0b Nov 2, 2020
The server core (dgate.exe = dgate under Linux) compiles and runs on Linux systems and Solaris. I
develop primarily under Windows, but currently I test the code and scripts under Linux Ubuntu 18.04. I
also had the server compiled on a Raspberry Pi.
The Linux release of the server core works default with SqLite driver built in into the server (no
ODBC). The DbaseIII driver is also supported. Piotr Filipczuk has added a PostGresQL driver. The
native MySQL interface also can be used. The graphical user interface has not been ported to Linux,
but the WEB interface is provided, either using Apache or a built-in mini web server (Ladle). In this
version, most options have been well tested – it is a stable release. However, there are often subtle
differences between linux distributions, making installation (and writing a manual) difficult. There are
several contributions on the forum, and there are text files with specific command orders to be found in
the linux subfolder of the server.
To use the server, one needs a valid version of the configuration files and put them in the same
directory as the dgate executable. The easiest way to do this is to unpack with
Prerequisites: 1) a running Linux system. 2) sudo installed and enough rights. If not, the script will not
be able to install the server as web service for Apache and you need to copy the files by hand. Note that
I only test the scripts on Ubuntu, but the web based installer script has a bit of info on Fedora.
These packages needed to be installed in a plain Linux system for a release using SQLite or DbaseIII:
The rest of the installation can be performed manually, or by a web based method, explained below.
The following steps illustrate a minimal installation:
Now the server should be running and http://localhost/cgi-bin/newweb/dgate should provide a working
web interface.
Note that in dicomserver150b a precompiled dgate (compiled by me on Ubuntu 14.04, using Sqlite
database) is included, to try that use option 5 in maklinux. Tested on Ubuntu 18.04, 19.10. If used the
following packages may be omitted: make, g++, lua5.1-dev; but if you do omit them then the
following package must be added: liblua5.1-0. This option reduces the size of the Linux system by
a few hundred MB. To run conquest on the command line use e.g., ./dgate -v
cd install
chmod 777 make run-able
This compiles a minimal server binary (dgatesmall) or uses the pre-compiled one, that is run as service
control manager and, if a web server and client exist, opens web page
bin/service/dgate. The resulting web page allows and guides the user through compilation,
configuration, re-generation of the database if needes, starting the server, setting up the web server and
opening the web client. A screen-shot of the install page is shown below:
The required steps (most are shown in the welcome area) are:
Feedback on this new installation method would be appreciated. After installation, the server runs as
part of the control manager. To make it run permanently, stop the server control manager (dgatesmall)
with ^C, and use the new start-stop-daemon method described above or the old one below. Note that
stopping the server using this web page on Linux disables restarting it for a minute or so (due to an IP
port being blocked). Be patient when it fails not restart and try again after a while.
Deamon configuration
Both the web install and maklinux now create a daemon as follow, changing the file to point to the
conquest installation:
Now the server should be running, also after a system restart, and localhost/cgi-bin/newweb/dgate
should provide a working web interface.
This is the same web viewer as can be accessed from a full featured web server, but instead it runs on, using Ladle (single user web server) as mini web server. After stopping the browser,
the Ladle function is stopped. It takes a minute or so for the used port (8086) to be released. Until then
attempting to start the web viewer fails.
To install with Postgres as database, these commands are needed to install and setup Postgres:
The build process always gives a few error messages that can be ignored:
During database creation (dgate -v -r) there can be error messages about non-existing databases, e.g. for
osboxes@osboxes:~/Desktop/distribution$ ./dgate -v -r
Regen Database
Step 1: Re-intialize SQL Tables
*** ERROR: relation "dicomworklist" does not exist
***Error: ERROR: table "uidmods" does not exist
WorkList Database
Patient Database
Study Database
Series Database
Image Database
Step 2: Load / Add DICOM Object files
Regen Device 'MAG0'
[Regen] ./data/0009703828/ -SUCCESS
Regeneration Complete
osboxes@osboxes:~/Desktop/distribution$ ./dgate -v
Conquest in action on Ubuntu16.04, with Postgres database and web interface
To install with Mariadb as database, these commands are needed to install and setup:
ZerobraneStudio IDE
To install and use ZeroBrane Studio with the conquest DICOM server under Linux, take these steps.
First download Then in a command prompt run:
After installation is done run ZeroBrane Studio from the command prompt as “sudo zbstudio” and run
the install script /dicomserver/ZeroBraneStudio/install.lua in ZeroBrane Studio as described in this file.
After running the conquest install script as root, ZeroBraneStudio can be run as a normal user.
Configuration files under Windows and Linux are the same except for the use of a forward slash
instead of back slash in directory paths. The following essential entries are therefore different for Linux
(these are the defaults):
SQLServer = /home/user/conquest/data/dbase/conquest.db3
MAGDevice0 = /home/user/conquest/data/
See the Windows manual for more details about the configuration files (you need at least to edit to define DICOM systems that will be retrieving information from your server). All
configurations options in dicom.ini (e.g., for DICOM routing) are listed in windowsmanual.pdf. You
may also need to edit the web server configuration file /usr/lib/cgi-bin/newweb/dicom.ini to set the IP
address of the machine. If wrong some 3rd party viewers functions will not function.
After copying the files, if needed, regenerate the database with “conquest/dgate –v –r” then run the server
with “conquest/dgate –v &” or “conquest/dgate -^serverstatus.log”. NOTE: regeneration is only needed after an
upgrade if dicom.sql is updated. If you want to avoid regeneration do NOT replace dicom.sql
The build process for the server was tested with several Linux versions. Both 32 and 64 bit OS's are
supported. Warnings are produced but these do not impact server operation.
These are the settings in dicom.ini for MySQL:
SQLHost = localhost
SQLServer = conquest
Username = root
Password =
Mysql =1
DoubleBackSlashToDB = 1
For Postgres a copy from dicom.ini.postgres to dicom.ini would set the following values:
SQLHost = localhost
SQLServer = conquest
Username = postgres
Password = postgres
PostGres =1
DoubleBackSlashToDB = 1
UseEscapeStringConstants = 1
Installation uses a normalized database (as defined in dicom.sql) for most database operations, e.g., by
copying dicom.sql.postgres to dicom.sql and a denormalized database for DbaseIII, e.g., by copying
dicom.sql.dbase to dicom.sql.
The following are donated scripts by Mark Pearson for start/stop and rotating
logfiles and this information is for expert users only:
To install this script (it is in the distribution as do:
# SysV init script for Conquest PACS.
# Written by Miquel van Smoorenburg <miquels>.
# Modified for Debian GNU/Linux by Ian Murdock <imurdock>.
# Customized for Conquest by Mark Pearson <markp>
# HOME and PACSUSER should be the only variables that may need to be modified.
STOPPACS=$HOME"/dgate --quit:"
set -e
if [ $STARTAS = $DAEMON ]; then
case "$1" in
if [ -f $HOME/disable_autostart ]; then
echo "Not starting $DESC: disabled via $HOME/disable_autostart"
exit 0
echo -n "Starting $DESC: "
start-stop-daemon --start --quiet --pidfile $PIDFILE \
--chuid $PACSUSER --chdir $HOME --exec $DAEMON \
--startas $STARTAS --background -- $ARGS
echo "$NAME."
echo -n "Stopping $DESC: "
cd $HOME
echo -n "Restarting $DESC: "
start-stop-daemon --stop --oknodo --quiet --pidfile $PIDFILE \
--exec $DAEMON -- $ARGS
sleep 1
start-stop-daemon --start --quiet --pidfile $PIDFILE \
--chuid conquest --chdir $HOME --exec $DAEMON -- $ARGS
echo "$NAME."
echo "Usage: $N {start|stop|restart|force-reload}" >&2
exit 1
exit 0
For security reasons I have added a user "conquest" and the package authbind to allow access to priveleged ports. I added the following entries to
HomeDir = /usr/local/conquest
StatusLog = /var/log/conquest/NMPACS.serverstatus.log
TroubleLog = /var/log/conquest/NMPACS.PacsTrouble.log
set -e
if [ -s $STATUSLOG ]; then
savelog -p -c 365 -n -q $STATUSLOG
This copes with multiple pacs instances on the same host. The advantage of using savelog is that old logfiles are compressed. It should be quite simple to
edit the files to have executable or log in /opt. Also, don't forget to set the appropriate file permissions for the user that runs conquest.
Finally, Here are the command lines to compile the server under OS X xcode using 10.4u sdk on a PowerPC (not recently tested):
/usr/sfw/bin/g++ -DUNIX -DNATIVE_ENDIAN=1 -DHAVE_LIBJASPER -DHAVE_LIBJPEG -DSOLARIS total.cxx -o dgate -lpthread -lsocket -lnsl