Japan 48 Chordoma 2,395
Jordan 1 Other schwannoma 2,645
Pakistan 1 Hemangioblastoma 2,652
Philippines 1 Trigeminal schwannoma 4,139
Singapore 1 Pineal region tumor 4,420
Taiwan 7 Craniopharyngioma 5,107
Thailand 1 Benign glial tumors (grade I and II) 5,990
Vietnam 1 Other benign tumor 6,865
Europe Austria 2 Pituitary adenoma (nonsecreting) 19,575
Belgium 1 Pituitary adenoma (secreting) 31,226
Croatia 1 Vestibular schwannoma 63,797
Czech Rep. 1 Meningioma 90,761
France 3 Total 243,440
Germany 4 Vascular disorders Aneurysm 348
Greece 1 Other vascular disorder 5,325
Italy 5 Cavernous angiomas 6,128
Netherlands 1 AVM 71,566
Norway 1 Total 83,367
Poland 1 Functional OCD 193
Portugal 1 disorders Intractable pain 707
Romania 1 Other functional disorders 1,444
Russia 2 Parkinson’s disease 1,715
Spain 1 Epilepsy 2,731
Sweden 1 Trigeminal neuralgia 43,402
Switzerland 1 Total 50,192
Turkey 5 Ocular disorders Other ocular disorders 238
UK 5 Glaucoma 314
South America Argentina 1 Uveal melanoma 2,084
Brazil 2 Total 2,636
Chile 1 Total 676,008
Columbia 2
Venezuela 1
North America Canada 3 Center in March 2000. This technology combined advances
Dominican Rep. 1
in dose planning with robotic engineering and uses a submil-
Mexico 2
limeter accuracy automatic positioning system (APS)
USA 111
(Fig. 8.2). This technology obviates the need to manually
Puerto Rico 2
Total 269
adjust each set of coordinates in a multiple isocenter plan.
The robotic positioning system moves the patient’s head to
the target coordinates defined in the treatment plan. The robot
eliminates the time spent removing the patient from the hel-
the patient’s head position within the helmet. In 1999, the met, setting the new coordinates for each isocenter, and repo-
model C Gamma Knife was introduced. The first model C in sitioning the patient in the helmet. This has significantly
the USA was installed at the University of Pittsburgh Medical reduced the total time spent to complete the treatment and
8 Gamma Knife Radiosurgery 113
Fig. 8.1 Schematic diagram of model 4C Gamma Knife unit (Courtesy of Elekta AB, Stockholm, Sweden.)
The radiation cavity has been increased by more than reotactic coordinates (Fig. 8.6). This provides better patient
300 % compared to previous models. The increase in the vol- comfort and allows complete of the majority of radiosurger-
ume of the radiation cavity allows for a greater mechanical ies in one single run, and has repeatability better than
treatment range in X/Y/Z. It is (160/180/220 mm) for the 0.05 mm. Docking of the patient into the PPS is done
PERFEXION system compared to (100/120/165 mm) for by means of an adaptor that attaches to the standard stereo-
other Gamma Knife models. This provides virtually unlim- tactic Leksell G frame. The redesigned hardware of the
ited cranial reach, so crucial in the care of patients with mul- PERFEXION unit has had significant impact on the planning
tiple brain metastases [4]. The APS used in the C units was software Leksell GammaPlan PFX (LGP PFX), a new
replaced by the patient positioning system (PPS). Rather version of the LGP running on a PC platform with the
than just the head, the whole bed moves into preselected ste- Linux operating system. The PERFEXION unit provides the
8 Gamma Knife Radiosurgery 115
Fig. 8.5 Diagrams of Gamma Knife PERFEXION collimator system. (a) Cross section of PERFEXION radiation unit. (b) Independently moving
sectors can be modified for varied shot compositions. (c–e) Sector position in 8, 4, and 16 mm collimator (Courtesy of Elekta AB, Stockholm, Sweden.)
Fig. 8.6 Docking mechanism of PERFEXION patient positioning system Daily Quality Assurance of the Radiosurgery
(Courtesy of the University of Pittsburgh Gamma Knife Facility, 2013.) System
potential to increase the spectrum of treatable indications Gamma Knife quality assurance testing is performed by an
including multiple brain metastasis, access to the upper authorized medical physicist every morning. The medical
cervical spine, and other pathologies of the head and neck. physicist ensures that the system tests required by US Nuclear
116 A. Niranjan et al.
Regulatory Commission (NRC) regulations are performed is needed to bring the lesion closest to the center of the frame.
and functioning properly. These tests include the perma- For anterior target, short posterior posts are preferred to
nently mounted radiation monitor and its remote indicator, avoid collision of the posterior post/pin assembly with the
handheld radiation monitor, patient viewing and communica- collimator helmet. To target posterior lesions (occipital lobe
tion systems, door interlock, timer termination of exposure, tumors, transverse sinus tumors, cerebellar lesions), the
emergency stops, beam status indicators, availability of the frame is shifted backward by positioning the earpieces for-
release rods for the emergency removal of a patient, test run ward. The posterior edge of the earpiece is kept at 110–
of the automatic patient positioning unit, microswitch test, 125 mm instead of 95–100 mm. The anterior posts are
and function of the helmet hoist. Assessing the PERFEXION positioned as low as possible on the supraorbital region to
unit is very similar but includes a sector positioning check to avoid collision of the frontal post/pin assembly with the col-
verify proper functioning of the automatic collimator setup. limator helmet. For radiosurgery planning, a higher gamma
Additionally, the patient docking and positioning system is angle (120–140°) is used if a potential collision is detected at
assessed using a diode test tool and focus precision check. the default angle of 90°. To reach lateral targets (lateral
Apart from daily quality assurance tests, monthly and annual metastases, convexity tumors, far lateral tumors), the frame
quality assurance is also performed in addition to preventa- is shifted laterally (right or left) toward the lesion. While
tive maintenance of the Gamma Knife unit. shifting the frame laterally, it is important to make sure that
there is enough space on the contralateral side to allow posi-
tioning of the fiducial box on the base ring of the frame. The
Application of the Stereotactic Guiding Device MRI or CT fiducial should be tried on the frame prior to
sending the patient to the MRI unit. If the fiducial box does
For Gamma Knife radiosurgery, appropriate stereotactic not fit on to the frame due to excessive shifting of the frame,
frame placement is the initial critical aspects of the proce- the frame will have to be repositioned.
dure. Subtle changes to the positioning of the frame can be The frame adaptor (which attaches the frame to the table)
the difference between a simple treatment plan, complicated is checked for fit. If the frame is shifted too anteriorly and the
patient positioning, or even inability to proceed without back of head ring is too close to the neck, adaptor may not fit
changing the frame. These issues are greatly reduced in the and consequently treatment cannot be carried out. Tight fit-
PERFEXION system but the principles remain imperative to ting of the adaptor may cause neck discomfort to patient espe-
best patient care. Prior to frame placement, the radiosurgery cially during a long treatment. The frame cap check provides
team should review the preoperative images and discuss information about geometry of all stereotactic frame parts
optimal frame placement strategy. The preoperative images including posts and screws and also information about patient
should be kept in plain view while applying the head frame. head geometry to the treatment planning system. This infor-
An effort should be made to keep the lesion as close to the mation is needed for the prediction of potential collisions or
center of the frame as possible. The possibility of collision close contact with the gamma knife unit collimator system. If
by the frame base ring, the posts/pins assembly, or the frame cap does not fit then the exact post and screw measure-
patient’s head with the collimator helmet during treatment ments must be given to the treatment planning system.
should also be considered prior to the frame application.
Furthermore, significant angulation should be avoided as it
may affect collisions, planning integration, and patient com- Stereotactic Brain Imaging Techniques
fort when fixed in place for treatment. The authors use the
following strategies to avoid collisions and obtain optimal Aside from the frame application, the next most important
frame placement. To target lower lesions (skull base tumors, aspect of radiosurgery is accurate imaging of the target. MRI
acoustic tumors, cerebellar lesions), the frame is positioned is the preferred imaging modality. CT is used when MRI is
lower by placing the ear bars in the top holes of the earpieces not possible. Angiograms are used in conjunction with MRI
on the Leksell G frame. For higher lesions (sagittal sinus for AVM radiosurgery.
meningioma, metastases high in the frontal or parietal lobe),
the frame is positioned higher by placing the ear bars in the Stereotactic MRI
bottom holes of the earpieces. For anterior targets (anterior The critical aspects of stereotactic imaging include optimal
frontal lobe tumors, cavernous sinus tumors, sellar lesion contrast between normal and abnormal tissues in addition to
and lesion anterior to sella, and anterior temporal lesions), high spatial resolution, short scan time, and thin slices so that
the frame is shifted forward by placing earpieces posteriorly accurate target localization can be achieved. The use of MRI
on the base ring of the frame. The posterior edge of the ear- in stereotactic planning has enhanced accurate targeting of
piece is kept at 90 to 75 mm on the y-dimension of the head lesions that are usually not adequately defined by any other
frame (instead of 95–100 mm) depending upon the shift that imaging modality. Some physicians prefer the fusion of
8 Gamma Knife Radiosurgery 117
magnetic resonance and CT images for stereotactic guidance, With modern CT scanners, 1- or 2-mm-thick slices (depending
as they believe that in certain types of scanners, distortion may upon the size of the lesion) without any gap can be obtained
affect the accuracy of target localization in MRI. For the initial in 4–5 min. Before removing the patients from the CT
2 years, the authors used both MRI and CT for stereotactic table, accuracy checks are performed to make sure that
planning. Significant target coordinate differences were not images would be accepted by the planning system and the
observed using the Leksell stereotactic system. Since 1993, lesions have coordinates that are achievable in the Gamma
MRI has been used for stereotactic radiosurgery planning in Knife unit.
almost all eligible cases using a 1.5-T unit.
At our institution, high-resolution, gadolinium-enhanced Stereotactic Angiography
3D localizer (T2* images) image sequence is used first to Angiography is the gold standard for AVM radiosurgery
localize the tumor in axial, sagittal, and coronal images [14]. planning. It should be used in conjunction with MR or CT
This sequence (3-mm-thick slices 2 mm apart) only takes imaging to provide the third imaging dimension. The tech-
45 s for 11 axial, 11 sagittal, and 11 coronal slices. Using the nique of angiography differs slightly from the conventional
axial images, the fiducials can be measured and compared digital angiography as the stereotactic angiographic images
with the opposite side to exclude the possibility of magnetic are used not only for AVM nidus definition but also to guide
resonance (MR) artifacts and to confirm that there is no radiation to the target. The orthogonal images (instead of
angulation or head tilt. Alternatively, T1-weighted sagittal oblique or rotated) are preferred but are not necessary. For
scout images (3-mm-thick slices with 1 mm) using spin echo AVM nidi that are not properly visualized in orthogonal
pulse sequence can be obtained for lesion localization. The planes, a rotation of up to 10° in two dimensions or aspects
average time for this sequence is approximately 1.5 min. For can be used without compromising the accuracy of radiation
stereotactic imaging of most lesions, a 3D volume acquisi- delivery. Before removing the angiography catheter, the
tion using fast spoiled-GRASS (gradient recalled acquisition images should be reviewed to make sure that all the fiducials
in steady state) sequence at 512 × 256 matrix and two NEX are seen on the images. Digital subtraction techniques, despite
(number of excitations) covering the entire lesion and sur- a potential radial distortion error, have proved satisfactory.
rounding critical structures are preferred. To define the radio-
surgery target, this volume is displayed as 1- or 1.5-mm-thick
axial slices. The field of view (FOV) is kept at 25 cm × 25 cm Quality Assurance of Images
in order to visualize all fiducials. The approximate imaging
time for this sequence is 6–8 min. Regular quality control checks of the MR unit are performed
We generally prefer 3D spoiled-GRASS sequence for in order to maintain accuracy of images. With a properly
most lesions. Additional sequences are performed when more shimmed magnet, regular servicing, and strict quality assur-
information is needed. Pituitary lesions are particularly diffi- ance on the unit as well as on the images, MRI provides high-
cult to image especially if there has been prior surgery. A half resolution images with accurate target localization. A special
dose of paramagnetic contrast is usually given to image pitu- frame holder is used in order to avoid head movement during
itary adenomas. For residual pituitary tumors, after trans- MRI. Accuracy of images is checked for each image sequence
sphenoid resection, a fat-suppression SPGR sequence is by comparing the known frame measurement with image
recommended in order to differentiate tumor from the fat measurements in addition to the distance from the posterior
packed in the resection cavity. For cavernous malformations, fiducials to the middle fiducials. The images are exported
an additional variable echo multi planar (VEMP) imaging is from Imaging Suite via the Ethernet. Images are defined
obtained to define the hemosiderin rim. For thalamotomy using Leksell GammaPlan software (LGP) after the images
planning, an additional fast inversion recovery sequence is are transferred to the LGP computer. The measurements are
performed to differentiate basal ganglia from white-matter again checked and compared with the known frame measure-
tracts. Brain metastases patients receive a double dose of con- ment and also the distance to the middle fiducial in order to
trast agent, and the entire brain is imaged by 2 mm slices to check for any distortion during image transfer.
identify all of the lesions. Before removing the patients from
the MR scanner, the images must be checked for accuracy.
Determination of Target Volume(s)
Stereotactic CT Imaging
When using CT imaging instead of MRI, it is advisable to use Target determination is an important step in order to make a
short posterior posts to avoid artifacts from the posts and conformal plan. Target volume can be outlined using the LGP
pins. Care should also be taken in deciding the optimal place software (manual or semiautomatic mode). Experienced sur-
for the pins because they cause artifacts on CT. An effort geons can create conformal dose plans without outlining the
should be made to keep the lesion away from the pin artifacts. target; however, for new centers especially where physicists
118 A. Niranjan et al.
assume the initial responsibility for planning, target definition (multiple tumors) can be treated using different isodose pre-
and outlining by surgeon or oncologist becomes an important scription and different central doses with the use of multiple
step. The surgeon’s input is required to define radiosurgery matrices.
targets for patients with AVMs, tumors, and functional neuro- PERFEXION offers additional options to provide a con-
surgery as used by some centers. Defining the target volume formal dose plan. Three different approaches are available:
also helps in calculating conformality index. • The use of a classical combination of shots including 4, 8,
and 16 mm collimators to cover the entire target volume.
• The automatic dynamic shaping ability, which is a new
Techniques of Conformal Dose Planning feature in the treatment planning, introduced for the
PEREFXION system. This procedure will provide solu-
This area will focus primarily on the 4C and PERFEXION tions to block selected sectors to protect volumes defined
units. In the process of treatment planning, several strategies as critical structures.
can be used. The model C allows treatment using robotic • The use of single isocenters composed of different beam
automatic patient positioning system (APS mode), manual diameters or blocked sectors. Any pattern of sectors
positioning (trunnion mode), or mixed treatment (some iso- including 4, 8, 16 mm collimators and blocks can be gen-
centers in APS mode and some in trunnion mode). A differ- erated. This can aid significantly for shaping dose distri-
ent approach would be used if only a trunnion treatment plan bution especially for irregular volumes.
was possible versus an APS treatment plan. Universally, in
LGP one can start planning from the middle of the target and
then move to the top and bottom of the target. Another Techniques of Stereotactic Radiation
approach is to start at the bottom or top and build from the Delivery Using Gamma Knife
starting point. Some surgeons prefer to outline the target vol-
ume before planning the treatment volume. Beginners can The model C Gamma Knife allows radiation delivery using
also use the inverse dose-planning algorithm to create a plan trunnion mode (manual patient positioning) or APS mode
and then optimize it manually. When planning a treatment (robotic positioning) or a combination of the two (mixed
using trunnions only, one might tend to use larger collima- treatment). In trunnion treatment, the x, y, and z of each iso-
tors (especially for larger lesions) to reduce the time and center are set manually and double-checked to avoid errors.
maximize coverage of the target. For example, for a medium- The same coordinates and the time obtained from LGP are
size acoustic tumor, in trunnion mode, one might use a few entered into the control console, and radiation is adminis-
14 mm collimators for the majority of the tumor and a few tered. The APS plan is transferred directly from planning
4 mm collimators for the intracanalicular portion of the computer to control computer. The operator selects the run (a
tumor. In APS mode, however, one would most likely use combination of isocenters of same beam diameter) that
multiple 8-mm isocenters for the majority of the tumor and matches the collimator helmet on the Gamma Knife unit.
4 mm isocenters for the intracanalicular portion because the The APS is moved to the dock position, and the patient’s
total time spent would be less. There would be no need to go head frame is fixed into the APS. The accuracy of the dock-
into the treatment room to set each isocenter. As long as the ing position is checked. The system prompts the user to per-
isocenters are in close proximity to one another, the software form clearance checks first for all those planned isocenters in
would automatically put them into the same treatment run which the pins, posts, frame, or patient’s head would be less
and the patient would move from one set of coordinates to than 12 mm away from the inner surface of the collimator
the next until all isocenters of one collimator size were helmet (even though they may not match with the collimator
treated. The conformal dose planning is enhanced by the use size that is being used for first run). The clearance check is
of multiple small collimators. performed by moving the patient to those positions under
There are other tricks to use in planning; for example, APS manual control and by checking the risk of collision
using a steep (125°) gamma angle for posterior lesions (cer- with the collimator helmet. After the clearance check, the
ebellar or occipital) to avoid frame collisions. Another tech- system prompts the surgeon to carry out position checks. In
nique available for single isocenter lesions is to match the the position checks, all the isocenters using the same helmet
gamma angle to the angle of the target. In APS mode, during are checked, one by one, by moving the patient’s head to
the set up phase of planning, the idea is to try to group as these positions using APS manual control.
many isocenters in the same run as possible, even if it means The team moves out after the position checks are com-
changing all of the isocenters to high docking or a different pleted, and the radiosurgical dose is administered. The APS
gamma angle than the default 90°. If a different gamma angle moves the patient to all the planned positions, one by one,
is used, the plan must be rechecked for accuracy and adjusted until the isocenters using that size of collimator helmet are
if necessary. In the current version of LGP, multiple targets completed. The team monitors the patient and the coordinates
8 Gamma Knife Radiosurgery 119
of different isocenters on the control computer. If other runs ability to conform to the target. The APS has also had a
using a different gamma angle but using the same helmet are significant impact in reducing the risk of human error and
planned, then the patient is taken out, the next run is selected, increasing the rate of treatment. In the future as these
APS is moved to the dock position, and the patient’s head is and many other modifications become more utilized,
again fixed in the APS using the planned angle (72, 90, 110, it should provide better treatments, resulting in better
or 125°). Position checks are performed, and procedure is patient outcomes.
begun. Similarly, if additional runs using different helmets
are planned, the helmet is changed, the patient’s head is posi-
tioned in the APS, and the position checks for all the isocen- References
ters for that helmet and gamma angle are performed.
Radiosurgery with the LGK PERFEXION is a fully auto- 1. Leksell L. The stereotaxic method and radiosurgery of the brain.
Acta Chir Scand. 1951;102:316–9.
mated process for all aspects of the procedure including set
2. Ammar A. Lars Leksell’s vision—radiosurgery. Acta Neurochir
up of the stereotactic coordinates, setup of different sector Suppl. 1994;62:1–4.
positions defining collimator size or blocked beams, and 3. Lunsford LD, Flickinger J, Lindner G, Maitz A. Stereotactic radio-
setup of exposure times. All treatment data are exported to surgery of the brain using the first United States 201 cobalt-60
source gamma knife. Neurosurgery. 1989;24:151–9.
the operating console. The only manual part of the procedure
4. Leksell L. Cerebral radiosurgery. I. Gammathalanotomy in two
is the positioning of the patient’s head in the docking cases of intractable pain. Acta Chir Scand. 1968;134:585–95.
device and adjustment of the couch height for optimal 5. Niranjan A, Lunsford LD. Radiosurgery: where we were, are, and
comfort. After confirmation of the patients’ identity, most may be in the third millennium. Neurosurgery. 2000;46:531–43.
6. International Leksell Gamma Knife Society. Indications treated
PERFEXION radiosurgeries are administered in one single
1991–2011. 1996. http://www.lgksociety.com.
run (95 %). Rarely a clearance check is needed. For this, a 7. Niranjan A, Madhavan R, Gerszten PC, Lunsford LD. Intracranial
special test tool simulating the shape and dimensions of the radiosurgery: an effective and disruptive innovation in neurosur-
inner collimator is attached and rotated around patient’s gery. Stereotact Funct Neurosurg. 2012;90:1–7.
8. Goetsch SJ. Risk analysis of Leksell Gamma Knife Model C with
head. Once radiosurgery begins, the team monitors the
automatic positioning system. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys.
patient and the setup of coordinates, exposure times, and sec- 2002;52:869–77.
tor setup of different isocenters on the control computer of 9. Lindquist C, Paddick I. The Leksell Gamma Knife Perfexion and
operating console. The system allows audiovisual communi- comparisons with its predecessors. Neurosurgery. 2007;61:130–40;
discussion 140–1.
cation with the patient during irradiation and the process can
10. Niranjan A, Novotny Jr J, Bhatnagar J, Flickinger JC, Kondziolka
be interrupted at any time if needed. D, Lunsford LD. Efficiency and dose planning comparisons
between the Perfexion and 4C Leksell Gamma Knife units.
Stereotact Funct Neurosurg. 2009;87:191–8.
11. Novotny J, Bhatnagar JP, Niranjan A, Quader MA, Huq MS,
Conclusion Bednarz G, et al. Dosimetric comparison of the Leksell Gamma
Knife Perfexion and 4C. J Neurosurg. 2008;109(Suppl):8–14.
In the past 25 years, we have witnessed dramatic improve- 12. Regis J, Hayashi M, Porcheron D, Delsanti C, Muracciole X,
ments in the stereotactic radiosurgery technologies. Gamma Peragut JC. Impact of the model C and Automatic Positioning
System on gamma knife radiosurgery: an evaluation in vestibular
Knife radiosurgery now offers better image handling, faster
schwannomas. J Neurosurg. 2002;97:588–91.
and more compact platforms that make the calculations 13. Yu C, Jozsef G, Apuzzo ML, MacPherson DM, Petrovich Z. Fetal
almost real time. The advent of PERFEXION allows for radiation doses for model C gamma knife radiosurgery.
expanded indications and accessibility to lesions that were Neurosurgery. 2003;52:687–93; discussion 693.
14. Niranjan A, Maitz AH, Lunsford A, Gerszten PC, Flickinger JC,
challenging with previous systems. Furthermore, the ability
Kondziolka D, et al. Radiosurgery techniques and current devices.
to mix collimators within a single shot adds to the surgeons’ Prog Neurol Surg. 2007;20:50–67.
LINAC: Past, Present, and Future
of Radiosurgery 9
Maryam Rahman, Gregory J.A. Murad, Frank J. Bova,
and William A. Friedman
L.S. Chin and W.F. Regine (eds.), Principles and Practice of Stereotactic Radiosurgery, 121
DOI 10.1007/978-1-4614-8363-2_9, © Springer Science+Business Media New York 2015
122 M. Rahman et al.
his plans to mechanically direct a probe or narrow beam of of secondary circular collimators of varying size are used to
X-ray or ultrasound into the brain to ablate pathways for pain conform the beam [20].
alleviation. Cairns gave him a positive response and Leksell Modifications of LINACs were necessary to perform
began systematically investigating ionizing beams [13]. He radiosurgery including a system to rotate the couch in syn-
and his colleagues tested an orthovoltage X-ray tube and pro- chrony with the gantry, collimator development, and stereo-
ton beam produced by the cyclotron in Uppsala, calling pro- tactic localization [21]. Several factors made LINAC
ton radiosurgery “stralkniven” (ray knives) [14]. They also desirable for radiosurgery delivery. LINACs were used
considered LINAC as a potential radiation source. Ultimately, widely in the USA for conventional radiotherapy, and modi-
they constructed the “Gamma Knife” using cobalt radiation fying the LINAC for radiosurgery was much more cost-
[15]. Leksell began treating patients in 1957 [3, 14]. Other effective than purchasing a Gamma Knife. Gamma Knife
investigators worked with particle beam radiosurgery sys- units at the time were only capable of delivering radiosurgery
tems in Berkeley and Boston [16, 17]. and could not deliver conventional radiotherapy when not
Early radiosurgery researchers were aware of the poten- being used for radiosurgery. Additionally, extracranial radio-
tial for LINAC in delivering targeted radiation. Larsson, the surgery treatment was believed to be more feasible using
head physicist in the collaborative group at Uppsala LINACs. The theoretical benefits of LINAC discussed by
University with Leksell, wrote in 1974, “The choice between radiosurgery leaders in the past have now become a reality.
the two alternatives, e.g., roentgen or gamma radiation, Within 10 years of LINAC development, reports appeared
should be based on technical, clinical and economical rather on the use of external beam radiation for radiosurgery [12].
than physical considerations. If radiation surgery will reach In 1983 Oswaldo Betti and Victor Derechinsky reported the
a position as a standard procedure, improved electron accel- development of a multibeam LINAC coupled with a Talairach
erators for roentgen production, adapted for the purpose, stereotactic localization system in Buenos Aires [12, 22].
would seem a most attractive alternative” [18]. They used circular collimators that could be oriented in mul-
The initial LINACs developed in the UK and the USA tiple coronal planes of a patient sitting in a moveable chair
used traveling-wave technology [8]. They were limited by while attached to a rotating head frame [6, 22, 23]. Their
relatively low beam energy, low radiation output due to inef- system uniquely had the patient in a sitting position [3].
ficient waveguide design and limited microwave power, and In 1984, a standard LINAC with small modifications was
restricted range of movement. These systems were also used by Heifetz et al. (with Marilyn Wexler’s physics contri-
large, with the top of the gantry being approximately 4 m off butions) to deliver high-dose radiation to small targets spar-
the floor, to accommodate the accelerating waveguide. The ing normal brain, similar to Leksell’s Gamma Knife [24].
next generation of devices achieved full isocentric rotation Simultaneously, a neurosurgeon, Federico Colombo, and a
by mounting the accelerating structure to a gantry, allowing group of physicists led by Renzo Avanzo in Vicenza, Italy,
the radiation source to be rotated in a vertical plane about a reported their stereotactic LINAC radiosurgery system [25].
single point. Also, by mounting the waveguide horizontally They wrote about radiosurgical dose schemes of 40–50 Gy
with magnetic beam deflection (beam bending), the next over two fractions separated by 8–10 days for various intra-
generation of LINACs had more manageable heights. The cranial targets of 2–4 cm in diameter [26, 27]. The dose gra-
next major improvement came in 1968 when Knapp et al. dient achieved compared well with Gamma Knife data [27, 28].
developed the side-coupled standing wave structure which Hartmann et al. in Heidelberg, Germany, followed these
improved shunt impedances so that the total length of the achievements with the description of a modified stereotactic
accelerating structure was greatly reduced [19]. This devel- localization and positioning system to deliver multiple arc
opment did away with the need for beam bending (which had radiosurgery treatments [29]. They modified a Riechert–
its own problems) and still allowed for full isocentric rota- Mundinger stereotactic device, using laser lights to position
tion at a practical height [8]. Currently, the US and Japanese the frame within the isocenter.
manufacturers use standing-wave technology, while the UK The first published work on LINAC radiosurgery in the
manufacturers continue to use traveling-wave technology. USA came from the University of Miami in 1985 [30].
All LINAC radiosurgery systems focus a collimated X-ray However, their system relied on the jaws of the treatment
beam on a stereotactically identified target. The gantry of the machine for beam collimation instead of the secondary col-
LINAC rotates over the patient, producing an arc of radiation limation system described by Larsson et al. [18]. Their tech-
focused on the target. The patient couch is rotated in the hori- nique was regarded as fractionated, rather than single fraction.
zontal plane and another arc is performed. In this manner, One of the first solutions for the requirement to spread out the
multiple noncoplanar intersecting arcs of radiation are pro- radiation entrance path and minimizing treatment delivery
duced. Like the Gamma Knife, the intersecting arcs produce time was described by Ervin Podgorsak at McGill University
a high target dose, with minimal radiation to the surrounding [31]. He and his colleagues modified a LINAC using extra
brain [3]. Along with the LINAC rectangular collimator, a set collimators to define small circular fields and simultaneous
124 M. Rahman et al.
The median treatment doses were 1,250 cGy in one fraction aggressive treatment of metastatic disease has been shown to
for SRS, 2,500 cGy in five fractions for hFSRT, and 5,040 cGy restore neurologic function and prevent further neurologic
in 28 fractions for FSRT. Radiographic control was achieved manifestations. Debate exists concerning the optimum treat-
in 91 % of SRS patients, 94 % of hFSRT patients, and 95 % ment for metastatic brain disease.
of FSRT patients. The authors concluded that there was no In autopsy series, brain metastases occur in up to 50 % of
differences in clinical or radiologic response to the different cancer patients [65]. Approximately 30–40 % of patients
radiation strategies, although these data are limited due to present with a solitary metastasis. Brain metastases fre-
variability of patients within each group and the slow growing quently cause debilitating symptoms that can seriously
natural history of skull base meningiomas [62]. impact the patient’s quality of life. With no treatment or ste-
One of the advantages of LINAC SRS is the flexibility of roid therapy alone, survival is limited (1–2 months). Whole-
the system to treat systemic lesions. Increasingly, radiosur- brain radiotherapy (WBRT) extends median survival, but the
geons are reporting on their experiences with treating spinal duration of survival is typically low (3–4 months). Several
meningiomas with SRS. Recently, Gerszten et al. described randomized trials have suggested that, when possible, sur-
the treatment of 45 benign spine tumors with LINAC SRS gery followed by WBRT is superior to WBRT alone. Patchell
and CT for target localization [63]. They treated 14 cervical, et al. reported a randomized clinical trial involving 46
12 thoracic, 14 lumbar, and 5 sacral tumors. The majority of patients with a single metastasis and well-controlled sys-
the tumors (91 %) were intradural. The mean maximum dose temic disease [66]. They found a significant improvement in
to the tumor volume was 16 Gy (12–24 Gy) given in a single survival (40 vs. 15 weeks) and local recurrences in the CNS
fraction in 39 cases. Median follow-up was 32 months. Of (20 % vs. 52 %) for patients in the surgery plus WBRT arm
the 19 (42 %) patients who had pretreatment pain, 15 had of the study. Likewise, Noordijk et al. randomized 66 patients
significant improvement after SRS. Of the 15 patients with a and found a significant survival advantage (10 vs. 6 months)
neurologic deficit pretreatment, four motor deficits were for the combination therapy arm [67]. In contrast, Mintz
stable, one motor deficit worsened in patients with NF 1, 10 et al. studied a group of 84 patients and did not show an
sensory deficits improved, and one sensory deficit worsened advantage of surgery plus radiotherapy over radiotherapy
in a patient with NF 1. alone [68]. It has been suggested that the inclusion of a
Longer follow-up in these patients will be necessary for higher percentage of patients with active systemic disease
an accurate assessment of the efficacy of SRS for spinal and lower performance scores did not allow the benefit of
benign tumors. improved local control to affect survival in this series.
Haines points out that survival and quality of life are the
most important outcome measures in evaluating a clinical
Radiosurgery for Malignant Tumors treatment for cancer [69]. Surrogate end points, like local
control, are inherently unreliable, especially when the defini-
Malignant tumors are radiobiologically more amenable to tion of local control is changed. This applies to a comparison
fractionated radiotherapy than benign lesions. Malignancies of SRS with surgery for brain metastasis. In surgical series,
tend to infiltrate surrounding brain, resulting in poorly defin- local control means no visible tumor on follow-up scans. In
able tumor margins. A priori, these two traits of cerebral SRS series, local control means no growth (or sometime
malignancies would seem to make SRS an unattractive treat- minimal growth) on follow-up scans. These end points are
ment option. Nevertheless, SRS has proved to be a useful unlikely to be equivalent.
weapon in the armamentarium against malignant brain tumors. In addition, comparison of current results to historical con-
The most common applications of SRS to malignant tumors trols is fraught with hazard to selection bias. This issue led to
are the treatment of cerebral metastases and the delivery of an erroneous conclusions about the efficacy of brachytherapy for
adjuvant focal radiation “boost” to malignant gliomas. malignant gliomas and to overly optimistic reports regarding
the efficacy of intraarterial chemotherapy. Of equal import is
the difficulty and variability of reporting standards for local
Cerebral Metastases control. Few series provide actuarial local control. They simply
provide a “raw” number at an arbitrary point in time. Less
Metastatic brain tumors are up to ten times more common commonly appreciated is the difficulty in documenting local
than primary brain tumors with an annual incidence of control. Many of these patients die away from the medical
between 80,000 and 150,000 new cases each year [64]. center where radiosurgery was performed. It is frequently
Fifteen percent to 40 % of cancer patients will be diagnosed impossible to determine from family or local physician tele-
with a brain metastasis during the course of their illness. phone interview whether the proximate cause of death was
Once a brain metastasis has been diagnosed, the median life loss of local control, new intracranial disease (loss of regional
expectancy is less than 1 year; however, in many patients, control), or systemic disease. Most radiosurgical series have
9 LINAC: Past, Present, and Future of Radiosurgery 129
assumed that, unless an MRI was performed documenting More than 80 % of recurrences are found within 2 cm of the
local loss of local control prior to death, local control was original tumor site. Many attempts have been made to
maintained. This assumption may lead to a systematic overes- improve long-term survival by improving local control. Such
timation of local control rates. therapies include aggressive surgical removal, brachyther-
Sturm [70–72], Black [73, 74], and Adler [75–77] pub- apy, chemotherapy wafers, and radiosurgery.
lished early reports on linear accelerator radiosurgery for A number of linear accelerator radiosurgery series have
brain metastases. Alexander reported on 248 patients [73]. been published. Shrieve and colleagues reported on 32
Median tumor volume was 3 cm3 and median tumor dose patients receiving interstitial brachytherapy and 86 patients
was 15 Gy. Median survival was 9.4 months. Actuarial local receiving radiosurgical boost [83]. They found similar sur-
control was 85 % at 1 year and 65 % at 2 years. Auchter et al. vival rates between the two groups and recommended radio-
reported a multi-institutional study of 122 patients [78]. surgery because of its outpatient, noninvasive nature. Hall
Actuarial 1- and 2-year survivals were 53 % and 30 %, and colleagues reported 35 patients and believed that radio-
respectively. Local control was 86 %. surgery did confer a survival advantage, with fewer compli-
As radiosurgery has emerged as a treatment option, clini- cations than brachytherapy [84]. Masciopinto and colleagues
cians have attempted to define prognostic factors, which may [69] reported on 31 patients so treated and found that the
help to define patient populations most likely to benefit from “curative value of radiosurgery is significantly limited by
radiosurgical treatment. Multiple factors have been discerned peripheral recurrence [85].”
from retrospective analysis and include Karnofsky perfor- A recurring theme in all retrospective studies of brain
mance scale score, status of systemic disease, histology, tumor therapies is the question of selection bias influencing
number of metastases, volume of metastases, time interval the results of therapy more than the therapy itself. In an
between the diagnosis of the primary lesion and the meta- attempt to control for selection bias in retrospective treat-
static lesion, pattern of enhancement [79, 80], the Radiation ment trials for malignant gliomas, Curran [74] developed the
Therapy Oncology Group (RTOG) recursive partitioning RPA categories [86], and Sarkaria and colleagues used this
categories [81], and radiation dose. methodology to analyze 115 patients from three institutions
At the University of Florida 619 patients treated with SRS treated with linear accelerator radiosurgery [87]. They found
for 1,569 brain metastases have been described [82]. Median that patients treated with radiosurgery had a significantly
dose to target periphery was 1,750 cGy (range 1,000– improved 2-year and median survival compared with RTOG
2,250 cGy). Median survival was 7.9 months. Actuarial local historical controls. The improvement was seen predomi-
control was 84.3 % (Figs. 9.6 and 9.7). The 1- and 2-year nately in the worst prognostic classes (3–6 classes).
actuarial control rates were 0.82 and 0.72. Melanoma histol- At the University of Florida, we have retrospectively
ogy predicted poorer survival. Recursive partitioning analy- reviewed 100 patients with WHO grade III and IV malignant
sis (RPA) class I or II were associated with improved gliomas who received SRS boost therapy for residual or
survival. Female sex, younger age, higher Karnofsky perfor- recurrent enhancing disease [88]. The patients in our study
mance status (KPS), controlled primary tumor, absence of were divided into RPA classifications for comparison with
systemic metastases, asynchronous presentation, fewer brain historical controls. Class III and IV patients had median sur-
metastases, smaller total tumor volume, surgery prior to vival times very similar to the historical controls. Class V
SRS, and multiple SRS treatments were also associated with patients demonstrated an increase in median survival (15.6
improved survival. vs. 8.9 months) and 2-year survival rate (12.5 % vs. 6 %)
compared with historical controls. Eloquent location corre-
lated with poorer survival. This may be due to the selection
Malignant Gliomas of less aggressive therapies for this group of patients.
Recurrence at time of radiosurgery was associated with lon-
Current conventional treatment for malignant gliomas ger survival. Very probably, this reflects the fact that patients
involves a combination of surgery, radiation, and, often, che- judged “eligible” for radiosurgery at time of recurrence are
motherapy. The prognosis in these patients remains poor. already selected for longer survival than the average patient
The majority of recurrences occur within 2 cm of the enhanc- treated up front. However, it remains possible that radiosur-
ing lesion as seen on initial imaging. Gross total excision gery at time of recurrence is truly more effective than upfront
may be associated with prolonged median survival in patients radiosurgery.
with malignant gliomas. Radiosurgery is an attempt at fore- What about drawbacks of the recursive partitioning tech-
stalling local recurrence by aggressive local therapy. nique? The RTOG classes used are broad and do not include
Malignant gliomas account for approximately 40 % of the all known prognostic variables, most notably tumor size. In
17,000 primary brain tumors diagnosed annually in the addition, important linear variables like age, mental status,
USA. The prognosis for long-term survival remains poor. and KPS are converted into binary ones. This approach,
130 M. Rahman et al.
therefore, is flawed, as are all attempts at retrospective analy- The problem lies with imaging. Although angiography very
sis. Irish and colleagues, in an analysis of 101 consecutive effectively defines blood flow (feeding arteries, nidus, and
malignant glioma patients, have shown that those “eligible” draining veins), it does so in only two dimensions. Using the
for radiosurgery have a median survival of 23.4 months, two-dimensional data from stereotactic angiography to rep-
compared with 8.6 months for “ineligible” patients [89]. resent the three-dimensional target results in significant
Likewise, Curran found a marked survival advantage in errors of both overestimation and underestimation of AVM
radiosurgery “eligible” vs. “ineligible” patients [90]. nidus dimensions. Underestimation of the nidus size may
The only complete solution to the issue of selection bias result in treatment failure, and overestimation results in the
affecting outcome is a prospective randomized study. Such a inclusion of normal brain within the treatment volume. This
study has been performed and the results published in 2004. can cause radiation damage to normal brain, which—when
RTOG Study 93-05 randomized patients with glioblastoma affecting an eloquent area—may result in a neurologic defi-
into two treatment arms [91]. One received postoperative cit. To avoid such targeting errors, a true three-dimensional
radiosurgery, followed by conventional radiotherapy and image database is required. Both contrast-enhanced CT and
BCNU chemotherapy. The other arm received radiotherapy MRI are commonly used for this purpose.
and chemotherapy without radiosurgery. At a median follow- We use contrast-enhanced, stereotactic CT as a targeting
up time of 61 months, the median survival in the radiosurgery image database for the vast majority of AVMs. Our CT tech-
group was 13.5 months compared with 13.6 months in the nique employs rapid infusion (1 mL/s) of contrast while
standard treatment arm. There were no significant differences scanning through the AVM nidus with 1-mm slices. The
in 2- or 3-year survival, patterns of failure, or quality of life head ring is bolted to a bracket at the head of the CT table,
between the two groups. Notably, RTOG 93-05 did not ensuring that the head/ring/localizer complex remains immo-
address the use of radiosurgery for recurrent malignant glio- bile during the scan. This technique yields a very clear three-
mas. The main limitation of this study is that SRS was deliv- dimensional picture of the nidus. Alternative approaches use
ered prior to systemic therapy, and since the completion of MRI/MRA as opposed to CT. Attention to optimal image
this trial, standard therapy for glioblastoma has become radia- sequences in both CT and MRI is essential for effective
tion and temozolamide due to the seminal paper in 2005 [92]. AVM radiosurgical targeting.
Dose Selection
Arteriovenous Malformations Various analyses of AVM radiosurgery outcomes have eluci-
dated an appropriate range of doses for the treatment of
Patient Selection AVMs. We prefer to deliver a dose of 20 Gy to the periphery
Open surgery is generally favored if an AVM is amenable to of the AVM nidus whenever possible. Larger AVMs, or those
low-risk resection (e.g., low Spetzler–Martin grade, young in critical locations, may require a lower dose—but this will
healthy patient) or is believed to be at high risk for hemor- reduce the chances of complete obliteration.
rhage during the latency period between radiosurgical treat-
ment and AVM obliteration (e.g., associated aneurysm, prior Follow-Up
hemorrhage, large AVM with diffuse morphology, venous Standard follow-up after AVM radiosurgery typically con-
outflow obstruction). Radiosurgery is favored when the AVM sists of annual clinic visits with MRI/MRA to evaluate the
nidus is small (<3 cm) and compact, when surgery is judged effect of the procedure and monitor for neurologic complica-
to carry a high risk or is refused by the patient, and when the tions. If the patient’s clinical status changes, he/she is fol-
risk of hemorrhage is not believed to be extraordinarily high. lowed more closely at clinically appropriate intervals.
Endovascular treatment, although rarely curative alone, Each patient is scheduled to undergo cerebral angiogra-
may be useful as a preoperative adjunct to either microsur- phy at 3 years after radiosurgery, and a definitive assessment
gery or radiosurgery. The history, physical examination, and of the success or failure of treatment is made based on the
diagnostic imaging of each patient are evaluated and the results of angiography. If no flow is observed through the
various factors outlined above are weighed in combination to AVM nidus, the patient is pronounced cured and is dis-
determine the best treatment approach for a given case. The charged from follow-up. If the AVM nidus is incompletely
decision about optimal AVM treatment is best made by a obliterated, appropriate further therapy (most commonly
multidisciplinary team composed of experts in operative, repeat radiosurgery on the day of angiography) is prescribed,
endovascular, and radiosurgical treatment. and the treatment/follow-up cycle is repeated.
volume was 7 cm3 (range, 2–45.3 cm3). Many patients early (documented persistence of AVM flow 3 years after retreat-
in the series were treated with single isocenters (259), but in ment), and death. The mean original lesion volume was
recent years an effort has been made to produce highly con- 13.8 cm3 and the mean volume at retreatment was 4.7 cm3,
formal plans by employing multiple isocenters. The median for an average volume reduction of 66 % after the initial
radiation dose to the periphery of the AVM was 1,750 cGy “failed” treatment. Only two (3.8 %) AVMs failed to demon-
and the mean follow-up duration was 31 months. strate size reduction after primary treatment. The median
Presenting symptoms included the following: headache/ doses on initial and repeat treatment were 12.5 and 15 Gy,
incidental (188), seizure (227), hemorrhage (179), progres- respectively. To date, 25 retreated patients have reached a
sive neurological deficit [23]. Spetzler–Martin scores were definitive end point. These include 15 (60 %) angiographi-
as follows: (1) 29; (2) 188; (3) 228; (4) 98. AVMs were fur- cally documented cures, nine (36 %) angiographically docu-
ther delineated into four nidus volume categories: (a) <1 cm3; mented failures, and one fatal hemorrhage. A single
(b) 1–4 cm3; (c) 4–10 cm3; (d) >10 cm3. Angiographic/MRI permanent radiation-induced complication occurred among
cure rates were as follows: (a) 92 %; (b) 79 %; (c) 64 %; and 52 (1.9 %) patients, and 1 patient experienced a transient
(d) 36 %. There was a dramatic increase in cure rates when deficit that resolved with steroid therapy. Two hemorrhages
the peripheral dose was raised to a least 15 Gy. There was a (one fatal) occurred during a total of 130 patient-years at
dramatic decrease in cure rate when AVM size exceeded risk, resulting in a 1.5 % annual incidence of posttreatment
10 cm3 (size D). hemorrhage. If one includes retreatments in the analysis of
In 2003, we determined which factors were statistically radiosurgical success, the results are as follows: (a) 100 %;
predictive of radiographic and clinical outcomes in the radio- (b) 92 %; (c) 85 %; (d) 82 %.
surgical treatment of AVMs [95]. The computerized dosim- Ten (1.8 %) patients sustained a permanent radiation-
etry and clinical data on 269 patients were reviewed. The induced complication. Seventeen (3.1 %) had a transient
AVM nidus was hand contoured on successive enhanced CT radiation-induced complication. These problems usually
slices through the nidus, to allow detailed determination of resolved within several months of steroid therapy. Most
nidus volume, target miss, normal brain treated, dose confor- importantly, 42 patients suffered hemorrhages after radiosur-
mality, and dose gradient. In addition, a number of patient gical treatment, and 8 were fatal. Hemorrhage during the
and treatment factors, including Spetzler–Martin score, pre- latent period after radiosurgery is the major drawback of this
senting symptoms, dose, number of isocenters, radiographic procedure. Only surgery at this point can immediately elimi-
outcome, and clinical outcome were subjected to multivari- nate the risk of hemorrhage in patients with AVMs.
ate analysis.
None of the analyzed factors were predictive of perma-
nent radiation-induced complications or of hemorrhage after Conclusion
radiosurgery in this study. Eloquent AVM location and 12 Gy
volume correlated with the occurrence of transient radiation- Modifications of LINACs for radiosurgery have led to close
induced complications. Better conformality correlated with collaboration between neurosurgeons, medical physicists,
a reduced incidence of transient complications. Lower and radiation oncologists. Such collaborations have increased
Spetzler–Martin scores, higher doses, and steeper dose gra- cross fertilization for each of these fields. Increasing use of
dients correlated with radiographic success. LINAC for radiosurgery has contributed to neurosurgeons
When AVMs are not cured, current practice frequently gaining a more in depth understanding of radiotherapy and
involves a “retreatment,” usually 3 years after the original the challenges of delivering radiation to patients, and SRS has
treatment. We reviewed the cases of 52 patients who under- now become an essential part of neurosurgical education.
went repeat radiosurgery for residual AVM at our institution The development of LINAC has led to widespread avail-
between December 1991 and June 1998 [96]. In each case, ability of radiotherapy for patients. LINACs are found in
residual arteriovenous shunting persisted beyond 36 months almost every major medical center in the USA With afford-
after the initial treatment. The mean interval between the first able modifications to LINACs, radiosurgery is also now
and second treatments was 41 months. Each AVM nidus was widely available to patients. LINACs are currently the most
measured at the time of original treatment and again at the common devices used to deliver radiotherapy and radiosur-
time of retreatment, and dosimetric parameters of the two gery. LINAC radiosurgery is being used to treat patients for
treatments were compared. After retreatment, patients were brain tumors, vascular malformations, pain syndromes, and
followed, and their outcomes evaluated, according to our functional indications. LINAC technology is continually
standard post-AVM radiosurgery protocol. Definitive end being improved and will continue to play a major role in
points included angiographic cure, radiosurgical failure clinical delivery of radiosurgery for patients.
132 M. Rahman et al.
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Charged Particles in Stereotactic
Radiosurgery 10
Shervin M. Shirvani and Joe Y. Chang
L.S. Chin and W.F. Regine (eds.), Principles and Practice of Stereotactic Radiosurgery, 135
DOI 10.1007/978-1-4614-8363-2_10, © Springer Science+Business Media New York 2015
136 S.M. Shirvani and J.Y. Chang
Dose (%)
0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Fig. 10.1 Comparison of dose-distribution curves of photons and pro- Depth (cm)
tons. The high entrance dose and tail of exiting dose are avoided by the
use of charged particles Fig. 10.2 Depth–dose curve for a spread-out Bragg peak (SOBP) with
its constituent pristine Bragg peaks also shown. The gray area repre-
senting the target is encompassed by the width of the SOBP plateau
track as it accelerates. In a cyclotron, the particle starts in the region
center of a cylindrical cavity and accelerates in a spiral, mov-
ing centripetally with time. In this case, the electric field shaping of the radiation field in passive scattering systems is
alternates with a constant frequency to accelerate the particle usually necessary. Either apertures or collimators are used to
during each revolution, but the magnetic field is kept uniform shape the perimeter of the beam, while customized compen-
to achieve the spiral movement. sators placed in the beam path after the aperture can be used
When the particle achieves the desired energy, it is ejected to finely modulate the field’s distal edge [1, 2]. Importantly,
from the synchrotron or cyclotron. In the case of protons, this the materials used for these devices must provide adequate
is usually 150–250 MeV which results in 25–30 cm of attenuation without producing harmful particles through
penetration into tissue. After ejection from the accelerator, scatter interactions. For example in the case of proton ther-
the particle is then guided by magnetic fields to the treatment apy, brass or tungsten apertures are often used.
gantry. A nozzle at the gantry directs the beam to the prop- Because passive scattering planning is similar to 3D con-
erly positioned and immobilized patient. Worldwide, proton formal radiation, complicated dose distributions and tight
and carbon ion cyclotrons are the most commonly used sys- conformation of dose around curved lesions are difficult to
tems for charged particle therapy. Other charged ions includ- achieve. However, with proper resources and skilled dosim-
ing helium, neon, argon, and silicon nuclei have been etry, these challenges are usually surmountable. Dosimetric
explored in research settings but are not currently in wide- studies of passive scattering proton therapy in the thorax
spread use. have shown that, with proper planning, their dose distribu-
A monoenergetic beam of charged particles results in a tions are superior to photon-based treatments (3D conformal
narrow Bragg peak, which has limited clinical utility for photon or photon IMRT) in most cases [1, 3].
treating typical tumor widths. Therefore, two different modes The second mode of delivery is a scanning beam system.
of delivery have been developed to adequately cover the In this mode, the charged particle is subjected to an electro-
dimensions of a typical target. The most common method of magnetic field prior to exiting the gantry. This electromag-
delivery is via passive scattering. In this system, the particle netic field modulates the energy and direction of the particle
beam is scattered and flattened to create a beam of desired beam so that the particles exiting the gantry deposit their
width and intensity. The monoenergetic beam can also be energy at a specific plane (“uniform scanning”) or voxel
modulated with a range shifter to generate a polyenergetic (“spot scanning” or “pencil beam scanning”) within the
beam; the resulting depth–dose curve of the polyenergetic tumor [4]. In these systems, all the planes or voxels that con-
beam is a superposition of the depth–dose curves of the con- stitute the target are treated in turn, usually starting at the
stituent Bragg peaks. It is characterized by a nonzero entrance most distal areas, until the entire volume of the tumor has
dose which rises to a plateau region before falling to zero at been irradiated. Among the voxel-based modes, spot scan-
the depth of the most distal constituent Bragg peak ning delivers dose to each voxel in a step-and-shoot fashion
(Fig. 10.2). The range shifter can customize the width of this while pencil beam scans and treats each voxel in a continuous
“spread-out Bragg peak” so that the tumor is adequately cov- fashion. In both cases, the dose that each voxel receives can
ered by the high-dose plateau. be independently modulated, and therefore treatment planning
To maximize conformality to the target’s three- for these techniques is typically done using inverse-planning
dimensional shape and to avoid normal tissues, additional algorithms. Because of this similarity with photon-based
10 Charged Particles in Stereotactic Radiosurgery 137
intensity-modulated radiotherapy (IMRT), these techniques RBE for a specific particle is high, then that particle exerts a
are often called intensity-modulated proton therapy (IMPT). significant amount of damage per absorbed unit of energy
Scanning beam delivery has two important advantages. and is said to have high “quality.”
First, compensators and apertures are not needed, and there- RBE is related to LET in a bell-shaped distribution: RBE
fore, contaminant scatter from these objects and the risk of rises until an LET of approximately 100–150 keV/μm and then
secondary malignancy is reduced. Second, scanning modes falls at higher LET values. The reason for the peak in RBE at
result in greater conformality and are especially useful for 100 keV/μm is that the likelihood of a single-particle track
eccentric tumors or tumors located near sensitive structures. causing a DNA double-strand break is maximized at this level.
A disadvantage, on the other hand, is that this approach is Because each charged particle has a different LET, we expect
less forgiving when intra- and interfraction tumor and organ RBE to be different among them. For instance, protons in the
motion occurs [5–9]. To address intrafractional motion, it is 250 MeV range have an RBE of approximately 1.1, whereas
imperative that tumor motion be accounted for during simu- carbon-ions have an RBE in the 2–3 range [11, 12]. This means
lation, treatment planning, and dose delivery. In the chest, for that protons are radiobiologically similar to photons, offering a
instance, tumors’ position can change significantly over the 10 % improvement in radiation quality, whereas heavy nuclei
course of respiration. Investigators at MD Anderson have cause considerably higher biological effect.
demonstrated that the creation of a four-dimensional, inter- Two other radiobiological phenomena deserve mention
nal gross tumor volume (“4D-iGTV”) based upon the maxi- with regard to the relative advantages of charged particle
mal intensity projection of the tumor on axial CT slices radiation. In photon radiobiology, the radiosensitivity of a
throughout the entire respiratory phase is an accurate method tumor cell can be diminished by the absence of oxygen or by
for minimizing the risk of a geometrical miss due to tumor the cell’s position in a radioresistant phase of the cell cycle
motion [10]. For interfraction changes due to an early tumor (such as the S phase). In both cases, the altered radiosensitiv-
response, adaptive planning can be considered [8, 9]. ity is attributable to the cell’s capacity for repair of
radiation-induced DNA damage, which is enhanced by
hypoxia and the presence of sister chromatids and DNA-
Radiobiologic Advantages of Charged repair enzymes in certain cell-cycle phases. However, the
Particle Therapy single-track, double-strand break described in the previous
paragraph is a subtype of DNA injury that is difficult to
Charged particle radiotherapy is directly ionizing because, repair even in the presence of these radiobiological modifi-
by virtue of their charge, the accelerated particles can inter- ers. Because high quality particles (such as heavy nuclei
act with atomic electrons through Coulombic forces. such as carbon ions) are more likely to induce this type of
Consequently, charged particles, unlike photons, are asso- injury, the oxygen and cell cycle effects become less impor-
ciated with high linear energy transfer (LET). Their inter- tant. This ability of heavy ion particle radiation to overcome
action with tissues is characterized by (1) direct damage to these intrinsic mechanisms of radioresistance is a major the-
cellular DNA and (2) a dense mobilization of secondary oretical advantage over photons. In fact, this difference in
electrons along the particle track, resulting in a high local radiobiology is the main distinguishing feature between
concentration of free radicals which also cause DNA dam- heavy nuclei ions and protons, whose radiological quality is
age. In clinical systems that utilize a SOBP, cellular dam- similar to photons.
age is considered to be nearly constant across the plateau
phase of the depth–dose curve, but in reality, there may be
variations over the course of the particle track. This is dis- Particle Radiosurgery: Early Clinical
cussed in more detail in section “The Challenges of Particle Outcomes
Though different nuclei used in charged particle therapy As stated in section “Introduction: The Rationale for Charged
may have similarities with respect to the general shape of Particle Radiation for SRS”, there is no a priori reason that
their depth–dose curve, their ultimate radiobiological effects stereotactic hypofractionation cannot be combined with par-
is dependent upon the specific LET of the particle that is ticle radiotherapy so that patients can benefit from the advan-
used. Said differently, the shape of the SOBP is useful for tages of both. However, highly reproducible patient
determining the distribution of dose, but the extent of bio- immobilization devices (such as the Gamma Knife frame)
logical damage that is done to the target tumor is dependent and image-guidance technologies (such as cone-beam com-
on a different property: relative biological effectiveness puted tomography) have not been traditionally been avail-
(RBE). This quantity is defined as the ratio of the dose of able in proton or heavy-nuclei gantry systems. Fortunately,
photons to the dose of charged particles necessary to achieve newer systems have circumvented these limitations by
the same biological effect in a specified test system. If the incorporating customized vacuum molded masks and frames
138 S.M. Shirvani and J.Y. Chang
for immobilization, four-dimensional simulation for treat- These anatomically challenging cases are one circum-
ment planning, and on-board imaging systems such as fluo- stance where particle-based radiotherapy may provide valu-
roscopy, CT imaging, and fiducials for image-guidance. able synergy to hypofractionated treatment. Provided that
Nonetheless, “particle radiosurgery,” as loosely defined by proper beam angles are used, particles such as protons and
the combination of charged particle radiotherapy with large carbon ions should significantly reduce the integral dose to
fraction sizes, is still a young concept whose preliminary evi- the lung and minimize incidental irradiation of nearby organs
dence is limited to a handful of single-institution series in the including the heart, esophagus, spinal cord, bronchial tree,
context of treating early-stage lung cancer. Still, despite their major vessels and brachial plexus (Fig. 10.3). Providing evi-
limitations, these experiences provide proof of principle of dence of this principle, dosimetric studies at the Mayo Clinic
the efficacy and organ-sparing characteristics of particle and MD Anderson Cancer Center have confirmed that the
radiosurgery. Bragg peak characteristics of proton therapy can be used to
deliver ablative doses of radiation to early stage tumors as
effectively as photon SRS while significantly reducing the
Non-small Cell Lung Cancer dose to surrounding normal tissues.
In the MD Anderson study, proton plans compared to pho-
Rationale for Particle Therapy in the Thorax: ton-based SBRT plans significantly reduced the mean total
Anatomy and Dose lung dose from 5.4 to 3.5 Gy (p < 0.001) and 2.8 Gy (p < 0.001)
SRS advances for non-small cell lung cancer in the last and reduced the total lung volume receiving 5, 10, and 20 Gy
decade have largely relied on photon techniques. These early (p < 0.001). Moreover, for cases where the PTV was within
experiences were successful in safely ablating peripheral 2 cm of the critical structures, the proton plans resulting in sig-
tumors but also resulted in considerable toxicity when used nificantly reduced mean maximal dose to the aorta, brachial
for centrally located tumors [13–17]. Life-threatening com- plexus, heart, pulmonary vessels, and spinal cord [21].
plications including radiation pneumonitis, great vessel rup- Similarly, the Mayo Clinic study found that proton-based tech-
ture, esophageal ulceration, and spinal cord myelopathy have niques resulted in significantly reduced total lung mean and V5
been reported when central tumors have been treated with dose; other normal tissues including heart, bronchial tree
ablative dose regimens [18, 19]. This difference in therapeu- (including trachea), esophagus, and spinal cord lower were also
tic ratio was especially stark in an early phase II study of 70 found to receive less dose with protons [22]. Interestingly, in
patients with both peripherally and centrally located tumors both studies, better dose distributions were achieved with scan-
treated to 60–66 Gy in three fractions [20]. In this cohort, ning beam methods than with passively scattered protons.
2-year freedom from severe toxicity was 83 % for those with A second rationale for particle radiotherapy is the con-
peripheral tumors compared with only 54 % for patients with verse of the first: While the goal described above is to mini-
perihilar or central tumors. mize normal tissue effects given a specified target dose, the
Fig. 10.3 Comparison of passively scattered proton therapy (right panel) and 3D conformal photon therapy (left panel)-based stereotactic ablation
of a lung tumor close to critical structure brachial plexus. The proton plan results in a diminished dose to the brachial plexus
10 Charged Particles in Stereotactic Radiosurgery 139
other potential use of particle therapy is to escalate the dose utilized 50 or 60 CGE in ten fractions to treat a cohort of 21
delivered to the tumor given prespecified thresholds for adja- patients with stage I NSCLC [35]. All but one of the patients
cent organs. In radiosurgery for non-small cell lung cancer, (95 %) experienced durable local control following this treat-
this second rationale is particularly relevant because of the ment. Two-year overall and cause-specific survival rates were
observation that higher BED is more likely to achieve cure 74 and 86 %. As in the Bush study, the toxicity profile was
[13–16, 23–32]. This phenomenon was underlined in a retro- favorable with no grade 3 or greater reactions observed. Other
spective study by Onishi and colleagues who demonstrated hypofractionated proton regimens used in Japanese proton
that among different photon SRS regimens, patients who centers have demonstrated similar results [36].
received a BED greater than 100 Gy had much better 5-year The Massachusetts General Hospital reported outcomes
local control (92 % vs. 74 %) and overall survival (88 % vs. for 15 patients with 20 tumors treated with proton SBRT to
69 %) than those who received a lower BED [23]. In light of 42–50 CGE in 3–5 fractions between July 2008 and
these findings, particles may be a powerful tool for achieving September 2010. Only one grade 3 or higher toxicity was
100 Gy BED when adjacent organs-at-risk prevent dose observed (grade 3 pneumonitis in a patient with severe
escalation of photons to these levels. chronic obstructive pulmonary disease), and the 2-year over-
all survival and local control rates were 64 % and 100 %,
Outcomes for Highly Hypofractionated Regimens respectively, with a median follow-up of 24.1 months [37].
Thus far, seven experiences using hypofractionated particle The National Institute of Radiological Sciences (NIRS) in
therapy for non-small cell lung cancer have been reported, Chiba, Japan, has reported three trials of hypofractionated
four with proton therapy and three with carbon ion therapy radiotherapy using carbon ions. The first, a phase I/II study
(Table 10.1). Each of these studies has unique technical and of 50 patients treated to 72 CGE in nine fractions, resulted in
image-guidance procedures. The earliest study was per- a 5-year local control rate of 95 % with no grade 3 toxicities
formed by Bush et al. at Loma Linda. At this center, 68 observed [38]. A second study followed 76 patients with T1
patients were treated to 51–60 cobalt-60 Gray equivalents and T2 tumors treated to 52.8 CGE in four fractions and
(CGE) in ten fractions. Real-time fluoroscopy was used for 60 CGE in four fractions, respectively [39]. At 3-year fol-
verification of patient and tumor position, and notably, this low-up, local control for T1 tumors was 98 % and for T2
study did not include any compensatory actions for respira- tumors was 80 %. Again, no grade 3 toxicities were observed.
tory motion [33]. Nonetheless, 3-year local control and Finally, a dose escalation study in which patients receive
cause-specific survival rates were 74 % and 72 %, respec- single-fraction regimens from 28 to 44 CGE is ongoing at
tively, over a median follow-up of 30 months. With regard to NIRS. Preliminary results showed no grade 3 or greater tox-
toxicity, no cases of acute radiation pneumonitis were icities at any of the dose levels during a follow-up period of
observed nor were there any grade 3 early or late esophageal 16 months [40]. The local control and survival outcomes of
or cardiac toxicities. this cohort are yet to be reported.
Nihei and colleagues used three-dimensional CT simula-
tion, respiratory gating, and real-time digital radiographs for Outcomes for Modestly Hypofractionated
position verification. With these more modern techniques, 37 and Conventionally Fractionated Regimens
patients were treated to a total dose of 70–94 CGE using frac- In addition to the studies above, more modestly hypofrac-
tion sizes of 3.5–4.7 CGE, which resulted in a local control tionated regimens using proton therapy have been reported
rate of 80 % at 24 months [34]. Hata and colleagues in Japan for non-small cell lung cancer (Table 10.2). While strictly
Table 10.1 Highly hypofractionated proton or carbon ion for T1-T2 N0 non-small cell lung cancer
Study Dose (CGE)/no. of fractions Local control Overall survival
Proton therapy
Westover et al. [37] (2012) 42–50/3–5 100 % (2 years) 64 % (2 years)
Iwata et al. [36] (2010) 80/20 or 60/10 81 % (3 years) 73 % (3 years)
Hata et al. [35] (2007) 50–60/10 95 % (2 years) 74 % (2 years)
Nihei et al. [34] (2006) 70–94/20 80 % (2 years) 84 % (2 years)
Bush et al. [33] (2004) 60/10 74 % (3 years) 44 % (3 years)
Carbon ion therapy
Iwata et al. [36] (2010) 52.8/4 86 % (2 years) 87 % (2 years)
Miyamoto et al. [39] (2007) 52.8–60/4 98 % (3 years) 78 % (3 years)
Miyamoto et al. [38] (2007) 72/8 95 % (5 years) 50 % (5 years)
140 S.M. Shirvani and J.Y. Chang
Table 10.2 Modestly hypofractionated proton radiotherapy for non-small cell lung cancer
Dose (CGE)/
Study no. of fractions Chemotherapy Local control Overall survival
Early stage
Chang et al. [41] (2010) 87.5/35 N/A 89 % (2 years) 54.5 % (2 years)
Shioyama et al. [42] (2003) 76a/22a N/A T1A—89 % (5 years) T1A—70 % (5 years)
T1B—39 % (5 years) T1B—16 % (5 years)
Locally advanced
Chang et al. [45] (2011) 74/37 Carboplatin/paclitaxel 80 % (1 year) 86 % (1 year)
Nakayama et al. [43] (2011) 67.1–91.3/33 None 66 % (2 years) 59 % (2 years)
Median values
speaking these fall outside the realm of radiosurgical abla- high radiation doses and/or concurrent chemotherapy in this
tion, they are nonetheless instructive with regard to the high setting. Nakayama et al. retrospectively reviewed 35 patients
doses that can be achieved with the depth–dose characteris- with stage II or III NSCLC who were medically inoperable or
tics of particle radiotherapy: Targeting the subset of patients who refused surgery and instead were treated with proton
with centrally or superiorly located Stage IA–II non-small therapy without concurrent chemotherapy [43]. The median
cell lung cancers, Chang et al. conducted a Phase I/II pro- proton dose delivered was 78.3 CGE (range, 67.1–91.3 CGE).
spective study of proton radiation with a total dose of The overall and local progression-free survival rates were
87.5 CGE at 2.5 CGE per fraction [41]. At initial reporting of 81.8 % and 93.3 %, respectively, at 1 year and 58.9 % and
outcomes with a median follow-up time of 16.3 months, the 65.9 %, respectively, at 2 years, and incredibly, no grade 3 or
most common adverse effects were Grade 2 dermatitis higher toxicity was observed. Similarly, Sejpal et al. pub-
(67 %), Grade 2 fatigue (44 %), Grade 2 pneumonitis (11 %), lished a retrospective analysis of 62 patients with locally
Grade 2 esophagitis (6 %), and Grade 2 chest wall pain advanced NSCLC who were treated with proton therapy and
(6 %). No grade 4 or 5 toxicities occurred, and the local con- concurrent platinum- or taxane-based chemotherapy and
trol rate was 88.9 %. Similarly, Shioyama and colleagues compared their outcomes with those of patients treated in ear-
reported 28 patients with Stage I NSCLC treated with proton lier eras with photons [44]. The median total radiation dose
therapy to a median total dose of 76 CGE in median 3 CGE was 74 CGE for the proton group and 63 Gy for the photon
fractions (range, 2–6 CGE) [42]. The 5-year local control group. The proton patients had lower rates of pneumonitis,
rate was 89 % for patients with Stage IA disease with one esophagitis, and hematologic toxicity than those observed in
case of Grade 3 acute toxicity observed. patients in the photon cohort despite the fact that the proton
Interestingly, the outcomes achieved in the Chang and dose was, on average, higher. Finally, Chang et al. completed
Shioyama studies with modest hypofractionation were com- a phase II study of 44 patients with stage III NSCLC who
parable to photon-based ablative approaches. This suggests received 74 CGE via conventional fractionation (2 CGE per
that, in certain settings, the radiobiological advantages of fraction) with weekly concurrent carboplatin and paclitaxel
high LET radiation can substitute for the radiobiological [45]. Despite the very high intensity of this treatment course,
advantages of hypofractionation, while still allowing for the grade 3 toxicities were minimal: 5 had grade 3 esophagitis, 5
interfractional recovery of normal tissues. In cases where had grade 3 dermititis, and only 1 patient had grade 3 pneu-
normal tissue toxicity is not a major concern, it stands to monitis. No grade 4 or 5 toxicities were observed. Eighty per-
reason that combining ablative hypofractionation with cent local control and 29 months overall survival were
charged particle radiotherapy would result in maximal achieved. The concept about combining stereotactic radio-
efficacy. therapy and hypofractionated radiotherapy using intensity-
Finally, in the locally advanced setting, several studies modulated proton-based integrated boost and/or dose painting
have confirmed the utility of using charged particles, specifi- has been proposed to further improve the therapeutic ratio
cally protons, to increase the radiation dose while sparing and improve cure rate in stage III NSCLC.
normal tissue (Table 10.2). Though these results also do not
reflect a stereotactic approach, they are nonetheless instruc- Summary
tive for demonstrating the advantages of proton therapy for While the studies above demonstrate promising tumor con-
treating large volumes in the thorax. Especially notable are trol after the use of charged particles in the setting of lung
the low rates of severe toxicity observed despite the use of cancer, an important caveat is that these experiences are
10 Charged Particles in Stereotactic Radiosurgery 141
Future Directions for CNS Tumors rently taken these RBE variations into account. However,
Currently, most centers employing charged particles for with increased use of particle therapy in the coming years, it
CNS tumors rely on conventionally fractionated or modestly may be necessary to account for this variability in specific
hypofractionated treatment regimens. Nonetheless, the expe- circumstances.
rience at the Harvard Cyclotron demonstrates proof of prin- Proton therapy can generate neutron contaminants via the
ciple that CNS tumors can be targeted for true radiosurgical collision of protons with the gantry system as well as the
treatment within a charged particle gantry. As more proton patient himself. These secondary neutrons have high LET
and carbon ion centers come online, integrated systems for and can travel beyond the proton’s Bragg peak to induce
achieving immobilization, positioning, and image-guidance DNA damage in normal tissue structures. This may result in
will be needed to enable stereotactic treatment and thus late toxic effects or the development of secondary malignan-
improve the therapeutic ratio for patients. cies [76]. Heavier nuclei can likewise generate neutrons and
other nuclear fragments through interactions with atomic
nuclei. These fragments, like neutrons, are capable of caus-
The Challenges of Particle Therapy ing cellular damage beyond the primary particle’s Bragg
peak. However, it is important to note that the incidental irra-
Three major challenges to charged particle therapy are cost, diation attributable to these fragments may ultimately be less
motion/modeling uncertainties, and potential nuclear frag- carcinogenic than the low-dose bath of radiation seen in con-
ment contamination. With regard to cost, charged particles formal photon radiotherapy. In fact, preliminary evidence in
entail considerably higher investment than linear accelera- pediatric patients suggests that the overall risk of secondary
tors used for generating photons and electrons [67]. Because malignancy is lower when particles are used in place of pho-
of their large mass, protons and heavy nuclei require large tons [77].
cyclotrons and high energy inputs to achieve acceleration of Though these uncertainties in charged particle therapy
the therapeutic particle to the necessary energy for medical should inspire caution, the best strategy is to test the assump-
use [68]. The total cost to build a proton center has histori- tions, approximations, and algorithms used in charged parti-
cally been between $120 and $200 million. A general rule of cle treatment through prospective trials. Similarly, the impact
thumb is that the required size of the cyclotron or synchro- of cost and nuclear contamination should not deter the use of
tron is directly related to the size of the charged particle. charged particle therapy unless it can be shown, prospec-
Therefore, heavy nuclei gantries entail even greater capital tively, that these limitations outweigh the beneficial effects
investment [69]. of particle radiation. Ultimately, randomized controlled trials
Newer technologies that generate high energy protons in are needed to fully assess both the comparative efficacy and
more compact systems are emerging and may provide a more cost-effectiveness of charged particle therapy. Though no
affordable avenue for introducing particle therapy to every- true randomized trials have been completed thus far, promis-
day practice [70]. Systems employing a single-room gantry ing trials comparing proton and photon radiation in several
may cost as little as $20 million. Still, whether charged par- cancer sites have fortunately been opened.
ticles are cost-effective when compared to photon-based
alternatives remains a controversial subject among radiation
oncologists [67, 68, 71]. Conclusion
Several planning uncertainties also present a challenge to
the widespread adoption of charged particle radiotherapy. Charged particle radiotherapy has distinct advantages over
First of all, proton dose distribution is very sensitive to photon radiation in terms of dose distribution and radiobiol-
motion/anatomy changes [9, 10]. In addition, the conversion ogy. The characteristic Bragg peak of charged particle radi-
of CT Hounsfield units to charged particle stopping party is ation results in minimal dose delivery beyond the treatment
not as straightforward as the case in photon radiation [72]. volume and, consequently, relative sparing of organs-at-
Particle therapy treatment modeling systems are variably risk. Recent advances in patient positioning, immobiliza-
effective in predicting the precise depth of the Bragg peak, tion, and image-guidance have allowed investigation into
and this uncertainty in spatial resolution can be exacerbated the combination of particle therapy with a hypofractionated,
when the particles traverse air cavities [73]. Finally, though stereotactic treatment approach. This approach, “particle
most treatment planning systems assign a constant RBE for radiosurgery,” has resulted in promising local control, sur-
converting photon doses to charged particle doses, the true vival, and toxicity outcomes in multiple tumor sites.
RBE is likely to be dynamic along the range of the charged Randomized controlled trials will determine whether the
particle. Additionally, the RBE can vary for different cancer degree of improved efficacy and reduced morbidity follow-
histologies and for different dose/fractionation regimens [74, ing particle radiosurgery justifies its use over photon tech-
75]. For practical reasons, treatment modeling has not cur- niques despite higher financial costs.
144 S.M. Shirvani and J.Y. Chang
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Carolina E. Fasola, Lei Wang, John R. Adler,
Scott G. Soltys, Iris C. Gibbs, Albert C. Koong,
and Daniel T. Chang
L.S. Chin and W.F. Regine (eds.), Principles and Practice of Stereotactic Radiosurgery, 147
DOI 10.1007/978-1-4614-8363-2_11, © Springer Science+Business Media New York 2015
148 C.E. Fasola et al.
Fig. 11.1 The main components of the CyberKnife system. (Modified image used with permission from Accuray Incorporated)
Fig. 11.2 A library of digitally reconstructed radiographs (DRRs) is generated from the treatment planning CT. Each of these images, which
approximates an oblique projection, emulates a unique pose of the patient’s anatomy
100 non-isocentric, noncoplanar beams to be used during the Recent developments in hardware and software have sig-
process of designing a treatment plan and creating a dose nificantly enhanced the delivery efficiency to reduce patient
distribution that conforms to even irregularly shaped target treatment times. The newer CyberKnife G4 system is capa-
volumes (Fig. 11.3). In contrast, frame-based isocentric ble of a dose rate up to 1,000 MU per minute in up to 1,600
radiosurgery systems (e.g., Gamma Knife and linac-based beam directions. The newly designed RoboCouch™ aligns
systems) construct spherical dose distributions around a dis- patients quickly from the control room with a high degree of
crete isocenter, and irregular targets require multiple spheres accuracy in six degrees of freedom so that setup time can be
to ensure adequate dose coverage. reduced. The IRIS variable collimator system is capable of
11 CyberKnife 149
changing the collimator size during delivery (Fig. 11.4). In The CyberKnife treatment planning system is capable of
combination, these features have been able to significantly generating both isocentric and non-isocentric treatment
reduce treatment time. For brain and spine cases, the typical plans. Non-isocentric treatment delivery marks a stark con-
treatment time in the current G4 system ranges from 15 min trast to earlier technology and is particularly useful in treat-
to 1 h depending on the complexity of the treatment sites, ing irregularly shaped targets. The total system accuracy is
with an average of approximately 30 min. similar to previously published results from frame-based
radiotherapy and is less than 1 mm [3, 4]. The CyberKnife
uses 12 secondary collimators to shape cylindrical beams
CyberKnife Treatment Planning with diameters ranging from 5 to 60 mm. While other treat-
ment planning systems may use forward planning, in which
Treatment planning with CyberKnife is similar to frame-based beam angles and weights are adjusted manually by the phys-
technology in that it is developed on CT image data with other icists or dosimetrists, all the CyberKnife planning is done
imaging modalities such as MRI, fMRI, and PET scans coreg- using an inverse approach. For more complex and irregu-
istered for target volume delineation. For lesions of the brain, larly shaped tumors, robotic radiosurgery provides an enor-
head, and neck, a thermoplastic head mask is fabricated for mous range of possibilities for placing beams and beam
immobilization. For body lesions, a custom vacuum body arrays. In designing plans for these targets, the goal of the
mold may be used. In order to generate high-resolution DRRs CyberKnife planning algorithm is to find a beam arrange-
for image guidance during delivery, the planning CT is ment that returns a maximally conformal distribution for a
acquired at 1.0–1.5 mm slice thickness. given shape of target [5, 6].
150 C.E. Fasola et al.
The optimization process is based on a set of goals and either four-dimensional CT or by deforming an inhalation
dose constraints specified by the user. The treatment plan- image stack into an exhalation image stack), which is then
ning system determines the directions and activation dura- used for treatment planning. The linear programming
tions for each non-isocentric, noncoplanar beam (selected approach used by the CyberKnife can be extended to four-
from a universe of approximately 2,000 beam directions) dimensional inverse planning [14].
such that the user’s specifications are met. A typical plan uti- One of the major limitations of CyberKnife is the extended
lizes more than 100 beam directions in a single treatment. delivery time for patients. Options for reducing the treatment
The sequential optimization algorithm was introduced in time are available in the planning system by reducing the
newer planning systems to improve the efficiency of the number of beams, nodes (positions of the robotic arm), and
planning process [7]. Unlike the standard optimization pro- monitor units while preserving the integrity of the treatment
cess, which optimizes on a set of clinical objectives at the plan [15]. In addition, the optimized path traversal feature
same time, the sequential optimization option is composed now allows the robotic arm to travel the shortest safe dis-
of a series of individual optimization steps, which are per- tance between nodes to deliver the treatment, thereby mini-
formed in a defined sequence in the order of priority. Each mizing the amount of motion required by the robot and
step corresponds to a clinical objective. The solution of each reducing treatment time significantly [16].
prior step is maintained or relaxed by a user-defined value
when the next step is optimized. The process closely mimics
the clinical decision making of a physician in designing a CyberKnife Treatment Delivery
treatment plan. The steps and user-defined constraints com-
prise a script that can be saved so that the treatment planning The CyberKnife treatment delivery follows a step-and-shoot
process with similar targets can be standardized, thus reduc- manner. The robot travels along a set of predefined paths,
ing planning time for subsequent plans. stopping at treatment nodes to deliver the dose. The design
The use of multiple collimators can improve plan confor- advantage of the CyberKnife treatment delivery is its
mality and reduce the treatment time [8]. The introduction of automated near real-time image guidance. During treatment,
the IRIS variable collimator, which provides an aperture size X-rays are frequently acquired and compared to the DRRs
ranging from 5 to 60 mm, has made it practical and feasible obtained at setup to automatically compensate for patient
to use more collimator apertures in treatment planning. The movement within a range of 10 mm. The robotic arm of the
IRIS collimator is designed with two sets of tungsten colli- CyberKnife is realigned before delivery of each beam to
mator banks, each of which forms a hexagonal shape rotated account for translation and rotation of the target. If a signifi-
30° apart to form a semicircular shape (Fig. 11.4). In the cur- cant misalignment is present, radiation delivery is postponed
rent implementation, the IRIS beam apertures are incremen- until the misalignment is corrected by movement of the treat-
tal to match the fixed collimator set. ment couch [17]. While the system is capable of imaging
Previously, the raytracing algorithm (pencil-beam-based before every treatment beam, imaging every third to fifth
algorithm) was used exclusively in the CyberKnife treatment beam or every 20–60 s, depending on the compliance of the
planning system. Since 2008, the Monte Carlo (MC) calcula- patient, is generally sufficient. The accuracy of this system
tion option has been available for CyberKnife treatment design has been demonstrated to be submillimetric [18, 19]
planning. The CyberKnife MC calculation is a Monte Carlo and is comparable to frame-based systems [18–22].
simulation with modifications to improve calculation speed The CyberKnife is capable of real-time tracking of targets
[9, 10]. This calculation algorithm more accurately predicts that move with respiratory motion with the Synchrony™ sys-
dose in inhomogeneous areas such as the lung as evidenced tem. Synchrony™ synchronizes internal motion of the target
by a study by Wilcox et al., who compared the traditional by X-ray localization with the motion of the chest wall as
raytracing calculation with the MC calculation in lung assessed by continuous infrared light emitting diodes placed
tumors for the CyberKnife system and showed that the ray- on the chest wall near the diaphragm that are detected by an
tracing calculation consistently overestimated doses in low- optical camera in the treatment room (Fig. 11.1). As the
density structures (the maximum dose deviation up to a patient breathes, the movement of the chest wall is correlated
factor of 1.63 observed), and this effect was more pro- with internal movement by a predictive model updated dur-
nounced as the collimator size decreased [11]. ing treatment (Fig. 11.5). The most recent 15 data points cap-
CyberKnife planning has also been extended to the case tured from the X-ray imagers are used for model prediction
of moving targets [12, 13]. While the target may move dur- updated in a first-in first-out manner. With the feedback from
ing treatment, critical structures in the vicinity may not move Synchrony™, the radiation beams remain fixed on the target
with the same speed or direction. The relative motion of while the robotic arm moves to account for tumor motion
organs with respect to one another requires highly accurate with respiration. If the detected target position is significantly
planning. The temporal changes over the entire respiration different from the predicted position when the patient’s
cycle are represented in a motion model (obtained from breathing pattern changes, the treatment will be turned off
11 CyberKnife 151
associated with fiducial placement. XSight Spine tracking shown to target spinal lesions with submillimeter accuracy
was initiated in 2004 and allows for tracking of spinal skel- and compares favorably to previously published precision of
etal anatomy based on anatomic landmarks [26, 27]. Similar fiducial-based localization [4].
to the skull-based algorithm, the XSight Spine tracking algo- Similarly, XSight Lung Respiratory tracking system has
rithm aligns the live X-ray images with the DRRs generated emerged as an option for fiducial-less tracking of lung lesions
from the setup CT. DRRs are often synthesized with the [28]. The XSight Lung algorithm directory tracks the tumor
spine region only to remove moving structures and are using the live images taken during the treatment (Fig. 11.7).
enhanced with imaging processing for more robust tracking. The GTV is contoured during the planning process to be used
Instead of using the whole image, the XSight Spine algo- as the tracking target, and a maximum similarity matching
rithm only uses a region of interest defined by the user that technique is applied near the GTV region for tracking. This
includes the spine bony structures near the treatment area tracking system only corrects for translational displacements,
(Fig. 11.6). Because the spine is not a rigid body, the ROI is and the rotations of the tumor are ignored. The patient using
divided into many small nodes (9 × 9 mesh), and the small XSight Lung is set up with XSight Spine tracking first to cor-
area near each node is treated as a rigid body. They are regis- rect for any patient rotations. This system works best for
tered to the DRRs separately using maximum similarity lesions with sufficient contrast from normal surrounding tis-
mapping. The detected displacement of each node constructs sue. Fu et al. found this approach can be used on peripheral,
a displacement vector field which is used to determine the radiodense tumors with diameters >15 mm [29]. The XSight
overall translations and rotations. This approach has been Lung tracking system uses Synchrony™ to correct the
11 CyberKnife 153
detected internal motion that is correlated with respiratory tion is readily extended to lesions that originate beneath or
chest wall movement [24]. extend through the skull base, such as tumors of the foramen
In summary, the CyberKnife tracking systems in place magnum and nasopharyngeal carcinoma.
can track lesions in any direction throughout the body, thus Shimamoto et al. reported results of 94 patients with 136
facilitating treatment of both intra-cranial and extracranial brain metastases treated with doses of 24–27 Gy using
sites. Submillimeter accuracy is achieved with CyberKnife CyberKnife, showing 89 % local progression free survival
systems for Skull, Fiducial, and XSight Spine tracking meth- [30]. In a series from Stanford University, Chang et al.
ods [17]. For lesions that move with respiration, adequate treated 53 patients with 149 brain metastases with a median
margin should be considered. dose of 19.6 Gy (range 14–30 Gy) with 91 % rate of local
control, defined as stabilization or decrease in lesion size.
Eight patients (5.4 %) had radiation brain necrosis [31].
Clinical Indications Another series of 71 patients with 148 metastatic brain
lesions with mean volume of 6.6 cm3 treated with median
CyberKnife is capable of targeting most lesions treated with dose 20.7 Gy over 1–3 fractions showed local control rate of
the more conventional frame-based radiosurgery techniques. 83 % at 44 weeks of follow-up [32]. Hara et al. reported a
With the advent of stereotactic body radiotherapy, the clini- local control of 87 % in 62 patients with 145 renal cell or
cal indications for use with the CyberKnife have been melanoma metastases. The median prescribed dose was
expanded from intracranial to extracranial, including bone, 20 Gy (range 14–24 Gy). Prior surgical resection did not
lung, pancreatic, hepatic, and prostate disease. Doses of radi- impact local control [33].
ation vary depending on location. The main clinical goals of Without adjuvant irradiation, local control after surgical
stereotactic radiosurgery are to improve local control, allevi- resection of a brain metastasis is no greater than 40 % in
ate pain, or prevent tumor progression which could result in prospective trials, leading investigators to examine adjuvant
symptoms. While a full review of each of these disease sites radiosurgery to the resection cavity [34, 35]. Using
is beyond the scope of this chapter and can be found in other CyberKnife, Choi et al. reported high local control rates and
chapters of this textbook, what follows is a brief discussion acceptable toxicity in an updated series of 112 patients with
of each site specifically with respect to how CyberKnife has 120 resection cavities treated with adjuvant stereotactic
been used and the reported clinical results. radiosurgery with a median dose of 18.6 Gy (range
15–30 Gy). The average cavity volume was 8.5 cm3 with 12-
and 24-month cumulative local failure rates of 9.5 % and
Intracranial 11.6 %, respectively [36]. Stanford is now leading a prospec-
tive trial investigating dose escalation for large brain tumors
Most conditions treated with standard frame-based radiosur- or large resection cavities of 2–5 cm in size [16].
gery are readily treatable with the frameless CyberKnife
using the same basic radiosurgical principles. However, the Glioblastoma Multiforme
combination of near real-time image guidance and robotic Investigators have reported on the use of CyberKnife for pri-
treatment delivery can offer distinct advantages over conven- mary brain tumors such as glioblastoma multiforme (GBM).
tional frame-based radiosurgery under some clinical circum- Villavicencio et al. reported a series of 20 patients treated
stances. Because of its robotic nature, the CyberKnife with CyberKnife at the time of initial diagnosis of GBM and
enables an increase in both the range of beam trajectories 26 patients treated at the time of disease recurrence or pro-
and, in some cases, the volume of space over which they are gression [37]. The group treated with CyberKnife at time of
distributed. Clinically speaking, this design provides greater recurrence or progression had a median survival rate of 21
homogeneity, when desirable, and enhanced dose conformal- months compared to 11.5 months in the group treated upfront
ity for irregularly shaped targets. Even more importantly, fra- with stereotactic radiosurgery. Patients with more extensive
meless stereotaxy allows for multi-fraction dosing schedules, surgical resection had improved survival rates.
which may be used if late radiation damage is of concern. Conti et al. recently investigated a series of 23 patients
The CyberKnife can be used to treat all the common intra- with unresected GBM treated with radiation alone using
cranial conditions currently treated with other radiosurgery CyberKnife stereotactic radiosurgery alone or combined
systems, such as intracranial tumors, arteriovenous malfor- with temozolomide. Median survival was 12 months for the
mations, and functional disorders such as trigeminal neural- group that received combination treatment compared to 7
gia. However, the use of hypofractionation makes it feasible months in the group that received stereotactic radiosurgery
to treat many larger tumors or lesions adherent to particu- alone. While surgery remains the standard of care for the
larly radiosensitive brain structures such as the anterior treatment of GBMs, the vast majority of failures (90 %)
visual pathways. Moreover, CyberKnife radiosurgical abla- occur within 2 cm of the original tumor [38]. CyberKnife
154 C.E. Fasola et al.
stereotactic radiosurgery is currently being investigated as with CyberKnife stereotactic radiosurgery to 18–21 Gy in
adjunct therapy following surgical resection in a prospective three fractions with 98 % local control, 74 % serviceable
trial at Stanford. hearing preservation, and no reports of trigeminal nerve
injury at 3 years of follow-up [45]. More recently Stanford
Perioptic Tumors updated their results of fractionated stereotactic radiosurgery
The use of hypofractionation enables treatment of lesions for 383 patients. The majority of patients received 18 Gy in
near radiosensitive tissue such as the optic structures, which three fractions. At a median follow-up of 3.6 years, local
are not well suited for single fraction treatment. High rates of control was 99 %. Serviceable hearing was preserved in
local control and visual preservation after hypofractionated 76 % of patients (among 200 patients) with serviceable hear-
radiosurgery have been reported [39–41]. Adler et al. updated ing prior to treatment. There were no cases of treatment-
a series of 49 patients with perioptic tumors within 2 mm of related facial nerve dysfunction, but 2 % of patients did
the optic apparatus treated with CyberKnife radiosurgery experience trigeminal nerve injury [46].
with excellent local control rates. Lesions included menin-
giomas, pituitary adenomas, craniopharyngiomas, and one
case of mixed germ cell tumor, most of which had been pre- Trigeminal Neuralgia
viously treated with surgical resections and/or conventional
radiation therapy. These lesions were treated with a mean Trigeminal neuralgia (TN) is characterized by chronic epi-
cumulative marginal dose of 20.3 Gy in 2–5 fractions. They sodic facial pain which is often refractory to medications.
reported local control >95 % and visual preservation rate of Frame-based radiosurgical rhizotomy, most commonly per-
94 % at 49 months of follow-up. There was one case of formed with the Gamma Knife, has been shown to be effec-
radiation-induced optic nerve injury in a patient previously tive in the management of TN. The standard Gamma Knife
treated with conventional radiation therapy and three courses rhizotomy was modified using the capacity of the CyberKnife
of perioptic radiosurgery [39]. to deliver non-isocentric plans. Rapid onset of pain relief
after CyberKnife treatment was first reported in a small
Vestibular Schwannomas series of patients by Romanelli et al. [47]. Lim et al. reported
Vestibular schwannomas are benign tumors that can cause a series of 29 patients with TN who had previously tried
significant morbidity including impaired hearing and bal- medical therapy and/or surgical procedures with persistent
ance from dysfunction of the vestibulocochlear nerve [42]. symptoms treated with CyberKnife stereotactic radiosurgery
While observation without initial treatment for these benign to a dose ranging between 60 and 70 Gy to a 6–8 mm length
lesions is a reasonable option in some cases, surgical resec- of the retrogasserian region of the trigeminal nerve. At 10
tion and stereotactic radiosurgery (single or fractionated ses- months of follow-up, 90 % of patients reported significant
sions) are standard treatment approaches. Compared to pain relief with a median time of 7 days. With regards to
surgery, stereotactic radiosurgery offers similar rates of local facial numbness, 14 % of patients reported worsening facial
control between 95 and 98 % with fewer side effects and numbness and 10 % reported new onset facial numbness fol-
complications and superior long-term hearing preservation lowing treatment [48]. Villavicencio et al. reported a multi-
rates [43]. Hearing preservation rates largely depend on pre- center experience of treatment of TN with CyberKnife
treatment hearing status. Andrews et al. presented a series of involving 95 patients. In this series, 67 % of patients reported
125 patients with vestibular schwannomas treated with significant pain relief at a median time of 14 days, but only
Gamma Knife stereotactic radiosurgery (n = 69) or linac- 50 % of patients had pain relief at 2 years of follow-up. Up
based fractionated stereotactic radiotherapy (n = 56). Local to 47 % of patients experienced some degree of facial numb-
control was >97 % for both groups, but functional hearing ness following treatment [49].
preservation was 2.5-fold higher in patients who were treated In targeting the segment of the retrogasserian cisternal
with the linac-based fractionated treatment compared to sin- portion of the trigeminal sensory root, pain relief can often be
gle session radiosurgery [44]. A recent meta-analysis on ste- achieved, but with a high incidence of facial numbness as
reotactic radiosurgery discussed 37 studies of treatment of shown in the above series. As a result, a gradual dose and
vestibular schwannomas with overall local control of 91.1 %, volume de-escalation approach was used by Adler et al. to
serviceable hearing preservation rate of 59.3 %, and post- treat a 6 mm segment of the nerve with a dose prescription of
treatment facial nerve dysfunction of 7.1 %. Of note, most of 60 and 75 Gy maximum dose. Among 46 patients, 85 %
these studies focused on single fraction stereotactic radiosur- experienced complete resolution of pain at a mean of 5 weeks.
gery in treatment of these lesions [42]. One of these patients had recurrence of symptoms at 7 months
In support of fractionated treatment of vestibular schwan- and was treated with a repeat session with resolution of
nomas, Chang et al. published a series of 61 patients treated symptoms. At a mean follow-up of 14 months, 96 % of
11 CyberKnife 155
patients reported >90 % improvement in symptoms and 15 % the Munich experience of single fraction radiosurgery using
reported significant facial numbness [50]. In an Italian series, XSight Spine (fiducial-free tracking). They reported a series
33 patients with TN were treated with CyberKnife to doses of 102 patients with 134 malignant spinal tumors, of which
between 55 and 75 Gy targeting a length of 4 mm of the ret- the majority were spinal metastases, treated 15–24 Gy in a
rogasserian portion of the trigeminal nerve, and 94 % of single fraction. In this cohort, 32 % of patients received prior
patients reported initial pain relief with a median time to pain spinal radiation. At a median follow-up of 15 months, local
relief of 30 days. There were no documented cases of facial control was 98 %. In an update, they reported the results of
numbness following treatment. However, 33 % of patients 287 patients with 348 lesions showing a local control rate of
experienced relapse of symptoms at a mean of 9 months [51]. 94 % at median follow-up of 9.6 months and only one patient
Currently, a dose of 60 Gy with maximum dose limited to developed myelopathy [55]. Heron et al. published the com-
75 Gy prescribed along 5 mm of the trigeminal nerve is used bined experience at University of Pittsburgh and Georgetown
at Stanford for TN. The target volume is kept 2–3 mm away University, which included 228 patients with 348 lesions
from the pons, and the brainstem maximum dose is limited to treated with CyberKnife spinal radiosurgery. Patients
<25 Gy and V12 < 0.2 cc in an effort to minimize the risk of received a mean dose of 16.3–24.5 Gy depending on frac-
brainstem necrosis. tionation (1–5 sessions). Pain control was excellent among
all patients and superior among patients treated in a single
session (100 %) compared to patients treated in multiple ses-
Spinal Indications sions (88 %). However, local control (96 % vs. 70 %), the
rate of retreatment (1 % vs. 13 %), and overall survival (63 %
With the degrees of freedom in beam arrangements available vs. 46 %) at 2 years were all superior among patients treated
with the robotic arm, spinal radiosurgery has emerged as a with multiple fractions compared to patients treated with a
natural application for CyberKnife with encouraging results. single fraction [58].
In the first reported use of image-guided robotics to perform These results demonstrate the safety and efficacy of using
spinal radiosurgery, Ryu and colleagues demonstrated the CyberKnife radiosurgery for treatment of spinal lesions. The
safety and short-term efficacy for a variety of neoplastic and local control and symptomatic relief rates are particularly
vascular lesions [52]. Similar to the principles of intracranial impressive given the high proportion of patients who had
radiosurgery, the goals remain controlling local disease to been treated with prior radiation therapy.
prevent or palliate bony pain, vertebral fracture, and/or nerve
and spinal cord damage. In an updated study, Gerszten et al.
reported on 125 patients treated with single fraction spinal Intrathoracic Tumors
radiosurgery to include 393 patients with 500 metastatic spi-
nal lesions [53, 54]. Lesions in the cervical spine were Many patients with non-small cell lung cancer present with
tracked using skull-based landmarks while tracking for lower underlying pulmonary disease precluding them from surgi-
spine lesions was based on implanted gold fiducials at the cal resection. Historically, conventionally fractionated radio-
vertebral bodies of interest. Of these patients, 69 % had therapy has been the treatment of choice for early stage
received prior radiation treatment. Patients received stereo- medically inoperable patients, but outcomes have been poor
tactic radiosurgery in a single fraction of 12.5–25 Gy. At a [59, 60]. SBRT was developed as a means to dose escalate
median follow-up period of 21 months, local control was radiation to improve local control and survival. Extracranial
88 % among all patients and 90 % in a group of patients stereotactic radiosurgery was first described by Lax and
without prior radiation. At 53 months of follow-up, long- Blomgren showing very high rates of tumor control in the
term pain relief was reported in 86 % of patients, and there lungs and abdomen [1, 2]. Since then, SBRT has emerged as
were no cases of radiation myelopathy [55, 56]. a standard treatment for early stage lung cancer with
In a report on the spinal CyberKnife experience at extremely good outcomes reported in prospective and retro-
Stanford, 74 patients with 102 spinal metastases were treated spective studies. While a full discussion of published data is
with 16–25 Gy in 1–5 fractions with the majority of patients beyond the scope of this chapter, in general, local control has
having received prior radiation. At a mean follow-up of 9 been reported to exceed 90 % with survival rates exceeding
months, 84 % of symptomatic patients experienced resolu- that of historical rates [61, 62].
tion or improvement of symptoms. There were three patients The feasibility of CyberKnife radiosurgical ablation
who developed treatment-related spinal injury. Upon further for pulmonary lesions was first investigated in 23 patients
investigation, there were no factors seen in dosimetry that with biopsy-proven lung tumors (15 primary and eight meta-
could account for the cases of spinal cord injury [57]. static lesions) by Whyte and coworkers [35]. After CT-guided
Other institutions have also reported their data on spinal percutaneous fiducial placement, each patient was treated
radiosurgery with the CyberKnife. Wowra et al. published with 15 Gy in a single fraction. Although radiosurgery itself
156 C.E. Fasola et al.
Table 11.1 Select studies reporting results of CyberKnife for lung tumors
N Tumors Dose Local control 1-Year survival
Brown et al. [70] (2009) 31 P 60–67.5 Gy/3–5 93 % 94 %
Le et al. [69] (2006) 32 P+M 15–30 Gy/1 78 %(P)/58 %(M) 85 %(P)/56 %(M)
van der Voort et al. [68] (2009) 70 P 45–60 Gy/3a 96 %(60 Gy)/78 %(45 Gy) 83 %
van der Voort et al. [67] (2010) 38 P 45–60 Gy/3–6 100 % 65 %
Pennathur et al. [66] (2009) 100 P+R+M 20 Gy or 60 Gy/3 67% (P) 44 % (P 2-year)
55% (R) 41 % (R 2-year)
42% (M) 84 % (M 2-year)
Vahdat et al. [65] (2010) 20 P 42–60 Gy/3 95 % 90%
Unger et al. [64] (2010) 20 P+M 30–40 Gy/5 63 % 54 %
Chen et al. [63] (2012) 40 P 42–60 Gy/3 91 % (3-year) 75 % (3-year)
Bibault et al. [28] (2012) 51 P 36–60 Gy/3 92 % 86 %
P primary non-small cell lung cancer, M metastatic tumors, R recurrent non-small cell lung cancer
1 patient received 36 Gy/3
Estimated from Kaplan–Meier curve
Larger central hilar tumors
was well tolerated, several patients experienced complica- the literature. Important to note is that the risk of grade 2 or
tions as a result of the implantation of fiducials. After limited higher gastrointestinal toxicity was 25 % at 1 year, highlight-
postsurgical follow-up, radiographic progression was found ing the importance of dose conformality and normal tissue
only in two patients; the follow-up period ranged from 1 to sparing.
26 months (mean, 7 months). Because several local failures Other investigators have also reported on CyberKnife
were subsequently observed, the radiosurgical dose for lung SBRT for pancreas tumors. Mahadevan et al. reported on 47
cancer has been gradually escalated. patients treated for locally advanced pancreas cancer, giving
Since then, there have been dozens of additional reports treatment after two cycles of gemcitabine [74]. Because of
showing the efficacy of CyberKnife for lung SBRT, some of the risk of duodenal toxicity, the investigators used a risk-
which are summarized in Table 11.1 [28, 63–70]. It is adapted dose based on tumor proximity to the duodenum.
expected that CyberKnife will continue to play an integral The dose ranged from 24 to 36 Gy in three fractions. Local
role in the treatment of early stage lung tumors and oligo- control was 85 % with a very encouraging median survival of
metastatic pulmonary disease, and the body of literature on 20 months. The rate of late grade 3 toxicity was 9 %. Studies
its clinical outcomes will grow significantly. using CyberKnife for pancreatic tumors are shown in
Table 11.2 [73–81].
Overall, rates of local control are encouraging and appear
Pancreatic Tumors superior to those reported for conventionally fractionated
external beam radiation. The duodenum, bowel, and stomach
The outcomes of unresectable pancreas cancer using frac- remain critical dose-limiting organs, and an improved under-
tionated radiotherapy is generally poor, with local recurrence standing of tolerance of these structures to hypofractionation
rates ranging from 20 to 60 % [71]. In an attempt to improve is needed to further improve the therapeutic ratio. In addi-
on these results, SBRT has been used as a method of dose tion, the high rate of distant metastases continues to be the
escalation. CyberKnife SBRT was first reported by Koong predominant mode of failure and death, and improvements in
et al. in a phase I dose escalation trial [72]. Fifteen patients systemic therapy may allow CyberKnife and SBRT to play a
were treated with 15, 20, or 25 Gy delivered as a single frac- potentially larger role in the treatment of this disease.
tion. No grade 3 or higher acute toxicity was observed, and
none of the 6 patients treated at 25 Gy in a single fraction
developed a local recurrence. Since then, the investigators Liver Tumors
have expanded on their experience with single fraction
CyberKnife treatment, with a local control rate of 84 % at 1 Liver SBRT continues to receive a great deal of interest, both
year and an isolated local failure rate of 5 % at 1 year [73]. for metastases and for primary tumors. Given the large
Although CyberKnife SBRT has proved highly effective in organ size, focal SBRT can potentially ablate tumors with
achieving local control, survival continues to be largely a high rate of success and a low risk of organ damage.
determined by the high rate of distant metastases, as the While resection remains the standard of care, tumors may be
median survival was 11.9 months, similar to that reported in unresectable due to tumor location or medical comorbidities
11 CyberKnife 157
thus requiring nonsurgical ablative techniques such as radio- colorectal cancer, more patients will likely present with
frequency ablation, cryoablation, chemoembolization, and oligometastatic disease that requires locally ablative thera-
radioembolization. Several reports have been published on pies. Thus, SBRT and CyberKnife are poised to play an
SBRT showing encouraging local control rates [82–86]. As a increasingly important role in the management of these
result, SBRT has become an additional tool available for the patients.
treatment of unresectable liver tumors, and CyberKnife has
been successfully implemented for this clinical indication.
The Synchrony™ system allows for real-time respiratory Future Directions
tracking to compensate for breathing motion.
Investigators at Stanford have reported on single fraction Although preliminary, the above results with abdominal and
SBRT for liver tumors using CyberKnife, successfully esca- thoracic tumors have been encouraging. Nevertheless, much
lating the dose from 18 to 30 Gy with 2 patients experiencing more evidence is needed to establish a definite role for
grade 2 gastrointestinal toxicity among 26 patients [87]. The robotic radiosurgery in managing non-neurologic disorders.
cumulative local failure rate was 23 %. Lanciano et al. To this end, multiple clinical trials are under way worldwide
reported on 48 patients treated with liver tumors, showing that seek to discover if CyberKnife radiosurgery can sub-
that local control was dose dependent. Patients treated with a stantially impact the overall clinical outcome for a broad
biologically equivalent dose (BED) of >100 Gy had a 2-year range of extracranial indications.
local control of 75 % vs. 38 % for patients treated with Fiducial targeting of lesions within the major body cavi-
<100 Gy BED [88]. Goyal et al. reported 82 % local control ties is both robust and extremely accurate. However, the
in 17 patients treated for primary and metastatic liver tumors implantation process can be technically demanding, adds to
[89]. Others have reported results using CyberKnife specifi- the complexity of the overall radiosurgical procedure, and is
cally for hepatocellular carcinoma, with or without combina- modestly invasive. In the case of lung treatment, pneumotho-
tion treatment with transarterial chemoembolization, showing rax is not uncommon. Although the challenges are consider-
favorable response rates [90], suggesting that SBRT could be able, a technology for targeting intra-abdominal and thoracic
used as a bridge therapy for liver transplantation [91]. lesions without fiducials will be a clear improvement in
Much remains to be learned about the role of SBRT for robotic radiosurgery. Recent research suggests that motion
liver tumors including the optimal dose schedule, tolerance compensation without implanted gold markers may be clini-
of the liver and other abdominal organs using hypofraction- cally practical [39]. Such technology would considerably
ation, and how best to combine SBRT with systemic agents simplify treatment protocols and enhance patient comfort
and other ablative therapies. As our understanding of these and safety.
issues improves through continued clinical experience and Among the other stereotactic radiosurgery systems,
longer follow-up, the indications for SBRT will surely CyberKnife distinguishes itself with its automated image-
expand. As advancements in systemic therapies are made as guided tracking system and noncoplanar and non-isocentric
well, particularly for chemosensitive malignancies such as delivery fashion. The 2D–3D image registration is fast, the
158 C.E. Fasola et al.
dose accumulated from imaging is low, and the images are with systemic agents and other locally ablative therapies
excellent for localizing bony structures. The tracking process needs to be further investigated and likely represents the next
is highly automated, making the setup procedure quick and generation of studies. The CyberKnife is anticipated to play
easy. The noncoplanar and non-isocentric delivery method is an important role in this effort.
powerful in creating highly conformal plans without sacrific-
ing the uniformity of the resulting dose distribution.
However, when treating larger targets (e.g., >3 cm), the References
CyberKnife delivery time still faces challenges. The delivery
efficiency of the CyberKnife system is limited by the small 1. Blomgren H, Lax I, Naslund I, Svanstrom R. Stereotactic high dose
sizes of the collimators and the step-and-shoot delivery man- fraction radiation therapy of extracranial tumors using an accelera-
tor. Clinical experience of the first thirty-one patients. Acta Oncol.
ner. While the patient setup time is very quick (less than
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5 min), the delivery time for a 5–6 cm volume could be up to 2. Lax I, Blomgren H, Naslund I, Svanstrom R. Stereotactic radio-
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patient is set up. An MLC attached to the CyberKnife could 2008;35(5):2180–94. Epub 2008/06/20.
significantly reduce the treatment time. Further improve- 4. Ho AK, Fu D, Cotrutz C, Hancock SL, Chang SD, Gibbs IC, et al.
ments could be achieved with the implementation of contin- A study of the accuracy of cyberknife spinal radiosurgery using
skeletal structure tracking. Neurosurgery. 2007;60(2 Suppl
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perhaps less critical for intracranial lesions, could be very delivery. Phys Med Biol. 2000;45(7):1715–30. Epub 2000/08/16.
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11. Wilcox EE, Daskalov GM, Lincoln H, Shumway RC, Kaplan BM,
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18. Chang SD, Main W, Martin DP, Gibbs IC, Heilbrun MP. An analy- Ellis TL, et al. Cavity-directed radiosurgery as adjuvant therapy
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Yildirim D. Mutaf, Cedric Yu, Steven J. Feigenberg,
and William F. Regine
L.S. Chin and W.F. Regine (eds.), Principles and Practice of Stereotactic Radiosurgery, 163
DOI 10.1007/978-1-4614-8363-2_12, © Springer Science+Business Media New York 2015
164 Y.D. Mutaf et al.
approaches. This allows higher doses to the gross tumor with and implemented clinically in the future, select patients will
lower “subclinical doses” to ablate microscopic foci, which receive SBRT alone. The geometric accuracy will likely
can lie 1.0–1.5 cm beyond the index lesion [35, 36]. improve cosmesis by causing minimal-to-no volume loss,
GammaPod™ offers the opportunity to deliver curative eliminate surgical scarring, improve quality of life issues
doses of radiation using SBRT more precisely than current currently associated with prolonged treatment periods, and
surgical standards, thereby minimizing the amount of breast enhance overall outcomes.
tissue ablated and improving cosmesis. If this treatment is as
effective as it has proven for lung cancer, SBRT could lead to
a paradigm shift similar to that seen in lung cancer, with GammaPod™ Technology
completely noninvasive treatment of early breast cancer with
only a few high dose “ablative” treatments delivered over the The GammaPod™ device comprises three major components:
course of less than 1 week. the gamma irradiation unit housing the Cobalt-60 radioactive
sources and collimation structure, a breast immobilization unit
to facilitate stereotactic localization and prone patient support
Role of Preoperative RT in Early Stage and a continuous trajectory patient positioning assembly.
Breast Cancer
Fig. 12.2 An artist rendering (left) and 3D model drawing (right) of GammaPod™ depicting prone placement of a patient. (Courtesy of Xcision
Medical Systems.)
Fig. 12.3 A schematic drawing for the two-layered breast immobilization cup is shown on left panel with embedded stereotactic frame imaging
fiducial wire. A photo of the prototype breast cup is also shown on right. (Courtesy of Xcision Medical Systems.)
capabilities of the device. In contrast to radiosurgery of intra- The shielding body and doors are designed to bring leakage
cranial lesions, in breast cancer larger collimator sizes are radiation levels below those set by the regulatory bodies
selected due to the typical tumor sizes and the need to steril- when the device is not in use. The irradiation unit and shield-
ize the tissues surrounding the tumor owing to its multicen- ing doors are equipped with an uninterrupted power supply
tricity nature. (UPS) unit to ensure that treatments can be terminated safely
When the selected collimator opening is aligned with the in the event of facility power failures. The source carrier and
source positions, the source carrier and the collimator are the shielding doors can also be controlled manually using a
rotated together to create 36 noncoplanar conical arcs all hand crank should the other safety measures fail.
converging at the isocenter. In addition, the 36 source block-
ing positions on the primary collimator are made of tungsten
rods, effectively reducing the radiation to acceptable leakage Breast Immobilization Apparatus
levels at the beginning and end phases of the fraction.
The GammaPod™ irradiation unit is encased in a hemi- The GammaPod™ system utilizes a two-layered breast cup
spherical shielding body made of cast iron. There are two in order to immobilize the breast (Fig. 12.3). Several inner
shielding doors on top of the irradiation unit which opens cup sizes accommodate patients with varying breast sizes.
during the irradiation and stays closed at other times. The outer layer is composed of a solid plastic material and
12 GammaPod 167
connected to a vacuum system working at a comfortable left or right breast while the contralateral hole is covered
level of negative air pressure. While the patient is in the with a lid. Once docking is accomplished, the patient is low-
prone position, the treated breast is positioned inside the ered to the treatment or the imaging unit (CT or MR device)
inner cup of the breast cup. The inner cup is perforated so via a cantilever action of the couch actuators. This automatic
that when a vacuum is applied to the space in between the patient positioning mechanism reduces the amount of motion
outer and inner cups, the breast volume fills the entire con- and effort required by the patient, which could otherwise
tour of the inner cup and the coordinate frame is transferred compromise breast immobilization.
to the patient’s anatomy. The inner and outer cups are tightly The treatment couch unit is also equipped with three-
coupled with a silicone flange, which is attached to the dimensional motor controls which move the patient in rela-
patient’s chest wall with a thin layer of silicone restricting tion to the radiation isocenter of the GammaPod™. This 3D
breast mobility with respect to the inner cup. In preliminary motion trajectory also enables continuous shaping of the
studies [38], the GammaPod™ immobilization system was dose distribution across the target volume. Therefore, instead
shown to reduce the setup uncertainty to 0.2 ± 0.1 (2σ) cm, of packing multiple spherical and static dose distributions,
and therefore the amount of margin necessary for PTV expan- generally referred to as shots, which result in large dose het-
sion may conservatively be set at 0.3 cm for radiosurgery erogeneities, the GammaPod™ attains a more uniform dose
applications. distribution. This dose shaping allows for the treatment of
The breast cup immobilization system also has the benefit different target volumes at different dose levels (such as pri-
of gently pulling of the breast volume away from the patient’s mary gross tumor volume (GTV) versus the surrounding rind
chest wall, therefore providing larger separation between the of subclinical disease extent receiving higher and lower dose
targeted area and the ribs, lung and the heart in the case of levels, respectively).
left breast treatments. The increased separation is an added The GammaPod™ treatment couch is also equipped with
advantage to the similar geometric advantages caused by the redundant safety features to prevent any collision of the
prone positioning of the patient’s breast especially for pen- device components with the patient. One of the safety fea-
dulous breasts. To further increase comfort and immobiliza- tures employs metal ports mounted on the shielding door
tion, a wide strap is affixed to the base of the cup, which which prevent the lowering of the treatment couch when the
wraps around the chest of the patient. shields are closed. The treatment couch also acts as a physi-
The outer cup also incorporates a stereotactic localization cal block, preventing the shielding doors from closing while
frame with the help of a spirally shaped CT and the patient is lowered into the treatment position. Knowing
MR-compatible fiducial as shown in Fig. 12.3. The frame the outer breast cup dimensions also allows for the imposi-
consists of a helical hollow plastic tube wrapped diagonally tion of trajectory limits for treatment plan optimization and
around the outer cup. The plastic tube is filled with either thus prevents inadvertent collisions with the inner surface of
MRI contrast solution or copper wires, and is solidly secured the hemispherical collimator structure.
to the machined groove on the outer cup. Once the fiducials
have been identified a shared coordinate frame system
between the immobilization device and the patient’s anat- GammaPod™ Treatment Planning System
omy is created.
The GammaPod™ stereotactic device is distributed with a
dedicated treatment planning system, called Ceres. In its
Continuous Trajectory Patient Positioning current implementation, Ceres provides capabilities for mul-
System timodality image import, stereotactic registration and local-
ization, manual contouring and automatic detection of the
The couch and the patient positioning system are critical breast/body surfaces, inverse optimization, dose calculation
components of GammaPod™ stereotactic radiotherapy and evaluation, treatment export and various quality assur-
device. The couch top has built-in pegs that are machined to ance (QA) utilities.
fit perfectly with the breast immobilization device, therefore After the breast CT/MRI images are imported, breast cup
creating a rigid registration system. Using this registration fiducials are identified in a single cross-sectional image,
protocol, the shared coordinates between the immobilization which initiates automatic detection of the entire spiral.
device and the patient anatomy become a global coordinate Refinements to the detected fiducial geometry are performed
frame between the treatment unit and the patient’s anatomy. to match the known helical geometry of the stereotactic
Two couch systems exist for GammaPod™ treatments: frame. After the registration of the stereotactic coordinate
The imaging couch top and the treatment couch. In both sys- frame of reference to the patient image set, the software
tems, the couch-tops are brought to an upright position using detects the actual breast contour within the breast cup and
a pivoted motor assembly that enables patient docking. Both creates the whole breast volume. At this point other organs
couch-tops consist of two holes to accommodate the treated of interest, such as chest wall and ribs, lungs, and/or heart
168 Y.D. Mutaf et al.
volume, can be manually drawn. The target volume creation files appearing as dips. The distances between the mechanical
starts with the delineation of the primary GTV and followed and radiation isocenters of the distributions were measured
by the generation of other concentric targets using margin as 0.2, 0.1, and 0.4 mm in the x, y, and z dimensions, respec-
expansions from the GTV, e.g., CTV. During the margin tively. This submillimeter level of isocenter localization
expansion process, the automatically generated contours are accuracy is deemed suitable for SRS units. Two-dimensional
restricted from expanding beyond the 0.5 cm distance to the isodose overlays also demonstrate the congruence of
breast skin surface. expected dose distributions, as shown by the obtained dosi-
After contouring is completed, the input of prescription metric measurements with radiochromic film in Fig. 12.6.
and other dosimetric parameters, such as critical organ dose
constraints, are performed on the inverse optimization
engine, where the continuous trajectory of the radiation iso- Absolute Dosimetry
center within the breast is optimized for two available colli-
mator sizes, 1.5 and 2.5 cm. Multiple targets and different Absolute dosimetry measurements with the GammaPod™
dose levels can be accommodated in the treatment planning unit can be performed with the vendor-supplied breast phan-
system. The planner also has the option to use treatment time tom, which is made of ultra-high molecular weight polyeth-
as an optimization constraint. After optimization, the final ylene (UHMW-PE) material with a physical density of
plan can be normalized (as a global scale) to achieve the 0.935 g/cm3. Because of the noncompliant geometry of the
desired dose–volume levels. treatment unit and measurement phantom, the contemporary
In Ceres, the dose calculation algorithm utilizes previously AAPM TG-51 photon calibration standard cannot be used
calculated dose kernels representing both the inner and outer for GammaPod™’s absolute dosimetry. Instead, the former
cup dimensions as well as multiple isocenter positions. Dose AAPM TG-21 photon beam calibration standard can be used
kernels for each collimator and isocenter positions are for dosimetric calibration.
calculated using the Monte Carlo (MC) simulation. The In a preclinical prototype unit installed at University of
GammaPod™ Co-60 source and collimation structures Maryland, the GammaPod™ device was loaded with 36
are modeled in detail using BEAMnrc code based on the Co-60 sources with an average activity of 120 Ci each for a
EGS4nrc [39] dedicated for radiation source simulation. total activity of 4,320 Ci. The absorbed dose in the polyeth-
The outcome phase space data modeling the energy deposi- ylene phantom at the isocenter was determined to be 5.61 Gy/
tion profile is used as the input for final dose kernel generation min for the static 2.5 cm collimator shot. Using the ratio of
using the DOSXYZnrc code [40]. An interpolation between the mass energy absorption coefficients, dose to water is
these dose kernels is also performed to describe the resultant determined to be 5.45 Gy/min at depth in the polyethylene
dose distribution due to continuous beam trajectory. phantom. This dose rate calibration was also cross checked
In the current version of Ceres, tissue heterogeneities of with OSLDs and determined to be 5.42 ± 0.09 (1σ) Gy/min,
the patient are not taken into account and the whole breast demonstrating a very good agreement between the two inde-
volume is regarded as having a uniform mass density of pendent measurements. The absorbed dose in water at a
0.935 g/cm3. water-equivalent depth of 7.5 cm at isocenter was also deter-
mined using a scale factor, as described in TG-21, to correct
for attenuation differences in polyethylene versus water
GammaPod™ Dosimetry using the ratio of linear attenuation coefficients (0.973).
Finally, given a total source activity of 4,320 Ci, the absorbed
Single collimator static dose profiles used as primary dose dose rate in water was established as 5.31 Gy/min for the
kernels in treatment planning systems for a medium-sized 2.5 cm collimator.
cup is shown in Fig. 12.4 for 1.5 and 2.5 cm collimators in
coronal and longitudinal cuts. In a preclinical prototype unit,
two-dimensional dose kernels are compared to dosimetric Treatment Plan Examples
measurements as performed with radio chromic films (only
for 2.5 cm collimation). Prior to making comparisons, the GammaPod™ can treat breast targets having a wide range of
radiation isocenter of the GammaPod™ was verified with shapes and sizes. In fact, the GammaPod™ device is capable
respect to the mechanical isocenter of the combined couch of treating target volumes up to 8 cm in its largest dimension
and phantom system. For isocenter verification, a small hole although since complications will be related to the surface
was punched on the film sheets marking the mechanical iso- receiving the same dose, the dose per fraction may be drasti-
center. As shown in Fig. 12.5, these holes, appearing as cally different between small and large targets. GammaPod™
peaks in the measured dose profiles, fall at the center of these is therefore technically capable of target volumes in breast
distributions, with the overlaid expected center of the pro- that are common both in pre- and post-lumpectomy settings.
12 GammaPod 169
Fig. 12.4 Dose kernels used for a static 1.5 and 2.5 cm shots (E-size breast cup) calculated using Monte Carlo. Apex preferential beam direction
is apparent in the low dose isodose lines with a characteristic cross shape in the YZ plane
Post-operative Treatment Planning Example 1.5 cm isotropic margins to include subclinical extension of the
disease and create a CTV (101.5 cm3). Next, a PTV contour was
The lumpectomy cavity (LC) of 4.1 cm3 on a patient’s left generated using a 1.0 cm expansion to account for patient setup
breast is identified as the target volume in the post-op CT uncertainties (256.4 cm3). In linac-based protocols, although
images of a prone patient with the help of surgical clips. In this PTV is used for beam aperture generation, it is trimmed
order to facilitate comparative analysis with conventional treat- from the breast skin and chest wall by 0.5 cm to establish dosi-
ment techniques (linac-based external beam, brachytherapy), metric goals and plan evaluation (PTV_EVAL). These volumes
we followed the target delineation methodology commonly are used to create three treatment plans for comparison: IMRT
prescribed in many accelerated partial breast protocols such as and 3D-CRT plans for linac-based external beam radiotherapy
NSABP B-39/RTOG 0413. Therefore, LC was expanded by (shown in Fig. 12.7a, b) and a GammaPod™ plan (Fig. 12.7c).
170 Y.D. Mutaf et al.
Fig. 12.5 One-dimensional dose profiles for 2.5 cm shot in cardinal directions and congruence of mechanical and radiation isocenters demonstrated
with a matching dip and peak pair in each direction
Fig. 12.6 Two-dimensional dose profile for 2.5 cm shot in XY direction is shown as measured with radiochromic film (left), calculated dose
distribution (middle), and a 2D overlay of measured and calculated isodose lines (right)
Fig. 12.8 Dose–volume histogram comparisons of linac-based 3D-CRT, IMRT, and GammaPod™ plans for PTV_Eval, ipsilateral normal breast
tissue, and lung and heart volumes corresponding to the postoperative scenario
Although the same volumes are used for both linac-based istics, with GammaPod™ plans demonstrating a clear advan-
and GammaPod™ plans for one-to-one comparisons, the tage in sparing ipsilateral normal breast as compared to
requirement of a 1.0 cm expansion for PTV is clearly an linac-based treatment plans. Among the GammaPod™ plans,
overestimation for GammaPod™ treatments. This expansion the advantage of reducing the PTV margin from 1.0 to 0.3 cm
is prescribed mainly because of the setup uncertainties stem- is apparent as the ipsilateral breast volume receiving 50 % of
ming from APBI experience in supine setup linac-based the prescription dose drops by about 10 %. In terms of other
radiotherapy. The GammaPod™’s dedicated breast immobi- nearby critical organs, DVHs for heart and ipsilateral lung
lization device, stereotactic frame, vacuum suctioning of the are also displayed in Fig. 12.8. For the heart, all plans
breast, prone setup, and same day imaging and treatment resulted in low heart doses with the GammaPod™ 1 cm PTV
characteristics are believed to reduce treatment setup uncer- expansion plan slightly higher over the linac-based plans.
tainties to levels more common in stereotactic applications. Although the comparison is statistically underpowered due
As mentioned earlier, the GammaPod™ immobilization to single patient presentation, this could be expected from
system has indeed been shown to reduce the setup uncer- the beam topology associated with covering the larger
tainty to 0.2 ± 0.1 (2σ) cm, making it possible to reduce the PTV. On the other hand, GammaPod™ plans were effective
PTV expansion from 1.0 to 0.3 cm. In treatment plan com- in obtaining better lung DVH values (none of the plans were
parisons, we therefore included two GammaPod™ plans, corrected for tissue heterogeneities).
one with 1.0 cm PTV expansion and another with 0.3 cm
(Fig. 12.7d), all other margins being equal. The volumes
of two PTV structures were 256.4 and 145.8 cm3, a PTV Preoperative Treatment Planning Example
reduction of 57 %.
As shown in Fig. 12.7, both linac-based treatment plans On the same CT scan, a hypothetical preoperative plan was
yield larger irradiation of the ipsilateral breast volume to pre- created. Although the anatomy depicted in the images are
scription as well as lower level doses when compared to post-lumpectomy, we created a GTV volume corresponding
GammaPod™ plans. The dose–volume histogram compari- to a hypothetical spherical lesion located at the center of the
sons for ipsilateral normal breast volume and target volume cavity, with a volume matching the lesion volume reported in
are also provided in Fig. 12.8. All plans demonstrate similar other imaging studies (2.6 cm3). This volume was expanded
target dose coverage as well as dose heterogeneity character- with only setup margins used to create the final PTV contours
12 GammaPod 173
(0.3 cm margin expansion). The intermediate CTV volume disease. Therefore, two target volumes were created; a PTV_
and the treatment of subclinical disease extension will be high volume, receiving 100 % of the prescription dose, and a
discussed below as a separate scenario. The isodose distribu- PTV_low volume, receiving 50 % of the prescription dose
tions from these plans and corresponding DVHs are demon- (half-dose is chosen for demonstration purposes only). The
strated in Fig. 12.9. For such small targets, the dose outside PTV_high volume was the same volume as the previous pre-
the target volume falls to approximately 50 % of the target op scenario where GTV was expanded only with the setup
dose in the first centimeter and further drops to 10–15 % in margin (PTV_high = GTV + 0.3 cm). However, PTV_low
the second centimeter of tissue. volume corresponds to the GTV expanded by 1.5 cm to cre-
ate a CTV which is subsequently expanded by 0.3 cm setup
margins (PTV_low = GTV + 1.8 cm). Therefore, the two
Dose Painting with Pre-Op Target PTV volumes are concentric and the difference between the
and Subclinical Disease Extension two corresponds to the 1.5 cm CTV expansion. The isodose
distributions from these plans and corresponding DVHs are
In the last scenario, we evaluated the previous pre-op GTV demonstrated in Fig. 12.10. The DVH for PTV_low corre-
target within a dose-painting strategy in conjunction with a sponds only to the shell of 1.5 cm rind between the PTV_
PTV expansion of 1.5 cm for the subclinical extension of the high and PTV_low volumes.
174 Y.D. Mutaf et al.
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Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy
Steven J. Feigenberg, Randi Cohen, Navesh K. Sharma,
Zain Husain, Shifeng Chen, and Laura A. Dawson
L.S. Chin and W.F. Regine (eds.), Principles and Practice of Stereotactic Radiosurgery, 177
DOI 10.1007/978-1-4614-8363-2_13, © Springer Science+Business Media New York 2015
178 S.J. Feigenberg et al.
permitted and hot spots have been encouraged within the stereotactic reference frame to aid in guidance of radiation.
PTV to increase the chance of tumor ablation, although with Blomgren et al. [5] reported their initial experience in 1995,
a larger rim of normal tissue found inside of the target vol- in which 31 patients with primarily solitary lung and liver
ume in comparison to cranial SRS that complications may be tumors were treated with one to four fractions. Reproducibility
increased. Dose is generally prescribed to an isodose line of this approach, based on patients who had repeat CT scans
covering the PTV similar to cranial SRS, with a very steep in the treatment position, was found to be within 5 (axial) to
dose gradient outside the PTV. 8 (cranial–caudal) mm for 90 % of setups with diaphragm
SBRT is a noninvasive, outpatient intervention, generally motion reduced to 5–10 mm with abdominal pressure.
completed within 1 or 2 weeks, allowing for little to no Experience in North America has been growing exponen-
delays in systemic therapy. The short radiation treatment tially following the pioneering work of Dr. Timmerman [6–9]
time and high dose per fraction in SBRT have potential who systematically evaluated SBRT by a series of prospec-
radiobiological therapeutic advantages compared with con- tive clinical studies. Based on this experience, he led the
ventional fractionation, due to less tumor repopulation and Radiation Oncology Therapy Group (RTOG) initiative with
repair. In addition, there is growing evidence that SBRT/ a multi-institutional phase II trial of SBRT in lung cancer
SABR may have an impact on disease outside of the treated which was published in 2010 in JAMA [10]. The results
volume decreasing regional and distant recurrences, the were so impressive that the paradigm of surgery as the stan-
“abscopal effect.” Furthermore, the shorter SBRT treatment dard of care for small tumors is currently being challenged in
times are more convenient for patients and have resource uti- RTOG 10–14 [11]. Similar North American studies have
lization advantages. been reported for liver metastases, vertebral metastases,
The rationale for SBRT is that there is a need for improved adrenal metastases, pancreatic carcinomas, recurrent head
local therapies for many primary cancers and also in the situ- and neck cancers as well as for tumors of the retroperito-
ation when there are “oligo” (i.e., isolated) metastases, spe- neum and pelvis.
cifically in sites where surgery has been shown previously to
be able to cure patients with “oligo” metastases (e.g.,
colorectal cancer (CRC), renal cell cancer, and sarcoma). Radiobiology
SBRT is less invasive than surgery, and once the safety of
SBRT has been established, SBRT has the potential to be Radiobiologic Models
used in place of surgery in situations when surgery may be
associated with high risk. Even in incurable situations, SBRT The linear quadratic model may not be valid for very short
may be of significant advantage to patients with metastatic fractionation schemes. In the early development of this
disease on systemic therapy where only a few tumors are model, one of the developers expressed that the model is not
increasing in size and the rest of their disease is stable. intended for doses higher than 8–10 Gy. The linear quadratic
Patients could be maintained on their current systemic ther- model may overpredict tumor cell kill and underpredict toxic-
apy, if they are tolerating, rather just changing to a new sys- ity at the increased dose per fraction. Fowler et al. [12–14]
temic therapy of unknown efficacy and morbidity potentially predicted that local control should be excellent for non-small
improving quality of life. cell lung cancer (NSCLC) with biological doses of the order
In this chapter, a historical perspective, rationale, techni- 100 Gy in 2-Gy equivalent dose or higher (α/β = 10), although
cal details, and literature on SBRT/SABR outcomes and based on the pioneering work at Michigan [15, 16] the local
complications will be reviewed. Specific applications of control was only 70 % at this dose level. Although there
SBRT will be reviewed in more detail where there is an seems to be a threshold of superior local control at 100
abundance of data including lung cancer and metastases, Gy (α/β = 10) when higher doses per fraction are used.
liver metastases and hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC), spinal Fractionation schemes with an estimated tumor control prob-
malignancies and pancreatic cancer. ability (TCP) of 95 % or greater include 45 to 60 Gy in three
fractions and 60 Gy in five fractions, although one must be
extremely careful to review how the dose was prescribed as
Historical Perspective investigators prescribe dose very differently. German investi-
gators [17] prescribe dose to the 65 % isodose shell while the
The first extracranial site to be investigated with SRS tech- Japanese routinely prescribe to the isocenter—which can lead
niques was the spine in 1993. A rigid skeletal fixation device to very different doses seen by the PTV. Due to the inadequa-
that immobilized the spine above and below the target was cies in the linear quadratic model in predicting outcomes,
used as a stereotactic reference frame to guide radiation [3]. investigators [18] have developed the universal survival
Around the same time, Blomgren and Lax [4, 5] from curve. This combines the linear quadratic model and the
Sweden began applying stereotactic techniques to body multi-target model which may be more accurate. Although as
targets such as lung and liver tumors. They developed a body the investigators correctly point out, “the complex biology
13 Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy 179
that underlies cell ablation and loss of clonogenicity pre- associated with cytotoxic immune cell populations, is associ-
cludes an explanation by any simple mathematical model.” ated with improved tumor control [22]. Radiotherapy, in its
classic delivery with standard fractionation, has traditionally
been viewed as an immunosuppressive modality [23].
Mechanism of Action However, the actual effects on the immune system are
extremely complex with conflicting reports on whether they
It is clear that the mechanism of cell kill is different between promote or interfere with tumor reduction.
a conventionally fractionated course of radiotherapy as One of the leading hypotheses for this “abscopal” effect
opposed to the “ablative” doses used with SBRT. The classic with SBRT is its relationship to CD8+ T-cell-mediated
model of radiobiology is defined by the depletion of tumor immune response. The lower than expected regional failure
stem cells and undifferentiated progenitor clonogens for rate with SBRT may be due to radiation-induced systemic
radiotherapy to be curative. With conventionally fractionated stimulation of T-cell immune responses, leading to eradica-
radiotherapy where large volumes of normal tissue receive tion of occult regional micrometastases. Support for this
the prescribed treatment dose, normal tissue stem cells are theory derives primarily from experiments in animal models.
better at repairing radiation damage than tumor clonogens. A recent study examined the effect of ablative doses of radia-
The surrounding microenviroment was not thought to be an tion therapy in a mouse melanoma model [24]. In this study,
active contributor to this effect until recently. As a possible mice with B16 melanoma tumors received 20 Gy of radiation
explanation, Fuks et al. [19] initially suggested that contrary in a single fraction. Examination of the tumor microenviron-
to conventional (1.8–3 Gy) fractionation, high-dose radiation ment and lymphoid tissues 1–2 weeks posttreatment demon-
(>8–10 Gy per fraction) specifically impacts more robust strated tumor regression and an increase of infiltrating T
endothelial apoptosis and microvascular dysfunction, which cells. When the experiment was repeated with athymic nude
in turn leads to increased cell death. Furthermore, hypoxia mice, which lack T cells, no statistically significant decrease
resulting from standard fractionated radiotherapy regimens in tumor volume was observed, suggesting that the effects
results in a burst of pro-angiogenic activity in the tumor were T-cell mediated. Taken together, these studies suggest
microenvironment, generating HIF-1α, VEGF, and other that ablative doses of radiation alter the tumor microenviron-
vasculogenic factors which, in turn attenuate radiation- ment, causing T-cell infiltration resulting in vigorous prim-
induced apoptosis in endothelial cells. ing and expansion of effector T cells. The experiment was
repeated in wild-type mice with B16 tumors, which had been
subjected to antibody-mediated CD8+ T-cell depletion. The
Immune Response to Radiation therapeutic benefit to the ablative radiation was diminished,
and survival in this CD8+ depleted group was decreased by
SBRT appears to impact disease outside the radiated volume. 75 %. In a separate experiment using a transplantable mouse
This is best exemplified by a retrospective experience from 4T1 mammary carcinoma model (which mimics metastatic
William Beaumont Hospital [20] which compared patients ability of breast cancer cells to lung, bone, liver, etc.), abla-
who were treated with either a sublobar resection or SABR tive radiation therapy delivered to the primary tumor site led
during the same time period. SABR not only resulted in a to a complete elimination of lung metastasis. This observa-
drastically lower local failure rate (5 % versus 24 %, p = 0.05), tion strongly suggests the induction of a potent antitumor
but more unexpectedly had a lower regional lymph node fail- immune response. Separate experiments utilizing CD8 deple-
ure rate (18 % versus 0 %, p < 0.05) even though patients tion strategies demonstrate a relative increase in number of
were more likely to be surgically staged to be node negative distant metastases, again suggesting that CD8+ T cells are
in the resected cohort (71 % versus 20 %). Given that patients critical for mediating protection against tumors. Taken in
treated using SABR have a very small (tumor plus margin) combination, these studies suggest that CD8+ T cells play a
volume of tissue irradiated, and few if any lymph nodes critical role in radiation-induced antitumor immune responses
included in the treatment field, this was a surprising finding. (both locally and distantly), following ablative dose therapy.
One possible explanation of this phenomenon is the stimula- Clinically, similarly suggestive observations have been
tion of T-cell immunity by SABR, leading to the eradication reported in several tumor types. Mahmoud et al. [25, 26]
of occult regional micrometastases. recently demonstrated the influence of density and distribu-
The immune system has long been known to play a criti- tion of the cytotoxic CD8+ T cells in breast cancer patients.
cal role in tumor surveillance and control [21]. It is thought Using immunohistochemistry staining of tissue microarray
that tumors develop by escaping immune detection, either by cores, they established that infiltration of CD8+ T cells into
downregulating surface recognition antigens or by releasing the distant stroma correlated with improved overall survival.
immunomodulatory cytokines that dampen the immune In addition, the number of T regulatory cells, the ratio of
response, and are found in greater prevalence in immunosup- CD4+ to CD8+ T cells, and the presence of T lymphocytes in
pressed populations. Conversely, a robust immune response, the primary tumor correlated with grade, stage, and survival.
180 S.J. Feigenberg et al.
Furthermore, several groups have demonstrated that the the medically inoperable population, identifying the extent
presence of tumor-associated lymphocytes in breast cancer is of tumor response to initial SBRT is critical in determining
an independent predictor of response to anthracycline/ further treatment response, as is identifying dose–response
taxane-based chemotherapy [27]. Paulson et al. [28] have characteristics on current SBRT trials. Specifically, is there
demonstrated that intratumoral CD8+ lymphocyte infiltration an imaging technique that can be used as a biomarker or
was the most important predictor of outcomes in patients early surrogate marker of outcome? Currently, computerized
with Merkel cell carcinoma. Interestingly, in this population, tomography remains the imaging modality of choice to eval-
patients with tumors that demonstrated a robust CD8+ lym- uate response following SBRT. However, with the very high-
phocyte infiltration were observed to have the largest dose fractions utilized in SBRT, a significant percentage of
improvements in regional and distant control as compared to patients treated by SBRT will develop fibrosis within and in
local control. A recently published report [29] appears to close proximity to the treatment field. Takeda et al. [30, 31]
substantiate this combination of ipilimumab with SABR. In described solid consolidations on CT scans are seen as late
this case study, a patient with progressive metastatic mela- changes in the center or the periphery of the PTV in upwards
noma receiving maintenance ipilimumab therapy was treated of 73 % of patients. Radiographic findings, that occur as a
palliatively with SABR for a painful paraspinal mass. While result of SBRT, are more dramatic in appearance as opposed
there was no initial response, a single additional dose of ipili- to what is seen clinically (see Fig. 13.1). These consolida-
mumab not only significantly decreased the size of the para- tions can be quite complex making serial CT follow-up
spinal mass but also caused regression of additional sites of rather difficult, thereby making it difficult to determine
metastatic disease which were of considerable distance from whether these changes are consistent with recurrent carci-
the radiated paraspinal mass. Further analysis demonstrated noma or radiation changes.
that RT had increased antibodies to NY-ESO-1, an antigen In this regard, assessment of tumor response to therapy
associated with melanoma, by 30-fold. Since presence of using functional information could be very helpful in
antibodies to NY-ESO-1 had been associated with a more the absence of good anatomical imaging such as
robust response to ipilimumab, this may explain why this 18-fluorodeoxyglucose-positron emission tomography
patient had such an excellent response to disease within and (FDG-PET) scanning modality. PET scans have had a
outside the radiation portal. Furthermore, the RT regimen in significant impact on the management of patients with
this patient also led to a subsequent spike in inducible co- many cancers but it has been studied most extensively in
stimulator, a marker of activated CTLs, suggesting an addi- NSCLC. Their most important contribution has been in the
tional mechanism for the observed tumor control. improvement in the preoperative evaluation of mediastinal
lymph nodes over computed tomography (CT) scans alone
with increased sensitivity and specificity [32–34] and in
Imaging Response to SBRT staging improving patient selection for curative therapy.
FDG-PET has also been prognostic in the pretreatment
With these promising early results, two cooperative groups setting and following induction chemotherapy [35] or
are evaluating SBRT as an alternative to surgery. However, definitive chemoradiotherapy to determine tumor response
assessment of tumor response to SBRT in a time frame that as defined by FDG uptake for predicting outcomes [36, 37].
will allow those with failures the maximal curative benefit Following SBRT, PET findings have been mixed with only
from salvage surgery remains a challenge. Furthermore, in a few small series reported.
13 Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy 181
A small prospective series [38] from Fox Chase Cancer PET scanning has been recently challenged. Investigators
Center which included ten medically inoperable patients have looked at L-s-methyl-11C methionine (MET)
treated for NSCLC on a phase I dose escalation demon- PET. While MET has been shown to have decreased in
strated that a drop in the maximum standardized uptake val- inflammatory lesions as compared to FDG, a small series
ues (SUV) comparing the pre-SBRT and the 3-month from Japan in the SBRT setting showed very little difference
post-SBRT PET scan appeared to be a predictor of local con- between the two tracers [43]. 18F -3′-fluoro-3′-deoxy-L-
trol. A larger retrospective experience [39] from the same thymidine (FLT) [44], a nucleoside reverse transcriptase
institution including 26 patients addressed using FDG-PET inhibitor, has been suggested to be superior to that of FDG in
response (comparing pre-SBRT versus 3-month post-SBRT) detecting cellular and proliferative responses to chemother-
as a surrogate of local failure in greater detail. All 26 PET apy; the role of FLT-PET as a surrogate of response follow-
scans were reviewed and interpreted by a single physician ing stereotactic body radiotherapy (SBRT) for lung cancer
who was blinded to the clinical results. FDG-PET scans were remains unexplored. Similar data is available for patients
analyzed semi-quantitatively by comparing pre- and post- with liver metastases and lung metastases.
treatment changes in SUV. This study demonstrated two
major findings: (1) A lower initial SUV value was the only
significant factor associated with an increased risk of local Normal Tissue Response to SBRT
failure (3.4 versus 5.7; p = 0.045) with 4 out of the 5 local
failures having a low pre-SBRT SUV (<4). (2) Decreases in Normal tissues that function primarily as parallel normal tis-
post-SBRT SUV of >55 % of its pre-SBRT value signifi- sues are made up of predominately structurally defined func-
cantly decreased the risk of local recurrence. Similar find- tional subunits (FSUs) (e.g., peripheral lung, liver, kidney).
ings were seen when this data was combined with data from Serial functioning normal tissues, characterized by a chain of
the University of Maryland [40] which demonstrated a crude function, are composed of primarily undefined FSUs (e.g.,
local failure rate of 54.5 % failure rate (6/11) for patients gastrointestinal mucosa, trachea, spinal cord, bronchus).
with SUV <4, while only 11 % (4/36) of patients with SUV Parallel organ toxicity is mostly related to volume irradiated
≥4 failed locally. Hoopes et al. [41] have described with (e.g., mean dose, volume treated to a threshold dose such as
nearly 50 % of patients at 1 year having SUVmax changes V20), whereas serial organ toxicity is mostly related to the
>3.5 from their prospective study and 15 % in their retro- maximum dose delivered to that tissue. Although useful, this
spective experience (4 of 28 with a max SUV >2.5). distinction between serial and parallel functioning organs is
Presumably, though, all were lower than pretreatment. These likely too simplistic, and most normal tissues likely have
patients were too compromised to undergo further treatment both parallel and serial functionality. This has been demon-
and were thus followed. They remained without recurrence strated in elegant rat model experiments of spinal cord toler-
between 8 and 22 months post these PET scans. This illus- ance to radiation therapy by van der Kogel et al. [45]. The rat
trates that the use of a specific SUV value is not useful and spinal cord tolerance to radiation was found to be dependent
therefore trying to determine a specific cutoff SUV for a on the volume irradiated and the spatial distribution of dose.
population to predict recurrence is not appropriate. With The gray matter of the cord was found to be most resistant,
these inflammatory changes so prevalent, it is imperative for whereas the lateral white matter was most sensitive.
the reading nuclear medicine physician and treating physi- As the volume of normal tissues irradiated to high doses
cian to review the images to define the solid and inflamma- with SBRT is generally less than the volume of normal tissue
tory components and their corresponding SUV in relationship irradiated with conventional fractionation, for normal tissues
to the distribution of the treatment to minimize the possibil- that are primarily parallel functioning, if the volume irradiated
ity of false-positive readings. It is therefore to our advantage is low enough, the risk of toxicity may be extremely low
to have scans read by a single physician for consistency in despite delivery of very high doses to a small volume.
reporting. However, for serial organs that are in close proximity to
Further refinement of this data is vital as quantification tumors, even a small volume irradiated to a high dose may
with SUVmax oversimplifies the evaluation of tumor lead to irreversible toxicity. Thus, SBRT should be used cau-
response and sometimes results in inconclusive or inaccurate tiously for tumors adjacent to serial functioning organs such as
diagnosis. Currently investigators are trying to extract more the esophagus or spinal cord. An increase in the number of
detailed spatial–temporal PET/CT features [42] that compre- fractions may improve the therapeutic ratio and should be con-
hensively characterize the whole tumor’s intensities and dis- sidered in place of hypofractionated SBRT in this situation.
tributions, spatial variations (texture), and shape properties With a dramatic increase in the fraction size and total
which may become better predictors of treatment response. dose with SBRT, the repair mechanisms may not be initiated
In addition, novel radiotracers are in development. The use as they would at a lower dose per fraction, potentially lead-
of fluorodeoxyglucose (FDG) as the radiotracer of choice for ing to permanent damage to the normal tissue within the
182 S.J. Feigenberg et al.
high-dose volumes and/or unpredictable effects outside the Noninvasive stereotactic systems using a frame, with or
high-dose volume. Given the potential for normal tissue without implanted fiducial markers, have been used for para-
injury and that the volume tolerance of normal tissues to spinal tumor SBRT with accuracy within 2 mm [49]. Optical-
such high doses per fraction is unknown, most SBRT has guided three-dimensional ultrasound has also been used for
been applied to small tumors (<5 cm) in which the volume of spinal SBRT to ensure that the patient does not move during
normal tissue around the tumor is small. SBRT is being radiation [50].
investigated for larger tumor volumes [46], and it is hopeful
that clinical data will eventually be obtained to provide guid-
ance to what the dose–volume toxicity relationship is for Body Tumor Immobilization
organs irradiated with inhomogeneous doses from hypofrac-
tionated fractionation schemes. Nonrigid fixation has been performed for SBRT with
As very steep dose gradients are used with SBRT with specialized body frames that have fiducial systems attached
rapid falloff of dose in surrounding normal tissues, not only to the frame and a device to control respiration using abdom-
is there substantial variability of dose throughout normal inal compression [4]. Abdominal compression using such
tissues, but also there is substantial variability in the dose frames has been found to reduce diaphragm caudal–cranial
per fraction. Thus, when dose–volume characteristics of a motion to less than 5–10 mm in most patients. Reproducibility
normal tissue associated with toxicity risk are investigated, of target positioning using these frames has been reported to
correction for the variability in dose per fraction should be be better than conventional immobilization systems, with
considered. Unfortunately, accurate knowledge of the α/β positional deviations of lung cancer and liver cancer position
ratio for normal tissues is lacking. Clinical trials of novel less than 10 mm in 98 % of patients [4, 51, 52].
fractionation regimens are required to confirm outcomes and An option to these specialized body frames that facilitates
toxicities associated with the many different fractionation guidance is to not use the frames for guidance, but to image
schemes used in SBRT. Under each of the clinical sections, internal anatomic references, such as bones near the target or
additional data will be presented based on complications to the soft tissue tumor itself, to define the treatment coordi-
the bowel, chest wall, rib, liver, and brachial plexus. nates. Repositioning and repeat verification imaging are
required to ensure the patient was moved to the correct posi-
tion. A variety of immobilization devices can been used with
Immobilization this strategy, as long as they keep the patient immobilized
and preferably are (relatively) comfortable to minimize
Overview intrafraction patient motion.
ABC refers to organ immobilization with breath holds that situations, there may be rationale for breath hold, gating, or
are controlled, triggered, and monitored by a caregiver. In tracking during inhalation. For example, for lung tumors and/
approximately 60 % of patients with liver cancer, ABC was or tumors adjacent to the heart, inhalation will reduce the den-
used successfully, with excellent reproducibility of the liver sity of the lungs and/or may move critical structures away
relative to the vertebral bodies within the time period of one from the target volume.
radiation fraction (intrafraction reproducibility, σ, of the Other approaches to minimize respiratory and non-
liver relative to the vertebral bodies: 1.5–2.5 mm) [54, 55]. respiratory organ motion include maintaining the same pre-
However, with ABC, from day to day the position of the parative regimen prior to each treatment and ensuring
immobilized liver varies relative to the bones (interfraction comfortable immobilization and short overall treatment time
reproducibility, σ 3.4–4.4 mm), providing rationale for daily to reduce patient movement due to discomfort and physiologic
image guidance when ABC is used for liver SBRT although change in organs such as stomach filling. Another general
treatment time needs to be kept reasonable as patients with intervention is patient feedback, either auditory or visual.
poor performance status have increased treatment uncertain- Ideally, feedback would be from direct tumor imaging; how-
ties and all patients have increased uncertainties with treat- ever, feedback from imaging of adjacent organs, spirometry,
ment times >10 min due to fatigue, muscle relaxation, or nasal flow monitoring, external marker position, or optical
peristalsis. monitoring of body contour are often more practical options.
Gated radiotherapy, with the beam triggered to be on only If indirect measures of organ position are used, confirmation
during a predetermined phase of the respiratory cycle, usu- for an individual patient that the indirect measure is indeed
ally refers to the use of an external surrogate for tumor posi- directly related to organ position is mandatory.
tion (as opposed to direct tumor imaging) to gate the
radiation. This can be used to reduce the volume of normal
tissue irradiated. Changes in baseline organ position can Treatment Planning
occur from day to day [56], and thus image guidance is
important to avoid geographic misses, especially in the set- Overview
ting of SBRT. One concern regarding gated radiotherapy has
been brought to light by a French prospective phase III trial As dose gradients are steeper and doses are higher with
presented at ASTRO 2012 [57]. This trial was testing the SBRT than with conventional radiation therapy, the conse-
benefit of gating in locally advanced lung cancer setting and quences of error in tumor delineation, errors introduced by
surprisingly demonstrated an increase in radiation pneumo- dosimetry, and geometric uncertainties may be more dele-
nitis in patients treated with gating. The manuscript will terious. Thus, all aspects of treatment planning that are
hopefully shed more light on other variables that led to this important in conformal radiation planning are even more
paradoxical finding but more importantly should put caution crucial in SBRT, especially for tumors in close proximity to
in inexperienced users of this technology. critical normal tissues, where a systematic error could lead
Tumor tracking is another approach to reduce adverse to permanent serious toxicity if the normal tissue planned
effects of organ motion. An elegant real-time tumor tracking to be spared from radiation is irradiated to the high doses
system consisting of fluoroscopic X-ray tubes in the treat- planned for the tumor.
ment room allowing visualization of radiopaque markers in
tumors was first described by Shirato et al. The linear accel-
erator is triggered to irradiate only when the marker is located Imaging at Simulation
within the planned treatment region [58]. As an alternative to
turning the radiation beam off when the tumor moves outside At the time of simulation, patient positioning and the imaging
treatment region, multileaf collimators, the couch position, modality (CT, MRI, PET/CT), resolution (e.g., CT thick-
or the entire accelerator on a robotic arm may move with the ness), and phase of contrast (e.g., arterial IV contrast for HCC
tumor to ensure adequate tumor coverage at all times (e.g., or how to give IV contrast during a four-dimensional scan for
CyberKnife image-guided radiosurgery system; Accuray, a tumor near a major vessel) must be chosen carefully. The
Sunnyvale, CA). The latter system uses dual orthogonal fluo- patient treatment position should be kept the same as scan-
roscopy tubes to track radiopaque markers in or near the ning position. Due to the relatively long treatment time, a
tumor at a preset frequency. comfortable patient position is preferred to reduce the
There are advantages to gating, breath hold, and tracking in intrafraction motion. Since more beams are used at SBRT
exhalation phase of the respiratory breathing cycle versus planning and they need to be separated maximally in space,
inhalation. These include the fact that exhalation tends to be beam arrangement should be considered during patient simu-
more reproducible and is longer than inhalation, so that treat- lation. For example, for lung cancer patient, lifting both arms
ment during exhalation reduces duty time. However, in certain allows beam arrangements in 360°. The report of AAPM Task
184 S.J. Feigenberg et al.
Group 101 [59] has recommendations about the CT thickness may be as high as 60 Gy in six fractions at the periphery.
and scanning length. In this report, 1–3-mm CT slice thick- Careful radiologic–pathologic studies accounting for organ
ness was recommended and a typical CT scan for planning deformation and shrinkage are required to determine whether
purpose should cover the tumor site plus 5–10 cm in both the use of a CTV margin is required or not.
superior and inferior directions. If non-coplanar beams are Finally, appropriate PTV margins must be used to ensure
used, 15 cm is recommended to be extended in both superior that the actual planned doses are delivered to the tumor. The
and inferior directions. Motion must be considered at this PTV margins must consider setup uncertainty and internal
time, as breathing introduces artifacts in the tumor definition, organ motion. Individual institution setup uncertainty data
normal tissue definition, and resultant errors in TCP and nor- should be used if available. Individual patient internal organ
mal tissue complication probability (NTCP). Furthermore, if motion is preferable to using population-based respiratory
motion is not considered, there is potential for a systematic motion. Of note, the classic PTV margin papers on PTV mar-
error from the time of simulation to the time of treatment to gin determination, such as that published by Van Herk et al.
occur. Motion due to breathing is largest for tumors near the [62], do not apply to very tightly conformal plans delivered
diaphragm (i.e., the upper abdomen and the lower thorax). in a few fractions, such as those used in most SBRT cases.
One method to account for motion is to eliminate it, for exam- Thus, the margin recipes that are used for conventional radia-
ple, with a breath-hold scan. Diagnostic breath-hold scans are tion planning may be inappropriate for SBRT plans.
often obtained in the inhale position, which may not corre- Modeling has demonstrated that when PTV margins are too
spond with the treatment position (e.g., exhale breath hold). small, higher doses must be delivered for the same TCP [63].
An effort to conduct all imaging to be used for planning with
the patient in the same position, with the same phase of breath
hold, is required. If breath hold is not possible or if reproduc- Planning
ibility of this breath hold cannot be documented, reduction of
breathing motion may help reduce the negative impact of Often, many beams or dynamic conformal arcs are used to
breathing motion. However, even with a small range of develop a highly conformal SBRT dose distribution. In prin-
breathing motion, errors in tumor and normal tissue volumes ciple, a great number of beams maximumly separated in
may occur, resulting in a geographic miss or excessive toxic- space lead to more conformal plan; however, the beam opti-
ity. An option to breath-hold imaging is to obtain a four- mization should consider target size and irregularities, OAR
dimensional imaging data set. From this, any position could avoidance, the length of beam path, the treatment delivery
be used for planning and image guidance [56]. Planning on time, and patient safety. The energy of 6–10 MV is preferred
the exhale data set with asymmetric PTV margins is an option due to the neutron contamination and the larger penumbra of
[60], as is planning using the mean tumor position. The phase high-energy photon beam. Limited high-energy beam may
of the breathing cycle in which the patient is planned should be allowed if the beam path is larger than 10 cm. Sometimes,
correspond with the phase of breathing cycle used for image non-coplanar beams or arcs are used if required to reduce the
guidance and treatment. dose to normal tissues. For example, 8–12 beams may be
used for a typical lung SBRT plan. Non-coplanar beam setup
should be used carefully to avoid the patient, couch, and gan-
Target Volumes try collision. Although the more beams are preferred in
SBRT planning, the resultant longer treatment time has to be
A decision has to be made regarding whether a margin is considered in practice. One strategy to obtain highly steep
required for microscopic disease risk or the clinical target dose gradients at the edge of the PTV is to close the aperture
volume (CTV) margin. Although in many SBRT series, no of the beams to the PTV or less, not leaving a gap for penum-
extra margin for CTV has purposely been added but due to bra as usually done for conformal radiation therapy. When
the less steep falloff in dose when treating the body as com- enough beams are summed together, the PTV may be cov-
pared to the brain, there is always a dose gradient from the ered by a lower isodose such as 65 % that is often at the
prescription dose to a “microscopic dose” [61]. In addition, steepest part of the dose gradient. Choosing such a low
the additional margin added for motion and setup error likely prescription isodose line may have some theoretical disad-
overlaps with the needed margin extension. This added mar- vantages since a significant rind of normal tissue is in the
gin may also be significantly different based on histology PTV. Investigators at Fox Chase Cancer Center and at the
where subclinical disease distant from the index lesion is University of Maryland use a 3-mm distance between
more prevalent such as in breast cancer. At Princess Margaret the beam aperture and the PTV [64]. The prescription iso-
Hospital in Toronto, for our present SBRT liver cancer stud- dose line between 70 and 80 % is reasonable if the rind of nor-
ies, a 5-mm margin around the GTV within the liver is used mal tissue inside the PTV is small or can tolerate this high dose.
to define the CTV. The planned minimum dose to the CTV Resultant high doses/hot spots occur in the center of the
PTV is 27 Gy in six fractions, while the dose to the GTV PTV, perhaps giving the highest dose to the center hypoxic
13 Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy 185
volume (although the potential benefit of this is unproven). 2 and 7 cm, the conformality index was required to be less
Of note, the use of many beams for SBRT is not mandatory. than 1.2, and the plan was considered as minor deviation
For a peripheral liver tumor, three to five beams may be used with index between 1.2 and 1.4 but there is no good data to
to reduce the overall radiation path length through the liver. suggest complications are higher with a poor conformality
The use of segments within the beams can adjust the dose index. As with similar data with intracranial SRS, target vol-
distribution to ensure that the hot spot is within the GTV ume and proximity to critical structures usually trump the
while reducing the overall integral dose. effect of conformality.
As the adverse effects of dosimetric errors are most pro- A sharp dose gradient out of PTV is desirable for SBRT
nounced with SBRT, appropriate methods to consider cor- plans. The dose gradient can be evaluated by how much
rections for heterogeneities should also be used (see next %/mm or ratio of volume receiving 50 % of prescription
section). dose to the PTV that was used in RTOG protocols of lung
Typical prescription doses for SBRT range from 5 Gy in SBRT [10]. Usually a sharp dose-off isotropically is pre-
ten fractions to 20 Gy in three fractions. One to five fractions ferred although this can be limited to less degrees of freedom
are most often used, with a dose per fraction usually greater with non-coplanar fields, but the dose gradient can be larger
than 6 Gy. The common feature to most of the SBRT frac- in one direction if close to a critical structure.
tionation schemes is that they are biologically potent. The dose heterogeneity is probably not as important as
Multiple-fraction regimens have some radiobiologic advan- the above two parameters, although it needs attention. To
tages to single-fraction SBRT. Clinical data is not available increase the plan conformality index and dose gradient usu-
to provide guidance for the most appropriate fractionation ally increase the dose heterogeneity. The dose hot spot
for each clinical scenario. However, when the PTV is in very should be within the PTV, and the best place is the center of
close proximity to normal tissues that function serially, it is the PTV.
reasonable to consider prolonging fractionation to minimize The dose constraints to critical organs are different with
the risk of toxicity to the serial function normal tissue. what are used in the conventional therapy. So far the dose
It is a challenge to relate the prescribed dose to TCP, as tolerance is still immature and the dose to organ at risk
inhomogeneous doses are generally used and various deliv- should be evaluated carefully according to the peer-reviewed
ery and verification techniques are utilized. For a moving publications or protocols.
target not treated with image guidance, the actual delivered
minimal dose to the tumor may be lower than the prescribed Treatment Planning System Considerations
dose. Furthermore, there is heterogeneity in patterns of pre- Related to Heterogeneity Corrections
scribing dose. One method to account for inhomogeneous The dose calculation heterogeneity correction is desirable
dose distributions is to use equivalent uniform dose (EUD) to for SBRT planning, especially for lung or spine SBRT. The
tumor for reporting [65]. Of course, accounting for individ- treatment planning system (TPS) should be carefully evalu-
ual patient motion in the dose distribution or eliminating ated to see if it is suitable for SBRT planning or specific site.
motion would help ensure that the reported doses better Pencil beam algorithms have been discouraged for tumor
reflect delivered doses as well. Unfortunately, it is not pos- sites surrounded by low-density tissue [59]. It has been
sible to account for motion in current commercially available reported that there was significant dose difference in the tar-
planning systems. get periphery between pencil beam algorithm and superposi-
tion convolution algorithm for the lung SBRT [59]. Although
Plan Evaluations the Monte Carlo simulation is the most accurate dose calcu-
All conventional 3D plan evaluation methods apply to SBRT lation algorithm, it may not be widely available for commer-
plan, but three criteria are specially considered: dose confor- cial TPS and take more time for dose calculation. The
mality, dose gradient, and dose heterogeneity. convolution superposition algorithm is more suitable consid-
Since SBRT delivers high dose (often >5 Gy per fraction) ering the accuracy and calculation time is rather similar to
in a small number of fractions (≤5), high-dose conformality Monte Carlo-generated plans.
is required to minimize the dose to the normal tissue. A fre- Early in the North American experience with lung cancer,
quently used conformality index is defined as the ratio of heterogeneity corrections were not used because tissue den-
volume receiving prescription dose to the PTV. A perfect sity correction dose algorithms were not widely available. In
plan should have conformality index equal to 1, i.e., PTV is the absence of heterogeneity corrections, tumors completely
covered by 100 % of prescription dose and no normal tissue surrounded by air experience a dose build-up effect due to
receives the prescription dose or above. This is not realistic. the loss of electronic equilibrium, such that the periphery of
Usually the conformality index of 1.3 is achievable. a tumor is under-dosed, and a higher dose is required to
The index could be larger for smaller target or irregular tar- achieve optimal cell kill [66]. Tumors that lack this air–tissue
get. In current or recently closed RTOG protocols of lung interface, such as tumors abutting the chest wall or central
SBRT [10], for the target with maximum dimension between tumors, may have artificially high doses (“hot spot”) delivered
186 S.J. Feigenberg et al.
to the PTV, due to dose being delivered through low-density marks for patient position are routinely used for initial patient
air using very long path lengths. Xiao et al. [67] applied het- setup in practice. For some clinical situations, the use of skin
erogeneity corrections to the original treatment plans of 20 marks to align the patient can be done with high precision.
patients from RTOG 0236. They observed an increase in iso- However, in most body tumors, the internal structures cannot
centric dose in all patients following the application of het- be accurately localized with the use of skin marks. It has
erogeneity corrections. However, the mean volume of PTV been reported the random setup error is up to 6.6 mm for
receiving 60 Gy decreased from 95 to 85 %, and dose to pancreatic cancer patients receiving SBRT based only on
95 % of the tumor decreased by an average of 4.7 Gy [67]. body marker. The use of bony anatomy with electronic portal
Based on these findings, the use of heterogeneity corrections imaging is another standard practice in radiation therapy.
would be associated with larger hot spot doses but worsened However, for many clinical situations, the bony anatomy is
overall tumor coverage, potentially leading to increased not well correlated with the internal tumor position. Options
complications due to the high-dose areas and higher poten- for locating internal anatomy include the use of implanted
tial for failure due to underdosing parts of the tumor. This led radiopaque fiducial markers as surrogates for the target, tis-
the investigators to conclude that the RTOG standard dose sues adjacent to the tumor, or the tumor itself. Fiducial mark-
should in fact be 18 Gy per fraction delivered to the 95 % ers may also be used to measure organ motion and/or track/
isodose, for a total dose of 54 Gy. Notably, these patients all gate the beam.
had peripherally located tumors. Many of the published reports of SBRT have been on
Investigators at the University of Maryland repeated this patients treated with conventional linear accelerators.
work on patients with peripherally and centrally located lung However, more specialized treatment units are now available
tumors. This study shows that dose to the internal target vol- with the potential to allow soft tissue image guidance and
ume (ITV) increases with the application of heterogeneity reduced PTV margins. Examples of such systems include a
corrections and the effect was even greater with centrally lightweight and robotic linear accelerator (CyberKnife;
located tumors and larger. In centrally located tumors, where Accuray, Sunnyvale, CA) and modified linear accelerators to
more lung parenchyma is located between tumor and body allow image guidance including accelerators such as Novalis
surface, intervening tissue density is overestimated. When (BrainLAB, Inc., Westchester, IL), Synergy (Elekta
this is corrected, dose to the tumor increases, an effect Oncology, Stockholm, Sweden), TrueBeam and Trilogy
observed in this study. This too is true of larger tumors, where (Varian Medical Systems, Palo Alto, CA), Artiste (Siemens,
increased beam widths traverse more parenchyma prior to Concord, CA), and TomoTherapy (Madison, WI).
reaching the PTV. Given the data above, the inclusion of cen-
tral tumors in this sample may in part explain why the appli-
cation of heterogeneity corrections led to an increase in D95 Image-Guidance Strategies (Pretreatment)
in this study, versus a drop in D95 as observed in the paper by
Xiao et al. [67], in which central tumors were excluded. Imaging at the time of treatment can be used for localization
Without heterogeneity corrections applied to treatment for guidance, verification, and also as a quality assurance
plans, a higher dose must be prescribed to achieve adequate (QA) tool that is evaluated by the treating physician prior to
dose to the tumor, which also results in a higher dose to the sur- each treatment. Verification that the appropriate dose is actu-
rounding parenchyma. This increases the risk of adverse out- ally delivered is also important for SBRT. Soft tissue imag-
comes, which may help to explain the increased complications ing at the time of treatment can allow a measurement of the
seen in the initial Indiana experience. Based on these results, impact of geometric uncertainties (such as organ deforma-
the use of heterogeneity corrections allows the prescription tion) at the time of treatment. When image guidance and
of a lower total dose and dose per fraction, with a comparable repositioning are used, imaging after repositioning should be
dose to the tumor. This less aggressive dose prescription may used to ensure the positioning moves were made in the cor-
allow safer yet equally efficacious treatment of NSCLCs. rect direction.
When repositioning moves are required due to changes in
internal organ position, replanning is not routinely con-
Image Guidance ducted. However, when substantial changes in organ position
and or tumor size or breathing pattern occur, the dose deliv-
Overview ered may be altered due to changes in radiation path lengths
and position of organs with difference heterogeneities. The
Image guidance at the time of treatment can improve setup magnitude of dosimetric differences due to such changes
accuracy, reduce PTV margins, and irradiate the volume of should be studied to better define in which situations replan-
normal tissue, facilitating safe dose escalation. ning may be of benefit. In addition, when soft alignments are
Traditionally, surrogates for the target have been used in utilized, the treating physician should also ensure the volume
guiding the placement of treatment fields. For example, skin visualized on the volumetric imaging is similar to the ITV
13 Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy 187
generated on the 4D CT as differences may be related to has more priority during the treatment. The pitfall of this
different breathing patterns from day to day and may not strategy is that it may introduce the large setup uncertainty
improve alignments. for target which has respiratory-induced motion. Currently,
the CT scanner is fast enough to image the moving target on
one breathing phase. The CBCT is slow and the moving tar-
Two-Dimensional Image-Guidance Equipment get is more similar to internal moving target (ITV) on CBCT
images. The in-room CT is actually a CT scanner and the
Orthogonal megavoltage (MV) portal films and more moving target similar to one breathing phase. If the patient is
recently images from electronic portal imaging devices aligned based on the target between planning CT and CBCT/
(EPIDs) have traditionally been used for image guidance and in-room CT, the perfect target match may introduce the
may be appropriate for targets adherent to the bones. MV errors due to the difference in breathing phases between
images of large fields of view can be obtained with 2–8 mon- planning CT and CBCT/in-room CT. The correct strategy is
itor units (MUs) per image. These images not only can guide to align the patient based on the bony structure and make
therapy but also can verify the shape and orientations of the sure that the target acquired through CBCT/in-room CT is
treatment fields. If radiopaque fiducial markers are inserted within the PTV on the planning CT.
in or near the tumor, the fiducial markers themselves may be
used for guidance. Other alternatives for guidance include In-Room CT
using surrogates that are in close proximity to the tumor, for The placement of a diagnostic CT scanner in the treatment
example, the diaphragm as a surrogate for liver tumors room with a known geometric relationship to the linear
[68, 69]. An example of an anterior–posterior (AP) MV accelerator is one approach for volumetric imaging imme-
image for liver cancer guidance, in which the diaphragm is diately prior to treatment with the patient in their immobi-
used for cranial–caudal positioning. lization device. Uematsu et al. have used this approach to
Due to the low contrast of MV radiographs and the doses treat liver and lung cancers with SBRT. Uematsu et al.
delivered with repeat MV imaging, orthogonal kV radio- reported that with repeat CT for frameless head and neck
graphs and kilovoltage (kV) fluoroscopy have also been used cancer radiotherapy, there was a geometric vector error
for image guidance of tumors and/or fiducial markers, either ranging from 0.1 to 0.9 mm [70]. Multiple manufacturers
immediately prior to each radiation fraction [68, 69] or have developed products of this type, including Siemens’
throughout radiation delivery [58]; kV X-ray tubes may be Primatrom, Mitsubishi’s accelerator in combination with a
ceiling or wall mounted or attached to the linear accelerator. General Electric CT scanner, and Varian’s ExaCT target-
With both MV and kV orthogonal imaging, alignment ing system [71–73]. All systems place the CT scanner in
tools registering the images to digitally reconstructed radio- close proximity to the linear accelerator, allowing the
graphs (DRRs) can improve the accuracy and efficiency of couch to be moved from the imaging position to the treat-
image matching to determine the offsets in position. Such ment position. The CT scanner gantry is often translated
alignments tools include template matching tools based on during acquisition to minimize couch motion. Accuracy
therapists’ visualization of anatomy and/or automated image has been reported to be under 0.5 mm [72], and it has been
registration of the region of interest (e.g., mutual informa- reported to be improved with fiducial markers from 0.7 to
tion). Decision rules including tolerance levels for reposi- 0.4 mm [71].
tioning must be integrated with the overall system. Advantages of in-room CT include that state of the art,
diagnostic-quality CT can be used for optimal image qual-
ity and robustness. Disadvantages of this system are that
Three-Dimensional Volumetric Image the imaging and treatment isocenters are not coincident.
Guidance Accuracy of motion from the CT scanner gantry, the
accelerator couch, and the coincidence of the CT and lin-
Technological advances allowing volumetric imaging allow ear accelerator isocenters needs to be verified. Limiting
image guidance immediately prior to treatment using the patient movement between imaging and treatment (e.g.,
tumor or a soft tissue organ in close proximity to the tumor couch retraction <1 mm) should improve setup accuracy;
for guidance, rather than the bony anatomy. Advantages of however, organ motion between imaging and delivery
volumetric imaging systems include that adjacent normal may occur.
organs can also be visualized for more accurate avoidance of
critical structures. Some of these volumetric imaging tech- KV Cone Beam CT
niques can also measure tumor motion due to breathing. Jaffray et al. [74] first described the concept of cone beam CT
Since the soft tissue can be visualized with three- (CBCT) for image-guided radiation therapy in 1997. CBCT
dimensional volumetric images, it is possible to set up the refers to combined kV X-ray imaging and MV radiation deliv-
patients based on the tumor target or organ at risk if which ery in one integrated gantry-mounted system. Advancements
188 S.J. Feigenberg et al.
indictor has to be within 0.5°. The imaging system includes related to dose and dose per fraction. Stephans et al. [84]
kV/MV imaging and kV/MV cone beam CT. It recommends reported the experience at Cleveland Clinic, which clearly
that the imaging and treatment coordinate coincidence illustrates the effects of the higher biologic effective dose
should be within 1 mm. For cone beam CT, the geometric (BED) on morbidity. Their institutional practice of SBRT
distortion should be within 1 mm, and the contrast, spatial initially used 10 Gy × 5 fractions and subsequently changed
resolution, HU constancy, uniformity, and noise should agree to the RTOG standard (18–20 Gy × 3) when RTOG 0236’s
with the baseline. results were initially reported. The local control rates showed
no difference between the two schemas, although they did
experience a high rate of chest wall morbidity with the higher
Clinical Outcomes BED regimen (18 % versus 4 %, p = 0.028). In addition, fol-
low-up from the initial Indiana experience treating central
The next several sections will review the most common clini- tumors reported lower grade 3 and higher side effects when
cal sites where SBRT/SABR is delivered most commonly >3 fractions were used as opposed to three fraction (26.3 %
where pertinent issues related to patient selection, simula- versus 7.7 %) [85]. However, caution is still indicated.
tion, treatment planning, and morbidity specific to that clini- Washington University [86] has completed a phase I study
cal site. This data should be used with caution when demonstrating 60 Gy in five fractions is safe for treating cen-
extrapolating to other locations (i.e., primary liver versus tral tumors and is currently accruing to a phase II study.
metastatic liver since the background normal tissue is already Many retrospective series also suggest a five fraction is safe
partially injured) but will be good starting point prior to in treating centrally located tumors [87]. In addition, a multi-
treating a unique site. institutional phase I/II [88] RTOG study is currently nearing
completion using a similar fractionation schedule as the
Washington University. Led by Videtic et al. [88] from the
Stereotactic Ablative Radiotherapy for Lung Cleveland Clinic, the RTOG has currently completed testing
Tumors two less aggressive schemas (12 Gy × 4 fractions and
34 Gy × 1 fraction) in a randomized phase II trial, specifically
Lung cancer is the second most common cancer diagnosis looking at morbidity at 1 year as the primary end point as
and the most common cause of cancer death for both gen- local control is expected to be 90 % in both arms (RTOG
ders. In 2012, there was an estimated 226,160 new lung can- 0813). The less aggressive regimen will then be compared to
cer diagnoses in the United States and 160,340 deaths [81]. the current RTOG standard which is a subsequent phase III
Of the 15 % of patients diagnosed with early-stage lymph trial. There is no lower limit of lung function based on pul-
node-negative NSCLC, the 5-year relative survival is only monary function tests that predicts poor outcomes [89]. One
52 %. The current standard of care for these patients is sur- clinical entity that may have a higher risk of pulmonary
gery [82]. When a patient cannot tolerate or refuses surgery, injury is patients with interstitial pulmonary fibrosis. Onishi
radiation therapy is an excellent alternative with current lit- et al. [90] described 24 patients who died of fatal pneumoni-
erature suggesting outcomes following SBRT/SABR similar tis in the large multi-institutional experience. Seventeen of
to surgery. For patients with severe comorbidities, it is the 24 patient had IPF with 1 of the patients with usual inter-
important to understand what the natural history of early- stitial pneumonia. The absolute risk of fatal pneumonitis for
stage disease is. Approximately 50 % of patients require this cohort of patients in Japan is not known, but from
treatment for symptoms at 1 year and on average 50 % die of Washington University described a 20 % risk of pneumonitis
lung cancer at 2 years without treatment [83]. in patients with IPF. So a diagnosis of IPF is not a contrain-
dication for SBRT but does appear to be at a higher risk of
Patient Selection pneumonitis.
This approach is widely accepted as the current standard of
care for peripheral T1 or T2 tumors or certain T3 tumors Treatment Planning
(i.e., invading the chest wall) which measure less than During the CT simulation, 3-mm slice thickness or less is
5–7 cm without any nodal involvement. Central lesions may preferred. IV contrast may be helpful for tumors close to the
have a higher complication rate in comparison to peripheral brachial plexus or for central tumors adjacent to vasculature.
tumors based on the initial phase II experience published out The gross tumor volume (GTV) is contoured on pulmonary
of Indiana [8]. In their single institution experience, “exces- windows, although soft tissue windows are helpful for
sive toxicity” was reported for patients with tumors located tumors adjacent to the chest wall and central lesions.
within 2 cm of the proximal respiratory tree where the rate of Contouring all the spiculations on lung windows is contro-
grade 3 and above toxicity was significantly higher among versial and not uniformly performed. At the University of
patients with central tumors. This increase in toxicity may be Maryland, only the bulky component of the spiculation is
13 Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy 191
contoured (2-mm thickness) based on unpublished literature is primary based on our medically inoperable patients who are
suggesting that it is uncommon that these radiographic find- likely to have emphysema and poorly functioning diaphragms
ings correlate with clinically significant disease and is cov- [94]. Alignment using soft tissue can be performed if imaging
ered with subclinical doses in the area of dose falloff [61]. acquired on cone beam imaging is similar to that generated by
There are institutional preferences regarding the use of a the 4D CT-based ITV. If the volumes do not match, then the
margin for microscopic extension and creation of a CTV. In treating physician needs to consider that the patient’s breathing
RTOG 0236, it was specified that the GTV was equivalent to pattern may be different from the day of the initial 4D CT. This
the CTV. Assessment of respiratory motion and creation of difference may not be reflected accurately on the CBCT and
an ITV is preferred to limit the PTV margins similar to SRS alignment based on soft tissue may therefore be inaccurate
in the brain. The ITV can be assessed with a 4D CT scan or potentially leading to a geographic miss. In this situation, a
with fluoroscopy to track the tumor or a fiducial implanted bony alignment is preferable and treatment can be delivered if
into the tumor. A margin of 0.5 cm to create the PTV from the volume is safely within the PTV on the CBCT. If it is out-
the ITV is common. If an ITV is not created, population- side the volume, a repeat 4D CT is preferred.
based margins of 0.5 cm axially and 1.0 cm in the cranio- At the University of Maryland, consideration of the accu-
caudal directions were used historically in the Indiana racy of cone beam imaging is considered to be 2 mm such
experience and RTOG 0236. However, the use of that a shift will be performed only if the shift is 3 mm or more
patient-specific tumor motion is preferred. This can be per- based on the work from Princess Margaret Hospital [95].
formed by fusing maximum inspiration and expiration
breath-hold scans to a free breathing CT, obtain a “slow” CT Fractionation
simulation, if 4D CT is not available. 4D CT has been dem- There are two predominant fractionation schedules used in
onstrated to result in smaller PTV volumes than any of the the United States: the Japanese approach (12 Gy × 4) [96]
other described options [91]. If there is significant respira- and the original Indiana approach developed by Dr.
tory motion, some have advocated for managing this with Timmerman (18–20 Gy × 3) [6, 8]. Outcomes and dose–
abdominal compression or breath-hold maneuvers. The ben- response will be discussed under clinical outcomes. In the
efit of abdominal compression is likely to be greatest for original Indiana series that led to RTOG 0236, dose is calcu-
lower lobe tumors. However, abdominal compression may lated without heterogeneity corrections. When these are
increase tumor motion in some cases and should be consid- applied, the dose is on average 10 % lower for the subset of
ered on an individual basis and there are several studies patients treated on the study [22]. The prescription isodose
which demonstrate increased failure with the use of abdomi- line covering the PTV is usually 60–90 % depending on the
nal compression and gating [92]. At the University of block edge margin (2–3 mm, respectively) used on each
Maryland, a CTV margin of 3 mm is added based on the beam’s eye view. Typically a minimum of 7–9 non-coplanar,
unpublished work from Fox Chase Cancer Center which non-opposing beams are required to obtain adequate dose
evaluated 25 consecutive patients who underwent a lobec- falloff to minimize risk of morbidity (see Fig. 13.3). Plans
tomy or sublobar resection for a curative procedure for are assessed by dose conformality similar to strategies uti-
tumors <3 cm in maximum dimension and also had a diag- lized in the brain where the primary goal is to devise the most
nostic CT scan for review. Based on a comparison of CT and conformal plan to the PTV with the secondary goal to mini-
microscopic pathology review, the entire microscopic extent mize the volume receiving 50 % of the prescription dose.
of disease was covered when 3 mm was added to the maxi- The currently accruing RTOG protocols recommend that
mum extent of the disease contoured on standard lung win- 95 % of the PTV be covered by the prescription isodose and
dows without chasing the spiculations in 95 % of the cases. 99 % of the PTV receives a minimum of 90 % of the pre-
An additional 3 mm was added for setup error based on scription dose. A prescription isodose to PTV volume (PITV)
obtaining a daily CBCT prior to each treatment. ratio of 1.2 or less is recommended, except for tumors
Interfraction setup variation is reduced with image-guided smaller than 1.5 cm as this constraint is difficult to meet.
radiotherapy (IGRT). This can be performed by matching fidu- Additional RTOG recommendations are in place to limit tox-
cial location, which is vital to technologies which do not use icity to normal structures. This includes no more than 15 %
volumetric IGRT, and/or creating a CBCT with the patient of the PTV volume of tissues outside the PTV receiving
immobilized. These pretreatment images are compared to the more than 105 % of the prescription dose. The so-called
simulation images and adjusted as appropriate. Fusion of the intermediate dose spillage is limited by imposing criteria on
CBCT with the simulation CT using bony anatomy is recom- the ratios of the 50 % prescription isodose volume to the
mended, as there is minimal change in the target centroid posi- PTV volume and the maximal dose at 2 cm from the PTV,
tion relative to the skeletal frame [93]. The differences in which are dependent on PTV volume. This uniform dose
patient position based on matching with bony anatomy versus falloff may be important especially in the parenchyma of the
soft tissue can be off by upwards of 8 mm on average but this lung where subclinical disease may be present.
192 S.J. Feigenberg et al.
Table 13.1 Selected results of primary non-small cell lung cancer treated with SABR
Median Regional Distant
Reference (year Patient population Total dose (no. follow-up Local control metastasis Overall
published) No. patients (all N0 M0) fractions) (months) control rate (%) rate (%) survival
Uematsu (2001) [23] 50 18 pts received 50–60 Gy (5–6) 36 94 % 96 14 66 % at 3
40–60 Gy prior to years
Wulf (2004) [30] 20 10 % T1 30–37.5 Gy (3) 11 95 % NR 25 32 % at 3
50 % T2 years
40 % T3
Nagata (2005) [19] 45 71 % T1 48 Gy (4) 30 98 % 93 20 At 3 years:
29 % T2 83 % for T1
and 72 %
for T2
Timmerman (2006) [20] 70 50 % T1 60 Gy (3) 17.5 95 % at 2 100 10 55 % at 2
50 % T2 years years
Yoon (2006) [34] 21 62 % T1 30–48 Gy (3–4) 13 86 % 100 5 51 % at 2
38 % T2 years
Onishi (2007) [24] [25] 257 Multi-institutional 18–75 Gy (1–22) 38 86 % 89 20 47 % at 5
review years
63 % T1
37 % T2
Hof (2007) [32] 42 40 % T1 19–30 Gy (1) 15 95 % at 1 95 31 65 % at 2
50 % T2 year; 68 % years
10 % T2 at 2 years
Fakiris (2009) [35] 70 49 % T1 60–66 Gy (3) 50 88 % at 3 91 13 43 % at 3
51 % T2 years years
Baumann (2009) [36] 57 70 % T1 45 Gy (3) 35 93 % 95 16 60 %
30 % T2
Timmerman (2010) [29] 55 80 % T1 60 Gy (3) 34 91 % 87 22 48 % at 3
20 % T2 years
Ricardi (2010) [37] 62 69 % T1 45 Gy (3) 28 88 % at 3 94 24 57 % at 3
31 % T2 years years
Bral (2011) [28] 40 65 % T1 Central: 45 Gy (3) 16 92 % 95 15 52 % at 2
35 % T2 Peripheral: 60 Gy (3) years
Staging is AJCC sixth edition
NR not reported
Timmerman et al. reported the multi-institutional phase II Normal tissue constraints used in RTOG 0618 and 0915 are
experience including 55 medically inoperable, NSCLC shown in Table 13.3, although these values are more conser-
patients with T1 (80 %) and T2 (20 %) N0 M0 tumors less vative than the constraints employed by the Japanese. Dose–
than 5 cm treated to 60 Gy in three fractions. After a median volume analyses confirming and disputing these values are
follow-up of 34 months, the tumor control rate was 97.6 %. described below.
At 3 years, the involved lobe (local) control rate was 90.6 %, Pneumonitis is the dose-limiting complication after con-
the local regional control rate was 87.2 %, and the distant ventional radiation therapy for lung cancer. It is a clinical
metastasis rate was 22.1 %. Median survival was 4 years diagnosis of exclusion, consisting of cough, fever, pleuritic
[10]. This work has now led to subsequent studies at the pain, and dyspnea, with occasional respiratory failure and
RTOG (0618 and 1014) which are now challenging surgery general inflammation and can be extremely difficult to dif-
as the standard of care for early-stage lung cancer. ferentiate between a COPD exacerbation, an atypical pneu-
monia, and a viral infection. Characteristic radiographic
Complications findings are often present, typically in the distribution of the
Despite the majority of the patients on these studies being radiation fields. A prolonged course of prednisone is the
medically inoperable with significant comorbidities, there typical treatment using 50–60 mg/day initially followed by a
are relatively few grade 3–5 toxicities related to radiotherapy. slow taper. Based on the low incidence, arbitrary constraints
194 S.J. Feigenberg et al.
Table 13.3 SABR lung normal tissue maximal point dose constraints receive 11.6 Gy in four fractions and the maximum 1.0 L
for three and four fraction regimens based on RTOG 0618 and 0915, should receive 12.4 Gy. Barriger et al. [101] reported the
dose–volume analysis from the Indiana experience which
Three included 273 patients treated with SBRT. The overall grade 2
fractions Four fractions
(20 Gy × 3) (12 × 4 Gy)
and higher pneumonitis rate was seen in 9.4 % of their
Spinal cord 18 Gy (6 Gy 26 Gy (6.5 Gy
patients with the majority (7 %) graded as 2. The most
per fraction) per fraction) important predictor of grade 2 and higher pneumonitis was
Esophagus 27 Gy (9 Gy 30 Gy (7.5 Gy the mean lung dose (p = 0.02) and V20 (p = 0.03). When com-
per fraction) per fraction) paring the RTOG cut point in V20 of 10 %, the investigators
Brachial plexus 24 Gy (8 Gy 27.2 Gy (6.8 Gy found that 10 % did not predict an increase in side effects
per fraction) per fraction)
(p = 0.42), but when the median value of 4 % was used, this
Heart/pericardium 30 Gy (10 Gy 34 Gy (8.5 Gy
per fraction) per fraction)
increased the risk fourfold from 4 to 16 % (p = 0.03).
Trachea/ipsilateral 30 Gy (10 Gy 34.8 Gy (8.7 Gy Although their most recent update suggests a V20 cut point
bronchus per fraction) per fraction) of 6.5 % continues to have a very low risk of pneumonitis.
Skin 24 Gy (8 Gy 36 Gy (9 Gy per The majority of these patients were treated with a three-fraction
per fraction) fraction) approach. When using less aggressive schemas, no grade 3
or higher pulmonary events were reported by Nagata et al. in
treating patients with 48 Gy in four fractions [96]. Onishi
were developed. The RTOG used the percent of lung receiv- et al. reported a 5.4 % incidence of grade 2 and higher pneu-
ing 20-Gy total or more (V20) be less than 10 % in RTOG monitis with no grade 5 events [97, 102]. Other, potentially
0236 and 0618. RTOG 0915 which uses a less aggressive permanent pulmonary toxicities after SABR include bron-
regimen used absolute volumes as opposed to percentages of chial damage that can be associated with total obliteration
the total where more than 1.5 L of the lung volume should of the airway lumen and downstream atelectasis. Tracheal
13 Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy 195
stricture and/or necrosis with subsequent lung collapse or tripled in the last several decades from 3 % in 1975–1977 to
injury is another toxicity that is possible after highly potent 15 % in 2001–2007 (p < 0.05), most patients will die of their
SABR to medial lung cancers is rare. disease [81]. With approximately 748,300 new cases and
Chest wall pain and rib fracture have been reported in 695,900 cancer deaths globally in 2008, primary liver tumors
7–15 % of SBRT/SABR patients. Taremi et al. created a were the second most frequent cause of cancer death in men
nomogram using age, female gender, and dose to 0.5 cc of and the sixth in women [81]. The standard of care for HCC
the ribs to estimate the risk of bone injury following is surgical resection. For patients with cirrhosis, resection
SABR. In this study, 0.5-cc ribs receiving 60 Gy was associ- alone is problematic since the precipitating etiology is still
ated with a 50 % risk of fracture [95]. Dunlap et al. found present and subsequently orthotopic liver transplant (OLT)
that the median interval to onset of severe chest wall pain appears to have a superior outcome for select patients with
and/or fracture following lung SABR was 7 months and the reported 10-year survival rates of >70 % as it resects the
best correlate was the volume receiving 30 Gy. The authors tumor and corrects the underlying etiology [107, 108].
recommended limiting the chest wall volume receiving Unfortunately, only 30–40 % of HCC patients may be candi-
30 Gy in 3–5 fractions to less than 30 cc, but they similarly dates for OLT or surgical resection [109]. If untreated, median
saw a high risk for the volume receiving >60 Gy suggesting survival from HCC is 6–12 months [110]. Similarly, select
fractionation may play a critical role [103]. Stephans et al. patients with metastatic disease to the liver from CRC appear
[104] reported the dose–volume analysis from Cleveland to have better outcomes with complete surgical resection of
Clinic for their patients who received 60 Gy in three frac- all liver disease. These patients have a 5-year survival of
tions without the use of heterogeneity corrections that the 30–40 % [111]. Unfortunately, only 10–20 % of patients are
most important predictors of chest wall pain in the volume of resection candidates [112]. For individuals with unresected
chest all receiving 30 and 60 Gy should be kept below 25 and CRC, liver metastases have median survivals of 10–17
3 cc, respectively. Welsh et al. [105] reported the MD months which can improve to 20 months with systemic ther-
Anderson experience using a less aggressive schema (50 Gy apy [113–115]. For unresectable primary liver cancers, the
in four fractions) suggesting the volume receiving 30 Gy is use of radiofrequency ablation (RFA), radioembolization
also the most important predictor of grade 2 and higher pain, with yttrium-90 microspheres, cryotherapy, percutaneous
but the absolute volume cut point is higher (50–100 cc). ethanol or acetic acid injection, laser-induced thermal ther-
Brachial plexus and phrenic nerve injuries are extremely apy, and high-intensity focused ultrasound have been studied
rare. Indiana University experience described seven brachial [110, 116, 117]. SABR offers a completely noninvasive
plexus injuries, of which four were grade 2, one grade 3, and approach to treat primary and metastatic liver tumors not
one grade 4. When the dose was greater than the median amenable to resection.
dose (26 Gy over three fractions), the 2-year incidence of
brachial plexus injury was 46 % versus 8 % (p = 0.038) for Treatment Planning
lower doses [85]. Planning SABR for liver tumors is more difficult for several
reasons. IV contrast is vital for accurate tumor delineation
and timing of administration is vital. In addition, as these
Stereotactic Radiotherapy for Metastatic tumors near the diaphragm and in nonsmokers commonly
Tumors of the Spine motion tumor motion can be significant. Therefore, trying to
deliver contrast during a 4D CT can be extremely difficult to
For information on stereotactic radiotherapy for metastatic get an accurate tumor delineation and an accurate estimate of
spinal tumors, please see Chap. 45. motion. As the liver has a dual blood supply, tumors can be
fed either from the portal system or from the hepatic artery
and depending on the tumor type tumor delineation can vary.
SBRT/SABR for Liver Tumors HCC is typically hypervascular and fed from the arterial sys-
tem and subsequently the arterial phase imaging with CT or
SABR can be used to treat tumors originating from the liver, MRI is necessary for proper delineation as opposed to liver
such as HCC and cholangiocarcinoma, as well as those that metastases which are best visualized during the venous phase.
have metastasized from a different organ. Liver tumors from MRI or FDG-PET scans can be fused to the CT to improve
metastatic disease occur more frequently than primary liver visualization of the tumor, which radiation oncologists define
cancer, of which CRC is the most common [106]. In 2012, as gross tumor volume (GTV) although accuracy of the
there was an estimated 28,720 new cases of liver and intrahe- fusion is generally 1–2 mm. CT slice thicknesses of 2–4 mm
patic biliary duct cancer in the United States with an esti- are recommended to balance lesion detection rate and image
mated 20,550 deaths. Although the 5-year relative survival noise [81]. On MRI, CRC liver metastases tend to be hypo-
rate for patients with cancer of the liver and bile ducts has vascular and HCC demonstrates tumor arterial enhancement
196 S.J. Feigenberg et al.
with “washout” and a delayed enhancing pseudocapsule, liver tumors to a combination of both. Two of these studies
restricted diffusion, and T2 hyperintensity [118]. A CTV is incorporated patients treated with SABR to liver lesions and
created by adding margin to the GTV for microscopic tumor other anatomic locations within the same report [128, 129].
extension. In a clinicopathologic correlative study in HCC Radiation dose may be based on estimates of toxicity risk
patients, CT and MRI correlated equally with resected tumor [24, 130]. Additionally, some of the HCC patients underwent
specimens. The authors concluded that margins of 5 and liver transplant after SABR [131, 132]. Child–Pugh (CP)
10 mm would have encompassed 93 % and 100 %, respec- class B patients were sometimes permitted, while other stud-
tively, of the cases [119]. For CRC metastases, microscopic ies restricted to only class A patients. None included patients
extension can be found 0.2–10 mm from the main tumor, with CP class C. The fractionation schemes vary from a sin-
with 80 % within 3 mm and 90 % within 6 mm [120]. gle large fraction up to ten fractions.
Liver motion is predominant in the superior–inferior (SI) The ideal patient for liver SBRT has no extrahepatic
direction and can vary greatly among individuals and breath- disease with >700 cc of normal uninvolved liver, has ade-
ing patterns. SI liver motion ranges from 0.5 to 3.7 cm [121– quate liver function (CP B or better) and is located >1.5 cm
123]. Average anterior–posterior (AP) and left–right (LR) liver from a luminal gastrointestinal structure. The maximum
tumor motion has been reported to be 1.0 cm (range: 0.4– tumor size is less than 6 cm for a metastasis or less than
2.2 cm) and 0.8 cm (range: 0.4–1.5 cm), respectively [124]. 8 cm for a primary HCC. Vascular involvement is not a
Liver tumor motion can be measured in several different ways contraindication. Absolute contraindications are patients
by using (1) cine MRI, (2) fluoroscopy, or preferably (3) 4D with extrahepatic disease, >8 % of the liver involved with
CT scan. Fiducial placement is beneficial for several reasons cancer, have a small liver (<500 cc), CP C, <0.5 cm from a
when treating below the diaphragm with the only drawback luminal gastrointestinal structure or a tumor that is greater
being the rare, but real risk of tumor seeding along the inser- than 15 cm for a metastasis or greater than 20 cm for a
tion track. Fiducials, if placed in or near the tumor, can act as primary HCC [133, 134].
a surrogate for tumor location during the 4D CT scan or can be Wulf [135], Rule [136], and Chang [137] demonstrated
checked by fluoroscopy. In addition, fiducials can significantly improvements in local control with dose escalation. A recent
improve image guidance. Even with volumetric IGRT, the lack pooled analysis by Chang et al. of 65 patients with 102 meta-
of contrast difference in the liver makes it nearly impossible to static CRC lesions treated to a median dose of 41.7 Gy in
visualize the tumor unless it is at the edge of the liver or near six fractions demonstrated local control of 65 % at 1 year
the gall bladder. Finally, fiducial placement is the only way and 55 % at 2 years. They estimated that doses of 46–52 Gy
tumor tracking could be performed adequately. By measuring in three fractions were needed to have 1-year local control
organ motion, an appropriate margin can be added to the CTV of more than 90 % [137]. In comparison to lung SBRT,
to create an ITV. To reduce the size of the ITV margins, patients with metastatic disease to the liver appear to have
abdominal compression has been utilized by some to reduce the highest control rates with the most aggressive regimens.
diaphragmatic and liver motion. In a study by Heinzerling Rusthoven et al. [109] have demonstrated the best local
et al., abdominal compression almost halved tumor motion control using 60 delivered in three fractions where the local
from 13.6 to 7.2 mm [125]. Notably, abdominal compression control was 92 % at 2 years including 100 % for tumors less
can increase AP motion due to liver deformation [126, 127]. than 3 cm. Wulf et al. demonstrated an improved response in
An alternative to abdominal compression, which may not be patients treated with “high dose” which was defined as
tolerated by all patients, is tumor tracking or gating. 26 Gy in one fraction or 36 Gy in three fractions (n = 26)
A PTV is created from the ITV to account for setup errors versus “low dose” which was defined as 30 Gy in three frac-
between radiation treatments. Interfraction reproducibility is tions or 27 Gy in four fractions (n = 25) [135]. In a similar
improved by doing image-guided radiotherapy (IGRT) prior fashion Goodman et al. reported the single-fraction phase I
to each treatment. This is performed by matching fiducial from Stanford where better local control was seen with
location with kV imaging and/or creating a CBCT with the doses of 26 and 30 Gy as opposed to 18 and 22 Gy [138].
patient immobilized. These pretreatment images are com- Rule et al. demonstrated greater than 90 % local control
pared to the simulation images and adjusted as appropriate, when 50 or 60 Gy was delivered in five fractions as
reducing interfraction motion. opposed to lower doses based on their phase I experience
[136]. As for the patients with HCC, 90 % local control has
Clinical Outcomes and Patient Selection been more challenging due to the underlying liver disease
Local control rates of SABR for liver tumors range from 65 having a major impact on tolerance of dose escalation.
to 100 % at 1 year. Table 13.4 summarizes recently published Lower doses have been associated with higher response
articles for SABR of primary and metastatic liver tumors. rates compared to metastases; finding the appropriate dose
The small number of patients in these trials and variations in for tumor control that will not precipitate liver toxicity is a
eligibility criteria makes direct comparisons difficult. challenge for HCC, especially when underlying liver func-
Inclusion criteria ranged from only primary or metastatic tion is poor (e.g., Child–Pugh B or C).
Table 13.4 Studies of SABR for liver lesions
Study (year No. pts Tumor size Dose (no. Median
published) (lesions) Pt population (range) fractions) follow-up (range) Local control OS Toxicity
Herfarth (2001) [33] 37 (60) Inc: Surgical intervention 1–3 lesions. Max 14–26 Gy (1) 5.7 months 71 % at 1 year 72 % at 1 year No statistically significant
56 mets, 4 not possible each lesion 6 cm (1–26.1) (actuarial) (actuarial) changes in liver enzymes
primary liver Median 10 cc
tumors (1–132 cc)
Schefter (2005) [34] 18 mets, 1–3 lesions, < 6 cm Median 36–60 Gy (3) NR NR NR No grade 3–5 toxicities
including 6 >700 mL normal aggregate GTV
CRC mets liver receive < 15 Gy 18 cc (3–98)
Choi (2006) [35] 20 HCC (20) Single lesion Mean 3.8 cm 50 Gy (5–10) 23 months 80 % 70 % at 1 year No grade 3–5 toxicities
CP Class A-B (2–6.5 cm) (3–55) 43 % at 2 years
Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy
No extrahepatic
Mendez Romero 25 (45) total HCC or metastatic Median 3.2 cm 30.0–37.5 Gy (3) if 12.9 months 94 % at 1 year 75 % One grade 5 liver–HCC,
(2006) [36] tumors, not eligible (0.5–7.2 cm) mets, HCC without (0.5–31) Child B
for other local cirrhosis, or HCC
treatment (RFA or <4 cm with
surgery) cirrhosis
15 (31) CRC 25 Gy/5 or 30 Gy/3 82 % at 2 years Two grade 3 liver—met
mets if HCC >4 cm and pts
8 (11) HCC cirrhosis For HCC, 75 % at 1 One grade 2 asthenia—
CP Class A-B and 2 years met pt
Wulf (2006) [37] 5 (5) primary Estimated life 14 cc primary Low-dose 15 months 92 % at 1 year 72 % at 1 year No grade 3 or higher
liver expectancy (max 516) group = 28–30 Gy (2–85) toxicities
>6 months (3–4)
39 (51) mets No more than 50 % 9 cc met (max High-dose 66 % at 2 years 32 % at 2 years
total functional liver 355) group = 12–12.5 Gy
receive > 5 Gy (3) or 26 Gy (1)
Not surgical
Extrahepatic disease
controlled or treated
Dawson (2006) [38] 79 total CP Class A; >800 cc Median 293 cc Median 36.6 (6) NR 74 % NR NR
33 HCC non-involved liver (2.9–3088 cc) Range: 24–57 Gy (95%CI = 61–83 %)
12 IHC
34 Mets
Hoyer (2006) [28] 65 total pts, of Inoperable CRC Max 6 cm 45 Gy (3) 4.3 years 86 % at 2 years 67 % at 1 year 1 death from liver failure
whom 44 mets, 1–6 lesions
treated to liver Included SBRT to 38 % at 2 years 1 colonic perforation; 2
non-liver sites duodenal ulcers
No chemo within 1 13 % at 5 years
Andolino (2011) 60 HCC Liver-only disease Median 3.2 cm CTP A: median 27 months 90 % at 2 years 67 % at 2 years No grade 3 or higher
[32] 44 Gy (3) non-heme toxicities
36 CTP A CTP B: median Median TTP For transplant pts, OS 20 % progressed CTP
24 CTP B 40 Gy (5) 47.8 months 96 % at 2 years class within 3 months
Rule (2011) [42] 27 (36), 1–5 liver mets Median 2.5 cm Dose escalation 20 month (4–53) 56 % for 30 Gy, 50 % for 30 Gy, 67 % No grade 4–5 toxicities
almost half cohorts: 89 % for 50 Gy, for 50 Gy, and 56 %
CRC >700 mL liver Range: 30 Gy (3) 100 % for 60 Gy at for 60 Gy at 2 years 1 pt in 50 Gy cohort had
receiving <21 Gy 0.4–7.8 cm 50 Gy (5) 2 years grade 3 liver function
60 Gy (5) tests
Bae (2012) [27] 41 (50) CRC 1–4 lesions included Max 7 cm Median 48 Gy (3) 28 months 64 % at 3 years 60 % at 3 years 3 grade 3–4 toxicities (of
mets, of CRC mets to (6–65) whom only 1 treated with
whom 11 (15) non-liver sites SBRT to liver)
treated to liver Radical resection of Median 13 mL Range: 45–60 Gy 57 % at 5 years 38 % at 5 years
Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy
Complications keeping the volume of normal liver receiving less than from x
The use of radiotherapy to the liver has been limited in the Gy to be at least 700 cc, increasing the dose from 15 to 21 Gy
past due to radiation-induced liver disease (RILD). The exact based on delivering five fractions as opposed to three.
mechanism is unknown although it postulated that endothe- Similarly, Rule et al. did not observe dose-limiting toxicity.
lial injury or activation of hepatic stellate cells yields fibrin Cardenes et al. [131] reported a multi-institutional phase I
and collagen deposition, resulting in fibrous veno-occlusive experience for patients with primary HCC. They included
disease [139, 140]. Hepatitis B virus status is an independent patients with 1–3 tumors with a cumulative tumor size of 6 cm
predictor of RILD development [141] and is therefore antici- with Child–Pugh scores of A or B. The starting dose was 36 Gy
pated to be a greater factor in HCC patients than those with in three fractions with planned escalations of 2 Gy per fraction
metastatic disease to the liver. increments. The dose was escalated to 48 Gy in three fractions
Clinically, RILD usually develops 2 weeks to 4 months fol- without a dose-limiting toxicity for patients with a Child–Pugh
lowing radiation to the liver, although it has been reported as score of A. Two with Child–Pugh score B developed grade 3
late as 7 months after radiotherapy. The aspartate transami- hepatic toxicity at 14 Gy per fraction and the protocol was
nase (AST) and alanine transaminase (ALT) levels are moder- amended to a five-fraction approach to 40 Gy which has been
ately elevated with minimal or no increase in bilirubin, but tolerable. Mendez Romero et al. [120] described an 18 % inci-
there is an increase of alkaline phophatase to 3–10 times the dence of RILD although the patient population was very small.
upper limit of normal. In severe cases, anicteric ascites and The largest experience reported is from Princess Margaret
hepatomegaly develop. It is usually self-limited and is man- Hospital which utilized a six-fraction schema and included the
aged conservatively with medical management, though largest tumors as well. In their series, no patient developed
10–20 % of patients may die from liver failure, particularly in RILD but they exclude patients with Child–Pugh score B. They
patients with preexisting hepatic dysfunction such as cirrhosis did have 5 of 31 patients develop worsening of their Child–
[142]. In 1991, Emami et al. estimated normal tissue toler- Pugh score although 3 of the patients had progressive HCC
ances to radiotherapy based on pooled patient data. The 5 % and had Child–Pugh score A6.
(TD 5) and 50 % (TD 50) probability of liver failure within 5 Other potential toxicities include hematologic, fatigue,
years were estimated based on liver volume. In conventional and nausea that can occur shortly after radiation treatment.
fractionation, the TD5 at 5 years for 1/3, 2/3, and whole liver The greatest potential late toxicity other than liver is that of
was estimated to be 50, 35, and 30 Gy, respectively. At 5 years, the luminal GI organs, which include ulceration, bleeding,
the TD 50 for 1/3, 2/3, and whole liver was estimated to be 55, and obstruction [24, 129]. Using a maximum dose of 37 Gy
45, and 40 Gy, respectively [143]. More recent studies using in three fractions and 42 Gy in five fractions with additional
different modeling systems have demonstrated that the radia- criteria based on volume of the GI organ at risk, there were
tion tolerance of the liver was higher than previously thought. no grade 3 or higher acute toxicities and approximately 11 %
A median dose of 60.75 Gy delivered in twice-daily fractions of patients developed late grade 3 toxicities. One patient died
of 1.5 Gy resulted in 12 %, 9 %, and 1 patient (<1 %) develop- of complications from duodenal perforation 11 months fol-
ing grade 3, 4, and 5 toxicities, respectively [144]. Using the lowing SABR. Normal tissue constraints used in a Princess
Lyman NTCP model, there was an estimated 4 % increased Margaret six-fraction phase I study are shown in Table 13.5.
risk of RILD per 1-Gy mean liver dose above 30 Gy [69]. As
demonstrated by Dawson et al., the risk of liver injury is
related to whether the patient had primary or metastatic liver Pancreatic Cancer: The Rationale for SBRT
tumors. The TD 50 for whole liver irradiation was 45.8 Gy for
liver metastases versus 39.8 Gy for primary liver tumors [69]. Pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC) is the fourth
Although this may not be relevant in the patients undergoing leading cause of cancer-related death in the United States.
extreme hypofractionated regimens as used in SBRT.
Several prospective protocols have been reported and in Table 13.5 SBRT liver study normal tissue permitted tolerances, in
general have been minimal for patients with metastatic disease six fractions for HCC [38]
as opposed to those with primary disease related to the under-
Liver Iso-NTCP model, based on effective liver volume
lying liver dysfunction. Rusthoven et al. [109], which reported irradiated (for <10 % risk, suggest mean liver
the best outcomes, utilized a three-fraction approach. Patients dose <16 Gy)
included in their study include patients with 1–3 metastases Esophagus Maximum dose (to 0.5 cc) <30 Gy
with the largest tumor <6 cm. Their most important dosimetric Stomach Maximum dose (to 0.5 cc) <30 Gy
parameter was based on the surgical literature and required the Duodenum Maximum dose (to 0.5 cc) <30 Gy
volume of normal liver receiving less than 15 Gy to be at least Large bowel Maximum dose (to 0.5 cc) <34 Gy
700 cc. Following these parameters, no dose-limiting side Kidney D67% <15 Gy
effects were seen. Rule et al. [136] used a similar parameter Spinal cord Maximum dose <25 Gy
13 Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy 201
Due to the lack of an early detection method, only doses and treatment delivery tools have been used with
15–20 % of patients can undergo curative resection at the common result, very encouraging local control. In the
time of diagnosis [81]. Among resectable patients who absence of prospective studies, single institutional expe-
receive postoperative radiotherapy, the median OS is riences have played a major role in our understanding of
approximately 20 months but these patients do not reflect the role for SBRT in pancreatic cancer. These can be
the 25 % of patients with resectable disease who have divided into experiences in the palliative setting, where
radiographically occult metastases and do not undergo most of the prevalent data exists, and those in the neoad-
resection [145, 146]. For patients with resectable PDAC juvant setting.
who receive neoadjuvant therapy and do not undergo lap-
aroscopy prior to therapy, a median OS of 12–23 months Experience with SBRT as a Definitive (Including
could be expected [147, 148]. Unfortunately, even in the Palliative) Treatment
initially resectable population and despite curative sur- The initial reports with the use of SBRT in pancreatic cancer
gery followed by adjuvant chemotherapy and/or chemora- came from Koong and colleagues [149]. In a single institu-
diation, the risk of local and distant recurrence remains tion phase I dose escalation study from Stanford University,
high at 37 % and 75 %, respectively, and tumor recurrence 15 patients with locally advanced pancreatic cancer and
typically within 12 months after surgery [145, 146]. This ECOG performance status ≤2 were treated with a single
suggests the presence of disseminated cancer cells at the dose of 15 (3 patients), 20 (5 patients), or 25 Gy (7 patients)
time of surgery. For this reason, the role of conventionally to the primary tumor alone with no specific targeting of the
fractionated radiation therapy in addition to systemic che- elective lymph nodes. Treatment planning was performed on
motherapy alone has been questioned due to the predomi- thin-cut, contrast-enhanced CT images, and radiation was
nance of distant failures. Recently, improved systemic delivered using the CyberKnife® system (Accuray Inc.,
options have been developed which may again alter the Sunnyvale, CA). All patients had three to five fiducial mark-
patterns of failure such that local therapy may become ers implanted in the tumor to facilitate image guidance dur-
more important again. ing SBRT. Patients were treated with orthogonal X-rays prior
to treatment to ensure appropriate positioning of the fiducial
Early Experience in Pancreas markers, with the pancreas immobilized in voluntary breath
While the experience with SBRT for pancreatic malignan- hold. The treatment time ranged from 3 to 6 h. The proximal
cies is less than other sites, the rationale for using SBRT in duodenum was not allowed to receive more than 50 % of the
PDAC is quite similar to that in early lung cancer. The ben- prescribed dose though the prescription isodose line was
efits of hypofractionated RT allow for greater tumor kill due variable from 64 to 85 %. Of the 15 treated patients, only 2
to radiobiologic superiority and allow for less interruption had received any prior RT as part of their therapy. Despite
with more effective systemic chemotherapy regimens. Since treating patients with essentially advanced unresectable
hypofractionated courses of therapy can be delivered in 1–5 tumors, 84 % local control was seen at 1 year with no acute
treatments, generally in less than 1 week. This can make it grade 3 or higher toxicity despite use of a very large single
easy to incorporate into systemic therapy optimizing local dose [148]. In fact, local control in the patients receiving
control without interfering with distant disease control since 25 Gy was 100 % (6 patients with imaging follow-up) though
systemic therapy will not need to be altered as in more con- they all failed distantly. Median survival for the entire group
ventionally fractionated radiotherapy. Given its location, sur- of patients was 11 months. The most frequently seen adverse
rounded by extremely radiosensitive critical structures such events were grade 2 nausea, diarrhea, and abdominal pain in
as the small bowel, stomach, and liver, SBRT for PDAC rep- 5 patients. The same group subsequently performed a dose
resents a unique challenge. The small bowel has been known escalation study using SBRT as a planned boost following
to be susceptible to radiation-induced necrosis, bleeding, and conventionally fractionated RT (1.8 Gy/fraction) to the pri-
stenosis with conventional fractionation doses above 50 Gy mary and regional lymph nodes with 5-fluorouracil [151].
and the additional biologically equivalent dose can pose a Based on the safety demonstrated in their phase I results, a
significant threat to the integrity of these critical structures. single dose of 25 Gy was administered for the boost dose to
In addition, accounting for pancreatic motion often results in the tumor alone [152]. Overall, the regimen was well toler-
large ITV margins that may result in large volumes of small ated with grade 3 acute GI toxicity noted in 2 patients who
bowel being treated. subsequently went on to develop symptomatic duodenal
Compared to the available clinical data with SBRT for ulceration. Median survival was 33 weeks and median
malignancies of the lung and liver, only a few prospective progression-free survival was 17.5 weeks. All but one of the 16
studies have been published for PDAC similar to litera- enrolled patients were controlled locally; however, distant dis-
ture a decade ago for lung cancer [129, 149–151]. Similar ease manifested in all of them eventually. Additionally from
to the early experience in lung cancer, a wide range of the same group, Chang et al. [153] published a retrospective
202 S.J. Feigenberg et al.
experience of 77 patients treated with 25 Gy to the 95 % iso- SBRT for pancreas is associated with excellent local control,
dose line covering the PTV. In this rather heterogeneous with toxicity that seems similar when delivered with accu-
group of patients (73 % unresectable, 5 % medically inoper- rate precision and careful planning.
able, 3 % marginally resectable, and 19 % metastatic), Contrasting with the high level of safety and efficacy
median survival from date of diagnosis was 11.4 months. from these reports, a prospective phase II trial [129] was con-
Once again, grade 3 or higher acute toxicities were low with ducted in Denmark for patients with biopsy-proven adeno-
only one patient experiencing a gastric ulcer. Late toxicities carcinomas of the pancreas that were N0 and less than 6 cm
(≥grade 3) included gastric ulceration in 3, duodenal stric- in maximum dimension. They prescribed 45 Gy over three
ture in 1, and biliary stricture in 2 patients, respectively. Only fractions with the dose prescribed to the ICRU reference
one patient experienced a grade 4 toxicity consisting of small point such that 95 % of the prescribed dose was delivered to
bowel perforation. Murphy et al. [154] reported dosimetric the CTV and 67 % of the prescribed dose was delivered to
parameters that predicted grade 2 and higher duodenal toxic- the PTV. The CTV was defined as the GTV plus the sur-
ity which was seen in 11 % and 29 % of their patients at 6 rounding edema, while the PTV was defined as the CTV plus
and 12 months, respectively. Based on their data from deliv- 5 mm in the axial direction and 1 cm in the cranial–caudal
ering SBRT in a single fraction, the absolute volumes of the direction. Motion management was controlled by two differ-
duodenum receiving 10, 15, 20, and 25 Gy were all signifi- ent methods using abdominal compression or a “slow” CT
cant predictors of increased toxicity. The absolute volumes simulation. IGRT was performed using portal imaging. Their
for each parameter were 16, 9.1, 3.3, and 0.21 cc, respec- findings were concerning, with patients having one or more
tively. In addition, when the maximum dose was >23 Gy, the grade 2 side effects in 64 % of the patients by 2 weeks.
grade 2–4 duodenal toxicity rate was 45 % compared to Despite the use of prophylactic ondansetron and pantopra-
12 % when the dose was <23 Gy. zole for 4 weeks, acute toxicity at 14 days after therapy was
A recent retrospective publication of the University of pronounced, with worsening of nausea and pain that
Pittsburgh experience by Rwigema and coworkers [155] also resolved in 8 of 12 patients 3 months after SBRT. Progression
suggests a relatively safe profile of SBRT for unresectable to grade 2 or higher toxicity occurs in 79 % of patients and
pancreas. In their 71 patient experience of patients treated on the overall performance status is significantly deteriorating.
either the CyberKnife or the Trilogy linear accelerator system In addition some of the patients were lost to follow-up or
(Varian Medical, Palo Alto, CA), patients received a single deteriorated quickly with only 14 of the original 22 patients
fraction of between 18 and 25 Gy. Prescription was to the making it to 2 months after treatment and 4 patients with 6
80 % isodose shell when using the CyberKnife and to the 89 % months of follow-up. In 5 patients there was evidence of
isodose shell when using the linear accelerator-based system. severe mucositis (2), ulceration (2), and ulcus-perforation of
Median survival for the entire group was 10.3 months, and the stomach (1). The actuarial local failure rate was substan-
local failure was seen in 35 % of the patients. Dosimetric cor- tially higher than other experiences at 43 %. In addition,
relatives suggested that local control was improved with doses median survival and 1-year survival were also lower at
above 24 Gy being administered. Toxicity was once again low 5.7 months and 5 %, respectively. There were differences in
with only 4 % of patients reporting ≥ grade 3 GI toxicity. their treatment approach that may explain the dismal out-
Mahadevan and coworkers [151] adopted a slightly less comes. Treatment was administered using a linear accelera-
aggressive approach using three fractions of SBRT sand- tor-based approach using abdominal compression and a
wiched between cycles 3 and 4 of gemcitabine also using the stereotactic body frame, and was targeted to the primary
CyberKnife® platform. Local control was 85 % in their 47 tumor and surrounding edema. The CTV (created by expand-
patients with late grade 3 and higher toxicities related to ing the tumor plus edema by 1 cm in the sup-inf direction
radiotherapy seen in only 9 %. For disease abutting a large and 5 mm axially) was targeted to receive >95 % of the
area of the duodenal loop, the prescribed dose was 24 Gy in prescribed dose while the PTV (including the motion com-
three fractions while disease with minimal contact in this ponent) received at least 67 %. Therefore, these volumes
region was treated to 30 Gy in three fractions. PDAC with no were significantly larger with parts of the duodenum and
involvement of the duodenal c-loop was treated to 12 Gy in stomach (included in the PTV) receiving up to 67 % of the
three fractions for a total of 36 Gy on this study. Median prescribed dose. Abdominal compression may cause patient
progression-free survival for these patients was 15 months discomfort making longer treatments less reproducible
and the median overall survival was 20 months. In addition, which can increase the likelihood of marginal failures that
the sandwich approach with the initial systemic treatment could increase local failures and increase dose to critical
allowed patients with early metastases to be excluded similar surrounding normal tissues inadvertently increasing side
to the recommendations from the GERCOR study [156] and effects. Also of note, the prospective nature of this trial man-
thereby assuring local treatment only in appropriate patients. dated strict posttreatment biopsy protocols and may also
These and several other reports have demonstrated that account for the larger percentage of patients identified with
13 Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy 203
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JE, et al. Tolerance of normal tissue to therapeutic irradiation. Int 2011;34(1):63–9.
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144. Dawson LA, Ten Haken RK. Partial volume tolerance of the liver G, Vergauwe P, et al. Adjuvant gemcitabine alone versus
to radiation. Semin Radiat Oncol. 2005;15(4):279–83. gemcitabine-based chemoradiotherapy after curative resection for
145. Oettle H, Post S, Neuhaus P, Gellert K, Langrehr J, Ridwelski K, pancreatic cancer: a randomized EORTC-40013–22012/FFCD-
et al. Adjuvant chemotherapy with gemcitabine vs observation in 9203/GERCOR phase II study. J Clin Oncol.
patients undergoing curative-intent resection of pancreatic cancer: 2010;28(29):4450–6.
a randomized controlled trial. JAMA. 2007;297(3):267–77. 157. Conroy T, Gavoille C, Samalin E, Ychou M, Ducreux M. The role
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and after fluorouracil-based chemoradiation following resection 158. Conroy T, Mitry E. [Chemotherapy of metastatic pancreatic ade-
of pancreatic adenocarcinoma: a randomized controlled trial. nocarcinoma: challenges and encouraging results]. Bull Cancer.
JAMA. 2008;299(9):1019–26. 2011;98(12):1439–46.
Part IV
Treatment of Disease Types
Metastatic Brain Tumors
Edward W. Jung, John H. Suh, Samuel T. Chao,
Michael A. Vogelbaum, and Gene H. Barnett
L.S. Chin and W.F. Regine (eds.), Principles and Practice of Stereotactic Radiosurgery, 211
DOI 10.1007/978-1-4614-8363-2_14, © Springer Science+Business Media New York 2015
212 E.W. Jung et al.
Table 14.1 RTOG RPA classes for brain metastases Table 14.3 GPA scores for brain metastases
Factors Median survival (months) Graded prognostic assessment
Class I Age <65 and 7.1 Characteristic 0 0.5 1.0 Grade MS (mo)
KPS ≥70 and Age >60 50–59 <50 3.5–4 11.0
Controlled primary tumor KPS <70 70–80 90–100 3 6.9
and no extracranial metastases. # CNS mets >3 2–3 1 1.5–2.5 3.8
All 4 criteria have to be met. Extracranial mets Present – Absent 0–1 2.6
Class II All others not meeting criteria 4.2
From: Sperduto CM, Watanabe Y, Mullan J, Hood T, Dyste G, Watts C,
for class I and class III
et al. A validation study of a new prognostic index for patients with
Class III KPS <70 2.3 brain metastases: the Graded Prognostic Assessment. J Neurosurg.
RTOG Radiation Therapy Oncology Group, RPA recursive partitioning 2008 Dec;109 Suppl:87–9
analysis, KPS Karnofsky performance status
From Gaspar L, Scott C, Rotman M, Asbell S, Phillips T, Wasserman T,
et al. Recursive partitioning analysis (RPA) of prognostic factors in three extracranial metastases, and number of brain metastases. For
Radiation Therapy Oncology Group (RTOG) brain metastases trials. Int
melanoma and renal cell carcinoma, the significant prognos-
J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys. 1997;37(4):745-51; used with permission
tic factors are KPS and the number of brain metastases. For
breast and GI cancers, the KPS is the only prognostic factor.
Median survival by diagnosis is summarized in Table 14.4.
Table 14.2 Score index for radiosurgery in brain metastases (SIR) Breast cancer patients have the best overall survival based
Score on DS-GPA. This prompted a follow-up study to better strat-
Variable 0 1 2 ify these patients by analyzing a larger cohort [14]. Significant
Age (years) ≥60 51–59 ≤50 prognostic factors are Karnofsky performance status (KPS),
KPS ≤50 60–70 80–100 HER2, ER/PR status, and the interaction between ER/PR
Systemic disease status Progressive Stable disease or NED and HER2. The median survival time is 13.8 months.
disease partial remission Survival by GPA scores are as follows: 3.4 months for GPA
Lesions (n) ≥3 2 1 0–1.0, 7.7 months for 1.5–2.0, 15.1 months for 2.5–3.0, and
Largest lesion volume (cm3) >13 5–13 <5 25.3 months for 3.5–4.0. ER/PR positivity is a favorable
From: Lorenzoni J, Devriendt D, Massager N, David P, Ruíz S, prognostic factor, increasing median survival from 6.4 to
Vanderlinden B, et al. Radiosurgery for treatment of brain metastases:
9.7 months for HER2 negative patients and from 17.9 to
estimation of patient eligibility using three stratification systems. Int J
Radiat Oncol Biol Phys. 2004 Sep;60(1):218–24 20.7 months for HER2 positive patients.
KPS Karnofsky performance status, NED no evidence of disease/com- The DS-GPA will continue to evolve as larger cohorts of
plete clinical remission other tumor types are analyzed and our understanding of
disease-specific brain metastases is refined. Given the dispa-
takes into account five factors: age, KPS score, systemic dis- rate findings among different tumor types, diagnosis-specific
ease status, number of lesions, and largest lesion volume GPA provides a more accurate depiction of expected out-
(Table 14.2) [11]. The 0–10 point SIR scale is comparable to comes in patients by tumor type. It should be used to convey
RPA class in predicting outcome but needs to be validated in prognosis to patients and guide development of future clini-
larger studies. cal trials for patients with brain metastases.
The new and current RTOG standard for measuring prog-
nosis is the graded prognostic assessment [12]. This index is
based on 1,960 patients with data extracted from five con- Management of Brain Metastases
secutive RTOG brain metastases trials. The GPA is based on
four criteria: age, KPS score, number of brain metastases, WBRT
and the presence/absence of extracranial metastases. Each of
the four criteria is given a score of 0, 0.5, or 1.0, with the best Brain metastases originally were treated with whole-brain
prognosis in patients with a GPA score of 4.0 (Table 14.3). radiation therapy alone, which was first reported in the 1950s
As our understanding of brain metastases has evolved, it [15, 16]. Response to WBRT is best among patients with
has become increasingly important to distinguish prognosis small cell lung cancer, lymphoma, and germ cell tumors.
based on the primary tumor histopathology. A multi-institu- The RTOG conducted numerous trials from 1971 to 1993 to
tional analysis of 4,259 patients with newly diagnosed brain investigate various fractionation schemes and doses of
metastases from 11 institutions was performed to develop WBRT, which are listed in Table 14.5 [18–24]. In addition,
diagnosis-specific graded prognostic assessment (DS-GPA) the RTOG has investigated the use of hyperfractionation,
[13]. The significant prognostic factors vary by the type of radiation sensitizers such as bromodeoxyuridine, and radia-
primary cancer. For non-small cell lung cancer and small cell tion modifiers such as thalidomide [26] and found no
lung cancer, the significant factors are KPS, age, presence of improvement in overall survival. Based on these studies,
14 Metastatic Brain Tumors 213
Table 14.5 Prospective Radiation Therapy Oncology Group (RTOG) brain metastases studies (1971–1993)
Protocol (Reference) Year No. of patients Total dose/No. of fractions Median survival
RTOG 6901 [18] 1971–1973 233 30 Gy/10 Fx/2 weeks 21 Weeks
217 30 Gy/15 Fx/3 weeks 18 Weeks
233 40 Gy/15 Fx/3 weeks 18 Weeks
227 40 Gy/20 Fx/4 weeks 16 Weeks
RTOG 7361 [19] 1973–1976 447 20 Gy/5 Fx/1 week 15 Weeks
228 30 Gy/10 Fx/2 weeks 15 Weeks
227 40 Gy/15 Fx/3 weeks 18 Weeks
RTOG 6901 [20] 1971–1973 26 10 Gy/1 Fx/1 day 15 Weeks
RTOG 7361 [20] 1973–1976 33 12 Gy/2 Fx/2 days 13 Weeks
RTOG 7606 [21] 1976–1979 130 30 Gy/10 Fx/2 weeks 18 Weeks
Favorable pts. 125 50 Gy/20 Fx/4 weeks 17 Weeks
RTOG 8528 [10] 1986–1989 30 48 Gy/1.6 Gy bid 4.8 Months
53 54.5 Gy/1.6 Gy bid 5.4 Months
44 64 Gy/1.6 Gy bid 7.2 Months
36 70.4 Gy/1.6 Gy bid 8.2 Months
RTOG 9104 [22] 1991–1995 213 30 Gy/10 Fx 4.5 Months
216 54.4 Gy/1.6 bid 4.5 Months
RTOG 7916 [23] 1979–1983 193 30 Gy/10 Fx/2 weeks 4.5 Months
200 5 Gy/6 Fx/3 weeks 4.1 Months
Misonidazole 196 30 Gy/10 Fx + Miso 3.1 Months
190 5 Gy/6 Fx + Miso 3.9 Months
RTOG 8905 [24] 1989–1993 36 37.5 Gy/15 Fx/3 weeks 6.1 Months
BrdU 34 37.5 Gy/15 + BrdU 4.3 Months
Adapted from Sneed PK, Larson DA, Wara WM. Neurosurg Clin N Am 1996;7:505–515
Fx fraction, bid twice daily, Miso misonidazole, BrdU bromodeoxyuridine
diagnosis, especially for patients without primary tumor with secondary endpoints of survival, cause of death, and
pathologic diagnosis. Although one would expect the functional independence. The addition of WBRT to surgery
probability to be low with advances in MR brain imaging, a decreased the chance for neurologic death (14 % vs. 44 %,
small percentage of patients undergoing surgical resection of p = 0.003), decreased local recurrence (10 % vs. 46 %,
a presumed single brain metastasis seen on imaging may not p < 0.01), and decreased tumor recurrence anywhere in the
actually have a brain metastasis, for which adjuvant WBRT brain (18 % vs. 70 %, p < 0.001). The majority of patients
would not be warranted. This percentage was as high as (61 %) received WBRT at time of recurrence resulting in a
11 % in the past [28]. large crossover of the observation arm to WBRT. Survival
Three randomized trials comparing WBRT alone vs. sur- was not different, although the study’s endpoint was local
gery followed by WBRT for patients with single metastasis control and was not powered to demonstrate a survival
have been completed and are summarized in Table 14.6 [28– advantage [32]. This second Patchell study established the
30]. These trials were based on the premise that improved value of adjuvant radiation therapy in management of a sin-
local control of a single brain metastasis would result in gle brain metastasis.
improved survival. Patchell et al. demonstrated that surgery The type of surgical resection may also influence local
and WBRT improved survival (40 vs. 15 weeks, p < 0.01), recurrence of brain metastases. A retrospective review of 570
local control (80 % vs. 48 %, p < 0.02), and functional inde- patients from MD Anderson Cancer Center treated with sur-
pendence (38 vs. 8 weeks, p < 0.005) compared with biopsy gical resection alone demonstrated that piecemeal resection
and WBRT [28]. This is the sentinel study that established a predicts for higher local recurrence compared with en bloc
clear advantage to surgically resecting a single lesion before resection, with a hazard ratio of 1.7 (p = 0.03) [33]. Size was
administering whole brain radiation therapy. Another study also predictive, with tumor volume exceeding 9.7 cm3 having
by Noordijk included 63 patients with CT-confirmed single a hazard ratio of 1.7 (p = 0.02) compared with smaller tumors.
metastasis who were randomized to surgery and WBRT vs. Histologic subtype did not predict for local recurrence in this
WBRT alone [30]. Surgery and WBRT improved survival cohort of patients.
and functional independence over WBRT alone (10 vs. 6
months (p = 0.04) and 7.5 vs. 3.5 months (p = 0.06), respec-
tively). Patients with active systemic disease, however, did Stereotactic Radiosurgery
not benefit from surgery. The third trial by Mintz did not
demonstrate a survival benefit for patients undergoing sur- Stereotactic radiosurgery is a technique that delivers a large
gery (6.3 vs. 5.6 months, p = 0.24) [29]. This was most likely dose of ionizing radiation in a single or few fractions using
a result of two factors: (1) the study consisted of a large per- highly focused narrow beams to small intracranial targets
centage of patients with active systemic disease and (2) while sparing surrounding brain tissue [34]. Interest devel-
patients with lower baseline KPS were included. oped in using SRS rather than surgery to improve local con-
Due to the improved outcomes with surgical resection of trol. Brain metastases have features that make them ideal
brain metastases, a second study by Patchell randomized targets for SRS. They are usually spheroid in shape, located
patients to surgery alone vs. surgery with WBRT to deter- in the gray-white junction, and have a maximum diameter of
mine if adjuvant radiation therapy is necessary in the man- less than 4 cm. Perhaps more importantly, brain metastases
agement of single brain metastasis [31]. In this phase III trial, are noninfiltrative, as opposed to primary gliomas. These
95 patients with a single metastasis status post gross total characteristics allow for accurate target delineation, plan-
resection were randomized to WBRT or no further treatment. ning, and treatment delivery. A single large fraction of radia-
The primary endpoint was tumor recurrence in the brain tion appears to have an equal effect in all tumor types, even
14 Metastatic Brain Tumors 215
among radioresistant tumors such as renal cell carcinoma important prognostic factors. The median survival was
and melanoma [35–38]. Ever since Sturm’s initial report of 7.5 month for the SRS group and 16.4 months for the surgery
12 lesions treated on a modified linear accelerator, a number group. The local recurrence for SRS was 21 % vs. 8 % for
of papers have corroborated the benefit of SRS in newly surgery. They concluded surgery should be the preferred
diagnosed and recurrent brain metastases [39]. treatment for surgically accessible lesions. However, careful
The use of SRS alone or as an adjunct to whole brain analysis of the SRS dosing strategy in this study indicates
radiation therapy is based on the premise that improved local that relatively low tumor margin doses were used, well below
control will reduce morbidity, improve quality of life, and the doses used in RTOG studies. A study from the Mayo
prolong survival. Nieder et al. reviewed the CT scans of 332 Clinic compared outcomes of radiosurgery vs. surgery and
patients with brain metastases to evaluate local control and found no difference in 1-year survival between the groups
time to local progression based on dose [40]. A biologically [47]. This retrospective review included patients with tumors
effective dose (BED) using the linear quadratic model with who would have allowed for either type of treatment.
an alpha/beta of ten was derived for each patient. Partial A retrospective study from Muacevic compared sur-
response rates significantly improved for patients with higher gery + WBRT vs. Gamma Knife radiosurgery (GKRS) alone
BED suggesting that larger doses were needed to improve for patients with a single tumor ≤3.5 cm in diameter [48].
local control. The 1-year survival rates (53 % vs. 43 %, p = 0.19), 1-year
Brain tolerance to radiation therapy is related to total local control rates (75 % vs. 83 %, p = 0.49), and 1-year neu-
dose, dose per fraction, elapsed time of radiation delivery, rologic death rates (37 % vs. 39 %, p = 0.8) for the sur-
volume of normal brain irradiated, and the time interval from gery + WBRT group and SRS group, respectively, were not
prior radiation therapy [41]. From a radiobiological stand- statistically different.
point, brain metastases are considered category IV targets, Since all of the previously described studies are retro-
which are targets with early-responding tissue surrounded by spective, patient selection bias was probably a key contribu-
late-responding normal tissue [42]. Since the tumor cells are tor to the mixed results and controversy regarding the benefits
within the target, one would expect a high therapeutic index of surgery vs. SRS. The Joint Center for Radiation Therapy
for these targets given the steep dose gradient associated attempted to enroll patients onto a phase III trial comparing
with SRS. Unlike surgery, SRS also has the potential to ster- surgery to SRS in the 1990s. After 3 years, only six patients
ilize surrounding cells outside the high dose region. were enrolled due to patient or physician preference [49].
A prospective randomized trial from Germany compared
GKRS alone vs. surgery + WBRT for patients with a single
Surgery vs. SRS metastasis [50]. The study was closed early due to poor
accrual, with 33 patients in the surgery + WBRT arm and 31
Based on the results of surgical resection for a single metas- patients in the GKRS alone arm. Overall survival, neurologic
tasis, investigators explored the use of SRS for brain metas- death, and local recurrence were equivalent. Patients treated
tases. This interest was based on potential advantages of with GKRS developed more distant recurrences (p = 0.04);
SRS, including outpatient delivery, no general anesthesia use however, this difference was lost after adjusting for salvage
leading to shorter recovery time, minimal risk for bleeding or GKRS. GKRS patients had shorter hospital stay, less steroid
infection, and lower cost. In addition, SRS is not limited by treatment, and lower CNS Grade 1 and 2 toxicities.
location, number of lesions, comorbidity, or coagulopathy. M.D. Anderson performed a prospective randomized trial
For these various reasons, SRS has become a viable alterna- of surgery vs. radiosurgery for patients with a single brain
tive to surgery given the potential cost savings and quality- metastasis who are considered eligible for either treatment
of-life benefits [43, 44]. [51]. Fifty-nine patients were entered into the randomized arm
A multi-institutional retrospective review from the (30 underwent surgery and 29 SRS), and 155 patients were
University of Wisconsin, University of Florida, and Joint entered on the nonrandomized arm (89 chose surgery and 66
Center for Radiation Therapy included 122 patients with a chose SRS). Although the results demonstrating increased
newly diagnosed, potentially resectable single brain metasta- local recurrence with SRS alone have been presented in
sis treated by SRS with WBRT [45]. The local control rate abstract form, the statistical manipulations used in this study
was 86 %. The median survival was 56 weeks with 25 % of are controversial and the results are yet to be published.
deaths related to brain tumor progression. Based on results For patients with large resectable tumors or those without
of this retrospective review, the investigators concluded that histologic confirmation of a primary tumor, most clinicians
SRS could be delivered in place of surgery. would agree that surgical resection should be considered
Another study from M.D. Anderson Cancer Center com- rather than radiosurgery. Surgical removal of the tumor is
pared 13 patients treated with SRS and 62 patients treated by more effective in alleviating mass effect, offers faster
surgery [46]. These patients were retrospectively matched for improvement in neurologic function, and minimizes chronic
216 E.W. Jung et al.
tases based on size and have been incorporated into subse- WBRT + SRS, and WBRT arms, respectively). The local
quent studies. control rates were 87 %, 91 %, and 62 %, respectively. The
Shehata et al. evaluated the optimal SRS dose and influ- risk for developing new brain lesions was higher for the
ence of WBRT on tumor control among 160 patients with patients who did not receive WBRT (43 % SRS alone vs.
468 recurrent and newly diagnosed metastases <2 cm in 19 % WBRT + SRS, vs. 23 % WBRT alone). However, the
diameter [66]. On multivariate analysis, the most important study had major treatment bias given the unequal distribution
factor for local tumor control was the addition of WBRT to of patients undergoing surgical resection in the three arms.
SRS (97 % vs. 87 % for SRS alone; p = 0.001). For patients The RTOG performed a large prospective trial (RTOG
undergoing WBRT, doses >20 Gy resulted in higher Grade 3 9508) of 333 patients with 1–3 newly diagnosed brain metas-
and 4 neurotoxicity (5.9 % vs. 1.9 %) and did not result in tases on MRI, each <4 cm in diameter, randomized to WBRT
better local control. Thus, the authors recommended using (3,750 cGy in 15 fractions) and SRS vs. WBRT alone [75].
20 Gy for metastases <2 cm with combined WBRT. Patients had a minimum KPS of 70 and were excluded if a
The largest SRS dosing study is a single institution analy- metastasis was located in the brainstem or within 1 cm from
sis reported by Valery et al. on 377 patients with 760 lesions the optic nerves or chiasm. Survival significantly improved
treated with LINAC-based SRS. Seven patients had severe for patients with a single brain metastasis treated with
complications including nine patients who developed radia- SRS + WBRT vs. WBRT (6.5 months vs. 4.9 months,
tion necrosis. The median tumor volume was 4.9 cm3, and p = 0.04) despite the fact that 19 % of patients failed to
median prescribed tumor dose was 15.6 Gy. The only factor receive the intended treatment. On multivariate analysis,
that influenced the risk for radiation necrosis was the confor- RPA class (1 vs. 2) and tumor type (squamous or non-small
mality index [71]. Age, KPS, homogeneity index, tumor vol- cell vs. other) had a statistically significant effect on survival.
ume, and delivered dose were not significant. This study Overall survival did not improve for the patients with 2–3
highlights the importance of achieving a highly conformal lesions although KPS at 6 months had stabilized or improved
plan for LINAC-based radiosurgery. with the addition of SRS + WBRT vs. WBRT alone (43 % vs.
A multi-institutional retrospective study from ten institu- 27 %, respectively; p = 0.03). Steroid use was also lower in
tions analyzed outcomes for 502 patients with newly diag- the SRS + WBRT arm. Local control was improved at 1 year
nosed brain metastases treated by SRS and WBRT. Patients (82 % vs. 71 %; p = 0.01). The risk of developing local recur-
were stratified by RTOG RPA class [72]. For all RPA classes, rence was 43 % greater with WBRT alone (p = 0.0021). The
survival improved with the addition of SRS boost compared type of SRS unit did not influence results.
with WBRT alone. Median survival for RTOG RPA class I, A retrospective study from Cleveland Clinic of 202
II, and III were 16, 10, and 8 months for the SRS + WBRT patients that met study entry criteria of RTOG 9005 analyzed
patients vs. 7.1, 4.2, and 2.3 months for the WBRT alone local control rates based on differences in prescription dose
patients, respectively. This study suggests a survival benefit [76]. With a median follow-up duration of 10.7 months, a
to the addition of SRS for all patients. dose of 24 Gy to the tumor margin had significantly lower
Three prospective trials compared the use of SRS + WBRT local failure than 18 Gy or 15 Gy (hazard ratio 0.277,
vs. WBRT alone. The first trial from the University of p = 0.0005). The 18 and 15 Gy groups exhibited no statistical
Pittsburgh enrolled 27 patients with two to four brain metas- difference in local control. The 1-year local control rates by
tases measuring <2.5 cm in maximum diameter [73]. The dose were 85 % for 24 Gy, 49 % for 18 Gy, and 45 % for
study was stopped at an interim analysis at 60 % since a sig- 15 Gy. The improved control rates with 24 Gy suggests that
nificant difference in the 1-year local failure rate was noted small tumors ≤2 cm are better controlled than larger tumors,
(8 % in the SRS + WBRT arm vs. 100 % in the WBRT arm). as one would expect.
The median time to local failure was 6 months for WBRT vs.
36 months for the SRS + WBRT arm. Median survival was
not significantly different for the SRS + WBRT vs. WBRT Radiosurgery Alone
arm (11 months vs. 7.5 months, respectively). The small
sample size, as well as possible selection and statistical bias, Despite evidence supporting the use of WBRT for patients
may have affected the results. with single brain metastasis, SRS alone for treatment of
Brown University enrolled 96 patients onto a 3-armed, brain metastases has gained popularity and become a con-
prospective randomized trial of Gamma Knife radiosurgery, tentious issue. The use of SRS alone has been mostly driven
WBRT, or both [74]. Fifty-one patients underwent surgical by concerns regarding quality-of-life issues and the poten-
resection of large symptomatic lesions prior to randomiza- tial side effects of WBRT, especially cognitive effects for
tion, which was not evenly distributed among the treatment long-term survivors [77, 78]. One of the early and com-
arms. No difference in overall survival was noted among the monly referenced papers regarding cognitive decline in
three study arms (7, 5, and 9 months for the SRS alone, WBRT is by DeAngelis et al., which reported complications
218 E.W. Jung et al.
in patients treated with fractionation schemes of occurred, but learning and memory skills declined. At 7–9
300–600 cGy/fraction to a total dose of 25–30 Gy [77]. Of months after SRS, there was a suggestion of global decline
these 12 patients identified, all developed progressive of neurocognitive function.
dementia, ataxia, and urinary incontinence, causing death in The RTOG reported on the feasibility of performing five
seven patients. Although the incidence of WBRT-induced neurocognitive measures and administering a quality-of-life
dementia was 1.9–5.1 % overall, it is likely that this is an instrument in patients with brain metastases [84]. The overall
underestimate of true incidence because only severely compliance rate for administration and completion of these
affected patients were identified from chart review. Another measures and instruments was >95 % prior to treatment,
argument to treating with SRS alone is that some physicians >84 % at the completion of WBRT, and >70 % at 1 month
believe that patients can be effectively salvaged by repeat after WBRT. Based on the encouraging results of this study
SRS rather than WBRT [79]. and others of similar design, future studies have more rou-
It is important to note that patients undergoing SRS alone tinely incorporate baseline and follow-up neuropsychometric
may be at higher risk for morbidity associated with brain testing as an inherent part of study design and patient out-
tumor recurrence. A retrospective study from the University come evaluation. It is becoming increasingly evident that
of Kentucky reviewed 36 patients treated with SRS alone neurologic/neurocognitive decline seen in cancer patients is
with newly diagnosed brain metastases of which 22 patients multifactorial and not exclusive to the effects of radiation
had a single lesion [80]. Seventeen of the 36 patients (44 %) therapy alone. This has been demonstrated in recent publica-
developed recurrent brain metastases, with 12 patients (71 %) tions implicating the potential significant impact of other
symptomatic and 10 (59 %) having neurologic deficits. treatment modalities such as chemotherapy and/or surgery
Several prospective trials have assessed whether patients on neurologic/neurocognitive function [85–88].
with brain metastases have neurocognitive deficits prior to
initiation of treatment. A recent prospective phase III trial
evaluated patients with brain metastasis with monthly neuro- Large Institutional/Multi-Institutional
cognitive testing consisting of memory, fine motor speed, Results of SRS Alone
executive function, and global neurocognitive testing [81].
Table 14.9 lists the neurocognitive tests that were performed A UCSF retrospective study by Sneed et al. reported
on this study. This trial demonstrated that 90.5 % of patients outcomes of patients with one to four metastases treated by
had impairment of one or more neurocognitive tests at base- SRS alone compared to WBRT plus SRS [68]. Physician
line and 42.4 % of patients had impairment in four or more preference and referral patterns influenced the use of
tests. Another study from the RTOG demonstrated that tumor upfront WBRT. The patients had similar median survivals
progression resulted in a significant decline in the mini- (11.1 months for SRS alone vs. 11.3 months for WBRT + SRS)
mental status exam (MMSE) after WBRT [82]. and local tumor control rates (71 vs. 79 %). The incidence
Chang et al. reported a prospective trial of neurocognitive of distant brain metastasis, however, was significantly higher
testing for patients with 1–3 newly diagnosed brain metasta- in the SRS only group vs. WBRT + SRS (72 vs. 31 %).
ses to determine if neurocognitive function was spared with Despite the higher rate of distant brain metastases, these
SRS alone [83]. Eighteen of the 27 enrolled patients had lesions were controlled with salvage therapies including
evaluable neurocognitive function data. At baseline, 66 % of WBRT, partial brain radiotherapy, SRS, and surgery.
patients had some degree of impairment that was related to The authors concluded that survival was not compromised
total brain metastases volume. After SRS, acute and subacute by the omission of WBRT.
improvements in executive function and processing speed Another retrospective paper from Hasegawa et al.
reviewed 172 patients with brain metastases (3.5 cm or less
in diameter) managed by SRS alone [89]. One hundred
twenty-one patients had follow-up imaging with 80 % of
Table 14.9 Neurocognitive testing used for phase III brain metastases patients having solitary lesions. The median survival was 8
trial [62] months, and the local tumor control rate was 87 %. At 2
Test Neurocognitive domain years, the local control rate, distant brain control, and total
Hopkins Verbal Learning Test (recall) Memory intracranial control rates were 75 %, 41 %, and 27 %, respec-
Hopkins Verbal Learning Test (recognition) Memory tively. Tumor volume significantly predicted for local con-
Hopkins Verbal Learning Test (delay) Memory trol (p = 0.02) with tumor volumes of at least 4 cm3 having
Trailmaking A Executive local control rates of 49 % at 1 and 2 years. Based on these
Trailmaking B Executive results, the authors advocated withholding WBRT for select
Controlled oral word association Executive patients with one or two tumors with good control of their
Grooved pegboard dominant hand Fine motor primary cancer, better KPS (90 or higher), and younger age
Grooved pegboard nondominant hand Fine motor (<60 years old).
14 Metastatic Brain Tumors 219
One study prospectively evaluated the role of SRS alone The Japanese Radiation Oncology Study Group (JROSG)
for patients with up to three brain metastases measuring conducted a phase III study of SRS vs. SRS plus WBRT
<3 cm in maximum diameter [90]. The study consisted of (3,000 cGy/10 fractions) [93]. This trial randomized patients
101 patients with a total of 155 lesions. At 1 year, the local with one to four brain metastases <3 cm in diameter to
control, distant brain freedom from progression, and overall SRS + WBRT (65 patients) or SRS alone (67 patients). The
brain freedom from progression rates were 91 %, 53 %, and primary endpoint of the study was overall survival with the
51 %, respectively. The best predictor for improved overall secondary points including brain recurrence, salvage brain
brain freedom from progression was the presence of a single treatment, functional preservation, toxic effects of radiation,
lesion and a greater than 2-year interval from primary diag- and cause of death. At 12 months, WBRT decreased brain
nosis to diagnosis of brain metastases. The overall survivals tumor recurrence from 76.4 to 46.8 % (p < 0.001). Freedom
stratified by RTOG RPA class were 13.4, 9.3, and 1.5 months from new brain metastasis was also significantly better at 1
for class I, II, and III, respectively (p < 0.0001). Median year for the WBRT and SRS group (63.7 %) compared with
survival was 7.6 months. These results suggested that SRS the SRS alone group (41.5 %) (p = 0.003). Consequently, sal-
alone can provide good local control but that distant failure vage treatment was more frequently required in the SRS
can be expected. alone group. No significant difference in overall survival,
Another study from Pirzkall et al. reviewed an experience toxic effects of radiation, death due to neurologic causes, or
of 236 patients with 311 brain metastases who underwent differences in systemic or neurologic functional preserva-
SRS alone (158 patients) or SRS with WBRT (73 patients) tion were seen.
[67]. No difference was noted in terms of survival or local A prospective randomized trial for patients with 1–3
control. The SRS with WBRT group had a trend toward bet- lesions comparing SRS plus WBRT vs. SRS alone with the
ter survival compared with SRS alone (15.4 vs. 8.3 months; primary endpoint of neurocognitive function measured by
p = 0.08) for the patients with no evidence of extracranial dis- the Hopkins Verbal Learning Test-Revised (HVLT-R) was
ease. The local control and distant brain control rates were conducted by Chang et al. at MD Anderson [94]. After
worse with SRS alone. accrual of 58 patients, the trial was stopped early based on
A multi-institutional retrospective review from ten insti- the 96 % probability that the SRS + WBRT arm would show
tutions analyzed the results of 569 patients with newly diag- a statistically significant decline in learning and memory
nosed single or multiple brain metastases treated initially function (total recall) at 4 months. Congruous to the Japanese
with SRS alone vs. SRS and WBRT [91]. For all RPA classes, study, there were more CNS recurrences in the group receiv-
survival was comparable between the two treatment groups ing SRS alone; 73 % of patients in the SRS + WBRT group
(RPA class I: 14 vs. 15 months, RPA class II: 8 vs. 7 months, were free from CNS recurrence at 1 year, compared with
RPA class III: 5 vs. 6 months) suggesting that upfront WBRT 27 % of patients who received SRS alone (p = 0.0003). The
does not improve survival over SRS alone. authors conclude that SRS with close follow-up is the pre-
ferred strategy. However, this study did not provide informa-
tion regarding long-term impact of WBRT or distant tumor
Phase II/III Trials of SRS With progression on neurocognitive function.
or Without WBRT The EORTC completed a prospective phase III trial com-
paring the addition of WBRT to initial surgery or SRS for
The Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group (ECOG) phase II patients with stable systemic disease and up to three brain
trial of SRS alone for patients with renal cell carcinoma, sar- metastases [95]. The primary endpoint of this study was time
coma, and melanoma (radioresistant tumors) with one to to WHO performance status >2. There were no differences in
three brain metastases was conducted with a primary end- overall survival or time to performance status deterioration
point of intracranial progression [92]. The purpose of this in either group. WBRT reduced the 2-year relapse rate at the
trial was to evaluate the feasibility of SRS alone in manage- initial tumor site (surgery: 59 % vs. 27 %, p < 0.001; SRS:
ment of brain metastases before pursuing a phase III study. 31 % vs. 19 %, p = 0.04) and reduced new brain mets (sur-
This trial enrolled 36 patients; 31 were eligible by entry cri- gery: 42 % vs. 23 %, p = 0.008; SRS: 48 % vs. 33 %,
teria. The SRS dose was based on tumor size (24, 18, or p = 0.023) in both groups. Furthermore, neurologic deaths
15 Gy). The median survival was 8.3 months with a median were higher in the arms not receiving WBRT (44 % vs. 28 %,
follow-up of 32.7 months. The 3- and 6-month intracranial p < 0.002). As expected, salvage WBRT was more frequent in
failures with SRS alone were 25.8 % and 48.3 %, respectively. the arms not receiving WBRT initially. An update to this trial
Approximately 38 % of patients experienced death attribut- assessed health related quality-of-life (QOL) measures,
able to neurologic cause. The authors concluded that which was a secondary endpoint of the trial [96]. Patients in
although survival was equivalent to published reports of the observation arm reported higher QOL compared with the
SRS + WBRT, the high rate of intracranial failures suggests a arm receiving WBRT. However, compliance was poor with
judicial approach to omission of WBRT. 45 % of patients completing QOL assessment at 1 year.
220 E.W. Jung et al.
The North Central Cancer Treatment Group (NCCTG) and clinical multiple brain cases treated with the Gamma
recently completed enrollment of a phase III trial (N0574) Knife Perfexion were used to derive the model. The total num-
comparing SRS vs. SRS followed by WBRT delivered within ber of targets ranged from 2 to 60. A significant increase in
14 days for patients with 1–3 brain metastases. The primary volume was noted for the 12 Gy peripheral isodose volume,
endpoint is neurocognitive function. which was strongly correlated with number of lesions but not
total target volumes. The 12 Gy target volume for multiple tar-
gets was increased by approximately 1 % per target when
SRS for More than Four Brain Metastases 15 Gy was used vs. 4 % per target increase when 20–24 Gy
was used. Based on these results, a reduction in dose of 1–2 Gy
With the success of SRS in treating patients with 1–4 brain is recommended when treating multiple lesions.
metastases and efforts to eliminate the effects of WBRT on
neurocognitive functioning, there has been increasing use of
SRS alone for patients with multiple (≥5) lesions. SRS for Brainstem Metastases
Previously, there had been concern regarding the cumula-
tive dose to the whole brain when treating many lesions with Metastases located in the brainstem portend a poor prognosis
SRS. However, Yang et al. reported that 50 % of the brain and frequently present a challenge in clinical management.
received less than 5 Gy when a maximum tumor dose of Surgical resection is rarely a viable option due to high risk of
40 Gy was used when treating 25 metastatic intracranial developing new or worsening neurological deficits. Patients
tumors [97]. A more recent study by Yamamoto et al. with brainstem metastases often present with focal neuro-
reviewed the median cumulative dose to the whole brain for logic signs and symptoms due to anatomic location and local
patients with at least ten lesions who were treated by GKRS mass effect, for which stereotactic radiosurgery would pro-
[98]. The median number of lesions treated with SRS was 17 vide better symptomatic outcomes than whole-brain radia-
(range: 10–43). The median volume for all tumors was tion therapy (WBRT) alone. However, stereotactic
8.02 cm3 (range: 0.46–81.41). The median prescribed dose radiosurgery to the brainstem presents unique consider-
was 20 Gy (range: 12–25 Gy). The median cumulative dose ations, mainly due to concerns of toxicity to critical struc-
to the whole brain was 4.71 Gy (range: 2.16–8.51 Gy). The tures and potential for brainstem necrosis. To date, there are
median brain volumes receiving >10 Gy, 15 Gy, and 20 Gy no prospective trials for brainstem metastasis SRS and no
were 64 cm3, 24 cm3, and 8 cm3, respectively. established guidelines regarding dosing. However, there are
With further assurance about the safety and efficacy of a number of retrospective single institution reviews in the
SRS to multiple lesions, there have been more recent studies. literature with favorable outcomes with limited toxicity
The local control and median survival of these studies are [108–119]. These results are summarized in Table 14.11.
summarized in Table 14.10 [99–106]. The North American Based on these studies, tumor margin dose ranges from
Gamma Knife Centers is currently proposing a trial of SRS 13 to 25 Gy, with Grade 3/4 toxicity of 0–11.5 %. Median
alone for patients with five or more metastases. survival for patients with treated brainstem metastases is
Since existing dose guidelines for SRS are based on 1–3 4–12 months, with a local control of 76—100 %. These stud-
lesions, a physical model was developed to correlate the ies demonstrate that SRS for brainstem metastases is an
peripheral isodose volume dependence on prescription dose effective strategy for treatment.
per target and increasing number of isocenters [107]. Simulated
Table 14.11 Review of the literature: stereotactic radiosurgery for brainstem metastases
Median Median 1-year
tumor tumor Median Median actuarial
No. of No. of SRS Median volume margin follow-up survival overall Symptomatic Local Grade 3–4
Study Year patients lesions WBRT (%) modality age (cm3) dose (Gy) (months) (months) survival (%) improvement control (%) toxicity (%)
Koyfman et al. [108] 2010 43 43 34 (79.1) GK 59 0.37 15 5.3 5.8 32.5 n.a. 85 0
Lorenzoni et al. [110] 2009 25 27 17 (68) GK 53 0.6 20 10.5 11.1 37 n.a. 95 0
Kased et al. [111] 2008 42 44 24 (57) GK 55 0.26 16 6.9 9 31 1/10 (10 %) 77 9.5
Hussain et al. [112] 2007 22 25 3 (13.6) GK 60 0.9 16 8.5 8.5 32 2/22 (9 %) 100 5
Fuentes et al. [113] 2006 28 28 6 (21.4) GK 57.5a 2.1 19 11 12 37 16/24 (66 %) 92 0
Yen et al. [114] 2006 53 53 21 (39.6) GK 57.3a 2.8 18 9.8 11 42 21/35 (60 %) 86.5 0
Shuto et al. [115] 2003 25 31 9 (36) GK 54 2.1 13 5.2 4.9 50 n.a. 77.4 n.a.
Huang et al. [116] 1999 26 27 24 (92.3) GK 62 1.1 16 9.4 9 21.7 10/20 (50 %) 95 11.5
Hatiboglu et al. [117] 2011 60 60 9 (15) LINAC 61 1 15 5.3 4 n.a. 49/60 (82 %) b 76 3.3
Valery et al. [118] 2011 30 30 4 (13.3) LINAC 57 2.82 13.4 10.4 10 40 8/14 (57 %) 90 0
Kelly et al. [119] 2011 24 24 23 (96) LINAC 57 0.2 13 6.6 5.3 29 2/4 (50 %) 78.6 8.3
Lin et al. [109] 2012 45 48 21 (47) LINAC 60 0.4 14 n.a. 11.6 n.a. n.a. 88 % 4.7
GK Gamma Knife radiosurgery, LINAC linear accelerator-based radiosurgery, n.a. not available, SRS stereotactic radiosurgery, WBRT whole brain radiation therapy
Mean age
Stable or improved
222 E.W. Jung et al.
Table 14.13 Dosing for surgical resection cavity stereotactic radiosurgery seizures, transient worsening of preexisting neurologic condi-
Resection cavity size (cm ) Dose (Gy) tions, and fatigue. The incidence of severe headaches after
<4.2 20 frame removal is low [65]. Nausea/vomiting can be mini-
≥4.2 to <8 18 mized if the dose to the area postrema is kept below 375 cGy
≥8 to <14.4 17 [52]. The risk for seizures has been reported to range from 2
≥14.4 to <20 15 to 6 % [54, 55]. Seizure risk is higher with cortical lesions and
≥20 to <30 14 for patients with history of seizures. For these patients, anti-
≥30 to <5 cm max diameter 12 convulsants should be considered, and steroid dose should be
Adapted from NCCTG N107C; http://www.cancer.gov/clinicaltrials/ increased.
search/view?cdrid=701474&version=HealthProfessional Subacute complications occur within the first 6 months
after SRS. Alopecia has been reported in 5.6 % of patients
was associated with a single lesion, no prior WBRT and [54]. These patients had superficial tumors that resulted in a
breast cancer histology. Because of persistent symptoms, dose of 4.4 Gy to the scalp. Neurological deterioration can
10 % [7] of patients required craniotomy for salvage therapy. occur in some patients, which is usually treated with steroids.
The authors conclude that surgical resection is the preferred A prospective study assessed the acute complications of
treatment if possible for large lesions. 76 patients undergoing GKRS using CTCAE v.3.0, the Brief
A more recent retrospective review from Stanford Pain Questionnaire (Short Form), Brief Fatigue Inventory,
University evaluated 97 patients with brain metastases >2 cm and the Tinnitus Handicap Inventory [134]. The majority of
who underwent surgical resection followed by cavity SRS patients (34 %) were treated for brain metastases, but also
[132]. The rationale for the study was based on high rates of included trigeminal neuralgia, schwannoma, meningioma,
local failure with single modality treatment of larger brain arteriovenous malformation, and pituitary adenoma. There
metastases. The 12-month local failure rate was 9.3 % with was no significant difference in face swelling, headache, eye
median time to local failure of 6 months. The 12-month inci- pain, vomiting, seizures, or passing out at any intervals com-
dence of distant brain failure was 53 %, and median survival pared to baseline. At 1 week, 24 % developed minimal scalp
time was 15.6 months. This study demonstrates that surgery numbness, which decreased to 2 % at 2 months. Pin site pain
with resection cavity SRS can achieve good local control of was present in 13 %, which declined to 3 % at 1 month with
large brain metastases, while sparing or delaying WBRT. a median intensity level of 3 out of 10. Four percent of
Due to potentially worse toxicity with SRS for large patients developed pin-site infection at 1 week and none at 1
lesions, institutions have looked at fractionated SRS. A group and 2 months. By 1 month, 10 % reported new local hair
from Germany compared differences in efficacy and toxicity loss. New or worsening fatigue was experienced by 23 %,
when comparing single fraction SRS vs. fractionated stereo- 16 %, and 15 % of patients at 1 week, 1 month, and 2 months,
tactic radiotherapy for brain metastases [133]. The study ret- respectively, but 40 % reported fatigue at baseline. After
rospectively examined 260 patients, with 138 patients treatment, 1 %, 6 %, and 3 % developed new tinnitus at 1
receiving single fraction SRS and 61 patients receiving frac- week, 1 month, and 2 months, respectively, which was sig-
tionated SRS. The fractionated SRS group included two nificant when comparing baseline to non-baseline
fractionation schemes: 5 Gy × 7 and 4 Gy × 10. They found (p = 0.0269). Thirty-two patients were employed prior to
no difference in local control, progression-free survival, or SRS. Three (9 %) patients did not return to work. Twenty-
overall survival. Single fraction SRS was associated with seven (84 %) patients returned to work a median of 4 days
higher Grade 1–3 toxicity. Of note, fractionated treatment after treatment. This prospective study demonstrates that
was used for large lesions or lesions near critical structures, GKRS is well tolerated with few patients developing signifi-
but local control did not show a difference. A hypofraction- cant acute effects. Many patients are able to return to work
ated treatment strategy may become a more prominent strat- shortly after GKRS.
egy for larger brain metastases, but local control rates and
survival need to be validated prospectively in larger studies.
Chronic Complications
Complications Associated with SRS Radiation necrosis is the most serious chronic complication
of SRS. In general, the risk of radiation necrosis increases
Acute Complications with higher doses, larger tumor volumes, and in patients
treated with prior radiation. The pathophysiology of radia-
Acute side effects during the first week after SRS are uncom- tion necrosis is a coagulative process that predominantly
mon. Some of the complications include headache after frame affects white matter. It is caused by small artery injury and
removal, infection of the pin sites, nausea and vomiting, thrombotic occlusion. On pathology, these small arteries
224 E.W. Jung et al.
demonstrate endothelial thickening, lymphocytic and macro- recommendations are based on a review of available data in
phagic infiltrates, presence of cytokines, hyalinization, fibri- the literature to summarize dose constraints for clinical use.
noid deposition, thrombosis, and finally occlusion. The With regard to tolerance dose to the optic nerves and chiasm,
primary mechanism of delayed injury in radiation associated consistent agreement has been reached on the low risk of
with necrosis is secondary to vascular endothelial injury or radiation-induced optic neuropathy for a Dmax of ≤10 Gy, and
direct damage to oligodendroglia. Depending on the tumor one major study indicated a low risk with a Dmax of ≤12 Gy
location and rate of growth, radiation necrosis can present for single fraction radiosurgery [139]. With regard to brain-
with seizure, elevated intracranial pressure, obstructive stem toxicity in single fraction SRS, Dmax <12.5 Gy is associ-
hydrocephalus, or herniation syndromes. ated with <5 % risk [140]. Higher doses of 15–20 Gy have
A number of MRI modalities can aid in diagnosis of brain been reported with low incidence of complications, but this
radionecrosis [135]. On MR spectroscopy, a lactate peak is may be an artifact of poor survival. With regard to overall
often manifested. On DWI, there can be increased signal due brain radionecrosis, toxicity increases rapidly once the vol-
to restricted diffusion in the region of necrosis. MR FLAIR ume of any part of the brain receiving >12 Gy is >5–10 cm3
may elicit regions of edema surrounding the necrosis. [137]. A modified QUANTEC summary of pertinent dose
Dynamic susceptibility-weighted contrast enhanced (DSC) constraints for single fraction brain SRS is provided in
perfusion MRI has also been used to delineate areas of Table 14.14 [141].
necrosis, which can be further characterized with pharmaco- The general strategy for treating radiation necrosis is to
kinetic modeling [136]. However, definitive diagnosis of decrease the edema and necrosis. Usually, high doses of ste-
radiation necrosis requires biopsy or surgical resection. roids are used to minimize neurological deterioration. If the
For single fraction radiosurgery, a clear correlation has patient becomes symptomatic despite steroids, surgical
been demonstrated between the target size and the risk of resection can be considered. Anticoagulation with coumadin
brain radionecrosis [137]. A study from Italy of 206 patients to prevent vessel thrombosis can also be used. In some cases,
treated with LINAC-based radiosurgery investigated factors hyperbaric oxygen has been used for patients who are poor
that predict for radionecrosis [138]. Median overall survival surgical candidates, have multiple areas of radiation necro-
and brain control were 14.1 months and 10 months, respec- sis, or have a surgically inaccessible lesion. In a retrospective
tively, with 1-year and 2-year local control rates of 92 % and review of 40 patients, 90 % reported subjective improvement
84 %, respectively. Severe neurological complications (RTOG and 80 % had objective neurologic improvement with hyper-
Grade 3 and 4) occurred in 5.8 % of patients. Brain radione- baric oxygen [142]. Steroids were discontinued or decreased
crosis occurred in 24 % of treated lesions, of which 10 % in two thirds of patients. A randomized trial is underway at
were symptomatic and 14 % asymptomatic. On multivariate the University of Cincinnati comparing surgery with hyper-
analysis, V10 through V16 Gy were independent risk factors baric oxygen.
for radionecrosis, with V10 Gy and V12 Gy being the most More recently, Bevacizumab (Avastin) treatment is being
predictive (p = 0.0001). For V10 Gy >12.6 cm3 and V12 Gy used in the management of radiation necrosis [143]. Since radi-
>10.9 cm3, the risk of radionecrosis was 47 %. The authors ation necrosis leads to hypoxia, elevated levels of VEGF have
suggest that since lesions with V12 Gy >8.5 cm3 confer a risk been seen which may lead to further edema. Therefore, block-
of radionecrosis >10 %, hypofractionated SRS should be con- ing VEGF from reaching capillary targets is a logical treatment
sidered for eloquently located lesions. As well, larger lesions option for radionecrosis [144, 145]. Another potentially prom-
would likely have larger volumes receiving high dose. ising treatment option is the use of laser interstitial thermal
A number of QUANTEC (quantitative analysis of normal therapy [146]. Laser interstitial thermal therapy was originally
tissue effects in the clinic) organ-specific papers published used for treatment for brain tumors in 1990. It delivers focal
in 2010 have reviewed late toxicity and radiation. These laser energy selectively to coagulate tissue with interstitial
14 Metastatic Brain Tumors 225
hyperthermia and exhibits a sharp ablation boundary zone. were available for evaluation. New brain metastases were
This technique may be particularly useful for areas of radione- detected in 11 patients (24.4 %) at the time of the SRS treat-
crosis that are refractory to medical management as previously ment planning MRI. The median neurological progression-
described and are not amenable to surgical resection. free survival was 8 months and overall survival time was 9
months. The actuarial incidences of neurological progres-
sion at 6 months and 1 year were 17 and 20 %, respectively.
Costs Grade 3 or higher neurotoxicity was seen in two patients, and
the authors conclude that motexafin gadolinium does not
SRS for patients with multiple brain metastases, especially increase toxicity and should be further studied.
those with poor prognosis, will likely undergo further scru- A recent Phase I prospective study from Canada enrolled
tiny as the costs of various treatments are evaluated for cost- 26 previously irradiated patients with 1–4 progressive brain
effectiveness. Although the costs of SRS vary based on the metastases with a maximum diameter of 40 mm and KPS ≥60
type of technology used, number of lesions treated, and insti- [149]. Patients were enrolled to receive three different doses
tutional costs, estimated Medicare costs for SRS are of temozolomide (TMZ): 100, 150, and 200 mg/m2/day for
$10,000–$27,000 per procedure as compared to $2,300– days 1–5. SRS was administered on day 5. SRS dose was pre-
$7,650 for WBRT [53]. Unfortunately, no universally scribed as per RTOG 9005 guidelines. The primary endpoint
accepted threshold exists in the USA for determining whether was safety of increasing TMZ doses. Secondary endpoints
treatment provides good value for its cost. Traditionally, the included local control and survival. The median number of
quality-adjusted life years (QALY) has been used. Since the brain metastases was 1.5, with a median target diameter of
overuse of any technology can be a result of a number of fac- 21 mm. The most common Grade 1–2 adverse events were
tors including misaligned incentives under the fee-for- vomiting (23 %), nausea (23 %), edema (12 %), seizure (8 %),
service payment system and patient preference for psychosis (4 %), and thrombocytopenia (4 %). The frequency
cutting-edge technology, it is important that neurosurgeons of nausea and vomiting did not appear to be dose dependent.
and radiation oncologists demonstrate the value of radiosur- Grade 3–4 toxicities were not observed. Median overall sur-
gery for patients with multiple (>5) brain metastases. vival was 10.2 months. Crude local control was 87.5 %, with
Administering SRS with WBRT instead of SRS alone a radiological response seen in eight of 24 evaluable patients
may contribute to additional cost. A recent study by Lal et al. (33.3 %), and stable disease >6 months in 13 of 24 patients
compared SRS alone vs. SRS + WBRT for patients with three (54.2 %). The authors conclude that TMZ can be given at
or less brain metastases, using actual life years saved (LYS), doses up to 200 mg/m2/day prior to SRS with good local con-
quality-adjusted life years, and incremental cost-effectiveness trol. Further randomized studies with greater patient numbers
ratio (ICER) [147]. Compared to SRS with whole brain radi- will be needed to assess for the impact of addition of temo-
ation therapy, SRS alone has a higher average cost ($74,000 zolomide on local control and overall survival.
vs. $119,000). However, SRS alone has a higher average RTOG 0320 was a phase III trial which randomized
effectiveness of 1.64 LYS compared with combined SRS and NSCLC patients with 1–3 brain metastases to 3 arms: (1)
WBRT (0.60 LYS). The authors conclude that SRS alone SRS plus WBRT, (2) SRS plus WBRT with erlotinib, and (3)
without WBRT is more cost-effective, even with salvage SRS plus WBRT with temozolomide [150]. The rationale for
treatment delivered down the line. adding erlotinib or TMZ is its ability to cross the blood-brain
barrier. Of note, for patients randomized to receive chemo-
therapy, the treating physician could decide whether to give
Chemotherapy and Radiosensitizers erlotinib or TMZ. In the erlotinib and TMZ arms, chemo-
therapy was delivered with radiation therapy, and the investi-
Radiosensitizers are agents that can potentially increase the gator could decide whether to give adjuvant chemotherapy.
lethal effects of radiation therapy when given concurrently This trial closed early secondary to poor accrual. The addi-
with radiation. Recent studies have examined the role of che- tion of neither erlotinib nor TMZ resulted in an improvement
motherapy and radiosensitizers with WBRT and/or SRS in in OS or time to CNS progression compared to the control
the hopes of improving survival. arm: WBRT + SRS alone. Interestingly, WBRT + SRS alone
A phase II study, PCYC-0224, evaluated the use of resulted in an improved median survival time, which was not
motexafin gadolinium, a radiation sensitizer, given with attributable to excess toxicity in the chemo arms. The
WBRT (37.5 Gy in 15 fractions) and SRS (15–21 Gy) for WBRT + SRS arm had significantly less deterioration in per-
patients with ≤6 brain metastases [148]. The primary end- formance status at 6 months. Hence, there was no benefit to
point was to evaluate toxicity in preparation for a phase III the addition of chemotherapy and potentially a detriment to
study. A total of 65 patients were enrolled of which 45 (69 %) clinical outcome.
226 E.W. Jung et al.
Case Presentation 14.1 to the 50 % local isodose line, which covered 100 % of the
History: This is a 73-year-old male with a history of renal target. The plan utilized 8 shots using an 8 mm helmet
cell carcinoma status post right nephrectomy 10 years without plugs. Tumor volume = 2.0 cm3. Maximum
ago. He presented with left-sided weakness. MRI was dose = 4,800 cGy. Maximum diameter = 1.9 cm. MD/
obtained, which revealed a 1.7 cm right frontal lesion PD = 2.00. PIV/TV = 1.70.
(Fig. 14.1a, b). Staging work-up was negative. Three-month post Gamma Knife radiosurgery MRI
He underwent Gamma Knife radiosurgery to the right (Fig. 14.1d, e). The patient’s left-sided weakness
frontal lesion (Fig. 14.1c). A dose of 24 Gy was prescribed improved.
Fig. 14.1 MRI of male with a history of renal cell carcinoma. See Case Presentation 14.1
Fig. 14.2 MRI of female with a history of adenocarcinoma of the esophagus. See Case Presentation 14.2
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137. Lawrence YR, Li XA, el Naqa I, Hahn CA, Marks LB, Merchant patients receiving whole-brain radiotherapy: a randomized, dou-
TE, et al. Radiation dose-volume effects in the brain. Int J Radiat ble-blind, placebo-controlled trial. Neuro-oncol. 2013;15(10):
Oncol Biol Phys. 2010;76(3 Suppl):S20–7. 1429–37.
Metastatic Brain Tumors:
Viewpoint—Surgery 15
Raymond Sawaya, David M. Wildrick, and Fassil B. Mesfin
L.S. Chin and W.F. Regine (eds.), Principles and Practice of Stereotactic Radiosurgery, 233
DOI 10.1007/978-1-4614-8363-2_15, © Springer Science+Business Media New York 2015
234 R. Sawaya et al.
Table 15.1 Differences between surgery and stereotactic radiosurgery in the treatment of brain metastasis
Surgical resection Stereotactic radiosurgery
Patient selection
Tissue diagnosis Confirms the lesion is a tumor Cannot confirm the lesion is a tumor
Lesion size Large, ≥1.5 cma; especially if there is mass effect Small, ≤2.0 cma; significant mass effect absent
Surgical candidate Yes No (or patient declines surgery)
Treatment outcome
Tumor status Removed (≥94 % on average) [4] Not removed
Local control 85 % for >40 months (up to 5 years) [23] 85 % at 12 months; 65 % at 24 months [25]
Local recurrence rate 8 % [23] to 12 % [4] 30 % [26] to 47 % [27]
Median survival time 10 [13] to 16.4 [23] months 7.5 [23] to 14 [16] months
Presentation Usually immediate Frequently delayed; necrosis may necessitate surgical resection
Major neurological 7 % in eloquent brain; 6 % overall [4] 25 % in eloquent brain (RTOG grade 3) [24]
Mortality (30-day)b <2 % 1.8 %
Cost-effectiveness Based on 3-day hospital stay Based on 1-day outpatient stay; includes no costs of
maintenance steroids, follow-up office visits, or follow-up MRI
Quality of life
Relief from mass effect Immediate Delayed
Steroid use Tapered off over 2–4 weeks Can last for months; may cause dependence
Follow-up visits Few Many
Patient debilitation Not debilitated at home Debilitated at home
Maximum diameter
Occurring within 30 days after the procedure
GTR Patients in the second group have very small lesions (less
than 10 mm in maximum diameter) that are not surgically
accessible and are located deep within the brain. In this situa-
80 tion, SRS provides an effective alternative to resection, superior
to WBRT, which was the only treatment previously available.
The third group of patients are those who have metastases
that are less than 3 cm in maximum diameter and are surgi-
(i.e., without the addition of WBRT), a cutoff point in brain recent retrospective studies have also labeled resection and
metastasis diameter that is lower than 3 cm is warranted. SRS as equally effective in the treatment of small to moder-
ately sized brain metastases [32].
At M.D. Anderson, Bindal and coworkers [23] also retro-
Treatment Outcome: Survival spectively compared surgical resection and SRS treatment of
brain metastases. Thirty-one patients treated with SRS were
The controversy remains as to whether surgery or SRS is followed prospectively, and 62 patients treated with
more appropriate and effective to treat patients in the group conventional surgery were retrospectively matched to those in
with single brain metastases that are surgically accessible the SRS group. Patients were matched according to primary
and range between 1 and 3 cm in maximum diameter. tumor histology, extent of systemic disease, preoperative KPS
Because no one has yet been able to complete a prospective score, time to brain metastasis, number of brain metastases,
randomized study comparing treatment of such patients with and patient age and sex. WBRT treatment was similar in both
surgical resection and SRS, the question of which of the two groups, and patient eligibility criteria for SRS were the same
is more effective lacks a definitive answer. as for surgery. Lesions treated by SRS were limited to those
In lieu of this, many retrospective studies have been per- <3 cm in maximum diameter, and 81 % of them were deemed
formed comparing surgical resection and SRS for brain surgically resectable. There was a statistically significant sur-
metastasis treatment. Among the more carefully constructed vival advantage in the surgically treated group (16.4 months
studies of this type are those of Auchter et al. [16], Bindal median survival) relative to the group treated with SRS
et al. [23], and Cho et al. [31]. (7.5 months median survival) (p = 0.0009 by multivariate anal-
Auchter and coworkers [16] performed a multi- ysis). In contrast to the conclusions of Auchter et al. [16] and
institutional retrospective outcome and prognostic factor Cho et al. [31], Bindal’s group [23] concluded that surgery
analysis of patients with single cerebral metastases who were was superior to SRS in clinically similar patients in terms of
treated with SRS plus WBRT. From their database of 533 survival, local recurrence, and morbidity. Thus, determination
patients with brain metastases treated with SRS and WBRT, of whether treatment of brain metastases with SRS is better
they selected 122 patients who fulfilled the criteria for surgi- than, equivalent to, or worse than surgical resection must await
cal resection established in the prospective randomized trial a phase III prospective trial comparing SRS with conventional
of Patchell et al. [13], including having a single brain metas- surgery for the treatment of single brain metastases.
tasis that was surgically resectable (but no urgent need for
surgery), no prior radiotherapy or surgical treatment, inde-
pendent functional status (a Karnofsky Performance Scale Tumor Local Control and Recurrence
[KPS] score >70), and a non-radiosensitive tumor. They then
compared the outcome of these 122 patients with that of the When brain metastases are removed surgically, local control
patients in the prospective randomized surgical series of is produced by total removal of the tumor and elimination of
Patchell et al. [13] and Noordijk et al. [12]. The actuarial surrounding edema (Fig. 15.2). At M.D. Anderson, gross-
median survival time after treatment with SRS plus WBRT total resection (equivalent to complete response in radiosur-
was 56 weeks compared with 40 weeks [13] and 43 weeks gery) of metastatic tumors is achieved in 90–96 % of
[12], respectively, after surgery plus WBRT. The median instances, in both eloquent and noneloquent brain regions
duration of functional independence was 44 weeks after SRS (Table 15.2). With surgery, local control (absence of recur-
and WBRT [16] compared with 38 weeks [13] and 33 weeks rent tumor growth after gross-total resection) typically per-
[12], respectively, after surgery and WBRT. These results sists at an 85 % level at 1 year and remains there for an
indicated to Auchter et al. [16] that SRS plus WBRT pro- interval ranging from 40 months to 5 years (Fig. 15.3).
duced outcomes for patients with single brain metastases that
were comparable with, if not better than, surgery plus WBRT. Table 15.2 Gross-total resections performed for metastatic tumors in
Cho and coworkers [31] retrospectively reviewed a series different brain regions (gross-total resection is equivalent to a complete
of 225 single brain metastases in patients treated with either response in radiosurgery)
WBRT alone, SRS plus WBRT, or surgery and WBRT. There Metastasis location
was a similar distribution of prognostic factors such as age, (tumor functional gradea) No. of patients GTR (%)
sex, KPS score, and metastasis location in these three groups Noneloquent (I) 79 75 (95)
except for extracranial cancer, which was 14 % higher in the Near-eloquent (II) 61 55 (90)
Eloquent (III) 54 52 (96)
group treated with SRS and WBRT. The actuarial median
Total 194 Average, 94
survival times for patients treated with SRS and WBRT
(9.8 months) and surgery plus WBRT (10.5 months) were GTR gross-total resection
Grade according to functional location
nearly identical, but both were significantly better than for Source: Adapted from Sawaya R. Surgical treatment of brain metasta-
those treated with WBRT alone (3.8 months). Other more ses. Clin Neurosurg 1999; 45:41–47. Used with permission
236 R. Sawaya et al.
Table 15.3 Major neurologic complications of surgery for metastases mortality rates for SRS and surgical resection of brain metas-
in different brain regions
tases are similar.
Metastasis location No. patientsa No. complications (%) Another potential source of complications when treating
Noneloquent 79 1 (1) brain metastases with SRS stems from its inability to provide
Near-eloquent 61 6 (10) a tissue biopsy for pathologic diagnosis. Because 5–11 % of
Eloquent 54 4 (7) patients with a prior history of cancer and a brain lesion that
Average major neurologic (6) appears consistent with a metastasis may actually have non-
deficit rate
metastatic disease (primary brain tumor, abscess, multiple
Total = 194 patients
sclerosis plaque, or a hemorrhage) [13, 39], SRS treatment
Source: Adapted from Sawaya R. Surgical treatment of brain metasta-
ses. Clin Neurosurg 1999; 45:41–47. Used with permission of such lesions can lead to an adverse outcome. With surgical
resection of brain metastases, it is easy to histologically con-
firm that the lesion is metastatic cancer, and this situation
In a study of 194 patients at M.D. Anderson [4], the 30-day does not arise.
morbidity rate for any major neurologic deficit after brain
metastasis resection was 6 % (Table 15.3). Even for resec-
tions in eloquent brain regions, this value only rose to 7 %. Cost-Effectiveness
The common perception that SRS is safer to use than con-
ventional surgery to treat brain metastases within or near SRS is frequently promoted as a lower-cost alternative to
eloquent brain areas may not be warranted. In a retrospective conventional surgery in the management of brain metastases.
study of neurologic complications in patients treated with Two publications have emerged using retrospective analyses
SRS for brain metastases at M.D. Anderson, we found that to compare relative costs of SRS and surgery in an attempt to
such complications (including radiation necrosis, seizures, bolster this position [40, 41]. Unfortunately, these cost anal-
and neurologic symptom development or worsening) were yses have relied on surgical expenses and data on length of
highest for tumors in eloquent brain, reaching 25 % for com- hospital stay from publications on patient series that were
plications of RTOG grade 3 and above [24]. already more than a decade old, such as that of Patchell et al.
At M.D. Anderson, the current mortality rate for surgical [13], and have not taken into account the drastic cost-cutting
resection of brain metastases is less than 2 %. Although it measures adopted by most hospitals and surgeons around the
has been claimed that SRS poses little risk of permanent country during the past decade.
neurologic morbidity in brain metastasis treatment, mortali- Moreover, these cost-comparison studies [40, 41] make
ties have occurred. In the study by Bindal et al. [23], sponta- the assumption that SRS and surgery are “equiefficacious”
neous intratumoral hemorrhage occurred in 3 of 31 patients in the management of patients with cancer metastatic to the
treated with SRS, causing the death of one. Kondziolka and brain. They also assign inferior median survival values to
coworkers [29] compared brain metastasis treatment with studies employing surgical resection plus WBRT for brain
SRS plus WBRT versus WBRT alone and reported a 1.8 % metastasis treatment relative to SRS, thereby inflating
mortality rate within 4 weeks after SRS. Thus, it appears that the average cost of surgery. Because there have been no
238 R. Sawaya et al.
A.Pre B.Post
% of Patients
28≤ 26 24 22 20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 ≥28
Time (Weeks)
Fig. 15.5 Graphs depicting the duration (in weeks) of steroid treatment ing off of steroid use within 2–4 weeks (From Vecil GG, Suki D,
from the time of conventional resection of the index lesion (Time 0). Maldaun MV, et al. Resection of brain metastases previously treated
The duration of continuous treatment is shown both before (a) and after with stereotactic radiosurgery. J Neurosurg 2005; 102(2): 209–215.
(b) conventional resection. Note that surgical resection facilitated taper- Used with permission)
prospective randomized studies comparing SRS and surgery 7.1 months, 4.2 months, and 2.3 months for RPA classes I, II,
with respect to patient outcomes, there is no accurate and III, respectively [42]. RPA class I patients had a con-
statistical basis for the presumed “equiefficaciousness” or trolled primary tumor, a KPS score ≥ 70, were <65 years old,
the survival numbers put forth. and lacked extracranial metastases, whereas those in RPA
To accurately reflect the total costs of SRS and surgical class III had a KPS score < 70, and the intermediate RPA class
resection for brain metastases, the expenses involved in II consisted of all other patients. In RTOG trial 85-28, the
patient follow-up must be included. Typically, with SRS, only effect of higher doses of radiation was evaluated in patients
the 1-day cost of treatment is considered in cost-effectiveness who had a single brain metastasis [43]. In this trial, patients
studies, with follow-up being ignored. At M.D. Anderson, treated with a fractionated dose of 54.4 Gy or higher showed
follow-up costs after surgery for brain metastases have been improved survival and better neurologic function. When this
severely reduced because most patients are now discharged regimen (54.4 Gy) was compared with 30 Gy administered in
from the hospital after 3 days. Follow-up expenses after SRS ten fractions, no benefit to overall survival was noted [44].
are more significant than for surgery because many routine The neurotoxicity was similar in both trial arms. An
MR imaging studies and office visits are required to monitor M.D. Anderson trial showed that patients treated with SRS
the delayed effects of the radiation. These delayed effects for metastatic brain tumors have a significantly reduced risk
require extended administration of medications such as dexa- of neurotoxicity relative to patients treated with WBRT [45].
methasone, which becomes costly. In our study of patients Concerns about potential neurotoxicity with WBRT and
undergoing resection of brain metastases after failure of SRS the development of SRS have led to the introduction of newer
to control their lesions [33], after their SRS treatment and approaches for the treatment of metastatic brain tumors.
prior to surgery, 40 % of 53 patients required continuous ste- Currently, SRS is emerging as an initial management or as an
roid administration for 12 weeks, which is consistent with adjuvant treatment modality for brain metastases. The effec-
steroid dependency and is not a trivial expense. After surgery, tiveness of SRS is measured by local disease control without
more than 95 % of these patients were able to cease steroid the possible long-term neurotoxic or cognitive side effects of
usage within 2–4 weeks (Fig. 15.5). WBRT [46]. SRS boost improves survival in selected patients
in whom the predominant problem is brain disease rather
than extracranial disease, and it is also used as a salvage
Quality of Life treatment for progressive intracranial disease after surgery or
WBRT. Furthermore, SRS compromises the blood supply to
For many decades, WBRT has been the treatment of choice the tumor by indirect vascular injury and subsequent sclero-
for patients with intracranial metastasis. A recursive parti- sis of blood vessels [47]. This, in fact, supports the notion of
tioning analysis (RPA) performed on patients enrolled for local tumor control and possible tumor burden reductions
WBRT in RTOG trials showed median survival times of after SRS treatment of brain metastases.
15 Metastatic Brain Tumors: Viewpoint—Surgery 239
21. Bindal RK, Sawaya R, Leavens ME, Lee JJ. Surgical treatment of 37. Muacevic A, Kreth FW, Horstmann GA, Schmid-Elsaesser R,
multiple brain metastases. J Neurosurg. 1993;79(2):210–6. Wowra B, Steiger HJ, et al. Surgery and radiotherapy compared
22. Bindal RK, Sawaya R, Leavens ME, Hess KR, Taylor with gamma knife radiosurgery in the treatment of solitary cerebral
SH. Reoperation for recurrent metastatic brain tumors. J Neurosurg. metastases of small diameter. J Neurosurg. 1999;91(1):35–43.
1995;83(4):600–4. 38. Petrovich Z, Yu C, Giannotta SL, O’Day S, Apuzzo ML. Survival
23. Bindal AK, Bindal RK, Hess KR, Shiu A, Hassenbusch SJ, Shi and pattern of failure in brain metastasis treated with stereotactic
WM, et al. Surgery versus radiosurgery in the treatment of brain gamma knife radiosurgery. J Neurosurg. 2002;97(5 Suppl):
metastasis. J Neurosurg. 1996;84(5):748–54. 499–506.
24. Dare AO, Sawaya R. Part II: Surgery versus radiosurgery for brain 39. Voorhies RM, Sundaresan N, Thaler HT. The single supratentorial
metastasis: surgical advantages and radiosurgical myths. Clin lesion. An evaluation of preoperative diagnostic tests. J Neurosurg.
Neurosurg. 2004;51:255–63. 1980;53(3):364–8.
25. Mehta MP, Rozental JM, Levin AB, Mackie TR, Kubsad SS, 40. Mehta M, Noyes W, Craig B, Lamond J, Auchter R, French M,
Gehring MA, et al. Defining the role of radiosurgery in the manage- et al. A cost-effectiveness and cost-utility analysis of radiosurgery
ment of brain metastases. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys. vs. resection for single-brain metastases. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol
1992;24(4):619–25. Phys. 1997;39(2):445–54.
26. Chang EL, Hassenbusch 3rd SJ, Shiu AS, Lang FF, Allen PK, 41. Rutigliano MJ, Lunsford LD, Kondziolka D, Strauss MJ, Khanna
Sawaya R, et al. The role of tumor size in the radiosurgical manage- V, Green M. The cost effectiveness of stereotactic radiosurgery ver-
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27. Regine WF, Huhn JL, Patchell RA, St Clair WH, Strottmann J, 42. Gaspar L, Scott C, Rotman M, Asbell S, Phillips T, Wasserman T,
Meigooni A, et al. Risk of symptomatic brain tumor recurrence and et al. Recursive partitioning analysis (RPA) of prognostic factors in
neurologic deficit after radiosurgery alone in patients with newly three Radiation Therapy Oncology Group (RTOG) brain metastases
diagnosed brain metastases: results and implications. Int J Radiat trials. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys. 1997;37(4):745–51.
Oncol Biol Phys. 2002;52(2):333–8. 43. Epstein BE, Scott CB, Sause WT, Rotman M, Sneed PK, Janjan
28. Selek U, Chang EL, Hassenbusch 3rd SJ, Shiu AS, Lang FF, Allen NA, et al. Improved survival duration in patients with unresected
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cerebral melanoma metastases. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys. tion therapy at total doses of 54.4 gray and greater. Results of
2004;59(4):1097–106. Radiation Therapy Oncology Group 85-28. Cancer. 1993;71(4):
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radiotherapy alone for patients with multiple brain metastases. Int J et al. A randomized phase III study of accelerated hyperfraction-
Radiat Oncol Biol Phys. 1999;45(2):427–34. ation versus standard in patients with unresected brain metastases:
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implications for SRS dose and whole brain radiation therapy. Int J 45. Chang EL, Wefel JS, Hess KR, Allen PK, Lang FF, Kornguth DG,
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31. Cho KH, Hall WA, Lee AK, Gerbi BJ, Higgins PD, Bohen M, et al. radiosurgery or radiosurgery plus whole-brain irradiation: a ran-
Stereotactic radiosurgery for patients with single brain metastasis. domised controlled trial. Lancet Oncol. 2009;10(11):1037–44.
J Radiosurg. 1998;1(2):79–85. 46. Chang EL, Wefel JS, Maor MH, Hassenbusch 3rd SJ, Mahajan A,
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JR. A comparison of surgical resection and stereotactic radiosur- with one to three new brain metastases initially treated with stereo-
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1991;52:87–9. New York: Churchill Livingstone Inc.; 1993. p. 615–41.
Metastatic Brain Tumors: Viewpoint:
Whole Brain Radiation Therapy 16
William F. Regine, Sarah F. Grabowski, and Roy A. Patchell
L.S. Chin and W.F. Regine (eds.), Principles and Practice of Stereotactic Radiosurgery, 241
DOI 10.1007/978-1-4614-8363-2_16, © Springer Science+Business Media New York 2015
242 W.F. Regine et al.
5,000 cGy over 4 weeks. Regimens of 1,000 cGy in a single the radiation sensitizer, Motexafin Gadolinium. 401 patients
dose or 1,200 cGy in two doses were less effective and are no were enrolled and each patient underwent a battery of eight
longer in use. Typical radiation treatment schedules for brain neurocognitive function tests at baseline and following treat-
metastases consist of short courses (7–15 days) of WBRT ment. At baseline, 91 % of patients had a deficit, and 42 %
with relatively high doses per fraction (150–400 cGy per had deficits seen in four or more tests. Lesion volume was
day) and total doses in the range of 3,000–5,000 cGy. These predictive of initial neurocognitive deficit. This data is criti-
schedules minimize the duration of treatment while still cal as most studies do not describe baseline neurocognitive
delivering adequate amounts of radiation to the tumor. deficits. Not only does recurrence of intracranial disease
result in significant symptoms, it is also one of the most
important predictors of neurocognitive dysfunction. Meyers
Attempts to Improve WBRT et al. also noted a correlation between tumor progression and
worsening neurocognitive function [16]. Following treat-
Different fractionation and dosing schemes have been tried ment, patients with tumor shrinkage at 2 months greater than
in order to improve the effectiveness of WBRT with varying the population median had improved survival as well as a
results. Epstein et al. [13] reported a phase I/II dose-escalation longer time to neurocognitive dysfunction. Patients with a
study of hyperfractionated radiotherapy using total doses of partial response also had an improvement in execution func-
48, 54.4, 64, and 70.4 Gy. No increased toxicity was identi- tion and visual motor scanning from baseline. In compari-
fied and the three highest dose arms had a statistically signifi- son, patients with progressive disease had a significant
cant improvement in median survival over the lowest dose worsening of neurocognitive symptoms.
arm. This study suggested a dose-dependent effect with the One often quoted retrospective study by DeAngelis et al.
use of hyperfractionated radiation in unresected, single brain [17] suggests that as many as 11 % of long-term survivors
metastasis. Unfortunately, a large randomized RTOG trial, (>12 months) of brain metastases treated with WBRT develop
studying both single and multiple brain metastases, failed to dementia. However, virtually all of the patients in that sam-
show improvement in overall survival using a hyperfraction- ple who developed dementia had been treated with atypically
ated schedule of 54.5 Gy in 34 fractions compared with a large radiation fractionation schedules. The patients treated
standard regimen of 30 Gy in 10 fractions [14]. with fraction sizes of 3.0 Gy or less per day did not develop
Similarly, multiple randomized trials have failed to iden- clinically apparent dementia. Thus, the actual frequency of
tify a benefit to the addition of radiosensitizers or chemo- radiation-related dementia when using convention fraction-
therapy to WBRT [9]. Investigators, nonetheless, continue to ation schedules is not known, but is certainly less than 11 %.
search for drugs that will improve the therapeutic ratio In any event, the frequency of long-term neuropsychological
between normal brain tissue and tumor cells. side effects of WBRT in adult brain metastases patients
appears to have been overestimated and seems to be within
the acceptable range when modern fractionation schemes are
Complications of WBRT and the Concern employed. As such, the question is not whether WBRT alone
for Neurotoxicity results in any neurotoxicity, but rather whether its overstated
risks are outweighed by the benefits of reduced intracranial
WBRT has complications. Almost all patients experience a failure with associated neurocognitive dysfunction. In our
temporary loss of hair; although hair growth usually resumes view it generally is. When discussing the pros and cons of
6–12 months after completing therapy. Also, in the short- WBRT with patients, it is important that the physician main-
term, patients may have a transient worsening of neurologic tains appropriate perspective regarding the toxicities associ-
symptoms while receiving therapy. Many physicians believe ated with WBRT. For instance, recently, there has been
that maintaining patients on steroids during radiotherapy accumulating data suggesting that many systemic chemo-
will minimize radiation complications, although conclusive therapies are associated with long-term neurotoxicities [18,
proof of this has not been forthcoming. The long-term side 19]. That is not to say that all chemotherapy need be aban-
effects of radiotherapy are usually not a significant issue in doned, but rather whenever prescribing treatment, one must
the treatment of patients with brain metastases because of the make sure that the benefits outweigh the risks.
relatively short survival time of these patients.
When discussing neurotoxicity, it is important to note that
nearly all patients with brain metastases present with neuro- WBRT With or Without SRS in the Treatment
cognitive deficits prior to beginning WBRT [15]. Meyers of Brain Metastases
et al. reported the most extensive study evaluating neurocog-
nitive function for patients with brain metastases. This Because the majority of patients have multiple metastases,
detailed work examined neurocognitive function in patients the efficacy data for WBRT comes in a large part from treat-
with brain metastases randomized to WBRT with or without ment of patients with multiple brain metastases. There is little
16 Metastatic Brain Tumors: Viewpoint: Whole Brain Radiation Therapy 243
doubt that WBRT is effective for multiple metastases, and it WBRT-alone is the treatment of choice for most patients
is used routinely. The main controversy regarding the treat- with multiple brain metastases (and the word “multiple” in
ment of multiple metastases involves the use of radiosurgery this context means more than one).
(either with or without WBRT).
To date, there have been two randomized trials [20, 21]
assessing the efficacy of radiosurgery in the treatment of Adjuvant WBRT in Conjunction with Focal
multiple metastases. The first randomized trial was reported Treatment of Brain Metastases
by Kondziolka et al. [20]. In that study, 27 patients with mul-
tiple brain metastases were randomized to treatment with For the treatment of single brain metastases, randomized trials
WBRT alone or WBRT plus a radiosurgery boost. The study have established the superiority of focal treatment (either con-
was stopped early because the authors claimed to have found ventional surgery or radiosurgery) plus WBRT over treatment
a large difference in the recurrence rates in favor of radiosur- with WBRT-alone. Therefore, good-prognosis patients with
gery. Unfortunately, the study used nonstandard end points single brain metastases should be treated with upfront surgery
to measure recurrence. The investigators used any change in or radiosurgery. However, with the establishment of the effi-
measurement of the lesion rather than the more usual 25 % cacy of focal treatments for single brain metastases, a new
increase in diameter. No attempt was made to control for ste- controversy has arisen as to whether adjuvant WBRT is really
roid use, radiation changes, or other factors that might pro- necessary after a “complete resection” or “successful” treat-
duce small fluctuations in lesion size on magnetic resonance ment with radiosurgery. Adjuvant WBRT is thought to be of
imaging (MRI). Also, as a study with only 27 patients, it benefit because there may be residual disease in the tumor bed
lacked the statistical power to support any meaningful con- or at distant microscopic sites in the brain. However, brain
clusion, regardless of p values. As a result, this study was metastases tend to be discrete masses that are theoretically
uninterpretable. capable of being removed totally or destroyed, and so WBRT
A second study was reported by Andrews et al. [21]. This may not be necessary after “successful” focal therapy.
study (RTOG 9508) contained 333 evaluable patients with There are several reasons for eliminating WBRT. First,
one to three brain metastases who were randomized to treat- WBRT has adverse, long-term neuropsychological side
ment with either WBRT (37.5 Gy) plus radiosurgery or effects. Second, there are also the costs and time commit-
WBRT (37.5 Gy) alone. The primary end point was survival. ment of the patient that must be considered. And finally,
Overall, there was no significant difference in survival there is the possibility that WBRT may simply not be needed
between the two treatment groups (median, 6.5 months for at all. It is theoretically possible to completely remove single
radiosurgery plus WBRT and 5.7 months for WBRT-alone, brain metastases by surgery, or to control them with radio-
p = 0.1356). There was no survival benefit from radiosurgery surgery. Furthermore, neuroimaging has improved, and it
in patients with multiple metastases (median, 5.8 months for may now be possible to detect reliably additional metastases
radiosurgery plus WBRT and 6.7 months for WBRT-alone, that may be present and treat these with additional focal ther-
p = 0.9776). (However, for patients with single metastases, apy. If these last two statements are true, then there would be
there was a significant survival advantage favoring radiosur- little justification for adjuvant WBRT.
gery, median 6.5 months vs. 4.9 months, p = 0.0393). Lower On the other hand, compelling reasons exist for giving
posttreatment Karnofsky scores and steroid dependence adjuvant WBRT. As a practical matter, it is likely impossible
were more common in the WBRT-alone group. Multiple sub- to completely remove all metastases with conventional sur-
group analyses were performed, and a benefit for radiosur- gery, and radiosurgery does not completely control multiple
gery plus WBRT was found in several subgroups that tumors. In addition, neuroimaging may not have reached the
included patients with single and multiple metastases. These point yet where we can be absolutely certain that all metasta-
subgroups were RPA class 1 patients, patients with metasta- ses are being detected, and therefore some type of additional
ses size equal to or larger than 2 cm, and lung cancer patients treatment may be needed. Also, although WBRT does have
with squamous cell histology. However, these subset analy- side effects, these side effects may not be as severe or as
ses were not prespecified, and the p values needed for signifi- common as was previously thought. Furthermore, most
cance should have been adjusted for inflation of type I error. patients with brain metastases have relatively limited overall
When this was done, none of these subgroup analyses survival times, and so the really serious long-term side
showed a positive benefit for radiosurgery [22]. So, for mul- effects are usually not an issue in their care.
tiple brain metastases, this was a completely negative trial Randomized trials [23–25] have addressed the question of
with regard to the major end points prevention of death due adjuvant WBRT in conjunction with focal treatment. A study
to neurologic causes and overall survival. published in 1998 by Patchell et al. [23] examined the effect
Radiosurgery has been put to the test in the treatment of WBRT in conjunction with conventional surgery. In that
of multiple metastases and has not been established as study, 95 patients who had single brain metastases that were
effective. Therefore, based on the best available evidence, completely surgically resected were randomized to treatment
244 W.F. Regine et al.
with postoperative WBRT (50.4 Gy) or to observation with sons, the study could not be designed to have this large of a
no further treatment of the brain metastasis (until recur- sample size and, therefore, was not designed to detect mod-
rence). Recurrence of tumor anywhere in the brain was less erate differences in survival, even one as large as 11 %.
frequent in the radiotherapy group than in the observation There is an even stronger reason for discounting the
group (18 % vs. 70 %, p < 0.001). Postoperative radiotherapy apparent lack of efficacy of postoperative WBRT with regard
prevented brain recurrence at the site of the original metasta- to length of survival in the Patchell trial [23]. Recurrence of
sis (10 % vs. 46 %, p < 0.001) and at other sites in the brain tumor in the brain was the primary end point of that random-
(14 % vs. 37 %, p < 0.01). As a result, patients in the radio- ized trial, and this end point was the only truly direct mea-
therapy group were less likely to die of neurologic causes sure of the effects of adjuvant WBRT. Up until recurrence of
than patients in the observation group (6 of 43 who died tumor, the two treatment groups were distinct, and the
[14 %] vs. 17 of 39 [44 %]; p = 0.003). There was no signifi- patients in each had received the treatment assigned by ran-
cant difference between the two groups in overall length of domization. However, at recurrence, no specific treatment
survival or the length of time that patients remained func- was mandated by the study design, and as a result, patients
tionally independent. received a variety of additional treatments. There was an
The effect of WBRT in association with radiosurgery was extremely large crossover of the observation group to WBRT.
examined in a randomized trial conducted by the Japanese Of the 32 patients in the observation group who developed
Radiation Oncology Study Group and reported in abstract recurrent brain metastases, 28 patients got WBRT. Overall,
form by Aoyama et al. [24]. In that study, 132 patients with that means that 61 % (28 patients of 46 total) in the “no
one to four brain metastases were randomized to treatment WBRT” observation arm were, in fact, treated ultimately
WBRT plus radiosurgery or with radiosurgery-alone. The with WBRT. For the purposes of length of survival and func-
WBRT total dose was 30 Gy. The radiosurgery dose was tional independence, the study was virtually a comparison of
18–25 Gy at the periphery of the lesion in the radiosurgery- surgery plus immediate WBRT vs. surgery plus delayed
alone group and was reduced by 30 % in the WBRT plus WBRT. This substantially diluted the effect of WBRT given
radiosurgery group. The median survival time was 7.5 months immediately postoperatively because WBRT probably
in the WBRT plus radiosurgery group and 8.0 months in the improved the length of survival and functional independence
radiosurgery-alone group, p = 0.42. The 12-month brain in the observation group. Therefore, for all the reasons given
metastases recurrence rates were significantly (p < 0.001) above, the Patchell study did not “prove” that WBRT had no
different (47 % in the WBRT plus radiosurgery group and positive effect on survival.
76 % in the radiosurgery-alone group). Death due to neuro- The Aoyama trial [24] also failed to find any difference in
logic causes and neurologic functioning were not signifi- survival with the addition of WBRT. This study differed in
cantly different between the two groups. design from the Patchell study and was devised with survival
Despite the fact that both of the randomized trials [23, 24] as the primary end point; it was originally powered to be able
showed clearly that WBRT prevented recurrences, these to detect a 30 % or greater difference with 89 patients per
studies have actually provoked controversy rather than set- treatment arm. (Given that the Patchell study [23] and numer-
tling the issue. Results of these trials have been used as rea- ous retrospective studies had failed to find a difference in
sons both to give and not to give adjuvant WBRT. The survival even close to 30 %, the Aoyama study [24] should
justification for not giving WBRT holds that because no sur- have been powered as an equivalence trial [if survival was
vival difference was found in either of the trials, WBRT going to be used as the primary end point]). The study was
really adds nothing to the treatment. This argument fails on stopped after an interim analysis at 132 patients indicated
several counts. that the study was not going to show a statistically significant
The Patchell study [23] used tumor recurrence as the pri- difference in survival, even if all of the 178 patients origi-
mary end point and was not designed either to show a differ- nally projected to be in the trial had been randomized.
ence in survival or to rule one out. There was actually an Therefore, any negative conclusion based on the original
increase of 11 % in survival time in the WBRT group when power calculation, that is, that there was no more than a 30 %
compared with the observation group. The relative risk of difference in survival (or any other reasonable difference),
improved survival with WBRT was 1.1. However, this was cannot be supported. This study also had an 11 % crossover
not a statistically significant difference. Because there was a that further eroded the strength of any conclusions about sur-
statistically significant reduction in death due to neurologic vival. In addition, about half of the patients in both treatment
causes, ultimately adjuvant WBRT might have had some arms had multiple brain metastases. The study by Andrews
positive impact on overall survival time. The estimated sam- et al. [21] failed to establish the efficacy of radiosurgery in
ple size required to detect a significant difference of 11 % in the treatment of multiple metastases, and so the inclusion of
overall survival with adequate power would have been 1,005 these patients is problematic and further reduces the number
patients per group or 2010 patients total. For practical rea- of valid patients on which to base a conclusion about survival
16 Metastatic Brain Tumors: Viewpoint: Whole Brain Radiation Therapy 245
benefit. Thus, like the Patchell trial [23] before it, this The trial, while commendable for its effort to prospectively
Aoyama study [24] was unable to show that there was no study neurocognitive function following WBRT, has several
difference in survival. Therefore, arguments based on the shortcomings which make its findings difficult to generalize
supposed lack of efficacy of (immediate) postoperative [28]. For one, the study used patient stratification variables not
WBRT on survival are based on a misunderstanding of the prognostic of the study’s primary neurocognitive endpoint. In
design and limits of the randomized trials. this study, patients were stratified by recursive partitioning
In addition, the Aoyama study demonstrated that omitting analysis class, number of brain metastases, and histology,
WBRT does not produce any difference in either gross neuro- which are factors linked to survival rather than neurocognitive
logic or neurocognitive functioning. From this information, function. The authors did not stratify by baseline neurocogni-
Aoyama et al. [24] and the Journal of the American Medical tive function, examination of which suggests at least a trend
Association (JAMA) editorial writer [26] concluded that the toward increased neurocognitive dysfunction in the WBRT
addition of WBRT is not necessary and can be safely omitted group. Also important is the fact that the authors failed to
in the treatment of most patients with brain metastases. account/stratify for many medications commonly prescribed
However, even if one takes the data presented in the paper at to cancer patients—including opioids, sedatives, anticonvul-
face value, it is possible to draw exactly the opposite conclu- sants, and steroids—that are known to cause neurocognitive
sion. As stated by the authors and the editorial writer, the dysfunction. Second, the authors chose an endpoint with
main reason for not giving WBRT is to avoid the long-term questionable clinical relevance. The primary endpoint of their
neurotoxic effects of WBRT. Yet, this study found no differ- study was an assessment of neurocognitive function using
ence in neurologic functioning, neurocognitive functioning, only the HVLT-R at a single time point of 4 months; however,
gross radiation-induced side effects, or survival times between given the complexity of cognitive function, a battery of tests
the two groups. In fact, deterioration in neurologic function over time is required to accurately depict the neurocognitive
attributable to progression of brain metastases was observed effects of RT [29]. In addition, this primary endpoint inadver-
in 59 % of patients in the WBRT group and 86 % in the SRS- tently biased the trial against WBRT as previous work had
alone group (p = 0.05), indicating a significantly higher rate of already shown that RT has a transient effect on memory, as
neurologic deterioration as a consequence of tumor progres- measured by verbal learning tests. In serial neuropsychologi-
sion in patients when WBRT is withheld. Interestingly, in cal studies, Armstrong and colleagues [30] assessed patients
subsequent analysis among patients with normal MMSE at with low-grade glioma who received RT and found a transient
baseline, WBRT resulted in an increased average duration decline in verbal memory, with the nadir after RT correspond-
until deterioration (17 vs. 8 months, p = 0.05) [27]. Thus, at ing exactly to the 4-month time interval used by Chang and
very least, WBRT appears to significantly reduce the recur- colleagues [25]. Finally, as mentioned above, patients receiv-
rence of brain metastases without demonstrable neurotoxic- ing WBRT inexplicably had a significantly shorter median
ity. Therefore, the trial by Aoyama et al. [24] seems to support survival than patients who received SRS alone, on the order of
strongly the use of WBRT as upfront treatment in the man- a threefold difference (5.7 vs. 15.2 months). This is particu-
agement of most patients with brain metastases. larly perplexing given the improved CNS disease control with
A more recent and widely publicized study evaluating the WBRT (27 % vs. 73 % at 1 year). Moreover, three previous
role of WBRT following SRS for patients with`brain metas- randomized studies reported equivalent survival with the addi-
tases was reported by Chang et al. from MD Anderson (level tion of WBRT to local therapy [23, 24, 31]. What specifically
II evidence) [25]. Patients in this study were randomized to led to such a survival difference is unclear, although close
15–24 Gy SRS with or without 30 Gy WBRT in 12 fractions. inspection of the baseline patient characteristics suggests at
The primary endpoint was a decline in Hopkins Verbal least a trend towards more favorable factors (RPA class I,
Learning Treatment-Revised at 4 months. The trial closed female gender, and lower median tumor volume) in the SRS
early after accrual of only 58 patients based on concern for alone group. The authors suggest that the survival difference
significantly worse neurocognitive outcomes secondary to might be due in part to more frequent surgical salvage in
the addition of WBRT. WBRT patients were found to have a patients who received SRS alone; however, the greater use of
52 % decline in HVLT-R at 4 months, whereas patients in the surgical salvage is more likely to be the result of increased
SRS alone arm had only a 24 % decline. Once again, the CNS disease recurrence rather than a disproportionate ration-
addition of WBRT resulted in decreased 1-year intracranial ing of salvage treatments. Also, although patients receiving
recurrence (27 % vs. 73 %, p = 0.0003), including both WBRT had a higher proportion of systemic deaths, this is due
improved local (100 % vs. 67 %, p = 0.012) and elsewhere to a delay in neurological mortality, rather than an increased
(73 % vs. 45 %, p = 0.02) brain tumor control. Paradoxically, systemic disease burden, a finding originally reported by
and unprecedented in similar randomized trials, patients in Patchell et al. [23]. Perhaps then the survival difference was
the WBRT arm had a significantly compromised median simply the result of statistical anomaly due to small patient
survival (5.7 vs. 15.2 months, p = 0.003). numbers. Regardless, this survival difference could in itself
246 W.F. Regine et al.
explain the neurocognitive dysfunction found in patients patients with uncontrolled tumors (−2.42 points) than in
receiving WBRT. The primary endpoint of this study was an patients with controlled tumors (+0.076 points) (p = 0.0046).
assessment of neurocognitive function at 4 months (~1 month All of the patients in this study had received large total doses
prior to the median date of death of patients in the WBRT of conventional radiation therapy.
group). Many studies suggest that patients with terminal can- These studies all strongly suggest that uncontrolled brain
cer experience profound neurocognitive dysfunction [32, 33]. tumors result in a substantial decrease in mental performance
For example, Pereira and colleagues followed 348 cancer and that this reduction far outweighs any decrement seen
patients with serial mini-mental state examinations (MMSE) with cranial radiation therapy. Therefore, the side effects of
and found that patients who died had a trend toward decreased recurrent tumors are worse than the side effects of preventive
scores, with 68 % of patients having abnormal MMSE scores treatment. This is an extremely strong argument for the use
before death [32]. The decline in MMSE score was most pro- of adjuvant WBRT in association with focal therapy.
found 1 month before death. As such, the higher neurocogni-
tive dysfunction noted in the WBRT group cannot be
confidently ascribed to radiation given the large survival dif- WBRT for Recurrent Brain Metastases
ference noted between treatment groups, along with the tim-
ing of death in the WBRT group in relation to the single Brain metastases often recur, and CNS progression may be
4-month study endpoint (~1 month prior to median survival in accompanied by systemic tumor progression and a decline in
WBRT group). functional status. In general, the same types of treatment
The most forceful argument in favor of adjuvant WBRT used for newly diagnosed brain metastases are also available
involves an examination of the effects of not giving for recurrent tumors. However, the type of previous therapy
WBRT. Patients who do not receive adjuvant WBRT suffer may limit the therapeutic options available at recurrence, and
substantially more recurrent brain metastases than patients the development of radioresistance is not uncommon.
who are treated with WBRT. As previously noted, the harm- If patients have not already had WBRT, they should be
ful side effects of WBRT appear to have been overestimated treated with it on recurrence. However, often patients with
in the past and are probably in the acceptable range. recurrences have already been treated with WBRT, and this
Unfortunately, the same cannot be said of the side effects of limits the amount of subsequent radiation that can be given
recurrence of brain metastases. safely. The amount of additional radiation that can be offered
Several studies [34, 35] have demonstrated that the recur- is usually in the range of 1,500–2,500 cGy, a total dose usu-
rence of brain metastases has a negative effect on the neuro- ally inadequate to control tumor growth.
cognitive functioning of patients. A study by Regine et al. Several retrospective studies [37–41] have attempted to
[34] found that in 36 patients with brain metastases treated assess the efficacy of salvage WBRT. It is difficult to assess
with SRS alone, 47 % had recurrence of brain metastases and efficacy from these reports. Rates of improvement ranged
71 % of the recurrences were symptomatic. Significantly, from 27 to 70 %; however, the range of duration of response
59 % of the patients with recurrent tumors had associated was fairly uniform and was 2.5–3 months. The median sur-
neurologic deficits and 17 % were unable to undergo salvage vival ranged from 1.8 to 4.0 months. Relatively few long-
brain therapy because of their overall poor general status term complications were reported; however, because the
associated with brain tumor recurrence. These findings are median survival is quite short, most patients did not live long
now substantiated by the level 1 evidence provided by the enough to develop the long-term complications of radiation.
Aoyama phase III trial [27] where deterioration in neurologic The problem with the interpretation of these studies is that
function attributable to progression of brain metastases was they often used different end-point measurements for
observed in 59 % of patients in the WBRT group vs. 86 % in improvement and had heterogeneous patient populations.
the SRS-alone group (p = 0.05); indicating a significantly Some included patients with poor performance status and
higher rate of neurologic deterioration as a consequence of extensive disease, while others selected out favorable sub-
tumor progression in patients when WBRT is withheld [24]. groups for radiation. One recommendation based on a retro-
Another study by Regine et al. [35] showed that, at 3 months spective study [37] is to restrict reirradiation to patients who
after treatment, patients treated for brain metastases with showed an initial favorable response to radiotherapy, had a
WBRT had greater negative changes in their mini-mental sta- longer disease-free interval, and who remain in good general
tus examinations with uncontrolled brain tumors than they condition when the cerebral recurrence develops. However,
did with controlled brain tumors (−6.3 points vs. −0.5 points, even in this favorable subgroup, only 42 % of patients
p = 0.02). Also relevant (but perhaps somewhat farther afield) showed symptomatic improvement, and the median survival
was a study by Taylor et al. [36] showing that, in patients after reirradiation was 5 months. Despite such relatively poor
with primary brain tumors at 12 months after treatment, results, additional radiotherapy is frequently one of the few
changes in mini-mental status examinations were worse in treatment options for patients with recurrent disease.
16 Metastatic Brain Tumors: Viewpoint: Whole Brain Radiation Therapy 247
metastases: results of the EORTC 22952-26001 study. J Clin Oncol. and implications. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys. 2002;52(2):
2011;29(2):134–41. 333–8.
32. Pereira J, Hanson J, Bruera E. The frequency and clinical course of 36. Taylor BV, Buckner JC, Cascino TL, O’Fallon JR, Schaefer PL,
cognitive impairment in patients with terminal cancer. Cancer. Dinapoli RP, Schomberg P. Effects of radiation and chemotherapy
1997;79(4):835–42. on cognitive function in patients with high-grade gliomas. J Clin
33. Lawlor PG, Gagnon B, Mancini IL, Pereira JL, Hanson J, Suarez- Oncol. 1998;16(6):2195–201.
Almazor ME, Bruera ED. Occurrence, causes, and outcome of 37. Hocht S, Wiegel T, Hinkelbein W. Reirradiation for recurrent brain
delirium in patients with advanced cancer: a prospective study. metastases. Controversies in Neuro-Oncology. Front Radiat Oncol
Arch Intern Med. 2000;160(6):786–94. Basal. 1999;33:327–31.
34. Regine WF, Scott C, Murray K, Curran W. Neurocognitive outcome 38. Hazuka MB, Kinzie JJ. Brain metastases: results and effects of re-
in brain metastases patients treated with accelerated-fraction vs. irradiation. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys. 1988;15(2):433–7.
accelerated-hyperfractionated radiotherapy: an analysis from 39. Kurup P, Reddy S, Hendrickson FR. Results of re-irradiation for
Radiation Therapy Oncology Group Study 91-04. Int J Radiat cerebral metastases. Cancer. 1980;46(12):2587–9.
Oncol Biol Phys. 2001;51(3):711–7. 40. Wong WW, Schild SE, Sawyer TE, Shaw EG. Analysis of outcome
35. Regine WF, Huhn JL, Patchell RA, St Clair WH, Strottmann J, in patients reirradiated for brain metastases. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol
Meigooni A, Sanders M, Young AB. Risk of symptomatic Phys. 1996;34(3):585–90.
brain tumor recurrence and neurologic deficit after radiosurgery 41. Cooper JS, Steinfeld AD, Lerch IA. Cerebral metastases: value of
al in patients with newly diagnosed brain metastases: results reirradiation in selected patients. Radiology. 1990;174(3 Pt 1):883–5.
Stereotactic Radiosurgery
and Radiotherapy in the Management 17
of High-Grade Gliomas
L.S. Chin and W.F. Regine (eds.), Principles and Practice of Stereotactic Radiosurgery, 249
DOI 10.1007/978-1-4614-8363-2_17, © Springer Science+Business Media New York 2015
250 D. Roberge and L. Souhami
following observation: “Operative procedures, howsoever “While it is very difficult to judge of the effect of radiation in
radical [block extirpations repeated on signs of recurrence; these cases, it is our impression that this therapy is of definite
saturation with X-rays or radium emanations after wide value. A half-hearted attempt of giving every other patient
decompression with or without surgical interference with the Roentgen therapy was never carried through as we felt our-
tumor], have apparently done little more than to prolong life, selves unable to deprive the particular patient of what we felt
save vision, and alleviate headache for an average of a few was the best chance” [15].
months. Whether deep Roentgenization ever does more than It was only in the early 1980s that both the Brain Tumor
hold the growth temporarily in check is problematical” [12]. Cooperative Group (BTCG) and the Scandinavian
By the time Elvidge, Penfield, and Cone published their Glioblastoma Study Group (SGSG) published results of ran-
“McGill series” in 1937, the name “glioblastoma multi- domized trials of adjuvant irradiation [16, 17]. These trials
forme” had become widely accepted and neurosurgery was confirmed a large and significant increase in median survival
still faced with the same “difficult human problem” posed by following the administration of postoperative irradiation, as
these patients [13]. compared to surgery alone. In the Scandinavian trial, 45 Gy
Thirteen years after the publication of Elvidge and col- of whole-brain irradiation increased the median survival
leagues, the following case history was published as part of a from 5.2 months to 10.8 months. In BTSG study 6901,
paper reviewing 70 glioblastoma multiforme patients treated median survival increased from 3.2 to 8.1 months following
at the Montefiore Hospital [14]. 50–60 Gy of whole-brain radiotherapy.
Case 17.1 represented the longest surviving patient in the Looking at the role of chemotherapy, a 1993 meta-analysis
literature of the day [14]. Prognostic factors for the by Fine et al. collated data from 16 randomized trials involv-
Montefiore series were reviewed: “An analysis of factors in ing more than 3,000 patients [18]. Optimistic physicians saw
survival revealed that operation had no significant effect on a large (52 %) difference in 2-year survival; pessimistic phy-
longevity and irradiation a slight effect, if any. The longest sicians saw a relatively small difference in median survival.
survivals occurred in patients with onset at 24–42 years of A subsequent meta-analysis from the Glioma Meta-analysis
age. However, age at onset was not a constant prognostic fac- Trialists group confirmed a 1.5-month increase in median
tor. The sex of the patient, the location of the neoplasm, or survival and failed to demonstrate any benefit of multi-drug
the histologic appearance gave no indication as to longevity. regimens over single agent nitrosourea compounds [19].
A significant lengthening of survival was found in those Adjuvant BCNU chemotherapy was considered standard of
patients whose initial symptom was a motor seizure.” If care by most, although it was used variably in clinical prac-
patients dying within one week of surgery were excluded the tice. Subsequently, in a joint European Organization for
median overall survival was 13.1 months with postoperative Research and Treatment of Cancer (EORTC) and National
irradiation and 12 months without. It must, however, be Cancer Institute of Canada (NCIC) randomized trial [20],
noted that for all cases of prolonged survival reported in this concomitant and adjuvant temozolomide was shown to sig-
paper, the patient had received irradiation. nificantly increase the survival of patients diagnosed with
As demonstrated by the previous series, irradiation had glioblastoma multiforme. The median survival went from
been in common use long before randomized trials demon- 12.1 to 14.6 months and the 2-year survival more than
strating its efficacy. In 1947 Bush and Christensen wrote: doubled (26.5 % vs. 10.4 %). It is of interest to note that the
17 Stereotactic Radiosurgery and Radiotherapy in the Management of High-Grade Gliomas 251
control arm (radiotherapy alone) had the same median sur- survivals were 157 weeks and 88 weeks, respectively, for
vival as reported in the 1949 series from the Montefiore patients with grade III astrocytoma and GBM. Brachytherapy
Hospital, highlighting how little progress had been made in was associated with a high risk of radionecrosis and it was
the previous 50 years. felt that SRS might offer the focal dose escalation benefits
Based on this EORTC/NCIC trial, the current standard of of implants with lessened toxicity. Unfortunately concerns
care for GBM patients with a performance status of 0–1 (on about selection bias [29], as a possible explanation for
subgroup analysis, there was no benefit for patients with an these improved median survivals following brachytherapy,
ECOG performance status of 2) is external beam radiother- appear to be have been confirmed by two subsequent nega-
apy to 60 Gy and temozolomide. Although patients with AA tive phase III trials of brachytherapy by the BTSG [30] and
histology were not included in the trial, this regimen has the Princess Margaret Hospital [31] groups. In these ran-
become for many a de facto standard as we await data from domized studies, the added use of a focal brachytherapy
current prospective studies. boost did not lead to either a clinically or statistically sig-
nificant improvement in survival for patients harboring a
HGG. In the Toronto trial, the median survival was
Rationale for Stereotactic Radiosurgery 13.2 months on the standard arm and 13.8 on the brachy-
therapy arm, while in the BTSG study it was 58.8 weeks on
Infiltrating high-grade glial neoplasms would appear to be the standard arm and 64.1 on the brachytherapy arm.
poor candidates for the stereotactic application of single In 1985, Columbo et al. reported on the first patients
fraction irradiation. These tumors are hypoxic, acute- treated in Vinceza, Italy with a new technique for linear
responding [21] and admixed with normal tissue [22, 23]. accelerator-based radiosurgery using non-coplanar arcs [32].
Despite these biological roadblocks, stereotactic radiation Only 6/22 patients had adequate follow-up. Of these, one
has been pursued in the management of HGG. The use of patient was treated for a 3.5 cm grade III astrocytoma. Two
SRS (defined here as a radiotherapy technique characterized doses of 20 Gy were delivered during separate procedures.
by accurate delivery of high doses of radiation in a single This patient worsened within 2 months and underwent reop-
session to small intracranial targets in such a way that the eration. Following this early experience, several institutional
dose fall-off outside the target volume is very sharp) has reports have been published on the use of SRS boost in the
been based on the pattern of failure of this disease, the dose– management of patients with HGG either at presentation or
response data from external beam radiation, and early data time of recurrence. The non-invasive nature of SRS coupled
from interstitial brachytherapy trials [24, 25]. with the promising early results of interstitial brachytherapy
As mentioned previously, up to 90 % of patients recur led to the inflated enthusiasm for the technique in patients
within 2 cm of the contrast-enhancing lesions—this despite with HGG and a growing number of publications became
the fact that tumor cells can be found pathologically at available over the years (Fig. 17.1). Many of these reports
larger distances, often following the peri-tumoral edema. were published before the results of the randomized trials of
Furthermore, multicentric or metastatic disease is rare [11]. brachytherapy and SRS were available.
Moreover, in an analysis of the Brain Tumor Study Group
data, a dose–response relationship has been shown for doses
of 50 to 60 Gy [26]. In this data set, the median survival
increases from 28 weeks at 50 Gy to 42 weeks at the 60 Gy
level. Significant improvement in median survival was also
observed in the randomized British trial comparing 45–60 Gy
[27]. All of these characteristics made SRS an attractive option
to be used as a focal boost in selected patients with HGG.
In the early 1990s, phase I/II data suggested that inter-
stitial brachytherapy improved local control and survival in
selected primary and recurrent HGG patients. At University
of California at San Francisco (UCSF), the median survival
of the first 18 patients treated with interstitial brachyther-
apy for recurrent GBM was 52 weeks with two patients sur-
viving more than 5 years [28]. In a subsequent NCOG
study [25], 107 patients with HGG were enrolled in a pro-
gram of brachytherapy added to external beam radiation
therapy (EBRT) and adjuvant PCV chemotherapy. In the 63
evaluable patients who were actually implanted, the median Fig. 17.1 Publications on the radiosurgical treatment of HGG
252 D. Roberge and L. Souhami
Radiosurgery has predominantly been used in one of two Table 17.2 Comparison of common parameters for stereotactic
scenarios: in primary lesions as a supplement to wider volume irradiation modalities
EBRT and in recurrent lesions as a single modality. Initially Parameter SRS F-SRT
F-SRT was explored to increase the therapeutic ratio in previ- Tumor Size ≤40 mm ≤60 mm
ously irradiated patients; it has since also been explored as a Total Dose 15–24 Gy Variable (∼30 Gy in 5)
boost in the treatment of newly diagnosed HGG patients. Fractions Single Multiple
With the advent of non-invasive immobilization devices and Prescription isodose 50–80 % 70–90 %
sophisticated image-guidance, the use of F-SRT has become Margins 0–2 mm 2–5 mm
more common—it has also become more difficult to distin- SRS stereotactic radiosurgery, F-SRT fractionated stereotactic radiation
guish from what is now “conventional” radiotherapy. We have
thus chosen to exclude from our review protracted treatment
schedules—even if labeled “stereotactic.” for SRS. In these cases the GTV is the enhancing lesion on the
T1 MRI. On a case-by-case basis, a CTV of a few millimeters
(~2–5 mm) can be added. For rigid immobilization systems
Treatment Planning and systems with intra-fraction image-guidance, no additional
margin is added for the PTV.
Although each case must be approached on an individual Table 17.2 contrasts commonly used treatment parame-
basis, the following general guidelines represent a reason- ters for stereotactic irradiation in HGG.
able approach to the delivery of stereotactic therapy for HGG.
100 [33, 52, 53, 56–66]. Ages ranged from 3 to 84 years and
Karnofsky performance status from 40 to 100. Overall the
Linac median survival of patients treated with SRS was quite
Gamma Knife encouraging, although some series reported no benefit in sur-
vival when comparing results to historical controls. However,
Survival Rate
Fig. 17.3 Patient HL, a 73-year-old gentleman treated for glioblas- using a three-isocenter plan using the McGill dynamic stereotactic
toma multiforme on the radiosurgery arm of RTOG 93–05. Prior to technique. 15 Gy was delivered to the 50 % isodose surface, as per pro-
60 Gy of EBRT, the residual tumor in the left temporal lobe was boosted tocol guidelines (a). The tumor failed locally 13 months later (b)
only if the postoperative imaging studies showed residual
tumors of ≤40 mm in maximal diameters.
In the investigational arm, radiosurgery was to be given 40
up front, within 5 weeks of surgery. External beam radiation
was the same in both arms: a volume encompassing the 20
tumor, surrounding edema (for the first 46 Gy) and a margin
was treated to a total of 60 Gy with daily fractions of 2 Gy.
BCNU was administered at a dose of 80 mg/m2 on days 1, 2, 0
0 6 12 18 24 30 36
and 3 of EBRT and then repeated every 8 weeks for a total of
6 cycles.
The first patient was treated in February 1994 and the Fig. 17.4 Overall survival by treatment arm on RTOG 9305 (From
study was closed in June 2000 after the 203rd patient was Souhami L, Seiferheld W, Brachman D, et al. Randomized comparison
enrolled (thus meeting the accrual target of 200 patients). of stereotactic radiosurgery followed by conventional radiotherapy with
carmustine to conventional radiotherapy with carmustine for patients
Results were published in 2004 [55]. Figure 17.3 illustrates with glioblastoma multiforme: report of Radiation Therapy Oncology
the case of a patient treated on the experimental arm. Group 93–05 protocol. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 2004; 60:853–860.
At a median follow-up of 61 months (Fig. 17.4), the Used with permission from Elsevier.)
median survival for Arm 1 was 13.5 months (95 % CI: 11.0–
14.9) and it was 13.6 months (95 % CI: 11.3–15.2) for Arm Both acute and late RTOG grade 3 toxicities were more
2 (p = 0.53). The 2-year actuarial survival rates were 21 % for frequent on Arm 1, although not significantly so. There were
Arm 1 and 19 % for Arm 2. Disappointingly, patterns of fail- no incidences of radiation-related grade 4 toxicity in either
ure were not influenced by the therapy with 90 % of patients arm. A total of seven patients did die of chemotherapy-
presenting with a component of local failure. There was also related toxicity.
no difference in the mini-mental or Spitzer [72] indices (a Questions may arise about the timing of the radiosurgery
validated quality of life index). Despite the exclusion from boost in the RTOG trial. Although both pre and post-EBRT
analysis of seven patients having progressed prior to SRS, no boosts have been used, a look at Table 17.4 will reveal that
subgroup was identified as benefiting from SRS. An post-EBRT boosts are more common in reported series. At
intention-to-treat analysis including all randomized patients the time of the study design in 1993, the choice of an upfront
produced nearly identical results. boost for the RTOG 93–05 trial was motivated primarily by
17 Stereotactic Radiosurgery and Radiotherapy in the Management of High-Grade Gliomas 257
three factors: (1) to benefit from controlling potential- vs. broadly concluding that SRS (or F-SRT) is unproven as
accelerated tumor repopulation, (2) to avoid exclusion of any a beneficial treatment for any patient with a malignant
patient entering the radiosurgical arm because of tumor pro- glioma [75].
gression during the EBRT, and (3) to avoid the bias inherent
in selecting patients after fractionated radiotherapy. Two
reports on the use of a focal boost post-EBRT published at SRS for Recurrent High-Grade Gliomas
that time [67, 73] showed that a large proportion of patients
(10–47 %) developed tumor progression while undergoing Treatment of recurrent HGG is essentially palliative; cases of
the EBRT. Even with the strategy of an up front SRS boost, patients surviving more than 5 years are anecdotal. Strategies
7 % of the patients in the SRS arm had to be excluded available [76] include reoperation, chemotherapy, EBRT
because of tumor progression. Biologically early intensifica- reirradiation, SRS, F-SRT, interstitial brachytherapy, and
tion of the radiation seems favorable and there is no convinc- supportive care. Each of these modalities has its own toxici-
ing evidence that a post-EBRT SRS boost is radiobiologically ties and indications. Current published Phase III studies sup-
advantageous over a pre-EBRT SRS boost. port an improvement in median survival from the use of
Case series of post-EBRT boosts cannot report patient BCNU polymers [77] and an improvement in softer measures
outcomes on an intent to treat basis and have included of outcome from the use of oral temozolomide [76, 78, 79].
patients receiving radiosurgery up to a mean of 6.2 months Survival outcomes from prospective randomized trials are
following their diagnosis [52]. The additional bias intro- presented in Table 17.6 [80–83]. There are no phase III trials
duced by including patients who still have small non- of radiosurgery for recurrent tumors and only selected cases
progressing tumors and a good performance status several are appropriate for salvage SRS. Figure 17.5 illustrates the
months after their initial diagnosis is obvious. Of interest, case of a patient treated at our institution with apparent clini-
despite using a different temporal sequence of their boost cal benefit.
implants, in the two randomized trials of stereotactic brachy- An early 1994 series from the University of California
therapy boost [31, 74] both had similar results, failing to San Diego included 15 patients with recurrent HGG [84].
demonstrate a survival benefit for this technique when given Doses prescribed ranged from 12 to 15 Gy based on the tar-
either before or after the EBRT. A summary of the relative get volume. Of the total group of 20 patients, seven suffered
merits of pre and post-EBRT SRS is presented in Table 17.5. intra-cranial pressure-related acute toxicity (fatal in one
Although the Phase III data does not unequivocally disprove patient) and one suffered from a late somnolence syndrome.
any benefit to post-EBRT radiosurgical boosts, there is no Outcome was not reported by tumor type.
reason to believe that this approach is superior. Kondziolka et al. reported on the University of Pittsburgh
Thus, the best evidence currently available does not sup- experience treating 42 patients with recurrent HGG [52].
port an improvement in survival following the addition of a Median survival from radiosurgery was unusually favorable,
SRS to a standard treatment regimen for GBM. There is 30 months for GBM, 31 for AA. There were no cases of
also no evidence of an improvement in quality of life or a acute toxicity and three patients experience late radiosurgery-
change in pattern of failure. There is, however, an increase related morbidity. Overall 22/107 (21 %) of patients in this
in both acute and late radiation-related toxicity. These are series required craniotomy following SRS.
essentially the conclusions of 2005 ASTRO evidence-based With the passage of time, little has changed in the scope
guidelines–guidelines that can be interpreted narrowly as or results of series reporting SRS for recurrent HGG. More
stating that the benefit of SRS is only disproven for T1 recent reports do tend to be limited to GBM and include a
MRI-guided pre-EBRT boosts in the pre-temozolomide era greater proportion of chemotherapy-treated patients. As an
258 D. Roberge and L. Souhami
Table 17.6 Survival outcomes from prospective randomized trials of previously irradiated, lesions where there was a concern for
recurrent glioblastoma toxicity. Beginning in 1987, patients were treated at our
Therapy Overall survival (months) institution with a regimen of 42 Gy given in fractions of 7 Gy
Lumustinea [80] 9.8 on alternating days over 2 weeks [91]. For these treatments,
Bevacizumab [81] 9.2 rigid immobilization was performed with a halo type frame
Gliadel wafersa [82] 8.8 [92]. Since this early experience, the general trend for F-SRT
NovoTTF-100A [83] 6.6 has been towards smaller fractions using non-invasive
Control arm immobilization.
Authors from the Royal Marsden Hospital have reported
example, in a 2009 report, Villavicencio and colleagues a series of 33 patients treated with F-SRT for recurrent pri-
reported on 26 patients treated with salvage SRS [64]. In this mary brain tumors [38]. This was a dose escalation study
multi-institutional series, all patients had GBM and 96 % conducted from January 1989 to July 1994. All of these
received systemic chemotherapy. Survival from the time of patients had been previously irradiated. Doses ranged from 4
SRS was only 7 months. The longest surviving patient died to 10 daily fractions of 5 Gy. The median survival of the 21
34 months after SRS. patients with recurrent HGG (11 AA, 10 GBM) was
Additional institutional series can be found in Table 17.7 9.6 months. A matched-pair analysis was performed using
[44, 51, 52, 56, 62–65, 84–88]. Common themes from these patients treated for their recurrence with nitrosourea-based
series are: chemotherapy. There was a small, statistically significant,
• Despite median survivals of 7.5–30 months [52, 84], only difference in median survival favoring the RT cohort. Late
one patient is reported as surviving 5 years post- toxicity (not graded) was seen in 36 % of the patients.
radiosurgery (<0.5 %) [51]. Between April 1991 and January 1998, 71 patients with
• Toxicity is incompletely reported with up to 46 % of recurrent tumors (13 % anaplastic oligodendrogliomas, 87 %
patients experiencing treatment complications [84]. high-grade astrocytomas, 15 % of these were dedifferenti-
• Reported prognostic factors include histology, age, KPS, ated low-grade tumors) were treated at the University of
and tumor volume [52, 85, 89]. Minnesota Hospital. A total of 46 of the patients in this retro-
The most credible investigation of the potential benefits spective review were treated with SRS and 25 with F-SRT
of salvage radiosurgery is a case–control study from the [89]. For the SRS cases, the median minimum peripheral
M. D. Anderson Cancer Center [86]. In this report, 41 dose was 17 Gy. F-SRT was delivered to a median of 37.5 Gy
patients treated with salvage SRS were matched for KPS at in 15 fractions. The median survival from stereotactic irra-
presentation, age, year of diagnosis, and size of recurrence diation was 11 months for SRS and 12 for F-SRT (p = 0.3).
with 41 controls. Images of the control patients were Acute complications were seen in 40 % of both groups. Late
reviewed to confirm that the recurrences would have been complications (clinical/pathological necrosis or cranial nerve
eligible for SRS. For the cases, the median survival from palsy) were seen more commonly in the SRS group—30 %
SRS was 11 months vs. 10 months for the controls (calcu- vs. 8 % (p < 0.05). The authors concluded that as the F-SRT
lated from the time of the imaging study showing the SRS- group had worse prognostic factors, a similar median sur-
treatable recurrence). Although the duration of survival was vival, and less late toxicity, it might represent a better treat-
similar in both groups (p = 0.45), the SRS-treated patients ment option for recurrent high-grade gliomas.
had significantly fewer salvage craniotomies (mean: 0.9 vs. Table 17.3 summarizes some of the larger published sin-
1.4). The authors concluded that SRS was of benefit, in par- gle institution series of F-SRT for HGG. Fraction sizes range
ticular in avoiding a number of salvage craniotomies. from 2.5 to 7 Gy for what are mostly recurrent tumors.
Median survival for variable patient populations ranges from
7 to 20 months. Complication rates are incompletely reported
Fractionated Stereotactic Radiation Therapy and range from none to 27 % grade 4 [38, 39].
Authors from Marburg, Germany, reported on 53 patients
When introduced by Leksell more than 50 years ago [90], with recurrent GBM treated at their institution with F-SRT
stereotactic radiosurgery was intended as a means of creating [48]. Between 1998 and 2008, a wide variety of regiments
a “radiation injury.” The intent at that time was to destroy were used to deliver a median total dose of 30 Gy (20–60 Gy)
brain tissue, not selectively inactivate tumor cells intertwined in 2–5 Gy fractions. The reirradiation was well-tolerated
with normal brain tissue. In an attempt to decrease complica- without acute or late grade 3 toxicity. After re-treatment, the
tions through normal tissue repair and to potentially increase median survival was 9 months.
efficacy by allowing reoxygenation and cell cycle reassort- The same issues of bias that plagued the experience with
ment, several centers have treated small series of patients single fraction SRS apply to the experience utilizing
with F-SRT. Often these series are of patients with recurrent, F-SRT. Treatment options for recurrent lesions are numerous.
17 Stereotactic Radiosurgery and Radiotherapy in the Management of High-Grade Gliomas 259
Fig. 17.5 Patient CB, a 55 year old, was treated for a left frontal GBM 15 Gy was prescribed to the 50 % isodose surface. He subsequently
on the radiotherapy only arm of the EORTC/NCIC protocol. His disease developed what was felt to be an area of asymptomatic radionecrosis (b),
progressed soon after the end of radiotherapy and he was given temo- managed conservatively. He was well until the tumor progressed a sec-
zolomide. The tumor progressed following the second cycle of temo- ond time, 3 years following SRS (c). This second failure was at an edge
zolomide. The patient was switched to BCNU chemotherapy and his of the tumor bed outside the radiosurgery target volume (arrow) and
disease remained stable. Ten months post-EBRT, there was evidence of repeat SRS was performed. Five months later he was reoperated for fur-
further disease progression and he was treated with SRS (a). A dose of ther progression and went on to live for 1 year following his second SRS
If stereotactic radiation is used, the choice of fractionation Motivated by the favorable survival (18–19 months) of
may represent a compromise between convenience and risk patients previously treated with the regimen of Cardinale and
of radionecrosis. colleagues [94], the RTOG conducted a Phase II trial (RTOG
A more definitive answer may not soon come for BR-0023) testing a concurrent F-SRT scheme in patients with
F-SRT. The EORTC and the Medical Research Council had primary supratentorial GBM [46]. This study was open from
jointly initiated a randomized trial of F-SRT in the primary March 2001 to June 2003 and was performed to assess the
management of high-grade gliomas. The patients eligible for feasibility, toxicity, and efficacy of this approach. On this
this study were those with ≤4 cm WHO grade III–IV glio- study, a relocatable immobilizer was used for the 4 weekly
mas, age <65 years with a good performance status. These fractions (5 Gy each for targets >40 mm, 7 Gy for smaller
patients were to be randomized to partial brain radiation targets) of F-SRT that were delivered using 3DCRT (GK and
(54–60 Gy) followed or not by F-SRT (4 × 5 Gy daily). This cone-based SRS systems were not permitted) during weeks
study closed in December 2001 because of poor accrual. 3–6 of EBRT (50 Gy). Radiation was followed by 6 cycles of
Median survival for the 14 patients randomized the F-SRT BCNU (80 mg/m2 for 3 days every 8 weeks). A total of 76
arm was a favorable 21.4 months, but outcomes were not patients were analyzed. Treatments were well tolerated with
reported for the control patients [93]. only one acute grade 4 (lethargy) and one late grade 3 (necro-
The use of hypofractionated F-SRT in combination with sis) toxicity observed. Although patients with gross total resec-
standard radiation therapy has been tested in Phase I/II trials, tions did fare better than expected, the overall median survival
in selected patients with primary GBM. Regine et al. [42] was 12.5 months and no difference was seen when the overall
treated 18 previously unirradiated patients with brain tumors results were compared to the RTOG historical database. Thus,
using a combination of conventional external beam radiation although feasible and well-tolerated, this dose-intense, accel-
therapy and a split-course F-SRT. Of these 18 patients, 11 erated regimen did not appear to improve survival. Although
were malignant gliomas. F-SRT dose schedule was based in the biological concept of F-SRT is interesting, attempting to
the residual tumor volume and varied from 7 Gy given 2–4 deliver a higher dose while shortening the overall treatment
times. F-SRT was delivered pre and post-external beam radi- time to limit accelerated repopulation, this prospective RTOG
ation therapy. Of 15 patients evaluated so far at a median trial suggests that a hypofractionated boost strategy may be of
follow-up of 15 months, excessive toxicity was seen only in limited value. In any case, with the merging of conventional
the group with larger tumor volumes. Of interest, 38 % of the and stereotactic technologies, further attempts at dose escala-
patients requiring reoperation (3/8) were found to have only tion are more likely to involve simultaneous-integrated boost
necrosis without evidence of tumor cells. strategies than intercalated “stereotactic” treatment sessions.
Table 17.7 Results of SRS for recurrent high-grade gliomas
Author Selch [56] Chamberlain [84] Shrieve [85] Kondziolka [52] Cho [44] Larson [51] Larson [51] Mahajan [86] Hsieh [62] Patel [87] Pouratian [65] Biswas [63] Villavicencio [64] Cuneo [88]
Institution UCLA UCSD Harvard University of University UCSF UCSF M.D. Anderson Northwestern Henry Ford Virginia Rochester Multicenter Duke
Pittsburgh of Minnesota
Date of 1993 1994 1995 1997 1999 2002 2002 2005 2005 2008 2008 2009 2009 2012
Number 17 13 86 42 46 26* 54 41 26 26 26 18 26 63
of patients
Histology 12 GBM 5 GBM 86 GBM (14 19 GBM 27 GBM GBM 14, GBM 39, GBM GBM GBM GBM GBM GBM GBM 49,
5 AA 8 AA transformed 23 AA 15 AA GRIII 12 GRIII 15 GRIII 14
from LGG)
4 AO
Time from Median 8 Median 15 Median 10.3 GBM mean Median 10 GBM median GBM median Median 11 Median 6.7 Median 12.5 Median 8 Median Median 13 19.6
diagnosis (4–96) (2.3–115) 18.9 (1–166) 12 (3–50), 7 (2–70), (3–49) 12.1 (4–44) (5–89)
(months) AA mean 19.8 GRIII median GRIII median
43 (7–175) 35 (2–145)
Median KPS 100 % >70 70 (50–100) 90 (70–100) Mean KPS 90 70 (40–90) 90 (70–100) 70 (40–90) 90 (70–100) Mean 70 80 (50–100) 80 (40–100) ≥ 70 84 (50–100) 90
(50–100)† 80 for GBM
Median tumor 28.6 36 (3–50.6) 10.1 6.5 (0.9–31)† 30 (3–125) GBM 8 GBM 9.1 4.7 (0.15–16.3) Mean 21.6 10.4 21 (0.3–110) 12.1 7 (0.4–48.5) 4.8
volume cc (6–121) (2.2–83) (1.6–29.7), (0.3–29.1), (0.3–60) (4.1–44.4)
(range) GRIII 2.7 GRIII 6
(0.4–13.4) (0.3–20.3)
Median 24.4 (mean) 12.5 (12–15.7) 13 (6–20) 15.5 (12–25)† 17 (9–40) GBM 15 GBM 16 – 12 18 (12–20) 6 (3–15) 12 20 (8–25) 15 (12
peripheral (12–17.5), (10–20), patients had
dose Gy GRIII 16.5 GRIII 17 F-SRT)
(range) (15–18) (15–18.5)
Median 10 GBM 15 10.2 GBM 30 11 (1–36) GBM 8.7 GBM 10.1 11 10 8.4 9.4 5.3 7 GBM 9
survival AA 7.5 AA 31 GRIII 15.6 GRIII 13.6
1-year – GBM 40 – 45 42 – 42 39 – – – – –
survival (%) AA 12.5
Median 64 80 80 (50–100) 50 (40–90)† 50 (40–90) 25–30 50 (45–55) – 50 90 70†† (50–80) 80 (40–90) 77.7 (65–88)
Median age 49 (27–79) 36 (17–62) 46 (9–77) GBM 51 48 (16–75) GBM 53 GBM 50 54 (17–69) Mean 58.2 53 (25–70) 60.7 (12–76) 57.8†† 56.4 (36–82) 47 (19–76)
(range) (3–72), (22–74), (21–77), (33–81)
AA 45 (3–73)† GRIII 44 GRIII 35
(24–62) (24–58)
Prior Chemo – 100 % 33 % – 57 % – – 90 % 73 % All had 10/26 100 % 96 % 100 % mean
subsequent 3.6 prior
chemo regimens
Reoperations 5/17 (46 % 19/86 3/22† 22 % – – 28/41 – 11/26 – 2/18 – –
Survivors None None None 1 (74 months) None None None None None None None None None None
>5 years
* Patients treated on a protocol with marimastat
Including patients treated for a primary glioma
For a larger group of patients
17 Stereotactic Radiosurgery and Radiotherapy in the Management of High-Grade Gliomas 261
Fig. 17.6 Patient EM is a 29-year-old patient at the time of diagnosis (c) (potentiated by further chemotherapy) which required emergent cra-
of glioblastoma. From left to right, T1 contrast MRIs: after the initial niotomy (d) and resection. The patient is now without evidence of
surgery (a), at the time of 18 Gy SRS salvage (b) (following 60 Gy active disease more than 2 years from diagnosis (e)
EBRT, TMZ and reoperation), showing symptomatic radiation necrosis
262 D. Roberge and L. Souhami
bevacizumab as all bevacizumab-treated patients had both Results of the Temple University and Staten Island look-
clinical and radiological response vs. none of the control ing at chemotherapy (cis-platinum and Taxol) and F-SRS for
patients (p = 0.0013) [96]. recurrent glioma have been reported [37, 99]. Retrospectively,
these results are similar to patients treated without chemo-
therapy and further use of these agents with SRS is unlikely.
Future Directions in Stereotactic Radiation A phase I trial (NCI-T99–0041) investigating the sensiti-
for Glial Neoplasms zation of SRS with Gadolinium Texaphyrin was reported at
AACR-NCI-EORTC conference with emphasis on the 8 T
New strategies in the application of stereotactic irradiation MRI correlative studies [101]. In this trial GBM patients
for malignant gliomas include: with a KPS >60 and a tumor <40 mm were first treated with
• Changes in imaging. conventional EBRT. Following EBRT an IV infusion of
• Concurrent use of systemic chemotherapy. Gadolinium Texaphyrin was given 3 h prior to a 10 Gy SRS
• İntegration with bevacizumab. boost. In the first eight patients accrued, the median time to
There is persistent interest in functional imaging modali- progression was a disappointing 4.5 months.
ties for HGG. This might be of interest in target definition, The UCSF group has published its experience using an
especially for recurrent tumors treated with SRS where non- MMPI inhibitor (Marimastat starting on the day of SRS and
enhancing tumor may be missed by gadolinium-enhanced continued until progression, death, or toxicity) in combina-
T1 MRI images. The group from UCSF has compared SRS- tion with SRS for recurrent HGG [51]. In this phase I trial,
treated volumes with metabolically active tumor volumes patients’ outcomes were not clearly different than expected
defined by proton magnetic resonance imaging (1H-MRS) for patients with recurrent HGG.
[97]. A total of 26 patients were retrospectively divided into Investigators from Colorado have reported two Phase I
high-risk or low-risk groups according to the amount of trials of kinase inhibitors and radiation for recurrent HGG
overlap between the metabolic target and the SRS target. [47, 50]. In a trial with gefitinib, the drug dose was constant
The median survival was 15.7 months for patients in the (250 mg/day) and the F-SRT was escalated (from 18 Gy in 3
low-risk group and 10.4 months for those in the high-risk fractions to 36 Gy in 3 fractions). In the subsequent trial with
group. vandetanib, the F-SRT dose was constant (36 Gy in 3) and
In a trial for newly diagnosed GBM patients, MRS was the drug escalated. Drug and radiation toxicities were addi-
used to target a post-resection, pre-EBRT radiosurgery boost tive without a clear increase in radiation effects or median
[66]. As a novel means of managing the large 10 × 10 × 15 mm survival (6 and 10.3 months).
MRS voxels, an 8 mm Gamma Knife “shot” was used to tar- Bevacizumab, a humanized monoclonal antibody to
get each suspicious voxel. Dose was selected as per RTOG VEGF, is unique in that it promises to both increase the
90–05. Radiosurgery was followed by 60 Gy of EBRT. As anti-tumor effect of radiation at the same time as may lower
the results of the EORTC/NCIC trial became available, the risk of symptomatic necrosis—particularly appealing in
temozolomide was incorporated in the regimen. Survival for re-irradiation. Bevacizumab already appears to improve
temozolomide-treated patients was 20.8 months. progression-free survival in primary (Roche press release, Aug
Combining new strategies in HGG stereotactic radiother- 2012) and recurrent [81] glioblastoma and has pre-clinical and
apy, Neider et al have presented the results of a phase II study clinical support for synergy with radiation. Early outcomes
looking at adding chemotherapy and molecular targeting to from radiosurgery plus bevacizumab have been reported. A
F-SRT for recurrent HGG [98]. Forty-six patients were retrospective analysis from the Duke group compared recur-
treated with F-SRT (30 Gy in 6 fractions) to a target defined rent GBM patients having received SRS with (33 patients) or
using C11-methionine PET, CT, and MRI information. In 30 without (16 patients) bevacizumab [88]. Although the cases
patients, F-SRT was sandwiched in a 6-month course of and control were not matched, the groups were similar and the
temozolomide. Median survival was 11 months with temo- median survival of the patients who received bevacizumab was
zolomide, 6 months without. Toxicity was acceptable with significantly longer (11 vs. 4 months, p = 0.015). Bevacizumab
three reoperations for apparent radionecrosis, which, on patients also had lower rates of radionecrosis (5 % vs. 19 %).
pathology, was combined with recurrent tumor. Based on this experience, Duke investigators conducted a
Temozolomide is now in standard use for HGG, but there prospective study to evaluate SRS plus bevacizumab for
have been a number of small trials combining SRS or F-SRT recurrent high-grade gliomas [102]. Fifteen patients (9
with other alkylators (carmustine implants, cis-platinum) GBM, 6 grade III) were treated: SRS for lesions 0–2.9 cm,
[33, 41], other conventional chemotherapy agents (pacli- F-SRT lesions measuring 3–5 cm. Patients received 10 mg/
taxel) [99] kinase inhibitors (gefitinib, vandetanib) [47, 50], kg of bevacizumab on the day of radiosurgery and again 14
or dedicated radiation sensitizers (hyperbaric oxygen, days later. No grade 4 toxicity was seen and the median sur-
motexafin gadolinium) [100, 101]. vival was 13 months.
17 Stereotactic Radiosurgery and Radiotherapy in the Management of High-Grade Gliomas 263
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Management of Glial Tumors:
Viewpoint—Surgery and Intra- 18
cavitary Radiopharmaceutical
L.S. Chin and W.F. Regine (eds.), Principles and Practice of Stereotactic Radiosurgery, 269
DOI 10.1007/978-1-4614-8363-2_18, © Springer Science+Business Media New York 2015
270 K.L. Chaichana et al.
underwent both gross total and near total resection [12]. This that gross total resection of gliomas improves overall survival
survival benefit was independent of age, degree of disability, in comparison to subtotal resection and biopsy [2–6, 10, 11,
or subsequent treatment modalities for both WHO grade III 30–32]. In addition to the possible benefit of prolonging sur-
and IV gliomas [12]. The median survival for patients with vival with safe, maximal surgical debulking, aggressive
newly diagnosed GB who underwent gross total, near total, resection provides a more representative sample for patho-
and subtotal resection was 13, 11, and 8 months, respectively logical diagnosis and may also provide more improvement in
[12]. Likewise, the median survival for patients with recur- mass effect with subsequent symptomatic relief [26].
rent GB who underwent gross total, near total, and subtotal Maximal resection should therefore be pursued when safe to
resection was 11, 9, and 5 months, respectively [12]. do so for high-grade lesions (Table 18.1) [19].
Similarly, for patients with WHO grade III astrocytomas,
patients who underwent gross total resection had improved
survival as compared to patients with subtotal resection, even Role of Surgery for Patients
after controlling for age, functional status, and revision with Low-Grade Gliomas
resection [12]. The median survival after primary resection
of WHO III astrocytomas for gross total, near total, and sub- Patients with low-grade gliomas often have a better progno-
total resection was 58, 46, and 34 months, respectively [12]. sis than patients harboring higher-grade tumors [3–10, 12,
These studies therefore suggest that achieving an increased 18–21]. In fact, the median survival for patients with low-
extent of resection may be associated with prolonging grade gliomas is typically between 5 and 10 years [3–10, 12,
survival for patients with malignant astrocytomas, but 18–21]. Despite this more favorable prognosis, 50–75 % of
randomized control studies do not exist. patients with low-grade gliomas eventually die from their
Despite this growing body of evidence supporting disease because of either tumor progression or degeneration
increased extent of resection for patients with high-grade to a higher malignant grade [1, 7, 8]. The optimal treatment
gliomas, not all studies support a positive correlation between for patients who harbor low-grade gliomas, however, remains
extent of resection and survival [27]. Levin et al. studied 90 unclear because many patients are followed radiographically
patients with WHO grade III gliomas enrolled into a phase II and intervention is only pursued when clinical or radio-
study for radiation and carboplatin [27]. They found that graphic progression becomes evident [35]. Moreover, the
extent of resection was not significantly associated with sur- role of surgery in delaying recurrence and/or malignant
vival for this cohort [27]. Totrosa et al. also found no associa- degeneration as well as prolonging survival remains contro-
tion between survival and extent of resection for a similar versial [7, 35].
group of patients with anaplastic tumors [28]. Additionally, This lack of understanding of the effectiveness of surgery
Pope et al. evaluated 153 patients with high-grade gliomas for patients with low-grade gliomas is because there are no
(43 with WHO grade III and 110 with WHO grade IV glio- randomized control trials or matched pair analyses. Keles
mas) [29]. They found no difference in survival between et al. performed a literature review of the role of surgery for
patients who underwent surgery versus biopsy [29]. patients with low-grade gliomas and found 30 studies evalu-
There have been five systematic reviews of the literature ating the role of surgery for patients with low-grade gliomas
to date evaluating the role of resection and survival [30–34]. [1]. In this review, all but five studies were excluded because
Sanai and colleagues identified 28 studies on high-grade they included patients with grade I gliomas, relied upon
gliomas with more than 75 patients [34]. They found of these intraoperative determination of extent of resection, and had
28 studies, 14 studies demonstrated an association between small sample sizes, among others [36–39]. These five studies
extent of resection and survival and ten studies found no sta- that met the inclusion criteria were also limited because
tistical association [34]. Grant et al. performed a Cochrane extent of resection was determined by intraoperative gross
review on biopsy versus resection for patients with high- visualization rather than neuro-imaging, and a distinction
grade gliomas [30]. They excluded all 2,100 identified stud- between gross total and near total resection was not made
ies because they lacked statistical power, patient information, [36–39]. This review and others have found data supporting
and/or outcome data [30]. Hess [31] and Nazzaro [32] also a role of surgery in delaying recurrence and prolonging sur-
independently performed similar reviews and also concluded vival controversial [1, 40].
that there was a lack of high-quality studies to conclude if Despite this, there are an increasing number of studies
surgical resection provided a benefit for patients with high- demonstrating a benefit for increasing extent of resection for
grade gliomas [31]. patients with low-grade gliomas [7]. Wisoff et al. evaluated
Although the survival benefit of extensive surgical resec- 518 pediatric patients with low-grade glioma, and found that
tion is not demonstrated in all retrospective studies, the pre- extent of resection was significantly associated with
vailing consensus in numerous studies have demonstrated improved progression-free survival [41]. The 5-year survival
18 Management of Glial Tumors: Viewpoint—Surgery and Intra-cavitary Radiopharmaceutical Therapy 271
Table 18.1 Surgical management of glioma: summary and level of existing evidence supporting management
Tumor characteristics Low-grade glioma–surgical management High-grade glioma–surgical management
and presentation and considerations and considerations
Large tumors, significant Early surgical debulking with extensive resection Extensive resection which minimizes neurologic
neurologic deficit, and/or while minimizing neurologic dysfunction dysfunction
medically intractable Decompression of tumor provides Gross total resection improves patient overall survival
seizures symptomatic relief and reduces tumor burden
Decreases risk for malignant transformation (Level III evidence)
(Level III evidence)
Use of image guided resection to achieve more
extensive resection (Level I evidence)
Decompression of tumor provides symptomatic relief
and reduces tumor burden
Small tumors without mass Consider watchful waiting and delayed Extensive resection which minimizes neurologic
effect found on MRI, intervention dysfunction
transient neurologic Monitor for radiologic progression Gross total resection improves patient overall survival
symptoms Monitor for clinical progression (Level III evidence)
of neurologic symptoms
Use of image-guided resection to achieve more
extensive resection (Level I evidence)
Decompression of tumor provides symptomatic relief
and reduces tumor burden
Tumors located in motor, Stereotactic biopsy only Extensive resection which minimizes neurologic
sensory, or language dysfunction
functional areas and/or Monitor for radiologic progression Gross total resection improves patient overall survival
deep seated tumors Monitor for clinical progression (Level III evidence)
of neurologic symptoms
Consider resection Intraoperative cortical mapping to identify functionally
critical areas (Level III evidence)
Intraoperative cortical mapping to identify Use of image-guided resection to achieve more
functionally critical areas (Level III evidence) extensive resection (Level I evidence)
Consider resection in conjunction
with stereotactic brachytherapy
(Level III evidence)
rate was 99 % with gross total resection, 95 % with 1.5 cm3 progression was 7.0, 4.0, and 3.5 years, respectively [11].
residual disease, 94 % with 1.5–2.9 cm3 residual, and 87 % The median time to malignant degeneration after gross total,
with >3 cm3 residual [41]. The 5-year progression-free sur- near total, and subtotal resection was 12.5, 5.8, and 7 years,
vival rate was 90 % with gross total resection and 45–65 % respectively [11]. In a separate study, we found that gross
with any volume (1.5–3 cm3) of residual disease [41]. More total resection was independently associated with delayed
recently, Smith et al. performed a retrospective volumetric malignant degeneration [7].
analysis of extent of hemispheric LGG resection in 216 There is a growing body of evidence that surgery is an
patients and found that patients with at least 90 % resection effective treatment for patients with low-grade gliomas,
had 5- and 8-year survival rates of 97 % and 91 %, respec- despite an absence of randomized control trials. For patients
tively, while patients with less than 90 % resection had 5- who present with large tumors, significant neurological defi-
and 8-year survival rates of 76 % and 60 %, respectively cits, and medically intractable seizures, immediate surgical
[42]. We recently evaluated 170 patients with low-grade gli- intervention is generally the preferred treatment option [7, 43].
omas and found that gross-total resection was associated Extensive resection without causing an iatrogenic deficit can
with increased overall survival as compared to patients who lead to improvements in overall survival, progression-free
underwent subtotal resection [11]. Five-year overall survival survival, and malignant transformation-free survival [7–9, 44].
after gross total, near total, and subtotal resection was 95 %, However, for incidentally discovered small tumors without
80 %, 70 %, respectively, and 10-year survival was 76 %, mass effect or symptoms, observation with surveillance
57 %, and 49 %, respectively [11]. Additionally, after gross imaging is a viable option given the slow growth and natural
total, near total, and subtotal resection, median time to tumor history of low-grade gliomas (Table 18.1) [45].
272 K.L. Chaichana et al.
Table 18.2 Summary of benefits and risks of stereotactic brachytherapy use in gliomas
Stereotactic brachytherapy benefits Stereotactic brachytherapy risks
Minimizes surgical intervention in functionally critical tissue Prospective, randomized controlled trials have failed to demonstrate
a survival advantage
Avoids systemic toxicity of chemotherapy Invasive procedure when compared to external beam radiation therapy
Avoids neuro-cognitive effects in children who undergo EBRT Limited to tumors <5 cm in diameter and spherical in shape
Retrospective series demonstrate both safety and efficacy Complications: Radiation-induced necrosis and neurological dysfunction
18 Management of Glial Tumors: Viewpoint—Surgery and Intra-cavitary Radiopharmaceutical Therapy 273
Fig. 18.1 GliaSite radiation therapy system device. (a) Schematic shows device components: balloon, subcutaneous tube, and infusion port.
(b) Intraoperative photograph of device implantation after tumor resection
potential for “hot” or “cold” radiation regions and also allows tumor in several retrospective studies [56, 70, 71]. For high-
for a predictable distribution of radiation dose, which grade gliomas, SBT has been utilized for both operated and
decreases with distance from the balloon surface [64–66]. inoperable gliomas in combination with adjuvant therapies
Whereas stereotactic implantation of radiation seed catheters and has been shown to be safely tolerated [55, 72]. Several
can be placed in the midst of actual gross tumor, the GliaSite studies have retrospectively studied the safety and feasibility
technique is only useful when a surgical cavity has been cre- of SBT in high-grade gliomas using GliaSite in combination
ated by resection of all or most of the tumor [64–66]. There with resected brain tumors [66, 67].
also continues to be interest in developing targeted delivery
of radiation dose by using radioisotopes bound to molecules,
which preferentially bind to glioma cells [64–66]. In addi- Previous Studies
tion to 125I, I-131 labeled TM-601, a synthetic chlorotoxin,
has also been demonstrated to effectively deliver radiation Previous studies (Table 18.3) have demonstrated the safety
[68]. Efficacy has not been demonstrated, but this general and efficacy of brachytherapy for patients with gliomas.
approach remains promising and continues to be a subject of Gutin et al. studied 63 patients who were administered
investigation. brachytherapy (125I) in addition to EBRT, procarbazine,
lomustine, and vincristine from 1982 to 1990. The median
survival for patients with anaplastic gliomas was 157 weeks
Indications for those with implants and 165 weeks for those without
implants, while the median survival for patients with GB was
Therapeutic management of gliomas includes some combina- 88 weeks for those with implants and 67 weeks for those
tion of stereotactic biopsy and radiologic monitoring, surgical without implants [73]. Wen and colleagues treated 56
resection, and chemo-radiation therapy [3–5, 16]. Although patients with GB from 1987 to 1993 [74]. The patients in this
surgical resection is the gold standard, tumors located in elo- study underwent surgery, limited field EBRT, and brachy-
quent or critical areas of the brain are not always amenable to therapy with 125I [74]. The median survival for patients
extensive debulking [49]. In children with inoperable low- undergoing brachytherapy was 18 months compared with 11
grade gliomas, SBT is a treatment option that avoids the months for a matched brachytherapy control group with sim-
hematologic and otologic toxicity of chemotherapy and the ilar clinical and radiologic features [74]. Thirty six patients
cognitive and neuropsychological deficits associated with (64 %), however, underwent reoperation for symptomatic
EBRT [50, 69]. In these children, retrospective studies have radiation necrosis [74]. Welsh et al. studied 20 patients from
found SBT to be safe and have an efficacy that is comparable eight institutions who underwent Gliasite brachytherapy
to conventional chemo-radiation with 5 and 10-year survival boost [66]. These patients underwent extensive debulking
rates of 97 % and 92 %, respectively [51, 52, 69]. Additionally, followed by EBRT [66]. The average survival for this study
in adults with low-grade gliomas, the combination of SBT population was 11.4 months, which was 3 months longer
and microsurgery reduces the high complication rate of injury than historical controls [66]. Three patients (14 %) in this
to eloquent brain regions while effectively irradiating the series experienced central nervous system toxicity [66].
274 K.L. Chaichana et al.
In addition to these studies, there have been two random- Limitations and Complications
ized control studies to date on the use of brachytherapy for
patients with gliomas (Table 18.3) [58, 59]. Selker and col- The risks and benefits of SBT are summarized in Table 18.2.
leagues randomized 270 patients with newly diagnosed Patients who are more amenable to SBT include those with
malignant gliomas to surgery, EBRT, and carmustine or sur- tumors that are smaller <5 cm in diameter to minimize
gery, EBRT, carmustine, and interstitial radiotherapy boost damage to surrounding brain parenchyma [62]. Moreover,
with 125I from 1987 to 1994 [59]. The median survival for patient selection is limited to those with spherical tumors, as
patients undergoing treatment with 125I was 68.1 weeks as ovoid or complex polycyclic shapes create challenges in
compared to 58.8 weeks [59]. The difference in survival was obtaining uniform dose distributions [62, 70]. Complications
not statistically significant [59]. Likewise, Laperriere et al. that are due to SBT radiation most commonly lead to blood-
randomized 140 patients from 1986 to 1996 to brachyther- brain barrier breakdown at high radiation doses and result in
apy (125I) plus EBRT versus EBRT for patients with biopsy- radiation-induced necrosis [75]. Necrotizing radiation
proven malignant astrocytomas [58]. The 71 patients changes can cause mass effect and lead to devastating side
randomized to the implant arm had a median survival of effects including both transient and long-term neurological
13.8 months as compared to 13.2 months for the 69 patients dysfunction, increased use of steroids to reduce edema, and
with EBRT [58]. There was no significant difference in sur- formation of cysts that can exert mass effect [62, 70].
vival between the two treatment arms [58]. Thus, while SBT The GliaSite balloon brachytherapy is designed for sur-
remains a treatment option for both low- and high-grade gical cavities up to 3–4 cm in size [64–66]. A substantial
gliomas, the data is conflicting and inconclusive. This is true radiation dose can be delivered up to a cm or more beyond
when SBT is used in combination with standard surgical the balloon surface such that minimal gross residual disease
resection and/or chemo-radiation. can be encompassed [64–66]. However, the higher doses
18 Management of Glial Tumors: Viewpoint—Surgery and Intra-cavitary Radiopharmaceutical Therapy 275
required to deliver a sufficient amount of radiation at 7. Chaichana KL, McGirt MJ, Laterra J, Olivi A, Quinones-Hinojosa
increasing distances from the balloon surface may result in A. Recurrence and malignant degeneration after resection of adult
hemispheric low-grade gliomas. J Neurosurg. 2010;112(1):10–7.
more toxicity [64–66]. More study of this technique are 8. Chaichana KL, McGirt MJ, Niranjan A, Olivi A, Burger PC,
therefore required. Quinones-Hinojosa A. Prognostic significance of contrast-
enhancing low-grade gliomas in adults and a review of the litera-
ture. Neurol Res. 2009;31(9):931–9.
9. Chaichana KL, McGirt MJ, Woodworth GF, Datoo G, Tamargo RJ,
Conclusion Weingart J, et al. Persistent outpatient hyperglycemia is indepen-
dently associated with survival, recurrence and malignant degener-
While there are no randomized control trials, there is a grow- ation following surgery for hemispheric low grade gliomas. Neurol
ing body of evidence supporting maximal resection without Res. 2010;32(4):442–8.
10. Chaichana KL, Zaidi H, Pendleton C, McGirt MJ, Grossman R,
causing an iatrogenic deficit for patients with high-grade Weingart JD, et al. The efficacy of carmustine wafers for older
gliomas, as well as low-grade glioma patients with symp- patients with glioblastoma multiforme: prolonging survival. Neurol
toms or enlarging tumors. SBT can be utilized as adjuvant Res. 2011;33(7):759–64.
treatment for primary and recurrent low- and high-grade 11. McGirt MJ, Chaichana KL, Attenello FJ, Weingart JD, Than K,
Burger PC, et al. Extent of surgical resection is independently asso-
gliomas in combination with surgical resection, chemother- ciated with survival in patients with hemispheric infiltrating low-
apy, and/or EBRT. The use of intracranial SBT can also be grade gliomas. Neurosurgery. 2008;63(4):700–7; author reply 7–8.
helpful for patients with tumors located in functionally criti- 12. McGirt MJ, Chaichana KL, Gathinji M, Attenello FJ, Than K, Olivi
cal areas not amenable to surgical resection. However, to A, et al. Independent association of extent of resection with survival
in patients with malignant brain astrocytoma. J Neurosurg. 2009;
date, randomized control trials have yet to show a survival 110(1):156–62.
benefit for patients with SBT. Thus, while SBT can be uti- 13. McGirt MJ, Than KD, Weingart JD, Chaichana KL, Attenello FJ,
lized in a select group of patients to minimize adverse side Olivi A, et al. Gliadel (BCNU) wafer plus concomitant temozolo-
effects of surgical and chemo-radiation treatment, more evi- mide therapy after primary resection of glioblastoma multiforme.
J Neurosurg. 2009;110(3):583–8 [Comparative Study].
dence is needed to determine whether patient outcomes are 14. Liu BL, Cheng JX, Zhang X, Zhang W. Controversies concerning
significantly improved with this therapy. The development the application of brachytherapy in central nervous system tumors.
of new approaches or new radiopharmaceutical agents to J Cancer Res Clin Oncol. 2010;136(2):173–85 [Review].
deliver intra-cavitary brachytherapy such as the GliaSite bal- 15. Ruge MI, Simon T, Suchorska B, Lehrke R, Hamisch C, Koerber F,
et al. Stereotactic brachytherapy with iodine-125 seeds for the treat-
loon catheter which delivers a predictable homogeneous ment of inoperable low-grade gliomas in children: long-term out-
dose distribution or the use of radiolabelled antibodies to tar- come. J Clin Oncol. 2011;29(31):4151–9.
get treatment at tumor cells has the potential to enhance the 16. Chaichana KL, Halthore AN, Parker SL, Olivi A, Weingart JD,
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35(7):3383–8. 75. Julow J, Kolumban Z, Viola A, Major T, Kolumban G. Prediction of
68. Wu JS, Zhou LF, Tang WJ, Mao Y, Hu J, Song YY, et al. Clinical volumetric change in the “triple ring” caused by glioma I-125
evaluation and follow-up outcome of diffusion tensor imaging- brachytherapy. Neuro Oncol. 2008;10(4):583–92 [Research
based functional neuronavigation: a prospective, controlled study Support, Non-U.S. Gov’t].
Malignant Glioma: Viewpoint—
Chemotherapy 19
Roger Stupp, Krisztian Homicsko,
and J. Gregory Cairncross
L.S. Chin, W.F. Regine (eds.), Principles and Practice of Stereotactic Radiosurgery, 279
DOI 10.1007/978-1-4614-8363-2_19, © Springer Science+Business Media New York 2015
280 R. Stupp et al.
declared (the so-called Macdonald criteria) [19]. In recent recommendations of the RANO consortium should be
years in general oncology, unidimensional tumor measure- considered.
ments have been proposed to simplify and speed up the pro- Because many gliomas are difficult to measure using per-
cess of assessing response, however in neurooncology these pendicular diameters, and to acknowledge the possibility
so-called RECIST criteria have not yet been adopted or vali- that prolonged disease stabilization may indeed be a genuine
dated [20]. With the increased use of anti-angiogenic agents indicator of anti-glioma activity, the percentage of patients
and their effect on normalizing the blood–brain barrier, who are progression-free at 6 months has been proposed as
increased attention is to be given on the tumor extension on an alternative measurement of drug efficacy in neurooncology
T2 and FLAIR MRI images rather than solely assessing the [24]. This endpoint, although never formally validated as a
decrease in contrast uptake. An international working party surrogate of overall survival, has been widely adopted in
is addressing methodological issues surrounding response recent years in chemotherapy trials for recurrent malignant
evaluation with modern treatments. A first set of RANO- glioma, and is often also used in the context of newly diag-
criteria (Response Assessment in Neuro-Oncology) has been nosed disease, as well. Nevertheless, overall survival remains
published [21]. the most important and reliable measurement of treatment
Because objective responses are uncommon in neuroon- outcome and randomized trials the best way to test a new
cology (i.e., most tumors are resistant to most drugs) and drug for glioma [25].
may be difficult to measure, even when they occur, research
reports on the medical treatment of brain tumor frequently
interpret stable disease or minor response (less than 50 %) as Active Agents
evidence of antitumor activity. This practice inflates response
rates and is of uncertain merit. With MRI having replaced Table 19.1 shows selected active cytotoxic agents.
CT, the matter of response assessment has been further com-
plicated. Enhanced CT is a relatively simple imaging tool.
MRI, on the other hand, is a better and more complicated Nitrosoureas
machine with a wide assortment of T1, T2, fluid-attenuated
inversion recovery (FLAIR), diffusion, and other sequences: Nitrosoureas were the principal drugs for malignant glioma for
Which ones should be used to assess the response of gliomas over 20 years. These lipophilic alkylating agents readily cross
to new drugs? For now, the WHO and Macdonald style the blood–brain barrier and have shown some activity in
response criteria, currently usually applied to T1 sequences patients with recurrent malignant glioma. Efficacy of lomustine
on gadolinium-enhanced MRI, continue to be useful [22, 23], [CCNU] has recently been confirmed in prospective random-
when novel vasculature-modifying agents are employed, the ized trials where lomustine served as the control arm [26, 27].
dose intensification did not demonstrate an improved out- in steroid requirements and median survival of around 9
come, numerically the standard regimen was slightly supe- months [54, 55]. The European Medicines Agency rejected
rior [45]. Similarly, a German randomized NOA-04 trial the application in the absence of controlled data [56].
also compared the standard to a dose-intensified TMZ regi- Two independent phase III randomized trials have been
men and could not show a benefit for the alternative dosing initiated by the RTOG (trial#0825) and by Roche (AvaGlio)
schedule [46]. Intensification of the TMZ regimen failed to in newly diagnosed GBM patients. Bevacizumab is added to
demonstrate improved outcome in a large randomized trial standard chemoradiotherapy (TMZ/RT → TMZ, see below)
in newly diagnosed GBM patients (RTOG0525/Intergroup first line treatment. Both trials failed to demonstrate improve-
trial, discussed below) [47]. ment in overall survival, as expected radiological progression-
The definitive role of TMZ in the initial treatment of free survival was prolonged [57, 58]. Intuitively it appears
newly diagnosed glioblastoma was demonstrated in a ran- that prolongation in progression-free survival and a decrease
domized phase III trial by the European Organisation for in steroid requirements would translate into improved
Research and Treatment of Cancer (EORTC) and the NCI quality of life. However, the detailed analysis of net clinical
Canada Clinical Trials Group [48, 49]. This landmark trial benefits in the Radiation Therapy Oncology Group (RTOG)-
established the role of early use of chemotherapy in the man- sponsored study suggested the contrary, while quality of life
agement of glioma, and led to definitive regulatory approval assessments in the Roche-sponsored AvaGlio study stopped
of TMZ both in the United States, and worldwide. Further at the time of radiological tumor progression, and does not
details are discussed in the next main paragraph. allow for definitive conclusions. Furthermore, toxicity and
Temozolomide has also been extensively investigated in serious adverse events (hypertension, thromboembolic com-
recurrent anaplastic astrocytoma, mixed oligoastrocytoma plications, wound dehiscence and hemorrhage) were all
and oligodendroglioma. The response rate in these grade III more prevalent in the bevacizumab-treated patients.
tumors was in the range of 20–40 %, with 50–70 % of The integrin inhibitor cilengitide has also been investi-
patients likely deriving some benefit [42, 50–53] gated in a large prospective phase III trial in newly diagnosed
patients. Despite promising results in non-comparative phase
II trials, no benefit could be demonstrated in the definitive
Bevacizumab and Anti-angiogenic Therapy trial [59–61].
PcP prophylaxis
4 weeks
TMZ daily x 42d 5d 5d 5d x 6 cycles
4 weeks
1 6 10 14 18 22 week
Fig. 19.1 Treatment scheme for newly diagnosed glioblastoma. From: Mino, Homicsko & Stupp: central nervous system In: M.A. Dicato (ed.),
Side effects of medical cancer therapy, Springer London 2013, doi:10.1007/978-0-85729-787-7_7; used with permission
the year 2002, an analysis of pooled individual data from RT and for 6 months afterward {TMZ/RT → TMZ})
more than 3,000 patients in 12 randomized trials [73] found improved overall survival in patients with glioblastoma [48].
a small but significant survival advantage, favoring chemo- In this phase III trial, 573 patients were randomized in less
therapy in addition to surgery and RT at initial diagnosis. For than 18 months. Patients who received initial treatment with
patients with both grade 3 and 4 tumors, a hazard ratio of RT alone (but may have received TMZ or other chemother-
0.85 for chemotherapy equated to a 5 % improvement in apy at progression) had a median survival of 12 months com-
overall survival from 15 to 20 % at 2 years [73]. pared with 15 months for patients treated with TMZ/RT at
In a German multicenter trial with patient accrual from diagnosis. More importantly, the chances of survival at 2
1994 to 1999 BCNU was replaced by nimustine (ACNU), years were only 11 % in the RT arm compared with 27 % for
another nitrosourea with less pulmonary toxicity [32]. those treated with TMZ/RT [49]. This trial established the
Three hundred seventy-five patients were randomized to current standard of care for patients with glioblastoma and
radiotherapy and either ACNU/cytarabine or ACNU/teni- serves as the benchmark to which newer strategies must be
poside; unfortunately there was no radiotherapy-alone compared (Fig. 19.1). These results compare favorably with
control arm. No difference in survival between the two reported results among patients with small tumors eligible
chemotherapy regimens could be shown; nevertheless the for stereotactic radiosurgery. The good outcome in the
survival outcomes were encouraging with a median sur- control arm also reflects the, albeit modest, activity of the
vival of 16 months and a 2-year survival rate of 27 % TMZ when administered as second-line therapy after tumor
among 302 patients with glioblastoma. More than 90 % of progression.
patients had undergone debulking surgery, and accrual
occurred over 6 years in 15 centers (average of three
patients per year per center). Thus, a strong selection bias Methylguanine Methyltransferase
cannot be excluded.
In 2005, the EORTC and NCIC (National Cancer Institute Methylguanine methyltransferase (MGMT) gene promoter
of Canada Clinical Trials Group) Intergroup trial demon- methylation has been established as the single most impor-
strated beyond doubt that chemotherapy (i.e., TMZ during tant predictive and prognostic marker in malignant glioma
19 Malignant Glioma: Viewpoint—Chemotherapy 285
Fig. 19.2 Survival according to MGMT status and treatment alloca- ylated according to randomized treatment allocation. Reprinted with
tion (combined modality vs. RT alone). Left panel: survival of patients permission from Stupp R, Mason WP, van den Bent MJ et al.
with a methylated MGMT promoter if treated with TMZ/RT → TMZ Radiotherapy plus concomitant and adjuvant temozolomide for glio-
(blue) or initial RT only (red). Right panel: survival if MGMT unmeth- blastoma. N Engl J Med 2005; 352: 987–996; used with permission
[74, 75]. Patients whose tumors have a methylated MGMT were randomized after determination of and stratification
gene promoter, resulting in gene silencing, decreased for MGMT status. The prognostic value of MGMT promoter
expression of MGMT, and less effective repair of DNA methylation status was confirmed with a median survival of
damage caused by TMZ are benefitting most from the 21.2 months for methylated tumors, compared to 14 months
addition of chemotherapy [76]. This predictive value has for the unmethylated group [47]. However, neither treat-
been repeatedly confirmed in glioblastoma patients, while ment intensification nor prolongation of the maintenance
in patients with anaplastic glioma, MGMT is a strong chemotherapy for up to 12 cycles appeared to improve
favorable prognostic factor independent of treatment, but outcome, overall median survival was 16 months from
loses in predictive strength [46]. In the pivotal EORTC/ registration (approx. 2–6 weeks after surgery). Ongoing
NCIC trial glioblastoma patients with tumors in which the investigations are either stratifying patients according to
MGMT gene promoter was unmethylated and thus presum- the MGMT status, or devising separate treatment strategies
ably fully expressed MGMT, no apparent benefit was for patients with and without MGMT promoter methylation
derived from the addition of TMZ during and after radio- (see Elderly below).
therapy [76]. Patients with an unmethylated tumor treated
with TMZ/RT had a median survival 13 months (2-year
survival rate of 14 %), compared to 12 months (2-year sur- Treatment of Anaplastic Glioma
vival rate 2 %) when treated initially with RT alone (at
recurrence the great majority of patients received chemo- Table 19.2 shows selected treatment options and potential
therapy) [76]. In patients with an MGMT methylated alternatives for anaplastic glioma.
tumor, median survival was 22 months (2-year survival
46 %) when treated with TMZ/RT → TMZ, compared to 15
months (2-year survival: 23 %) if received RT alone at ini- Anaplastic Astrocytoma
tial diagnosis (Fig. 19.2).
The RTOG0525/EORTC/NCCTG (North Central Cancer Unlike glioblastoma, there are no randomized data providing
Treatment Group) Intergroup trial aimed at overcoming the level I evidence on the role of chemotherapy in the initial
MGMT-mediated resistance by dose intensification and treatment of anaplastic astrocytoma. Some trials, however,
exhaustion of MGMT by continuous chemotherapy expo- have suggested a benefit from adjuvant nitrosourea-based
sure. Almost 1,200 patients were included and 833 patients therapy for patients with grade III tumors [70, 77].
286 R. Stupp et al.
One of the few positive trials was reported by the Anaplastic Oligoastrocytoma
EORTC. Two hundred sixty-nine patients with malignant gli- and Oligodendroglioma
oma were randomized to focal RT vs. RT + dibromodulcitol
and BCNU [77]. The longer survival in the experimental arm Since the year 2000 WHO criteria and greater awareness of
was mainly due to the subgroup of 29 (!) patients with non- this subgroup, oligoastrocytoma and oligodendroglioma are
glioblastoma high-grade tumors. A confirmatory randomized increasingly identified as separate and distinct tumor entities
EORTC trial in grade III tumors failed to demonstrate a [80]. While mixed oligoastrocytomas behave largely like
statistically significant improvement in outcome [78]. A astrocytomas, pure oligodendrogliomas have a more favor-
randomized trial comparing adjuvant PCV with adjuvant PCV able natural history. Specific molecular changes, in particular
plus difluoromethyl ornithine (DFMO), an ornithine decar- the loss of genetic information on chromosomes 1p and 19q,
boxylase inhibitor, has been reported [79]. Patients were ran- have been associated with high sensitivity to chemotherapy
domized at the end of RT. Those who had already progressed and with particularly long survival [81]. Two randomized tri-
or had declining performance status were not included in the als investigated neoadjuvant (before RT) or adjuvant (after
study. Patients with grade 3 gliomas experienced longer statis- completion of RT) PCV chemotherapy in patients with newly
tically nonsignificant survival and time to progression in the diagnosed anaplastic oligoastrocytomas and oligodendroglio-
PCV + DFMO arm [79]. An identical trial in patients with glio- mas [82, 83]. Both trials confirmed a more favorable progno-
blastoma was negative [79]. sis for patients with loss of heterozygosity (LOH) of 1p/19q.
In one phase II trial, in patients with recurrent anaplastic While at initial analysis after a median follow-up of more
astrocytoma, TMZ has shown a high objective response rate of than 6 years, no benefit in overall survival was detected [82,
35 %. A randomized trial (RTOG9813) comparing radiother- 83], a subsequent analysis, performed in 2012 after a median
apy plus adjuvant BCNU or CCNU vs. adjuvant TMZ in newly follow-up of 11 years, found a significant survival benefit for
diagnosed patients was closed early due to insufficient accrual. patients with oligodendroglioma harboring a co-deletion of
The German NOA-04 trial compared two treatment strat- chromosomes 1p and 19q [84, 85]. These findings are sup-
egies: patients with anaplastic glioma were randomized to ported by the earlier observation of prolonged progression-
either RT alone, and chemotherapy at recurrence vs. the free survival in this genetically defined subset, suggesting
opposite sequence with a primary endpoint of time to the that prolongation of progression-free survival may be a mean-
second failure. The data suggest that it does not matter which ingful surrogate endpoint. These trials also emphasize that the
strategy is employed first. MGMT promoter methylation was subgroup of patients with 1p/19q co-deletion represent a dis-
again a strong prognostic marker, however it was not predic- tinct pathologic entity and future revisions of the WHO clas-
tive for benefit from chemotherapy when analyzed by time to sification may include molecular characterization as a
first progression [46]. mandatory condition of pathological categorization.
19 Malignant Glioma: Viewpoint—Chemotherapy 287
radiotherapy (28 × 1.8 Gy, 50.4 Gy) with best supportive care
How to Select Patients for Chemotherapy? in 84 patients over the age of 70 years (median, 73 years,
range 70–85 years). Overall survival in patients receiving
When considering patients with malignant glioma for a spe- radiotherapy was 6.8 months compared with 4 months with
cific therapy, treatment-related, tumor-related, and patient- best supportive care only (p = 0.002) [88]. Roa et al. reported
related factors need to be considered. One of the most equivalent survival when treating glioblastoma patients over
important deterrents to chemotherapy is poor performance the age of 60 years (mean 72 years) with either standard frac-
status. Patients with poor neurologic function are unlikely to tionated radiotherapy (30 × 2 Gy, 60 Gy in 6 weeks) or with
improve substantially with chemotherapy. Similarly, patients hypofractionated radiotherapy (15 × 2.66 Gy, 40 Gy in 3
with poor general functioning are unlikely to tolerate chemo- weeks) [89]. Median survival durations were 5.1 and
therapy sufficiently well to achieve a benefit, especially when 5.6 months, respectively (p = 0.57). In the EORTC/NCIC
the response of malignant gliomas is often slow or protracted. TMZ/RT → TMZ trial, patients over the age of 50 years had
Tumor size and resectability are prognostic factors [86]. inferior overall survival, but the benefit afforded by TMZ/RT
For large, deep tumors and tumors crossing the midline, only was maintained across all age groups, including patients > 60
biopsy with stereotactic guidance is suggested. Tumors in or 65 years (patients >70 years were not eligible for trial par-
these locations are often accompanied by rapidly progressive ticipation) [49]. Therefore, combined treatment should not
neurologic symptoms, steroid dependence, and deteriorating be withheld based on age alone.
performance status. In all clinical trials, these types of Two randomized trials compared exclusive radiotherapy
patients have very poor outcomes irrespective of treatment with chemotherapy alone [90, 91]. In the 3-arm Nordic trial
with TMZ/RT or other treatment measures. In the EORTC/ 342 patients (median age of 70 years, range 60–88) were
NCIC trial, a trend for longer survival after TMZ/RT could randomly assigned to one of two RT (10 × 3.4 Gy or
also be demonstrated among patients with a tumor biopsy 30 × 2 Gy) schedules or standard dose TMZ monotherapy
only (median survival 9.4 vs. 7.4 months, p = 0.09) (see sup- [90]. The study showed that standard fractionated RT was
plementary appendix to [48] at http://content.nejm.org/cgi/ particularly poorly tolerated in patients older than 70 years,
content/full/352/10/987/DC1). and that single agent TMZ may be a valid alternative to
In our clinical practice, we aim at providing all care in the radiotherapy. Median overall survival was 6.0 months with
outpatient clinic both with chemotherapy and radiotherapy. RT60 (30 × 2 Gy), 7.5 months with RT34 (10 × 3.4 Gy), and
For patients with severely impaired performance status, we 8.3 months with TMZ (5/28 days) [90]. The German NOA-
frequently recommend single-modality therapy or support- 08 trial compared standard fractionated RT (30 × 2 Gy) with
ive care only. Nevertheless, French investigators reported on 1 week on, 1 week off, dose-dense TMZ in 373 elderly
a phase II trial including elderly patients (median age 77 patients (median age 72 years, range 66–84) [91]. Overall
years, range 70–87) with a Karnofsky performance status survival analysis favored RT (median 9.6 vs. 8.6 months,
below 70. Seventy patients were treated with single agent p = 0.033), however exclusive radiotherapy appears to be det-
TMZ (5/28 days). One third of the patients improved their rimental for patients with a methylated MGMT. Taken
performance status to ≥70 % and regained some indepen- together elderly patients with methylated MGMT tumors are
dence and quality of life [87]. The median survival was best treated with TMZ chemotherapy, while unmethylated
5.8 months, while subgroup analyses of patients with meth- fare better when treated with RT alone [91].
ylated or unmethylated MGMT showed median survivals of An ongoing trial coordinated by the NCIC in collabora-
7.2 and 4.4 months, respectively. tion with the EORTC is evaluating combined modality hypo-
fractionated TMZ/RT → TMZ vs. RT (15 × 3 Gy) alone in
patients over the age of 65 years but unfortunately, this trial
Treatment of the Elderly lacks a chemotherapy alone arm.
Table 19.3 Recursive Standard arm: radiotherapy Experimental arm: combined TMZ/RT
partitioning analysis of the
RPA class Median survival Two-year survival Median survival Two-year survival
3 14.8 (10.9–17.0) 19.6 (6.9–32.3) 21.4 (15.3–N*) 43.4 (28.0–58.9)
4 13.3 (12.0–15.0) 10.9 (5.8–16.0) 16.3 (14.1–18.3) 27.9 (20.5–35.3)
5 9.1 (8.0–11.7) 6.2 (1.1–11.2) 10.3 (8.6–12.4) 16.5 (8.8–24.2)
RPA recursive partitioning analysis, TMZ/RT temozolomide and radiotherapy, N* upper confidence boundary
not reached
From: Mirimanoff RO, Gorlia T, Mason W, et al. Radiotherapy and temozolomide for newly diagnosed glio-
blastoma; recursive partitioning analysis of the EORTC 26981/22981-NCIC CE3 phase III randomized trial.
J Clin Oncol 2006; 24(16):2563–2569
Chemotherapy Toxicity and Quality of Life Stereotactic radiosurgery, despite promising reports on
selected patients in phase II trials and in retrospective series,
Systemic administration of chemotherapy is inherently asso- failed to demonstrate any prolongation of survival, qual-
ciated with the risk of nontarget organ toxicity. All cyto- ity of life, or local control and was the object in 2005 of a
toxic agents currently used for the treatment of malignant systematic review by the American Society for Therapeutic
glioma may induce moderate or severe myelosuppression. Radiology and Oncology (ASTRO) [114]. Apparent
Carmustine may also cause severe interstitial pneumonitis in improvements in survival in some non-controlled trials may
20–30 % of patients [104–106]. A major limitation of the simply reflect patient selection [25]. To date two randomized
PCV chemotherapy regimen is the cumulative hematotoxic- trials were started, but only one was completed. A stereotac-
ity, which frequently prohibits delivering the planned num- tic boost of 15–24 Gy administered to tumors of ≤4 cm in
ber of cycles and dose intensity. size before standard external beam radiotherapy showed no
19 Malignant Glioma: Viewpoint—Chemotherapy 289
improvement in any of the outcome parameters [115]. The diotherapy and adjuvant chemotherapy of newly diagnosed
other randomized trial evaluating fractionated stereotactic glioblastoma [48, 49]. In this trial with 85 centers, many
boost (5 × 4 Gy) administered after the end of external beam smaller hospitals participated, confirming the applicability
radiotherapy was prematurely discontinued due to insuffi- of this treatment to everyday practice. The subsequent large
cient patient accrual [116]. and pragmatic RTOG0525/EORTC/NCCTG Intergroup
Why increasing doses of radiation do not [117]? study with more than 250 participating RT-departments (in
Glioblastoma is an infiltrating tumor affecting the whole the majority North American hospitals) included 1,173
brain, and the contrast enhancement and tumor extension patients and confirmed the results of previous trials [47].
detected on MRI is “only the tip of the iceberg.” Stereotactic Stereotactic radiosurgery has the ability to deliver with
radiosurgery can only be applied to tumors with a maximum utmost precision high radiation doses, either as a single frac-
diameter of 3–4 cm, while malignant gliomas are large and tion or as fractionated radiotherapy. However, in the case of
diffuse. Tumor cells outside of the field of irradiation can ill-defined targets, high precision is of limited value. In these
serve as sanctuaries for tumor regrowth and maintenance, cases novel neuro-imaging techniques like tumor metabolic
this will inevitably lead to failure of all exclusively local treat- evaluation with positron-emission tomography (PET) using
ment approaches. Before the era of modern radiation therapy, amino-acid tracer, or improved anatomical visualization
surgery was the sole treatment modality and heroic lobec- using diffusion tensor tractography can be useful.
tomies and hemispherectomies were performed in vain. The different treatment approaches of systemic and local
Even after extensive resections tumor recurred at distant treatment are not necessarily mutually exclusive. The combi-
brain sites. The dogma of regional tumor recurrence popular- nation of stereotactic radiosurgery with TMZ in the frame of
ized by Hochberg and Pruitt [118] may need to be revisited. the standard chemoradiotherapy is likely feasible and should
As patients now live longer thanks to combined chemoradio- be properly studied in prospective randomized trials. The
therapy and other truly effective therapies, distant recurrences repeated reports on feasibility of this approach in uncon-
are observed at increasing frequency. Table 19.4 shows the trolled phase II studies, and frequently with inappropriate
advantages of chemotherapy and SRS. historical comparators are misleading and a waste of the lim-
Stereotactic radiosurgery not only requires equipment ited resources [120]. In vitro, temozolomide has been shown
and expertise, but also limited to a minority of patients with to inhibit tumor cell migration. Similarly, the combination of
malignant glioma (10–25 %) (reviewed in [119]). Only temozolomide and radiotherapy together with carmustine-
patients with adequate performance status and with tumors impregnated wafers (Gliadel; MCI Pharma, Baltimore, MD)
distant from vital structures are considered for radiosurgery. might improve local control while eradicating infiltrating
In contrast, TMZ chemotherapy can be initiated in 90 % of tumor cells [121].
patients with malignant glioma without substantial toxicity. In select patients with small and circumscribed recurrent
Furthermore, level I evidence is available for the chemora- high-grade glioma, re-irradiation is increasingly used.
290 R. Stupp et al.
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Alessandra Gorgulho, Carlos A. Mattozo,
and Antonio A.F. De Salles
L.S. Chin and W.F. Regine (eds.), Principles and Practice of Stereotactic Radiosurgery, 295
DOI 10.1007/978-1-4614-8363-2_20, © Springer Science+Business Media New York 2015
296 A. Gorgulho et al.
relapse. Grade 1 resection required gross total removal of all [36] studied the role of XRT for those lesions and found that
visible tumor plus dural attachments and was associated with young age (<58 years), modern imaging and treatment
9 % local recurrence. Gross total removal with dural cautery planning techniques, and a postoperative radiation dose of at
constituted grade 2 resection and was associated with a 19 % least 50 Gy contribute to improved outcome in patients with
relapse. A partial resection was a grade 3 procedure with a atypical and malignant meningiomas. They also recom-
relapse rate of 40 %. Poorer control rates occurred after mended that all patients should receive radiation therapy
grade 4 (decompression) or 5 (biopsy) procedures. immediately after initial surgery. Dziuk et al. [37] stated that
Since this system was proposed, many other reports have adjuvant XRT, recurrence status, and extent of resection
confirmed that local relapse of meningiomas depends upon were independent predictors of recurrence for malignant
the extent of first resection [14–16]. After gross total removal, meningiomas. They found that the 5-year disease-free sur-
the local recurrence rate at 5 and 10 years approximate 10 % vival after an initial total resection increased from 15 to 80 %
and 20 %, respectively [16]. After less than gross complete with radiation therapy. Recently, Ware et al. [38] published
resection, relapse rates at 5, 10, and 15 years were recently their experience treating atypical and malignant meningio-
reported at 25 %, 70 %, and 90 %, respectively [16]. mas with resection followed by brachytherapy with perma-
Jääskeläinen et al. [3] reported a recurrence rate 5 years after nent low-dose 125I. The median freedom from progression of
complete resection of 3 % for benign, 38 % for atypical, and the combined group of patients was 10.4 months.
78 % for anaplastic meningiomas. Furthermore, this approach resulted in a high complication
Nevertheless, total excision including the dural site of ori- rate. Their radiation necrosis rate was 27 %, with 13 % of
gin is seldom possible, especially when important vascular patients requiring additional surgery (Case Study 20.1).
and/or neural structures are encased within the tumor or if The main criticism for XRT as a complement to surgical
the tumor infiltrates adjacent anatomic structures [17–19]. resection has been a high long-term complication rate, which
The success rates associated with microsurgical excision of has been reported to be from 17 to 38 % when patients were
benign skull base tumors has varied from 26 to 89 % [20– followed longer than 5 years [39]. Nutting et al. [35] in their
25]. Although the mortality rate has decreased in recent skull base benign meningioma series reported that complica-
reports, a significant number of patients continue to experi- tions such as retinopathy, cataract, hypopituitarism, and
ence adverse effects related to surgical procedures with rates short-term memory deficit were likely to have been related to
ranging from 15 to 26 % [24, 26–29]. irradiation, occurring in 13.4 % of the patients. The true inci-
dence of neuropsychologic side effects for patients who sur-
vive more than 6 months without tumor recurrence, as in the
Radiation Therapy case of meningiomas, has been significantly underestimated.
A study of 748 patients showed some degree of neuropsy-
The benefit of conventional radiation therapy (XRT) to com- chologic deficit in 29 %, and 12 % were classified as having
plement subtotal resection of meningiomas is well estab- post-radiation dementia [40].
lished [10, 20, 30]. External beam radiation therapy in doses
of 45–50 Gy reduces the progression rate after partial resec-
tion of meningiomas [30, 31]. A control rate of 72–98 % has Stereotactic Radiation
been reported, depending on the timing of XRT after surgery,
the extent of resection, the presence of cell atypia, the XRT Radiation therapy to large portions of the brain is necessary
dose, the tumor location, and the XRT technique used [30– only in selected meningiomas. Malignant meningiomas with
34]. Glaholm et al. [32] reported 5-, 10-, and 15-year partial resection, as well as atypical meningiomas with risk
relapse-free survival rates of 78 %, 67 %, and 56 %, respec- of dural spread, require more extensive radiation fields.
tively, after postoperative radiotherapy. Well-demarcated benign lesions must be managed with focal
Goldsmith et al. [33], in a retrospective review of 117 radiation, either stereotactic radiosurgery (SRS) or stereotac-
patients receiving conventional RT after subtotal resection, tic radiotherapy (SRT) depending on involvement of elo-
reported a significant impact on progression-free survival quent structures or volume of the lesion.
(PFS) after XRT related to total dose. The 10-year relapse- The application of SRS and SRT for treatment of menin-
free rate in those receiving ≤52 Gy was 65 % compared with giomas has been extensively studied at our institution. For
93 % for those receiving >52 Gy. For skull base meningio- the radiosurgery procedures at UCLA, a Clinac 18 linear
mas, a 5- and 10-year PFS rate of 92 % and 83 %, respec- accelerator (Varian, Inc., Palo Alto, CA) adapted to a Philips
tively, has been reported after XRT [35]. SRS 200 was used from 1990 to 1996. A dedicated Varian
Atypical and malignant meningiomas differ from their 600 SR and X-Knife software (Radionics, Inc., Burlington,
benign counterparts in that they frequently recur after MA) were introduced for the development of SRT, being
complete excision and are more often fatal. Milosevic et al. used from 1996 to 1998. The Novalis dedicated system with
20 Meningioma 297
Table 20.1 Tumor growth control after stereotactic radiation of benign Table 20.4 Tumor control rates for cavernous sinus meningiomas
meningiomas according to the UCLA grading system
Tumor size SRS (%) SRT (%) Total (%) Grade Meningioma radiologic aspect Tumor control (%)
Decreased 22 (34.9) 24 (33.3) 46 (34.1) I Confined to the cavernous sinus 90
No change 36 (57.1) 46 (63.8) 82 (60.7) II Involvement of the petroclival region 86
Increased 5 (7.9) 2 (2.7) 7 (5.2) without brain-stem compression
Total 63 (100) 72 (100) 135 (100) III Extension to and compression of the 86
Tumor control 58 (92) 70 (97.2) 128 (94.8) optic nerve, chiasm, or tract
IV Involvement of the petroclival region 42
with compression of the brain stem
Table 20.2 Clinical follow-up results V Extensive involvement of both 0
Neurologic findings SRS (%) SRT (%) Total (%) cavernous sinus
Improved 22 (35) 21 (32.3) 43 (33.5)
Unchanged 36 (57.1) 42 (64.6) 78 (60.9)
Worsened 5 (7.9) 2 (3.1) 7 (5.4) De Salles et al. [43] studied the role of SRS and SRT in
Number of cases 63 (100) 65 (100) 128 (100) the management of skull base meningiomas and proposed a
grade system (see the section “Patient Algorithm” later).
Table 20.3 Tumor growth control after stereotactic radiation of atypical They studied 40 patients (34 SRS; 6 SRT) treated during an
meningiomas 8-year period. Tumor control rates were 90 % for grade I,
Tumor size SRS (%) SRT (%) Total (%) 86 % for grade II, 86 % for grade III, 42 % for grade IV, and
Decreased 1 (6.2) 1 (20) 2 (9.5) no control for grade V (Table 20.4). The control rate corre-
No change 4 (25) 2 (40) 6 (28.5) lated well with the tumor grade (p < 0.036). Additionally, the
Increased 11 (68.7) 2 (40) 13 (62) complication rate was 7.5 % (three cases) occurring only in
Total 16 (100) 5 (100) 21 (100) SRS treatments. Since this report, grades III, IV, and V are
Tumor control 5 (31.2) 3 (60) 8 (38.1) treated with SRT at our institution.
The experience of treatment of cavernous sinus meningi-
omas with SRT was recently reviewed by Selch et al. [44].
miniature multileaf collimator capability has been used since They studied 45 patients treated with a median prescribed
1997 (BrainLAB, Munich, Germany). dose of 50.4 Gy delivered to a median tumor volume of
The whole UCLA meningioma series was published by 14.5 cm3. The 3-year progression-free survival rate was
Torres et al. [41] with a review of 161 patients who under- 97.4 % and the preexisting neurologic complaints improved
went SRS or SRT for treatment of 194 meningiomas in all in 20 % of patients. One patient had an ipsilateral cerebro-
locations. Clinical and radiologic follow-up were obtained in vascular accident 6 months after SRT, although this compli-
128 patients harboring 156 lesions. Stereotactic radiosurgery cation is not likely related to the procedure.
was used to treat 79 lesions, and SRT was used to treat 77
lesions. The overall mean follow-up period was 32.5 months.
The mean prescribed dose for the SRS group was 15.6 Gy, Stereotactic Radiosurgery
whereas for the SRT group, the dose was 48.4 Gy. For benign
tumors, the overall local control rate was 94.8 %. The control SRS has become a well-accepted modality for the treatment
rates for the SRS and SRT were 92 % and 97.2 %, respec- of a number of neurologic indications, ranging from primary
tively (Table 20.1). The overall rate of clinical improvement and metastatic malignancies to benign tumors, arteriovenous
was 33.5 %. Worsening of the clinical symptoms was malformations (AVMs), pain, and other neurologic condi-
observed in 7.9 % of patients who underwent SRS and in tions. Unlike conventional fractionated radiotherapy, SRS
3.1 % who underwent SRT (Table 20.2). The incidence of does not exploit differences in the repair capacities of normal
clinical complications in the SRS and SRT groups was 5 % and neoplastic cells after repeated exposure to sublethal
and 5.2 %, respectively. For the group of 21 atypical menin- doses of irradiation. SRS achieves a therapeutic ratio by vir-
giomas, the tumor growth control was 31.2 % and 60 % for tue of the steep dose gradient between the isocenter and sur-
the SRS and SRT groups, respectively (Table 20.3). rounding normal parenchyma, inevitably produced by the
The analysis of the long-term follow-up (mean, 72.5 convergence of multiple small radiotherapy beams. The bio-
months) group of 32 patients revealed tumor growth control logic effect is irreparable cellular damage and vascular
rate of 92.3 % and 100 % for the SRS- and SRT-treated occlusion within the high dose volume.
patients, respectively. Worsening of previous neurologic defi- Meningiomas have several characteristics that make them
cit was identified in two (7.9 %) patients treated with SRS. No excellent tumors for radiosurgery [45]. First, they usually
complications were found in the SRT patients [42]. grow slowly, which allows time for the effects of irradiation
298 A. Gorgulho et al.
Fig. 20.1 (a) MRI scan from Case 1 showing recurrence of an atypical 1.07 cm3. Note that there is a side inversion in the brainlab treatment
meningioma in left tentorium 45 months after initial resection. (b) plan software
Treatment plan with shaped beans, 14 Gy, 90 % isodose line, volume
to materialize. Second, they are easily imaged with both homogeneity has been sacrificed to obtain conformal tumor
computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imag- planning, thereby avoiding nearby normal structures.
ing (MRI), thereby facilitating accurate stereotactic targeting However, those structures encased by the tumor, such as
and appropriate dose planning. Finally, a high dose with cranial nerves, the carotid artery, or even the optic apparatus,
rapid fall-off can be directed to the imaging-defined tumor may be jeopardized with inhomogeneous radiation treat-
margin with confidence because meningiomas are usually ment. Multiple isocenters restrict the prescription to low iso-
well demarcated and rarely invade surrounding brain tissues dose volumes with a very high gradient of dose between the
(Fig. 20.1). The application of stereotactic radiation using all periphery and interior of the tumor. According to Nedzi et al.
available techniques, including linear accelerator (linac) [41, [60], dose inhomogeneity ≥5 Gy was the most significant
43, 44, 46–48]. Gamma Knife [49–54], and proton beam factor associated with morbidity after SRS.
[55], has been reported in the literature. Within the past few years, however, the development of
The effectiveness of SRS and the risks of complication miniature multileaf collimators has altered the way in which
depend on the size of the tumor. Lesions larger than 3 cm in radiosurgery is performed with linac systems. This technique
diameter must be treated with significantly lower doses of allows the beam to conform to the target closely and exclude
radiation to avoid excessive risk of complications. Such small normal structures. In addition to high target conformity, the
radiation doses may make radiosurgery ineffective. Tumor “single isocenter shaped beam approach” results in a homo-
location also affects the treatment decision, depending on the geneous dose within the target volume, as well as a highly
proximity to eloquent structures (especially the optic appara- efficient planning and treatment process.
tus). Single-dose SRS is indicated for meningiomas smaller SRS has already proved to be effective in the treatment of
than 3 cm or 20 cm3 in volume and with a minimal distance meningiomas. Kondziolka et al. [52] evaluated the long-
from the optic apparatus of between 2 and 4 mm [54, 56, 57]. term outcome of 85 patients (90 % of them skull base
Furthermore, tumors causing significant brain-stem compres- located) who underwent Gamma Knife radiosurgery. Tumor
sion may not be suitable for single-dose radiosurgery because control was obtained in 93 % of patients. Tumor resection
a slight swelling during the course of tumor necrosis induced was necessary in five (5.8 %) patients because of delayed
by radiosurgery may not be tolerable. Many alternatives were tumor growth or persistent symptoms. New or worsened
attempted in order to overcome such limitations, usually neurologic deficits occurred in five (5.8 %) patients during
resulting in treatment failure. This included two-staged proce- the follow-up.
dures [49, 58] or a decrease in the ideal peripheral dose [59]. Thirty-four percent to 71 % of meningiomas treated by
A lack of homogeneity in the radiosurgery dose has been SRS are expected to decrease in size, and 37–57 % are
a controversial issue in SRS treatment of brain tumors. Dose expected to stabilize [41, 51, 61, 62]. DiBiase et al. [63]
20 Meningioma 299
Fig. 20.2 (a) MRI scan at 33-month follow-up showing a new lesion in the floor of the left medial cranial fossa. (b) Treatment plan with shaped
beans, 18 Gy, 90 % isodose line, volume 0.65 cm3
studied the factors predicting local tumor control after (p < 0.001). The complication rate was 10 % for SRS and
Gamma Knife radiosurgery in 162 patients harboring menin- 22 % for the surgical group (p = 0.06).
giomas. The median prescribed dose was 14 Gy to the 50 % Patients treated by radiosurgery for meningioma must be
isodose line and the median tumor volume was 4.5 cm3. The followed carefully. Flickinger et al. [65] studied a group of
5-year disease-free survival was 86.2 %. The factors corre- 219 meningiomas without pathologic verification. The actu-
lated with a worse prognosis in their study were male arial rate of identifying a diagnosis other than meningioma
patients, conformity index less than 1.4, and tumor volume was 2.3 % at 5 and 10 years. Nakatomi et al. [66] reported
greater than 10 cm3. However, patients who were treated one patient treated by SRS for a supposed cavernous sinus
with less conformal plans that covered the dural tail had bet- meningioma that required surgical resection 17 months after
ter outcomes (Fig. 20.2). because of recurrence. The postoperative diagnosis was pri-
Hakim et al. [46] published the results of 127 patients mary cavernous sinus malignant lymphoma.
with 155 meningiomas treated by SRS with linac, including Kim et al. [67] recently analyzed the role of Gamma
atypical and malignant meningiomas. The median marginal Knife radiosurgery in 23 patients with 26 superficially
dose was 15 Gy and the median volume was 4.1 cm3. located meningiomas. The median tumor volume was
Freedom from progression was observed in 84.3 % of 4.7 cm3, and the mean margin dose was 16 Gy at the 50 %
patients at a median time of 23 months. The actuarial tumor isodose line. The local control rate was 95 % with stable
control for the patients with benign meningiomas was 89.3 % MRI imaging in 65 % of the cases. Symptomatic and tran-
at 5 years. Permanent complications were observed in 4.7 % sient peritumoral high signal on T2-weighted magnetic reso-
of patients. nance (MR) images was observed in 43 % of patients. This
SRS for patients with small- to medium-sized meningio- complication was associated with a high integral dose and a
mas was recently reported to provide tumor control equiva- large tumor volume. Moreover, tumor shrinkage was more
lent to Simpson grade 1 resection. Pollock et al. [64] prominent in the patients with symptomatic high signal
compared two groups of patients with lesions smaller than (p = 0.03).
35 mm. The 62 patients who underwent SRS with a mean MRI showed peritumorous imaging changes in 24 % of
margin dose of 17.7 Gy had no statistically significant differ- patients treated by SRS in the series published by Chang
ence in the 3- and 7-year actuarial PFS when compared with et al. [61]. Their overall rate of symptomatic edema was
57 patients who underwent complete surgical resection, 9.3 %. Furthermore, these imaging findings were related to
including their dural attachments and bone abnormalities tumor dose in univariate analysis, and with tumor location in
(Simpson 1) with no radiation. Furthermore, SRS provided a the multivariate analysis. Radiation-induced imaging
higher PFS rate compared with that in patients in whom changes were more often seen in convexity, parasagittal, and
resections were Simpson grade 2 (p < 0.05) and grade 3–4 falx meningiomas than in those of the skull base.
300 A. Gorgulho et al.
Stereotactic Radiotherapy
radiation therapy experience to be effective for meningioma Table 20.6 Doses utilized in stereotactic radiotherapy for intracranial
yet tolerated by the central nervous system, can be delivered meningiomas
by the SRT technique. Author, year Dose/variation (Gy) Fractions (Gy)
Lo et al. [85] studied a group of 18 patients treated by SRT Andrews, 2002 [93] 51 (50–54) 1.8
for meningiomas with a large volume or adjacent to eloquent Selch, 2004 [44] 50.4 (N/A) 1.8
structures. The median dose was 54 Gy and the median vol- Henzel, 2006 [118] 56 (50.4–60) 1.8–2.0
ume was 8.8 cm3. The 3-year local control rate was 92.3 %; Adler, 2006 [119] 20.3 (N/A) 2–5
one complication was reported (5.5 %). These findings were Litré 2009 [120] 45 (N/A) 1.8
Combs, 2012 [121] N/A (25–68) 1.6–5
not statistically significant, different when compared with
another group of 35 patients who underwent SRS with a Gy Gray, N/A Not Available
median dose of 14 Gy delivered to a median volume of 6.8 cm3.
The application of SRT was recently reviewed by Zabel early side effects, including one VII nerve palsy and one
et al. [86] in 317 patients with benign and atypical meningio- Addisonian state.
mas in all intracranial sites. The median total dose was Debus et al. [87] published a large series of 189 patients
57.6 Gy delivered to a median volume of 33.6 cm3. The over- treated by SRT for skull base meningiomas with a mean radia-
all local control rate was 93.1 %. As expected, the local tion dose of 56.8 Gy. The median target volume was 52.5 cm3.
tumor failure was significantly greater in patients with WHO The tumor control rates for WHO grade 1 and WHO grade 2
grade 2 meningiomas than in patients with WHO grade 1 or tumors were 98.3 % and 77.7 %, respectively. Preexisting cra-
unconfirmed histology (p < 0.002). Moreover, patients with a nial nerve symptoms resolved completely in 28 % of the
tumor volume larger than 60 cm3 had a higher recurrence rate patients. Only 7 % of patients showed an impairment of pre-
(15.5 %) when compared with patients with tumor volumes existing neurologic symptoms, and 1.6 % experienced new
smaller than 60 cm3 (p < 0.001). They observed worsening of clinically significant deficits. These excellent results corrobo-
preexisting symptoms and new clinical symptoms in 8.2 % rate the UCLA experience with skull base meningiomas
and 2.5 % of patients, respectively. treated with SRT [44]. See Table 20.6 for doses used in stereo-
tactic radiosurgery for intracranial meningiomas.
Optic Sheath Fig. 20.5 (a) MRI scan from a 74-year-old German woman with
an incidental found meningioma in the tip of the left temporal fossa.
Optic nerve sheath meningiomas are uncommon, slow- She was followed with serial MRIs and growth was documented.
The patient refused surgery and accepted radiosurgery. (b) Treatment
growing tumors that can be categorized as primary and sec-
plan showing inclusion of the dural tail within the prescription isodose
ondary according to their origin. Although conservative line (90 %, 14 Gy, shaped beam)
management can be considered, the most common treatment
is resection, which may lead to blindness due to damage to
the pial vascular supply of the optic nerve [90]. Radiation
therapy has been used in recent decades to treat these tumors application in atypical and malignant histologic features
[91, 92]. (Fig. 20.5). At our institution, SRS and SRT are used to sal-
SRT has been used as one alternative to avoid radiation- vage recurrences after surgery and regional radiation.
induced optic neuropathy. Andrews et al. [93] treated 30 Ojemann et al. [95], using a Gamma Knife unit, treated 22
patients with 33 optic nerve sheath meningiomas with patients with primary or recurrent malignant meningiomas.
SRT. Local tumor control was observed in all patients, and The overall 5-year survival and progression-free survival
they observed 92 % of preserved vision among the optic rates were 40 % and 26 %, respectively. Age (<50 years) and
nerves with vision before treatment. Improvement in visual tumor volume (<8 cm3) were significant predictors of better
acuity and/or visual field occurred in 42 % of nerves. Visual prognosis. Complications were observed in 5 (23 %) patients
loss was observed in 2 (6.6 %) patients and 1 (3.3 %) devel- who developed radiation necrosis.
oped optic neuritis responsive to steroids. In the meningioma series published by Stafford et al. [54],
Becker et al. studied the role of SRT in 39 patients with 22 patients harboring either atypical (n = 13) or malignant
either primary or secondary optic nerve sheath meningiomas (n = 9) meningiomas were treated by Gamma Knife
using a median dose of 54 Gy. The tumor local control was SRS. They obtained 5-year survival rates of 76 % and 0 %
100 % after a median follow-up of 35 months. The rates of for atypical and malignant meningiomas, respectively. The
visual field stabilization, improvement, and worsening were 5-year local control rates were 68 % and 0 % for atypical and
70 %, 25 %, and 4 %, respectively. Additionally, new endocri- malignant tumors, respectively. Univariate analyses of tumor
nologic deficits after treatment were found in 14 % of patients histologic features demonstrated no correlation between
with primary tumors and in 8 % of patients with secondary complications arising after radiosurgery.
tumors. The visual improvement observed in patients treated Harris et al. [96] studied the results of Gamma Knife
by SRT for optic sheath meningiomas was recently reported SRS for treatment of 18 atypical and 12 malignant menin-
to occur within 1–3 months after treatment in 81 % of patients giomas. The 5- and 10-year overall actuarial survival rates
who experienced visual improvement [94]. Homogeneity of for atypical meningiomas were 59 % (±13), and malignant
the dose distribution becomes important when planning SRT lesions had 5- and 10-year overall actuarial survival rates of
for these tumors, as frequently the optic nerve is surrounded 59 % (±16) and 0. These rates were not significantly differ-
by the tumor. This is possible with shaped beams. ent from one another. Atypical meningiomas had a 5-year
PFS of 83 % (±7), and malignant tumors had a PFS of 72 %
(±10) (p = 0.018). They also found a significantly better
Atypical and Malignant Meningiomas PFS for lesions treated without evidence of progression
before SRS.
The role of conventional radiation therapy and brachyther- The results published recently by Huffmann et al. [97]
apy in the management of atypical and malignant meningio- using Gamma Knife SRS for treatment of atypical menin-
mas is well established [33, 36–39]. Although many series giomas is the first report where the WHO 2000 classifica-
are focused on stereotactic radiation for treatment of menin- tion criteria was clearly applied in a radiosurgery study.
giomas, relatively few published studies have defined its They treated 15 patients with 21 lesions using a median
20 Meningioma 303
prescription dose of 16 Gy. The local tumor control and logic verification. The residual tumors underwent radiosur-
marginal/distant tumor control were 95 % and 60 %, respec- gery or fractionated radiotherapy depending on whether they
tively. The only patient with local relapse was treated with were larger or smaller than 3 cm. Another group of 17
a prescription dose of 15 Gy. patients underwent SRS-only, given the presence of tumors
Zabel et al. [86] published a long-term follow-up to smaller than 3 cm that were distant from optic apparatus. The
meningiomas treated by SRT. A group of 26 patients harbor- 5-year actuarial local control rate was 94 %.
ing atypical lesions had 3-, 5-, and 10-year recurrence-free Recently, cytology of tumors located in the cavernous
survival rates of 96 %, 89 %, and 67 %, respectively. Atypical sinus became possible [100]. Frameless stereotaxis allows
histologic grade and tumor volume larger than 60 cm3 were for needle biopsy of these tumors through the foramen ovale.
correlated with a significantly worse local control in com- Biopsy of these tumors became part of the management of
parison with benign meningiomas. tumors in the cavernous sinus requiring a differential diagnosis
(Case Study 20.3).
Fig. 20.6 (a) MRI scan showing a cavernous sinus and petro-clinoid isodose line. (c) MRI scan showing stable image after 9 years of fol-
ligament meningioma in a 71-year-old woman with pain in V2 and V3 low-up. The patient is requiring only sporadic medication for facial
region. (b) Treatment plan with multiple isocenters, 16 Gy, 50 % pain
304 A. Gorgulho et al.
Fig. 20.7 (a) MRI scans of a 52-year-old woman experiencing double treated by SRT. (b) Treatment plan using shaped beams with 50.4 Gy in
vision and lack of balance showing a large meningioma involving the 28 fractions, 90 % isodose line, volume 39.22 cm3. (c) MRI scans
left cavernous sinus, left petroclival region extending into the prepon- showing decrease in tumor size 43 months after treatment
tine and premedullary cisterns. The patient refused surgery and was
successfully undergone radiosurgery for their meningiomas Such small radiation doses may make radiosurgery ineffec-
at UCLA. tive; therefore surgical resection remains the best treatment
The clinical status of a patient should always be thoroughly for large tumors. Patients who are not surgical candidates
assessed prior to treatment. When choosing the best treatment, who have tumors with large size and/or close to optic appa-
it is important to note the onset, severity, and rate of progres- ratus or brainstem are given stereotactic radiotherapy instead
sion of any symptoms. A patient who is asymptomatic may of SRS. Both modalities are used in different clinical sce-
choose to postpone any treatment until symptoms develop or narios in our department and should be available to comple-
until imaging provides evidence of growth. A patient’s clinical ment each other, providing safer treatment options for
status may weigh heavily on the choice between radiosurgery patients (Fig. 20.7).
and microsurgery. Additionally, for cavernous sinus meningiomas, the deci-
Patients with parasellar lesions with acute neurologic sion between SRS or SRT is made with the help of our grad-
deterioration and previous history of malignancy, immuno- ing system [43]. Tumors confined to the cavernous sinus
deficiency, or inflammatory disease could benefit from histo- (grade I) or involving the petroclival region without brain-
logic diagnosis before treatment. Since 2003, we have used stem compression (grade II) are suitable for SRS. Lesions
an image-guided frameless biopsy procedure via the fora- with extension to the optic apparatus (grade III), involvement
men ovale, avoiding a major microsurgical procedure. This of petroclival region with compression of the brain stem
procedure is well tolerated by the patient, with a short hospi- (grade IV), or involvement of both cavernous sinus (grade V)
tal stay [100]. are recommended to receive SRT (Table 20.4). Surgical
The effectiveness of radiosurgery and the risks of compli- efforts should be concentrated in turning a high-grade cav-
cation depend upon the size of the tumor. Lesions larger than ernous sinus meningioma into a lower-grade tumor that may
3 cm in diameter must be treated with significantly lower be controlled by stereotactic radiation. Optic sheath menin-
doses of radiation to avoid excessive risk of complications. giomas are also indicated for SRT unless the lesion has small
20 Meningioma 305
size in a patient without useful vision, when SRS or micro- Complication Avoidance
surgery may be used.
The dose is chosen based on tumor volume using an isoeffect
line generated from an integrated logistic formula. The for-
Procedure and Treatment Planning mula relates dose and volume to the incidence of complica-
tions after SRS for AVMs [103]. In general, the authors
At UCLA, the SRS procedure begins early in the morning attempted to remain below the 3 % isoeffect line for
with the fixation of a stereotactic frame to the patient’s prevention of permanent symptomatic brain injury. On a log-
skull. Routinely, a BRW (Radionics) or a BrainLAB stereo- log plot of dose versus volume, this line is straight with a
tactic frame is applied after administration of a local anes- negative slope and has proved to be a reliable predictor of
thetic. A stereotactic contrast-enhanced CT scan is obtained SRS complications, as previously described by Kjelberg
and fused with a previously acquired 3-mm slice MR et al. [104] Dose was also tailored to the surrounding anat-
image. Image fusion is performed using a mutual informa- omy and typically reduced for lesions near the brain stem or
tion algorithm, which allows geometric alignment between cranial nerves; the optic chiasm was restricted to 8 Gy.
the two image sets. Thus, the CT scan is used for the preci- Using the beam’s-eye-view technique, the radiation arcs
sion of their anatomic localization, whereas high-resolution or beams avoid the eyes and eloquent structures whenever
MR images provide the anatomic details necessary for possible. Relative doses and sizes are designed to prevent
treatment planning. maximum dose to critical structures within or in close rela-
The same protocol is used for the SRT-treated patients; tionship to the tumor.
however, the patients are immobilized with a custom-fitted
thermoplastic face mask (U-PLAST; BrainLAB) instead of a
regular frame [82]. Before each daily treatment, reproduc- Future Directions
ibility of patient positioning is evaluated using the depth hel-
met method of Kooy et al. [83]. For both SRS and SRT Decisions regarding conservative management versus
techniques, the three-dimensional treatment plans were aggressive surgery and adjuvant therapy should rely on pre-
generated using a BrainLAB planning system (versions cise parameters. The use of dynamic contrast-enhanced per-
3.5–4.03; BrainLAB). fusion MRI with T2-weighted sequences measuring the
The treatment plan is safely performed using the endothelial permeability is useful in distinguishing atypical
“beam’s-eye-view” conformal technique (Fig. 20.8). meningiomas from typical meningiomas [105].
According to the tumor size and location, the radiation is Although the new WHO classification recommends more
delivered using dynamic arcs or static shaped beams using a objective criteria [8], there is still lack of correlation between
dedicated 6-MV linear accelerator (Novalis; BrainLAB). grade and behavior in some cases. Recently, a new marker to
This equipment utilizes a micro-multileaf collimator, predict meningioma behavior has been used. The human
obviating the need for multiple isocenters for dose telomerase catalytic subunit (hTERT) expression has shown
conformation. significant correlation with recurrent meningiomas [106,
107]. Another promising tool is the use of DNA microarray
assay technology, which detects numerous genetic abnor-
malities, to differentiate meningioma subtypes [108].
Likewise, the surgery field has been taking advantage of
new technology in recent years. The advances in neuronavi-
gational computer technologies have allowed surgeons to
display three-dimensional reconstructions of the lesions in
relation to the vessels, nerves, and eloquent tracts [109]. The
diffusion-tensor imaging tractography has also been used in
treatment planning for radiosurgery [110]. There have been
significant advances in minimally invasive skull base sur-
gery. Standard approaches to difficult regions have been
developed to allow safer and more complete resection [111–
113]. As we better understand meningioma biology and
genetics, and master the surgical techniques, we can improve
Fig. 20.8 MRI scans 1 year after treatment showing the lesion stable in
patient outcomes and quality of life.
306 A. Gorgulho et al.
Case Study 20.1 1.07 cm3 (Fig. 20.9b). The follow-up scan 33 months after
treatment showed a stable tentorial lesion (not shown) but a
A 47-year-old woman had a left frontotemporal atypical new lesion (arrow) in the floor of the left medial cranial fossa
meningioma that was resected on January 1998. On October (Fig. 20.10a). The patient was retreated with 18 Gy delivered
2001, she presented with headaches, and the MRI scan to 90 % isodose line, volume of 0.65 cm3 (Fig. 20.10b). The
revealed a small recurrence (Fig. 20.9a). She was treated by last follow-up MRI scan in January 2005 showed both
SRS, 14 Gy delivered to 90 % isodose line, volume of lesions decreasing in size (Fig. 20.11).
Fig. 20.9 Treatment plan with intensity-modulated stereotactic radiotherapy showing the sparing of eyes. The total dose of 59.4 Gy was
given with 33 fractions of 1.8 Gy delivered to 90 % isodose line for a volume of 24.83 cm3
Fig. 20.10 Coronal and sagittal MRI scans from Case 2 showing residual meningioma in frontal fossa and olfactory groove
20 Meningioma 307
Fig. 20.11 (a) MRI scan showing a left frontoparietal dural based increasing in size after 20 months of follow-up. The pathology
recurrent atypical meningioma. (b) Treatment plan with shaped report revealed malignant progression to WHO grade III
beans (with a left to right inversion), 47.6 Gy, 85 % isodose line in meningioma
28 fractions, volume 20.68 cm3. (c) MRI scan showing the tumor
Case Study 20.2 report revealed meningioma with atypical features, and
the MRI scan showed residual lesion in frontal fossa
A 51-year-old woman had surgical removal of a frontal (Fig. 20.12). Given the aggressive behavior of this resid-
fossa meningioma in January 2001 at an outside facility. ual tumor and the vision preservation, the treatment
The patient was stable until early 2003 when she started option was intensity-modulated stereotactic radiotherapy
experiencing fatigue and headaches. The MRI scan (IMSRT). The patient was treated with 33 fractions of
showed a residual tumor arising from the olfactory groove 1.8 Gy with a total radiation dose of 59.4 Gy delivered to
and extending into the right cribriform plate and right eth- 90 % isodose line, volume of 24.83 cm3 (Fig. 20.13). The
moid. She underwent a craniofacial approach with incom- MRI scans 1 year after the treatment showed the lesion
plete tumor resection in August 2003. The pathology stable in size (Fig. 20.14).
Fig. 20.12 MRI scans from case 3 showing a cavernous sinus region tumor extending into the left cerebellopontine angle cistern and the
prepontine cistern. The images were suggestive of a meningioma
308 A. Gorgulho et al.
Fig. 20.13 (a) Screen shot of the navigation system showing the radiotherapy with a total dose of 45 Gy, 85 % isodose line. The volume
needle trajectory for the frameless foramen ovale biopsy. (b) Treatment treated was 17.0 cm3
plan with dynamic arcs. The tumor was treated with stereotactic
Fig. 20.14 MRI scans 6 months after treatment showing a remarkable tumor response to radiation. This behavior is compatible with the
diagnosis of a cavernous sinus lymphoma
20 Meningioma 309
Case Study 20.3 men ovale (Fig. 20.16). The pathology report revealed
A 48-year-old man with diagnosis of AIDS had a 3-month that the tumor was likely of lymphocytic and histiocytic
history of double vision and pain in the left periorbital origin. It was believed that the mass represented a lym-
area as well as some decreased sensation in the left face. phoma. The patient underwent stereotactic radiotherapy
The MRI scan showed an extraaxial mass in the cavern- with a total dose of 45 Gy in 25 fractions of 1.8 Gy deliv-
ous sinus region extending into the left cerebellopontine ered to the 85 % isodose line, volume of 17.0 cm3
angle cistern and the prepontine cistern. The radiology (Fig. 20.16). The MRI scans 6 months after treatment
report was suggestive of a meningioma (Fig. 20.15). showed a remarkable decrease in size of the lesion. This
Given the patient’s history of HIV, the option was to per- rapid response confirms the diagnosis of a cavernous
form a frameless cavernous sinus biopsy through the fora- sinus lymphoma (Fig. 20.17).
Fig. 20.15 (a) MRI scan from a 71-year-old man with diagnosis of sylvian fissure lesion after 30 months. Only this lesion was treated
Parkinson disease showing multiples meningiomas. (b) The patient with 12 Gy, 85 % isodose line. (c) MRI scan showing the tumor
was followed and the MRI scan showed increase in size of the right slightly smaller in size 32 months after treatment
Mass Effect Incidental Finding
No High Operative
Microsurgery Progression
Complete No
Resection Radiation
Fig. 20.16 Flowchart depicting selection criteria for stereotactic radiation of intracranial meningiomas used in our clinic
310 A. Gorgulho et al.
Fig. 20.17 The beam’s-eye-view image (above) as seen in the whenever possible. Relative doses and sizes are designed to prevent
treatment plan of a skull base meningioma (below) using the maximum dose to critical structures within or in close relationship
shaped beam technique with micro-multileaf collimator structures to the tumor
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gical treatment. J Neurochem. 1957;20:22–39. 34. Wilson CB. Cavernous sinus meningiomas. Surg Neurol.
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Meningioma: Viewpoint—Surgery
Lawrence S. Chin, David J. Padalino, Pulak Ray,
and John M. Caridi
L.S. Chin and W.F. Regine (eds.), Principles and Practice of Stereotactic Radiosurgery, 315
DOI 10.1007/978-1-4614-8363-2_21, © Springer Science+Business Media New York 2015
316 L.S. Chin et al.
Table 21.1 Meningioma classification by WHO grade increases [15]. These tumors are nearly always extra-axial,
% of total showing displacement of the cortex. Reactive sclerosis
WHO grade Histological variants meningiomas (hyperostosis) of the overlying bone can also be seen in
I—Benign Transitional, fibroblastic, >90 % some cases. Conventional catheter angiography, although
meningothelial, increasingly supplanted by MR angiography and CT angi-
psammomatous, angiomatous,
microcystic, secretory, ography, is often critical in the surgical planning because it
lymphoplasmacyte-rich, can determine the blood supply to the tumor, degree of vas-
metaplastic cularity, patency of dural venous sinuses, and suitability for
II—Atypical Clear cell, chordoid, atypical 5–7 % endovascular embolization. Meningiomas are primarily fed
III—Malignant Anaplastic, papillary, rhabdoid 1–3 % by branches from the external carotid artery, commonly the
middle meningeal or occipital artery, although large tumors
usually parasitize a significant blood supply from underly-
ing small pial arteries.
Apart from female gender, there are two other major
factors that do seem to lead to meningioma formation: radiation
and chromosome 22 mutation. The incidence of meningioma Surgical Decision-Making and Techniques
has been found to be four times higher in patients who had
tinea capitis treated with local radiation compared to control Numerous factors must be addressed when evaluating a
patients [12]. Another definitive correlation with meningio- patient for surgery: age, location, size, symptoms, neurologi-
mas is deletions in the long arm of chromosome 22. cal deficit, tumor growth rate, proximity to critical structures,
Numerous patients with meningiomas have been found to blood supply, venous drainage and sinus patency, previous
have monosomy 22 and the gene thought responsible for treatments, and most importantly, patient expectations. A
meningioma formation has been localized to the same region multidisciplinary approach with input from other disciplines
as that of type 2 neurofibromatosis [13]. This may explain such as ENT, radiation oncology, and radiology, when appro-
the high correlation between NF2 and the development of priate, is important.
meningiomas. The distinguishing advantage of surgery over radiosur-
The signs and symptoms associated with a meningioma gery is the ability to achieve a gross total resection. The
depend primarily on its site of origin. The most common pre- incidence of tumor shrinkage following radiosurgery varies
sentation is a new onset seizure, occurring approximately between 20 and 40 %, and the actual amount of decrease is
30 % of the time [14]. These seizures are most often general- fairly minor. Thus, overriding any other consideration is the
ized, but can be partial or complex partial. Headache, mental fact that some patients will insist on having even a small
status changes, hemiplegia, isolated cranial nerve deficits, benign tumor surgically removed. These patients should be
and signs of increased intracranial pressure may also be seen offered an opportunity for surgical resection provided that
in meningioma patients. the risks are acceptable. An optimal resection requires com-
The radiographic diagnosis of meningioma is usually plete removal of the meningioma with all of its dural and
made with CT or MRI. Unenhanced CT shows meningio- bony attachments. In a classic paper by Simpson from 1957,
mas to be slightly hyperdense compared to normal brain, he describes the recurrence rates for meningiomas follow-
often with surrounding edema and variable mass effect; ing surgical resection [16]. A five tier grading system was
adding intravenous contrast results in homogeneous devised to describe the extent of tumor removal, with grade
enhancement of the mass. MRI is the preferred method of I being the most complete and grade V being a simple
diagnosis because of its superior soft tissue resolution. The decompression. Simpson noted that the recurrence rate fol-
tumor appears isointense to brain on an unenhanced lowing grade I resection was 9 %, grade II was 19 %, and
T1-weighted image (T1WI), but hyperintense with sur- grade III was 29 %. Later, a grade 0 was added to the
rounding white matter edema on a T2-weighted image Simpson scale [17, 18]. This added a 2 cm margin of normal
(T2WI). The addition of gadolinium contrast reveals a uni- appearing dura to a Simpson I resection. The recurrence rate
formly enhancing mass with a broad-based connection to of a patient undergoing a grade 0 resection of a benign
the surrounding dura. A dural tail is variably seen and rep- meningioma is essentially zero. Clearly, the goal of surgery
resents growth of meningioma along the dura away from is to perform a grade 0 or a grade 1 resection; unfortunately,
the main tumor. The significance of this finding is that if this may not be possible despite surgical expertise because
left untreated by either radiosurgery or surgery, since both the most important variable that influences extent of resec-
are focal treatment modalities, the chance for recurrence tion is tumor location.
21 Meningioma: Viewpoint—Surgery 317
Case Reports
Case 21..1
underwent gamma knife radiosurgery to a dose of 16 Gy @
A 40-year-old man presented with seizures and mild left-sided 50 % (Fig. 21.1d). In the first 6 months after radiosurgery he
weakness. His MRI scan showed a right convexity meningi- developed transient radiation-induced swelling associated
oma (Fig. 21.1a, b). He underwent a gross total resection with focal seizures and left arm weakness (Fig. 21.1e, f).
(Fig. 21.1c), but pathology indicated an atypical meningioma Approximately 1 year after treatment, the tumor has regressed
(grade 2). He developed a recurrence 9 months later and and the patient is neurologically normal (Fig. 21.1g).
Case 21.1 (continued)
Fig. 21.1 MRI scans of a convexity atypical meningioma. (a, b) recurrence of convexity tumor. (e, f) Three months after treatment
Preoperative axial and coronal scans showing a convexity menin- the tumor is unchanged in size, but there is an increase in surround-
gioma with mass effect. (c) Postoperative axial scan showing com- ing edema as seen on flair images. (g) One year later the tumor has
plete resection of tumor. (d) Gamma knife treatment MRI shows regressed
Case 21.4 was removed except for the portion in the cavernous
This 47-year-old woman presented with headaches and sinus. This ensured adequate separation between the
was found to have a right medial sphenoid wing menin- tumor and the optic nerves, thus allowing the residual
gioma (Fig. 21.4a). A right pterional craniotomy was per- tumor to be treated by gamma knife radiosurgery
formed to attempt a gross total resection. The entire tumor (Fig. 21.4b). Follow-up 5 years later shows no change in
the small residual cavernous sinus mass (Fig. 21.4c).
Fig. 21.4 A large right medial sphenoid wing meningioma. (a) amount of tumor is left in the cavernous sinus that is treated by
Preoperative axial MRI shows a large tumor arising from the gamma knife radiosurgery. (c) Five years later, there is no change
medial sphenoid wing and cavernous sinus. (b) Only a small in the residual tumor
Case 21.5
Fig. 21.6 A very large petrous/tentorial meningioma. (a, b) Axial carotid angiogram shows feeders from the middle meningeal artery
and coronal MRI shows a meningioma infiltrating the mastoid and and occipital artery. (d, e) Postoperative MRIs show a gross total
compressing the left cerebellum and temporal lobe. (c) External resection
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12. Modan B, Baidatz D, Mart H, Steinitz R, Levin SG. Radiation- role played by regional multicentricity. J Neurosurg. 1986;64:
induced head and neck tumours. Lancet. 1974;1:277–9. 58–63.
13. Joachim T, Ram Z, Rappaport ZH, Simon M, Schramm J, Wiestler 18. Borovich B, Doron Y, Braun J, Guilburd JN, Zaaroor M, Goldsher D,
OD, von Deimling A. Comparative analysis of the NF2, TP53, Lemberger A, Gruszkiewicz J, Feinsod M. Recurrence of intracranial
PTEN, KRAS, NRAS and HRAS genes in sporadic and radiation- meningiomas: the role played by regional multicentricity. Part 2:
induced human meningiomas. Int J Cancer. 2001;94:218–21. Clinical and radiological aspects. J Neurosurg. 1986;65:168–71.
14. Lieu AS, Howng SL. Intracranial meningiomas and epilepsy: inci- 19. Dowd CF, Halbach VV, Higashida RT. Meningiomas: the role of
dence, prognosis and influencing factors. Epilepsy Res. 2000;38: preoperative angiography and embolization. Neurosurg Focus.
45–52. 2003;15(1):Article 10.
15. DiBiase SJ, Kwok Y, Yovino S, Arena C, Naqvi S, Temple R, 20. Probst EN, Grzyska U, Westphal M, Zeumer H. Preoperative embo-
Regine WF, Amin P, Guo C, Chin LS. Factors predicting local lization of intracranial meningiomas with a fibrin glue preparation.
tumor control after gamma knife stereotactic radiosurgery for AJNR Am J Neuroradiol. 1999;20:1695–702.
Fractionated Radiotherapy 22
Igor J. Barani, Arie Perry, and C. Leland Rogers
in all age brackets from the second to ninth decades [12, 13].
Introduction Age may have prognostic relevance. More aggressive
clinical and histologic features have been noted in children
Meningiomas are the most common intracranial neoplasm in and in young adults [14]. Jung et al. found that the growth
adults [1, 2]. The majority are benign, and collectively, they rate after subtotal resection (STR) was greater in patients
form the most common group of intracranial neoplasms in younger than 50 years of age (7.51 cm3 per year) than in
adults, comprising over 30 % of primary central nervous sys- older patients (0.83 cm3 per year) [15].
tem (CNS) tumors [2–5]. The reported incidence varies from Overall, meningiomas are more commonly diagnosed in
<[less than] 1 to>[greater than] 6 per 100,000 depending upon females, approximately 2:1 (female:male) [2, 16]. Yet, atypi-
the population and method of identification [3, 4, 6]. An cal and anaplastic meningiomas may occur more frequently
aggregate incidence of 2.6 per 100,000 has been calculated in men [17]. The reason for this gender distribution is unclear.
from surgical series [7]. Extrapolating this to the population Progesterone and estrogen receptors have been identified in
of the United States, it can be expected that approximately greater than 70 and 30 % of meningiomas, respectively [17].
8,000 meningiomas will be diagnosed per year [7]. Many are Increased estrogenicity is believed to be associated with an
identified solely on the basis of imaging findings; in recent increase in tumor-related symptoms during pregnancy or the
studies, 35–62 % were diagnosed on the basis of imaging luteal phase of the menstrual cycle [18]. A heightened risk
alone [8, 9]. Using the University of Pittsburgh data, image- has been described with obesity, and an increased relative
diagnosed meningiomas may account for an additional 2,800 risk of breast cancer has been described in meningioma
patients, bringing the total estimate to nearly 11,000 annually. patients, as has the converse [18]. These endocrinologic
Even this sum is likely an underestimate. Meningiomas have associations are intriguing, but to date, no hormone-based
been identified in as many as 2.3 % of autopsies, many of manipulations have been of therapeutic benefit [19, 20].
which are subclinical [10]. Meningiomas may present with focal neurologic symp-
Except in the setting of neurofibromatosis type 2 (NF2), toms depending on their intracranial location. Seizure is one
meningiomas are rare in the pediatric population [11]. The of the more common presenting signs, occurring in 26 % of
peak occurrence is during the sixth and seventh decades of meningioma patients [21]. Many meningiomas of the skull
life, but the age range is broad, with a 5 % greater incidence base present with lateralized cranial nerve deficits [22].
Raised intracranial pressure is uncommon at presentation,
but can occur secondary to obstructive hydrocephalus.
I.J. Barani, M.D.
Therapy is therefore aimed at relieving neurologic symptoms
Department of Radiation Oncology, University of California, and providing long-term tumor control.
San Francisco, 505 Parnassus Avenue, Room L08, San Francisco, Meningiomas are neoplasms of the meningothelial cells of
CA, USA the arachnoid layer and occur most frequently where these
A. Perry, M.D. cells are most numerous, namely within the arachnoid villi or
Department of Pathology and Neurological Surgery, granulations that lie along the dural venous sinuses [23].
University of California, San Francisco, 505 Parnassus Ave.,
M551, San Francisco, CA, USA
Furthermore, arachnoid cap cell clusters become more prom-
inent with age, corresponding to the age-related increase in
C.L. Rogers, M.D. (*)
Department of Radiation Oncology, Virginia Commonwealth
incidence of meningioma [25]. The most common locations
University, 401 College St., Richmond, VA, USA include the convexity (parasagittal dura, or attached to the
e-mail: Leland@GammaWest.com sagittal sinus), sphenoid ridge, and planum sphenoidale. Other
L.S. Chin and W.F. Regine (eds.), Principles and Practice of Stereotactic Radiosurgery, 323
DOI 10.1007/978-1-4614-8363-2_22, © Springer Science+Business Media New York 2015
324 I.J. Barani et al.
Fig. 22.1 Progression-free survival reported in 35 selected studies that and more consistent outcomes in both cohorts of patients treated with
included fractionated external beam radiation therapy by year of publi- combined therapy (STR + RT) and RT alone. Advancements in surgical
cation. Please note that technological advances in imaging, treatment techniques over the same time period did not yield similar improve-
planning and delivery primarily after the year 2000 resulted in superior ments in outcomes
Table 22.2 Simpson grades of resection based on 265 patients Recurrence rates following STR alone are substantially
Resection grade Definition Recurrence (%) higher (Table 22.3 and Fig. 22.1). For example, among 116
1 GTR of tumor, dural attachments 9 patients with STR, Stafford et al. [12] found recurrences in
and abnormal bone 39 % at 5 years and 61 % at 10 years. Condra et al. [46]
2 GTR of tumor, coagulation 19 documented local recurrences in 47 %, 60 %, and 70 % of
of dural attachments patients with STR at 5, 10, and 15 years, respectively.
3 GTR of tumor without resection or 29
Overall, it is estimated that 40–50 % of patients with STR
coagulation of dural attachments or
extradural extensions (e.g., invaded develop local progression within 5 years, 60 % within 10
or hyperostotic bone) years, and at least 70 % within 15 years [46, 47]. In a recent
4 Partial resection of tumor 44 study, Jensen et al. [54] reported that STR was associated
5 Simple decompression (biopsy) – with both poorer PFS and overall survival (OS). Despite
GTR gross total resection these data, patients are frequently observed following
From: Simpson D. The Recurrence of Intracranial Meningiomas After STR. For example, in a Mayo Clinic series of 581 patients,
Surgical Treatment. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry. 1957;20:22–39;
116 (20 %) of whom has STR, only 10 (9 %) received adju-
used with permission
vant radiation therapy [12].
For cases where GTR is not possible, radiation therapy
the importance of complete excision but found no associa- (RT), whether fractionated external beam radiation therapy
tion between Simpson grade and local control or cause-spe- (EBRT) or stereotactic radiosurgery (SRS), is currently the
cific survival, as long as GTR (Simpson grades 1, 2, and 3) only accepted nonsurgical treatment option. Historically,
was achieved. For patients treated with surgery alone, GTR meningiomas were considered to be resistant to RT, and
resulted in 5-, 10-, and 15-year actuarial recurrence rates of authors of many older retrospective studies reported infre-
7 %, 20 %, and 24 %, respectively [46]. In a more recent quent radiographic regression [55]. Additionally, concerns
report by Soyuer et al., the respective 5-, 10-, and 15-year about malignant degeneration were cited as a reason to
rates were 23 % 39 %, and 60 %, the higher recurrence rates refrain from either definitive or postoperative RT [29, 56].
(Table 22.3) likely reflecting the more routine use and Consequently, many patients with inoperable or subtotally
improved quality of neuroimaging [53]. resected meningiomas were observed. At present, malignant
22 Meningioma—Viewpoint: Fractionated Radiotherapy 327
Table 22.3 Selected studies of fractionated external beam radiation therapy for patients largely with WHO grade I or image-diagnosed (presumed
WHO grade I) meningiomas
Progression-free survival Clinical Tumor Late Time
GTR STR STR + RT improvement shrinkage toxicity point
Author Year N Technique (%) (%) RT (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (years)
Adegbite et al. 1983 114 EBRT 74 34 82 10
Mirimanoff et al. 1985 225 EBRT 80 45 10
Barbaro et al. 1987 135 EBRT 96 40 68 0 Crude
Taylor et al. 1988 132 EBRT 77 18 82 10
Glaholm et al. 1990 117 EBRT 96 43 77 46 38 10
Miralbell et al. 1992 115 EBRT 48 88 16 8
Mahmood et al. 1994 254 EBRT 98 62 5
Goldsmith et al. 1994 117 EBRT 77 3.6 10
Peele et al. 1996 86 EBRT 52 100 5 Crude
Condra et al. 1997 246 EBRT 80 40 87 24 10
Stafford et al. 1998 581 EBRT 75 39 10
Nutting et al. 1999 82 EBRT 83 14 10
Vendrely et al. 1999 156 EBRT 79 59 29 8
Pourel et al. 2001 26 EBRT 76 2.2 8
Dufour et al. 2001 31 EBRT 93 71 29 3.2 10
Jalali et al. 2002 41 FSRT 100 26.8 22 12.1 3
Uy et al. 2002 40 IMRT 93 23 5 5
Pirzkall et al. 2003 20 IMRT 100 60 25 0 3
Soyuer et al. 2004 92 EBRT 77 38 91 2.5 10
Selch et al. 2004 45 FSRT 97 20 18 0 3
Milker-Zabel et al. 2005 317 IMRT 89 42.9 23 0 10
Henzel et al. 2006 224 FSRT 97 43.4 46 0 3
Milker-Zabel et al. 2007 94 IMRT 94 39.8 20 4 4.4
Hamm et al. 2008 183 FSRT 93 23.2 2.7 3
Litre et al. 2009 100 FSRT 94 94 50–81 9 0 5
Korah et al. 2010 41 FSRT 94 3 5
Metellus et al. 2010 53 FSRT 94 94 58.5 30 1.9 10
Bria 2011 60 FSRT 95 60 1
96 3
Minniti 2011 52 FSRT 93 20 23 5.5 5
Mahadevan 2011 16 FSRT 100 19 4 2
Morimoto 2011 31 FSRT 87 1 5
Onodera 2011 27 FSRT 96.2 5.3
Ohba 2011 281 FSRT/SRS 88.3 63.7 92.3 5
96 99 5
Tanzler 2011 146 EBRT/ 93 99 6.8 10
Paulsen 2012 109 FSRT 98 21 5 5
Goldsmith et al., 10-year PFS 98 % with treatment after 1980 when CT and MRI began to be used for treatment planning, versus 77 % before 1980
GTR gross tumor resection, STR subtotal tumor resection, RT radiotherapy, EBRT external beam radiation therapy, IMRT intensity-modulated
radiation therapy, FSRT fractionated stereotactic radiation therapy, SRS stereotactic radiosurgery (1–5 fractions)
degeneration has not been explicitly linked to RT [32, 51, and frequently in tumor-related neurologic symptoms, was
57]; rather, it is believed to be related to the natural history of observed despite the fact that only about one-fourth to one-
a subset of meningiomas [58, 59]. third of treated meningiomas exhibit tumor shrinkage
Most retrospective studies since the 1980s have demon- (Table 22.3).
strated that, for benign meningioma, postoperative RT after Radiotherapy can also be used as a primary treatment for
STR improves local control (Table 22.3 and Fig. 22.1), and meningiomas diagnosed radiographically or by biopsy.
perhaps even survival [46, 60]. Improvement in local control, In one of the earliest reports, Glaholm et al. [29, 56] reported
328 I.J. Barani et al.
the outcome of 32 patients treated with primary RT without noted complications in 3.6 % of 140 patients treated with RT
resection at the Royal Marsden Hospital; 47 % disease-free after STR from 1967 to 1990. The observed RT-related tox-
survival (DFS) was observed at 15 years. This was only mod- icity in this study included retinopathy, optic neuropathy, and
estly lower than a corresponding 56 % DFS in patients cerebral necrosis. Further analysis of the data by Goldsmith
treated with STR + RT. More recent series demonstrate mark- et al. [67] permitted construction of a model to predict that
edly improved local control rates and PFSs, >93 % after optic nerve tolerance is 890 optic ret, equivalent to 54 Gy/30
5–10 years of follow-up (Table 22.3) [61–64]. These out- fractions. This threshold dose is supported by only rare
comes compare favorably to those observed after GTR for observations of optic nerve injury with doses lower than
benign meningiomas (Fig. 22.1) and, to a certain degree, 54 Gy, particularly with fractional doses ≤2.0 Gy [56, 68,
challenge the paradigm that surgery is the mainstay of 69]. Additionally, Uy et al. [70] noted no anterior optic path-
meningioma management. way injury with a median dose of 50.4 Gy and fractions of
The discrepant outcomes of older studies (before 2000) 1.7–2.0 Gy. Shrieve et al. [71] confirmed these findings as
versus more recent RT studies, whether in the postoperative well as the benefit of fractional doses at or lower than
or primary setting, may be attributed to the technical advance- approximately 2.1 Gy.
ments in RT treatment planning and delivery techniques. Other cranial neuropathies (non-optic) are uncommon
This trend is clearly illustrated in Fig. 22.1 for PFS, and in with modern treatment techniques but have been reported in
Table 22.3 for RT-related late neurologic toxicity as well as older series. For example, Selch et al. [72] found no
neurologic improvement. These observations are more RT-related neuropathy in 45 patients treated for cavernous
directly supported by the analysis of Goldsmith et al. [65] of sinus meningiomas to median dose of 50.4 Gy (1.8 Gy/frac-
140 patients treated at the University of California, San tion). Similar findings were noted earlier by Urie et al. [73].
Francisco to a median dose of 54 Gy in the postoperative set- Brain or brainstem injury, including necrosis, is quite uncom-
ting where a PFS rate of 98 % was noted in those treated after mon in the modern era with conventional doses and tech-
1980 (when computed tomography [CT] and/or magnetic niques. Similarly, edema is generally not observed following
resonance imaging [MRI] was used for planning therapy) fractionated RT, unlike single-session SRS treatment. For
compared to a rate of 77 % for patients treated before 1980 this reason, fractionated RT may be preferred over SRS for
when advanced planning techniques were not available. tumors in locations where edema is likely to develop and to
Newer treatment series also report the use of intensity- significant morbidity (e.g., parasagittal, cerebello-pontine
modulated RT (IMRT) as well as fractionated stereotactic RT angle, and/or large meningiomas).
(FSRT) (Table 22.3). IMRT techniques allow delivery of
dose via multiple convergent beams (Fig. 22.2), each of
which can be divided into zones of different intensities, so Optic Nerve Sheath Meningiomas
that the integral dose can tightly conform to the shape of the
target. This can potentially minimize unnecessary irradiation The management of optic nerve sheath meningiomas
of the surrounding normal tissues, including the critical ante- (ONSMs) is almost exclusively nonsurgical. These rare
rior optic structures. FSRT is characterized by highly accu- tumors comprise <2 % of all meningiomas and arise from the
rate patient immobilization setup, use of a stereotactic meningeal lining of the optic nerves [74, 75]. They generally
coordinate system, and sub-millimeter mechanical and beam grow very slowly within the subarachnoid space and the con-
tolerances. All modern RT techniques rely on the use of fines of the optic canal, eventually compressing the optic
sophisticated imaging for treatment planning and verifica- nerve itself and/or its vasculature. Patients usually present
tion. It is believed, but not yet definitively proven, that these with progressive vision loss, although some exhibit rapid loss
newer treatment methods will continue to improve patient of vision. In a minority of patients, ONSMs are found inci-
outcomes and reduce RT-related toxicity. dentally on imaging. Less common complaints include visual-
It is worth noting that serious side effects of modern field defects, loss/alterations of color vision, and orbital pain.
methods of treatment planning and delivery are already quite Resection of ONSMs while keeping optic nerve in place
uncommon. For example, Debus et al. [66] reported on 189 has been tried [76–80], but carries an unacceptably high
patients treated with FSRT for large skull base meningiomas, risk of visual complications and local recurrence. Resection
using median daily fractions of 1.8 Gy to a mean dose of commonly impairs the blood supply and results in blindness,
56.8 Gy. With a nearly 3-year median follow-up, the rate of even though the nerve is left grossly intact. For these rea-
clinically significant neuro-toxicity (grade 3) was 2.2 % sons, fractionated RT has become the centerpiece of ONSM
(four patients), and 1.7 % (three patients) in the absence of a management. In one of the largest series published, Turbin
preexisting neurologic deficit. The neurologic deficits et al. [80] reported on 64 patients with ONSMs and found
reported in the study included reduced vision, a new visual- that fractionated RT alone provided more favorable out-
field loss, and trigeminal neuropathy. Goldsmith et al. [65] comes than observation, surgery alone, or a combination of
22 Meningioma—Viewpoint: Fractionated Radiotherapy 329
Fig. 22.2 A representative intensity-modulated radiation therapy GTV is shaded red; a dose of 54 Gy/30 fractions was prescribed to the
(IMRT) plan for a right cavernous sinus meningioma (WHO grade I) in 95 % isodose line to minimize the risk of injury to the anterior optic
a 52 years old patient with slight right temporal field deficit thought to be structures. Note: Maximal point dose for the plan (56.38 Gy) is located
related to disease encroachment on the right portion of the optic chiasm. within the tumor volume, and the maximum dose to the chiasm is <54 Gy
surgery + RT. Patients in the RT only group were the only ones from Japan, Narayan et al. [81] evaluated 14 patients with
that did not demonstrate a statistically significant decline in ONSMs who were treated with conformal, fractionated RT
visual acuity after a mean follow-up of 11.5 years (range, to 50.4–56 Gy. After a median follow-up of 4.1 years, 86 %
4.75–23 years); all other groups demonstrated a significant of the treated patients had either improved or stable visual
decrement in visual acuity, including complete visual loss. acuity. These studies and six additional studies with simi-
Irradiated patients received 40–55 Gy of fractionated RT lar results have established highly conformal, fractionated
(1.8–2.0 Gy/fraction) over approximately 5 weeks. In a study RT as the first-choice treatment modality for patients with
330 I.J. Barani et al.
ONSMs. In aggregate, the local control is excellent (95 %); ations with RFS and OS were highly significant, with grade II
early visual improvement (<3 months from the completion meningiomas having a nearly eightfold increased risk of sub-
of RT) is attained in about half of the patients (54.7 %); and sequent recurrence after GTR and a slightly increased mor-
complications of therapy are relatively uncommon [74, 82]. tality rate.
It is our policy to treat symptomatic ONSM patients with Our ability to define impact of treatment on outcomes of
highly conformal, fractionated RT to doses of 50.4–54 Gy atypical meningioma patients is problematic since much of
using daily fractions of 1.8 Gy; however, there is no uni- the published literature consists of retrospective reports and
form agreement as to whether patients with stable ONSMs predates the new WHO classification criteria, which results
and stable vision should be approached with observation or in relative under-reporting of atypical meningioma inci-
early RT. Patients with bilateral disease are generally treated dence. There is general agreement, but not consensus, that
whereas those with unilateral tumors are observed provided STR is insufficient treatment for WHO grade II meningio-
that they can be expected to comply with serial visual field mas. For example, surveys of neurosurgeons in Germany
testing, and regular clinical and imaging follow-up. [85] and United Kingdom [86] indicated that 26 and 41 %,
respectively, do not recommend adjuvant radiotherapy after
STR of an atypical meningioma. These reports are corrobo-
Recurrent Meningiomas rated by publications such that by Goyal et al. [87] who
reported 17 % 10-year local control rate for atypical menin-
Recurrent meningiomas after surgery and/or RT exhibit giomas at a single institution, but despite this, was unable to
markedly increased progression rates over newly diagnosed document a significant benefit associated with the use of
tumors [46, 51, 68, 83], with mean interval to clinical recur- postoperative radiation therapy. Neurosurgeons often employ
rence of 4 years [51, 55]. Miralbell et al. [68] reported a a strategy of serial re-resection to manage tumor recurrence.
78 % PFS at 8 years in patients treated with surgery + RT for There is even less agreement regarding adjuvant treat-
recurrent tumors, compared to only 11 % with surgery alone. ment following GTR. In Germany [85], 84 % of centers
Similarly, Taylor et al. [83] reported on 30 patients who (47 of 56) recommended surgery alone for initially diag-
developed recurrent disease after their initial treatment; 15 nosed, gross-totally resected WHO grade II meningioma,
underwent surgery alone, 10 surgery + RT, and 5 either and in United Kingdom [86], 80 % of centers espoused such
refused further treatment or were deemed inoperable. Local a practice. Several retrospective reports [84, 87–90] have
control was 30 % at 10 years in patients who had surgery supported this approach by suggesting that GTR alone is
alone at first recurrence, versus 89 % for patients who sufficient and that adjuvant RT adds no utility. Jaaskelainen
received salvage radiation, with or without resection. The et al. [58] reported a 38 % 5-year local recurrence after
Taylor et al. [83] study provides compelling support for the GTR, and did not find a benefit to adjuvant RT. However, no
use of salvage RT to doses of 54–59.4 Gy (1.8 Gy/fraction, randomized trials have been completed to define an appro-
or similar regimens at 2 Gy/fraction) not only because of priate care pattern in this patient population, and many of
superior local control, but also improved survival, at 10 years the cited studies are small, retrospectively analyzed, and
89 % for surgery + RT compared to 43 % with surgery alone. predate current WHO grading criteria. Additionally, many
These data corroborate aggressive treatment for recurrent of the RT doses used in these studies were too low to be
meningiomas, even at first recurrence. effective.
A modern study by Aghi et al. [40] in 108 patients with
atypical meningioma (per 2000/2007 WHO diagnostic crite-
EBRT: Atypical (WHO Grade II) Meningiomas ria) noted a 5-year local recurrence rate of 50 % following
Simpson grade I surgical resection alone, whereas there were
Atypical, WHO grade II, meninigiomas account for approxi- no recurrences in the small cohort (n = 8) receiving postop-
mately 20 % to 25 % of meningiomas [17]. In one recent erative RT. Another recent report by Komotar et al. [91]
analysis, the rate of atypical meningioma rose to 35 % after reviewed outcomes among 45 patients with a gross-totally
adoption of the modern WHO grading standards [84]. resected (Simpson grade I and II) atypical meningioma, con-
However, in the literature atypical meningiomas are a hetero- firmed by postoperative imaging, and found a 65 % actuarial
geneous group, owing largely to the imprecise pathologic local recurrence rate at 6 years without, versus 20 % with
classification criteria and varying classification schemes over adjuvant RT. For patients with recurrent WHO grade II
time. Given the recent changes in diagnostic criteria [43, 44], meningioma, Mair et al. found that neither salvage surgical
the natural history of atypical meningiomas is now better resection extent nor salvage RT was predictive of outcome.
characterized. Systematic application of these criteria across This is consistent with results from Aghi and colleagues [40]
multiple centers will be critical toward achieving concordance where 10-year disease-specific survival after first recurrence
and defining subsequent management. The statistical associ- of 69 % even with salvage therapies. Furthermore, Kotomar
22 Meningioma—Viewpoint: Fractionated Radiotherapy 331
et al. [91] concluded that recurrences resulted in shortened In contrast, other studies have reached different conclu-
overall survival, and significant additional treatment burden. sions regarding the role of adjuvant RT. Mair et al. [90] sug-
Many investigators have recommended irradiation, irre- gested that EBRT was not appropriate following GTR, and
spective of resection extent in this patient population [31, advised SRS rather than EBRT following STR. Despite these
46], but others, like Goyal et al. [86], argued that fractionated differing conclusions, their report confirmed improved PFS
RT has no significant impact on either local control and over- in patients who received adjuvant EBRT (STR + EBRT) com-
all survival. Their retrospective analysis was based on a pared to STR alone cohort. Four-year PFS rates were 72 %
cohort of 22 patients, 15 of whom underwent GTR (Simpson versus 13 % (p = 0.043), respectively. Stratification of resec-
grades 1–3), 4 STR, and 3 resection of unknown extent. tion extent was not done in this study, and the EBRT dose
Eight patients received RT (2 after initial resection and 6 at was comparatively low (51.8 Gy in 28 fractions). Hardesty
the time of recurrence). The median radiation dose was et al. [93] reached a similar conclusion, reporting that adju-
54 Gy (range 35–59.4 Gy). After a median follow-up of vant RT (EBRT or SRS) following “aggressive microsurgical
5.5 years, local control was 87 % at 5 and 10 years following resection” of an atypical meningioma did not significantly
GTR, and RT had no significant impact on local control or impact recurrence risk. However, it is worth noting that no
overall survival. This study highlights some of the difficul- patient with GTR + postoperative RT experienced recurrence,
ties relevant to atypical tumors, including inconsistent use, with a median 52 month’s follow-up. The median EBRT dose
dosing, and timing of RT as well as wide variations in the in this study was 54 Gy in 27–30 fractions.
resection extent [31]. Stessin et al. [94] performed an analysis of SEER data of
In the previously cited study by Aghi et al. [40] of 108 657 patients treated for “non-benign” meningioma between
patients with atypical meningioma and Simpson grade 1 1988 and 2007 (predating the updated WHO classification
GTR, actuarial tumor recurrence rates were 7 % at 1 year, system). Of these patients, 37 % (244 patients) received
41 % at 5 years, and 48 % at 10 years. Most recurrences adjuvant EBRT. When controlling for WHO grade (II versus
occurred within 5 years of surgical resection. Of the 108 III), tumor size, resection extent, and diagnosis date, EBRT
patients, 8 received immediate, adjuvant RT to 59.4–61.2 Gy did not appear to impart a statistically significant overall sur-
(1.5–1.8 Gy/fraction) to the resection bed with a 1 cm margin, vival or DFS benefit. Paradoxically, overall survival was
and experienced no recurrences during the follow-up period. lower in patients who received adjuvant EBRT compared to
This difference did not reach statistical significance (p = 0.1), those who were treated with surgery alone, perhaps reflect-
likely due to the small number of patients (n = 8) in the RT ing selection bias. This study did not consider details of RT,
cohort. The study also noted that 30 patients with recurrence including dose, target volume definition, and other treatment
ultimately received EBRT or SRS, and 73 % underwent repeat parameters.
surgery, with a mean number of craniotomies of 2.7. Only one These apparent contradictions concerning adjuvant RT
meningioma transformed to WHO grade III tumor, but at 7 following either GTR or STR of an atypical (WHO grade II)
years, 33 % of patients died due to recurrent disease. meningioma suggest that RT technique and therapeutic
Similarly, Komotar’s study [91] of 45 patients with atypi- details may be important, including target volume definition,
cal meningioma (following Simpson grade I/II resection) dose/fractionation, and possibly, even mode of delivery. For
suggested a benefit to immediate adjuvant RT at a dose of example, Park et al. [92] found that PFS was improved with
59.4 Gy to the tumor cavity plus 0.5–1.0 cm margin. In this median RT dose of 61.2 Gy. Aghi et al. [40] noted no local
study, 32 patients had GTR alone and an additional 13 under- recurrences with doses of 59.4–61.2 Gy, and Komotar et al.
went immediate adjuvant external beam RT after GTR [91] had noticeably better outcomes with median EBRT dose
(GTR + EBRT). With GTR alone, 41 % (13 patients) recurred of 59.4 Gy. Hug et al. [31] found that local control for an
at a median of 19 months whereas only 8 % (one patient) atypical meningioma was significantly enhanced by cumula-
recurred in the GTR + EBRT group at 52.5 months. This tive doses of at least 60 Cobalt-Gray Equivalents (CGE),
translated into 6-year actuarial recurrence risks of 65 % ver- using protons. Hoffmann et al. [95] identified 10 WHO grade
sus 20 % (p = 0.085) with GTR and GTR + EBRT, respec- II patients and noted a postoperative recurrence rate of 50 %
tively. Other recent analyses similarly supported the use of and suggested a benefit to postoperative EBRT, especially
immediate EBRT in this setting [92]. when radical surgery cannot be achieved, and recommended
These studies provide evidence for upfront postoperative a total dose of 60 Gy.
fractionated RT following GTR of an atypical meningioma. The recently completed RTOG 0539 study used a dose
However, the possibility remains that close clinical and of 54 Gy in 30 fractions for newly diagnosed atypical
radiographic follow-up with delayed salvage RT as needed meningioma following GTR; 60 Gy/30 fractions following
may also be feasible. The key question in this patient subset STR and/or for recurrent WHO grade II tumor of any extent.
is whether early adjuvant or late salvage RT is more appro- Also recently completed was the EORTC 22042–26042 trial,
priate. Existing publications do not answer this question. which employed 60 Gy following GTR, and added a 10 Gy
332 I.J. Barani et al.
boost after STR. The results of these trials are expected to multi-modality treatment (surgery + RT). These studies also
generate high-quality evidence to help guide therapy in this demonstrated that immediate, adjuvant EBRT offers a greater
patient population. benefit than EBRT at progression. Milosevic et al. [103]
Optimal dosing regimens, target volume definitions, and found that patients treated to doses <50 Gy experienced infe-
choice among many different radiation modalities are in rior cause-specific survival, as did those treated prior to 1975
need of further study. Data suggest that dose escalation may (before routine use of CT-based planning). Dziuk et al. [97]
be an important factor in non-benign meningiomas but such determined that EBRT improved 5-year PFS from 50 % to
escalation needs to be approached with caution since higher 80 %, and recommended a final dose of 60 Gy in the immedi-
rates of complication are possible [96]. ate post-op setting.
The issue of target volumes in the postoperative setting
for grade III meningiomas remains unresolved, particularly
EBRT: Anaplastic (WHO Grade III) when comparing SRS and EBRT treatments. With SRS,
Meningiomas Pollock et al. [99] reported tumor progression “away from
the original irradiated tumor” in 30 % of patients with atypi-
These aggressive tumors are often diagnosed after surgical cal and anaplastic meningioma, occurring at a median of 15
resection. As with other meningiomas, surgical resection months after SRS. Most reported recurrences were described
extent correlates with recurrence rates [39, 87, 89, 97]. as “marginal,” that is, occurring “adjacent to the irradiated
Outcomes following surgery alone are quite poor; 78 % tumor.” Mattozo et al. [104] evaluated recurrences more sys-
5-year recurrence rate has been reported following GTR for tematically after treatment with SRS and FSRT and found
patients with anaplastic meningioma [58]. In a study from that 77 % of recurrences were within the original surgical
1998 by Dzuik et al. [97], 38 patients with “malignant resection cavity, and recommended that the entire surgical
meningioma” were reported. Eleven of the patients had cavity be targeted, with an SRS boost to the recurrent nodule
hemangiopericytoma. With that caveat, adjuvant irradiation if desired, to reduce the risk of local relapse.
following initial resection improved 5-year DFS to 80 %, As mentioned above, the timing of RT in these patients
versus 15 % with surgery alone (p = 0.002). EBRT also appears to be important. Most studies suggest limited benefit
improved 2-year DFS for recurrent meningioma, but had from salvage RT (compared to immediate post-op RT).
no impact upon 5-year DFS for this subgroup. For this rea- Dziuk et al. [97] reported improved local control with the
son, most practitioners have recommended adjuvant RT addition of post-op RT after initial resection and found
[48, 98, 99]. 2-year PFS improvement with salvage RT. However, there
Sughrue et al. [100] recently evaluated the benefit of was no benefit at 5 years in the salvage setting. Several inves-
resection extent for WHO grade III meningioma; all patients tigators have demonstrated improvement in outcomes with
were referred for postoperative RT. They found that aggres- RT, but the magnitude of improvement has been highly vari-
sive attempts to achieve GTR did not improve survival and able [31, 97–100, 102–107].
often resulted in compromised neurologic outcome. Instead, As with atypical meningiomas, higher RT doses appear to
they found that near-total resection (NTR), defined as >90 % improve local control for patients with anaplastic (WHO
tumor debulking, resulted in improved survival when fol- grade III) histology. On review of WHO grade II/III patients,
lowed by adjuvant RT. In this report, salvage surgery also Milosevic et al. [103] noted improved cause-specific survival
appeared beneficial; a median survival of 53 months with of 42 % with ≥50 Gy versus 0 % with <50 Gy. Similarly,
salvage surgery was noted, as opposed to 25 months without Goldsmith et al. [65] reported 5-year PFS of 63 % using
(p = 0.02). Salvage surgery was often followed by RT or even >53 Gy versus 17 % with ≤53, and Dziuk et al. [97] recom-
I-125 brain brachytherapy [101]. This is in contrast to other mended a dose of 60 Gy, even after GTR. Using either pro-
studies [102] suggesting that mode of salvage therapy for tons or combined protons and photons, DeVries et al. [108]
WHO grade III meningiomas does not favorably impact sub- and Hug et al. [31] demonstrated increased local control and
sequent progression. survival with total doses exceeding 60 Gy. In a mixed group
With only retrospective studies to guide treatment, the of WHO grade II/III tumors, Hug et al. reported a 100 %
true benefits of multi-modality therapy are not known. Many 5-year local control for patients receiving ≥60 CGE versus
published studies use varying definitions of anaplasia, surgi- 0 % for lower doses (p = 0.0006). This corresponded to
cal extent, RT parameters, and outcomes. In aggregate, most 8-year local control of 33 % and 0 %, respectively. For the
studies [46, 53, 97, 102, 103] appear to report measurable WHO grade III subgroup, this translated into an overall sur-
benefit to adjuvant EBRT ± SRS following surgery in ana- vival difference at 5-years of 87 % for ≥60 CGE versus 15 %
plastic meningiomas. for <60 CGE [31]. As mentioned in the atypical meningioma
Milosevic et al. [103] and Dziuk et al. [97] published section, dose escalation should be approached with caution
some of the earliest studies demonstrating benefit from since significant toxicity can occur [96].
22 Meningioma—Viewpoint: Fractionated Radiotherapy 333
sis in two patients [65]. In a separate publication, Goldsmith and up to 20 years after primary treatment. Most patients
et al. [67] constructed a model to predict optic nerve toler- were treated using a three-field technique (one AP and two
ance and recommended a maximum dose of 54 Gy in 30 lateral beams). Memory impairment was found in 80 % of
fractions. the patients, and one-third manifested difficulty with visual-
Non-visual pathway deficits can occur [66] but are motor speed, frontal lobe executive functions, and fine motor
uncommon. Selch et al. found no treatment-related cranial coordination. Cognitive outcomes appeared to correlate with
neuropathies of any kind in 45 cavernous sinus meningioma the total dose of radiation delivered but not with the volume
patients treated with fraction sizes of 1.7 or 1.8 Gy per day of the brain irradiated. The pattern of test findings was most
to a total dose of 50.4 Gy [72]. Urie et al. [73] concurred consistent with radiation injury to subcortical white matter.
that treatment-related neurologic deficits in this dose range These two apparently conflicting studies suggest that pre-
are rare. treatment cognitive deficits, the timing of evaluations, the
Cerebral necrosis is also uncommon but has been length of follow-up, and the choice of assessments are
observed [68, 70, 114]. Many of the findings in the Al-Mefty important. To date, there are no robust prospective studies of
et al. [114] study in a series of 58 patients with a variety of cognitive function in patients treated with EBRT for skull
skull base, parasellar, or pineal region tumors who devel- base tumors. Given the relatively long survival of these
oped late brain parenchymal changes (29 %) ranging from 4 patients, it is expected that long-term sequelae of therapy
months to 23 years after treatment are likely related to anti- will manifest and will guide therapeutic choices in the future.
quated treatment techniques. Modern series do not report
significant toxicity at doses <60 Gy delivered over 30 treat-
ment days provided that “hotspots” in excess of the prescrip- Conclusion
tion dose are placed within tumor or other safe locations
(e.g., surgical cavity). In general, integral doses to the tem- EBRT is highly effective in the management of meningiomas
poral lobes and to large volumes of untargeted brain are and long-term data clearly indicate excellent tumor control
much lower with current conformal and image-guided tech- rates, with an acceptable incidence of complications. FSRT
niques. In particular, image-guided therapy allows radiation techniques are capable of delivering highly localized irradia-
oncologists to reduce treatment (PTV) margins by ensuring tion compared with conventional radiotherapy and have the
precise daily setup. potential to reduce long-term radiation morbidity. EBRT and
Additionally, pituitary dysfunction [68, 69, 114, 115], SRS result in very similar local control rates, and either can
cerebrovascular events [56, 68, 72], second malignancy, be recommended for many patients. EBRT is suitable for a
orbital fibrosis [116], edema [72], and other sporadic toxici- broader range of patients, whereas SRS achieves excellent
ties have been reported. Toxicity rates (at various time points) local control outcomes in a well-defined cohorts. SRS is usu-
are summarized in Table 22.3 and range from 0 % to 8 % in ally limited by tumor diameter and volume restrictions to
the modern era (after year 2000). It is worth noting that the ensure safe treatments. Common relative constraints (vary
retrospective nature of most series often precludes reliable by institution) on diameter have been 3.0–3.5 cm, with total
accounting of treatment-related toxicity since reliable grad- volumes of 7.5–15 cm3 [106, 119]. Pollock et al. [119] found
ing of these events is often not possible in retrospect. that SRS provides equivalent tumor control to a Simpson
grade I resection with small- to medium-sized meningiomas
of <3.5 cm in average diameter and <15 cm3. Kondziolka
EBRT: Cognitive Morbidity et al. [106] reported excellent outcomes for tumors of
<3.0 cm in diameter or 7.5 cm3 volume. The primary reasons
Some retrospective studies have identified personality for volume restriction, as suggested by Ramsey et al. [120],
changes [70] and memory loss [46, 68, 115, 116] as compli- is to reduce edema risk that is often associated with SRS
cations of EBRT. Steinvorth et al. [117] prospectively evalu- treatment of convexity or large meningioma, or those that
ated cognitive outcomes in patients with skull base exhibit significant pretreatment edema. Edema risks are
meningiomas after FSRT. They used a comprehensive bat- markedly lower with EBRT, even for large tumors.
tery of neurocognitive tests before, after first fraction, at An additional constraint on SRS is the anterior visual
completion, and 12 months after FSRT. They observed, after pathway which is exquisitely radiation sensitive. At many
the first fraction, a transient decline in memory and a relative radiosurgery centers, point doses to the optic nerves and chi-
increase in attention. There was no cognitive deterioration asm are limited to 8 or 9 Gy, although some suggest that
with additional follow-up. In another study of cognitive out- small volume of the optic nerve can tolerate up to 12 Gy
comes in skull base tumors, Meyers et al. [118] evaluated 19 [121]. Even at a higher tolerance limit, single-fraction SRS
patients who received treatment to the paranasal sinuses to a would be excluded from treatment of ONSMs, as well as
median radiation dose of 60 Gy in 30 daily fractions with a some parasellar and orbital tumors. In aggregate, SRS can be
comprehensive neurocognitive test battery at least 20 months safely and effectively applied to smaller meningiomas at
22 Meningioma—Viewpoint: Fractionated Radiotherapy 335
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SA. Stereotactic radiosurgery provides equivalent tumor control to
Radiosurgery of Acoustic
Schwannomas 23
John C. Flickinger, Hideyuki Kano, and L. Dade Lunsford
L.S. Chin, W.F. Regine (eds.), Principles and Practice of Stereotactic Radiosurgery, 339
DOI 10.1007/978-1-4614-8363-2_23, © Springer Science+Business Media New York 2015
340 J.C. Flickinger et al.
Table 23.1 Gardner-Robertson hearing (G-R) classification based on Table 23.2 House-Brackmann facial nerve grades [5]
the poorer of either pure tone average (PTA) or speech discrimination
Grade 1 Normal facial function in all regions
score (SDS) class divisions [4]
Grade 2 Mild dysfunction: light weakness not obvious at rest
G-R hearing class Criteria Grade 3 Moderate weakness that is obvious at rest but not
Class I (good) PTA 0–30dB and/or SDS 70–100 % disfiguring and with complete eyelid closure
Class II (serviceable/useful) PTA 31–50dB and/or SDS 50–69 % Grade 4 Moderate to severe weakness: obvious disfiguring
Class III (non-serviceable) PTA 51–90dB and/or SDS 5–49 % weakness with incomplete eyelid closure
Class IV (poor) PTA 91dB-max and/or SDS 1–4 % Grade 5 Severe weakness: barely perceptible muscle movement
Class V (none/deaf) Untestable for PTA and/or SDS with incomplete eyelid closure
Grade 6 Complete paralysis, no movement, loss of tone
Fig. 23.1 Subtraction co-registration (fusion) T1-contrast enhanced MR images of a patient with bilateral acoustic tumors from NF-2 with 2009
images subtracted from 2011 images to highlight 2-year growth within the right sided tumor
the newest to the oldest scans. As with any slow-growing deterioration is documented exposes patients to the risks of
tumor, slow but steady growth may sometimes be reported as hearing loss during the follow-up intervals as well as poten-
no interval growth for several successive scans when only the tially higher hearing loss risk from irradiation of a larger
two latest scans are compared by the radiologists, when com- tumor while initial radiation treatment has only the risk of
parison of the first to last scan identifies unmistakable growth. hearing loss from treating the tumor at the time it is diag-
High resolution imaging with fine cuts (1–2 mm cuts) and nosed. Kondziolka’s review of the medical literature on
software that allows volume calculation can be extremely observation versus radiation treatment provides a detailed
useful for early identification of limited tumor growth. One argument for early radiosurgical intervention [7].
technique for identifying tumor growth that can be useful at
the time of radiosurgery in NF2 patients with multiple tumors
(usually meningiomas and acoustic schwannomas) is image Radiobiology of Tumor Control
co-registration (fusion) of old and new scans with subtrac- and Complications
tion of the old images from the new images to highlight
changes as shown in Fig. 23.1. Prior to the advent of radiosurgery, vestibular schwannomas
Higher growth rates have been reported for younger were managed almost exclusively by observation or surgical
patients and those with extracanalicular and cystic tumors. resection because of a belief that they were radio-resistant,
Observation of small acoustic schwannomas in NF2 patients with the first article indicating effectiveness of radiotherapy
with good hearing that appears to be stable may allow patients in controlling acoustic schwannomas (following incomplete
to enjoy more time with good hearing and give patients with resection) published in 1987, following early reports of
tumors in their only hearing ear time to learn sign language successful control with gamma knife radiosurgery [8].
before their hearing is lost. Initial observation may also be the Since then, multiple radiosurgery and radiotherapy series
best option for elderly patients with significant comorbidities with long-term follow up demonstrated that vestibular
and small tumors. Initial observation also is a good strategy schwannomas have control rates equal or better than other
for managing patients who want to delay treatment because benign CNS tumors like WHO Grade-1 meningiomas and
of anxiety about any potential side effects from radiosurgery. nonfunctional pituitary adenomas using similar or lower
A strategy of choosing to delay radiation treatment of an doses (in the range of 45–54 Gy at 1.8 Gy per fraction, 18–21
acoustic schwannoma until significant growth and/or hearing Gy in three fractions or 10–13 Gy in a single fraction).
342 J.C. Flickinger et al.
Vernimmen and Slabbert calculated alpha-beta ratios of within the brainstem could not be ruled out to development
2.4 and 1.8 Gy for control of acoustic schwannomas from of the 3.5 % and 9.9 % rates of facial and trigeminal neu-
published literature using the Fraction Equivalent plot (FE) ropathies reported, respectively.
and the Tucker methods, respectively [9]. Since the accepted Adams et al. reported brainstem and cranial nerve injury
alpha-beta values for late reacting CNS injury (cranial developing after LINAC radiosurgery to a dose of 12 Gy pre-
nerves, parenchymal brain injury or spinal cord) fall in the scribed to an 80 % isodose for treatment of an acoustic
range of 1–2.5 Gy, these findings would support limited, if schwannoma measuring 27 × 19 × 18 mm [13]. Four months
any, therapeutic gain from fractionation compared to single later she developed subjective right facial weakness and
fraction treatment. In contrast to this radiobiological analy- reduced taste on the right side of the tongue (seventh cranial
sis, some centers report of better hearing preservation with nerve—CNVII) and by 8 months post-SRS, new right sided
fractionated radiotherapy as opposed to single fraction radio- facial numbness and tingling (fifth cranial nerve—CNV). An
surgery but all of these comparisons have difficulties. All MRI at 8 months showed reduction in tumor size to
CNS tissue does not seem to be equally likely to manifest 20 × 16 × 14 mm with an adjacent area of enhancement (con-
clinically symptomatic radiation injury. Changes in function sistent with parenchymal radiation injury) of the right lateral
of somatic sensory nerves (optic and auditory) are detected a pons/cerebellar peduncle which subsequently resolved. They
lower doses than somatic sensory nerves (trigeminal), while performed a γ-H2AX focus formation assay which revealed
motor nerves (Cranial nerve 7, as well as 3, 4, 6, etc.) appear impaired DNA damage kinetics in ex vivo-irradiated primary
less likely to show radiation injury. Following radiation tissues which suggest that the radiosurgery patient had an
treatment of acoustic schwannomas (by radiotherapy or inherent deficiency in double-stranded DNA breakage repair
radiosurgery), hearing loss is the most frequent sequelae mechanisms.
(30–60 % in most series) explained by the anatomy of the
tumor and/or the sensitivity of the special sensory nerve,
while the rates of trigeminal neuropathy (usually 1–4 %) Hearing Preservation and Cochlear Tolerance
exceed those of facial neuropathy (usually <1 %). The greater
risks of trigeminal versus facial nerve injuries are observed Hearing preservation rates after acoustic schwannoma radio-
even though a shorter segment of the trigeminal nerve is irra- surgery vary with prescription dose, length of follow up,
diated with generally lower doses than the facial nerve. tumor size, pretreatment hearing, and cochlear dose. Kano
Analysis of the initial experience of acoustic schwannoma analyzed factors affecting hearing preservation in 77 acous-
radiosurgery at the University of Pittsburgh (including doses tic schwannoma patients with Gardner-Robertson (GR)
of 12–20 Gy) correlated rates of trigeminal and facial injury Grade 1–2 hearing who underwent gamma knife radiosur-
with dose and length of nerve irradiated [10]. gery at the University of Pittsburgh with doses of 12–13 Gy
between 2004 and 2007 [14]. He correlated hearing loss with
Grade 1 hearing (versus Grade 2), age <60 years, and mean
Brainstem Tolerance cochlear dose <4.2 Gy. 12/12 patients <60 years old with
cochlear doses <4.2 Gy retained serviceable (Grade 1–2)
The parenchymal tissue in the brainstem tissue does not hearing for 2 years or more. Although a single fraction
seem to be inherently more sensitive to radiation injury than cochlear dose of 4.2 Gy seems rather low to expect a correla-
other locations when assessed by the development of post- tion with hearing loss. Zuur et al. were able to identify mod-
radiosurgery T2 signal changes, yet those changes are much est decreases in hearing within 101 head and neck cancer
more likely to result in neurological dysfunction than in patients undergoing 6–7 week courses of IMRT with median
other sites [11]. cochlear doses of only 11.4 Gy [15]. Yomo correlated hear-
Nakaya et al. reported the University of Pittsburgh radio- ing loss with a cochlear dose of 4 Gy or more in their series
surgery experience with 202 vestibular schwannomas and 44 of 154 acoustic schwannoma patients undergoing gamma
meningiomas with brainstem compression after a median knife radiosurgery at Marseille [16]. Hasegawa et al. also
marginal dose of 13 Gy [12]. Median tumor volumes were correlated hearing loss with cochlear dose [17]. Although
3.9 cm3 (range, 0.8–39.0 mL) and 6.6 mL (range, 1.6– Kim et al., were unable to find a significant correlation
25.1 mL) for acoustic schwannomas and meningiomas, between hearing loss and cochlear dose in their series of 66
respectively. No clear brainstem injury (with brainstem unilateral acoustic schwannoma patients undergoing radio-
edema and/or enhancement) was identified with median surgery to a mean dose of 12 Gy, but did correlate hearing
follow-ups 65 and 60 months for the vestibular schwanno- loss with transient post-radiosurgery volume expansion of
mas and meningiomas, respectively. Although 13 Gy to the ≥20 % from baseline [18].
edge of the brainstem seems reasonably safe from this report, While most cases of radiation injury to cranial nerves 5
some contribution by radiation exposure to the nerve roots and 7 usually show up within 2 or 3 years after radiosurgery,
23 Radiosurgery of Acoustic Schwannomas 343
overall after the two post-SRS resections, 16 tumors (25 %) (non-NF2) who underwent planned combined subtotal micro-
had a volume reduction of more than 50 %, 22 (35 %) tumors surgical removal followed by SRS [28]. Surgery was per-
had a volume reduction of 10–50 %, 18 (29 %) were stable in formed through translabyrinthine (n = 25) or retrosigmoid
volume (volume change < 10 %), and seven (11 %) had larger (n = 25) approaches. The median follow-up was 33.8 months.
volumes (five of the 7 patients underwent resection and one They found clinical tumor control in 92 % of the cases and
of the 7 underwent repeat SRS). Eighteen (82 %) of 22 radiological control in 90 %. One year post-radiosurgery,
patients with serviceable hearing before SRS still had ser- facial nerve function was good (House-Brackmann Grade I or
viceable hearing after SRS more than 2 years later. Three II) in 94 % of the patients. One of the TWO patients who
patients (5 %) developed symptomatic hydrocephalus and underwent surgery to preserve hearing maintained serviceable
underwent placement of a ventriculoperitoneal shunt. In four hearing after resection followed by GKS.
patients (6 %) trigeminal sensory dysfunction developed,
and in one patient (2 %) mild facial weakness (House-
Brackmann Grade II) developed after SRS. In univariate Radiation Treatment Planning Issues
analysis, patients who had a previous resection (p = 0.010),
those with a tumor volume exceeding 10 mL (p = 0.05), and Besides the usual concerns with producing highly conformal
those with Koos Grade 4 tumors (p = 0.02) had less likeli- radiation treatment plans for acoustic schwannomas several
hood of tumor control after SRS. The 5–10 year Kaplan– specific treatment planning issues arise. Based on the analy-
Meier tumor control rates were approximately 91 % and ses for Pittsburgh and Marseille, the mean cochlear dose
74 % for tumors <10 cm3 and >10 cm3, respectively. should be kept below 4.2 Gy for single fraction radiosurgery.
Another approach used with larger acoustic schwannomas Often the facial nerve is difficult to see on a treatment plan-
is to start with initial subtotal resection followed by radiosur- ning CT or MR scan particularly with larger acoustic
gery to residual tumor. Van de Langenberg reported on 50 con- schwannomas. As shown in Fig. 23.2, where it can be seen
secutive patients for large spontaneous acoustic schwannoma with a small intracanalicular acoustic schwannoma, the
Fig. 23.2 Radiosurgery plan for an intracanalicular acoustic schwannoma. The cochlea is labeled as “c,” the facial nerve as “7”
23 Radiosurgery of Acoustic Schwannomas 345
Fig. 23.3 Treatment plan for an acoustic schwannoma using selective cochlear blocking
facial nerve (labeled as 7) runs superiorly and anteriorly in Yomo reported the Marseille experience with repeat
the internal auditory canal. Care should be taken to avoid radiosurgery (median initial and retreatment doses of 12 Gy)
high dose regions and generous treatment margins in this in eight acoustic schwannomas that progressed after initial
region of the internal auditory canal. Since the auditory nerve radiosurgery [29]. The minimum and median follow up after
tends to run inferiorly and posteriorly in the internal auditory repeat radiosurgery was 24 and 64 months. The median
canal (labeled as 8 in Fig. 23.2), it would be prudent to limit interval between radiosurgery procedures was 46 months.
radiation dose in that location to maximize chances of hear- The median tumor volumes were 0.51 and 1.28 mL at the
ing preservation. Figure 23.3 shows a treatment plan for a initial and second SRS treatments, respectively. No tumor
larger tumor that uses blocking of beam channels that would progressed and 6/8 showed a significant decrease in tumor
have contributed significantly to cochlear dose. volume. Serviceable hearing was preserved in only one of
the 3 patients with Gardner-Robinson I-II hearing at the time
of the second SRS. No other new neurological deficits were
Salvage of Radiosurgery Failures observed after repeat SRS.
Hasegawa’s report included the management of 36 acous-
Tumors that show sustained growth after radiosurgery should tic schwannoma patients who underwent further treatment
be managed with either complete surgical resection or radio- after initial radiosurgery [17]. Seven patients who underwent
surgery. Tumor control rates for repeat radiosurgery of resection did not have clear evidence of sustained tumor pro-
benign tumors seem relatively high considering that they gression. Six underwent repeat radiosurgery but three of
have failed prior radiation treatment and usually are retreated them subsequently underwent tumor resection. Twenty five
to a lower dose. Kano reported the Pittsburgh experience patients (with mean tumor volumes of 10.7 cu cm) needed
with repeat radiosurgery to a median dose of 11 Gy in six surgery for ventricular peritoneal shunts to manage post-SRS
patients (at a median of 63 months after a median initial dose hydrocephalus. After their second intervention with surgery
of 13 Gy) [28]. After a median follow up of 29 months (range or radiosurgery the 5- and 10-year Kaplan–Meier rates for
13–71) all tumors were controlled and no new neurological freedom from further intervention were 92 % and 91 %,
sequelae were observed. respectively.
346 J.C. Flickinger et al.
L.S. Chin and W.F. Regine (eds.), Principles and Practice of Stereotactic Radiosurgery, 347
DOI 10.1007/978-1-4614-8363-2_24, © Springer Science+Business Media New York 2015
348 G. Zada and S.L. Giannotta
ment of the patient’s best interests. For those who are experi-
encing unacceptable results, altering approach strategy may
show modest benefits, but doing such will not make up for
deficiencies in surgical technique as it relates to the brain-
stem vascularity and cranial nerves.
Hearing Preservation
44. Roche PH, Noudel R, Regis J. Management of radiation/radiosurgi- 47. Yang I, Aranda D, Han SJ, Chennupati S, Sughrue ME, Cheung
cal complications and failures. Otolaryngol Clin North Am. SW, et al. Hearing preservation after stereotactic radiosurgery for
2012;45(2):367–74, ix. vestibular schwannoma: a systematic review. J Clin Neurosci.
45. Hayhurst C, Monsalves E, Bernstein M, Gentili F, Heydarian M, 2009;16(6):742–7.
Tsao M, et al. Predicting nonauditory adverse radiation effects fol- 48. Slattery 3rd WH. Microsurgery after radiosurgery or radiotherapy
lowing radiosurgery for vestibular schwannoma: a volume and for vestibular schwannomas. Otolaryngol Clin North Am.
dosimetric analysis. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys. 2012; 2009;42(4):707–15.
82(5):2041–6. 49. Myrseth E, Moller P, Pedersen PH, Lund-Johansen M. Vestibular
46. Kano H, Kondziolka D, Khan A, Flickinger JC, Lunsford schwannoma: surgery or gamma knife radiosurgery? A prospec-
LD. Predictors of hearing preservation after stereotactic radiosur- tive, nonrandomized study. Neurosurgery. 2009;64(4):654–61;
gery for acoustic neuroma. J Neurosurg. 2009;111(4):863–73. discussion 61–3.
Acoustic Tumors:
Viewpoint—Stereotactic Radiotherapy 25
Christopher J. Farrell and David W. Andrews
L.S. Chin and W.F. Regine (eds.), Principles and Practice of Stereotactic Radiosurgery, 355
DOI 10.1007/978-1-4614-8363-2_25, © Springer Science+Business Media New York 2015
356 C.J. Farrell and D.W. Andrews
the prescription dose, facial and trigeminal nerve morbidity level while still prescribing an effective dose necessary to
was significantly decreased without change in tumor control achieve tumor control [32–36]. Despite differences in dose
[22]. Multiple large SRS series with at least 5-year median conformality and homogeneity, the results of LINAC-based
follow-up periods have yielded local tumor control rates of SRS are highly comparable to those of GK regarding both
89–100 % using prescription doses of 12–14 Gy; however, tumor control and hearing preservation [16, 28, 37–40]. The
attempts at further SRS dose reduction have met with unac- long-term decline in hearing experienced by patients
ceptable levels of tumor recurrence [23]. following SRS has led our group and others to investigate the
While the efficacy and safety of SRS for small- and role of FSR to increase the therapeutic threshold and better
medium-sized acoustic neuromas has been reliably estab- preserve function in patients with acoustic neuromas and
lished, less clear has been the long-term results of SRS treat- serviceable hearing.
ment with regard to functional hearing preservation defined
as Gardner-Robertson (GR) classification I or II or American
Academy of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery (AAO- Fractionated Stereotactic Radiotherapy
HNS) class A or B hearing [24]. In a prospective study
assessing quality of life (QOL) measures in patients under- As summarized above, SRS represents the pioneering inter-
going observational, surgical, and radiation therapy for vention that broadened the treatment alternatives for patients
acoustic neuromas, nearly one-third of patients cited hearing with acoustic neuromas. Originally practiced on the Gamma
as the single most important factor affecting their QOL [25]. Knife, radiosurgery techniques were soon adapted to retrofit-
Similar to the natural history of hearing loss with these ted LINACs [40] and subsequently to linear accelerators
tumors, hearing loss associated with SRS treatment has also designed for and dedicated to radiosurgery [41]. It was this
shown great variability with the overall results remaining latter development that enabled the design of fractionated
inconclusive in terms of their superiority relative to conser- stereotactic techniques with noninvasive relocatable frames
vative management. In a systematic analysis of the literature, and marked the beginning of modern stereotactic techniques
Yang et al. reported a hearing preservation rate following described below. The sections below discuss the radiobio-
SRS of 57 % with an average follow-up period of 41 months logical rationale and advantages of FSR as well as published
[26]. The only significant variable found to positively corre- outcomes as they relate to acoustic tumors.
late with hearing preservation was marginal treatment dose
≤12.5 Gy. Hearing loss may occur as early as 3 months fol-
lowing SRS with the potential to decline many years after Radiobiologic Principles of Fractionation
treatment [27, 28]. Chopra et al. reported that after 3 years of for Selected Late-Responding Tissues
follow-up, the hearing preservation rate was 74 % but had
declined to 44 % at 10 years [11, 21]. Similarly, Roos We previously reviewed the advantages of FSR and derived
reported a 5- and 10-year hearing preservation rate of 57 % a hearing RET formula as a formula to guide dose-
and 24 %, respectively [28]. fractionation strategies [42] discussed below. SRS has made
Radiation therapy is believed to induce sensorineural the treatment of skull base tumors far more precise with
hearing loss (SNHL) via injury to the cochlea, cochlear modern imaging and versatile three-dimensional treatment
nerve, or brainstem auditory nuclei, and many recent studies planning software that, through dose-volume histograms,
have focused on identifying patient-related and dosimetry maximizes dose to target with high conformality and mini-
variables that may allow for improved preservation of func- mizes dose to contiguous normal structures. Two exceptions
tional hearing. Several studies have demonstrated that are optic nerve sheath meningiomas and acoustic neuromas
patients with GR class I were more likely to retain functional where these cranial nerves are intrinsic to the target volume.
hearing compared to GR class 2 patients suggesting that As special sensory cranial nerves, injury to sensory function
interventions aimed at hearing preservation should be con- occurs much more frequently than either sensory or motor
sidered as early as possible, particularly for younger patients function in mixed cranial nerves, reflecting a lower thresh-
[29–31]. Additionally, retrospective studies have also sug- old for injury. To make matters even more complicated
gested that radiation dose to the cochlea may be a critical when considering acoustic neuromas, recent literature has
determinant of preserved hearing function. Kano et al. focused on the cochlea itself which may have a different
reported the results of 77 patients treated with a marginal radiobiological tolerance [31]. We will advance arguments
dose of 12.5 Gy and found that after controlling for GR class, based on published data that tumors involving or near spe-
patients who received a central cochlear dose <4.2 Gy were cial sensory cranial nerves, when treatment is indicated,
more likely to retain serviceable hearing [31]. Unfortunately, should be treated with FSR utilizing daily low conventional
it is not always possible to limit the cochlear dose to a safe fraction sizes.
25 Acoustic Tumors: Viewpoint—Stereotactic Radiotherapy 357
dual effects may have adverse effects on the normal neuropil steeper and hence shorter route. Carrying the analogy
and vasculature of the cochlear nerve. forward, the steeper route represents a shorter distance, or in
To better understand an optimal dose regimen for the biological terms, the use of larger fractions results in a
treatment of acoustic neuromas, it is important to review the shorter time course with a smaller total dose.
concept of a biologically effective dose, or BED, which is Currently, disparate focused radiation dose/fractionation
useful for quantifying treatment expectations [49] and is an schedules are practiced worldwide for acoustic tumors,
inherent part of the linear quadratic formula for radiation including single fraction SRS, hyperfractionated FRS, and
effect. For a review of the derivation and significance of α/β hypofractionated FSR. Doses of 12 Gy in a single fraction,
[alpha/beta] ratios and the linear quadratic equation, the 46.8 Gy in 1.8 Gy daily fractions, or 18 Gy in three fractions
reader is referred to an excellent recent review by all achieve excellent tumor control rates with serviceable
Balagamwala et al. [48]. The radiation cell kill (or effect E) hearing preservation rates that vary roughly from 60 to 80 %.
can be expressed as: One might argue that these dose/fractionation schedules are
not biologically equivalent because of variable outcomes in
Cell kill = E = n a [alpha ] d + b [ beta ] d 2 ) (25.1) hearing preservation, but for purposes of this model, we will
assume they are. We can correspondingly assign values of
where α [alpha] and β [beta] are the radiosensitivity coeffi- BED1, BED2, and BED3, respectively, to these dose/fraction
cients, n the number of fractions, and d the dose per fraction schemes. Assuming BED1 = BED2 for tissue of an unknown
such that the total dose (D) = nd. α/β, or in terms of total dose D and fraction dose d:
Historically, radiosurgical dose reductions for acoustic
tumors have been performed empirically to improve hearing D1[1 + d1/(α/β[alpha/beta])] = D2[1 + d2/(α/β[alpha/
outcomes. Consistent with this exercise, consider a progres- beta])] or α/β[alpha/beta] = (D1 × d1 − D2 × d2)/D2 − D1
sive reduction in d approaching but not reaching 0. Although
For acoustic neuromas using the assumption of equivalent
the number of fractions n will then need to be increased to
BED for 12 Gy in a single fraction (d1 = 12 Gy) and 46.8 Gy
maintain the same effect, β[beta]d2 will be very small in
in 26 fractions (d2 = 1.8 Gy):
comparison to α[alpha]d, and when d is very small, the above
equation can be simplified to: a / b [alpha / beta ] = éë(12 ´ 12 ) - ( 46.8 ´ 1.8 ) ùû ( 46.8 - 12 )
E = n a [alpha ] d = a [alpha ] D (25.2) = 1.72
and the corresponding BED based on this α/β[alpha/beta]
This demonstrates that the total dose D of radiotherapy ratio is calculated as:
given at a very low dose per fraction represents the highest
total dose required to obtain a specific effect, in this case BED = 12 (1 + 12 / 1.72 ) = 46.8 (1 + 1.8 / 1.72 ) = 95.7 Gy1.72
simultaneously high rates of tumor control and hearing pres-
ervation. This total dose represents the biologically effective Now having derived an isoeffective BED for acoustic
dose or BED in situations where neoplastic cellular repopu- tumors, we can test an alternate dose-fractionation schedule
lation can be ignored, which is the case for acoustic neuro- by substituting actual values from Eq. (25.3) above for BED3,
mas. Equation (25.2) above can be redefined as: an actual dose-fractionation schedule recently reported [50]
to see if our derived α/β [alpha/beta] ratio actually yields the
BED = D = E / a [alpha ] same dose per fraction solving for d as the unknown:
é d ù
With this assumption, BED for any practical radiotherapy 3d ê1 + ú = 95.7 Gy1.72
application can be derived by first dividing both sides of Eq. ë 1.72 û
(25.1) by α [alpha] such that: which is rearranged to:
3d + 1.74 d 2 - 95.7 = 0
BED = E / a =
n a d + b d2 ) = nd é1 + d ù
a ê a / b úû For a general quadratic equation such as ad2 + bd + c = 0,
the positive solution for d is given by:
It is perhaps difficult to understand that one BED can be
obtained by different dose/fractionation schedules. Drawing -b + (b 2
- 4 ac )
from an analogy by Jones and colleagues [49], the height of 2a
a mountain could be viewed as a BED. BED represents the
absolute height using the longest route (i.e., the lowest dose) where in this case a = 1.74, b = 3, and c = −95.7. The solution
to the summit, but it is possible to climb to the summit by a for d above is 6.6 Gy which is within a 10 % error of 6 Gy.
25 Acoustic Tumors: Viewpoint—Stereotactic Radiotherapy 359
As a working model, therefore, an α/β[alpha/beta] ratio of where N is the number of fractions. This can be folded into:
1.72 yielding an isoeffective BED of 95.7 Gy is a reasonable D = 1,120 × N0.43 or 1,120 hearing RET = D × N − 0.43 for
derivation from current literature regarding focused radiation dose/fraction schemes with high hearing preservation rates.
for acoustic neuromas. For one fraction: D = 11.2 Gy. This implies that the radio-
While an α/β[alpha/beta] ratio of 1.72 is low and con- surgical dose should not exceed a threshold around 11.2 Gy
sistent with late-responding normal CNS tissues [51], this to obtain high rates of hearing preservation. Based on this
model has potential pitfalls including an oversimplification hearing RET formula, single fraction doses above 11.2 Gy or
of single Gamma Knife treatments which necessarily involve a cumulative FSR dose above 45 Gy in a 25 fraction regimen
multiple isocenter hot spots, and a two-target model (DNA could result in higher rates of hearing loss. For SRS, any
damage and endothelial cell apoptosis) may be necessary, dose below 13 Gy results in loss of tumor control [23], so
especially at high doses per fraction. In the former case, a even with an approximate 60 % hearing preservation rate,
single one-point calculation will not be representative of the 13 Gy may represent the most optimal dose achievable with
biological effect throughout a larger acoustic tumor with SRS. Based on our previous literature review, a median value
multiple hot spots, and multiple BED evaluations would be of 13 Gy has, in fact, resulted in reported serviceable hearing
necessary [49]. In the latter case, a modification of the linear losses ranging from 17 to 67 % [42]. A median FSR dose of
quadratic equation such as a generalized LQ (gLQ) [52] or a 47.5 Gy, while maintaining excellent tumor control, has
universal survival curve (USC) [53] might be more appropri- resulted in reported serviceable hearing losses ranging from
ate. As a starting point, however, we felt this model would be 29 to 43 % [42]. As noted in Fig. 25.2b below, the dose pre-
useful for dose-fractionation schedules designed for treat- scription schemes with the highest yield of hearing preserva-
ment of acoustic tumors. Its utility as a predictive model of tion fall within the box that includes the 10 % variance of the
serviceable hearing loss, however, remains unclear due to the α/β [alpha/beta] ratio we derived. The single point represents
significant variations in hearing outcomes mentioned above. a recently published paper which describes a high probabil-
ity of hearing loss with a dose-fractionation scheme for
acoustic neuromas described as a total dose of 54 Gy in 27
Derivation of a Hearing Ret Formula fractions [55]. Applying an α/β [alpha/beta] ratio of 1.63 for
for Acoustic Neuromas tumor control and the hearing RET formula as a guide
for hearing preservation, the total dose should not exceed
We felt a more systematic approach to serviceable hearing 46.2 Gy for 27 fractions to maximize the chance of hearing
preservation would be the derivation and application of a preservation while maintaining excellent tumor control.
hearing RET formula [42]. A prospective trial by Pan et al.
[54] documented that for almost all cases in which significant
hearing loss occurred in the affected ear receiving radiation, Further Radiobiological Advantages:
the dose was ≥45 Gy. Among published data available, we The Example of Large Tumors
were able to plot the log of dose versus the log of the number
of fractions drawing from Goldsmith’s model [3] for reports With the progressive shift in treatment patterns toward use of
with hearing preservation rates of at least 70 % based on radiation therapies for acoustic neuromas, some authors have
Gardner-Robertson criteria. The linear regression gave us a suggested that relative indications for microsurgical resec-
formula for dose/fraction size regimens with a high correla- tion include the presence of medically refractory trigeminal
tion coefficient (R2 = 0.9705). Drawing from Goldsmith’s neuralgia, hydrocephalus, symptomatic mass effect includ-
optic RET derivation, we postulated that dose/fraction ing disabling ataxia or hemiparesis, intractable headache,
schemes with very high hearing preservation rates could be and large tumor size. Although the definition of large tumor
represented by a parallel line on the same plot, intersecting a size remains somewhat arbitrary, maximal tumor diameter
point corresponding with the dosage/fraction scheme docu- >3 cm has conventionally been used as a cutoff for SRS
mented as safe. Data from Pan et al. [54] suggest that 45 Gy treatment based on studies demonstrating rates of effective
in 25 × 1.8 Gy fractions (or less) is such a point. By substitu- tumor control as low as 57 % and increased risk of complica-
tion to the linear regression equation: tion compared to SRS treatment of small- and medium-sized
tumors [56]. Milligan et al. described their experience using
Intercept = log ( 4500 ) - 0.4308 ´ log ( 25 ) SRS for tumors with volumes more than one standard devia-
with an intercept at 3.051. tion above the mean during a 9-year period and demonstrated
a 5-year actuarial tumor control rate of 83 % [57]. Impairment
So the line equation is: of facial nerve function was observed in 14 % of patients and
15 % required prolonged corticosteroid administration for sym-
log D = 0.431 ´ log N + 3.051 ptomatic radiation-induced brainstem or cerebellum edema.
360 C.J. Farrell and D.W. Andrews
Fig. 25.2 (a) Logarithmic plot of total dose versus number of fractions or below the hearing RET curve depending on which α/β [alpha/beta]
for cases reporting preservation of serviceable hearing; (b) plots of bio- ratio is utilized. The black arrow represents the point beyond which dose-
logically equivalent doses utilizing the linear quadratic formula with α/β fractionation schemes predict a higher likelihood of hearing preservation
[alpha/beta] ratios as +10 % of the calculated α/β [alpha/beta] value, in for a lower α/β [alpha/beta] ratio, the gray arrow for a higher α/β [alpha/
comparison with the hearing RET plot. The dose prescription schemes beta] ratio. The black point represents a recent study which documented
predicting the highest yield of hearing preservation fall within the box at a high rate of hearing loss [56] and falls above the hearing RET range
Based on their results, the authors recommended consideration 1 year posttreatment. Interestingly, of the 12 patients included
of surgical resection for tumors larger than 2.7 cm in poste- in the study who reported pretreatment symptoms of trigem-
rior fossa greatest dimension. A group from the Netherlands inal hypoesthesia, 11 (92 %) experienced resolution of their
recently reported primary SRS treatment of 33 patients with condition following SRS likely related to the 67 % inci-
large tumors defined as tumor volume >6 cm3 with indenta- dence of tumor volume shrinkage observed on radiographic
tion of brainstem (Koos Grade III & IV). Patients with NF2, follow-up (Table 25.1).
symptomatic mass effect, or maximum extracanalicular The use of FSR has been recommended as an alternative
dimension ≥4 cm were excluded from primary SRS treat- radiation modality for the treatment of larger tumors adja-
ment. A radiographic tumor control rate of 88 % was cent to the brainstem although minimal data exists to suggest
reported over a median follow-up time of 30 months, improved outcome relative to SRS for this population of
although 7 of 33 patients required further microsurgical tumors. Mandl et al. reported a cohort of patients with tumors
or SRS treatment for development of either progressive >3 cm in diameter treated primarily with multisession SRS
neurologic symptoms or radiographic enlargement. using a maximum dose of 25 Gy delivered in 5 Gy fractions
Transient facial and trigeminal neuropathy occurred in 9 % [58]. The actuarial 5-year tumor control and facial nerve
and 14 % of patients, respectively, with good facial nerve function rates were 82 % and 80 %, respectively. We have
function (HB Grades I and II) preserved in all patients at updated our review of FSR treatment for acoustic neuromas,
25 Acoustic Tumors: Viewpoint—Stereotactic Radiotherapy 361
Fig. 25.3 Serial magnetic resonance imaging scans (upper) with asso- of 100 %, representing a decrease to Gardner-Robertson level 2 service-
ciated audiograms obtained at same time (lower) in patient treated with able hearing. (c) Posttreatment T1-weighted gadolinium-enhanced
FSR to 46.8 Gy. (a) Pretreatment T1-weighted gadolinium-enhanced axial image at 42 months featuring marked diminution in tumor size.
axial image featuring right acoustic neuroma. Audiogram reflects pure Audiogram at 42 months after treatment reflects stable audiogram with
tone average of 22 and speech discrimination score of 95 %, represen- pure tone average of 30 and speech discrimination score of 92 %, back
ting Gardner-Robertson level 1 pretreatment serviceable hearing. to lowest range of Gardner-Robertson level 1 serviceable hearing. From
(b) Posttreatment T1-weighted gadolinium-enhanced axial image at 6 Andrews DW, Werner-Wasik M, Den RB, Paek SH, Downes-Phillips B,
months featuring some enlargement and extensive central necrosis of Willcox TO, et al. Toward dose optimization for FSR for acoustic neu-
tumor. Audiogram at 6 months after treatment reflects some audiomet- romas: comparison of two dose cohorts. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys.
ric decay with pure tone average of 35 and speech discrimination score 2009;74(2):419–26
and of 154 tumors treated in the 46.8 Gy cohort, 15 were We will first address dose prescription conventions (see
>6 cc in size. In this subgroup, we have documented no treat- Fig. 25.4). While a Gamma Knife isosurface prescription is
ment failures, and of 6 patients with serviceable hearing, classically at the 50 % isodose line, LINAC-based treatments
3 have maintained hearing in a serviceable range at a median typically fall between an 85 and 95 % isodose line. Assuming
follow-up of 35 months. At conventional fraction sizes, we in both cases circular collimation is utilized, the 50 % isosur-
have also noted no other cranial neuropathies in this sub- face yields a steeper dose gradient in the vicinity of the
group of patients. See Fig. 25.3 as an example. cochlear nerve when compared to higher LINAC-based iso-
The theoretical advantages of LINAC-based fractionation surface prescriptions and thus results in a higher dose to the
for large tumors are depicted in Figs. 25.4 and 25.5 below. cochlear nerve (see Fig. 25.4). Our analysis is based on an
For larger treatment volumes, the penumbra affecting con- actual comparison of a multi-shot/high conformality Gamma
tiguous normal tissues is often judged to be prohibitive for Knife SRS treatment to a single isocenter 5 dynamic arc FSR
single fraction SRS that is substantiated in a broad literature. treatment on a Novalis Classic. The dose distribution penum-
In a review of 149 patients with posterior fossa tumors bra is a depiction of a circular collimator instead of a dynamic
treated with SRS, for example, factors that predicted cranial arc penumbra to allow a uniform comparison of dose pre-
nerve palsy included Dmax of >17.5 Gy, a prescribed isosur- scription conventions with both techniques.
face dose of >12.5 Gy, length of cranial nerve of >16 mm, We will next address dose delivery conventions (see
and tumor volume of 1.7 cc [59]. Particularly for larger Fig. 25.5). The prior section reviewed the advantages of frac-
acoustic tumors, both the dose prescription convention and tionation and staying within the hearing RET. Beyond con-
the design of multiple isocenters to achieve conformality cerns of total dose and fraction size, the manner in which the
increase the likelihood of overdosing the cochlear nerve. dose is delivered, particularly for larger tumors, will affect
362 C.J. Farrell and D.W. Andrews
Fig. 25.4 Comparison of dose distribution to the cochlear nerve with acusticus (tumor is shaded; outer line is 90 % isodose 10 prescription
Gamma Knife and FSR treatments based on isosurface prescription con- line; inner line is 95 % isodose line). Assuming cochlear nerve is around
ventions. (a) Axial T1 gadolinium-enhanced MRI scan of right acoustic the 7 o’clock position, the nerve is within a 5 % dose gradient above
neuroma. (b) Artist’s rendering of translucent acoustic tumor with cra- isodose prescription. (g) Artist’s caricature of (d) (magnified sagittal
nial nerves VII and VIII adherent to the anterior and caudal surface of the cross section of intracanalicular portion of tumor treated with Gamma
tumor, coursing to internal auditory canal. (c) Eight-shot Gamma Knife Knife). The VIII nerve at the 7 0’clock position is within the prescribed
radiosurgery treatment plan with a 12 Gy prescription to the 50 % iso- isodose line and exposed to higher dose gradients. (h) Profile of a focused
dose line (yellow) for right acoustic neuroma. (d) Magnified sagittal view radiation beam with typical isodose prescriptions at 50 % (Gamma
of actual treatment plan in the distal porus acusticus [outer line (yellow) Knife) and 90 % (FSR). Vertical columns in either scenario could repre-
is 50 % isodose prescription line; middle line (magenta) is tumor surface; sent narrow location range of cochlear nerve relative to tumor (e.g.,
inner line (green) is 60 % isodose line]. Assuming cochlear nerve is within 1 mm of tumor surface). Broad inferior horizontal bar represents
around the 7 o’clock position, the nerve is within a 10 % dose gradient potential actual dose range delivered to cochlear nerve with 50 % isodose
above isodose prescription. (e) Single-shot Novalis FSR treatment plan prescription; narrow superior horizontal bar represents potential actual
with a 1.8 Gy prescription to the 90 % isodose line for a right acoustic dose range delivered to cochlear nerve with 90 % isodose prescription.
neuroma (tumor is shaded; outer line is 90 % isodose prescription line). The potential dose gradient at a 50 % isodose prescription is more than
(f) Magnified sagittal view of actual treatment plan in the distal porus three times greater than 90 % prescription at the same distance
the function of the organs at risk (OARs), in this case the penumbra resulting from multiple shots yielding a much
cochlea and the cochlear nerve. The latest innovation in more homogeneous dose of radiation to the cochlear nerve.
LINAC-based radiosurgery platforms is the use of mini-leaf Dose homogeneity promises to minimize injury to the
collimation. Rather than sphere packing with variably sized cochlear nerve (see Fig. 25.5) and high conformality prom-
shots from circular collimators, mini-leaf collimation auto- ises to minimize injury to the cochlea, a structure too small
mates target isosurface conformality with automated and for reliable dose-volume histograms.
paired tungsten leaves which move dynamically through an The other important structure affecting hearing outcomes
arc of radiation to match target geometry. This technique is the cochlea itself and both SRS and FSRT techniques
eliminates the dose inhomogeneity within the cochlear nerve achieve high conformality limiting dose to the cochlea.
25 Acoustic Tumors: Viewpoint—Stereotactic Radiotherapy 363
Fig. 25.5 Comparison of dose distribution to the cochlear nerve with shots. 4.2 Gy is threshold beyond which injury to the cochlea results in
Gamma Knife and FSR treatments based on dose delivery conven- hearing loss [31]. (c) After a single isocenter dynamic arc treatment
tions. (a) Axial T1 gadolinium-enhanced right acoustic neuroma, with mini-multileaf collimation treatment, the dose penumbra includ-
highlighted in red. (b) Cartoon of the same tumor now featuring the ing the cochlear nerve is now much more homogeneous and close to
cochlear nerve and cochlea (OARs are organs at risk). After a multi- the isosurface prescription dose. A total dose of 45 Gy with conven-
ple-shot, high conformality treatment, the dose penumbra including tional fraction sizes is a threshold beyond which injury to the cochlea
the cochlear nerve necessarily includes hot spots from overlapping results in hearing loss [55]
Recent data suggests that a dose <4.2 Gy for an SRS At the present time, a multitude of studies reporting
treatment [31] or 45 Gy for conventional radiation doses [54] outcomes using FSR have consistently demonstrated excel-
is favorable for cochlear function. We have since learned in lent tumor control rates comparable to those achieved with
our experience that the dose fall off outside the PTV isosur- SRS and low risk of cranial nerve morbidity. The optimal
face prescription is important when considering cochlear dose and fractionation scheme for FSR remains uncertain
dose, and an 80–85 % isosurface prescription for LINAC can with the widespread variation in treatment practices at differ-
achieve the best dose distribution for both the cochlea and ent institutions, precluding definitive comparisons of FSR to
cochlear nerve. SRS. Several recent studies have described outcomes using
FSR with maximum doses ranging from 46.8 to 57.6 Gy,
typically administered in conventional 1.8–2 Gy fractions.
History and Progress in Clinical Outcomes Overall, functional hearing preservation was observed in
Utilizing FSR 61–94 % of patients over an average follow-up time of
approximately 50 months [60–67]. In 2001, our group at
In 1987, Wallner et al. described the use of fractionated con- Thomas Jefferson University performed a nonrandomized
ventional radiation therapy (RT) for the treatment of acoustic prospective cohort analysis comparing outcomes after SRS
neuromas following subtotal resection. They demonstrated and FSR using a maximum dose of 50.4 Gy for 122 patients.
that when doses ≥45 Gy were administered, the tumor recur- Tumor control, facial nerve preservation, and trigeminal
rence rate could be significantly decreased. Several years neuropathy rates were equivalent among the two cohorts;
later, a group from France described their experience using however, hearing preservation rates were 2.5-fold higher in
RT as primary therapy for acoustic neuromas, including a the FSR group with a crude hearing preservation rate of
small subset of patients with neurofibromatosis type 2 (NF2) 81 % compared to 33 % in the SRS cohort [60]. Limitations
and preexisting unilateral deafness secondary to previous of this prospective study included short-term length of audi-
surgical resection of a contralateral tumor. At an average ometry data and an SRS hearing preservation rate toward the
follow-up of 70 months, hearing was preserved in 3 of the 5 low range of reported outcomes. Combs et al. subsequently
patients with no evidence of tumor progression. Based on reported their single-institution prospective experience com-
these encouraging early results, a number of groups posited paring SRS to FSR using marginal dose of 57.6 Gy which
that combining the radiobiologic advantages of dose frac- revealed no overall difference in terms of hearing preserva-
tionation with the precision of stereotactic techniques may tion between the two modalities when the SRS prescription
enable effective treatment of acoustic neuromas with reduced dose was ≤13 Gy [68], but the FSR group represented only
cranial neuropathy and improved hearing preservation. 10 patients.
364 C.J. Farrell and D.W. Andrews
Table 25.2 Summary of treatment outcomes for SRS and FSR 2004–2009
Treatment N Tumor volume (cc) Dose (Gy) Follow-up (months) Tumor control rate (%) Hearing preservation rate (%)
SRS 1,850 2.3 12.6 71 89 60
FSR 404 4.1 52.4 53 95.8 79
From: Arthurs BJ, Fairbanks RK, Demakas JJ, Lamoreaux WT, Giddings NA, Mackay AR, et al. A review of treatment modalities for vestibular
schwannoma. Neurosurg Rev. 34(3):265–77; discussion 77–9
Table 25.3 Summary of serviceable hearing outcomes from the 2007–2008 ANA survey
Treatment Hearing status (N) before treatment after treatment Rate of serviceable hearing preservation (%)
SRS 108 22 20
FSR 84 41 49
Similar to the early stages of SRS, the optimal FSR volume) ratios as measures, respectively, of dose homogeneity
prescription dose necessary to achieve long-term tumor and dose conformality. For circular collimation, a uniform
control while minimizing damage to normal structures such reporting mechanism should include mean number of isocen-
as the cochlea and cochlear nerve remains to be established. ters stratified by tumor sizes, and these data might build a rela-
We previously demonstrated that FSR dose reduction from tionship between such variables as tumor size, serviceable
50.4 to 46.8 Gy enabled improved hearing outcomes without hearing loss, and mean number of isodose centers as a mea-
sacrifice to tumor control. These results are consistent with sure of conformality. Newer techniques such as mini-multileaf
data using RT for nasopharyngeal cancer revealing that hear- collimation with dynamic arc or intensity modulation (Novalis/
ing loss is significantly increased when the mean cochlear TrueBeam) or non-isocentric smearing with pencil beams
dose is >48 Gy [30, 69]. Conversely, in the same patient (CyberKnife) [70] both promise to maintain conformality and
population, hearing is preserved for a mean cochlear dose increase dose homogeneity, and should also include MDPD
<45 Gy [54]. Importantly, hearing impairment after fraction- and PTV values.
ated RT appears to have a delayed time to onset relative to Despite a broad variety of dose-fractionation schedules
SRS and longer-term data will be necessary to fully evaluate without a clear rationale, recent systematic literature review
this treatment modality [27]. by Arthurs and colleagues, however, favors FSR when
Several groups have reported their experience using a assessing hearing preservation [66] (see Table 25.2). These
multisession SRS (≤5 treatment fractions) scheme in an data are remarkably similar to data we previously compiled
effort to balance the advantages of fractionation with the con- from published series [42].
venience of SRS. Hansasuta et al. described the extensive Drawing from the patients’ perspective, we once again
experience of the Stanford group delivering 18 Gy over three refer to the ANA 2007–2008 patient survey, recognizing that
treatment sessions using the CyberKnife [50]. During a all data collected were self-reported by patients and reported
median follow-up period of 3 years, they found a 98 % tumor as is. Table 25.3 indicates the self-reported Gardner-
control rate and accompanying 76 % hearing preservation Robertson Class 1 and 2 results of respondents who under-
rate. Meijer et al., however, reported the results of a pros- went either SRS or FSR.
pective cohort study comparing single versus multisession If this survey is any indication, FSR provides a more
LINAC-based SRS and observed no differences in either favorable outcome when assessing serviceable hearing
tumor control or hearing preservation rates between the two preservation.
cohorts which were 75 % and 61 %, respectively, for service-
able hearing [67]. A slight but statistically significant reduc-
tion in trigeminal neuropathy incidence was noted with Future Directions
multisession SRS.
As mentioned above, we have modeled the radiobiology of Future treatment possibilities for acoustic neuromas remain
fractionation for acoustic neuromas, including a hearing RET both challenging and hopeful. The challenge will remain the
formula as a guideline for treatment. Summarizing the above design of appropriate prospective trials that guide practitio-
literature, there remains no systematic application of radiobio- ners with useful level I data. While radiosurgery and FSR
logic principles to the treatment of acoustic neuromas. In fact, have become common practice, physicians have become
none of the FSR or SRS papers we previously analyzed pro- entrenched in the commercial platform they use which
vided uniform treatment planning data such as MDPD (maximum makes prospective randomized comparisons of different treat-
dose to prescribed dose) ratios or PTV (prescription to tumor ment techniques on different platforms extremely difficult.
25 Acoustic Tumors: Viewpoint—Stereotactic Radiotherapy 365
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Stereotactic Radiosurgery
for Pituitary Adenomas 26
Jason P. Sheehan and Brian Williams
L.S. Chin and W.F. Regine (eds.), Principles and Practice of Stereotactic Radiosurgery, 369
DOI 10.1007/978-1-4614-8363-2_26, © Springer Science+Business Media New York 2015
370 J.P. Sheehan and B. Williams
Table 26.1 Summary of the literature review for the radiosurgical management of nonfunctioning pituitary adenomas
Mean/median Mean/median Radiologic control Neurological Delayed
Year Authors follow-up (months) margin dose (Gy) of tumor (%) deficit (%) hypopituitarism (%)
2002 Feigl et al. 55.2 15 94 NR 40
2002 Sheehan et al. 31.2 16 97.6 4.8 0
2002 Wowra and Stummer 57.7 16 93.3 0 10
2003 Petrovich et al. 34 15 100 3 NR
2004 Losa et al. 41.1 16.6 96.3 0 9.3
2004 Muacevic et al. 21.7 16.5 95 0 3.9
2005 Kajiwara et al. 32.1 12.6 92.9 7.1 7.1
2005 Picozzi et al. 40.6 16.5 96.1 NR NR
2005 Iwai et al. 36.4 12.3 93 0 7
2006 Mingione et al. 46.4 18.5 92.2 0 25
2006 Voges et al. 56.6 13.4 100 4.2 12.3
2007 Liscak et al. 60 20 100 0 1.4
2008 Pollock et al. 64 16 96.8 1.6 27
2009 Hoybye and Rahn 78 20 100 4.3 0
2009 Kobayashi 50.2 NR 96.7 2.8 8.2
2010 Castro et al. 42 12.5 100 0 0
2010 Hayashi et al. 36 18.2 100 0 0
2011 Gopalan et al. 95 18.4 83 6.3 39
2011 Iwata et al. 33 21 Gy/3 Fr 98 1 2
(CyberKnife) 25 Gy/5 Fr
2011 Park et al. 62 13 90 2.4 24
2012 Starke et al. 50.4 18 90 13.7 30.3
Average 48.7 16 95.5 2.7 13
NR not reported, FR fraction
of treatment for Cushing’s disease, many adenomas show may be due in part to the higher margin doses delivered to
invasion of the surrounding dura and/or cavernous sinus Cushing’s patients and the resulting higher doses to collat-
or are difficult to delineate on MRI, thereby making a eral structures, such as the normal pituitary gland and stalk.
surgical cure unlikely. Radiosurgery proves a valuable Long-term radiologic and endocrine follow-up is crucial
treatment option for patients with persistent Cushing’s because late recurrences have been seen in several Cushing’s
disease after a resection. disease series [46, 58]. Please see Table 26.2 for a detailed
In Table 26.2, the major radiosurgical series for Cushing’s summary.
patients since 2000 are listed (Table 26.2) [11–15, 18, 21, 23,
24, 27, 31, 33, 39–62]. In these studies, most authors utilized
the 24 h urinary free cortisol (UFC) or serum cortisol to SRS and Acromegaly
define an endocrine remission. In addition, radiosurgical
margin doses of 18 Gy to as high as 30 Gy were delivered to Acromegaly has an approximate prevalence of 60 per million
the adenomas of Cushing’s disease patients. people [63]. Poorly controlled acromegaly is associated with
The remission rates vary tremendously from 16.7 to significant morbidity (e.g., hypertension, diabetes, cardio-
87 %, but the majority of reports note a remission rate of myopathy, and sleep apnea) and mortality [63]. Given the
greater than 50 %. In particular, the endocrine remission potential for cure, surgical resection remains the initial treat-
rate after radiosurgery does not match the excellent rate of ment for most acromegalic patients. Nevertheless, many
radiologic control of the adenoma. Based on our institu- patients will not achieve a normalization of IGF-1 and
tional experience, endocrine remission of Cushing’s disease growth hormone after resection. Some of these patients
is typically achieved 12 months after SRS [46]. In most exhibit adenoma invasion of surrounding structures (e.g., the
series, after radiosurgery the rates of newly developed or dura or the cavernous sinus). Also, many patients with acro-
worsened cranial neuropathies, including visual deteriora- megaly have macroadenomas; complete resection is not
tion, are low (average 3.4 %; Table 26.2). The risk of delayed always feasible with the large, infiltrative lesions.
hypopituitarism after radiosurgery for Cushing’s disease Table 26.3 details the major radiosurgical series for acrome-
appears to be slightly higher (average 24.9 %; Table 26.2) galic patients published since 2000 (Table 26.3) [11–15, 18, 21,
compared to that of nonfunctioning adenoma series; this 24, 27, 31, 33, 40, 41, 44, 47, 48, 51, 52, 54, 58–61, 64–79].
372 J.P. Sheehan and B. Williams
Table 26.2 Summary of the literature review for the radiosurgical management of Cushing’s syndrome
Mean/median Mean/median Biochemical Neurological
Year Author margin dose (Gy) follow-up (months) remission (%) deficit (%) Hypopituitarism (%)
2000 Izawa et al. 23.8 26.4 16.7 0 0
2000 Sheehan et al. 20 39.1 63 2.3 16
2000 Shin et al. 32.3 88.2 50 6.3 16.7
2001 Hoybye et al. NR 16.8 44 0 68.8
2002 Feigl et al. 15 55.2 60 NR 40
2002 Kobayashi et al. 28.7 64 23.3 NR NR
2002 Laws et al. 20 NR 74 2.5 24
2002 Pollock et al. 20 42.4 78 22.2 16
2003 Choi et al. 28.5 42.5 55.6 0 0
2003 Petrovich et al. 15 34 NR 3 NR
2003 Wong et al. NR 38 100 0 20
2003 Witt 24 24 0 0 NR
2005 Devin et al. 14.7 42 49 0 40
2006 Voges et al. 16.4 58.7 52.9 4.2 12.3
2007 Castinetti et al. 29.5 54.7 42.5 5 15
2007 Jagannathan et al. 23 45 54 5 22
2007 Kajiwara et al. 26 38.5 50 0 50
2007 Petit et al. 20 62 52 0 52
2008 Pollock et al. 20 73 87 0 36
2008 Tinnel et al. 25 37 50 0 50
2009 Castinetti et al. 28 94 50 5.3 21
2009 Wan et al. 23 67.3 27.9 2.9 1.7
2009 Kobayashi 28.7 64.1 35 NR NR
2010 Hayashi 25.2 36 38 15.4 0
2011 Sheehan et al. 24 31 54 NR 22
Average 23 48.9 49.9 3.4 23.6
NR not reported
Similar margin doses of 18–30 Gy are routinely delivered to SRS and Prolactinomas
the adenoma as part of single session radiosurgery. Endocrine
remission after radiosurgery is achieved in an average of Prolactinomas represent one of the more common types of
60.7 % of acromegalic patients (range 0–82 %). Neurological secretory pituitary adenomas. However, unlike patients with
deficits and hypopituitarism occur after radiosurgery in acromegaly or Cushing’s disease, prolactinomas are usually
1.8 % (range 0–11 %) and 14.7 % (range 0–40 %) of patients, managed medically. For those patients with a medically
respectively. Temporary cessation of pituitary suppressive refractory prolactinoma or those suffering from side effects
medications near the time of radiosurgery appears to increase of the medications, radiosurgery may be an option. Since
the chance of endocrine remission in acromegalic patients most patients are successfully managed with medical ther-
[80]. Also, patients who had a lower adenoma volume at the apy, patients that undergo radiosurgery likely represent a
time of radiosurgery were more likely to achieve endocrine more aggressive tumor biology.
remission after radiosurgery [80]. Thus, for those acrome- The tumor control rate after radiosurgery for a prolacti-
galic patients with a macroadenoma, maximal safe resection noma is typically is over 90 %. However, the endocrine remis-
should be attempted prior to radiosurgery. sion rates vary after radiosurgery [12, 15, 27, 40, 47, 54, 55,
At our center, the mean time to endocrine remission 58–60, 74, 81–90]. Biochemical remission of antisecretory
after radiosurgery for acromegalic patients was 24 months medications after radiosurgery ranges from 0 to 83 %. The
which is twice as long as the same milestone for Cushing’s chance of biochemical remission of a prolactinoma after
disease patients. This and other findings suggest a dif- radiosurgery tends to be lower than for those with Cushing’s
ferential response of various subtypes of functioning disease and acromegaly even when taking into account
adenomas to SRS [54]. Please see Table 26.3 for a detailed pre-radiosurgical attributes such as tumor volume [54]. Some
summary. of this variation in endocrine remission rates emanate from
26 Stereotactic Radiosurgery for Pituitary Adenomas 373
Table 26.3 Summary of the literature review for the radiosurgical management of acromegaly
Mean/median Mean/median margin Biochemical Neurological
Year Authors follow-up (months) dose (Gy) remission (%) deficit (%) Hypopituitarism (%)
2000 Izawa et al. 26.4 23.8 41.4 0 0
2000 Shin et al. 42.7 34.4 66.7 6.3 0
2000 Zhang et al. 34 31.3 36.8 2.9 0
2001 Fukuoka et al. 42 20 50 0 0
2001 Ikeda et al. 55.8 25 82 0 0
2002 Feigl et al. 55.2 15 60 NR 40
2002 Pollock et al. 42.4 20 42 0 16
2003 Attanasio et al. 46 20 23 0 6.6
2003 Choi et al. 42.5 28.5 50 0 0
2003 Muramatsu et al. 30 27.5 50 0 0
2003 Petrovich et al. 34 15 NR 3 NR
2003 Witt 24 24 25 0 NR
2005 Castinetti et al. 49.5 25 17 0 17.1
2005 Gutt et al. 22.8 18 47.7 0 NR
2005 Kajiwara et al. 53.5 13.5 0 0 0
2005 Koybayashi et al. 63.3 18.9 4.8 11.1 14.6
2006 Jezkova et al. 53.7 35 50 0 26
2006 Voges et al. 54.3 16.5 37.5 4.2 12.3
2007 Pollock et al. 63 20 50 2.2 33
2007 Roberts et al. 25.4 21 44.4 0 33.3
2007 Vik-Mo et al. 66 26.5 17 3.3 13.1
2008 Jagannathan et al. 57 22 53 4.2 34
2008 Losa et al. 69 21.5 60.2 0 8.5
2008 Pollock et al. 46.9 20 67 0 36
2008 Tinnel et al. 35 25 44.4 11 22
2009 Castinetti et al. 102 24 42 5.3 21
2009 Wan et al. (MASEP 67.3 21.4 36.9 1 1.7
2009 Ronchi et al. 120 20 46.0 0 40
2010 Iwai et al. 84 20 38.0 0 8
2010 Hayashi et al. 36 25.2 40.0 0 0
2010 Poon et al. 73.8 20–35 75 0 11.4 % (GKS1);
27.3 % (repeat GKS)
2011 Sheehan et al. 31 24 53 NR 34
2012 Franzin et al. 71 22.5 60.7 0 7.8
Average 52.1 22.6 44.1 1.8 14.7
NR not reported, GKS Gamma Knife surgery, GKS1 first gamma knife procedure
selection biases at radiosurgical centers. As with acromegalic patients are typically bridged with suppressive medications.
patients, the chance of endocrine remission appears to be They are periodically taken off of the antisecretory medica-
enhanced when radiosurgery is delivered during a period of tion, and endocrine function is checked. Antisecretory medi-
temporary cessation of antisecretory medications [81, 84]. cations can be halted at the time when a post-radiosurgery
Please see Table 26.4 for a detailed summary. endocrine normalization has been attained. The time interval
in which remission may occur varies from 3 months to 8
years [31, 57, 75]. The majority of radiosurgical reports indi-
SRS-Induced Endocrine Remission and Late cated endocrine remission in Cushing’s disease and acrome-
Recurrence galic patients within 1–3 years.
Several investigators have identified factors that increase the
SRS yields hormone normalization within a period of time probability of endocrine remission. Castinetti and colleagues
that is longer than that achieved after surgical extirpation but [65] contended that preoperative GH and IGF-1 levels are
shorter than with radiation therapy [91]. After radiosurgery, significantly associated with the rate of post-SRS remission.
374 J.P. Sheehan and B. Williams
Table 26.4 Summary of the literature for the radiosurgical management of prolactinomas
Mean/median Margin Biochemical Neurological
Year Authors follow-up (months) dose (Gy) remission (%) deficit (%) Hypopituitarism (%)
2000 Izawa et al. 28 22 20 0 NR
2000 Landolt et al. 29 25 25 0 NR
2000 Pan et al. 33 32 41 0 NR
2002 Feigl et al. 55 15 NR NR NR
2002 Pollock et al. 42 20 29 14 16
2003 Choi et al. 42.5 28.5 24 0 0
2003 Muramatsu et al. 30 15 0 7.7 0
2003 Petrovich et al. 41 15 83 0 NR
2005 Kajiwara et al. 35.3 17.5 33 4.7 9.5
2006 Pouratian et al. 55 18.6 26 7 28
2006 Voges et al. 56 20 15.4 4.2 18.3
2007 Ma et al. 37 26.1 40 NR 17.6
2008 Pollock et al. 48 30 18 2 45
2008 Tinnel et al. 19.5 30 50 11 22
2009 Castinetti et al. 85.5 30 46.6 5.3 21
2009 Jezkova et al. 75.5 49 37.1 0 14.3
2009 Wan et al. 67.3 35 23.3 1.7 1.7
2009 Kobayashi et al. 37.4 18.4 43.5 in 23 pts 0 0
2010 Tanaka et al. 60 25 17 8 42
2011 Sun et al. 48 23 0 0 0
2012 Liu et al. 36 15 27.3 0 4.5
Average 45.8 24.3 29.2 3.5 15
NR not reported, pts patients
Pollock and colleagues [75] evaluated 46 acromegalic The effect of pituitary suppressive medications on
patients and identified two significant associations. A pre- radiosurgical outcome remains controversial. Reports have
radiosurgical IGF-1 level greater than 2.25 times the upper not been entirely consistent regarding the importance of a
limit of normal range was significantly associated with a lower temporary cessation of suppressive medications at the time
rate of endocrine normalization (HR 2.9, 95 % CI 1.2–6.9). of radiosurgery [55, 64, 65, 75, 76, 81, 92]. Two groups ana-
For patients who had IGF-1 levels less than 2.25 times the lyzed remission rates after radiosurgery among patients on
upper limit of normal and were not taking somatostatin ago- somatostatin agonists, and they failed to identify an associa-
nists at radiosurgery, the rates of biochemical remission tion between the use of somatostatin agonists and endocrine
exceeded 80 %. A similar finding was noted by Landolt and remission [64, 65]. However, the definition of endocrine
colleagues [92], who demonstrated that the post-SRS remis- remission has not been well defined across series [52, 66].
sion rate was lowered from 60 to 11 % for patients taking Second, the length of follow-up in retrospective series varies
octreotide during the radiosurgical period. Somatostatin ago- widely. Pollock et al. [75] demonstrated that remission con-
nists may lower the radiosensitivity of adenoma cells because tinued to occur for up to 5 years following radiosurgery,
of decreased cell division. Also, somatostatin agonists, such whereas in the report by Castinetti and colleagues [65], 44 %
as octreotide, can act as free radical scavengers and reduce of their patient population received their final endocrine
the DNA damage following ionizing radiation. evaluation less than 3 years after radiosurgery. At the
This counterproductive effect of antisecretory medica- University of Virginia, we advocate the cessation of suppres-
tions on radiosurgical outcomes is not exclusive to acromeg- sive medication for 6–8 weeks around the radiosurgery.
aly. Landolt and colleagues [92] found a trend toward worse There does appear to be a differential radiosensitivity
outcomes in prolactinoma patients on dopamine agonist. between specific types of functioning adenomas [54, 59, 86].
Pouratian et al. [84] analyzed 23 patients with refractory pro- Cushing’s disease demonstrates the highest rates of bio-
lactinomas and noted a significant increase in the rates of chemical remission, followed by acromegaly, prolactinomas,
remission in patients who were not taking dopamine agonists and Nelson’s syndrome. This difference in response after
at the time of radiosurgery. We have also observed a similar radiosurgery has been attributed to patient selection, tumor
improvement in endocrine remission for acromegalic patients volume, radiation dose, use of suppressive medications,
who were taken off of pituitary suppressive medications at and duration of follow-up [54, 86]. Pollock et al. [54]
the time of their radiosurgery [68]. reviewed a retrospective series of 46 pituitary adenoma patients.
26 Stereotactic Radiosurgery for Pituitary Adenomas 375
This case-controlled study demonstrated variations in a hypersecretory state is a more significant threat to most
endocrine remission after SRS for various types of secretory patients than delayed hypopituitarism. Hypopituitarism can
adenomas. The study and others suggest a differential radio- usually be managed with hormonal replacement.
sensitivity for adenoma types, but the underlying cause for The second most common toxicity is a cranial neuropa-
this variable response remains unclear. thy. Cranial nerves II, III, IV, V, and VI are located in the
A few cases of recurrence following radiosurgical- parasellar or suprasellar regions and are at risk for injury
induced remission have been reported [46, 76]. However, after radiosurgery. In the absence of tumor growth, such neu-
recurrence rates of up to 20 % have been reported. This ropathies after radiosurgery occur in very few patients.
underscores the importance of long-term radiographic and Improved conformality, steeper dose gradients, and adequate
endocrine follow-up for patients with secretary pituitary shielding help to minimize this risk [91]. Other rare toxici-
adenomas. ties include radiation necrosis of the adjacent parenchyma
[54, 59, 60, 76], internal carotid artery narrowing [76, 94],
and radiation-induced secondary malignancy [95]. No cases
Adverse Events from Radiosurgery of radiation-induced secondary malignancies have been
reported to date after SRS for pituitary tumors. Based upon
Adverse events following radiosurgery for a pituitary ade- the available literature, the risk of serious and permanent
noma occur in only a minority of patients. Hypopituitarism complications after radiosurgery for a pituitary adenoma is
is the most frequently occurring side effect from radiosur- quite low.
gery. Most radiosurgical series demonstrate that 30 % of
patients will eventually develop some form of pituitary defi-
ciency after radiosurgery. Post-radiosurgical dysfunction if it Conclusions
occurs generally involves the anterior pituitary axis but can
involve the posterior pituitary axis or very rarely lead to pan- SRS plays a significant role in the contemporary manage-
hypopituitarism. Hypopituitarism has been correlated to the ment of pituitary adenoma patients. SRS is typically per-
radiosurgical treatment volume, with those patients having a formed in patients with substantial residual tumor or
tumor volume ≤ 4.0 cm3 exhibiting an 18 % 5-year risk of recurrence after resection. It is also used for patients with
hypopituitarism versus 58 % for those with larger lesions functioning adenomas that fail to achieve endocrine remis-
[54]. The risk of hypopituitarism after radiosurgery is likely sion after a prior resection. Even when the adenoma resides
to be related to the pre-radiosurgical status of the normal in the cavernous sinus, neurological function after SRS is
pituitary gland, the type and timing of prior treatments, the usually preserved. Delayed hypopituitarism is the most com-
radiosurgical dose delivered to the normal gland, the dose mon complication but still occurs in a minority of patients.
delivered to the pituitary stalk, and the rigorousness and Permanent and uncorrectable complications after radiosur-
length of the endocrine follow-up assessment period. An gery are rare. Long-term follow-up for pituitary adenoma
absolutely safe radiosurgical dose or dose per volume so as patients undergoing radiosurgery is recommended.
to avoid hypopituitarism probably does not exist. Some have Case 26.1: A patient had a nonsecretory adenoma involv-
advocated surgical placement of a spacer between the resid- ing the right side of the sella and cavernous sinus (Fig. 26.1a).
ual adenoma and pituitary gland if postoperative radiosur- The patient underwent Gamma Knife radiosurgery in 2005.
gery is contemplated [93]. Delivery of an optimal dose to the The adenoma was treated with 16 Gy to the periphery
adenoma should not be compromised with the hope of avoid- (Fig. 26.1b). The patient had marked regression of his tumor
ing hypopituitarism. Adenoma progression or persistence of as shown on this MRI from 2013.
Fig. 26.1 A 57-year-old male presented with a recurrent, nonfunction- size and demonstrates diminished contrast enhancement. (c) Six and
ing pituitary adenoma. He had two prior transsphenoidal resections. (a) one-half years after radiosurgery, the patient’s adenoma continues to
The patient underwent SRS in which 15 Gy was delivered to the tumor regress. All images are post-contrast, coronal MRIs
margin. Four years later (b), the pituitary adenoma had decreased in
376 J.P. Sheehan and B. Williams
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Pituitary Tumors: Viewpoint—Surgery
Khaled M. Krisht, William T. Couldwell,
and Martin H. Weiss
L.S. Chin and W.F. Regine (eds.), Principles and Practice of Stereotactic Radiosurgery, 379
DOI 10.1007/978-1-4614-8363-2_27, © Springer Science+Business Media New York 2015
380 K.M. Krisht et al.
Fig. 27.2 (a) MR images of the brain with gadolinium enhancement of the left cavernous sinus in a 38-year-old Cushingoid woman who
demonstrating a large sellar and suprasellar GH-secreting pituitary presented with an elevated fasting serum cortisol level of 99 μg/dL and
macroadenoma in a 36-year-old acromegalic woman who presented significantly elevated 24-h urinary cortisol. The patient underwent a
with a 4-year history of amenorrhea and a GH level of 60 ng/mL. Gross microscopic transsphenoidal resection of her tumor with endoscopic
total resection was achieved via a transnasal transsphenoidal resection. assistance. A cure was achieved with a drop in her postoperative
(b) MR images of the brain with gadolinium enhancement showing a cortisol level to 1.7 μg/dL. She was subsequently placed on hormone
sellar ACTH-secreting pituitary adenoma with extension into the region replacement therapy
component of the tumor (a practice that is not employed at amenable to transsphenoidal resection with wider removal of
our facility), the anesthesiologist should eliminate nitrous the skull base for exposure. Some lesions are fibrous in consis-
oxide from the anesthetic gas mixture to prevent tension tency, making them difficult to resect through a transsphenoidal
pneumocephalus [34]. route, especially in cases where the tumor may be adherent to
The surgical route of choice is best determined by careful important nearby neurovascular structures, or masking impor-
inspection and evaluation of the morphology of the tumor of tant arterial feeders such as the superior hypophyseal artery sup-
interest and the area it occupies on thin-sliced coronal and sag- plying the optic chiasm [35, 37, 39–41]. Another important
ittal magnetic resonance images through the sellar region consideration is the proximity of the tumor to the intracavern-
while considering ease of access and patient safety. The vast ous carotid arteries. This is particularly important for identify-
majority of pituitary tumors are removed via the transsphenoi- ing deviations of the eccentric carotid arteries, which may
dal approach. Lesions confined to the sella without any supra- deviate into a midline trajectory and preclude a transsphenoidal
sellar extension can be easily resected via a transsphenoidal approach [37]. Fine-cut computed tomography (CT) of the head
route. Despite the suprasellar extension of some sellar lesions, with three-dimensional reconstruction helps identify important
however, transsphenoidal surgery may still be used as long as bony landmarks, demonstrate the extent of sellar expansion,
the tumor appears to be centrally located and symmetric. The and elucidate any evidence of tumor erosion through the sellar
“hour-glass” or “dumb-bell” appearance of a tumor may wall. This becomes increasingly important in repeat transsphe-
necessitate a combined approach for maximal safe resec- noidal surgeries in which the normal anatomy is perturbed and
tion, if the tumor does not descend from below [35–38]. may therefore be misleading [37, 42]. In such a scenario, a
Asymmetric extension of the tumor either anteriorly or stereotactic CT scan is useful for stereotactic neuronavigation,
posteriorly may pose a challenge for the surgeon attempt- which helps to confirm midline and avoid inadvertent injury to
ing to tackle it via a transsphenoidal approach but may be the carotid or violation of the anterior fossa space.
382 K.M. Krisht et al.
Sphenoid Arachoid
Window in
sella turcica
Fig. 27.4 Tumor removal. Tumor is readily removed with various fluid fistula. (From: Couldwell WT, Weiss MH. The transnasal transsphe-
curettes and scoops. It is imperative that the integrity of the arachnoid is noidal approach. In: Apuzzo MLJ, ed. Surgery of the third ventricle. 2nd
preserved to minimize the potential for a postoperative cerebrospinal ed. Baltimore: Williams & Wilkins; 1998. p. 553–74, with permission)
surgeon with the ability to zoom in on areas of interest such reflected on a screen as a two-dimensional image, which
as the tumor–gland interface and obtain a sharpened close-up results in loss of the sharp and focused stereoscopic view and
view. Lenses of various angles on the endoscope allow the depth perception provided by the microscope. In addition,
operator to look into anatomic corners of the suprasellar there is a steep learning curve for the neurosurgeon inexperi-
region that otherwise cannot be seen with the conventional enced in endoscopy [53–55]. In our hybrid practice, we have
microscope. Additionally, there is no displacement of the been increasingly employing the endoscope as a supplemen-
midline septum, and nasal packing and retraction are not tal tool for inspecting areas that are hidden from the field of
needed [49–52]. Notwithstanding the improved and versatile view of the microscope in all of skull base surgery. In lateral
visibility afforded by endoscopic transsphenoidal surgery, and extreme anterior and posterior tumor rests, and those that
the technique is not without pitfalls. In general, more of the are buried behind redundant folds of suprasellar arachnoid as
nasal septum is resected to allow adequate visual access. well as in cases of tumor extending into the cavernous sinus,
With endoscopic surgery, the surgeon’s field of view is the endoscope is a valuable tool.
384 K.M. Krisht et al.
sinus Rostrum Chordoma
Fig. 27.6 Modifications of the transsphenoidal approach: inferior exposure additional exposure to the mid and lower clivus requires more inferior
of the clivus. Exposure of the clivus is facilitated by slight flexion of the exposure. (From: Couldwell WT, Weiss MH. The transnasal transsphenoidal
patient’s head and repositioning of the nasal self-retaining retractor to point approach. In: Apuzzo MLJ, ed. Surgery of the third ventricle. 2nd ed.
inferiorly. The upper clivus lies directly posterior to the sphenoid sinus, but Baltimore: Williams & Wilkins; 1998. p. 553–74, with permission)
Floor of Dura of sella
sella Floor of sella Dura over pituitary gland,
cavernous sinus, and ICA
Area of bone
Wall of sphenoid
Cavernous sinus
gland sinus
Area of
bone removal
Fig. 27.7 Modification of the transsphenoidal approach: inferolateral incised with a size 11 blade and opened with curved alligator microscis-
exposure of the cavernous sinus. (a) After exposure of the dura overly- sors. Removal of the intracavernous portion of the tumor is carried out
ing the sella, the bone overlying the cavernous sinus, including that with a microcurette. (From: Couldwell WT, Weiss MH. The transnasal
overlying the carotid grooves, is carefully removed. This removal transsphenoidal approach. In: Apuzzo MLJ, ed. Surgery of the third
defines the lateral extent of the exposure limited by the cavernous cra- ventricle. 2nd ed. Baltimore: Williams & Wilkins; 1998. p. 553–74,
nial nerves. (b) The dura medial to the internal carotid artery is first with permission)
386 K.M. Krisht et al.
Fig. 27.8 A giant hemorrhagic pituitary macroadenoma in a 44-year- on the hypothalamus, right medial temporal lobe, and right basal
old man who presented with progressive left-sided weakness and ganglia with encasement of bilateral cavernous carotid arteries. This
visual disturbance. There are areas of scant enhancement with exten- lesion was resected via a transcranial route using a standard pterional
sion into the suprasellar and prepontine cisterns exerting mass effect craniotomy
Fig. 27.9 Pituitary transposition (hypophysopexy) with planned ered to surrounding tissues on coronal (b) and axial images (c). Note
radiosurgical treatment of residual cavernous sinus tumor. Acromegalic lateral displacement of the gland by the interposed fat graft on coronal
young female with residual tumor within the cavernous sinus follow- image. Diagram representing dosimetry target in relationship to brain-
ing hypophysopexy. Coronal (a) T1-weighted gadolinium-enhanced stem and optic apparatus with transposed pituitary in green (d). (From
MR images demonstrating the relationship of the cavernous sinus Couldwell et al., Hypophysopexy technique for radiosurgical treat-
tumor (T), fat graft (F), optic chiasm (OC), and transposed pituitary ment of cavernous sinus pituitary adenoma. Pituitary 5:169–173, 2002;
gland (P). Isodose curves on coronal image demonstrating doses deliv- used with permission)
ACTH- and GH-secreting tumors [62–65, 67, 74, 75]. XRT tumors as a stand-alone treatment or in combination with a
and SRS do not lead to any substantial visual improvement in planned transsphenoidal re-resection as well as in cases of
cases where the tumor is compressing the optic apparatus recurrent tumors with hypopituitarism and difficult to access
[18, 71, 72, 76]. In such instances, immediate surgical decom- locations as discussed above [17–20]. The proximity of the
pression is required. The reported improvements in hormonal pituitary gland to the region of interest increases the risk for
levels and anatomic features after radiotherapy of hyperse- developing hypopituitarism even with SRS. To curtail the
cretory tumors take up to 5 years to occur; however, since effect of radiation on the pituitary gland in a planned adjuvant
metabolic effects of the glandular tumors may be taxing on radiosurgery case after transsphenoidal resection, the authors
many organ systems, especially the cardiovascular system, have developed a technique (hypophysopexy) to transpose the
prompt and precipitous reduction in the hormonal level pituitary gland away from the planned radiation site (residual
through surgical resection remains an important first-line tumor within the cavernous sinus) [77–79]. This technique
treatment measure [70, 71]. Radiosurgery is, however, an involves interposing a fat graft between the pituitary gland
attractive treatment option for recurrent ACTH-secreting and the residual tumor in the cavernous sinus (Fig. 27.9).
388 K.M. Krisht et al.
Treatment of the residual tumor with SRS is facilitated by the 23. Messick Jr JM, Laws Jr ER, Abboud CF. Anesthesia for
greater distance between the pituitary gland and the tumor, transsphenoidal surgery of the hypophyseal region. Anesth Analg.
therefore reducing the radiation exposure to the gland and the 24. Roizen M. Diseases of the endocrine system. In: Katz B, Beumof J,
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WB Saunders; 1990. p. 265.
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Pituitary and Pituitary Region Tumors:
Viewpoint—Fractionated Radiation 28
L.S. Chin and W.F. Regine (eds.), Principles and Practice of Stereotactic Radiosurgery, 391
DOI 10.1007/978-1-4614-8363-2_28, © Springer Science+Business Media New York 2015
392 J.P.S. Knisely and P.W. Sperduto
Table 28.1 Pituitary tumor classification recurrence rate that is very low, even if bone adjacent to the
Pituitary adenoma tumor is invaded.
cell type Hormone product Clinical syndrome
Corticotroph ACTH Cushing’s disease
Lactotroph Prolactin Galactorrhea/ Craniopharyngiomas
Somatotroph Growth hormone Acromegaly, pituitary
Craniopharyngiomas are rare, representing only a few percent
Somatotroph/ Growth hormone Acromegaly and
of all intracranial primary tumors [10]. Craniopharyngiomas
lactotroph and prolactin galactorrhea/amenorrhea arise from either embryonic remnants of an incompletely
Thyrotroph Thyrotropin Hyperthyroidism involuted hypophyseal-pharyngeal duct or from metaplastic
Gonadotroph FSH, LH Hypopituitarism ectodermal cells in the anterior hypophysis [11]. They account
Mixed cell None Hypopituitarism for a significant portion of the intracranial tumors of child-
(non-oncocytic) hood but are as common in adults as in children and adoles-
Oncocytic None Hypopituitarism cents [12]. The age distribution shows a bimodal pattern, with
FSH follicle-stimulating hormone, LH luteinizing hormone a first larger peak between the ages of 5 and 10 years and a
second less prominent peak in the fifth decade, and there is a
The detection of these hormones may be possible by testing very slight male preponderance reported in some large series.
peripheral blood or by doing immunohistochemical staining No recognized hereditary syndromes are associated with
of the tumor. craniopharyngiomas.
Two major histopathologic categories of craniopharyngi-
oma are recognized. There is evidence that they may have
Meningiomas different etiologies [10]. The adamantinomatous variant is
more commonly seen in pediatric patients, and papillary
Meningiomas represent approximately 18–20 % of all pri- squamous tumors are more commonly seen in adults and are
mary brain tumors. Twenty-five percent to 30 % of menin- apparently more likely to be durably controlled by surgery
giomas arise along the base of the anterior and middle alone. There is apparently some occasional intergrading of
cranial fossae in locations such as the cavernous sinus, craniopharyngioma tumor types [12].
tuberculum sellae, Meckel’s cave, or sphenoid wing [5].
The incidence of intracranial meningioma increases with
increasing age, and women are more commonly affected Clinical Presentation
than men by a ratio of approximately 2:1. Meningiomas
are more common in individuals with neurofibromatosis Pituitary Adenomas
type 2, in individuals who have a remote history of cranial
irradiation, and in patients with pulmonary lymphangi- Endocrine abnormalities are the most common presentation
oleiomyomatosis [6]. of pituitary adenomas. Functioning adenomas will manifest
Histopathologically, resected meningiomas from the skull themselves by causing one of the classic endocrine syn-
base should be graded as per the 2007 World Health dromes (Table 28.1). Hormonal insufficiency may arise from
Organization (WHO) guidelines [7]. If there are ≥4 mitoses compression of the normal pituitary gland or of the pituitary
per ten high-powered microscopy fields (HPF) or at least stalk. Insufficiencies may be more subtle than hypersecretory
three features believed to correspond with aggressiveness are states, but either can develop insidiously and only be discov-
seen—small cells, macronucleoli, hypercellularity, necrosis, ered after a protracted period of symptoms. Amenorrhea in
and sheeting architecture—a meningioma is deemed atypical young women and a decreased libido in men may be the signs
(grade II). Brain invasion is an indicator of grade II rather and signals that trigger an evaluation of the hypothalamic-
than grade III behavior in the absence of any histologic ana- pituitary axis.
plasia. A grade III meningioma must have frank anaplasia or Endocrine-active adenomas are more commonly diag-
a mitotic rate of >20/10 HPF. Four variants are considered nosed as microadenomas (<1.0 cm in diameter) than as mac-
innately more aggressive by definition: clear cell (grade II), roadenomas (≥1.0 cm in diameter), but somatotroph or
chordoid (grade II), papillary (grade III), and rhabdoid (grade lactotroph macroadenomas are common. Lateral extension
III). Grade II meningiomas recur at a rate of ~40% at 5 years of pituitary tumors into the cavernous sinus can cause diplo-
time, and grade III meningiomas have a median overall pia or facial sensory symptoms. Superior extension will
survival of <2 years [8, 9]. Grade I tumors have a short-term cause pressure on the optic nerves and chiasm, with a resul-
28 Pituitary and Pituitary Region Tumors: Viewpoint—Fractionated Radiation Therapy 393
tant bitemporal superior quadrantanopsia or bitemporal Table 28.2 Diagnostic evaluation of patient with a sellar or parasellar
hemianopsia. Frontal headaches may be caused by irritation tumor
of meningeal sensory fibers as the adenoma enlarges. History and physical examination with particular attention to signs,
symptoms, and stigmata from hormonal hypersecretion or
hyposecretion and a detailed cranial nerve examination
Laboratory endocrine evaluation (for appropriate patients with
Meningiomas apparent endocrinologic problems, based on clinical assessment, or if
imaging reveals a tumor arising in or extending to the pituitary sella
The presenting symptoms of meningiomas may be diverse in or suprasellar-hypothalamic region)
these locations but are most commonly from mass effect Provocative testing of apparently affected axes, with assessment of:
upon adjacent normal tissues. The exact symptoms will • Serum prolactin level
depend upon what structures are compressed. The clinical • Fasting growth hormone level
• IGF-1 level and growth hormone dynamic testing with insulin
symptomatology may not be as distinctive as for a functional
tolerance, glucose suppression testing, and thyrotropin-
pituitary adenoma, and high-quality imaging is frequently releasing hormone testing
required to determine whether a patient may have a pituitary • Serum ACTH, 24-h urinary free cortisol and
adenoma, a meningioma, a schwannoma, or other regional 17-hydroxycorticosteroid levels, and response
pathology such as an aneurysm, sarcoid, or another condi- to dexamethasone suppression testing
tion. Involvement of the cavernous sinus will commonly • Gonadal function testing with serum LH, FSH levels,
and plasma estradiol and testosterone levels
cause diplopia or facial sensory symptoms; a meningioma
• Thyrotropin (TSH), thyroxine, and triiodothyronine levels
arising from the optic nerve sheath will cause unusual visual
• Complete blood count (CBC) and coagulation studies
symptoms. Radiological evaluation including an MRI scan with coronal thin cuts
through the sphenoid bone with and without gadolinium contrast
and possibly also including CT imaging to evaluate bony changes.
Craniopharyngiomas Specialized neurointerventional imaging and petrosal venous sinus
sampling may be required in cases of Cushing disease with a
radiographically occult microadenoma
These tumors most commonly are diagnosed as a result of Neuro-ophthalmologic examination for patients with tumors that
their mass effect upon the optic nerves or from mass effect impinge upon the optic apparatus or cause cranial nerve abnormalities
upon normal hypothalamic or pituitary function. As these are affecting vision
generally slow-growing tumors, an insidious loss of function
may occur, so that the degree of compensation for loss of
vision or other deficits may be remarkable at the time of For tumors that present with mass effect, surgical debulk-
diagnosis. Increased intracranial pressure may lead to head- ing of the tumor may be needed promptly. A neurosurgeon
aches and projectile vomiting. The mass effect in adults usu- skilled in skull base and pituitary surgery and knowledgeable
ally results in amenorrhea for women and in loss of libido for about the use of fractionated irradiation and stereotactic
men, and if the tumor extends far enough into the cranial radiosurgery should be consulted. This surgeon should be
vault, hypothalamic, frontal, or temporal lobe symptoms aware of the need to establish a distance between the rostral
may develop. Diabetes insipidus, obesity, and neurocogni- surface of the tumor and the optic nerves.
tive or developmental abnormalities may result from a High-dose glucocorticoids may provide temporary
craniopharyngioma. improvement of mass effect while additional evaluations are
performed. An endocrinologic evaluation can determine
whether there are hormonal abnormalities that need to be
Diagnostic Workup and Staging addressed before surgery and may also reveal that medical
management is possible as an initial therapy.
All patients with tumors arising in this region should be Discussion of each case with a neuroradiologist when
managed with a multidisciplinary approach. Not every spe- imaging studies are being ordered will facilitate obtaining
cialist needs to see every case, but with a team of specialists appropriately detailed studies. A dedicated pituitary mag-
who are comfortable with multidisciplinary care and who are netic resonance imaging (MRI) scan with and without
aware of available therapeutic options, there will be less of a gadolinium contrast administration will show details of
chance of overlooking tests or therapies that could help the relation of the tumor to the optic nerves, chiasm, and
develop individualized safe and effective treatment plans tracts and other critical structures that would affect radia-
(Table 28.2). tion management options being considered. Pulse
sequences that suppress the bright signal from fat can
394 J.P.S. Knisely and P.W. Sperduto
clarify whether or not enhancing tumor extends into the irradiation, stereotactic radiosurgery, and instillation of
orbit. Computed tomography (CT) imaging may show radioisotope colloids into cystic tumors.
bone remodeling.
A neuro-ophthalmologic consultation is often warranted
to evaluate the patient for subtle funduscopic abnormalities Usual Therapeutic Approaches
or tumor-related vision changes. Serial perimetry is able to
follow visual fields over time in a way that clinical exami- Radiation therapy is usually deferred until after any oper-
nation cannot. Clinical evidence of injury to the cranial ative neurosurgical management has been completed.
nerves controlling extraocular motion should be docu- This is because surgery is able to address both mass effect
mented by a careful observer; improvement is often seen (if present) as well as hormonal hypersecretion (if the
after irradiation. tumor in question is a hormonally active pituitary ade-
When a patient appears to have long-standing neurocog- noma). For some pituitary adenomas (prolactinomas,
nitive issues, it is worth the effort to have the patient evalu- growth hormone-secreting adenomas, and thyroid hor-
ated with neurocognitive testing appropriate to the clinical mone-secreting adenomas), it is possible to use pharma-
situation. This can help identify learning issues that may be cologic management with specific action at the
addressable with interventions or therapy. hypothalamic-pituitary axis and avoid or defer surgical
A radiation oncologist should also be asked to evaluate therapy or radiation therapy [19–21]. Neither meningio-
the patient so that the strengths and shortcomings of different mas nor craniopharyngiomas have systemic management
radiation management strategies may be presented to arrive options similar to those for functioning pituitary adeno-
at a satisfactory management approach. mas. Meningiomas may be detected incidentally and
Neurosurgical staging systems for anterior skull base found to be without clinical signs or symptoms. As these
tumors have little applicability to radiation management tumors are generally slow growing, documenting the rate
decisions [13–15]. The critical issues for radiation manage- of growth prior to pursuing definitive interventions may
ment decisions for pituitary adenomas and all tumors in the be useful, as no intervention is without risk. Some menin-
sellar and parasellar area are the proximity of the tumor to giomas and most craniopharyngiomas are detected
the optic apparatus and the size of the tumor. Pituitary adeno- because of clinical signs or symptoms from the tumor’s
mas and other tumors that are large or that very closely presence at the skull base. In some of these cases, a crani-
approach the optic nerves or chiasm are not appropriate for otomy may be needed to try to alleviate mass effect and
stereotactic radiosurgery. Fractionated irradiation can be bring about a recovery of function, but it may not be
used for all tumors in this location. Not surprisingly, tumor appropriate for all cases, when radiation management
volume has been shown to be inversely correlated with long- options exist that are likely to be highly effective.
term control in patients with pituitary adenomas that are After an initial therapeutic intervention (usually surgery),
treated with fractionated irradiation [16]. it is common to repeat many elements of the battery of tests
For meningiomas, the most common staging system that were performed at the time of diagnosis to document any
was developed over 50 years ago to provide some guid- changes in neurologic, ophthalmologic, or endocrinologic
ance as to the risk of recurrence after surgical manage- function (Table 28.1). Documentation of improvements and
ment [15]. Molecular markers may be assessed to help deficits will allow them to be accurately attributed to the
predict the risk for recurrence after surgical resection [17, effects of the tumor, to the initial intervention, or to subse-
18]. Radiotherapy’s value in controlling meningioma quent therapy.
growth is broadly recognized. If a meningioma is less If there is consideration being given to the use of stereo-
than 5 mm from any part of the optic nerves or chiasm, tactic radiosurgery for a tumor that preoperatively was docu-
safe management with radiosurgery is extremely chal- mented to be very close to the optic nerves, volumetric
lenging and in the eyes of many experts carries an unac- contrast-enhanced MRI must be repeated to ensure that the
ceptable risk of radiation optic neuritis, although tumor has been adequately debulked away from the optic
fractionated radiation can be used. apparatus. This geometric separation of several millimeters
There is no accepted staging system for craniopharyn- between the tumor and the optic apparatus is not as critical if
giomas, which are frequently densely adherent to adjacent fractionated irradiation will be used as a postsurgical ther-
normal tissues. Aggressive surgical resections may be apy. The optic nerves will tolerate fractionated doses of radi-
complicated by intraoperative damage to normal tissues ation to ~50–55 Gy used to durably control most tumors in
involved with the tumor. Irradiation may also cause mor- this area, while a radiation dose >8 to 10 Gy given to the
bidity but generally is not as likely to cause an acute loss optic nerves in a single fraction will cause vision loss in an
of function. Radiation options include fractionated unacceptably high number of patients [22–25].
28 Pituitary and Pituitary Region Tumors: Viewpoint—Fractionated Radiation Therapy 395
digitally reconstructed radiographs after the contouring pro- incomplete coverage of intracranial target tissue (“cold
cess has been completed, and from this information, a spots”) that can lead to tumor recurrences [29, 30].
dosimetrist can directly use this digital data to calculate the Radiotherapy technology advances that permit more than a
beam weights and dosimetric parameters. few coplanar fields to be used to treat a tumor have been used
The use of image fusion software to register a high-quality by researchers to determine an optimal number of radiation
MRI study to the treatment planning CT scan may help in beams for treatment of skull base tumors and to conformally
delineation of the tumor and adjacent normal tissues. Image avoid unnecessary irradiation of normal tissues such as the
fusion software rigidly registers the two imaging studies hippocampi [31–33].
through the use of normalized mutual information, chamfer Treatments that are three-dimensionally conformal to a radi-
matching, or other algorithms and then reformats and redis- ation target can be routinely delivered with a high degree of
plays the voxels from the MRI in the CT scan’s geometric precision. This has been termed 3DCRT (three-dimensional
space. The MRI scan does not need to be done with the conformal radiation therapy). The use of rigid, reproducible
patient in the immobilization mask. Structures better seen on immobilization and a large number of radiation beams or of arc-
an MRI, like the hippocampi, can be contoured on the MRI ing beams has led some to term this approach fractionated ste-
and can be transferred to the CT for calculation purposes. reotactic radiation therapy (FSRT), although this terminology is
Clinicians have realized from more detailed dosimetric inaccurate in that true stereotaxy (in a neurosurgical sense) is
analyses that there can be areas of unacceptably high dose not achieved [34]. An example of an FSRT dosimetric plan for
(“hot spots”) that may injure normal tissues or areas of a patient with a pituitary adenoma is shown in Fig. 28.1a–c.
Fig. 28.1 (a) Axial fractionated stereotactic radiation therapy (FSRT) develop a more conformal FSRT plan than an IMRT plan. Tissues outside
dose distribution. (b) Coronal FSRT dose distribution. (c) Sagittal FSRT the target volume are treated to higher doses in the IMRT plan than in the
dose distribution. (d) Axial intensity-modulated radiation therapy (IMRT) FSRT plan. Both plans would be acceptable for fractionated irradiation
dose distribution. (e) Coronal IMRT dose distribution. (f) Sagittal IMRT using conventional fractionation, but neither could be accepted for radio-
dose distribution. It is clear from these dose distributions (shown on MR surgical treatment, because the tolerance of the anterior visual pathways
images) that for this patient with a pituitary adenoma, it was possible to would be exceeded by doses that would control the adenoma
28 Pituitary and Pituitary Region Tumors: Viewpoint—Fractionated Radiation Therapy 397
Software and hardware technology to dynamically con- Table 28.3 Results of radiation therapy for nonfunctional adenomas
trol the point-to-point intensity of incident radiotherapy No. of Results
beams has been developed and is known as IMRT. Radiation Reference patients Treatment End point Duration (%)
therapy plans generated and delivered using IMRT tech- Breen et al. [47] 120 S + RT, RT LC 10 y, 88;
niques are significantly different than plans developed in the 20 y, 78;
past. For an IMRT plan to be generated, a computer must be 30 y, 65
Tsang et al. [16] 160 S + RT LC 10 y, 87
told what the overall goals of the plan should be. These
Grigsby et al. [52] 111 S + RT, RT DFS 13 y, 84
include limitations of doses to certain structures, acceptable
Brada et al. [37] 252 S + RT, RT PFS 10 y, 97;
ranges of doses to other structures, and the basic parameters 20 y, 92
of beam energy and beam entry points. The computer soft- Woollons et al. [43] 50 S + RT PFS 5 y, 72
ware then selects radiation beam intensities that can achieve Park et al. [49] 44 S + RT PFS 5 y, 97.7;
the desired therapeutic goals. 10 y, 97.7
Better integration of these software and hardware advances Gittoes et al. [53] 66 S + RT PFS 15 y, 93
and faster computer microprocessors has allowed the use of Sasaki et al. [54] 65 S + RT LC 10 y, 98
changes in radiation beam intensity in multiple portals to Grabenbauer 50 S + RT LC 54 mo, 94 %
et al. [42]
achieve better radiation dose distributions, with fewer hot or
S surgery, RT radiation therapy, DFS disease-free survival, PFS pro-
cold spots inside the target volume and no hot spots outside the
gression-free survival, LC local control
target volume. These technological advances may decrease
treatment-related morbidity and improve treatment results
overall, but this has not yet been demonstrated to be the case Patients must understand the need of long-term close surveil-
for most intracranial tumors, including pituitary adenomas. An lance if radiation therapy is not employed as a routine
example of an IMRT dosimetric plan for a patient with a pitu- adjunctive therapy [48, 49].
itary adenoma is shown in Fig. 28.1d–f. Radiotherapy alone achieves control rates of approxi-
Proton beam therapy has been gradually increasing in mately 80–95 % at 10-year follow-up for recurrent nonfunc-
availability in some markets and there are now beginning to tional adenomas or for primary treatment of nonfunctional
be small series reported in the medical literature of patients adenomas [16, 37, 47]. Longer-term follow-up has docu-
treated with protons for pituitary adenomas, craniopharyn- mented continued progression up to >20 years from therapy,
giomas, and meningiomas. Modeling studies indicate that documenting the need for lifelong surveillance of patients
there may be significant benefit to the use of protons, but this with pituitary adenomas [50, 51].
has not yet been demonstrated in clinical series [35, 36]. A critical factor in the long-term local control after post-
operative irradiation of pituitary adenomas may well be the
postoperative volume of tumor. This may conceivably range
Radiation Therapy Results from a small amount of tumor remaining in a cavernous
sinus to a macroscopic suprasellar extension into the mid-
Pituitary Macroadenomas brain. Local control can now be more accurately determined
than in the past because of improvements in imaging tech-
Fractionated doses of approximately 45–50 Gy in daily nology and availability. Side-by-side comparisons can be
doses of 1.8 Gy are currently used for treating pituitary ade- made between studies obtained a decade or more apart, and
nomas at most centers because of the knowledge that has subtle changes in size can be detected. In addition to the pre-
been gained over the past decades about the low risk of caus- vention of adenoma growth, many radiotherapy series have
ing visual complications when these guidelines are followed, reported an improvement in mass effect and mass effect-
the dose response seen for doses lower than this range, and related symptoms such as vision, but neurosurgical manage-
the apparent absence of improved results and increasing rate ment is much more effective in promptly relieving mass
of visual and other complications when higher total doses effect. Several reports on fractionated irradiation for non-
and plans with hot spots are used [16, 37–42]. functioning pituitary adenomas are collected in Table 28.3
For patients who have undergone a surgical resection of a [16, 37, 42, 43, 47, 49, 52–54].
pituitary adenoma, long-term local control is improved when
radiation treatment is administered before a macroscopic
recurrence of tumor develops, though a patient with a com- Growth Hormone-Secreting Adenomas
plete resection of tumor may not require postoperative irra- (Acromegaly)
diation [16, 43–45]. The rates of recurrence are not at all
trivial in many series, and there is a very significant potential Acromegaly is still a common indication for fractionated
for progression at 5–10 years after surgical resection [46, 47]. irradiation. These tumors are frequently large, and as a result,
398 J.P.S. Knisely and P.W. Sperduto
surgical debulking of suprasellar extension may be inade- management possibly used to help decrease tumor bulk
quate to permit consideration of stereotactic radiosurgery before commencing irradiation and also to help suppress
because the tumor may still be in close juxtaposition to the hormonal excess after irradiation while waiting for the even-
optic apparatus. There are some who believe acromegaly is tual declines that are expected. As there is some data that
associated with a higher risk of radiation optic neuropathy hormonal suppression prior to radiosurgery may depress the
than for nonfunctional adenomas, with a cited risk of as high ultimate control rates for some functional pituitary adeno-
as 1.4 % with conventional treatment techniques [25, 50]. A mas, these agents may need to be evaluated for any protec-
large tumor mass and high pretreatment growth hormone tive effect in the setting of conventionally fractionated and
levels may predict a worse prognosis for patients with acro- delivered radiotherapy [60]. There is little doubt that the use
megaly [45, 55]. of medical therapies can help patients while awaiting the
Older literature on the effectiveness of radiation therapy effects of radiotherapy [61].
for acromegaly cannot provide all the data that is believed Adequate follow-up has been obtained in several series
necessary to evaluate the effectiveness of the therapy. The of patients with growth hormone-secreting pituitary ade-
definitions of normal have been lowered with more precise nomas that document a progressive response over time
laboratory testing over the past several decades. Current [38, 62–65]. The completeness of surgical resection
guidelines on the definition of cure include a random growth appears to contribute to the long-term results achievable
hormone <1 μ[mu]g/L, or <0.4 μ[mu]g/L after an with radiation therapy [63, 65]. The results of FSRT are
oral glucose-tolerance test, and insulin-like growth factor 1 only now becoming available; further follow-up will doc-
(IGF-1) levels that are within age-adjusted normative ranges ument whether or not superior results are possible with
[56]. There is data that the IGF-1 levels after therapy may the technological advances that have been used to treat
correlate better with cure than GH values [57]. these patients [66]. The results of several series of acro-
Modern multidisciplinary management for many patients megalic patients treated with fractionated irradiation are
will include medical management with somatostatin receptor listed in Table 28.4 [38, 55, 61–67].
ligands such as octreotide or lanreotide. Growth hormone
receptor antagonists such as pegvisomant are generally
reserved for patients who do not achieve biochemical control Prolactin-Secreting Adenomas
with somatostatin receptor ligands [58]. The use of such
medical management strategies may alter the rate at which Prolactinomas are less commonly treated with irradiation
conventionally delivered radiation can achieve durable con- at present, and the role of surgical intervention in this dis-
trol of hormonal excess and may provide additional opportu- order may also be declining with the availability of rea-
nities for improving the therapeutic ratio by effecting sonably well-tolerated medications that can be taken for
regressions in tumor bulk prior to commencing definitive protracted periods of time. Historical series show that for
irradiation [59]. patients treated with irradiation, there is a decreased rate
Radiotherapy should be considered for all patients with a of durable control without the addition of medical therapy
postoperative basal GH level of >5 μ[mu]g/L, with medical but that over time, the proportion of patients with hor-
management. More recently, stereotactic radiotherapy and 7. Perry A, Louis DN, Scheithauer BW, Budka H, von Deimling
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Pituitary Tumors: Viewpoint— Medical
Therapy 29
Rachel L. Hopkins
Diagnosis and Classification
By convention, pituitary tumors are usually classified into Prolactinomas, or prolactin-secreting pituitary adenomas,
microadenomas, those less than 1 cm in diameter, and mac- are the most common type of functioning pituitary lesion and
roadenomas which are greater than or equal to 1 cm. account for about 40 % of all pituitary tumors. In most cases,
Microadenomas that are not hypersecreting hormones are patients present with typical signs and symptoms. In women,
often discovered incidentally on imaging. Small or large these include amenorrhea and galactorrhea. Men most
hypersecreting tumors usually come to attention because of often present with symptoms of hypogonadism including
symptoms of a hormone excess syndrome such as acromeg- decreased energy and sexual dysfunction. The prevalence of
aly or Cushing’s syndrome. In addition, macroadenomas prolactinomas is somewhat higher in women than in men [1].
may present with symptoms such as visual changes, head- Bone loss may occur as a result of suppression of sex steroid
aches, or cranial nerve dysfunction as a result of mass effect production [2].
of the tumor. Symptoms of pituitary hypofunction are often Diagnosis is usually easily established by the presence of
elevated serum prolactin levels. Levels greater than 500 μg/L
are essentially diagnostic of prolactinoma; those greater than
R.L. Hopkins, M.D. (*) 250 μg/L are usually prolactinomas (although some medica-
Division of Endocrinology & Metabolism,
State University of New York Upstate Medical University,
tions can cause elevations this high). Prolactin levels less
3229 East Genesee Street, Syracuse, NY 13214, USA than 250 μg/L can result from stalk compression or other
e-mail: hopkinra@upstate.edu causes, but can represent a small prolactinoma as well.
L.S. Chin and W.F. Regine (eds.), Principles and Practice of Stereotactic Radiosurgery, 403
DOI 10.1007/978-1-4614-8363-2_29, © Springer Science+Business Media New York 2015
404 R.L. Hopkins
It is important to note that in the presence of a large pitu- treatment, this is a disease with high morbidity and mortality
itary tumor, mildly elevated prolactin levels (<100–150 μg/L) largely due to cardiovascular effects and abnormal glucose
may be the result of stalk compression by the tumor. Prolactin metabolism. Patients with cortisol excess, or Cushing’s syn-
secretion is tonically suppressed by dopamine delivered to the drome, usually come to medical attention because of typical
pituitary from the hypothalamus. Disruption of this pathway clinical features. The most specific of these features are easy
by compression of the stalk results in elevated serum prolac- bruising, facial plethora, proximal myopathy, and wide vio-
tin levels. Treatment with medication in this situation will laceous striae on the abdomen or upper thighs. In addition,
decrease prolactin levels, but will not control tumor growth. there are a host of less discriminating features present in the
general population that, in the right clinical setting, might
Management prompt investigation for Cushing’s syndrome such as central
Of all pituitary tumors, prolactinomas are the most respon- obesity and new-onset diabetes mellitus.
sive to medical therapy. The goal of therapy is to normalize The diagnosis of Cushing’s disease involves first confirm-
prolactin levels and reduce tumor size, and this goal can usu- ing the presence of hypercortisolism. Because none of our
ally be attained quickly with one of two dopamine agonists current tests for hypercortisolism has 100 % specificity or
available in the United States. Dopamine agonist therapy is sensitivity, this is a process that requires multiple confirma-
efficacious in treating even large tumors that are compress- tory tests, especially in more subtle cases [4]. Once estab-
ing the optic chiasm and causing visual changes. This suc- lished, it must be determined whether the hypercortisolism is
cess in treatment with medication has made surgery for ACTH dependent. This can usually be achieved with mea-
prolactinomas generally unnecessary, a development that has surement of a serum ACTH level.
occurred over the past several decades. The majority of ACTH-dependent hypercortisolism is
The two dopamine agonists available in the United States caused by corticotroph adenomas. However, evaluation of
are bromocriptine and cabergoline. Cabergoline is generally possible Cushing’s disease is complicated by the high inci-
preferred because of evidence of higher efficacy and a lower dence (about 10 %) of nonfunctioning pituitary incidentalo-
side effect profile. Bromocriptine can be used in patients mas. It is possible to misattribute ACTH-dependent
who do not tolerate cabergoline or if cost is a significant con- Cushing’s syndrome to a nonfunctioning pituitary adenoma.
sideration, as cabergoline is a more expensive medication. Care must be taken to avoid missing a diagnosis of ectopic
Over the past several years, there has been concern about ACTH production (for instance, from a bronchial carcinoid),
evidence of cardiac valve regurgitation in patients taking high which might result in unnecessary pituitary surgery and fail-
doses of dopamine agonists for treatment of Parkinson’s dis- ure to cure the underlying process.
ease. The data are somewhat equivocal, but so far there is no
strong evidence that such damage occurs in patients taking Management
the significantly lower doses used to treat prolactinomas [3]. The goal of therapy is to rapidly normalize serum cortisol
Surgical intervention is generally reserved for patients levels. Surgery is the primary treatment of corticotroph ade-
with tumors resistant to, or for patients who are intolerant of, nomas. Reported rates of remission resulting from transsphe-
dopamine agonists, patients considering pregnancy during noidal surgery range from 69 to 98 % [5]. The highest
which tumors might increase in size, or those who suffer remission rates are in cases of noninvasive microadenomas,
pituitary apoplexy. Approximately 10 % of patients are resis- while lower rates of success are seen in macroadenomas with
tant to cabergoline therapy even after dose optimization. invasion into the cavernous sinus. Conventional radiotherapy
Radiotherapy is recommended for patients who are intol- and stereotactic radiotherapy are used as adjuvant therapy,
erant of dopamine agonist therapy and in whom surgery has but their effects are slow and do not achieve prompt control
failed to control tumor growth. There are rare cases of very of hypercortisolism.
aggressive or malignant prolactinomas. These usually require There are a number of medical therapies that decrease
surgical and/or radiation therapy. Temozolomide therapy has either ACTH or cortisol secretion. Most have significant side
been used as chemotherapeutic treatment of malignant pro- effect profiles that can limit their use, but they may prove
lactinomas as well. beneficial in certain situations. In particular, medical therapy
is often employed in patients who have received radiation
therapy and are awaiting the often delayed results of that,
Corticotroph Adenomas those who are not candidates for surgery or in whom the
source of ACTH is uncertain, in very ill patients to ameliorate
Diagnosis the effects of hypercortisolism before surgery, or in patients
Cushing’s disease is defined as the condition of excess corti- with recurrent or persistent hypercortisolism after surgery.
sol production caused by an adrenocorticotropic hormone Inhibitors of steroidogenesis include ketoconazole,
(ACTH)-secreting pituitary adenoma. In the absence of metyrapone, mitotane, and etomidate. Ketoconazole has
29 Pituitary Tumors: Viewpoint—Medical Therapy 405
been used extensively in control of cortisol secretion. It is to confirm the diagnosis. Inadequate suppression of GH on
often well tolerated, but use can be limited by derangements this test indicates the presence of a somatotroph adenoma.
of liver enzymes. Metyrapone inhibits 11-beta-hydroxylase
activity. Its use is limited by androgenic effects in women Management
and mineralocorticoid-related adverse effects. It is also not The goal of treatment is both tumor shrinkage and biochemi-
available commercially and the producing company must be cal control of IGF-1 levels. Because of the insidious clinical
contacted directly to obtain it. Mitotane has significant gas- onset, most patients present with macroadenomas at the time
trointestinal and neurologic adverse effects. Also, once of diagnosis. As a result, the surgical cure rate is relatively
taken, it is stored in adipose tissue for about 2 years. low, around 50 %, in cases of macroadenomas greater than
Etomidate is used often in induction of anesthesia and is gen- 2 cm in size. In microadenomas showing no invasion into the
erally too sedating for practical long-term use. cavernous sinus, the surgical cure rate is as high as 80 % [9].
Centrally acting agents include cabergoline and pasireo- When surgery is not curative, radiotherapy, medical ther-
tide. While cabergoline, a dopamine agonist discussed previ- apy, and quite often both are used as adjunct treatment. First-
ously, does have a relatively low side effect profile, it is line medical therapy usually involves somatostatin analogs
generally not very efficacious in controlling serum cortisol (SSAs), either octreotide or lanreotide. Some tumors resis-
levels and any effect seen is not always sustained [6]. tant to usual doses of SSAs respond well to dose optimiza-
Pasireotide is a somatostatin receptor ligand that has shown tion using higher-than-usual doses [10]. The dopamine
some potential for use in Cushing’s syndrome, but results of agonists cabergoline and bromocriptine have proven useful
ongoing research are pending [7]. There is some evidence in some cases of acromegaly, even those without cosecretion
that combined therapy with cabergoline, pasireotide, and of prolactin. Cabergoline is preferred because there is more
ketoconazole may be useful. The glucocorticoid receptor evidence of efficacy [9, 11].
antagonist mifepristone (RU486) has proven useful in some Pegvisomant is a human growth hormone analog that
cases of hypercortisolism [8]. blocks the action of GH at the site of its cognate receptor and
Bilateral adrenalectomy is necessary in some patients with is quite successful at decreasing IGF-1 levels. Because of its
refractory hypercortisolism or who have been intolerant to mechanism of action, treatment with pegvisomant actually
several other interventions, or in whom the source of ACTH causes an increase in GH levels. There is concern about
overproduction cannot be identified. This option is compli- reflex increase in tumor size resulting from the lack of nega-
cated by the risk of Nelson’s syndrome (enlargement of the tive feedback from IGF-1. This has proven to be an uncom-
pituitary adenoma secondary to lack of suppressive feedback mon event that has not been clearly attributable to
from circulating cortisol). If bilateral adrenalectomy is pegvisomant itself [12]. Nonetheless, patients being treated
employed, lifelong steroid replacement will be required. with pegvisomant should undergo regular surveillance with
MRI during initial treatment. It is also prudent to avoid its
use in the setting of large tumors near the optic chiasm.
Somatotroph Adenomas Primary medical, as opposed to surgical, therapy may be
appropriate in patients with macroadenomas showing no evi-
Diagnosis dence of mass effect in which cure is very unlikely, those
Growth hormone-secreting, or somatotroph, adenomas cause who carry a high surgical risk and those who for their own
gigantism in children and acromegaly in adults. Acromegaly reasons prefer medication over surgery.
is a rare disease associated with increased morbidity and early The question has been raised as to whether use of SSAs
mortality. Clinical onset can be insidious and the disease can to debulk large tumors prior to surgeries will improve out-
take years to be recognized. Suspicion for the condition comes. At this point the data are mixed and it is not clear
should be raised in patients with two or more of the following whether there is any advantage to this approach. Further
comorbidities: new-onset diabetes, diffuse arthralgias, new- research is needed to explore this issue [9, 13].
onset or difficult-to-control hypertension, cardiac disease
including biventricular hypertrophy and diastolic or systolic
dysfunction, fatigue, headaches, carpal tunnel syndrome, Thyrotropin Adenomas
sleep apnea syndrome, diaphoresis, loss of vision, colon pol-
yps, and progressive jaw malocclusion [9]. The finding of an Diagnosis
elevated insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1) level, combined Thyrotropin, or TSH-producing, adenomas are quite rare rep-
with suspicious clinical features and a pituitary lesion on resenting less than 2 % of pituitary adenomas. Classically, pre-
MRI, is sometimes adequate to make the diagnosis of acro- senting symptoms are those of hyperthyroidism and patients
megaly. However, in equivocal cases an oral glucose tolerance almost always have a goiter. Patients may also present with
test with serial growth hormone (GH) measurements is used symptoms of mass effect of the lesion or hypopituitarism.
406 R.L. Hopkins
The diagnosis is suggested by an elevated TSH level in Gonadotroph and Nonfunctioning Adenoma
the setting of elevated thyroxin or free thyroxin as opposed
to the suppressed TSH that would be found in primary hyper- Diagnosis
thyroidism. This lab pattern is also seen in the syndrome of Gonadotroph adenomas are the most common pituitary mac-
resistance to thyroid hormone (RTH). In this condition, fam- roadenomas and represent the majority of nonfunctioning
ily history will reveal other family members with thyroid adenomas. Many of these benign tumors are discovered inci-
problems. Studies that can help differentiate between these dentally on imaging obtained for other reasons, and others
two conditions include the TRH stimulation test and the T3 come to medical attention when they grow large enough to
suppression test in which lack of response would indicate a cause symptoms of mass effect. Usually circulating levels of
thyrotropin adenoma. In addition, a high alpha-subunit to follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) and luteinizing hormone
TSH molar ratio is seen with these lesions. Genetic testing (LH) are normal because most gonadotroph adenomas
can evaluate for the presence of RTH. It is important to rule secrete inefficiently or variably. However, circulating levels
out RTH even if a pituitary lesion is seen on MRI because of of the free alpha-subunit component of these hormones are
the previously mentioned 10 % incidence of nonfunctioning often elevated.
pituitary adenomas in the general population. Patients being evaluated for incidentally discovered pitu-
The diagnosis of thyrotropin adenomas can be delayed by itary adenomas, or those who present with symptoms of
the coexistence of autoimmune hypothyroidism [14] or mass effect, should undergo biochemical evaluation for pos-
hyperthyroidism, both of which are far more common. sible hormone hypersecretion or hyposecretion. In patients
Classically, by the time of diagnosis, most patients with TSH- with large adenomas, symptoms of mass effect are often
producing adenomas have had a long history of thyroid dys- more obvious, but careful clinical evaluation and testing may
function and usually have quite large tumors often with reveal hypopituitarism in many. Replacement of pituitary
suprasellar extension or sphenoidal sinus invasion. This may hormones is an important aspect of the medical management
be changing with the advent of highly sensitive TSH assays. of pituitary adenomas.
There is some evidence that more thyrotropin adenomas have Hypersecreting gonadotroph adenomas are rare but do
been diagnosed as microadenomas in the past decade or so, occur. There are several case reports of ovarian hyperstimu-
although not all centers have found this to be the case [15, 16]. lation syndrome (OHSS) in patients shown to have FSH-
hypersecreting pituitary adenomas [19]. Diagnosis of
Management hyperfunctioning gonadotroph adenomas is based on mea-
Surgery is the primary treatment for thyrotropin adenomas. surement of elevated FSH and/or LH in the setting of ele-
When tumors are large at diagnosis, complete surgical resec- vated estradiol or testosterone levels.
tion of these tumors is often quite difficult. Adjunct therapy
with radiation is considered when there is significant resid- Management
ual tissue or persistent hyperthyroidism after surgery. Clinically nonfunctioning pituitary microadenomas do not
Medical therapy with the long-acting SSAs octreotide generally require surgery as long as they are not causing
LAR and lanreotide has been reported with fairly high suc- mass effect or endocrine dysfunction. Most nonfunctioning
cess. The combination of surgery and radiation therapy microadenomas will not grow significantly, but some will.
results in complete normalization of thyroid hormone levels Therefore, patients should be followed clinically and with
about 1/3 of the time, while 1/3 of cases achieve a level of repeat imaging, usually at yearly intervals. Macroadenomas
control considered adequate [17]. Treatment with SSAs is are more likely to grow, and for those that don’t initially
successful in about 95 % of patients. Dopamine agonists meet criteria for surgery, follow-up imaging is recommended
cabergoline and bromocriptine have been used to treat TSH- 6 months after initial presentation. Evaluation for pituitary
secreting adenomas with far less consistent results. hypofunction should also be repeated periodically in
Treatment with either thyroidectomy or thyroid ablation macroadenomas.
with radioactive iodine is generally not advised because of For nonfunctioning tumors that are causing compression
concern that absence of thyroid hormone feedback suppres- of the optic chiasm or other mass effect, surgery is the first
sion will result in tumor expansion (much as in Nelson’s syn- line of treatment. Endocrine function needs to be carefully
drome). One case report following two patients over 8–12 monitored after surgery to look for both resolution of preop-
years saw no such response [18]. Nonetheless, this is still not erative pituitary deficits and the development of new hypopi-
considered to be a standard approach to treatment. tuitarism as a result of surgery. In addition, long-term
Successful control of hyperthyroidism may result in per- surveillance is necessary because nonfunctioning pituitary
manent or transient central hypothyroidism, and levothyrox- adenomas can recur after transsphenoidal surgery [20, 21].
ine replacement therapy may be necessary after surgery and/ The risk of recurrence is thought to be highest in cases with
or radiotherapy. incomplete resection leaving residual tumor. In these cases,
29 Pituitary Tumors: Viewpoint—Medical Therapy 407
19. Knoepfelmacher M, Danilovic DLS, Nasser RHRR, Mendonca 23. Dekkers OM, Pereira AM, Romijn JA. Treatment and follow-up of
BB. Effectiveness of treating ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome clinically nonfunctioning pituitary macroadenomas. J Clin
with cabergoline in two patients with gonadotropin-producing pitu- Endocrinol Metab. 2008;93(10):3717–26.
itary adenomas. Fertil Steril. 2006;86(3):15–8. 24. Pereirra AM, Biermasz NR. Treatment of nonfunctioning pituitary
20. Chen Y, Wang CD, Su ZP, Chen YX, Cai L, Zhuge QC, Wu adenomas: what were the contributions of the last 10 years? Ann
ZB. Natural history of postoperative nonfunctioning pituitary ade- Endocrinol (Paris). 2012;73(2):111–6.
nomas: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Neuroendocrinology. 25. Cooper O, Melmed S. Subclinical hyperfunctioning pituitary ade-
2012;96(4):333–42. nomas: the silent tumors. Best Pract Res Clin Endocrinol Metab.
21. Chang EF, Zada G, Kim S, Lamborn KR, Quinones-Hinojosa A, 2012;26:447–60.
Tyrrell JB, Wilson CB, Kunwar S. Long-term recurrence and mor- 26. Cooper O, Ben-Shlomo A, Bonert V, Bannykh S, Mirocha J,
tality after surgery and adjuvant radiotherapy for nonfunctional Melmed S. Silent corticogonadotroph adenomas: clinical and cel-
pituitary adenomas. J Neurosurg. 2008;108:736–45. lular characteristics and long-term outcomes. Horm Cancer. 2010;
22. Shomali ME, Katznelson L. Medical therapy of gonadotropin- 1(2):80–92.
producing and nonfunctioning pituitary adenomas. Pituitary. 2002;
Pediatric Radiosurgery
Arthur K. Liu
L.S. Chin and W.F. Regine (eds.), Principles and Practice of Stereotactic Radiosurgery, 409
DOI 10.1007/978-1-4614-8363-2_30, © Springer Science+Business Media New York 2015
410 A.K. Liu
who are comfortable with imaging and treating patients under and the mean obliteration time was 79.6 months. Radiation
general anesthesia [6]. For Gamma Knife SRS, the anesthe- necrosis was seen in 1.1 % of patients. Another large series
tized child is moved multiple times during planning and treat- from the University of Virginia reported on 186 children
ment with the head frame in place. [13]. Similar to the UK experience, hemorrhage was the
The anesthetic concerns are decreased for linac-based most common presenting sign, seen in 71.5 % of children.
radiosurgery. Treatment planning scans are typically per- Mean initial SRS dose was 21.9 Gy. In 41 children who
formed on a different day, eliminating the need to move chil- underwent repeat SRS for incomplete obliteration, the mean
dren under general anesthesia. However, it is still critical to SRS dose at retreatment was 20.7 Gy. With a mean follow-up
closely coordinate with the anesthesia team to maintain a of 98 months, complete obliteration was seen in 49.5 % after
safe environment for treatment of the child. initial SRS and 58.6 % after repeat SRS. Small nidus volume
Finally, there is a significant difference in normal tissue and higher SRS dose were associated with higher rates of
tolerance between children and adults. There is mixed data obliteration. MRI changes were seen in 37.8 %, but were
showing cognitive deficits in adults who receive radiation to accompanied by symptoms in only 7.2 %. Another series
the brain [7]. However, there are multiple studies showing from the University of Pittsburgh reports on 135 children.
significant neurocognitive deficits in children, with increasing The median SRS dose was 20 Gy. With a median follow-up
risk and severity for younger children and high doses [7, 8]. of 71.3 months, the obliteration rate at 5 years was 67 %. On
multivariate analysis, only higher SRS dose was associated
with improved obliteration rates. Adverse radiation effects
Published Experiences of Pediatric SRS were seen in 5.9 %. There are two other series with 100 or
more children, one from Taiwan [14] and the other from
SRS has been used in children with arteriovenous malforma- France [15], that report similar results.
tions, malignant brain tumors, and benign brain tumors. The extensive use of SRS in children with AVMs has
Some reports are specific to pediatric patients, but many also allowed some comparisons between pediatric and adult
include adult patients. Whenever possible, the pediatric spe- patients. Hemorrhage as a presenting symptoms is more
cific data is presented. Current literature is reviewed here and common in children [16]. While the overall obliteration rate
grouped by diagnosis. is comparable between children and adults, it appears that
children respond earlier to SRS [16, 17]. There may also be
a differential response based on the size of the AVM. The
Arteriovenous Malformations group from Taiwan found that AVMs smaller than 3 cm and
larger than 20 cm have similar obliteration rates between
Arteriovenous Malformations (AVM) are congenital vascu- children and adults, with much better response in smaller
lar abnormalities that are at risk of hemorrhage. Primary AVMs [14]. However, children with AVMs of intermediate
management is typically surgery, with embolization as an size between 3 and 10 cm had lower obliteration rates than
option. SRS is a well-accepted treatment option when surgi- adults with similarly sized AVMs.
cal risk is unacceptable. The earliest descriptions of SRS for
children with AVMs come from Italy [9], the University of
Pittsburgh [10], and Children’s Hospital, Boston and Ependymoma
Brigham and Women’s Hospital [11]. Since that time, there
have been numerous publications reporting the experience of While ependymomas make up a relatively small proportion
using SRS for children with AVMs, demonstrating both effi- of pediatric brain tumors, they may be well suited to treat-
cacy and safety. The largest series are reviewed here. ment with SRS. The standard management of these tumors is
The largest pediatric SRS experience for AVMs comes maximally safe resection followed by postoperative fraction-
from the UK [12]. Three hundred and sixty three children ated radiation therapy. Chemotherapy may be of limited
underwent 410 treatments, including 4 with planned two- effectiveness and is currently being studied in a randomized
stage treatments and 43 who were retreated. The most com- trial by the Children’s Oncology Group. Local failures occur
mon presentation was hemorrhage seen in 80 % of the in approximately 2/3 of recurrences and typically occur
children. Mean SRS dose was 22.7 Gy (range 15–25 Gy). within the treatment field [18]. SRS has been used in both
Follow-up duration for the group was not specified. residual tumor and recurrent disease.
Obliteration rates were calculated from 220 children with In the upfront setting, at St. Jude Children’s Research
sufficient follow-up, while toxicity was reported for the Hospital five children received an SRS boost (median dose
entire cohort. For children treated upfront, the obliteration rate 10 Gy) after conventionally fractionated radiation (50.4–
was 71 % and the mean obliteration time was 32.4 months. 52.2 Gy) for residual disease [19]. At a median follow-up
For children retreated, the obliteration rate was 62.5 % of 24 months, one child had a local recurrence and died
30 Pediatric Radiosurgery 411
radiation and chemotherapy. In these children, SRS has been Another series from Texas included three children with
used as initial therapy and at recurrence. pilocytic astrocytomas who received SRS (dose of 10–25 Gy)
The pediatric SRS experience from Boston reports 18 [24]. No local failures were seen with a follow-up ranging
children with high-grade gliomas (median SRS dose 12.5 Gy from 1 to 27 months.
for the entire series) [20]. With a median follow-up of 24 There are a number of reported series of SRS for patients
months, PFS at 3 years was 12 months and local control at with low-grade astrocytomas that include children. However,
3 years was 50 %. An early series from the University of these do not report specific results for the children. A series
Pittsburgh of 25 children who received SRS included five from Japan of 12 patients with WHO grade I and 39 WHO
children with high grade gliomas [30]. Mean SRS dose for grade II patients included some children (mean age of 9.8
the entire group was 15.2 Gy. Two have no evidence of dis- and 30.9 years for patients with WHO grade I and WHO
ease, one had local progression only, one had disseminated grade II tumors, respectively) [33]. Mean SRS dose was 12.5
disease, and one died of disease. and 15.7 Gy for patients with WHO grade I and WHO grade
Two children with anaplastic astrocytomas treated to II tumors, respectively. For patients with WHO grade I
three lesions were included in the series from Texas [24]. tumors with a mean follow-up of 24.8 months, local control
SRS dose ranged from 17 to 19 Gy. With a follow-up of was 91.7 %. For patients with WHO grade II tumors with a
16–18 months, there was no progression and one child had mean follow-up of 28.5 months, local control was 87.2 %.
asymptomatic radiation necrosis. Post-SRS edema was seen in 16.7 % of WHO grade I patients
and 41 % of WHO grade II patients. Another series from
Taiwan of 21 patients with low- grade astrocytomas (includ-
Low-Grade Gliomas ing both WHO grade I and II tumors) includes nine children
[34]. For the entire cohort, the median SRS dose was 14.5 Gy.
Low-grade astrocytomas are WHO grade I or II and include With a median follow-up of 67 months, PFS at 10 years was
pilocytic astrocytomas and fibrillary astrocytomas. These 65 %. Eight patients (40 %) developed mild to moderate
tumors are typically slow growing. With a complete resec- adverse radiation effects. The University of Pittsburgh sepa-
tion, adjuvant therapy is usually not required. For incom- rately reported their SRS experience for 25 patients (median
pletely resected tumors, adjuvant chemotherapy and radiation age of 30 years, range 8–68 years) WHO grade II astrocyto-
therapy are treatment options. SRS has been used as initial mas [35]. Sixteen patients were treated at initial presentation
therapy and at recurrence. and nine were treated at progression. Median SRS dose
The largest series of children with low-grade gliomas was 14 Gy. With a median follow-up of 65 months, PFS at
comes from the University of Pittsburgh [31]. Fifty children 10 years was 37 %. No permanent treatment-related morbid-
with juvenile pilocytic astrocytomas received SRS (median ity was seen.
dose 14.5 Gy) at initial diagnosis for residual tumor (n = 16) or
recurrence (n = 34). With a median follow-up of 55.5 months,
PFS at 3 years was 82.8 %. Longer PFS was seen with solid Craniopharyngioma
tumors, smaller target volumes (<8 cc), treatment upfront
(versus at recurrence), and no brainstem involvement. Two Craniopharyngiomas are benign tumors that arise in Rathke’s
children developed asymptomatic radiation necrosis and three pouch. Typical management involves surgical resection with
had symptomatic radiation necrosis. At the Karolinska adjuvant fractionated radiation therapy used for residual dis-
Hospital in Sweden, their series included 16 children (of 19 ease. There are reports of SRS for either residual or recurrent
patients total in the report) with pilocytic astrocytomas who disease.
received SRS (median dose 10 Gy). With a median follow-up The largest report of SRS in pediatric patients with cra-
of the children of 5 years, there were no local failures. Three niopharyngioma comes from Japan [36]. Their report of 107
children had asymptomatic radiation necrosis and two had patients includes 38 children <15 years at diagnosis. For the
symptomatic radiation necrosis, with one requiring surgery. entire cohort, mean SRS dose was 11.5 Gy and mean follow-
A series reporting SRS in children from Austria included 12 up was 65.5 months. Progression-free survival and overall
children with low-grade gliomas [27]. Mean SRS dose was survival at 10 years were 53.8 % and 91 %, respectively.
15.2 Gy. With a mean follow-up of 38 months, tumor progres- Response was reported separately for children and adults,
sion was seen in two children and one child developed edema with 32 % of children progressing compared to 13 % of
requiring steroids. adults. A 37 patient series from the University of Virginia
A small series from Washington University includes included 17 children <18 years at diagnosis [37]. Median
six children with pilocytic astrocytomas that received SRS SRS dose was 14.5 Gy and median follow-up was 50 months.
(median dose 15.5 Gy) [32]. Median follow-up for the Progression-free survival and overall survival at 5 years were
SRS patients was not specified. PFS at 5 years was 80 %. 67 % and 75.6 %, respectively, with only one death attributed
30 Pediatric Radiosurgery 413
to tumor progression. In this group, local progression was 5. Monaco EA, Grandhi R, Niranjan A, Lunsford LD. The past, present
not associated with age. Another study from Sweden included and future of Gamma Knife radiosurgery for brain tumors: the
Pittsburgh experience. Expert Rev Neurother. 2012;12(4):437–45.
both children (11 under 16 years) and adults [10, 38]. Median Epub 2012/03/28.
follow-up was 3.5 years. In children, the median SRS dose 6. Bauman GS, Brett CM, Ciricillo SF, Larson DA, Sneed P, Staplers
was 5 Gy (range 2.5–15 Gy). Local progression was seen LJ, et al. Anesthesia for pediatric stereotactic radiosurgery.
in 82 % of the children, compared to 50 % of adults. This high Anesthesiology. 1998;89(1):255–7. Epub 1998/07/17.
7. Lawrence YR, Li XA, el Naqa I, Hahn CA, Marks LB, Merchant
rate of progression was attributed to the low SRS dose. A report TE, et al. Radiation dose-volume effects in the brain. Int J Radiat
on 12 patients with recurrent craniopharyngioma from the Oncol Biol Phys. 2010;76(3 Suppl):S20–7. Epub 2010/03/05.
University of Miami included 10 children <18 years [39]. 8. Mulhern RK, Merchant TE, Gajjar A, Reddick WE, Kun LE. Late
Mean SRS dose was 14 Gy. With a mean follow-up of 39 neurocognitive sequelae in survivors of brain tumours in childhood.
Lancet Oncol. 2004;5(7):399–408.
months, two local failures (one in a child and one in an adult) 9. Colombo F, Benedetti A, Casentini L, Pozza F, Avanzo R, Marchetti
were seen. Other series that included children report similar C, et al. Stereotactic radiosurgery of intracranial tumors in child-
response, with tumor control rates of 68–87 % [27, 40, 41]. hood. J Neurosurg Sci. 1985;29(3):233–7. Epub 1985/07/01.
10. Kondziolka D, Lunsford LD, Flickinger JC. Stereotactic radio-
surgery in children and adolescents. Pediatr Neurosurg. 1990;16(4–5):
219–21. Epub 1990/01/01.
Other Tumors 11. Loeffler JS, Rossitch Jr E, Siddon R, Moore MR, Rockoff MA,
Alexander 3rd E. Role of stereotactic radiosurgery with a linear
There are numerous reports of SRS for other diagnosis in accelerator in treatment of intracranial arteriovenous malforma-
tions and tumors in children. Pediatrics. 1990;85(5):774–82. Epub
children. In general, these are either very small or do not 1990/05/01.
specify results for the pediatric patients. These include 12. Dinca EB, de Lacy P, Yianni J, Rowe J, Radatz MW, Preotiuc-
meningiomas [24, 27, 42, 43], pituitary adenomas [44–50], Pietro D, et al. Gamma Knife surgery for pediatric arteriovenous
and vestibular schwannomas [51–57]. In general, these stud- malformations: a 25-year retrospective study. J Neurosurg Pediatr.
ies show minimal toxicity with good tumor control. 13. Yen CP, Monteith SJ, Nguyen JH, Rainey J, Schlesinger DJ,
Sheehan JP. Gamma Knife surgery for arteriovenous malforma-
tions in children. J Neurosurg Pediatr. 2010;6(5):426–34. Epub
Summary 2010/11/03.
14. Pan DH, Kuo YH, Guo WY, Chung WY, Wu HM, Liu KD, et al.
Gamma Knife surgery for cerebral arteriovenous malformations in
SRS in children has been reported for many diagnoses. The children: a 13-year experience. J Neurosurg Pediatr. 2008;1(4):
most robust data supporting SRS as a treatment option in 296–304. Epub 2008/04/02.
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Role of radiosurgery in the management of cerebral arteriovenous mal-
similar between adults and children, although children may formations in the pediatric age group: data from a 100-patient series.
respond earlier. Neurosurgery. 2007;60(2):268–76; discussion 76; Epub 2007/02/10.
For malignant or benign brain tumors, the data is more 16. Tanaka T, Kobayashi T, Kida Y, Oyama H, Niwa M. Comparison
limited. The majority of reports are small with short follow- between adult and pediatric arteriovenous malformations treated by
Gamma Knife radiosurgery. Stereotact Funct Neurosurg. 1996;66
up. The largest series exist for craniopharyngioma, low- Suppl 1:288–95. Epub 1996/01/01.
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sidered in patients with recurrent or residual disease, but 18. Merchant TE, Li C, Xiong X, Kun LE, Boop FA, Sanford
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Pediatric Disorders:
Viewpoint—Surgery 31
Stephanie L. Da Silva and Mark D. Krieger
L.S. Chin and W.F. Regine (eds.), Principles and Practice of Stereotactic Radiosurgery, 415
DOI 10.1007/978-1-4614-8363-2_31, © Springer Science+Business Media New York 2015
416 S.L. Da Silva and M.D. Krieger
with prolonged survival. In a series of 361 pediatric patients of brain tumors in children [14, 15], are epithelial tumors
with low-grade gliomas (63 % pilocytic astrocytomas), varying in size that tend to arise in the sellar or suprasellar
Armstrong et al. [6] determined the 10-and 20-year overall location. Surgery is indicated in mostly all cases, with the
survival rates to be 87 % and 82 %, respectively. However, goal being to establish a tissue diagnosis and to remove as
prolonged survival in this series did not come without a cost, much tumor as is safely possible by limiting morbidity. With
especially when these tumors are closely associated with the technological advancements in surgical tools including
critical brain structures. A substantial number of these long- ultrasonic aspiration, image-guiding techniques, and neuro-
term survivors experienced poor outcome in other areas, such endoscopy, surgical success in resecting craniopharyngio-
as cognitive deficit, hearing loss, blindness, and endocrine mas generated a wave of enthusiasm through publications by
abnormalities. In patients with JPAs that cannot be totally Hoffman et al. [16], Choux and Lena [17], Pierre-Kahn et al.
resected or exhibit tumor regrowth, adjuvant therapy is needed. [18], Caldarelli et al. [19], and Zuccaro [20]. This enthusi-
Though radiation therapy may be used for older children, it is asm, however, was short-lived, as associated mortality was
undesirable in young patients due to conventional side effects reported to occur in up to 50 % at 10 years and was followed
of radiation, and in these patients chemotherapy is utilized by a high rate of recurrence (50 % in some cases) [21].
more frequently. For patients with newly diagnosed unresect- Following aggressive resection, complications ensued as
able, progressive, or recurrent JPAs, stereotactic radiosurgery patients suffered peri-operative injury to the hypothalamus
(SRS) is now considered a valuable option to control tumor leading to memory, behavioral, and endocrine disorders.
progression or long-term remission. As reported by Kano et al. As injury to the hypothalamus was found to be the main fac-
[5] in a series of 50 pediatric patients, newly diagnosed patients tor associated with morbidity, surgical treatment modalities
receiving SRS who had either biopsy or subtotal resection had were developed to avoid hypothalamic dysfunction by
a significantly better progression free survival at 10 years when approaching the tumor via the trans-nasal route [21]. A pre-
compared to patients who underwent delayed SRS for recur- operative grading system was devised by Puget et al. [22] to
rent tumors after initial total or subtotal resection (STR) balance the benefits of aggressive surgical resection with the
(88.9 % and 44.5 %, respectively, p = 0.049). risk of significant morbidity in children, dividing tumors into
While the mainstay of treatment for low-grade gliomas is three types based on extent of invasion of the hypothalamus.
maximal surgical resection, tumors that arise within critical Gross total resection (GTR) was proposed to be attempted in
brain regions such as the brain stem or basal ganglia are gener- type 0 tumors (representing no hypothalamic involvement)
ally not resectable without the risk of significant morbidity. and type 1 tumors (distorting or elevating the hypothalamus).
In these gliomas, minimally invasive neurosurgical techniques In type 2 tumors, in which the hypothalamus is no longer
including stereotactic biopsy for diagnosis and endoscopic visible, STR is recommended, leaving only the hypothalamic
third ventriculostomy for cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) diversion component. Radiation therapy would be the preferred
have been beneficial for surgical management [7–9]. Appro- therapy. In a series by Jane et al. [23] in 2010, among 22
priate adjuvant therapy is given once a diagnosis has been pediatric patients with some sellar component to their cra-
made. For tumors considered to be accessible, however, surgery niopharyngioma, transsphenoidal resection resulted in a high
should be pursued. In St. Jude’s experience of 52 patients with rate of GTR with a low risk of recurrence (2 of 15 patients
low-grade focal brainstem gliomas, 48 % of patients had surgi- after GTR). It was noted, however, that a majority of cases
cal resection as the primary treatment with a 5- and 10-year approached via this route were infra diaphragmatic in
PFS and overall survival of 59 %/98 % and 52 %/90 %, respec- location [23].
tively [10]. These results are comparable to other studies who In cases where gross total resection is not safely possible,
found 5-year survival rates between 87 and 100 % [11, 12], subtotal resection may be followed by radiation therapy.
though disease progression is not uncommon in these tumors. Patients in either case are followed by serial MRIs and clini-
Yen et al. [13] reported their use of Gamma knife surgery as an cal monitoring of pituitary and visual functioning. In patients
alternative to surgical resection for 20 patients with focal brain- with residual disease who had previously undergone subtotal
stem gliomas, finding that the tumors disappeared in 4 patients resection or in those with recurrence following an initially
and shrank in 12. Thus, they concluded that gamma knife sur- thought GTR, stereotactic radiotherapy, both in the form
gery may be effective as a primary treatment or adjunct to open of radiosurgery or fractionated stereotactic radiotherapy,
surgery for focal brainstem gliomas [13]. is increasingly showing encouraging results. Kiehna and
Merchant [24] recently published a review of the literature
for studies including radiation therapy for pediatric cranio-
Craniopharyngioma pharyngioma, reporting modern studies with 90 % disease
control in a 5-year follow-up and more than 85 % favorable
In pediatric neurosurgery, the surgical management of cra- functional outcome [22, 24–27]. However, long-term follow-
niopharyngiomas is one of the most highly controversial top- up beyond 5–10 years is necessary to assess tumor control
ics. Craniopharyngiomas, comprising approximately 5–10 % relative to quality of life and functional outcome as these
31 Pediatric Disorders: Viewpoint—Surgery 417
Fig. 31.1 Sagittal contrast-enhanced T1-weighted MRI scan showing Fig. 31.2 On last follow-up 1 year after Gamma knife radiosurgery for
a large cystic craniopharyngioma residual tumor, the patient remains stable and the tumor controlled
children remain vulnerable to late treatment failures and non-NF-1 children, suggesting a more favorable prognosis in
side effects from radiation therapy [24] (Case Study 31.1, the context of NF-1 [33]. Radiation therapy in patients with
Figs. 31.1 and 31.2). NF-1 is limited due to the increased risk of second malignan-
cies [34] and radiation-related cerebral vasculopathies [35].
Sharif et al. [34] reported a high incidence of second nervous
Neurofibromatosis-1 (NF-1) system tumors in NF1 OPG patients, with an increased risk
in irradiated patients (4 malignant peripheral-nerve sheath
Neurofibromatosis-1, or von Recklinghausen NF, is one of tumors in 12 irradiated NF-1 OPG patients vs. 3/48 NF-1
the most common autosomal-dominant CNS disorders with controls).
an incidence of about 1 per 2,500–3,000 live births [28, 29].
About half of all cases are inherited; the other half arise de
novo. The most common genetic abnormality associated Neurofibromatosis-2 (NF-2)
with NF results in the loss of a tumor suppressor gene. NF-1
patients are prone to the development of pilocytic astrocyto- Neurofibromatosis-2, or bilateral acoustic NF, is more rare
mas and gliomas involving the optic pathway in children than NF-1 with an incidence of 1 in 25,000 live births [36–38].
[30]. An estimated 15–20 % of children with NF-1 are Though NF-2 is often associated with adult onset, Evans
afflicted with an optic pathway glioma (OPG), with a major- et al. [39] showed that at least 18 % of NF-2 patients present
ity of symptomatic children diagnosed before the age of 6 [3, in childhood and are likely to have a more severely debilitat-
31, 32]. Rodriguez et al. [30] reported that in NF-1 patients ing disease course. Furthermore, 10–18 % of children pre-
with pilocytic astrocytomas and indeterminate subtype low- senting with a meningioma or schwannoma are likely to have
grade astrocytoma, extent of resection was not significantly NF-2 with prolonged follow-up [39]. Eighth nerve dysfunc-
associated with recurrence, radiographic progression, or tion is a much more common symptom in children than in
tumor location. However, patients who undergo GTR have a adults. Nunes and MacCollin [40] reported that hearing loss
better overall survival (OS) rate than those who undergo STR owing to vestibular tumors affected 9/12 children and 11/24
or biopsy (100 % vs. 52 % and 65 % at 10 years, respec- ears by age 18 years. Treatment for NF-2 is primarily surgi-
tively) [30]. Chemotherapy is considered a first-line therapy cal; optimal management includes presymptomatic resection
in children with NF-1 and afflicted with low-grade gliomas. for vestibular schwannomas [40]. Vestibular schwannomas
A Children’s Oncology Group phase III trial of 401 children in NF-2 patients are more difficult to treat than those with
treated with different chemotherapy regimens revealed sporadic unilateral VS given the association with the eighth
5 year OS rates of 98 % for patients with NF-1 vs. 86 % for cranial nerve (vestibulocochlear) and as such surgery almost
418 S.L. Da Silva and M.D. Krieger
always leads to loss of the cochlear nerve and total deafness primitive neuroectodermal tumors (PNETs). GTR is achieved
[41]. Depending on the location of the tumor, surgical resec- less for eloquent brain areas such as the thalamus and the
tion via a middle fossa or retrosigmoid approach with partial basal ganglia than noneloquent areas such as the superficial
or complete tumor removal may preserve hearing [42]. SRS cortical locations not associated with essential functions
is a controversial treatment of vestibular schwannomas in (63 % vs. 91 %, respectively) [54].
NF-2 and is currently being extensively debated [43]. While
radiosurgery may preserve hearing function and arrest tumor
growth, the presence of acoustic neuroma is still of threat to Glioblastoma
the patient [42].
Glioblastomas are the most malignant astrocytic neoplasm
and characteristically have zones of coagulation necrosis and
Meningioma areas of vascular hyperplasia [55]. These tumors represent
3 % of CNS tumors in children with a 5-year survival of
Meningiomas are rare in children, accounting for 0.4–4.6 % about 20 % [56]. Due to the aggressive nature of glioblasto-
of all CNS tumors in the pediatric population [44, 45]. mas, prognosis is poor; the median survival of these patients
As previously discussed, meningiomas within the pediatric is only 12 months [55]. Glioblastomas are more commonly
age group are often the first sign of neurofibromatosis 2 [46]. found in the superficial cortex than in deep structures [57],
Pediatric meningiomas are most commonly intracranial and often as a consequence of intratumoral hemorrhage,
(90 %), followed by intraspinal (6 %), intraorbital (2 %), and approximately 5–10 % of these children present as the result
elsewhere (2 %). These tumors are frequently located in the of sudden deterioration in their neurological status [58]. In
cerebral convexity, followed by intraventricular, falcine, order to significantly increase overall survival of the patient,
parasagittal, anterior, and middle cranial fossa [47]. Perry gross total resection should be the goal. However, this may
et al. [48] noted that meningiomas in the pediatric population be more feasible in children than adults. In a study of 37
have a high frequency of brain invasion and are more pheno- pediatric patients with glioblastoma not of the brainstem,
typically and genotypically aggressive when compared Yang et al. [57] reported a median OS of 45.1 months in
to adults. Surgical management is difficult in children due to patients with GTR vs. <1 year in patients who had STR or
location of tumors, larger size at presentation, relatively less biopsy only. Furthermore, at 5 years, 42 % of patients who
blood volume in children, and risks inherent in long opera- had GTR were still alive, whereas none of the patients with-
tions such as massive blood transfusions and hypothermia out GTR survived [57]. Extent of resection but not location
[49]. The goal of treatment is considered gross total resec- of the lesion was reported as an independent predictive factor
tion with resection of the dural origin or attachment recom- of OS in a multivariate analysis performed by Song et al.
mended to lower the risk of recurrence [45, 50]. In the largest [59]. Though radiation and chemotherapy exist as current
series of 87 pediatric patients by Rushing et al. [50], mortal- treatment options, glioblastomas have an inherent resistance
ity rate and recurrence rate were reported as 10.6 % and of conventional therapy. Therefore, SRS is thought to be
19.4 %, respectively. There is limited data on the use of SRS more advantageous due to its improved set-up accuracy in
in children, reported only in case reports. In one such report, treating recurrent glioblastomas [60]. However, to date there
SRS was used to successfully treat a child with recurrent is no prospective study reviewing the efficacy of SRS in
meningioma in association with meningioangiomatosis [51]. pediatric patients with glioblastoma.
Recurrent meningioma has also been successfully treated in
three children using Gamma knife radiosurgery [52, 53].
High-Grade Tumors Ependymomas are the third most common intracranial tumors
in children, representing up to 10 % of all CNS tumors in the
Treatment for high-grade tumors without brain stem invol- pediatric age range with a peak incidence between birth and
vement in children is generally approached by surgical 4 years [61]. The greatest determinant of survival in children
resection followed by adjuvant therapy. The main goals of with ependymoma is extent of resection. Supratentorial epen-
surgery for these malignant tumors include obtaining a his- dymomas, constituting about 30 % of ependymomas in chil-
tological diagnosis and reducing the burden of the tumor by dren [62], have a better prognosis than infrantentorial
decreasing mass effect. High-grade tumors that have the ependymomas [63–65]. GTR of supratentorial ependymomas
treatment option of stereotactic radiosurgery following surgi- is more likely to be achieved when compared to those in the
cal resection include glioblastomas, ependymomas, medul- infratentorial location [66, 67], especially those which do not
loblastomas, ependymoblastomas, pineoblastomas, and CNS invade the ventricular system [68, 69]. In these patients with
31 Pediatric Disorders: Viewpoint—Surgery 419
Adjuvant radiation therapy of 54–55.8 Gy to the tumor
bed is a commonly accepted postsurgical treatment for chil-
dren over the age of 3 years old. One series from UCSF
GTR showed that radiation therapy has been found to improve
STR PFS even after adjusting for extent of resection and also
10% interestingly in those who received GTR when compared to
0% those without radiation therapy [70]. The adverse effects of
0 6 12 18 24 30 36 42 48
radiation on children under 3 years of age have traditionally
Months after surgery
limited this type of treatment, though a series by Koshy et al.
Fig. 31.3 Percent progression-free survival vs. months after surgery [71] used data from Surveillance Epidemiology and End
for ependymoma patients following GTR and STR Results of 184 children younger than 3 years to show
that postoperative radiation therapy significantly improved
100% 3-year overall survival when compared with those who did
not receive RT (81 % and 58 %, respectively, p = 0.005).
Grundy et al. [72] reported in his series of 89 children
younger than 3 years that primary postoperative chemother-
apy led to a 5-year OS of 63.4 %, without radiation therapy
% survival
in 42 % of those treated for nonmetastatic disease. Currently
50% under clinical evaluation is a randomized phase III trial
40% studying how well maintenance chemotherapy works in
30% comparison with observation following induction chemo-
20% GTR therapy and radiation therapy in treating newly diagnosed
10% STR pediatric ependymoma.
0% Patients with recurrent ependymomas may also want to
0 6 12 18 24 30 36 42 48 consider stereotactic radiosurgery. In evaluating the utility
Months after surgery of SRS in treating childhood ependymomas, two factors
must be considered: efficacy in disease control and toxicity
Fig. 31.4 Percent overall survival vs. months after surgery for ependy-
moma patients following GTR and STR
[73]. In 2008, Merchant et al. [74] described their expe-
rience with reirradiation for childhood ependymomas at
St. Jude’s Hospital. Six of the 38 patients in their series were
supratentorial ependymomas who undergo complete resection treated with stereotactic radiosurgery for recurrence, with
and exhibit no evidence of metastasis, surgery alone may age at time of initial presentation ranging between 1 and 6
be acceptable treatment option and radiation therapy can be years. At the time of initial disease presentation, all patients
avoided without affected OS, as evidenced by Venkatramani received radiation therapy while three received chemother-
et al. [68]. apy. Notably, only two of the patients treated with SRS had
Gross total resection has been found to dramatically prior gross total resection. Using a median dose of 18 Gy,
increase OS and PFS. In one study at Children’s Hospital Los ranging between 15 and 20 Gy, only one of the six patients
Angeles, 28 children with a mean age of 43 months (range survived. Four patients had local progression, though two of
5–51 months) were surgically treated for ependymomas in a these patients had a longer PFS after SRS than after initial
10-year period [61]. Twenty-one (75 %) patients underwent adjuvant therapy. This finding may suggest that SRS is bet-
GTR, whereas 7 (25 %) underwent STR or biopsy. In a ter for temporizing local disease progression than standard
median follow-up period of 30 months (range 1–95 months), radiotherapy when repeat surgery is not feasible. An even
the 28 patients had 3- and 5-year PFS rates of 21.4 % and more encouraging result came from Liu et al. [75], who
10.7 %, respectively, and 3- and 5-OS rates of 39.3 % used hypofractionated re-irradiation, “staged radiosurgery,”
and 17.9 %, respectively. Patients receiving radiographically to treat locally recurrent ependymomas in six children.
confirmed GTR had a much higher PFS and OS (33 and 44 All patients survived with no evidence of disease at median
months, respectively), than those receiving STR (6.5 and follow-up of 28 months from the time of re-irradiation
15 months, respectively), as shown in Figs. 31.3 and 31.4. (range 6–56 months), though it is important to note that five
420 S.L. Da Silva and M.D. Krieger
Fig. 31.5 Axial contrast-enhanced T1-weighted MRI scan showing a Fig. 31.6 The patient remains stable with no evidence of disease 5 years
large right calcified and hemorrhagic paraventricular mass, diagnosed after surgical resection followed by intensity-modulated radiation therapy
after biopsy as a supratentorial ependymoma and concomitant chemotherapy
of the six patients had GTR upon disease recurrence prior 55–76 %, respectively [84]. Gamma knife surgery (GKS) has
to re-irradiation. Following re-irradiation, three of the six been found in anecdotal case series to have potential benefits
patients were reported to have a longer second disease-free especially for young children unsuitable for initial or addi-
interval than the time to initial progression. In both the tional fractionated radiation therapy, which carries the risk
Merchant and Liu series, however, evidence of radiation of neurotoxicity and poor neurocognitive outcome [85, 86].
necrosis was described in a few patients and thus remains a Flannery et al. [87] showed that patients who had a smaller
risk in radiosurgical treatment (Case Study 31.2, Figs. 31.5 tumor volume were more likely to respond to GKS treat-
and 31.6). ment. The longest survival, 126 and 67 months, occurred in
two patients who had repeat maximal resection followed by
early GKS.
PNET (Medulloblastoma, Ependymoblastoma,
Although there is some controversy surrounding the histo-
pathological classification of childhood CNS embryonal Medulloblastomas account for 20 % of pediatric CNS tumors
tumors such as CNS primitive neuroectodermal tumors and 40 % of posterior fossa tumors in children, with an inci-
(PNETs), medulloblastoma, ependymoblastoma, and pineo- dence of 0.6 per 100,000 cases [88]. These tumors are most
blastoma (usually grouped with tumors of the pineal region), commonly found in fourth ventricle and tend to invade nor-
determining the appropriate surgical management plan and mal cerebellar tissue, with 15 % of cases infiltrating the brain
treatment is similar. Dissemination at the time of diagnosis stem [89]. Medulloblastomas are often seen as a midline
for medulloblastomas and pineoblastomas to other intracra- hyperdense cerebellar vermian mass upon review on a CT
nial sites and spinal cord is reported to occur in 10–30 % scan [90], and ventriculomegaly is noted in approximately
of patients and results in a worse prognosis [76–81]. CNS 85–90 % of all cases [91, 92]. Though the peak incidence of
PNETs account for 4.8 % of childhood brain tumors [82]. children diagnosed with medulloblastomas is between 5 and
Even with multimodal treatment, including maximal safe 7 years, 10 % of cases are diagnosed in the first year of life
resection, fractionated neuraxis radiation therapy, and sys- [93]. Patients with these tumors can be divided into standard
temic chemotherapy, local and metastatic recurrences occur risk and high risk. Standard risk patients are those over the
in 30–40 % of pediatric patients [83]. Five-year survival age of 3, have no evidence of neuraxis dissemination on the
for standard-risk and high-risk patients are 70–80 % and brain and spine MRI and lumbar CSF, and have less than
31 Pediatric Disorders: Viewpoint—Surgery 421
Fig. 31.8 The patient remains without residual tumor following surgi-
cal resection and chemotherapy at last follow-up
Fig. 31.9 An axial contrast-enhanced T2-weighted MRI shows the
appearance of a right temporal lobe hematoma secondary to underlying
located supratentorially, while the rest are located in the AVM
posterior fossa. The Spetzler-Martin Intracranial AVM grading
scale [105] was devised based upon size, location, and deep
venous drainage. The lesion grade (I–V) is derived by sum-
ming assigned points in each category. Complete surgical
excision of a grade I lesion (small <3 cm, located in a non-
eloquent region such as the anterior frontal lobe, and with
solely superficial drainage) would have very little risk of any
resulting morbidity or mortality. On the other hand, a grade
V lesion (larger than 6 cm, located within or adjacent to elo-
quent brain areas and with some drainage into the deep
venous system) would have significant morbidity and mor-
tality [105]. Surgical resection is the treatment of choice for
grade I–III AVMs, due to its high cure rate (reported from 89
to 98.4 %) and low morbidity and mortality [106, 107].
In children, AVMs are most frequently located in the basal
ganglia, thalamus, corpus callosum, brainstem, or within the
motor, speech, or visual cortex [108, 109] and are the most
frequent cause of intracranial hemorrhage in children [110–
112]. Mortality from AVM hemorrhage in the pediatric pop-
ulation is much greater for cerebellar AVM than for AVM
in the cerebral hemisphere (57 % to 4.5 %, respectively,
p < 0.0001) [113]. While surgery is the mainstay of treatment Fig. 31.10 A year after recurrence and subsequent Cyber knife radio-
for AVMs, endovascular embolization has become a useful therapy, an axial contrast-enhanced T2-weighted MRI scan shows no
evidence of residual AVM
additional technique along with radiosurgery as an alterna-
tive for high-risk lesions. After primary stereotactic radiosur-
gery, Pan et al. [114] reported a pediatric AVM obliteration Gamma knife radiosurgery, as Dinca et al. [115] reported
rate of 65 % at 48 months following the procedure. When 71.3 % for a one time treatment and 82.7 % overall. Thus,
needed, additional SRS led to a total obliteration rate of GKS is considered to be a valid active management option
81 % [114]. Kano et al. [110] showed an even higher total for pediatric AVM, though limitations include delayed effect
obliteration with SRS of 70 % with at least 4 years of with persistence of bleeding risk for 2–4 years posttreatment
follow-up. Similar obliteration rates were obtained with [115] (Case Study 31.4, Figs. 31.9 and 31.10).
31 Pediatric Disorders: Viewpoint—Surgery 423
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Pediatric Disorders: Viewpoint—
Fractionated Radiotherapy 32
Thomas E. Merchant and Erin S. Murphy
L.S. Chin and W.F. Regine (eds.), Principles and Practice of Stereotactic Radiosurgery, 427
DOI 10.1007/978-1-4614-8363-2_32, © Springer Science+Business Media New York 2015
428 T.E. Merchant and E.S. Murphy
Fig. 32.1 (a) Classic lateral portal film outlining the posterior fossa boost for a patient with medulloblastoma (lower): composite craniospinal,
posterior fossa, and primary site dose distribution for a standard-risk patient with medulloblastoma treated on the St. Jude SJMB96 protocol
and adjuvant chemotherapy. In other words, reducing the using a similarly defined clinical and planning target volume
craniospinal dose to 23.4 Gy did not improve cognitive out- margins. This small and step-wise reduction in primary site
comes in young patients with average-risk medulloblas- targeting did not affect the rate or patterns of failure for
toma. This lack of improvement should have come as no patients with average-risk medulloblastoma. The 3-year
surprise given the volume of normal brain subtended by the event-free survival was reported at 78 ± 6 %. Although the
treatment of the entire posterior fossa. It has been estimated, gross tumor volume was significantly smaller than the ana-
depending on the individual patient, that nearly 40 % of the tomic posterior fossa in these patients, with the additional
entire brain receives the prescription dose of 54–55.8 Gy 2 cm clinical target volume margin and 0.3–0.5 cm planning
when the posterior fossa is the target and conventional radi- target volume margin, the final target approached, and in
ation therapy planning is used. some cases exceeded, the anatomic posterior fossa for these
The more recent focus for investigators has been the tar- same patients. The volumetric details from this study pro-
get volume for the “boost” component of treatment after cra- vided some insight into the effect of the actual postoperative
niospinal irradiation in an attempt to alter treatment from the primary site volume, location, and targeting guidelines on
entire posterior fossa to the primary site with a limited mar- our ability to further reduce the volume of irradiation after
gin. Although there are a number of single institution reports the craniospinal component. Despite the small reduction
that appear to have accomplished this goal, the largest study in the volume of irradiation, the decline in IQ for patients
of its kind was the SJMB96 trial conducted at St. Jude with average-risk medulloblastoma, ages 3–7 years, was
Children’s Research Hospital and collaborating centers at significantly improved to approximately –2.4 points per year.
Texas Children’s Hospital, the Royal Children’s Hospital in Indeed, the psychology data from this study forms the largest
Melbourne, and the New Children’s Hospital in Sydney from data set for patients treated with craniospinal irradiation for
1996 to 2003 [9] (Fig. 32.1). medulloblastoma and provides data from which parents and
This study included patients with a variety of embryonal caregivers may estimate the effects of craniospinal irradia-
tumors and presentations including average and high-risk tion. In summary, eliminating posterior fossa irradiation and
medulloblastoma, supratentorial PNET, and atypical teratoid treating the primary site with a limited margin after cranio-
rhabdoid tumor. All patients received similar post-irradiation spinal irradiation does improve cognitive outcomes for
high-dose chemotherapy with peripheral stem cell support patients with medulloblastoma.
and all patients received postoperative craniospinal irradia- The next step taken by the St. Jude consortium and sepa-
tion that was uniquely risk adapted. For example, patients rately by the Children’s Oncology Group was further dose
classified as average-risk (no evidence of metastases, resid- and volume reduction. The recently completed St. Jude trial
ual tumor <1.5 cm2), regardless of embryonal tumor type or known as SJMB03 (clinicaltrials.gov, NCT00085202)
location, received 23.4 Gy craniospinal irradiation, 36 Gy includes identical risk-based craniospinal dosing and
posterior fossa irradiation (infratentorial tumors only), and post-irradiation chemotherapy as the SJMB96 trial with
primary site irradiation using an anatomically confined 2 cm newer targeting guidelines for the primary site boost. The
clinical target volume margin surrounding the postopera- clinical target volume margin is an anatomically confined
tive tumor bed and residual tumor and 0.3–0.5 cm planning margin of 1 cm surrounding the postoperative tumor bed and
target volume margin. Patients with high-risk tumors received residual tumor. The planning target volume margins remain
36–39.6 Gy craniospinal irradiation and primary site irradiation 0.3–0.5 cm. The Children’s Oncology Group is conducting
430 T.E. Merchant and E.S. Murphy
for those treated with 18 Gy craniospinal irradiation and of CNS necrosis at 5 years was 3.7 % (SD, 1.3 %) [13].
perhaps those treated on the other arms. Those patients for whom CNS necrosis was observed had the
Emerging data strengthen the association between the dis- largest infratentorial volumes receiving dose in excess of 50,
tribution of dose to regional volumes of normal brain and 52, and 54 Gy, providing new limits of tolerance for children
decline in cognitive function in several domains. The negative with medulloblastoma and other CNS embryonal tumors
impact on IQ and academic test scores associated with increas- treated with aggressive surgery, craniospinal irradiation, and
ing mean dose was shown for the entire brain volume, supra- intensive chemotherapy.
tentorial brain volume, left and right temporal lobes, and left
hippocampus (IQ, math, and reading scores) [10]. Figure 32.4
shows example IQ scores modeled based on SJMB96 data. Endocrine Effects
Proton therapy is an excellent measure to reduce extra-CNS
and CNS dose in these patients: Photon dose volume data Baseline and prospective endocrine evaluations were per-
associated with a decline in IQ are graphically inferior to formed for children on the risk-adapted SJMB96 trial
proton dose volume data for similar patients [11]. described above. The 4-year cumulative incidence of growth
Early data from a prospective proton therapy trial for hormone deficiency, thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH)
patients with medulloblastoma with a median follow-up of deficiency, adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) defi-
3.2 years demonstrates a 3-year progression-free survival of ciency, and primary hypothyroidism was 93 ± 4 %, 23 ± 8 %,
83 % and 76 %, respectively, for standard- and high-risk 38 ± 6 %, and 65 ± 7 %, respectively [14]. Radiation dosime-
children [12]. Fifty-one children underwent neurocognitive try to the hypothalamic-pituitary axis was associated only
evaluations at baseline and 31 received follow-up testing. with the development of TSH deficiency; the 4-year cumula-
Full scale, verbal, and performance IQ evaluations were not tive incidence was 44 ± 19 % and 11 ± 8 % for those receiving
significantly different, but there was a decline in processing a median dose to the hypothalamus of <42 Gy compared
speed. Long-term neurocognitive outcome data is awaited to to ≥42 Gy, respectively.
be able to compare proton data with that of modern photon
data for which we have longer follow-up.
Treatment for Young Children
Fig. 32.4 Modeled IQ scores in children with medulloblastoma treated with craniospinal irradiation on the SJMB96 trial (clinicaltrials.gov,
Oncology Group Study P9934 demonstrated the advantage methotrexate to an intensive induction chemotherapy regi-
of the addition of CRT to postoperative chemotherapy when men of vincristine, etoposide, cyclophosphamide, and cispl-
compared postoperative chemotherapy alone for children atin. The induction regimen is followed by second surgery if
with nonmetastatic medulloblastoma between the ages of 8 less than a complete response or consolidation chemotherapy
and 36 months [15]. Seventy-four children on this trial with stem cell rescue. Radiotherapy is not a part of this clini-
underwent maximal surgical resection followed by four cal trial but age, risk, and response-adapted guidelines are
cycles of induction chemotherapy (cyclophosphamide, vin- suggested after the completion of consolidation. CSI is
cristine, cisplatin, and etoposide) followed by age and avoided for patients without metastatic disease and the target
response-adjusted CRT to the posterior fossa (18 or 23.4 Gy) volume includes the tumor bed with a 1 cm clinical target
and tumor bed (cumulative 50.4 or 54 Gy) and maintenance volume margin with a total dose of 50 Gy (45 Gy < 24 month)
chemotherapy (four alternating cycles of cyclophosphamide for complete response or 54 Gy (50 Gy < 24 month) for par-
and vincristine followed by oral etoposide). The 4-year EFS tial response or stable disease. Patients presenting with meta-
and OS was 50 ± 6 % and 69 ± 5.5 %, respectively, which static disease are recommended to receive reduced dose CSI
compared favorably to results from Pediatric Oncology of 18 Gy followed by the same tumor bed boost as above.
Group (POG) 9233 trial which included postoperative mul-
tiagent chemotherapy alone and resulted in EFS and OS of
25 ± 5.5 % and 46 ± 6 %, respectively. It is important to note Primary Brain Tumors That Require Focal
that the P9934 study included more patients with a gross Irradiation
total resection and desmoplastic or nodular histology, which
are known to be good prognostic factors compared to POG The ICRU-50 Report Guidelines published in 1993 [16] and
9233. Of note there was no significant or consistent decline more recently the ICRU-62 [17] Report Guidelines pub-
in either cognitive or motor function that could be attributed lished in 1999 have been taken to heart by those involved in
to the chemotherapy or CRT. The majority of children did the design and conduct of brain tumor trials for children. The
exhibit a significant delay in development at baseline, most definitions of the gross tumor volume (GTV), clinical target
likely due to the tumor itself. volume (CTV), and planning target volume (PTV) follow
The current trial sponsored by the Children’s Oncology closely those of the ICRU with one notable exception. The
Group (ACNS0334, clinicaltrials.gov, NCT00336024) for GTV includes the tumor bed in addition to the residual
children with high-risk primitive neuroectodermal tumors tumor. In the ICRU-50 report, the tumor bed is not meant as
randomizes children under the age of 3 years who have part of the GTV and the CTV margin is the margin surround-
undergone maximal surgical resection to the addition of ing the GTV in consideration of microscopic extension.
32 Pediatric Disorders: Viewpoint—Fractionated Radiotherapy 433
Because margins are not assessed for brain tumors, all mar- tissue volume in question and when using advanced
gins of the tumor bed are considered to be at risk and likely modeling procedures, one may integrate dose over speci-
to harbor microscopic disease with extension into surround- fied intervals and treat these data as clinical variables in a
ing normal tissues. Until the day when neurosurgeons biopsy multivariate analysis. Most modeling procedures have used
the operative cavity and the pathologists determine margins specific doses chosen along the dose volume curves and
or the neuroradiologists have the means to identify subclini- entered these values into one of the many models meant to
cal microscopic disease, the margin of the tumor bed will be determine the probability of a specific effect.
considered to be the basic volume at risk and defined as In consideration of radiation-related CNS effects, four
the GTV. important points should be understood: (1) pre-irradiation
The governing principals of target volume definitions and morbidity has not been systematically studied; (2) most
beam’s eye view treatment planning, whether forward or reports describing radiation-related side effects are outdated;
inverse, are similar in children and adults. After the target (3) most studies include small numbers of subjects and have
volume definition, the next step in the planning process is the large rates of attrition; and (4) radiation has been treated as a
definition of normal tissue volumes or so-called critical categorical variable in most analyses. The governing hypoth-
structures. These volumes take on additional meaning in the esis for current clinical trials involving children with CNS
treatment of younger patients where there is an incentive to tumors that require only focal irradiation is that irradiation of
minimize dose to normal tissues and spare these patients smaller volumes will reduce radiation-related side effects
from the late effects of radiation on the central nervous without affecting tumor control. In support of this hypothesis,
system. For children destined to receive central nervous current studies include statistical monitoring of rate and
system irradiation, planners should have at minimum, dose patterns of failure and comparison of disease control rates to
volume data for the entire brain, supratentorial brain or those achieved for patients treated using historic guidelines.
temporal lobes, hypothalamic-pituitary unit, cochleae, optic In support of this hypothesis, most studies include longitu-
chiasm, cervical spinal cord, and brainstem. These patients dinal assessment to evaluate patients for CNS effects and
are at risk for radiation-related CNS effects including abnor- include baseline assessments and some prospect of compar-
malities in neurovascular function affecting hearing, vision, ing results with historical controls, although, as mentioned
and gross neurologic function, cognitive effects involving earlier, there are limited data for such a comparison. In a land-
learning, memory, attention, behavior, academic achieve- mark study conducted at St. Jude Children’s Research
ment, and global IQ, endocrine function affecting growth Hospital from 1997 to 2003, patients with localized primary
hormone secretion, thyroid hormone secretion, ACTH secre- brain tumors were treated on a Phase II study to estimate the
tion, and the gonadotropins. Patients who receive hypotha- local control and patterns of failure for pediatric patients with
lamic irradiation are at risk for hypothalamic obesity. Patients localized primary CNS tumors treated with 3D conformal and
treated with large volume cranial, superficial cranial, or cra- intensity-modulated radiation therapy. The study also sought
niospinal irradiation are at risk for abnormalities in growth to quantify radiation-related CNS effects looking at pre-
and development including deformity of the calvarium, irradiation morbidity and estimating the time to onset of
facial bones, and spine [18]. CNS effects, specifically evaluating the effects of radiation
The true value of past, present, and future 3D treatment dose and volume on longitudinal functional outcomes. This
trials will be the correlation of 3D radiation dosimetry with study, known as RT-1 (clinicaltrials.gov, NCT00187226),
functional outcomes. Three-dimension radiation planning included patients as young as 12 months of age and up to age
has greatly improved our understanding of radiation dose 25 years, tumors that required only focal irradiation, biopsy
distributions in tumor and normal tissues. The most practical proven tumors except for optic pathway glioma, no evidence
way for those involved in treatment planning to view dose of dissemination (patients requiring craniospinal radiation
volume data is with the 2D dose volume histogram (DVH), were not eligible), no prior fractionated external beam irradi-
which is a reduction of the 3D dose volume information ation history, and prior chemotherapy was not exclusionary.
based on the assumption that all elements of the brain vol- Patients were required to have a minimum performance status
ume in question are functionally similar. In other words, the and parents were required to sign a protocol consent indicat-
dose-volume histogram lacks spatial information. The cumu- ing that they understood the risks of target volume reduction
lative DVH graphs the percent volume of a normal tissue including an increase in the rate of failure. Notably, patients
structure receiving a specified dose in a cumulative manner. with brainstem glioma because of their poor prognosis and
While this is helpful to the planner, the most important graph patients treated with craniospinal irradiation were excluded
is the differential DVH, which represents the percent volume because the whole-brain component of this treatment pre-
of the normal tissue structure (y-axis) receiving the given cludes a high degree of normal tissue sparing (Fig. 32.5).
dose on the x-axis. Integrating these data one can determine The RT-1 protocol had two strata. The first included a
the distribution or burden of radiation therapy to the normal 1 cm CTV margin for ependymoma, WHO Grade I and
434 T.E. Merchant and E.S. Murphy
Fig. 32.5 (a) Axial T2-weighted MR image of cerebellar pilocytic astrocytoma. (b) Axial T2-weighted MR image of optic pathway glioma.
(c) Axial T2-weighted MR image of diffuse pontine glioma. (d) Axial T2-weighted MR image of gliomatosis cerebri
Grade II astrocytoma, and craniopharyngioma. The second for the spinal cord and optic chiasm. At our own center, we
included a 2 cm CTV margin for Grade III and IV astrocy- routinely prescribe 54 Gy to the upper cervical spinal cord
toma. Planning target volume margins for all tumors were which is meant to include the upper 10 cm3’s of spinal cord
0.3–0.5 cm based on the methods of immobilization of the defined as 30 2 mL CT slices multiplied by the area of the
time that included vacuum-bag and thermoplastic technol- cross-section of the spinal cord ranging from 3–5 cm2. No
ogy, relocatable stereotactic head frames, and frameless neurologic deficits ascribed to the spinal cord have been
stereotaxy using radiocamera systems. During the time identified in patients treated in this manner. Similarly, dose
period of the study, additional developments included levels of 54–55.8 Gy to the optic chiasm have also been pre-
improved IV-administered general anesthesia, routine use of scribed in patients who have tumors adjacent to or involving
prone position general anesthesia, spiral CT, non-coplanar this critical normal tissue structure. Again, no delayed vision
multi-field conformal irradiation, routine MR registration, loss has been observed in this patient population. It is impor-
linear accelerator treatment automation with independent tant to note that while we limit doses to the tolerance levels
gantry and couch movement, micro-leaf collimation as described, regardless of the method of volume reduction
(<1 cm), widely available inverse planning, and intensity- or “cone down,” these structures will continue to receive
modulated radiation therapy. One of the key success factors additional dose. In our own practice, we have limited the
in radiation planning has been the introduction of MR regis- cone down dose objective to be less than 70 % of the daily
tration into the planning process: treatment standards should prescription dose. Although a point for more lengthy discus-
include multi-sequence MR registration. MR-only planning sion, the variances in PTV or normal tissue (unspecified
has been proposed for patients with CNS tumors. tissue) inhomogeneity, while often included in cooperative
Compared to prior treatment eras, dose prescriptions for group or institutional guidelines, are unsupported by data.
patients with pediatric CNS tumors are now similar or identi- There are a number of critical aspects to planning (pre-
cal to those used for adults. One example is ependymoma: treatment), treatment (on treatment), and post-treatment
postoperatively, 59.4 Gy is prescribed with dose reductions imaging. At the present time, thin slice CT (<2 mm) is the
to 54 Gy only for children under the age of 18 months who fundamental data set. CT is used for radiation dose calcula-
have undergone gross total resection. The dose reduction for tion as well as to define cochlea and spinal cord. As poste-
those less than 18 months of age is not based on experi- rior fossa tumors are the most common site for CNS tumors
mental data, rather concerns about late effects in very young in children, the cervical spinal cord is often subtended by
children who have not previously been irradiated as a part of the irradiated volume and needs to be precisely defined.
their frontline management. Grade I and II astrocytoma and The cochlea, an adjacent and important structure, is easily
craniopharyngioma are prescribed 54 Gy and Grade III and defined within the temporal bone and needs to be precisely
IV astrocytoma 59.4 Gy. The data showing no difference in defined. Because these structures are small and prone to the
dose for adults with low-grade glioma [19] does not apply to errors of registration (e.g., flexion or extension errors for
children for pediatric patients are more likely to have juve- the spinal cord when registering diagnostic MR and treatment
nile pilocytic astrocytoma (WHO Grade I) compared to planning CT), it is our suggestion, while CT remains the
adults who are more likely to have WHO Grade II astrocy- fundamental data set, to define the cochleae within the tem-
toma. One important aspect of dose prescription for local- poral bone and the cervical spinal cord beginning below the
ized brain tumor protocols in children is the tolerance doses foramen magnum on CT. MR imaging is, of course, used to
32 Pediatric Disorders: Viewpoint—Fractionated Radiotherapy 435
Endocrine Effects
ization surgery and this patient’s high dose target volume medulloblastoma: clinical outcomes including hearing and neuro-
encompassed the Circle of Willis. cognitive. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys. 2011;81(2):S113.
13. Murphy E, Merchant T, Wu S, Xiong X, Gajjar A. Necrosis after
In summary, the results of recent trials for localized brain craniospinal irradiation: results from a prospective series of chil-
tumors have made radiation therapy more acceptable for dren with CNS embryonal tumors. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys.
young children with brain tumors. Improved targeting may 2012;83(5):e655–60.
increase tumor control rates for some tumors, which will in 14. Laughton SJ, Merchant TE, Sklar CA, Kun LE, Fouladi M,
Broniscer A, et al. Endocrine outcomes for children with embryo-
turn increase the validity of numerous prognostic factors. nal brain tumors after risk-adapted craniospinal and conformal
The next generation of volume reduction trials is currently primary-site irradiation and high-dose chemotherapy with stem-cell
underway for patients with medulloblastoma and localized rescue on the SJMB-96 trial. J Clin Oncol. 2008;26(7):1112–8.
brain tumors. We also anticipate outcomes from children 15. Ashley DM, Merchant TE, Strother D, Zhou T, Duffner P, Burger
PC, et al. Induction chemotherapy and conformal radiation therapy
with these brain tumors being treated with proton therapy. for very young children with nonmetastatic medulloblastoma:
Children’s Oncology Group study P9934. J Clin Oncol. 2012;
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Pediatric Brain Tumors:
Viewpoint—Chemotherapy 33
Nathan J. Robison
L.S. Chin and W.F. Regine (eds.), Principles and Practice of Stereotactic Radiosurgery, 439
DOI 10.1007/978-1-4614-8363-2_33, © Springer Science+Business Media New York 2015
440 N.J. Robison
is thought to be reduced, but is not yet well-defined [24]. demonstrate any role for adjuvant chemotherapy [40].
Efficacy of SRS in tumors progressive after prior fraction- The diffusely infiltrative nature of DIPG precludes SRS as a
ated radiotherapy appears to be limited [22]. viable option.
Patients with neurofibromatosis type 1 (NF1) have a high
incidence of low-grade glioma, especially optic pathway gli-
oma. Low-grade gliomas typically follow an indolent course in Ependymoma
this population [25]. Radiation therapy is generally contraindi-
cated in patients with NF1, due to extremely high risk of Ependymomas account for about 9 % of pediatric intracra-
second malignancy and radiation-induced vascular disease nial tumors [41]. They occur most commonly in the posterior
[25–28]. Observation alone is appropriate for most asymptom- fossa, and less commonly in the cranial hemispheres or the
atic patients, even in the setting of radiographic progression spinal cord. Prognosis is highly dependent on the degree of
[29, 30]. NF1 patients are also at increased risk of secondary surgical resection, with long-term PFS rates of 60–77 % for
leukemia after treatment with alkylating agents such as cyclo- patients with completely resected vs. 9–34 % for those with
phosphamide or nitrosureas [31]. For this reason, treatment incompletely resected tumors [42–45]. Tumor grade (ana-
with non-alkylating chemotherapy is recommended for NF1 plastic vs. non-anaplastic) may also have prognostic implica-
patients with symptomatic low-grade gliomas. tions [44–46]. Best outcome for localized tumors has been
achieved with maximal surgical resection, followed by
involved field radiotherapy [45]. For completely resected grade
High-Grade Glioma II supratentorial ependymoma, observation alone without
adjuvant radiotherapy may be appropriate [47, 48]. Historically,
High-grade gliomas include grade III astrocytoma (anaplastic), the role of adjuvant chemotherapy in the management of
grade IV astrocytoma (glioblastoma), and other rarer entities this disease has been unclear [42, 43, 49]. Attempts to use
such as anaplastic oligodendroglioma and oligoastrocytoma. dose-intensive chemotherapy instead of radiation have been
Although relatively rare in children, high-grade gliomas unsuccessful, with PFS rates of 9–26 % [50–52]. However,
nonetheless contribute substantially to pediatric cancer- ependymomas are known to be chemotherapy-responsive in
related mortality. Because long-term survival is the excep- the short term, and combination chemotherapy may have a role
tion, late effects concerns have not played an important role either in delaying definitive radiation therapy in young chil-
in guiding therapeutic strategies. dren [39, 53] or as post-surgical, pre-radiation therapy for
The mainstay of therapy for high-grade glioma is maxi- patients with incompletely resected tumors [41]. The use of
mal resection where feasible, followed by involved field SRS in conjunction with fractionated radiotherapy to treat
radiation. High-grade gliomas are relatively chemotherapy- small residual non-resectable ependymoma has been proposed,
resistant. Adjuvant chemotherapy, typically temozolomide with anecdotal reports of success [54, 55]. SRS may also have
monotherapy, concurrent with and following radiation, has a role in the management of recurrent ependymoma. A retro-
been shown to have benefit in adults with glioblastoma [32] spective review of 26 patients treated with SRS for ependy-
and may have benefit in children [33]. Temozolomide moma recurrence showed a 3-year PFS of 66 %, and a 3-year
appears to be active only in tumors characterized by MGMT local control rate of 72 % [56]. In another series of 21 patients
methylation [34]. The antiangiogenic agent bevacizumab is treated with SRS for recurrent ependymoma, the local control
effective in the management of recurrent disease in adults; rate was similarly high, but the distant failure rate was 80 % at
initial pediatric experience is less promising [35, 36]. The 3 years [57].
potential role of SRS in the management of high-grade
glioma includes treatment of very small tumors [20] and
treatment of larger tumors as an adjunct to fractionated Embryonal Tumors
radiotherapy [17]. SRS also may have a role in palliative
local tumor control at recurrence [5, 37, 38]. Medulloblastoma is the most common histologically malig-
Glioblastoma in infants has unique clinical features and is nant brain tumor of childhood [58]. Standard therapy in most
often responsive to chemotherapy. Sustained responses have cases includes maximal surgical resection, cranial spinal
been described in a substantial portion of infants treated with irradiation with boost to tumor bed, and chemotherapy [59].
surgery and chemotherapy alone, without radiation [39]. The addition of chemotherapy before, after, and/or during
Diffuse intrinsic pontine glioma (DIPG) is a uniquely radiation has led to increased survival for high-risk (meta-
chemotherapy-resistant disease, with an abysmal prognosis. static, incompletely resected, and/or anaplastic) disease
Although radiation has palliative benefit, the disease remains and allowed dose-reduction of craniospinal irradiation for
universally fatal, with a median overall survival of 11 months standard-risk disease. With this approach, long-term PFS
from diagnosis. Over 200 clinical trials have failed to exceeds 80 % for patients with standard risk tumors and
33 Pediatric Brain Tumors: Viewpoint—Chemotherapy 441
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Pineal Region Tumors
Gregory P. Lekovic and Andrew G. Shetter
L.S. Chin and W.F. Regine (eds.), Principles and Practice of Stereotactic Radiosurgery, 445
DOI 10.1007/978-1-4614-8363-2_34, © Springer Science+Business Media New York 2015
446 G.P. Lekovic and A.G. Shetter
encountered as a pure tumor type, with most NGGCTs hav- Because many tumors of the pineal region are histologically
ing regional variations in histology suggestive of multiple heterogeneous (especially the NGGCTs), the ability of the sur-
tumor subtypes. geon to avoid sampling errors in obtaining tissue for histopath-
By definition, teratomas recapitulate somatic elements from ological examination is paramount. In general, this need for
endodermal, mesodermal, and ectodermal lines. Differentiated accurate histological diagnosis of disparate regions of tumor
teratomas include well-formed, fully differentiated elements has been commonly cited as support for open or endoscopic
such as rests of skin, hair, teeth, or cysts of mucosal epithelia. biopsies, during which regions of tumor appearing grossly dis-
Immature teratomas are much more common, and contain similar can be biopsied separately.
incompletely differentiated tissue. Occasionally, a carcinoma
or sarcoma can arise from within a teratoma (so-called tera-
toma with malignant transformation). Imaging
Yolk sac tumors are characterized by a reticular epithe-
lium set in a myxoid matrix; classically these may form Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) with and without gado-
papillae known as Schiller–Duvall bodies. Embryonal carci- linium contrast enhancement is the diagnostic imaging
noma is composed of sheets of large cells with prominent modality of choice. Pineocytomas are typically hypointense
nucleoli, many mitoses, and abundant cytoplasm. Necrosis is on T1-weighted images, and hyperintense on T2-weighted
common. Trophoblastic elements, such as syncytiotropho- sequences. Pineoblastomas are heterogeneous, and can be
blastic cells (which may be seen scattered with other CNS either hypo- to isointense on T1-weighted MRI. GCTs are
GCTs) indicate tumor trophoblastic differentiation and typically well circumscribed, iso- to hyperdense relative to
hence choriocarcinoma. grey matter, and intensely enhancing. However, no certain
The immunohistochemistry of GCTs is helpful in differ- method exists for differentiating pineal region tumors on the
entiating tumor types. Typically, cell membranes and/or basis of imaging studies alone.
cytoplasm are positive for placental alkaline phosphatase in Tumors of the pineal region enhance variably, as does the
germinoma; beta-HCG and human placental lactogen in cho- normal pineal gland due to the absence of a blood–brain bar-
riocarcinoma, and alpha-fetoprotein in yolk sac tumor and rier. Incidental calcification of the pineal is common,
teratoma. although such calcifications are also associated with “brain
sand” seen in pineocytomas. The diagnosis of GCT is sug-
gested if the neoplasm appears to surround or engulf the nor-
Pineal Parenchymal Tumor mal pineal gland calcifications, whereas pineal parenchymal
tumors are said to cause an “explosion” of pineal calcifica-
Pineocytomas (aka, pinealocytoma) are slow growing neo- tions to the periphery of the lesion as the mass expands. On
plasms of the pineal gland composed of small uniform sized the other hand, hemorrhage (pineal apoplexy) is suggestive
cells. Characteristically, the cells exhibit cytoplasmic pro- of choriocarcinoma. In general, tumors arising from the col-
cesses that are said to resemble club-like endings. Unlike licular plate are more likely to be of glial origin [1], and the
pineoblastomas, there is some preservation of the lobular presence of fat signal is characteristic of lipoma, mature tera-
architecture of the normal pineal gland. toma, or dermoid tumors. The presence of mature teratoma-
Pineoblastomas are members of the family of small blue tous elements such as hair or teeth may also be evident on
cell primitive neuroectodermal tumors, similar to medullo- imaging studies.
blastoma or retinoblastoma. Like these tumors, they are
highly cellular neoplasms with a high nucleus to cytoplasm
ratio, characterized by the presence of either Homer–Wright Management of Pineal Region Tumors
or Flexner–Wintersteiner rosettes, the latter being a mark of
retinoblastic differentiation. True to the oncologic common- Because of the varied natural history of pineal region tumors
ality between the pineal and photoreceptor organs, pineal and the lack of diagnostic specificity of imaging studies, the
parenchymal tumors stain positively for interphotoreceptor importance of obtaining a tissue diagnosis cannot be over-
retinoid binding protein. emphasized. Therefore, a biopsy, whether stereotactic, endo-
True intermediate tumor classification is relatively rare, scopic, or open (see discussion below) should be obtained as
with only about 8 % of pineal parenchymal tumors belong- the initial step in the management of tumors of this region in
ing to this category (WHO). These tumors are highly cellular all cases, except where cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) is positive
with numerous mitoses and nuclear atypia, but without for markers of malignant germinoma (i.e., BHCG or alpha-
pineocytomatous rosettes. Even more rarely, a pineal paren- fetoprotein), in the case of new metastatic lesions (where the
chymal tumor may have within it areas of both pineocytoma- tissue diagnosis is already known), or perhaps in patients
tous and pineoblastomatous differentiation. who are too frail to undergo even a biopsy. As discussed in
448 G.P. Lekovic and A.G. Shetter
Finally, some centers advocate “second-look” surgery if Furthermore, 7 of 71 patients treated died of chemotherapy
imaging abnormalities persist after initial treatment of related toxicity.
NGGCTs with chemotherapy and radiation [13]. The major- In contrast, Buckner et al. [19] reported the results of a
ity of these surgeries find either necrosis or, in the case of Phase II trial of primary chemotherapy followed by reduced-
mixed NGGCTs, rests of mature teratoma. dose radiation for the treatment of CNS GCT in which the
partial brain dose was reduced to 30 from 54 Gy. All patients
were alive without progression at 51-month mean follow-up.
Role of Radiation One patient relapsed distally (spinal cord) and was salvaged
with spinal irradiation. Thus, the prevailing paradigm at the
It has been known for decades that radiation is curative for present time is to use chemotherapy as an adjuvant therapy in
intracranial germinoma [16], with 5-year survival rates of up combination with reduced-dose radiation. Spinal irradiation
to 95 % reported for pure germinoma and up to 76 % for should be reserved for those cases presenting with dissemi-
NGGCTs. Indeed, radiation remains the mainstay of treat- nated disease or in the case of relapse.
ment of most pineal region tumors, whether as primary treat-
ment modality or as adjuvant therapy. Nevertheless, radiation
has significant morbidity. Efforts at reducing radiation expo- The Role of Radiosurgery
sure have included avoiding whole brain and prophylactic
craniospinal irradiation, the use of chemotherapy, and The role of radiosurgery in the management of pineal region
radiosurgery. tumors remains controversial. Traditionally, pineal region
Traditionally, germinoma was treated with craniospinal tumors have either been approached surgically with the goal
irradiation, given estimates of spinal cord metastasis or seed- of gross total resection and cure (if benign), or with conven-
ing after surgery range of 13–40 %. However, as the sequelae tional radiation if the tumor is of a histology known to be
of prophylactic craniospinal irradiation have become more radiosensitive and/or malignant. Radiosurgery, on the other
appreciated, efforts have been made to delay or avoid spinal hand, has the potential to be used either as a “boost” modal-
irradiation, and to limit cranial irradiation from whole brain ity in conjunction with conventional radiotherapy, or even as
to local field. The effectiveness of partial brain fields an alternative to radiotherapy and/or surgery altogether.
comprising tumor plus a 2-cm margin was shown initially by Table 34.1 summarizes the results of reports in the English
Dattoli and Newall in 1990 [17]. In this retrospective study, language literature, including three from our institution, on
12 patients were treated with partial brain irradiation, con- the use of stereotactic radiosurgery in the treatment of pineal
sisting of either fields comprising tumor plus a 2-cm margin region tumors. Several factors, however, make it difficult to
(n = 10), or fields comprising the ventricular system with a draw easy comparisons or conclusions from these studies,
boost to the tumor (n = 2). Nine out of ten patients treated including relatively small sample sizes and because of the
with partial brain irradiation were complete responders; heterogeneity of diagnoses included within individual series.
however, one patient relapsed and ultimately succumbed to Backlund et al. [20] first reported the treatment of two
the disease. This patient, however, also received a reduced cases of pineocytoma with GKRS in 1974. The patients were
dose of less than 40 Gy. Thus, the authors concluded that treated with peak dose of 50 Gy. At 13 and 36 months fol-
whole neuraxis radiation could be safely avoided in the low-up neither patient had displayed evidence of tumor pro-
majority of patients, provided that sufficient tumoricidal gression. Subach et al. [21] included eight patients with
doses of radiation were delivered. pineocytoma (out of 14), with three tumors demonstrating a
Because gonadal GCTs respond well to chemotherapy, complete response to GKRS, three a partial response, and
chemotherapy has been advocated as a means to further two no change. GKRS mean marginal doses for all tumor
reduce the amount of radiation necessary to obtain control of types treated were 15.4 Gy, and all tumors were treated to the
the tumor. In this regard, the rationale for chemotherapy 50 % isodose line. Hasegawa et al. [22], however, reported a
anticipates the argument made for radiosurgery. Balmaceda distant recurrence of pineocytoma after GKRS, although
et al. [18] enrolled 71 patients with GCTs (including both 100 % local control was achieved. A complete response of
pure and NGGCTs) in an international cooperative study pineoblastoma to GKRS was demonstrated by Manera et al.
comprising 31 institutions in 6 countries, and demonstrated [23] in one patient and a partial response in another.
that chemotherapy could not be used alone for the treatment However, Hasegawa et al. [22] experienced three distant
of GCTs. They employed a high-dose regimen of carbopla- failures following GKRS for pineoblastoma treated with a
tin, etoposide, and bleomycin. Although 41 of the 71 patients mean marginal dose of 15.3 Gy to the 50 % isodose line.
were successfully managed with chemotherapy alone initially, Kano et al. retrospectively reviewed 13 patients with pineo-
35 patients showed evidence of recurrence or progression. cytoma treated with a median marginal dose of 15 Gy [24].
Deshmukh 5 pineocytoma 5 OR 14.6 5 OR 4/5 partial response GKRS marginal None None
et al. (2004) 100 % local control dose 14–16 Gy
Casentini et al. 6 germinoma 5 yes 27.6 “Inverse boost” Complete response Varian LINAC None 1 periprocedural
(1990) [25] (1–58) paradigm with (marginal dose death (unrelated)
extended field 10–11 Gy, peak
radiotherapy: doses 10–12.5)
mean 31 Gy,
range 24–36)
Pineal Region Tumors
Kano et al. 13 pineocytoma, 5 20 with OB 54.1 6 OR, 3 EBRT, 3 26 % complete, 47 % GKRS mean 6 deaths, 5-year No permanent
(2009) [24] pineoblastoma, 2 or SB chemotherapy, 2 partial, 11 % “stable,” marginal dose 15 Gy progression-free morbidity
mixed histology EBRT and 11 % local survival 89 %
chemotherapy progression
Mori et al. 38 germ cell tumor, Biopsy in 13 33.5 13 OR, 20 EBRT, NR Mean marginal dose Progression-free 1 optic
(2009) [27] 9 PPT, 2 unknown germ cell 27 chemotherapy 15.5 Gy survival at 10 years neuropathy
tumors, OB 68 % for germ cell
in 9 PPT tumors, 67 % for PPTs
Wilson et al. 14 pineocytoma 12 OB, 2 EB 53 12 OR, 5 with 5 complete resection, Mean marginal dose Progression in 3 None for GKRS
(2012) [30] gross total 9 residual tumors of 14.6 Gy with patients with subtotal
excision postoperatively GKRS in 5 patients excision, none in
patients with gross
total excision or GKRS
Yianni et al. 11 PPT, 2 germ cell 16 SB, 62.5 17 OR, 10 EBRT, NR Mean marginal dose
8 deaths, progression- None
(2012) [31] tumors, 2 papillary 11 EB, 17 4 chemotherapy 18 Gy free survival 27 %
epithelial tumors, 9 OB at 5 years
gliomas, 20 with no
histologic diagnosis
Used with permission from Barrow Neurological Institute
GKRS Gamma knife radiosurgery, NR not reported, NGGCT nongerminomatous germ cell tumor, SB stereotactic biopsy, OB open biopsy (craniotomy), EB endoscopic biopsy, STGC germinoma
with syncytiotrophoblastic giant cells, OR surgery, EBRT external beam radiation therapy, PPT pineal parenchymal tumor
Patients partially included in previous reports
452 G.P. Lekovic and A.G. Shetter
Overall survival after GKRS was 92.3 % at 5 years, with All patients were treated using Leksell Gamma Plan treat-
23 % of tumors treated demonstrating a complete radio- ment planning software, with a mean marginal dose of
graphic response. 14.06 Gy (range 12–18 Gy). All doses were prescribed to the
Although germinoma is highly curable by external beam 50 % isodose line. Seven to 27 isocenters (mean 11.4) were
irradiation, efforts to reduce the dose of EBRT radiation have used to treat a mean target volume of 7.42 cm3 (range
gained momentum because of concerns of the toxicity of 1.2–32.5 cm3).
even partial brain irradiation (especially in children). In Fourteen patients were treated with GKS as either the pri-
1990, Casentini et al. [25] reported their results using Varian mary radiation modality or as a salvage treatment for a recur-
LINAC radiosurgery as an “inverse boost” paradigm for the rence after conventional EBRT failed. Two patients, one with
treatment of germinoma, with all six patients so treated dem- an NGGCT and another with an anaplastic astrocytoma,
onstrating a complete response. Kobayashi et al. [26] were administered a 15- and 12-Gy GKS boost to the pineal
included eight patients with the diagnosis of germinoma who region after receiving reduced-dose craniospinal radiation
were treated with chemotherapy prior to GKRS. They therapy (3,600 cGy).
obtained a 100 % control rate for these tumors with a mar- There were no complications attributable to GKRS. There
ginal dose of 16.8 Gy. Mori et al. [27] treated 18 germinomas were three mortalities after GKRS. One patient died 6 days
with GKRS, the largest case series to date. Marginal doses after radiosurgery (this patient was excluded from further
ranged from 9.9 to 25.7 Gy, and all but one patient received analysis), one died 2 months after radiosurgery, and the third
fractionated external beams radiation therapy as well. The died after developing widespread metastatic disease. These
progression-free survival rate at 5 years was 63 %. The sin- latter two patients demonstrated local control of tumor,
gle patient who received GKRS as the initial therapy experi- despite of their clinical progression. Upon latest follow-up
enced CSF dissemination at 15 months. imaging, local control was established in 100 % of the
Increasingly, GKRS is being reported in the treatment patients.
of NGGCTs. The number of reported cases is now well Wilson et al. examined a subset of 15 patients with histo-
over 50. However, due to the heterogeneity of diagnoses in logically proven pineocytomas treated at the BNI over a
the reported series it is difficult to draw comparisons. 12-year interval [30]. The mean clinical and radiographic
Nevertheless, it is clear that NGGCTs are less responsive follow-ups were 44 and 53 months, respectively. Gross total
to GKRS than are germinoma or pineocytoma. Mori et al. tumor excisions were achieved in five patients with no known
[27] used adjuvant GKRS for 16 NGGCTs with marginal recurrences, although two of those patients were lost to
doses similar to those for GCTs. The progression-free sur- radiographic follow-up. Of the nine patients who underwent
vival rate at 5 years was 37 % [27]. Neither of the two subtotal tumor excisions or endoscopic biopsy, three received
NGGCTs reported by Subach et al. [21] demonstrated a initial GKRS and six were observed. None of the patients
response to GKRS. Hasegawa et al. [28] treated four treated with “up-front” radiosurgery recurred. The remaining
NGGCTs with between 12 and 16 Gy at the 50 % isodose six patients demonstrated recurrence at varying intervals.
line. At a mean follow-up of 25 months, one tumor pro- Four received subsequent radiosurgery and developed no
gressed, one demonstrated no change, and two tumors par- further signs of tumor progression. The authors concluded
tially responded. Kobayashi et al. [26] reported the results that adjuvant GKRS is an effective treatment for pineocyto-
of 13 malignant GCTs treated with GKRS. Follow-up data mas when complete surgical excision is not feasible, and that
was obtained in 12 patients, of whom 3 demonstrated a radiosurgery can be successful in controlling recurrent dis-
complete response, 3 a partial response, and 6 had pro- ease. Their data also suggests that subtotal pineocytoma
gressed. Five patients were deceased at a mean follow-up excision plus radiosurgery may yield results equivalent to
of 12.6 months. gross total surgical excision, although greater patient num-
bers and larger follow-ups will be needed before this finding
can be stated with certainty.
Barrow Neurological Institute GKRS
We recently reported our experience with GKRS for pineal
region tumors in 17 patients with non-metastatic tumors of the Although tumors in this region are relatively rare, the pineal
pineal region [29]. Diagnoses included pineocytoma (n = 8), as region is an important site of a wide range of pathological
well as choroid plexus papilloma, neurocytoma, anaplastic processes. Because of the wide variation in natural history of
astrocytoma, PNET, low-grade astrocytoma, pineoblastoma, these tumors depending on this histological heterogeneity,
NGGCT, malignant teratoma, and pineal parenchymal tumor obtaining a tissue diagnosis prior to instituting definitive
of intermediate differentiation (n = 1 each). therapy is paramount. Exceptions to this rule may be in met-
34 Pineal Region Tumors 453
astatic disease (where the presumptive tissue diagnosis is sible. Moreover, the sensitivity of pineal region tumors to
already known) and in patients that are truly too poor surgi- radiation tends to weigh against surgical aggressiveness.
cal candidates. In our experience, open craniotomy with Nevertheless, because surgery does offer at least the poten-
attempted resection or at least debulking of tumor with tial for cure, we believe radiosurgery may be reserved in
biopsy has been the favored approach to obtaining a diagno- these cases for poor surgical candidates or for the treatment
sis. Endoscopic biopsy potentially spares the patient the risk of residual or recurrent disease. For malignant lesions, the
of craniotomy if the tumor is found to be radiosensitive. In role of radiosurgery is perhaps less well defined. Many
addition, endoscopy does afford the theoretical advantage of malignant lesions are surgically incurable, and likely
being able to perform an endoscopic third ventriculostomy at treatable with radiotherapy and chemotherapy alone.
the same surgery as that for obtaining a biopsy; however, in Nevertheless, like surgery, radiotherapy has significant mor-
our series all patients’ third ventriculostomies eventually bidity that may be ameliorated by using radiosurgery as
failed, ultimately requiring ventriculoperitoneal shunting. either a boost modality or as an alternative treatment alto-
Other centers have reported good results using stereotactic gether. The rationale for radiosurgery for radiation sensitive
biopsy to obtain a histologic diagnosis [7, 31]. tumors is therefore analogous to that of chemotherapy (i.e.,
The role of radiosurgery in the management of pineal to avoid, delay, or at a minimum to reduce the dose of, con-
region tumors remains controversial. We have found it help- ventional external beam radiation therapy). However, enthu-
ful to dichotomize our approach to the appropriateness of siasm for the role of radiosurgery in malignant disease must
pineal region tumors based on the grade of tumor involved. be tempered, in our experience, by the fact that we have
For benign lesions, i.e., those with an indolent natural his- found that Gamma knife as a primary radiation modality in
tory, that are relatively radioresistant, and curable with gross the treatment of malignant disease may lead to distal failure.
total surgical resection, radiosurgery competes with conven- Of course, in this case the possibility of salvage with either
tional surgery in the treatment options. Despite advances in repeat radiosurgery or radiotherapy remains. In such case,
microsurgical approaches to the pineal region, surgical radiosurgery may still be of value in delaying the exposure
extirpation of tumors occurring in this region is often impos- to whole brain external beam radiation therapy.
Case Examples
454 G.P. Lekovic and A.G. Shetter
Fig. 34.3 A 12-year-old boy presented with hydrocephalus secondary to pineal region NGGCT. Axial (a) and sagittal (b) gadolinium-
enhanced MRI demonstrating complete of response of pineal region NGGCT 6 years after GKRS boost to craniospinal irradiation
The patient tolerated both chemotherapy and cranio- Follow up imaging studies demonstrated the complete
spinal irradiation well and was felt to be an excellent can- response of the tumor to treatment at 1 year of follow-up.
didate for GKRS boost to the pineal. Two days after the Six years after GKRS, the patient’s MRI scan continues to
completion of his course of craniospinal irradiation, the show no evidence of tumor (Fig. 34.3). He is performing
patient underwent GKRS. The prescription dose was in high school at his grade level, and he has been off treat-
15 Gy prescribed at the 50 % isodose line. The target vol- ment for 5 years, although he continues to require pitu-
ume was 1.2 cm3, and was covered in a single matrix with itary replacement therapy.
two 4-mm collimator isocenters and 6 8 mm isocenters.
34 Pineal Region Tumors 455
Fig. 34.4 A 20-year-old man presented with pineoblastoma, treated follow-up imaging (b) demonstrates stable tumor size with a promi-
with GKRS boost after craniospinal irradiation. Sagittal gadolin- nent loss of central enhancement
ium-enhanced MRI at the time of GKRS (a), compared to that on
Fig. 34.5 A 52-year-old woman presented with a large (>5 cm) after treatment, axial MRI with contrast through the pineal
pineocytoma. The patient underwent subtotal resection with demonstrates stable appearance of the lesion (b)
treatment of 7.3 cm3 of residual tumor with GKRS (a). Two years
21. Subach BR, Lunsford LD, Kondziolka D. Stereotactic radiosur- 27. Mori Y, Kobayashi T, Hasegawa T, et al. Stereotactic radiosurgery
gery in the treatment of pineal region tumors. Prog Neurol Surg. for pineal and related tumors. Prog Neurol Surg. 2009;23:106–18.
1998;14:175–94. 28. Hasegawa T, Kondziolka D, Hadjipanayis CG, et al. Stereotactic
22. Hasegawa T, Kondziolka D, Hadjipanayis CG, et al. The role of radiosurgery for CNS nongerminomatous germ cell tumors. Report
radiosurgery for the treatment of pineal parenchymal tumors. of four cases. Pediatr Neurosurg. 2003;38:329–33.
Neurosurgery. 2002;51:880–9. 29. Lekovic GP, Gonzalez LF, Shetter AG, et al. Role of Gamma Knife
23. Manera L, Regis J, Chinot O, et al. Pineal region tumors: the role of surgery in the management of pineal region tumors. Neurosurg
stereotactic radiosurgery. Stereotact Funct Neurosurg. 1996;66 Focus. 2007;23:E12.
Suppl 1:164–73. 30. Wilson DA, Awad AW, Brachman D, et al. Long-term radiosurgical
24. Kano H, Niranjan A, Kondziolka D, et al. Role of stereotactic control of subtotally resected adult pineocytomas. J Neurosurg.
radiosurgery in the management of pineal parenchymal tumors. 2012;117:212–7.
Prog Neurol Surg. 2009;23:44–58. 31. Yianni J, Rowe J, Khandanpour N, et al. Stereotactic radiosurgery
25. Casentini L, Colombo F, Pozza F, et al. Combined radiosurgery and for pineal tumours. Br J Neurosurg. 2012;26:361–6.
external radiotherapy of intracranial germinomas. Surg Neurol. 32. Dempsey PK, Lunsford LD. Stereotactic radiosurgery for pineal
1990;34:79–86. region tumors. Neurosurg Clin N Am. 1992;3:245–53.
26. Kobayashi T, Kida Y, Mori Y. Stereotactic gamma radiosurgery for 33. Deshmukh VR, Smith KA, Rekate HL, et al. Diagnosis and man-
pineal and related tumors. J Neurooncol. 2001;54:301–9. agement of pineocytomas. Neurosurgery. 2004;55:349–55.
Pineal Region Tumors: Viewpoint—
Surgery 35
Adam M. Sonabend, Alfred Ogden, and Jeffrey N. Bruce
L.S. Chin and W.F. Regine (eds.), Principles and Practice of Stereotactic Radiosurgery, 459
DOI 10.1007/978-1-4614-8363-2_35, © Springer Science+Business Media New York 2015
460 A.M. Sonabend et al.
Table 35.1 Results of large microsurgical series for pineal region tumors
of patients Major Permanent
No. of with GTR Mortality morbidity minor morbidity
Authors Year cases Approach Patient population Pathology (%) (%) (%) (%)
Hoffman et al. [8] 1983 61 TCIH/ITSC Pediatric All NA 20a NA NA
Neuwelt et al. [9] 1985 13 OTT Adult/pediatric All 60 0 0 20
Lapras et al. [10] 1987 86 TCIH/OTT Adult/pediatric All 65 5.8† 5.8† 28
Edwards et al. [11] 1988 36 TT/OTT/ITSC Pediatric All NA 0 3.3 3.3
Pluchino et al. [12] 1989 40 ITSC Adult/pediatric All 25 5 NA NA
Luo SQ et al. [13] 1989 64 OTT Adult/pediatric All 21 10 NA
Vaquero et al. [14] 1992 29 TCIH/ITSC/OTT Adult/pediatric All NA 11 NA NA
Herrmann et al. [87] 1992 49 IHTC/ITSC Adult/pediatric All NA 8 NA NA
Bruce and Stein [6] 1995 160 ITSC/TC/OTT Adult/pediatric All 45 4 3 19
Chandy et al. [88] 1998 48 ITSC/OTT Adult/pediatric “Benign 55 0 NA NA
Kang et al. [89] 1998 16 OTT/ITSC/TCIH Adult/pediatric All 37.5 0 0 19
Shin et al. [90] 1998 21 OTT Pediatric/adult All 54.5 0 0 5
Konovalov et al. [3] 2003 201 OTT (54 %) Adult/pediatric All 58 10‡ NA >20
ITSC (34 %)
Bruce [91] 2004 81 ITSC/TCIH/OTT Adult/pediatric All 47 1 2 NA
Hernesniemi et al. [4] 2008 119 ITSC (93 %)/ Adult/pediatric All 88 0 1 4.9
OTT (7 %)
TCIH transcallosal interhemispheric, ITSC infratentorial supracerebellar, OTT occipital transtentorial, TT transcortical transventricular
All except one mortality prior to 1975
Stereotactic Biopsy
Fig. 35.2 Eighteen year-old male presented with headache, nausea and tomy, a stereotaxic needle biopsy was obtained. Stereotaxic needle tra-
vomiting. MRI revealed a pineal lesion (a), with dissemination into the jectory with a pre-coronal and slightly lateral entry point was chosen to
third ventricle (a, red arrow). Following endoscopic third ventriculos- avoid the ventricular system, and eloquent cortical territory (b)
trajectory can be adjusted to enter a gyrus at the pial surface, Endoscopic Biopsy
avoid the lateral ventricle, and steer clear of any obvious vas-
culature that may be distorted into the path of the biopsy nee- Some authors have advocated obtaining tissue specimens
dle by the tumor itself [25]. endoscopically during the same operation as the third ven-
Close proximity of the target to the deep venous system triculostomy. Although a potentially elegant one-step solution
and a lack of adjacent tissue turgor should theoretically to CSF diversion and tissue diagnosis, such a strategy neces-
increase the likelihood of a significant biopsy-induced hem- sarily biases tissue sampling towards one quadrant of the
orrhage. In fact, such hemorrhages appear to be mildly more tumor capsule. Also, unless a flexible endoscope is used,
common in the pineal region, but they are rarely of any clini- endoscopic biopsy and third ventriculostomy must be per-
cal significance [26, 27]. Some series have suggested a formed through two separate burr holes and as such offers no
higher morbidity associated with pineal region biopsies less “invasiveness” than stereotactic biopsy and third ventric-
compared with routine biopsies, whereas others do not. ulostomy. Recent studies have demonstrated the feasibility of
In any case, overall complication rates are low and are both biopsy and third ventriculostomy through a single burr
almost always a function of transient exacerbations hole positioned midway between the two trajectories [33].
of existing symptoms [25, 28–31]. A rare, but nonethe-
less reported complication of stereotaxic biopsy is meta-
static seeding of a pineoblastoma along the biopsy Craniotomy for Open Resection
tract [32]. The major drawback to biopsies is the limited
tissue sampling that makes definitive diagnosis difficult Although diagnostic biopsies are a suitable first option in
when dealing with these widely diverse and often some cases, an open approach is generally preferred. The
heterogeneous lesions. advantages of an open resection are numerous, including
462 A.M. Sonabend et al.
Fig. 35.3 Fifty two year-old female presented with nausea and vomit- (a). Following endoscopic third ventriculostomy, the patient underwent
ing over the course of few weeks. MRI revealed a pineal region a craniotomy through occipital transtentorial approach (trajectory
lesion with no involvement of the third ventricle but with inferior shown with red arrow in a), and postoperative imaging showed gross
extension dorsal to the brainstem, and obstructive hydrocephalus total resection (b)
generous tissue sampling, potential obviation of a shunt, and laterally away from the natural reach achieved with a midline
the ability to proceed with a radical resection if indicated trajectory from the infratentorial supracerebellar (ITSC)
after intraoperative pathology consultation [34]. The relative approach. The supratentorial approaches include the occipi-
advantages of pursuing radical resection depend on an accu- tal transtentorial (OTT) (Fig. 35.3), the transcallosal inter-
rate histopathologic diagnosis and must be weighed against hemispheric (TCIH), and the rarely used
rates of morbidity and mortality from radical surgery. transcortical-transventricular (TT) approach which is limited
Complications from open surgery can be serious and even to the setting of ventricular dilatation and tumor extension
catastrophic typically resulting from postoperative hema- into the lateral ventricle [10, 34, 35, 38, 39]. Some of the
toma, venous infarction from vein sacrifice, thalamic injury surgical morbidity can be related to deficits specific to a
from dissection of the anterior tumor capsule, and visual given approach. One of the major inconveniences of the
deficits if the occipital transtentorial approach is used. supratentorial approaches is that important deep venous
However, when complete tumor removal can be achieved, structures such as the vein of Galen and the internal cerebral
the risk of postoperative hemorrhage into a subtotally veins lay between the surgeon and the lesion. The presence
resected tumor is reduced. Minor complications include of these veins in the field increases the risk of venous infarct,
infection and exacerbation of existing ataxia or Parinaud and might obstruct the operative field limiting.
phenomena. Pineal region surgery is certainly not trivial, but Infratentorial access to the pineal region is obtained
within the past 25 years, major morbidity and mortality from though the ITSC corridor (Fig. 35.4). With the patient prefer-
published surgical series have improved dramatically and ably in the sitting position, the superior surface of the cere-
over the past quarter century has dropped to 0–2 % [35] bellum is dissected from the tentorium and the precentral
(Table 35.1). cerebellar vein is divided, allowing the cerebellum to fall by
A craniotomy is performed when cytoreductive radical gravity clearing an unobstructed pathway to the pineal region
resection is the goal, and as mentioned above, this surgery [35, 40]. With the sitting position, gravity minimizes retrac-
provides significantly more reliable material for histological tion, and prevents blood from pooling in the microsurgical
diagnosis. There are a series of approaches to access the field. Additionally, the deep venous structures lie superior to
pineal region, and the selection of a particular one depends the tumor mass, facilitating resection of the lesion. This
on factors such as the surgeon’s experience, and anatomical approach is favorable for removing tumor extending into the
factors. In general, the approaches can be divided into supra- third ventricle and velum interpositum. Disadvantages of the
tentorial and infratentorial [35–37]. approach include limited access to lateral and supratentorial
Supratentorial approaches provide a wider lateral expo- areas. Also, the sitting position carries a risk of air embolism,
sure, and are preferred when the tumor mass extends signifi- pneumocephalus and subdural hematoma, although proper
cantly into the supratentorial compartment, or has grown precautions can minimize the risk [35, 41].
35 Pineal Region Tumors: Viewpoint—Surgery 463
Fig. 35.4 Twenty five year-old female presented with Parinaud’s syn- with an infratentorial supracerebellar approach was performed for
drome and headache. MRI revealed a pineal region lesion with exten- tumor resection (trajectory shown with red arrow in a), and postopera-
sion into the posterior portion of the third ventricle (a). A craniotomy tive imaging showed gross total resection (b)
Treatment Results by Tumor Histology pineocytomas, and rare pilocytic astrocytomas. In each case,
radical resection is the standard of care if it can be performed
The field of oncology is predicated on the belief that any within a reasonable degree of safety. Gross total resection
treatment modality must be evaluated on the basis of efficacy provides the best chance for a cure or extended remission but
in treating groups of patients bound by a common diagnosis. this goal must be weighed against the risks associated with
This diagnosis is almost always made on the basis of tissue radical resection. Surgical series demonstrate good outcomes
histology. Pineal region tumors can arise from any of the myr- over a range of pathologies, although there is a need in the
iad cell types that normally occur in and around the pineal literature for surgical outcomes to be analyzed according to
gland, as well as from the range of ectopic tissues that can be specific histology. Only a few small surgical series are dedi-
trapped near the pineal gland during embryogenesis. Because cated to benign pineal lesions of a single histological type
few places in the body can match such cellular diversity and [42–44].
biopsies of pineal lesions have been demonstrated to be safe,
histologic diagnosis of pineal region tumors is mandatory
unless tumor markers are positive. MRI is excellent at defin- Glial Tumors
ing the relationship between tumor and adjacent anatomic
structures but is not able to distinguish between tumors of Glial neoplasms encountered in the pineal region can present
different histologies (Fig. 35.1). in three different categories: (a) brainstem astrocytomas,
Tumors in the pineal region can be categorized as benign usually tectal lesions that extend rostrally, (b) “true” pineal
or malignant. Alternatively, they can be classified into one of astrocytomas that arise from the supporting astrocytes of the
four broad histologic categories: (1) pineal cell; (2) germ pineal gland itself, and (c) ependymomas associated with
cell; (3) glial cell; and (4) miscellaneous. Although surgical the third ventricle. Brainstem astrocytomas that grow into the
results significantly influence the outcome for these patients, pineal region are solid and, although they may be “low
individual prognosis is heavily dependent upon tumor type. grade,” are generally invasive. These are not amenable to
The rarity of individual histopathologic types within the aggressive resection and require irradiation after biopsy [36,
pineal region makes it difficult to generate sufficient num- 45]. The “true” pineal astrocytomas are often cystic, encap-
bers of patients treated to evaluate individual therapies, how- sulated, and resemble pilocytic astrocytomas on histology
ever some generalizations can be made. [46]. These can be completely resected and have excellent
long-term results. Anaplastic gliomas and glioblastomas
have also been encountered in the pineal region [3, 4].
Benign Pineal Region Tumors Surgical outcomes from ependymomas are binary, depend-
ing on the degree of anaplasia. Pineal region ependymomas
Benign tumors account one third of the masses found with low cellularity and few mitoses have excellent long-
in pineal region [6]. These are composed mainly of term outcomes although they may recur more readily than
well-differentiated ependymomas, meningiomas, teratomas, ependymomas associated with the lateral ventricles [47].
464 A.M. Sonabend et al.
Pineal Parenchymal Tumors showing local tumor control of 30 % at 2 years from diagno-
sis [24, 54–57], likely reflecting their malignant nature and
Arising from the melatonin-producing cells of the pineal potential to spread through CSF. The relative utility of radio-
gland, pineal parenchymal tumors exist along a histopatho- surgery cannot be ascertained based on a few published cases
logic continuum from benign and indolent pineocytomas to except to say that radiosurgery does not appear to be a “magic
malignant and aggressive pineoblastomas. Tumors of inter- bullet” for these lesions, and it does not address the meta-
mediate grade are referred to as mixed pineal parenchymal static potential of these tumors. Ultimately, prognosis for
tumors, and various classification schemes that are tied to pineoblastoma is most predicted by age of presentation and
prognosis have been proposed [42, 48–52]. Making an accu- disease dissemination at the time of diagnosis. Although far
rate pathologic diagnosis is difficult even with generous tis- from comprehensive, evidence suggests that resection has a
sue sampling. The rarity of these tumors makes the beneficial impact on survival.
aggregation of sufficient numbers of patients for an instruc- Intermediate-grade pineal parenchymal tumors behave in
tive clinical trial difficult. Further complicating matters is the an unpredictable fashion. Treatment successes and failures
variable behavior of tumors with similar histopathologies have been reported from a range of treatment strategies, and
depending upon age of presentation. there is little helpful data to direct clinical decisions [19, 51,
Amidst the paucity of data to direct clinical decisions, 52]. Although patients with pineoblastoma are routinely irra-
certain general treatment guidelines are apparent. The goal diated after surgery, it is unclear whether this is universally
for well-differentiated pineocytomas should be a cure, at required in cases of intermediate-grade pineal parenchymal
least in adults. There is some evidence that this standard is tumors. Recently, some immunohistochemical markers have
unrealistic in pediatric cases where pineocytomas may been shown to be of prognostic value [68]. Clinical studies
behave more aggressively [53]. that tie adjuvant therapy to tumor grade and outcome are
The reported low recurrence rates with gross total resec- required with long-term outcome as tumors can recur more
tion of pineocytomas (overall survival approximately than 5 years from diagnosis [19].
100 % at 40 months median follow-up) has established a On the whole, pineal parenchymal tumors present a for-
new standard of care for these low grade tumors [3, 4, 42]. midable challenge to clinicians. Treatment optimization will
Outcomes following radiosurgical treatment of pineocy- only be possible with systematic and expert pathologic diag-
toma have been favorable as well [54–56], although the few nosis that is not restricted by availability of tissue. Ideally,
reported adult cases had only had a short follow-up [56] this tissue should be sought via open surgery as radical resec-
and included at least one adult treatment failure resulting in tion loosely correlates with long-term survival.
death from CNS metastasis [55]. One pediatric pineocy-
toma radiosurgical series reported four of seven treatment
failures resulting in death during a follow-up of 3 months to Papillary Tumor of the Pineal Region
4 years [57], although recently, more favorable results have
been reported [23]. Papillary tumor of the pineal region (PTPR) was first
At the other end of the neoplastic spectrum are pineoblas- described in 2003 [69], and introduced as a distinct tumor
tomas. Although pineoblastomas often appear identical to entity in the 2007 WHO classification of brain tumors. The
pineocytomas on MRI, they are histologically indistinguish- cells of origin for these lesions are presumed to be special-
able from primitive neuroectodermal tumors (PNETs) and ized ependyma of the subcommissural organ [69–71]. Due to
behave in a similar clinical fashion. Like PNETs, they tend to their recent identification as a separate entity, and their rarity,
be more aggressive in children than in adults [58], and within not much is known about their clinical behavior. Fevre-
the pediatric population they are increasingly aggressive Montange et al.’s retrospective study of 31 patients is the
with decreasing age of presentation [59–66]. Although some largest published series of these tumors and reported an age
indication of increased survival exists in both adults [19] and range from 5 to 66 years (median age, 29 years) and slight
children [20] undergoing open surgery, no statistically rigor- female predominance [15]. Gross total resection was per-
ous study has examined the impact of extent of resection formed on 21 or 31 patients, and in 15, adjuvant radiotherapy
on survival or disease progression. In the absence of such was given. Despite aggressive treatment, the majority of
studies, it seems logical to follow the standard of care for patients had recurrences. Overall, the 5-year survival was
medulloblastoma (pinealoblastoma, shares phonotypical 73 % with progression free survival of 27 % [15]. Details on
characteristics of PNET) for which significant survival ben- their histological and immunohistochemical profile, as well
efits are apparent after reduction of tumor mass under 1.5 cm3 as reliable methods for distinguishing between papillary
[67]. The few published cases of stereotactic radiosurgery tumors, choroid plexus papillomas, and metastatic carcino-
for pineoblastoma report poor results with the most recent mas have been reported [15, 69, 70, 72, 73]
35 Pineal Region Tumors: Viewpoint—Surgery 465
Germ Cell Tumors stereotaxic radiotherapy for germinomas has been performed,
with local tumor control rates at 3 and 5 years of 82 %, and
Germ cell tumors are considered and studied in two separate 72 %, respectively although 62 % germinomas with STGCs
groups, germinomas and NGGCTs. The latter group consists had 5-year control rate of 62 % [24]. Some authors propose
of endodermal sinus tumors, choriocarcinomas, embryonal the use of stereotactic radiosurgery as an effective adjunct for
carcinomas, mature teratomas, and immature teratomas. The pure germinomas to reduce cumulative radiation doses [54].
role of open surgery for these lesions is perhaps as well This hypothesis could be ethically tested in the pediatric
defined as for any pineal region tumors. population.
Germinomas are the most common of pineal region NGGCTs have historically had a much worse prognosis
tumors, especially in adolescent boys and young men. In than germinomas. Because the individual types are so rare and
Japan and Korea, for reasons that are not understood, germ they are frequently of mixed histology, they have been lumped
cell tumors in general and germinomas in particular are more together in retrospective analyses and clinical trials. These are
prevalent than in any other part of the world including neigh- the only pineal region tumors that should be treated without a
boring China [62]. Because they do not secrete a specific tissue diagnosis as elevated levels of markers in the serum and/
tumor marker and they cannot be distinguished radiographi- or CSF are pathognomonic for specific histopathologies.
cally from other types of tumors that call for different treat- Although open surgery in a pre-adjuvant therapy cytoreductive
ment paradigms, diagnosis should be made with tissue role has been examined with variable results [81, 83, 84], the
confirmation regardless of age of presentation. best results seem to occur when radiation and/or chemotherapy
Cytoreduction from open surgery has not been shown to is followed by “second look” surgery when a persistent radio-
improve the excellent outcomes with radiation alone [63] and graphic lesion exists [7, 81, 82, 85]. Using this approach, only
thus the overwhelming majority of germinomas are diagnosed residual teratomatoma elements or scar tissue has been found,
by open or stereotactic biopsy and treated with whole-brain and 5-year survival rates have improved dramatically to >90 %.
radiation. Historically, the relatively high prevalence of ger- Stereotactic radiosurgery has an undefined role for
minomas, their exquisite radiosensitivity, and the perceived NGGCTs. One report [86] of four patients who received
dangers of pineal region biopsy all contributed to the practice radiosurgery along with fractionated radiation and chemo-
of up-front radiation without tissue diagnosis for all pineal therapy showed tumor regression in three patients after a
region tumors. This approach was still commonly pursued in follow-up of 2 years.
the Far East as recently as 1992 [64, 65]. Although it is diffi-
cult to take issue with cure rates that today are over 90 % [66,
74–77], improvements in the treatment of intracranial germi- Conclusion
noma can still be made. A small percentage of patients fail
radiation and suffer CSF dissemination that is ultimately fatal. Despite sharing a common anatomic location and similar
Treatment failure is much more likely when syncytiotropho- imaging characteristics, pineal region tumors are extremely
blastic giant cells (STGCs) are mixed within the usual histo- heterogeneous with respect to histopathology, natural his-
logic features, and failure rates within this histologic subtype tory, and response to therapy. Except for cases of marker-
have been reported as high as 40 % [78–80]. Because these secreting germ cell tumors, a tissue diagnosis is required to
are the rare germinomas that secrete β[beta]-hCG to produce direct therapy. In the absence of elevated markers, in most
mildly elevated serum levels, their diagnosis should be cases, open surgery is the best initial therapeutic option.
straightforward with adequate biopsy tissue and standard Benign lesions can be cured with gross total resection, and in
assays of serum markers. As such, they should be considered experienced hands gross total resection can be achieved with
in a separate category from “pure germinomas” and the sub- low complication rates. Stereotactic biopsy followed by ste-
ject of separate clinical trials to reexamine all treatment reotactic radiosurgery is a potential alternative that is most
modalities, including radiosurgery and surgical cytoreduc- appropriate in patients with tumor seeding or medical con-
tion. A study of stereotactic radiosurgery showed 72 and 62 % traindications to open surgery. The most effective treatments
local tumor control at 3 and 5 years from diagnosis [24]. for malignant lesions will likely require a combination of
Because many patients with intracranial germinoma have modalities that will be directed by histopathologic diagnosis.
long-term remission, the extended sequelae of whole-brain The merit of this approach is apparent in the example of
radiation, particularly in the pediatric population, are another NGGCTs whose prognosis has vastly improved after numer-
major concern. Strides in chemotherapy have been made in ous clinical trials that were predicated on cohorts of patients
trials composed of children too young to receive full doses of with specific diagnoses. Further progress will depend on
whole-brain radiation [81, 82]. Radiosurgery is a theoreti- consistent histologic confirmation of these rare tumors rather
cally attractive alternative because of relatively limited radia- than empiric up-front conventional radiation or stereotactic
tion exposure to adjacent brain tissue. Over the last decade, radiosurgery as some authors have proposed [57].
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Pineal Tumors: Viewpoint—
Fractionated Radiation Therapy 36
William G. Rule and Steven E. Schild
L.S. Chin and W.F. Regine (eds.), Principles and Practice of Stereotactic Radiosurgery, 469
DOI 10.1007/978-1-4614-8363-2_36, © Springer Science+Business Media New York 2015
470 W.G. Rule and S.E. Schild
They resemble retinoblastomas and medulloblastomas. Table 36.1 Probability of spinal seeding at diagnosis according to
Flexner–Wintersteiner rosette formation is a prominent tumor type
feature of pineoblastomas. These are rosettes of cells form- No. with spine seeding/
ing around small lumens. Pineoblastomas occurring in Histologic types total no. of patients (%)
patients with bilateral retinoblastomas are called trilateral 1. Mature and immature teratoma 0/20 (0 %)
retinoblastomas. 2. Mixed NGGCT 1/26 (4 %)a
3. Other NGGCT 0/11 (0 %)
Symptoms from pineal masses are related to the anatomy
4. Germinoma 2/48 (4 %)b
of the region. They often obstruct the sylvian aqueduct caus-
5. Pineocytoma 0/9 (0 %)
ing hydrocephalus and can result in increased intracranial
6. Pineoblastoma, PPTID, mixed PPT 4/21 (19 %)c
pressure, which can lead to headaches, nausea, vomiting, cog- Total 7/135 (5 %)
nitive dysfunction, and incontinence. Additionally, they can a
This patient had a mixed germ cell tumor, composed of immature tera-
cause pressure on the superior colliculus (midbrain) causing toma and germinoma, and had positive CSF cytology
Parinaud syndrome or dorsal midbrain syndrome with a triad b
Of these two patients with evidence of seeding at diagnosis, one had a
of signs consisting of vertical gaze palsy, light-near dissocia- positive CSF cytology and the other had radiographic evidence of spi-
tion of the pupils, and convergence retraction nystagmus. nal metastases
Of the four patients with evidence of seeding at diagnosis, two had
A major scientific advance took place in 1973: computed pineoblastomas (one with clinical evidence of spinal cord compression
tomography (CT) was first used in major US medical cen- and one with radiographic evidence of spinal seeding) and two had pineal
ters. This tool made the diagnosis and localization of pineal parenchymal tumors with intermediate differentiation (one with positive
tumors easier, leading to a resurgence of surgical interven- CSF cytology and one with radiographic evidence of spinal seeding)
Note: All seven patients with evidence of spinal seeding at diagnosis
tion with greater safety. Further improvements took place received craniospinal irradiation and of these only one (with a pineoblas-
with the introduction of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), toma) had a subsequent treatment failure at the primary site and the spine
which aided in localization as well as staging of the entire
central nervous system (CNS).
Prior to 1973, the operative risks of a biopsy or resection The GCTs included 48 germinomas, 26 mixed GCTs, 11
were substantial, with mortality rates as high as 50 % [10– mature teratomas, 9 immature teratomas, 6 malignant terato-
12]. At that time, many experts recommended operative inter- mas (with carcinomatous or sarcomatous components), 2
vention be reserved for CSF shunting in patients with yolk sac tumors, and 3 choriocarcinomas. At the time of
hydrocephalus and for the treatment of tumors that pro- diagnosis, 7 (5 %) of the 135 patients were found to have
gressed after radiotherapy. Conservative therapy, including evidence of spinal seeding (Table 36.1). Spinal seeding most
CSF shunting and radiotherapy, resulted in a generally favor- commonly occurred in patients with pineoblastomas.
able 5-year survival rate of approximately 70 % [10–12]. One hundred patients underwent radiotherapy (Table 36.2).
However, therapy can only be customized to the specific Regions treated included the craniospinal axis in 35 patients,
tumor type if the exact tumor histology is known. Additionally, the whole brain in 26 patients, and the partial brain in the
obtaining histologic confirmation, prior to therapy, allows remaining 39 patients. Doses delivered to the primary tumor
one to avoid irradiating benign lesions such as cysts [13, 14]. bed ranged from 4,500 to 6,480 cGy (median dose, 4,132 cGy)
Over the past several decades, advances in CT imaging, MRI, in 150- to 200-cGy fractions. Eleven patients treated during
stereotactic techniques, operating microscopes, neurosurgi- the earlier years of this study received total doses of less than
cal techniques, and postsurgical care have dramatically 3,000 cGy. When treated, the whole brain received 2,000–
decreased the morbidity and mortality previously associated 5,040 cGy and the spine received 2,000–3,800 cGy.
with biopsy or resection of pineal region tumors [15]. Chemotherapy was administered to 35 patients as a compo-
We evaluated a multi-institutional cohort of 135 patients nent of initial therapy (Table 36.2). These patients received
with histologically verified pineal region tumors [8]. Thirty- various combinations of the following agents: BCNU,
five females and 100 males with ages ranging from 3 days to CCNU, cyclophosphamide, prednisone, vincristine, vinblas-
77 years and a median age of 17 years were included in this tine, cisplatin, etoposide, dactinomycin, bleomycin, chloram-
study. This series was not pure in that primary sites included bucil, thiotepa, procarbazine, and melphalan.
the pineal gland in 81 patients, the suprasellar region in 31 Patients were followed for 0.25–37.3 years or until death
patients, and the cerebrum in 23 patients. Gross total resec- (median follow-up, 5.3 years). The survival rate for the entire
tions were performed in 26 patients, subtotal resections were group of patients was 62 % at 5 years. Survival was worse for
performed in 49 patients, and biopsies were performed in 60 patients treated during the early years of this study. Patients
patients. There were two groups of neoplasms included in diagnosed before 1973 had a 5-year survival rate of 34 %
this series: PPTs and GCTs. The PPTs included 15 pineo- compared with 66 % for those patients diagnosed more
blastomas (PB), 2 mixed PPTs (mixed PPT), 4 PPTs with recently (p = 0.0002). Twelve of the patients who were
intermediate differentiation (PPTID), and 9 pineocytomas. operated on between 1936 and 1950 died in the immediate
36 Pineal Tumors: Viewpoint—Fractionated Radiation Therapy 471
postoperative period. These patients were excluded from radiotherapy in patients with mature and immature teratomas
the remainder of the analysis because their deaths were could not be assessed. Patients with NGGCTs, other than
more likely a result of operative complications than of mature and immature teratomas, who received radiotherapy
progressive disease. had a 3-year survival rate of 46 % compared with 11 % for
Tumor histology was evaluated for its relationship to sur- patients who received no radiotherapy (p = 0.0089). There
vival. The 5-year patient survival rate was 86 % for those was an association between the dose of radiation adminis-
with mature teratomas, 86 % with pineocytomas, 80 % with tered and survival in patients with NGGCTs other than
germinomas, 67 % with immature teratomas, 49 % with mature and immature teratomas. Patients who received
PPTs other than pineocytomas (PB, PPTIDs, and mixed ≤5,000 cGy had a 3-year survival rate of 21 % compared
PPTs), 38 % with mixed GCTs, and 17 % with the other pure with 55 % for patients receiving higher doses (p = 0.02). The
NGGCTs (p = 0.0001). Age, sex, and tumor location were dose of radiation administered correlated with survival rates
not associated with survival. in patients with PPTs. Patients with PPTs receiving doses of
The extent of resection was evaluated for its effect on ≤5,000 cGy had a 3-year survival rate of 56 %, and patients
patient survival. NGGCTs were the only tumors for which who received higher doses had a 3-year survival rate of 94 %
survival was associated with extent of tumor resection. The (p = 0.03). There was also an association between the dose of
3-year survival rate was 0 for patients having a biopsy, 36 % radiation administered and survival in patients with germino-
for patients having a subtotal resection, and 73 % for patients mas. Those patients with germinomas receiving doses of
having a gross total resection (p = 0.0002). ≤4,400 cGy had a 5-year survival rate of 70 % compared
The relationship between the administration of chemo- with 92 % for patients who received higher doses (p = 0.04).
therapy (as a component of initial therapy) and survival was There was no association between patient survival and radia-
evaluated. Patients who received chemotherapy had a 5-year tion field arrangement (partial-brain irradiation, whole-brain
survival rate of 45 % compared with 65 % for those patients irradiation, or craniospinal axis irradiation).
who did not (p = 0.37). However, the administration of che- Spinal seeding was the predominant pattern of distant
motherapy was associated with improved survival rates in failure. The outcome for patients with evidence of spinal
patients with NGGCTs other than mature and immature tera- seeding at the time of diagnosis is summarized in the foot-
tomas. Patients with NGGCTs who received chemotherapy notes of Table 36.1. The risk of spinal failure relative to both
had a 3-year survival rate of 56 % compared with 8 % for tumor type and radiotherapy field arrangement for patients
patients who did not receive chemotherapy (p = 0.0001). without evidence of spinal seeding at diagnosis is shown in
Most of the patients (100 of 123) received radiotherapy. Table 36.3. Patients with PPTs (other than pineocytomas)
However, only four patients with either mature or immature and GCTs (other than mature and immature teratomas) had
teratomas received radiotherapy. Therefore, the effect of the greatest risk of spinal failure.
472 W.G. Rule and S.E. Schild
Table 36.3 Probability of spinal failure in patients without evidence of spinal seeding at diagnosis
Histologic types No. with spine failure/total no. of patients (%)a
1. Mature and immature teratoma 0/16 (0 %)
2. Mixed NGGCTb 1/24 (4 %)
3. Other NGGCTb 3/9 (33 %)
4. Germinoma 8/46 (17 %)
5. Pineocytoma 0/7 (0 %)
6. Pineoblastoma, PPTID, mixed PPT 8/14 (57 %)
Total 20/116 (17 %)
Probability of spinal failure according to the radiotherapy fields in patients without evidence of spinal seeding at
diagnosisc (including only seeding malignancies) (%)
Histologic types PB WB CSPRT Total
1. NGGCTd 2/4 (50 %) 0/8 (0 %) 1/11 (9 %) 3/23 (13 %)
2. Germinoma 7/25 (28 %) 1/11 (9 %) 0/10 (0 %) 8/46 (17 %)
3. PPTe 2/3 (66 %) 2/5 (40 %) 4/6 (66 %) 8/14 (57 %)
Total 11/32 (34 %) 3/24 (13 %) 5/27 (19 %) 19/83 (23 %)
PB partial-brain fields, WB whole-brain fields, CSPRT craniospinal irradiation, NGGCT nongerminomatous germ cell
tumor, PPT pineal parenchymal tumor, RT radiotherapy
Some of these patients received no RT
Of the NGGCT patients with spinal failure, three of these patients had teratomas with malignant transformation and one
had a yolk sac tumor. Not all of the patients with NGGCTs received RT
This included only patients with potentially seeding tumors (NGGCTs excluding mature and immature teratomas, pineal
parenchymal tumors excluding pineocytomas, and germinomas) who received RT. One patient with a NGGCT received
no RT and later had a spinal failure
NGGCTs excluding mature and immature teratomas
Excluding pineocytomas
Only one patient developed distant metastases outside the Caution should be exercised when obtaining CSF from
central nervous system. This individual had a mixed GCT patients with increased intracranial pressure, because hernia-
with a component of malignant teratoma. After placement of tion of the brain may occur if pressure is rapidly reduced.
a ventriculo-peritoneal shunt for the treatment of tumor- The treatment of pineal and other primary CNS GCTs
induced hydrocephalus, he developed peritoneal metastases requires a precise knowledge of tumor histology. Obtaining a
and died. histologic diagnosis is important because optimal therapy for
the various tumor types differs significantly. Improvements
in surgical technique and postoperative care have decreased
Conclusion the morbidity once associated with resection or biopsy of
these tumors. Popovic and Kelly reported on 34 patients with
Pineal region tumors are rare and include a large variety of pineal lesions who underwent 66 stereotactic procedures at
lesions. Many studies included patients whose tumor types the Mayo Clinic (including 37 biopsies and 10 resections)
were not histologically verified because of the risks associ- [15]. Diagnostic tissue was obtained in 33 of the 34 patients.
ated with operative intervention [10, 11, 16–18]. As a result, No mortality or permanent morbidity was observed. Because
these series may have included patients with benign pro- the survival of patients with NGGCTs appears dependent
cesses such as cysts and vascular lesions. Prognosis is clearly upon the extent of resection, total resection should be
dependent upon tumor histology. This finding has been attempted in all cases where it can be safely performed.
reported by many investigators [19–32], with patients with Obtaining tissue for diagnosis is recommended in all patients
pineocytomas, germinomas, and mature teratomas demon- with pineal region tumors whenever possible.
strating the most favorable survival rates. Platinum-based multiagent chemotherapy has dramati-
Jennings et al. found that survival was dependent upon the cally improved the outcome in patients with NGGCTs [11].
extent of tumor, which emphasizes the importance of careful Our series revealed that a significant increase in survival was
staging [25]. The staging workup should include a careful his- associated with the administration of chemotherapy to
tory and physical examination, MRI of the brain and spine, patients with NGGCTs other than mature and immature tera-
spinal fluid cytology, complete blood cell count, chemistry tomas. Many other authors have recommended the use of
panel, baseline ophthalmologic exam, and tumor marker stud- platinum-based multiagent chemotherapy for the treatment
ies (AFP and β[beta]-HCG from both the CSF and serum). of NGGCTs of the brain [20, 21, 25, 26, 32–36].
36 Pineal Tumors: Viewpoint—Fractionated Radiation Therapy 473
Radiotherapy should be administered to all patients with Given the good response rates of germinomas to chemo-
pineal region tumors other than possibly the mature and therapy, attempts have been made to use chemotherapy alone
immature teratomas for which little data exist regarding in order to avoid radiotherapy. However, the chemotherapy-
radiotherapy. Careful consideration should be given to the only approach has been shown to yield unacceptably high
dose, because survival in patients with NGGCTs (other than tumor recurrence rates [45–47]. In an attempt to strike an
mature and immature teratomas), PPTs, and germinomas is ideal balance between disease-related outcomes and long-
dependent upon the dose of radiation administered to the pri- term treatment-related sequelae, current work is aimed at
mary tumor. The extent and dose of radiation should be tai- exploring the best combination of pre-radiotherapeutic che-
lored to the particular tumor type as outlined below. motherapy with reduced dose radiation (in the disseminated
Patients with PPTs (other than pineocytomas) have a high and non-disseminated settings). When possible, every effort
risk of spinal failure, and craniospinal axis radiotherapy should be made to enroll patients with germinomas in cur-
would appear reasonable (particularly in pineoblastomas). rent cooperative group clinical trials.
However, patients with PPTs of intermediate differentiation Based on our series, patients with NGGCTs (other than
with no spinal metastasis can be given whole-brain irradia- immature and mature teratomas) but no spinal seeding can
tion because the risk of spinal seeding appears no greater be treated with either whole-brain or craniospinal irradiation.
after whole-brain irradiation than after craniospinal irradia- Spinal failure occurred in two of the four patients treated
tion (Table 36.3). In general, pineoblastomas are treated with partial brain fields. There was a low risk of spinal fail-
similarly to medulloblastomas, with craniospinal axis irradi- ure with either whole-brain or craniospinal irradiation
ation with a subsequent boost, followed by adjuvant chemo- (Table 36.3). In other studies, whole-ventricular-irradiation
therapy. The primary tumor should receive 5,040–5,400 cGy, has shown some promise as a potentially reasonable alterna-
and spinal metastases should receive 5,040 cGy in 180 cGy tive in selected patients [48–50]. As discussed above, it
fractions. Prophylactic therapy can include the delivery of has been shown that NGGCT patients also experience
3,000–4,500 cGy to uninvolved high-risk areas. Patients with improved survival with the administration of chemotherapy.
pineocytomas can be irradiated to the local tumor alone. Chemotherapeutic regimens typically include cisplatin (or
None of the pure pineocytomas we studied metastasized. carboplatin) and etoposide, with some regimens also adding
It appears that the radiation dose (>5,000 cGy versus cyclophosphamide or ifosfamide. The potential benefits of
≤5,000 cGy) delivered to the primary tumor was the most prophylactic spinal irradiation must be carefully weighed
significant factor affecting survival in patients with PPTs. against potential toxicity in patients requiring platinum-
Patients with germinomas but no spinal seeding still have a based multiagent chemotherapy. Craniospinal irradiation
modest risk of spinal failure. Historically, children with non- and systemic chemotherapy should be considered for patients
disseminated germinomas were treated with craniospinal irra- who present with spinal seeding. The primary tumor should
diation (3,600 cGy) followed by a boost to the primary tumor receive 5,040–5,400 cGy and spinal metastases should
(total dose of 5,000–5,400 cGy). Lower doses of craniospinal receive 5,040 cGy in 180 cGy fractions. Prophylactic ther-
irradiation and lower boost doses have demonstrated good apy can include the delivery of 2,400–3,600 cGy to unin-
efficacy in retrospective as well as prospective settings [37– volved high-risk areas. Second-look surgery should be
39]. Replacing craniospinal irradiation with whole-brain or considered for patients with persistent masses/residual tumor
whole-ventricular-irradiation has also been shown to yield after a course of chemotherapy and radiation. As with germi-
good results, with low spinal failure rates [5, 37, 40–43]. In nomas, enrollment in clinical trials should be strongly con-
our study, no patient who received craniospinal irradiation had sidered for NGGCT patients.
a spine failure and only 1 of 11 (9 %) patients treated with Immature and mature teratomas should be resected, if this
whole-brain irradiation failed (Table 36.3). While the rate of can be safely achieved. We cannot make definitive recom-
spinal failure in patients who received partial-brain fields was mendations regarding the efficacy of radiotherapy or chemo-
substantial in our study, multiple other series have demon- therapy for patients with immature and mature teratomas,
strated very good outcomes with whole-ventricular-irradiation because of the small number of patients in our series treated
[37, 38, 41, 42, 44, 45]. The standard radiation therapy alone with these modalities. If progression occurs, further surgical
arm in the Children’s Oncology Group (COG) ACNS0232 intervention, radiotherapy, and/or chemotherapy should be
protocol was structured to deliver 2,400 cGy in 150 cGy frac- considered.
tions to whole-ventricular fields, with a 2,100 cGy boost in Table 36.4 lists the relative advantages of stereotactic
150 cGy fractions subsequently delivered to regions of gross radiosurgery (SRS) versus fractionated external beam irradi-
disease (total tumor dose of 4,500 cGy). Patients with spinal ation. Stereotactic radiotherapy and radiosurgery have poten-
seeding were to receive 2,400 cGy in 150 cGy fractions to the tial roles in the treatment of pineal tumors. These techniques
craniospinal axis, followed by a 2,100 cGy boost in 150 cGy would have the greatest potential as a single treatment modal-
fractions to regions of gross disease. ity in non-seeding tumors. The advantages for radiosurgery
474 W.G. Rule and S.E. Schild
Table 36.4 Advantages of stereotactic radiosurgery (SRS) versus fractionated external beam radiotherapy (FRT)
Advantage Disadvantage
Effectively address those at ↑ risk of CSF seeding FRT SRS
Most effectively minimizes RT dose to surrounding normal brain SRS FRT
More radiobiologically effective in the treatment of small, non-seeding tumors SRS FRT
Marrow suppression in patients who in some cases receive chemotherapy SRS FRT
May be an effective alternative to resection in histologies in which resection is believed to improve survival SRS FRT
Requires less patient time SRS FRT
Proven long-term efficacy FRT SRS
Germinomas FRT SRS
Nongerminomas FRT SRS
Pineocytomas SRS FRT
Note: Ultimately, one might consider the following paradigm for future investigation in seeding pineal tumors (all those other than pineocytomas,
mature teratomas, and immature teratomas): Biopsy first (and shunting if needed), followed by FRT followed by a specialized boost (SRS, IMRT,
heavy ions …), and chemotherapy when appropriate. In non-seeding tumors, one might consider: Biopsy first (and shunting if needed) followed
by a specialized boost technique. The major rationale for this approach is the opinion that complete resection of a pineal tumor incurs a substan-
tially greater overall risk to the patient than does SRS. Additionally, the specialized boost would provide greater local control than FRT alone in
unresected tumors
in these cases are a shortened course compared with fraction- unknown. Pineoblastomas, variants of supratentorial PNETs,
ated external beam irradiation, and, more importantly, a are, in general, treated similarly to medulloblastomas. For all
reduction in radiation exposure to surrounding normal struc- other pineal tumors with seeding potential, radiosurgery or
tures. The latter is especially advantageous in pediatric stereotactic radiotherapy could be used as a boost to gross
patients. Pineocytomas and teratomas (both mature and disease after other therapy. Hasegawa et al. also reported on
immature) represent tumors in which this approach would be a small series of four patients treated for nongerminomatous
most applicable as they do not generally seed the CSF. There GCTs of the brain [35]. These patients received a Gamma
are examples in the literature where pineocytomas have been Knife boost after other therapies, and three of four were alive
reported to seed, but this may represent confusion regarding without disease at last follow-up. Although this is a small
the classification of PPTs, which should be subdivided into series, it does show potential and should lead to further
four groups [4, 6, 8]. The risks of radiosurgery are likely sub- investigation. The specialized radiation techniques might
stantially less than resection. Regarding PPTs, the University also be considered as salvage therapeutic maneuvers when
of Pittsburgh experience with Gamma Knife radiosurgery other treatments have failed.
would support these contentions. Hasegawa et al. reported
that the 5-year survival of ten patients with pineocytomas
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pineal and suprasellar germ cell tumors. Cancer. 1985;55(5):932–40. 38. O’Neil S, Ji L, Buranahirun C, Azoff J, Dhall G, Khatua S, et al.
18. Wara WM, Jenkin RD, Evans A, Ertel I, Hittle R, Ortega J, et al. Neurocognitive outcomes in pediatric and adolescent patients with
Tumors of the pineal and suprasellar region: Childrens Cancer central nervous system germinoma treated with a strategy of che-
Study Group treatment results 1960–1975: a report from Childrens motherapy followed by reduced-dose and volume irradiation.
Cancer Study Group. Cancer. 1979;43(2):698–701 [Research Pediatr Blood Cancer. 2011;57(4):669–73.
Support, U.S. Gov’t, P.H.S.]. 39. Tseng CK, Tsang NM, Jaing TH, Liau CT, Wu CT, Lin KL. Outcome
19. Bjornsson J, Scheithauer BW, Okazaki H, Leech RW. Intracranial of central nervous system germinoma treatment by chemoradiation.
germ cell tumors: pathobiological and immunohistochemical J Pediatr Hematol Oncol. 2011;33(4):e138–42 [Clinical Trial].
aspects of 70 cases. J Neuropathol Exp Neurol. 1985;44(1):32–46. 40. Dattoli MJ, Newall J. Radiation therapy for intracranial germi-
20. Bruce J, Fetell M, Stein B. Incidence of spinal metastases in patients noma: the case for limited volume treatment. Int J Radiat Oncol
with malignant pineal region tumors: avoidance of prophylactic Biol Phys. 1990;19(2):429–33.
cranial irradiation (meeting abstract). J Neurosurg. 1990;72:354A. 41. Aoyama H, Shirato H, Kakuto Y, Inakoshi H, Nishio M, Yoshida H,
21. Bruce J, Stein B, Balmaceda C. Management of pineal region germ et al. Pathologically-proven intracranial germinoma treated with
cell tumors: results and long-term follow-up (meeting abstract). radiation therapy. Radiother Oncol. 1998;47(2):201–5 [Multicenter
Proc Ann Meet Am Soc Clin Oncol. 1994;13:A505. Study].
22. Dearnaley DP, A’Hern RP, Whittaker S, Bloom HJ. Pineal and CNS 42. Shikama N, Ogawa K, Tanaka S, Toita T, Nakamura K, Uno T, et al.
germ cell tumors: Royal Marsden Hospital experience 1962–1987. Lack of benefit of spinal irradiation in the primary treatment of
Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys. 1990;18(4):773–81. intracranial germinoma: a multiinstitutional, retrospective review
23. Fuller BG, Kapp DS, Cox R. Radiation therapy of pineal region of 180 patients. Cancer. 2005;104(1):126–34 [Evaluation Studies
tumors: 25 new cases and a review of 208 previously reported Multicenter Study Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov’t].
cases. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys. 1994;28(1):229–45. 43. Yen SH, Chen YW, Huang PI, Wong TT, Ho DM, Chang KP, et al.
24. Hoffman HJ, Otsubo H, Hendrick EB, Humphreys RP, Drake JM, Optimal treatment for intracranial germinoma: can we lower radia-
Becker LE, et al. Intracranial germ-cell tumors in children. tion dose without chemotherapy? Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys.
J Neurosurg. 1991;74(4):545–51. 2010;77(4):980–7 [Evaluation Studies Research Support,
25. Jennings MT, Gelman R, Hochberg F. Intracranial germ-cell Non-U.S. Gov’t].
tumors: natural history and pathogenesis. J Neurosurg. 1985;63(2): 44. Shirato H, Nishio M, Sawamura Y, Myohjin M, Kitahara T,
155–67 [Review]. Nishioka T, et al. Analysis of long-term treatment of intracranial
26. Linggood RM, Chapman PH. Pineal tumors. J Neurooncol. germinoma. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys. 1997;37(3):511–5
1992;12(1):85–91. [Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov’t].
27. Mineura K, Sasajima T, Sakamoto T, Kowada M. Gan No Rinsho. 45. Kellie SJ, Boyce H, Dunkel IJ, Diez B, Rosenblum M, Brualdi L,
1990;36(14):2399–403 [Results of the treatment of intracranial et al. Intensive cisplatin and cyclophosphamide-based chemother-
germ cell tumors]. apy without radiotherapy for intracranial germinomas: failure of a
28. Sano K. Pineal region tumors: problems in pathology and treatment. primary chemotherapy approach. Pediatr Blood Cancer. 2004;43(2):
Clin Neurosurg. 1983;30:59–91. 126–33 [Clinical Trial].
476 W.G. Rule and S.E. Schild
46. Balmaceda C, Heller G, Rosenblum M, Diez B, Villablanca JG, 48. Calaminus G, Frappaz D, Kortmann RD, et al. Localized and
Kellie S, et al. Chemotherapy without irradiation—a novel approach metastatic nongerminoma treated according to the SIOP CNS GCT
for newly diagnosed CNS germ cell tumors: results of an interna- 96 protocol: update on risk profiles and outcome. J Neurooncol.
tional cooperative trial. The First International Central Nervous 2008;10:418.
System Germ Cell Tumor Study. J Clin Oncol. 1996;14(11):2908– 49. Ogawa K, Toita T, Nakamura K, Uno T, Onishi H, Itami J, et al.
15 [Clinical Trial Controlled Clinical Trial Multicenter Study Treatment and prognosis of patients with intracranial nongermino-
Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov’t]. matous malignant germ cell tumors: a multiinstitutional retrospec-
47. da Silva NS, Cappellano AM, Diez B, Cavalheiro S, Gardner S, tive analysis of 41 patients. Cancer. 2003;98(2):369–76.
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tumors: results of the third international CNS germ cell tumor ond phase II study of Japanese GCT Study Group. J Neurooncol.
study. Pediatr Blood Cancer. 2010;54(3):377–83 [Clinical Trial]. 2008;10:420.
Pineal Region Tumors:
Viewpoint—Chemotherapy 37
Christopher Dardis and Roy A. Patchell
L.S. Chin and W.F. Regine (eds.), Principles and Practice of Stereotactic Radiosurgery, 477
DOI 10.1007/978-1-4614-8363-2_37, © Springer Science+Business Media New York 2015
478 C. Dardis and R.A. Patchell
Generally these tumors are also sensitive to chemotherapy From this experience, it appears that aggressive chemo-
and the following agents have all been used with some therapy alone can induce durable complete remissions in only
success: alkylating agents (cisplatin, carboplatin, cyclophos- approximately 50 % of patients. Given the superior results
phamide, ifosphamide) as well as etoposide, vinblastine, with radiation for germinomas, the use of chemotherapy with-
adrimycin, and bleomycin. A platinum-based agent with out radiation cannot be considered routine for these patients.
etoposide is most commonly employed. Given how sensitive
they are to carboplatin in particular, it was hoped at one point
that this single agent may be able to replace radiation com- Non-germinomatous GCTs
pletely, although this no longer is a widely-advocated
approach [4]. Mature teratoma, like germinoma, tends to have a favorable
Neo-adjuvant chemotherapy with a platinum-based prognosis and remission may be achieved with resection
regime has been advocated by a number of centers, although alone. However, given the generally unfavorable prognosis
it remains to be seen whether this is of additional benefit by of the other tumors in this class, chemotherapy is not
comparison with the regimen proposed above [5]. A phase II controversial.
study by Allen et al. in 1994 showed complete response rates Historically non-germinomatous GCTs have been ana-
in 7 of 11 pediatric patients receiving carboplatin (150 mg/ lyzed together rather than separately and so relatively little is
m2 weekly, 2–4 cycles) [6]. known about their relative response to chemotherapy, i.e.,
In cases with dissemination there is clearly a role for whether regimes should include the particular histology in
craniospinal irradiation and for adjuvant chemotherapy. their design. Of the group, choriocarcinomas tend to have a
Likewise, in cases of local or systemic relapse, adjuvant che- significantly worse prognosis than the others.
motherapy is generally recommended. Given the relatively A consensus has emerged that adjuvant chemotherapy
low incidence of any of these complications, decisions are should generally include a platinum-based agent. A recent
typically based on small retrospective studies. Plantinum and review advises first line adjuvant treatment with POMB-
etoposide-based regimens are commonly employed, although ACE (cisPlantin, vincristine (Oncovorin), methotrexate,
bleomycin and cyclophosphamide have also been used [7]. bleomycin, actiomycin-d, cyclophosphamide, etoposide) or
Cyclophosphamide with re-irradiaiton had previously been EMA/CO (etoposide, methotrexate actinomycin-d, folinic
suggested as optimal monotherapy for recurrence, with acid, cyclophosphamide, vincrisite (Oncovorin)) [11].
response rates of up to 5 months [8]. Other proposed adjuvant regimes include cisplatin, ifos-
Recent trials have also explored the possibility of reducing phamide, and etoposide [12], PVB (cisplatin, vinblastine,
radiation dosing by giving adjuvant chemotherapy. One study bleomycin) and PIV (cisplatin, ifosphamide, bleomycin) [13].
using cisplatin and etoposide (up to six cycles) following Earlier approaches with neo-adjuvant cisplantin and etopo-
whole brain or ventricular irradiation in 16 pediatric patients side followed by adjuvant carboplatin, etoposide, bleomycin,
has shown promising results [9]. and vinblastine also confirmed improvement with this
It bears noting that there have been attempts to eliminate multimodality approach [14]. These are typically selected on
radiation therapy altogether from the treatment regimen. The the basis of tolerability and employed over 4–6 cycles. All of
largest of these was initiated by the international CNS GCT the platinum-based regimens have improved prognosis for
study group. these tumors. However, given that this tends to remain rather
This was a trial with a common protocol for all GCTs dismal (3-year survival rates reported as 30 % for adults,
[10]. Of 71 patients enrolled, 45 had germinomas. Induction 60 % for those age under 16), clearly there remains room for
chemotherapy consisted of four cycles of carboplatin, etopo- improvement in these regimes [13]. In all cases, following
side, and bleomycin chemotherapy, a regimen adapted from hormonal markers, typically in serum, it is advised to assess
systemic GCT experience. (Cisplatin is considered more response to treatment.
effective than carboplatin for systemic disease.) Those For recurrence, further chemotherapy is advocated, typi-
achieving complete remission (CR) were given an additional cally platinum-based and more aggressive than before,
four cycles. An intensified regimen was offered to those not although a consensus has yet to emerge on an optimal
achieving complete remission. Of the germinomas, 37 of 45 regimen.
achieved complete response. However, the relapse-free sur- Metastases have been reported with these tumors, most
vival was disappointing, with approximately 50 % of patients commonly when mixed (i.e., a non-germinomatous element
with each pathologic subtype experiencing relapse or pro- is present). These can occur as a result of transit through a
gression. Twenty eight of 55 patients in complete remission VP-shunt or independently—presumably hematogenously.
without irradiation subsequently developed tumor recur- If well localized, these may be treated with irradiation, typi-
rence at a median time of 18 months from diagnosis. cally with a platinum and etoposide combination.
37 Pineal Region Tumors: Viewpoint—Chemotherapy 479
The frustratingly high relapse rate and the initial management consists of total resection and postoperative
refractoriness of nongerminoma GCTs to chemotherapy has radiation, with 1- and 5-year survival rates of 91 % and 88 %,
led to the use of high-dose chemotherapy (HDC) and autolo- respectively [17]. No significant improvement in survival
gous stem cell transplant for either relapse disease or to con- was found in the addition of radiation to subtotal resection,
solidate partially responsive disease. This strategy is based although this is likely to remain standard practice in most
on experience with systemic GCTs, as well as the increasing cases; chemotherapy was not considered further. It was sug-
experience with other high-risk primary brain tumors, such gested as far back as 2004 that platinum-based chemother-
as medulloblastoma. One of the largest such experiences was apy could have a supportive role to play, although this has
published by Modak et al. [15], a group based in New York not been explored further with clinical trials [18]. Sensitivity
and one of the leaders in the field of high-dose therapy and to nimustine (ACNU) has also been reported [19].
stem cell rescue for brain tumors. Like the CNS GCT trial Certain variants are more aggressive and, given the poor
above, it included all germ-cell tumors, in this case 21 patients prognosis, should generally be offered chemotherapy. The
with CNS GCTs who had either relapsed or progressed, papillary variant is particularly aggressive [20]. Meningeal
despite receiving chemotherapy and/or radiation therapy. They metastases also tend to have a poorer prognosis and ACNU
received high-dose thiotepa with another agent, typically eto- and vincristine has been suggested as a reasonable approach
poside, often with carboplatin. Resection after chemotherapy for such cases [21].
was undertaken when practical. Posttransplant radiation ther-
apy was added focally or to the entire neural axis whenever
feasible. Four of 12 patients with non-germinomatous GCTs Pineoblastomas and Pineal Parenchymal
achieved CR with a range of 24–55 months at time of publica- Tumors of Intermediate Differentiation
tion. One was alive with residual disease at 51 months (7 of 9
patients with recurrent germinomas survived disease-free, Pineoblastomas (PBs) and pineal parenchymal tumors of
with a range of 6–87 months, median 48). intermediate differentiation (PPTIDs) are very rare in adults.
These encouraging results suggest that long-term remis- To date, no prospective studies analyzing different chemo-
sions can be obtained even in a group of patients initially therapy regimens are available. A recent multicenter review
refractory to chemotherapy. It remains to be seen whether indicated the poorer outcomes of these entities compared
adopting this as the approach at time of diagnosis will offer with pineocytomas [22].
additional benefits over current regimens. Primary or secondary failure (relapse) rates were about
50 % at 10 years, with the worse outcomes seen among
patients who present with disseminated disease or who have
Teratomas large-volume residual disease. PB histology compared with
PPTID also had worse outcomes.
Given their relative rarity, a consensus on the role of adjuvant Conventional approaches to adjuvant chemotherapy for
chemotherapy for immature teratomas has yet to emerge. One these tumors typically involves use regimens similar to those
large retrospective series showed a good response to chemo- used for medulloblastoma (which pineoblastoma resembles
therapy, typically platinum-based, when signs of recurrence histologically), such as cisplatin, carboplatin, etoposide,
developed [16]. This did not, however, apply to those in the cyclophosphamide, and vincristine [23].
highly malignant subgroup, for whom no salvage therapies Given the poor prognosis treatment with HDC and autolo-
were effective. gous stem-cell rescue (ASCR) in patients with newly diag-
nosed PB remains a possible alternative [24]. In the largest
trial to date on this subject (2004), 12 patients (6 children
Pineal Parenchymal Tumors and 6 adults) underwent biopsy or complete resection (5 of
12) of primary tumor at the time of diagnosis.
These tumors arise from the pineocyte. They are classified by All patients received induction chemotherapy with one of
the WHO into pineocytoma (grade I), pineal parenchymal tumor three regimens.
of intermediate differentiation (grade II-III), and pineoblastoma Stem cells were harvested from bone marrow and/or
(grade IV). They are considered to represent a spectrum. peripheral blood after the first or second cycle of induction
chemotherapy after using granulocyte colony-stimulating
factor (G-CSF).
Pineocytomas All patients, except two infants, received craniospinal
irradiation at a median dose of 36 Gy with a boost to the
Chemotherapy is far from standard of care for these tumors. pineal region boost.
A review in 2010 looking at outcomes for all English- Eleven patients received HDC with cyclophosphamide
language cases of pineocytoma concluded that optimal 50 mg/kg daily for 4 days followed by melphalan 60 mg/m2/day
480 C. Dardis and R.A. Patchell
for 3 days or busulfan 1 mg/kg every 6 h for 16 total doses over 5. Edwards MS, Hudgins RJ, Wilson CB, Levin VA, Wara WM, et al.
4 days followed by melphalan 60 mg/m2/day for 3 days. Pineal region tumors in children. J Neurosurg. 1988;68(5):689–97.
6. Allen JC, DaRosso RC, Donahue B, Nirenberg A. A phase II trial
After HDC and ASCR, nine patients were disease-free of preirradiation carboplatin in newly diagnosed germinoma of the
at a range of 28–125 months (median 62), including three central nervous system. Cancer. 1994;74(3):940–4.
of four with metastatic disease at presentation and the two 7. Salzman KL, Rojiani AM, Buatti J, Quisling RG, Marcus Jr RB,
infants who did not receive radiotherapy. Two of eight Maria BL, et al. Primary intracranial germ cell tumors: clinicopath-
ologic review of 32 cases. Pediatr Pathol Lab Med. 1997;17(5):
patients with localized disease and one of four patients with 713–27.
metastatic disease developed progression and died. 8. Allen JC, Bosl G, Walker R. Chemotherapy trials in recurrent
This outcome in this small sample of patients using HDC primary intracranial germ cell tumors. J Neurooncol. 1985;3(2):
after induction chemotherapy and radiation are superior to 147–52.
9. Tseng CK, Tsang NM, Jaing TH, Liau CT, Wu CT, Lin KL, et al.
less-aggressive regimens. Outcome of central nervous system germinoma treatment by
Subsequent trials have tended to confirm these initial chemoradiation. J Pediatr Hematol Oncol. 2011;33(4):138–42.
results, although the numbers with pineoblastoma were gen- 10. Balmaceda C, Heller G, Rosenblum M, Diez B, Villablanca JG,
erally small and tended to be grouped with high-grade recur- Kellie S, et al. for the First International Central Nervous System
Germ Cell Tumor Study. Chemotherapy without irradiation—a
rent CNS tumors [25–27]. novel approach for newly diagnosed CNS germ cell tumors: results
of an international cooperative trial. J Clin Oncol. 1996;14:
Conclusion 11. Kyritsis AP. Management of primary intracranial germ cell tumors.
J Neurooncol. 2010;96(2):143–9.
12. Aoyama H, Shirato H, Ikeda J, Fujieda K, Miyasaka K, Sawamura
Chemotherapy has an established role to play in GCTs, par- Y, et al. Induction chemotherapy followed by low-dose involved-
ticularly non-germinomatous and pineoblastomas. At present, field radiotherapy for intracranial germ cell tumors. J Clin Oncol.
the agents in use are relatively nonspecific. Given their prog- 2002;20(3):857–65.
13. Khafaga Y, El Weshi A, Nazmy M, Hassounah M, Alshail E,
nosis, future developments will likely focus on higher doses Moussa E, et al. Intracranial germ cell tumors: a single-institution
of these agents, with stem-cell rescue as required, or on more experience. Ann Saudi Med. 2012;32(4):359–65.
targeted biological agents, possibly based on molecular char- 14. Robertson PL, DaRosso RC, Allen JC. Improved prognosis of
acteristics of the tumor. New modalities such as stereotactic intracranial non-germinoma germ cell tumors with multimodality
therapy. J Neurooncol. 1997;32(1):71–80.
radiosurgery may improve the response rates to adjuvant 15. Modak S, Gardner S, Dunkel IJ, Balmaceda C, Rosenblum MK,
treatment, although it does not appear likely to replace it Miller DC, et al. Thiotepa-based high-dose chemotherapy with
entirely for now. When classifying outcomes, the issue of autologous stem-cell rescue in patients with recurrent or progres-
“splitting” vs. “lumping” remains to be clarified, particularly sive CNS germ cell tumors. J Clin Oncol. 2004;22:1934–43.
16. Sawamura Y, Kato T, Ikeda J, Murata J, Tada M, Shirato H, et al.
in relation to the response to chemotherapy in the pediatric Teratomas of the central nervous system: treatment considerations
and adult forms of these tumors and also in variable responses based on 34 cases. J Neurosurg. 1998;89(5):728–37.
to subtypes of non-germinomatous GCT. 17. Clark AJ, Sughrue ME, Ivan ME, Aranda D, Rutkowski MJ, Kane
Treatment decisions should be made in a multi- AJ, et al. Factors influencing overall survival rates for patients with
pineocytoma. J Neurooncol. 2010;100(2):255–60.
disciplinary context and that given their rarity, centralization, 18. Jackson AS, Plowman PN. Pineal parenchymal tumours:
co-ordination of services, and detailed reporting of outcomes I. Pineocytoma: a tumour responsive to platinum-based chemother-
are key goals to facilitate future improvements in care. apy. Clin Oncol (R Coll Radiol). 2004;16(4):238–43.
19. Sakoda K, Uozumi T, Kawamoto K, Fujioka Y, Hasada J, Hatayama
T, et al. Responses of pineocytoma to radiation therapy and chemo-
therapy—report of two cases. Neurol Med Chir (Tokyo). 1989;
References 29(9):825–9.
20. Marcol W, Kotulska K, Grajkowska W, Gołka D, Właszczuk P,
1. Hasegawa T, Kondziolka D, Hadjipanayis CG, Flickinger JC, Drogosiewicz M, et al. Papillary pineocytoma in child: a case
Lunsford LD, et al. The role of radiosurgery for the treatment of report. Biomed Pap Med Fac Univ Palacky Olomouc Czech Repub.
pineal parenchymal tumors. Neurosurgery. 2002;51:880–9. 2007;151(1):121–3.
2. Haas-Kogan DA, Missett BT, Wara WM, Donaldson SS, Lamborn 21. Nakatsukasa M, Toya S, Otani M, Yoshida K, Ishida Y, Ogawa Y,
KR, Prados MD, et al. Radiation therapy for intracranial germ cell et al. Cystic pineocytoma successfully treated with synchronized
tumors. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys. 2003;56:511–8. chemoradiotherapy. Case report. Neurol Med Chir (Tokyo). 1989;
3. Ishida Y, Sakamoto N, Kamibeppu K, Kakee N, Iwai T, Ozono S, 29(4):333–7.
et al. Late effects and quality of life of childhood cancer survivors: 22. Lutterbach J, Fauchon F, Schild SF, Chang SM, Pagenstecher A,
Part 2. Impact of radiotherapy. Int J Hematol. 2010;92(1):95–104. Volk B, et al. Malignant pineal parenchyma tumors in adult patients:
4. Paximadis P, Hallock A, Bhambhani K, Chu R, Sood S, Wang Z, patterns of care and prognostic factors. Neurosurgery. 2002;51:
et al. Patterns of failure in patients with primary intracranial germi- 44–56.
noma treated with neoadjuvant chemotherapy and radiotherapy. 23. Tate MC, Rutkowski MJ, Parsa AT. Contemporary management of
Pediatr Neurol. 2012;47(3):162–6. pineoblastoma. Neurosurg Clin N Am. 2011;22(3):409–12.
37 Pineal Region Tumors: Viewpoint—Chemotherapy 481
24. Gururangan S, McLaughlin C, Quinn J, Rich J, Reardon D, Halperin 26. Shih CS, Hale GA, Gronewold L, Tong X, Laningham FH, Gilger
EC, et al. High-dose chemotherapy with autologous stem-cell EA, et al. High-dose chemotherapy with autologous stem cell
rescue in children and adults with newly diagnosed pineoblastomas. rescue for children with recurrent malignant brain tumors. Cancer.
J Clin Oncol. 2003;27:2187–91. 2008;112(6):1345–53.
25. Rosenfeld A, Kletzel M, Duerst R, Jacobsohn D, Haut P, Weinstein 27. Gill P, Litzow M, Buckner J, Arndt C, Moynihan T, Christianson T,
J, et al. A phase II prospective study of sequential myeloablative et al. High-dose chemotherapy with autologous stem cell transplan-
chemotherapy with hematopoietic stem cell rescue for the treat- tation in adults with recurrent embryonal tumors of the central
ment of selected high risk and recurrent central nervous system nervous system. Cancer. 2008;112(8):1805–11.
tumors. J Neurooncol. 2010;97(2):247–55.
Skull Base Tumors
Reinhart A.J. Sweeney and Matthias Guckenberger
L.S. Chin and W.F. Regine (eds.), Principles and Practice of Stereotactic Radiosurgery, 483
DOI 10.1007/978-1-4614-8363-2_38, © Springer Science+Business Media New York 2015
484 R.A.J. Sweeney and M. Guckenberger
only limited long-term outcome data but also small patient or less [20] and similar results have been reported by others
collectives. [21]. Considering an effective dose of 13–16 Gy to achieve
From these data, one can surmise that the most critical local control of a given tumor and a recommended dose of
structures are the optic pathways. The risk of clinically sig- 8 Gy as the maximum for the optic chiasm this means that in
nificant radiation optic neuropathy for patients receiving clinical practice a distance between tumor margin and optic
SRS for skull base tumors is 1–2 % following doses to optic apparatus should be at least of 2–3 mm to avoid visual
chiasm below 10 Gy and this percentage may significantly deterioration.
increase for higher doses [17, 18]. Leber et al. reviewed 50 The auditory apparatus is second in line with 12–15 Gy
patients having SRS for benign skull base tumors in which SRS tolerance using a single fraction or 18 Gy in three frac-
the optic nerves or chiasm were exposed to 4.5 Gy or more. tions. Then follows the trigeminal nerve and finally the motor
For patients receiving 10–15 Gy and greater than 15 Gy, the cranial nerves [2, 4, 6, 7, 9–12] which have rarely been
risk of radiation-induced optic neuropathy was 26.7 % and reported having a deficit using doses under 16 Gy.
77.8 %, respectively, however no optic neuropathy was Considering these data and published risks of optic neu-
observed when a dose less than 10 Gy was delivered to the ropathy for conventionally fractionated radiotherapy,
optic apparatus [19]. Stafford et al. found that the risk of α/β[alpha/beta] ratios in the range of 0–1 seem reasonable
developing a clinically significant optic neuropathy was for estimating radiosurgery dose equivalents for optic and
1.1 % for patients receiving a maximum point dose of 12 Gy cranial nerves.
486 R.A.J. Sweeney and M. Guckenberger
After primary resection of extracranial angiofibromas, Table 38.3 Staging of esthesioneuroblastoma according to Kadish et al.
cure rates of nearly 100 % can be achieved compared with Stage Characteristic
results in patients with intracranial lesions where the cure A Confined to the nasal cavity
rates are approximately 70 %. B Confined to the nasal cavity and one or more
In case of incomplete resection, or in advanced-stage paranasal sinuses
lesions, a combination of surgery followed by radiotherapy C Extending beyond the nasal cavity or paranasal
sinuses, including involvement of the orbit,
is indicated due to the high recurrence rate in these patients.
base of skull or intracranial cavity, cervical
Advanced-stage disease with cranial base involvement and lymph nodes or distant metastatic sides
intracranial extension often allows only subtotal resection of From Kadish S, Goodman M, Wang CC. Olfactory neuroblastoma.
the tumor. A clinical analysis of 17 cases. Cancer. 1976; 37(3): 1571–6; used with
External beam irradiation has been shown to be a useful permission
adjunct to therapy in patients with unresectable recurrent dis-
ease. Gamma Knife and linac-based radiosurgery with a
dose of 20 Gy to the tumor margin (55 % isodose line) is an Rationale for Treatment and Alternatives
effective way to deliver high-dose radiation to incompletely
resected angiofibromas [32] as they represent slow-growing Because of the rarity of esthesioneuroblastoma and its wide
and late-responding tissues. Therefore, a radiobiological variety of clinical behavior, there is no definitive consensus
advantage to radiosurgery may be given. Radiosurgery is regarding the optimal treatment. For small, low-grade tumors
regarded as a reasonable strategy in small-volume and local- confined to the ethmoids, surgery alone appears to be an
ized angiofibromas. adequate method. Patients with locally advanced disease or
For larger angiofibromas, fractionated conformal radiation high-grade tumors should receive aggressive treatment with
therapy with total doses of 36–46 Gy is also effective and combined modalities such as surgery, radiation therapy, and
may reduce the risk of late effects such as cranial nerve defi- chemotherapy [38]. Most authors recommend en bloc resec-
cits, bone and soft tissue necrosis. Another treatment tech- tion, combined with radiation therapy [39, 40]. Local failure
nique described in the literature is the use of intensity-modulated rates of 44 % in low-grade and 60 % in high-grade tumors
radiation therapy (IMRT) in three cases [33]. The applied and metastatic rates of 25 % in low-grade and 47 % in high-
tumor dose varied from 34 to 45 Gy. In all three cases, a grade tumors are described [41]. A significantly lower recur-
reduction of tumor size occurred without significant toxicity. rence rate with overall 5- and 10-year survival rates of 81 and
Especially in children, inhibition of facial bone growth and 54.5 % in patients with response to neoadjuvant radiotherapy
second malignancy are severe possible side effects and must combined with chemotherapy has been reported [42]. At
be considered in treatment decisions [34–36]. recurrence, either surgical and/or radiosurgical retreatment
can lead to long lasting remissions in 42 % of patients [43,
44]. Thus close follow-up is recommended.
Esthesioneuroblastomas are rare tumors originating from the Very few studies report on radiosurgical treatment in the pri-
olfactory epithelium of the upper nasal cavity [36]. The sex mary situation; the limiting factors are usually the radiosen-
distribution of esthesioneuroblastomas is uniform. The olfac- sitivity of cranial nerves as discussed in Table 38.1.
tory nerves perforate the groove in the ethmoid bone in the Walch et al. [45] reported on three patients with olfactory
cribriform plate and continue into the subarachnoid spaces. neuroblastoma treated with a combination of endoscopic sur-
Therefore, a high incidence of intracranial extension results. gery and Gamma Knife. Stereotactic radiosurgery was per-
This highly dedifferentiated tumor occurs in all periods of formed within the first 3 months of surgery. The maximum
life with a bimodal peak at the second and sixth decades. diameter of the tumors was approximately 24.3 mm and the
The two most common clinical signs of esthesioneuroblastoma marginal dose to the tumor varied from 16 to 34 Gy; 1–5 iso-
constitute unilateral nasal obstruction and epistaxis. Other centers were used. Radiation-induced side effects were nasal
clinical symptoms include headache, swelling of the cheek, discharge and crusts. One patient developed bilateral frontal
blurred vision, and dental pain. Esthesioneuroblastoma can chronic sinusitis, and in a second, endoscopic operation was
metastasize to regional lymph nodes, primarily of the neck necessary.
[37] lung, or bones. According to the WHO classification An Austrian group described the combined treatment
system, the terms olfactory neuroblastoma and olfactory of endoscopic surgery and radiosurgery for olfactory
neurogenic tumors are used. The Kadish staging classifica- neuroblastoma [46]. Median marginal doses ranged from
tion is shown in Table 38.3. 15 to 34 Gy at a marginal isodose between 45 and 85 %.
488 R.A.J. Sweeney and M. Guckenberger
The maximum tumor volume treated with radiosurgery was within the third ventricle in 55–85 % of the patients [49].
approximately 20 cm3. The median follow-up period was 58 Compression of the pituitary and hypothalamic region can
months. Observed radiosurgical side effects were mild and produce antidiuretic hormone and growth hormone deficiency
transient, such as cephalea and dizziness. No changes in or obesity in children. Diabetes insipidus is present in approx-
mental status were observed. No new pathology of the optic imately 10 % of the patients. Visual field defects and decreased
pathway was described during follow-up. vision due to compression of the optic chiasm and optic path-
IMRT is recommended for larger and more complex- ways are the initial symptoms in approximately 40–60 % of
shaped Esthesioneuroblastoma [40]. However also here, the these patients [50, 51] (Table 38.4).
required conventionally fractionated doses of 50–60 Gy
(postoperatively) or 65–70 Gy required for inoperable cases,
the challenge remains similar [47, 48]. Rationale for Treatment and Alternatives
The major goal of radiotherapy treatment strategies is deterioration related to radiosurgery. In a Swedish study,
sparing of critical normal structures. Radiosurgery as well as 21 patients were treated with Gamma Knife radiosurgery.
intracavitary irradiation with stereotactically applied β[beta]- They found a statistically significant difference between
emitting radioisotopes maximize normal tissue sparing. The tumor progression and applied dose; a higher progression
cystic nature of craniopharyngioma has led to trials of intra- rate was found in patients treated with less than 6 Gy to the
cystic applications of β[beta]-emitting radioisotopes such as margin than in patients treated with a dose higher than 6 Gy.
yttrium-90 or phosphorus-32. The use of radiosurgery has Four of these patients developed pituitary dysfunction [67].
been reported in patients with minimal residual or recurrent In the literature, parenchymal injuries of the brain or second
disease. However, for patients with larger target volumes, malignancies caused by radiotherapy are estimated to be
tumors immediately abutting the optic apparatus and multi- less than 1–2 % [68].
ple cystic configured lesions, fractionated stereotactic radio-
therapy should be preferred as excellent local control with
minimal morbidity can be realized [62, 63]. Chordomas, Chondromas,
and Chondrosarcomas
males than in females (1.5:1). They can be classified into and mortality. Furthermore, it is difficult to treat skull base
three grades (I–III). Lower-grade tumors are less aggressive chordomas and chondrosarcomas with radiotherapy alone
and act clinically similar to chordomas. Historically, skull because of the large tumor size, the extent of infiltrated tis-
base chordoma and chondrosarcoma were often pooled sues, and because of dose limitations imposed by the sensi-
together in reported series due to the rarity of these tumors; tivity of adjacent critical normal tissues such as the brain
however, recently published studies have shown important stem and cranial nerves [73]. Frequently used fractionated
differences with respect to diagnosis, treatment, and progno- doses are 55–66 Gy. A clear dose-response relationship with
sis, strongly suggesting a more aggressive therapy for chor- improved outcomes after doses exceeding 60 Gy have been
domas than chondrosarcomas [71] (Table 38.5). shown in chordomas [74]. Similar effects have been shown
with radiosurgery with better results after marginal doses
>15 Gy [73]. Because of the slow proliferative nature of
Rationale for Treatment and Alternatives chordomas, high linear energy transfer may be useful. To
yield good results with respect to local tumor control, high-
Treatment of choice is total surgical resection, if feasible, dose radiation therapy with photons combined with proton
followed by radiation therapy. The best results in the treat- beam boost [75, 76] or particle therapy alone [77, 78], are
ment of chordomas have been obtained by complete surgi- reported. Heavily charged particles such as protons or car-
cal resection followed by high doses of proton irradiation bon ions may be superior because of their finite range in
[72]. Complete resection of these tumors at the skull base is tissues. This radiation technique offers an excellent chance
challenging and associated with higher rates of morbidity of cure with acceptable radiation-induced toxicity. However,
38 Skull Base Tumors 491
IMRT has also shown its effectiveness [79], so that the final Chordomas
verdict may ultimately require long-term results from a ran-
domized trial.
Skull base approaches
Fig. 38.2 This right sided incidental jugular glomus tumor was sided glomus tumor at the level of the carotid bifurcation.
detected on 99mTc-octreotide SPECT imaging (bottom in fusion with Retrospectively, it is quite obvious in MRI
MRI) after being missed on both CT (top) and MRI (middle) for a left
Embolization alone does not prevent further tumor progression are based on the patients’ comorbidities. Surgical resection of
[92]. Surgical resection is the only treatment option that glomus jugulare tumors carries a high complication rate,
can offer immediate and complete tumor elimination. due to their high vascularity and the involvement of critical
Contraindications to surgical intervention of skull base tumors vascular and neuronal structures, which included stroke,
38 Skull Base Tumors 493
cranial nerve injury with 8–40 %, and an overall mortality rate of the tumor. The steep dose gradient achievable with radio-
of 5–13 % [93]. Compared with radiosurgery, fractionated ste- surgery minimizes the irradiation dose to surrounding nor-
reotactic radiotherapy may reduce the risk of radiation-induced mal tissue. Whereas diagnostic imaging techniques have
side effects providing additional radiobiologic sparing and been much improved within recent years, they cannot reli-
should be recommended for larger tumors or those, which ably separate tumor from adjacent cranial nerve when target-
cannot be precisely defined by imaging. ing radiosurgery treatment. Because of the close proximity
of glomus tumors to cranial nerves, permanent cranial nerve
deficits are possible side effects of radiosurgery. Most pub-
Patient Selection for Radiosurgery lished studies reported only transient dizziness or occasional
and Treatment Planning Details hearing loss (Table 38.6).
Jordan et al. [82] reported on eight patients treated with
For radiosurgical techniques, the prescribed dose to the Gamma Knife radiosurgery between 1990 and 1998. The
tumor margin ranges from 12 to 25 Gy with typical doses mean tumor volume of these patients was 9.8 cm3 (range,
greater than 20 Gy for small- to medium-sized tumors but 17.3–4.3 cm3). The mean applied marginal dose was 16.3 Gy
lower doses to larger tumors due to an increased risk of (range, 12–20 Gy). None of these patients developed delayed
radiation-induced side effects [82, 83, 94]. Median tumor cranial neuropathy or tumor progression during a mean fol-
volumes of glomus tumors should be less than 10 cm3 low-up of 27 months.
because of the possible increased risk of radiation-induced Lim et al. [94] reported on ten patients treated with
cranial nerve deficits due to the radiosensitivity of cranial radiosurgery, whereas four patients were treated with pri-
nerves. On the other hand and in analogy to excellent control mary radiosurgery due to several comorbidities. The other
rates after only 45–50 Gy in fractionated radiotherapy [95] five had prior surgeries for their tumor. Tumor size ranged
12 Gy single fraction or 25 in 5 Gy fractions [96] likely suf- from 1.2 to 3.6 cm at the largest diameter with an average
fice, especially in critical locations. of 2.4 cm. Six patients were treated with a frame-based
linac system and four with the CyberKnife. Prescribed
dose to the 80 % isodose ranged from 16 to 25 Gy to the
Review of the Literature tumor margin. After a median follow-up of 21.5 months,
nine patients had no change of tumor size, whereas one
For well-defined and noninfiltrating glomus jugulare tumors, patient showed tumor regression. Nine patients had stable
stereotactic radiotherapy should be particularly beneficial. neurologic symptoms and only one patient experienced
They usually present in a small size due to their proximity to transient ipsilateral tongue weakness and hearing loss
cranial nerves whose dysfunctions often herald the presence (Fig.38.3).
Fig. 38.3 Treatment plan of a patient presenting with hearing deficit, vertigo and vocal cord paresis. MR imaging showed a left sided glomus
tumor treated radiosurgically with 17 Gy marginal dose (70 % isodose). After 24 months the tumor has shrunk, no new toxicity (courtesy of Dr.
A. Muacevic, CyberKnife Centre Munich)
After an observation period of up to 6.7 years, Saringer neurologic toxicity was identified in all 25 patients. Only one
and co-workers [90] reported on 13 patients with glomus patient experienced clinically significant vertigo 8.5 months
tumors treated with Gamma Knife radiosurgery. Three of after treatment. They observed no new or progressive neu-
these patients showed tumor size reduction, whereas ten had ropathy of cranial nerves V–XII.
stable tumor volume. Clinical symptoms remained Recently, even clearer evidence for radiosurgery’s role
unchanged in six, and six patients showed an improvement has been published in the form of a meta-analysis of 869
of clinical symptoms. One patient failed the follow-up. Two patients with glomus tumors. Subtotal resection (STR), gross
patients developed transient cranial nerve complications total resection (GTR), STR + postoperative radiosurgery and
(worsening of preexisting swallowing disorders and tempo- radiosurgery alone were compared in terms of local control
rary facial nerve palsy 1 and 12 months after radiosurgery, and cranial neuropathy. Local control after radiosurgery was
respectively). significantly (p < 0.01) higher than the other groups. The
The Mayo Clinic experiences were published by Foote GTR patient group had higher rates of deficits than those
et al. in 2002 [97]. They described treatment outcome for a who underwent SRS alone. The authors concluded that
total of 25 patients and long-term results for a cohort of 9 higher rates of morbidity are not associated with improved
patients with a median largest diameter of 3.3 cm. No acute local control rates, compared to radiosurgery [98].
38 Skull Base Tumors 495
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Skull Base Tumors: Viewpoint—Surgery
Richard F. Schmidt, Smruti K. Patel, Robert W. Jyung,
Jean Anderson Eloy, and James K. Liu
L.S. Chin and W.F. Regine (eds.), Principles and Practice of Stereotactic Radiosurgery, 499
DOI 10.1007/978-1-4614-8363-2_39, © Springer Science+Business Media New York 2015
500 R.F. Schmidt et al.
subtotal resection to decompress the brainstem followed by (MRI) to identify the pathology and its relationship to
postoperative SRS for tumor control of the residual tumor in important structures, computed tomography (CT) to evalu-
the cavernous sinus. ate for tumor calcification or bony changes of the skull base,
This chapter will discuss the surgical considerations for and vascular imaging such as CT angiography/venography
tumors of the skull base, both as an individual treatment and (CTA/CTV), MR angiography/venography (MRA/MRV),
as part of a multimodality treatment plan. Due to the wide or digital subtraction angiography (DSA) to determine the
variety of pathological and anatomical considerations for surrounding vascular anatomy and vascular supply of the
various skull base lesions, the surgical management is highly tumor and venous drainage patterns. Recently, intraopera-
variable across tumor types. As such, the specific surgical tive electrophysiologic neuromonitoring and frameless ste-
considerations for a number of benign and malignant tumors reotactic navigation have also proven to be useful adjuncts.
will be discussed, including trigeminal schwannomas, glo- Ultimately, the best surgical approach, extent of resection,
mus jugulare tumors, chordomas, chondrosarcomas, esthe- and use of adjuvant therapies should be thoroughly consid-
sioneuroblastomas, craniopharyngiomas, and skull base ered in the context of the individual patient’s clinical status
meningiomas. Since these tumors fundamentally differ on a and surgical goals.
number of levels, discussion of their radiographic appear-
ance and pathological findings are out of the scope of this
chapter. Therefore, the discussion will focus primarily on Trigeminal Schwannomas
their clinical and anatomical presentation as well as the indi-
cations and outcomes of surgical intervention. Trigeminal schwannomas are relatively rare tumors,
accounting for approximately 0.07–0.5 % of all intracranial
tumors and 0.8–10 % of all intracranial schwannomas [2–6].
Surgical Considerations The emergence of microsurgical techniques and skull base
approaches has significantly improved the postoperative
While the tumors discussed in this chapter vary greatly, there outcomes for patients with these tumors. Since the late
are a number of considerations that are universally applied 1990s, rates of gross total resection (GTR) have consis-
when addressing the surgical management of the skull base. tently ranged from 60 to 100 %, with the majority of large
Primarily, the specific goals of the surgery should be dis- case series reporting rates greater than 70 %. Furthermore,
cussed with the individual patient based on their age and recurrence rates have consistently decreased, occurring in
unique clinical presentation; there is no “one-size-fits-all” less than 19 % of patients who undergo surgery as a pri-
method of treatment and the risk-to-benefit ratio of surgery mary treatment [2–5, 7–10]. Currently, surgery remains the
varies among individual patients. An asymptomatic, elderly standard treatment for most of these tumors, as GTR is
patient with multiple comorbidities presenting with a small, often curative.
benign tumor may not benefit from surgical resection because Trigeminal schwannomas typically arise from the trigem-
of the relatively greater risk of morbidity associated with the inal nerve root, the Gasserian ganglion or one of the three
procedure and postoperative recovery. On the other hand, a peripheral branches (V1–V3), making the clinical presenta-
young patient with severe facial pain due to compression of tion, radiographic findings, and treatment of these tumors
the trigeminal nerve by a large tumor would likely benefit highly variable [3]. They usually occur during the third or
from surgical decompression and complete resection, if fourth decade of life but may arise earlier in patients with
safely possible. Furthermore, tumor adherence to surround- neurofibromatosis type II [4, 6]. The most common present-
ing neurovascular structures may prohibit safe complete ing symptom is altered facial sensation occurring in 50–91 %
resection and is therefore an important consideration when of patients, which may range from pain to hypesthesias and/
determining the extent of surgical resection. A tumor encas- or paresthesias [3–6]. It has been suggested that facial pain is
ing the basilar artery might be best managed by achieving a typically associated with tumors arising from the Gasserian
subtotal resection to avoid complications of vascular com- ganglion, whereas pain is frequently absent in tumors arising
promise, opting for postoperative adjuvant radiation therapy from the nerve root [2].
for further tumor control. For the purposes of treatment by surgical resection,
Because of the variability seen in tumor extension and tumors are typically classified based on their location. The
infiltration, it is also important that the surgeon be equipped most commonly used classification system was developed by
with as much information as possible both before and dur- Jefferson [11], grouping tumors into four distinct classes
ing the surgery. Preoperative imaging is essential for based on location. Type A tumors are located primarily in the
determining the appropriate surgical approach and minimiz- middle fossa and represent 25–55 % of cases. Type B tumors
ing the manipulation of critical structures. A typical preop- are mainly situated in the posterior fossa, representing
erative work-up may include magnetic resonance imaging 11–50 % of cases. Type C tumors span both the middle and
39 Skull Base Tumors: Viewpoint—Surgery 501
posterior fossa, commonly referred to as “dumbbell tumors,” vention in small- to medium-sized tumors [12–15]. However,
and represent 14–40 % of tumors. Type D tumors are charac- it has been suggested that larger tumors (≥15 cm3) are more
terized by extradural extension and are the least commonly likely to progress despite SRS [13]. Given these results and
reported, comprising 6–13 % of tumors [2, 5, 11]. recommendations, surgery continues to remain the method
Recently, skull base approaches have replaced conven- of choice for most tumors, especially large, symptomatic
tional approaches to these tumors as a result of superior lesions.
long-term outcomes [3]. The advantages of these approaches
over conventional intradural approaches include better tumor
exposure, less brain retraction, and more complete removal Glomus Jugulare Tumors
[3]. A number of approaches have been recommended for
accessing type A tumors, including frontotemporal transsyl- Glomus jugulare tumors are an extremely rare group of
vian, zygomatic infratemporal, and orbitozygomatic infra- tumors representing 0.03 % of all intracranial tumors with
temporal approaches, with some studies advocating an an incidence of approximately 1 per 1.3 million population
additional anterior petrosectomy for tumors with minimal [16]. These tumors arise from the neuroendocrine chief cells
extension into the posterior fossa [2, 3, 5, 8, 10]. Type B of the paraganglia, which are located in the adventitia of the
tumors are typically treated using a lateral suboccipital retro- dome of the jugular bulb. Typically, these tumors are char-
sigmoid approach, similar to that used for vestibular schwan- acterized as benign, slow growing lesions that cause com-
nomas [2, 5]. Type C tumors tend to be the most difficult to pression of adjacent bone, cranial nerves, and blood vessels
resect because they occupy both the posterior and the middle by local infiltration and spread. Only about 1–5 % of glomus
fossa. As a result, numerous methods for accessing and jugulare tumors are malignant and exhibit metastatic spread
removing these tumors have been proposed, with little con- [17]. Due to their difficult anatomic location at the skull
sensus on which is most appropriate. These approaches base, hypervascularity, and advanced stage at diagnosis,
include a subtemporal, extradural-intradural approach with glomus jugulare tumors pose a formidable challenge for
anterior petrosectomy [7, 8], combined subtemporal presig- neurosurgeons (Fig. 39.1). However, recent advances in
moid/retromastoid approach [2], and a zygomatic middle neuroimaging, microsurgical skull base techniques, and
fossa approach, which avoids tentorial incision or anterior radiation therapy have enhanced and improved the manage-
petrosectomy by expanding Meckel’s cave [9]. Type D ment of these tumors. Currently, multiple modalities of
tumors typically extend down the mandibular or maxillary treatment for glomus jugulare tumors exist, including pri-
divisions of the trigeminal nerve through the foramen ovale mary modes of treatment such as microsurgical resection
or foramen rotundum, respectively. These tumors usually via various skull base approaches and SRS or adjunctive
require more extensive approaches to access the pterygopal- treatments such as preoperative vascular embolization and
atine or infratemporal fossa. Thus, the orbitozygomatic conventional external beam radiotherapy.
infratemporal and zygomatic infratemporal approaches are Microsurgical resection remains the treatment of choice
most commonly used [2, 3]. An extradural subtemporal- for glomus jugulare tumors [18, 19]. Early attempts at surgi-
infratemporal approach through a preauricular-infratemporal cal resection of these tumors were fraught with poor tumor
incision has also been proposed, as well as minimally inva- control, high rates of recurrence, and significant morbidity
sive endoscopic endonasal/transmaxillary approaches [5]. and mortality. As a result, over time, several approaches for
Tumors with cavernous sinus involvement are relatively microsurgical resection of glomus jugulare tumors have
common and are typically treated with less aggressive resec- been described, either as single or staged operations. These
tion, focusing instead on maximal preservation of vascular approaches include mastoid-neck [20], mastoid-neck with
structures and surrounding cranial nerves rather than com- limited facial nerve mobilization [20], infratemporal fossa
plete tumor resection [5]. type A and B [20–27], posterior fossa [23, 24], subtemporal-
While surgery is the treatment of choice for most of these infratemporal [25], retrosigmoid [25], extreme lateral trans-
tumors, especially in cases of large tumors or those causing condylar [25], posterolateral [28], transmastoid-transcervical
significant symptoms, SRS is emerging as a potential treat- [22], combined infratentorial and posterior fossa [29],
ment option for many of these lesions. It is well known that petro-occipital trans-sigmoid [30], combined transmastoid
SRS is very useful in patients with incomplete surgical resec- retro- and infralabyrinthine transjugular transcondylar
tion, tumor recurrence, or those who would not be able to transtubercular high cervical [31], infralabyrinthine retrofa-
tolerate prolonged surgical procedures [4, 5, 12]. Recent cial [32], and various combined approaches.
studies suggest that SRS may be useful in patients who are The primary goal of the microsurgical management of
poor candidates for surgery, have tumor that is tightly adher- glomus jugulare tumors is curative GTR. Recent studies
ent to vital structures, such as the brainstem or posterior have repeatedly shown excellent rates of GTR of these
portion of the cavernous sinus [3], or even as a primary inter- lesions and surgical control rates have consistently remained
502 R.F. Schmidt et al.
Fig. 39.1 (a, b) Preoperative T1-weighted post-gadolinium MRI (a axial temporal fossa approach was performed with gross total resection of the
view, b coronal view) demonstrating a glomus jugulare tumor in the right tumor. (c, d) Postoperative T1-weighted post-gadolinium MRI (c axial
jugular foramen (white arrow). An extended far lateral transjugular infra- view, d coronal view) shows complete resection of the tumor
high in numerous studies [32–34]. Surgical control rate (also ture review by Suarez et al. [33], 226 patients with glomus
referred to as tumor control rate) is defined as complete jugulare tumors demonstrated a surgical control rate of
tumor elimination with no evidence of residual or recurrent 93.3 %.
disease throughout the follow-up period, including patients Despite the relatively high success rate, postoperative
who have multiple surgeries. Recently, many studies have complications, such as cranial nerve deficits, are significant
been published that have corroborated this evidence. A sys- causes of morbidity in patients with glomus jugulare tumors
tematic review of seven microsurgery case series with a total that are treated with microsurgery. Due to their location near
of 374 patients showed 88.2 % GTR of tumors during the the cerebellopontine angle, CN VII, VIII, and the lower cra-
initial surgery and a surgical control rate of 92.1 % [17, 20, nial nerves are primarily affected during these operations.
25, 27, 29, 30, 35]. A meta-analysis by Ivan et al. [34] The most common postoperative presentations related to cra-
showed that GTR was achieved in 351 (81 %) of 433 patients nial nerve dysfunction reported in the literature include facial
during the initial surgery for glomus jugulare tumors with an palsy, hearing loss, vocal cord paralysis resulting in hoarseness,
86 % surgical control rate. In a retrospective study by Borba dysphagia, and decreased gag reflex resulting in aspiration.
et al. [32] of 34 patients who underwent microsurgery for In most cases, these cranial neuropathies were transient.
glomus jugulare tumors, GTR was achieved in 91 % with a Thus, it is clear that cranial nerve preservation during resec-
surgical control rate of 94.2 % [32]. In a more recent litera- tion of glomus jugulare tumors is a key factor in reduction of
39 Skull Base Tumors: Viewpoint—Surgery 503
postoperative morbidity in these patients. In addition, pre- ously progress and invade surrounding structures, ulti-
vention of postoperative CSF leak is another important chal- mately resulting in significant disability and death [45].
lenge that is encountered during open microsurgical Clival chordomas typically present with cranial nerve
treatment of glomus jugulare tumors. CSF leak has been palsy secondary to tumor compression [44], and involvement
reported in more than half the cases presented in the litera- of the sella turcica by these tumors may also result in endo-
ture [20–24, 26, 29, 32, 34, 36]. crinopathies [46]. Less commonly, they may present acutely
More recently, the use of Gamma Knife, linear accelera- with epistaxis or intracranial hemorrhage [47, 48]. The main-
tor (LINAC), and CyberKnife SRS has been increasing for stay of treatment for skull base chordomas is surgical resec-
both primary and secondary treatments of these tumors tion followed by postoperative adjuvant radiotherapy [49].
largely due to the advantage of avoiding high rates of mor- However, due to their proximity to critical neurovascular
bidity. These tumors can serve as ideal candidates for treat- structures, the balance between obtaining maximal tumor
ment with SRS because they are well demarcated on MRI resection and limiting significant postoperative morbidity
and rarely invade the brain, allowing a steep dose decrease at from extensive resection has remained a topic of significant
the margin [37]. A recent meta-analysis of 19 studies describ- debate [50]. A recent meta-analysis of 23 observational stud-
ing the outcomes of patients with glomus jugulare tumors ies conducted by Di Maio et al. [49] suggested that radical
who were treated with SRS as a primary treatment exhibited resection was the most promising method of treatment for
an average tumor control rate of 97 % with minimal morbid- improving the progression-free survival and overall survival
ity [38]. Thus, SRS should be considered as a primary treat- in patients with skull base chordomas. They found
ment in patients who cannot tolerate surgery (i.e., advanced progression-free survival rates of 85 % and 47 % with com-
age and/or medical comorbidities), patients who have under- plete resection compared to 50 % and 25 % with incomplete
gone contralateral jugular foramen surgery, and for smaller resection at 5- and 10-year intervals, respectively.
tumors that do not exhibit mass effect. SRS is an important Furthermore, patients treated with complete resection had
adjuvant therapy for residual or recurrent tumor that is not overall survival rates of 95 % at both 5 and 10 years, whereas
amenable to surgical resection. patients treated with incomplete resection had overall sur-
The method of treatment of glomus jugulare tumors must vival rates of 71 % and 53 % at 5 and 10 years, respectively.
be individualized and tailored based on the tumor size, loca- Using a Kaplan–Meier analysis, they found a 3.83-fold
tion, extent of intracranial extension, as well as the patient’s increase in the risk of recurrence and a 5.85-fold increase in
overall surgical risk. Early and aggressive surgical resection the risk of death at 5 years for patients treated with incom-
is ultimately favored for small tumors in younger patients in plete resection when compared to those treated with com-
order to offer the patient the best chance for preservation of plete resection.
neurological function and prevention of future deterioration Currently, a number of surgical approaches exist for
given that the patient is an appropriate surgical candidate accessing clival chordomas depending on the size and loca-
[18, 21–23, 32, 36]. Tumors with significant intracranial tion of the tumor. Staged procedures using more than one
extension exhibiting mass effect or brainstem compression approach have also been advocated by some authors for
and those that are malignant glomus jugulare tumors should treatment of exceedingly complex lesions [51, 52]. In a study
be removed surgically. of 71 patients, Sen et al. [42] described their rationale for
approaching these tumors using midline anterior approaches,
including extended subfrontal, transoral, transmaxillary,
Chordomas transmandibular and more recently, endoscopic endonasal
approaches, for central extradural tumors [42]. For tumors
Chordomas are a rare neoplasm derived from undifferenti- extending into the cavernous sinus, surrounding the internal
ated notochordal remnants in the axial skeleton, accounting carotid artery, or involving the vertebrobasilar system and
for 1–4 % of all bone malignancies and 17.5 % of malig- the brainstem, they recommend using a lateral skull base
nancies of the axial skeleton [39, 40]. Chordomas of the approach, suggesting that it allows for better control of the
skull base typically arise from the clivus (Fig. 39.2) and vessels and better separation of the brainstem–tumor inter-
have an incidence of approximately one per two million face [42]. Recently, the endoscopic endonasal approach has
population, representing approximately 25–39 % of all become a favorable approach among many neurosurgeons
chordomas [41–43]. While these tumors are histologically [42, 53]. The utility of this approach in treating chordomas is
low grade, they are highly infiltrative, associated with a largely due to the fact that these tumors are typically midline
large tumor burden at diagnosis, and exhibit high rates of and remain extradural, offering a low risk of CSF leak [53].
recurrence, making them very difficult tumors to manage In an analysis of 37 studies including 766 patients, Komotor
clinically [44]. Without intervention, these tumors insidi- et al. [53] found that the endoscopic endonasal approach
offered significant advantages over open microsurgical
504 R.F. Schmidt et al.
Fig. 39.2 (a, b) Preoperative sagittal T2 (a) and T1-weighted post- formed resulting in near-total resection of the tumor. (c, d) Postoperative
gadolinium (a) MRI demonstrating a clival chordoma with brainstem sagittal T2 (c) and T1-weighted post-gadolinium (d) MRI shows
compression. An endoscopic endonasal transclival approach was per- decompression of the brainstem and basilar artery
approaches. These include significantly higher rates of gross been suggested to have some utility in cases of gross total
total resection (61.0 % vs. 48.1 %), fewer cranial nerve defi- resection [49, 51, 54]. Proton-beam radiotherapy is currently
cits (1.3 % vs. 24.2 %), lower rates of meningitis (0.9 % vs. the most widely accepted form of adjuvant treatment for
5.9 %), less overall mortality (4.7 % vs. 21.6 %), and fewer skull base chordomas, with studies suggesting that it pro-
cases of tumor recurrence (16.9 % vs. 40.0 %). However, vides improved progression-free survival when compared to
their conclusions were limited by selection bias and a shorter conventional radiotherapy [55]. However, there is a signifi-
length of follow-up for endoscopically treated tumors. cant dearth of data comparing proton-beam radiotherapy
Nevertheless, they recommend that the endoscopic endona- with other modalities, such as SRS. Furthermore, multiple
sal route is at least as efficacious as existing microsurgical studies have suggested that there is no difference between
techniques and suggest that it be highly considered for the types of adjuvant radiotherapy that are offered [49, 56].
patients with small midline tumors (<4 cm diameter or Ultimately, we recommend that all patients with skull base
<35 cm3 volume) with minimal lateral extension or carotid chordomas receive aggressive surgical resection as the pri-
artery involvement [53]. mary treatment and be considered for adjuvant postoperative
Adjuvant postoperative radiation therapy is a widely radiation therapy or SRS for residual disease, with the type
accepted adjunct therapy for the management of residual of radiotherapy left to the discretion of the treatment team
tumor following incomplete surgical resection, and has also based on the available options.
39 Skull Base Tumors: Viewpoint—Surgery 505
therapies available. Furthermore, most studies are limited in adjuvant) chemotherapy followed by craniofacial resection
that they include both chordomas and chondrosarcomas, and postoperative radiation therapy should be considered for
even though chondrosarcomas have been shown to be rela- Kadish C (tumors with skull base or intracranial extension)
tively more susceptible to radiation treatment [52, 63, 72, and higher-grade lesions (tumor with neck or distant metas-
73]. Radiation therapy as a primary treatment has been tases) [88, 89].
shown to be efficacious in certain situations; however, the Over the past 2 decades, various advances in skull base
outcomes are inferior to those tumors treated with both sur- techniques have been made to incorporate both endoscopic-
gery and postoperative radiotherapy [58, 62]. As such, we assisted craniofacial resection and more recently, purely
suggest that all patients with chondrosarcomas of the skull endoscopic endonasal resection of these tumors in addition
base should be treated with surgical resection as the primary to standard craniofacial surgical resection [90]. The intro-
method of treatment followed by postoperative adjuvant duction of endoscopy has transformed traditional open skull
radiation therapy. base surgery and confers various advantages over conven-
tional craniofacial resection. These advantages include: (1)
no retraction of the frontal lobes, (2) better visualization in
Esthesioneuroblastomas difficult areas, (3) use of natural orifices (nasal corridor) to
avoid visible incisional scar, (4) reduction in recovery time,
Esthesioneuroblastomas, also known as olfactory neuroblas- and (5) less overall morbidity and mortality [91–95].
tomas, are rare, malignant neoplasms of neural crest origin However, longer follow-up is necessary in order to better
that arise from the olfactory epithelium of the upper nasal assess the recurrence-free survival rates and prognosis in
cavity and anterior skull base [74–76]. These tumors may patients with esthesioneuroblastoma resected via the purely
invade locally and spread to the paranasal sinuses, nasal cav- endoscopic endonasal route. In our experience, careful
ity, and other surrounding structures, typically causing nasal patient selection is important when considering the purely
obstruction and epistaxis (Fig. 39.3) [77, 78]. They may also endoscopic approach. We generally reserve the endoscopic
extend superiorly across the cribriform plate intracranially to approach for sinonasal tumors with minimal intracranial
involve the brain or seed the cerebrospinal fluid. Metastasis extension, and use a combined transbasal bifrontal approach
may occur via the lymphatic or hematogenous route in and endoscopic endonasal approach (combined cranionasal)
17–48 % patients, and is most commonly seen in the cervical for sinonasal tumors that have more extensive intracranial
lymph nodes and more distant sites, including the lungs, involvement. Additionally, the role of SRS in management
brain, and bone [79, 80]. Due to the rarity of these tumors of esthesioneuroblastomas has not been very well defined
and the heterogeneity of treatment modalities described in and further studies are required with longer follow-up in
the literature, a standardized management protocol has not order to assess whether this treatment modality is efficacious
been established for esthesioneuroblastomas [80]. [86, 96–98].
Craniofacial surgical resection has largely remained the
preferred method of treatment and usually requires the
removal of the cribriform plate in order to prevent perineural Craniopharyngiomas
extension. Surgical resection is typically followed by adju-
vant radiotherapy, and in some cases, chemotherapy in order Craniopharyngiomas are benign, epithelial-squamous, extra-
to achieve better long-term results [80–84]. The decision by axial tumors that arise along the path of the craniopharyngeal
which the modality of therapy is chosen for treatment is duct or Rathke’s pouch, and are designated as WHO Grade 1
largely driven by the characteristics of the tumor and primar- tumors [99, 100]. They have an overall incidence of 0.5–2
ily based on Kadish staging. According to most available per 100,000 [101] and represent approximately 5 % of all
studies, Kadish A (tumors limited to the nasal cavity) and intracranial tumors and 5–10 % of all pediatric intracranial
Kadish B tumors (tumors that extend to paranasal sinuses) tumors (Fig. 39.4) [102, 103]. These tumors typically exhibit
are optimally treated with craniofacial resection followed by a bimodal distribution, with peak incidences at 5–14 years
postoperative radiotherapy for greater disease-free survival. and 50–74 years [101, 104], with childhood craniopharyn-
Postoperative radiation therapy, in patients with Kadish A giomas accounting for 30–50 % of all cases [101, 105]. They
and B tumors, has shown to improve recurrence-free survival are classified into two histopathological subtypes, adamanti-
at 5 years when compared to patients treated with surgery nomatous craniopharyngiomas, which are associated with a
alone [85]. Overall survival rates in patients treated with sur- mutation of the β-catenin gene and predominantly occur in
gical resection followed by postoperative radiation therapy the first 2 decades, and papillary craniopharyngiomas, which
have been reported to be up to 100 % [86] and 5-year disease- typically occur in adults [106]. Some authors have suggested
free survival rates up to 85.7 % [87]. Recent literature also lower recurrence rates in those with papillary histology, but
suggests that multimodality therapy with preoperative (neo- others have reported no difference in outcome or recurrence
39 Skull Base Tumors: Viewpoint—Surgery 507
Fig. 39.3 (a, b) Preoperative T1-weighted post-gadolinium MRI of the tumor with reconstruction of the resultant skull base defect. (c, d)
(a sagittal view, b coronal view) demonstrating an esthesioneuroblas- Postoperative T1-weighted MRI (c sagittal, d coronal) shows gross
toma with intracranial extension through the cribriform plate. An endo- total resection of the tumor. Packing is visualized in the nasal cavity
scopic endonasal transcribriform approach was performed for removal bolstering the skull base repair
between the two subtypes [106, 107]. Grossly, they are typi- system has been developed based on and the degree of
cally characterized as cystic, solid, and mixed, and many hypothalamic involvement, with Grade 0 tumors having no
tumors exhibit extensive calcification. involvement, Grade 1 exhibiting compression of the hypo-
While these tumors are classified as benign, they can thalamus, and Grade 2 involving the hypothalamus.
sometimes exhibit tumor adherence to critical structures in Furthermore, the clinical presentation of craniopharyngio-
the parasellar region, including the optic apparatus, pituitary mas varies by the anatomical location of the lesion with rela-
stalk, pituitary gland, hypothalamus, third ventricle, anterior tion to the optic chiasm. Prechiasmatic lesions typically
cerebral artery complex, and surrounding perforating involve the optic apparatus, resulting in decreased visual
arteries. Hypothalamic involvement is of particular concern, acuity and visual field defects, usually presenting as bitemporal
as it has been shown to be significantly related to pre- and hemianopsia in up to 49 % of cases [100, 111, 112].
postoperative morbidity, including behavioral disturbances, Retrochiasmatic lesions commonly present with hydroceph-
obesity, cognitive decline, and an overall decrease in quality alus and signs of increased intracranial pressure, including
of life [108–110]. Because of this, a separate classification headache, nausea, vomiting, papilledema, and horizontal
508 R.F. Schmidt et al.
Fig. 39.4 (a, b) Preoperative T1-weighted post-gadolinium-enhanced (c, d) Postoperative T1-weighted post-gadolinium-enhanced MR
MRI (a sagittal, b coronal) demonstrating a pediatric craniopharyngi- images (c sagittal, d coronal) show gross total resection of the tumor
oma resulting in visual loss with optic compression. An endoscopic with decompression of the optic apparatus
endonasal transplanum transtuberculum approach was performed.
double vision [100, 113]. Intrasellar lesions typically present being put into question, especially in cases where GTR
with headache and endocrinopathies, including polyuria, might result in significant morbidity [109, 110]. Some
polydipsia, growth retardation, developmental disturbances authors suggest that significant hypothalamic involvement
during puberty in children, hypogonadism in adults, and sig- (i.e., Grade 2) is a strong indicator to undergo subtotal
nificant weight gain [100, 114]. However, despite these resection followed by radiation therapy as opposed to GTR
trends associated with anatomical location, many patients [110, 117, 119]. Additionally, some recommend minimal
will present with a combination of these clinical features. resection, such as cyst decompression followed by radiation
Obtaining GTR has traditionally been the primary goal therapy in elderly patients with multiple comorbidities, or in
of surgical management due to the relatively high rates of patients with stalk infiltration but an intact hypothalamic–
recurrence. It has been shown that tumor recurrence is pres- pituitary axis [117]. Nevertheless, a GTR should be
ent in approximately 10–30 % of cases treated by GTR and attempted whenever safely possible.
up to 50 % in cases treated without GTR [104, 106, 109, Initially, transcranial routes, including pterional, orbito-
111, 112, 115–118]. Furthermore, recurrent tumors are zygomatic, subfrontal, transcallosal, and bifrontal
associated with worse morbidity, mortality, and decreased approaches, were the method of choice for accessing these
long-term survival. However, this paradigm is currently lesions [103, 104, 106, 109, 111, 112, 115, 116, 119–121].
39 Skull Base Tumors: Viewpoint—Surgery 509
While these approaches can expose a wide variety of ana- invaded and hyperostotic bone and surrounding dura, if
tomical locations, they typically require significant brain safely possible [129, 130]. In many cases, only subtotal
retraction and manipulation of neurovascular structures in resection can be achieved, and in these cases postoperative
order to obtain optimal visualization and surgical resection radiosurgery or radiotherapy is often required for tumor
[117]. The extended transsphenoidal microsurgical approach, control [131].
utilizing an operative microscope through a nasal speculum, Over the past 2 decades, it has been well documented that
provides a more direct route to the sellar and suprasellar extent of resection of skull base meningiomas correlates with
regions [103, 117, 122, 123]. Recently, endoscopic endona- long-term tumor recurrence [132–136]. Therefore, the key
sal approach (transplanum transtuberculum) has emerged as goals of the skull base meningioma treatment paradigm
a viable treatment option for resection of these tumors [117, include: (1) maximal resection of tumor with minimal neuro-
124]. The use of an endoscope has enabled surgeons to logical deficit, (2) preservation of functional outcome, and
obtain a wider field of view, allowing minimally invasive (3) prevention of tumor recurrence [129]. Various approaches
resection of these tumors with minimal manipulation of sur- of microsurgical resection have been described for skull base
rounding structures. In general, studies have shown similar meningiomas including infratemporal fossa [137], retrosig-
rates of GTR among the different approaches, ranging from moid [138], and extended approaches to the jugular foramen;
9 to 90 % for transcranial approaches, 12–90 % for micro- the supraorbital [139], pterional [140], and orbitozygomatic
scopic transsphenoidal approaches, and 29–86 % for endo- [141] approaches for tuberculum sellae meningiomas; com-
scopic endonasal transsphenoidal approaches [104, 106, bined subtemporal-suboccipital approach, the preauricular-
109, 111, 112, 115–117, 119, 120, 122, 123]. Ultimately, the subtemporal-infratemporal approach [142], the posterior
decision of which operative approach to use largely depends transpetrosal [143], anterior transpetrosal-transtentorial
on the specific goals of the patient as well as the training and [144], and combined supratentorial and infratentorial
technical preference of the neurosurgeon. approaches [145, 146] for sphenoid wing, petroclival, and
As previously mentioned, radiation treatment has become tentorial meningiomas; the transoral approach to the lower
a commonly used therapy in certain cases of craniopharyn- clivus and upper cervical spine [43]; and the extreme lateral
giomas. Rates of tumor control and mortality have been transcondylar approach [147–149] for ventral foramen mag-
shown to be comparable in cases where subtotal resection num meningiomas at the craniocervical junction. More
with radiation therapy was chosen over GTR or when radia- recently, endoscopic endonasal techniques have also been
tion therapy was chosen for the treatment of recurrent tumors described and reported for certain midline skull base menin-
[118, 125, 126]. However, studies addressing the use of SRS giomas such as planum sphenoidale, olfactory groove, tuber-
are currently very limited. Currently, SRS is used for small, culum sellae, and clival meningiomas [150–157].
solid craniopharyngiomas located 3–5 mm away from the Among the most challenging meningiomas to treat surgi-
optic nerve or chiasm [127] or in cases of recurrent or resid- cally include cavernous sinus, tuberculum sellae, and petro-
ual tumors following subtotal or GTR [128]. In general, sur- clival meningiomas. Cavernous sinus meningiomas typically
gical resection remains the treatment of choice for present with visual and ocular motor deficits such as ptosis,
craniopharyngiomas, with GTR being the ultimate goal diplopia, anisocoria, and ophthalmoplegia, in addition to tri-
when obtainable. However, more studies are needed to com- geminal nerve dysfunction [158]. Cavernous sinus meningi-
pare the long-term outcomes of various combinations of sur- omas are inherently difficult tumors to resect because of their
gical techniques and radiotherapy interventions in order to involvement of the cavernous sinus, internal carotid artery,
establish the best possible course for patient care. and cranial nerves III–VI. The treatment strategies for cav-
ernous sinus meningiomas have evolved over the past decade
[159–163]. In many cases, subtotal resection and decom-
Skull Base Meningiomas pression of the cavernous sinus and optic nerve can be con-
sidered. In these instances, postoperative radiotherapy or
Skull base meningiomas are typically difficult lesions to SRS for residual tumor may be indicated if the meningioma
resect because of their location and close proximity to vital displays atypical features on histology or if it is found to be
neurovascular structures. These tumors include, but are not malignant [129]. Long-term outcomes of Gamma Knife SRS
limited to, orbital, optic nerve sheath, olfactory groove, for patients with small- or medium-sized cavernous sinus
tuberculum sellae, cavernous sinus, sphenoid wing, cerebel- tumors have shown good results with respect to progression-
lopontine angle, petroclival, and tentorial meningiomas. free survival (90 and 75 %) and functional outcomes (93 and
The other inherent difficulty in treating these lesions is that 91 %) at 5 and 10 years, respectively [164]. Tumor progres-
skull base meningiomas tend to differ in volume, shape, sion was more likely found to occur from margins that
location, and clinical symptomatology. Optimal manage- remain outside of the treatment volume [164]. Furthermore,
ment of these tumors involves GTR with removal of the tumors that are asymptomatic and radiographically stable
510 R.F. Schmidt et al.
Fig. 39.5 (a, b) Preoperative T1-weighted post-gadolinium MRI (a approach resulting in gross total resection of the tumor. (c, d)
axial, b coronal) demonstrating a left petroclival meningioma with Postoperative T1-weighted post-gadolinium MRI (c axial, d coronal)
brainstem compression. The patient underwent a combined petrosal shows complete removal of the tumor with brainstem decompression
over time are followed up at appropriate intervals without Petroclival meningiomas are typically treated on a case-
intervention. specific basis and numerous aspects of management are con-
Petroclival meningiomas (Fig. 39.5) are rare and make up sidered, including the size and location of tumor, choice of
only about 3–10 % of all posterior fossa meningiomas [165]. surgical approach, the postoperative evaluation of results, and
These tumors are particularly complex because of their deep treatment of recurrence [129, 138, 144, 145, 169–171]. For
location and often intimate relationship with vessels, nerves, smaller tumors in symptomatic patients, GTR, if feasible,
and the brainstem. In addition, the natural history of these should be the goal of surgery. On the other hand, small and
tumors may be unpredictable and frequently involves pro- asymptomatic meningiomas, particularly in elderly patients,
gressive growth and neurological deterioration [166, 167]. may be observed and followed up with serial neurological
The neurologic presentation of petroclival meningiomas var- exams and imaging. Larger petroclival meningiomas may
ies, though some of the more common symptoms include require combined surgical approaches to allow adequate
headache, gait disturbances, cranial nerve deficits, and other tumor exposure and debulking [145, 146, 171]. In cases
symptoms related to brainstem compression [166, 168]. involving large or giant petroclival meningiomas, it is impor-
39 Skull Base Tumors: Viewpoint—Surgery 511
tant to consider the patient’s postoperative quality of life giomas is dural involvement that extends laterally over the
[135]. In some cases, settling for a subtotal resection with optic canal and anterior clinoid process. The risk of CSF
decompression of adjacent structures is reasonable, with or leakage is also higher but has been reduced since the advent
without postoperative radiosurgery, particularly in cases that of the pedicled nasoseptal flap reconstruction [182, 183].
involve cavernous sinus invasion, pial invasion, and tumor More recently, SRS has been studied both as primary
adherence to cranial nerves and vessels [166]. treatment for skull base meningiomas that are not readily
Tuberculum sellae meningiomas make up 5–10 % of all amenable to surgery and as an adjuvant therapy in cases
intracranial meningiomas and pose a unique surgical chal- where GTR was not achieved. These studies have shown
lenge. They typically arise from the tuberculum sellae, chias- that this treatment modality provides acceptable rates of
matic sulcus, limbus sphenoidale, and diaphragma sellae tumor control (upwards of 85 % in most studies), while pre-
[172]. These tumors commonly cause displacement of the serving neurological function in many patients and avoiding
optic chiasm and optic nerves and often have optic canal the mortality and morbidity associated with an open surgi-
involvement. The most common clinical manifestation of cal procedure [131, 184]. Of note, neurological preservation
tuberculum sellae meningiomas is progressive visual loss, or improvement was more commonly observed in patients
classically known as “the chiasmal syndrome,” a term first who received Gamma Knife treatment for lesions that origi-
coined by Harvey Cushing in 1930 to describe the hallmark nated in the petroclival, parasellar, and cerebellopontine
presentation of these lesions [173]. The ideal treatment angle locations [184]. Though the results of these studies
involves decompression of the optic apparatus by achieving are certainly promising in the treatment of these tumors, the
a Simpson Grade I removal (i.e., surgical GTR of the tumor, decision-making protocol for skull base meningiomas
its dural attachments, and associated hyperostotic bone) should always include surgery as the primary tier of man-
while preserving visual function, the integrity of critical agement, if it can be safely achieved, given that this is the
adjacent neurovascular structures, and endocrine function only option that can achieve tumor reduction, decompres-
[154, 173]. In cases where tumor extends into the optic canal, sion of compromised neural structures, and provide poten-
early bony decompression of the optic canal (including ante- tial oncologic cure.
rior clinoidectomy, optic canal unroofing, and incising falci-
form ligament) has been advocated during the removal of
tuberculum sellae meningiomas and appears to have a strong References
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Skull Base Tumors:
Viewpoint—Fractionated Radiotherapy 40
or Stereotactic Radiotherapy
Skull base tumors account for up to a third of all intracranial Chordomas: General Features
tumors. The most common ones are represented by menin-
gioma, pituitary adenoma, acoustic nerve schwannoma, and Chordomas are rare tumors: according to the SEER data, the
craniopharyngioma; less frequent types comprise chordoma incidence of these tumors is around 0.08 per 100,000 with a
and chondrosarcoma, PGL or chemodectoma, and very occa- peak incidence between 50 and 60 years of age; they repre-
sionally rare bone tumors like bone lymphoma, giant cell sent only 0.1–0.2 % of all primary intracranial neoplasms
tumors, and carcinoma of the skull base can be found. Some, [2]. Chordomas are of neuroectodermal origin and are pre-
like the meningioma, can involve almost any part of the ante- sumed to develop from notochordal remnants (Fig. 40.1).
rior, middle, or posterior fossa, whereas others, like the PGL, The discovery of a gene duplication in the transcription
arise from well-defined anatomic structures. Surgery still factor T gene (brachyury) in familial chordoma seems to
remains the cornerstone in the management of most skull support this hypothesis [3]. There are several histopathologic
base tumors [1]. However, in spite of a better understanding subcategories, with or without predominance of particular
of the natural behavior and biology of these skull base tumors, cell types. Those include the physaliferous type, the epitheli-
continuous progress in anesthesiology, and the refinements in oid and the chondroid cell types [4].
surgical techniques, a complete surgical removal is extremely Immunohistochemistry shows that almost all tumors stain
difficult in many instances or made at a price of considerable positively for the epithelial membrane antigen, cytokeratins,
neurologic deficits. This is why noninvasive treatments, such S-100 proteins, and are negative for HMB-45 and desmin
as high-precision radiotherapy with intensity-modulated radi- [4]. One third of all chordomas arise from the skull base, the
ation therapy (IMRT), radiosurgery (RS), stereotactic frac- remainder from the sacrum and the spine. Although they do
tionated radiotherapy (STRT), and particle therapy, play an grow slowly, and rarely metastasize, they are quite often
increasing role in the multidisciplinary management of most lethal due to their local progression. They commonly involve
skull base tumors. We will focus here on chordoma and chon- vital neural or bony structures (Fig. 40.2), thus compromis-
drosarcoma on the one hand, and on the PGL category on the ing the effectiveness of surgical or radiation therapy [5].
other, with particular emphasis on their treatment by fraction- Intracranial chordomas typically arise from the clivus and
ated external beam radiotherapy, particle therapy, and STRT. can invade the dura, extend in any direction, for example
toward the foramen magnum, the petrous bone, the cranio-
spinal junction or compress the brain stem, or infiltrate ante-
R.-O. Mirimanoff, M.D. (*) riorly the cavernous sinus [6].
Radiation Oncology Department,
CHUV, University Hospital Lausanne, Lausanne, Switzerland
Clinique de La Source, Vinet Avenue 30, Chondrosarcomas: General Features
1004 Lausanne, Switzerland
e-mail: rene-olivier.mirimanoff@chuv.ch
Chondrosarcomas are also rare tumors that can arise from
L. Negretti, M.D.
the skull base. Like chordomas, they represent 0.15 % of
Radiation Oncology Department, CHUV, University Hospital
Lausanne, Clinica Luganese, via Moncucco 10, 6900 Lugano, all intracranial tumors [7] although many series suggest
Ticino, Switzerland that they are even less common than chordomas [8–10].
L.S. Chin and W.F. Regine (eds.), Principles and Practice of Stereotactic Radiosurgery, 517
DOI 10.1007/978-1-4614-8363-2_40, © Springer Science+Business Media New York 2015
518 R.-O. Mirimanoff and L. Negretti
Fig. 40.1 Pathology slide of a chordoma Fig. 40.3 Pathology slide of a skull base chondrosarcoma
surgery with neurological preservation should be the goal chondrosarcomas, followed by male chordomas and female
[20]. With extensive surgery, Crockard et al. have reported chordomas, with 94 %, 65 %, and 42 % local control rates,
5-year survival rates of 77 % and 93 %, respectively, for respectively [14]. At Loma Linda University, 58 patients
chordoma and chondrosarcoma [15, 16]. Gay et al. obtained with chordomas and chondrosarcomas received proton beam
a 67 % total or near total resection rate, and for these an 84 % radiotherapy with a mean dose of 70 CGE, with a local con-
recurrence-free rate was achieved [8]. trol rate of 92 % for chondrosarcomas and 78 % for chordo-
In spite of these improvements in surgery, it appears that mas [13]. An update of the French series at Orsay on 100
a genuine curative resection with clear margins is not often patients confirmed their previous results with a combination
realistic, and ultimately a majority of patients will recur and of photons and proton beams (201 MV with a median dose of
die from their disease if no adjuvant radiation is adminis- 67 CGE). In this report, the 2- and 4-year local control rates
tered. For example, in a series of 13 operated patients with were 86 % and 54 %, respectively [9]. Patients with chordo-
chondrosarcomas from the Netherlands, only three received mas treated with proton beam therapy at Tsukuba University
postoperative photon (2) or proton (1) radiotherapy, and the received a median dose of 72 Gy with 5-year local control
recurrence-free survival was only 43 % at 5 years [11]. In a and local-specific survivals of 42 % and 72 %, respectively
systematic literature review of intracranial chondrosarcoma, [27]. At the Paul Scherrer Institute, Switzerland, 64 patients
Bloch et al. found that the 5-year mortality rate was 25 % with skull base chordomas (42) and chondrosarcomas (22)
without and 9 % with postoperative radiotherapy [21]. were treated with the spot-scanning-based proton radiother-
Therefore, adjuvant, high-dose postoperative radiother- apy technique with a median dose of 75.5 Gy for chordomas
apy has been considered and used for many years both for and 68.4 Gy for chondrosarcomas [28]. Actuarial 5-year
chordomas and chondrosarcomas. In spite of old claims that control rates were 81 % for chordomas and 94 % for chon-
chondrosarcomas and chordomas are radioresistant tumors drosarcomas; the 5-year freedom from high-grade toxicity
[23], conventional external beam radiotherapy was shown to was 94 % [28]. With carbon ion radiotherapy, the experience
provide useful and prolonged palliation in overt residual dis- from Heidelberg and GSI in Darmstadt on 96 chordoma
ease [5]. It was however suggested for a long time that these patients disclosed a 70 % local control and 88 % survival at
tumors, in order to be controlled, need to receive relatively 5 years [29]. The same group obtained a 90 % 4-year local
high-dose radiotherapy and that the total dose should be control and 98 % 5-year survival in a series of 54 patients
increased to 70–80 Gy [24–27]. Currently, with high- with chondrosarcomas [30]. In the experience with proton
precision external beam photon radiotherapy, the dose to the beam and carbon ion radiotherapy, late grade 3–4 toxicities
PTV can be escalated to 65–70 Gy, with local control rates were generally low, given the high radiotherapy dose deliv-
comparable to those obtained with particle therapy [26]. ered, and were reported to be between 4.5 and 7 % [13, 25,
Because of the presence of neighboring critical structures 28–31]. In conclusion, high-precision, high-dose particle
like the brain stem or the temporal lobe, with older tech- radiotherapy is followed by an excellent local control for
niques the total dose was limited to 50–60 Gy, which was chondrosarcoma and a reasonably good local control for
clearly insufficient to control even microscopic residual dis- chordoma, with a low toxicity. Postoperative proton beam
ease in the long term. Charged particles such as protons, radiotherapy is often considered now as the standard treat-
helium, or neons or carbon ions are well suited for extremely ment for these tumors. We will examine next if high-precision
precise localization of radiation and permit an increase of the and high-dose STRT can be considered as alternative treat-
total dose from 15 to 35 % compared with conventional ments to proton beam therapy.
X-rays [10]. In their experience with charged particle irradia-
tion of tumors of the skull base, Castro et al. have treated 53
chordomas and 27 chondrosarcomas, from 1977 to 1992, Fractionated Stereotactic Radiotherapy
with a mean dose of 65 Gray equivalent (GyE) (range, 60–85 of Chordomas and Chondrosarcomas
GyE) [10]. Five-year local control was 63 % for chordomas
and 78 % for chondrosarcomas [10]. Since then, a number of Patient Selection
patients were treated with particle therapy, generally proton As previously emphasized, the standard management of
beam therapy in the United States, France, Japan, Switzerland, chordomas and chondrosarcomas should include a maximal
and Germany, with protocols using high doses of irradiation. surgical resection, followed by postoperative high-precision,
At the Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH), where high-dose radiotherapy, if one wants to maximize the chances
chordomas and chondrosarcomas were treated with 160 MV of local control [6, 15, 16, 20–30].
proton beams, with a median dose of 69 CGE (Cobalt-Gray- The indications for STRT are essentially the same as those
Equivalent), it was found that chordomas had a 31 % rate of for RS (see chapter on RS), except that STRT combines the
failure of which 95 % were local [24, 25]. It was also precision of stereotactic positioning with the radiobiological
shown that the 10-year local control was the highest with advantage of fractionation, especially in large tumors [12].
520 R.-O. Mirimanoff and L. Negretti
Thus, in tumors larger than 30 mm in diameter, there is an They added a 2-mm safety margin for the planning target
advantage of using STRT rather than RS, at least in theory. In volume (PTV). The median prescribed dose at isocenter was
the series from Heidelberg, where STRT was used for chordo- 66.6 Gy for chordomas and 64.3 Gy for chondrosarcomas,
mas and chondrosarcomas of the skull base, the median target with a median daily dose of 1.8 Gy [12]. More recently,
volume was 56 cm3 (range, 17–215 cm3) for chordomas and Boguci et al. have used image-guided intensity-modulated
102 cm3 (range, 24–237 cm3) for chondrosarcomas [12]. This fractionated STRT, with a median dose of 66.6 Gy prescribed
is in sharp contrast with the mean or median volumes described at the 90 % isodose, so that the dose at the isocenter was 74 Gy
in the RS series, which ranged from 4.6 cm3 (range, 0.98– [37]. Figure 40.4a, b shows an example of linac-based STRT
10.8 cm3) to 14.6 cm3 (range, 2.9–52 cm3) [32–36]. treatment plan at our institution (CHUV) for a 59-year-old
patient who was not operated due to important comorbidities.
Treatment Techniques The patient, with a skull base chordoma, received a total dose
Planning techniques are similar to those used for any RS or of 63 at 1.8 Gy per fraction, using a micro-multileaf collima-
STRT of other intracranial lesions. Immobilization systems tor with six fixed beams from a 6-MV linear accelerator.
including various stereotactic head frames (RS) or relocatable
head masks (STRT) are used for imaging studies under ste- Treatment Outcomes
reotactic guidance and for treatment. All patients should Because of the rare occurrence of chordomas and chondrosar-
undergo high-resolution computed tomography (CT) and if comas, the published experience with either RS or STRT is
not contra-indicated magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), still limited. Table 40.1 summarizes some recent series with
with image fusion for treatment planning. In both cases, ultra- RS and STRT for chordomas and Table 40.2 the experience
thin slices are required. With regard to fractionated STRT, the with chondrosarcomas. As can be seen, these series of Gamma
Heidelberg group has defined the clinical target volume Knife radiosurgery (GKRS) and STRT have gathered a lim-
(CTV) as the visible tumor on CT and MRI and the potential ited number of cases of chordomas [12, 32, 33, 36–40] and
residual tumor, taking preoperative imaging into account [12]. very few cases of chondrosarcomas [12, 32–34, 36].
40 Skull Base Tumors: Viewpoint—Fractionated Radiotherapy or Stereotactic Radiotherapy 521
cranial nerve monitoring, results have improved regarding the controls with exclusive or postoperative radiotherapy [74, 75].
possibility of complete removal, and immediate complications Powell et al. have treated 46 patients with glomus jugulare or
have decreased. However, like for chordomas and chondrosar- glomus tympanicum tumors with doses between 45 and 50 Gy
comas of the skull base, a genuine total resection without and a 75 % actuarial control was achieved at 25 years [75].
sacrifice of cranial nerves is rarely possible. Therefore, postop- Notably, in these radiotherapy series, between 18 and 30 %
erative cranial nerve damage can be quite substantial, with were previously, and sometimes heavily pretreated by surgery.
potential impairment of nerves VII and IX–XII [45, 48, 49]. Contrarily to older reports, complication rates were low with
For example, in one series, preoperative deficit of cranial nerves the most recent radiotherapy techniques [78–80]. Previously, it
X–XII was between 20 and 30 % and postoperative deficits was thought that these tumors were “radioresistant” because
increased to 25–50 %, although facial function recovery was after irradiation, they shrink but rarely disappear completely on
observed in 95 % of patients [49]. The rate of complete surgical follow-up [78]. Therefore, local control after radiotherapy
removal is quite variable and is claimed to be between 40 and should be defined as the absence of clinical and radiological
96 % [48, 49]. In general, data regarding resection rates and the progression. Springate et al. have reviewed the outcome of
actual occurrence of complications are difficult to interpret due PGL after various treatments [81]. They noted that local con-
to the heterogeneity and limited size of most series. There are trol after surgery, surgery combined with radiotherapy, or
only few data on local control and long-term survival after sur- radiotherapy alone was 86 %, 90 %, and 92 %, respectively.
gery. Some surgeons have claimed that in their hands, the In the same review, treatment-related morbidity after surgical
recurrence rate was quite low. Nora et al. have reported on 59 excision was frequent, whereas late complications were rare
carotid body tumors, of which only 3 (6 %) presented with a after radiotherapy [81]. This was more recently confirmed by
recurrence after surgery, and only one developed metastatic Huy et al. who compared in a retrospective and comparative
disease [73]. Pareschi et al. in their series of 37 glomus jugulare analysis radiotherapy and surgery in 88 cases of jugular PGLs,
tumors, of which 96 % had a complete resection, found no in terms of function and tumor control [82]. Forty-seven
relapse, but the mean follow-up was only 4.9 years [48]. patients with type C or D jugular PGLs underwent surgery after
Amongst 28 patients with the so-called complex glomus jugu- endovascular embolization between 1984 and 1998, and were
lare tumors, Al-Mefty and Teixeira were able to perform a followed up on average during 66 months. Forty-one patients
complete resection in 24 patients and observed altogether two with type C jugular PGLs were treated by external beam con-
recurrences [45]. However, in other studies, local control was formal radiotherapy between 1998 and 2003 with a total mean
much lower, with 70–100 % recurrence rates after surgery alone dose of 45 Gy (range, 44–50 Gy); the mean follow-up was 50
[74, 75]. Because these tumors tend to recur after many years, months [82]. This study demonstrated that with radiotherapy, a
the actual failure rates are underestimated, especially with short 96 % local control was achieved, whereas with surgery it was
follow-ups. In addition many patients are lost to follow-up [45, 86 % [82]. After surgery, postoperative complications included
48]. Long-term mortality due to recurrence after surgery is not dysphagia, aspiration, and facial paralysis. Patients treated by
so trivial and was reported to be between 5 and 13 % [76, 77]. radiotherapy developed only minor sequelae. In a British retro-
Like for chordoma and chondrosarcoma, some authors have spective study, 21 patients with PGL of the head and neck
claimed that PGLs are radioresistant and that radiotherapy was region received fractionated external beam radiotherapy with a
associated with long-term complications [45]. These assertions median dose of 50 Gy in 30 fractions [83]. With a median fol-
were based on old studies in which ancient orthovoltage tech- low-up of 55 months, a 92 % 5-year local control rate was
niques were used. Indeed, with very conformal linac-based observed [83]. Another retrospective study, with a median
techniques, fractionated external beam radiotherapy represents follow-up of 9 years, demonstrated that treatment of PGL by
an excellent alternative, or sometimes a complementary treat- external beam radiotherapy yielded a 5-year local control rate
ment to surgery. Cole et al. have treated 32 tumors of the glo- of 96 % and a 10- and 15-year local control rate of 90 % [84].
mus jugulare or glomus vagale with megavoltage units with
doses of 45 Gy in 5 weeks [78]. Their very long-term results
have yielded a local control rate of 94 % at 10 years [78]. Fractionated Stereotactic Radiotherapy
Konefal et al. have treated 26 patients with 45–50 Gy; amongst of Paraganglioma
these, 15 of 16 glomus tympanicum and four of six glomus
jugulare tumors achieved a long-term control, with a mean Patient Selection
follow-up period of 10.5 years [79]. In a large series, 80 PGLs Since external beam radiotherapy is an effective alternative
of the temporal bone, carotid body, or glomus vagale were to surgery, newer, high-precision, high-dose radiotherapy
treated by radiotherapy alone (72) or postoperatively (8) [80]. techniques such as STRS represent a logical further option.
Local control was 94 % and only 5 local recurrences were With STRS, a smaller volume of normal tissue exposed to
observed between 2.6 and 18.8 years, of which two could be the effect of radiation can be expected [47]. The criteria for
salvaged by surgery [80]. Other groups could obtain good local patient selection for RS or STRS for PGL are comparable to
524 R.-O. Mirimanoff and L. Negretti
those used for external beam radiotherapy. RS and STRT can defined the CTV as the macroscopic tumor on MRI plus a
be used either as primary treatment, at progression after one 10-mm margin along the involved vessels [44]. They added a
or multiple surgeries, after embolization, postoperatively, or 2-mm safety margin for the PTV. The median total dose was
even after previous external beam radiotherapy [42–44, 47, 57.6 Gy at a median daily dose of 1.8 Gy [44].
85]. The indications for STRT are essentially the same as
those for RS, except that STRT combines the precision of Treatment Outcomes
stereotactic positioning with the radiobiological advantage Because of the rare occurrence of PGL, the published experi-
of fractionation, especially in large tumors [12, 44]. In the ence with either RS or STRT is still rather limited. Table 40.3
Heidelberg experience with STRT for PGL, the median tar- [42, 43, 47, 85, 86] summarizes the available data with RS
get volume was 71.8 cm3 (range, 10.5–212 cm3) [44], which and STRT. Altogether, each RS studies have gathered a lim-
is in sharp contrast with the median volumes described in the ited number of cases mainly by GKRS [42, 43, 47, 86–90]
RS series, which ranged from 5.7 cm to 10.8 cm3 (range 0.5– and less by linac-based RS [85] (Table 40.3). The results dis-
27 cm3) [42, 43, 47, 85, 86]. closed a good to excellent local control, especially in the
most recent series. Overall, response rates included 41 %
Treatment Techniques of partial responses, 57 % of stable lesions, and only 3 % of
Pretreatment imaging includes high-resolution CT, MRI, and progressions. When reported, 5-year actuarial local control
preferably both and wherever needed angiography [43, 47]. rates varied between 90 and 100 %. The neurological status
For treatment planning, CT and MRI fusion are required, was improved in 40 %, stable in 55 %, and worse in 5 % of
especially with linac-based RS/STRT. In both cases, ultra- cases. Information on long-term survivals is more limited,
thin slices are required. Head frames (RS) or relocatable but it appears that when described, the 5-year overall sur-
head masks (STRT) are used for imaging under stereotactic vival was between 80 and 100 %. Chen et al. have conducted
guidance and treatment. For STRT, the Heidelberg group a systematic review evaluating GKRS for PGLs: their review
40 Skull Base Tumors: Viewpoint—Fractionated Radiotherapy or Stereotactic Radiotherapy 525
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Daniel T.T. Chua
L.S. Chin and W.F. Regine (eds.), Principles and Practice of Stereotactic Radiosurgery, 529
DOI 10.1007/978-1-4614-8363-2_41, © Springer Science+Business Media New York 2015
530 D.T.T. Chua
Fig. 41.1 (a) Baseline CT of a patient with recurrent T1 nasopharyn- ered by single isocenter. The prescribed dose to target periphery was
geal carcinoma showing mass at left lateral wall of nasopharynx 12.5 Gy. (c) Follow-up CT taken 12 months after radiosurgery showing
(arrow). (b) Planning CT showing isodose distribution of target cov- complete resolution of tumor
Fig. 41.2 (a) Baseline CT of a patient with recurrent T2 nasopharyn- of target covered by two isocenters. The prescribed dose to target
geal carcinoma showing mass lesion at right side of nasopharynx periphery was 14 Gy. (c) Follow-up CT taken 6 months after radiosur-
extending to nasal fossa. (b) Planning CT showing isodose distribution gery showing complete resolution of tumor
patients with local failures had residual tumor after prior bulky tumor or those with relapse at the cushion. Patients
treatment. We arbitrarily classified these residual tumors into with disease amenable to surgery or brachytherapy who
persistent and recurrent disease based on the time interval refused these treatments or were considered to be medically
from primary radiotherapy: persistent disease was defined as contraindicated for these procedures were also offered
local failure diagnosed within 6 months of completion of pri- radiosurgery.
mary radiotherapy, and recurrent disease was defined as that
occurring beyond 6 months. Using these definitions, half of Target Localization
the patients were treated for persistent disease and the other Tumor extent was assessed by imaging and endoscopic
half for recurrent disease. None of these patients received examination before radiosurgery. For imaging study, axial
additional treatment after radiosurgery unless progression or contrast CT with a slice thickness of 2.5–3 mm was per-
further failure was documented. Table 41.1 summarizes patient formed in all patients, supplemented by axial contrast MRI
characteristics of the whole group treated by radiosurgery: with a slice thickness of 3 mm in 73 % of patients. PET-CT
those with persistent disease and those with recurrent disease. was not performed in this patient group for target localiza-
Prior to radiosurgery, all patients were restaged by physi- tion, although we are currently also evaluating its role in
cal examination, nasopharyngoscopy and biopsy, and CT of salvaging local failures of NPC. Target volume was defined
nasopharynx and neck. Patients with disease confined to as any abnormal soft tissue mass and/or contrast-enhancing
nasopharynx or with limited extension to nasal fossa, areas as shown in axial imaging plus a margin of about
parapharyngeal space, and oropharynx were first evaluated 2–3 mm. Endoscopic examination was always performed
jointly by a surgeon and a radiation oncologist for brachy- irrespective of imaging findings to assess the mucosal extent
therapy or surgery, and radiosurgery was offered only to of tumor, including any spread to nasal cavity or oropharynx.
those patients whose disease was deemed not amenable In our experience, endoscopic examination is the most reli-
to these salvage treatments. At our institution, brachytherapy able means to access the mucosal extent of disease and
for persistent or recurrent NPC was usually performed using should not be omitted even when imaging showed that only
gold grain implantation. This technique was applicable only part of the nasopharynx was involved. During endoscopy,
to patients with a well-defined and relatively small-volume multiple biopsies were taken from both sides of the naso-
tumor confined to the nasopharynx. Patients with extensive pharynx to assess the macroscopic as well as microscopic
mucosal recurrence involving a large area were not suitable for extent of tumor. In patients just completing primary radio-
gold grain implantation. In addition, patients with relapse at therapy, biopsies were routinely taken from bilateral roofs,
the cushion near the opening of eustachian tube were also lateral walls, and posterior walls. In patients with tumor
not suitable for the procedure because gold grain could not apparently localized to one part of the nasopharyngeal
be directly implanted into the relatively thin mucosa overly- mucosa, mapping of tumor extent was performed by taking
ing the cartilaginous cushion. In general, patients with small- multiple biopsies from grossly uninvolved mucosa surround-
volume mucosal tumor were usually treated by gold grain ing the tumor. The results of mapping were then used to
implantation, with surgery reserved for those with more guide the extent of target coverage for radiosurgery.
41 Head and Neck Tumors 533
Table 41.1 Characteristics of patients treated with radiosurgery for local failures of nasopharyngeal carcinoma at Queen
Mary Hospital, Hong Kong
Persistent disease (n = 24) Recurrent disease (n = 24) All (n = 48)
Male (n) 17 18 35
Female (n) 7 6 13
<50 (n) 14 14 28
≥50 (n) 10 10 20
Median (years) 45 47 46
Range (years) 32–86 35–84 32–86
rT classification
rT1 (n) 18 9 27
rT2 (n) 2 4 6
rT3 (n) 4 7 11
rT4 (n) 0 4 4
Prior local failures
Yes (n) 0 9 9
No (n) 24 15 39
Previous salvage Rx
Surgery (n) 0 4 4
ERT (n) 0 7 7
Radiosurgery (n) 0 1 1
Cumulative ERT dose
65–68 Gy (n) 22 16 38
70–76 Gy (n) 2 1 3
125–130 Gy (n) 0 7 7
Interval from end of first ERT
≤6 months (n) 24 0 24
>6 months to 1 year (n) 0 4 4
>1–2 years (n) 0 3 3
>2–3 years (n) 0 5 5
>3 years (n) 0 12 12
Median (months) 4 36 8
Range (months) 3–6 9–197 3–197
ERT external radiotherapy
Radiosurgery Planning and Treatment adopted the approach of anchoring the head ring anteriorly to
Radiosurgery was performed using the commercial XKnife the zygomas to ensure complete coverage of the nasopharynx,
system (Radionics, Burlington, MA) to deliver multiple we did not find this to be necessary for most patients. The
non-coplanar arcs of photon to the target with a modified target volume was localized as described above. For rT1
6-MV linear accelerator (Clinac 600C; Varian, Milpitas, tumor, target confined to one side of nasopharynx was usually
CA). Head immobilization and target localization were per- covered using one isocenter, whereas target involving both
formed with the Brown–Roberts–Wells head frame and sides was covered using one or two isocenters. For rT2–4
stereotaxic system (Radionics). The head frame was ancho- tumors, target was usually covered by one or two isocenters.
red by placing two anterior head pins to the forehead and We found it seldom necessary to use more than two isocenters.
two to the occiput. The target volume was treated using 3–5 arcs of beams with a
The head frame was not placed in a strict horizontal posi- degree of 90–210°. The following dose limits were set to the
tion but with the posterior side tilted downward to ensure that critical structures: 5 Gy to brain stem, 4 Gy to optic appara-
the localizer ring would include the whole nasopharynx. tus, and 5 Gy to temporal lobes. An additional dose limit of
Using this approach, it was possible to treat the entire naso- 8 Gy to internal carotid artery was later set to reduce the risk
pharynx and adjacent soft tissues, although special attention of hemorrhage. Most patients received a dose of 12.5 Gy
should be given to those with disease extending down to delivered to the 80 % isodose line. Table 41.2 summarizes the
the junction of the oropharynx. Although some investigators radiosurgery treatment.
534 D.T.T. Chua
Table 41.2 Summary of radiosurgery treatment parameters of patients treated at Queen Mary Hospital, Hong Kong
Parameters Persistent disease Recurrent disease All
Number of isocenters
One (n) 20 19 39
Two (n) 4 4 8
Three (n) 0 1 1
Size of collimator
≤20 mm (n) 4 1 5
>20–30 mm (n) 19 16 35
>30 mm (n) 1 7 8
Median (mm) 25 30 25
Range (mm) 12.5–35 15–37.5 12.5–37.5
Target volume
<10 cm3 (n) 23 15 38
≥10 cm3 (n) 1 9 10
Median (cm3) 4.0 5.7 4.6
Range (cm3) 1.3–14.5 2.7–30.7 1.3–30.7
Prescribed dose to 80 % isodose line
<12 Gy (n) 3 5 8
12–13 Gy (n) 17 13 30
>13 Gy (n) 4 6 10
Median (Gy) 12.5 12.5 12.5
Range (Gy) 11.1–18 8–14 8–18
Dose to isocenter
<15 Gy (n) 4 5 9
15–16 Gy (n) 16 13 29
>16 Gy (n) 4 6 10
Median (Gy) 15.6 15.6 15.6
Range (Gy) 13.9–22.5 10–17.5 10–22.5
Tumor Control After Radiosurgery survival rates were 69 % for rT1 disease, 40 % for rT2–3
Thirty-seven (77 %) patients achieved complete regression disease, and 0 % for rT4 disease (Fig. 41.5). Patients with
of tumor after radiosurgery. All patients (100 %) treated for bulky tumor also had a poorer control rate after radiosurgery:
persistent disease achieved complete regression of disease 3-year local relapse-free survival rate was 61 % for target
compared with 13 (54 %) patients for recurrent disease. volume <10 cm3 compared with 20 % for target volume
Local failure after radiosurgery occurred in 22 (46 %) ≥10 cm3 (Fig. 41.6).
patients, regional failure in 5 (10 %) patients, and distant
metastasis in 7 (15 %) patients. For those patients who failed Complications
locally after radiosurgery, two received brachytherapy with Radiosurgery was well tolerated, and we did not observe any
intubation and both were salvaged, four had nasopharyngec- acute complications. In assessing late effects after treatment,
tomy and three were salvaged, and five had external radio- it was not possible to attribute the cause of complication to
therapy and two were salvaged. One patient with local failure radiosurgery or external radiotherapy. Some patients also
outside the radiosurgery-treated volume was salvaged by received another course of external radiotherapy either before
second radiosurgery. Three-year local relapse-free and over- or after radiosurgery, and they would expect to have a
all survival rates for all patients were 52 % and 66 %, respec- relatively high incidence of late complications even without
tively. Patients treated for persistent disease had better radiosurgery. Table 41.3 summarizes the late complications
outcome than those treated for recurrent disease: 3-year local observed in our patients, which included all observed compli-
relapse-free survival rate was 76 % in the former and 29 % in cations (other than xerostomia) irrespective of whether they
the latter (Fig. 41.3), and the corresponding 3-year overall were thought to be mainly caused by radiosurgery or not.
survival rates were 81 and 54 % (Fig. 41.4). Patients with Overall, 31 % of patients developed one or more late compli-
advanced T classification at the time of relapse had a poorer cations. The percentage decreased to 24 % if patients with two
control rate after radiosurgery: 3-year local relapse-free courses of radiotherapy before radiosurgery were excluded,
41 Head and Neck Tumors 535
1.0 1.0
0.9 0.9
Persistent disease 0.8
0.7 0.7
0.5 0.5
0.4 0.4
Fig. 41.3 Comparison of local relapse-free survival curves in patients Fig. 41.5 Comparison of local relapse-free survival curves according
with persistent and recurrent nasopharyngeal carcinoma treated by to recurrent T classification after stereotactic radiosurgery for local fail-
stereotactic radiosurgery at Queen Mary Hospital ures of nasopharyngeal carcinoma at Queen Mary Hospital
1.0 1.0
Local relapse-free survival probability
0.9 0.9
0.8 0.8
Overall Survival Probability
Persistent disease
0.7 0.7
0.6 0.6
0.4 0.4
Fig. 41.4 Comparison of overall survival curves in patients with per- Fig. 41.6 Comparison of local relapse-free survival curves according
sistent and recurrent nasopharyngeal carcinoma treated by stereotactic to tumor volume after stereotactic radiosurgery for local failures of
radiosurgery at Queen Mary Hospital nasopharyngeal carcinoma at Queen Mary Hospital
Table 41.3 Late complications after radiosurgery for locally recurrent nasopharyngeal carcinoma at Queen Mary Hospital, Hong Kong
Complication One course of ERT (n = 36) Two courses of ERT (n = 12) One to two courses of ERT (n = 48)
Cranial neuropathy 2 5 7
Temporal lobe necrosis 4 3 7
Hypopituitarism 1 1 2
Carotid artery aneurysm 1 1 2
Trismus 0 1 1
None 29 4 33
ERT external beam radiotherapy, n number of patients
536 D.T.T. Chua
and it further decreased to 19 % if those with a second course median of 14 Gy. Significant regression of tumor was noted
of radiotherapy before or after radiosurgery were excluded. in five patients and limited regression in another three. Chang
Patients with more advanced tumor tend to have a higher risk et al. reported 15 patients with locally recurrent NPC who
of developing late complications. The percentages of patients received external reirradiation followed by radiosurgery
who developed late complications were 19 % in rT1 disease, using a dose ranging from 8 to 15 Gy [18] and noted a 3-year
33 % in rT2 disease, 46 % in rT3 disease, and 75 % in rT4 survival rate of 52 %. Pai et al. reported 36 patients with
disease. Common late complications observed were cranial recurrent NPC also treated with external reirradiation fol-
neuropathy and temporal lobe necrosis, both occurring in lowed by radiosurgery boost [28]. The radiosurgery dose to
about 15 % of patients. Two patients developed severe epi- target periphery ranged from 8 to 20 Gy with a median
staxis, and both were found to have internal carotid artery of 12 Gy. A 3-year local control rate of 58 % was achieved.
aneurysm located at cavernous sinus and retropharyngeal In these reports, it is uncertain whether radiosurgery was
space. Stenting was performed in both patients, which suc- used to boost the entire or partial tumor volume, with the
cessfully controlled the bleeding, and there were no treatment- intention to further escalate the total dose or to selectively
related deaths. boost the volume that was underdosed during external
disease and received stereotactic radiotherapy using a included cranial neuropathy in four, radiological temporal
Linac-based gantry system with a median dose of 18 Gy in lobe necrosis in three, and retinopathy in one. In a subse-
three fractions. Fifty-six patients had recurrent disease and quent follow-up report that included 33 patients treated
they received a median of 48 Gy in six fractions. Three-year by Linac-based gantry system and 49 patients treated by
local failure-free rates in those treated for persistent and CyberKnife system, excellent local control was again noted
recurrent disease were 89.4 % and 75.1 %, respectively. The [38]. The 5-year local relapse-free rate was 98 %. Late
corresponding 3-year survival rates were 80.7 % and 45.9 %, complications occurred in 18 % of patients and included
respectively. Late complications occurred in 18.9 % of pati- radiological temporal lobe necrosis in ten, retinopathy in
ents, including two fatal hemorrhages. Multivariate analysis three, and carotid aneurysm in one. The high incidence of
showed that recurrent disease and large tumor volume were brain necrosis in their series was related to the high number
independent factors that predicted poor survival. In order to of patients who received boost treatment for T4 tumors with
study the relative efficacy of single versus fractionated intracranial extension, illustrating the higher risk of com-
stereotactic radiation in salvaging local failures of NPC, we plication and importance of dose conformity in treating this
conducted a matched-cohort study using our own series and group of patients. In these series, radiosurgery was deliv-
that of Wu et al. [35]. Forty-eight pairs of patients matched ered after treatment using a radical dose of external radio-
for failure type, recurrent T stage, and tumor volume were therapy with the aim of improving local control by dose
selected for comparison. Patients received a median dose of escalation. Ahn et al. used stereotactic radiotherapy instead
12.5 Gy in single fraction or 34 Gy in 2–6 fractions. Local as a boost treatment, with a dose ranging from 8 to 40 Gy
control rate at 3 years was better in those treated by multiple [31]. The dose delivered by external radiotherapy ranged
(83 %) than single fraction (51 %). Incidence of severe late from 36 to 61.2 Gy. The reported 4-year local control and
complications was higher with single (33 %) than multiple survival rates were 89 % and 75 %, respectively. One patient
(21 %) fractions, including brain necrosis (16 % versus 12 %) developed mucosal necrosis after the treatment. The
and bleeding (5 % versus 2 %). The differences reflect the approach by Ahn et al. was to reduce the dose delivered
better outcome as a result of a higher dose that can be safely by conventional radiotherapy and substitute it by stereotac-
delivered using fractionated stereotactic radiation. tic radiotherapy thereby reducing the incidence of late
Table 41.4 Summary of reported treatment outcomes after stereotactic radiosurgery/radiotherapy for local failures of NPC
Local control and Late complications
Authors No. of patients rT classification Treatment SRS/SRT dose survival rates crude rate: all (fatal)
Chua et al. 48 rT1–2: 69 % SRS 8–18 Gy LC: 52 % (3 years) 31 % (0 %)
(current report)
rT3–4: 31 % OS: 66 % (3 years)
Cmelak et al [26] 9 Not reported SRS 15–20 Gy LC: 58 % (crude) 11 % (0 %)
Kocher et al. [25] 5 rT3–4: 100 % SRS 15–24 Gy LC: 20 % (crude) 60 % (40 %)
Pai et al. [28] 36 rT1–2: 64 % ER + SRS 8–20 Gy LC: 58 % (3 years) 22 % (0 %)
rT3–4: 36 % OS: 54 % (3 years)
Chang et al. [18] 15 rT1–2: 67 % ER + SRS 8–15 Gy 52 % (3-year survival) Not separately reported
rT3–4: 33 %
Chen et al. [27] 11 rT3–4: 100 % ER + SRS 10–19 Gy LC: 45 % (crude) Not reported
OS: 37 % (2 years)
Xiao et al. [33] 50 rT1–2: 38 % SRT 14–35 Gy CR: 76 % 34 % (16 %)
rT3–4: 62 % OS:
P 78 % (2 years)
R 42 % (2 years)
Wu et al. [34] 90 rT1–2: 57 % SRT P: 10–24 Gy LC: 89 % (3 years) 19 % (2 %)
Orecchia et al. [30] 13 rT3–4: 43 % SRT R: 20–49 Gy OS: 81 % (3 years) 0 % (0 %)
rT1–2: 23 % 24 Gy LC: 75 % (3 years)
OS: 46 % (3 years)
LC:31 % (crude)
rT3–4: 77 % OS: 31 % (3 years)
Ahn et al. [31] 12 Not reported SRT 45–65 Gy LC: 92 % (2 years) Not reported (8 %)
OS: 60 % (2 years)
SRS stereotactic radiosurgery, SRT stereotactic radiotherapy, ER external beam reirradiation, LC local control, OS overall survival, CR complete
response, P persistent disease, R recurrent disease
No No
Encasement of Yes
carotid artery or
tumor volume?
10 cc? SRS
Fig. 41.7 A proposed decision tree for salvaging local failure of nasopharyngeal carcinoma. SRS stereotactic radiosurgery, SRT stereotactic radio-
therapy, IMRT intensity-modulated radiation therapy
range of 12–20 Gy (median, 15 Gy). Local control rates were cell carcinomas by CyberKnife system using a median dose
83 % for adenoid cystic carcinoma and 100 % for chordoma. of 30 Gy in 3–8 fractions. The authors reported an overall
Late complications occurred in four patients and included survival rate of 50 % at 2 years, but 28.6 % of patients
memory loss, hypopituitarism, CSF leakage, brain edema, developed severe late complications including two deaths
and optic neuropathy. Kocher et al. [25] treated four patients due to massive hemorrhage in the pharynx. Roh et al. [46]
with recurrent sarcoma using radiosurgery and achieved treated 44 sites of recurrent head and neck tumors in 36
good tumor control in three. They also treated three patients patients using CyberKnife with a median dose of 30 Gy
with recurrent squamous cell or adenoid cystic carcinoma (range: 18–40 Gy) in 3–5 fractions to the 65–85 % isodose
but achieved local control in only one patient. The radiosur- line and reported a 42.9 % complete response rate. One- and
gery dose used was in the range of 9–20 Gy. One patient 2-year local recurrence-free survival rates were 61 % and
developed brain necrosis and cranial neuropathy after radio- 52.2 %, respectively. The corresponding overall survival
surgery. Ryu et al. [42] treated five patients with recurrent rates were 52.1 % and 30.9 %, respectively. Late complica-
squamous cell or mucoepidermoid carcinoma by radiosur- tions were observed in three patients (8.6 %) including one
gery with a dose of 12–18 Gy and achieved complete soft tissue necrosis, one mandibular bone necrosis, and one
response in two patients. They also treated five recurrent skull base necrosis. One patient died due to late complica-
tumors (squamous cell, adenoid cystic, and basal cell carci- tions. Voynov et al. [47] at the University of Pittsburg treated
noma) and three metastatic cervical nodes by stereotactic 22 patients with recurrent head and neck tumors by
radiotherapy using a dose ranging from 30 to 36 Gy in six CyberKnife using a median radiosurgery dose of 24 Gy
fractions and noted three complete responses in the former with various fractionation schemes. The reported 2-year
group and one in the latter group. Elshaikh et al. [43] treated local control rate was 26 % and overall survival rate was
12 patients with recurrent chemodectoma (seven with first 22 %. They did not observe any significant late complica-
recurrence after surgery and five with second recurrence tions initially after a median follow-up of 19 months. Based
after surgery) using Gamma Knife radiosurgery at a dose of on an expanded cohort from the same institution, Rwigema
13–16 Gy and achieved 83 % control rate without any major et al. later [48] reported the outcome in 96 patients with
late complications. Using stereotactic radiotherapy, Ahn locally recurrent head and neck tumors treated by Cyber
et al. [31] treated three patients with steroid refractory orbital Knife or Trilogy system and observed a higher locoregional
pseudotumor using a dose of 20 Gy in ten fractions and noted control rate with the use of higher radiotherapy dose espe-
good response in all patients. Siddiqui et al. treated 29 lesions cially in patients with large tumor volume. The 1-, 2-, and
in 21 patients with recurrent head and neck tumors using a 3-year locoregional control rates for patients who received
Linac gantry-based system [41]. Ten lesions received single doses of 40–50 Gy were 69.4 %, 57.8 %, and 41.1 %,
fraction of 16–18 Gy, and 19 lesions received 30–48 Gy in respectively. The corresponding rates for patients who
6–8 fractions. The 1- and 2-year local control rates were received doses of 15–36 Gy were 51.9, 31.7, and 15.9 %.
60.6 % and 40.4 %, respectively. Median overall survival The 1- and 2-year overall survival rates were 58.9 % and
was 6.7 months. Three patients developed fistula, and one 28.4 %, respectively. Grade 3 late complications occurred in
patient developed mucosal ulceration and dysphagia after three patients including two with dysphagia and one with
treatment soft tissue fibrosis. There were no grade 4 or 5 complica-
tions, and no relationship between rates of complications
Stereotactic Radiation Delivered and prescribed doses was found. Unger et al. [49] at
by CyberKnife System Georgetown University reported the outcome of 65 patients
Kawaguchi et al. [44] treated 22 patients with advanced, with recurrent head and neck tumors treated by CyberKnife
recurrent head and neck tumor using CyberKnife. Eight with a median dose of 30 Gy in 2–5 fractions. The cohort
patients had synchronous regional nodal metastases. All included patients treated for radical (58 %) or palliative
patients had prior radical radiotherapy. Marginal radiosur- (42 %, those with distant metastases) intent. About half
gery doses were 29–42 Gy delivered in 2–5 fractions. All of the patients also received concurrent chemotherapy.
patients also received oral chemotherapy using S-1 after Complete responses were achieved in 54 % of patients, with
radiosurgery. At a median follow-up of 24 months, 9 patients a 2-year locoregional rate of 30 % and overall survival rate
(64.3 %) without regional metastases remained in complete of 41 %. Multivariate analysis showed that higher total
remission as compared with only one patient (12.5 %) in dose, prior surgical resection, and nasopharynx site were
those with regional metastases. Actuarial survival rates at associated with better locoregional control. Severe late radi-
2 years for patients with and without regional nodal metasta- ation complications occurred in 11 % of patients including
ses were 12.5 % and 78.6 %, respectively. Kodani et al. [45] two arterial bleeding requiring embolization and one
treated 21 patients with recurrent head and neck squamous treatment-related death.
41 Head and Neck Tumors 541
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Phys. 2003;56:1046–54. Yang Y, et al. The impact of tumor volume and radiotherapy dose
38. Hara W, Loo Jr BW, Goffinet DR, Chang SD, Adler JR, Pinto HA, on outcome in previously irradiated recurrent squamous cell carci-
et al. Excellent local control with stereotactic radiotherapy noma of the head and neck treated with stereotactic body radiation
boost after external beam radiotherapy in patients with nasophary- therapy. Am J Clin Oncol. 2011;34:372–9.
ngeal carcinoma. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys. 2008;71: 49. Unger KR, Lominska CE, Deeken JF, Davidson BJ, Newkirk KA,
393–400. Gagnon GJ, et al. Fractionated stereotactic radiosurgery for reirra-
39. Chua DT, Sham JS, Hung KN, Leung L, Au GK. Predictive factors diation of head-and-neck cancer. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys.
of tumor control and survival after radiosurgery for local failures of 2010;77:1411–9.
Head and Neck Tumors:
Viewpoint—Surgery 42
Scharukh Jalisi
L.S. Chin and W.F. Regine (eds.), Principles and Practice of Stereotactic Radiosurgery, 543
DOI 10.1007/978-1-4614-8363-2_42, © Springer Science+Business Media New York 2015
544 S. Jalisi
cisplatin (100 mg per square meter of body surface area oropharyngeal cancers, and endoscopic and robotic techniques
intravenously on days 1, 22, and 43). The rate of local and for partial laryngectomies. The goal has been to eliminate
regional control was significantly higher in the combined- the cancer via targeted surgical technique and apply CRT
therapy group than in the group given radiotherapy alone for the high-risk patients.
(hazard ratio for local or regional recurrence, 0.61; 95 % The advantage of primary surgery has been the addition
confidence interval, 0.41–0.91; P = 0.01). The estimated of pathological data that can help guide adjuvant therapy. For
2-year rate of local and regional control was 82 % in the example, if an oral cancer is removed and the neck dissected
combined-therapy group, as compared with 72 % in the out, we can get valuable data about perineural and lymphatic
radiotherapy group. Disease-free survival was significantly invasion of the primary tumor, extracapsular spread of the
longer in the combined-therapy group than in the radiother- lymph nodes, and the number of lymph nodes. This data can
apy group (hazard ratio for disease or death, 0.78; 95 % con- then help formulate the need or not of adjuvant radiation
fidence interval, 0.61–0.99; P = 0.04), but overall survival therapy with or without chemotherapy. Moreover, per the
was not [13]. At the same time another study from the NCCN guidelines [16], radiation dose can be deintensified in
European Organization for Research and Treatment of the postoperative period. For oropharyngeal cancers the rec-
Cancer Trial 22931 was published. In this study after under- ommended definitive primary radiation dose is 66–74 Gy to
going surgery with curative intent, 167 patients were ran- the primary site and involved neck nodal stations. Uninvolved
domly assigned to receive radiotherapy alone (66 Gy over a nodal stations can receive 44–64 Gy. On the other hand once
period of 6 1/2 weeks) and 167 to receive the same radio- the cancer has been primarily extirpated with neck node dis-
therapy regimen combined with 100 mg of cisplatin per section, the radiation dose to the primary and involved nodes
square meter of body surface area on days 1, 22, and 43 of can be reduced to 60–66 Gy. Interest in deintensification of
the radiotherapy regimen. The rate of progression-free sur- radiotherapy is gaining momentum due to the detrimental
vival was significantly higher in the combined-therapy group impact on swallowing and hence quality of life with increas-
than in the group (47 % versus 36 %) given radiotherapy ing radiation dose. A recent article [17] noted that a dose of
alone (P = 0.04). The overall survival was also higher in com- >50 Gy to the base of the tongue and a mean dose of >51 Gy
bined modality group (53 % versus 40 %) (P = 0.02). The to the superior pharyngeal constrictor, middle pharyngeal
locoregional relapse rate was lower in combined group as constrictor, and inferior pharyngeal constrictor all correctly
well (18 % versus 31 %) (P = 0.007) [14]. In both studies the identified penetration and aspiration of fluids at 6 months
complication rates and toxicity rates were higher in the com- post treatment. Mean dose to the glottic/supraglottic larynx
bined modality group. The high-risk patients were consid- of >48 Gy, maximum dose to the upper esophageal sphincter
ered as those with positive margins and extracapsular spread of >60 Gy, and mean dose to the esophagus of >17 Gy
on lymph nodes only. also correctly identified penetration and aspiration of fluids
The toxicities in both the abovementioned trials ranged at 6 months. Higher doses of radiation resulted in higher
from mucositis, dysphagia, and ultimately gastrostomy tube dysfunction.
dependence [15]. In addition we see the rendering of the lar- Human papillomavirus (HPV) type 16 has been demon-
ynx to be nonfunctional with the patient suffering from aspi- strated as a cause of oropharyngeal cancer that confers a good
ration, voice changes, and ultimately requiring additional prognosis on the patient. In a study comparing accelerated
surgery. Data suggests that complications from salvage laryn- fraction versus standard fraction radiation therapy for stage
geal surgery after CRT have complication rate as high as 3 and 4 oropharyngeal cancer (RTOG 0129), it was demon-
59 % with the most common complication being pharyngo- strated that 3-year overall survival in HPV-positive patients
cutaneous fistula [13]. This morbidity may require additional was 82.4 % versus 57.1 % in HPV-negative patients [18].
surgery including free tissue transplant reconstruction. This study has helped define HPV-positive cancers as a
Over the years many cancers were automatically referred different entity. The new dilemma that head and neck oncol-
for CRT treatment, but better surgical extirpative and recon- ogists now face is whether there can be deintensification of
structive techniques are making many unresectable tumors treatment for these favorable cancers.
resectable with good quality of life and oncological control. Transoral robotic surgery (TORS), transoral laser surgery,
and endoscopic laser surgery have enabled the management
of oral cavity, oropharynx, and larynx surgery via minimally
Evolution of Surgery invasive techniques that allow for faster return to swallowing
without traditional neck incisions. Currently there are studies
Over the years many subsites in the head and neck can be under way to consider the impact of TORS on HPV-positive
safely operated on with minimally invasive techniques. cancers. TORS is considered as a treatment deintensification
The last decade has seen the expansion of endoscopic skull modality for oropharyngeal cancers that allows for targeted
base resection techniques, transoral robotic surgery for therapy of cancer and along with convention neck nodal
42 Head and Neck Tumors: Viewpoint—Surgery 545
surgery may in the future obviate the need for adjuvant CRT They were then re-irradiated with CyberKnife radiosurgery
in appropriately selected patients in the future. (SRS) with three fractions of 10 or 13 Gy. The authors
Endoscopic skull base techniques have similarly enabled changed to a fractionation schedule of five fractions of 5 or
us to remove skull base tumors without the need for cranioto- 8 Gy [31]. Fifteen patients (42.9 %) showed complete
mies. Local vascularized reconstruction techniques that can tumor regression and 13 (37.1 %) partial regression with
be accomplished endoscopically have allowed for excellent median local control rates and overall survival rates after 1
watertight closure of the skull base [19]. year of 61 % and 52.1 %, respectively. Late adverse events
Furthermore, there has been development of accountable were observed in three patients: two grade 4 and one grade
care organizations (ACO) to link provider reimbursements to 5 toxicity.
quality metrics and reduce overall total cost of care. ACOs Unger et al. reported on SRS re-irradiation in 65 head and
aim to place a higher degree of financial responsibility on the neck cancer patients [32]. Initial median RT dose was 67 Gy
providers, with hopes of improving care management and (32–120 Gy) and median treatment interval between initial
limiting unnecessary expenditures [20]. There is also a trend course and SRS 26 months. Treatment sites were oropharynx
towards discussion of “regionalization” of cancer care that (n = 13), hypopharynx (n = 8), nasopharynx (n = 7), paranasal
may result in better outcomes for patients treated in high vol- sinus (n = 7), neck (n = 7), and others (n = 23). Patients were
ume hospitals [21–23]. treated with SRS re-irradiation either definitively (n = 38) or
with palliative intent due to metastatic or untreated local
disease (n = 27). Nine patients had complete macroscopic
Stereotactic Radiosurgery resection before SRS, and 33 patients were treated with
simultaneous chemoradiotherapy. Most patients were treated
Stereotactic radiosurgery (SRS) has not been shown to be of with 5 × 6 Gy (2–5 × 4–12 Gy), but dose and fractionation
benefit as a primary treatment modality for any head and were individualized by the treating physician, and total dose
neck cancer. Additionally therapy options for locoregional was commonly reduced after complete macroscopic resec-
recurrences in previously irradiated head and neck patients tion. For 56 patients evaluable for response, complete, par-
are limited. Salvage surgery if clinically feasible is the stan- tial, and no response were observed in 30 patients (54 %), 15
dard treatment for recurrences [24, 25], but with extensive patients (27 %), and 11 patients (20 %), respectively. Median
locoregional spread, surgery alone is not sufficient. Those overall survival was 12 months. The overall survival (OS)
patients who are considered inoperable often receive pallia- rate was 41 % for definitively treated patients and the locore-
tive chemotherapy with low response rates ranging from 10 gional control rate 30 % in these patients. The authors
to 40 % [26, 27]. Salama et al. [28] reported the long-term reported that nasopharynx, surgical resection, and higher
outcome of concurrent treatment with chemotherapy and re- total dose were significantly correlated with improved
irradiation of patients suffering from recurrent or second pri- locoregional control while nonsquamous histology and sur-
mary squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck gical resection with improved OS. One patient died of
(SCCHN). One hundred and fifteen patients were treated unspecified causes 2 weeks after re-irradiation, considered
with locoregional control, and free of distant metastasis rate treatment related. Grade 4 late toxicities were observed in six
at 3 years was 51 % and 61 %, respectively. Re-treatment patients (9 %) including soft tissue necrosis, arterial bleed-
was highly toxic with 19 toxic events, five of them due to ing, fistula formation, and severe dysphagia. No association
carotid hemorrhages. The authors came to the conclusion of higher SRS dose or higher cumulative dose with severe
that re-irradiation of recurrent head and neck cancer should late complications was seen, though the outcome was not
be limited to clinical trials. significant due to the small number of cases.
As conventional reradiation therapy has high toxicity, To increase efficacy of SRS re-irradiation, Heron et al.
SRS in the re-irradiation of head and neck cancer patients investigated combinations of SRS with cetuximab [33].
has been pursued in the last few years [29]. Thirty-five patients were treated with SRS re-irradiation
Voynov et al. reviewed 22 patients re-treated with SRS in alone or with additional weekly cetuximab during SRS,
recurrent previously irradiated SCCHN [30]. Using the respectively. Toxicities were comparable in both patient
CyberKnife, patients were irradiated with a median single cohorts, and an overall survival benefit was seen for the
fraction dose of 5 Gy for a median of five fractions. cetuximab arm.
Re-treatment with SRS was considered to be safe as no grade Vargo et al. recently reported on SRS in recurrent, non-
4 or 5 toxicities or late toxicities occurred. Local control rate squamous cell cancers of the head and neck [34]. Thirty-four
was 26 % at 2 years, with a 22 % 2-year survival. In 2009 an patients were re-irradiated with a median SRS dose of 40 Gy
analysis was published by Roh et al. of 36 patients with recur- in five fractions. The toxicity and quality of life were fol-
rent head and neck cancer who had received a full-dose radia- lowed prospectively with a median follow-up of 10 months.
tion of 66–70.2 Gy in the first radiation therapy (RT) course. The authors found promising local control rates of 77 % and
546 S. Jalisi
59 % after 6 months and 12 months, respectively. For tumors 8. The Department of Veterans Affairs Laryngeal Cancer Study
<25 mL they reported a significant improvement of local Group. Induction chemotherapy plus radiation compared with sur-
gery plus radiation in patients with advanced laryngeal cancer. N
control compared to larger tumors (>25 mL). Acute and late Engl J Med. 1991;324:1685–90.
grade 3 toxicities occurred in 15 % and 6 % of the patients, 9. Gourin CG, Johnson JJ. A Contemporary Review of Indications for
respectively, and no grade 4 or 5 toxicities were observed. Primary Surgical Care of Patients With Squamous Cell Carcinoma
In conclusion, SRS in the re-irradiation for head and neck of the Head and Neck. Laryngoscope. 2009;119:2124–34.
10. Lefebvre JL, Chevalier D, Luboinski B, Kirkpatrick A, Collette L,
tumors has demonstrated to be a promising salvage therapy Sahmoud T. Larynx preservation in pyriform sinus cancer: prelimi-
modality with encouraging local control rates and justifiable nary results of European organization for research and treatment of
toxicities. Severe late adverse events (grade 4–5 toxicities) cancer phase III trial. J Natl Cancer Inst. 1996;88:890–9.
have been reported in some studies but are less frequent than 11. Forastiere AA, Goepfert H, Maor M, Pajak TF, Weber R, Morrison
W, Glisson B, Trotti A, Ridge JA, Chao C, Peters G, Lee DJ, Leaf
in patients re-treated with conventional techniques. Very A, Ensley J, Cooper J. Concurrent chemotherapy and radiotherapy
high single fraction doses of 10–13 Gy or higher should be for organ preservation in advanced laryngeal cancer. N Engl J Med.
avoided. There have been no studies comparing SRS to con- 2003;349:2091–8.
ventional IMRT re-irradiation for salvage therapy. 12. Cooper JS, Pajak TF, Forastiere AA, Jacobs J, Campbell BH,
Saxman SB, Kish JA, Kim HE, Cmelak AJ, Rotman M, Machtay
M, Ensley JF, Chao KS, Schultz CJ, Lee N, Lee N, Fu KK. Radiation
Therapy Oncology Group 9501/Intergroup. Postoperative concur-
Conclusion rent radiotherapy and chemotherapy for high-risk squamous-cell
carcinoma of the head and neck. N Engl J Med. 2004;350(19):
Surgery is an integral part of the treatment of head and neck 13. Weber RS, Berkey BA, Forastiere A, Cooper J, Maor M, Goepfert
cancers and is still the gold standard treatment. Over the H, Morrison W, Glisson B, Trotti A, Ridge JA, Chao KS, Peters G,
years several studies have demonstrated the superiority of Lee DJ, Leaf A, Ensley J. Outcome of salvage total laryngectomy
concurrent CRT to radiation therapy alone, but there is a following organ preservation therapy: the Radiation Therapy
Oncology Group Trial 91–11. Arch Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg.
dearth of randomized controlled trials comparing the effi- 2003;129:44–9.
cacy of CRT to surgery. Newer surgical modalities enable us 14. Bernier J, Domenge C, Ozsahin M, Matuszewska K, Lefèbvre JL,
to provide targeted therapies with excellent functional and Greiner RH, Giralt J, Maingon P, Rolland F, Bolla M, Cognetti F,
cosmetic outcomes. There is a growing understanding of the Bourhis J, Kirkpatrick A, van Glabbeke M, European Organization
for Research and Treatment of Cancer Trial 22931. Postoperative
impact of radiation dose on swallowing outcomes, and there irradiation with or without concomitant chemotherapy for locally
is a new focus on treatment deintensification especially in advanced head and neck cancer. N Engl J Med. 2004;350(19):
HPV-positive patients. SRS is currently useful in the setting 1945–52.
of re-irradiation amongst inoperable patients with recurrent 15. Machtay M, Moughan J, Trotti A, Garden AS, Weber RS, Cooper
JS, Forastiere A, Ang KK. Factors associated with severe late toxic-
head and neck cancer. ity after concurrent chemoradiation for locally advanced head and
neck cancer: an RTOG analysis. J Clin Oncol. 2008;26:3582–9.
16. National Clinical Practice Guidelines in Oncology (NCCN
Guidelines). Head and Neck Cancers. Version 1.2012. 2012. Cited
References 2013 Mar 3. http://www.nccn.org/professionals/physician_gls/pdf/
1. Davies L, Welch HG. Epidemiology of head and neck cancer in the 17. Cartmill B, Cornwell P, Ward E, Davidson W, Nund R, Bettington
United States. Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2006;135(3):451–7. C, Rahbari RM, Poulsen M, Porceddu S. Emerging understanding
2. Hoffman HT, Karnell LH, Funk GF, Robinson RA, Menck HR. The of dosimetric factors impacting on dysphagia and nutrition follow-
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Arch Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 1998;124:951–62. 2012;35(8):1211–9. doi:10.1002/hed.23040.
3. Cooper JS, Porter K, Mallin K, Hoffman HT, Weber RS, Ang KK, 18. Ang KK, Harris J, Wheeler R, Weber R, Rosenthal DI, Nguyen-Tân
Gay EG, Langer CJ. National Cancer Database report on cancer of PF, Westra WH, Chung CH, Jordan RC, Lu C, Kim H, Axelrod R,
the head and neck: 10-Year update. Head Neck. 2009;31:748–58. Silverman CC, Redmond KP, Gillison ML. Human papillomavirus
4. Hoffman HT, Porter K, Karnell LH, Cooper JS, Weber RS, Langer and survival with oropharyngeal cancer. N Engl J Med. 2010;
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survival. Laryngoscope. 2006;116 suppl 111:1–13. reconstruction of the skull base-clinical outcomes and analysis.
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22. Gourin CG, Forastiere AA, Sanguineti G, Koch WM, Marur S, apy and reirradiation for recurrent and second primary head-and-
Bristow RE. Impact of surgeon and hospital volume on short term neck squamous cell carcinoma. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys.
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Head and Neck Tumors:
Viewpoint—Fractionated Radiation 43
Therapy and Chemotherapy
L.S. Chin and W.F. Regine (eds.), Principles and Practice of Stereotactic Radiosurgery, 549
DOI 10.1007/978-1-4614-8363-2_43, © Springer Science+Business Media New York 2015
550 M. Rutenberg and M. Suntharalingam
The total number of cases included in each analysis ranged of 84 %, 72 %, and 67 %, respectively (p < 0.01). In a recent
from 4,292 (from 28 trials) to as high as 10,741 (63 trials). The update of this trial with 10-year follow-up, these data con-
median follow-up for all patients ranged from 2 to 6.8 years. tinue to show a benefit for concurrent chemoradiotherapy
Importantly, all four meta-analyses reached similar conclusions in locoregional control and larynx preservation, but no differ-
despite significant differences in the databases analyzed. ence in laryngectomy-free survival or overall survival [18].
The results from all of the studies confirmed a small, but In 2004, the French Head and Neck Oncology and
reproducible survival benefit in favor of the addition of che- Radiotherapy Group published the results of GORTEC
motherapy. The magnitude of this benefit ranged from an 94–01, a phase III trial comparing radiotherapy alone to con-
absolute survival advantage of 2.8–6.5 %. The original meta- current chemoradiation (carboplatin and fluorouracil) for
analysis by Pignon et al. was recently updated to include 87 stage III or IV oropharyngeal carcinomas [19]. They showed
trials and 16,485 patients. With updated data, they observed a statistically significant benefit for 5-year disease-specific
a hazard ratio for death of 0.88 and a 5-year absolute survival survival and locoregional control and a strong trend towards
benefit of 4.5 % with the addition of chemotherapy to locore- improvement in overall survival with concomitant chemora-
gional treatment over locoregional treatment alone [12]. diotherapy [19].
Each of these meta-analyses noted the largest contribution of Perhaps no other head and neck subsite has made more
systemic therapy to overall survival came with the concomi- progress with the addition of chemotherapy to radiotherapy
tant use of chemotherapy with locoregional treatment than carcinomas involving the nasopharynx. In 1998,
[12–15]. Al-Sarraf and colleagues published the results of Intergroup
00–99, a phase III randomized trial including patients with
stage III and IV squamous cell carcinomas of the nasophar-
Combined Chemotherapy and Radiation ynx [10]. This trial compared standard radiation (70 Gy in 7
weeks) to concurrent chemoradiation with cisplatin (100 mg/m2)
The VA Larynx trial, originally published in 1991, was a and three cycles of adjuvant cisplatin (80 mg/m2) and fluoro-
landmark study demonstrating equivalent survival between uracil (1,000 mg/m2). The study resulted in early closure due
larynx preserving induction chemotherapy (cisplatin and to demonstration of a survival benefit in the combined
5FU) followed by radiotherapy (66–76 Gy) vs. laryngec- chemotherapy and radiation arm at the first interim analysis.
tomy with postoperative radiotherapy (50 Gy) for laryngeal One hundred forty-seven patients were evaluable for the pri-
cancers [16]. A subsequent EORTC study evaluated patients mary end points of PFS and overall survival and revealed
with hypopharynx cancers and similarly showed effective 3-year PFS of 24 % for radiotherapy alone vs. 69 % in the
organ preservation using chemotherapy followed by radio- chemoradiation arm (p < 0.001). The 3-year overall survival
therapy compared to total laryngectomy and adjuvant rate was 47 % vs. 78 % (p = 0.005) in favor of combined
radiotherapy, with no difference between arms in progres- modality treatment [10].
sion-free survival (PFS) or overall survival [17]. The 5-year This study was among the first individual randomized tri-
functional intact larynx rate in the EORTC study was 35 % als to demonstrate an overall survival benefit associated with
in the chemotherapy and radiation arm. Following these the use of concurrent chemoradiation in any head and neck
trials, the Radiation Therapy Oncology Group (RTOG) con- cancer population. These results helped define the current
ducted a phase III randomized trial evaluating the optimal standard of care for patients with locally advanced squamous
sequencing of chemotherapy and radiation in organ preserv- cell carcinomas of the nasopharynx. Multiple institutional
ing treatment for locally advanced head and neck cancers. trials have now documented local control rates between 80
RTOG 91–11 evaluated sequential chemotherapy and radio- and 90 % for these patients when combination chemotherapy
therapy vs. concurrent chemoradiotherapy vs. radiation alone and modern radiotherapy are utilized [20–22]. Several meta-
in patients with stage III/IV laryngeal cancer [6]. The induc- analyses have confirmed the benefits in local control and
tion chemotherapy arm consisted of cisplatin (100 mg/m2) survival with combined chemotherapy and radiotherapy over
and 5-fluorouracil (1,000 mg/m2) followed by 70 Gy. The radiation alone [23–25]. They also indicate the largest bene-
concurrent arm included cisplatin (100 mg/m2) delivered fits in survival and local control are achieved with concurrent
days 1, 22, and 43 of RT (70 Gy). The radiation-only arm chemotherapy and radiation compared to induction or adju-
received 70 Gy in 2 Gy/fraction. With a primary end point of vant chemotherapy. With the use of concurrent chemoradia-
2-year larynx preservation rate, this trial convincingly dem- tion, long-term follow-up of these patients has shown that a
onstrated a benefit to concurrent chemoradiation compared majority of cancer-related deaths are a result of metastatic
to sequential chemotherapy with radiation or radiation alone, disease without evidence of local recurrence. As a result,
with 2-year locoregional control rates of 80 %, 64 %, and current efforts focus on improvements in reducing metastatic
56 %, respectively (p = 0.004), and larynx preservation rates disease and treatment-related morbidity [26–28].
43 Head and Neck Tumors: Viewpoint—Fractionated Radiation Therapy and Chemotherapy 551
Additional support for the use of concurrent chemother- patients who responded to induction [31]. The TPF arm
apy and radiation as definitive treatment in head and neck showed a benefit over the PF arm in overall response rate
cancers comes from the previously noted meta-analysis by (80 % vs. 59.2 %, p = 0.002) and 3-year larynx preservation
Pignon et al. [12]. Eighty-seven randomized trials including (70.3 % vs. 57.5 %, p = 0.03). No differences between arms
16,485 patients were evaluated and showed a significant were seen in the 3-year disease-free interval or overall survival.
overall survival benefit for patients treated curatively with There is much debate regarding the use of induction
concomitant chemotherapy. Concomitant chemotherapy chemotherapy followed by concurrent chemoradiotherapy
resulted in a hazard ratio of death of 0.81 (95 % CI, 0.78; compared to upfront chemoradiotherapy. Proponents of
0.86) and an absolute survival benefit of 6.5 % at 5 years. No induction chemotherapy point to the high overall response
statistically significant survival benefit was seen in this anal- rates of induction chemotherapy and the benefit of post-
ysis for induction or adjuvant chemotherapy. Importantly, induction chemotherapy patient reevaluation for possible
the survival benefit observed for concomitant chemotherapy risk-based treatment modifications. They also argue that
was seen for all subsites analyzed, including oral cavity, oro- TAX 323, TAX 324, and GORTEC 2000–1 suggest potential
pharynx, larynx, and hypopharynx [12]. survival benefits when compared to concurrent chemoradio-
therapy trials.
Opponents of induction chemotherapy argue that the pub-
Induction Chemotherapy Prior to Definitive lished induction trials fail to compare induction chemother-
Radiotherapy apy to the gold standard of upfront chemoradiation and
instead only show a benefit of one induction regimen over
Recent studies comparing induction chemotherapy regimens another. Additionally, they caution that toxicity associated
followed by radiotherapy have reinvigorated interest in with induction chemotherapy may interfere with or prevent
induction chemotherapy as a viable approach in organ pres- the delivery of chemoradiation as the curative treatment for
ervation therapy. The TAX 323 trial randomized 358 patients these patients. Notably, approximately 30 % of patients in
with unresectable stage III/IV, non-metastatic, SCC of the each arm of TAX 323 and TAX 324 did not complete their
head and neck to induction chemotherapy with either cispla- planned radiotherapy [29, 30]. Critics of induction chemo-
tin and fluorouracil (PF) or docetaxel, cisplatin, and fluoro- therapy note that the promise of reduced distant failures has
uracil (TPF), each followed by radiotherapy to 66–74 Gy not been convincingly shown in the induction chemotherapy
[29]. Median overall survival (18.8 months vs. 14.5 months, trials to date.
p = 0.02) and PFS benefits (11 months vs. 8.2 months, The DeCIDE and PARADIGM trials are two recently
p = 0.007) were seen in the TPF arm compared to the PF completed phase III trials which compare induction
arm. Importantly, most treatment failures were locoregional chemotherapy followed by concurrent chemoradiation with
(>80 % in each arm). upfront chemoradiation. The DeCIDE trial included patients
In a trial similar to TAX 323, TAX 324 randomized 501 with non-metastatic HNSCC with N2/N3 disease, random-
patients with stage III/IV head and neck cancers to three ized to accelerated hyperfractionated radiotherapy with con-
cycles of induction chemotherapy using docetaxel, cisplatin, current docetaxel, fluorouracil, and hydroxyurea or induction
and fluorouracil followed by concurrent chemoradiation chemotherapy with two cycles of TPF followed by the same
with carboplatin to doses of 70–74 Gy or induction cisplatin chemoradiation. The initial report with 3-year results shows
and fluorouracil followed by the same course of concurrent no suggestion of a difference in the primary end point
chemoradiation [30]. A major difference between this study of overall survival (73 % vs. 75 %, p = 0.70) [32]. The
and TAX 323 was the addition of concurrent weekly carbo- PARADIGM trial compared patients with locally advanced
platin (AUC 1.5) with radiotherapy. Median overall survival head and neck cancers receiving radiotherapy with concur-
was significantly improved in the TPF arm compared to the rent cisplatin vs. three cycles of induction TPF followed by
PF arm, 71 months and 30 months (p = 0.006), respectively. concurrent radiotherapy with carboplatin or docetaxel [33].
PFS was 36 months in the TPF arm compared to 13 months Because this study closed early due to slow accrual, it has
in the PF arm (p = 0.004). Similar to TAX 323, over 80 % of inadequate power to appropriately evaluate the primary end
treatment failures were locoregional [30]. point of survival. The data as reported fail to show a survival
GORTEC 2000–1 was a French phase III study compar- benefit to induction chemotherapy. With a median follow-up
ing larynx preservation in patients with locally advanced of 49 months, the 3-year overall survival and PFS were 73 %
squamous cell carcinoma of the larynx or hypopharynx vs. 78 % (p = 0.77) and 67 % and 73 % (p = 0.55) for the
randomized to either induction TPF or PF followed by radio- induction chemotherapy arm and chemoradiation arms,
therapy with or without concomitant chemotherapy for respectively [33].
552 M. Rutenberg and M. Suntharalingam
without cancer [42]. This study showed a strong association HNSCC, studies evaluating treatment de-intensification in an
between HPV16-positive SCC of the oropharynx and high- effort to reduce treatment morbidity are underway. Conversely,
risk sexual activities, including increasing numbers of new approaches to improve the relatively poor outcomes of
lifetime vaginal-sex and oral-sex partners, lack of condom HPV-negative HNSCC are ongoing.
use, and early age at first intercourse. The authors showed
an increased risk of HPV-related oropharyngeal cancer in
patients without a history of alcohol or tobacco use and Intensity-Modulated Radiation Therapy
found no evidence of an additive effect between HPV infec-
tion and alcohol/tobacco in the development of oropharyn- The treatment of head and neck cancers presents particular
geal cancer. challenges in radiation delivery due to the high concentration
Several studies evaluating outcomes by HPV status have of critical, radiosensitive tissues in and around the treatment
now confirmed a favorable prognosis for HPV-related fields, including the spinal cord, major and minor salivary
HNSCC treated with chemotherapy and radiation compared glands, lacrimal glands, retina, optic nerves, and the mandi-
to HPV-negative tumors. Fakhry et al. prospectively evalu- ble. The long-term morbidity of tumoricidal doses of radia-
ated patients enrolled in ECOG 2399, a phase II trial using tion delivered to this region can be significant. Despite its
induction chemotherapy followed by chemoradiation in development for treatment of prostate cancer in the mid-
patients with stage III/IV laryngeal or oropharyngeal cancers 1990s, the benefits of intensity-modulated radiation therapy
[43]. Their data showed improved overall response rates for (IMRT) were quickly appreciated in the field of head and
induction chemotherapy (82 % vs. 55 %, p = .01) and chemo- neck radiation oncology, which has become one of its main
radiation (84 % vs. 57 %, p = .007) in HPV-positive tumors beneficiaries and proponents. The benefits of IMRT in head
and improved 2-year survival for HPV-positive tumors com- and neck radiotherapy include the potential for improved
pared to HPV-negative (95 % vs. 62 %, p = 0.005). After tumor control with delivery of high dose radiation, while
adjusting for known risk factors, patients with HPV-positive reducing dose to nearby normal tissues with sharp dose fall-
cancers had lower risks for progression and death from any off. An expected benefit of IMRT for head and neck cancers
cause compared to HPV-negative patients. is improved salivary gland sparing with decreased xerosto-
RTOG 0129 is a phase III trial comparing concurrent mia and improved quality of life.
chemoradiation with either standard-fractionated radiation Early single-institution retrospective studies using IMRT
or accelerated-fractionated radiotherapy in stage III/IV in head and neck cancers showed good tumor control rates
HNSCC [8]. In a post hoc subset analysis including more and an ability to improve normal tissue sparing [20, 21, 45–
than 300 oropharynx cancer patients stratified by HPV sta- 47]. The RTOG conducted a phase II, multi-institutional trial
tus, Ang et al. showed improved 3-year overall survival evaluating hypofractionated IMRT for early-stage oropha-
(82.4 % vs. 57.1 %), PFS (73.7 % vs. 43.4 %), and local- ryngeal cancer. RTOG 02–22 included T1–2, N0–1, M0 SCC
regional control (86.4 % vs. 64.9 %, p < 0.001) for patients in of the oropharynx treated to 66 Gy to gross disease and
the HPV-positive subgroup. They found HPV status to be the 54 Gy to at-risk areas using a dose-painting technique [48].
most important determinant for overall survival. This study With central quality assurance for treatment planning evalu-
also established p16 upregulation in tumor cells as a clinical ation, this study helped guide the use of IMRT for head and
surrogate for HPV-related tumors. P16 is an inhibitor of neck cancers into routine use. The disease control rates and
cyclin-dependent kinases (CDK) and is responsible for slow- xerostomia rates compared favorably with historical coop-
ing cell-cycle progression via inhibition of CDK phosphory- erative group studies. Importantly, RTOG 02–22 showed a
lation of pRB [8]. HPV-oncoprotein E7 activity induces p16 significant association between major protocol underdosing
expression via pRB inactivation. RTOG 01–29 demonstrated violations and local disease recurrence [48].
the correlation between the presence of HPV DNA and p16 RTOG 02–25 was a multi-institutional phase II pros-
expression in tumor cells. Stratification using p16 expression pective trial evaluating the use of intensity-modulated radio-
was found to be consistent with HPV-based stratification for therapy with or without chemotherapy for all stages of
overall survival and disease-free survival [8]. Because of its nasopharyngeal cancer [26]. The results showed 2-year PFS
high sensitivity, ease of analysis, wide availability, and and overall survival rates of 72.7 % and 80.2 %, respectively.
strong correlation with both transcriptionally active HPV Using IMRT, the rate of grade 2 xerostomia was 14 % and
infection and patient outcomes, p16 is often used in lieu of over one-third of patients reported no xerostomia.
direct HPV evaluation in HNSCC [44]. Several randomized studies comparing IMRT and 2D or
HPV status is now a major focus in research and the clinical 3D radiotherapy for HNSCC with the aim of reducing xero-
management of HNSCC. Stratification schemes in clinical tri- stomia have been conducted [49, 50]. The results so far have
als have incorporated this important prognostic factor. Because been encouraging, with improved salivary flow rates and
of the favorable prognosis in patients with HPV-positive reduced observer reported xerostomia using IMRT.
554 M. Rutenberg and M. Suntharalingam
radiotherapy in 721 patients with locally advanced HNSCC potential of delivering second courses of radiotherapy
[8]. Accelerated fractionation radiotherapy consisted of 72 Gy with concurrent chemotherapy (Table 43.2). Reirradiation
in 42 fractions with a concomitant boost delivered using twice- with concurrent chemotherapy for locoregionally recurrent
daily radiotherapy for the final 12 days of treatment (1.8 Gy/fx HNSCC has been evaluated as definitive treatment and for
qAM and 1.5 Gy qPM). Chemotherapy consisted of cisplatin postoperative therapy.
(100 mg/m2) q3weeks during radiotherapy. With a median Spencer and colleagues from the University of Alabama
follow-up of 4.8 years, there were no significant differences at Birmingham published the results of their phase I/II trial
between arms in severe acute toxicity, PFS, or overall of reirradiation with concurrent chemotherapy in unresect-
survival. able locoregionally recurrent HNSCC [64]. They showed the
GORTEC 99–02 is a three-arm multi-institutional phase ability to safely deliver 60 Gy (delivered at 1.5 Gy BID) to
III trial evaluating altered fractionation in non-metastatic previously irradiated tissues with concurrent 5-fluorouracil
stage III/IV HNSCC [60]. Eight hundred forty patients were and hydroxyurea. All therapy was delivered on a week-on,
randomized to one of the following arms: (1) conventional week-off schedule. The response rate of 74 % was encourag-
chemoradiotherapy (70 Gy in 2 Gy/fraction with concurrent ing and median survival and 2-year overall survival was
carboplatin/fluorouracil), (2) accelerated radiotherapy- 10.5 months and 20 %, respectively. Importantly, this was
chemotherapy (70 Gy in 2.3 Gy/fraction with concurrent car- one of the first series to accurately define the risks associated
boplatin/fluorouracil), or (3) very accelerated radiotherapy with reirradiation, with 4 of 35 patients developing severe
alone (64.8 Gy in 1.8 Gy/fraction twice daily). With a median late toxicities (two radiation myelitis, two esophageal stric-
follow-up of 5.2 years, no difference in 3-year PFS was tures) [64]. Their results led to a multi-institutional phase II
seen for accelerated radiotherapy-chemotherapy compared trial through the RTOG. RTOG 96–10 enrolled 86 patients
to either conventional chemoradiotherapy or very acceler- with unresectable recurrent or second primaries within a pre-
ated radiotherapy. There was no benefit to the accelerated viously irradiated field. Patients received concurrent chemo-
radiotherapy-chemotherapy arm for 3-year locoregional con- radiation to 60 Gy in 1.5 Gy BID with concurrent 5-FU and
trol compared to conventional chemoradiotherapy. However, hydroxyurea delivered on a week-on, week-off schedule
the very accelerated radiotherapy arm had significantly [65]. The final report of RTOG 96–10 showed 2- and 5-year
worse 3-year locoregional control and PFS compared to con- survival of 15.2 % and 3.8 %, respectively. Acute grade 4
ventional chemoradiotherapy (50.1 % vs. 58.3 %, p = 0.045, and 5 toxicities occurred in 17.7 % and 7.6 %, respectively.
and 32.2 % vs. 37.6 %, p = 0.041, respectively). Very accelerated Late grade 4 and 5 toxicities occurred in 19.4 % and 3.0 %,
radiotherapy also had significantly worse grade 3–4 toxicity respectively [66]. RTOG 99–11, a multi-institutional phase
compared to both chemoradiation arms [60]. II trial, further evaluated the safety and efficacy of concur-
With the results of RTOG 0129 and GORTEC 99–02 rent chemotherapy and reirradiation (see Table 43.2). This
showing no benefits for altered-fractionation radiotherapy study treated patients with recurrent HNSCC after prior
when combined with chemotherapy, the enthusiasm for this radiotherapy with chemoradiotherapy with cisplatin and
approach has dwindled. Concurrent chemotherapy with stan- paclitaxel using accelerated radiotherapy to a total dose of
dard fraction radiotherapy remains the standard of care for 60 Gy in 1.5 Gy BID (4–6 h between fractions). They docu-
organ preserving treatment for locally advanced HNSCC. mented 2-year progression-free and overall survival rates of
Concurrent chemotherapy and external beam radiother- 16 % and 26 %, respectively [61].
apy have had a dramatic impact in improving local control Reirradiation with concurrent chemotherapy has also been
and in many circumstances survival for patients with locally evaluated by multiple investigators in the postoperative setting
advanced squamous cell carcinomas of the head and neck. for in-field recurrence or second primary HNSCC [67–70].
Table 43.1 details the outcomes of multiple phase III trials A prospective, randomized trial showed significantly improved
that have documented these benefits over radiotherapy alone. locoregional control and disease-free survival for patients
treated with postoperative chemotherapy and reirradiation vs.
observation [67]. Long-term survival is achievable in this
Reirradiation for Locoregional Recurrence patient population; however, treatment toxicity rates in these
studies were not trivial.
The prognosis for patients with locally recurrent HNSCC is Reirradiation of head and neck malignancies requires
dismal, with 50–60 % of patients dying as a direct con- special consideration for treatment planning and delivery in
sequence of local failure and disease progression [61]. order to maximize tumor killing and minimize treatment-
Historically, these patients were managed with systemic ther- related morbidity. Tumor location, extent of recurrence, prior
apy alone, with documented overall response rates between radiation details, and time interval between radiation courses
20 and 40 % and median survivals of 5–8 months [62, 63]. are important factors. Because local normal tissues have
Against this backdrop, investigators began examining the received prior high dose radiotherapy (often approaching
Table 43.1 Local control and survival with concurrent chemotherapy and radiation
Author Site Total dose Dose per fraction Chemo LC/*LRC DFS/PFS OS
Brizel et al. [1] OC, OP, HYP, LAR, PNS 70 Gy w/chemo 1.25 Gy BID Cisplatin, 5-FU weeks 1,6 *3 years 70 % 5 years 61 % 3 years 55 %
75 GyGy w/o chemo (2 chemo cycles post-CRT)
Jeremic et al. [2] OC, OP, NP, HYP, LAR 77 Gy 1.1 Gy BID Daily bolus cisplatin *5 years 50 % 5 years 46 % 5 years 46 %
Al-Sarraf et al. [3] OC, OP, HYP, NP, 66–73.8 Gy 1.8–2 Gy daily Cisplatin q3weeks 4 years 43 % 4 years 34 %
mSinus, LAR
Aldelstein et al. [4] OC, OP, LAR, HYP 66–72 Gy 1.8–2 Gy daily Cisplatin, 5-FU q3weeks 5 years 77 % 5 years 50 %
Wendt et al. [5] OC, OP, HYP, LAR 70.2 Gy 1.8 Gy BID (with 2 breaks) Cisplatin, 5-FU, leucovorin *3 years 36 % 3 years 48 %
Forastiere et al. (RTOG LAR 70 Gy 2 Gy daily Cisplatin q3weeks 5 years 71 % 5 years 38 % 5 years 55 %
91–11) [6, 7] 10 years 69 % 10 years 22 % 10 years 28 %
Denis et al. (GORTEC) [8] OP 70 Gy 2 Gy daily Carboplatin, 5-FU q3weeks 5 years 48 % 5 years 27 % 5 years 22 %
5-FU 5-fluorouracil, OC oral cavity, OP oropharynx, HYP hypopharynx, LAR larynx, PNS paranasal sinus, mSinus maxillary sinus, BID twice daily, CRT chemoradiotherapy, LC local control,
LRC locoregional control, DFS disease-free survival, PFS progression-free survival, OS overall survival
M. Rutenberg and M. Suntharalingam
Table 43.2 Definitive reirradiation with concurrent chemotherapy for locoregional recurrence
Author Total dose Dose per fraction Chemo Tx delivery Grade 4/5 toxicity LC DFS/PFS OS
Haraf et al. (U. Chicago) [9] Median 50 Gy 1.8–2 Gy qdaily HU, 5-FU CRT given on 11 % Grade 5 5 years 20 % 5 years 14 % 5 years 15 %
or 1.5 Gy BID alternate weeks
Spencer et al. 40–60 Gy 2 Gy daily or HU, 5-FU CRT given on none 2 years 20 %
(UAB) [10] 1.2 Gy BID alternate weeks
RTOG 96–10 [11, 12] 60 Gy 1.5 Gy BID HU, 5-FU CRT given on 18 % Grade 4 1 year 62 % 2 years 15 %
alternate weeks 8 % Grade 5 5 years 4 %
RTOG 99–11 [13] 60 Gy 1.5 Gy BID Cisplatin, paclitaxel CRT given on 23 % Grade 4 (acute) 2 years 16 % 2 years 26 %
alternate weeks 7 % Grade 5
DeCrevoisier et al. (Gustave- 60–65 Gy 2 Gy qdaily or RT alone or various Variable 25 % Grade 4 2 years 11 % 2 years 21 %
Roussy) [14] 1.5 Gy BID chemo 3 % Grade 5 5 years 9 %
Sulman et al. (MDACC) [15] 60–70 Gy 2 Gy qdaily 66 % with cisplatin- Variable 32 % Grade 4 2 years 58 % 2 years 54 %
based chemo 0 % Grade 5
43 Head and Neck Tumors: Viewpoint—Fractionated Radiation Therapy and Chemotherapy
maximum tolerable doses), there is considerable risk for Recurrent nasopharyngeal squamous cell carcinoma became
severe morbidity and possible mortality. Furthermore, the first HNSCC managed with SRS. Early studies using
because these cancers have recurred after a prior full course either Gamma Knife or Linac-based SRS reirradiation for
of radiotherapy, the recurrent tumor cells may be more recurrent disease showed good response and local control
radioresistant, requiring treatment intensification. Altered rates with acceptable toxicity [73, 74, 81, 82]. These experi-
fractionation schemes are often employed to lower the risk of ences have now been expanded, with many institutions repor-
severe late toxicity while allowing treatment intensification. ting outcomes for salvage stereotactic radiosurgery for
A related consideration is the time interval between reirra- recurrent nasopharyngeal cancer. With the increased availabil-
diation and the initial radiotherapy. With a longer interval, ity of SBRT, this approach has become widely used for naso-
normal tissues have increased capacity for recovery from the pharyngeal recurrences and is being applied more broadly for
initial radiotherapy course. Most studies have required an other sites of inoperable recurrent HNSCC [83–85].
interval of at least 6 months from the completion of the initial Subsites of the head and neck are attractive for the use of
radiotherapy to the start of reirradiation [61, 65, 67, 68]. SRS/SBRT for reirradiation for several reasons. The dense
This time interval is also prognostic for survival [71]. concentration and radiosensitivity of tissues and organs and
Another important consideration for head and neck reirradia- their impact on patient quality of life make precision treat-
tion is target volume delineation. With an increased risk of ment and minimization of treatment of normal tissue impera-
treatment-related morbidity, there is an emphasis on reduc- tive. Additionally, this area has little or no respiratory-related
ing treatment volumes and minimizing elective target treat- movement, minimizing motion-based uncertainties (although
ment. Generally, planning treatment volumes have included swallowing related motion may require consideration).
gross disease with a limited expansion or only high-risk Additionally, the shortened course of SRS/SBRT is ideal for
areas for postoperative reirradiation [65, 67, 68, 72]. Because recurrent head and neck cancer patients who are frequently
of the emphasis on treatment volume reduction, stereotactic debilitated with poor performance status, precluding exten-
treatment can be particularly well suited for head and ded treatment courses and systemic therapy.
neck reirradiation. The accurate target delineation, effective Ryu et al. published a series from Henry Ford Hospital
patient immobilization, and rapid dose falloff that character- including 13 patients with recurrent head and neck carcino-
ize stereotactic treatment enable tumor treatment with mini- mas (62 % squamous cell carcinoma) treated with either
mal normal tissue coverage. Indeed, stereotactic approaches single-dose or fractionated stereotactic radiotherapy (FSRT)
for head and neck reirradiation have historically treated only to various head and neck sites [83]. SRS doses ranged from
areas of gross tumor volume [73, 74]. Recent reports using 12–18 Gy (five patients) and FSRT was treated with
stereotactic body radiotherapy (SBRT) for reirradiation have 30–36 Gy in five or six fractions delivered twice weekly
used variable expansions from gross tumor, ranging from 0 (eight patients). Dose was prescribed to the 90 % isodose
to 10 mm [75, 76]. Studies are currently underway to define line covering the entire gross tumor volume. Objective
optimal target coverage when utilizing stereotactic reirradia- responses were seen in 70 % of patients (46 % complete
tion for HNSCC [77]. Another feature of stereotactic treat- response). A follow-up report from the same group included
ment conducive to head and neck reirradiation is the large 21 patients treated for recurrent head and neck malignancies
fraction sizes, which provides a means of treatment intensifi- using SRS (13–18 Gy) or SBRT (36–48 Gy in 5–8 fractions)
cation to effectively treat recurrent cancer clonogens that are [84]. This study showed an overall response rate of 69 %
radioresistant after a prior course of standard fraction (31 % complete response). All treated patients treated in the
radiotherapy. oropharynx or larynx experienced RTOG grades 1 and 2
mucositis and esophagitis. Five percent (one patient) and
19 % of patients treated with reirradiation experienced
Stereotactic Therapy in Head and Neck RTOG grade 3 (swallowing difficulty) and grade 4 toxicities
Cancers (1 dysphagia and ulceration, 2 mucocutaneous fistulas, 1
mucocutaneous fistula and mandibular radionecrosis),
The use of stereotactic radiotherapy for head and neck cancers respectively. One-year tumor control was 60.6 % with a
originated with the treatment of base of skull and nasopha- median survival of 6.7 months [84].
ryngeal cancers [73, 78–81]. In the era preceding combined Roh and colleagues published their experience using
chemoradiation, the local failure rate for nasopharyngeal CyberKnife-based SBRT on 36 patients with recurrent head
squamous cell carcinomas approximated 30 %. With consid- and neck cancers with prior irradiation [85]. Median doses of
erable morbidity associated with progression in this area, 30 Gy (range 18–40 Gy) in 3–5 fractions were delivered to
attempts at local control for nasopharyngeal SCC included the 65–85 % isodose line on consecutive days. Their plan-
reirradiation with external beam radiotherapy, brachytherapy, ning target volumes (PTV) consisted of gross tumor volume
stereotactic radiosurgery (SRS), and combinations thereof. (GTV) with a 2–3 mm expansion. With a median follow-up
43 Head and Neck Tumors: Viewpoint—Fractionated Radiation Therapy and Chemotherapy 559
time of 17.3 months, the overall response rate was 80 % this subject is provided in the preceding main chapter.
(42.9 % complete response) and local recurrence-free sur- As stereotactic treatment for reirradiation of recurrent head
vival was 52.1 % and 30.9 % at 1 and 2 years, respectively. and neck cancers becomes more widespread, it is important
Thirty-six percent (13 patients) experienced RTOG grade 3 to rigorously adhere to the basic principles that guide all
acute toxicity (mucositis, nausea, dermatitis), 8 % experi- SRS/SBRT treatments, including effective patient positioning/
enced RTOG grade 4 late toxicity (one bone necrosis, two immobilization, high quality imaging for disease evaluation
soft tissue necrosis), and one patient died of treatment- and treatment planning, highly conformal treatment plan-
related causes with soft-tissue and skull base necrosis [85]. ning, and accurate target localization. The same features of
Unger et al. published a series of 56 patients with unre- head and neck malignancies that make it attractive for SRS/
sectable, recurrent HNSCC treated at Georgetown University SBRT can be sources of increased patient morbidity and
with SBRT reirradiation [75]. Planning target volumes mortality.
included gross disease with a 2–10 mm expansion and stan-
dard dosing of 30 Gy in five fractions. Notably, many patients
in this series received concurrent systemic therapy with Conclusion
cetuximab or carboplatin. They observed an 81 % overall
response rate (54 % complete response). Two-year locore- Patients presenting with locally advanced head and neck
gional control and overall survival were 31 % and 40 %, cancers represent one of the most challenging patient groups
respectively. Median PFS was 5.7 months. Eleven percent in oncology. In recent decades, multimodality therapy, often
(6 patients) experienced grade 4 treatment-related toxicity employing combined chemotherapy and radiation, has become
and one patient suffered a treatment-related death two weeks the standard of care.
after completion [75]. Our current treatment standards for head and neck
A phase I dose escalation trial conducted at the University cancers result from advances in tumor and radiation biol-
of Pittsburgh enrolled twenty-five patients who received ogy, drug discovery and development, imaging technolo-
SBRT reirradiation for unresectable, locally recurrent gies, advances in radiation planning and delivery, and
HNSCC after previous irradiation [86]. Reirradiation was multidisciplinary collaboration. This has enabled the use of
delivered to the 80 % isodose line with at least 90 % gross stereotactic radiation therapy to become an effective tool in
tumor coverage with a five-fraction course over two weeks. the management of these malignancies. As we continue to
Patients started at the lowest-dose tier of 25 Gy in 5 Gy/ refine these treatments, the use of stereotactic radiation for
fraction and increased until the top-tier dose of 44 Gy was head and neck cancers will broaden. However, it is impera-
reached. No dose limiting toxicities occurred. Four patients tive that we proceed cautiously with the delivery of high
experienced acute grade 1/2 toxicities. No grade 3–5 toxici- doses per fraction to our targets. The proximity and sensi-
ties were reported [86]. tivity of the surrounding normal structures must be appreci-
Table 43.3 shows a selection of single-institution reports ated when tumors are delineated and dose constraints are
utilizing SBRT for head and neck reirradiation. defined. Patient safety must be central to our evaluation of
Investigations of optimal dose fractionation, treatment these technologies as we move forward. Ultimately, this
volumes, and use of systemic therapy with SRS/SBRT for will lead to improved local control, overall survival, and
head and neck malignancies are ongoing and more detail on patient quality of life.
560 M. Rutenberg and M. Suntharalingam
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Spinal Tumors and Radiosurgery
Evangelia Katsoulakis, Ilya Laufer, and Yoshiya Yamada
L.S. Chin and W.F. Regine (eds.), Principles and Practice of Stereotactic Radiosurgery, 563
DOI 10.1007/978-1-4614-8363-2_44, © Springer Science+Business Media New York 2015
564 E. Katsoulakis et al.
toxicity, patients received the highest radiosurgical dose ever median dose of 22 Gy (range, 15–27 Gy) had a 10-year total
reported to the spine. obliteration rate of 93 % determined by angiography or MR
Even though data continues to accumulate regarding the [6]. Smaller target volumes, smaller target maximum diam-
efficacy of radiosurgery for hemangioblastomas, appropriate eter, and larger dose correlated with greater rates of
spinal cord dose constraints are poorly defined in the radio- obliteration. The cumulative rates of AVM hemorrhage after
surgical literature and warrant further discussion and longer SRS at 5 and 10 years were 5.0 % and 6.1 %, respectively.
follow-up in the setting of benign disease. In the series by The corresponding rates of annual bleeding were 0.3 % and
Daly et al. [5], patients received a median spinal cord Dmax of 0.2 % for years 1–5 and 5–10, respectively. There are fewer
22.7 Gy (range, 17.8–30.9 Gy) in a single fraction, while the reports in the literature, however, for spinal AVMs.
multiple-fraction group had a median single-fraction biolog- The mainstay of therapy for type I and IV spinal AVMs,
ically equivalent dose (SFBED) spinal cord Dmax of 14.1 Gy3 which represent dural and perimedullary arteriovenous fistu-
(range, 12.3–19.4 Gy3). The majority of treatments (59 %) las, is microsurgical resection. Type II and III AVMs, how-
in the single-fraction group exceeded that of the Radiation ever, are located within the parenchyma of the spinal cord
Therapy Oncology Group (RTOG) spinal radiosurgery pro- and it is these lesions that are best suited for radiosurgery.
tocol 0631. While toxicity was limited in the study, prospec- Whereas type II spinal AVMs consist of a compact intramed-
tive studies with longer follow-up and larger patient numbers ullary nidus, type III spinal AVMs are composed of a diffuse
are required prior to drawing definitive conclusions with intramedullary nidus and often contain a paraspinal component.
respect to spinal cord tolerance. In addition, hemangioblas- Both types are not amenable to surgery. Sinclair et al. [7]
tomas are known to have a long time to progression and reported on the largest experience with spinal cord AVMs
exhibit quiescent phases that could partially account for the treated with radiosurgery in which 15 patients with intra-
excellent control rates. In a study of cranial hemangioblasto- medullary spinal cord AVMs (mean target volume, 2.36 mL;
mas treated with radiosurgery, median time to tumor pro- range, 0.79–5.23 mL) were treated to a dose of 20.5 Gy
gression was 5.9 years [2]. While radiosurgery is clearly (range, 15–25 Gy) in 3 sessions (range, 2–5 sessions). All
efficacious for the treatment of spinal hemangioblastomas, patients were followed with magnetic resonance imaging
much longer follow-up is necessary to definitively conclude (mean follow-up of 27.9 months; range, 3–59 months),
its equivalence to microsurgery. which revealed a reduction in the AVM volume. Only five
patients, however, underwent angiography as part of their
follow-up. Of these patients, only 1 had complete obliteration
Arteriovenous Malformation on angiography. There were no instances of rebleeding after
radiosurgery. Clinically, patient outcomes were improved or
Radiosurgery has long been acknowledged as a noteworthy remained stable in 92.3 %. The authors have updated this
alternative to microsurgical resection and embolization for series in abstract form and have successfully treated over 24
cerebral AVMs. Over 5000 patients have been successfully patients in total with similar results. Table 44.1 provides a
treated with high-dose radiation since the inception of SRS summary of IG-IMRT for benign tumors. The optimal dose
in the 1970s with obliteration rates of 80–85 % over a 2- to and long-term durability of radiosurgery for spinal AVMs
3-year period for lesions less than 2.5 cm. In a recent series have yet to be determined. These reports suggest that radio-
by Kano et al., 996 patients with grade 1 and 2 cerebral surgery will play an integral role in the management of
AVMs with a median tumor volume of 2.3 cm treated to a spinal AVMs with an intramedullary nidus.
over 3,260 patients, clinical outcome was unchanged with single-fraction, high-dose IG-IMRT was the primary
single-fraction, low-dose (median, 8 Gy) versus fractionated treatment modality. The mean tumor dose was 20 Gy
radiation (median, 4 Gy × 5) [14]. Palliation of pain, however, (range, 12–25 Gy), while mean follow-up was 21 months
favored single-fraction, low-dose radiation. The recently (range, 3–53 months). Long-term control and pain improve-
updated meta-analysis now includes over 5,000 patients and ment was excellent at 90 % and 86 %, respectively. There
findings show no significant difference in pain relief [21]. were no cases of myelopathy [28].
Particularly for spinal metastases, long-term outcomes of In a larger series of 93 patients with 103 spinal metastases
conventional fractionation or single-fraction, low-dose radi- treated with radiation as the primary treatment modality,
ation for the treatment of spinal metastases have been Yamada et al. reported excellent overall radiographic local
reported in a prospective study by Nagoya University. control of 90 % [29]. In this series, patients received single-
Approximately 101 patients with spinal tumors received fraction, high-dose IG-IMRT of 18–24 Gy (median, 24 Gy).
40 Gy in 20 fractions, were followed for more than 24 An example of isodose distribution for high-dose IG-IMRT
months (11 months for dying patients and 53 months for sur- is shown in Fig. 44.1. The median follow-up was 15 months
vivors), and reported 67 % pain relief [22]. Similarly, in a and all patients underwent close surveillance with magnetic
randomized study by Maranzano et al., metastatic cord com- resonance imaging at each scheduled follow-up visit to
pression received 8 Gy × 2 over one well versus a split course assess local control. The 2-year estimated cumulative inci-
of 5 Gy × 3 plus 3 Gy × 5. At 33 months follow-up, pain relief dence of local failure with death as a competing risk was
was similar for short- versus long-course patients, 56 % and 7.5 %, with median time to failure of 9 months. Tumor his-
59 %, respectively [23]. In general, the mean pain relief tology did not predict for local control on multivariate analy-
expected from conventional fractionated radiation is 70 % sis, while radiation dose was the only significant predictor.
(range, 56–100 %). The local control rates for low-dose (18–23 Gy, mean
Radiographic local control rates are similar to pain relief 20.8 Gy) versus high-dose (24 Gy) radiation were 80 % and
with conventionally fractionated radiation, about 77 %. One 95 %, respectively (p = 0.03). In all cases, death was due to
of the most critical prognosticators of recurrence is tumor systemic disease progression rather than local failure. The
histology. Favorable or radiosensitive histologies include median time to death after treatment was 10 months (range,
breast cancer, prostate cancer, lymphomas, seminomas, and 1–39 months), while median overall survival was 15 months.
myelomas. Unfavorable or radioresistant tumors include At the time of death, all but one patient had no evidence of
sarcomas, melanomas, renal cell carcinomas, gastrointestinal local failure.
cancers, and non-small cell lung cancer [24]. In the afore- Due to the observed dose response, the planned dose dis-
mentioned study by Maranzano, radiosensitive histologies tributions were retrospectively reviewed [30]. Dosing param-
had significantly improved median survival and duration of eters, including Dmin and D95, were examined for patients
neurologic motor improvement with spine radiation, 10 experiencing local failure and compared with the whole
versus 3 months (p = 0.001) and 11 versus 3 months cohort. The median Dmin (10.8 Gy) for patients experiencing
(p = 0.001), respectively [23]. Additionally, for the long- local failure was significantly lower than those patients expe-
term survivors of the Nagoya study, durable response at 53 riencing local control (Dmin, 15.7 Gy). Moreover, when Dmin
months was greater in the radiosensitive tumors (30 % ver- was <15 Gy, local failure rates were 16 %. However, when
sus 10 %) [22]. Dmin was >15 Gy, no failures were observed in any histology.
Successful outcomes for spinal metastases should be dif- It would appear that underdosing to even a small subvolume
ferentiated from osseous metastases and should include close of treatment target is clinically significant.
radiographic follow-up. Single-fraction, high-dose image-
guided intensity-modulated radiation therapy (IG-IMRT) is
proved to be highly effective in both pain and radiographic Adjuvant Postoperative: Single Fraction
control, irrespective of tumor histology. Pain improvement
is approximately 85 % and often immediate, occurring If the spinal cord is compromised by tumor, such as with
within days of treatment [19, 24]. In general, pain usually high-grade epidural compression or spinal instability,
decreases within weeks of treatment. Long-term radio- decompressive surgery is the standard of care, resulting in
graphic tumor-control rates are excellent at 90 % [25–27]. improved neurologic and functional outcomes [30]. Residual
Moreover, radioresistant tumor histologies that respond tumor at the dural margin is at risk for recurrence; thus, the
poorly to conventionally fractionated radiation such as renal majority of metastatic spinal tumors require adjuvant radia-
cell carcinoma or melanoma are potentially cured locally tion for microscopic or gross disease. High-dose, single-
with single-fraction, high-dose IG-IMRT. fraction IG-IMRT has demonstrated superior outcomes
Gerszten et al. reported on a mixed population of 500 compared with conventionally fractionated adjuvant radia-
patients with spinal metastases. In approximately 65 patients, tion for radioresistant histologies. Postsurgical intervention,
44 Spinal Tumors and Radiosurgery 567
Fig. 44.1 Forty-eight-year-old man with radioresistant liposarcoma space. (b) Dose volume histogram reflecting the dosimetric advantages
and single metastasis at T12 treated with 2,400 cGy in a single fraction. of image-guided intensity-modulated radiation therapy and limited
Computed tomography myelogram is used to define the true cord. dose to the true cord
(a) Isodose distribution revealing a high-dose gradient in the epidural
the tumor environment is hypoxic as well as radioresistant skin dose is negligible due to steep dose gradients, IG-IMRT
and the 1-year local control rate is dismal at 20–30 % [31]. may be given early in the postoperative period.
Additionally, treatment is often delayed, with conventional In a small series of 18 patients which included highly radio-
radiation secondary to wound healing. Conversely, since sensitive histologies such as multiple myeloma, postoperative
568 E. Katsoulakis et al.
single-fraction IG-IMRT was delivered with a mean dose of Just as in the definitive setting, a robust tumor ablative
11.4 Gy (range, 6–16 Gy). The results were outstanding, with dose is critical. In the MSKCC series, the salvage reirradia-
92 % of patients having stable or improved neurologic symp- tion dose was either 20 Gy (five 4 Gy fractions) or 30 Gy
toms at a median follow-up of 7 months [32]. (five 6 Gy fractions). The salvage dose was the only signifi-
In another series by Moulding et al., 21 patients received cant predictor of radiographic local failure (p = 0.04). The
adjuvant postoperative high-dose, single-fraction IG-IMRT incidence of radiographic local failure rates for 20 Gy and
to a higher median dose of 24 Gy (range, 18–24 Gy) [33]. 30 Gy was 45 % and 26 %, respectively. Moreover, the BED
In this series, the overwhelming majority of patients (95 %) for the high-dose 30 Gy and low-dose 20 Gy fractionations
had radioresistant histologies. Patients were grouped into are equivalent to 48 Gy10 and 28 Gy10, respectively. The 1.7-
high- and low-dose IG-IMRT groups of 24 Gy and 18 or fold BED increase correlated with a 1.7-fold decrease
21 Gy, respectively. The overall local control for the entire in local failure rate at 1 year. Dose, however, did not impact
cohort was 81 % at a median follow-up of 310 days. When survival; the median survival for the entire cohort was
stratified by dose group, the high-dose IG-IMRT group had a 13.6 months. Radiosensitive histology and time to reirradia-
lower 1-year estimated local failure risk than the low-dose tion were both associated with improved survival. Salvage
IG-IMRT group, 6.3 % versus 20 %. Overall survival was reirradiation was highly effective in palliating pain or neuro-
not significantly different among high-dose versus low-dose logic symptoms, with 85 % of symptomatic patients report-
IG-IMRT. ing no progression and 77 % experiencing mild or significant
Adjuvant IG-IMRT after surgical decompression and pain relief.
instrumentation is highly effective in ensuring local control The reirradiation prospective trial by Garg et al. reported
and sustaining neurologic recovery, especially for radioresis- similar results [40]. The freedom from neurologic deteriora-
tant histologies. tion at 1 and 3 years was 92 % and 81 %, respectively. While
not all 63 lesions were true in-field recurrences, the majority
(85 %) received 27 Gy in 3 fractions. In this series, tumor
Salvage Reirradiation Dose progression was not associated with tumor histology. Overall
and Hypofractionation survival correlated with prior radiation therapy dose received;
prior dose ≥35 Gy had a median survival of 33 months,
Tumor recurrence or progression after conventional radio- whereas prior dose <35 Gy had a median survival of 21
therapy at the original site is common, on the order of moths (p = 0.01). The correlation with prior radiation therapy
50–80 % at 2 years [22]. Furthermore, recurrences after a dose and survival, however, was most likely associated with
previous course of conventional radiation are more likely to whether radiation was initially given with a curative or a pal-
be radioresistant since they ultimately failed radiation and liative intent.
thus require robust radiation doses for successful salvage. In the study by Gerszten et al., 344 patients received sal-
Reirradiation with conventional means is limited by spinal vage reirradiation with a single fraction of 12–25 Gy [28].
cord tolerance and the concern for radiation-induced myelop- Prior radiation was either with 3 Gy × 10 fractions or
athy. In instances where additional conventional radiation or 2.5 Gy × 14 fractions. While long-term pain control was
surgery is not appropriate, IG-IMRT is a successful option. excellent (86 %) and independent of histology, radiographic
The effectiveness of IG-IMRT has been reported in many control was 88 % and varied with histology. For instance,
retrospective series with small patient numbers [34–37]. The radiosensitive breast carcinoma experienced 100 % local
largest series was reported by Memorial Sloan-Kettering control, whereas local control for radioresistant melanomas
Cancer Center, which examined 94 patients who underwent was 75 %. The relationship between dose and local control
reirradiation for true in-field recurrences [38]. IG-IMRT was was not reported. While the optimal dose and fractionation
delivered using 4–6 Gy per fraction and a total dose of of salvage reirradiation with IG-IMRT has yet to be defined,
20–30 Gy. The 1-year radiographic control was 66 %. In a safe delivery of high-dose radiation is feasible and provides
prospective phase 1–2 trial by M.D. Anderson Cancer Center, excellent rates of local control and symptom management.
63 previously irradiated paraspinal metastases received Table 44.2 provides a summary of salvage IG-IMRT after
6–9 Gy per fraction to a total of 27 or 30 Gy with a 76 % prior treatment with radiation or surgery.
radiographic control rate at 1 year [39, 40]. The University of
Pittsburgh conducted one of the largest prospective trials of
spinal metastases [28]. Over 500 mixed lesions were Brachy P32 Plaques
included, 68.8 % of whom received prior conventional radia-
tion. The patients were salvaged with high-dose single frac- While reirradiation using image-guided techniques is highly
tion radiation therapy to 12.5–25 Gy and long-term effective at tumor ablation and limiting dose to the cord,
radiographic control rates were excellent at 88 %. there are instances in which tumor extends into the spinal
44 Spinal Tumors and Radiosurgery 569
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8. Boriani S, Saravanja D, Yamada Y, Varga PP, Biagini R, Fisher CG. with Novalis shaped beam intensity-modulated radiosurgery and
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Yamada Y. Image-guided intensity-modulated photon radiotherapy 29. Yamada Y, Bilsky MH, Lovelock DM, et al. High-dose, single-
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16. Rades D, Stalpers LJ, Veninga T, Hoskin PJ. Spinal reirradiation spinal metastasis. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys. 2005;63(5):1576–83.
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17. Gibbs IC, Kamnerdsupaphon P, Ryu MR, et al. Image-guided tases by stereotactic conformal radiotherapy and intensity-modulated
robotic radiosurgery for spinal metastases. Radiother Oncol. radiotherapy. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys. 2003;55(1):162–7.
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Spinal Tumors: Viewpoint—Surgery
Faiz U. Ahmad, Gabriel Zada, and Michael Y. Wang
L.S. Chin and W.F. Regine (eds.), Principles and Practice of Stereotactic Radiosurgery, 571
DOI 10.1007/978-1-4614-8363-2_45, © Springer Science+Business Media New York 2015
572 F.U. Ahmad et al.
Multiple surgical staging systems have been devised in surgery was also significantly higher in the surgery group
the past to assist in surgical planning based on anatomical (62 % versus 19 %, p = 0.01). Finally, patients treated with
criteria. The surgical considerations based on spinal level surgery retained the ability to walk for much longer than did
and relationship to the spinal cord will be discussed later in patients in the radiotherapy group (mean 122 versus 13 days,
this chapter. p = 0.001). The study was terminated prematurely secondary
to an overwhelmingly beneficial outcome observed in the
surgical group at interim analysis [33].
Deciding on a Treatment Modality Furthermore, a recent meta-analysis by Klimo and col-
leagues, reviewing 24 surgical series (999 patients) and 4
Following a diagnosis of metastatic spine disease, a decision large irradiation series (543 patients), demonstrated ambula-
of surgery, radiation, medical treatment, and/or palliative tory success rates in 85 % of surgical patients compared
care must be made. The patient’s expected survival time is a with 64 % of radiation patients. Surgical patients in this
crucial factor to consider in cancer patients, as many may be study were 1.3 times as likely to remain ambulatory after
terminal patients in which surgery may not provide an over- surgery and twice as likely to regain ambulation when lost
all quality of life benefit. As with any type of surgery, the preoperatively (rescue procedure) [34]. Thus, in general,
age, performance status, and comorbidities of the patient results from recent series of patients undergoing surgical
must be taken into account when considering operative man- intervention for metastatic spinal disease have been promising.
agement for metastatic spine disease. Comorbidities such as Several series have also reported that greater than 90 %
coagulopathy, anemia, malnutrition, liver disease, and renal of patients have benefited from surgery in terms of pain
disease are frequently encountered in cancer patients and relief as well as maintaining ambulatory status [11, 13, 15].
may complicate the surgery or postoperative course. The pri- Furthermore, survival benefits have been reported with
mary tumor type should be also factored into this decision, as extensive resections in patients with solitary bone lesions or
some primary tumors (such as renal and thyroid cancer) may oligometastatic disease, with some 5-year survival rates
require preoperative embolization [8]. being greater than 15 % [15, 35]. Despite recent data sup-
Radiation therapy was considered the mainstay of treat- porting surgical decompression as a primary treatment for
ment for metastatic spinal disease for several years, and sur- spinal metastases, radiation therapy remains a primary treat-
gery was considered to add little value or even deemed ment option, particularly for radiosensitive tumors such as
detrimental for these patients [27, 28]. This was primarily breast, lymphoma, multiple myeloma, small cell lung cancer,
because posterior laminectomy (the primary surgical option seminoma, neuroblastoma, and Ewing sarcoma. In addition,
used by neurosurgeons to treat cord compression) did not limited anticipated patient survival time, inability to tolerate
address the compression (which is usually anterior to the spi- a surgical procedure, greater than 24–48 h of total neuro-
nal cord) directly and often led to increased spinal instability logical deficit, or multilevel/diffuse spinal involvement
by removing the stable/intact posterior elements in the pres- remain factors favoring radiation therapy [36].
ence of an already diseased/weak anterior column. Therefore
multiple older studies in the past failed to demonstrate a
functional or survival benefit in patients undergoing surgery Guidelines for Surgical Decision Making
and irradiation as compared with radiation therapy alone
[16, 24, 29, 30]. Over the past decade, however, surgical In the past, various scoring systems have been developed to
decompression of the spinal canal has regained favor because guide physicians in evaluating the surgical potential of a
of more contemporary series utilizing modern circumferen- given patient based on multiple patient and tumor criteria
tial surgical approaches for decompression and stabilization. (see Table 45.1) [37–40]. The complexity of these algorithms
Many series have demonstrated greater than 90 % mainte- is indicative of how many factors must be taken into consid-
nance in ambulatory status and pain improvement following eration for a given scenario. Such frameworks for decision
decompression [13, 17, 31, 32]. making offer useful guidelines to assist physicians with sur-
Perhaps the most convincing evidence came from a recent gical decision making, but cannot encompass the entire spec-
study by Patchell et al. This prospective, multi-institutional trum of individual factors that must be considered for each
study randomized patients with metastatic spinal cord com- patient situation.
pression to surgical decompression plus radiotherapy or
radiotherapy alone. In the surgical decompression group,
42 out of 50 (84 %) of patients were able to walk following Goals of Therapy
surgery, compared with 29 of 51 patients (57 %) in the radio-
therapy group (p = 0.01). The number of nonambulatory In deciding on the optimal treatment for a patient, the goal of
patients who specifically regained the ability to walk following therapy remains a key factor. Goals for surgery in patients
45 Spinal Tumors: Viewpoint—Surgery 573
Table 45.1 Classification algorithms in surgical decision making for spinal metastases
Study Criteria Recommendations
Harrington et al. (1986) [37] Five categories: Based on category:
1. No neurologic dysfunction (1) and (2): nonoperative management
2. Involvement of bone without collapse or (3): left to judgment of surgeon
3. Neurologic dysfunction without bony (4) and (5): surgery indicated
4. Vertebral collapse with secondary
mechanical pain
5. Vertebral collapse or instability with major
neurological deficits
Tokuhashi et al. (1990) [38] 0–2 points for each of the following categories: Based on total points (0–12):
1. Primary tumor type ≤5: nonoperative management
2. Neurological grade of the lesion 6–8: left to judgment of surgeon
3. Physical condition of the patient ≥9: surgery indicated
4. Number of lesions
5. Presence of visceral lesions
6. Spinal sites
Tomita et al. (2001) [39] Based on three categories: Based on total points (2–10):
1. Grade of malignancy: ≤3: wide/marginal excision (long-term local control)
– Slow growth, 1 point 4–5: marginal/intralesional excision (middle-term control)
– Moderate growth, 2 points 6–7: surgery for short term palliation
– Rapid growth, 4 points ≥8: nonoperative supportive care
2. Visceral metastases
– No metastasis, 0 points
– Treatable, 2 points
– Untreatable, 4 points
3. Bone metastases
– Solitary/isolated, 1 point
– Multiple, 2 points
Fourney et al. (2005) [40] “MAPS” assessment: Considerations by category:
1. Method of resection 1. En bloc spondylectomy, piecemeal excision, palliative
2. Anatomy of spinal disease 2. Tumor level, location, staging
3. Patient fitness level 3. Comorbidities, irradiation, patient age
4. Stabilization 4. Anterior, posterior, combined
with spinal tumors include: (1) neural decompression, (2) dysfunction, however, surgery offers less hope for improvement
biomechanical stabilization, (3) curative resection, (4) con- and radiotherapy is usually the mainstay of treatment [36].
trol of intractable pain, and (5) diagnosis. Patients with progressive neurologic deterioration that is
refractory to radiation therapy should also be considered for
Neural Decompression surgical decompression [36]. Cord compression caused by
The most important indication for surgery remains neural bone or disk fragments in the spinal canal that may result
decompression. Ambulatory status is a key prognostic marker from pathological fractures should also undergo primary
for terminal patients with spinal disease [26]. Nonambulatory surgical decompression instead of radiation therapy [41].
cancer patients have a mean survival time of only 45 days, Recent prospective randomized trials of surgical decompres-
due to multiple causes [13]. Maintaining neurologic function sion plus radiotherapy versus radiotherapy alone showed a
in patients with spinal metastases may therefore prolong sur- quality of life benefit in the surgical arm that was statistically
vival time in addition to improving quality of life. significant as well as a trend towards an increase in survival
Patients with rapidly progressive or far-advanced paraple- benefit in the surgical arm [42, 43]. These data represent high
gia, especially for less than 24–48 h, require emergent surgi- quality evidence favoring surgical decompression over tradi-
cal intervention [8]. In patients with complete spinal cord tional conservative radiotherapy in patients with spinal meta-
dysfunction for greater than 24 h or those with bowel/bladder static disease.
574 F.U. Ahmad et al.
Stabilization [15, 52]. In fact, surgery is the only treatment that has demon-
Maintaining spinal stability is another indication for surgical strated a potential for cure of spinal metastases, as opposed to
intervention in patients with metastatic spinal disease. Stability local control of tumor available with radiation therapy [35].
has been defined by Panjabi et al. as allowing the degree of Procedures such as en bloc spondylectomy and vertebrec-
motion that prevents pain, neurological deficit, and abnormal tomy have become key developments in the ability to aggres-
spinal angulation [44]. Spinal instability in patients with sively treat and even potentially cure localized metastatic
metastases can result from related pathologic fractures, surgi- spinal disease. Patients with bony metastases as opposed to
cal intervention, or diffuse changes in bone density and visceral metastases, and those who present following a long
strength. Instability has been correlated with the following disease-free interval, are considered to have a low tumor bur-
findings in patients with spine tumors: two-column injury, den and may be optimal candidates for curative resection
vertebral body collapse greater than 50 %, kyphosis greater than [15, 35, 39, 52, 53]. Such patients may benefit from more
20–30°, or involvement of the same column in greater than two aggressive surgical management in terms of pain control and
levels [40, 45, 46]. Following most cases of surgical decom- quality of life and should be treated with the intent to cure
pression, especially in cancer patients, instrumentation is [35, 52]. The potential for a curative resection also depends
required to provide stability. In non-terminal patients, postop- on the source of the primary tumor. For instance, tumors of
erative stability is ideally achieved via a solid bone fusion fol- renal origin should be treated with the intent to cure [54].
lowing resection. In cancer patients, however, a bony fusion Furthermore, local malignancies such as chordomas, sarco-
may not be a realistic goal due to multiple potentially compli- mas, chondrosarcomas, Pancoast tumors, giant cell tumors,
cating factors. Solid bony fusion may be prevented by shorter and osteoblastomas should also be considered for curative en
patient survival times, anemia, malnutrition, or frequent bloc resection [13].
requirements for further chemotherapy, steroids, and radiation
therapy. Although the ability to study spinal fusion in cancer Pain Control
patients has been compromised by decreased follow-up times, Pain from metastatic lesions can be a result of inflammation
one study studying fusion rates in 25 patients undergoing ante- and mechanical forces, as well as direct nerve compression
rior decompression and interbody fusion with bone struts fol- or damage [31]. Radicular symptoms have been reported in
lowed by irradiation reported a relatively low pseudoarthrosis up to 90 % of patients with lumbar epidural cord compres-
rate of 16 % at 1 year following surgery [47]. sion, 79 % of patients with cervical disease, and 55 % of
Several options are currently available for spinal instru- patients with thoracic metastases [24]. Corticosteroids and
mentation in cancer patients. Rigid spinal fixation systems opioids are the primary medications available for pain man-
are often used to provide spinal stability [13, 48]. With ante- agement secondary to cord or root compression. Radiation
rior approaches, constructs are often created to replace the therapy remains the primary intervention reserved for
resected vertebral body. Cortical endplate bone integrity patients with terminal disease who are experiencing signifi-
must be preserved in order to stabilize anteriorly, however, cant pain. However, the beneficial effects of irradiation in
and loss of integrity may necessitate a posterior fusion or relieving pain may take up to 2 weeks and may not provide
even a combined anterior–posterior approach in cases of sig- adequate pain relief [55]. In cases where pain is refractory to
nificant instability [8]. In posterior approaches, 2–3 levels of radiation therapy, surgery remains a viable option. Many sur-
construct are generally used above and below the deficit gical procedures offer a significant benefit in pain relief, with
[13, 48]. Polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA) is frequently used recent series reporting pain relief success rates of greater
for reconstruction in conjunction with mechanical instru- than 90 % [10, 15, 56]. Percutaneous vertebroplasty and
mentation if the estimated patient survival time is estimated kyphoplasty are minimally invasive procedures that have
to be less than 6 months. PMMA may be inserted inside of a been shown to improve pain in patients who may not be can-
titanium cage or chest tube and can provide immediate sta- didates for more aggressive decompressive surgery. Several
bility [48, 49]. It has been shown to be a safe option for series demonstrate both short- and long-term pain relief rates
patients requiring subsequent radiation therapy [50] and is an of 85–100 % associated with percutaneous vertebroplasty
inexpensive, relatively easy to use, and safe alternative to and kyphoplasty [57–60].
bony fusion [51].
Curative Resection and Local Control Since the advent of minimally invasive techniques for tumor
While a curative surgical resection of spinal metastases was biopsy of the spine, such as CT-guided and fluoroscopic-
not considered a reasonable goal in patients with metastatic guided biopsy, diagnosis is usually no longer a primary indi-
spinal disease for many years, recent series have demon- cation for surgical intervention. One study reported that a
strated that survival times can be significantly prolonged in tissue diagnosis was possible in 86 % of patients using
particular patients who have undergone surgical intervention CT-guided biopsy [61].
45 Spinal Tumors: Viewpoint—Surgery 575
Timing of Combined Therapy for the primary treatment of spinal metastases. Class I evidence
from a case-control study comparing decompressive lami-
In spite of having recent Class I evidence showing the benefit nectomy plus radiation therapy with radiation therapy alone
of surgery in the primary treatment for spinal metastases, radi- did not show a significant functional benefit in ambulatory
ation therapy remains the primary modality for treatment at status following surgical intervention [30]. Class II and III
many medical institutions. Following a radiologic diagnosis evidence also failed to demonstrate significant functional
of spinal metastases, many patients are directly referred for benefits or improvement in pain [16, 24, 29, 65]. The inability
radiation therapy without a surgeon seeing the patient [62]. of posterior procedures to provide adequate decompression
The results of this are twofold. First, opting for radiation as a in any cases has been largely attributed to the majority of
primary measure may not provide the same survival benefit metastatic lesions being located anterior to the thecal sac.
for the patient as a wide marginal or radical excision could Retraction of the thecal sac would thus be necessary to com-
potentially provide. Second, patients who fail radiotherapy plete a gross total resection from a posterior approach in the
and ultimately require surgical decompression have signifi- majority of patients with metastases. In addition, the risk of
cantly higher chances of developing wound infections, espe- spinal instability is especially concerning following laminec-
cially in cases where irradiation was administered within 1 tomy in cancer patients with preexisting disease in the ante-
week prior to surgery [62]. One series of 85 patients undergo- rior and middle spinal columns [10, 32]. Decompressive
ing posterior decompression with or without instrumentation laminectomy is now primarily reserved for metastatic lesions
determined that patients with prior irradiation had a 32 % located within the posterior spinal elements or in cases where
chance of developing wound infections, compared with a patients cannot tolerate a more complex circumferential
12 % chance in the de novo surgery group. Multiple other approach. In contrast, posterior laminectomies remain the
studies have demonstrated similar results [34, 35, 43, 62, 63]. procedure of choice for the majority of intradural extramed-
For these reasons, many surgeons currently advocate consid- ullary and intramedullary primary (nonmetastatic) lesions.
ering de novo surgery as the primary intervention for symp- Some surgeons maintain that even patients with ventrally
tomatic metastatic spinal disease and have emphasized the located neoplasms can be adequately and safely decom-
spine surgeon’s involvement in the decision to irradiate patients. pressed with posterior laminectomy if internal fixation is used
in conjunction. This practice has been reported to realign the
spine as well as distract the vertebral bodies out of the spinal
Deciding on a Surgical Approach canal [66]. This procedure remains a useful option in patients
who are unable to undergo more extensive anterior approaches
Once surgery has been decided upon, choosing the correct or for patients with multilevel disease [67].
surgical approach is a key factor in providing the ideal degree
of exposure for resection and subsequent stabilization. This Newer Approaches for Spinal Cord
decision is based on the anatomical location of the spinal Decompression
metastases, the degree of surgical intervention a patient is Multiple studies have been published describing the efficacy
able to tolerate, and the ability of the surgeon to perform a of various circumferential approaches for pain relief and pres-
particular procedure safely. The Weinstein, Boriani, and ervation or improvement of neurologic function [10–12, 15,
Biagini staging system can be used to help guide surgeons in 32, 45, 68–70]. Overall, the proportion of ambulatory patients
choosing an approach for surgical decompression based on who retained ambulatory function postoperatively (defined as
the anatomical location of the tumor in regards to proximity the “success” of such a procedure) has ranged between 72 and
to the dura as well as anterior to posterior localization [64]. 98 %, but has been reported as lower when looking at only
This system maps tumors based on 12 radiating zones in a posterior approaches [71]. The proportions of nonambulatory
clockwise fashion, as well as five concentric layers. It can patients who regained ambulatory status postoperatively
assist in deciding on a type of excisional procedure, includ- (defined as a “rescue” procedure) have been less consistent,
ing en bloc spondylectomy, vertebrectomy, sagittal resec- ranging between 0 and 94 % in these series [71]. Finally,
tion, and posterior arch resection. surgical morbidity rates for circumferential decompressions
have ranged between 7 and 65 %, and mortality rates have
Decompressive Posterior Laminectomy ranged between 0 and 31 % [71]. The majority of series report
In the past, the primary surgical procedure utilized by neuro- mortality rates of less than 10 %.
surgeons to relieve compression secondary to spinal metasta- Approaches to the spine can be broadly classified as ante-
ses was the posterior laminectomy. This procedure was rior or posterior. Anterior approaches include traditional ante-
initially favorable because it could be performed by the rior cervical approaches, transthoracic, and transperitoneal
majority of neurosurgeons within relatively fast time frames. approaches. Posterior approaches include traditional laminec-
For several reasons, however, this procedure fell out of favor tomy and posterolateral approaches such as transpedicular,
576 F.U. Ahmad et al.
costotransversectomy, and lateral extracavitary (LECA) The transpedicular approach can be used for disease in
approaches. All of these approaches require subsequent the dorsal and anterior elements of the vertebrae. The advan-
reconstruction and stabilization. tages of using this approach over an anterior approach
include early identification of the spinal canal, ability to
Anterior Approaches resect tumor in the posterior elements, and the ability to pro-
In general, an anterior approach is preferable for achieving vide long segment fixation [69, 75].
adequate decompression in patients who are able to tolerate A costotransversectomy allows resection of the lamina,
such an approach because spinal metastases tend to localize facet, transverse process, pedicle, rib head, and some of the
to the anterior spinal column. In general, series of anterior vertebral body to provide adequate exposure. Advantages of
procedures demonstrate superior rates of neurologic function this procedure include avoidance of a thoracotomy in patients
and survival times than do posterior procedures [10, 13, 66]. who may not be able to tolerate one, access to multilevel or
In addition to decompression, reconstruction of the vertebral discontinuous spine disease, and the ability to perform both
body following resection is also facilitated by an anterior anterior and posterior fixation. Disadvantages with this pro-
approach. cedure include a possibly limited or indirect exposure, pos-
In the cervical spine, reconstruction following an exten- sible entry into the lung space requiring chest tube placement,
sive resection is accomplished using bone autograft or and possible injury to the nerve roots or dura resulting in a
allograft, PMMA, or one of many titanium cages or spacers CSF fistula.
[72]. Stabilization is then usually achieved by way of ante- The LECA approach can be used for spinal decompres-
rior instrumentation, with plating being the most common sion and fixation in the thoracolumbar spine (T4–L3) and
technique in the cervical spine. In the thoracic spine, a trans- provides good lateral exposure to the vertebral column with-
thoracic approach can be utilized for anterior decompression out violation of the pleural or abdominal space or mobiliza-
and subsequent instrumentation. The side of approach is tion of the diaphragm [76]. Like the costotransversectomy,
based on the symmetry of disease, but the left side is often both anterior and posterior fixations are possible with the
preferable in order to avoid the liver and to more easily iden- LECA. It is commonly used in patients requiring near com-
tify the aorta. Rib resection, lung deflation, and chest tube plete resection of 1–3 vertebral bodies. Reconstruction of the
insertion are hallmarks of this procedure at the thoracic level vertebral body is then performed followed by posterior with
[41]. An anterior approach at the thoracolumbar junction or without anterior fixation [76].
(T11–L1) can be done via a thoracoabdominal approach. At
this level, a portion of the diaphragm requires mobilization Combined Anterior and Posterior Approaches
in order to achieve adequate exposure. At the lumbar level, While providing the benefit of excellent exposure to the rele-
dissection via the retroperitoneum is required, usually along vant elements of the spinal canal, anterior decompression also
the transversalis fascia. The psoas muscles and aorta are carries the potential drawback of decreased spinal stability.
mobilized to provide exposure to the lumbar vertebrae [41]. Several series report using anterior decompression with sub-
sequent posterior instrumentation to further stabilize the spi-
Posterolateral Approaches nal column [12, 32]. Particular indications for this combination
Lesions located in the posterior spinal elements should be approach include involvement of metastatic disease in all
approached in this fashion. Patients who may not be able to three spinal columns, significant instability, marked kyphosis,
tolerate a more extensive anterior approach, or those with involvement of more than one vertebral body, junctional
multilevel disease, may benefit from posterior decompres- site involvement, and prior laminectomy [12, 32]. One study
sion with stabilization. Finally, particular regional nuances including 110 patients undergoing spinal decompression
may contribute to the decision to approach posteriorly. The determined that approximately half (48 %) of all patients
disadvantages of a posterior approach include limited ante- undergoing decompressive surgery required a combined ante-
rior exposure with limited tumor resection and higher rates rior–posterior approach for added stability [12].
of wound complications [48].
The cervicothoracic junction (C7–T4) marks a transition
zone from the mobile, lordotic cervical spine to a rigid, En Bloc Spondylectomy
kyphotic thoracic spine. The hardware failure rates with sur-
gical decompression and subsequent instrumentation in this In recent years, aggressive surgical resection of spinal metas-
region are comparatively high, with two series reporting sta- tases has made curative resection of spinal metastatic lesions
bilization failure rates of 36 % [73, 74]. Le et al. advocate a a possible outcome. As mentioned, patients with solitary
posterior/posterolateral approach to the cervicothoracic bone metastases or oligometastatic disease can be treated
junction because of lower incidences of hardware failure. with intent to cure if the patient is a surgical candidate for an
45 Spinal Tumors: Viewpoint—Surgery 577
aggressive surgical procedure. Patient selection is especially less than one-third of its original height, coagulopathies,
crucial when evaluating patients for an en bloc spondylec- inability to lie prone, and inability to perform an emergent
tomy, as this procedure tends to be long and complex with decompressive surgery if necessary [58, 59, 79].
relatively significant blood loss and a frequent requirement Vertebroplasty has been shown to provide its benefit by
for an open thoracotomy, significant reconstruction and sac- restoring strength and stiffness to the spine and preventing
rifice of neural and/or vascular structures [35]. Surgical plan- micro-motion [80, 81]. Additionally, PMMA has been shown
ning in terms of approach and degree of resection has been to destroy nerve endings that cause pain associated with
greatly emphasized, with some surgeons favoring the use of micromotion [58, 79, 82]. It has also been postulated that
a staging system such as the Boriani/Weinstein system in PMMA may also provide an antitumor effect secondary to
planning this type of procedure. thermal effects, cytotoxicity, and ischemia that prevents
Results from recent series of en bloc resections show tumor reinvasion [58, 82]. A biopsy can be done during the
promising results. One such study reported a mortality rate of same procedure prior to the injection of the filling agent.
less than 1 %, a morbidity rate of less than 10 %, and a mean In a series of 101 patients, Deramond reported an improve-
survival time of greater than 3 years with 48 % of patients ment in pain and quality of life in 80 % of patients [58, 82].
showing neurological improvement [35]. Pain improved Patients following vertebroplasty have experienced short-
following surgery in 95 % of patients following surgery, term (within 48 h) and long-term pain relief (at 3 months
with 76 % achieving total pain control. Another recent series postoperatively) rates of 85–97 % and 89–100 %, respec-
of patients undergoing en bloc spondylectomy demonstrated tively [57, 59]. At 6 months following vertebroplasty, pain
morbidity and mortality rates less than 1 % [15]. relief was still reported by 76 % of patients, the majority of
Once an en bloc spondylectomy or vertebrectomy has which developed either new metastases or epidural involve-
been performed, vertebral body replacement or reconstruc- ment of metastases [82].
tion is necessary to provide stabilization. There have been Despite its many benefits and a low degree of invasive-
many materials and implants used to replace the vertebral ness, vertebroplasty is not without complications. The over-
body following vertebrectomy that have been described in all complication rate has been reported as approximately
the literature, including allograft, bone cement, ceramic, 10 %, with the majority being short-term complications and
ceramic/glass, carbon fiber, and titanium spacers or cages only 1.7 % resulting in long-term complications [58].
[77]. Recently, expandable cages have been developed for Leakage of PMMA has been reported to occur in approxi-
replacing the vertebral body and disks. Such cages may offer mately 70–75 % of cases. In the majority this does not pres-
a benefit because they can be placed through smaller access ent a clinical problem [58, 78]. However significant clinical
site and expanded in situ to restore anterior column height. risks are increased with posterior cortical wall destruction or
epidural involvement. The major clinical risk of this proce-
Percutaneous Vertebroplasty and Kyphoplasty dure is radiculopathy secondary to PMMA leakage into the
Vertebroplasty is a relatively noninvasive surgical procedure neuroforamen or back pain caused by a local inflammatory
that has been increasingly utilized in recent years to treat reaction to PMMA [58, 81].
pain and instability in vertebral body collapse by injecting In summary, vertebroplasty and kyphoplasty are mini-
cement into the vertebral bodies through a posterior approach. mally invasive procedures that may be performed for selected
The procedure is often used for patients with severe, local- patients with metastatic spine disease in order to provide fast
ized mechanical back pain without epidural involvement pain relief and improved spinal stability. It is often the proce-
who may not be able to tolerate more aggressive procedures dure of choice as a palliating measure for patients with lim-
[78]. Kyphoplasty is a related procedure in which an inflat- ited survival or those who are otherwise unable to tolerate
able balloon is used initially to restore the loss of vertebral surgical intervention.
height and create a cavity for subsequent injection of cement.
Because vertebroplasty and kyphoplasty are relatively
quick percutaneous procedures, they can be used in cancer Conclusion and Considerations
patients with limited survival time and poor surgical poten-
tial [78]. It has been shown that vertebroplasty can be used In summary, surgical management remains a viable and
prior to the initiation of radiation therapy, without compro- increasingly efficacious option for the management of spinal
mising its efficacy [50]. Many series have advocated this tumors. The primary goals for surgery are neural decompres-
combination of vertebroplasty to confer stability followed by sion, spinal stabilization, curative resection, and pain man-
radiation therapy for its tumoricidal effects [58, 59, 79]. agement. Curative resection of solitary or localized metastatic
These procedures should not be used in patients with gross disease is now a potential goal with aggressive surgical meth-
spinal instability, cord compression, or epidural extension ods. Careful patient selection is the key factor for maximizing
that are able to undergo surgical intervention. Further contra- the potential benefits and avoiding the associated risks of
indications for these procedures include vertebral collapse to any treatment modality, be it surgery or radiotherapy.
578 F.U. Ahmad et al.
Case 45.1
A 54-year-old female developed 1 week of progressive lower extremity weakness and attendant bowel and bladder
dysfunction. She was wheelchair-bound at the time of presentation, and a CT scan showed a pathologic fracture at T7
(Fig. 45.1a). Her past medical history was significant for invasive ductal carcinoma treated 10 years prior and in remission.
An MRI demonstrated this to be consistent with a metastatic lesion with a soft tissue component compressing upon the
spinal cord (Fig. 45.1b), and SPECT studies showed no evidence of other lesions (Fig. 45.1c). The patient underwent
an urgent T7 corpectomy via a transthoracic approach. The vertebral body was replaced by a PEEK vertebrectomy
spacer packed with rib autograft and supplemental plating was utilized (Fig. 45.1d, e). She went on to have a complete
neurologic recovery, ambulating without assistance 5 days after surgery.
Fig. 45.1 (a–e) Plain CT scan showing a pathologic fracture at T7 (a). MRI thoracic spine T2WI revealed the cord compression (b), and
SPECT studies showed no evidence of other lesions (c). The patient underwent an urgent T7 corpectomy via a transthoracic approach. The
vertebral body was replaced by a PEEK vertebrectomy spacer packed with rib autograft and supplemental plating was utilized. Postoperative
plain X-ray lateral (d) and AP view (e) showing the instrumentation
45 Spinal Tumors: Viewpoint—Surgery 579
Case 45.2
A 54-year-old male with prostate cancer presented with worsening upper back pain, progressive inability to walk, and
signs of myelopathy for 10 days prior to presentation to the emergency room. He was found to have multiple spinal
lesions but only the lesion at T3 was causing spinal cord compression. MRI demonstrated diffusely abnormal signal
intensity in T3 body with extension to right pedicle and lamina and epidural enhancement with spinal cord compres-
sion (Fig. 45.2a–c). There was no signal change in the spinal cord itself. CT scan demonstrated multiple lytic and
blastic lesions in the thoracic spine with loss of height of T3 body and epidural breakthrough of soft tissue mass into
the spinal canal (Fig. 45.2d). He underwent T3 vertebrectomy with reconstruction of anterior spinal column with a
carbon fiber cage, along with supplemental posterior fusion from T2–T6 without complications (Fig. 45.2e).
Postoperatively his motor strength returned to normal and he was discharged home after a brief stay at the rehab center.
He subsequently underwent spinal radiation and hormonal therapy and was doing well 1 year after the surgery.
Fig. 45.2 (a–e) MRI demonstrating a diffusely abnormal signal intensity in T3 body with extension to right pedicle and lamina and epi-
dural enhancement with spinal cord compression on axial (a) and sagittal (b–d) images. There was no signal change in the spinal cord
itself. CT scan demonstrated multiple lytic and blastic lesions in the thoracic spine with loss of height of T3 body and epidural break-
through of soft tissue mass into the spinal canal (e). The patient underwent T3 vertebrectomy with reconstruction of anterior spinal column
with a carbon fiber cage, along with supplemental posterior fusion from T2–T6, as shown on postoperative AP X-ray (f)
580 F.U. Ahmad et al.
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Spinal Metastases: Viewpoint—
Fractionated Radiation Therapy 46
Quynh-nhu Nguyen, Almon S. Shiu, and Eric L. Chang
L.S. Chin and W.F. Regine (eds.), Principles and Practice of Stereotactic Radiosurgery, 583
DOI 10.1007/978-1-4614-8363-2_46, © Springer Science+Business Media New York 2015
584 Q. Nguyen et al.
Fig. 46.2 Single-fraction dose delivering 18 Gy to nonrenal cell spinal metastases (a) axial and (b) sagittal
of our safety and setup data demonstrating consistent daily space between disease and spinal cord. There were 63 non-
patient setups within 1 mm of isocenter [5], we have pro- cervical spinal metastases treated with single-fraction SBRT,
ceeded to shorten our treatments to a total dose of 27 Gy in all tumors received >16 Gy. Patients were stratified according
3 fractions on alternating days to allow for sufficient repair to histology (renal versus nonrenal). For nonrenal spinal
while limiting the spinal cord dose to 10 Gy. metastasis the mean GTV was prescribed 18 Gy, and for renal
Garg et al. reported the MDACC experience in delivering spinal metastasis the mean GTV received 24 Gy. For paraspi-
single-fraction SBRT to the spine in a prospective phase I/II nal tumors, nonrenal histology tumors were prescribed
study for previously unirradiated patients with sufficient 18 Gy to the GTV and 24 Gy to the GTV for renal tumors.
586 Q. Nguyen et al.
The 18-month actuarial rate of local tumor control for all T10GTV
patients was 88 %, and specifically for patients treated post- 1RX
Normalized volume (%)
operatively with SBRT, the local tumor control was 100 %. 3RX
The 18-month actuarial rate of freedom from neurologic 60 5RX
deterioration was 82 % [6] (Fig. 46.3).
There are also several publications documenting experi- 40 1RX
ence with single-fraction SBRT. Ryu et al. reported on pat- 3RX
terns of failure for 49 patients with 61 spinal metastases who 20
underwent single-dose radiosurgery (10–16 Gy) at Henry
Ford Hospital. Follow-up ranged from 6 to 24 months. 0
Complete and partial pain relief was achieved in 85 % of the 0 1000 2000 3000 4000
lesions treated, with relapse of pain at the treated site was Dose (cGy)
7 %, and there was progressive metastasis in the immediate
Fig. 46.3 Comparison of dose-volume histograms for 1-, 3-, and
adjacent spine in 5 % [7]. Benzil et al. treated 31 patients 5-fraction SBRT
who had 35 tumors with stereotactic radiosurgery to the
spine using the Novalis unit at New York Medical College.
Twenty-six tumors were spinal metastases and 9 were pri- Two patients experienced transient radiculitis, and one patient
mary tumors of the spine. In general, metastases not previ- had permanent neurologic deterioration due to pathologically
ously treated with radiation received 25 Gy in 10 fractions of confirmed radiation necrosis. The authors concluded that a bio-
external-beam radiation followed by a 6- to 8-Gy single- logical equivalent dose >60 Gy was associated with an
fraction boost. increased risk of radiculitis [8]. Gerszten et al. from the
Patients previously irradiated with 30 Gy using conven- University of Pittsburgh treated 115 consecutive patients with
tional radiation were treated with 10 Gy in 2 fractions. Rapid single-fraction radiosurgery using CyberKnife (45 cervical, 30
and significant pain relief was noted after treatment in 32 of thoracic, 36 lumbar, and 14 sacral). There were 17 benign and
34 treated tumors within 72 h and up to 3 months later. 108 metastatic tumors. Tumor volume ranged from 0.3 cm3 to
46 Spinal Metastases: Viewpoint—Fractionated Radiation Therapy 587
232 cm3 and tumor dose was 12–20 Gy prescribed to the 80 % integration of SBRT with systemic therapy, determination of
isodose line (mean, 14 Gy). No acute radiation toxicity or new spinal cord tolerance, and long-term sequelae of high doses
neurologic deficits occurred during the follow-up period of irradiation to the spine.
(range, 9–30 months; median, 18 months), and axial and radic-
ular pain improved in 74 of 79 patients who were symptomatic
before treatment. The authors concluded that the CyberKnife References
system was found to be feasible, safe, and effective [9].
DeSalles et al. from the University of California Los Angeles 1. Klimo P, Schmidt MH. Surgical management of spinal metastases.
Oncologist. 2004;9:188–96.
using the Novalis system treated 14 patients with 11 metasta-
2. Potters L, Steinberg M, Rose C, Potters L, Steinberg M, Rose C,
ses, 2 neurofibromas, and 1 meningioma. Twelve patients Timmerman R, Ryu S, Hevezi JM, Welsh J, Mehta M, Larson DA,
underwent previous conventional irradiation. A mean dose of Janjan NA. American Society for Therapeutic Radiology and
12 Gy (range, 8–21 Gy) was prescribed. With a mean follow- Oncology and American College of Radiology practice guideline
for the performance of stereotactic body radiation therapy. Int J
up of 6.1 months (range, 1–16 months), no complications were
Radiat Oncol Biol Phys. 2004;60:1026–32.
seen, and seven patients experienced significant pain relief. 3. Wang XS, Rhines LD, Shiu AS, Yang JN, Selek U, Gning I, Liu P,
Seven of 22 lesions that were treated progressed [10]. Allen PK, Azeem SS, Brown PD, Sharp HJ, Weksberg DC, Cleeland
Spinal SBRT continues to emerge as an effective thera- CS, Chang EL. Stereotactic body radiation therapy for management
of spinal metastases in patients without spinal cord compression: a
peutic approach for spinal metastases. However, treatment
phase 1-2 trial. Lancet Oncol. 2012;13(4):395–402.
planning and delivery remain individualized to specific 4. Bilsky MH, Yamada Y, Yenice KM, Lovelock M, Hunt M, Gutin
radiosurgery centers. The group at MDACC has developed a PH, Leibel SA. Intensity-modulated stereotactic radiotherapy of
generalizable class solution approach for spinal SBRT to paraspinal tumors: a preliminary report. Neurosurgery. 2004;54(4):
provide optimal target coverage, reduce integral dose, and
5. Chang EL, Shiu AS, Lii MF, Rhines LD, Mendel E, Mahajan A,
maximize planning efficiency. This is of particular impor- Weinberg JS, Mathews LA, Brown BW, Maor MH, Cox JD. Phase
tance for treatment planners who do not have experience I clinical evaluation of near-simultaneous computed tomographic
with spinal SBRT planning. The class solution technique image-guided stereotactic body radiotherapy for spinal metastases.
Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys. 2004;59(5):1288–94.
generated plans that maintained target coverage and
6. Garg AK, Shiu AS, Yang J, Wang XS, Allen P, Brown BW,
improved conformality while reducing normal tissue integral Grossman P, Frija EK, McAleer MF, Azeem S, Brown PD, Rhines
dose for planners who had no prior experience with spinal LD, Chang EL. Phase 1/2 trial of single-session stereotactic body
SBRT. The class solution technique reduced treatment plan- radiotherapy for previously unirradiated spinal metastasis. Cancer.
ning time by 30–60 % and MUs required by 20 % indepen-
7. Ryu S, Rock J, Rosenblum M, Kim JH. Patterns of failure after
dent of prior planning experience [11]. single-dose radiosurgery for spinal metastases. J Neurosurg. 2004;
Although this collective body of preliminary data is 101 Suppl 3:402–5.
encouraging, it should be cautioned that because the field is 8. Benzil DL, Saboori M, Mogilner AY, Rocchio R, Moorthy
CR. Safety and efficacy of stereotactic radiosurgery for tumors of
young, long-term complications are under investigation. It is
the spine. J Neurosurg. 2004;101 Suppl 3:413–8.
currently unknown to what extent high doses of radiation 9. Gerszten PC, Ozhasoglu C, Burton SA, Vogel WJ, Atkins BA,
will affect vertebral stability [12]. Vertebral compression Kalnicki S, Welch WC. CyberKnife frameless stereotactic radiosur-
fractures after spinal SBRT have been reported at two centers gery for spinal lesions: clinical experience in 125 cases.
Neurosurgery. 2004;55:89–98.
at Memorial Sloan Kettering and MDACC [13, 14] with
10. De Salles AA, Pedroso AG, Medin P, Agazaryan N, Solberg T,
rates ranging from 20 to 39 %. It also remains to be defined Cabatan-Awang C, Espinosa DM, Ford J, Selch MT. Spinal lesions
what is the threshold of spinal cord tolerance with hypofrac- treated with Novalis shaped beam intensity-modulated radiosur-
tionated or single-dose schedule of irradiation in the setting gery and stereotactic radiotherapy. J Neurosurg. 2004;101 Suppl
of primary or reirradiation.
11. Weksberg DC, Palmer MB, Vu KN, Rebueno NC, Sharp HJ, Luo D,
Yang JN, Shiu AS, Rhines LD, McAleer MF, Brown PD, Chang
EL. Generalizable class solutions for treatment planning of spinal
stereotactic body radiation therapy. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys.
Conclusion 2012;84(3):847–53.
12. Rock JP, Ryu S, Yin FF, Schreiber F, Abdulhak M. The evolving
Reports of the relative safety of fractionated and single- role of stereotactic radiosurgery and stereotactic radiation therapy
fraction SBRT to the spine have been published from several for patients with spine tumors. J Neurooncol. 2004;69:319–34.
13. Boehling NS, Grosshans DR, Allen PK, McAleer MF, Burton AW,
institutions. Larger experiences with long-term follow-up Azeem S, Rhines LD, Chang EL. Vertebral compression fracture
data are supporting the relative safety of high-dose SBRT to risk after stereotactic body radiotherapy for spinal metastases.
spinal tumors, although cases of spinal cord myelopathies J Neurosurg Spine. 2012;16:379–86.
are being reported. In addition, well-designed prospective 14. Rose PS, Laufer I, Boland PJ, Hanover A, Bilsky MH, Yamada J,
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clinical investigations are needed to help address important modulated radiation therapy to spinal metastases. J Clin Oncol.
clinical issues such as optimal dose and fractionation, 2009;27:575–9.
Arteriovenous Malformation
Radiosurgery 47
Bruce E. Pollock
L.S. Chin and W.F. Regine (eds.), Principles and Practice of Stereotactic Radiosurgery, 589
DOI 10.1007/978-1-4614-8363-2_47, © Springer Science+Business Media New York 2015
590 B.E. Pollock
hemorrhage [30]. In fact, because AVMs could be visualized Recently a number of factors have led some investigators
through angiography before the development of axial imag- to reexamine observation for patients discovered to have
ing, AVMs were a common indication treated in the early unruptured brain AVMs [39]. First, the annual rate of bleed-
radiosurgical series of Leksell. From 1968 until 1982, 204 of ing for patients with unruptured brain AVMs may be as low
the first 762 patients (27 %) having Gamma Knife radiosur- as 1 % [40, 41]. Second, the morbidity associated with AVM
gery had AVMs [31]. Concurrent with the work of Leksell bleeding may be less than previously thought [42, 43]. A
and Steiner, Kjellberg and Fabrikant were using heavy review of 119 AVM patients found that 47 % of patients suf-
charged particles instead of photons to irradiate AVMs fered no disability related to their first ICH and an additional
[32, 33], and other centers soon developed modified linear 37 % of patients remained independent in their activities of
accelerators (LINAC) to perform AVM radiosurgery [34–36]. daily living [42]. Third, neurologic deficits after surgical
Similar to the Swedish experience, these innovators noted resection of AVMs may be greater than previously described.
that focused radiation techniques could obliterate a high per- Hartmann et al. reported outcomes for 124 AVM patients fol-
centage of irradiated AVMs. lowed prospectively after surgical resection [44]. At last
Observation is also a recognized management strategy for follow-up, 38 % of patients had new postoperative neuro-
AVM patients especially if the AVM has not previously bled. logic deficits. Six percent of patients were disabled after sur-
The decision to treat an AVM is simply a comparison of the gery. Factors related to a decline in neurologic function were
estimated risk of intervention to the calculated risk if the female gender, AVM size, and deep venous drainage.
malformation is left untreated. If the risk of treatment is per- Likewise, Lawton et al. found that patients with unruptured
ceived to be less than the lifetime risk based on the natural AVMs were 2.3 times more likely to experience a decline in
history of untreated AVMs, then treatment is recommended. their modified Rankin Score (MRS) compared to patients
Prior to advent of modern imaging, improved microsurgical with ruptured AVMs [45]. A randomized trial of unruptured
techniques, and SRS, the majority of AVMs were not treated brain arteriovenous malformations (ARUBA) was designed
directly, and patients discovered to have AVMs were treated to compare the risk of observation versus prophylactic inter-
for their seizure disorder or headaches. Yet, once it was rec- vention for patients diagnosed with unruptured BAVM [46].
ognized that selected AVM patients could undergo treatment The primary endpoints of the ARUBA trial are the composite
directed at the AVM with acceptable morbidity, the trend risk of death or stroke and risk of death or clinical impair-
shifted so that surgical excision or radiosurgery was recom- ment, defined as a MRS ≥ 2. Although the design of ARUBA
mended for the majority of patients [37]. Despite technologi- has been criticized for a number of reasons including the
cal advances, it is recognized that the risk of treatment for intended follow-up period after randomization (planned,
patients with large AVMs is not insignificant, and observa- 5–10 years) [47], it was funded by the National Institute of
tion of Spetzler–Martin Grade IV and V AVMs is generally Neurological Disorders (U01 NS051483) and began enroll-
recommended unless the patient has hemorrhaged or is suf- ing patients in April 2007 at cerebrovascular centers around
fering from a progressive neurologic deficit [38]. the world.
47 Arteriovenous Malformation Radiosurgery 591
Reliance on angiography alone for radiosurgical dose plan- Patients with residual AVM on follow-up angiography are
ning increases the chance of treating too much adjacent nor- evaluated for observation, repeat SRS, or surgical resection
mal brain tissue due to the often irregular shape of AVMs based on their age, clinical condition, and the AVM response
[54]. In addition, for AVMs located in the posterior fossa and from the first radiosurgical procedure.
lateral temporal regions, the chance of not including a por-
tion of the nidus in the prescription isodose volume (PIV) is
greater secondary to the difficulty in visualizing the AVM Obliteration After Radiosurgery
clearly on angiography. Over the past 15 years, we have
become increasingly confident in performing AVM SRS The primary goal of AVM radiosurgery is complete nidus
without a stereotactic angiogram and now perform approxi- obliteration to eliminate a patient’s risk of future hemorrhage.
mately 20 % of our cases based on MRI alone. Patients with Lindquist and Steiner in 1988 defined AVM obliteration as
small, compact, hemispheric AVMs with simple venous follows: “we have considered a result satisfactory only when
drainage are ideal candidates for using MRI alone for dose the arteriogram has shown a normal circulation time, com-
planning. Nonetheless, we continue to insist that patients plete absence of pathological vessels in the former nidus of
have a complete diagnostic angiogram, including appropri- the malformation, and the disappearance or normalization of
ate external carotid injections, before any decision is made draining veins from the area” [62]. Generally, AVM oblitera-
about the feasibility of SRS and to determine if the patient tion occurs between 1 and 5 years after radiosurgery.
has any associated aneurysms. Sequential histopathological changes after AVM radiosurgery
The goal of SRS planning is to create a conformal dose include early damage to the endothelial cells, followed by
plan that precisely covers the three-dimensional shape of the progressive thickening of the intimal layer secondary to pro-
nidus. Feeding arteries and draining veins are not included in liferation of smooth muscle cells which produce an extracel-
the dose plan if possible. Inclusion of these vessels will lular matrix containing Type IV collagen, then cellular
increase the volume covered, which may decrease the radia- degeneration and hyaline transformation [63]. The effect of
tion dose prescribed. Dose prescription must take into high-dose single fraction radiation has been studied in cell
account two conflicting considerations: the chance of oblit- cultures taken from patients undergoing AVM resection [64].
eration versus the chance of radiation-related complications. Within 5 days after irradiation, the proliferation index
Increasing radiation dose directly correlates with the chance decreased and remained decreased over the observation
of obliteration. Assuming that the radiation is well targeted, period. Other notable findings were immunohistochemical
the chance of AVM cure is approximately 70 %, 80 %, and evidence of apoptosis and transformation of fibroblastic cells
90 % for radiation doses of 16, 18, and 20 Gy, respectively into activated myofibroblasts. Histologic and electron micro-
[55, 56]. However, the likelihood of radiation-related com- scopic studies of seven AVMs resected after bleeding 10–52
plications after AVM radiosurgery increases at higher radia- months after radiosurgery revealed spindle cell proliferation
tion doses and larger AVM volumes. Early dose prescription in the connective tissue stroma and in the subendothelial
generally followed either Kjellberg’s 3 % isodose line [32] or region of irradiated vessels [65]. It was concluded that the
Flickinger’s integrated logistic formula [57] to predict the characteristics of the spindle cells were similar to myofibro-
probability of radiation-related complications. More recent blasts noted during wound healing, and these cells likely con-
studies have correlated the chance of radiation-related com- tributed to the occlusive process and final obliteration of
plications after AVM radiosurgery relates to some measure AVMs after radiosurgery.
of the radiation dose to the surrounding tissue [58, 59]. The most important factor associated with obliteration
Patients with AVMs in the thalamus, basal ganglia, and after AVM radiosurgery is the margin dose delivered to the
brainstem are more likely to develop neurologic deficits sec- nidus [55, 56, 66–69]. A number of models have been devel-
ondary to imaging changes noted on MRI [58]. oped to predict the chance of AVM cure after SRS. Karlsson
After the dose plan is reviewed by all members of the et al. reported the K index as a method to predict obliteration
radiosurgical team and found to be acceptable, the patient after AVM radiosurgery [56]. Based on 945 AVM patients
undergoes radiation delivery. Following radiation delivery, having radiosurgery from 1970 until 1990, they found a log-
the patient is typically discharged home the day of the proce- arithmic relationship between minimum dose and AVM
dure. Immediate complications are rare. Some patients com- obliteration increasing to a maximum of 87 %. A higher
plain of pin site discomfort, neck pain, or headache, but average dose also shortened the latency to AVM obliteration.
these are usually temporary and can be managed with over- The correlation of obliteration rate to the product minimum
the-counter medications. Follow-up after radiosurgery dose (AVM volume)1/3 was termed the K index. The oblitera-
typically consists of clinical examination and MRI at yearly tion rate increased linearly with the K index up to a value of
intervals for the first 5 years after SRS. If MRI suggests that approximately 27, and for higher K values, the obliteration
the AVM has gone on to complete obliteration, then follow- rate had a constant value of approximately 80 %. For the
up angiography is recommended to confirm cure [60, 61]. group of patients receiving an AVM margin dose of at least
47 Arteriovenous Malformation Radiosurgery 593
Fig. 47.3 Long-TR MRI of a 10-year-old boy who presented with showing the nidus to be smaller and adjacent edema. The patient con-
headaches. (Left, a) MRI before SRS showing the right-sided AVM tinued to have headaches, but was neurologically intact. (Right, c) MRI
involving the sensorimotor cortex. (Middle, b) MRI 9 months after 26 months after SRS showing near-complete resolution of the edema
large AVM experience at the Karolinska Institute and found induced imaging changes and dose distribution parameters
that some measure of protection occurred as early as 6 months in 73 patients having AVM radiosurgery [86]. The AVM tar-
after radiosurgery for patients receiving an AVM margin dose get volume correlated significantly with the development of
of 25 Gy [82]. The presence of nidal or associated aneurysms edema and breakdown of the blood–brain barrier. They con-
has also been associated with an increased risk of ICH after cluded that each measure studied (including V12 and
AVM radiosurgery [80, 81]. Following angiographic oblitera- Dmean20) yielded similar results, and no parameter was
tion, the chance of hemorrhage is markedly reduced, but cases favored over the others. Yet, although such imaging changes
of ICH after nidus elimination have been reported [84, 85]. are frequently noted within the first year after AVM radiosur-
Risk factors for postobliteration bleeding include young age gery, most are temporary and the majority of patients remain
and persistent enhancement of the irradiated nidus. asymptomatic (Fig. 47.3). It is believed that many “radiation-
related” imaging changes noted after AVM SRS are related
to alterations in the regional blood flow in the brain adjacent
Radiation-Related Complications to the AVM as the nidus obliterates and blood is being
directed into vasculature that has lost the capability for auto-
Advances in imaging and radiosurgical devices have signifi- regulation. Early closure of draining veins before occlusion
cantly improved patient outcomes after SRS. Nonetheless, of the nidus may also be a factor that contributes to the devel-
the tissue adjacent to a radiosurgical target does receive a opment of edema after SRS (Fig. 47.4) [87, 88]. Patients
dose of radiation. Assuming that the dose plan conforms to with AVMs in the thalamus, basal ganglia, and brainstem are
the three-dimensional shape of the target, the major factors more likely to develop neurologic deficits secondary to
that determine the amount of radiation delivered to nearby imaging changes noted on MRI [58, 67, 68, 89].
structures are the PIV and the prescribed radiation dose. As Although most imaging changes detected on MRI after
the PIV increases, the fall off of radiation becomes less steep, AVM SRS are temporary and resolve by 2 years, a small per-
resulting in more radiation to the adjacent brain. It is this centage of patients will continue to demonstrate imaging
general principle that typically limits the size of intracranial changes consistent with radiation necrosis (Fig. 47.5). MRI
radiosurgical targets to 3 cm or less in average diameter. findings consistent with radiation necrosis include persistent
Recognition of the relationship between the overall radiation enhancement at the irradiated site beyond 2 years with associ-
exposure and the chance of radiation-related complications ated edema and mass effect. Again, the chance that a patient
has resulted in studies correlating imaging changes on MRI will have symptoms related to radiation necrosis relates pri-
to measures of radiation such as the 12 Gy volume (V12) marily to the location of the AVM. In addition to radiation
[58] and the mean dose received by 20 cm3 surrounding the necrosis, other late complications have been noted after AVM
maximum radiation point (Dmean20) [59]. Areas of radiosurgery including diffuse white matter changes [90], cyst
increased signal on long-TR MRI are noted in approximately formation [91–93] (Fig. 47.6), and stenosis of major intracra-
30–50 % of AVM patients after SRS. The chance of develop- nial vessels [94]. The most devastating complication after any
ing these imaging changes increases at larger V12 or radiation-based procedure is a radiation-induced neoplasm.
Dmean20. Levegrun et al. studied the correlation of radiation- To date, only a few cases of radiation-induced tumors have
47 Arteriovenous Malformation Radiosurgery 595
Fig. 47.4 MRI of a 49-year-old woman with an incidentally discov- (Middle, b) and T1-weighted without gadolinium (Right, c) MRI at that
ered left frontal AVM. (Left, a) Long-TR image before SRS. Eighteen time showed the nidus to be decreased in size with adjacent edema.
months after SRS the patient suffered a generalized seizure. Long-TR Note acute thrombus within nidus and the draining veins
the University of Florida [99] and the University of Pittsburgh safe method to treat large AVMs not amenable to standard
[72] confirmed that complete obliteration is achieved in surgical or SRS treatment.
approximately 70 % of patients after repeat SRS. Patients Conventional fractionated radiation therapy has been
with smaller volume AVMs at the time of repeat SRS had used to treat patients with large AVMs [22, 105]. Redekop
higher rates of obliteration in both of these series. Kano et al. et al. reported 15 patients with inoperable AVMs ranging
found that the incidence of radiation-related complications from 1.5 to 6.5 cm in diameter who underwent conventional
increased from 5 % after initial SRS to 10 % after repeat SRS radiation therapy between 1955 and 1985 [105]. Fourteen of
[72], whereas Stahl et al. noted no change in the risk of radi- 15 patients received a total radiation dose of 40 Gy or more
ation-related complications between the first and second pro- in 15–28 fractions. At a mean follow-up of 8.1 years, the
cedures [99]. Overall, repeat SRS should be considered a safe annual hemorrhage rate was 3.3 %, and later angiography
and effective option for patients with incomplete AVM oblit- confirmed AVM obliteration in 2 of 12 patients (17 %).
eration after their initial radiosurgical procedure. Karlsson et al. reviewed the outcomes of 28 AVM patients
undergoing fractionated radiation therapy between 1980 and
1985 [22]. The median volume treated was 78 cm3. Using a
Radiosurgery of Large AVMs fractionation scheme of 42 Gy in 12 fractions, only two
patients (8 %) demonstrated angiographic cure. The annual
Although AVM obliteration is significantly related to higher hemorrhage rate after radiation therapy was 6 %. Although
radiation doses, dose prescription must also take into account the information on low dose fractionation for AVM patients
the likelihood of radiation-related complications. Studies on is limited, it appears that little protection is provided against
the dose–volume relationship of AVM post-radiosurgical future bleeding after this technique.
radiation-related complications have demonstrated a high More recently, a number of centers have examined the
morbidity for large AVMs [58, 59, 86]. Miyawaki et al. efficacy of hypofractionated radiation schedules using higher
reported that following linear accelerator-based radiosurgery radiation doses per fraction to treat patients with intracranial
of AVMs greater than 14 cm3 receiving 16 Gy or more, the AVMs [106–109]. Lindvall et al. used several fractionation
incidence of post-radiosurgical abnormalities on long-TR schemes (generally 30–35 Gy/five fractions) to treat 36
MRI was 72 % [100]. The incidence of radiation necrosis for AVMs patients [108]. Two-year follow-up angiography
these patients was 22 %. Consequently, single-fraction SRS showed that 48 % of the patients were cured; angiographic
is generally performed only for patients with AVMs of an obliteration rose to 76 % on 5-year angiography. Although
average diameter of 3 cm or less (approximately 14 cm3). the median AVM volume was only 8.5 cm3 for the entire
Alternative strategies that utilize radiation in the manage- group, obliteration for patients with AVMs larger than 10 cm3
ment of large AVMs include embolization followed by SRS, (n = 10) was 70 % at last follow-up. Veznedaroglu and col-
fractionated radiation techniques, and staged-volume SRS. leagues from Jefferson Hospital managed 30 patients with
Planned embolization and SRS has been used for many years large AVMs from 1995 to 1998 using a combination of pre-
to manage patients with large AVMs as an alternative to sur- radiation embolization and stereotactic radiation therapy
gical resection for these difficult lesions [101–104]. As (SRT) [109]. Patients received either 42 Gy in six fractions
opposed to embolization prior to resection where flow reduc- (n = 7) or 30 Gy in six fractions (n = 23). Angiographic oblit-
tion is the goal, the goal of pre-radiosurgical embolization is eration was noted on 5-year follow-up angiography in 83 %
permanent volume reduction. Gobin et al. published the of patients in the 42 Gy group (five of six patients) compared
results in 96 patients undergoing acrylate embolization fol- to only 22 % of patients in the 30 Gy group (4 of 18 patients).
lowed by radiosurgery [102]. Complete AVM obliteration However, the overall morbidity in the higher dose group was
was documented in 53 of 90 evaluable patients (59 %). 43 % (14 % permanent deficits). Chang et al. treated 33 AVM
Sixteen patients (13 %) had complications from the emboli- patients with SRT using a treatment regimen of 25–35 Gy in
zation procedures, and two patients died of intracerebral four daily fractions [106]. Fifteen of the 33 patients (45 %)
hemorrhages prior to having radiosurgery. Recanalization of had AVMs larger than 2.5 cm in diameter. The 5- and 6-year
the AVM was seen in 14 % of patients. Blackburn et al. actuarial obliteration rates were 61 % and 71 %, respectively.
described the management of 21 patients with large AVMs One patient (3 %) developed radiation necrosis after
(>3cm) using combined embolization and SRS from 1994 to SRT. Hattangadi et al. reported 59 patients having planned
2006 [101]. Eight complications occurred in 43 embolization two-fraction stereotactic proton beam SRS from 1991 to
procedures (24 %). The majority of complications were tem- 2009 [107]. The median AVM volume was 23 cm3; the most
porary and no patient had a permanent major neurologic defi- common dose prescription was 16 Gy radiobiologic equiva-
cit. Following SRS, 16 of 19 patients (84 %) had obliteration lent in two fractions. At a median follow-up of 56 months,
confirmed by either angiography (n = 13), MR angiography nine patients (15 %) had total obliteration. Five patients
(n = 2), or CT angiography (n = 1). They concluded that (9 %) had permanent complications after proton-beam ther-
endovascular therapy followed by SRS was an effective and apy, none of which were severe.
47 Arteriovenous Malformation Radiosurgery 597
Recognition of the limitations of the various management technique to permit a better comparison with other available
options available to patients with large AVMs has encour- treatment options for this difficult patient group.
aged some radiosurgical centers to begin staged-volume
radiosurgery for these patients [110–112]. Volume staging of
large AVMs into multiple radiosurgical sessions separated by Radiosurgery-Based AVM Grading System
several months allows a higher radiation dose to be delivered
to the entire AVM volume while minimizing the radiation The Spetzler–Martin grading system has become widely
exposure to the adjacent brain. We performed a dosimetric accepted as an accurate method to predict patient outcomes
study comparing staged-volume AVM radiosurgery and after surgical resection of AVMs [23]. Comprising three
hypothetical single-session procedures for our first ten components (AVM size, location, and pattern of venous
patients [112]. Staged-volume radiosurgery decreased the drainage), this system has been validated prospectively [25]
V12 by an average of 11.1 %, and the non-AVM V12 was and by numerous cerebrovascular centers of excellence
reduced by an average of 27.2 %. Huang et al. reported the [26–29]. Although some authors have noted discrepancies
outcomes for 18 patients with large AVMs (>15cm3) under- between AVM grade and patient outcomes, especially in
going staged-volume SRS over a 13-year interval [110]. The regard to Grade III AVMs [24, 113, 114], the general consen-
median radiation dose at each stage was 15 Gy. The 5-year sus supports this grading scale as practical and reliable.
rate of complete obliteration and hemorrhage after SRS was Unfortunately, the Spetzler–Martin classification is insensi-
29 % and 31 %, respectively. One patient (6 %) had a tive to changes in AVM volume for lesions less than 3 cm,
radiation-related neurologic deficit. Kano et al. treated 47 and AVMs located in the basal ganglia, thalamus, or brain-
patients with staged-volume SRS between 1992 and 2006 stem are considered at equal risk for radiation-related com-
[111]. The median total volume was 22.0 cm3; the median plications as AVMs located in-or-near critical cortical
AVM margin dose was 16 Gy. The 5-year actuarial oblitera- locations such as the sensorimotor cortex. For example, a
tion rate was 28 %. Patients treated with doses ≥ 17 Gy had a 1 cm diameter AVM has a volume < 1 cm3, whereas a 3 cm
5-year obliteration rate of 62 %. Radiation-related complica- diameter AVM has an approximate volume of 14 cm3. The
tions occurred in 13 % of patients. By minimizing the radia- expected obliteration rates for these AVMs should be approx-
tion exposure to the adjacent brain, the incidence of imately 90 % and 50 %, respectively. Yet, both would be
radiation-related complications has been reduced after considered small (<3 cm) in the Spetzler–Martin system
staged-volume SRS for large AVMs compared to single- (Fig. 47.7). Consequently, a valid instrument capable of
fraction SRS [100]. More data are need on this relatively new accurately predicting outcomes after AVM SRS is necessary
Fig. 47.7 Lateral cerebral angiograms of two patients with Spetzler– and was found to have a 4 cm left frontal AVM (Spetzler–Martin Grade
Martin Grade I–II AVMs that have significantly different risks from SRS. II). The patient underwent staged-volume SRS (margin dose, 15 Gy); the
(Left, a) Nineteen-year-old woman with headaches and was found to modified RBAS was 2.14. From Pollock BE, Niranjan A, Kano H,
have a 1.2 cm right frontal AVM (Spetzler–Martin Grade I). The patient Lumsford LD, eds. Gama Knife Radiosurgery for Brain Vascular
underwent single-session SRS (margin dose, 25 Gy); the modified RBAS Malformations. Prog Neurol Surg. Basel, Karger, 2013; 27:1-9; used
was 0.48. (Right, b) Sixteen-year-old boy who had tonic–clonic seizure with permission from S. Karger AG, Basel
598 B.E. Pollock
to adequately compare the expected results of microsurgery Table 47.1 Radiosurgery-based AVM grading system
and SRS for individual AVM patients. Factor Coefficient
Successful AVM radiosurgery results in complete nidus AVM volume (cm3) 0.1
obliteration without new or worsened neurologic deficits. Patient age (years) 0.02
Karlsson et al. reported the K index as a method to predict AVM location 0.5
obliteration after AVM SRS [56]. In a similar fashion, Cerebral hemisphere, corpus callosum, cerebellum = 0
Schwartz et al. proposed the OPI as a means to estimate the Basal ganglia, thalamus, brainstem = 1
chance of AVM obliteration for individual patients [70]. AVM score = (0.1) (AVM volume) + (0.02) (patient age) + (0.5)
(AVM location)
Although both correlate with AVM obliteration after SRS,
neither takes into account the chance of radiation-related
complications. Also, the K index and OPI are based on the
radiation dosimetry used (AVM margin dose) at the time of preoperative decision making between surgical and radiosur-
treatment and not on patient and AVM characteristics alone. gical management for individual AVM patients.
Therefore, our center in collaboration with the University of Advances in endovascular techniques, microsurgical
Pittsburgh developed a radiosurgery-based AVM grading resection, and SRS have all contributed to improving
system that accounts for these shortcomings and predicted outcomes for AVM patients. To provide the best care for
the chance of successful, single-session AVM radiosurgery AVM patients, we should utilize every tool available to indi-
based solely on patient and AVM variables [48]. vidualize their management taking into account the patient’s
The RBAS was developed based on the multivariate anal- age, presentation, nidus size and morphology, AVM location,
ysis of 220 patients having SRS between 1987 and 1991 at and patient preference.
the University of Pittsburgh. The dependent variable in all
analyses was excellent patient outcomes (complete AVM
obliteration without new neurologic deficit). The grading Illustrative Case
scale was then tested on a separate set of 136 AVM patients
treated between 1990 and 1996 at the Mayo Clinic. Overall, A 10-year-old boy complained of headaches that continued
121 of 220 (55 %) of the Pittsburgh patients had excellent to increase despite medical therapy for migraines. In addi-
outcomes. Multivariate analysis found five variables related tion, he developed episodes of numbness and tingling involv-
to excellent patient outcomes: AVM volume, patient age, ing his left hand and arm that also were increasing in
AVM location, prior embolization, and number of draining frequency and intensity. Of note, the boy was left handed. An
veins. Regression analysis modeling permitted removal of MRI of his head revealed a large AVM located in the tempo-
two significant variables (prior embolization, number of ral, frontal, and parietal lobes with extension into the lateral
draining veins) and resulting in an equation to predict patient portion of the thalamus (Fig. 47.9). The AVM measured
outcomes after AVM radiosurgery. Seventy-nine of 136 Mayo 4.5 cm × 4.2 cm × 3.5 cm. There was no evidence of either
Clinic patients (58 %) had excellent outcomes. Testing of the recent or remote hemorrhage. An electroencephalogram
RBAS on the Mayo patients showed the AVM score predicted showed diffuse slowing in the region of the AVM, but no
patient outcomes after radiosurgery. All patients with an distinct epileptiform activity. A cerebral angiogram showed
AVM score ≤ 1.0 had an excellent outcome compared to only the AVM had arterial supply from the right anterior, middle,
39 % of patients with an AVM score > 2.0. Consequently, and posterior cerebral arteries. The AVM had both superficial
despite significant differences in preoperative patient charac- and deep venous drainage. There were no intranidal or feed-
teristics and dose prescription guidelines at the two centers, ing vessel aneurysms and no evidence of venous outflow
the RBAS strongly correlated with patient outcomes after restriction. The case was reviewed at our combined cerebro-
single-session radiosurgery for both patient groups. Since vascular conference and the options of observation, surgical
that time, the RBAS has been modified using location as a resection, and radiosurgery were discussed. It was felt that
two-tiered variable (basal ganglia, thalamus or brainstem ver- the AVM was becoming symptomatic, most likely from a
sus other) rather than a three-tiered variable [49] (Table 47.1). “steal phenomenon,” so treatment of the AVM was recom-
In side-by-side testing with the original RBAS, the modified mended. The risk of neurologic injury from surgical resec-
RBAS performed equally well in predicting both AVM oblit- tion of this Spetzler–Martin Grade IV AVM in the patient’s
eration without new neurologic deficits or decline in MRS dominant hemisphere was considered high, especially since
after radiosurgery (Fig. 47.8). The RBAS has been validated the AVM was unruptured. Due to the large size (estimated
by a number of centers performing not only the Gamma volume, 30–35 cm3) of the AVM, the RBAS was estimated to
Knife SRS but also LINAC-based SRS, CyberKnife SRS, as exceed 3.5. Therefore, radiosurgery of the entire lesion in a
well as proton beam SRS [89, 107, 115–124]. The RBAS per- single procedure was also considered a poor option. After
mits an accurate estimation of outcomes from SRS to aid in discussing the options of planned embolization followed by
47 Arteriovenous Malformation Radiosurgery 599
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mum dose was 36 Gy. Three years after his last SRS proce- 10. Itoyama Y, Uemura S, Ushio Y, Kuratsu J, Nonaka N, Wada H,
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Arteriovenous Malformations:
Viewpoint—Surgery 48
Eric M. Deshaies and Surasak Komonchan
L.S. Chin and W.F. Regine (eds.), Principles and Practice of Stereotactic Radiosurgery, 605
DOI 10.1007/978-1-4614-8363-2_48, © Springer Science+Business Media New York 2015
606 E.M. Deshaies and S. Komonchan
Fig. 48.1 (a) Digital subtraction angiography demonstrating the three rather than blue, depicting early venous drainage from the
main components of an AVM: arterial feeding pedicles (small arrow), AVM. Additionally, cortical veins not associated with the AVM are blue
nidus (circle), draining vein (thick arrow) into the superior sagittal (small arrows) suggesting that the AVM does not drain through these
sinus. (b) Digital subtraction angiography using iFlow analysis veins. (c) Intraoperative visualization of well-demarcated flow (arrow)
(Siemens, software version 20) of an AVM; arterial (red) and venous between arterial (red) and venous (blue) blood in an arterialized cortical
(blue) phases. Notice that the superior sagittal sinus (SSS) is yellow vein associated with an AVM
using only aggressive medical management as needed [27]. Table 48.1 Spetzler-Martin grading of AVMs [28]
Acute surgical intervention in this setting can make treat- Grading feature Points assigned
ment more precarious and potentially increase the risk of Size of nidus
dangerously elevating intracranial pressure. For example, if Small (<3 cm) 1
preoperative embolization is being considered in the acute Medium (3–6 cm) 2
phase, a second bleed, and an ischemic event or redirection Large (>6 cm) 3
of the flow in the AVM from vascular occlusion, could result Eloquence of adjacent brain
in additional edema and mass effect, forcing surgical inter- Non-eloquent 0
vention. Similarly, preoperative angiography in the setting of Eloquent 1
brain shift and edema may not allow full and accurate visu- Pattern of venous drainage
Superficial 0
alization of the AVM angioarchitecture, making complete
Deep 1
resection less likely and more difficult. Delaying interven-
tion until the hematoma, edema, and elevated intracranial
pressure resolve followed by elective noninvasive functional
Table 48.2 Spetzler-Martin grade and predicted surgical risk [28]
brain mapping and angiography will enable the neurosur-
Grade No deficit (%) Minor deficit (%) Major deficit (%)
geon to operate more safely with better outcomes than in the
1 100 0 0
acute scenario.
2 95 5 0
3 84 12 4
4 73 20 7
Imaging Modalities for Presurgical Planning 5 69 19 12
The AVM size (<3 cm, 3–6 cm, >6 cm), location (eloquent or
non-eloquent), and venous drainage pattern (deep or superfi-
cial) were found to be important AVM characteristics when outcomes associated with the SMG will be different for indi-
determining surgical risk and predicting postoperative neu- vidual surgeons depending upon their training, technical
rological outcomes [28]. The Spetzler-Martin grading sys- abilities, case volume, and experience. Additionally, interob-
tem (SMG) was developed using size, location, and venous server variability for the SMG was 28 %, with venous drain-
drainage patterns to assign a numeric score (1–5) with the age having the least interobserver variability and nidus size
higher number predicting higher surgical risk with worse having the greatest [29].
neurological outcomes (Table 48.1); an SMG of 6 has been A modification of the SMG was subsequently described
used to imply an “unresectable” AVM. This system was vali- where age, rupture status, and nidus diffuseness were consid-
dated and predicts that an SMG of “1” has a 0 % risk of defi- ered important characteristics for assessing surgical outcome.
cit from surgical resection, while an SMG of “5” has a 31 % This modification was published as the “supplementary
risk. The authors further divided surgical risk into “major” grading system” (SGS) developed by reviewing 300 patients
and “minor” neurological deficits (Table 48.2). Though the who underwent microsurgical AVM resection and determin-
SMG has been very useful to many surgeons planning for ing their modified Rankin score, SMG, and SGS (Table 48.3)
AVM resection, it does have pitfalls. For example, surgical [30, 31]. The predictive accuracy of the SGS for postsurgical
608 E.M. Deshaies and S. Komonchan
neurological deficits was higher (0.73) than the SMG (0.66). However, only catheter-based digital subtraction angiography
However, the SGS is intended to be an adjunct to the SMS (DSA) can demonstrate the anatomical and hemodynamic fea-
and not a substitute. Therefore, the modification includes tures of the AVM. Differentiating between arterial feeding
adding the SMG and SGS scores to obtain a combined score pedicles and draining veins can be challenging on the static
ranging from 0 to 10. Using this scoring system, a grade of imaging such as CTA and MRA (Fig. 48.3). Additionally,
1–3 predicts low surgical risk, 4–6 moderate risk, and 7–10 clearly identifying the extent of the AVM nidus on MRA and
high risk, for surgical AVM resection. CTA can also be challenging at times, particularly with diffuse
A three-tier classification system was recently described lesions. Static images, however, unlike DSA, depict the brain
in order to guide AVM management based on the SMG [32]. tissue relative to the AVM and are therefore very important for
AVMs were classified into “A” through “C” based on SMG determining the location of the AVM within the cerebral hemi-
with recommended management options according to the spheres. These static imaging modalities are particularly useful
classification (Table 48.4). The recommendations based for determining AVM proximity to eloquent cortical and
upon this classification system were Class “A” (SMG 1, 2), subcortical areas. Newer static imaging modalities such as
surgical resection; Class “B” (SMG 3), multimodality treat- functional MRI (fMRI) and diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) can
ment; and Class “C” (SMG 4, 5), no treatment. be particularly useful for preoperative planning.
Various imaging modalities can be used to depict the anatomical The emergence of FMRI in the 1990s and its continued
features of an AVM, including computed tomography angio- development enable clinicians to identify eloquent cortical
graphy (CTA), magnetic resonance angiography (MRA), and areas using real-time noninvasive mapping techniques. The
magnetic resonance venography (MRV) (Fig. 48.3). patient is presented with a series of tasks during an MRI and
the cortex can be mapped based on changes in blood flow
and oxygen delivery, making this a functional and physiolog-
Table 48.4 Three-tier classification of cerebral AVMs [32] ical test for detection of eloquent brain tissue. The proximity
Class Spetzler-Martin grade (SMG) Treatment of eloquent areas relative to the AVM can then be viewed
A 1 and 2 Surgical resection when planning the surgical approach and assessing surgical
B 3 Multimodality risk with the patient (Fig. 48.4). The combined use of nonin-
C 4 and 5 No treatment vasive static imaging (MRA, fMRI, CTA) and minimally
Fig. 48.3 Coronal section of a CTA (a) and MRA (b) depicting the to distinguish between arterial and venous structures and determining
three main architectural components of an AVM: arterial feeding pedi- the precise boundaries of the AVM nidus
cles, nidus, and venous drainage. These static images make it difficult
48 Arteriovenous Malformations: Viewpoint—Surgery 609
invasive dynamic imaging (DSA) allows the neurosurgeon to Diffusion Tensor Imaging
apply the SMG in a more precise manner when considering
potential treatment options [33]. For example, an AVM DTI is a relatively new form of MRI technology that uses
clearly located in the eloquent cortex or deep white matter water diffusion in the brain tissue to map the white matter
structures would likely result in an unacceptably high surgi- tracks (tractography) throughout the hemispheres (Fig. 48.6).
cal risk, making embolization or SRS a safer option. fMRI is The result is a color-coded map of the white matter tracts that
also helpful with AVM treatment planning because a small can be viewed relative to the location of the AVM. White
percentage of individuals exhibit cortical rearrangement, matter tracts originating from eloquent structures passing
such that functionality is not where one would typically through the AVM nidus could be an important deterrent to
expect. These functional anomalies could have important surgical resection. For example, surgical resection of an
implications for surgical planning when they are identified AVM nidus adjacent to the white matter tracts connecting
ahead of time and avoid unexpected poor outcomes from Broca and Wernicke areas may result in a conductive aphasia
neurological deficits (Fig. 48.5). from disconnection of these fibers. Another example would
be an AVM in Meyer’s loop resulting in visual field deficits
after resection. In this way, DTI tractography can be an
important tool for presurgical risk assessment and may guide
the decision towards a minimally invasive therapy that is less
likely to injure critical brain structures.
Presurgical Embolization
Fig. 48.5 fMRI demonstrating cortical rearrangement in a left-handed individual who was asked to tap his right fingers. Notice bilateral cortical
involvement (red blobs) with the left cortical activity lying deep, medial to the AVM flow voids
610 E.M. Deshaies and S. Komonchan
Fig. 48.6 DTI tractography demonstrating white matter tracks sur- left parieto-occipital AVM in a patient who presented with receptive
rounding the AVM (a) with corresponding MRI (b) allowing localiza- aphasia, visual field cut, and dyslexia after hemorrhage. The arrow in
tion of the AVM relative to critical brain structures. Depicted here is a (a) points to a disruption in the white matter tracts seen as a black void
during surgery. Glue casts also act as formidable arterial seizures. These issues ideally are addressed ahead of time to
plugs after transecting the arterial feeding pedicles during minimize complications and optimize surgical success and
nidus resection. patient outcome.
When using multimodality therapy, the cumulative risk of
AVM embolization (single or staged treatment) plus the risk
of surgical resection (determined by the SMG or SGS) must Anesthesia Considerations
be taken into account [7]. Complications from AVM emboli-
zation include transient (11.5 %) and permanent non- AVM resection is performed via craniotomy under general
disabling (2.6 %) neurological deficits and permanent anesthesia and has the potential for large volumes of blood
disabling deficits or death (1.6 %) [7, 38, 43, 46, 47]. The loss. Therefore, preoperative preparation should include
cumulative risk of embolization plus surgical resection must radial artery line for stringent blood pressure control, periph-
be discussed with the patient as part of their individualized eral or central intravenous access for crystalloid and colloid
surgical treatment plan. resuscitation, and a urinary catheter for fluid output monitor-
ing [49, 50]. The patient should be cross matched for at least
two units of blood and have them available for transfusion. A
Presurgical Stereotactic Radiosurgery specific range of systolic blood pressure or mean arterial
pressure should be stated clearly to the anesthesiologist
SRS is not often used as a presurgical adjunct to AVM resec- along with goals for hematocrit, end-tidal pCO2, and the type
tion. It generally takes 15–30 months to be effective, tempo- of anesthetic needed for neuromonitoring.
rarily increases the risk of bleeding over baseline, and affords By this point, the decision to use intraoperative neuro-
little or no protection from hemorrhage during the first cou- monitoring should have been made and the specific need for
ple of years. SRS can, however, reduce the size of the AVM SSEP, MEP, VEP, BAER, and cortical mapping discussed
and modify the structure of the arterial walls, making surgery with the monitoring team [51]. This is imperative because
easier to perform [48]. SRS is particularly useful as an the type of anesthetic (gas anesthesia versus total intrave-
adjunct to surgical resection postoperatively if residual or nous anesthesia or TIVA) can affect the neuromonitoring
inoperable AVM must be left behind. SRS can be helpful signals and if not attended to properly, could render them
when a patient presents with an AVM hemorrhage requiring useless [52].
emergent surgical evacuation from an otherwise inoperable
lesion. In this situation, clot evacuation and brain decom-
pression can be performed leaving the inoperable AVM for Tenets of Surgical Resection
SRS at a later date once the patient recovers. A more in-
depth discussion of SRS for AVMs can be found elsewhere Before draping the patient, femoral artery access should be
in this textbook. prepared and draped for possible intraoperative angiography
without contaminating the surgical field. Imaging studies
pertinent to the resection should be readily available for
Surgical Considerations viewing during the surgery along with neuronavigation and
multimodality image fusion.
Surgical success is not only dependent upon technical prow- The patient should be positioned to expose the area of
ess but upon perioperative medical management skills as interest and allow for a wide craniotomy that encompasses
well. A multidisciplinary approach increases the safety of the entire nidus and exposes the arterial feeding pedicles and
surgical resection and likelihood of good outcome. When the draining veins. Too little bone removal could result in a pre-
situation allows, preoperative assessment should include (1) carious situation where the feeding and draining vessels are
the patient’s primary care physician to address any comor- under the skull and unable to be accessed sufficiently. If neu-
bidities that would increase anesthesia and surgical risks ronavigation is being used, it can aid in planning the crani-
such as hypertension, pulmonary and cardiac disease; (2) otomy incision and bone removal to ensure adequate
anesthesia assessment focusing on intraoperative blood pres- exposure of all major components of the AVM. Additional
sure control, seizure prophylaxis, anesthetic type, and blood room may be needed if neuromonitoring grids will be placed
transfusion; (3) neuromonitoring team for cortical mapping for cortical mapping or simultaneous resection of an epilep-
in situations where the AVM is in proximity to the eloquent tic focus is planned.
cortex or to help guide resection of an epileptic focus; and General principles of AVM resection are to first occlude
(4) discussions with an intensivist about postoperative blood the arterial feeders to stop flow into the nidus followed by
pressure management, potential cerebral edema, stroke, and resection of nidus and occlusion of the venous outflow
612 E.M. Deshaies and S. Komonchan
Fig. 48.8 Surgical resection of an AVM in the occipital cortex fed by the occipital lobe is partially cauterized, and Onyx glue is seen in the
the right posterior cerebral artery. (a) The arterial feeding pedicles on artery between the bipolar tips. (c) Partially resected AVM with clips
the cortical surface contain blackish-gray Onyx glue before entering the seen in view alongside cauterized nidus. (d) Resection cavity after
nidus seen between the bipolar tips. (b) AVM nidus being resected from complete nidus resection
vessels (Fig. 48.8). Resecting in this order minimizes the risk tent arterial occlusion although the surgeon may consider
of AVM nidus rupture and severe bleeding. Temporary AVM adding a clip or further cauterize the vessel, depending on
or aneurysm clips can be used to test vessels when there is its size, as an additional precaution against bleeding from
uncertainty as to whether the vessel is an arterialized vein or recanalization.
arterial feeders that needs to be ligated. At times it can be If bleeding becomes difficult to control during resection
difficult to distinguish between the two types of abnormal of the AVM, the surgical approach should be reassessed for
vessels, and permanently occluding an arterialized vein early the premature occlusion of a venous outflow conduit or
in the resection could result in severe bleeding. AVM or entrance into the nidus itself. Bleeding from the nidus is dif-
small aneurysm clips and cauterization are used to perma- ficult to control because of the pressure from high blood flow
nently occlude the vessels. En passage cerebral vessels need and the pathological vessel walls, making them less respon-
to be preserved to avoid ischemic stroke, and these too can sive to cauterization. In this situation, the surgeon should
be tested with temporary aneurysm clips while watching for begin working peripherally, away from the actual nidus, until
changes in neuromonitoring signals. a complete resection can be performed. Irrigating bipolar
If preoperative embolization was performed, the glue cautery tips are recommended to minimize “sticking” of the
cast can be followed to the AVM nidus. Occlusive glue vessels to the tips resulting in tearing of the nidal vessels and
casts can be transected and left behind to ensure persis- worsened bleeding.
48 Arteriovenous Malformations: Viewpoint—Surgery 613
Fig. 48.9 Digital subtraction angiography of the AVM fed from the posterior cerebral and superior cerebellar arteries (a) before and (b) after
surgical resection
Intraoperative Angiography is likely the result of the acute hemodynamic changes that
occur within the local vasculature after AVM resection.
After a gross total resection of the AVM is suspected, intra- Systolic blood pressures should be kept within low-normal
operative angiography is recommended [53]. Small nests of ranges (90–120 mmHg) postoperatively, monitored by an
AVM nidus can remain after apparent “gross total resection” arterial line, and antihypertensive intravenous drips and pain
that may be difficult to visualize in pockets of white matter control used when necessary. Antiepileptic agents should
or the sulci. Intravenous fluorescein angiography can be per- also be continued after supratentorial AVM resection.
formed under the microscope if this feature is available to the Postoperative angiography should be obtained at this
surgeon, but small rests of AVM nidus enveloped by the point if not performed in the operating room to evaluate for
brain parenchyma likely will not be seen with this technique. residual AVM. If there is residual nidus, consider re-
Therefore, DSA is recommended instead and remains the exploration potentially with image guidance, endovascular
gold standard vascular imaging study (Fig. 48.9). In situa- embolization, or SRS.
tions where intraoperative angiography is not available, post-
operative angiography can be performed at a later time. This
is not ideal, however, because if residual AVM is not identi- Conclusion
fied until after surgery, re-exploration, endovascular emboli-
zation, or SRS will be required to treat the remnant. AVM treatment frequently requires multimodality therapy.
Thorough preoperative investigation with static imaging,
angiography, fMRI, and DTI will help to assess surgical risk.
Postsurgical Care Once the neurosurgeon has decided on AVM resection, pre-
operative embolization should be considered and periopera-
Postoperative evaluation should look for signs of cerebral tive treatment discussed with members of a multidisciplinary
edema, seizures, ischemic stroke, and hemorrhage from team who will be involved with the surgery. Neuromonitoring
“normal pressure breakthrough syndrome (NPBS)” [54]. capabilities for intraoperative monitoring and localization of
Typically these patients are observed in the intensive care an epileptic focus when necessary should be available during
unit or a unit where detailed neurological examinations by surgery. Postoperative care management in an ICU includes
the nursing staff and tight blood pressure control can be per- close neurological examinations by a trained nursing staff
formed safely. NPBS can be problematic when it occurs and and monitoring for seizure activity and NPBS.
614 E.M. Deshaies and S. Komonchan
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Cerebral Arteriovenous
Malformations Viewpoint: 49
Endovascular Therapy Perspective
L.S. Chin and W.F. Regine (eds.), Principles and Practice of Stereotactic Radiosurgery, 617
DOI 10.1007/978-1-4614-8363-2_49, © Springer Science+Business Media New York 2015
618 M.Y. Kalani et al.
Table 49.1 The Spetzler–Martin [13] and the updated Spetzler–Ponce (ev3, Irvine, CA) has greatly expanded the indications and
grading scale [15] for cerebral arteriovenous malformations safety of this approach [18]. In rare circumstances, emboliza-
Description Points tion may be used as a curative modality for the complete
Size occlusion of AVMs. This strategy is associated with an
<3 cm 1 increased risk of complications, due to the aggressive nature
3–6 cm 2 of embolization needed to completely occlude the AVM
>6 cm 3 nidus, and is rarely the strategy of choice in most centers [18,
19]. A third indication for endovascular treatment is its appli-
Yes 1
cation as an adjunct before radiosurgery. Yet other indications
No 0
are the use of embolization for targeted treatment of high-risk
Deep venous drainage
features of AVMs (such as intranidal aneurysms) or as a pal-
Yes 1
No 0
liative tool to minimize patient symptomatology. In general,
the indication to use embolization in the treatment strategy
Reprinted from Spetzler RF, Martin NA. A proposed grading system for
arteriovenous malformations. J Neurosurg. 1986;65:473–83, with should take into consideration the added risk associated with
permission from the American Association of Neurological Surgeons this intervention. We adhere to the guidelines mentioned
Points are attributed to size, deep venous drainage, and eloquence of above and rarely embolize grade I or II AVMs. Embolization
brain involved. The sum of the points dictates the Spetzler–Martin is commonly performed for grade III AVMs and is utilized as
grade of the AVM. Experience suggests that grade I and II AVMs and
grade IV and V AVMs behave similarly and have similar morbidity and a part of multimodality regimen for more complex lesions.
mortality profiles. This led Spetzler and Ponce to suggest a modified
three-tier grading scheme where grades I and II (now grade A) and
grades IV and V (now grade C) lesions are combined, with grade III Preoperative Embolization
lesions re-classified as grade B
Fig. 49.1 Embolization as an adjunct to operative resection. This Onyx was used to embolize a branch of the PCA feeding the nidus. AP
52-year-old male presented to our clinical service after an intraventricu- (g) and lateral (h) projections post-Onyx embolization reveal dimin-
lar and parenchymal hemorrhage. (a) Axial computed tomography (CT) ished flow to the AVM with preservation of the draining vein. The
demonstrates the bleed pattern. Axial (b), sagittal (c), and coronal (d) patient underwent microsurgical resection of the AVM via a transcorti-
CT angiography revealed an intraventricular AVM fed by branches of cal approach. AP (i) and lateral (j) ICA injections demonstrate minimal
the posterior cerebral artery (PCA) with deep venous drainage. residual nidus left apposed to the brainstem. The patient was scheduled
Anteroposterior (AP) (e) and lateral (f) right internal carotid artery to receive radiosurgery to the residual nidus. Used with permission from
(ICA) injections demonstrate that the primary arterial feeder of the Barrow Neurological Institute
nidus is the PCA and provides evidence of the early draining vein.
Fig. 49.2 Embolization as an adjunct prior to radiotherapy. This tion in the size of the nidus. The lesion was felt to be amenable to
28-year-old male with a grade V AVM presented to our service with a microsurgical resection. (c) Anteroposterior angiography with vertebral
large diffuse lesion involving the internal capsule with deep venous artery injection demonstrates the size of residual nidus and pure super-
drainage. (a) Axial T2-weighted magnetic resonance (MR) scan reveals ficial drainage of the lesion. The patient underwent craniotomy with
the diffuse and extensive nature of the AVM nidus. The patient under- resection of the lesion. (d) Postoperative T1-weighted axial MR scan
went pre-radiosurgery embolization with Onyx. (b) T2-weighted axial reveals complete resection of the lesion. Used with permission from
MR images 3 years after radiosurgery demonstrate a significant reduc- Barrow Neurological Institute
Fig. 49.3 Targeted embolization of AVMs. In select cases angiographic Given the location of this lesion in the thalamus, it was felt that the
features of AVMs may predispose them to higher rates of hemorrhage. patient would benefit from treatment of high-risk features and close
High-risk features predisposing to hemorrhage include intranidal aneu- follow-up. (b) AP vertebral artery angiography demonstrates residual
rysms and venous outflow obstruction. (a) Anteroposterior (AP) angi- nidus after targeted embolization of the high-risk features with Onyx.
ography of the left vertebral artery demonstrates a thalamic AVM with Used with permission from Barrow Neurological Institute
multiple intranidal aneurysms fed from the left posterior cerebral artery.
Fig. 49.4 Palliative embolization of AVMs. High-grade AVMs not grade V AVM. A decision was made to embolize external carotid artery
amenable to multimodality therapy may present with symptoms sug- feeders (mainly from the middle meningeal artery and occipital artery)
gestive of steal. In select cases, embolization may result in improve- feeding the AVM. An unsubtracted image (c) demonstrates the Onyx
ment in symptomatology and quality of life. This patient presented with cast and lateral carotid angiography (d) demonstrates reduced flow of
worsening intractable headaches. It was felt that her symptoms were the nidus. The patient had significant improvement in headaches. Used
likely due to vascular steal. Lateral angiograms of the right external with permission from Barrow Neurological Institute
(a) and internal (b) carotid artery demonstrate a large right occipital
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More so than any other lesion, AVMs require an interdisciplin-
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Radiosurgery for Cavernous
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DOI 10.1007/978-1-4614-8363-2_50, © Springer Science+Business Media New York 2015
624 A. Niranjan et al.
spontaneous cases, although one series reported an incidence slowly, the lesions may also produce seizures and a variety
as high as 50 %. Multiple lesions are more common in the of neurological findings similar to those expected of intra-
familial form, occurring in as many as 84 % of patients [4, 10]. cranial tumors. Once patients become symptomatic,
The familial form of the disorder is inherited as an autosomal 40–50 % present with seizures, 20 % present with focal
dominant trait with variable expression. Cavernous malfor- neurological deficits, and 10–25 % present with hemor-
mations are the most common CNS vascular malformation rhage. Symptoms may progress rapidly, remain stable for
subtype in patients with mixed vascular lesions. Associated years, or wax and wane. Headache is estimated to be a
developmental venous anomalies (DVAs) are present in symptom in as many as 25 % of patients. Acute headaches
approximately 10–30 % of patients with cavernous malfor- may result from parenchymal irritation secondary to gross
mations [11]. or repeated extralesional hemorrhage. Chronic headaches
could be the result of mass effect in slow-growing larger
lesions as a result of multiple intralesional hemorrhages.
Molecular Basis The clinical symptoms usually result from the location of
the lesion and, at times, their slow expansion. Infratentorial
Although most cavernous malformations are believed to be location and previous gross hemorrhage are associated with
sporadic, many familial cases have been observed over the an increased risk of subsequent and progressive neurological
last 2 decades. These cases exhibit an autosomal dominant disability. Large hemorrhages can cause both obstructive and
pattern of inheritance [12] and seem to affect the Hispanic nonobstructive hydrocephalus. Any hemorrhage found on CT
population in particular. Recent research has demonstrated at scans in a relatively young patient should be investigated
least three separate genes (CCM1, CCM2, and CCM3) further, and cavernous malformation must be considered a
related to the familial form of the disease. Although research possible etiology. In the workup of a patient with a seizure
is still pending, the three CCM protein products appear disorder, cavernous malformation must be considered as a
involved in new blood vessel stabilization. Linkage analyses potential cause, especially if the patient is aged 20–40 years.
using autosomal dominant families manifesting CCMs have The bleeding rate is estimated to be 0.5–2.5 % per lesion-year
identified three different causative loci on chromosomes and 0.25–16.5 % per patient-year [11]. This risk is increased
7q21.2 (CCM1), 7p13 (CCM2), and 3q25.2-q27 (CCM3). in patients with established prior hemorrhage. A study at the
Mutations in the gene Krit1 are responsible for CCM1, muta- University of Pittsburgh concluded that in patients who had
tions in the gene MGC4607 are responsible for CCM2, and at least one prior hemorrhage, the subsequent annual risk of
mutations in the gene PDCD10 were recently reported to be hemorrhage was 33.9 %. After the first bleed, annual hemor-
responsible for CCM3. Of familial cavernous malforma- rhage rates in years 1–5 were 52 %, 35 %, 39 %, 24 %, and
tions, 40 % can be linked to a protein created by the mutated 32 %, respectively [17]. In addition, women are at a slightly
CCM1 gene. This is the gene responsible for most of the higher risk for hemorrhage, especially. However, pregnancy
cases of familial multiple cavernous malformations in does not appear to change the rate of hemorrhage events com-
Mexican-American families and in a number of other fami- pared to natural history [18, 19]. The hemorrhage is rarely
lies. CCM1 is responsible for creating KRIT1 protein or life-threatening. Hemorrhages in critical locations can have
Krev interaction-trapped one protein. The exact function of more severe effects, and thus, they are more likely to produce
KRIT1 protein is not known. If both copies of the CCM1 symptoms. Progressive neurological deficits are more often
gene mutate, the KRIT1 protein cannot function and associated with cavernous malformations in the infratentorial
cavernous malformations form [13]. CCM2 gene controls space and with lesions that demonstrate slow enlargement
the production of a protein named malcavernin. Of familial because of rebleeding episodes.
cavernous malformations, 20 % can be linked to a CCM2
mutation [14–16].
Radiologic Features
MRI findings of parenchymal cavernous malformations The rate of these complications must be carefully balanced
demonstrate typical, popcorn-like, well-circumscribed, against the natural history of the lesion itself (Table 50.1)
well-delineated lesions. The core is formed by multiple foci [2, 4, 7, 10, 11, 22–25]. It is important to ascertain the pres-
of mixed signal intensities, which represents hemorrhage in ence of DVAs, as these are composed of functional venous
various stages of evolution. Acute hematoma containing channels that should not be resected or radiated because of
deoxyhemoglobin is isointense on T1-weighted images and the risk for venous infarction. Increasingly, DVAs are identi-
markedly hypointense on T2-weighted images. Subacute fied in association with cavernous malformations [6].
hematoma, which contains extracellular methemoglobin, In older patients or patients with low-risk lesions which
displays hyperintensity on both T1- and T2-weighted images are difficult to reach surgically, observation with periodic
because of the paramagnetic effect of the methemoglobin. imaging may be appropriate. When patients present with
The interspersed fibrous-containing elements demonstrate recurrent hemorrhage, progressive neurological deteriora-
mild hypointensity on both T1- and T2-weighted images tion, or intractable epilepsy, then treatment in the form of
because they contain a combination of calcification and surgery or radiosurgery should be considered. The manage-
hemosiderin. The heterogeneous core typically is sur- ment options for a patient with a cavernous malformation
rounded completely by a low-signal-intensity hemosiderin must be based on age, symptoms, hemorrhage risk, and loca-
rim on T1-weighted images. The hypointensity of this rim tion, especially as it relates to surgical accessibility. Resection
becomes more prominent on T2-weighted images because clearly provides immediate advantages for accessible lesions
of the magnetic susceptibility effects. Smaller cavernous and complete resection is achieved in 91 % (62 % bleed
malformations may appear as focal hypointense nodules rate in partially resected lesions) [26]. However, surgery on
with both T1- and T2-weighted sequences. Typically, cav- average has a 45 % postoperative and 15 % long-term mor-
ernous malformations are not associated with mass effect or bidity [26]. These results can be much higher when resection
edema and do not demonstrate a feeding artery or draining of deep-seated lesions is conducted (Table 50.2) [27–33].
vein, except when associated with other vascular malfor- For younger patients with more accessible lesions, the
mations. Cavernous malformations can be associated with removal of lesions may help control epilepsy, improve neu-
DVAs, which typically demonstrate a prominent medullary rological deficits, and prevent any subsequent hemorrhage.
vein with the classic caput medusae pattern of drainage. Radiosurgery is a minimally invasive option for patients
MRI has largely replaced conventional angiography in the presenting with recurrent hemorrhages from deep-seated
diagnosis of cavernous malformations. However, when the cavernous malformations.
lesions occur in combination with other types of vascular
malformations, as they do in as many as 30 % of patients,
MRI characteristics become more complicated and less spe- The Role of Radiosurgery
cific. In these patients, angiography can help further define
the lesions. Because of the extremely slow flow of blood The successful management of cerebral AVMs with stereo-
through these lesions, cerebral angiograms are often normal. tactic radiosurgery prompted the exploration of its role in the
Most cavernous malformations (37–48 %) are avascular management of cavernous malformations. The benefits of
masses on conventional angiograms. The avascular appear- radiosurgery for cavernous malformations are difficult to
ance is the result of compression or destruction of vascular assess because of its unclear natural history and the lack of
channels by hemorrhage, thrombosis, and generalized slow an imaging technique that can document a “cure.” The role
flow because of the small size of the connecting sinusoidal of radiosurgery in this disease is still considered controver-
vessels with the peripheral normal parenchymal vessels. sial by many physicians. However, the lack of options for
When lesions are smaller and not associated with hemato- surgically inaccessible cavernous malformations has made
mas, 20–27 % of angiograms demonstrate normal findings. radiosurgery a possible alternative to conservative manage-
Capillary blush which is not a specific finding is demon- ment for lesions with a high risk of symptomatic bleeding
strated at 12–20 % [21]. (Table 50.3) [17, 34–40].
the region characterized by mixed signal intensity within an to prescribe margin dose. Associated DVAs are excluded
outer hemosiderin ring, typified by low signal intensity. from dose planning (Fig. 50.2). Selection of the radiosurgery
Hematoma eccentric from the malformation is excluded dose is dependent upon malformation volume and brain
from dose planning. The prescription isodose covers the location. Typically, the dose is less than that used for AVMs
mixed signal intensity malformation but not the low-signal- of similar volumes. The margin dose to the cavernous mal-
intensity region surrounding it. Targeting within the MRI- formation margin varies from 12 to 20 Gy, which is depen-
defined T2 signal hemosiderin rim is very important because dent upon the brain volume and location. Patients usually
radiation delivered to the iron-impregnated gliotic brain sur- receive a single dose (40 mg) of methylprednisolone at the
rounding the CM may increase the risk of adverse radiation conclusion of the radiosurgery procedure and, if pertinent,
effects if this area is included in prescription isodose [41]. maintain their current dose of antiepileptic medication.
Single or multiple isocenter dose plans are used to construct Follow-up imaging studies and clinical evaluations are
a conformal irradiation volume that matches the malforma- requested at 6-month intervals for the first 2 years following
tion margin (Fig. 50.1). The 50 % or greater isodose is used radiosurgery and then annually (Fig. 50.3).
50 Radiosurgery for Cavernous Malformations and Other Vascular Diseases 627
Table 50.3 Summary of some recent Gamma Knife radiosurgical series of cavernous malformations
First author Patients/FU Location Presentation Dose/volume Outcome Morbidity
Karlsson 22 patients Cortical: 8 HRG: 16 patients Margin: 18 Gy Post-GK HRG rate: ARE: 6 patients
[34] (1998) (9–35) 8 %/year
Deep cerebral: 7 Epilepsy: 6 patients – Years 1–2: 10 % – 5 symptoms
GK 6.9 years Brainstem: 6 Prior resection: 1 – Years 3–4: 12 % Onset 16 months
Cerebellum: 1 – Years 5–6: 5 %
– Years 7–8: 7 %
Hasegawa 82 patients Supratentorial: HRG: 82 patients Margin: 16.2 Gy HRG: 12.3 % first 2 ARE: 11 patients
[17] (2002) 16 (1–7 bleeds) (12–20) years
Deep: 13 HRG rate: 33.9 %/ HRG: 0.76 % years None after 1992
year 2–12
GK 4.89 years Brainstem: 52 Prior surgery: 20 Vol.: 1.85 cm3
patients (0.12–6.98)
Liu [35] 125 patients Brainstem: 49 HRG: 112 patients Margin: 12.1 Gy HRG rate: 6.5 %/year ARE: 13.1 %
(2005) (9–20)
BG/thalamus: 14 HRG >1: 45 HRG: 10.3 % first 2 Symptoms: 2.5 %
patients years
GK 5.4 years Cortical: 39 HRG rate: 29.2 %/ Vol.: 3.12 cm3 HRG: 3.3 % after
year (.032–25.9) year 2
Cerebellum: 10 Seizures: 28
Kim [36] 42 patients Cortical: 21 HRG: 26.6 % Margin: 14.55 Gy Seizure cessation: Edema: 5 patients
(2005) (10–25) 75 %
Brainstem: 6 Seizures: 28.6 % – Mean of – Symptoms: 5
31.3 months patients
GK 29.6 months Basal ganglia: 5 Neurological HRG: 1 – Recovered: 5
deficit: 45.2 % patients
Liscak [37] 112 patients Brainstem: 33 HRG in 59 patients Margin: 16 Gy HRG rate: 1.6 %/year Edema: 30
(2005) (9–36) patients
Cortical: 54 Seizures in 40 Vol.: 0.9 cm3 – 2 deaths from – Symptoms: 17
patients (0.06–12.5) HRG patients
GK 48 months BG/thalamus: 17 Neurological Neurological deficits: – Recovered: 16
deficit: 51 patients 33 % improved patients
Cerebellum: 8 7 patients prior
partial resection
Nagy [38] 113 patients Brainstem: 79 HRG high risk >1: Margin: 12–15 Gy High risk <2 years: ARE: 6 symptoms
(2010) 41 patients (10–20) 15 %/year
BG/thalamus: 39 HRG low risk <1: Vol.: High risk >2 years:
54 patients 0.33–0.83 cm3 2.4 %/year
GK 48 months Neurological deficit Low risk <2 years:
high risk: 72 % 5.1 %/year
Neurological deficit Low risk >2 years:
low risk: 43 % 1.3 %/year
HRG pre GK:
30.5 %/year
Lunsford 103 patients Brainstem: 66 HRG >1: 103 Margin: 16 Gy HRG <2 years: ARE: 19 patients
[39] (2010) patients (12–20) 10.8 %/year
BG/thalamus: 27 HRG pre GK: Vol.: 1.31 cm3 HRG > 2 years: 1 %/ Symptoms: 12
32.5 %/year year patients
GK 67.8 months Deep lobar: 10 Seizures: 8 patients 75 % seizure
Lee [40] 49 patients Pons: 34 HRG >1: 49 Margin: 11 Gy HRG <2 years: ARE: 3 patients
(2012) patients (9–15) 3.33 %/year
Midbrain: 10 HRG pre GK: Vol.: 3.2 cm3 HRG > 2 years: Symptoms: 2
31.3 %/year 1.74 %/year patients
GK 40.6 months Medulla: 3 Neurological Cyst: 1 patient
deficits: 49 patients
HRG hemorrhage, Vol. volume, ARE adverse radiation effect, BG basal ganglia
50 Radiosurgery for Cavernous Malformations and Other Vascular Diseases 629
Fig. 50.1 Gamma Knife radiosurgery dose plan for cavernous malfor- struction covers the malformation but stays within the low-signal
mation of the brainstem. Fifty percent 14-Gy isodose line projected on region. An 8-Gy line is also present for perspective
axial contrast-enhanced MR images with sagittal and coronal recon-
Fig. 50.2 Gamma Knife radiosurgery dose plan for cavernous malfor- MR images with sagittal and coronal reconstruction covers the malfor-
mation of the left thalamus with a history of multiple symptomatic mation. Multiple developmental venous anomalies were noted
bleeds. Fifty percent isodose line projected on axial contrast-enhanced
630 A. Niranjan et al.
Fig. 50.3 A 28-year-old female presented with history of two hemor- 16 Gy was delivered to 50 % isodose line (middle). A 4-year follow-up
rhagic episodes from cavernous malformation in her anterior right MRI shows regression in cavernous malformation with stable appear-
pons. Axial MR gadolinium-enhanced MR (left) has shown pontine ance of the brainstem
cavernous malformation at the time of radiosurgery. A margin dose of
Pollock et al. evaluated the efficacy and safety of Kim et al. evaluated the efficacy of radiosurgery in
radiosurgery for patients with cavernous malformations [44]. symptomatic cavernous malformations for which the surgical
Seventeen patients underwent radiosurgery for high-surgical- risk was thought to be unacceptable. These investigators
risk cavernous malformations that were located in eloquent treated the first 11 cases with LINAC radiosurgery using
regions (the thalamus/basal ganglia, brainstem, and corpus CT-based planning and the next 11 cases with GK radiosur-
callosum). All patients had at least two documented hemor- gery using MR-based planning. The volume of the lesion
rhages before undergoing radiosurgery. The median margin ranged from 0.09 to 4.8 cm3 (mean, 1.42 cm3) and the mean
radiation dose was 18 Gy and the median maximum dose marginal dose was 16.1 Gy (range, 8–24 Gy). The median
was 32 Gy. The annual hemorrhage rate during the 51 months follow-up period after radiosurgery was 38.3 months. In the
preceding radiosurgery was 40.1 %, compared with 8.8 % in group with prior hemorrhage, the bleeding rate of cavernous
the first 2 years following radiosurgery and 2.9 % thereafter. malformation after radiosurgery (1.55 %/year) was lower
These investigators reported a high (41 %) permanent than that during the pre-radiosurgical period (35.5 %/year).
radiation-related morbidity rate with 18 Gy as margin dose. Six patients showed neurological deterioration following
Hasegawa et al. studied outcome of Gamma Knife radio- radiosurgery; however, the neurological deficits persisted in
surgery for 82 symptomatic patients who had imaging- only two of the patients treated with LINAC. These authors
confirmed hemorrhages for which resection was believed to suggested a possible correlation of LINAC radiosurgery with
be associated with high risk [17]. Most patients had multiple radiation-induced neurological deficits. The size of the
hemorrhages from the brainstem or diencephalic cavernous lesion decreased in 11 patients, increased in one, and did not
malformations. During an observation of 354 patient-years change in ten cases. A perilesional hyperintense signal on
prior to radiosurgery, 202 hemorrhages were observed, for an T2-weighted MR images was seen in nine patients and
annual hemorrhage rate of 33.9 %, excluding the first hemor- correlated with the treatment modality used, being more fre-
rhage. After radiosurgery, during a total of 401 patient-years, quent after LINAC radiosurgery [45]. Kim et al. evaluated
19 hemorrhages were identified, of which 17 occurred in the 42 cavernous malformation patients treated with Gamma
first two posttreatment years, and only two after 2 years had Knife surgery with 14.55 Gy as mean margin dose [36]. The
elapsed. The annual hemorrhage rate was 12.3 % per year for mean follow-up period after radiosurgery was 29.6 months
the first 2 years after radiosurgery. The annual hemorrhage (range, 5–93 months). The tumor decreased in size in 29
rate dropped to 0.76 % per year after 2 years. Eleven patients cases, was unchanged in 12, and increased in size in one. In
developed new neurological symptoms without hemorrhage the seizure group, seizures were controlled without anticon-
after radiosurgery (13.4 %). The symptoms were minor in six vulsant medication in nine cases (81.8 %) after 31.3 months.
of these patients and temporary in five. These investigators Rebleeding occurred in only one case (2.3 %). On
concluded that radiosurgery conferred a reduction in the risk T2-weighted imaging, changes were seen in 11 cases
of hemorrhage for high-risk cavernous malformations. This (26.2 %), and neurological deterioration was correlated with
reduction was most pronounced after 2 years [17]. imaging changes in three (7.1 %). These authors concluded
50 Radiosurgery for Cavernous Malformations and Other Vascular Diseases 631
that patients who receive a marginal dose below 15 Gy had any conclusion regarding the mechanism of efficacy [48].
better outcome than those treated with higher doses [36]. However, a recent case report suggests that the histopatho-
Liscak et al. followed 107 patients treated with Gamma logical findings after irradiation on these lesions may be
Knife radiosurgery using an average of 16-Gy margin dose similar to those described in arteriovenous malformations
[37]. After a median of 48 months, lesion regression was after Gamma Knife surgery [49].
observed in many patients. These authors reported a tran- A significant number of centers have published data indi-
sient morbidity (rebleeding and edema) rate of 20.5 % and cating a significant decrease in the symptomatic hemorrhage
permanent morbidity rate of 4.5 % [37]. rate following stereotactic radiosurgery of cerebral cavern-
Nagy et al. published on 113 patients with primarily ous malformations [38, 40, 50–52]. This demonstrates that
brainstem and thalamic lesions that were followed over a this technique may be an effective management strategy for
mean of 48 months [38]. This group demonstrated a hemor- patients with hemorrhagic malformations in high-risk
rhage rate of 30.5, which is compatible with other recent brain locations when administered by skilled personnel.
studies [40]. They separated malformations into high and The patients that were selected for radiosurgery harbored
low risk based on whether they had greater than 1 bleed pre- malformations with a rate after two hemorrhages of
viously. The higher-risk group had a hemorrhage rate of 30–32.5 % annual risk for another symptomatic event in con-
15 % for 2 years that decreased to 2.4 % after that time. The trast to a 0.6 % annual risk in those who had not had a prior
low-risk group had 5.1 and 1.3 % risks for the first 2 years symptomatic hemorrhage [38–40]. There is a subset of
and beyond, respectively. Adverse symptomatic outcomes patients who seem to bleed more frequently than others [22,
were observed in six patients. This demonstrates the hetero- 23, 53]. The reduced hemorrhage rate achieved after a 2-year
geneity of cavernous malformation activity and impact of latency from radiosurgery (1 %) approaches the low risk
previous bleeds. Lundsford et al. presented a review of 103 (0.6 %) identified in many natural history studies for
patients with deep lesions, including 65 % within the brain- nonhemorrhagic cavernous malformations. The probability
stem [39]. Two or more bleeds were required and pre Gamma of developing post-radiosurgery imaging changes compati-
Knife bleed rate was 32.5 %. The 67.8-month follow-up ble with ARE depends on the CM marginal dose and treat-
demonstrated a 10.8 % hemorrhage rate in the first 2 years ment volume. The volume of tissue receiving 12 Gy or more
which decreased to 1 % per year after that point. (the 12-Gy volume) provides predictive information about
One of the most frequent presentations of cavernomas is the probability of developing such imaging changes [41]. In
seizure. The ability to control these episodes or eliminate addition, care must be taken to achieve a highly conformal
them is a major impetus for treatment. Baumann et al. pro- treatment area and use caution around the hemosiderin depo-
vided information from the surgical perspective by analyzing sition zone at the edge of the cavernous malformation.
168 patients who underwent resection for supratentorial soli- All reports on cavernous malformation radiosurgery are
tary cavernous malformations with at least three prior sei- based on clinical outcome because cavernous malformation
zure episodes [46]. At 3 years 65 % of patients were seizure obliteration cannot be documented using any of the available
free and on no medication (Engel 1); these results were imaging modality. Without this documentation, patients can-
roughly in context with results seen by other sources [47]. not be declared as “cured” after radiosurgery. Although
Lunsford et al. and Kim et al. have both published from the patients may be encouraged by a reduction in hemorrhage
Gamma Knife perspective with results of 75 % of patients at risk, they cannot be told that this risk is eliminated. Even
Engel 1 at 3.6 years and 31.3 months, respectively [36, 39]. though radiosurgery significantly lowers the risk of hemor-
These results are based on a combined 20 patients. rhage, there can be complications. The complex natural his-
tory of cavernous malformations (solitary, multiple, and de
novo) makes clarity even harder to obtain. These risks and
Radiobiological Considerations benefits must be carefully balanced against the natural history
of untreated lesions if the use of radiosurgery is considered.
Post-radiosurgery AVM obliteration is likely due to endothe-
lial cell proliferation leading to vessel wall hyalinization,
fibrosis, and myofibroblast-induced vessel wall contracture. Radiosurgery for Other Vascular
We believe that the response of cavernous malformation to Abnormalities
irradiation is similar. It is reasonable to expect a latency
interval of several years for hemorrhage protection as it Dural Arteriovenous Fistulas
occurs before AVM obliteration. At present, there are no
good histologic studies of irradiated cavernous malforma- Dural arteriovenous fistulas (AVFs) represent approximately
tions in patients who were thought to be successfully man- 10–15 % of all intracranial vascular abnormalities [54]. They
aged. Histologic studies of irradiated patients who later are direct connections between the meningeal arterial system
underwent cavernous malformation resection could not draw and dural venous sinuses or cortical veins. Most are thought
632 A. Niranjan et al.
Fig. 50.4 Cerebral angiogram revealed a dural vascular malformation to MR images supplemented with cerebral angiograms. Gamma plan shows
the sigmoid sinus. This malformation was treated with radiosurgery fol- dose plan projected on axial MR poster with sagittal and coronal recon-
lowed by embolization. Radiosurgery dose planning was performed on struction. A margin dose of 20 Gy was delivered to 50 % isodose line
to be acquired lesions, secondary to dural venous channel obstructed sinus, while type IIb fistulas drain retrogradely
occlusion leading to recruitment of collateral blood supply. into leptomeningeal veins through a venous sinus. Type
Trauma, infection, and hypercoagulable states are risk fac- IIa + b combines the features of both previous categories.
tors for the development of dural AVFs. The majority involve Type III fistulas involve direct connections between menin-
the transverse, sigmoid, and cavernous sinuses. These are geal arteries and cortical veins, without intervening dural
generally low-flow lesions, which present with bruits and sinus. Type IV is the same as type III, with added variceal
pulsatile tinnitus. Cavernous sinus lesions can also present dilation of the cortical veins. Type V represents a fistula
with chemosis and ophthalmoplegia and, eventually, lead to draining into perimedullary veins. The risk of bleeding
loss of vision. Other notable locations include the superior increases directly with the fistula grade for types I–IV. Type
sagittal sinus and tentorium, and these tend to follow a more V fistulas usually present with myelopathy.
aggressive course. Regardless of their locations, dural AVFs Treatment of dural AVFs varies according to the location
can cause subarachnoid or intraparenchymal hemorrhage. and grade of the lesion. Endovascular embolization through a
The bleeding risk is related primarily to the presence of lep- transarterial or transvenous route is the mainstay of treatment
tomeningeal venous drainage, dural sinus occlusion, and for simple, low-flow lesions involving the transverse-sigmoid
aneurismal venous dilation [55]. or cavernous regions, with high cure rates [57]. High-risk
Dural AVFs can be classified based on the pattern of lesions are usually treated with multimodality management
venous drainage and patency of dural sinus involved [56]. comprising embolization and microsurgery. Stereotactic
Type I fistulas drain in an anterograde fashion in a patent radiosurgery has emerged as a minimally invasive adjunct or
dural sinus. Type IIa fistulas drain retrogradely in an alternative management modality for AVFs (Fig. 50.4).
50 Radiosurgery for Cavernous Malformations and Other Vascular Diseases 633
Yang et al. published results out of Pittsburgh on 40 Pan et al. published the results of Gamma Knife radio-
patients treated for 44 dural AVFs [58]. The average volume surgery as primary treatment of patients (n = 20) with
was 2.0 cm3 and the median dose was 21 Gy. Three groups transverse-sigmoid AVFs [62]. Tinnitus and headache were
were examined: Gamma Knife therapy alone, Gamma Knife the most common symptoms. Three patients had previously
with embolization performed together, and delayed Gamma bled. Two patients had failed prior surgery and embolization.
Knife after previous embolization. The follow-up was 45 Marginal doses ranged from 16.5 to 19 Gy. Complete oblit-
months and 28 patients with 32 dural AVFs demonstrated eration associated with resolution of symptoms was seen in
obliteration. Gamma Knife alone had an obliteration rate of 58 %, with an additional 16 % having near-total occlusion
67 %. When coupled with embolization, 83 % was achieved. after median follow-up of 19 months. Temporary hair loss
The delayed radiosurgery group saw results of 71 % likely over the mastoid region was the only adverse effect of irra-
due to difficulty identifying peripheral areas treated with diation, seen in ten patients.
embolization material. The authors came to the conclusion Pollock et al. managed 20 patients with cavernous sinus
that small low-flow dural AVFs could be managed with fistulas using radiosurgery alone (seven patients) or fol-
Gamma Knife radiosurgery alone if necessary [58]. lowed by embolization (13 patients) [63]. Clinical symp-
Hanakita et al. performed a retrospective analysis of 22 toms improved in 95 % of patients. Follow-up angiogram
patients treated with Gamma Knife radiosurgery [59]. Fifty- was obtained for 15 patients and demonstrated total oblit-
five percent of patients had obliteration of their dural AVF eration in 13 and near-total in one patient. No subsequent
within 5 years. The obliteration rate without cortical venous hemorrhage occurred. Morbidity was seen in two patients
drainage was 86 %, but only 47 % with cortical drainage. No following embolization procedures. Finally, Lewis et al.
hemorrhages or complications were identified. They indi- reported the results of transarterial embolization followed
cated that Gamma Knife is a viable option in the multidisci- by LINAC radiosurgery (seven patients) or surgery (two
plinary but should be considered carefully when cortical patients) in a cohort of patients with high-risk tentorial dural
venous drainage is present. AVFs [64]. Five patients had experienced prior hemorrhage.
Koebbe et al. described 18 dural AVF patients managed In the radiosurgical group, dose delivered ranged from 8 to
with Gamma Knife radiosurgery [60]. Three patients pre- 20 Gy (mean, 15.6 Gy). Four of seven patients showed com-
sented with intracerebral hemorrhage. Embolization was plete thrombosis of the lesion 24 months after the procedure,
performed in ten patients (prior to radiosurgery in nine and and the others had significant occlusion. One patient suffered
after in two patients). Margin dose ranged from 15 to 30 Gy from transient radiation injury to the brainstem 14 months
(mean, 20 Gy). The mean nidus volume was 2.16 cm3. after radiosurgery.
Complete resolution of symptoms was seen in nine patients, The outcome data suggests that stereotactic radiosurgery
with the nine others experiencing significant symptom provides significant benefit in the management of dural AVFs.
reduction. Follow-up imaging demonstrated fistula oblitera- The obliteration rate is high with minimal radiation-induced
tion in 12 patients (eight on angiography and four on MRA) morbidity. It is a valuable addition in the multimodality man-
and decrease in size in three patients. Three patients did not agement of high-risk dural AVFs and also as primary treat-
have follow-up imaging. No further hemorrhage was seen ment of low-flow dural AVFs of the transverse, sigmoid, and
after the Gamma Knife procedure. One patient experienced cavernous regions, with or without adjunct embolization.
transient symptomatic radiation-induced edema, and two Radiosurgery followed by embolization appears to be a sound
patients with cavernous sinus fistulas had a permanent com- strategy for patients with bothersome symptoms such as tin-
plication from embolization (facial numbness and sixth nitus. Radiosurgery should be performed first because the
nerve palsy). Clinical outcomes were better for patients whole nidus can be better defined and treated prior to emboli-
treated with radiosurgery alone compared to the combined zation. It is followed by embolization, which can provide
treatment. immediate relief from acute symptoms.
Friedman et al. reported the outcome of 23 patients with
transverse-sigmoid fistulas treated with combined radiosur-
gery followed by transarterial embolization in most cases Vein of Galen Malformations
[61]. Symptoms completely resolved in 87 % of patients,
with 9 % also experiencing significant relief. Out of 17 Vein of Galen malformations (VGMs, also known as vein of
patients who had follow-up angiography, seven (41 %) were Galen aneurysms) are rare vascular abnormalities that are
cured, four (24 %) had more than 90 % obliteration, and six usually found in the pediatric population. They constitute
(35 %) had more than 50 % obliteration of the fistula. No approximately 1 % of all intracranial vascular malformations
patient had radiation-induced complication and one patient [65]. They are direct fistulous connections between the cere-
suffered a transient embolization-related ischemic episode. bral arterial vasculature and the galenic venous system, often
Two patients had ischemic events following diagnostic angi- associated with straight sinus stenosis or occlusion and per-
ography (transient in one case and permanent in the other). sistence of a falcine sinus. Clinical presentation is dependent
634 A. Niranjan et al.
on the age at which it manifests. Neonates usually show deterioration with or without hemorrhage. J Neurosurg.
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cephalus. Three patients had a Yasargil type I lesion; one, a 14. Liquori CL, Berg MJ, Squitieri F, Ottenbacher M, Sorlie M,
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Four had failed prior endovascular treatment. Three patients Marchuk DA. Low frequency of PDCD10 mutations in a panel of
CCM3 probands: potential for a fourth CCM locus. Hum Mutat.
required two Gamma Knife procedures. The mean marginal 2006;27(1):118.
dose used was 20.5 Gy (range, 15–25 Gy). Out of eight 15. Liquori CL, Berg MJ, Siegel AM, Huang E, Zawistowski JS,
patients who underwent follow-up cerebral angiogram, four Stoffer T, Verlaan D, Balogun F, Hughes L, Leedom TP, Plummer
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GA, Ptacek L, Marchuk DA. Mutations in a gene encoding a novel
eration (50, 80, 80, and 90 %) with a follow-up ranging from protein containing a phosphotyrosine-binding domain cause type 2
15 months to 8 years. One patient had transient symptomatic cerebral cavernous malformations. Am J Hum Genet. 2003;73(6):
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dures, and MRI showed evidence of edema in another patient 16. Verlaan DJ, Laurent SB, Rochefort DL, Liquori CL, Marchuk DA,
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Cerebral Cavernous Malformations:
Viewpoint—Surgery 51
Robert L. Dodd and Gary K. Steinberg
L.S. Chin and W.F. Regine (eds.), Principles and Practice of Stereotactic Radiosurgery, 637
DOI 10.1007/978-1-4614-8363-2_51, © Springer Science+Business Media New York 2015
638 R.L. Dodd and G.K. Steinberg
hemorrhage tendencies, particularly since some of the bleeding malformation induction in 40–53 % of familial cases [36–39],
episodes occurred during pregnancy [3, 9, 19]. These obser- with mutations in genes at CCM2 and CCM3 accounting for
vations are supported by the detection of estrogen receptors in 15–20 % [38, 39] and 10–40 % [38, 39], respectively [10].
a few cavernous malformations obtained from females [21], Interestingly, the majority of Hispanic-American patients of
as well as by speculation that hormonal fluctuations during Mexican descent have the same mutation in CCM1, indicating
pregnancy increase endothelial cell proliferation in these a common ancestor [40]. Reports of cavernous malforma-
lesions and their propensity to hemorrhage [19]. tions in familial series indicate the majority of these indi-
viduals had multiple lesions (up to 93 %), were clinically
symptomatic, and presented at a younger age.
Anatomical Distribution Proteins expressed by the CCM genes have been identi-
fied histologically in neurons, astrocytes, and vascular endo-
Cavernous malformations can be found throughout the cen- thelium [37, 41–43]. Their primary and secondary structures
tral nervous system including every region of the brain, reveal ultrastructural regions that suggest binding, and
brainstem, spinal cord, cranial nerves, and ventricles. The research has established that the three CCM proteins interact
cerebral hemispheres are the most frequently affected areas with each other to form ternary complexes [44–47], which in
(in one study 21 % frontal, 16 % parietal, 15 % temporal, and turn interact with other proteins [48, 49]. KRIT1 seems to be
3.5 % occipital), with most being subcortical in location predominantly localized in the cytoplasm although the pro-
[22]. Recently, more cases of lesions in the basal ganglia, tein has both a nuclear localization signal and a nuclear
corpus callosum, thalamus, and third ventricle have been export signal, suggesting it can be shuttled to and from the
reported because of the interest generated by their therapeu- nucleus [50]. Malcavernin also localizes to the cytoplasm,
tic complexity. Between 10 and 23 % of cavernous malfor- binds KRIT1, and may inhibit its nuclear translocation
mations are located infratentorially, where the pons is the [32, 36, 51, 52]. PDCD10 binds to malcaverin and also has
preferred site [21–25]. In 40–60 % of cases, multiple lesions structural domains that interact with the (PI3K-) PIP3-
exist, and multiplicity should always raise the suspicion of PDPK1-Akt signaling pathway [34, 53].
the familial form of the condition [26]. Multiple intracranial The precise pathophysiologic mechanisms that explain
cavernous malformations are sometimes associated with how an alteration in the CCM complex results in manifesta-
similar vascular lesions in other organs, suggesting the pres- tions of the clinical disease remain unclear. However, animal
ence of a wider and more systemic condition. models and in vitro biochemical experiments, while imper-
fect, suggest that CCM gene products in concert with other
cellular machinery form ternary complexes that regulate key
Molecular and Genetic Basis of CCMs steps in blood vessel formation and maintenance [54–58]. It is
postulated that the inability to compose these protein com-
CCMs can occur in either a sporadic or familial form of the plexes leads to the dysfunction in cytoskeletal processes
disease, and while the occurrence of cavernous malforma- responsible for cell–cell adhesion, cell adhesion to the extra-
tions in more than one family member was initially believed cellular matrix, and tight junction assembly important for
uncommon, more recent evidence suggests as many as half cell polarity [59]. This ultimately results in dysregulation of
of CCM cases maybe familial in nature [27–29]. Hereditary vascular development and endothelial permeability [60, 61].
forms of CCM exhibit Mendelian autosomal dominant
inheritance with variable penetrance caused by loss-of-
function mutations which to date have been associated with Natural History
three genes: KRIT1 (also known as CCM1) on chromosome
7q11.2-21 [30, 31]; CCM2 (encoding the malcavernin pro- Decisions on treatment recommendations are based to a great
tein), on chromosome 7p13 [30, 32]; and PDCD10 (also extent on the estimated risk of further morbidity; therefore,
known as CCM3) on chromosome 3q26.1 [10, 30, 33, 34]. knowledge regarding the natural history of cavernous malfor-
In addition, discrepancies in the observed relative incidence mations is an important consideration in clinical practice.
of mutations in these three genes between the original link- Despite recognition of this point, our present knowledge is
age analysis data and the mutation screening data suggest a incomplete because of several factors: the low frequency of
potential fourth CCM locus (CCM4) [35]. occurrence limits study population size, the relatively recent
The importance of CCM genes is highlighted by the introduction of MRI technology required for accurate diagno-
observation that at least one of the CCM genes is mutated in sis limits the length of clinical follow-up, the paucity of pro-
most familial cavernous malformations. Over 100 different spective studies limits analysis of the natural history of
single-gene (KRIT1) mutations have been found in CCM1- cavernous malformations, and confusion in the literature exists
linked families, which are believed to cause cavernous on what constitutes a clinically significant hemorrhage.
51 Cerebral Cavernous Malformations: Viewpoint—Surgery 639
Nevertheless, several recent studies have provided some spaces, resulting in growth of the vascular nidus; (2) recurrent
estimates for risk of bleeding and growth [1, 4, 62, 63]. The “external” microhemorrhages or red blood cell diapedesis
risk of clinically relevant hemorrhage after detection of a with thrombosis, followed by organization, fibrosis, and cal-
cavernous malformation depends on the presenting symp- cification; (3) acute gross hemorrhage, resulting in acute size
toms as well as the location of the lesion. Preliminary reports increase; and (4) cyst formation “internal” hemorrhage that
indicate that the frequency of clinical hemorrhage among ruptures septae between adjacent sinusoids. Further growth
patients with supratentorial nonfamilial cavernous malfor- and perifocal edema may be related to secondary microhem-
mations who present either with incidental diagnosis or with orrhages and fluid exudation from the neocapillary mem-
seizures is approximately 0.25–2 % per year [2, 3, 17, 19]. brane in the cyst capsule.
The percentage appears to be significantly higher (6.5 % per As our understanding of bleeding and growth rates is far
patient per year; 1.3 % per lesion per year) in patients with from exact, and indeed many patients who experience bleed-
the familial form of the disease [20]. Likewise, worsening of ing from cavernous malformations may show good clinical
neurologic signs and symptoms is more frequent in the recovery, some authors have encouraged conservative treat-
familial group, occurring in more than 15 % per year [20]. ment, particularly for brainstem cavernous malformations.
Among patients with nonfamilial cavernomas who present Kupersmith et al. report that the majority of 23 nonsurgically
with symptomatic hemorrhage, the annual recurrent hemor- treated patients with symptomatic brainstem cavernous mal-
rhage rate may be higher (about 4–5 %) in the next year than formations followed over a mean of almost 5 years either
in patients with no prior hemorrhage (0.6 %) [2]. Barker improved (78 %) or remained clinically stable (17.4 %) [66].
et al. provide evidence for temporal clustering of hemor- Other larger series of similar patients however detail a much
rhages, suggesting rebleed rates as high as 2.1 % per month more ominous outlook, with a 3.5 % perioperative mortality
for the first 2.5 years after the initial hemorrhage before rate, an 8 % overall mortality rate during follow-up after
decreasing to 1 % per month [62]. The risk of hemorrhage surgery, and a 20 % mortality rate for nonsurgically treated
may also depend somewhat on location, with some reports of patients after 35.7 months of follow-up [21]. Such variability
patients with deep lesions having an initial annual clinical demonstrates the sometimes unpredictable clinical courses
hemorrhage risk of 4.1 % compared with 0.4 % among those of these lesions and highlights our deficient knowledge of
with superficial lesions [2]. However, a recent meta-analysis how they behave.
of 11 natural history studies suggests that this difference Furthermore, survival from and successful treatment for a
largely reflects differences in the definition of hemorrhage cavernous malformation that has hemorrhaged may not
(radiographic versus clinical) [64], with deep/eloquent loca- always provide a cure for the disease. Clinical reports have
tions behaving more clinically aggressive without radio- documented the de novo formation of cavernomas for both
graphic changes on MRI. Younger patients may also have a familial and sporadic forms of the disease [5, 20, 65]. In
higher risk than older patients of a second hemorrhage. patients with genetic predispositions, the new cavernoma
Cavernous malformations are often surprisingly dynamic, formation has been estimated to have an incidence of 0.2–0.4
with changes in size, number, and MRI signal characteris- lesions per patient-year [20, 67]. The incidence of de novo
tics. The size of these lesions in the literature has been lesions in patients without known genetic predisposition is
reported to vary between less than 1 mm up to more than unclear, but multiple cavernomas have been described to
10 cm in diameter [23]. The mean cavernoma size in several occur in one report, in 14 of 55 sporadic cases (25.4 %) [65].
large series was approximately 15–19 mm, with the majority
of symptomatic lesions being greater than 1 cm in diameter
[16, 19, 23]. However, clinical symptoms are more related to Clinical Presentation
location than to size, as very small tectal cavernomas can
cause ophthalmoplegia, while giant frontal lobe lesions may The clinical symptomatology of cavernous malformations is
be asymptomatic. Clatterbuck et al. prospectively followed highly variable, ranging from an asymptomatic incidental
114 lesions in 68 patients over 352.9 patient-years and dem- finding to discovery in autopsy after fatal hemorrhage.
onstrated that most lesions either increased or decreased in Typically patients come to medical attention because of sei-
size with less than 22 % being stable in volume [65]. Three zures, focal neurological deficits, or headaches, though there
de novo lesions were observed during this period and may have been an increasing number of patients with malforma-
represent the growth of very small lesions without symptom- tions found incidentally following imaging for other pur-
atic hemorrhage. In addition to changes in volume, they also poses such as trauma. All of these symptoms are believed to
demonstrated a stereotypical progression of changes in be secondary to either lesion hemorrhage or mass effect on
appearance. The mechanisms purported to cause growth and neural structures. In one series of 565 cases of symptomatic
MRI signal changes include: (1) progressive ectasia of vas- cavernous malformations, 217 (38.4 %) presented with sei-
cular channels and budding of capillaries from cavernous zures, 191 (33.8 %) with tumor-like symptoms, 66 (11.6 %)
640 R.L. Dodd and G.K. Steinberg
presented with headache, and 101 (17.8 %) with overt hem- with acute symptoms. The prevalence of this type of hemor-
orrhage [68]. Numerous other reports have confirmed epilep- rhage in large series ranges between 6 and 30 % of cases
tic seizures constitute the most frequent clinically presenting [9, 11, 16, 22, 65]. The clinical presentation of hemorrhage
symptom. Between 35 and 70 % of symptomatic cavernomas is acute, but usually not as dramatic as those that occur from
are associated with recurrent seizures, which are drug resis- intracranial aneurysms or AVMs. Sudden onset headache
tant in 40 % of cases [69]. All seizure types including simple followed by a focal neurological deficit is typical, depending
seizures, complex partial seizures, and generalized seizures on the location and size of the hematoma.
[10] have been known to present in patients with supratento-
rial cavernous malformations. The pathogenesis of seizures
is debated, but most believe they are related to the presence Diagnostic Imaging
of iron products after red cell breakdown secondary to mul-
tiple microhemorrhages. Most patients with seizures present The most sensitive and therefore the most important diagnos-
with lesions in their frontal or temporal lobes. The estimated tic tool is MRI (Figs. 51.1, 51.2, and 51.3). The high sensitiv-
risk of developing seizure is 1–2 % per person-year exposure ity of gradient-echo sequences is particularly helpful in
and mean age at time of first seizure is 42 ± 3.78 years [9, 11]. detecting both acute and chronic hemorrhages that may not
The second most frequent presentation is that of focal be seen with conventional spin-echo techniques. Indeed the
neurological deficits, which correspond to lesion location, widespread use of MRI has led to the detection of asymptom-
and are usually produced by intralesional or perilesional atic cavernous malformations, therefore increasing previous
hemorrhage. They account for 35–50 % of reported cases estimates regarding the prevalence of these lesions. The MRI
[14]. Vertigo, diplopia, ataxia, hemiparesis, associated sen- appearance of cavernous malformations has been detailed by
sory disturbances, and changes in level of consciousness are many authors including Zabramski et al., who distinguish
typical of infratentorial cavernous malformations, which, four types of MR characteristics [20]. Type I lesions are
occasionally, may even produce signs of increased intracra- hyperintense on T1- and T2-weighted images and indicate
nial pressure due to obstructive hydrocephalus. Aphasia and subacute hemorrhage. Type II lesions show a mixed-signal
apraxias produced by supratentorial lesions, visual loss by intensity on T1- and T2-weighted imaging with a surround-
lesions within the optic nerve or chiasm, and symptoms of ing hemosiderin ring. Type III lesions are hypo- to isointense
trigeminal neuralgia from extra-axial cavernous malforma- on T1- and T2-weighted images and most probably indicate
tions of the middle fossa have also been reported. chronic hemorrhage. Type IV lesions are poorly visualized
Neurological deficits may be transient, progressive, or fixed. except on gradient-echo sequences. Histopathological corre-
In rare instances cavernous malformations may simulate lations to these MRI patterns have been confirmed. In addi-
multiple sclerosis due to fluctuating progressive neurological tion to establishing the diagnosis, MRI also defines the exact
deficits, such as repeated exacerbation of complaints and size, location, and extent of cavernous malformations as well
alternating periods of remission. Cavernous malformations as provides information about multiplicity, hydrocephalus,
have also been found in the spinal cord where they present and the condition of the adjacent brain parenchyma.
with an acute or subacute myelopathy.
Headache accompanies cavernous malformations in many
patients and may have prompted diagnostic evaluation Treatment
uncovering the lesion. While this is a controversial present-
ing complaint due to its nonspecific and nonlocalizing nature, Given the excellent results of microsurgical resection of cav-
it represents a major symptom in 25–30 % of reported cases ernous malformations, it is generally easy to endorse the phi-
[14]. The prevalence of asymptomatic lesions in the general losophy of operative management for most of these lesions.
population is unknown, but recent evidence suggests it is However, increasing evidence suggesting a relatively benign
much higher than previously suspected. Studies among con- natural history of some lesions has indicated the need for
secutive patients undergoing MRI have detected asymptom- reevaluation of management decisions. In particular, when
atic cavernous malformations in 14–19 % of patients [14]. dealing with a patient harboring several lesions, a family
Other reviews of the literature have found as many as 21 % affected by a hereditary form of this condition, or deep-
of patients to be without symptoms at first discovery [3, 22]. seated lesions in the brainstem, it becomes apparent that an
The incidence of cavernous malformations that present aggressive approach is not always advisable. The only clear
with clinical hemorrhage is uncertain. This is because of indications for surgery are for medically intractable epilepsy,
variability in hemorrhage patterns of cavernous malforma- documented recurrent hemorrhage, and progressive neuro-
tions as well as variability in the literature of what defines a logical deficit. Patients with an established diagnosis of
clinically significant event. Some have described clinically CCM who present without clinical hemorrhage, seizures, or
significant hemorrhages as those that are sizable and present other specific symptoms are usually candidates for clinical
51 Cerebral Cavernous Malformations: Viewpoint—Surgery 641
Fig. 51.1 Selected (a) axial FLAIR, (b) coronal T1 postcontrast, and hypersomnolence, loss of appetite, and memory difficulties. A cavern-
(c) sagittal T1 MRI scans of a 31-year-old female medical student who ous malformation is centered in the midline involving the massa inter-
presented with four clinical hemorrhages resulting in headaches, gait media, hypothalamus, midbrain, third ventricle, and extending to the
instability, and symptoms of hypothalamic dysfunction including suprasellar cistern
observation and repeat imaging. Conservative management quent and noneloquent areas. More than 75 % of all cavern-
is also appropriate for many patients with purely incidental ous malformations are located supratentorially [22], most of
lesions or malformations located deep within functional which are located in cortical and subcortical regions that are
areas that do not present to a pial or ventricular surface. readily accessible with modern surgical techniques. Even
prior to MRI, surgical series have documented the successful
removal of cavernous malformations with low risk. Vaquero
Microsurgical Treatment of Supratentorial et al. report successful treatment of 19 supratentorial cavern-
Lesions ous malformations located in the cerebral hemispheres from
1977 to 1987. Of the 19 patients, 17 had excellent results (no
Surgical resection of most cavernous malformations is seizures without medication) and two were classified as good
straightforward because these lesions have no major arterial outcomes (occasional seizures with medication) [70]. There
supply and do not bleed much at surgery. The most difficult were no poor outcomes or deaths in this cohort. Similarly,
task in resection is often intraoperative localization and excellent results have been documented in the post-MRI era.
choosing an appropriate surgical corridor. This has been McCormick reviewed his experience with removal of supra-
facilitated with the use of stereotaxic MRI computer- tentorial cavernous malformations. In 63 of 65 patients, com-
guidance systems for neuronavigation, which allows plan- plete removal was obtained, two patients experienced
ning of surgical trajectories to avoid functional cortex and worsening of an existing deficit, a third patient developed a
major blood vessels, as well as target localization to within new deficit, and there was only one postoperative death [71].
1–2 mm. The risk of open microsurgery is generally related When performed for medically intractable epilepsy, several
to lesion size, location, and proximity to critical structures. In published results confirm a greater than 90 % likelihood of a
addition, advanced age, medical comorbidities, and poor seizure-free outcome with surgical extirpation of cavernous
neurological condition are all negative prognostic factors for malformations and the surrounding epileptogenic tissue [69].
a good surgical result. Several surgical series have reported The surgical approach is defined by the lesion location,
excellent results in removal of superficial lesions of both elo- and in general the craniotomy is centered over the lesion.
642 R.L. Dodd and G.K. Steinberg
Fig. 51.2 Selected immediately postoperative (a) axial T1, (b) coronal T1 malformation. (e) A 3.5-cm cavernous malformation was resected piece-
postcontrast, and (c) sagittal T1 MRI scans demonstrate gross total resec- meal from the third ventricle, diencephalon, and midbrain. There was
tion of the cavernous malformation seen in Fig. 51.1. (d) Microsurgical acute, subacute, and chronic hemorrhage within the malformation, which
removal was performed via an interhemispheric transcallosal approach to was composed of thin-walled, fragile vascular channels. No attempt was
the third ventricle. The asterisk (*) is on the corpus callosum, through made to remove the surrounding hemosiderin-stained brain. Postoperatively,
which a small incision was made that exposed an enlarged foramen of the patient quickly recovered to her neurologic baseline and has continued
Monro. The laser pointer is focused on the superior aspect of the cavernous to improve, though some memory difficulties still remain
The use of neuronavigation allows precise targeting that cated for seizures, the hemosiderin- or hematoidin-laden
minimizes the size of the craniotomy and risk to exposed gliotic tissue should be resected due to its role in seizure gen-
brain (Fig. 51.3). Lesions that involve the anterior corpus eration. Intraoperative electrocorticography may be helpful
callosum near the genu and cingulate gyrus can be approached for confirming the extent of abnormal electrical activity, par-
through a small frontal craniotomy. Lesions that are more ticularly for lesions near the motor or sensory cortices. For
basal in the subfrontal or septal regions often require a lower dominant hemisphere lesions, awake intraoperative speech
frontal craniotomy through a bicoronal incision or an inter- mapping may be required to preserve language function.
hemispheric approach. Posterior parasagittal approaches are
generally used for lesions in the body of the corpus callosum,
cingulate gyrus, and midline posterior frontal, parietal, or Microsurgical Treatment of Infratentorial
occipital areas (Fig. 51.4), as well as for some thalamic CMs. Lesions
Medial anterior temporal lesions involving the amygdala, the
hippocampus, or the uncus are approached through the Lesions located deep within the brain are difficult to remove
Sylvian fissure via a standard pterional craniotomy. and present special challenges (Figs. 51.1, 51.2, 51.3, and
Superficial cortical lesions are often easy to identify because 51.4), though recent series describe improved outcomes with
of overlying cortical discoloration, whereas small subcorti- image-guided techniques. Approximately 10–30 % of all
cal lesions often require stereotaxis. Both trans-sulcal and intracranial cavernous malformations are located in the pos-
trans-gyral approaches can be employed depending on lesion terior fossa [21–25], and some reports suggest these lesions
geometry and the location of cortical vasculature. Once iden- may be more frequently symptomatic [21]. Surgical removal
tified, a well-defined gliotic plane typically allows for easy is indicated for symptomatic lesions located in the cerebellum
separation of the lesion from surrounding tissue so that com- or superficially in the brainstem when eloquent parenchyma
plete lesion resection can be achieved. When surgery is indi- can be spared. Several surgical approaches have been
51 Cerebral Cavernous Malformations: Viewpoint—Surgery 643
Fig. 51.3 (a) Sagittal T1, (b) coronal T1 postcontrast, and (c) axial T2 Microsurgical resection of the cavernous malformation was therefore
and (d) T1 MRI scans illustrate a 1-cm, right midpontine cavernous performed. (e) A right subtemporal approach was used as illustrated,
malformation with subacute hemorrhage surrounded by a rim of hemo- aided by the intraoperative surgical navigation. Brainstem functional
siderin and surrounding brainstem edema (arrow in c). Although this mapping was employed prior to making the few-millimeter incision in
lesion did not present to a pial or ventricular surface, three clinically the lateral surface of the pons (right upper panel, e). Postoperatively,
significant hemorrhages were observed over a 7-month period, result- the patient’s hemiparesis transiently worsened, but he recovered within
ing in diplopia, facial weakness, sensory loss, and mild hemiparesis. 1 week and currently has no focal deficits
Fig. 51.4 Selected 3-year postoperative (a) sagittal, (b) coronal, and (c) axial T1 MRI scans demonstrate gross total resection of the cavernous
malformation seen in Fig. 51.3
detailed in the literature including suboccipital, infratento- the selection of an approach that optimizes exposure to the
rial supracerebellar, occipital transtentorial, far lateral, lesion with minimum disruption to surrounding structures.
transtemporal, subtemporal transtentorial, and combined In general, lesions of the cerebellar vermis, medial cerebellar
petrosal. Furthermore, much emphasis has been placed on hemispheres, floor of the fourth ventricle, and dorsal medulla
644 R.L. Dodd and G.K. Steinberg
are easily approached through a standard suboccipital radiosurgery may decrease the risk of clinical hemorrhage,
approach. Lesions of the tectum and pineal region are often compared with the statistically derived natural history [13, 73,
best approached via infratentorial supracerebellar access. 74]. Our combined Stanford University–University of
The occipital transtentorial approach provides exposure of California, Berkeley, program previously treated 57 cavern-
the superior cerebellar peduncles and vermis, the anterior ous malformations in the brainstem, thalamus, and basal
medullary velum, posterior third ventricle, the splenium, and ganglia using Bragg peak helium ion radiosurgery (47
the quadrigeminal plate. The far lateral approach provides lesions) or LINAC radiosurgery (10 lesions), with mixed
excellent exposure of the anterior and lateral medulla and results [74]. Eighteen patients (32 %) experienced symp-
cervicomedullary junction. Transtemporal approaches allow tomatic bleeding (20 hemorrhaging episodes) after radio-
access to lesions in and around the internal auditory meatus surgery. Sixteen hemorrhaging episodes occurred within 36
such as pontomedullary junction cavernous malformations months after radiosurgery (9.4 % annual bleeding rate; 16
and can be employed in patients without serviceable hearing. hemorrhaging episodes/171 patient-years), and 4 hemor-
Cavernous malformations involving the anterior midbrain– rhaging episodes occurred more than 36 months after treat-
interpeduncular fossa region can be approached through a ment (1.6 % annual bleeding rate; 4 hemorrhaging
pterional trans-sylvian, subtemporal, or orbitozygomatic episodes/257 patient-years) (P < 0.001). The radiosurgery
craniotomy, and occasionally lesions located in the upper group at Harvard University reported a decrease in the
two-thirds of the brainstem require a combined petrosal annual hemorrhage rate from 17.3 % before radiosurgery to
approach. CSF drainage for brain relaxation, electrophysio- 4.5 % after a latency period of 2 years after radiosurgery
logical monitoring, and functional mapping are all important [73]. Similar symptomatic hemorrhage rates after Gamma
for minimizing complications and reducing the risk of per- Knife radiosurgery for cavernous malformations were
manent neurological deficit. reduced from 8.8 % during the first 2 years after radiosur-
Unlike supratentorial cavernous malformations, deep gery to 1.1 % thereafter [13]. A more recent study of 103
lesions can be extremely adherent to the normal parenchyma patients with solitary cavernous malformations who were
and are sometimes removed in a piecemeal fashion following treated with Gamma Knife radiosurgery at the University of
circumferential separation and devascularization from the Pittsburgh with follow-up from 2 to 20 years demonstrated
surrounding gliosis. All perforating arterial vessels must be a 10.8 % annual hemorrhage rate for the first 2 years after
dissected meticulously and preserved. Furthermore, the treatment and then a 1.06 % annual bleed rate after 2 years
hemosiderin staining surrounding the malformation should [82]. However, statistical modeling analysis showed that the
be spared from surgical removal. An association between hemorrhage rate from untreated cavernous malformations
cavernous malformations and venous malformation has been appeared to demonstrate temporal clustering of hemor-
described and may be as high as 16 % [72], and while the rhages such that the rehemorrhage rate from untreated cav-
goal of surgery is complete excision of the cavernoma, inter- ernous malformations was found to be high initially (2 %
ruption of a venous malformation is to be avoided because of monthly rehemorrhage rate during the first 2.5 years follow-
the risk of venous infarction. The risk of open microsurgery ing hemorrhage; 14 % cumulative incidence of a second
for superficial cerebellar lesions is low, similar to that for hemorrhage during the first year) with decreases 2–3 years
most supratentorial cavernous malformations. The risks after a previous hemorrhage (to less than 1 % per month)
associated with surgical exploration of deep-brain and brain- [62]. These results therefore question whether the data from
stem cavernous malformations is considerably higher, as dis- the radiosurgical series represent protective effects of treat-
cussed below. ment or simply the natural bleeding history of these lesions.
Additionally, in ten patients who underwent microsurgical
resection of their cavernous malformations 1–10 years fol-
Radiosurgical Treatment of Cavernous lowing radiosurgical treatment, none of the cavernous mal-
Malformations formations were found to be thromobosed on pathological
examination [83]. Furthermore, in our series of patients
A number of groups have used stereotactic-focused radio- with cavernous malformations who underwent radiosur-
surgery with heavy-charged particles (protons or helium gery, 7 % experienced symptomatic radiation edema and
ions) or photons (Gamma Knife or LINAC radiosurgery) in 2 % experienced radiation necrosis [74] (Fig. 51.5). Other
attempts to improve the natural history of deep, difficult-to- groups have documented a 13.5 % incidence of new neuro-
resect cavernous malformations [13, 73–81]. Although there logic deficits [82] and a 16 % incidence of permanent neu-
has been no prospective randomized study, recent reports rological deficits with a 3 % mortality rate secondary to
from several groups suggest that, for certain patients, radiation-induced complications [73].
51 Cerebral Cavernous Malformations: Viewpoint—Surgery 645
Fig. 51.5 (a) Axial proton-density MRI of a 35-year-old woman who 2 days after surgery without new deficits. (c) Hematoxylin and eosin-
initially presented with generalized seizures shows a 1-cm vascular stained specimen from a surgically removed brainstem cavernous mal-
malformation located in the left thalamus adjacent to the posterior limb formation 5 years after stereotactic heavy-charged-particle radiosurgery.
of the internal capsule. She was first treated with stereotactic heavy- Patent vascular channels (arrow) are observed. (d) Surgical specimen
charged-particle Bragg peak radiosurgery. Nine months after radiosur- from tissue adjacent to a cavernous malformation removed from another
gery, she experienced worsening right hemiparesis; (b) axial T2 patient with delayed radiation-induced injury 3 years after stereotactic
imaging at that time demonstrated extensive radiation-induced changes radiosurgery of a right parietal cavernous malformation. Histopathologic
extending into the basal ganglia and thalamus. She subsequently under- changes consisted of thick-walled hyalinized vessels with fibrinoid
went stereotactically guided microsurgical resection via a small left necrosis (arrow), postradiation gliosis, and reactive astrocytosis and
posterior parietal, interhemispheric transcallosal approach through the necrosis (arrowhead), characteristic of radiation effects
pulvinar. The patient recovered extremely well and was discharged
patients were worse than their preoperative status at the last Acknowledgement This work was supported in part by support from
follow-up. Of 135 patients undergoing microsurgical resec- Bernard and Ronni Lacroute, the William Randolph Hearst Foundation,
and Russell and Beth Siegelman (to GKS).
tion of 136 brainstem cavernous malformations in this series,
although slightly less than 1/3 of the patients were immedi-
ately worse after surgery, at long-term follow-up (>6
months), 87 % of the patients were neurologically unchanged References
or improved, while 13 % had worsened. Porter et al. reported
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Trigeminal Neuralgia
Lawrence S. Chin, Seung S. Hahn, Shilpen Patel,
Thomas Mattingly, and Young Kwok
L.S. Chin and W.F. Regine (eds.), Principles and Practice of Stereotactic Radiosurgery, 649
DOI 10.1007/978-1-4614-8363-2_52, © Springer Science+Business Media New York 2015
650 L.S. Chin et al.
lamotrigine (Lamictal), and topiramate (Topamax) can also be With recent improvements in technology and imaging,
effective. Baclofen (Kemstro) has also been used though it has linear accelerator (linac)-based and CyberKnife SRS for
a different mechanism of action; it acts by inhibiting mono- TN have become more common. Table 52.1 compares
synaptic and polysynaptic spinal reflexes. In severe cases, two some of the major series reported in the literature. The
or more drugs may be required. Narcotic pain medications are range of patients achieving good relief (Barrow
typically not recommended because most trigeminal attacks Neurological Institute [BNI] I–III) is 72–93 %. The median
do not last for a significant duration to justify routine use of time to pain relief varies from 1 week to 2.7 months. An
such medications. Medication may only help in approxi- analysis of recurrence revealed rates that ranged from 6 to
mately 75 % of patients, and side effects such as drowsiness, 51 % [13–16].
cognitive dysfunction, bone marrow suppression, and hepatic Ma from the University of Maryland performed a
dysfunction can be significant. In addition, patients will fre- comparative analysis of linac and GK-SRS for TN therapy.
quently become refractory to medication over time [9]. Specifically, the dose fall-off characteristics and set-up error
If medical therapy fails or is not tolerated, there exist two tolerance of the two modalities were examined. This study
primary surgical therapies: MVD and ablative percutaneous found equivalent dose fall-off properties between Gamma
procedures. Performing an MVD requires general anesthesia Knife and linac-based SRS provided only if a sufficient num-
and carries a risk of stroke, infection, hemorrhage, cerebro- ber of arcs (>7) and small intra-arc error (<0.5 mm) were
spinal fluid (CSF) leak, facial numbness, weakness, and satisfied for linac-based deliveries. Furthermore, because of
hearing loss. For patients over the age of 70 years and for the large number of arcs that are required, the treatment time
those with surgical contraindications, MVD may not be an for linac-based SRS compared with Gamma Knife is signifi-
ideal treatment. The percutaneous approaches (radiofre- cantly increased [17]. At this time, robust safety and long-
quency ablation, glycerol injection, and balloon compres- term efficacy data exist only for Gamma Knife treatment of
sion) to the trigeminal ganglion are performed under local TN; however, the clinical experience in this disease with
anesthesia but are associated with a significant risk of tri- other forms of radiosurgery is growing and will lead to
geminal dysfunction. Stereotactic radiosurgery (SRS) pro- greater patient options.
vides an alternative treatment that is minimally invasive yet
effective and causes few side effects.
SRS was first described in 1951 by Lars Leksell as an Mechanism of GK-SRS Effect
adaptation of his arc-centered stereotactic frame with a radia-
tion source replacing the lesioning electrode. In his initial The relationship between post-procedure numbness and effi-
attempts at SRS, Leksell coupled a dental X-ray tube to his cacy suggests that GK-SRS works by blocking axonal trans-
stereotactic arc to irradiate the trigeminal ganglion [10]. After mission. As predicted by models of radiation injury, both the
trying several different radiation sources, he subsequently time to effective pain relief and numbness are delayed,
reported the successful treatment of TN in two patients with although pain relief frequently occurs many months before
Gamma Knife stereotactic radiosurgery (GK-SRS) using any side effects are experienced. Kondziolka et al. used a pri-
cobalt-60 [11]. With the development of high-resolution mate model to explore the effects of 80 or 100 Gy to trigemi-
MRI, the proximal portion of trigeminal nerve is usually well nal nerves and observed a combination of axonal degeneration
identified between the pons and the Meckel’s cave, and con- and edema [18]. Necrosis was seen in nerves that received
sidered to be a well-defined and safer target for SRS. the higher dose, and both myelinated and unmyelinated
Thus, the radiosurgery target has moved toward root entry fibers were equally affected. Why the functional improve-
zone of trigeminal nerve which allowed much higher radio- ment is seen in patients before these histologic changes are
surgery dose (70–90 Gy) without risking significant side seen is unknown, but an effect of GK-SRS on ephaptic trans-
effects [12]. mission provides a possible mechanism.
52 Trigeminal Neuralgia 651
Fig. 52.2 MRI images from the Gamma Knife treatment of a patient
with right trigeminal neuralgia. (a) T1-weighted MRI scan that shows
the left nerve (arrow) but not the right. (b) T2-weighted MRI scan at the
same level illustrates the right nerve well (arrow)
Fig. 52.3 CT cisternogram of a patient with right trigeminal neuralgia
and a cardiac defibrillator. CT contrast in the CSF cisterns around the
trigeminal nerve highlights it well (arrow)
minimizes the volume of brain stem covered by the 10 % line.
Finally, a dose of 75 Gy is delivered to the 100 % isocenter
(37.5 Gy to the 50 %). dose. As the dose rate is lowered and the exposure time
Patients with a pacemaker or other MRI contraindications extended, the biologic effect of a given dose is generally
present a dilemma. Provided the patient is not on anticoagu- reduced. The University of Maryland examined this effect in
lants, computed tomography (CT) contrast cisternography is a series of patients treated the year prior to a source change
used for localizing the trigeminal nerve (Case 52.2). In rare (median dose rate, 162 cGy/min: range, 151 to 179 cGy/min)
circumstances, an MRI scan in patients with a pacemaker is compared with patients treated in the year immediately after
required. A cardiologist is present in these cases in the MRI a source change (median dose rate, 343 cGy/min: range, 321
suite with a defibrillator, and the pacemaker is programmed to 366 cGy/min) and found the difference in pain relief was
before the scan to avoid extraventricular pacing and is then 61 % compared with 83 %, respectively (p = 0.05). These
reset immediately after the MRI. data suggest that if dose rate falls below 179 cGy/min, con-
For gamma rays, dose rate is one of the principal factors sideration should be made for dose escalation in the treat-
that determine the biologic consequences of a given absorbed ment of TN [26].
52 Trigeminal Neuralgia 653
or dysesthesias [39]. Not unexpectedly, using the higher GK-SRS for secondary TN has a much lower rate of
doses results in 80 % of patients experiencing trigeminal postoperative trigeminal dysfunction (4 % versus 17–45 %),
dysfunction, but the percentage of patients having an excel- and essentially no risk of other cranial nerve deficit or motor
lent result (BNI I) is also increased. Because there is no pre- weakness. In addition, patients avoid the customary compli-
cedence for performing a third GK-SRS on the same nerve cations of craniotomy and general anesthesia. The mecha-
until recently, the risk of radiation necrosis of the brain stem, nism of pain relief is not known because these benign tumors
which is presumed to be high, is unknown. At SUNY, the do not change significantly in size after GK-SRS, and the
authors have recently treated a case of right-sided trigeminal doses given are significantly smaller than typical doses for
neuralgia three times over 10 years, the last one delivered a idiopathic TN. Compensating for the lower doses may be the
year ago. This patient has a relatively long segment of tri- fact that the prescription isodose lines in the tumor cases
geminal nerve between the pons and Meckel’s cave. The are generally much closer to the brain stem indicating that
single 4-mm target isocenter for the third GK-SRS was made the brain stem at the root entry zone may receive a dose simi-
7.5 mm away from the pons. The treatment prescription was lar to patients treated by the standard 4-mm shot protocol.
70 Gy to 100 % and the maximum dose to the pons was cal- These results raise the interesting hypothesis that the effec-
culated to be 9.98 Gy, which was considered to be safe. The tiveness of GK-SRS in TN is related more to the brain-stem
patient experienced good pain relief after the third GK-SRS dose than to the nerve dose [42]. Further studies will be
without any side effects including no facial numbness at one needed to clarify this issue.
year follow-up.
The alternative to a repeat GK-SRS is either MVD or a
percutaneous procedure. Pollock et al. found that an excel- Multiple Sclerosis, Post-herpetic Neuralgia,
lent outcome was seen in 75 % of patients undergoing MVD and Atypical Facial Pain
and in 71 % undergoing glycerol rhizotomy [32]. Interestingly,
five of eight patients were observed to have a region of pre- TN is a well-recognized symptom of MS, and its manifesta-
sumed radiation injury on the segment of the superior cere- tions are indistinguishable from classic, idiopathic TN. It
bellar artery that contacted the trigeminal nerve. In four of occurs in 1–2 % of patients with MS but rarely as the pre-
these five cases, the patient either received a high dose senting symptom. Patients with MS present at an earlier age
(90 Gy) or had a repeat GK-SRS treatment. Our anecdotal and frequently have bilateral pain [42]. Pharmacological
experience with MVD after failed GK-SRS is that arachnoidal treatment of MS-TN patients is complicated by their greater
adhesions do form on the trigeminal nerve and can complicate sensitivity to gait imbalance and other side effects of medica-
mobilization of arterial loops. Good outcomes, however, are tions. Both MVD and percutaneous procedures have a lower
still possible with MVD in this setting [40]. rate of effectiveness for patients with MS, but GK-SRS has
been shown to be effective in up to 80 % of MS-TN patients
[43, 44]. The treatment protocol for these patients is
Secondary Trigeminal Neuralgia unchanged with respect to dose and target. Because MS
patients comprise a small portion of the major series pub-
Patients with secondary TN experience symptoms caused by lished to date, their sensitivity to GK-SRS compared with
the compressive effects of a tumor. The two most common typical TN patients is unknown [28, 29]. An increase in tri-
tumors are meningioma and trigeminal schwannoma, but geminal complications has not been seen [43].
other tumor types such as metastases, chordoma, and epider- The use of GK-SRS for atypical facial pain syndromes such
moids are also possible. These tumors are usually located in as post-herpetic neuralgia is controversial. Pharmacological
the cavernous sinus, Meckel’s cave, petroclival region, or therapy is frequently ineffective, and MVD and percutaneous
tentorial notch. In addition to TN, patients may present with treatments are contraindicated because they may worsen the
facial numbness, weakness, diplopia, visual loss, and hemi- pain. Only nucleus caudalis dorsal root entry zone (DREZ)
paresis. Treatment with GK-SRS in these patients is both lesions have been documented to show some benefit. Urgosik
effective at controlling tumor growth and TN symptoms. reported on 16 patients who received GK-SRS and found a
Regis et al. reported 46 patients with tumors amenable to successful result (excellent, very good, and good) in only 44 %
GK-SRS who were treated with a multiple-shot dose plan to of patients. Pain relief occurred after a median interval of 1
a mean dose of 14 Gy (range, 8–25 Gy) [41]. Forty-five month, and no radiation-related side effects have been observed
patients were followed for a median time of 55 months. in these patients [45]. The University of Maryland experience
Initially, 80 % had complete pain relief (BNI I) and 16 % with atypical facial pain syndromes is similar. In this study,
were improved. Recurrent pain was experienced by 6 approximately half of the patients presented with atypical TN
(13.3 %) patients, and slight hypesthesias were seen in 2 and half initially presented with classic TN that then pro-
(4.4 %). In comparison with published microsurgical series, gressed to atypical TN. Seventy-two percent of patients
656 L.S. Chin et al.
reported pain relief with a median time to relief of 5.8 weeks 15. Lim M, Villavicencio AT, Burneikiene S, Chang SD, Romanelli P,
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tion. Bothersome numbness was reported in five (27 %) accelerator radiosurgery for the treatment of trigeminal neuralgia.
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dard alternative to conventional surgical treatments for idio- 21. Rand RW, Jacques DB, Melbye RW, Copcutt BG, Levenick
pathic TN. Initial results are comparable with other MN. Fisher MR Leksell Gamma Knife treatment of tic douloureux.
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treatments, but a significant recurrence rate is observed. It is, 22. Kondziolka D, Lunsford LD, Flickinger JC, Young RF, Vermeulen
however, an extraordinarily safe procedure particularly for S, Duma CM, Jacques DB, Rand EW, Regis J, Peragut JC, Manera
elderly patients and those wishing to avoid surgery or have L, Epstein MH, Lindquist C. Stereotactic radiosurgery for trigemi-
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Neuralgia: Viewpoint—Surgery 53
Craig Rabb and Ahmed Cheema
The procedure is carried out under sedation as patients need
Trigeminal neuralgia is a severely debilitating disease with to be awake for examination during rhizotomy. The patient is
annual incidence of 4.3 cases per 100,000 and accounting for placed in the supine position and Hartel’s technique can be
15,000 new cases diagnosed each year [1]. Its lifetime preva- used to visualize the path to foramen ovale and eventually to
lence is estimated to be around 0.3 % [2]. It is a clinical diag- Meckel’s cave. The Hartel’s technique describes three points
nosis usually characterized by unilateral sharp stabbing pain [15]. Point 1 is located inferiorly at mid pupil, Point 2 is
exacerbated by touch with pain-free intervals in between epi- located 3 cm anteriorly to external auditory meatus along
sodes [3]. It is well established that the majority of cases are zygoma, and Point 3 is located 2–3 cm lateral to oral com-
caused by some kind of compression at the root entry zone missure. The foramen ovale is located at the junction of
[4]. The pathophysiology of trigeminal neuralgia has been vertical axis (Point 1) and horizontal axis (Point 2). Point 3
extensively studied yet poorly understood. Prior to undertak- signifies the entry point of needle. Cannulation of the fora-
ing treatment, trigeminal neuralgia must be differentiated men ovale is carried under local anesthesia and confirmed
from patients with atypical facial pain [5]. Although vascular with fluoroscopy, wince reflex, contraction of masseter mus-
compression is most likely the culprit for neuralgia, other cle, and flow of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF). Additionally, cis-
compressive and demyelinating causes account for about ternography can be used to confirm the location of needle in
6–16 % of the cases and should be entertained during evalu- appropriate location. Lately, frameless stereotaxy has also
ation including tumor, aneurysm, venous compression, and been used to increase accuracy and decrease time to cannula-
multiple sclerosis [6–10]. Surgical options for trigeminal tion of foramen ovale with promising results [16–18]. Once
neuralgia can be broadly divided into either destructive or the needle is appropriately placed in Meckel’s cave, cisternal
nondestructive. This chapter reviews these techniques fol- volume is estimated and anhydrous glycerol is injected. The
lowed by a comparison with stereotactic radiosurgery (SRS). patient is kept in sitting flexed position for an hour, then
watched overnight in the hospital before being discharged.
L.S. Chin and W.F. Regine (eds.), Principles and Practice of Stereotactic Radiosurgery, 659
DOI 10.1007/978-1-4614-8363-2_53, © Springer Science+Business Media New York 2015
660 C. Rabb and A. Cheema
the anatomical landmark for the sigmoid-transverse junction It has been shown that isolated ophthalmic division
[26]. In studies, it has been shown to be posteroinferior to the symptoms are most likely in cigarette-smoking older patient
asterion [27, 28]. Image guidance can be used to further population and are via caudal compression [32]. Maxillary
assess the junction, although we have not found this neces- division symptoms are usually found in woman and usually
sary. A curvilinear “lazy S” incision is made and carried down secondary to a venous compression [33]. Mandibular nerve
to the bone. A high-speed drill is used for making a burr hole, symptoms are usually caused by rostral compression from
to initiate exposure. Kerrison rongeurs are then used to the superior cerebellar artery [32].
remove bone in an anterior-superior direction until the stereo- The wound is copiously irrigated and any venous oozing
typic bluish appearance of the sinus is identified, and the stopped meticulously. Bone edges are waxed and the dura is
transverse sigmoid junction is partially exposed. The dura is closed watertight with 4-0 or 5-0 suture, and augmented with
open in a T-shaped manner inferior and posterior to the fibrin sealant. Cranioplasty is performed using calcium phos-
sinuses [26]. The procedure may be carried out while continu- phate cement, and scalp is closed in usual fashion. Patients
ous brain stem auditory evoked potentials are being moni- are watched in the intensive care setting overnight and usu-
tored [29]. CSF is allowed to liberally drain during exposure. ally discharged in 2–3 days.
The microscope is then brought in. Typically, the tentorial
dura above the cerebellum is used as an orientation point, and
bony and dural exposure should be continued until the under- Results
surface of the tentorium is readily visualizable. Then, one can
trace this anteriorly until the junction with the petrous bone Several studies have evaluated patients undergoing MVD
forms an unmistakable angle, which is the direct route to the years following surgery. Originally, Apfelbaum in a series of
trigeminal nerve. The arachnoid of the CPA cistern is opened 273 patients followed for 55 months showed immediate
using microdissection techniques, and CSF is further drained. relief in 94 % of patients and satisfactory pain relief in 70 %
The cerebellum then relaxes considerably. We usually employ of patients on follow-up [34]. Kolluri and Heros described
extremely gentle retraction on the upper surface of the cere- similar results with 78 % pain relief in patients undergoing
bellum until sufficient CSF has drained that it is no longer MVD with a mean follow-up of 5 years [35]. Burchiel et al.
needed. In the lateral position, once CSF is drained, gravity had a higher recurrence rate of 47 % in his study with major
becomes an excellent retractor. recurrence rate of 3.5 % annually and minor recurrences of
The eighth nerve can be encountered en route to the 1.5 % annually [36]. In these studies, it was noted that patient
trigeminal nerve, and can be confused for the fifth nerve by with definitive arterial compression had lower rate of recur-
less experienced surgeons. Maintaining awareness of this is rences when compared to venous and/or bony compression.
crucial. The trigeminal nerve, once encountered, is usually In a larger study, Barker et al. mentioned that at 6.2 years, the
unmistakable by its characteristic location at the apex of the treatment success in patients undergoing MVD was 70 %
tentorium/petrous junction and by its brilliant white appear- [37]. The recurrence rate after 10 years of follow-up was less
ance. The surgeon then must use careful microdissection than 1 % and most of the recurrences were in the initial
to mobilize the offending vessels from the nerve. The most 2-year follow-up. Similar results were also reported by Olson
common artery compressing the nerve is the superior cere- et al. in their 25-year follow-up of MVD [38]. Special atten-
bellar artery. One must be careful not to assume there is just tion should be paid to patients with multiple sclerosis and
one vessel causing symptoms. Occasionally, compression trigeminal neuralgia. This subpopulation of patient has been
can originate from petrosal veins or the anterior-inferior cer- thought to be refractory to treatment with MVD. Resnick
ebellar artery. Veins causing compression usually require et al. in their analysis showed that MVD alone is insufficient
cauterization and division [30]. Our preference for treatment for treatment, however should be considered on a case-by-case
of the arteries is to mobilize them extensively, and place a basis [39–42].
sling of Teflon around the vessel, and glue it to the tentorium McLaughlin et al. in their analysis of complication rate of
well away from the nerve using fibrin sealant. The Teflon felt MVD in a large series have observed that in experienced
requires teasing it with Adson forceps until a thin strip hands the complications associated with MVD are low.
results. Only when the artery cannot be mobilized suffi- Since 1990, after modifications of MVD technique under
ciently do we place a pad of Teflon felt between the artery Dr. Jannetta, the rate of cerebellar injuries is 0.45 %, CSF
and nerve. The whole nerve should be examined for any leak is 1.85 %, and hearing loss is 0.8 %, based upon analysis
offending loops from its origin in brain stem all the way to of 1995 patients who underwent MVD [43]. In another anal-
the Meckel’s cave [31]. ysis by Kondo et al., they witnessed increasing satisfaction
662 C. Rabb and A. Cheema
and pain-free interval in patients undergoing surgery after following Gamma Knife radiosurgery (mean 24 days, range
1990, where satisfaction rate grew from 92.9 to 96.7 % with 1–180 days) and a 33 % recurrence rate at 1-year follow-up
recurrence decreased from 10.2 to 6.5 % [44]. Risk stratifi- [54]. These results stress the need for further studies however
cation for MVD has been done to predict outcomes. also show that in patients suitable for MVD, surgery should
Theodosopoulos et al. stratified patients undergoing MVD as be offered, with Gamma Knife reserved for patients not ame-
high risk based upon age less than 53 years, female sex, men nable to surgery, or those who decline open surgery.
with left-sided trigeminal neuralgia and pain lasting greater
than 11 years and found that in high risk group 58 % of the
patients are pain free at 4-year follow-up compared to Microvascular Decompression in Elderly
80–89 % of patients in lower risk profile [45].
Jodicke et al. in their limited analysis of eight patients with
median age of 70 years showed that 6/8 patients were pain
Discussion free after MVD and propose consideration of MVD even in
patients older than 65 years of age if they are medically sta-
Microvascular Decompression Versus ble to undergo surgery [55]. Ogungbo et al. in a 42-patient
Glycerol Rhizotomy retrospective analysis found no differences in outcomes
in patients older than 65 years of age when compared to
Fergusson described a series of 45 patients who were younger cohort [56]. Similar results were also reported by
followed after PGR compared to MVD in 24 patients, which Ferroli et al. and Pollock et al. in their analysis [57–59].
showed 58 % pain free at 30 months compared to 71 %,
respectively [46]. Suwa et al. retrospectively analyzed the
pain-free interval and found 7 % recurrence in case of MVD Economical and Patient’s Perspective
at 95 months compared to 49 % in PGR group at 84 months of Treatment Options
[47]. Similar results were also seen in a retrospective study
for a 20-year follow-up that showed 50 % recurrence rate Pollock and Ecker, in their prospective cost-based analysis,
with PGR at 2-year follow-up compared to MVD with 64 % showed “The cost per quality adjusted pain-free year was
pain-free and lesser sensory deficits after 20 years [48, 49]. $6,342, 8,174, and 8,269 for glycerol rhizotomy, microvas-
cular decompression, and SRS, respectively” [60]. This chapter
emphasizes that in older patients percutaneous methods may be
Microvascular Decompression Versus more cost-effective and in younger population MVD remains a
Radiofrequency Ablation better surgical option when considered from an economic
standpoint of view. Zakrzewska et al. based upon questionnaire
Apfelbaum originally described comparison of percutaneous showed that 89 % of the patients undergoing MVD were satis-
radiofrequency ablation (PRFA) with MVD and described a fied with the surgical outcome compared to 72 % with percuta-
series of 103 patients followed for 36 months, with results neous rhizotomy [61]. The MVD group was also less dissatisfied
showing 88 % relief in PRFA group versus 96 % in MVD at 4 % compared to 20 % in percutaneous rhizotomy group.
with recurrence rates of 13 % and 5 %, respectively [50].
Microvascular Decompression Versus
Gamma Knife There are multiple invasive and noninvasive treatments
available for trigeminal neuralgia. While percutaneous pro-
Kondziolka et al. in their analysis for SRS have shown that cedures offer a less invasive modality for treatment, their
96 % of the patients initially treated with Gamma Knife have long-term recurrence rates are higher when compared to the
good to excellent result at 1-year follow-up [51]. In patients MVD. Even in patients refractory to initial MVD, recur-
previously treated with MVD, SRS proved to be beneficial to rences have been successfully treated with re-exploration
85.6 % of patients, further elucidating its important role in [62]. These reoperations have shown arterial (22 %), venous
patient population with recurrent and refractory trigeminal (13 %), and Teflon compression (13 %) in these patients.
neuralgia and as an adjuvant therapy [52]. Pollock et al. Percutaneous methods show promise in selected patient
showed in their analysis that when compared with SRS, populations who cannot undergo surgery due to comorbidi-
MVD offers more prolonged pain-free interval at 3-year ties. SRS offers another alternative to MVD as it can be
follow-up (72 % versus 59 %) [53]. Sheehan et al., in another performed in patients with significant medical comorbidi-
3-year follow-up study, confirmed the delayed onset of relief ties. It has a delayed onset yet usually gives good pain relief.
53 Trigeminal Neuralgia: Viewpoint—Surgery 663
36. Burchiel KJ, Clarke H, Haglund M, Loeser JD. Long-term efficacy 49. Pollock BE, Phuong LK, Gorman DA, Foote RL, Stafford
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Trigeminal Neuralgia:
Viewpoint—Medical Management 54
Neil C. Porter
Introduction Pathophysiology
Trigeminal neuralgia is a well-recognized neuropathic pain The pathophysiology and pathogenesis of trigeminal neural-
syndrome characterized by brief paroxysms of facial pain in gia are poorly understood. A number of theories abound,
the distribution of the trigeminal nerve. The syndrome can however [2, 3]. Given that the condition occurs in multiple
occur secondary to a number of medical conditions includ- sclerosis, some investigators have argued that demyelination
ing multiple sclerosis, basilar artery aneurysm, and brain at the entry zone of the nerve root is a common feature to
tumor [1]. The disorder can also be idiopathic, the latter both primary and secondary trigeminal neuralgia [4]. Others
instance being known as Tic Delouroux. Trigeminal neural- have focused on structural concerns with the “vascular com-
gia can strike persons of any age but typically affects older pression theory” [5]. In this latter circumstance, the pain is
individuals. Treatment options include a number of neuro- believed to be the consequence of compression on the tri-
pathic pain medications as well as neurosurgical and radio- geminal nerve by some vascular anomaly. In any event, the
surgical interventions. The mainstay of treatment for most major focus in treating the patient is the elimination of the
individuals, however, remains medication. subjective pain.
Trigeminal neuralgia is characterized by recurrent facial pain Trigeminal neuralgia is a condition characterized by neuro-
in the distribution of the trigeminal nerve. The trigeminal pathic pain. Other notable conditions that also involve neuro-
nerve is divided into three branches, V1, V2, and V3, provid- pathic pain include painful diabetic neuropathy, post-herpetic
ing sensory innervation to the forehead, cheek, and chin, neuralgia, and complex regional pain syndrome. In contrast
respectively. The pain of trigeminal neuralgia most fre- to nociceptive pain, whereby the nervous system detects
quently occurs in the distribution of V2 or V3. The pain is some unpleasant stimulus alerting the body to potential dam-
usually lancinating in nature, occurring as fleeting shocks. age, in neuropathic pain the nervous system generates the
This pain can be extremely intense, producing a great deal of impulses that are appreciated as pain by the patient.
distress in sufferers. The pain is typically triggered by chew- Neuropathic pain can be constant or intermittent in nature. It
ing, ingesting cold foods or liquids, cold winds, or simple may be characterized as burning, aching, stabbing, or shoot-
tactile stimulation on the face. ing. The pain may occur spontaneously or, as with trigeminal
neuralgia, be elicited by tactile stimulation.
L.S. Chin and W.F. Regine (eds.), Principles and Practice of Stereotactic Radiosurgery, 665
DOI 10.1007/978-1-4614-8363-2_54, © Springer Science+Business Media New York 2015
666 N.C. Porter
viewed as neuropathic pain agents, narcotics are also effective Carbamazepine is associated with a dose-related leukopenia
in treating neuropathic pain. Particular benefits and draw- but in rare circumstances has been linked to irreversible
backs are associated with each class of agent as well as spe- aplastic anemia (risk at 1:40,000). Additional side effects
cific agents within each class. Most of the agents are well include dizziness and hyponatremia. Drug interactions are
tolerated, but cognitive side effects may limit the utility of also problematic given that Carbamazepine affects the levels
many of the antiepileptic drugs and antidepressants in certain of other medications that are metabolized by the P450
cases. For trigeminal neuralgia, the antiepileptic medications system.
dominate the treatment strategy followed by the GABA ago- In summary, Carbamazepine is the mainstay of medical
nists. Antidepressants have little role while narcotics provide treatment for trigeminal neuralgia, with proven efficacy in
only adjunctive therapy. An excellent review of the literature randomized clinical trials. Efficacy initially ranges from 70
regarding pharmacologic treatment options is contained to 90%, but response rates may diminish over time to 50%.
within a Practice Parameter from the American Academy of The medication must be started cautiously and titrated
Neurology in 2008 on issues surrounding the diagnosis and relatively slowly.
treatment of trigeminal neuralgia [6].
Antiepileptic Drugs
Oxcarbazepine is a newer antiepileptic drug structurally
Carbamazepine related to Carbamazepine. Like its structural analog,
Oxcarbazepine is a sodium channel blocker. Because of
Carbamazepine is clearly the drug of choice for trigeminal structural modifications, however, this newer drug has a
neuralgia. Known mostly for treatment of partial and sec- number of theoretical and practical advantages over
ondarily generalized seizures, Carbamazepine is also a well- Carbamazepine. Oxcarbazepine has much less effect on the
known neuropathic pain agent. Structurally similar to the P450 system and therefore is associated with far fewer drug
tricyclic antidepressants, Carbamazepine’s effectiveness for interactions. Furthermore, Oxcarbazepine cannot be metabo-
seizures and neuropathic pain is believed to occur through its lized to an epoxide derivative that is responsible for some of
action on sodium channels. Carbamazepine acts to block the side effects seen with Carbamazepine. Obviously, though,
sodium channel function in a rate-related fashion. This given its lesser track record, Oxcarbazepine is less well
allows the medication to affect dysfunctioning neurons established than Carbamazepine as a treatment for trigemi-
greater than those firing normally. nal neuralgia.
Carbamazepine was first reported to be effective in treat- Although Oxcarbazepine has not been proven effective
ing trigeminal neuralgia in 1962 [7]. This agent was proven for trigeminal neuralgia in a randomized, placebo-controlled
efficacious in a number of randomized placebo-controlled trial, it has been shown to have similar efficacy as
clinical trials [8–10]. In each trial initial response rates were Carbamazepine in two randomized trials. Response rates in
as high as 70–90 %. Long-term efficacy, however, dimin- these trials approached 90% [11, 12]. Furthermore, the drug
ished to approximately 50 %. appeared to be better tolerated than Carbamazepine.
Carbamazepine has a relatively short half-life, necessitat- Oxcarbazepine is typically started at 150–300 mg BID,
ing a dosing schedule of 3–4 times per day. Because it auto- with the lower dosing associated with less side effects.
induces its own metabolism, a patient cannot be loaded with Typical target dosages range from 300 to 600 mg BID with
Carbamazepine. Instead, Carbamazepine must be started at a some refractory patients requiring up to 1,200 mg BID.
relatively low dose and then slowly titrated upwards. The Oxcarbazepine appears to possess several advantages
patient should be started at 100 mg BID or TID. The dose over Carbamazepine, including better tolerability and fewer
can be increased every 3–5 days by 200 mg total up to drug interactions. One disadvantage, however, is cost.
200–400 mg TID. Some refractory patients may require Being a newer agent, Oxcarbazepine is significantly more
doses as high as 2,400 mg/day (800 mg TID). expensive than the older Carbamazepine. Additionally,
Carbamazepine’s major advantage is its efficacy in most Oxcarbazepine has been associated with a number of side
patients. The medication is relatively well tolerated with effects similar to other sodium channel blockers, including
only minor side effects in the majority of patients. dizziness, headache, gait instability, nausea, and vomiting.
Additionally, Carbamazepine is relatively inexpensive, being In summary, Oxcarbazepine holds great promise to poten-
available in generic form. tially replace Carbamazepine as the first-line treatment for
Unfortunately, Carbamazepine is not without its shortcom- trigeminal neuralgia. Although both medications have simi-
ings. Given its relatively short half-life, the medication requires lar efficacy, Oxcarbazepine appears to be safer and better
relatively frequent dosing that may affect compliance. tolerated.
54 Trigeminal Neuralgia: Viewpoint—Medical Management 667
Pregabalin appears to be safe and well tolerated, similar Given the advent of newer agents, however, the role of
to Gabapentin. Its greater potency, however, allows for lower Baclofen for trigeminal neuralgia has become less certain.
dosages and therefore lower pill counts than its predecessor. Baclofen was first reported as a treatment for trigeminal
Furthermore, cost is similar to that of Gabapentin. Pregabalin neuralgia in the 1980s [23]. Similar to a number of other
is associated with similar side effects as Gabapentin. agents used to treat trigeminal neuralgia, Baclofen has never
Additionally, though, thrombocytopenia and arthralgias have been proven efficacious in a randomized clinical trial. The
been reported. drug was shown to be effective in a double-blind crossover
In summary, Pregabalin may be an important medication trial, though [24].
in the future for trigeminal neuralgia. Further studies may Baclofen is typically dosed in a TID fashion, starting at
help support its use for this indication. 5–10 mg TID and increasing moderately slowly up to 20 mg
TID. Baclofen is safe and well tolerated, with dizziness,
drowsiness, and gait instability being the predominate side
Phenytoin effects.
In summary, Baclofen is a safe and reasonably effective
Although reported as the first antiepileptic drugs effective in medication for trigeminal neuralgia. Because of its safety
trigeminal neuralgia, Phenytoin’s role has greatly diminished profile and long-term track record, Baclofen should be con-
in recent years. Like Carbamazepine, Phenytoin is a sodium sidered early for the treatment of trigeminal neuralgia.
channel blocker that works in a rate-related fashion. Phenytoin
was first reported effective in treating trigeminal neuralgia in
1942 [20]. Although a number of reports have been published Clonazepam
since that time [21, 22], no clinical trials demonstrating effi-
cacy of Phenytoin have surfaced. Nonetheless, Phenytoin Clonazepam is a long-acting benzodiazepine that has been
may be a reasonable choice for selected patients with trigem- reported efficacious at high doses in some patients with tri-
inal neuralgia. geminal neuralgia [25]. Like other benzodiazepines,
Phenytoin has a relatively long half-life, allowing for Clonazepam acts by binding to GABA receptors and poten-
daily or twice daily dosing. Although BID dosing is optimal, tiating the effects of that neurotransmitter. In past years
daily dosing may improve compliance. Dosing of the medi- Clonazepam was used as a third-line agent. With the avail-
cation in a TID fashion is not necessary even though it is ability of more effective neuropathic pain agents in recent
commonplace. Phenytoin can be loaded, but this may not be years, however, its use has become negligible.
necessary in patients with trigeminal neuralgia. Typical dos- In contrast to dosing for epilepsy and mood disorders,
ing schedules consist of 100–200 mg BID with daily doses relatively high doses of Clonazepam are required to treat tri-
around 6 mg/kg per day. geminal neuralgia. The major advantage of Clonazepam is
Phenytoin’s primary strong suit is its low cost. Its major dis- its modest cost and long-term safety. Although Clonazepam
advantages are its modest efficacy and its accompanying cos- is well tolerated at lower doses, the high doses required to
metic side effects. Phenytoin is believed to cause “coarsening” treat trigeminal neuralgia are associated with more profound
of facial features, gum hypertrophy and hirsutism in women. side effects such as sedation and cognitive impairment.
Furthermore, like other older antiepileptic agents, long-term Furthermore, dependence must be a consideration, although
use of Phenytoin has been associated with osteoporosis. this concern is usually less prominent given the long half-life
In summary, Phenytoin may be a reasonable option in of the drug.
selected patients in whom multiple other medications have In summary, Clonazepam like Phenytoin may have a role
failed or who cannot afford the newer agents and who do not in extremely selected patients with trigeminal neuralgia averse
wish to undergo invasive procedures. Cosmetic side effects to invasive procedures and refractory to the numerous neuro-
and modest efficacy markedly limit its role in trigeminal pathic agents that are generally considered more effective.
Local Anesthetics
GABA-Related Agents
Although it has not been widely used in trigeminal neuralgia,
Baclofen, an agent used predominately to diminish spasticity Capsaicin has been shown to be efficacious in some uncon-
in patients with disturbances of the central nervous system, trolled series. Capsaicin is a compound derived from chili
has historically been used as a second-line agent behind peppers. The commercially available formulation consists of
Carbamazepine in treating patients with trigeminal neuralgia. a cream containing the active substance as well as Lidocaine
54 Trigeminal Neuralgia: Viewpoint—Medical Management 669
to buffer the burning caused by the medication. Capsaicin many oral and parenteral products. Fentanyl patches are
acts by depleting substance P, a neurotransmitter involved in applied to the skin, and changed every 3 days. The patches
pain pathways, from nerve terminals. come in varying strengths. For those individuals naive to
At least two uncontrolled series have been published doc- narcotics, the starting dosage should be 25 μg/h, but the dose
umenting the apparent efficacy of Capsaicin in trigeminal can be increased as tolerated up to 100 μg/h. As with other
neuralgia. Adequate pain control was obtained in approxi- narcotics, the major initial side effects include sedation and
mately 30% [26] of patients in one study and 60% in another nausea. The most concerning long-term side effect remains
[27]. Pain relief was sustained despite only transient use of dependence.
the medication.
Capsaicin should be applied to the affected area 2–4 times
daily. Duration of use should be tailored to the patient. Summary
Caution must be used to avoid exposure to the eye.
Capsaicin is extremely safe with no systemic side effects. In conclusion, trigeminal neuralgia is a serious medical con-
Additionally, cost is highly reasonable. The major drawback dition that can be debilitating when individuals are severely
to Capsaicin, however, is tolerability. Prior to causing anal- affected. A number of medical treatment options exist for the
gesia the agent may cause severe, intolerable burning in the disorder, including various antiepileptic drugs, GABA-
areas to which the medication is applied. mimetic agents, topical anesthetics, and even narcotics.
In summary, Capsaicin appears to be a reasonable option Selection of any specific agent should be dictated by the
in refractory cases of trigeminal neuralgia. Patients should be medication’s relative efficacy and side-effect profile as well
cautioned against exposure of the agent to sensitive areas. as the patient’s medical history and personal preferences. In
Additionally, patients should be forewarned of the potential refractory cases nonpharmacological treatments such as
for extreme burning pain in areas exposed to the medication. glycerol injections, neurosurgical manipulation of the tri-
geminal nerve, and local irradiation serve as attractive alter-
natives to medication. For the foreseeable future, though,
Narcotic Agents medical management will remain the first-line treatment for
trigeminal neuralgia.
Oral Agents
13. Sist T, Filadora V, Miner M, Lema M. Gabapentin for idiopathic 20. Bergouignan M. Cures heureuses de nevralgies facials essentielles
trigeminal neuralgia: reported to cases. Neurology. 1997; par diphenyl-hidantoinate de soude. Rev Laryngol Otol Rhinol.
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14. Khan OA. Gabapentin relieves trigeminal neuralgia in multiple 21. Raskin NH. Facial pain. In: Headache. New York: Churchill
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15. Lunardi G, Leandri M, Albano C, Cultrera S, Fracassi M, Rubino V, 22. Zakrzewska JM. Trigeminal neuralgia. In: Medical management.
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48:1714–7. inal neuralgia: its effect on the spinal trigeminal nucleus: a pilot
16. Canavero S, Bonicalzi V. Lamotrigine control of trigeminal neural- study. Arch Neurol. 1980;37(12):768–71.
gia: an expanded study. J Neurol. 1997;244:527–32. 24. Fromm GH, Terrence CF, Chatta AS. Baclofen in the treatment of
17. Zakrzewska JM, Chaudhry Z, Nurmikko TJ, Patton DW, Mullens trigeminal neuralgia: double-blind study and long-term follow-up.
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1997;73:223–30. convulsant (Clonazepam). J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry. 1976;
18. Zvartau-Hind M, Din MU, Gilani A, Lisak RP, Khan OA. Topiramate 39:297–9.
relieves refractory trigeminal neuralgia in MS patients. Neurology. 26. Epstein JB, Marcoe JH. Topical application of Capsaicin for treat-
2000;55:1587–8. ment of oral neuropathic pain and trigeminal neuralgia. Oral Surg
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Stereotactic Radiosurgery
for Movement Disorders 55
Yoshinori Higuchi
L.S. Chin and W.F. Regine (eds.), Principles and Practice of Stereotactic Radiosurgery, 671
DOI 10.1007/978-1-4614-8363-2_55, © Springer Science+Business Media New York 2015
Table 55.1 Summary of gamma knife thalamotomy
Unilateral Prescription
Author Use or bilateral dose (maximum Complication
(year) n Disease Targeting of plug treatment dose, Gy) Follow-up Effects rate (%) Complication
Pan 8 Parkinson’s disease Based on Schaltenbrand and Wahren atlas Yes Unilateral 160–180 4.5 months Tremor 12.5 Transient
(1996) [8] disappears in hemiparesis and
3 cases, reduction edema
in 3 cases
Friedman 15 Parkinson’s disease 3 7–8 mm anterior to PC, 11–13 mm lateral No Unilateral 120–140 3 months 2.1 decrease 46.7 Edema, etc.
(1999) [9] Essential tremor 12 to ACPC line, 2 mm above ACPC line in TRS
Duma 38 Parkinson’s disease 6 mm posterior to the midpoint of ACPC, No Unilateral 34 120–160 Median Reducing and 2.6 Dysarthria
(1999) [10] 15 mm lateral to ACPC line, 4 mm superior Bilateral 4 30 months eliminating tremor
to ACPC line in 90 %
50 % isodose line medially to IC
Duma 42 Parkinson’s disease 6 mm posterior to the midpoint of ACPC, No Unilateral 38 120–160 Median Good or 1.3 Paresthesia, motor
(2007) [11] Essential tremor 15 mm lateral to ACPC line, 4 mm superior Bilateral 4 30 months excellent 54 % weakness, dysphasia
to ACPC line
30 % isodose line medially to IC
Niranjan 11 Essential tremor 8 25 % of the ACPC distance anterior to PC, No Unilateral 130–150 Median Tremor 9.1 Hemiparesis,
(2000) [12] Multiple sclerosis 3 laterality 1/2 third ventricle width + 11 mm (model U) 6 months reduction in all dysarthria
from ACPC, 2 mm superior to the ACPC line
Mathieu 6 Multiple sclerosis 25 % of the ACPC distance + 1 or 2 mm No Unilateral 130–150 Median Tremor 16.7 Hemiparesis
(2007) [13] anterior to PC, laterality 1/2 third ventricle 27.5 months reduction in all
width + 11 mm from ACPC, 2 or 2.5 mm
superior to the ACPC line
Kondziolka 31 Essential tremor 25 % of the ACPC distance + 1 mm anterior Yes Unilateral 130–140 Median Improvement 7.7 Hemiparesis,
(2008) [14] to PC, laterality 1/2 third ventricle 36 months in 88.0 % speech disturbance,
width + 11 mm from ACPC, 2.5 mm dysphagia
superior to the ACPC line. The 20 % isodose
line medial to the internal capsule
Young 161 Essential tremor Based on Schaltenbrand and Wahren atlas No Unilateral 130 141–152 Mean Writing, 77 %; 8.4 Sensory loss, motor
(2010) [15] Staged 44 ± 33 drawing, 81 % impairment, speech
bilateral 42 months disturbance, etc.
Lim 18 Parkinson’s disease 3 25 % of ACPC + 1 mm to PC, 11 mm lateral Yes Unilateral 130–140 Mean Improvement 16.7 Thalamic
(2010) [16] Essential tremor 15 to third ventricle wall, 2–3 mm above ACPC 19.2 ± 7.3 in tremor rating hemorrhage,
months score ADL score sensory disturbance
Ohye 72 Parkinson’s disease 59 Longitudinal thalamic length 45 %, 2 mm Yes Unilateral 130 24 months Improvement 1.4 Motor weakness
(2012) [7] Essential tremor 13 inside external border of internal capsule, in 81.1 %
3–4 dorsally to ACPC
TRS tremor rating scale, IC internal capsule
55 Stereotactic Radiosurgery for Movement Disorders 673
Although the efficacy of GK thalamotomy for intractable GK treatment has been commonly performed using a 4-mm
tremor has been evaluated, the prescription dose and target collimator. The prescribed dose varied among the different
selection varied greatly among the studies reviewed (see studies (see Table 55.1). Steiner et al. reported that a dose of
Table 55.1). Previous studies have selected the ventralis 150 Gy was necessary for the reproducible creation of a
intermedius nucleus (VIM) as the target for treating intrac- human brain lesion, using an autopsy series of GK thalamot-
table tremor. In the majority of studies, target determination omy that used to treat intractable cancer pain [27]. In the
was based on the anterior commissure-posterior commissure reports published in the early 1990s, a relatively high dose
(ACPC) line. Anterior-posterior coordination was 6–8 mm was selected for lesioning; however, in more recent reports,
anterior to PC, or 25 % of the ACPC line from PC, while a maximum dose of 130–140 Gy was recommended for thal-
right-left coordination was 11–13 mm lateral to the ACPC amotomy using GK [7, 14, 16]. Okun et al. reported five
line, and rostral-caudal coordination was 2–4 mm above the cases with complications of GK thalamotomy, including two
ACPC line. Anatomical investigation of formalin-fixed cases of bilateral lesioning [6]. Radiation effects were found
human brains indicated the anterior tip of ventroposterior to have expanded into the internal capsule and mesencepha-
nucleus [21]. Ohye et al. adjusted the tentative target based lon, which caused further motor complications and pseudo-
on the ACPC line, so that the center of the radiation beam bulbar symptoms. However, the prescribed dose should be
would cover 45 % of the longitudinal axis of the thalamus for noted; the target was irradiated at a maximum dose of
actual irradiation [22]. No neurophysiological information 200 Gy. Such a high dose is not currently used for the patients
aids the refinement of the target and is in fact a disadvantage with intractable tremor.
in GK thalamotomy. Sato et al. performed depth recordings
around the region of the supposedly optimum target for
tremor, as determined in usual thalamotomy, to provide indi- Radiation Efficacy
rect support for GK thalamotomy, and demonstrated a rhyth-
mic discharge time locked to tremor, and the presence of Previous reports demonstrated the effectiveness of GK thala-
kinesthetic neurons within the expected target area [23]. motomy in treatment of tremor; however, the evaluation of
674 Y. Higuchi
Fig. 55.1 Representative GK thalamotomy treatment plan. Treatment plan (MRI) of right hemisphere GK thalamotomy for intractable left-hand
tremor and isodose lines (15 and 50 %) is indicated. The dose to the internal capsule is reduced by using the plugging technique
tremor reduction was not uniform (Table 55.1). The Unified Table 55.2 Onset of clinical effects after gamma knife thalamotomy
Parkinson’s Disease Rating Scale (UPDRS) [28], the Fahn- Author (year) Dose (Gy) Onset of clinical effects
Tolosa-Marin Tremor Rating Scale [29], and tremor-cessation Lindquist (1992) [31] 180 1 month
rates were all used to grade tremor and other symptoms, before Friehs (1995) [32] 160 3–4 weeks
and after treatment. Overall, 70–90 % of the tremor patients Pan (1996) [8] 160–180 3 days (1 case)
obtained an anti-tremor effect from GK surgery. Differences Young (1998) [33] 120–160 2–3 months
in the outcomes of GK surgery in different primary diseases Duma (1998) [24] 120 (160) 1 week to 8 months (2 months)
remain unclear due to insufficient numbers of patients. Friedman (1999) [9] 120–140 4 weeks
In order to clarify the safety and ascertain optimally effec- Ohye (2012) [7] 130 3 months
tive conditions for performing unilateral GK thalamotomy
for treatment of intractable tremors, a prospective multi-
institutional study was published by the Japan Leksell approximately 1 year (Table 55.2) [7–9, 24, 30–32]. A single
Gamma Knife Society (JLGK0301). The study included session of high-dose irradiation requires time to produce the
blinded videotaped assessments and demonstrated the effi- desired lesion. Leksell described autopsy cases in his first
cacy of GK surgery for the treatment of both tremor and report of GK thalamotomy [3]. Lesions irradiated at 200–
rigidity in PD; however, no effects on bradykinesia or gait 250 Gy were confirmed pathologically 2 and 5 months after
disturbance were found [7]. treatment, and the lesions contained necrosis with a marginal
A slow improvement over several months tended to gliotic zone. Radiosurgical lesions are dependent on the dose
characterize the clinical course following GK thalamotomy, received, volume of tissue irradiated, and time [33, 34].
in contrast to the immediate effect of radiofrequency The low dose of irradiation (130–140) used more recently
coagulation. The period over which improvements in clinical would require some time to produce the lesion following
symptoms were observed varied widely, from several days to GK thalamotomy. However, some of the patients treated by
55 Stereotactic Radiosurgery for Movement Disorders 675
GK thalamotomy experienced treatment effects even before Most of the reported complications were transient; however,
coagulation necrosis occurred. Kondziolka demonstrated some of patients suffered from severe sequelae [6]. A high
that the lower doses (80 Gy) used to treat trigeminal neural- prescribed dose of radiation seemed to be associated with
gia cause incomplete axonal degeneration in a baboon model more complications.
[35]. Early changes, prior to coagulative necrosis in the thal- Siderowf et al. reported involuntary movements resulting
amus, might occur after GK surgery and cause an early from GK thalamotomy [41]. Magnetic resonance (MR)
improvement in clinical symptoms. images revealed extended edema involving the thalamus,
basal ganglia, and midbrain. Dystonia and choreoathetosis
emerged, despite a good response to treatment with a marked
Comparison of GK Thalamotomy reduction in the tremor.
and Conventional Thalamic Surgery Okun et al. reported pseudobulbar laughter following GK
thalamotomy [42]; in this case, the tremor persisted follow-
The anti-tremor effects of GK thalamotomy should be com- ing GK thalamotomy. MR images demonstrated extended
pared with those of other surgical treatment options. edema, involving the internal capsule and posterior thala-
However, a head-to-head comparison with other surgical mus. The prescribed dose was unknown in both of these
procedures was limited, because various methods of tremor cases. Extended perifocal edema to the neuronal structures
evaluation and variable follow-up terms were applied in each surrounding the target site is the expected cause of these
study. Based on tremor-cessation rates, VIM DBS resulted in complications. Ohye et al. reported thalamic reaction on MR
a tremor-absent state in 67–96 % of both PD and ET patients images following GK thalamotomy [7]. Extended T2 elon-
[36, 37]. VIM thalamotomy also abolished tremor in gation surrounding the GK lesion occurred in 10.9 % of the
65–89 % of PD and ET patients. The tremor-cessation rate patients, and the prediction of a thalamic reaction was diffi-
achieved with GK thalamotomy was, however, relatively cult in spite of a uniform treatment protocol.
low; 79 % of the patients had good tremor control, including
slight or infrequent tremors, which is similar to the results of
VIM thalamotomy [37, 38]. Gamma Knife Pallidotomy
Target coordination is again critical, because the medial for subthalamotomy using GK technology. Visualization of
globus pallidum is located in the angle between the roof of the subthalamic nucleus using MR imaging has improved
the optic tract and the lateral border of the internal capsule. significantly in the last decade, and recent MR imaging tech-
In most reports regarding GK pallidotomy, the isocenter was nology demonstrates the possibility of direct targeting, as
located at Laitinen’s PVP point [43], or the medial globus well as targeting using internal fiducial points (e.g., the red
pallidum, referring to the optic tract and the internal capsule. nucleus) [64]. Future advances will no doubt allow for the
The optic tract is highly vulnerable to irradiation, and accurate identification of different functional parts of the
therefore, careful dose planning is required for the successful subthalamic nucleus and the correlation between the location
treatment of benign disease. Dose and volume in the irradi- of subthalamic lesions and therapeutic effects obtained from
ated optic pathway are strongly associated with optic neu- radiofrequency subthalamotomy.
ropathy. In previous reports, more than 10 Gy of single-dose
irradiation caused a high incidence of optic neuropathy [53],
and previous radiation therapy increased the incidence of GK Surgery for Other Movement Disorders
optic neuropathy, even if dose to the optic tract was 8 Gy or
less [54]. Therefore, the incidence of visual field impairment Although there have been no studies designed to specially
was high following GK pallidotomy. Use of GK pallidotomy address this issue, GK surgery applied for the treatment of
has not become widespread due to the anatomical disadvan- movement disorders has been described in several case
tage of the pallidum for radiosurgery. reports. Kwon et al. treated hemiballism in a patient with a
history of tuberculous meningitis using GK pallidotomy
[65]. Pan et al. reported clinical improvement following GK
Gamma Knife Subthalamotomy thalamotomy in two cases of cervical dystonia [66], and
Ohye et al. treated a case with dystonia using GK thalamot-
The subthalamic nucleus is a standard treatment target for omy [67]. All patients were reported to experience signifi-
DBS in advanced PD [55]. The relationship between the cant improvements following treatment.
subthalamic nucleus and parkinsonian conditions has Treatment of secondary movement disorders treated using
been demonstrated using an MPTP (1-methyl, 4-phenyl, GK surgery has also been reported. Kurita et al. reported
1,2,3,6-tetrahydropyridine) monkey model, and hyperactiv- relief of hemiballism resulting from basal ganglia arteriove-
ity of the subthalamic nucleus is a fundamental pathophysi- nous malformation [68]. Yen et al. treated cervical dystonia
ological sign in the parkinsonian state [56–58]. Lesioning of caused by basal ganglia venous angioma and obtained sig-
the subthalamic nucleus reverses parkinsonian symptoms in nificant clinical improvement [69], and Karampelas et al.
the MPTP monkey model [59–61]. The scientific evidence treated a subthalamic nucleus metastasis, which was causing
promotes stereotaxy of the subthalamic nucleus for treat- contralateral hemichorea-hemiballism, and confirmed a
ment of PD. The efficacy of radiofrequency subthalamotomy reduction in involuntary movement [70]. Movement disor-
has been evaluated in several studies. Alvarez et al. report the ders due to an intracranial lesion, especially a deep-seated
therapeutic efficacy of unilateral subthalamotomy in PD lesion, would be a good indication for GK surgery.
[62]. Unilateral subthalamotomy provided significant and
sustained motor benefits contralateral to the lesion. However,
15 % of the patients developed postoperative hemichorea- Conclusions
ballism, which subsequently required pallidotomy.
Subthalamotomy using GK surgery has been described in GK thalamotomy for treatment of intractable tremor is a safe
only one case report [63]. The preliminary target was identi- and effective alternative to radiofrequency or DBS proce-
fied at 2 mm posterior to the mid-commissural line, 13 mm dures for high-risk patients. Extensive experience of conven-
lateral to the midline, and 5 mm inferior to the mid- tional stereotactic surgery is expected to stabilize treatment
commissural line. Small modifications of the target coordi- results. Collaboration with neurologists or a movement dis-
nates were made based on the patient’s brain anatomy and on order team is mandatory to assess treatment options and to
the Schaltenbrand and Wahren atlas. The target was irradi- evaluate the treatment results of GK surgery for movement
ated at 120 Gy, using a 4-mm collimator. The patient experi- disorders. Indication of GK pallidotomy in PD has been lim-
enced improvement of parkinsonism and was able to reduce ited due to relatively high complication rate arising from the
their levodopa dosage following treatment. This limited clin- anatomical disadvantageous position of the globus pallidum.
ical experience has not clarified the potential of GK subthal- For other movement disorders, the worldwide experience in
amotomy in PD yet. treatment with GK surgery is limited.
The final decision of electrode placement depends on the
findings of microelectrode recordings in most of DBS facilities. Conflict of Interest Notification No actual or potential conflicts of
Further refinement of targeting techniques will be required interest exist.
678 Y. Higuchi
40. Terao T, Yokochi F, Taniguchi M, Kawasaki T, Okiyama R, Hamada 56. Mitchell IJ, Clarke CE, Boyce S, Robertson RG, Peggs D,
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Perspective on Radiosurgery Versus
Conventional Surgery for Movement 56
and 1982, 762 patients were treated for multiple brain and
Introduction neurologic disorders; of them, five were treated for parkin-
sonism [6]. The logic behind the utilization of radiosurgical
Among the different surgical techniques of treating movement techniques is that it is even less invasive than chronic brain
disorders, deep brain stimulation (DBS) has become the stimulation (DBS), thus eliminating the need for an open sur-
procedure of choice around the world, due to its safety com- gical procedure and hardware-related complications such as
pared to other lesioning procedures. Since the introduction infection and device-related complications such as lead
and technical refinements of DBS for the treatment of move- breakage or failure. In addition, radiosurgery is less time-
ment disorders in the 1980s, more than 80,0000 procedures consuming than microelectrode-guided radiofrequency
have been done worldwide. For patients with medically lesioning and can be performed in a subset of patients who
refractory movement disorders, DBS procedures have largely are at higher surgical risk for open procedures secondary to
replaced neuroablative techniques. This shift away from medical comorbidities including cardiorespiratory, coagu-
ablative procedures is multifactorial. Among the more lopathy, or any other surgical contraindication. It is also
important factors are its proven efficacy, the reversibility, and suitable for patients who cannot tolerate an awake procedure.
the perceived minimally invasive nature of DBS compared Nevertheless, radiosurgery has its limitations, disadvantages,
with destructive procedures. During the last several years, and complications, which will be further discussed in this
there has been an increase in the use of radiosurgical tech- chapter. This chapter reviews the evidence for DBS versus
niques such as Gamma Knife (GK), linear accelerator radiosurgical lesioning in the treatment of patients with med-
(Linac), and more recently high-intensity focused ultra- ically refractory movement disorders and defines the role of
sound (HIFU) to perform thalamotomies and pallidotomies. radiosurgery in the treatment of these patients. We will also
The preference between radiosurgical techniques and DBS compare the safety and efficacy of DBS compared to radio-
depends mostly on the surgeons experience and patients surgery. Finally, we will review the emerging role of HIFU in
comorbidities [1–5]. treating movement disorders.
The first use of cobalt-based GK was done in 1968 by the
Swedish neurosurgeon Lars Leksell, and between 1968
Thalamic DBS Versus Radiosurgical
Z. Zibly, M.D.
Department of Neurological Surgery, The Ohio State University
Medical Center, Columbus, OH, USA Thalamic DBS
A.B. Shaw, M.D. (*)
Department of Neurological Surgery and Neuromodulation, High-frequency stimulation of the ventralis intermedius
Wexner Medical Center at The Ohio State University, (VIM) nucleus of the thalamus was first introduced and
Columbus, OH, USA
described by Benabid in 1987. In his paper, Benabid
e-mail: Andrew.Shaw@osumc.edu
described the relief of extrapyramidal tremor in Parkinson’s
J.Y.K. Lee, M.D.
disease patients who had bilateral symptoms. In this revo-
Department of Neurosurgery, University of Pennsylvania,
Philadelphia, PA, USA lutionary report, DBS was introduced in one side of the
brain, while the other side was treated with radiofrequency
A.R. Rezai, M.D.
Department of Neurological Surgery and Neuroscience, ablation [7]. This subset of patients was chosen because of
The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH, USA the recognition of cognitive complications in patients who
L.S. Chin and W.F. Regine (eds.), Principles and Practice of Stereotactic Radiosurgery, 681
DOI 10.1007/978-1-4614-8363-2_56, © Springer Science+Business Media New York 2015
682 Z. Zibly et al.
had undergone bilateral thalamotomies [8, 9]. In this initial An important complication of DBS pertinent to all DBS
report, all patients achieved some relief of tremor, and this cases whether targeting VIM, globus pallidus interna (GPi),
was the foundation of VIM DBS for the treatment of tremor. or STN is the risk of intraoperative/procedural hemorrhage.
Over the next few years, practitioners in multiple centers Benabid reported a microhemorrhage rate of six incidences
in both North America and Europe confirmed and defined out of a total of 177 operations, of which three were asymp-
the benefits of DBS of the VIM nucleus in the treatment of tomatic [11]. The intracranial hemorrhage rate in the North
parkinsonian tremor. In Parkinson’s disease (PD), Benabid American and European trials was 2 % and 5 %, respectively
et al. followed approximately 100 patients for up to 8 years [13, 20]. Starr recently reported a hemorrhage rate of 3.3 %,
and have documented an 88 % improvement in tremor [10, but only a subset of these were symptomatic, thus resulting
11]. Only a minority of patients developed tolerance to DBS in a symptomatic hemorrhage rate of 0.6 %. In addition,
(e.g., a diminished effect over time requiring greater voltages there has been some retrospective study evidence that the
and higher battery use). Thalamic DBS appeared to improve hemorrhage rate may increase with the aggressive use of
parkinsonian tremor but not bradykinesia and rigidity nor the microelectrode recording (MER). Hariz et al., in a meta-
levodopa-induced dyskinesias which are the other cardinal analysis of reported series, noted that non-MER techniques
features of Parkinson’s disease [5, 12]. In another study, were at least five times less likely to have hemorrhagic com-
Koller et al. reported the results of a double-blind, North plications [23]. For example, Palur et al. demonstrated a
American, multicenter study (four centers) for 24 PD patients slightly higher rate of hemorrhage in cases performed with
[13]. They randomized unilateral thalamic DBS against pla- MER versus macrostimulation alone (0.4 % versus 0.2 %)
cebo, and double-blinded assessments demonstrated a sig- [24]. The DBS Study Group reported a relationship between
nificant reduction in resting, postural, and action tremor. the number of microelectrode tracks and the risk of hemor-
However, DBS of VIM again did not improve the rigidity rhage: patients without hemorrhage had a mean of 2.9 ± 1.8
and bradykinesia of PD patients, and hence VIM DBS in par- passes compared with 4.1 ± 2.0 among those who had hemor-
kinsonian patients is currently reserved for the rare unilateral rhage (p = 0.05) [25]. There are no prospective, randomized
tremor-predominant patient. The majority of patients with studies of MER versus non-MER strategies, and there is a
medically refractory PD will undergo STN DBS at this time, large variability in MER techniques used at different centers
which will be discussed later. with regard to number of passes and equipment employed. In
DBS of the VIM nucleus for the treatment of essential all studies noted, however, the overall small risk of bleeding
tremor is highly effective with more than 90 % of patients in both MER and non-MER groups indicates the overall
demonstrating a satisfactory result [11, 14–18]. It is the sur- relative safety of both techniques [24–26]. The risk of hem-
gical treatment of choice for patients with essential tremor orrhage is not negligible, but not all hemorrhages result in
who experience diminished quality of life despite maximal obvious clinical deficit [27], and the risk of hemorrhage must
medical therapy. With VIM DBS as many as 50 % of patients be considered in relation to the benefit obtained in patients
have complete abolition of upper extremity and head tremor with medically refractory movement disorders.
with significant improvements in their quality of life [19]. In Another specific complication of DBS is related to the
the North American and European multicenter trials, DBS of need to implant permanent hardware into the body. Bhatia
the VIM thalamus was effective, and beneficial results were et al. reported in their systematic review of 3,550 DBS surger-
maintained after several years [13, 20]. ies from 35 studies an infection rate of 4.7 % [28]. Boviatsis
Adverse effects from VIM DBS are infrequent and usu- et al. reported a total hardware-related complication rate of
ally mild. Benabid reported mild contralateral paresthesias, 4.3 % in their study of 106 DBS procedures. These included
limb dystonia, and cerebellar dysmetria, which were all con- electrode breakage, lead migrations, and infection [29, 30].
trolled by adjustments of stimulation parameters [21]. Kondziolka et al. documented a similar hardware-related
Dysarthria and gait disequilibrium were uncommon and complication rate in Pittsburgh: 27 % of 66 patients devel-
nearly always limited to patients receiving bilateral stimula- oped hardware complications [31]. In contrast with these
tion or who had undergone prior thalamotomy. Significant two reports, other studies have documented lower rates of
cognitive deficits have not been observed after thalamic hardware-related complications. Fenoy et al. reported in a
stimulation, although mild deficits in verbal fluency have large series of 1,333 DBS implanted electrodes and 1,218
been documented [19]. The great benefit of DBS compared implantable pulse generators (IPG) postoperative rate of
with permanent lesioning procedures is the ability to control infection that required reoperation as low as 1.24 % [32]. In
multiple parameters, including voltage, pulse width, fre- Koller’s series of 53 patients with unilateral thalamic stimu-
quency, and contacts allowing for a myriad of ways to modu- lators, the incidence of infection was 3.8 % with a 1.9 %
late the affects of DBS. Hence, the therapeutic index (e.g., malfunction rate [13]. The Grenoble group’s large series of
the difference between beneficial effect and adverse effect) 197 patients contained three patients who experienced infec-
can be navigated through careful programming [22]. tions and five with scalp erosions leading to exposed hardware,
56 Perspective on Radiosurgery Versus Conventional Surgery for Movement Disorders 683
Fig. 56.1 Axial T1-weighted contrast-enhanced and T2-weighted MRI scans 4 months following GK thalamotomy
for a total rate of 2.5 % [12]. The European Multicenter Study applications such as movement disorders. Currently, Gamma
yielded an erosion/infection rate of 2.7 %, and the North Knife thalamotomy (GKT) is the primary SRS method used
American trial reported 2.9 % [20]. None of these large stud- to treat movement disorders, although the application of lin-
ies reported data on lead migration or fracture, and in both, ear accelerator by creating precise thalamic lesion has been
the mean follow-up time was 12 months or less thus limiting described and was in fact one of the first functional radiosur-
the evaluation of long-term complications. Among the 143 gical procedures [4, 27, 33, 34] (Fig. 56.1).
patients in the multicenter prospective series of patients In order to discuss the merits of radiosurgical thalamot-
undergoing GPi or STN DBS, there were 5 leads that omy, it is beneficial to consider the role of conventional
migrated, 4 infected leads, 2 broken leads, 1 scalp erosion, radiofrequency thalamotomy in the treatment of patients
and 1 incidence of equipment malfunction [25]. With with tremor. Tasker retrospectively studied patients who had
improved electrode and hardware design as well as improve- radiofrequency thalamotomy and thalamic stimulation [1].
ments in surgical technique, hardware-related complication He noted tremor recurrence in 15 % of thalamotomy patients,
rates appear to decrease. Nevertheless, hardware failure con- as opposed to 5 % of DBS patients. Importantly, 23 % of
tributes to morbidity in patients who undergo the placement the thalamotomy patients required repeat procedures for
of permanent deep brain stimulators. These complications are tremor control. In addition, thalamotomy resulted in a decline
obviously averted in patients who undergo a radiosurgical in writing performance in 23 % of patients, as opposed to no
lesioning procedure, and the relative risks must be weighed patients in the DBS group. All of the DBS patients achieved
for each patient. better than 50 % improvement in dexterity, writing, and
In summary, thalamic DBS for the treatment of tremor drinking ability, where only half of the thalamotomy cohort
is effective in Parkinson’s disease and essential tremor as obtained that level of benefit. With respect to complications,
demonstrated in multiple trials that include double- Tasker demonstrated that chronic stimulation had a lower
blinded, prospective studies. The risk of intraoperative/ incidence of ataxia and dysarthria, which are common
procedural hemorrhage is approximately 3 % with less complications associated with bilateral thalamotomy [1].
than one third of these being symptomatic. The risk of Moreover, when these complications occurred in the DBS
hardware-related complications ranges from 3 to 27 %, but group, simply adjusting the stimulation parameters served to
improvements in technique and hardware development abolish these problems. In another study that was a prospec-
will limit these problems. It is the opinion of most practi- tive, blinded study, Schuurman et al. randomized 68 patients
tioners in the field that the reversibility, symptomatic con- (45 with PD, 13 with ET, and 10 with multiple sclerosis)
trol, and ability to minimize side effects with adjustment to radiofrequency thalamotomy versus VIM DBS [35]. Both
of the DBS system warrant taking the risk associated with groups of patients had excellent suppression of tremor, but
the implantation of hardware. the VIM DBS group had greater improvements in activities
of daily living (ADL), and more importantly, the VIM DBS
group had fewer complications. Patients who underwent
Radiosurgical Thalamotomy thalamotomy were more likely to develop somnolence, cog-
nitive deterioration, and dysarthria, as well as gait or balance
During the last decade, stereotactic radiosurgery (SRS) has disturbance. Thus, Tasker and Schuurman et al. have both
been widely used to treat a diversity of brain and spine dis- confirmed the higher complication rates associated with thal-
eases. Advances in neuroimaging, planning systems, and amotomy compared with VIM DBS, and it is in this context
dosimetry have resulted in the expansion of SRS for functional that the use of radiosurgical thalamotomy must be considered.
684 Z. Zibly et al.
As opposed to both radiofrequency thalamotomy and who had a previously mapped lesion [38]. At present, Ohye
DBS, GKT offers a noninvasive lesioning method that does has reported radiosurgical thalamotomy in 70 patients with
not require a skin incision, burr hole, or passage of elec- PD and has reported tremor suppression of at least two thirds
trodes. In addition, it does not harbor any foreign hardware in more than 80 % of patients with no loss of effect even after
placement, and the risk of infection/erosion is eliminated. 10 years in some patients [37, 39]. Duma et al. has reported
Hence, the surgical risk of complications is potentially their series of 42 radiosurgical thalamotomies in 38 patients
lower than that of radiofrequency thalamotomy or DBS. over a 7-year period. In their series of patients, 24 % had
This technique may be ideal for patients who are not suitable complete relief of tremor, 55 % had “successful” results in
to undergo a surgical procedure due to medical comorbidities improvement of their tremor, and 21 % of patients had only
or to those who want to avoid open surgical procedures “mild” or no relief of tremor. Median follow-up in this series
with hardware implantations. GKT is effective and reported was 28 months [40, 41]. Niranjan et al. reported favorable
to treat parkinsonian tremor, essential tremor, multiple results in 12 patients who were not candidates for open surgi-
sclerosis-related tremor, and posttraumatic-related tremor cal procedures (nine patients with essential tremor and three
with different results [36]. A major disadvantage of GKT is patients with MS-related tremor) [42]. Eight of their 12
the inability to confirm the target physiologically by using patients with essential tremor had complete tremor arrest,
MER and macrostimulation (electrophysiological monitor- while the remaining four patients had improvement in tremor.
ing). One has to rely purely on imaging-defined anatomic The largest series of patients undergoing GKT has been pub-
targeting, which lacks the accuracy of brain mapping. In lished by Young et al. who retrospectively reviewed 158
addition, the method of lesion generation is delayed, and as patients who underwent radiosurgical thalamotomy [43]. Of
has been suggested in some recent publications, the lesion the 74 patients with parkinsonian tremor followed at least 4
can be variable in size [37]. Hence, GKT has both advan- years, 79.7 % were still tremor-free, while 70.6 % of the 16
tages and disadvantages that may give it a role in the treat- patients with essential tremor were tremor-free. In this series,
ment of tremor. only one patient sustained a transient complication, and two
Compared with the large multicenter studies of deep brain patients sustained permanent complications including hemi-
stimulation for tremor, there are only a few published case paresis and mild facial paresthesias. No cognitive changes
series of patients treated by Gamma Knife radiosurgical thal- were reported. Kondziolka et al. [44] reported a series of 31
amotomy for the treatment of parkinsonian tremor and essen- essential tremor patients treated with SRS followed for a
tial tremor [6] (Table 56.1). Ohye was one of the first to mean of 36 months. Of their patient cohort, 18 (66.6 %)
advocate radiosurgical lesioning of the thalamus in patients reported improvement in action tremor and writing, 6
who had a contralateral radiofrequency lesion or in patients (22.2 %) showed improvement in action tremor alone, and 3
56 Perspective on Radiosurgery Versus Conventional Surgery for Movement Disorders 685
(11.1 %) showed no improvement. In this study, there were the thalamotomy procedures were performed at exceptionally
two complications (7.4 %) that were both permanent, includ- high doses using 200 Gy (one patient was treated at 150 Gy).
ing hemiparesis, dysphagia, and speech impairment. Recently, Unfortunately, a systematic study of dose–response compli-
Lim et al. reported their experience with GKT for treating cation rate has not been performed to date.
disabling tremor [36]. Although this study is derived from a Because of the delay in effect after GKT, an accurate doc-
single center, it is the only prospective blinded independent umentation of complications requires vigilant follow-up.
observer study that was done for GKT. In this series, assess- The complications that can occur mainly include radiation
ment of tremor, ADL, complications, and long-term outcomes necrosis, brain edema, and bleeding. There isn’t an estab-
were analyzed in 14 patients with mean follow-up period of lished time frame for the occurrence of complication, and
7.3 months. They concluded that an improvement is achieved they can happen even years following GKT treatment.
only in tremor and ADL, but this improvement seems to be Rothstein et al. [47] reported an intrathalamic hemorrhage in
modest, non-sustained, and less impressive than achieved the precise site of prior GKT 7.5 years after treatment. In
with DBS. In this study, three patients developed delayed Young’s series, 3 of 74 patients developed a complication
complications including hemiparesis and speech deficit. [43]. Other reports are single-center reports of complications
In contrast to the major studies that were done to evaluate without a denominator to define the total number of proce-
DBS, GKT reports lack the stringent standards to prove effi- dures or patients who underwent GKT. Siderowf et al.
cacy and safety (multicenter, double-blinded, randomization, reported one case of a complex, involuntary movement after
long-term follow-up). This makes it difficult to compare Gamma Knife radiosurgical thalamotomy [2]. Unfortunately,
these different modalities; however, the results of these stud- specific dose parameters were not specified in that case
ies suggest that radiosurgical thalamotomy is less superior to report. Okun et al. reported a series of eight patients who
DBS or even radiofrequency thalamotomy. developed multiple complications, including hemiplegia,
In opposition to the immediate response and relief of homonymous visual field deficits, hand weakness, dysar-
tremor following DBS or thalamic radiofrequency ablation, thria, hypophonia, aphasia, arm and face numbness, pseudo-
Gamma Knife radiosurgical thalamotomy effect is delayed, bulbar laughter, and death [46]. Mathieu et al. reported
and different studies reported different time frames from progressive contralateral hemiplegia following GKT with T2
anywhere between immediate affects to 12 months [37, 40, changes around targeted lesion [48]. These complications all
42]. Niranjan et al. [44] reported immediate relief in tremor developed after treatment at different Gamma Knife centers,
following GKT. Moro et al. [36] reported in their study of 18 and it does not appear that the same rate of complications
patients an improvement in tremor with a delay of 6–12 have developed at all radiosurgical centers. Nevertheless, the
months following GKT. Ohye et al. [36] reported in their true incidence of complications after radiosurgical thalamot-
study improvement in tremor starting 1 year following omy is not well known.
GKT. This gap between treatment and functional progress One particular explanation of the complications associ-
must be taken under consideration when making a treatment ated with radiosurgical thalamotomy may be related to the
decision, since most patients with movement disorders suffer variability in lesion size. Animal studies in rodents and
daily and some cannot tolerate the time between treatment nonhuman primates have demonstrated the ability to create
and clinical effect. This delay is related to neurobiological necrotic lesions in animal brain parenchyma [45, 49, 50].
sequences that take place in the brain parenchyma following Young et al. reported a clear correlation between lesion vol-
GKT and the time it takes the ionizing radiation to function- ume and complication. In their study, the mean lesion vol-
ally damage or to destroy the tissue targeted. The time to ume in which no complications were noticed was 188 m,
lesion effect can be modified and accelerated with increased while the mean volume for complications was 871 mm
doses [45]; however, the optimal technique for Gamma Knife [51]. Dose, volume, and time are the three key factors that
radiosurgical lesioning has not been established. Due to the determine the nature of the functional ablation [45]. Higher
different response of tissue to ionizing radiation, lesion size doses can create necrosis faster as can the use of a larger-
can be smaller than expected, while in other cases can be volume collimator, although almost all movement disorder
larger and expand to eloquent adjacent structures resulting in GK lesions employ a 4-mm-diameter collimator. This
serious adverse effects [46]. Peak central doses can range dose–volume–time response curve can roughly be corre-
from 120 to 200 Gy. Duma et al. reported a difference in lated in humans; however, despite this apparent consistency
clinical outcome with different doses, suggesting an improve- in dose delivery and tissue response, Friehs et al. report
ment with higher doses [41]. Despite this correlation, most variable size on follow-up imaging after GK radiosurgical
surgeons at this time now perform radiosurgical lesioning for ablation for functional procedures. Friehs et al. examined
functional disorders at lower doses (e.g., 140 Gy) [42]. This follow-up imaging after 140 Gamma Knife radiosurgical
decision is partially based on the series of eight patients all lesions produced in the treatment of patients with PD, pain,
treated at the same institution who developed complications and ET [52]. In all cases, the 4-mm collimator was used for
published by Okun et al. [46]. In that series, all except one of the Gamma Knife, but the postoperative scans demonstrated
686 Z. Zibly et al.
lesion sizes that ranged from undetectable to 4,000 mm3. The most consistent effect of pallidal ablation appears to be
Friehs correlated the higher doses with greater lesion volume the relief of contralateral L-dopa-induced dyskinesias,
and suggested that doses of 160 Gy and above were associ- whereas the amount of improvement in contralateral bra-
ated with inordinately large volumes. Franzini et al. reported dykinesia, rigidity, and tremor differs among the many
in their study that older patients have a higher chance of studies [55]. In contrast with the number of studies docu-
having an unexpected response, and lesion size cannot be menting the effects of ablation of the posteroventral GPi,
predicted [53]. Thus, although lesion size appears to be cor- there are remarkably few studies that extend the initial obser-
related with radiation dose, there appears to be a patient to vation of Siegfried and Lippitz that chronic high-frequency
patient variability in response to Gamma Knife radiosurgical stimulation of the internal pallidum may effectively treat
lesioning. In addition, Ohye reports two different types of PD [56]. GPi DBS is also becoming increasingly common
lesions after radiosurgical lesions using the single 4-mm col- procedure as STN DBS for the treatment of Parkinson’s
limator isocenter with central doses of 130 Gy: “circum- disease. GPI DBS has also been used for the treatment of
scribed round high signal area of approximately 7- to 8-mm psychiatric disorders such as Tourette’s syndrome. Cannon
diameter surrounding a smaller low signal area. The other et al. reported the implantation of bilateral GPI DBS in 11
is characterized by an irregular-shaped high signal zone patients with medically intractable Tourette’s syndrome. In
extending into the medial thalamic area and/or internal cap- their study, there was 48 % improvement in motor tics and
sule and often accompanied by streaking along the thalamo- 56.5 % reduction in phonic tics [57]. Other studies have
capsular border” [37, 41]. Ohye speculates that the delivery showed that a unilateral GPI DBS may also be effective for
time may influence lesion size. Since the cobalt sources of the treatment of Tourette’s syndrome [58].
the Gamma Knife need to be replaced over time, delivery of DBS of the STN is the most common application for
the same 143-Gy dose may require double the length of time Parkinson’s disease. DBS of the internal segment of the glo-
with old sources compared with new sources [37]. “After bus pallidus is also effective [54, 55]. The most consistent
reloading, the restricted lesion was more frequent and the effect produced by pallidal DBS is a marked reduction of
lesion volume was smaller.” contralateral L-dopa-induced dyskinesias [56, 59–68].
In conclusion, both DBS of the VIM or GKT have been Volkmann et al. demonstrated a 54 % improvement in the
employed in the treatment of tremor. Several well-conducted “off”-period UPDRS motor score at 1-year follow-up, with
trials have demonstrated the efficacy and complication rate significant improvement in bradykinesia, tremor, posture,
of DBS of the VIM thalamic nucleus in the treatment of both and gait. “On”-period motor symptoms did not improve sig-
parkinsonian tremor and essential tremor. In contrast, large, nificantly after surgery except for dyskinesias, which were
well-conducted trials of Gamma Knife radiosurgical thala- reduced by 83 % at 1-year follow-up [68]. It appears that GPi
motomy have not been performed. Thus, it is difficult to DBS may directly reduce levodopa-induced dyskinesias,
compare directly the efficacy and risks of GKT of the VIM whereas STN DBS reduces levodopa-induced dyskinesias
nucleus for the treatment of tremor. Nevertheless, lesioning indirectly via reduction of overall medication intake. Loher
of the thalamus is an alternative treatment for tremor, and et al. reported 1-year results of 16 patients showing a 38 %
Gamma Knife ablation may be effective when properly per- improvement in medication-off UPDRS motor scores and a
formed. Hence, the first-line surgical therapy in the treatment 33 % improvement in the ADL score in patients receiving
of patients with medically refractory tremor is VIM DBS, unilateral stimulation [69]. Bilateral stimulation led to a
and GKT remains an option for patients who cannot undergo slight improvement in these results. Some improvement in
an open surgical procedure secondary to medical comorbidi- the medication-on state was also noted. A larger series of 36
ties. Gamma Knife radiosurgery of the VIM thalamus, how- patients [25] demonstrated that bilateral pallidal stimulation
ever, should only be performed by neurosurgeons who have results in a median motor improvement of 37 % and an
experience in both deep brain stimulation and radiofrequency increase from 28 to 64 % of the day without disabling invol-
thalamic procedures to optimize results. untary movements [25]. Many reports demonstrate the ben-
eficial effects of GPi stimulation on dyskinesias, on–off
fluctuations, and tremor [3, 61, 66, 68, 70]. Also, pallidal
Pallidal DBS Versus Radiosurgical stimulation has been validated in those patients who have
Pallidotomy previously undergone contralateral pallidotomy. In a cohort
of four patients who underwent GPi stimulation contralateral
Pallidal DBS to a prior pallidotomy, motor scores improved by almost
50 %, while bradykinesia was decreased by 37 % and tremor
Since its reintroduction by Laitinen and colleagues in 1992, by 93 % without serious adverse cognitive or motor effects
many successful pallidotomies have been performed through- [71]. Despite the benefits of GPi DBS, most centers currently
out the world in the treatment of Parkinson’s disease [54]. favor STN DBS in the treatment of Parkinson’s disease.
56 Perspective on Radiosurgery Versus Conventional Surgery for Movement Disorders 687
Fig. 56.2 T1 contrast-enhanced MRI scan with a superimposed reformatted Schaltenbrand and Wahren atlas with bilateral electrodes trajectory
targeting the STN
Subthalamic DBS Versus Radiosurgical One-year follow-up of 24 patients implanted with bilateral
Subthalamotomy STN DBS demonstrated that UPDRS ADL and motor
scores improved by 60 % in the off-medication state [93].
Subthalamic DBS The UPDRS subscores for akinesia (56 %), tremor (80 %),
rigidity (68 %), and gait (55 %) also improved, in contrast
At the present time, DBS of the subthalamic nucleus is the with the results seen with VIM stimulation [11]. However,
most widely practiced surgical treatment for patients with the effect in the on-medication state was not as pro-
idiopathic Parkinson’s disease (Figs. 56.2, 56.3, and 56.4). nounced, with only a 10 % improvement in the motor score
Benabid et al. were the first group to demonstrate the efficacy noted. Levodopa drug use was cut in half. These results have
of STN DBS in the treatment of PD in the mid-1990s [92]. held up at 5-year follow-up [94]. Kumar et al. performed a
56 Perspective on Radiosurgery Versus Conventional Surgery for Movement Disorders 689
Intraoperative Magnetic Resonance Imaging erated functional lesions in the mammalian brain using what
in Treatment of Movement Disorders they termed “neurosonic surgery” in the late 1940s [116].
These developments led to the prototypical HIFU devices
During the last years, an increasing number of medical cen- described in 1949 by Lars Leksell, which gained notoriety in
ters have implicated the use of intraoperative MRI-guided the 1950s for the ablation of soft tissue lesions [117].
DBS. The surgical procedure can be done with and without a Furthermore, by the late 1950s, Fry and colleagues were suc-
frame and uses an image-guided system for targeting and cessfully using ultrasound to treat movement disorders. The
implanting the electrode. Currently, there is only one real- histological changes in the brain tissue consist of thermal
time intraoperative MRI-guided system that has been injury and necrosis. However, ultrasound therapy as a neuro-
approved by the FDA to be used. The main drawback of surgical approach was largely ignored at the time, with most
using an intraoperative MRI-guided DBS system is the procedures needing intensive craniotomies [118].
inability to perform MER and macrostimulation in order to The combination of MRI and HIFU as a treatment modal-
functionally confirm the location, refine initial targeting, ity was first introduced and received FDA approval for the
account for anatomical variations, and assess side effects treatment of uterine fibroids. More recently, MRI-guided
during stimulation. Also it is only applicable for targeting HIFU (MRgHIFU) was approved for the treatment of pros-
areas of the brain which can be identified with an MR imag- tate cancer and breast fibroadenomas. MRgHIFU allows for
ing, such as the STN, GPi, GPe, and thalamus. The benefits target acquisition and guidance through “real-time” ther-
of MR guidance during DBS surgery include targeting per- mometry giving this modality far greater accuracy than ear-
formed after the dura is opened and brain shift has occurred, lier HIFU technology [119]. Additional clinical trials are
high-resolution MR images for confirmation of electrode ongoing in the treatment of a variety of movement disorders
position, decreasing the number of MER electrodes passing including essential tremor, dystonia, and Parkinson’s disease
through the brain, and reducing surgical time [114]. It also and essential tremor. Its utility in neurosurgery is in its
allows the surgeons to assess the occurrence of intracranial infancy, and ongoing research may open the door to new pos-
bleeding and eliminates the need to withhold antiparkinso- sibilities. The HIFU treatment for essential tremor has been
nian medications and the discomfort and additional stress to approved recently in Europe, and a multicenter trial is
the patient being awake. The surgical method chosen is expected to begin in the USA. A pilot study utilizing HIFU
dependent on both the surgeon and patient preference while in the treatment of Parkinson’s disease is currently been eval-
considering the risks and benefits. uated in the USA.
GK for the treatment of movement disorders is a growing There are several options for neurosurgeons to treat advanced
field, and since there is a lack of neurosurgeons familiar and and intractable movement disorders such as essential tremor,
experienced with DBS, it has gained popularity. The proce- Parkinson’s disease, and dystonia. DBS of the VIM thala-
dure appears to be safe, and patients can easily tolerate it as mus, STN, and GPi is the most common approach in devel-
it is short and does not necessitate hospitalization. In addi- oped countries and is proven to be effective and safe in the
tion, it is noninvasive and does not require open surgery or treatment of patients with Parkinson’s disease, essential
hardware implantation. The patient and practitioner must tremor, and dystonia. Radiofrequency lesioning has also
weigh the potential complications with the benefits when been performed for decades with established efficacy in
choosing any surgical procedure. experienced hands.
Gamma Knife radiosurgery for the treatment of movement
disorders has a specific limited role and needs to be further
High-Intensity Focused Ultrasound investigated (Table 56.2). At this time, GKT has been shown
to have some benefits in specific scenarios such as patients
High-intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU) is a new, evolving with coagulopathy, older age, and surgical contraindications
technology. This modality provides a promising new noninva- to DBS or RF surgery. GK radiosurgery’s role in GPi and
sive and alternative treatment for a number of conditions such STN for PD and dystonia needs further investigation particu-
as movement disorders, tumors, and other conditions [115]. larly by the same neurosurgeons who have expertise in DBS.
Edmund Harvey Newton in 1929 first demonstrated the In addition to movement disorders, a number of other condi-
central nervous system’s (CNS) sonographic response with tions are being investigated with DBS, RF lesioning, and
using ultrasound to stimulate nerves and muscles. gamma knife including obsessive–compulsive disorder, major
Subsequently, William Fry and colleagues successfully gen- depression, traumatic brain injury, and Alzheimer’s disease.
56 Perspective on Radiosurgery Versus Conventional Surgery for Movement Disorders 691
Table 56.2 Landmark differences between radiosurgery and deep brain stimulation for movement disorders
Intraoperative MRI-guided
Radiosurgery Radiofrequency lesioning Deep brain stimulation DBS
Experience 45 years 55 years >25 years 7 years
Adjustable? No Lesion may be “sculpted” Yes Yes
in or
Time to clinical 1–12 months Minutes to hours Minutes to hours Minutes to hours
Reversibility? No No Yes Yes
Repeatable? No Yes N/A N/A
Targeting method Imaging only Imaging plus Imaging plus Imaging only
microelectrode recording microelectrode recording
and macrostimulation and macrostimulation
Possible Necrosis Lesion spread to adjacent Hardware infection/ Hardware infection/erosion
complications structures erosion
Lesion spread to Higher incidence of Electrode breakage Electrode breakage
adjacent complications when
structures performed bilaterally
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Movement Disorders:
Viewpoint—Medical Therapy 57
Abraham N. Lieberman and Sara S. Dhanani
L.S. Chin and W.F. Regine (eds.), Principles and Practice of Stereotactic Radiosurgery, 695
DOI 10.1007/978-1-4614-8363-2_57, © Springer Science+Business Media New York 2015
696 A.N. Lieberman and S.S. Dhanani
These include loss of olfaction, a rapid eye movement (REM) that early treatment may provide benefits that may not be
sleep behavior disorder (RBD), constipation, autonomic achieved if the drugs are introduced later [10].
insufficiency, apathy, depression, and mild cognitive impair- Monoamine oxidase (MAO) type B inhibitors, such as
ment [5]. Loss of olfaction may be one of the first signs Rasagiline or Selegiline, are effective as monotherapy in
of PD, appreciated in retrospect. Loss of olfaction is not patients with early PD and as adjunctive therapy to dopamine
improved or worsened by anti-PD drugs [6]. Although the agonists or levodopa in patients with more advanced PD [11].
cause of PD is unknown, it has been speculated, by some, a Monoamine oxidase B inhibitors, unlike MAO-A inhibitors
prion, utilizes the olfactory pathway to enter the brain and (drugs used in psychiatry), do not result in elevations of tyra-
cause PD. While RBD is not a specific marker for PD, it is mine, an amine found in certain cured meats, red wines, and
present in a higher frequency in people who develop PD. The cheese. Unlike with MAO-A inhibitors, dietary restrictions
locus ceruleus, a noradrenergic nucleus in the brainstem, a are not necessary with MAO-B inhibitors provided the rec-
nucleus affected in PD, may also be affected in RBD. The ommended doses are used. There is a question as to whether
progression of PD from caudal sites such as the dorsal vagal Rasagiline, through mechanisms unrelated to monoamine
nucleus in the medulla to the locus ceruleus to the substantia oxidase B inhibition, may slow the progression of PD [11].
nigra suggests to some, a causative process that progresses in Approximately 50 % of patients improve mildly or moder-
a caudal rostral direction [7]. ately. Improvement continues throughout the illness.
The pathology in PD is characterized by progressive Other drugs used in PD, drugs that can be used as initial
degeneration of the dopaminergic nigrostriatal system and treatment, include amantadine and the dopamine agonists.
also by degeneration of other neuronal systems including Amantadine, originally introduced as a drug to prevent the
involvement of acetylcholine neurons in the nucleus basalis flu, both enhances dopaminergic transmission, resulting in
of Meynert, serotonin neurons in the dorsal raphe nucleus, an anti-PD effect, and blocks NMDA glutamate receptor.
and noradrenalin neurons in the locus ceruleus as well as The anti-glutaminergic affect may account for the ability of
neurons in the cortex, the spinal cord, and the central and amantadine to lessen the dyskinesias that often complicate
peripheral autonomic nervous system [8]. Recent studies long-term levodopa treatment [12]. Dopamine agonists,
utilizing positron emission tomography (PET scans) and drugs that mimic the effects of dopamine in the brain, may be
single photon emission tomography (SPECT scans) suggest used as initial treatment and as adjuncts to levodopa.
that despite the presence of PD for many years, degeneration Dopamine agonists, including Ropinirole, Pramipexole, and
of the dopamine neurons and the loss of dopamine in the Rotigotine (administered as a skin patch), are longer acting
putamen and caudate nucleus are incomplete [9]. than levodopa. In early PD they have an anti-PD less than
The loss of dopamine neurons in the nigra and the loss of levodopa but they do not result in “wearing off” or “on off”
dopamine in the putamen may account for the hypokinetic and they do not result in dyskinesias. Used in combination
component of PD. These symptoms are helped by levodopa with levodopa they may allow for a reduction in the dose of
(which replaces the depleted dopamine). An impairment of levodopa, a lessening of the “wearing off” and “on off effect”
circuits including tracts from the motor cortex to the putamen and a decrease in dyskinesias [13]. Approximately 50–75 %
then to the globus pallidus, then to the subthalamic nucleus, of patients with early PD improve. Improvement maintained
then to the thalamus, and back to the supplementary motor throughout most of the course of the disease. Adverse effects
cortex may account for the hyperkinetic components of PD. associated with the dopamine agonists include hallucinations
The manifestations of PD range from a barely perceptible (which also occur with levodopa), peripheral edema, hyper-
rest tremor to significant dysfunction resulting in freezing of somnolence, and impulse control disorders including patho-
gait with falls, loss of postural stability, falls, and cognitive logic gambling, hypersexuality, and hyperphagia. Although
decline progressing to dementia. Most of the motor manifes- impulse control disorders also occur with levodopa, they are
tations of PD are related to the deficiency of dopamine in the more prominent with the dopamine agonists.
striatum. A major advantage in identifying a prodromal PD Levodopa remains the single most effective drug for the
state would be the opportunity to introduce therapy at an relief of PD symptoms. Levodopa is combined with carbi-
earlier time point than is currently possible with, perhaps, a dopa, a peripherally acting dopa-decarboxylase inhibitor, a
delay in the progression of some symptoms. drug that blocks the nausea associated with levodopa and
Therapy in early PD is guided by the effect of symptoms allows more levodopa to enter the brain. Carbidopa is usually
on function and quality of life, consideration of complica- combined with levodopa in a 1:4 ratio, carbidopa/levodopa
tions associated with the long-term use of drugs, particularly 25 mg/100 mg, or sometimes a 1:10 ratio. Long-term use of
levodopa and the likelihood of the development of response levodopa may be associated with complications including
fluctuations such as “wearing off” (gradual loss of efficacy of “wearing off,” “on off,” and dyskinesias. In patients with
a dose of levodopa), “on off” (abrupt loss of efficacy of a cognitive impairment levodopa, like the dopamine agonists
dose of levodopa), and dyskinesias. Several studies suggest and like amantadine, may be associated with delusions,
57 Movement Disorders: Viewpoint—Medical Therapy 697
hallucinations, and paranoia. As PD advances drug treatment Other symptoms that may rarely complicate ET include
becomes less satisfactory. In part this is related to progres- ataxia and postural instability. Recent studies have revealed
sion of the underlying disease with involvement of non- the presence of abnormalities in the cerebellum (including
dopaminergic systems and in part to the complications of the loss of Purkinje neurons) and the locus ceruleus. The func-
drugs [14, 15]. All patients improve on levodopa which tion of the Purkinje neurons is to inhibit the outflow nuclei of
failed to improve usually. It indicates the disorder is not PD the cerebellum that in turn stimulate the thalamus. Loss of
but a PD-plus disorder, such as progressive supranuclear Purkinje neurons result in less inhibition of the cerebellar
palsy or multiple system atrophy. Improvement is main- outflow nuclei with increased stimulation of the thalamus—
tained but as the disease progresses higher doses are needed. resulting in a hyperkinetic movement disorder: tremor. DBS
The introduction of deep brain stimulation (DBS) has of the thalamus (presumably with inhibition) is treatment for
altered the treatment of PD. DBS of selected nuclei, unilater- refractory ET. In addition to the presence of motor signs,
ally or bilaterally, may improve tremor, lessen dyskinesia, and there may be, in a few patients, cognitive impairment and
lessen “wearing off.” Targets of DBS include the subthalamic depression [18–20].
nucleus, the globus pallidum interna, and the thalamus. The decision to treat patients with ET is based primarily
Properly choosing patients for DBS and selecting the appro- on the functional impact of the tremor. The most commonly
priate targets is an ongoing work in evolution. used, and generally most effective, medications for essential
tremor are propranolol (a beta-blocker) and primidone (an
anticonvulsant), administered either as monotherapy or in
Essential Tremor combination. In addition, there are other drugs that can be
used to treat tremor in patients not responsive to propranolol
Essential tremor (ET) is the most common movement or primidone. These medications include alprazolam (a ben-
disorder. It’s estimated that 5.0 % of the population has zodiazepine), atenolol (a beta-blocker), gabapentin (an anti-
ET. However in only about 5.0 % is it of sufficient concern to convulsant), topiramate (an anticonvulsant), and zonisamide
warrant a consultation with a neurologist. The tremor of ET, (an anticonvulsant) [21]. Some hand tremors that are diag-
unlike the tremor of PD, begins bilaterally. Unlike the tremor nosed as ET are really dystonic tremors and may respond to
of PD, it usually involves the index, middle, ring, and little botulinum toxin injections [22]. In those patients who have
finger before it involves the thumb. The tremor is present on marked tremors that results in disability or prevent them
sustaining or maintaining a posture (sustention or postural from working and who do not respond to medical therapy,
tremor) or on movement (action or kinetic tremor). Rarely the surgical options are available. The benzodiazepines, beta-
tremor of ET may be present at rest. In ET the rest tremor is blockers, and anticonvulsants are beneficial to a moderate
usually a late manifestation, whereas in PD it is an early man- degree in approximately 40 % of patients. DBS is 95–100 %
ifestation. The tremor of ET can involve the head. It uncom- successful in alleviating tremors. The most common proce-
monly involves the legs. A tremor that begins in one hand and dure performed is DBS targeting the ventralis intermedius
spreads to the ipsilateral leg is usually PD. There is often a (VIM) nucleus of the thalamus [23].
family history in ET. A family history is less common in PD.
Initially it may be difficult, on the basis of a single obser-
vation, to distinguish the postural and/or kinetic tremor of References
ET from a postural or kinetic tremor of PD. Usually within
two years the differences become obvious as the patient with 1. Parkinson J. An essay on the shaking palsy. J Neuropsychiatry Clin
PD develops, in addition to the tremor other symptoms of Neurosci. 2002;14(2):223–36.
PD. A specialized SPECT scan called a DAT scan that labels 2. Uitti RJ, Baba Y, Whaley NR, Wszolek ZK, Putzke JD. Parkinson
disease: Handedness predicts asymmetry. Neurology. 2005;64(11):
the dopamine transporter protein in the caudate and putamen
can distinguish ET from PD with high sensitivity and speci- 3. Gomez-Esteban JC, Tijero B, Ciordia R, Berganzo K, Somme J,
ficity. In ET dopamine is present in the caudate and putamen; Lezcano E, et al. Factors influencing the symmetry of Parkinson’s
in PD, dopamine is depleted in the putamen. These patterns disease symptoms. Clin Neurol Neurosurg. 2010;112(4):302–5.
4. Siderowf A, Lang AE. Premotor Parkinson’s disease: concepts and
are readily recognized on the DAT scan.
definitions. Mov Disord. 2012;27(5):608–16.
The tremor of ET is usually slowly progressive but over 5. Postuma RB, Aarsland D, Barone P, Burn DJ, Hawkes CH, Oertel
the years many patients may experience difficulties perform- W, et al. Identifying prodromal Parkinson’s disease: pre-motor dis-
ing basic daily activities [16], thereby impairing their quality orders in Parkinson’s disease. Mov Disord. 2012;27(5):617–26.
6. Doty RL, Stern MB, Pfeiffer C, Gollomp SM, Hurtig HI. Bilateral
of life. In addition, although postural and kinetic tremors are
olfactory dysfunction in early stage treated and untreated idiopathic
the main features of ET, intention tremors, which impair Parkinson’s disease. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry. 1992;55(2):
activities of daily living, may also occur in some patients [17]. 138–42.
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7. Iranzo A, Molinuevo JL, Santamaria J, Serradell M, Marti MJ, 15. Bayulkem K, Lopez G. Clinical approach to nonmotor sensory fluc-
Valldeoriola F, et al. Rapid-eye-movement sleep behaviour disorder tuations in Parkinson’s disease. J Neurol Sci. 2011;310(1–2):82–5.
as an early marker for a neurodegenerative disorder: a descriptive 16. Busenbark KL, Nash J, Nash S, Hubble JP, Koller WC. Is essential
study. Lancet Neurol. 2006;5(7):572–7. tremor benign? Neurology. 1991;41(12):1982–3.
8. Jellinger KA. Neuropathology of sporadic Parkinson’s disease: 17. Teive HA. Essential tremor: phenotypes. Parkinsonism Relat
evaluation and changes of concepts. Mov Disord. 2012;27(1): Disord. 2012;18 Suppl 1:S140–2 [Review].
8–30. 18. Troster AI, Woods SP, Fields JA, Lyons KE, Pahwa R, Higginson
9. Djaldetti R, Lorberboym M, Karmon Y, Treves TA, Ziv I, Melamed CI, et al. Neuropsychological deficits in essential tremor: an expres-
E. Residual striatal dopaminergic nerve terminals in very long- sion of cerebello-thalamo-cortical pathophysiology? Eur J Neurol.
standing Parkinson’s disease: a single photon emission computed 2002;9(2):143–51.
tomography imaging study. Mov Disord. 2011;26(2):327–30. 19. Louis ED, Benito-Leon J, Bermejo-Pareja F. Self-reported depression
10. Parkinson Study Group. A controlled, randomized, delayed-start and anti-depressant medication use in essential tremor: cross-sectional
study of rasagiline in early Parkinson disease. Arch Neurol. 2004; and prospective analyses in a population-based study. Eur J Neurol.
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11. Olanow CW, Rascol O, Hauser R, Feigin PD, Jankovic J, Lang A, 20. Lorenz D, Schwieger D, Moises H, Deuschl G. Quality of life and per-
et al. A double-blind, delayed-start trial of rasagiline in Parkinson’s sonality in essential tremor patients. Mov Disord. 2006;21(8):1114–8.
disease. N Engl J Med. 2009;361(13):1268–78. 21. Lyons KE, Pahwa R. Pharmacotherapy of essential tremor : an over-
12. Lees A. Alternatives to levodopa in the initial treatment of early view of existing and upcoming agents. CNS Drugs. 2008; 22(12):
Parkinson’s disease. Drugs Aging. 2005;22(9):731–40. 1037–45.
13. Jankovic J, Stacy M. Medical management of levodopa-associated 22. Brin MF, Lyons KE, Doucette J, Adler CH, Caviness JN, Comella CL,
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Drugs. 2007;21(8):677–92. type A in essential hand tremor. Neurology. 2001; 56(11):1523–8.
14. Pahwa R, Lyons KE. Levodopa-related wearing-off in Parkinson’s 23. Pahwa R, Lyons KE, Wilkinson SB, Simpson Jr RK, Ondo WG,
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25(4):841–9. the thalamus. J Neurosurg. 2006;104(4):506–12.
Radiosurgery for Drug-Resistant
Epilepsies: State of the Art, Results, 58
and Perspectives
L.S. Chin and W.F. Regine (eds.), Principles and Practice of Stereotactic Radiosurgery, 699
DOI 10.1007/978-1-4614-8363-2_58, © Springer Science+Business Media New York 2015
700 J. Régis et al.
I at a mean FU of 8 years [6–10] comparing well with the Unfortunately, these data were never published in peer-reviewed
safety and efficacy of open surgery on the long term. More papers and precise data are unavailable.
recently a multicentric prospective trial in the USA has con- The Department of Stereotactic and Functional Surgery in
firmed all our findings [12]. Since this time, radiosurgery is Marseille has two major fields of expertise: epilepsy surgery
the current practice for pure MTLE in our group [13]. and radiosurgery. This context has therefore facilitated the
There are convincing arguments for such an investigation investigation and development of a potential role for GK
of the potential role of radiosurgery in epilepsy surgery. We radiosurgery in the treatment of intractable epilepsy. The
know that: first attempt to treat an MTLE occurred in Marseille in March
• Radiosurgery (since its introduction in the 1950s) has 1993 [6]. Since 1993, we have performed 217 cases of epi-
been demonstrated to have advantages in terms of safety lepsy surgery using GK radiosurgery.
and efficacy, for the treatment of numerous small deeply Among 11,066 Gamma Knife surgery procedures accom-
seated intracerebral lesions. plished in our neurosurgical unit in a 20-year period (between
• Radiosurgical treatment of small cortico-subcortical July 1992 and December 2012), only 217 were proposed in
lesions associated with epilepsy has been demonstrated to patients referred for epilepsy surgery (roughly ten patients/
lead to seizure cessation in a high percentage (58–80 % in year). During the same period, we have performed 759 non
AVM) of cases, long before the expected treatment of the radiosurgical neurosurgical intervention operations for epi-
lesion and sometimes even in spite of failing to cure the lepsy surgery. By the way, the philosophy of our team is to
lesion itself. define the niche of patients in whom the safety-efficacy ratio
• Radiotherapeutic treatment of epilepsies with or without makes it advantageous or at least comparing favorably to
space-occupying lesions can lead to a reduction in seizure open neurosurgery [34]. Obviously, this represents a small
frequency and/or severity. subset of patients in our present experience (23 %). However,
• Experimental models of epilepsies treated with radiation a part of the patients we are actually operating by GKS are
therapy have demonstrated a dose-dependent positive directly referred to us for this specific procedure. The real
effect of radiation on the frequency and severity of the percentage of patients coming from our own clinical pro-
seizures, and on the extent of discharge propagation. gram of investigation for epilepsy and operated by GKS is
Lars Leksell initially conceived of Gamma Knife (GK) only 14.6 %.
radiosurgery as a tool for functional neurosurgery [14, 15].
Accordingly, he used GK in movement disorders, trigeminal
neuralgia, and other pain syndromes, but not for epilepsy Hypothalamic Hamartomas
surgery [16]. The first radiosurgical treatments for epilepsy
surgery were performed by Talairach in the 1950s [17]. Hypothalamic hamartomas (HH) may be asymptomatic,
Talairach was another pioneering expert in stereotaxis. associated with precocious puberty or with neurological dis-
Unlike Leksell, he had specific involvement in epilepsy sur- orders (including epilepsy, behavior disturbances, and cog-
gery and led one of the first large comprehensive programs nitive impairment), or both. Usually the seizures begin early
for epilepsy surgery. As early as 1974, he reported on the use in life and are often particularly drug resistant from the out-
of radioactive Yttrium implants in patients with MTLE with- set. The evolution is unfavorable in the majority of the
out space-occupying lesions, and showed a high rate of sei- patients because of behavioral symptoms (particularly
zure control in patients with epilepsies confined to the mesial aggressive behavior) and mental decline, which occur as a
structures of the temporal lobe [17]. In 1980, Elomaa [18], direct effect of the seizures [35], due to an epileptic encepha-
apparently unaware of Talairach’s work, promoted the idea lopathy. Interestingly, in our experience, the reversal of this
of the use of focal irradiation for the treatment of temporal encephalopathy after radiosurgery seems to start even before
lobe epilepsy, based on the preliminary reports of Tracy, Von complete cessation of the seizures and seems to be correlated
Wieser, and Baudouin [19, 20]. Furthermore, clinical experi- to the improvement in background EEG activity. We may
ence of the use of GK- and Linac-based radiosurgery in arte- speculate that these continuous discharges are leading to the
riovenous malformations (AVMs) and cortico-subcortical disorganization of several systems, including the limbic sys-
tumors (mostly metastases and low-grade glial tumors) tem, and that their disappearance accounts for the improve-
revealed an antiepileptic effect of radiosurgery in absence of ment seen in attention, memory, cognitive performance,
necrotizing effect [21–23]. A series of experimental studies impulsive behavior, etc. Here, the goal of radiosurgery is the
in small animals confirmed this effect [24, 25] and has reversal of the epileptic encephalopathy more than seizure
emphasized its relationship to the dose delivered [26–29]. cessation. Consequently, we consider that it is essential to
Barcia Salorio et al., and later Lindquist et al., reported small operate on these young patients as early as possible, what-
and heterogeneous groups of patients treated with the aim of ever the surgical approach considered (resection or
seizure cessation; results were however poor [30–33]. radiosurgery).
58 Radiosurgery for Drug-Resistant Epilepsies: State of the Art, Results, and Perspectives 701
In Type II (when the lesion is small and mainly in the floor) but has been systematically disappointing. In our opin-
third ventricle) radiosurgery is certainly the safer alternative. ion, this strategy may cause loss of a precious time for the
Even though the endoscopic and transcallosal interforniceal child to be treated effectively. Consequently, we do not advo-
approaches have been proposed, the risks of short-term cate for such a strategy. When microsurgical resection has
memory worsening, endocrinological disturbance (hyper- left a small remnant in the third ventricle and a still active
phagia with obesity, low thyroxine, sodium metabolism dis- epilepsy, re-operation can be envisaged by GKS.
turbance), and thalamic or thalamocapsular infarcts have Two major questions remain. First, we know that com-
been reported also by the more enthusiastic and skillful neu- plete treatment or resection of the lesion is not always man-
rosurgeons. However in cases of very severe repeated status datory [50–52] but we do not know how to predict in an
epilepticus we propose as a salvage surgery either a transcal- individual patient the amount (and mapping) of the HH that
losal interforniceal approach or an endoscopic approach must be treated in order to obtain a complete antiepileptic
(depending on the width of third ventricle). In an emergency effect. Secondly, we know that these patients frequently
situation if the lesion is small and the third large, the endo- present with an electro-clinical semiology suggesting
scopic approach is chosen. involvement of the temporal or frontal lobe and which can
In Type III (lesion located essentially in the floor) the mimic a secondary epileptogenesis phenomenon [37, 49].
extremely close relationship between the mammillary body, In our experience, some of these patients can be completely
the fornix, and the lesion is clearly leading us to prefer cured by the isolated treatment of the HH, while in others, a
GKS. We speculate that sessile hypothalamic hamartomas partial result is obtained, with residual seizures despite a sig-
have always more or less an extension in the hypothalamus nificant overall psychiatric and cognitive improvement. In
close to the mammillary body. Thus when a lesion is classi- this second group, it is tempting to propose that such a sec-
fied as a Type II, it means that the lesion appears on the MR ondary epileptogenic area accounts for the partial failure.
like mainly located in the third ventricle but is likely to have Our initial results indicate that GKS is as effective as
a root in the hypothalamus. The same assumption is made for microsurgical resection and much safer [53]. GKS also
Type III. avoids the vascular risk related to radiofrequency lesioning
In Type IV (the lesion sessile in the cistern) a disconnection or stimulation. With transcallosal interforniceal approach,
can be discussed (pterional approach with or without orbitozy- both cognitive (long-term memory impairment) and severe
gomatic osteotomy). However, if the lesion is small, GKS can endocrinological complications (23 % long-term appetite
be recommended due to its safety and to its capability to reach stimulation and major weight gain) have been reported [54,
at the same time also the small associated part of the lesion in 55]. Stabell et al. have reported with endoscopy a serious
the hypothalamus itself, frequently visible on the high resolu- deterioration of memory and reading skills associated with a
tion MR. In Delalande experience only two patients among 14 permanent oculomotor paresis [56]. Using interstitial
are seizure free after a single disconnection through a pteri- implants (Iodine 125 seeds), Schulze-Bonhage et al. [57]
onal approach [49]. Consequently, we do use this approach in reported in a series of 24 patients, 5 patients developing a
case of lesion too large for GKS as a first step of a staged symptomatic edema; 4 patients having a weight gain of more
approach. In most circumstances, the patient is improved but than 5 kg, which was severe in 2; and a persistent decline of
not seizure free after the first surgical step and GKS is orga- episodic memory in 2 patients. None of these complications
nized at 3 months as a second step of the treatment. have been observed after Gamma Knife surgery. The main
Type V (pediculate) are rarely epileptic and can be easily disadvantage of radiosurgery is its delayed action. Longer
cured by radiosurgery or disconnection through a pterional follow-up is mandatory for proper evaluation of the role of
approach. In case of severe epilepsy the second therapeutic GKS. Results are faster and more complete in patients with
modality will allow certainly a faster seizure cessation. smaller lesions inside the III ventricle (Stage II). The early
However a distant extension of the HH in the hypothalamus effect on subclinical EEG discharges appears to play a major
close to the mammillary bodies must be cautiously searched role in the dramatic benefit to sleep quality, behavior, and
on high resolution MR and its discovery will eventually lead cognitive-developmental improvement. Gamma Knife sur-
to prefer GKS allowing to treat both parts of the lesion, espe- gery can safely lead to the reversal of the epileptic encepha-
cially in cases in which if the cisternal component is small. lopathy [38, 40, 41, 58].
Type VI (giant) do not represent good indications for first Due to the very poor clinical prognosis of the majority of
intention radiosurgery, as in nearly all the cases a combina- these patients with HH and the invasiveness of microsurgical
tion of several therapeutic modalities should be utilized. resection, GK can now be considered the first-line interven-
Even if GKS does not seem to be suitable when the lesion is tion for small middle size HH associated with epilepsy, as it
large, radiosurgical disconnection can be considered (target- can lead to dramatic improvements to the future of these
ing only the superior part in the hypothalamus and/or the young patients. The role of secondary epileptogenesis or of
third ventricle leaving untreated all the lesion lower than the widespread cortical dysgenesis in these patients needs to be
58 Radiosurgery for Drug-Resistant Epilepsies: State of the Art, Results, and Perspectives 703
better evaluated and understood, in order to optimize patient first few months. Thereafter, there is a rapid and dramatic
selection and define the best treatment period. increase in auras for some days or weeks and then the sei-
zures disappear. Usually the peak in seizure cessation is
observed around the 8th–18th month with a clear variability
Mesial Temporal Lobe Epilepsy in the delay in onset. In one patient, this occurred 26 months
after GK radiosurgery. We usually consider a delay of 2
The first Gamma Knife surgery operations for MTLE were years as a minimum for post-radiosurgery follow-up. In the
performed in Marseille in March 1993. As far as no similar absence of initial radiological changes or clinical benefit, the
experience was available at this time in the literature, we recommendation is to wait for the onset of the MRI changes
were obliged to base our technical choices on hypothesis and their subsequent disappearance. All our patients had the
and experience of radiosurgery for other pathological condi- same pattern of MR changes regardless of marginal dose
tions. Four patients were treated with different technical (18–24 Gy) and treatment volume (5–8.5 cc). However, the
strategies (dose, volume, target definition). The delayed degree of these changes and their delay of onset varied
huge radiological changes observed some months after according to the dose delivered to the margin, the volume
radiosurgery [59] led us to stop such treatment and follow treated, and the individual patient. In order to allow an opti-
these first four patients. Due to the clinical safety of the pro- mal evaluation, we recommend that subsequent microsur-
cedure in these patients and the gradual disappearance of the gery not be considered before the third year after radiosurgery.
acute MR changes after some months, we treated several Similarly, we believe that a patient who undergoes a corti-
new series of patients under strict prospective controlled cectomy before the onset of the MR changes has occurred
trial conditions (with ethical committee approval). The treat- cannot be assumed to have failed radiosurgical treatment. Of
ment for the following 16 patients was based upon that of course, before consideration of any further surgery, the ques-
the first patient who had a successful outcome (as opposed tion of the reason for the failure needs to be addressed. After
to the three others who had partial or no effect). This “classic reviewing files of patients treated for MTLE with radiosur-
planning” was based on the use of two 18 mm shots, cover- gery, it was sometimes possible to identify likely causes of
ing a volume of around 7 cc at the 50 % isodose (24 Gy), and failure, such as:
has turned out to produce a high rate of seizure cessation 1 Poor patient selection (e.g., patients with epilepsy involv-
[60, 61]. For epileptological reasons, as well as for safety ing more than the MTL structures)
reasons, the targeting was very much centered on the para- 2 Patients with the diagnosis of “treatment failure”
hippocampal cortex and spared a significant part of the (<3 years) who had been operated upon too early after
amygdaloid complex and hippocampus. The refinement of radiosurgery [65]
the Gamma Knife surgery technique, and the desire to find a 3 Targeting of the amygdala and hippocampus (which is not
dose which would create less transient acute MR changes, in our opinion the optimal target in terms of safety and
led us to reduce the dose from 24 Gy to 20 and 18 Gy at the efficacy) instead of parahippocampal cortex [66]
margin. However, this brought about a significant decrease 4 Insufficient dosage [65–67]
in the rate of seizure cessation. We have reviewed the long- Our current strategy of treatment is based on our first
term follow-up of our first 15 patients operated by GKS for series of MTLE patients who were strictly selected and
MTLE at the state of the art (24 Gy). The mean follow-up treated systematically with a very simple but very reproduc-
was 8 years and at the last follow-up 73 % were seizure free. ible dose planning strategy [4, 6]. The identification of puta-
These long-term results are comparing favorably to micro- tive improvements in the methodology requires a systematic
surgical one. No permanent neurological deficit was reported analysis of the influence of the technical data from our
out of a visual field deficit in nine patients [11]. After micro- experience and from the literature on the outcome of those
surgery for MTLE on the dominant side, a verbal memory patients.
deficit is typically observed in 30–50 % of the patients [62, 63].
This is of special importance to note that none of our patients
have observed a neuropsychological worsening (using the The “Technical” Questions
evaluation published by Clusman et al.) and specifically no
verbal memory decline [4, 5, 7, 11]. This finding of our four The Dose Issue
prospective trials has been confirmed by the US prospective
trial [64]. The first targets used in functional GK radiosurgery (capsu-
The timetable of events after radiosurgery and the follow- lotomy, thalamotomy of VIM or the centromedianum, palli-
up are quite standardized. Patients are informed that delayed dotomy) were treated using high dose (300–150 Gy)
efficacy of radiosurgery is its main drawback. Typically, the delivered in very small volumes (3–5 mm in diameter) [16].
frequency of the seizures is not modified significantly for the The goal was to destroy a predefined very small anatomical
704 J. Régis et al.
quently fail to meet the classical criteria by which tumors are tory due to the rarity of surgical complications and a high
deemed to be “radiation induced” [89]. In fact it is consid- rate of seizure freedom. In our experience, the most impor-
ered that, if this risk exists, it is likely to be around 1/10,000 tant selection parameters are the demonstration of the purely
which is far lower than the mortality risk associated with mesial location of the epileptogenic zone, as well as clear
temporal lobectomy [60, 90–93]. understanding by the patient of the advantages, disadvan-
Epilepsy is a life-threatening condition. The risk of sud- tages, and limitations. Best candidates are young patients,
den unexplained death in epileptic patients (SUDEP) is with middle severity epilepsy (working, socially well
higher than in the general population [94, 95]. This risk is inserted), with a high level of functioning (able to understand
higher in patients treated with more than two antiepileptic well the limits and constraints of radiosurgery), a quite high
drugs and IQ lower than 70 (as independent factors). Because risk of memory deficit with microsurgery (MTLE on the
seizure cessation after surgery reduces the mortality risk to dominant side with few or no atrophy, few deficit of the
that of the general population [95], microsurgical resection verbal memory preoperatively), and potentially huge social
of the epileptogenic zone may confer a benefit in terms of the and professional consequences in case of postoperative
possibility of immediate seizure cessation and therefore memory deficit [2, 13, 96]. One other very good indication in
reduced mortality risk, as compared to the more delayed our experience is that of patients with proven MTLE but pre-
benefits of radiosurgical treatment. Our patients are system- vious failure of microsurgery, supposedly due to insufficient
atically informed about this disadvantage of radiosurgery. posterior extent of the resection.
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Epilepsy: Viewpoint—Surgery
David Carter and Zulma Tovar-Spinoza
L.S. Chin and W.F. Regine (eds.), Principles and Practice of Stereotactic Radiosurgery, 711
DOI 10.1007/978-1-4614-8363-2_59, © Springer Science+Business Media New York 2015
712 D. Carter and Z. Tovar-Spinoza
pocampal removal to the level of the posterior midbrain resection. Tanriverdi et al. [65] described that verbal memory
(69 % seizure-free at 1 year) compared to mesial resections decreases more with left-sided selective amygdalohippo-
only to the anterior midbrain (38 % at 1 year). Bonilha et al. campectomies compared to more standard left temporal
[53], from post-op MRIs, reported a significant correlation resections. On the right, nonverbal memory decreased espe-
between the extent of hippocampal removal and outcome cially after the standard temporal resections compared to the
and further improvement when combined with entorhinal selective resection.
cortex removal. Schramm et al. [54] in a randomized study, There is a general agreement that an important effect on
reported that 2.5 cm vs. a 3.5 cm hippocampal removal was neuropsychology after resections involves the functionality of
not associated with difference in seizure outcome (74 % vs. the resected tissue; for example, there are higher risks to mem-
73 % free of disabling seizures) (included post-op MRI con- ory associated with resections that include a normal-appearing
firmation of significantly differing resection volumes). hippocampus vs. sclerotic [66]. However, this remains an
It has been suggested the variety of resections utilized in evolving area—partly because of ongoing interest in defining
the anterior temporal lobe for MTLE may be effective by meaningful behavioral results that may vary between surgical
“severing a critical proportion of the connections” [55], nec- methods described above and radiosurgery [12].
essary to support a seizure. Although this circuitry is likely Complications can occur with any of these resective pro-
concentrated medially in the temporal lobe, its more wide- cedures, for example, diplopia from irritation of cranial
spread and possibly variable nature [56] may be why nerve III or IV, a stroke from injury of the arteries or veins in
20–40 % of surgically treated patients are not cured by sur- the basal cisterns or insula, and injury to the basal ganglia
gery and a consistently critical structure for removal has not superior to the amygdala (for further discussion, see [29, 38,
been identified. It should also be noted that long-term out- 67]). Postoperative dysphasia can occur but is usually tran-
comes need to be considered and have been reported to sient [29]. Lastly an upper quadrantanopsia is common from
decrease gradually at longer post-op periods [57], but further involvement of visual fibers variably sweeping around the
longer-term data is needed. Reported success rates of reop- temporal horn [68].
eration for continuing or recurrent seizures are variable but
most commonly below 50 %. Patient selection appears to be
important in this situation [58]. Hypothalamic Hamartoma
Since the effectiveness for seizures is similar for the dif-
ferent resective approaches, focus on other outcomes has Hypothalamus hamartomas (HH) are rare, congenital hetero-
also been of major interest. Wiebe [48] in their randomized topic lesions in the region of the third ventricle and tuber
study demonstrated a significant improvement in quality of cinereum that are intrinsically epileptogenic when closely
life (QOL) in the surgical arm. Engel et al. [36] reviewed and connected to the mammillary bodies [69]. The prevalence is
described that improved QOL measures were primarily 1 in 50,000–100,000 [70].
related to freedom from disabling seizures post-op. Other Patients classically present with isolated fits of ictal
evaluations have included neuropsychological testing and laughter (gelastic epilepsy) or a combination of gelastic and
this remains a major area of interest today. In a recent review other types of seizures during the first years of life that are
Sherman et al. [59] describe decreases in verbal memory and often particularly drug resistant from the onset [71].
naming after left-sided surgery as being the most consistent Although there are several classifications available for
change after temporal resections (different resection types these lesions, two clinical syndromes have been recognized:
included), but with patients usually not self-reporting precocious puberty and intractable epilepsy including gelas-
changes. Loss of visual memory was less common but simi- tic seizures. A significant number of children have both
lar after surgery on either side. problems. The natural history is unfavorable in the majority
Advantages in neuropsychological outcomes after more of patients because of behavioral symptoms and mental
selective resections compared to resections with generous decline; these include oppositional defiant disorder (83.3 %),
lateral removal have been reported [60–62], but this was not attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (75 %), high rates of
seen in other studies [63, 64]. Further complicating the situ- conduct disorder (33.3 %), speech retardation/learning
ation, there may be different effects of different procedures impairment (33.3 %), and anxiety and mood disorders
in the different hemispheres. For example, Helmstaedter (16.7 %). Significant rates of aggression have been noted
et al. [39] describe how left resections were worse for verbal with 58 % of the seizure patients meeting criteria for the
memory with selective amygdalohippocampectomy being affective subtype of aggression and 30.5 % having the preda-
more deleterious than an anterior neocortical temporal resec- tory aggression subtype [72].
tion plus mesial resection. Right resections were worse for Typically, medium/large sessile lesions within the third
figural memory, but on this side the anterior temporal resection ventricle are more likely to lead to the seizure disorder [73]
plus mesial resection was worse than the selective mesial than pedunculated lesions, which hang inferiorly from the
59 Epilepsy: Viewpoint—Surgery 715
tuber cinereum and are more likely to result in central preco- radiofrequency obliteration [83–85], or magnetic resonance
cious puberty. Resection of pedunculated lesions causing stereotactic laser ablation [13], and also nonsurgical thera-
precocious puberty reverses the hormonal abnormalities. pies such as radiosurgery [86].
The first successful and safe removal of an HH was Removal, disconnection, or ablation of hypothalamic
reported by Paillas et al. in [74], but the interest for the sur- hamartomas affects the seizure and behavioral outcomes of
gical cure of this specific group of patients was primarily these often-desperate patients. The ideal approach to the
developed in the 1990s. The association between the HHs treatment of the patient with a hypothalamic hamartoma and
and epilepsy was obscured by the fairly generalized spike intractable epilepsy has yet to be defined [87–89].
and wave EEG patterns usually observed. Consequently,
patients underwent temporal and frontal resections without
seizure relief. The emphasis changed, however, due to the Surgical Techniques
information gleaned from ictal single-photon emission com-
puted tomography (iSPECT) and ictal depth recordings There is literature describing the success rate of resection of
from the lesion itself [75] implicating the epileptogenicity just the lesion (lesionectomy) vs. lesion resection plus sur-
of the hamartoma. High-quality magnetic resonance (MR) rounding tissue (that may demonstrate electrographic abnor-
imaging has strongly facilitated the diagnosis of HH in malities). Although lesionectomy is quite successful for
cases of severe epilepsy in children. Delalande classified seizure control, the excision of adjacent irritated cortex likely
HHs into four types: Type I has a horizontal implantation can provide further benefit—particularly in patients with a
plane inferior to the floor of the third ventricle; Type II longer history of seizures [90–92]. Disconnective procedures
within the third ventricle, with a vertical insertion plane; are based on the concept of interrupting the spreading of the
Type III is a combination of Types I and II; and Type IV epileptic discharge in the brain, by isolating the primary epi-
includes all giant hamartomas [76]. leptogenic zone. This is the basic concept for hemispherec-
Delalande et al. [76, 77] and Choi et al. [78] have empha- tomy, multilobar disconnection, hypothalamic hamartoma
sized that the goal of surgery is to resect and/or disconnect disconnection, corpus callosotomy, and multiple subpial
the hamartoma from the adjacent hypothalamus and to pre- transections.
serve the mammillary bodies (which may be malpositioned
and deformed), mammillothalamic tracts, tuber cinereum,
and hypothalamic nuclei. The spread of seizures occurs in Hemispherectomy and Hemispherotomy
part via the mammillary body. The surgery should ideally be
performed before the onset of secondary generalized epi- Dandy [93] first reported the anatomical hemispherectomy
lepsy [70, 79, 80]. Larger lesions might require more than in 1928 for the treatment of gliomas. In 1938, McKenzie [94]
one disconnection procedure, and some might require a mul- first reported its use in the treatment of epilepsy. Anatomical
tistep surgical approach. hemispherectomy was popular until 1966, but became more
The microsurgical resection in this critical area is attended selectively utilized because of postoperative complications,
by a significant risk of oculomotor palsy, hemiparesis, hypo- which could include superficial cerebral hemosiderosis and a
thalamic deficit, and/or visual field defect, and many epi- significant incidence of hydrocephalus [95, 96]. A major fac-
lepsy surgeons have therefore abandoned this type of tor leading to the development of hemosiderosis was the
approach [81]. Resections have often been subtotal and only large cavity created following removal of the hemisphere.
partially effective in controlling seizures, but still associated Hence, various surgical modifications have evolved as alter-
with significant complications. natives, attempting to minimize the removal of brain but
There are three typical microsurgical approaches: maximize the disconnection of white matter.
• Transcallosal interforniceal approach, entering the third One of the most popular techniques, the functional hemi-
ventricle from superiorly [82] spherectomy, was described by Rasmussen [97] in 1983,
• Pterional approach, exposing the inferior and lateral who modified the technique of the anatomical hemispherec-
aspect of the hypothalamus [76] tomy to remove part of the central and temporal regions
• Anterior midline approach, entering the third ventricle while disconnecting the rest. In the early 1990s, a new era in
through the lamina terminalis [72] functional hemispherectomy was initiated with the intro-
Comparing the three approaches, the transcallosal ante- duction of the hemispherotomy, with the aim of removing as
rior interforniceal offers the best chance of seizure freedom little brain as possible, and two different approaches were
with less morbidity than the pterional route. Concerns described almost simultaneously by Delalande [98] and
regarding the impairment of short-term memory in children, Villemure [99, 100]. Since the first description of those tech-
who are cognitively intact, have promoted the exploration niques, a number of modifications have been made to reduce
of surgical alternatives, e.g., endoscopic disconnection, the number of complications [70]. The hemispherotomy
716 D. Carter and Z. Tovar-Spinoza
Corpus Callosotomy
Electrical Stimulation for Epilepsy
First described in 1940 [107], corpus callosotomy has been
reserved for the treatment of generalized epilepsy or partial Advantages of electrical stimulation therapy for epilepsy
epilepsy with secondary generalization where the onset include reversibility, adjustability and that inaccessible and
cannot be localized. Corpus callosotomy is particularly multiple targets may be influenced. Presumably the stimula-
effective for the drop seizures of Lennox-Gastaut syndrome tion disrupts the abnormal electrical “buildup” of the seizure,
[108], a severe childhood epilepsy disorder characterized but both the mechanism and circuitry remain unclear.
by encephalopathy and multiple, often intractable, seizure
types. The drop attack is the most frequently recognizable
seizure type in this patient population and is also the most Vagal Nerve Stimulation
dangerous physically, thus severely limiting quality of life.
The diagnosis is confirmed by electroencephalography, for Vagal nerve stimulation (VNS) had been known to amelio-
which the classic pattern is a slow 2.5 Hz generalized spike rate experimental seizure activity since the 1950s [123],
and wave [109]. Seizure improvement ranges between 50 and a series of clinical studies supported its utility in the
and 81 % with complete callosotomy [110–112]. The com- mid- and late 1990s. In patients with primarily focal sei-
plete callosotomy is a palliative procedure reserved for zures, after VNS implant, patients were randomized
nonverbal patients with severe intractable epilepsy because between stimulation that was either “high” (“typical” and
it often produces a hemisphere disconnection syndrome felt to be active) or “low” (low frequency and hypothesized
that can result in disabling symptoms of intermanual con- to be ineffective). Blinding was not likely complete as some
flict [113]. The 2/3 anterior partial callosotomy does not patients and observers may have intuited the group they
usually have significant cognitive consequences. It is were in. In the initial randomized study (n = 114), there was
because of the potential for the development of this discon- a 24.5 % reduction of seizures in the “high” stimulation
nection syndrome that partial callosotomy is usually under- group at 14 weeks—6 % in control [124]. In the 2nd study
taken initially, and the section can be completed if there is (n = 196) after 3 months, the seizure frequency declined 28 %
an inadequate seizure control. in the “high” stimulation group—vs. 15 % in the “low” [125].
59 Epilepsy: Viewpoint—Surgery 717
DeGiorgio et al. [126] reported on patients from this latter structure thus aborting the seizure [131]. An example of this
trial who were followed unblinded with “high” stimulation type of system has been in clinical trial, which demonstrated
and reported a 45 % decrease at 1 year. Over 400 patients a significant benefit [134]. In this trial, 191 patients were
from early trials [127] were followed, and seizure reduc- implanted (97 randomized to stimulation and 94 control) and
tions of 35 % at 1 year, 44 % at 2 years, and 44 % at 3 years assessed in a blinded fashion over a 12-week period. There
were reported. Approval for the device was received for was a 37.9 % decrease in seizures in the stimulated patients
adjunctive treatment for intractable focal seizures in the vs. a 17.3 % decrease in the placebo patients. Benefits com-
United States in the late 1990s. pared to baseline were sustained after unblinding. While
Beneficial effects appear to be maintained in the longer promising this treatment remains under assessment. Other
term (for at least a decade) according to Elliott et al. [128], experimental neuromodulation strategies include cell graft-
with seizure reduction rates reported in excess of 50 % at a ing, gene therapy, focal cooling, and drug delivery [131].
mean of 5 years as part of medical management in a com-
prehensive program. Although only approved for use in Acknowledgment We want to thank Sean Huckins for his help with
patients over 12 in the USA for focal seizures, there is evi- illustrations.
dence for general usefulness in generalized seizures [129].
It is approved in Europe for this indication in pediatric
patients [130]. The effect presumably occurs by retrograde References
stimulation thru the vagus to the brainstem and then ros-
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Epilepsy: Viewpoint—Medical
Gregory K. Bergey
L.S. Chin and W.F. Regine (eds.), Principles and Practice of Stereotactic Radiosurgery, 723
DOI 10.1007/978-1-4614-8363-2_60, © Springer Science+Business Media New York 2015
724 G.K. Bergey
newly diagnosed structural lesion is almost certainly having and that many focal EEG abnormalities may be relatively
complex partial seizures not petit mal or absence seizures nonspecific (i.e., only focal slow activity rather than epilep-
which are primary generalized seizures. Complex partial sei- togenic features). Sometimes continuous video-EEG moni-
zures by definition have associated altered awareness. Patients toring of patients during actual ictal events is necessary to
experiencing complex partial seizures will typically be con- provide a definitive association between a lesion and the par-
fused and have difficulty responding or processing informa- tial seizures. Such monitoring is usually reserved for the pre-
tion, but their eyes will be open and they will not fall (although surgical evaluation prior to resective surgery and is not
they may). Complex partial seizures typically will last only necessary for medical management of seizures.
1–2 min [1] and then will be followed by a postictal recovery There is no evidence to support prophylactic treatment
period of variable length but often several minutes. In contrast with AEDs in patients with primary brain tumors, metasta-
to complex partial seizures, simple partial seizures, although ses, or vascular malformations who have not yet had seizures.
also typically of short duration, do not produce alteration of Most of the best studies on AED prophylaxis in lesional epi-
consciousness. As noted above, the clinical manifestations lepsy have been done on brain tumors, primary and second-
reflect the region of the brain involved by the seizure. ary [7, 8]. Indeed there is a published AAN guideline [9]
In assessing the patient with a seizure disorder, it is impor- regarding brain tumors, based on published evidence-based
tant to determine whether the lesion to be treated with radio- studies that have failed to demonstrate a benefit of AED pro-
surgery is the symptomatic cause of the seizures. As phylaxis. While there is a paucity of controlled trials of sei-
mentioned, such lesions as meningiomas, oligodendroglio- zure prophylaxis in patients with vascular malformations
mas, arteriovenous malformations if they involve cortical or (e.g., cavernomas, arteriovenous malformations) at the pres-
mesial temporal structures can be highly epileptogenic. ent time, it is appropriate also not to administer prophylactic
Seizures are the most common initial symptom in patients AEDs to these populations before an actual seizure occurs.
with low-grade gliomas [2]. About 40 % of patients with pri- Any patient presenting with seizures thought due to a
mary brain tumors will present with seizures and about lesion that will be treated with radiosurgery should be placed
30–70 % of patients with supratentorial tumors will have sei- on antiepileptic drug (AED) therapy. As mentioned, since
zures at some time [3]. In one series, oligodendrogliomas these patients have experienced a symptomatic seizure, the
and grade 2 astrocytomas were the most likely to present risk of recurrence is significant. Obviously the MRI will be
with seizures [3]. About 30 % of patients with arteriovenous abnormal; these patients should receive AED therapy even if
malformations may present with seizures [4]. Brain metasta- the EEG is unremarkable or reveals only nonspecific abnor-
ses, a common indication for radiosurgery, frequently cause malities (e.g., focal slowing) if the history is convincing for
seizures because of their locations involving cortical or sub- clinical seizures. Even patients presenting only with simple
cortical structures. In one study [5], 12 % of patients with partial seizures (i.e., no alteration of consciousness) that are
metastatic lung carcinoma experienced seizures. Patients not disabling seizures should be started on AED therapy
with metastatic melanoma may have a higher incidence of because of the potential for simple partial seizures to propa-
associated seizures, in part because of the propensity of met- gate and produce disabling complex partial symptomatology
astatic melanoma to have associated hemorrhage [6]. Indeed or to secondarily generalize to convulsive events. However,
an epileptic seizure, either partial or generalized, may be the patients already on AED therapy who are only experiencing
first presentation prompting evaluation; in one study, 20 % of non-disabling simple partial seizures (e.g., several seconds
patients with metastases presented with seizures [3]. of visual symptoms due to an occipital lesion) do not neces-
Conversely, some lesions can be incidental and not pro- sarily need AED adjustment, and this usually does not war-
duce seizures or other symptoms. Most patients with multi- rant adding an additional agent. Indeed the simple partial
ple cavernous malformations or multiple metastases have seizures reflecting the lesion at the seizure onset zone may be
seizures originating from only one site. MRI imaging can more difficult to prevent than are seizures resulting from
determine whether the lesion is in an area where it reason- propagation (e.g., secondarily generalized tonic–clonic sei-
ably could be expected to be epileptogenic, but only the EEG zures) and aggressive AED polytherapy may produce addi-
can determine this definitively. It is also important to corre- tive side effects without abolishing the seizures. The goal of
late the seizure type and symptoms with the location of the AED therapy should be to control and prevent disabling sei-
structural lesion. An EEG may also be useful in establishing zures (i.e., seizures with alteration of consciousness).
a relationship between the lesion and the seizures. If a rou- Since, as mentioned, the seizures due to focal structural
tine interictal EEG demonstrates potentially epileptogenic lesions will be partial or focal with or without secondary gen-
activity from the region of the lesion (e.g., focal spikes or eralization, the selection of an AED includes many possible
sharp transients), this is good supporting evidence. It should choices. Indeed all AEDs, with the exception of ethosuxi-
be recognized that about 30 % of patients with known seizure mide, are effective agents for partial seizures (Table 60.1).
disorders may have unremarkable EEGs between seizures The lack of an FDA monotherapy indication does not mean
60 Epilepsy: Viewpoint—Medical 725
Table 60.1 Antiepileptic drugs for partial seizures (with or without rapidly are governed by a number of factors including
secondary generalization) sedative or cognitive side effects (e.g., phenobarbital,
First generation Second generation Third generation topiramate), the risk of hypersensitivity reactions (e.g.,
Carbamazepine Felbamatea Clobazam lamotrigine), or pharmacokinetic considerations. It takes five
Phenytoinb,c Gabapentin Ezogabinea drug half-lives to reach a steady state; an AED with a long
Phenobarbitalb Lamotrigine Lacosamideb,c half-life like phenobarbital or perampanel (~100 h t 1/2)
Primidone Levetiracetamb,c Perampanel can take weeks to reach a steady state. Conversely AEDs
Valproateb,c Oxcarbazepine Pregabalinb with short half-lives such as levetiracetam or lacosamide
Tiagabine Rufinamide
(7–8 h t 1/2) reach steady state levels about 35 h after starting
Topiramate Vigabatrina
a maintenance dose.
The past popularity of phenytoin was in large part due to
Use limited by significant safety or side effect concerns
the ability to load this agent, either orally or parenterally,
Available as a parenteral formulation
Can be introduced rapidly without undue side effects or sedation providing early effective therapy. To a large degree, leveti-
racetam has replaced phenytoin for acute therapy.
Levetiracetam has a much more favorable pharmacokinetic
that an AED is not effective as monotherapy, only that specific and side effect profile compared to phenytoin, with no
monotherapy trials were not performed. In contrast to enzyme induction, no drug–drug interactions, few hypersen-
European regulatory agencies which only require non- sitivity reactions, linear kinetics, and no significant sedative
inferiority trials for a monotherapy indication, the FDA still side effects. There is good level A evidence to support the
requires superiority trials, and these are difficult to do, even use of levetiracetam as monotherapy for partial seizures [11].
with the recent modification to allow historical controls Available in both oral and parenteral formulations, oral load-
[10, 11]. It is generally felt by epilepsy experts that all AEDs ing with levetiracetam achieves a cMax in 45 min [13] and is
that are effective as adjunctive therapy are effective as well tolerated [14]. The generic formulation of the immedi-
monotherapy and that the standard of care allows for such use ate release formulation has excellent bioavailability com-
independent of the formal indications. pared with the proprietary compound [15]. Table 60.1 lists
Treatment selection of an AED should include consider- other AEDs that can be introduced relatively rapidly and are
ations regarding efficacy and tolerability as well as side effect available in parenteral formulations. Lacosamide, a new
profile, pharmacokinetics, and the need for rapid introduc- third-generation AED, can also be introduced rapidly in
tion. Although there are comparative trials [12] between the many patients, and a parenteral formulation is available,
first-generation AEDs that have shown phenytoin and carba- although rapid loading is not quite as well tolerated as leve-
mazepine to be superior (combined efficacy and tolerability) tiracetam. Lacosamide has no significant hepatic induction
to the other older agents, no such comparative trials between and few drug interactions. In patients requiring two AEDs,
newer AEDs have been performed that have demonstrated the combination of levetiracetam and lacosamide is particu-
superiority between the newer agents or between the newer larly well tolerated. Gabapentin and pregabalin have identi-
and older agents. There is a general trend away from initial cal mechanisms of action; pregabalin is preferred because of
therapy with sedating AEDs (e.g., phenobarbital, primidone) its linear kinetics which increases CNS bioavailability at
and AEDs that have powerful hepatic enzyme induction (e.g., higher doses. Pregabalin is very safe and has no drug interac-
phenytoin, phenobarbital, carbamazepine) that may result in tions. At high doses, particularly if introduced rapidly, some
drug–drug interactions or promote bone mineral density loss. nonspecific CNS side effects can occur with pregabalin;
Agents with nonlinear kinetics (e.g., phenytoin) can be more often these are initiation side effects and abate with time.
likely to produce toxicity at higher doses and serum levels. Carbamazepine, an excellent AED for partial onset sei-
Most of the newer second- and third-generation AEDs require zures, produces autoinduction, requiring slow introduction
much less monitoring of hematologic and metabolic param- over several weeks to avoid toxicity. Carbamazepine also is a
eters, and titration of these medications can be done based on powerful hepatic enzyme inducer with multiple drug interac-
clinical parameters (i.e., seizure control and lack of dose- tions and the potential for rare but serious blood dyscrasias.
related side effects) without a need for frequent monitoring The congener oxcarbazepine has much less hepatic induc-
of serum levels of these AEDs. tion and no epoxide metabolite, allowing somewhat more
When a patient has experienced a disabling seizure (i.e., rapid introduction than carbamazepine, although tolerability
with alteration of consciousness), it is desirable to institute is enhanced with slow titration. Hyponatremia, much like
antiepileptic therapy promptly. As mentioned above, in these SIADH, can occur particularly in the elderly and can be sig-
patients with symptomatic epilepsy, it is not necessary nificant (i.e., serum sodium levels below 125 mEq) [16]. The
to wait for a second seizure; this is likely to occur without acute use of lamotrigine, an otherwise well-tolerated agent
AED therapy. The limits on the ability to introduce an AED with little sedation and no hepatic induction, is limited by the
726 G.K. Bergey
need for slow introduction over weeks to months to mini- There is no data to support prophylactic treatment with AEDs
mize the risk of hypersensitivity reactions which can on in patients undergoing radiosurgery who do not have a seizure
occasion be severe (e.g., Stevens–Johnson syndrome). With history; there are no good controlled studies of AED prophy-
appropriate slow introduction, the risk of such severe rashes laxis in patients undergoing radiosurgical therapy.
is no greater than phenytoin or carbamazepine [17].
Topiramate and zonisamide need to be introduced over sev-
eral weeks because of the potential for cognitive side effects, Treatment Implications After Successful
particularly with topiramate. Radiosurgery
In women of childbearing age, levetiracetam and
lamotrigine have good profiles regarding associated major The obvious major benefit of stereotactic radiosurgery is the
fetal malformations and development. Other AEDs can also ability to avoid a craniotomy and resective surgery. Successful
be used in this patient population, but phenobarbital and val- treatment will slow or stop tumor growth or obliterate arte-
proate should be avoided unless absolutely necessary. riovenous malformations, eliminating the risk of serious
intracranial hemorrhage. But obviously the original lesion,
although significantly altered anatomically and pathologi-
Acute/Subacute Effects of Radiosurgery cally, still remains. What happens to previously symptomatic
on Epileptic Seizures seizures in these patients? While radiosurgery has been suc-
cessfully used to treat patients with drug-resistant partial epi-
Treatment with radiosurgery is designed to produce focal lepsy due to mesial temporal sclerosis [21, 22], the selection
injury to the targeted lesion. In the weeks and months after of radiosurgery for treatment of intracranial lesions is typi-
stereotactic radiosurgery, while the maximal effects and ben- cally done independent of considerations of seizure control,
efits of treatment are being accrued, there is local tissue reac- specifically to reduce or eliminate risk of hemorrhage from a
tion which can include edema and other local tissue effects vascular malformation or to stop tumor growth. Indeed many
[18, 19], typically with onset after 3–5 months. Patients with patients may have not have had seizures or have had seizures
preexisting seizures due to the underlying lesion may have that were readily controlled and not drug-resistant prior to
transient worsening of seizures requiring adjustment of AED radiosurgery. In all these patients, the decision to treat a
therapy. Series studying complications of radiosurgery typi- lesion with radiosurgery is independent of seizure control
cally include heterogenous patient populations of patients but is based on these other important considerations.
with and without seizure histories and with lesions unlikely The success of resective surgical therapy for drug-resistant
to produce seizures (e.g., acoustic neuromas, schwannomas) lesional epilepsy is best with total resection of the epilepto-
making assessment of these studies difficult. Patients with- genic lesion. Residual hemosiderin after cavernoma resec-
out a history of previous seizures may develop seizures after tion, or residual tumor, even if benign and nonprogressive
radiotherapy of potentially epileptogenic lesions. In one (e.g., DNET, ganglioglioma) can compromise total seizure
report [20], 21 % of patients undergoing radiosurgery had control or at least limit the ability to discontinue AEDs. It
seizures attributed to the radiosurgery treatment, with 15 % would be reasonable, therefore, to infer that since the under-
of patients having seizures in the early months after therapy. lying lesion is not removed with radiosurgery, the lesion
Interestingly four of six (67 %) patients with treated lesions including the associated hemosiderin, although altered, is
near the motor cortex experienced seizures, suggesting that still potentially epileptogenic. But there is reasonable evi-
lesion location might be predictive of post-radiosurgery sei- dence that radiosurgery may also reduce or eliminate the
zures. This is a reasonable hypothesis since even untreated associated epileptogenicity of the lesion much like total
lesions located in the frontal and temporal regions, involving resection. In the trials of treatment of drug-resistant seizures
neocortical or mesial temporal structures, may have a higher in patients with mesial temporal sclerosis (MTS), the per-
incidence of epileptogenicity. centage of patient achieving seizure freedom was compara-
In patients with preexisting seizure disorders, AEDs should ble to results with standard open anterior temporal lobectomy
be maintained during the acute and subacute radiotherapy with 77 % of patients in a recent small randomized trial
period, with adjustments being made as needed based on sei- achieving seizure freedom [21] with the higher regimen. As
zure recurrence. In patients with new onset seizures shortly expected, the maximal beneficial effects of radiosurgery are
after radiotherapy, AEDs should be introduced employing the not achieved until >1 year after treatment. The mechanisms
considerations for selection discussed above. The seizures of this beneficial effect of radiosurgery are not known but
in some patients may be more difficult to control during may include neuromodulatory effects or ischemic necrosis of
this subacute time period after radiotherapy when local tis- epileptogenic tissue [22]. There are no comparative studies
sue reactions are most prominent. As the local reaction sub- of AED discontinuation in patients successfully treated with
sides, seizures typically are much easier to control or manage. anterior temporal lobectomy and stereotactic radiosurgery,
60 Epilepsy: Viewpoint—Medical 727
17. Mochenhaupt M, Messenheimer J, Tennis P, Schlingmann J. Risk 23. Leveque M, Carron R, Bartolomei F, Regis J. Radiosurgical treat-
of Stevens-Johnson syndrome and toxic epidermal necrolysis in ment for epilepsy associated with cavernomas. Prog Neurol Surg.
new users of antiepileptics. Neurology. 2005;64(7):1134–8. 2013;27:157–65.
18. Girvigian MR, Chen JC, Rahimian J, Miller MJ, Tome 24. Von der Brelie C, Malter M, Niehusmann P, Elger C, Von Lehe M,
M. Comparison of early complications for patients with convexity Schramm J. Surgical management and long-term seizure outcome
and parasagittal meningiomas treated with either stereotactic radio- after epilepsy surgery for different types of epilepsy associated with
surgery or fractionated stereotactic radiotherapy. Neurosurgery. cerebral cavernous malformations. Epilepsia. 2013;54(9):1699–706.
2008;62(Suppl):A19–27. 25. Kim W, Stramotas S, Choy W, Dye J, Nagasawa D, Yang I. Prognostic
19. Unger KR, Lominska CE, Chanyasulkit J, Randolph-Jackson P, factors for post-operative seizure outcomes after cavernous malfor-
White RL, Aulisi E, Jacobson J, Jean W, Gagnon GJ. Risk factors mation treatment. J Clin Neurosci. 2011;18(7):877–90.
for posttreatment edema in patients with stereotactic radiosurgery 26. Alonso-Vanegas MA, Cisneros-Franco JM, Otsuki T. Surgical man-
for meningiomas. Neurosurgery. 2012;70(3):639–45. agement of cavernous malformations presenting with drug-resistant
20. Gelblum DY, Lee H, Bilsky M, Pinola C, Longford S, Wallner epilepsy. Front Neurol. 2012;2:86.
K. Radiographic findings and morbidity in patients treated with ste- 27. Schauble B, Cascino GD, Pollock BE, Gorman DA, Weigand S,
reotactic radiosurgery. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys. 1998;42(2): Cohen-Gadol AA, McClelland RL. Seizure outcomes after stereo-
391–5. tactic radiosurgery for cerebral arteriovenous malformations.
21. Barbaro NM, Quigg M, Broshek DK, Ward MM, Lamborn KR, Neurology. 2004;63(4):683–7.
Laxer KD, Larson DA, Dillon W, Verhey L, Garcia P, Steiner L, 28. Josephson DB, Leach JP, Duncan R, Roberts RC, Counsell CE,
Heck C, Kondziolka D, Beach R, Olivero W, Witt TC, Salanova V, Al-Shahi Salman R, Scottish Audit of Intracranial Vascular
Goodman. A multicenter, prospective pilot study of gamma knife Malformations (SAIVMs) steering committee and collaborators.
radiosurgery for mesial temporal lobe epilepsy: seizure response, Seizure risk from cavernous or arteriovenous malformations: pro-
adverse events, and verbal memory. Ann Neurol. 2009;65(2): spective population-base study. Neurology. 2011;76(18):1548–54.
167–75. 29. Spencer SS, Berg AT, Vickrey BG, Sperling MR, Bazil CW, Shinnar
22. Quigg M, Rolston J, Barbara NM. Radiosurgery for epilepsy: clini- S, Langfitt JT, Walczak TS, Pacia SV. Multicenter study of epilepsy
cal experience and potential antiepileptic mechanisms. Epilepsia. surgery predicting long-term seizure outcome after resective epi-
2012;53(1):7–15. lepsy surgery: the multicenter study. Neurology. 2005;65(6):912–8.
Stereotactic Radiosurgery
for Psychiatric and Pain Disorders 61
Chun-Po Yen and Jason P. Sheehan
L.S. Chin and W.F. Regine (eds.), Principles and Practice of Stereotactic Radiosurgery, 731
DOI 10.1007/978-1-4614-8363-2_61, © Springer Science+Business Media New York 2015
732 C.-P. Yen and J.P. Sheehan
Radiosurgery and Psychiatric Disorders normal parietal lobe of rats was studied. A dose of 50 Gy
caused astrocytic swelling and fibrin deposition in capillary
Leksell also first described psychoradiosurgery, in which he walls without changes in neuronal morphology or break-
targeted the frontolimbic connections in both anterior inter- down of the blood–brain barrier at 12 months. At 75 Gy,
nal capsules (capsulotomy) for selected cases of intractable more vigorous morphological changes were seen in astro-
anxiety and severe central pain [6]. Leksell first employed cytes within 4 months. In addition, necrosis, breakdown of
stereotactic radiosurgery to treat some psychiatric disorders. the blood–brain barrier, and hemispheric swelling were
noted. At 120 Gy, astrocytic swelling occurred within 1 week
of irradiation and necrosis was seen at 4 weeks, but it was not
Disease Pathophysiology and Radiosurgical associated with hemispheric swelling [8].
Targeting for Pain and Psychiatric Disorders Unlike treating a tumor or arteriovenous malformation,
there is not a pathological target for functional radiosurgery.
The radiobiology of treating these disorders differs from Effective radiosurgical management of pain and psychiatric
other disease entities in that the targeted area is a brain struc- disease depends upon selecting appropriate targets. This, in
ture that appears radiographically normal; targets for such part, relies on an understanding of the anatomical circuitry
procedures include the thalamus, pituitary gland, or internal and pathophysiological mechanisms underlying the func-
capsule. The radiosurgical treatment of pain and psychiatric tional disorder. The organization of the limbic system is the
disease relies heavily on the concept that adjacent normal basis of understanding for pain and psychoneurosurgery
structures receive a markedly lower dose (due to rapid radia- (Fig. 61.1) [9]. Neuroanatomical sites for various pain and
tion dose fall-off). A higher dose rate (larger dose in an psychosurgeries are depicted in Fig. 61.2 [10].
equivalent amount of time or same total dose applied over a
shorter period of time) increases the lethality of the dose to
the target due to greater interference with intrinsic cellular Pain
repair mechanisms during irradiation. The significance of
this effect is seen most clearly at a threshold dose rate of Radiosurgery has been used to treat different forms of pain
1 Gy/min [7]. including somatic pain (i.e. cancer-related or non-cancer-
In order to understand the radiobiology of a single high related), central pain, trigeminal neuralgia, and sphenopala-
dose of radiation on normal brain, the effect of GKS on the tine neuralgia. All of these types of pain are a manifestation
10 PT
13 HPT
Fig. 61.1 Limbic system: OB olfactory bulb, LOT lateral olfactory habenulointerpeduncular tract, IP interpeduncular nucleus, LMA limbic
striae, INS insula, UB uncinate bundle, DB diagonal band of Broca, midbrain area, G nucleaus of Gudden, CG central gray, and CC corpus
AMYG amygdala, SCR subcallosal radiations, HYP hypothalamus, AT callosum. From Mindus P: Capsulotomy in Anxiety Disorders- A
anterior thalamus, MB mammillary body, MTT mammillothalamic Multidisciplinary Study, Dissertation at the Karolinska Institute and
tract, ATR anterior thalamic radiations, ST stria terminalis, HAB Hospital, in. Stockholm, Sweden, 1991
habenula, MFB medial forebrain bundle, SM stria medullaris, HPT
61 Stereotactic Radiosurgery for Psychiatric and Pain Disorders 733
Hippocampal gyrus
Corpus callosum
Orbital cortex
of different pathophysiological processes. There is not a In pioneering work, Granit, Leksell, and Skoglund (1944)
single anatomical circuit or target that is most appropriate. demonstrated that local pressure on nerve fibers could result
Treatment can target central anatomic structures that mediate in painful afferent discharges from the injured neural seg-
the pain sensation (e.g., thalamus) or can target the nerve that ment [16]. More recently, Jannetta and others have suggested
carries the pain sensation (e.g., trigeminal nerve in trigemi- that vascular compression of the trigeminal nerve may be a
nal neuralgia). The complexity of neuronal network mediat- causal agent in trigeminal neuralgia [17–19]. This fact led to
ing pain makes its management by open or closed stereotactic the hypothesis of a causal relationship between vessel com-
techniques largely unsatisfactory. Chronic pain targeting pression and trigeminal neuralgia and the devising of micro-
with radiosurgery has been typically performed at the level vascular decompression surgery. Despite such hypotheses,
of the medial thalamus. Young targeted the intralaminar, the fact that balloon compression of the nerve can lead to
mediodorsal centromedian, and parafascicular nuclei in symptomatic improvement in some patients and infections and
chronic pain patients [11–13]. PET or functional MRI- demyelinating conditions may also affect the trigeminal nerve
guided cingulotomies have also been proposed for chronic and illicit pain underscores the true lack of understanding as
pain treatment [14]. to the pathophysiology of trigeminal neuralgia [20, 21].
Trigeminal neuralgia (TGN) is a paroxysmal lancinat- With radiosurgery, the usual target for treating trigemi-
ing pain confined to a distribution encompassing one or more nal neuralgia is the trigeminal nerve root entry zone or the
of the branches of the trigeminal nerve on one side of the cisternal segment of the trigeminal nerve at the level of
face. As early as 1941, Olivecrona understood and described the pons. Much has been written about whether or not the
that mechanical pressure along the root or at the level of trigeminal nerve should be targeted more proximally or
the ganglion could be the cause of trigeminal neuralgia [15]. distally [22–24].
734 C.-P. Yen and J.P. Sheehan
Rare cases of glossopharyngeal and sphenopalatine been more simple yet elegant. Drawing from the work of
neuralgia treatment with radiosurgery have been described Henry Wycis in Philadelphia and the anatomical studies of
[25, 26]. Neither the radiosurgical targeting nor the outcome Professor Meyer in London, Leksell used thermal injury to
for these types of neuralgia is well defined. perform a stereotactic capsulotomy on a successful indus-
Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
and Depression
Fig. 61.4 Gamma Knife dose plan with isocenters depicted in yellow and the 6-month post-Gamma Knife coronal MRIs illustrating the imaging
appearance of bilateral capsulotomies for intractable obsessive-compulsive disorder
61 Stereotactic Radiosurgery for Psychiatric and Pain Disorders 735
trialist who was completely incapacitated by anxiety [2]. Electroconvulsive therapy has been utilized for depression.
The result from their early case was good and prompted It typically has a transient benefit and must be readministered
more psychosurgery using electrodes and later the Gamma with some regularity.
Knife. For intractable anxiety disorders, bilateral capsu-
lotomies have been performed with a similar target to that
for OCD [28, 34, 35]. The Argument in Favor of Radiosurgery
Surgical Treatment Alternatives for Pain target area after approximately 3 months. This signal is most
and Psychosurgeries likely produced by local edema. The edema extends a maximal
volume at around 9 months and then slowly subsides. The
Open lesioning—Although the results of stereotactic or per- edema is directly related to the dose and to the volume radi-
cutaneous lesioning (e.g., thalamotomy, radiofrequency rhi- ated. It may be sufficient to use only one isocenter and the
zotomy, glycerol injection) have been well studied, and the 4-mm collimator. With these treatment parameters and a
beneficial effects are immediate, there remains the potential maximal dose of 180 Gy, a lesion measuring approximately
for complications such as intracranial hemorrhage, stroke, 4 to 5 mm three can be expected within several weeks with
and infection. In addition, these procedures carry with them only minimal transient edema. Centers have utilized maxi-
an anesthetic risk too. mal target doses of 120–200 Gy for radiosurgical treatment
Deep brain stimulation and vagal nerve stimulation—The of OCD, intractable anxiety disorders, depression, and
advantages of stimulation techniques include the reversible chronic pain [11, 13, 34, 35, 42, 51, 52].
nature of the process and the ability to modulate the neural Kihlstrom et al. propose that a minimum dose of 110 Gy using
stimulation over time. However, patients are again exposed the 4 mm collimator is required to create a permanent lesion [35].
to the risks of open surgery including infection, hemorrhage, Friehs et al. in 1996 reported the following lesion size after deliv-
and anesthesia. In addition, rates of hardware complications/ ering a dose of 160 Gy using a 4 mm collimator [51]:
failure are not trivial, and the batteries need periodic replace-
ment necessitating another albeit minor surgical procedure Time (months) Diameter of necrosis (mm)
[46–48]. 1 3
Microvascular decompression for trigeminal neuralgia— 3 6
This procedure remains the gold standard for surgical 6 8
approaches to treat trigeminal neuralgia. Barker et al. reported 12 4
excellent pain relief in 70 % of patients and partial pain relief
in another 4 % at 10 years postoperatively from a microvascu-
lar decompression [17]. However, there were the following For trigeminal neuralgia, dose selection has been studied
risks from the series by Dr. Jannetta: 0.2 % death; 0.1 % brain much more extensively. Most centers utilize maximal doses
stem infarct; and 1 % hearing loss [49]. Burchiel et al. in 1988 of 70–85 Gy [53–58]. Doses of 90 Gy or higher have been
noted a 3.5 % major recurrence rate and 1.5 % minor recur- associated with increased risk of post-radiosurgical compli-
rence rate following invasive surgical approaches [50]. All cations [55].
surgical approaches including radiosurgery appear to have a Case reports and small case series glossopharyngeal and
“wearing off” effect in terms of pain relief over the years. sphenopalatine neuralgia treatment with radiosurgery have
been published [25, 26]. We reported on the pain relief of a
patient with glossopharyngeal neuralgia delivering 80 Gy
Radiosurgical Treatment Dosimetry to the glossopharyngeal meatus [59]. Pollock and Boes
(2011) reported on a series of five patients with glossopha-
The dose must be planned so that the steepest isodose gradi- ryngeal neuralgia who underwent Gamma Knife radiosur-
ent of the dose distribution (usually between the 50 and gery with a dose of 80 Gy to the distal portion of the
70 % isodose lines) coincides with the periphery of tissue glossopharyngeal and vagus nerves at the level of the jugu-
being treated. This may require several overlapping fields of lar foramen [60]. Of these five patients, three experience
radiation, each using a different collimator size and a sepa- benefit from radiosurgery, whereas two had no benefit and
rate stereotactic focal point. Changing the relative time of underwent microsurgery too with no apparent pain relief
radiation at each target may also change the isodose distri- [60]. Pollock and Kondziolka performed Gamma Knife
bution. Finally, the radiation field may be altered by blocking surgery twice on a patient with sphenopalatine neuralgia
some of the radiation sources, also known as plugging or using a maximal dose of 90 Gy [25]. The patient underwent
shielding. repeat Gamma Knife surgery for partial pain recurrence
For radiosurgical capsulotomies and thalamotomies, focal and remained pain free 2 years after repeat treatment. The
lesions can be produced using a 4-mm collimator and 1–3 North American Gamma Knife Consortium recently
isocenters on each side for overlapping fields, creating a reviewed 17 patients who underwent Gamma Knife surgery
cylindrical lesion, with a maximum dose within the target for intractable sphenopalatine neuralgia. Favorable pain
volume of 200 Gy. The development of the lesions using relief (Barrow Neurological Institute Grades I–IIIb) was
such a plan has been followed by MRI and CT scans every 3 achieved and maintained in 10 (59 %) of 17 patients at a
months. On T2-weighted images, a high signal appears in the median follow-up of 34 months.
61 Stereotactic Radiosurgery for Psychiatric and Pain Disorders 737
Somatic anxiety
Musular temsion
Psychic anxiety
Inhibition of aggression
Impulsivity HJ
Monotony avoidance Post
Social desirability
Indirect aggression
Verbal aggression
–1 SD 50 1 SD
Fig. 61.5 Karolinska Scales of Personality (KSP) scores reported by Capsulotomy in Anxiety Disorders—A Multidisciplinary Study,
Mindus for a patient who underwent a capsulotomy for non-obsessive- Dissertation at the Karolinska Institute and Hospital, in. Stockholm,
compulsive disorder anxiety. SD standard deviation. From Mindus P: Sweden, 1991
Fig. 61.6 Karolinska Scales of Personality (KSP) scores reported by Capsulotomy in Anxiety Disorders—A Multidisciplinary Study,
Mindus for a patient who underwent a capsulotomy for obsessive- Dissertation at the Karolinska Institute and Hospital, in. Stockholm,
compulsive disorder anxiety. SD standard deviation. From Mindus P: Sweden, 1991
University has reportedly put its use of the Gamma Knife on thermocoagulation and cryprobes to a perform limbic
hiatus for treatment of OCD patients. This hiatus arose after leucotomy may give direction to future work using radio-
three patients were noted to have cyst formation after treatment surgical devices to treat depression [31, 68].
with the Gamma Knife Perfexion.
come. Kihlstrom et al. noted that parenchymal reaction and and chronic pain. Advances in neuro-imaging, neuro-
time course to development of a lesion following radiosur- anatomy, and psychiatry may lead to a resurgence of interest
gery for refractory anxiety disorders may be difficult to pre- in this field. Any future application of radiosurgery to treat
dict [34]. Other potential complications associated with these disorders should be done in the context of a multidisci-
radiosurgery include radiation-induced parenchymal changes plinary team.
(some of which are reversible and others are irreversible),
delayed cyst formation, radiation-induced neoplasia, and
vascular injury [69, 70]. More worrisome side effects of References
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Ocular and Orbital Lesions
Yan Michael Li, Gabriela Šimonová, Roman Lisčák,
Josef Novotný Jr., Amit Singla, and Lawrence S. Chin
L.S. Chin and W.F. Regine (eds.), Principles and Practice of Stereotactic Radiosurgery, 743
DOI 10.1007/978-1-4614-8363-2_62, © Springer Science+Business Media New York 2015
744 Y.M. Li et al.
Eye Fixation
width in the millimeter range. The use of miniature-multileaf ing device accurately if beam passed perpendicularly through
collimator has several advantages compared with custom- it. Consequently, Petersch et al. suggested avoidance of fron-
ized blocks: (1) generating miniature-multileaf collimator tal beams when doing treatment planning as a solution to
shapes takes less time than molding blocks, (2) there is no reduce significantly dosimetric errors.
need to reenter the treatment room during multiple field Detailed dosimetric measurements including the treat-
treatments, and (3) any modification in the shape can be ment planning system calculations of target volume relative
performed easily. Single-isocenter technique with selected dose distributions and absolute dose calculations in different
number of conformal fields (typically 5–15) is used. depths were compared with experimental measurements.
Individual fields are shaped using beam’s-eye view tech- Various treatment plans for different ophthalmic indications
nique. Weighting factors of single individual beams, gantry (uveal melanoma, glaucoma, retinoblastoma) calculated for
angles, and table angles are used for final dose distribution the Leksell Gamma Knife were evaluated. There was
optimization. observed good agreement between treatment planning sys-
Dynamic non-coplanar arcs are another treatment tech- tem relative dose distribution calculations for target volume
nique. A selected number of conformal isocentric arcs are and performed measurements (Fig. 62.3). For the calculation
used. Beam’s-eye view technique is used for individual beam of absolute doses, there was observed very good agreement
shaping. at depths 15–20 mm. Typical deviations between treatment
Finally, intensity-modulated SRS or SRT is an option for planning system calculations and actual measurements were
the treatment planning. A selected number of fields opti- within 3 %. However, measurements performed at depth less
mized by proper weighting factor, gantry, and table angles than 10 mm showed large deviations of about 15–20 % com-
are used as in the non-coplanar conformal static fields tech- pared with the treatment planning system calculations. The
nique. Inverse treatment planning is used to generate optimal dose delivered to patient was always smaller than that calcu-
intensity through individual beams. lated by the treatment planning system. To improve inaccu-
Georg et al. compared different dosimetric characteristics racies in absolute dose calculations in surface structures, it
of treatment plans when using the above-mentioned tech- was suggested to use proper tissue equivalent built-up mate-
niques for the treatment planning of uveal melanomas [16]. rial that is attached on the treated eye (Fig. 62.3) and
They concluded that static conformal and dynamic as treat- improves treatment planning system calculations.
ment techniques that have dosimetric advantages over con-
ventional non-coplanar arcs using circular collimators while
being simultaneously highly efficient in treatment planning Clinical Application
and delivery. Dynamic arc SRS or SRT combines the homo-
geneous dose distribution and the high degree of static con- Stereotactic radiosurgery or radiotherapy currently plays an
formal beams with the steep dose gradients and smeared-out important role as primary treatment, adjuvant therapy, or pal-
low-dose volumes of arc beam therapy. Intensity-modulated liation of ocular and orbital tumors. The clinical situation,
SRS or SRT does not show clear impact on further reduction radiation source, and desired result determine the prescribed
of doses to organs at risk and depends probably on the target radiation dose. The following reviews the published experi-
volume location within the eye. ence with stereotactic radiosurgery or radiotherapy for ocu-
lar and orbital lesions (Table 62.1) [3, 4, 17–41].
Uveal Melanomas
Because of very eccentric target volume location, some inac-
curacies in the treatment planning calculations including Pathophysiology
relative dose distributions as well as absolute dose calcula- Uveal melanoma represents the most common primary malig-
tions (calculation of treatment time or monitor units) can be nant tumor of the eye in adults with a peak incidence between
expected. This issue is even more important for surface ages 55 and 70 years. It affects 6–7 people per million each
structures of eye (e.g., eye lens, eye lid, cornea) than for tar- year, and approximately 50 % of patients with diagnosed
get volumes itself as these structures are located in depths melanomas of the chorioid or ciliary body will die from this
smaller than buildup of employed photon energies. tumor within 15 years [17]. The incidence is rare in patients
Petersch et al. reported excellent agreement between younger than 20 years. The incidence of cutaneous melano-
measurements and treatment planning system calculations mas has been increasing in frequency over the past several
for uveal melanomas at depth 15–20 mm [8]. However, at decades and the dependence on latitude has been observed,
small depths (<10 mm), the treatment planning system can- reflecting levels of exposure to ultraviolet light. This trend
not model the influence of absorption in eye motion monitor- has not been evident for patients with uveal melanomas.
62 Ocular and Orbital Lesions 747
Table 62.1 Indications and radiotherapy doses for ocular and orbital
Orbital radiation doses (Gy)
Pathology Average or recommended dose (Range)
Uveal Melanoma 35 (35–50)
[3, 4, 30–33]
Retinoblastoma [35] 43 (40–50)
Orbital metastasis 40 (30–40)
(breast, lung) [38, 52]
Lymphoma [39] 32 (15–46)
Meningioma [53–55] 45 (45–54)
Optic nerve glioma [56] 50 (42–54)
Basal cell carcinoma [57] 50 (34–50)
Squamous carcinoma 50 (50–64)
[58, 59]
Sebaceous carcinoma [60] 55 (45–63)
Rhabdomyosarcoma 45 (32–72)
[61, 62]
Cavernous hemangioma 14.5 (12.5–40)
[40, 41]
Choroidal haemangiomas 10 (10)
Uveal angiomas (Sturge 12 (12–30)
Weber) [63]
Capillary hemangioma— 4.5 (1.5–7.5)
orbit [43]
Age-related macular 12 (12–20)
degeneration [47, 48]
Glaucoma 15 (7–15)
1 Gy = 100 Rads
These types of melanomas are much more benign, smaller in Several staging systems have been used, one of the most
size, readily visible, and early diagnosed. It can be difficult commonly reported was based on the 2010 American Joint
to assess the potential of the malignant cells, even in those Staging System (Tables 62.2 and 62.3) [19]
with documented growth, because iris nevi may also grow.
For this reason, local resection is usually effective whenever
it seems to be necessary. Treatment Methods
Choroidal melanomas typically grow in nodular form,
and in cases of continuing growth many tumors break Treatment modalities strongly depend on the site of the primary
through the Bruch membrane. The Bruch membrane is a tumor and its volume and metastatic extent. Historically, the
basement membrane–connective tissue complex lying first known treatment modality was enucleation [20].
between the retina pigment epithelium and the choriocapil-
laries. When the melanomas break through the Bruch mem- Surgical Treatment
brane, they extend into the subsensory retina space, which Surgical methods include resection of the eye wall (for very
gives them a mushroom or collar-button shape. These char- small visible melanomas of the iris), enucleation, and orbital
acteristics, as well as the detachment of the retina, are typical exenteration [20]. The role of enucleation in the management
for uveal melanomas. This type of tumor growth is some- of posterior to equator localized melanomas is controversial,
times accompanied by vitreous hemorrhage with symptoms but enucleation remains the standard option for most large
of sudden visual loss. choroidal melanomas that cause severe secondary glaucoma
Melanomas involving the ciliary body are rare, carry a or are invading the optic nerve.
poor prognosis, and are often diagnosed late. Melanomas
can also have diffuse, infiltrative growth to the ciliary body Radiotherapy
and a pattern called ring melanoma. These tumors are diag- Preoperative or postoperative irradiation is a promising
nosed with difficulty and late, because they are accompanied approach under evaluation that could also decrease the
by relatively little visible tumor mass effect and they occur in chances of malignant dissemination, however recent study
the diagnostically “silent” eye area. Any extra scleral exten- observed no benefit [21]. Postoperative external beam radio-
sion of the tumor usually confers a poor prognosis. The dif- therapy has been used in patients with large tumors with
fuse growing melanomas are usually more aggressive, with extrascleral or extraocular extension. The recommended
more malignant cell types. total applied dose is 60 Gy with daily fractionation.
Tumor growth is also influenced on the potential doubling
time (T pot) which varies widely between 60 and 350 days Brachytherapy
(the median of T pot being about 70 days) [18]. A longer T The most frequently used therapeutic system for delivering
pot for a significant proportion of tumors can explain the radiation is brachytherapy (plaque radiotherapy). A number
relatively long survival of these patients and also the rela- of radionuclides, including cobalt-60, gold-198, iodine-125,
tively slow tumor response after irradiation. ruthenium-106, iridium-192, and palladium-103, have been
used for plaque therapy with varying results according to the
retrospective studies [22, 23]. A metal shield containing
Primary Tumor Diagnosis small radioactive seeds is sutured to the outside of the sclera
overlying the tumor with radiation doses principally deliv-
Melanoma of the ciliary body and chorioid have typical ered to the base of the tumor. The radioactive plaque is left in
clinical features, and the correct diagnosis for a majority of place for approximately 5–7 days. Cobalt-60 was one of the
patients can be made by taking a history and performing a first isotopes to be used in brachytherapy, but it is a high-
complete ocular examination. The ophthalmologic exami- energy gamma emitter and thus there exists a risk of damag-
nation includes external ocular examination, indirect oph- ing healthy ocular structures several millimeters from the
thalmoscopy, fluorescein angiography, and ultrasonography source. Other isotopes have been used: iodine-125 is also a
A, B. Magnetic resonance imaging plays a fundamental role gamma emitter but has lower energy than cobalt-60 and,
in the treatment planning of radiosurgery or stereotactic because of this, it is associated with a lower rate of complica-
radiotherapy. tions. Brachytherapy leads to long-term local tumor control
Ultrasonography plays a basic role, not only at the time of in 85–90 % of patients and can be used to treat small mela-
diagnosis but during follow-up and is used to obtain precise nomas [22, 23]. The best results can be achieved in tumors
measurement of the tumor base and height. The height of less than 10 mm in height and with a base diameter not
tumor in particular represents one of the most important fac- exceeding 16 mm. Patients with extrascleral tumor exten-
tors influencing the treatment decision, and it is used during sion, ring melanoma, and tumor involvement of more than
follow-up to evaluate the tumor response. half of the eye are not suitable for plaque therapy.
62 Ocular and Orbital Lesions 749
Table 62.2 Definitions of TNM staging of uveal melanoma (American Joint Staging System, 2010) [19]
Primary tumor (T)
TX Primary tumor cannot be assessed
T0 No evidence of primary tumor
T1 Tumor limited to the iris
T1a Tumor limited to the iris not more than 3 clock hours in size
T1b Tumor limited to the iris more than 3 clock hours in size
T1c Tumor limited to the iris with secondary glaucoma
T2 Tumor confluent with or extending into the ciliary body, choroid, or both
T2a T2 with secondary glaucoma
T3 Tumor confluent with or extending into the ciliary body, choroid, or both, with scleral extension
T3a T3 and secondary glaucoma
T4 Tumor with extrascleral extension
T4a Tumor with extrascleral extension ≤5 mm in diameter
T4b Tumor with extrascleral extension >5 mm in diameter
Ciliary body and choroid
T1 Tumor size category 1
T1a Tumor size category 1 without ciliary body involvement and extraocular extension
T1b Tumor size category 1 with ciliary body involvement
T1c Tumor size category 1 without ciliary body involvement but with extraocular extension ≤5 mm in
T1d Tumor size category 1 with ciliary body involvement and extraocular extension ≤5 mm in diameter
T2 Tumor size category 2
T2a Tumor size category 2 without ciliary body involvement and extraocular extension
T2b Tumor size category 2 with ciliary body involvement
T2c Tumor size category 2 without ciliary body involvement but with extraocular extension ≤5 mm in
T2d Tumor size category 2 with ciliary body involvement and extraocular extension ≤5 mm in diameter
T3 Tumor size category 3
T3a Tumor size category 3 without ciliary body involvement and extraocular extension
T3b Tumor size category 3 with ciliary body involvement
T3c Tumor size category 3 without ciliary body involvement but with extraocular extension ≤5 mm in
T3d Tumor size category 3 with ciliary body involvement and extraocular extension ≤5 mm in diameter
T4 Tumor size category 4
T4a Tumor size category 4 without ciliary body involvement and extraocular extension
T4b Tumor size category 4 with ciliary body involvement
T4c Tumor size category 4 without ciliary body involvement but with extraocular extension ≤5 mm in
T4d Tumor size category 4 with ciliary body involvement and extraocular extension ≤5 mm in diameter
T4e Any tumor size category with extraocular extension >5 mm in diameter
Regional lymph nodes (N)
NX Regional lymph nodes cannot be assessed
N0 No regional lymph node metastasis
N1 Regional lymph node metastasis
Distant metastasis (M)
M0 No distant metastasis
M1 Distant metastasis
M1a Largest diameter of the largest metastasis ≤3 cm
M1b Largest diameter of the largest metastasis 3.1–8.0 cm
M1c Largest diameter of the largest metastasis ≥8 cm
750 Y.M. Li et al.
Table 62.3 Anatomic stage/prognostic groups of uveal melanoma applied minimal dose ranged from 25 to 45 Gy in two fractions
(American Joint Staging System, 2010) [19] and 15 Gy in three equal fractions. Local tumor control,
Stage T N M defined as freedom of local progression, was reported in 98 %
I T1a N0 M0 of patients [29]. Further clinical studies using fractionated
IIA T1b–d N0 M0 stereotactic irradiation are justified to optimize the effective
T2a N0 M0 dose and fractionation pattern.
IIB T2b N0 M0
T3a N0 M0 Radiosurgery
IIIA T2c–d N0 M0
The first experiments with radiosurgery for the treatment of
T3b–c N0 M0
uveal melanomas were conducted using the rabbit eye mela-
T4a N0 M0
noma model, with reported tumor lethal dose range from 60
IIIB T3d N0 M0
to 90 Gy applied in a single session. A preliminary study of
T4b–c N0 M0
IIIC T4d–e N0 M0
11 treated patients with uveal melanomas was published in
IV Any T N1 M0 1992 and suggested that local tumor control could be
Any T Any N M1a–c achieved with a minimal dose between 60 and 90 Gy in a
single dose using the Leksell Gamma Knife. Some observa-
tions were made on patients after radiosurgery who had their
Proton Beam Therapy eyes secondarily enucleated. All eyes with secondary enucle-
Patients with tumors too large for brachytherapy or tumors ations presented an initial height exceeding 9 mm and also
considered too close to the optic nerve have been recom- had a large number of ciliary body tumors [30]. Several
mended for proton beam therapy (PBT). Early studies with authors reported the results of radiosurgery in uveal melano-
PBT recognized that severe damage was caused to the eyelid mas and some of them observed relatively high radiation-
and the anterior parts of the eye. Patients with tumors local- related toxicity [4, 30, 31].
ized near the eye surface had a higher incidence of severe Dinca et al. reported the UK experience in treating ocular
toxicity because the sparing effect of Bragg peak was absent. melanoma over the last 20 years [3]. One hundred seventy
Many of these patients had chronically painful and cosmeti- patients who were treated with Gamma Knife radiosurgery
cally unsatisfactory eyes. Local tumor control in 90–98 % of were compared with 620 patients treated with eye enucle-
patients was achieved by this method in a large series [24]. ation. Different peripheral doses (at the 50 % isodose) were
The technique was subsequently improved and the complica- employed. There was no significant difference in survival
tion rate has dropped accordingly. between the 35-Gy, 45-Gy, and 50–70-Gy groups when com-
pared between themselves (p = 0.168) and with the enucle-
Charged Particle Therapy ation group (p = 0.454). The 5-year survival rates were: 64 %
Helium ion irradiation is uniquely suited to the precise local- for 35 Gy, 62.71 % for 45 Gy, 63.6 % for 50–70 Gy, and
ization of irradiation because of the sharp falloff of the dose 65.2 % for enucleated patients. Clinical variables influencing
at the distal end of the Bragg peak, the sharp lateral edges of survival for radiosurgery patients were tumor volume
the beam, and the ability to tailor the depth penetration and (p = 0.014) and location (median 66.4 months for juxtapapil-
spread by a modulated Bragg peak. Uveal melanomas are lary vs. 37.36 months for peripheral tumors, (p = 0.001).
indicated for this treatment. When the charged particles are Regarding complications, using 35 Gy led to more than a
used to treat the uveal melanoma, the normal tissue of the 50 % decrease in the incidence of cataract, glaucoma and
anterior part of the eye can receive a radiation dose compa- retinal detachment, compared with the 45-Gy dose.
rable with the tumor dose. This fact causes radiation toxicity Retinopathy, optic neuropathy, and vitreous hemorrhage
in the anterior parts of the eye leading to side effects such as were not significantly influenced. Blindness decreased dra-
eyelash loss, lacrimal damage, conjunctival changes, dry eye matically from 83.7 % for 45 Gy to 31.4 % for 35 Gy
syndrome, keratitis, and neovascular glaucoma [25, 26]. (p = 0.006), as well as post-radiosurgery enucleation: 23.9 %
Local tumor control is achieved in 96 % of patients and the for 45 Gy vs. 6.45 % for 35 Gy (p = 0.018). Visual acuity,
enucleation rate is 19 % (3 % for local failure and 16 % due recorded up to 5 years post-radiosurgery, was significantly
to complications) [26]. better preserved for 35 Gy than for 45 Gy (p = 0.0003). It
appears that using 35 Gy results in a dramatic decrease in
Stereotactic Radiotherapy complications, visual loss, and salvage enucleation, while
The advantage of stereotactic irradiation using a linear accel- not compromising patient survival.
erator is the possibility of fractionated treatments compared Sarici et al. reported on 50 eyes from 50 consecutive
with the Leksell Gamma Knife. Fractionation may decrease patients with uveal melanoma that were treated with GKRS
late-radiation-related toxicity, and this fact was the subject of and had a median follow-up time of 40 months. They used a
intensive study [8, 9, 11, 16, 27–29]. The reported mean dose of 30 Gy, which is an eye-sparing outpatient option for
62 Ocular and Orbital Lesions 751
Fig. 62.4 Melanotic type of uveal melanoma. (a) Native T1-weighted MRI. (b) T2-weighted MRI. (c) Postcontrast T1-weighted MRI
752 Y.M. Li et al.
Fig. 62.5 Amelanotic type of uveal melanoma. (a) Native T1-weighted MRI. (b) T2-weighted MRI. (c) Postcontrast three-dimensional MRI
Fig. 62.6 (a) Axial, (b) coronal plane, and (c) sagittal plane. Uveal volume is 183.3 mm3, minimum dose is 44 Gy on a 60 % isodose, maxi-
melanoma. Characteristics: The tumor base is 9 mm and the tumor mum dose is 73.3 Gy. The maximum doses to critical structures: lens
height is 3 mm. Gross tumor volume is 84 mm3, the planned treatment 4 Gy, cornea 2 Gy, eyelid 2 Gy
enhancement is not so intensive as in the melanotic forms ultrasonography, indocyanine and fluorescein angiography,
(Fig. 62.5c). The treatment planning volume (PTV) includes optical coherence tomography, ultrabiomicroscopy (for
the growth tumor volume and 1–2-mm safety margins in all tumors located anterior to the equator), visual function, and
three diameters. The minimal dose for radiosurgery ranged biomicroscopy.
from 35 to 45 Gy with a median dose of 41 Gy in our series.
The majority of melanomas are irradiated using 4- and 8-mm
collimator helmets (Fig. 62.6) and the plugging pattern aim Local Tumor Response
to spare critical structures such as cornea (Fig. 62.7) or optic
nerve (Fig. 62.8). Tumor regression is defined as a decrease in tumor height
registered by A and B ultrasonography scans and by control
MRI. In our personal experience, the tumor regression can
Follow-Up be achieved in 70 % of patients. The maximum local effect
has been recorded during the interval of 20–30 months after
Patients should be examined by an ophthalmologist at regu- radiosurgery. Most tumor response has been achieved within
lar intervals (24 h, 1 week, 3 months, and then every 6 24 months after SRS (Figs. 62.9, 62.10, 62.11, and 62.12).
months after SRS; MRI can be repeated every year for the Patients with tumor growth progression or without any
first 2 years after radiosurgery and then every 2–3 years response 30 months after treatment were candidates for
after the treatment). The following ophthalmologic methods retreatment by radiosurgery, and patients with a tumor height
were employed for diagnostic investigation and patient fol- of more than 10 mm or extra scleral growth were indicated
low-up at regular intervals 6 months after radiosurgery: for enucleation (5 %).
62 Ocular and Orbital Lesions 753
Fig. 62.7 Demonstration of the effect of plugged sources for protec- plan with plugging. The dose to cornea in this case did not exceed
tion of cornea for patient with uveal melanoma treated by 8-mm and 14 Gy (given on displayed 20 % isodose). (c) Plug pattern used for
14-mm collimators. (a) Treatment plan without plugging. (b) Treatment 14-mm collimator. Plugged sources are indicated in black
Fig. 62.8 Demonstration of the effect of plugged sources for protec- plan with plugging. (c) Plug pattern used for plugging both 4-mm col-
tion of optic nerve for patient with uveal melanoma treated by two limators. Plugged sources are indicated in black
4-mm collimators. (a) Treatment plan without plugging. (b) Treatment
Fig. 62.9 Post-equatorial uveal melanoma. (a) Pretreatment funduscopy and treatment planning MRI. (b) Native T1-weighted MRI.
(c) T2-weighted MRI
754 Y.M. Li et al.
Fig. 62.10 (a) The tumor response 12 months after radiosurgery and the development of postradiation retinopathy (funduscopy control). (b, c)
Control MRI 12 months after radiosurgery
Prognostic Factors
first viable embolus of malignant tumor cells. The minimum answered the primary study questions and contributed to
latent interval of 6 years implies that metastatic death within clinical and epidemiologic knowledge of choroidal mela-
7–8 years after local treatment on the uveal melanoma is noma. As a consequence of the COMS, a standard approach
nearly always due to pretreatment dissemination [29]. The to I-125 brachytherapy for treatment of choroidal melanoma
chance of metastasis-caused death within 5 years totally became widely available to affected patients [22].
depends on the presence or absence of hematologically dis- Proton beam therapy was analyzed in Switzerland, and
seminated tumor cells or diagnosed metastases at the time of the treatment results over 15-year periods were reported.
local treatment. Some data from the analyzed clinical studies Effective local tumor control was achieved in 90 % and later
strongly supports the assumption that the rate of death by in 96 % of treated patients. Ten years survival of patients
metastatic disease is influenced by local tumor control: with local controlled tumors was 72.6 and 47.5 % in patients
improvement in local tumor control rate results in a longer with local recurrence of melanoma. The helium ions therapy
survival. One of the fundamental experiments and analysis trial documented local tumor control of 85–90 % [25, 26].
of results was reported from study based on 15 years of treat- The radiosurgery series reported the local tumor control of
ment of uveal melanomas with proton beam therapy [26]. about 70–75 % [4, 30, 31].
The minimal latent interval of 5 years implies that metastatic
death 5 years after local treatment is nearly always due to
pretreatment dissemination. This is the one reason that statis- Treatment Methods Comparison
tically significant prognostic factors for survival in tumors
less than 8 mm in diameter should never be established 5 Brachytherapy represents two surgical interventions: the first
years after local treatment, and the recommended interval of is plaque application and the second replacement. Proton
follow-up and analysis seems to be 8–10 years after the treat- beam therapy is accompanied by pretreatment application of
ment. The minimal interval for the evaluation of tumor target markers to the exposed sclera using tantalum clips.
response and treatment-related toxicity is about 3–5 years. Stereotactic radiotherapy uses the fractionation regimes.
Radiosurgery is combined with the stereotactic frame and
eye fixation. The treatment results in terms of tumor response
Other Aspects of Eye Preservation Methods and local control are similar to those of brachytherapy, ste-
reotactic irradiation, helium ions therapy, proton beam ther-
The psychosocial aspect of conservative treatment can also apy, or enucleation and range between 85 and 97 % [20, 25, 26].
be intensively studied. The psychological problems of some Long-term local tumor control of more than 90 % and an
conservatively treated patients can be caused by frequent incidence of rubeosis of iridis in 34 % of patients have been
follow-up tests, treatment of any reoccurrence, treatment of achieved using proton beam therapy after a median follow-
complications, and the possibility of persistent malignant up of 36 months [25]. A major predictive factor for the devel-
cells in the eye involved. On the other hand, the impact of opment of rubeosis iris and later neovascular glaucoma was
enucleation on vision-dependent daily activities must also be a large tumor size unsuitable for brachytherapy. Stereotactic
discussed. irradiation using a linear accelerator with applied doses of
45–70 Gy delivered in one or three fractions is an effective
method with the following results: tumor height reduction
Trials and Treatment Comparison was achieved in 97 %, secondary enucleation were per-
formed in 13 %, and the incidence of secondary glaucoma
The clinical trials and studies about management of uveal was 20 % also including iris or chamber angle neovascular-
melanomas are still going on. The multicenter Collaborative ization [3, 29]. In a prospective study of helium ion therapy,
Ocular Melanoma Study (COMS) was initiated at 32 clinical the incidence of secondary glaucoma was 29 % after a mean
centers in the USA and in Canada in 1986 and ended in 1998. observation period of 53 months [25].
Participating patients were followed for 5–15 years, depend- Radiosurgery data was reported by Rennie, and in this
ing upon date of enrollment, before all clinical follow-up study, after delivering a single fraction of 35–70 Gy, the
ended in 2003. No difference in survival outcomes and little majority of patients developed significant complications
difference in quality-of-life outcomes were observed after a median follow-up of 24 months [3, 32, 33].
between patients in the iodine-125 brachytherapy arm and Retinopathy was found in 78 % and secondary neovascu-
those in the enucleation arm. Five-year survival was substan- lar glaucoma in 43 % of patients. Our radiosurgery data
tially better than anticipated based on a review of the litera- were mentioned above. Comparison of different treatment
ture when the trial was designed. The multidisciplinary methods is given in Table 62.5 [3, 4, 17–20, 35–38, 48,
COMS Group successfully conducted a randomized trial that 52, 54, 55].
756 Y.M. Li et al.
Rationale criteria for selecting a treatment modality should The role of stereotactic irradiation and radiosurgery in the
be dependent upon the interrelations between the clinical treatment of primary tumors still remains unclear. Pica et al.
characteristics of tumor and the morbidity associated with reported preliminary experience on 11 children (15 eyes)
the available treatment modalities. Small tumors (less than with macular and/or papillary retinoblastoma treated with
10 mm in height) and localized pre-equatorially can be suc- SRT. The mean age was 19 months (range, 2–111). 7, 6, and
cessfully treated using brachytherapy. Tumors localized 2 eyes were classified as International Classification of
equatorially or posterior to the equator and not higher than Intraocular Retinoblastoma Group B, C, and E, respectively.
10 mm can be irradiated using the Leksell Gamma Knife. The delivered dose of SRT was 50.4 Gy in 28 fractions using
Small melanomas (height 5–10 mm) can be treated effec- a dedicated micromultileaf collimator linear accelerator.
tively using Leksell Gamma Knife and in cases with PTV not The median follow-up was 20 months (range, 13–39). Local
exceeding 1,000 mm3 with less than 7 % risk of neovascular control was achieved in 13 eyes (87 %). The actuarial 1- and
glaucoma. Tumors more than 10 mm in height, especially 2-year local control rates were both 82 %. SRT was well tol-
melanomas of the ciliary body, progression of growth after erated. Late adverse events were reported in four patients. Of
irradiation, tumors combined with neovascular glaucoma, or the four patients, two had developed focal microangiopathy
vitreous hemorrhage are candidates for enucleation (Case 20 months after SRT; one had developed a transient recur-
Studies 62.1 and 62.2). rence of retinal detachment; and one had developed bilateral
cataracts. No optic neuropathy was observed [34]. Linear
accelerator-based SRT for papillary and/or macular retino-
Retinoblastoma blastoma in children resulted in excellent tumor control rates
with acceptable toxicity. Additional research regarding SRT
Pathophysiology and its intrinsic organ-at-risk sparing capability is justified in
the framework of prospective trials [35].
Retinoblastoma represents the most common primary malig- Šimonová summarized four patients were admitted for
nant tumor of the eye in children. Although this tumor stereotactic irradiation using the Leksell Gamma Knife and
accounts for only 1 % of all malignant tumors in children, it they had vitreous seeding of malignant cells. All patients
has been studied intensively because of its genetic features. were pretreated according to SIOP (Society International of
Pediatric Oncology) protocol and relapsed after standard
treatment. The only other possibility was enucleation. The
Diagnosis and Treatment whole vitreous body was irradiated using the Leksell Gamma
Knife in a single session, collimator diameter 14 mm, the
The majority of cases are diagnosed within the first 2 years median PTV 2,900 mm3, and the median minimum dose was
of life. The treatment strategy depends on clinical staging 15 Gy. To avoid growth retardation of the irradiated eye and
(disease confined to the retina, disease confined to the globe, bony structures, the minimal dose did not exceed 15 Gy in all
extraocular extension, and presentation of distant metasta- patients, and for this as well as the risk of complications
ses) and includes the following methods: tumor resection, from the previous treatment, the applied doses were rela-
enucleation, chemotherapy, and external beam radiotherapy, tively low and three of the four patients were enucleated
which continues to play an important role in the treatment of with a median of 2 months after radiosurgery for local
extrascleral and intraneural extension of retinoblastoma. progression.
62 Ocular and Orbital Lesions 757
A careful history and ophthalmologic examination is gener- Fig. 62.14 Control MRI 2 years after radiosurgery documents tumor
ally sufficient to diagnose ocular metastases, and the com- regression
plete examination should include slit-lamp examination,
funduscopy, ultrasonography, and MRI postcontrast
T1-weighted sequence. When the patient has no prior history Stereotactic Radiotherapy
of malignant tumors, a systemic examination should be per- This treatment modality applies higher radiation doses using
formed to identify the primary tumor and metastatic extent a fractionation scheme but, at present, there is still a lack of
outside the eye. Choroidal metastases generally appear as a information about its use in clinical practice.
creamy yellow subretinal mass, often accompanied by reti-
nal detachment. Ultrasonographic findings can usually Radiosurgery
clearly differentiate choroidal metastases from choroidal Radiosurgery may extend treatment options for uveal
melanomas. metastases because of its specific advantages: (1) the pos-
sibility of applying a high radiation dose and (2) evidence
of its sparing effect on the surrounding critical structures.
Treatment The recommended minimal doses are similar to those for
brain metastases, ranging between 20 and 30 Gy, and depend
Brachytherapy on the tumor volume, location, and histology (Figs. 62.13
Plaque therapy is a standard treatment method using the and 62.14).
same radionuclides as for uveal melanomas. Candidates for Additional study of the efficacy and complications of this
this type of irradiation are patients with a solitary lesion and technique compared with external beam radiotherapy is indi-
a mean diameter of the pathologic lesion not exceeding cated as the role of this method still remains open.
8–10 mm.
Radiotherapy Prognosis
External beam fractionated radiotherapy represents the local
effective treatment with a low rate of late complications. The diagnosis of ocular metastases generally carries a poor
The recommended total dose is 30–40 Gy with 2–3 Gy per prognosis with a median survival period of 9 months, with
fraction per day [38]. the literature reporting a range of 4–13 months.
758 Y.M. Li et al.
Fig. 62.15 (a–c) The treatment planning of age-related macular degeneration with 15 and 10 Gy isodose curves
Fig. 62.16 (a, b) Pretreatment angiography and (c) ultrasonography of age-related macular degeneration
Fig. 62.17 (a, b) Control angiography of ARMD and (c) ultrasonography 12 months after radiosurgery
Fig. 62.18 The whole ciliary body irradiated with minimal dose 15 Gy on a 50 % isodose curve shown on (a) axial, (b) coronal, and (c) sagittal
Complications related to radiation therapy can be acute or and 11 % patients were enucleated for this reason during the
chronic. Chronic changes are delayed in onset and may not first 2 years after radiosurgery. The median time to occur-
improve. Acute reactions are rapid in onset and typically rence of secondary neovascular glaucoma was 18 months
reversible. For example, acute radiation blepharoconjuncti- and so a higher incidence of enucleation during a longer
vitis is commonly seen after EBRT. There are also two other follow-up could be expected. In our series, we did not
types of complications defined: any radiation-related mor- observe any significant influence of the minimum dose and
bidity that occurs within the first 90 days after the end of tumor location, but a significantly lower incidence of sec-
treatment is usually regarded as early and all other complica- ondary glaucoma was noticed when the volume planning
tions as late. The clinical course of the two types of reactions target volume (PTV) of the peripheral (prescribed) isodose
is different, early reactions tending to be transient whereas was less than 1,000 mm3 with an incidence of 6.9 %.
late reactions are often irreversible. Biologically, it has been The worsening of useful vision caused by radiation-
established that higher grades of reactions are on average related toxicity during 3 years after radiosurgery was
seen at later times than lower grades and that increased treat- observed in 35 % of patients and was due to tumor progres-
ment toxicity may considerably shorten the latent period sion in 3 %, optic nerve neuropathy in 8 %, retinopathy in
[54, 55]. Many schemas have been devised for recording the 9 %, and neovascular glaucoma in 14 %.
late effects of radiotherapy treatments including the Radiation There exists a difference in the area of severe complica-
Therapy Oncology Group (RTOG) and LENT SOMA scales tions and it is based on the radiation damage of different eye
widely used in clinical practice. The tables for scoring ocular tissues. The most acceptable are complications concerning
toxicity are documented in Table 62.4 [51]. the lens because ophthalmologists can treat them more eas-
The most common late toxicity for all types of irradiation ily. The main problems in the eye bulb are complications of
is retinopathy, cataracts, secondary glaucoma, and optic neu- the iris, cornea, and optic nerve. The optic nerve tolerance is
ropathy [4, 20, 27, 29, 50, 51]. The presence of iris rubeosis well defined from other radiosurgery procedures especially
can be chosen as a marker of severe ocular damage, and from the irradiation of pituitary adenomas, meningiomas,
many authors have reported that secondary neovascular glau- and craniopharyngiomas. The tolerance dose of the optic
coma is the most common cause of the toxicity-related enu- nerve ranged from 8 to 10 Gy and the same doses are well
cleation [50]. Every new treatment method needs detailed tolerated by other critical ocular structures with an incidence
and qualified radiation morbidity scoring. The initial steps of late complications not higher than 5 % [4].
identify the tolerance doses for critical structures and the Late radiation responses occur after latent periods of 3
effective doses for the target volume. In an analysis of late months and many years [4, 50]. An extended follow-up
toxicity (126 patients), we recorded the following results: period is therefore required in order to obtain a reliable esti-
significantly lower toxicity in the optic nerve was observed mate of the incidence of late complications. Care must be
when the maximum dose was less than 10 Gy (incidence of taken when evaluating late effects in a group of patients with
grades 3 or 4 only in 2.4 %), in the cornea when maximum short life expectancy or a short follow-up, who may not be at
dose did not exceed 10 Gy (incidence of toxicity grades 3 or risk long enough to develop any late complications of inter-
4 in 3 %), in the lens when the maximum dose did not exceed est. The majority of side effects are recorded 9–36 months
7 Gy (incidence of toxicity grades 3 or 4 in 7.7 %), and in the after radiosurgery and radiotherapy and, for example, the
iris when the maximum dose did not exceed 15 Gy (inci- latent period between irradiation and development of cata-
dence of grades 3 or 4 late toxicity in 4.6 %). ract is about 4 years, depending on the dose to this structure,
Detection of risk factors can improve treatment results and the shortest observed latency is 6 months.
and decrease the adverse effects, and an appropriate length
of follow-up is needed for patients after radiosurgery (a min-
imum of 2 years, preferably 5 years) because the hazard of Conclusion
late toxicity is increased with the follow-up time. An accept-
ably low incidence of late radiation-related complications for The treatment of ocular tumors and other eye or orbital
cornea, iris, and optic nerve is observed when the maximum lesions can extend conservative therapeutic options for these
dose to these structures does not exceed 10 Gy. The most types of diseases with vision or eye preservation. Further
frequent and severe radiation-related side effect was secondary clinical studies using radiosurgery in ocular disease are nec-
radiation-related retinopathy, secondary neovascular glau- essary to optimize effective doses and to analyze factors
coma, and optic neuropathy. Severe grades 3 or 4 retinopathy influencing the length of survival with a careful evaluation of
was noticed in 15 % of treated patients, radiation-related late the side effects. The main aim of further clinical studies is to
toxicity grades 3 or 4 in lens was observed in 26 %, optic improve local treatment effects while decreasing severe
neuropathy in 9 %, and secondary glaucoma in 18 % of cases, radiation-related complications.
62 Ocular and Orbital Lesions 763
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Ocular and Orbital: Viewpoint—
Surgery 63
Bryant P. Carruth, Robert H. Hill, and Thomas A. Bersani
L.S. Chin and W.F. Regine (eds.), Principles and Practice of Stereotactic Radiosurgery, 765
DOI 10.1007/978-1-4614-8363-2_63, © Springer Science+Business Media New York 2015
766 B.P. Carruth et al.
the structures surrounding the orbit including bone, brain, masses often extending into multiple orbital spaces. A defin-
sinuses, skin, and conjunctiva [1, 4]. itive diagnosis is made by incisional biopsy after which a
systemic workup is required to define the extent of the dis-
ease. If the orbit is the only site of metastasis, radiation ther-
Radiation Responsive Processes apy may be appropriate. However, with systemic involvement,
treatment with chemotherapy is most often employed [7].
Thyroid Eye Disease
The conjunctiva and tenon’s capsule are separated from the adjacent structures [20, 21]. Transpupillary thermotherapy
underlying sclera, and the extraocular muscles are removed has been reported to reduce tumor volume in small melano-
from the eye. The globe is brought forward so that the optic mas but may have an increased rate of recurrence relative to
nerve can be identified and cut. The remaining intraconal brachytherapy. Of course, external radiation by traditional or
space is then filled with an orbital implant of silicone, stereotactic means, sometimes combined with surgery, has a
hydroxyapatite, porous polyethylene, or another material. The role in the treatment of melanoma and will be discussed in
recti muscles are secured to the implant or donor scleral wrap- detail by our colleagues.
ping and the tenon’s connective tissue and conjunctiva are Lastly, any physician treating uveal melanoma should be
closed over the implant. A conformer is placed in the conjunc- aware of the current recommendations regarding tumor sur-
tival cul-de-sacs to hold their form while healing occurs, and veillance. A significant body of literature exists regarding the
approximately 6 weeks later, an ocular prosthesis is molded, incidence of metastatic disease with reports of 25 % at 5
crafted, and painted. Inconspicuous custom-made prostheses years, 34 % at 10 years, and as high as 50 % at 25 years
are capable of providing an excellent cosmetic result [15]. [14, 22]. Thus, ongoing surveillance is a necessity. The cur-
Advances in treatment of melanoma in the past decades rent recommendation is for screening every 6–12 months by
have been abundant, and thus, enucleation is less commonly physical examination and liver imaging by ultrasound, CT,
performed [16]. Other treatment modalities include surgical MRI, or PET scan with consideration given to liver function
tumor excision, thermotherapy, photodynamic therapy, and tests and chest X-ray [8, 16, 23].
radiotherapy. The most common treatment for uveal mela-
noma is brachytherapy in which a radioactive plaque, most
commonly Iodine 125, is sutured to the sclera overlying the Retinoblastoma
base of the uveal tumor. This is accomplished with ultrasonic
guidance and posterior globe exposure similar to that Retinoblastoma is a malignant tumor representing uncon-
described for enucleation. The plaque is left in place to trolled growth of neurosensory retinal elements and is the
deliver radiation for 3–7 days and then removed. Local tumor most common malignant ocular tumor in children. Ninety
control rates with brachytherapy have been reported as high percent of cases are diagnosed before 3 years of age and
as 95 % [17]. Dose-dependent radiation complications, how- 30–40 % of patients have bilateral tumors [8, 24–27].
ever, particularly retinopathy and neuropathy, become visu- Retinoblastoma rarely presents with visual symptoms
ally significant in up to 50 % of patients especially those with given the young age of those affected. Rather, the most com-
tumors close to the optic nerve or macula [17]. mon presentation is leukocoria followed by signs of intraoc-
Radiotherapy has been used in a specific localized man- ular inflammation, strabismus, hypopyon, anisocoria, and
ner to treat uveal melanoma by means of charged particle, or proptosis. Extraocular extension of retinoblastoma most
proton-beam, radiation. Only a few centers have the capacity commonly occurs directly via the optic nerve, but malignant
to perform such a procedure, but success comparable to cells can also exit vascular channels or directly extend into
brachytherapy has been reported. A combined surgical the orbit. In rare cases, direct intracranial extension or sys-
approach attaching clips to the sclera outlining the tumor is temic metastasis may occur [8, 28, 29].
necessary with high linear-energy homogenous dose radia- The primary goal of retinoblastoma treatment is, of
tion then applied. Local tumor control has been reported at course, preservation of life with preservation of the eye and
98 %. Unfortunately, a higher dose of radiation is also vision secondary. Retinoblastoma confined to the eye has a
applied to anterior ocular structures. The resulting complica- survival rate of greater than 95 %, but the number drops to
tions of neovascular glaucoma and visual loss have been 50 % with extraocular spread. Globe-sparing treatments for
somewhat prohibitive [8, 18]. retinoblastoma include tumor resection, photocoagulation,
A second arm of the aforementioned COMS trial exam- cryotherapy, brachytherapy, radiation, systemic chemother-
ined mortality in patients with medium-sized tumors under- apy, and most recently, intra-arterial chemotherapy [30, 31].
going brachytherapy vs. enucleation and concluded that While eye-saving treatments are becoming increasingly
survival was equivalent at 82 % in 5 years. Retention of useful particularly in cases of bilateral disease, tumor exci-
visual function in the radiated eyes was somewhat poor with sion by means of enucleation is the definitive treatment.
63 % having visual acuity of 20/200 or worse at 3 years Specifically, enucleation is indicated when a tumor involves
though clearly this is better functioning than those eyes lost greater than 50 % of the eye, has invaded the anterior seg-
to enucleation [17, 19]. ment of the eye or has extended into the optic nerve or orbit.
Globe-sparing tumor excision with or without adjuvant As described above, enucleation is removal of the entire eye
radiation has been successfully reported in cases of small to and contiguous optic nerve with preservation of the extraoc-
medium melanomas. This technique, called partial lamellar ular muscles and other orbital soft tissues. Removal of a long
sclerouvectomy, is surgically complex and suffers from an segment of optic nerve, typically greater than 10 mm, is pref-
inability to monitor margins as well as possible damage to erable to be sure of a negative margin [30–33].
768 B.P. Carruth et al.
Small, well-circumscribed tumors may sometimes be of supporting cells. Significant visual loss occurs when
treated conservatively with laser photocoagulation, thermal atrophy becomes extensive or when the damage leads to
therapy, or cryotherapy. These techniques are frequently ischemia and neovascularization under the retina. This
augmented by chemotherapy and/or radiation [8]. causes subretinal bleeding, edema, and scarring with sig-
The early onset and rapid growth of retinoblastoma make nificant consequences for vision [9, 41].
this tumor responsive to radiation with globe salvage rates Medical therapy for atrophic ARMD consists of vitamin
reported up to 86 %. The use of EBRT is limited by concerns supplementation to reduce the likelihood of progression to
regarding secondary malignancies, as well as radiation- neovascular ARMD. Antioxidant vitamins have been shown
induced side effects including facial hypoplasia, cataract for- to reduce the risk of progression to neovascular ARMD by
mation, optic neuropathy and retinopathy. The role of EBRT 25 % in patients with intermediate or advanced atrophic
may be linked to chemoreduction and adjuvant use of photo- ARMD [42, 43]. Otherwise, treatment of atrophic macular
coagulation or cryotherapy [34, 35]. degeneration is focused on patient education and regular
The risk of secondary malignancies may be avoided by screening for neovascular disease.
the use of localized radiation with plaque brachytherapy. The Some studies have reported surgical techniques for non-
surgeon attaches a plate containing radioactive material, typ- neovascular ARMD. A technique has been described,
ically iodine 125 or ruthenium 106, onto the sclera overlying whereby choroidal tissue, retinal pigment epithelium, and
the tumor. The plaque is sutured under ultrasound guidance Bruchs membrane are transplanted from the healthy periph-
to ensure accurate placement and then removed 3–7 days ery of the eye to the diseased macula. Despite the theoretical
later. Brachytherapy results in persistent tumor regression in promise, this has been performed only rarely and results are
up to 87 % of cases [36, 37]. thus far underwhelming [44].
When the tumor is small or bilateral, primary or chemore- Treatments for neovascular ARMD may not be consid-
ductive chemotherapy is often used. Tumor shrinkage by ered strictly surgical, but their promise bears noting in this
chemotherapeutic means may allow for subsequent treat- space. Until recently, treatment of ARMD with laser photo-
ment with focal laser, cryotherapy, or radiation. In addition coagulation was the standard of care. Use of an argon laser to
to systemic administration, periocular chemotherapy with thermally coagulate a choroidal neovascular membrane was
subconjunctival carboplatin has proven to be an effective found to be beneficial in stabilizing vision though the num-
adjuvant therapy. With these methods of chemoreduction, ber of patients retaining good visual acuity was still low [45].
control of less advanced cases nears 90 % [38, 39]. Photodynamic therapy (PDT) is the systemic administra-
Administration of low-dose melphalan chemotherapy to the tion of a photosensitizing drug followed by application of
ophthalmic artery under radiologic guidance has recently light to affected tissues inducing reactive oxygen species and
gained favor. The utility of this technique lies in the theoretical leading to destruction of new vessels. PDT resulted in 21 %
ability to cure disease and spare the eye and vision while reduc- of eyes progressing to severe visual loss compared with 48 %
ing systemic side effects and toxicity. Some studies have shown of placebo-controlled eyes [46, 47].
encouraging success, but the jury is still out. Failure and long- While important historically, these modes of treatment
term recurrence with these regimens is not uncommon and sur- have largely been replaced by antiangiogenesis in the form
gical tumor control by enucleation remains important [39, 40]. of anti-vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) com-
Vision-sparing and globe-preserving therapies show pounds. VEGF is a growth factor specific to vascular endo-
increasing promise in the treatment of retinoblastoma and thelial cells that can induce angiogenesis, vascular
further advances continue to be made. Absolute tumor con- permeability, and lymphangiogenesis and plays a key role in
trol however remains achievable only through enucleation. the development of choroidal neovascularization. Antibodies
Complicated cases, as well as advanced tumors, are often against VEGF are delivered by intravitreal injection and
best treated with removal of the eye in order to achieve the have revolutionized treatment of neovascular ARMD, not
main goal of any cancer treatment, preservation of life. just slowing visual loss but actually improving visual acuity.
Major trials have demonstrated the effectiveness of ranibi-
zumab, a recombinant antibody fragment directed against
Age-Related Macular Degeneration VEGF. These studies showed an astonishing rate of vision
improvement of 40 % and stabilization of 95 % in the first
Age-related macular degeneration (ARMD) is the most year with 80 % of patients having stable or improved vision
common cause of significant visual loss in the elderly popu- at 24 months. Bevacizumab, a full-length monoclonal anti-
lation, estimated to affect 19.7 % of people over age 75. body against VEGF used off-label for ARMD, has recently
ARMD causes degeneration of the macula, the area of neu- demonstrated equally impressive efficacy [48–51]. Based on
rosensory retina responsible for central visual acuity. This these data, anti-VEGF therapy has become the standard of
occurs by the deposition of waste products and deterioration care for neovascular ARMD.
63 Ocular and Orbital: Viewpoint—Surgery 769
Surgical therapy for ARMD had been an area of active a chronically blind eye can become physical and cosmeti-
research until the advent of antiangiogenic pharmacologics. cally displeasing. With advances in anophthalmic surgery
Macular translocation was discussed above and had been and ocularistry, these procedures have been made relatively
used in neovascular disease with similar limited efficacy simple, and they give an improved cosmetic result with con-
[44]. Techniques for submacular surgical removal of hemor- sequent improvement in self-esteem and happiness.
rhage and CNV membranes have also been described though In summary, glaucoma is a chronic and progressive optic
a systematic review of the literature reported no benefit [52]. neuropathy that can in some cases be very difficult to treat.
Delivery of anti-VEGF medications carries risks of endo- There are different modalities available for the treatment of
phthalmitis and retinal detachment as well as suffering from refractory glaucoma including gamma knife radiation. We, as
the need for repeated injections. Because of this, methods are ophthalmologists, support cyclophotocoagulation as it histori-
being developed for subretinal drug delivery. These surgical cally has good success rates and avoids the potential risks of
techniques are in their infancy but may herald a new future radiation treatment. For eyes that are blind and painful, evis-
for ARMD treatment. There has also been some interest in ceration and enucleation procedures offer a surgical alterna-
stem cell transplantation in eyes damaged by ARMD though tive that often leads to improved cosmesis and quality of life.
this work remains in the early stages [53].
Low vision aids located outside the eye for patients with
ARMD have been of benefit for many. Recently, however, The Surgeon’s Application of Stereotactic
miniature telescopes and mirrored lenses have been devel- Radiosurgery in the Orbit
oped for intraocular implantation. These fill a small niche at
this time but may become more widely beneficial in the The central tenet of orbital surgery is amelioration of disease
future [54]. with preservation of health and function. This task is made
challenging by the complex anatomy of the orbit which
includes many vital neurologic, vascular, and muscular
Glaucoma structures. Some entities like cavernous hemangioma lend
themselves to careful but complete excision. Others like
Glaucoma is a term used to describe a group of diseases with lymphoproliferative disease require biopsy for tissue diagno-
the common characteristic of optic neuropathy and associated sis but can be well treated with external beam radiation.
visual field loss for which elevated intraocular pressure is a Medicine being the humbling practice it is, however, not
primary risk factor. The World Health Organization (WHO) every pathological process, is so straightforward. Many dis-
estimated from data collected in the 1980s and 1990s that the eases and tumors involve or invest themselves with integral
incidence of primary open angle glaucoma was 2.4 million structures making surgery difficult. Further, many of these
people per year and that the prevalence of blindness for all entities respond only to techniques and dosages of radiation
types of glaucoma was more than 8 million people [55]. that can cause significant morbidity. In these instances, a
The mainstay treatments for glaucoma include local and more nuanced approach involving subtotal surgical excision
systemic pharmacotherapy and incisional surgery. In resis- combined with specific, localized radiation delivered by a
tant types of glaucoma, ciliary body ablation procedures team of orbital surgeons, neurosurgeons, and radiation
including cyclocryotherapy and thermal lasers such as oncologists is emerging as an encouraging alternative to
continuous-wave Nd:YAG, argon, and diode can be used to traditional therapies.
inhibit the secretory activity of the ciliary body epithelium. The location of an orbital tumor determines the level of
There is one report on the use of gamma knife radiation for caution a surgeon must have for two reasons. The first is ease
the treatment of refractory glaucoma showing its ability to of access. Masses located in the anterior orbit, particularly the
decrease pain and intraocular pressure [56]. To the best of lacrimal fossa and lateral and inferior extraconal spaces can
our knowledge, radiation therapy is not routinely utilized for be approached without excessive manipulation of surround-
the treatment of glaucoma, and for reduction of discomfort ing structures. Those in the medial and superior orbits and,
in essentially blind eyes, cyclophotocoagulation has equal if even more importantly, in the posterior orbit and orbital apex
not better results as well as being more cost effective pose a greater challenge. Access to these locations requires
[57, 58]. Cyclophotocoagulation also avoids the potential significant manipulation of orbital structures such as the
secondary risks of radiation. globe, the major vessels, and the optic nerve. Further, some
Finally, in end-stage glaucoma, the eye may become blind lesions involve not just the orbital apex but adjacent struc-
and painful. The authors who support the use of gamma tures like the optic canal, superior orbital fissure, and cavern-
knife radiation for the treatment of glaucoma advocate one ous sinus. Clearly, aggressive surgical exploration in these
of its uses as a means to avoid evisceration or enucleation. locations involves significant risk and is undertaken only
While this certainly is the goal of any ophthalmologist, often when radical control is necessary to preserve life or other
770 B.P. Carruth et al.
vital functions accepting that ocular motility and/or vision stereotactic radiotherapy may be of benefit. Such a case
may be sacrificed. As an example, Rootman et al. reported was recently presented by Kim et al. in which bilateral meta-
successful treatment of cavernous hemangiomas located at static breast cancer was successfully treated with palliative
the orbital apex with stereotactic fractionated radiotherapy SRT [65].
[59]. This is a typically benign lesion lending itself to com- As discussed above, some tumors simply cannot be com-
plete excision, but when the apex and superior orbital fissures pletely excised from the orbit. Lymphoproliferative disease
are involved, surgical risk increases significantly. is just such an entity. Thankfully, these tumors are highly
The second reason tumor location may give a surgeon radiosensitive using traditional fractionated radiotherapy.
pause relates to the tissue of origin. Some lesions may be These too, however, have been treated with radiosurgery
sacrificed without consequence; however, processes origi- with benefits including lower incidence of dry eyes and cata-
nating from the optic nerve or the meninges do not easily racts owing to the focal delivery of collimated radiation as
lend themselves to physical manipulation. Because the focal well as improved patient comfort with 5-day frameless sur-
nature of radiosurgery may have effects on blood supply to, gery. In addition, lymphoid lesions are frequently ill-defined
and function of, the optic nerve similar to mechanical sur- or irregularly shaped, and therefore the computer-generated
gery, fractionated radiotherapy likely remains the treatment treatment mapping and contouring possible with radiosur-
of choice for optic nerve sheath meningiomas as elegantly gery is particularly beneficial [66].
demonstrated by Bloch et al. Their review found excellent Complications of orbital radiation include dry eyes, cata-
tumor control and good vision preservation with the use of ract formation, retinopathy, optic neuropathy, and diplopia. It
conformal fractionated radiotherapy [60]. is important to keep in mind that these untoward effects of
Further, some tumors located outside the orbital apex may radiation on the optic apparatus, specifically neuropathy and
invest themselves with other integral structures or their retinopathy, are often late sequelae, and therefore the long-
unique pathologic composition may not be amenable to sur- term effects of these treatment modalities remain to be fully
gical excision. In these cases, like a paraganglioma presented elucidated.
by Kim and Lee, radiosurgery may augment intentional For tumors or processes located at the orbital apex and
incomplete excision [61]. those emanating from or involving critical structures, radia-
Because the orbit is contiguous with the CNS via the optic tion and radiosurgery may be the best therapeutic options. In
canal and orbital fissures, many orbital apex tumors share some cases such as sphenoid wing meningiomas, a com-
pathology with intracranial tumors. The application of ste- bined approach can be taken where the surgeon excises as
reotactic radiosurgery on these primary CNS processes is much tumor as can be safely removed and the remainder is
adequately covered elsewhere in this text and the same logic specifically targeted with stereotactic radiation.
applies when the orbit is invaded by these tumors. Kim et al. Intricate anatomy and complex pathology demand a
recently reported on the success of Gamma knife radiosur- unique therapeutic approach. For those patients and diseases
gery for orbital tumors. They reported tumor control in 12 of whose management is not clear-cut or simple, an individual-
15 patients with preservation of vision in 13 of 15 [62]. ized treatment plan involving multiple specialists with surgi-
CyberKnife radiosurgery has also been evaluated in orbital cal, medical, and radiotherapeutic expertise is invaluable.
tumors with Hirschbein et al. reporting encouraging results The progress and development of the field of stereotactic
in 16 patients with good tumor control, vision preservation, radiosurgery has only just begun to potentiate the benefits of
and pain relief [63]. traditional surgery, and we hope that the future is bright for
Just as orbital tumors may invade or affect the central ner- further collaboration.
vous system, CNS tumors can invade the orbit. Even lesions
not located in the orbit can affect the ocular apparatus includ-
ing the optic canal and chiasm. The strongest evidence sup-
porting use of stereotactic radiosurgery for lesions abutting
the visual pathways comes from Adler et al. These authors 1. Nerad J. Techniques in ophthalmic plastic surgery. Stanford, CA:
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Ocular and Orbital Tumors: Viewpoint-
Fractionated Radiation 64
Nicolas Girard, Françoise Mornex, and Alain Vighetto
Fractionated radiotherapy is a standard treatment of ocular secondary to optic nerve vasculature damage led to reconsider
and orbital tumors, including optic nerve sheath meningioma this approach. Surgery remains the treatment of choice in
(ONSM). ONSM is a rare benign tumor that derivates from case of a mass effect requiring urgent decompression, or in
the arachnoid tissue. ONSM represents only 1 % of all secondary ONSM with intracranial extent.
meningiomas while accounting for up to 15 % of intraorbital The technical improvements in radiation planning and
tumors [1]. ONSM originating from the intraorbital or the delivery also contributed to this paradigm switch toward
intracanalicular portion of the optic nerve is referred to as radiotherapy. In most reports, radiotherapy has been deliv-
primary ONSM; secondary ONSM originates from the ered using conformal or fractionated stereotactic techniques
medial cerebral fossa and spreads to the optic nerve through- that may control the tumor growth while preserving sensitive
out the optic canal [1]. While the World Health Organization structures including the optic nerve and the retina, to ulti-
distinguishes three histologic grades—grade I, benign; grade mately limit the risks of visual impairment.
II, atypical; and grade III/IV, malignant [2]—and three histo- Here we describe the modalities, the risks, and the results
logic types, meningothelial, fibroblastic, and transitional [2], of definite radiotherapy treatment for ONSM as a model for
the main challenge of the treatment is actually related to the all orbital and ocular tumors, based on evidence available in
anatomic extent of the tumor that predicts the visual out- the literature, including our own experience. We also discuss
come, as patients progressively develop blindness due to the possible ways to optimize radiation delivery through the
optic nerve atrophy. Such evolution has also been reported use of next-generation techniques.
for other intraorbital tumors, such as uveal melanoma or reti-
noblastoma, as discussed in Chap. 63 of this book.
ONSM represents a model of treatment of orbital and Modalities of Radiotherapy
ocular tumors using fractionated radiotherapy, as the chal-
lenge of optic nerve preservation is amplified given the loca- Timeframe
tion of the tumor. Radiotherapy has emerged as the treatment
of choice for ONSM over the last two decades [1]. While The appropriate timeframe to treat ONSM has to be deter-
surgical resection had been seen as a standard in earlier mined taking into account the following points: first, observ-
reports, allowing the control of the intracranial extension of ing a patient with the aim of starting treatment when the
the tumor, as well as a definite pathological diagnosis, the patient ultimately becomes blind is inappropriate; second,
high risks of functional impairment precipitating blindness any treatment will lead to a risk of acute and late side effects
that may precipitate visual impairment; and third, a time
N. Girard, M.D. interval after diagnosis is of importance to assess the tumor
Department of Respiratory Medicine Oncology, Hospices Civils growth, especially in pauci-symptomatic patients. In our
de Lyon, 28 avenue Doyen Lépine, 69677 Lyon, France practice, radiotherapy is proposed after a documented dete-
F. Mornex, M.D., Ph.D. (*) rioration of visual acuity and/or visual field or when symp-
Department of Radiation Oncology, Centre Hospitalier Lyon Sud, toms become incapacitating for patient’s everyday life [3].
Hospices Civils de Lyon, Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1, In our series, the median elapsed time between ONSM diag-
EMR 3738, 69310 Lyon-Pierre Benite, France
e-mail: francoise.mornex@chu-lyon.fr nosis and radiotherapy was 23 months [3].
While no prospective cohort of patients has actually been
A. Vighetto
Neurology Service, Hospital neurologique, Université Lyon 1 et reported, our data, as well as those from other groups, indi-
Hospices Civils de Lyon, 59 boulevard Pinel, 69677 Bron, France cate that patients who experienced vision improvement or
L.S. Chin and W.F. Regine (eds.), Principles and Practice of Stereotactic Radiosurgery, 773
DOI 10.1007/978-1-4614-8363-2_64, © Springer Science+Business Media New York 2015
774 N. Girard et al.
stabilization with radiotherapy tended to have been treated (Table 64.1) [3–6, 10, 12–36]. Given the need for sparing of
earlier after diagnostic than patients who had a visual wors- normal tissue through rapid dose fall-off and conformality of
ening [3–6]. Similarly, visual acuity was better at time of the irradiated volume to the lesion, stereotactic conditions
radiotherapy for patients who experienced visual improve- are preferred. As radiation is usually delivered over several
ment [3–6]. A standard recommendation is to start treating weeks (see below), the fixation of a stereotactic head ring, as
ONSM when visual acuity is below 20/40, after documented used in stereotactic radiosurgery, is not possible, as these
deterioration [7, 8]. devices may not be left in place for a period of more than
24–48 h. Several devices that provide a relocatable coordi-
nate system have been developed. Generally, these are based
Volumes on mask and/or bite block systems.
In a series of 34 patients from Amsterdam University, the
ONSM typically grows circumferentially around the optic radiotherapy technique was not a predictor for visual out-
nerve, between the nerve and its blood supply [9]. Treatment come [6, 19]. However, this study relied primarily on visual
planning is usually based on computed tomography scan acuity measured by Snellen eye chart testing to assess visual
with the patient in the treatment on a lying down position. outcomes and did not utilize more sensitive measures for
The gross tumor volume (GTV) is defined as the primary visual acuity or visual fields. Type of radiotherapy did not
tumor mass. Delineation of GTV may benefit from integrat- appear as a predictor of efficacy in other series, provided that
ing magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) data which have 54Gy is delivered to the tumor [17, 20].
become the gold standard for visualizing and diagnosing
intraorbital tumors [9]; gadolinium-enhanced, fat-suppressed
T1-weighted sequences are the best sequences in this setting. Doses, Constraints, and Fractionation Schemes
In our series of 10 patients, MRI was used to define the GTV
that corresponds to the area of contrast enhancement on the For ONSM, the high sensitivity of critical organs to radia-
axial and coronal images, in eight cases. tion, including the optic chiasm and the retina, favors radia-
Additional margins, ranging from 3 to 7 mm, are usually tion delivery using fractionated schemes. As shown in
added to the GTV to define the planning target volume Table 64.1, most studies reported the use of total doses rang-
(PTV). Dose-volume histograms for critical organs, includ- ing from 45 to 54 Gy that are delivered using a standard frac-
ing the eye, the retina, the lens, and the chiasm, are used to tionation scheme (1.8–2 Gy fractions, 5 days/week) with
establish treatment planning and beam orientation. In our high-voltage beams. Limiting the maximal dose below 50 Gy
practice, the 100 % isodose line is defined as the isocenter of does not appear to substantially reduce the risk of complica-
the treatment plan, and the dose is prescribed at this point. tions compared to a total dose of 50–54 Gy, and no differ-
Beam-eye-view display (in case of conformal treatment) is ence in risk is observed with fractional doses lower than
used to ensure optimal target volume coverage and normal 2 Gy. Although higher doses have been used treating menin-
tissue sparing. giomas by radiotherapy, there is little chance, based on the
The volume of nerve to be treated is critical. Patterns of excellent results of current protocols, that a better outcome in
failure are always the proximal and not the distal compo- terms of local control would be obtained (Table 64.1).
nent of the nerve [3–6, 10]. In the surgical series, intraocu- Besides total dose and fractionation, dosimetry has to
lar extension was rare, and enucleation was exceptionally integrate mean eye dose and maximal eye dose received,
required [11]. Therefore, significant components of the which are considered the most significant predictors of radi-
retina do not need to be included, reducing the risk of retinal ation efficacy and toxicity.
deficit. Proximally the whole length of the nerve needs to
be treated. In cases of secondary meningioma with intracra-
nial extension, part of the chiasm also needs to be included Results of Radiotherapy
in the PTV. In this setting, the use of stereotactic techniques
facilitates the radiation delivery through easier focusing of Endpoints
the beams.
Assessing the results of radiotherapy for ONSM remains
challenging and has to include both ophthalmologic and
Techniques oncologic endpoints while taking into account the benign
nature of the tumor. Long-term follow-up is mandatory to
While historical studies demonstrated the radiosensitivity of accurately evaluate these endpoints. We recommend that
ONSM using two-dimensional treatment planning, most all patients have a systematic follow-up schedule with at
series have now integrated the use of conformal radiotherapy least a biannual neuro-ophthalmologic examination and an
Table 64.1 Selected series reporting on fractionated radiotherapy for ONSM
Visual outcome Tumor outcome Radiation-induced toxicities
Total Dose per
dose fraction Improved Stable Worse Control Progression Re-progression
Author Year Reference n Technique (Gy) (Gy) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) Acute (%) Late (%)
Smith et al. 1981 [12] 5 2DRT 53 2 80 20 0 100 0 0 None Dry eye (20 %)
Cataract (20 %)
Kupersmith et al. 1987 [13] 4 2DRT 55 1.8 75 25 0 100 0 0 NR NR
Sarkies et al. 1987 [14] 4 2DRT 40 3.3 0 50 50 100 0 0 NR NR
Kennerdell et al. 1988 [7] 6 2DRT 55 1.8 100 0 0 100 0 0 None None
Becker et al.a 2002 [4] 42 FSRT 54 1.8 31 67 2 100 0 0 Erythema (25 %) None
Alopecia (100 %)
Turbin et al. 2002 [15] 18 3DCRT 40–55 1.4–1.8 44 NR NR 100 0 0 NR NR
Andrews t al. 2002 [16] 33 FSRT 51 1.8 42 50 8 100 0 0 NR Optic neuritis (3 %)
Pitz et al.a 2002 [17] 16 FSRT 54 1.9 40 60 0 100 0 0 Erythema (30 %) Pituitary disorder (7 %)
Alopecia (68 %)
Liu et al. 2002 [18] 5 FSRT 45–54 1.8 80 20 0 100 0 0 None None
64 Ocular and Orbital Tumors: Viewpoint-Fractionated Radiation
annual brain imaging. Visual acuity and visual field testing had improved both visual acuity and visual field, two patients
must be performed. had only improved visual acuity, two patients had only
As reported by other groups, our primary evaluation crite- improved visual field, one patient had stabilized visual field
rion is the visual acuity at the latest available examination but had deteriorated visual acuity, and one patient had dete-
after radiotherapy is compared to the baseline data [3]. When riorated both.
visual acuity is stable, visual fields are a major criterion to With regard to other treatment modalities, Turbin et al.
assess. The gain of more than two lines on Snellen chart reported a series of 64 patients with ONSM treated by vari-
equivalent or the reduction of more than 3 dB of corrected ous modalities [15]; of the 59 patients with vision greater
mean defect (cMD) on static perimetry is considered a sig- than no light perception at diagnosis, 13 patients were
nificant improvement. The loss of two lines or more on observed only, 12 had surgery only including 8 complete
Snellen chart or the increase of 3 dB or more of cMD on resection, 18 received radiation alone, and 16 had surgery—
static perimetry is considered as deterioration. Other cases mostly consisting of a biopsy—and radiation. Visual acuity
are considered as showing a stabilized function. The measurements at diagnosis among the four groups were not
Goldmann perimetry tests may also be used, with improve- different (p = 0.186). Visual acuity fell significantly for the
ment of more than 50 % of the score with V4 object (the observed group only (p = 0.002), surgery only (p = 0.019),
larger and more intense object) considered as an improve- and the surgery with radiation groups (p = 0.030). The
ment. Secondary criteria include the evolution of visual radiation-only group showed a decrease in visual acuity that
symptoms and other clinical symptoms. was not significant (p = 0.301) [15]. In another study, the
visual improvement with radiotherapy was estimated to be as
high as 150 % compared to a historical group of observed
Visual Outcome patients [16].
Historically, the major fear with the use of radiotherapy for Given the efficacy of conformal stereotactic radiotherapy,
the treatment of ONSM, at a time when evidence of efficacy with high rates of visual improvement and preservation with
was limited, was the risk of acute and—of more impor- steadily decreasing complications, the role of new radiother-
tance—late toxicity and ultimately acceleration of visual apy techniques is not established. Intensity-modulated radio-
impairment. In irradiating orbit tumors, the main difficulty is therapy (IMRT) consists of a real-time modeling of the
due to the fact that the optic nerve passes through the target contours and the amount of photons delivered within the
itself. Radiation-induced toxicity in patients with ONSM radiation beam, using a programmed movement of the blades
treated with radiotherapy is actually hard to evaluate from of the collimator. This allows the administration of beams of
the existing literature, as (1) these data may not be reported, variable shapes during a single sequence, possibly proving to
(2) acute vs. late toxicities may not be differentiated, (3) be helpful to target tumors that are close to critical tissues.
radiation-induced toxicities on the optic nerve may produce IMRT may be useful to optimize the focalization of the bal-
similar symptoms as the tumor, and (4) follow-up of patient listics, as reported by our group and others [3, 7].
may not be sufficiently long to capture these data. Stereotactic radiosurgery corresponds to the administra-
Historical data reported the occurrence of eye necrosis in tion of high daily doses of radiation (theoretically higher
up to 5 % of cases treated to a total dose of 54 Gy [4]. In our than 3 Gy, but usually ranging from 10 to 17 Gy) in a low
experience, acute toxicity occurred in 40 % of patients but number of fractions (1–4 on average), for a total dose equiva-
was moderate and transient in all cases. In the reported litera- lent to 50–54 Gy using standard fractionation schemes.
ture, late toxicities (more than 2 years after the end of radio- Although this technique may be less toxic as it uses highly
therapy) are observed in 10 % of patients and include focalized radiation beam, it has not been generally used for
retinopathy, optic neuritis, but also alopecia, dry eye, and ONSM because of the high toxicity to the optic nerve when
cataracts. Overall, retinopathy represents about 30 % of late high-dose single fraction radiation is given [36, 38]. As
toxicities and ranges from retinal pigment epithelium atro- shown in Table 64.2, several series of patients with ONSM
phy and minor retinal hemorrhages with macular edema to treated with stereotactic radiosurgery have been reported
extensive formation of epiretinal membranes, polypoidal [28, 29, 32, 34]. Radiosurgery was delivered using various
choroidal vasculopathy, and even peripapillary serous retinal modalities, from one fraction of 10–17 Gy to 5 fractions of
detachment. Photodynamic therapy may be required. With 5 Gy, respectively. Collectively, visual improvement was
regard to neuritis, cranial nerves, optic chiasm, and contralat- observed in 35 % of patients and deterioration in 20 %; these
eral optic nerve within the target are usually spared by ste- rates are higher than that observed after fractionated stereo-
reotactic technique. This is even better accomplished with tactic radiotherapy. Similarly, tumor response rates are
the use of a low fraction size: if the daily fraction size is kept higher, ranging from 40 to 60 %. No serious acute or late side
below 2 Gy with a total dose to the GTV of 50–54 Gy, the effect was observed.
risk of optic nerve injury is estimated to be as low as 3 % at Proton beam radiotherapy delivers protons instead of
10 years [36]. Of note, another organ at risk is the pituitary photons and has been in development since the 1950s.
gland, but a minimum dose of 50 Gy to the anterior part of Protons do not scatter significantly in tissues and allow the
the gland has been described to produce a significant risk of maximum dose to be delivered at a precise depth. Tissues
an endocrinopathy [37]. situated beyond the maximum intensity peak receive no radi-
A major dosimetric predictor of radiation-induced toxicity ation. As for uveal melanoma, proton beam radiotherapy
is the median mean eye dose; in our study, this dose was would then represent an alternative, especially for ONSM
significantly lower in the group of patients experiencing that is the closest to organs at risk, especially the retina [36].
visual improvement after radiotherapy, with 6.1 Gy vs. In a dosimetric study comparing treatment planning for
39.4 Gy in the group of patients experiencing deterioration ONSM using IMRT or proton beam radiotherapy, both tech-
(p = 0.025) [3]. Other radiation characteristic differences did niques achieved a similar optimal dose homogeneity in the
not reach significance, including median total dose and max- target volume; dose-volume histograms favored in every
imal eye dose. Total dose to the GTV has been reported by case of the use of protons due to an inferior low-to-medium
several authors as a predictor of toxicity, mostly in patients dose range in the organs at risk, but the clinical significance
treated before the conformal treatment planning era. of these results remains elusive [36].
Additionally, radiation retinopathy tends to be associated To conclude, fractionated stereotactic radiotherapy is the
with more anterior lesions where higher doses are delivered standard treatment of ONSM, allowing visual improvement
at close proximity to the retina [17, 20]. in 80 % of patients, tumor control in all cases, with limited
Table 64.2 Selected series reporting on stereotactic radiosurgery for ONSM
Visual outcome Tumor outcome toxicities
Total dose Dose per
Author Year Reference n (Gy) fraction (Gy) Improved (%) Stable (%) Worse (%) Control (%) Progression (%) Re-progression (%) Acute (%) Late (%)
64 Ocular and Orbital Tumors: Viewpoint-Fractionated Radiation
risk of radiation-induced effects. The mean eye dose has to Simeone FA, Goldman HW, Curran Jr WJ. Fractionated stereotactic
be considered as a limiting constraint in treatment planning, radiotherapy for the treatment of optic nerve sheath meningiomas:
preliminary observations of 33 optic nerves in 30 patients with his-
and it is related to the tumor size and location. Treatment has torical comparison to observation with or without prior surgery.
to be done early when visual impairment occurs. Further Neurosurgery. 2002;51:890–902.
evaluation of the role of new techniques is mandatory. 17. Pitz S, Becker G, Schiefer U, Wilhelm H, Jeremic B, Bamberg M,
Collaborative studies have to be encouraged in the field given Zrenner E. Stereotactic fractionated irradiation of optic nerve
sheath meningioma: a new treatment alternative. Br J Ophthalmol.
the rarity of the tumor. These points may also be considered 2002;86:1265–8.
for other ocular and orbital tumors. 18. Liu JK, Forman S, Hershewe GL, Moorthy CR, Benzil DL. Optic
nerve sheath meningiomas: visual improvement after stereotactic
radiotherapy. Neurosurgery. 2002;50:950–5.
19. Saeed P, Rootman J, Nugent RA, White VA, Mackenzie IR,
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Part V
Patient Care and Socio-Economic Issues
Complications and Management
in Radiosurgery 65
Igor J. Barani and Minesh P. Mehta
L.S. Chin and W.F. Regine (eds.), Principles and Practice of Stereotactic Radiosurgery, 785
DOI 10.1007/978-1-4614-8363-2_65, © Springer Science+Business Media New York 2015
786 I.J. Barani and M.P. Mehta
and dreaded complication of SRS, but specific complication radiation necrosis are recognized. In diffuse necrosis,
management related to SRS treatment of brain metastases, widespread periventricular white matter abnormalities are
AVMs, and meningiomas will also be discussed. noted. In the focal pattern, circumscribed lesions are present.
Focal radiation necrosis may be peritumoral or distant, as
well as uni- or multifocal [12].
Definitions of Radiation Toxicity
Fig. 65.1 Megavoltage dose equivalent in rads (cGy) versus number of 0.44. From Sheline GE, Wara WM, Smith V. Therapeutic Irradiation
treatment fractions for cases of brain radionecrosis. These data were and Brain Injury. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys. 1980;6(9):1215–1228;
used to derive the neuret formula. Most cases of radiation necrosis used with permission
occurred for dose/fraction combinations above the line with a slope of
fewer fractions and a shorter time course is more deleterious and β are expressed in units of dose in Gy and the ratio tends
and that fraction size (a function of N) is much more impor- to be in the range of 2–3 for late effects such as lung fibrosis
tant to brain radiation tolerance than is treatment time. The or CNS injury versus around 8–10 for acute-responding tis-
threshold for necrosis was about 1,000–1,100 neuret. sues such as hair follicles, mucosa, and rapidly dividing
The influence of fraction size was also assessed by Lee tumor cells, although a considerable range exists. As an
et al. [22] using a product of total dose (D) and fraction size example, 50 Gy total dose prescription given at 2 Gy per
(d) in Gy2. The product (Dd) was found to be the most sig- daily fraction will have a BED value of 100, assuming α/β = 2
nificant predictive factor for necrosis in a multivariate analy- (a ratio often used for late effects). A biologically equivalent
sis of seven treatment parameters [22, 23]. A study by Ruben dose for late effects given at 3 Gy/fraction can be determined
et al. [24] confirms the significance of Dd and also demon- by solving the formula 100 = D(1 + 3/2), which gives D = 100/
strates that average fraction size ≥2.25 Gy is a significant (1 + 3/2) = 40. Thus, 39 Gy at 3 Gy/fraction is approximately
independent risk factor. Shorter overall treatment time from equivalent to 50 Gy at 2 Gy/fraction in terms of late effects.
giving twice daily radiation treatment was also found to be a As fraction size increases, comparable values for BED for
significant risk factor in the study by Lee et al. [23] either tumor or late effects can be computed. However, data
In the 1970s, a linear quadratic (LQ) model was devel- surrounding the use of this approach with very few fractions
oped to describe cell survival after exposure to ionizing radi- or very large dose per fraction are sparse and unreliable.
ation, where the surviving fraction of cells S after exposure Useful tolerance parameters are the 5 and 50 % probabili-
to a dose D is represented by ties of brain injury at 5 years (TD5/5 and TD50/5, respectively).
At “standard” fractionation of 1.8–2.0 Gy per fraction, the
- a D + b D2 )
S =e . TD5/5 is estimated to be 50 ± 10 Gy for the whole brain,
60 ± 10 Gy for a portion of the brain, and 45–50 Gy for a
The constant α describes the initial slope of the survival 10-cm segment of spinal cord [27, 28]. Thresholds of 54 [29]
curve at low doses and β describes the quadratic component and 57.6 Gy[30] have been reported for cerebral radiation
of cell killing [25]. A common related formula first intro- necrosis, but it is apparent that radionecrosis may occur
duced in the early 1980s[26] is for biologically effective below these limits with conventional therapeutic radiation
dose (BED): [5, 31]. In the North Central Cancer Treatment Group low-
grade glioma trial, patients who received 64.8 Gy with
é d ù
BED = D ê1 + , conventionally fractionated radiation had a significantly
ë a / b úû higher actuarial incidence of necrosis (6 patients out of 102)
than those who received 50.4 Gy, and only one patient (out
where D is the total dose and d is the size of a single radiation of 101) treated with 50.4 Gy in 28 fractions developed radio-
fraction in Gy. The ratio of α/β has no units, because both α necrosis [31]. In a report by Marks et al. [29], only 1 patient
788 I.J. Barani and M.P. Mehta
necrosis occurs most commonly in the white matter around (b) contrast enhancement, (c) progressive enlargement, at
blood vessels. The most frequent histopathologic feature is least over several months, (d) surrounding edema, and (e)
fibrinoid necrosis of blood vessel walls with surrounding exertion of mass effect [52]. On MRI, brain necrosis usually
perivascular parenchymal coagulative necrosis with or with- consists of a somewhat irregular rim-enhancing mass with a
out an inflammatory response (sometimes referred to as central area of low signal on T1-weighted images (Fig. 65.2,
“dirty necrosis”) [47]. Focal radiation necrosis may be peri- upper center panel). The contrast enhancement of these
tumoral or distant, as well as unifocal or multifocal [12]. lesions is thought to be secondary to radiation-induced endo-
Extension and confluence of multiple perivascular foci of thelial damage resulting in breakdown of the blood–brain
necrosis result in large serpentine or confluent zones of barrier. On T2-weighted images, the surrounding edema has
parenchymal necrosis [3, 48]. Over time, dystrophic calcifi- high signal intensity, the solid portion of the radionecrotic
cations can develop in these necrotic areas. An additional lesion has low signal intensity, and the central necrotic com-
vascular lesion that is often observed consists of clusters of ponent may show either increased or decreased signal inten-
abnormally dilated, thin-walled telangiectasias. Late vascu- sity (Fig. 65.2, lower center panel). Later, focal brain atrophy
lar changes include vessel wall thickening caused by hyalin- develops, and sometimes large cysts develop. The arcuate
ization, with resultant luminal narrowing, and ultimately, in fibers in white matter are relatively resistant to radiation
some cases, aneurysmal dilation. White matter changes may necrosis and are usually involved late in the disease process.
also be focal or diffuse; in the diffuse pattern, widespread The predilection for periventricular white matter involvement
periventricular demyelination is seen [16]. in radiation necrosis may, on some occasions, mimic multiple
sclerosis. Multiple lesions can resemble multiple metastases,
and radiation-induced necrotic lesions can also spread subep-
Diagnosis endymally and mimic subependymal tumor spread.
Despite the many commonalities in radiographic appear-
Radiation necrosis should be in the differential diagnosis for ance between tumor and necrotic tissue, several investigators
any patient with progressive neurological symptoms or a have attempted to define patterns of radiation necrosis on
new or enlarging enhancing brain lesion with a history of conventional MRI with the aim of distinguishing tumor from
prior intracranial radiation therapy to a dose of at least 12 Gy necrosis. A recent study of 59 patients treated with radiosur-
in a single dose (Fig. 65.2) or 50 Gy with at 1.8–2.0 Gy per gery for metastatic brain tumors who underwent subsequent
daily fraction. A major dilemma in the diagnosis of radiation craniotomy for symptomatic lesion enlargement analyzed
necrosis is differentiating it from recurrent or persistent the following features: (a) arteriovenous shunting, (b) gyri-
tumor. Tumor recurrence and radiation necrosis often have a form lesion or edema distribution, (c) perilesional edema, (d)
similar appearance on conventional contrast-enhanced MRI cyst formation, and (e) pattern of enhancement [53]. The
[49, 50]. Because of this, it is often difficult to distinguish authors also defined a radiographic feature, the lesion quo-
which entity is responsible for the appearance of an enlarg- tient, which is the ratio of the nodule as seen on T2 imaging
ing lesion. Traditionally, a patient’s clinical course, biopsy, to the total enhancing area on T1 imaging, and suggested that
and serial imaging for several months have been used to try a lesion quotient ≥0.6 correlates with recurrent tumor,
to distinguish between tumor recurrence and radionecrosis whereas a quotient of ≤0.3 correlates with radionecrosis.
[49–51]. Any investigation short of extensive tissue exami- The examined radiographic features, taken together, achieved
nation lacks diagnostic sensitivity and specificity. Anatomic 80 % or greater predictive value but had either low sensitivity
and physiologic MRI, positron emission tomography (PET), or low specificity [53]. In an older study, Kumar et al. [12]
and thallium single photon emission computed tomography cite two radiographic features that are consistent with radia-
(SPECT) imaging have all been used in an attempt to define tion necrosis, the “Swiss cheese” pattern and the “soap bub-
the best noninvasive method to diagnose radiation necrosis, ble” pattern. The first pattern is characterized by diffuse
though there is no evidence to date that any of these investi- areas of enhancement affecting the cortex and white matter
gations is clearly superior to the other modalities. and intermixed with necrotic areas. The soap bubble appear-
ance refers to smaller lesions with heterogeneously enhanc-
ing necrotic cores.
MRI The key point is that radiation necrosis should be included
high in the differential diagnosis if some of the described
Radiation necrosis can closely resemble recurrent tumor on imaging features or patterns are recognized. However, no
anatomic (“conventional”) MRI because of the following radiographic pattern is pathognomonic for radiation necrosis
shared features: (a) focus at or close to the original tumor site, and as such, supplementary functional imaging is often nec-
which is commonly the site of maximum radiation dose, essary and even then, surgical excision may still be required.
790 I.J. Barani and M.P. Mehta
Fig. 65.2 T1-weighted, post-contrast MRI (upper panels) and FLAIR after the onset of necrosis, the patient underwent a 2-month long treat-
images (lower panels) for a patient with a breast cancer brain metastasis ment with dexamethasone resulting in significant clinical and radio-
treated with Gamma Knife radiosurgery with a single fraction of 18 Gy, graphic improvement (right panels). Symptoms resolved rapidly after
prescribed to 50 % isodose line (upper, left panel). Symptomatic radia- initiation of dexamethasone therapy and did not recur after discontinu-
tion necrosis developed 10 months later (center panels). Five months ation of steroids
This explanation represents a gross simplification of the or higher indicated tumor recurrence and a ratio of 0.6 or less
biologic milieu of both tumor and necrosis, but high diffu- was suggestive of nonneoplastic contrast-enhancing tissue.
sion on ADC has been reported in cerebral radiation necrosis A more recent approach, described by Barajas et al. [80],
caused by treatment of brain tumors [66–69]. uses three hemodynamic variables to describe the shape of
Previous studies applied this technique to evaluate cellu- the signal intensity–time curve obtained from dynamic sus-
larity in gliomas with the aim of predicting tumor grade [70]. ceptibility contrast pMRI: rCBV, relative peak height, and
Signal intensity and ADCs in neoplastic tissue, peritumoral percentage of signal intensity recovery; among 27 patients
edema, and normal brain tissue have been reported for low- with necrosis or tumor recurrence or progression after single-
and high-grade gliomas, meningiomas, and brain metastases fraction radiosurgery for brain metastases, rCBV and relative
[71]. Necrotic brain tissue in the temporal lobe after radia- peak height were significantly higher and the percentage of
tion therapy for nasopharyngeal carcinoma has been charac- signal intensity recovery was significantly lower for tumor
terized using DWI as well [72]. Previously reported ADC versus necrosis [80, 81]. Relative CBV is the most widely
values for high-grade glial tumors vary from 1.1 to used hemodynamic variable derived from pMRI and has been
1.37 × 10−3 mm/s2 [73–75]. ADCs in peritumoral edema or shown to correlate with tumor grade and tumor microvascular
temporal lobe necrosis were reported as 1.29 and attenuation [56, 79, 82–88]. Relative peak height, which rep-
2.88 × 10−3 mm/s2 in two notable studies [72, 76]. Although resents the maximal change in signal intensity during the pas-
ADC maps can provide useful information that may help dis- sage of contrast agent, has been shown to correlate with rCBV
tinguish tumor from necrosis, DWI has not been studied suf- measurements and tumor capillary blood volume. Finally,
ficiently to permit unequivocal diagnosis. Presently, DWI is percentage of signal intensity recovery, an indicator of the
primarily used as an adjunct to other studies. blood–brain barrier integrity, reflects the degree of contrast
agent leakage through tumor microvasculature and provides
insight into the alteration of capillary permeability.
Perfusion MRI Several important limitations are associated with dynamic,
contrast-enhanced pMRI. Because the technique is suscepti-
Dynamic, contrast-enhanced perfusion MRI (pMRI) of the bility weighted, it is extremely sensitive to structures or
brain provides hemodynamic information that complements lesions that induce strong magnetic field inhomogeneities
the anatomic information available from conventional such as blood products, calcium, melanin, metals, or lesions
MRI. Contrast-enhanced pMRI methods exploit signal near brain–bone–air interfaces such as the skull base. When
changes that accompany the passage of a paramagnetic con- there is a large amount of susceptibility artifact, pMRI fails
trast agent (gadolinium) through the cerebrovascular system to provide any meaningful information [89]. Also, the calcu-
to derive relative blood volume and flow information [77, 78]. lation of rCBV can be grossly inaccurate in lesions with a
Analysis of dynamic data from pMRI yields quantitative severe breakdown or absence of the blood–brain barrier.
estimates of the relative cerebral blood volume (rCBV) of
the lesion versus other regions of interest such as surrounding
tissue or contralateral normal tissue. For CBV measurements, FDG-PET
a series of images is acquired at intervals of approximately
1 s before, during, and after bolus injection of the contrast Positron emission tomography (PET) can be used to measure
agent. Rapid gradient-echo or echo-planar imaging is gener- the metabolism of glucose labeled with an 18 F analog.
ally used to acquire multiple T1-weighted slices at each time Because radiation necrosis should be characterized by low
point during the imaging interval. When a paramagnetic glucose consumption, 18 F-fluorodeoxyglucose (FDG) is
contrast agent passes through the cerebral vascular system, often used in PET studies to provide contrast with areas of
it induces differences in local magnetic susceptibility tumor, which should have higher uptake. Early studies
between the intravascular space and the surrounding normal reported that 18 F-FDG-PET had a sensitivity of 81–86 % and
tissue, with a transient and differential loss of relaxation signal. a specificity of 40–94 % for distinguishing between radiation
This enables calculation of the contrast concentration–time necrosis and tumor [90].
curve, and rCBV can then be estimated from the area under There are multiple limitations to the usefulness of PET in
this curve and corrected for contrast leakage using a refer- the brain. Tumor glucose metabolism is highly variable, and
ence measurement in the contralateral, unaffected centrum the overlap of 18 F-FDG uptake between radiation necrosis
semiovale white matter. and tumor can be considerable [91–93]. In addition, tumor
Sugahara et al. [79] were among the first to propose that glucose metabolism is frequently lower than that of normal
this technique should be utilized when it is necessary to dif- brain tissue; thus, tumor uptake may be difficult to appreciate
ferentiate tumor recurrence from radiation necrosis. In a series amid the background of highly metabolically active normal
of 20 cases, these authors found that a normalized rCBV of 2.6 brain tissue or of treated brain tissue, which tends to have
792 I.J. Barani and M.P. Mehta
lower glucose metabolism than untreated brain and may also SPECT
have a wide range of metabolic activity. Also, high 18 F-FDG
uptake can occur from inflammation that may be associated SPECT relies on the injection of a radionuclide such as 201Tl
with necrosis, resulting in misinterpretation. In general, it (Thallium-201) and 99mTc (Technetium-99) and the use of a
has not been possible to define a reliable cutoff of standard- gamma camera and computed tomography (CT) to detect its
ized uptake values to distinguish between tumor and necro- distribution in the brain. Uptake of the radionuclide is greater
sis. Strategies to improve predictive value include comparing in tumor cells than in normal tissue and inflammatory cells
the ratio of the lesion to contralateral normal white or gray and depends on Na/K-ATPase pump activity [107]. Because
matter or determining whether lesion activity is above the uptake requires a viable cell, it is correspondingly low in
expected background activity in adjacent brain tissue [94– necrotic areas. This technique is much less expensive and
97]; in either case, it can be helpful to have the anatomic more widely available than PET but has disadvantages with
information from coregistration with MRI [97, 98]. regard to limited breadth of molecular processes that are
accessible, quantitation accuracy, and spatial resolution.
High-grade tumors have a higher thallium index than
Amino Acid PET low-grade tumors. In a series of 15 biopsy-proven cases,
Schwartz et al. [108] found excellent correlation between
Amino acid PET tracers and amino acid analog PET tracers imaging and histology (14/15 cases) using dual-isotope
constitute another class of tumor imaging agents [99, 100]. SPECT scanning with 201Tl and 99mTc-hexamethylpropylene
These are particularly attractive for imaging brain tumors amine oxime (HMPAO).161 A subsequent study revealed
because of the high uptake in tumor and low uptake in nor- high 201Tl uptake in recurrent tumor and low uptake in radia-
mal brain tissue; amino acids are transported into the cell via tion necrosis. In cases with intermediate uptake, 99mTc-
carrier-mediated processes [100], and amino acid transport is HMPAO uptake helped to differentiate tumor recurrences
generally increased in malignant cells [101, 102]. The most from radiation necrosis by showing increased perfusion in
extensively studied amino acid tracer is 11C-methionine tumor [108]. After these initial exciting reports of sensitivi-
[103]. Because of the short half-life of 11C (approximately ties in excess of 90 % for detecting tumor recurrence with
20 min), 18 F-labeled aromatic amino acid analogs (with a specificity approximately 60 % [109], other reports citing
half-life of approximately 109 min) have been developed for concerns about the diagnostic accuracy of the technique for
tumor imaging [104]. distinguishing recurrent tumor from radiation necrosis began
Because amino acid tracers appear more sensitive than to surface, including cases of thallium-avid radiation necro-
F-FDG-PET in visualizing tumor, they also have poten- sis [110–112].
tially better diagnostic accuracy in evaluating radiation More recently, Alexiou et al. [113] substantiated potential
necrosis. However, the degree of amino acid uptake in radia- superiority of 99mTc-tetrofosmin (99mTc-TF) over 99mTc-sestamibi,
tion necrosis is not known. 11C-methionine has been avail- a commonly used imaging agent, for brain tumor imaging,
able for about two decades, but few studies have been owing to the fact that 99mTc-TF accumulation is independent
published on its performance in differentiating radiation of the multidrug-resistance phenotype of some glioma cells
necrosis from brain tumor recurrence.147 In a study of 21 (167,168). 99mTc-TF is a tumor-seeking diphosphine that
patients with brain metastases treated with SRS, does not cross the intact blood–brain barrier, and uptake is
C-methionine correctly identified seven of nine recurrences dependent on regional blood flow and cell membrane integ-
and 10 of 12 radiation injury lesions [95]. rity, thus reflecting cellular metabolic status and viability.
In rats, uptake of 18F-FET (18 F-fluoroethyl-L-tyrosine), Alexiou et al. also reported that 99mTc-TF could successfully
F-FDG, and 18 F-choline has been compared in acute differentiate tumor recurrence from radiation injury [113,
lesions caused by cerebral irradiation and cryotherapy [105]. 114]. These results are yet to be confirmed by other groups.
Both 18 F-FDG and 18 F-choline accumulated in macrophages,
a common inflammatory cell type in radiation necrosis, but
F-FET uptake was absent from macrophages. Moreover, Histological Examination
the ratio of 18 F-FET uptake in radiation necrosis to that in
normal cortex was much lower than the corresponding ratios Given the limitations of the various imaging techniques, a
for 18 F-FDG and 18 F-choline, suggesting that 18 F-FET may definitive diagnosis of radiation necrosis may require patho-
be able to differentiate radiation necrosis from tumor recur- logic examination of surgical specimens. Because of the
rence. Absence of 18 F-FET uptake in a case of radiation potential for sampling error with biopsy alone, total resec-
necrosis has been reported [106]. Although these results are tion is preferred. Resection also improves edema and mass
promising, larger systematic studies are needed to evaluate effect associated with radiation necrosis and/or active tumor.
the diagnostic performance of these tracers. If resection is not safe or feasible, the imaging modalities
65 Complications and Management in Radiosurgery 793
described above may be used to guide biopsies, so that the is poorly tolerated or when radiation necrosis becomes pro-
region most suspicious for active tumor can be sampled to gressively larger and symptomatic despite the use of ste-
maximize diagnostic yield. roids, surgical excision of the necrotic mass is indicated [3,
117, 119]. In general, surgical treatment is an effective
therapy for well-circumscribed areas of necrosis and much
Treatment less effective for diffusely necrotic lesions [120]. It is pre-
sumed that removal of the necrotic nidus, a source of
While the finding of radiation necrosis, or “treatment effect,” inflammation, reduces the associated edema and thereby
is often met with relief that the changes seen on imaging do secondary mass effect. Surgery thus provides immediate
not represent tumor growth, patients and their families and relief of symptoms and frequently enables patients to be
health care providers need to understand the implication of rapidly tapered off steroids.
this condition. Radiation necrosis can produce symptoms that
are as disabling as tumor recurrence. Most patients with radia- Hyperbaric Oxygen (HBO). HBO therapy is the inhalation of
tion necrosis present with focal neurologic deficits related to 100 % oxygen at an elevated pressure, usually over 1.5 times
the necrotic lesion as well as headaches as a result of mass the atmospheric pressure, in a controlled and monitored envi-
effect from reactive vasogenic edema. Some cases stabilize or ronment. When used after radiation therapy, HBO has been
improve with the treatments described below or with the pas- shown to increase tissue oxygenation and angiogenesis and
sage of time, but some cases may be relentlessly progressive. improve capillary bed function [121]. HBO has been used in
the treatment and prevention of late complications after radio-
Steroids. Steroids are frequently used to treat radiation- therapy in different sites, and many papers have been pub-
induced edema and necrosis. Animal models of radiation- lished reporting its use [119]. Hulshof et al. [122] prospectively
induced CNS necrosis demonstrate that edema precedes the evaluated HBO in patients with cognitive problems following
development of necrosis and that the anti-inflammatory effect cerebral radiotherapy and found that only one out of seven
of dexamethasone, when provided early, can modify subse- patients experienced significant improvement. Leber et al.
quent vascular and inflammatory changes to reduce and delay [123] reported two cases of successful HBO therapy for radi-
the development of subsequent necrosis [115–117]. Thus, ation damage following Gamma Knife radiosurgery for
controlling edema after irradiation or in the early stages of AVMs, with marked improvement in necrotic lesions on
necrosis may limit the subsequent development or course of imaging without the use of corticosteroids. Given the scarcity
necrosis. Among patients with temporal lobe necrosis after of evidence and lack of controlled trials, there is considerable
radiotherapy for nasopharyngeal cancer, dexamethasone uncertainty on the place of HBO in the management of late
given at the onset of radiation necrosis, during which there neurological sequelae of radiation therapy.
was marked reactive edema, resulted in significant objective
improvement of necrosis in 38 % of patients, whereas none of Anticoagulants. Because it is thought that radiation necrosis
the patients with cystic necrosis improved [118]. results mainly from vascular changes associated with isch-
The optimal dose and timing of the corticosteroids have emia, anticoagulants (heparin and warfarin [Coumadin]) and
not been prospectively studied; however, it appears that antiplatelet medications such as pentoxifylline (Trental),
administration early in the course of radionecrosis is more aspirin, and ticlopidine (Ticlid) have been used to attempt to
effective than one that is delayed, and the doses given must halt its progression. Five of eight patients with cerebral radi-
be adequate to control clinical symptoms. After symptoms ation necrosis unresponsive to steroids had clinical improve-
improve, the steroid dose should be tapered as tolerated. ment on anticoagulation with heparin (Heparin) and warfarin
Some patients become symptomatic when steroid treatment (Coumadin) [124]. The potential risk of bleeding from these
is discontinued and thus require long-term treatment over agents must be weighed against any expected benefit, and
many weeks or months. Attention must then be directed these patients must be closely monitored for consumptive
toward minimizing the medical complications associated coagulopathies, especially in the setting of concurrent che-
with steroid treatment, such as steroid myopathy, glucose motherapy. Definitive conclusions are not available owing to
intolerance, secondary infections, gastric irritation, neuro- the small number of patients studied. However, in cases
psychologic issues, and osteopenia. where radiation necrosis is progressive and symptomatic,
full anticoagulation is reasonable assuming there are no con-
Surgical Resection. Radiation-induced necrosis is clearly a traindications. There are no published comparisons for anti-
dynamic process. Cases have been documented in which platelet versus anticoagulant agents.
necrosis spontaneously resolves, remains stable, or pro-
gressively enlarges to produce a space-occupying lesion Antioxidant Therapy. Oral pentoxifylline (Trental) and
that becomes increasingly symptomatic. When steroid therapy tocopherol (vitamin E) combination therapy has been reported
794 I.J. Barani and M.P. Mehta
to benefit patients with skin and chest wall radionecrosis as in volume of contrast enhancement was 79 % and the mean
well as mandibular osteoradionecrosis [125]. Pentoxifylline decrease in T2-FLAIR volume was 49 %. Similar results
is thought to reverse radiation damage primarily through its were published in a recent case report of bevacizumab at
ability to increase locoregional blood flow; it improves red 5 mg/kg every other week for temporal lobe necrosis that
blood cell deformability and promotes laminar blood flow by developed 2 years after aggressive radiotherapy with chemo-
inhibiting intercellular adhesion molecule expression, result- therapy for nasopharyngeal carcinoma [131] and in three of
ing in decreased adhesion between endothelial cells and leu- four children with pontine gliomas suspected of having radi-
kocytes. Pentoxifylline also decreases plasma fibrinogen ation necrosis [132]. More recently, Gutin et al. [39] reported
while increasing fibrinolytic activity [126], and it is a nonspe- no cases of radionecrosis among 25 patients with recurrent
cific inhibitor of many inflammatory cytokines [127]. malignant gliomas treated with fractionated stereotactic reir-
Tocopherol is an antioxidant compound that scavenges ROS radiation to 30 Gy in six fractions along with bevacizumab,
generated during oxidative stress and protects lipid mem- 10 mg/kg every 2 weeks. Optimal dosing, duration of treat-
branes against lipid peroxidation [125]. Williamson et al. ment, and efficacy of bevacizumab (or similar agents) need
[128] reported on 11 patients with delayed adverse radiation further evaluation in prospective trials.
effects after treatment with Gamma Knife radiosurgery for
various benign and malignant disorders who were treated Rehabilitation. Depending on the symptoms and clinical
with pentoxifylline (400 mg orally twice daily) and tocoph- deficits caused by radiation necrosis, patients may benefit
erol (400 IU orally twice daily). The edema volume measured from physical, occupational, or speech therapy.
on serial FLAIR-MRI improved in 10 of 11 patients, with an Brain necrosis is associated with a significant degree of
average volume decrease of 72.3 mL. The only patient with- morbidity and sometimes mortality. It has been recognized
out improvement was found to have tumor recurrence. The as a potential complication of brain radiation therapy for at
authors concluded that pentoxifylline and tocopherol may be least five decades, with higher risk for larger volumes, higher
of benefit for treatment of adverse radiation effects. Further total dose, and higher dose per fraction, especially above
studies are needed to determine the efficacy of this regimen about 50 Gy at 1.8–2.0 Gy per daily fraction or 12 Gy in one
for the treatment of brain radionecrosis. fraction (three- and five-fraction radionecrosis thresholds are
not well know at this time) (see Table 65.1). The latency
Bevacizumab. The premise for the use of bevacizumab for period is highly variable, but the minimum latency is about 3
radiation necrosis came from observations of radionecrosis- months after radiation exposure. The pathophysiology is not
associated endothelial cell dysfunction and hypoxia with lib- completely understood; contributing factors appear to
eration of vasoactive compounds, including vascular include injury to vasculature, oligodendrocytes, and/or neu-
endothelial growth factor (VEGF). Bevacizumab is a human- ral stem cells and chronic inflammation. It may be difficult to
ized murine monoclonal antibody against the VEGF mole- distinguish radiation necrosis from progressive or recurrent
cule. It blocks VEGF from reaching its capillary targets and tumor following treatment for primary or metastatic brain
is currently being used in the treatment of several solid tumors. Techniques that have been used include MRI, MRS,
tumors. Gonzalez et al. [129] retrospectively evaluated 15 PET, and SPECT, short of surgical biopsy or resection for a
patients treated with bevacizumab or bevacizumab combined histopathologic diagnosis. The symptoms of radiation necro-
with chemotherapy after radiation for malignant brain sis may be mild or reversible, but are sometimes significant
tumors. Radiation necrosis was diagnosed in eight patients, or progressive, warranting treatment with steroids and/or
all of whom underwent therapy with bevacizumab on surgical resection. Less well-proven but possibly effective
either a 5 mg/kg/2-weeks or 7.5 mg/kg/3-weeks schedule. interventions include HBO therapy, anticoagulation, antioxi-
Posttreatment MRI scans, performed approximately 8 weeks dant therapy, and therapy with VEGF inhibitors.
after therapy, demonstrated measurable improvements in all
patients. The imaging findings correlated with clinical
improvement as evaluated by the average reduction in daily Complications for Common Radiosurgery
dexamethasone requirement by 8.6 mg. The authors of this Indications
study concluded that bevacizumab, alone or in combination
with other agents, can reduce radiation necrosis by decreas- Brain Metastases. Metastases to the brain represent the most
ing capillary leakage and the associated brain edema. common indication for radiosurgery [6]. In a series evaluating
Torcuator et al. [130] reported on six glioma patients with radiosurgery for brain metastases, Shaw et al. report that the
biopsy-proven brain radionecrosis treated with bevacizumab most common complication was symptomatic cerebral edema
at 10 mg/kg every other week, combined with irinotecan in associated with radiosurgery [8]. Four patients in this series
two cases of suspected tumor cells in addition to necrosis. experienced severe cerebral edema, two of whom responded
Compared with pre-bevacizumab imaging, the mean decrease to corticosteroids. Six percent of patients in this series
65 Complications and Management in Radiosurgery 795
Table 65.1 Summary of suggested dose constraints for selected critical brain structures
required surgical resection for persistent and symptomatic metabolized through the hepatic system (e.g., levetiracetam).
radionecrosis within 1 year of SRS. These investigators noted If the time from radiosurgery is weeks to months, then
that larger target volume >8.2 cm3 was significantly associ- edema, necrosis, tumor recurrence, and/or hemorrhage as
ated with increased acute and delayed complications due to causes of symptoms should be considered. Evaluation in this
radiosurgery [8]. In a different series of 40 patients with intra- time period almost always necessitates evaluation with a CT
cranial metastasis, Mehta et al. [133] reported a 10 % radia- scan (if acute onset and suspicion of cerebral hemorrhage is
tion toxicity rate associated with radiosurgery. high; melanoma, renal cell carcinoma, and uterine carci-
Since most patients with brain metastases are exposed to noma metastases have higher propensity to bleed) or MRI. If
various systemic therapies, often involving novel targeted symptoms are relatively mild, then outpatient treatment with
agents, radiosensitizing effects of these new agents are not corticosteroids (or increasing the dose) is a reasonable first
well known and understood. There are some case reports sug- step. If there is no improvement in symptoms within several
gesting enhanced cutaneous toxicity with the combination of days despite increased dose of steroids, then repeat MR
BRAF inhibitors and radiotherapy but whether these effects imaging is indicated to help distinguish radionecrosis from
translate into greater neurotoxicity is not known [134]. tumor or rule out other causes of symptoms. If symptoms
Symptomatic cerebral edema is the most commonly resolve with steroids and the medication can be tapered and
reported complication of SRS for intracranial metastases withdrawn without symptomatic recurrence, then no further
with a range of 3–18 % [8, 135]. Typically, these complica- intervention is required. Because long-term high-dose ste-
tions occur over a broad time period. Focal symptoms are roids can cause a host of problems including hyperglycemia,
usually closely related to the location of the injury and/or to muscle weakness, Cushingoid facies, insomnia, irritability
increased intracranial pressure. Whenever a patient becomes and fatigue, other alternatives need to be investigated depend-
symptomatic after radiosurgery with a headache, seizure, or ing on the cause of symptoms (see Fig. 65.3).
progressive neurologic deficit, the interval since radiosur- Intracranial Meningiomas. Meningiomas are most com-
gery and the clinical setting during which radiosurgery was mon benign intracranial tumors and account for approxi-
performed must first be considered. For example, was the mately 20 % of all primary brain tumors [136, 137].
patient treatment with radiosurgery alone or after whole- Radiosurgery is often used as an alternative to surgery for
brain radiotherapy (WBRT)? Apart from radiation side some skull base meningiomas or those in difficult locations
effects, tumor recurrence and growth must also be consid- where complete surgical resection would not be possible or
ered as possible causes of symptoms. Acute side effects in subtotal resection would be associated with unacceptable
the first few hours or days after radiosurgery can be treated neurologic morbidity [138, 139]. This generally includes
symptomatically for complaints of pain, nausea, and fatigue. petroclival, parasellar, and cavernous sinus locations.
Seizures are quite rare in the acute setting, but if they occur, Radiosurgery is also an excellent treatment option for many
anticonvulsant levels should be checked (if applicable), dose elderly or those with significant comorbidities that make sur-
adjusted (an additional half-loading dose given [orally or IV] gical resection less appealing [7, 140]. In many cases, radio-
and the maintenance dose increased pending the results), or surgery is pursued as a therapeutic option even without a
the patients should be converted to anticonvulsants not tissue diagnosis [7]. Single session radiosurgery is generally
796 I.J. Barani and M.P. Mehta
Brain Metastases
Improvement No Improvement
Fig. 65.3 Complications management algorithm in patients with brain metastases treated with stereotactic radiosurgery (SRS)
limited to lesions <3.5 cm in size and more than 2–5 mm The optic apparatus is quite sensitive to radiation injury
distant from the anterior optic structures [141–143]. Lesions [150]. For single-session radiosurgery, the studies have indi-
>3.5 cm in size may still be accessible to multisession radio- cated the relative incidence of radiation-induced optic neu-
surgery (three or five fractions) [144]. ropathy to be rare for maximal doses to anterior optic
Radiosurgical complications after treatment for meningi- structures of <8 Gy. The risk increases in the range of
oma include peritumoral edema (which can become symp- 8–12 Gy and exceeds 10 % in the range of 12–15 Gy. One
tomatic), seizures, and cranial and optic neuropathies major study indicates a low risk with maximal dose of
[145–147]. Symptomatic peritumoral edema tends to occur <12 Gy to the anterior optic structures [151], but there is
at a higher frequency at parasagittal and cerebellopontine general agreement that Dmax ≤10 Gy is safe [152].
angle locations [148]. Cranial neuropathies, including optic Other cranial nerves appear to be more resistant to radia-
nerve injury, are the highest risk complications of cavernous tion than the optic apparatus, and doses up to 20 Gy can often
sinus meningioma radiosurgery [139, 149]. In a report by be tolerated [7]. Kondziolka et al. [153] reported on a series
Singh et al. on early complications of Gamma Knife radio- of 50 patients treated for meningiomas with a mean marginal
surgery for intracranial meningiomas in 77 patients, seizures dose of 17 Gy. In this series, the actuarial 2-year local control
and headaches occurred in about 10 % of patients, and a sig- rate was 96 % and only three patients exhibited delayed
nificant number (22 %) of parasagittal meningiomas resulted radiosurgical complications of trigeminal hyperesthesia,
in symptomatic edema. For this reason, treatment of larger hemiparesis, and oculomotor neuropathy between 3 and 12
tumors in the parasagittal location should generally be months after treatment. All of these complications slowly
avoided and fractionated techniques considered. improved over time [153].
65 Complications and Management in Radiosurgery 797
Fig. 65.4 Complications management algorithm in patients with meningioma(s) treated with stereotactic radiosurgery (SRS)
Most cranial neuropathies after radiosurgery are mild and maximal dose to the anterior optic structures (chiasm, optic
improve with time, but uncommon severe complications nerves, and optic radiations) to <10 Gy. Many practioners
such as hemiparesis can develop after treatment [149, 154, chose to limit the dose to ≤8 Gy. It is reasonable to manage
155]. For example, Chang et al. reported on a series of 179 peritumoral edema (and associated symptoms) as well as
patients treated with Gamma Knife radiosurgery for menin- cranial neuropathies with a trial of glucocorticoids and then
giomas and noted complications in nearly 25 %, mostly follow basic clinical principles for complication manage-
asymptomatic edema found on follow-up imaging, and about ment as outlined in Fig. 65.4.
2 % cranial neuropathy and radionecrosis rate. Another study
by Hakim et al. [156] reported on 127 patients treated with Vestibular Schwannomas. Vestibular schwannomas are com-
linac radiosurgery for meningiomas (benign, atypical, and mon benign tumors that are frequently managed with micro-
malignant). They reported 2 deaths (1.6 %) due to treatment- surgery and/or radiosurgery. After radiosurgery or radiation
related edema and subsequent herniation as well as relatively therapy, neurologic structures adjacent to vestibular schwan-
high rates of hemiparesis. This study emphasizes the impor- nomas are at risk for radiation toxicity. These structures
tance of patient selection for radiosurgery and the impor- include the brainstem and trigeminal, facial, and vestibuloco-
tance of not treating large tumor volumes with single-session chlear nerves. It has been suggested that oligodendrocytes of
radiosurgery, and especially not in the retreatment setting. the brainstem are more sensitive to radiation injury than
In general, skull base meningiomas can be effectively peripheral Schwann cells that myelinate the cranial nerves in
treated (local control rates >95 %) with radiosurgery with a the transition zone and distally [7, 157, 158]. Because of this,
low complication profile (≤10 %). These complications typi- it has been suggested that vestibular schwannomas may be at
cally involve cranial neuropathies, which are mild and often an increased risk of mild acute complications from SRS [159].
recover over time, except for injury to the anterior optic Miller et al. [160] reported on a series of 82 patients with
structures. Optic neuropathy may be a permanent vestibular schwannomas treated with a single-session high-
complication of radiosurgery but is preventable by limiting the versus low-dose SRS. This report suggested that a marginal
798 I.J. Barani and M.P. Mehta
dose in excess of 16 Gy is significantly associated with per- same study, audiometric data demonstrated that useful hear-
manent facial neuropathy. Median onset to neuropathy was 6 ing was preserved in only 33 % of patients; 67 % of the
months in this series. Interestingly, even though higher mar- treated cohort lost functional hearing after SRS [162]. Other
ginal dose appears to be a risk factor for trigeminal and facial single institution reports noted 40–66 % hearing preserva-
neuropathy, nearly half of the patients in this series with neu- tion rates [163–165].
ropathies experience symptomatic improvement over time Other less common late-delayed complications reported
[160]. Other factors that affect neuropathy rates are the length after SRS for vestibular schwannomas include facial spasm
of the cranial nerve irradiated and brainstem dose near the and hydrocephalus [166, 167]. In some cases, shunting may
root entry zone. Foote et al. [161] reported these correlations be required to address the hydrocephalus.
in their study of 149 patients with vestibular schwannomas Overall, the complication risk from radiosurgery using
who were treated definitively with SRS. They found that a dose of 12 or 13 Gy for vestibular schwannomas is quite
maximal brainstem dose (Dmax) in excess of 17.5 Gy was low. Most modern series report trigeminal and facial neu-
found to closely correlate with trigeminal and facial neuropa- ropathy risks at less than 8 %, and in most cases these neu-
thies in their series. For this reason, they recommended (and ropathies improve with time. Because the number of studies
it is also our institutional practice) to treat with a dose of that rigorously assess hearing preservation after radiosur-
12.5 Gy at the tumor margin. This dose balances efficacy of gery is relatively small with limited sample sizes and retro-
treatment with risks of complications. Surgical resection prior spective design, the hearing preservation rate after
to SRS was also identified as a significant risk factor for cra- radiosurgery is not well defined, with more recent reports
nial neuropathy in this study. being in the 50–70 % range (with variable follow-up). To
Andrews et al. [162] confirmed some of these findings in address the problem of inconsistent reporting, a consensus
a report of 69 patients treated with SRS for vestibular meeting on reporting systems for vestibular schwannoma
schwannomas with a 12 Gy at the tumor margin. Facial and was convened in 2003 and created reporting definitions;
trigeminal neuropathies occurred in only 2–5 % of treated however, these have not been widely adopted by investiga-
patients with a median follow-up greater than 2 years. In this tors (Fig. 65.5) [168].
Vestibular Schwannoma
Symptomatic Treatment: MRI scan Symptomatic Treatment: Motor & Sensory Symptoms
1. Nausea/vomiting T2 change only, no symptoms 1. Trigeminal pain
- anti-emetics - carbamazepine, gabapentin
- trial of steroids, if persistent - trial of steroids, if persistent
2. Headaches 2. Hearing loss or facial weakness
- OTC medications - trial of steroids, if persistent
- trial of steroids, if persistent
3. Exacerbation of existing symptoms
- trial of steroids, if persistent
Improvement No Improvement MRI scan
Fig. 65.5 Complications management algorithm in patients with vestibular schwannoma treated with stereotactic radiosurgery (SRS)
65 Complications and Management in Radiosurgery 799
AVMs. Radiosurgery is an effective treatment of AVMs in The management of complications in AVM patients is
any brain location for both children and adults, with oblitera- more involved than that of brain metastases after SRS since
tion rates depending primarily on the AVM size and prescrip- it is important to rule out intracranial hemorrhage via CT
tion dose. Complications of treatment also depend on the urgently in patients who present with a new, severe head-
AVM location, size, prescription dose, 12-Gy isodose vol- ache, nausea, vomiting, and/or new neurologic deficit. For
ume, age, radiographic method used for target definition, those patients with history of prior hemorrhage and who are
perforating artery supply, and era of treatment. Complications not candidates for surgical intervention and have intranidal
of AVM treatment are highly variable and inconsistently aneurysm, evaluation for endovascular treatment of the
reported. aneurysm is recommended (but not of the entire AVM).
The treatment of pediatric AVMs poses unique challenges Patients with known feeding artery aneurysms should first
because the effects of radiation on developing brain and the undergo surgical or endovascular treatment of these aneu-
risk of second malignancy need to be considered. Balanced rysms before radiosurgery. Early-delayed effects of SRS
against these concerns are the mortality and morbidity of such as edema are not uncommon but majority of patients
hemorrhagic events over the number of remaining years of tend to remain asymptomatic. Cyst formation, as a late com-
life (assuming 2 % annual incidence of hemorrhage). For plication of SRS, is rare and can be treated surgically if it is
example, Kaido et al. [169] reported on a development of a symptomatic (see Fig. 65.6).
glioblastoma 6.5 years in a boy who was treated for a peri-
ventricular AVM 6.5 years earlier with a marginal dose of
20 Gy. Levy et al. [170] reported on a series of 53 consecu- Conclusion
tive children who underwent at least 3 years of imaging fol-
low up after radiosurgery of intracranial AVMs. They Radiosurgery is a very effective and popular treatment option
grouped patients into three groups based on the volume of for several common intracranial diagnoses and represents a
the treated AVM: (1) group 1, ≤3 mL, (2) group 2, >3 mL but major development in neurosurgery and radiation oncology
≤10 mL, and (3) group 3, >10 mL. Twenty-eight patients over the last 30 years. For some treatment indications, such
(80 %) in group 1 and 11 (64.7 %) in group 2 achieved com- as small vestibular schwannomas and meningiomas, it is
plete obliteration during the follow-up period, and only one becoming the de facto treatment of choice given its effective-
patient in group 3 did not achieve obliteration. This study ness and favorable side effect profile. As with any other form
demonstrated effectiveness of radiosurgical treatment for of therapy, there remains the risk of treatment-associated
pediatric AVMs. Brainstem edema was the primary intracra- complications, although these risks are small and have been
nial complication, reported in 1 patient in the series. Four reduced as experience with various radiosurgical techniques
patients experienced hemorrhagic events between 30 and 98 has grown. The key to management of radiosurgical compli-
months after SRS. In this study, small target volume dose cations is prevention (to the extent of possible) of known or
were associated with likelihood of obliteration. expected side effects by judicious and thoughtful application
A comprehensive report by Flickinger et al. [171] did of radiosurgical principles and available dose–volume con-
much to solidify our understanding of the risk of complica- straints to guide treatment planning. Robust and rigorous
tions after AVM radiosurgery. In an analysis of 85 patients quality assurance and safety programs need to be in place to
with a median follow-up of 45 months, the volume of brain maximize patient safety and achieve the desired clinical out-
receiving ≥12 Gy was used to construct a post-radiosurgery comes. This requires a multidisciplinary team and constant
expression score (PIE). In addition to 12-Gy volume, ana- evaluation of outcomes data. Since most of the radiosurgical
tomic location was also associated with increased risk of data are generally of limited quality (retrospective, single-
complication (from low to high risk: frontal, temporal, institutional studies), it is imperative that further/future
intraventricular, parietal, cerebellar, corpus callosum, occipi- research, including toxicity reporting and management, is
tal, medulla, thalamus, basal ganglia, and pons/medulla). standardized and consistently reported to aid in interpreta-
Larger AVMs are associated with lower obliteration rates, tion of published outcomes and toxicity data. Use of consen-
longer time to obliteration after treatment, and an increased sus outcomes definitions needs to be made part of daily
incidence of complications. Two prevailing approaches were clinical practice and use of anecdotal data to justify treat-
used to try to improve outcomes in these patients: (1) multi- ment decisions needs to be discouraged. This robust and pro-
session radiosurgery and (2) volume-staged treatments. spective approach must be applied to treatment-related
Single-institution reports of these various approaches report toxicity management, especially as new treatment approaches
marginal success in achieving obliteration rates and there is (e.g., bevacizumab for radiation necrosis) become increas-
no convincing study to suggest that one approach should be ingly available and applications of radiosurgery continue to
preferred over the other [172–176]. be extended.
800 I.J. Barani and M.P. Mehta
Arteriovenous Malformation
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Building a Radiosurgery Practice
Ali Farooqui and N. Scott Litofsky
L.S. Chin and W.F. Regine (eds.), Principles and Practice of Stereotactic Radiosurgery, 807
DOI 10.1007/978-1-4614-8363-2_66, © Springer Science+Business Media New York 2015
808 A. Farooqui and N.S. Litofsky
charged particles—has also been available since the 1950s As part of a current and continuing national trend to
(initially at Lawrence Livermore in Berkeley). A handful of develop centers for neuroscience care, radiosurgery pro-
programs are available in the USA and throughout the world grams are and will be a “hot” topic for the next several years.
(41 in 2012) [4], but this technology has been limited by the Radiosurgery is also an important component of neurologi-
cost of building a cyclotron to produce the protons with the cal surgery residency training. The Residency Review
final price of a proton therapy center currently on the order of Committee (RRC) for neurological surgery has expanded the
between 120 and 300 million dollars [5]. specialty definition of neurological surgery to include treat-
Clinical indications for treatment with stereotactic radio- ment of diseases of the brain and spinal cord and their cover-
surgery have expanded as availability has increased. The ings and blood supply with stereotactic radiosurgery. This
largest group of patients is those with metastatic tumors to expanded definition presupposes that neurosurgeons receive
the brain, for which several studies have shown radiosurgery clinical and didactic training in radiosurgery during resi-
to be more cost-effective than open surgery [6, 7]. Patients dency training. Currently, the RRC requires neurosurgery
with gliomas who have been treated with radiosurgery have residents to complete and participate in a minimum of ten
improved survival compared to others [8]. Benign tumors, adult cranial radiosurgery cases [13].
such as meningiomas, particularly those involving the skull Concerns have been raised about potential market satura-
base or dural sinuses are frequent targets, as are schwanno- tion as new programs are built, which can limit individual
mas and pituitary adenomas. Arteriovenous malformations program patient volumes [11]. Despite these concerns, the
can be effectively treated with radiosurgery. Additionally, role of stereotactic radiosurgery as a tool to treat diseases of
epilepsy, trigeminal neuralgia, pain, and movement disorders the nervous system is quite high and should remain so for the
are all treatable with radiosurgery [1, 9]. Although Leksell foreseeable future.
initially developed radiosurgery to create lesions for func-
tional neurosurgery, such use has become routine only in the
last few years. Radiosurgery in Residency Training
that case experience is not so certain. Almost always, radio- other instances, a neurosurgeon may have subspecialty inter-
surgery cases are performed as outpatient procedures and ests for which radiosurgery can be a treatment option for
frequently off-site from the hospital in which the residents patients. Given the current indications for radiosurgery, such
rotate. To solve this problem, some programs, including subspecialties include neuro-oncology, functional neurosur-
Johns Hopkins, University of Pittsburg, and University of gery (pain or movement disorders), epilepsy surgery, and
Missouri-Columbia, have established elective or selective cerebrovascular surgery. Neurosurgeons focused on these
rotations to ensure that residents receive adequate exposure. subspecialties may also chose to treat patients with other
At Johns Hopkins, for example, a 4-month block during the “non-subspecialty” disease processes with radiosurgery;
PGY-4 year is devoted to functional and stereotactic radio- while the targets and doses may be different, many of the
surgery. In other programs, the resident may need to make technical principles are similar.
some additional effort to be able to participate; understand- A general neurosurgeon in private practice or academic
ing that minimum case numbers are required for residency practice may also include radiosurgery as part of his/her clin-
completion may provide the necessary impetus. ical offerings. Clinical volume may be, but is not necessarily
less than in the previous circumstances, depending on one’s
local environment. For instance, in a medical community
Practice Development with a 500,000 catchment area, if four neurosurgeons are
each offering radiosurgery, one’s case volume may be less
Decision to Proceed than five cases per year; the neurosurgeon may decide that
for that volume, she/he would rather refer appropriate radio-
The first step in developing a radiosurgery practice is making surgery cases to another colleague.
the decision to include radiosurgery in one’s personal proce- The neurosurgeon should consider a number of factors in
dural offerings to patients. Not all neurosurgeons perform all making the decision of whether or not to include radiosur-
procedures. Even neurosurgeons in general practice have the gery as part of one’s practice. Perhaps the first factor is “what
option to chose the types of cases they wish to do and refer is the potential volume of patients available to treat?” By
other cases to other neurosurgeons, either within the same extrapolating data of potential case volume and population,
group, to another group, to local academic center, or to a perhaps one radiosurgery case could be performed for every
distant academic center. 4,000 people each year. Volume, however, is not usually this
If one is in an academic neurosurgical practice or a large high. One needs to assess the extent of out-migration from
group private practice, individuals in the group may have his/her catchment area and how many other practitioners are
subspecialty interests. Sometimes, a neurosurgeon can spe- doing radiosurgery locally, as referral patterns may be diffi-
cialize in radiosurgery only. Colleagues within the group, cult to break. Another factor is the proximity of radiosurgery
neurosurgeons and radiation oncologists who do not do facilities to one’s office or hospital(s). Many planning
radiosurgery, and other physicians will refer potential cases systems can permit remote planning, which makes distance
to that particular individual for evaluation and treatment. In less of an issue; in contrast, travel time is not usually being
810 A. Farooqui and N.S. Litofsky
$10,910 $10,910
$10,543 $10,543
$10,000 $9,261
$8,000 $7,262
$6,000 2007
Gamma Knife LINAC CyberKnife Robotic LINAC
Fig. 66.1 Changes in CMS reimbursement for outpatient SRS by Medicare over 1 year. From: Innovations Center, Health Care Advisory Board.
Future of Neurosciences; Strategic Forecast and Investment Blueprint. The Advisory Board Company 2008; used with permission
Table 66.2 Changes in physician charges and RVUs at a single institution for various CPT codes
2008 2009 2010 2011 2012
CPT Code Lesion
Charge RVU Charge RVU Charge RVU Charge RVU Charge RVU
61793 1 or more $4,825 17.75 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
61796 Under 3.5 N/A N/A $1,717 10.79 $2,100 13.93 $2,100 13.93 $2,100 13.93
61797 Additional N/A N/A $478 3.48 $478 3.48 $500 3.48 $500 3.48
61798 Over 3.5 N/A N/A $1,717 10.79 $1,717 19.85 $2,800 19.85 $2,800 19.85
61799 Additional N/A N/A $616 4.81 $661 4.81 $1,152 4.81 $1,152 4.81
63620 Spinal N/A N/A $1,717 10.79 $1,717 15.6 $1,717 15.6 $1,717 15.6
63621 Additional N/A N/A $549 4 $549 4 $556 4 $556 4
used for other productivity. The expectations of one’s [10]. Figure 66.1 shows the change in total radiosurgery
employer may be an issue. A hospital-employed neurosur- reimbursement per case by Medicare between 2007 and
geon or one joining an existing group (academic or private 2008. Table 66.2 illustrates the changes in physician billing
practice) may be expected to include radiosurgery to meet per case at the University of Missouri from 2008 to 2012,
service needs. The type of radiosurgery system(s) available is which shows the dynamic change in the billing for radiosur-
also important to consider. The device may not be the same gery. Over the span of one year the RVU for radiosurgery
as used during residency or other practice venues, and pur- dropped by seven units resulting in a significant decrease in
chase of a familiar device or system is not practical for an reimbursement. However, over the following years, the total
individual and unlikely for an institution unless its present charges and RVUs have steadily increased. In addition, more
system is ready for upgrade or replacement. Therefore, a CPT codes were added to allow for better characterization of
neurosurgeon may need to obtain additional training in the treatments being performed. Although there has been an
anticipation of including radiosurgery in practice. A vendor- overall decrease in the reimbursement of stereotactic radio-
sponsored course or a trip to a center with the particular surgery, the earning potential may be equivalent due to the
radiosurgery platform can go a long way to increasing com- unbundling of the CPT codes. The future of radiosurgery
fort with the existing system. reimbursement is difficult to predict, but the reality of the
Current and potential future levels of reimbursement are situation is that it will depend heavily on the political and
also an issue. The National Health Care Advisory Board had socioeconomic condition of the country and its effects on the
suggested a potential decrease in reimbursement in 2008 health-care system at large.
66 Building a Radiosurgery Practice 811
Time spent on radiosurgery means time not spent on other A few credentialing protocols have been described for
types of cases. Compensation for these other cases may neurosurgeons [16, 17]. Some centers may incorporate all, a
exceed reimbursement from radiosurgery; therefore, personal portion, or none of these protocols. Completing the require-
economics also enters the equation. ments for credentialing is usually not particularly arduous,
One should also keep in mind that radiosurgery is just one but should be anticipated. Most credentialing requirements
of several options for treating particular disorders. A physi- will probably include at least some of following features:
cian’s selection of radiosurgery versus open surgery for a • Neurosurgeons should complete a radiosurgery course,
procedure depends on the individual situation and patient, as ideally sponsored by the vendor of the software/hardware
one method may be preferred or superior to the other for being used at the Center. The course should include simu-
various reasons. However, offering radiosurgery increases lated cases. Most vendors provide such a course for phy-
the scope of one’s practice, thereby increasing procedure sicians as part of the purchase of their devices. The
volume and thus profits. For example, some patients have neurosurgeon may need to pay for the course; such costs
absolutely no interest in an open operation if a minimally can be negotiated as part of the contractual process for
invasive option is available, even if open surgery has some hospital or group-employed neurosurgeons.
clear advantages. By offering radiosurgery, one’s practice • Neurosurgeons should have experience in stereotactic
volume can benefit from those patients who may otherwise surgery. Such experience demonstrates competence and
choose to leave the area to receive radiosurgery elsewhere understanding of volumetric localization of targets in
when it is not locally available. Lastly, as indications for three-dimensional space and insures that Halo ring immo-
radiosurgery change, additional patient volumes may accrue. bilization, which many systems require, will be well
Two examples are worth mentioning. A patient with multiple accomplished. Cases providing such experience, in addi-
brain metastases, one of which is very large and symptom- tion to radiosurgery, include deep brain stimulation and
atic, may be a candidate for radiosurgery for the smaller stereotactic brain biopsy.
lesions after surgical resection of the large one. In another • The neurosurgeon should perform a number of radiosur-
case, a patient with a single metastasis may be a candidate gery cases under the direct supervision of an experienced
for radiosurgery to the postoperative tumor bed instead of neuro/radiosurgeon. This supervised experience may
whole-brain radiotherapy. In both circumstances, being able occur during residency training or as an attending
to provide radiosurgery generates additional case volume to neurosurgeon.
the neurosurgeon that, in the absence of radiosurgery capa- Documentation of the experience is important as well.
bilities, would not have been available. Case number may vary. Cleveland Clinic specified that either
the neurosurgeon or radiation oncologist involved in a case
has residency experience of 50–100 cases or attending expe-
Becoming Credentialed rience of 25–50 cases [17]. Initial supervision by a senior
colleague may also be necessary [16].
Institutions and patients both want to be certain that physi-
cians who care for patients are qualified to do so. Radiosurgery
is no different from any other treatment in that regard. For Building a Referral Base
neurosurgeons, radiosurgery is not as technically demanding
as other procedures (microvascular surgery, for instance), but Once a neurosurgeon decides to perform radiosurgery, she/
it does require a significant cognitive skill set. The neurosur- he should identify potential referring physicians. These phy-
geon needs to know which patients and lesions are appropri- sicians may be from within one’s hospital community or
ate for treatment, what structures are potentially in harm’s from the surrounding area. Again, consideration of the indi-
way during treatment of a particular patient, what is an cations for radiosurgery can help identify to which physi-
appropriate target volume, etc. Knowledge of radiation cians the neurosurgeon should reach out to explain the
dosimetry is helpful when interfacing with the radiation available services.
oncologist, who must frequently incorporate past radiation One key group of potential referring physicians should be
treatments into a radiosurgery prescription to achieve an radiation oncologists. Radiation oncology collaborates with
effective dose without undue long-term sequela. Therefore, neurosurgery for patient treatment in most centers. The radi-
neurosurgeons who provide radiosurgery need to be creden- ation oncologist is usually responsible for the radiation dose,
tialed. Such credentialing is particularly important if the as well as supervising the physics personnel involved with
radiosurgery center is open to multiple physicians from out- developing the treatment plan. Radiation oncology is often,
side the hospital/clinic in order for the center to maintain but not always, the responsible party for upkeep and quality
quality control. assurance of the devices used to generate and deliver the ion-
812 A. Farooqui and N.S. Litofsky
izing radiation. In some centers, a single radiation oncolo- gery. Additionally, direct phone calls from physicians per-
gist may have radiosurgery responsibilities; in others, those forming radiosurgery to referring physicians can be very
duties may be shared. Identification and dialogue with radia- effective. Finally, promptly communicating back to referring
tion oncologists outside the locale or who would not be physicians after assessing patients enhances the process.
participating in radiosurgery procedures is also helpful. Marketing to patients directly is also important. Because
Discussion with these radiation oncologists is appropriate to patients are using the Internet more often as their source of
define groups of patients for to treat with radiosurgery. medical information, physicians who do not utilize Web sites
Updating them on evolving radiosurgery indications, such as are at a distinct disadvantage as patients look for options for
radiosurgery to multiple lesions, radiosurgery to the tumor treatment of their ailments. Therefore, information on a Web
bed after resection, fractionated radiosurgery for large site should be written at a level that patients can compre-
lesions, and radiosurgery for spinal lesions, is appropriate hend. For example, reduction or simplification of medical
[18–21]. Sharing references can be helpful, as some indica- vocabulary is helpful to make the information more under-
tions represent a paradigm shift for radiation oncology, as standable. Television and radio spots, although more expen-
well as for neurosurgery. sive, can also be used to enhance one’s marketing to patients.
Although medical oncologists do not directly participate The physician can augment marketing also by partnering
in stereotactic radiosurgery treatment, their participation as with the institution housing the radiosurgery center. Two dif-
referring physicians is essential, since patients with meta- ferent strategies for marketing are available [11]. In the first,
static carcinoma represent the largest group of patients to marketing revolves around the radiation delivery device as
treat. Better patient referral can be expected when the medi- the key point of focus. The institution’s advertisements indi-
cal oncologists understand the issues related to stereotactic cate that it has the capability of treating patients with a
radiosurgery treatment. Gamma Knife, a Cyberknife, a Trilogy, or any other delivery
While radiation oncologists and medical oncologists will system that has been purchased for the program. This type of
likely account for the majority of referrals, other physicians product marketing appeals to patients by name-recognition
should not be discounted. Endocrinologists should become of a particular device. An alternative strategy focuses on the
aware of the potential for radiosurgery to treat pituitary particular disease process—like trigeminal neuralgia, or
tumors refractory to surgical resection. Otolaryngologists AVMs, or brain tumors—and notifies the public that a nonin-
often refer patients with vestibular schwannomas. vasive treatment modality is available for that disease. Both
Neurologists may be a source of patients with trigeminal strategies, especially if used together, can be very effective.
neuralgia, epilepsy, movement disorders, or arteriovenous Even though marketing is important to increase physician
malformations. Dentists and oral surgeons may also refer and patient awareness about radiosurgery as a tool to treat
patients with trigeminal neuralgia [11]. Because pediatric diseases, it is important to avoid exaggeration and misrepre-
patients can account for 10–15 % of patients in some centers sentation in information provided, particularly on the
[22], pediatricians and pediatric oncologists are also a poten- Internet, where there are no truth-in-advertising regulations,
tial source of referrals that can be cultivated. and where “data” can be promulgated directly to patients
without scientific peer review [23]. Brada and Cruickshank
[24] raised such concerns in an editorial in the British
Marketing to the Community Medical Journal. Unfortunately, these concerns were lost in
the authors’ own misrepresentations [25–28]. As centers and
Success in building a radiosurgery program can be related to physicians market their expertise and capabilities, they must
marketing to the medical community as well as to patients. provide accurate information to maintain their credibility.
Potential referral sources as described above need to know
that radiosurgery expertise is available. Helpful information
includes a list of the clinical indications for radiosurgery, Practical Practice Issues
inclusion and exclusion criteria, the sequence of events
involved in treatment of a patient, and how to refer patients Common Radiosurgery Systems
for treatment. A variety of means of communicating this
information are available. Presentations at medical staff In most circumstances, a neurosurgeon will utilize a radiosur-
meetings, mailed brochures or letters, Grand Rounds presen- gery system already in existence in a hospital or free-standing
tations, and conferences are all useful for marketing pur- clinic. While a detailed description of each potentially avail-
poses, particularly since they also provide appropriate able system is beyond the scope of this chapter, an under-
education about radiosurgery. The Internet has also increased standing of the potential pros and cons of each system in
physician and patient access to information about radiosur- terms of the neurosurgeon and patient interface with the sys-
66 Building a Radiosurgery Practice 813
tem is important. System cost, while important for the pur- immobilization with a frame; a few institutions across the
chaser, has less importance to the individual physician unless world, however, have begun to utilize the Extend program
that physician is involved with initial purchase in an advisory for the Gamma Knife that relies on a mouthpiece and a head-
capacity or as an investor. For purchase, factors such as rest, thereby eliminating the use of a head ring.
patient population base, institutional financial resources, and CyberKnife is a robotic LINAC equivalent used for
physician preference all play a role in determining which stereotactic radiosurgery. It is a relatively new delivery system,
device may be most appropriate. Generally speaking, while developed in 1997 at Stanford University, and approved by
each device has its advantages and disadvantages, the treat- the FDA in 2001 [33, 34]. It does not require rigid head
ment efficacy of each is relatively equivalent [29]. immobilization, and it can be used for intracranial and extra-
Proton beam systems are the least common systems avail- cranial indications, but only for stereotactic or IMRT indica-
able. The few that are present are usually associated with tions; it cannot be used for standard LINAC applications. For
academic medical centers. Their scarcity likely relates to the ease of the provider, it has the capability to accommodate
fact that proton beam systems are by far more expensive. multiple remote planning stations. Cost is about $3.5 mil-
Since proton beam systems are so uncommon, their issues lion. Annual hardware and software upgrades may run
will not be discussed further here. $225,000–$450,000; an upgraded vault is also required.
Gamma Knife, which has the longest track record for Most facilities will breakeven financially treating 109
radiosurgical treatment, is probably the best technology from patients per year [11]. Because Cyberknife is a small linear
a marketing perspective. As a radiosurgical tool, Gamma accelerator, treatment times are somewhat longer than those
Knife has the most widespread name recognition. When systems using a standard LINAC. Cyberknife also is devel-
patients inquire about radiosurgery, they usually ask, “Is that oping name recognition, which helps marketing to physi-
the Gamma Knife?” Many physicians also generically refer cians and patients. Furthermore, because a rigid head frame
to radiosurgery as “Gamma Knife.” Gamma Knife planning is not required for treatment, some patients specifically
times are fairly short, so more than one patient can be treated request treatment with Cyberknife, as opposed to Gamma
in one day. It has fewer moving parts than other systems, so Knife or other frame-based LINAC treatments.
maintenance and downtime is less; more patients per year A number of LINAC-based systems are available. Vendors
can theoretically be treated [30, 31]. Purchase of a Gamma include Varian (Trilogy), Integra, and Brainlab. Each system
Knife has allowed some programs to grow greatly, exceeding has somewhat different features, but all the systems have
expectations of programs’ directors [17]. For greater than remote planning capabilities. The Integra system requires a
200 radiosurgery patients per year, Gamma Knife has lower head ring for treatment purposes. A new system cost about
overall costs than a LINAC [31]. In a setting in which a large $2.5–3.2 million in the early 2000s. Currently, the cost of
treatment population is available, the Gamma Knife is a fre- maintenance and cost of a new system are somewhat guarded
quent choice because of its ease of operation, ability to pro- by the vendors and not open for publication due to various
vide conformal dose plans for a wide variety of target shapes financing options that each vendor allows. If used solely for
and sizes, and general familiarity of the device [32]. radiosurgery, breakeven patient volume for LINAC systems
Despite its advantages, Gamma Knife has several limita- has been 122 patients per year [10]. But because the LINAC
tions. Initial costs for Gamma Knife are higher than for can be used for other radiation indications, radiosurgery vol-
LINAC systems [30]; it costs approximately $3.2 million. ume does not need to be nearly that high. Retrofitting an
Also, because of the radiation decay half-life of 5.25 years, existing LINAC to perform radiosurgery with the usual cone
the treatment time doubles after 5 years. The cobalt sources collimators is probably the most inexpensive means of begin-
therefore must be replaced every 5 years at considerable ning a radiosurgery program. Software planning systems are
expense (estimated at $750,000). An upgraded radiation available for several hundred thousand dollars.
vault is also required, running about $700,000 when pur- One feature of the LINAC system is a mini-multileaf col-
chased new. Maintenance contracts, which all systems limator (MMLC) to enhance treatment options. MMLCs allow
require, are about $145,000 [11]. Another drawback of the shaping of X-ray beams to conform more precisely to the
Gamma Knife is that it can only be used for intracranial shape of the lesion in the beam’s eye view. They permit more
applications. Because breakeven volume is estimated at 86 homogenous radiation dosing to the lesion than can be
patients per year [11], small volume centers may have diffi- obtained with either the Gamma Knife or circular collimators
culty recouping their investment. Gamma Knife also requires using noncoplanar arcs [35]. Using an MMLC, each lesion
rigid head immobilization; some new technologies can be can be treated using a single isocenter, or target, which permits
used without application of a Halo ring (required by most faster treatment time. Frequently, an MMLC can be added to
Gamma Knife units), which improves patient comfort. Most an existing LINAC. MMLCs tend to be a bit bulkier than cir-
institutions utilizing Gamma Knife still require rigid head cular cone collimators, so physics staff and radiation therapists
814 A. Farooqui and N.S. Litofsky
must be aware of the possibility of collision between the work on the plan between other patient responsibilities and
LINAC and the patient/couch [36]. An MMLC and its accom- discuss the plan with the faculty as they review the work.
panying software can be added to an existing LINAC. Less flexibility is present with treatment space since treatment
Novalis, made by Brainlab, is an example of a standard obviously needs to occur where the radiosurgery device is
LINAC-based device. With its software and hardware addi- located.
tions, it can be used for intracranial and extracranial radio-
surgery. An additional feature is that it can also be used for
standard radiation therapy and IMRT. Therefore, it can func- Staff Responsibilities
tion as a backup linear accelerator. Novalis, like CyberKnife,
does not require rigid head immobilization for most of its Patients being treated with stereotactic radiosurgery experi-
radiosurgery indications; such immobilization is available ence a significant amount of anxiety about the procedure
for functional indications such as trigeminal neuralgia to [37]. Therefore, efforts to reduce patient anxiety are war-
improve accuracy. Novalis also includes an MMLC within ranted. Since less patient anxiety is associated with higher
its platform. Beams can be shaped in either static or arcing satisfaction, addressing anxiety can lead to practice growth.
fields to increase flexibility. Treatment times with Novalis Clear identification of staff responsibilities before, during,
(7 Gy/min) are faster than for CyberKnife (4 Gy/min) and after treatment can be helpful to this end.
because it is similar to a standard LINAC. For programs with Prior to planning and treatment, patients need education
small anticipated radiosurgery volumes, a LINAC-based about the procedure. The neurosurgeon and his/her staff need to
program may make the most sense [32]. provide a thorough explanation of the indications for the proce-
dure, its risks, and its alternatives, as with any surgical proce-
dure. Any required medications should be discussed. Plans for
Identification of Space follow-up after the procedure should be outlined. If a Halo ring
immobilization is planned, issues regarding treatment of pain
Radiosurgery is a fluid surgical procedure. Components of and sedation should be included in the preparation.
the procedure include patient assessment, treatment plan- The radiation oncologist and his/her staff should discuss
ning, and patient treatment. When building his/her radiosur- the issues related to positioning the patient during planning
gery practice, the neurosurgeon needs to consider where she/ and treatment. They need to assess the potential need for
he will perform these tasks. Consideration for efficient use of sedation or anxiolytics for the patient while immobilized on
time is essential. the gantry. The timeline for planning and treatment should be
Patient evaluation usually will occur during clinic, or clearly outlined. In addition, considerations of dosing in
office, time. One option to consider for a physician with a relation to surrounding critical structures, review of previous
heavy radiosurgery practice is to see patients in the radiation radiation history, and risk of side effects should be reviewed
facility. This option has a number of advantages. First, the in the context of these considerations.
neurosurgeon has easy access to his radiation oncology col- Nursing staff is an integral part for the success of the pro-
league to discuss cases. Second, the neurosurgeon can also gram [38]. It is best to designate a program coordinator who
do radiosurgery procedures while seeing patients, so that not only guides the patients’ through the procedure but also
she/he is readily available for the key portion of the proce- can assist in the procedures, prescribe medications, discharge
dure. The neurosurgeon can do his/her portion of treatment patients from services, and provide follow-up care. This indi-
planning in between patients and can readily review dosim- vidual ultimately allows the neurosurgeon and radiation
etry. Last, radiosurgery patients will have some familiarity oncologist to focus on planning and treatment, ultimately
with the facility prior to treatment and can see the radiation allowing for more efficient use of their time. While an
oncologist and neurosurgeon in close proximity in space and advanced practice nurse, or nurse practitioner (NP), is prob-
time, making “one-stop shopping” possible, and thereby ably the best option to serve as the program coordinator
improving patient satisfaction. because he/she can write prescriptions if needed, a clinical
Treatment planning can easily occur in the radiation nurse specialist can also effectively function in this role. The
dosimetry section. This location may not be convenient for coordinator should keep a checklist on each patient to be
the neurosurgeon to review plans if his/her office is not in sure that all pretreating planning and education has been
the same facility. One alternative is a remote planning sta- completed and that the patient is ready on the day of treat-
tion, available with many systems. A computer workstation ment. Nursing assistants, if available, can help with patient
can be set up in the neurosurgeon’s office where plans can transportation. Radiation oncology nursing staff are usually
be developed and reviewed whenever time permits. This involved with patient care when the patient is being treated
setup is particularly helpful for frameless treatments, when [38], particularly if the patient needs medication or assis-
planning can be accomplished days in advance of the treat- tance with using toilet facilities while wearing the head ring
ment. It is also ideal for resident training; the resident can in the department before being placed on the gurney.
66 Building a Radiosurgery Practice 815
Participating staff should have a general idea of the poten- outcome, and complications. It can also include routes of
tial benefits of radiosurgery to patients. Individuals who have referral. Regular review can reveal areas for quality
a better understanding of these treatment issues will feel more improvement for patient care and communication with
like a part of the team. They will be better able to provide referring physicians.
emotional and knowledgeable support to minimize patient
fear and anxiety [6]; they will also be less likely to make unin-
formed remarks that may send the wrong message to patients. Conclusions
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Patient Care in Stereotactic
Radiosurgery 67
Terri F. Biggins
L.S. Chin and W.F. Regine (eds.), Principles and Practice of Stereotactic Radiosurgery, 817
DOI 10.1007/978-1-4614-8363-2_67, © Springer Science+Business Media New York 2015
818 T.F. Biggins
treatment plan, the patient’s case should be presented at a weekly • Anesthesia consult (select patient’s receiving deep or
neurosurgery-oncology team conference for final approval. general anesthesia)
It is imperative that the patient records are gathered prior • ECG
to the appointment so as to expedite the scheduling of the • Serum results (electrolytes, complete blood count,
appropriate treatments. After consulting with the appropriate coagulation)
medical personnel, the patient should meet with a represen- • Pregnancy testing on women of child-bearing age
tative of the nursing staff. Viewing of a patient education • Anticonvulsant serum levels (Dilantin, Tegretol, pheno-
video, tours of the radiosurgery facility, and the answering of barbital, etc.)
questions can all help to ease anxiety. Appropriate consent • All consents complete (including angiography, MRI,
forms should be obtained at this time as well. The patient CT, etc.)
should leave at the end of this consultation period with a firm • Acquisition of imaging and reports necessary for
treatment plan in place. localization
Completing the above list will minimize the risk of post-
ponement, cancellation, or a negative outcome on the day of
Preauthorization and Collection the procedure.
of Preoperative Data
The preauthorization process should be started when the Patient Arrival and Preparation
patient makes the decision and is scheduled for the radiosur-
gery treatment. Designated personnel from the treating insti- The majority of radiosurgery centers require individuals to
tution contacts the patient’s insurance company. Information arrive early on the morning of the procedure. Patient registra-
to have handy at the time of contact may include: tion should be complete prior to arrival to minimize any
• Diagnosis added anxiety. Patients should first change into comfortable
• Procedure code clothing as outlined in pre-procedure instructions. Intravenous
• Outpatient versus inpatient visit access is obtained, as well as any last-minute blood work.
• Date of procedure Diabetic patients should be checked for baseline serum glu-
• Referring physician consultation note cose to determine any intervention. Vital signs are obtained,
• Number of lesions to be treated and a baseline neurologic assessment is completed by nursing
• List of treatments that have been completed related to the staff. Medications taken in the past 12 h are reviewed, and a
diagnosis final check of consent forms occurs.
Allow several days for preauthorization to be finalized.
Each institution has a policy regarding what preoperative
evaluations are required prior to procedures. The following Frame Application
list should be considered as a guide regarding data collection
and chart completeness: After all pertinent paperwork is completed and approxi-
• Preauthorization obtained from insurance company mately 60 min prior to frame placement, LMX-4 (Ferndale
• Preoperative check list completed by RN (Table 67.2) IP, Inc., Ferndale, MI) cream (lidocaine 4 %) should be
• History and physical complete applied to the forehead and to the back of the head in the
estimated region of insertion of the local anesthetic. Cover
the LMX-4 cream with a clear adhesive covering to keep
from dripping, particularly into the patient’s eyes (Fig. 67.1).
Table 67.2 Preoperative nursing check list Early application of LMX-4 cream will yield the best patient
• Review patient allergy history satisfaction during frame placement. Any oral sedation
• Assess any contraindication to imaging studies (contrast medications should be administered 30 min prior to frame
allergies, MRI metal concerns) placement.
• NPO status
After directing family members to the appropriate waiting
• Review of appropriate medications patient is to take prior to
area, the patient is moved to a procedure room for applica-
• What to bring to hospital (music, appropriate clothing, snack,
tion of the stereotactic frame. The room should contain mon-
medications) itoring capabilities (ECG, pulse oximetry, blood pressure),
• Assess anxiety level (help plan for proper sedation) as well as access to oxygen. The room lighting should be
• Describe flow of the procedure and when and where family adequate and room temperature comfortable for the patient.
members will be allowed to wait and visit Environmental stimuli should be kept to a minimum. When
• Review post-procedure course the treating physician is present, a “time out” should occur,
67 Patient Care in Stereotactic Radiosurgery 821
verifying correct patient, correct diagnosis, and appropriate As a rule, 2–5 mL of anesthetic is injected at each site to
site of treatment verification. achieve satisfactory comfort (Fig. 67.4). Provided there is
While sitting erect on a gurney the stereotactic frame is proper physician credentialing, the use of moderate sedation
suspended on the patient’s head by use of a Velcro strap such as IV Versed (1–2 mg) may be helpful for relieving pain
(Fig. 67.2). One may opt to use the magnetic resonance and anxiety during the procedure. There is also the added
(MR) indicator box during frame fitting to ensure a comfort- benefit of an amnestic effect after the frame has been placed.
able, accurate fit during imaging (Fig. 67.3). If conscious All individuals in the room need to be versed with emer-
sedation is to be used, it should be administered just prior to gency procedures in case of respiratory depression.
frame application with strict adherence to policy surround- The majority of patients tolerate frame application with
ing this competency. Anesthesia staff may be utilized to minor discomfort (Fig. 67.5). Pre-procedure education is a
administer deeper sedation for appropriate individuals. key component. Describing what to anticipate in regard to
Before the fixation screws are advanced, local anesthetic is sensations such as pressure during tightening of fixation
injected. A small (25-gauge) needle and 10-mL syringe is screws will assist in managing anxiety. Allow individuals to
filled with lidocaine HCL 1 % and epinephrine 1:1,000,000. view photos of previous patients wearing the device, or coor-
Two milliliters of 8.4 % sodium bicarbonate is combined dinate patient-to-patient contact with previous radiosurgery
with 20 mL of the lidocaine solution to help decrease the candidates. Time required for frame application rarely
“burning” sensation commonly associated with lidocaine. requires longer than 15 min.
Skull measurements will be conducted after the frame is
securely in place (Fig. 67.6). The patient should be sitting
erect with support behind the back allowing for easy access
to the head. There is absolutely no discomfort associated
with this process.
Radiographic Imaging
Fig. 67.2 (a) Apply Velcro head holder to frame to create a sling. (b) Sit frame with holder easily onto the head
822 T.F. Biggins
Fig. 67.4 Neurosurgeon injects lidocaine Fig. 67.6 The taking of skull measurements prior to treatment planning
Fig. 67.5 Patient immediately after completion of frame placement Fig. 67.7 Patient within the head coil awaiting start of MRI
67 Patient Care in Stereotactic Radiosurgery 823
need to be educated about quick removal of the stereotactic the fiducial in that sound is magnified via the frame attached
equipment subsequent to a medical emergency. to the skull. After imaging, the patient is transported to the
Before imaging is complete and prior to patient removal stereotactic center to await the treatment.
from the table, the radiation physicist should ascertain that
the images have been completed correctly and that the trans-
fer to the planning computer can be successfully achieved. Treatment Planning
Neuroradiology should be monitoring and reading all images
prior to patient treatment. Carefully remove the patient from Treatment planning times vary according to the complexity
the imaging table. Great care is taken when fitting or removing of the case. Typically, the patient will be waiting 1–2 h before
treatment begins. Allowing family to visit during this time
promotes a decrease in patient anxiety. Providing a light
snack is appropriate if conscious sedation is not expected
during the treatment phase. Ongoing monitoring of vital
signs, neurologic assessment, and the reinforcement of edu-
cation is completed at this time. Assess and treat pain prior to
the initiation of treatment.
Fig. 67.9 (a) A spinal needle, syringe, and copper is gathered. (b) Extracting the sulfate. (c) Spinal needle is narrow and makes for easy filling of
824 T.F. Biggins
will help ensure patient safety. Assess all supplies needed the
day prior to treatment (Table 67.3).
Educate the patient prior to each step. Ensure that close
contact is maintained via audio and video monitoring. Fig. 67.10 Fixation screw sites immediately after frame removal
Describe the number of exposures to anticipate and the
amount of time each exposure will last. The use of two-way
microphones during treatment will assist in warning when
movement will occur. Most patients choose to rest or sleep
during treatment, and the playing of music into the room has
proved to be very relaxing. Keep the patient and family
informed of treatment progression. During helmet or equip-
ment changes, allow for bathroom breaks or change of posi-
tion. Total treatment time can vary greatly depending on
Postoperative Care
and phone numbers. Ensure prescriptions are made avail- the nursing staff should make a thorough assessment of the
able as needed, although over-the-counter pain relievers patient and family needs.
almost always are sufficient for any discomfort related to Preoperative blood work is generally not necessary in the
the procedure. Patients taking anticonvulsant therapy should young pediatric patient. The application of LMX-4 cream is
be reminded of the importance of frequent monitoring of recommended before any needle sticks, such as an intrave-
serum levels of these drugs. Ensure that patients who are nous (IV) start. Whenever possible, have the child in an age-
taking steroid therapy understand which physician office appropriate environment. The use of pediatric specialty
they are to contact regarding any concerns with these drugs. pre-and postoperative suites will help make transitions more
Check to ensure that a gastrointestinal support drug has fluent. Classically, all children below the age of 13 years
been prescribed for anyone on steroid therapy. Stress the require general anesthesia. Most adolescent children are able
importance of providing radiology imaging (MRI, CT, etc.) to tolerate radiosurgery with some light to moderate seda-
at the time of follow-up with the radiosurgery team. Assist tion. Nurses can help determine the maturity level of the ado-
with referrals so imaging can be completed in a timely man- lescent patient through patient and parent interview. Pediatric
ner prior to the visit. Provide the imaging centers with phy- anesthesia physicians can help determine the optimal seda-
sician phone and fax numbers. tion plan for the individual child. Clearly, the younger child
will require parent involvement until anesthesia has occurred.
Encourage the young child to take a favorite tool or stuffed
Home Follow-up animal and keep it with the child until they are anesthetized.
Allow family members to be with a child of any age during
Phone contact should be made within 24 h of discharge. The appropriate intervals. As with any patient, provide frequent
RN is the best individual to complete this call. Reaffirm pre- updates to parents throughout the procedure to decrease
operative teaching as necessary. If home care or therapy anxiety.
(nursing, PT, OT, etc.) was established at the time of the ste- The identical stereotactic frame that is used for an adult
reotactic treatment, assess that these referrals have been can be used for the child. Certainly, the longer fixation
completed and the patient has been contacted by the appro- screws will need to be used to compensate for a smaller head
priate persons. Assess pain status and make recommenda- circumference. The use of lidocaine at the pin sites may or
tions as appropriate. Assist with scheduling follow-up visits may not be used for the anesthetized patient. Supporting the
as needed. The follow-up phone call is the ideal time to frame during application of a patient under general anesthe-
assess patient satisfaction regarding the entire stereotactic sia can be difficult and may require two people, one to sup-
process. port the frame and the second to support the head. In that the
child may be immobile for several hours during planning and
treatment, monitor pressure points on the skin, and a Foley
Care of the Pediatric Patient catheter may be practical. Monitor body temperature and
keep warm blankets near.
A small percentage of all stereotactic candidates fall under During the delivery of radiation, the anesthesiologist will
the category of the pediatric population. Typically this group need to have visualization of key components. Certainly the
is categorized as the following: cardiac, BP, and oxygen monitor should be in plain view, and
Newborn: birth to 3 months the ability to change monitoring parameters accessible. If pos-
Infant: 3 months to 1 year sible, two cameras should be available in the treatment room.
Toddler: 1–4 years One camera should be focused on the patient for visualization
Preschool: 4–5 years of respirations and the other focused on the ventilator, specifi-
School age: 6–12 years cally the CO2 waveform. Prior to the start of treatment, evalu-
Adolescent: 13–18 years ate the length of all tubing and account for movement into the
Brain tumors and arteriovenous malformations are some machine. Ensuring that these features are in place will pro-
of the conditions in this population that can be treated via mote a safe atmosphere. Offering the adolescent music of their
radiosurgery. The central nervous system continues to choosing can decrease anxiety during treatment.
develop throughout childhood, therefore careful consider- Removal of the stereotactic frame prior to reversal of anes-
ation is given to the appropriateness of the delivery of radia- thesia is recommended. Moving the patient to a pediatric
tion. Consultations are scheduled with the patient and parents PACU (Post-anesthesia care unit) setting will allow for safe
involving all the pertinent members of the radiosurgery team. recovery. Allow family to visit in the PACU as soon as pos-
Risks and benefits of the procedure are discussed at length. sible. Observe the very young child for signs of discomfort
Once a decision has been made to proceed with radiosurgery, specifically immediately after frame removal and administer
826 T.F. Biggins
L.S. Chin and W.F. Regine (eds.), Principles and Practice of Stereotactic Radiosurgery, 829
DOI 10.1007/978-1-4614-8363-2, © Springer Science+Business Media New York 2015
830 Index