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Practice #7 Determination of Acidity in Water

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Faculty of Architecture, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Catholic University

Santa María, Arequipa 054, Peru

The acidity of a water is its quantitative ability to react with a strong base up to a
designated pH. Therefore, its value can vary significantly with the final pH used in the
titration. It may be due to the presence, among others, of uncombined carbon
dioxide, mineral acids or salts of strong acids and weak bases. In many natural
waters, which are used for drinking purposes, there is a balance between carbonate,
bicarbonate and carbon dioxide. Acid contaminants entering water supplies in
sufficient quantity can alter the carbonate - bicarbonate - carbon dioxide balance and
can be estimated by titration with an alkali titrated at pH swings of 3.7 and 8.3.
Hydrogen ions present in a water sample as a result of dissociation or hydrolysis of
solutes react to the addition of a standard alkali. Ideally, the end point is the
stoichiometric equivalence point for neutralization of all acids present. In the titration
of an acid species, the most accurate end point is obtained from the inflection point of
a titration curve, although for routine acidity titrations, the color change of an indicator
can be used as the end point.

Keywords: Acidity of Water, Strong Acids, Weak Acids .

The acidity of a water is its quantitative ability to react with a strong base to a
designated pH. Therefore, its value can vary significantly with the final pH used in the
titration. It may be due to the presence among others of non-combined carbon
dioxide, mineral acids or salts of strong acids and weak bases. In many natural
waters, which are used for drinking purposes, there is a balance between carbonate,
bicarbonate and carbon dioxide. Acid pollutants that enter the water supplies in
sufficient quantity can alter the carbonate-bicarbonate-carbon dioxide balance and
can be estimated by titration with an alkali valued at the pH turns of 3.7 and 8.3. The
hydrogen ions present in a water sample as a result of the dissociation or hydrolysis
of the solutes react to the addition of a standard alkali. Ideally, the end point is the
stoichiometric equivalence point for neutralization of all the acids present. In the
titration of an acid species the most exact end point is obtained from the inflection
point of a titration curve although for routine acidity titrations, the color change of an
indicator can be used as the end point.

Keywords: Acidity of a Water, Strong Acids, Weak Acids

Acidity refers to the presence of substances that dissociate in water and that as a
dissociation product generate the hydronium ion (H3O+), such as strong acids, weak
acids and medium strength; Also the presence of certain metal cations such as Fe
(III) and Al (III) contribute to the acidity of the medium.

A measure of the total acidity of the medium is the amount of strong base that is
necessary to add to a sample to bring the pH to a predetermined value coincident
with the vire of phenolphthalein. A measure of the total alkalinity of the medium is the
amount of strong acid that needs to be added to a sample to bring the pH to a
predetermined value coinciding with the vire of methyl orange.


The pH factor indicates the acidity value of the water and its symbology is the
abbreviation of “pondus Hydrogenium”, which literally means: the weight of hydrogen.
The pH is the indicator of the number of hydrogen ions.

Water is neutral (pH = 7), but if you add some vinegar or lemon juice it becomes
acidic, since the number of free protons in the solution increases. Solutes that
neutralize acidity, such as ashes or sodium hydroxide, have an alkaline or basic
reaction, decreasing the concentration of free protons.

The NMX-AA-036-SCFI-2001 standard is established for the analysis of water and

the determination of acidity and alkalinity in natural, wastewater and treated
wastewater; as well as test methods. This method is based on the measurement of
acidity or alkalinity in water, through a titration of the sample using the titrant solution;
an alkali or an acid as the case may be, of perfectly known concentration.
Total acidity and mineral acid acidity or TAF (strong acid value) are measured by
titration with a sodium hydroxide solution in the presence of suitable indicators:
phenolphthalein for the first and methyl orange for the second.
Acidity of wastewater:
It is due to the presence of certain mineral and/or organic acids, or to the hydrolysis
suffered by the existence of salts of strong acids and weak bases. It can cause
corrosive action in facilities, due to the action of the hydrogen cation.

• porcelain capsule
• 250 ml Enlenmeyer flasks
• 5 and 10ml graduated pipettes
• 25ml volumetric pipette
• 100 and 250ml beakers
• 25ml burette
• burette tongs
• Universal support

• potentiometer
• pH electrode

• distilled water
• sodium hydroxide
• methyl orange
• phenolphthalein
• ethanol


Firstgaata: 11

Faith=---------------------- = 0.8907


0.200 gKHP 1meqNaoH __________________________

N = ----- ---*---------=0.089
ti ml 0.20423


0.200 g KHP 1 mmoiKHP 1 mmol NaOH

M --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ----------= 0.089
11 m- -0.20423 KHP 1mmol KH?


Second 5th:6.4

mg _ 6.4* 0.15 * 50.045mgCaC03/meq _

LCaC03~ 10m”sample "

1. https://agua.org.mx/wp-content/uploads/2011/01/nmx-aa-036-scfi-2001.pdf
2. https://clickmica.fundaciondescubre.es/conoce/100-preguntas-100-
respuestas/metod os-tecnicas-acidez-alcalinidad/
3. https://www.ugr.es/~fgarciac/qma_practica_2.html

figura 1: weight of 0.200mg figura 11: 3 drops of

KHCaH4O4 phenolphthalein

Figure 2: mixture of 50ml distilled H2O figure 5:

plus weight of 0.200mg of KHCaH4O4 observation

Figure 3: 0.02 N NaOH titration figure 6: titration

Figure 10: 10 ml of sample plus 50ml
Figure 7: pink color result of distilled water

figure 11:10 ml of sample, 50 ml of

figure 8:10 ml sample distilled water plus 3 drops of
figure 9: 50ml of distilled water
figura 12: pink color
Figure 13: 10 ml of water plus 3 drops of
methyl orange

Figure 14: yellow result

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