DUE DATE (GROUP PROJECT) : Week 6 (Proposal) and Week 12 (Application and
Apply the elements of computational thinking to solve a Project-
CLO2 problem (C3, PLO2) Documentation
Admin should be able to create, remove and update programming lessons.
Admin should be able to create, remove and update students.
Admin should be able to create, remove and update tutor profile.
Admin should be able to assign, update and remove the lessons to the student
3. You may use your own imagination to create the application. Add more interesting
and interactive functionalities to enhance the look and feel of application.
4. You are allowed to create either interactive stories, learning programs, music
applications, art, interactive animations, or any other ideas that you think are fun and
4. The application should follow the RULES as below; (any violation will be reward as
zero (0) mark for the student)
o No vulgarism
o No inappropriate graphics and contents
o Relevant to the topic you have chosen.
o Application must be fully working, properly terminated and no errors.
o All information, figures and diagrams obtained from external sources must be
o Reminder: Plagiarism is a serious offense, and your assignment will automatically be
awarded zero (0) marks.
Document formatting:
o Spacing: 1.5spacing
o Cover page: Font Size: up to 16pts; bold
o Heading or title: Font size: up to 14pts; bold and underline
o Flowchart / pseudocode: Font-style: century gothic; font-size: 10pts
o Documentation Content: Font style: Time News Roman; Font size: 12pts;
o Alignment: Justify