Ese Syllabus
Ese Syllabus
Ese Syllabus
Engg mathematics – Linear Algebra, Calculus, Vector calculus, Probability & Statistics,
o Building Materials : Stone, Lime, Glass, Plastics, Steel, FRP, Ceramics, Aluminum, Fly
Ash, Basic Admixtures, Timber, Bricks and Aggregates: Classification, properties and
selection criteria;
Cement: Types, Composition, Properties, Uses, Specifications and various Tests; Lime &
Cement Mortars and Concrete: Properties and various Tests; Design of Concrete Mixes:
o Solid Mechanics: Elastic constants, Stress, plane stress, Strains, plane strain, Mohr’s
circle of stress and strain, Elastic theories of failure, Principal Stresses, Bending, Shear and
Bending moments and shear force, concept of bending and shear stresses; Analysis of
determinate and indeterminate structures; Trusses, beams, plane frames; Rolling loads,
Influence Lines, Unit load method & other methods; Free and Forced vibrations of single
degree and multi degree freedom system; Suspended Cables; Concepts and use of
o Design of Steel Structures : Principles of Working Stress methods, Design of tension and
compression members, Design of beams and beam column connections, built‐up sections,
o Design of Concrete and Masonry Structures : Limit state design for bending, shear, axial
compression and combined forces; Design of beams, Slabs, Lintels, Foundations, Retaining
walls, Tanks, Staircases; Principles of pre‐stressed concrete design including materials and
Site investigation and Management including Estimation with latest project management
tools and network analysis for different Types of works; Analysis of Rates of various types
a. Fluid Mechanics, Open Channel Flow, Pipe Flow: Fluid properties; Dimensional
Analysis and Modeling; Fluid dynamics including flow kinematics and measurements;
Flow net; Viscosity, Boundary layer and control, Drag, Lift, Principles in open channel
flow, Flow
b. Hydraulic Machines and Hydro power - Various pumps, Air vessels, Hydraulic
Hydrological cycle, Ground water hydrology, Well hydrology and related data analysis;
Streams and their gauging; River morphology; Flood, drought and their management;
basins and their potential; Irrigation systems, water demand assessment; Resources ‐
storages and their yields; Water logging, canal and drainage design, Gravity dams, falls,
weirs, Energy dissipaters, barrage Distribution works, Cross drainage works and head‐
works and their design; Concepts in canal design, construction & maintenance; River
o Environmental Engineering:
water and their treatment; Rural, Institutional and industrial water supply; Physical,
chemical and biological characteristics and sources of water, Pollutants in water and its
2. Waste Water Engineering: Planning & design of domestic waste water, sewage
waste waters and Effluent Treatment Plants including institutional and industrial
sewage management.
3. olid Waste Management : Sources & classification of solid wastes along with planning
& design of its management system; Disposal system, Beneficial aspects of wastes
settlement analysis, design and testing of shallow & deep foundations; Slope stability
analysis, Earthen embankments, Dams and Earth retaining structures: types, analysis
o Transportation Engineering :
Traffic Surveys and Controls; Principles of Flexible and Rigid pavements design.
and ventilation.