1d6 GNOLLS 2021
You live in Almaia, the only land you have ever or will
ever know; several thousand square miles of wilderness
and endless coastlines battered by roaring seafoam,
dotted with crumbling ruins, tended fields, and mighty
cities, and peopled with any and anyone you could
think of. In Almaia, life goes on as it always has, and
yea, may always will.
You and your companions come from many walks of
life, none of them noble. Your lowly livelihoods have
resulted in your accruing a considerable debt to the
Bank—failure to pay it off will result in a fate worse
than death.
It is the goal of the party, then, to remove this debt in
whichever way you see fit, the easiest and most direct
route likely being the collection and sale of valuable
goods, whether by legal or less-legal means.
This game requires one referee and at least one player,
but preferably four. The referee doesn’t get a character,
instead acting as all the NPCs, interpreting the rules in
any given situation, as well as describing what’s going
on and keeping things moving forward.
Design Philosophies
Have fun!
Character Creation Roll Background
1 Beggar: Staff (d8), alms bowl
Roll 4d6 (minus the single highest roll) for each stat to
2 Burglar: Dagger (d6), lockpicks
determine your ability scores:
3 Con-Artist: Dagger, noble clothes
- Strength (STR) is a measure of physical 4 Drunkard: Broken bottle (d4), bottle of liquor
power and fortitude. 5 Gambler: Dagger (d6), deck of cards
- Dexterity (DEX) is a measure of precision Gongfarmer: Shovel (d4), sack of human
and reflex speed. 6
- Will (WIL) is a measure of confidence, 7 Gravedigger: Shovel (d4), half-full oil lamp
interpersonal charm, and mental willpower. Highwayman: Hand cannon (d6, ranged,
8 shock, requires setup, two-handed), firearm
Start with 1d8 HP (Hit Points) to determine how good
kit, domino mask
you are at not being hit. Fear not if you roll low—you
will gain more as you become Scarred. 9 Indentured Servant: Staff (d8), uniform
Mage-Apprentice: Random scroll, strange
Roll a Background from the Background table. This rock
represents experience and equipment you’ve gained Mercenary: Halberd (d10, bulky, two-
before the events of the game. Along with any items 11
handed), light armor (+1 DR)
granted by your Background you start with 1d6 copper Monsterhunter-Apprentice: Silver dagger
coins (cp) and common, non-armor clothing fitting 12
(d6, +d12 against monsters), wolfsbane
your profession. Peasant: Pitchfork (d8, bulky), live goat
(5/8/15, d4 gore)
As a group, you share 1000gp (gold coins) in debt to a
person or organization of their choice, each for your Pickpocket: Dagger (d6), small chest with
own reasons. No matter the debtor they will be very lock
keen on getting their money, and they will make it hard Slave Fighter: Longsword (d10, bulky),
for you to forget this fact. In any case, none of you helmet (+1 DR)
want to know what happens if you don’t pay it off. 16 Smuggler: Shortsword (d8), waterproof sack
Street Performer: Wooden sword (d6),
18 Ragpicker: Dagger (d6), bundle of rags
Ranger: Longbow (d8, ranged, bulky), 20
arrows/quiver, winter clothes (bulky)
Rat Catcher: Club (d6), terrier dog (7/13/10,
d4 bite)
See the Background Elaborations section toward the end
for optional character-building inspiration.
Beggar Burglar
The bottom rung of society, lower than even slaves and A thief specializing in breaking and entering.
peasants. At least they have jobs.
Starting Equipment: Dagger (d6), lockpicks
Starting Equipment: Staff (d8), alms bowl
What is your favorite thing to steal?
Why are you begging? (Roll 1d4, or choose)
1. Jewelry, because they always keep it in a nice
1. Your farm was seized by annoying tax box for you in the wardrobe.
collectors and is now occupied by a travelling 2. Gold, because you’re just going to sell anything
stage show caravan. else anyway.
2. You’re a disgraced alderman, expelled from 3. Ancient artifacts. Call it archaeology.
your village’s council for expressing contrarian 4. Books, because if you can’t sell them at least
opinions. you can learn something.
3. A now-benign bout of smallpox left you too
disfigured to continue your… hospitality Food for thought: What was your favorite break-in? What
service. did you steal?
4. Beats working.
Food for thought: Who is the strangest person you’ve met
while begging? Where do you beg?
Con-Artist Gongfarmer
A professional liar, but the non-thespian, illegal kind. It’s a dirty job, but someone has to do it.
Starting Equipment: Dagger (d6), noble clothes (see Starting Equipment: Shovel, sack of human excrement
Equipment for details)
What is the strangest thing you’ve found in the cesspits?
What is your con?
1. A wedding ring. You wear it to this day.
1. Convincing nobles to buy up barren land. 2. An enchanted sword, but you dropped it and
2. Selling fake magical artifacts that you actually couldn’t find it again.
make yourself. 3. A dead body, and you have a hell of a story
3. Rigging betting odds in your favor at tourneys. about it.
4. Good old fashioned fortune-telling fraud: 4. The lord mayor’s runaway daughter… and the
removing “curses” for a fee. son of the lord mayor of the next town over.
Food for thought: Who was your favorite mark? How did Food for thought: Whose cesspit do you clean? How long
you con them? have you been doing it?
Drunkard Gravedigger
You had another job, but were usually too drunk to It’s really not as bad as everyone seems to think it is.
work and got fired. At least you have booze left. It’s a great workout, anyway.
Starting Equipment: Broken bottle (d4), bottle of alcohol. Starting Equipment: Shovel, half-full oil lamp
What was your job before getting canned? Where is your graveyard?
1. Brewer. Ironic, right? 1. Behind the old chapel on the hill. Something
2. Court jester. A pretty good one, too. inside sings at night.
3. Boxer. The liquor made the hard hits hurt less. 2. In the center of a huge city. It’s noisy, but
4. Priest. You weren’t very pious, obviously, but home.
you were committed. 3. Out in the countryside. You’ve gotten used to
the ghouls, but the wraiths still spook you.
Food for thought: How do you pay for your booze now? 4. You don’t have one. You’re the world’s one
What’s your favorite kind? and only travelling gravedigger.
Gambler Food for thought: What’s the scariest thing to have
You’ve lost more than you’ve won, but that doesn’t happened to you while digging graves?
stop you from trying.
Starting Equipment: Dagger (d6), deck of cards
What is your gamble of choice?
1. Games: dice, cards, you name it, you’ve bet on
2. Fights: dogs, roosters, and/or people.
3. Races: carts, horses, even snails from time to
4. Property investment. Most of the party’s debt
is yours.
Food for thought: What is the most you’ve won on a bet?
The most you’ve lost?
Highwayman Mage-Apprentice
A thief utilizing cutting edge technology to rob You hope to become a full-fledged mage someday, but
caravans, convoys, and other travelers. for now you’re stuck cleaning cauldrons.
Starting Equipment: Hand cannon (d6, shock, requires Starting Equipment: Dagger (d6), random scroll
setup, two-handed), shot/wadding/powder (20 shots),
domino mask What kind of magic are you most interested in?
What’s your schtick? 1. Enchantment. Why settle for less than your
1. Gentleman robber. You’re great with the 2. Transmorphery. Why be someone when you
romancing. can be anyone?
2. “We are but poor, lost, circus performers…” 3. Necromancy. Spooky, maybe, but useful.
3. You’re actually a sea pirate. The “highway” part 4. Conjuration. You like making things.
is relative to where you are at the time.
4. You don’t really have one. You just try to make Food for thought: What mage do you serve? What kind of
ends meet, doing the best you can. magic do they practice?
Starting Equipment: Dagger (d6), small chest with lock What do you smuggle?
and key 1. People. Mostly political refugees, but there’s
What was your biggest job? always exceptions.
2. … Pharmaceuticals.
1. The Festival of Narbad in Olm. Those priests 3. Food. The Crown isn’t nearly as reliable at
never knew what hit ‘em. distributing surplus as they claim they are.
2. The dock markets at Port Grand. All those 4. Magic supplies. Some parts just don’t trust
merchants in their stalls were positively ripe for mages very much.
the picking.
3. A ball at the Palace. Yes, THE Palace. Food for thought: How do you smuggle your goods? Have
4. Inside the Crown’s Bakery during peak hours, you ever had any interesting hangups?
stowing your takings behind the industrial Street Performer
People love a show.
Starting Equipment: Wooden sword (d6), stage makeup
What’s your act?
1. Religious plays. The holidays are always
2. Comedy plays. Usually raunchy.
3. Musicals. They haven’t quite caught on yet, but
you feel like they will eventually.
4. Tragic romance plays. Sometimes you just need
a good cry.
Food for thought: Who else is in your troupe? What is
your favorite show to perform?
Ragpicker Ratcatcher
You walk the streets, collecting old clothes from The cities are full of vermin. You take care of just one
people to give to the needy. kind.
Starting Equipment: Dagger (d6), bundle of old clothes Starting Equipment: Club (d6), faithful but vicious terrier
dog (7/13/10, 2HP, d2 bite)
What do you collect?
Where do you work?
1. Shoes. You’re also a cobbler, since most of
them need new soles. 1. The sewers underneath the Capital. Big, nasty
2. Undergarments. Hey, the poor need them too. buggers down there.
3. Children’s clothes. They grow up so fast. 2. The dank alleys of Under-Town. You’d bet
4. Anything people will give you. You mend it all there’s more rats than thieves there, and there’s
before handing it out. a lot of thieves.
3. The Crown Granary. You still don’t know why
Ranger they don’t just get a few cats like they do in the
You live in the wilds, keeping nature from getting too country.
close to civilization. 4. The wharfs at Riverside Harbor. Who knew
rats could swim so well?
Starting Equipment: Longbow (d8, bulky), 20 arrows in a
quiver, winter clothes (bulky, see Equipment for more Food for thought: What is your rat-catching method of
details) choice? Do you work alone?
Elements of this game are free to be hacked, reworked, reskinned, recycled, etc. with written credit to 1d6 Gnolls or
A.A. Carroll and any of the above credits that are applicable.
Thanks again for reading, and super thanks for playing!