Runes and Ruins
Runes and Ruins
Runes and Ruins
Stats for Prismini and Prismaxim can be found on pages 150-151 of the
Animon Story rulebook.
Glimmering Guardians
Though vastly different in size, personality, and power, Prismini and
Prismaxim share a few features in common. Both are made up of a
shimmering core of pure Celestial energy, surrounding which is an array
of floating stone, usually gold in colour, though this can vary to match the
stone of the particular ruins an individual resides in. Upon the stone are
invariably glowing runes, inscribed in an ancient language that very few
can read. No two Prismini or Prismaxim have the same combination of
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Small, colourful balls of energy, Prismini resemble rainbow-flavoured
ice cream cones, aside from a pair of small angelic wings hovering above
their spherical forms. An expressive face beams out from this sphere,
usually an innocent visage of joy and curiosity.
The runes that mark the imposing forms of Prismaxim draw meaning
from their surroundings, the way a tree draws water through its roots.
They tell of forgotten histories, enduring secrets, echoes from the past.
Deciphering the secrets borne by Prismaxim is no simple task, and not
only because the language is so cryptic. Whether they were given the task
of guarding the ruins they live in, or simply adopted the task, Prismaxim
do not suffer trespassers lightly.
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energy—a clear spring, geothermal heat, or strong winds. Even the energy
discharged when an animon uses their signature move can be converted.
Corruption, natural or magical, has an overwhelming effect on Prismini,
disabling their ability to produce glimmer essence, and more often than
not driving them away from the source.
Unknown Energies
Ancient Ruins
Prismini are capable of producing a wondrous substance called glimmer
essence. This celestial nectar has the appearance of shining prismatic The history of the animon world doesn’t always adhere to the expectations
water, perfectly clear and glittering. Light that shines through the liquid is of convention. A rusted factory might be considered a natural formation, as
split into a dazzling rainbow of colours. Glimmer essence is composed of much as a forest or cliff. Particularly in areas where there are few to record
pure elemental energy, much like the celestial cores of Prismini and or remember the uneven passing of years, the purpose and origins of
Prismaxim. As such, it can be used to restore the energy of injured or tired structures are lost, and they become just another part of the landscape.
animon, and is also a highly efficient power source. Some ruins, however, take care to remind those who enter them of their
storied provenance. An aura, the tangible weight of purpose-laden ancestry.
Only Prismini can create glimmer essence. Whether the larger Prismaxim These are the places the prism animon make their homes.
lose this ability, or whether they simply no longer care to use it, is unclear.
It cannot be made from nothing, though. Prismini use a form of energy While their curiosity causes them to wander, eventually Prismini seem
resonance, a way of communicating with the natural energies of the drawn to these ancient ruins, and almost all Prismaxim are found within
animon world. In doing so they can convert some of this source energy them. They are always made of stone, for which these animon have an
into glimmer essence. The source can be anything, from magical artefacts obvious affinity. The remnants of walls, floors, and roads still stand to
imbued with arcane power, to a naturally occurring font of elemental mark such sites, and often they hide dark subterranean chambers beneath
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them. The similarities in such places suggest that perhaps they were built
by the same minds, or divergent groups with a common origin, belonging Result Rune Meaning
to some long-forgotten order or dynasty. Some believe the Prismini and Key.
Prismaxim themselves may have been created for a purpose, linked to The runes indicate a password or phrase, or otherwise the manner
these skeletons of stone architecture. 1 in which a door may be unlocked, opening up a hidden vault or
sealed chamber within the ruin.
Runic Purpose Chronicle.
Whatever purpose the places once held, the Prismaxim make it their The runes tell the tale of ancient history, the clashing of mortal
own. As they grow, and become bound to a particular location, the stone enemies and the results of their battles, the final resting place of a
parts of their bodies shift, the runes incorporating the stories, secrets, and powerful artefact, or prophecies written long ago.
histories of their chosen site. When the runes are fixed, the bond is forged Secret.
and set—the animon has become a part of the place, and vice versa. The runes contain a hidden truth: the true name of an Infernal
3 animon lord, the long lost origins of a certain animon, or
revelations about the link between human and animon worlds.
The exact meaning of the runes Prismaxim bear differ between individ-
uals, fully dependent on their surroundings. Of course, to learn their Enchiridion.
The runes are a guide, passing on knowledge from the distant past.
meanings they must first be deciphered, likely without the animon’s 4 The recipe for an alchemical potion, a description charting safe
cooperation. paths through a dungeon below the ruin, or perhaps the weakness
of a powerful guardian.
The following table contains various possible meanings that a Prismaxim’s Riddle.
runes might convey. When you need to, roll 1D6 to pick one randomly, or The runes present a puzzle of some kind, perhaps a riddle of
choose one that best suits the scenario. 5 words, a simple challenge, or the rules of a game that must be
played with pieces found throughout the ruins. The winner might
gain the aid of the Prismaxim.
The runes are incomplete, pointing to a larger mystery, no doubt
6 with larger implications for the animon world. By locating other
Prismaxim in other ruins, the pieces can be aligned, and the true
meaning discovered.
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Here are a few short hooks and ideas that provide ways for PCs to
encounter Prismini and Prismaxim on their adventures: