10th Condensed 1
10th Condensed 1
10th Condensed 1
Pedagogical Modules
Curricular threads: Communication and Cultural Awareness,
Oral Communication, Reading, Writing, Language Through the Arts
10th EGB
English What do you like to do?
Pedagogical Module 1
Curricular Threads: Communication and Cultural Awareness,
Oral Communication, Reading, Writing, Language Through the Arts
History of sports/
5 amusement parks
Phrasal verbs 4
Sports and culture
Question forms 3
Past tense-regular
and irregular
Writing a
and 7
Prepositions: in
9 Interculturality 8 Ethics
Lesson A
In 1994, the Summer Olympic Games and the Winter Olympic Games
were split. Today, the Olympics are the most important sports competition
in the world with more than 300 events. In 1896, track and field, gymnastics,
swimming, shooting, fencing, cycling, tennis, weightlifting, and others like
figure skating and ice hockey were added.
Retrieved from: https://www.penn.museum/sites/olympics/olympicorigins.shtml and
5. Write the name of each sport under the picture it corresponds to.
Oral Communication
What are some of the differences between American football and rugby?
Pixabay / Vectorpocket
American Rugby
and rugby
What is important when you play on a team? Do you think that uniforms are important? Why?
The uniforms that soccer players wear are not just jerseys. Soccer
uniforms did not always look like they do now. Over time, the rules for
uniforms changed. The players could wear whatever clothes they wanted.
They usually used white shirts, long pants, and colorful hats or scarves
to distinguish themselves from the opponents.
Around 1870, the public asked for uniforms for the players. Since
then, soccer players have worn uniforms with the colors that represent
the team. Samuel Widdowson invented shin guards in 1874. His idea
was not accepted at first, but then other players used them too.
Since the 1990s, soccer shirts have been
designed with light synthetic fabric for athletic
By the 1960s, the soccer uniforms started
resembling the athletic apparel we see today.
Soccer uniforms are basic. They include
a short-sleeved top, shorts, high socks over
shin guards, and soccer cleats.
Retrieved from: http://theathleticshop.com/evolution-soccer-uniform/
After Reading
2. Do you think that soccer uniforms can be still improved? Why? Would
you change anything?
Language Through the Arts
What does synchronized swimming look like? Do you think it is an easy sport?
Synchronized Swimming
2. Have you ever seen a synchronized swimming performance? Did you like
it? Why or why not?
synchronized. many people 4. What other sports look like an artistic performance? Which one(s)?
moving in the same way.
For example, a group
of dancers
for competitions
Lesson B
Do you think that all the words of a language can be translated literally to another language?
Phrasal Verbs
World Fact
A phrasal verb is a phrase that results from the combination of a verb
and a preposition, an adverb, or both. The function of a phrasal verb
Not all languages have phrasal
is to convey a meaning different from the literal meaning of the individual
verbs. English does, but words that form it.
Spanish does not. Phrasal
verbs are two or three words 1. Below are some phrasal verbs related to sports. Try to guess what they
that always go together, mean using the context.
usually not able to be literally
• I enjoy working out at the gym every night after work.
translated word-for-word
from one language to another. • Oh no! I ate too much pizza. I must work off every slice of it if I want
to wear that dress!
• Michael loves baseball and he is good at it. He should try out for
the team.
• Near the end of a triathlon, many athletes pass out due to exhaustion
and dehydration.
• knocked out
his opponent?
to become unconscious.
Freepik / Tirachardz
Language Through the Arts
What is in an amusement park? What kinds of things can you do in an amusement park?
There are many places where you can have fun, but nothing is like
amusement parks. Here is a list of the most amazing places to visit if you
are a fan of roller coasters.
Denmark’s Tivoli Gardens is full of flowers. It was an inspiration
for Walt Disney. It has existed since 1843. It is full of different games like
bumper cars and roller coasters.
Disney World’s Magic Kingdom is in Orlando, Florida. It is the biggest
park in the world, with more than 20 million visitors yearly. There are
castles, mountains, and many new things every time you visit.
Efteling Park in the Netherlands is an amusement park with inspiration
Pixabay / Sascha Zehner
in ancient legends. There is a magic tree called Marerijk and a scary roller
coaster called Baron 1898. This roller coaster falls very quickly before
circling the park.
These are just some of the amazing amusement parks in the world.
There are also other beautiful places like Beto Carrero World in Brazil
with big roller coasters or like Epcot in Germany’s Europa Park with
indoor and outdoor roller coasters.
Retrieved from: https://www.insider.com/amusement-parks-around-world-2018-10#europa-park-has-13-
3. What would you add to the amusement parks in your country?
bumper cars. cars that
are driven for fun at an
amusement park
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Oral Communication
Give examples of extreme sports. Which extreme sports can you do in your country?
Extreme Sports
Listen to the following recording about places to travel to practice extreme
information you hear. Then, the second time, check if the sport is interesting Listen to the dialogue.
or boring to you.
Place Sport Interesting Boring
Pixabay / skeeze
How many different roller coasters have you ridden? Where are the roller coasters near where you live?
Roller Coasters 11
Listen to the following audio about roller coasters around the world.
Complete the chart with the information you hear. Audio
Listen to the dialogue.
Pixabay / Jakob Strauß
After Reading
1. What other type of attractions do you think Bakken has? Why do you
think that it has survived for so many years?
3. What do you think are some of the most important tourist attractions
in your country?
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Lesson C
What are some of the differences between football, soccer, and rugby?
World Fact
Oral Communication
Where and when was soccer invented? Why do you think it is so popular?
History of soccer
Listen to the following audio about the history of soccer. Write if the
statements are True(T) or False(F). Audio
Listen to the dialogue.
1. Soccer was played by Romans and Greeks in the 2nd and
3rd century.
3. The goal of the sport was to move the ball to the target.
4. King Edward III didn’t permit people to play soccer.
• Pair work. Ask and answer these questions with your classmates.
• Do you like to play soccer? What position do you like to play? Why?
• Are you a soccer fan? Do you support a team? Which team do you
support and why? Remember that you use ordinal
numbers to say the centuries.
• Why do you think that soccer and other sports were played by
For example you say:
various civilizations throughout history? Explain.
• When do you think it is a good idea to prohibit people from playing fourteenth centure, not simply
a sport? 21 or 14.
Wikipedia Commons / H.Pot
Non-Commercial Licence
How important are sports in your country? In what sports are Ecuadorians successful?
Richard Carapaz
Before Reading
While you read, pay attention to any words
you don’t know and underline them.
• Do you know who Richard
Carapaz is?
• Do you know any sport
in which an Ecuadorian
has been very successful?
Ecuador doesn’t have a great cycling culture, but a look at the front
page of many newspapers left no doubt that Richard Carapaz, the
“Locomotive of Carchi”, became an Ecuadorian legend. The athlete
from Carchi achieved great status when he won the 2019 Giro d’Italia,
a tremendous accomplishment achieved through hard work and
dedication. He gave the Ecuadorian people goosebumps and made his
nation proud.
The Ecuadorian government negotiated with ESPN and agreed to
broadcast the final race live on television. Parks and squares were full by
6 a.m., principally in Carchi, Carapaz’s home province. In Quito, around
Flickr / Agencia ANDES
After Reading
accomplishment. something 2. How did Ecuadorians feel when Carapaz won the race?
done through hard work
and effort
achieve. to succeed
3. In the past, was cycling popular in Ecuador? Explain.
or reaching a goal, especially
after a lot of work or effort
goosebumps. a temporary
condition in which small
bumps appear on the skin 4. How has Carapaz’s victory changed the way Ecuadorians see cycling?
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Language Through the Arts
Here, gymnasts have to perform a 90-second routine with music. The act
must involve a combination of gymnastics, dance, and interpretation.
Uneven Bars
For this, gymnasts must have a lot of upper body strength. They make
a variety of movements going from the low to the high bars. They need
to finish with their feet together to get a good score.
Here, gymnasts run, then jump. They are judged on how they move
in the air.
Retrieved from: https://www.olympicchannel.com/en/stories/news/detail/
Arts and sports aren’t always seen as two compatible things. However,
breathtaking. dramatically
some say that these two activities go hand-in-hand. Do you think that
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Oral Communication
Gymnastics Events
Looking forward to
in the past happen
an interviewer and an athlete, about a sport from this unit. One student
is going to be the interviewer and the other the athlete. Remember Vocabulary
to use the auxiliary do or does to ask questions in the simple present.
take part in. to be involved
Be prepared to present your dialogue in front of the class.
in something
Lesson D
World Fact
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resourceful. 5.
use different ways to help
achieve your goals
Oral Communication
How important are colors in soccer?
Colors in Soccer
1. Listen to the audio about color blindness in soccer. You will hear some
numbers. Complete the questions below with the correct information. Audio
Listen to the dialogue.
We have 3…
1 in 200…
up to 1 in 10…
2. Listen again. Correct and rewrite the following statements about color
a. Color blindness in soccer is not important.
c. We see color through specialized brain cells in our eyes called cones.
d. We have three types of cone cells which absorb red, blue, or yellow light.
e. People with color blindness see many shapes as the same.
Notice that when talking about
numbers and statistics,
percentages in English are
f. Color blindness is very uncommon in men because it’s carried on the expressed without the use
X-chromosome. of any article (not a(n), not the).
He won 90% of his races.
g. The main problems with color blindness in soccer are not being able
to distinguish different teammate’s colors.
Anyone taking part in a soccer event may have color blindness. Have
you ever taken a test to check if you have a visual problem? Can you see
the numbers in the colored spots below?
school years. In the 1970s and 80s, sumo wrestling was the national
sport of Japan. In 1978, the World Cup in Argentina was televised live
in Japan, and it captivated Takahashi.
The more he researched soccer, the more he learned about it.
He quickly fell under its spell. It was not Japan’s favorite sport, but it was
the world’s favorite sport. Takahashi created Tsubasa, the young wannabe
soccer star, who survived a bus hitting him because of the soccer ball
he held.
Tsubasa is in more than, 6 animated series, 4 films, 14 multi-console
video games, toys, clothes, and much more. It is very popular and captured
the imagination of thousands of children, including soccer players Messi,
Fernando Torres, Alessandro Del Piero, Andrés Iniesta, Lukas Podolski,
Zidane, and many more.
After Reading
Think of another cartoon 1. In your own words, explain why Tsubasa is important in the history of soccer.
4. Have you ever watched this animated series? Why or why not?
Language Through the Arts
What are the most common sports around the world?
The Olympic Games and Each country has its own preferences in everything. These are the
World Cup Soccer may most common sports in some countries.
be the most famous sports
competitions, but there are In Australia, cricket, football, and rugby are very popular. In Canada,
many other sports that have people like practicing ice hockey, but also lacrosse, Canadian football,
their own tournaments. basketball, and baseball. Chinese people enjoy various sports like martial
For example, there is the arts, basketball, football, table tennis and volleyball. In France, many
24 Hours of Le Mans, the people watch and practice sports like soccer, rugby, motorsports, and
Super Bowl, The National cycling. For Germans, watching and playing soccer is very common.
Basketball Association Finals, In India it is not difficult to find people who love cricket. In Japan,
The Masters, Polo at Palermo, people enjoy watching or practicing sumo, judo, karate, and kendo.
Wimbledon, and others. Do The Japanese are also interested in western sports such as baseball
you know which sport each of and football. Some say sports in the United States are going through
these tournaments is about? a revolution now. People believe that in this country American football,
basketball, and baseball are the only popular sports, but more and more
Americans are interested in other sports like hockey and soccer.
The truth is that it is typical for a country to generally prefer a sport
or two, but most like watching all sorts of sports.
Retrieved from: https://viva-mundo.com/en/noticia/post/what-motivates-students-study-abroad
1. What does the article refer to with the phrase, “Each country has its own
3. What are some wrong ideas people have about sports in other countries?
4. Do you think that people in other countries are interested in the same
sports as the ones on the list? Explain your answer.
countries people like or don’t 6. What sports do people in your country enjoy playing or watching?
like each sport. Explain in
complete sentences why you
chose each sport and place.
Oral Communication
Give examples of entertaining plans for a weekend.
1. Listen to a conversation between two friends about plans. What does Listen to the dialogue.
each of the phrasal verbs mentioned in the dialogue mean? Match
the phrasal verb and its meaning by writing the number of the phrasal
verb next to its meaning.
leave home to go to a social
1 Go back event
return to a place
2 Check in
2. Choose 4 of the phrasal verbs you heard in the dialogue. Write your own
dialogue of 50-60 words where the characters use the phrasal verbs
with each other.
Good ways to organize ideas. Group work. Form groups of four. Select not mind. give no importance,
one phrasal verb (each group must have a different phrasal verb). Make
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Assessment What do you like to do?
Listening Speaking
1 Listen to the following audio about the best 3 Group work. Discuss the sports we have seen in this
soccer player of all time and determine if each chapter with two classmates. What are some of the
of the following statements are True, False, or Not characteristics of each one? Which ones are most
Mentioned in the audio. interesting to you and your classmates? Are there
any that you think you could practice in your city?
a. It is easy to say who the best Take notes and be prepared to discuss your answers.
soccer player of all time is.
b. People don’t usually agree on
who the best player is. Grammar/Vocabulary
4 Think about a historic moment of a match or
c. Pelé received the Jules Rimet in competition of a sport you like. Write 5 sentences
the 1950s. using the simple past.
d. Pelé got of legal age when he Example: During Mexico’s World Cup in 1986, Maradona
played for the first time in the touched the ball with his hand and scored a goal against
World Cup. England. This goal is known as “the hand of God”.
I can explain an entertaining plan using phrasal verbs related to entertainment.
English How important
Pedagogical Module 2 is law enforcement?
Curricular Threads: Communication and Cultural Awareness,
Oral Communication, Reading, Writing, Language Through the Arts
4 Criminology
Simple past vs Past perfect
History of criminals
5 and crimes
Present perfect 2
Art in prison /
Art to express
Relative clauses 1
the Law 7 Police report
La Lite
ng ra
ua tur
ge e
• Did you know anything about Alcatraz Island and its prison?
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• What do you think really happened? Do you think the three inmates could escape?
Lesson A
How do you think justice was handled in different societies in the past?
• Have you heard of Felipe Criminology is based on the ideas of some thinkers and philosophers.
Guama Poma de Ayala’s They asked how we can live in society and thought it was only possible
“ thanks to a construction we all live in called “social contract”. That is,
”? we limit some of our freedom in order to live peacefully in society.
• What type information If someone breaks the social contract, society makes them pay through
do you think it has? punishments or limitations. There are many types of criminals like
burglars, robbers, identity thieves, bank robbers, shoplifters, pickpockets,
kidnappers and society has made laws to punish all these people. Nowadays
e. A person who takes a person until someone pays to get them back
is a .
Oral Communication
Language and Literature
What are some of the jobs that exist that are related to crime?
Listen to the dialogue.
1. Listen to a social assistant and an unemployed man talking about
jobs related to crime. Write notes about what the responsibilities
of each job are.
Which jobs related to crime did you already know? Do you know any
other job related to crime? Based on the description of these jobs,
which one would you be interested in? Why?
Wikipedia Commons / ICTY staff
3. After Reading
1. According to the text how are prisons around the world different?
2. What does the “social contract” have to do with the amount of people
in a cell?
overcrowded. containing
too many people or things
Language Through the Arts
Art in Prison
2. What are the two roles that prisoners can have regarding “art behind bars”?
needlework. sewing decorative
designs onto cloth and clothes
. the situation
in which a person or animal
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is kept somewhere, usually 4. Is there any art behind the bars project or workshop in your country?
by force What is it about? Is it successful?
awareness. knowing that
something exists
Oral Communication
Social Studies
1. Listen again and select True(T) or False(F) and explain your False
a. Maureen always wanted to work as a courtroom sketch artist.
b. It is easier to draw at a morning trial.
Grammar Tip
c. Maureen needs to hand in her sketches in the morning.
Remember that to talk about
an action that was completed
at some point in the past before
something else happened, we use
d. People without distinguishing features are hard to draw.
the past perfect tense. It is formed
with: .
For example:
e. The interviewer isn’t surprised about what Maurice says.
2. After listening again, describe the best and worst scenario for a
courtroom sketch artist.
Lesson B
Today there are all kinds of devices to capture images and record audio
and videos. Technology to get information and share it in real time with
everyone has already been invented. However, if we already have all this
technology, why are there still people dedicated to drawing the courts
instead of taking pictures or making videos of them?
By 1950 the Supreme Court of the United States had created
a rule stating that photographs in the courtroom or the broadcasting
of judicial proceedings from the courtroom were prohibited. In 1972,
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Oral Communication
How did you imagine Billy
the Kid when you heard
the song? Describe him using
the past simple in 3 sentences
and draw him according
to your description.
1. Based on the song, who was Billy the kid and why did he have that
Language Through the Arts
Nueve Reinas”?
This film tells the story of Juan and Marcos, two beginner scammers
who are suddenly involved in a “business” that can make them millionaires.
The problem in the film is that they only have 24 hours to do it and it is
the only opportunity they will ever have to do something so big in their
lives, so they decide to risk everything. “Nine Queens” was nominated
for twenty-nine international awards and won twenty-one of them. This
film became the “Magnum Opus” of its director and invites the viewer
to see it from start to finish accompanied by charismatic and friendly
characters until an unexpected end.
to the text?
of doing something
c. Had they met before they got involved in the “business”?
Magnum Opus. the most d. Who is the villain? What does he do to become the villain?
important piece of work done
by a writer or artist e. Who is the victim?
Oral Communication
a. Did Jose like Bruce Willis in the movie “Die hard”? Explain.
Imagine what the story is about. In yout notebook, write a 90 word plot people involved to do what
synopsis. Remember using the present perfect. the enemy wants
For example: This movie tells the story of a bank robber who has killed gang. a group of criminals
an innocent man by accident and the police look for him. who work together
Read and pay attention to the This photograph where we see a group of men may look like an
information about Billy the Kid, ordinary old photograph. In fact, a lawyer in the US bought it at a flea
Pat Garret and their pictures. market and paid only $10. However, today it is valued in millions of dollars.
Its unprecedented history attracts the attention of many people. How can
this “regular” photograph have so much value?
The picture shows 4 men with mustaches and one without a mustache.
Researchers say that this boy without a mustache is William Henry
McCarthy, the famous Billy the Kid, a bandit who killed more than
• Can you guess who in the 20 people in the Wild West.
picture is Billy the Kid?
But that’s not all. The picture not only shows one of the criminals
with the worst reputation in the history of the US, but in the photograph
we can also see his executioner, the sheriff of New Mexico, Pat Garrett
who killed Billy the Kid in 1881. How do we know that the people
in the photo are Billy the Kid and Pat Garret? The image of Billy the Kid
is known thanks to two portraits.
Wikipedia Commons
After reading
Lesson C
What do you know about the Old West in the United States more than 150 years ago?
The Old West Among the most famous gunmen in history is Clay
By the twentieth century, Allison. People had nicknamed him “Crazy Clay” since
the United States had been he was a teenager in Texas, where he was born in 1840.
in the period of expansion The police placed many search warrants and had captured
to the Pacific Ocean coast. him a few times, but nobody had wanted to execute the sentence.
History has named this period He married young, and a few days later his wife disappeared. Nobody
the Old West or Wild West. knew anything else about her. When he was 21 years old, he had already
Hundreds of people have killed two rangers with gunshots because they told him not to scream in
created many movies, songs a gambling hall. Everyone thought he was a psychopath. By 1865, he had
killed 20 men in the Assault on Lawrence.
and books about this period
of time.This genre has been
By the time he died in 1887, he had returned to his land and worked as
grouped under the genre
a cowboy in different places, but he always killed someone, and the farm
“Western”. In these works,
owners threw him out. He had duels with multiple gunmen, then he killed a
amazing stories of cowboys,
sheriff and had been persecuted by rangers until he hid with the Apaches and
pioneers, and Amerindians
finally married an Indian woman who later disappeared. According to some,
are told. In the Wild West,
Clay Allison killed more than 50 people.
there were some treacherous
criminals who were not just
fiction. There were American
cowboys, and adventurers
who have become real 1. Where does the nickname of Clay Alisson come from?
1840 1887
a person, especially in the western US,
warrant. whose job is to take care of cattle.
document that gives the
police permission to search
someone’s home, arrest an official in charge of performing the
Gunman orders of the law within a particular county.
a person, or take some
other action
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Oral Communication
1. Listen to the following audio about Bonnie and Clyde and determine if
each of the following statements are True(T), False(F) or Not Mentioned Audio
(NM) in the audio. Listen to the dialogue.
c. When the FBI found the stolen car, Bonnie and Clyde
had stolen money from banks.
Wikipedia Commons
2. What were the crimes Bonnie and Clyde committed? List them.
3. Do you think it was acceptable that the police killed them? Why or
why not? Explain.
Grammar Tip
Language and Literature
How do you react under pressure? Give examples of pressure situations you have been in. How did you react?
The question is how a criminal could hide from the FBI, and have a normal life
while living in his house? According to the FBI, Webb had up to 9 aliases and
6 different “occupations”. During the investigation, he worked as a butcher,
jeweler, machine technician and even restaurant manager. In all this time,
Webb had returned home every day after work. So it’s incomprehensible how
the FBI couldn’t find him.
Although it is a very obvious place, the answer to this enigma was
a secret room. When the police searched the house of Webb they found a
closet that gave way to a secret room and there they found a walking stick.
Adams’ widow wanted to sue Webb’s widow for helping a criminal hiding
from the police. The walking stick was a proof, because the blood the police
had found in Webb’s car in 1980 was from when Adams had shot Webb
in the leg. Finally, Lillian Webb negotiated to tell the police where the remains
of her late husband were.
people walk
5. If you had to hide somewhere where would you hide?
remains. bones, what is left
of something after a long time
Language Through the Arts
Crimes in Art
as a protest
of card-sharks who trick a young
pickpocket. to steal things out
of people’s pockets or bags, A picture where we see a person who
Oral Communication
Methods of Punishment
a. From the 15th to the 18th century, criminals were punished Notice how the past perfect
. simple “had done” focuses
on a past action that occurred
b. Criminals and were punished from the before another past action.
15th to the 18th century. And the past perfect continuous
“had been begging” focusses
c. Queen Elizabeth created a to help the poor. on a continuous action that
happened until another past
d. The common methods of punishment were
action occurred.
and burning.
e. There were punishments for men who had beaten their wives in
c humorous; causing laughter
d making you feel embarrassed
Communication and Cultural Awareness
Value: Human rights The nature of crimes and punishments has evolved over time. Capital
punishments were frequent and even normal in the past. Today they are
When a person has done not common and even less as a public event. In 2015, there were only four
something atrocious, the worst countries with public executions.
punishment there is, is capital
Public Executions
punishment. There are some
countries that still have public During the Pahlavi Dynasty public executions decreased considerably.
executions as an example However, after the Islamic Republic of Iran arrived and was established,
of the consequences of terrible public executions became common and frequent again. Adultery,
crimes. Public executions have prostitution, homosexuality and narcotics trafficking are crimes for which
many forms, but they always they call for public executions. All kinds of people, including children,
work as a show of the power attend these events.
the state has over the citizens. In Saudi Arabia, public executions are still practiced in public since they
are handled under Sharia law. This law indicates that murder, apostasy,
blasphemy, idolatry, homosexuality, sedition, witchcraft, adultery and
drug trafficking are worthy of capital punishment. It is also common
for the authorities to exhibit the dead as a way of setting the example
for others.
North Korea is another country where crimes such as drug dealing,
murder, vandalism, robbery, smuggling, rape and piracy call for public
• What is the purpose execution. In North Korea public executions consist of a firing squad.
of public execution? Finally, another country to practice public executions is Somalia.
• What are the countries that The forms of capital punishment in this African country are shooting,
allowed public executions beheading and stoning.
in 2015?
• Has Iran always had
the same number of public
executions? Explain. Research the following words. Then, match the word with the meaning.
• Why are there public There is one extra word.
executions in Saudi Arabia?
something that you say or do that shows
• List 5 crimes that call
you do not respect God or a religion.
for public executions in these
countries. 1 Smuggling
the act or process of taking things or people to
• List 3 common methods
of capital punishment. or from a place secretly and often illegally.
2 Apostasy
the activity of performing magic to
help or harm other people.
3 Blasphemy
the act of giving up your religious
4 Sedition or political beliefs and leaving a religion
or apolitical party.
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Oral Communication
Reason 1
Reason 2
sue. to take legal action
against a person or
organization, especially
by making a legal claim for
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. to remove someone
from their job
Language Through the Arts
Oral Communication
Sherlock Holmes. Fill in the diagram of the characteristics of both Audio
and then write three sentences comparing and contrasting the TV series Listen to the dialogue.
and the movie.
TV Series Films
3 Pixabay
he or she look like? What is their personality like? Does he or she work
alone or do they have a partner?
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1 Choose a book or series about a crime or a crime
and make a summary of the work. Explain why you After she was recognized and renowned
chose it. Narrate the events. Write a police report after The Murder of Roger Ackroyd (1926), she
of 90 words. Your report should be in the past tense published another 75 novels.
and past perfect.
One of the common topics among fans
of detective fiction is comparing and contrasting
the novels and stories written by Agatha
Christie and Conan Doyle.
Both were very famous English writers
and basically the parents of modern detective
fiction. However, they never had a relationship
or contact. Their novels and main characters
are very different. In the case of Sherlock
Holmes, Doyle, clients came to his house
and asked him to solve their problems.
On the other hand, Poirot was usually
in front of a murder scene and he looked for
the culprit in stories where every member
Reading of the family or everyone who was related
2 Read the following text about Agatha Christie. to the victim seemed suspicious.
Summarize the text in your own words.
Assessment How important is law enforcement?
Listening Grammar/Vocabulary
1 Listen to the following audio about unbelievable 3 Imagine you have to explain a criminal proceeding
crimes. Determine if each of the following statements to someone. Make a list of 5 places related
are True(T), False(F), or Not Mentioned(NM) in to criminal proceedings you know. We have seen
the audio. some in this unit. Describe them using “where”
a. The program is about the most
amazing crimes of history.
b. The man dressed as a joker was
walking around a town outside
Washington D.C.
c. The people who saw Jeremy
Puttman were afraid because he 1
had a weapon.
d. Sean A Sykes, Jr was found with
drugs in his auto.
e. Sykes didn’t want to collaborate
with the police.
f. The women who killed Kim
Jong Nam said she had been 2
paid to kill him.
g. The two women had already
been condemned to capital
h. Bonnici had smoked weed
before the trial.
2 Listen to the audio again. In groups of three, discuss
the three cases of amazing crimes that the journalist
mentions at the end. Each person takes a case and
makes up a story for it. Which one(s) are most
interesting to you and your classmates? Are there any
that you think are serious crimes? What punishment 4
do you think these criminals should get?
English What will I do
Pedagogical Module 3 in the future?
Curricular Threads: Communication and Cultural Awareness,
Oral Communication, Reading, Writing, Language Through the Arts
Possessives: review 4 5 Divinations around the world
d ie
Phrasal verbs
6 Inventions
Future tenses 2
My Future 7
Writing predictions
Modals: ability
1 Plans
and possibility
• Is there any traditional divination method in your country? Have you tried it?
• If you had the chance to see the future, what are ways it could change your life?
Lesson A
Is it possible for people to know what is in the future? What are some methods of divination?
Divination Methods
Value: Interculturality
People have created many ways to see or predict the future. Among
Why do you think that the multiple ways of predicting the future are: xylomancy, the divination
so many different cultures by reading pieces of wood. Another form of divination is theomancy,
have developed a method or the divination by responding to the oracles or people that the gods
to know about the future? inspire. Next is scapulimancy. It consists of reading the bones of an animal.
Had you heard about these
Another way of divination to find underground water or minerals
forms of divination before?
currents is rhabdomancy. Next is pyromancy or seeing the future through
When and from who?
the reading of fire. Psephomancy is another way of reading the future
using pebbles. Lithomancy or divination using stones. The divination
made through the reading of leaves is called phyllomancy. The divination
of future that comes with the observation of the flight of birds is called
We have read about many ornithomancy. Another form of divination is the reading
ways to see the future. Can of the cooked white of eggs is known as oomancy. These and
you guess what the following many other ways to see the future have been used in the past.
methods of divination are?
Retrieved from: https://www.merriam-webster.com/words-at-play/
Aleuromancy Complete the crossword puzzle below with words related to divination
Vocabulary 1. In this divination method someone
read pieces of wood
oracle. a female priest
who gave people wise but Horizontal 2. The art of seeing the future by
looking at rocks
often mysterious advice from 4 . (related to theomancy) a priest that was inspired
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Oral Communication
What are some methods you have heard about to predict the future?
and check if you got the answers right. If you didn’t get them right, listen Audio
again and then ask your classmates for the meaning of: Listen to the person talk
about forms of divination.
a. What is the meaning of aeromancy? Take notes about what is said.
a. Astragalomancy is the art of knowing the future by reading
Stars / Bones
Grammar Tip
b. The root of belomancy comes from the same Greek / Latin word. Note that to talk about periods
of time past, present and future
c. To practice belomancy, people have to take a Missile / Arrow /Dart we use the preposition in.
For example: I want to know
from a container.
what will happen in the future.
d. Bibliomancy is the prediction of the future by means of looking at
pages of a book.
e. The prediction of the future using Maps / Cards is cartomancy.
forecast. to say what you
expect to happen in the
f. Young women used cartomancy in the 19th / 18th century to future, often with the weather
know their future. . powder made from
Chiromancy is the divination method of examining water in grain, especially wheat,
used for making bread, cakes,
Basins / Hands pasta, pastry, etc.
and often yeast, fat, or sugar,
What is the best divination method? so that it is ready for baking
Make groups of 4 and consider all the divination methods you have bread
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learned until now. Select 5 and rank in order of posssibly being accurate. entrails. the intestines
Make a list of arguments explaining why you rank them in that order. and other inside organs
Share your list with your classmates and compare the rankings. Do the of an animal or person, when
groups agree or disagree? Explain. they are outside the body
How do you think relationships and family life will be in the future? Explain
For example:
years, technology will have changed our lives
• I will go out with you so much that social constructions will be
on the weekend. different. Families will become androgynous. Household tasks will no longer
• He won’t win the race be one person’s job solely based on gender. That is, men will stop being
next year. who provide to the family or the main breadwinner in less than a century.
Men and women will both take care of the house and work to earn money.
Schwartz says that there will be many cases of subrogation. In addition
to women who can’t have children due to natural causes, women with
Value: Gender equality a very good income will avoid having many pregnancies. The options may be
to have children outside of the mother’s womb. This will help eliminate the
It makes sense for partners idea of women as more responsible for a child than the father.
in a household to share
Thanks to scientific advances there will be fewer cases of children with
responsibilities. Families
physical or mental defects because they will be detected and corrected before
are having fewer children
delivery. Divorce cases will still be common. The life expectancy will be
than in past generations,
higher, and the average person will have approximately 3 marriages during
and more women are working
their life. The cost of living will rise a lot, which will make it almost impossible
as professionals now than ever.
for families to have a house for themselves. Also, raising children will be
These job changes result
very expensive. So, the state will have to provide a subsidy for education.
in changes at home as well.
Only very poor and very rich people will have more than two children.
Retrieved from: https://www.washington.edu/alumni/columns/june98/pop_culture.html
• Do you agree with his
predictions? Why or why
not? Would you change Select True(T) or False(F). Correct the (F) ones writing the right answer.
anything about them?
a. According to professor, family and work relationships
• Do you think that some will change completely.
of these predictions are
already true?
• Are some of these
predictions impossible? b. Relationships and family won’t be too different compared
Explain. to what we have today.
household. a group of people, c. Work at home will be divided between men and women.
often a family, who live
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subrogation. the substitution d. The economy will make it easier to live in an independent house.
of one person or group by
another or something else
Language Through the Arts
Social Studies
Remember we use the present When we think of fortune telling and divination, it is common
perfect to talk about events gypsies come to our minds. This is because divination is a fundamental
or actions that started in the past element of Roma culture. Gypsy women have practiced divination
and continue in the present. and fortune telling for hundreds of years. The fortunetellers practice it
For example: Women have as a way to earn money, but never among their own people. Fortunetellers
practiced divination and fortune were disapproved throughout history. The Roma have traveled all
telling for hundreds of years. over the world. Different governments, monarchies and religions have
condemned their divination practices. Nowadays, some governments
accept the practices of gypsies as long as they respect the rules of the place.
In the past, almost all gypsy women were fortunetellers. A well-
known case is that of Lenin’s mother who consulted “Grandma Rose”,
a fortuneteller and clairvoyant. Grandma Rose told her there was nothing
she could do for Lenin’s older brother who was in prison, but she could
help young Lenin. The gypsy told Lenin’s mother: “I will help your son,
and everything will turn out well, he will be the leader of Russia and
his ideas will be followed even after his death.” and so it
Gypsies practice reading of hands and other
multiple forms of divination such as tea-leaf
reading, cartomancy, tarot reading, coffee beans
reading or crystal ball.
Retrieved from: : https://rozvitok.org/en/
Instructions Example
• Make 2 groups. Write your own Group A
predictions. In 15 years, flights...
Vocabulary • Group A will receive the first part
of a prediction and Group B only Group B
gypsy. a member of people the second part. ...will be faster and cheaper
originally from northern India • Go around the class asking. and we will not need visas.
who typically used to travel
from place to place
Oral Communication
Are you good at making plans? What types of things do you plan in advance?
Listen to the dialogue.
Grammar Tip
Remember that when we want
to express possession, we use
the apostrophe ’s when the owner
Listen to the speakers talking about plans making. Answer the following is a person or an animal.
The owner goes first, then,
• What is Mili’s problem? the apostrophe ’s and then
the possession.
• Is Mili going to work too much during the summer? For example: Mili’s plans.
• Is she happy about doing what she is going to do in the summer? Don’t forget that if the owner’s
name ends in s we write only
• What is Luca’s piece of advice? the apostrophe.
• According to the text, why do people cancel plans so often? For example: Lucas’ plans.
In pairs. Student A talk about your plans for the weekend. Student B
ask questions to get more information. Exchange the roles once you
Oral Communication
Listen to the dialogue.
Grammar Tip
1. Mark each of the following statements as True(T) or False(F) according
to what you heard. When we want to talk about the
future we can use three forms.
a. Jessy is going to travel to Europe.
• Present continuous
b. Thomas may travel to the United States. for planned activities.
They are having a show next
c. Anna and Thomas are going to a Jonas Brother’s concert. month.
• Going to for plans, intentions,
d. The Jonas Brother’s concert will be in Madrid in September. and predictions based on
e. Thomas will probably meet Harry Styles. Billie Eilish has so many hits.
Her concert is going to be
2. In the audio, Thomas, Jessy and Anna use all the forms of future. Write awesome.
one example of each form: • Will for unplanned future,
promises and predictions with
Present Continuous no evidence.
We will have a great time
Going to at the party.
What are your plans? Ask 3 classmates for their plans. Write their
answers in the table below. Be prepared to share their answers with
the class.
to launch. to introduce
Question /Name something new such as
a product
What are you doing
tonight? disappointed. unhappy
because someone or
Where are you going something was not as good
on the weekend? as you hoped or expected,
or because something did not
What are you going to do happen
on vacation?
to set off. to start on a trip
When are you going
to graduate? to appeal. to interest
or attract someone
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Language Through the Arts
representations of possible Earth are Wall-e and its friend, a cockroach. A special
future scenarios. ship, Axiom, floats in the space and makes occasional
checks to see if the earth is fit to return, always with negative results. Wall-e
is a film that manages to convey an idea of what the future could be without
the need of many words. Many characters have no voices. Wall-e deals with
serious issues such as waste management, consumerism, environmental
impact, obesity, or corporatism.
Retrieved from: https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/review/wall-e-review-2008-movie-1016979
• Discuss in pairs how you Answer the following questions based on your personal experience
imagine the future. and the text you just read.
Hollywood Sequels
With many releases, 2020 promises to be a year full of blockbusters. In
Vocabulary January a remake of the horror film “Grudge”, the Japanese movie about a
vengeful ghost will come out. Also in January Just Mercy, a movie about a
to release. the action lawyer fighting for the civil rights of an inmate sentenced to death will be
of making a movie, recording, released. Also, Bad Boys for Life, an action and comedy film starring Will
or other product available for Smith will come out. It is a sequel to Bad boys 1 and 2 released in 1995 and
general viewing or purchase 2003.
remake. make (something)
Legally Blonde 3 will be released 15 years after the last film. Reese
again or differently
Witherspoon returns to play her role as Elle Woods, a blonde lawyer. The
vengeful. seeking to harm Disney live-action Mulan will come out in February. And in April “Bond 25”
someone in return for a will be released. The protagonist will be once again, and perhaps for the last
perceived injury, payback time in this character, the Englishman Daniel Craig. The second part of the
low-budget film that managed to raise millions, “A quiet place” by the couple
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Oral Communication
d. According to the audio, with the China railway
How do you imagine the future? Complete the sentences with your subsequent. coming after
own ideas. something in time; following
• By 2050
set out. begin a journey
• The next generation
to delay. make (someone
• Next year or something) late or slow
How was education in the past? How is it different now? What will it be like in the past?
b. Do you agree that all the items in the text will disappear in the future?
d. How soon do you think these predictions will take more time
to become real?
Vocabulary e. When do you think these changes will happen in your school?
Lesson C
What do you know about the future of soccer? What are some ways that soccer could change?
world champion for the third but also to the entire Arab community.
time. The trophy was stolen For this reason, they have not hesitated even for a moment
and melted in Brazil. However, the preparation for this event. The main questions are how big will
this was not the first time the the World Cup be? How many people will see the tournament around
Jules Rimet trophy was stolen. the world? What surprises will this World Cup have? What will be
In the 1960s, some thieves the biggest challenges? The 22nd FIFA World Cup will reach billions
stole the trophy in London of people around the world. In addition, the country expects to receive
and a dog named Pickles found 1.5 million visitors. Thirty-two teams will participate in the tournament
it in a garden. and the eight stadiums will be located within a radius of 40 km.
Retrieved from: https://www.guioteca.com/ A surprise of the World Cup will be the start and end date. To avoid
mitos-y-enigmas/cuales-fueron-los-cinco- the intense summer with temperatures that will reach 40ºC, the World
Cup will begin on November 21st and will end on December
18th, Qatar’s National Day. That is, it will be played in winter.
However, the winter temperatures in Qatar reach around 30
° C. As a result the matches will be played in the evenings.
It is not the first time that Qatar will have hosted a sporting
event, but it has never hosted such a large one. There are
many who question FIFA’s decision and some people who
• What will happen at the
totally reject it. There have been complaints from workers
complaint. a statement
4. Do you agree or disagree with their decision? Why or why not?
that something is wrong
or not satisfactory
Oral Communication
Ideal 1
Ideal 2
Ideal 3
to undergo. to experience
something that involves
a change
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to review. to think or talk
about something again,
in order to make changes to it
or to make a decision about it
Describe what you think the world will be like in 2050. Write down you predictions.
• Do you believe there are going Scientists already know for sure what will
to be a lot of climate changes happen in the future. Industries will continue
in the future? If so which? to cause many changes.
• Do you think they can be One important change in the future will
reduced? How? be the temperature. Scientists say that by 2050
• What other changes might the planet will have a temperature increase
happen? of 3 to 4º C. It seems like nothing, but it will
have enormous effects on ecosystems. Fr
• Write your ideas in your
notebook. By 2050, the sea level will be 25 centimeters higher.
With higher temperatures, the defrosting process in Antarctica will become
twice as fast. The glaciers are going to melt. This will result in an increase
in the sea level. Another consequence will be the floods. The likelihood
of flooding in coastal towns will rise more than nine times. The economic
Value: Human beings losses will be greater than 50 billion dollars.
and the environment
The growth of the Himalayas will be another change. In 2050 the highest
What can you do to take care mountain range is going to be 165 millimeters higher due to the movement
of the environment in order of the Indian plate below it. The nearby towns are worried about the
to prevent the greenhouse possibility of earthquakes in the area.
effect and other possible
natural disasters? Everyone Eating fruits, and vegetables is going to be difficult. There won’t be
can help with small actions. enough crops to meet world demand. There will be serious consequences
for species such as birds. Scientists say that in 2050, 99% of seabirds will have
Start a list of what you can do eaten plastics.
to help. Compare your predictions about the future with the experts’ predictions.
Were your guesses similar?
Retrieved from: https://www.bbvaopenmind.com/ciencia/investigacion/
Answer the following
1. Were your own predictions Match the highlighted words in the text above with the image.
of the future right? How?
2. Is there a way to prevent
the events mentioned
in the text?
3. What is the solution to
these problems?
4. Why is the Paris
Agreement incorrect?
Language Through the Arts
Changes movie theaters have The cinema industry adapts to changes to keep their clients.
undergone through time. Here are some films about the future and some predictions about
People have laughed, cried and the world of cinema. The film “Minority Report” sets scenarios of how
discovered the world in the justice may predict bad behavior and control humanity in the future.
cinema since the 19th century. “Limitless” is a film that gives a glimpse of how in the future pills may
Cinemas then were way smaller increase our capacities tremendously. On the other hand, referring
than today. Since the 1930s to the film industry, platforms to stream content like Netflix, or Amazon
people could buy snacks at prime have changed the way in which people consume these products.
the movie theater and in the Therefore, production companies such as Warner Bros or Fox may create
50s, people watched movies in their own content platforms or collaborate frequently with established
drive-ins. platforms.
Retrieved from: https://www.cheatsheet.com/ Another aspect that could change in the future is the way series interact
through-the-decades.html/ with the viewers. Most series about teenagers have unreal dialogues
and adaptations to their “real-life”. In the future, more series will portray
real situations and characters that interact with the spectators as in the
case of the Norwegian series SKAM or Blank that interacted through
social media with the viewers. This format could create a better
bond with the viewers because they participate in an active
Grammar Tip way and not just as spectators.
“could”. Modal verbs are not
conjugated and the verb after
a modal is on the base form. 1. How many major changes does the text mention?
For example: We could travel
to another planet in the future.
She may go to the party. 2. Why do you think pop-corn wasn’t important when movie theaters
Vocabulary 2
glimpse. a momentary 3
or partial view
to stream. transmit or receive
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Oral Communication
Idols may be fictional in the Notice how the verb after “will”
future “won’t” and “going to” goes in its
base form.
Idols may be like that Japanese
That is, it is not conjugated.
virtual singer
For example:
I am convinced that virtual idols • She is going to sing.
are going to be popular
• Artist will be
Virtual singers may get tired • He won’t see that movie
or bored
Songs in the future may stay more
time on the charts
Real life artists may not stay • Create groups. Half of
as idols for a long time the group will discuss the
advantages of the changes
music industry will see,
2. Listen again and complete the dialogue with the and phrases in the box. the other half will discuss
the disadvantages of the
may - is going to work - won’t have - are not going to travel-
may be - real - is not going to get - are not going to be • Both groups will debate
and see who has the best
Alex: Isn’t it amazing that in the future out our ”idols”
not be ? Like in the article, they mentioned that in
Lesson D
What are some of the college degrees/careers many students want to study? Will they be useful in the future?
countries like loans or medicine, dentistry, business administration, architecture, law, civil
scholarships. However, grades engineering, social communication, economics, clinical psychology,
are also an important aspect environmental engineering, accounting and auditing, nursing degree,
they consider for admissions. commercial engineering, industrial engineering, veterinary medicine,
Retrieved from: https://www.oxford-royale. mechanical engineering, agronomic engineering and social work.
com/articles/university-admissions-around- The most demanded careers in the technical and technological institutes
the-world.html#aId=e135cacb-6abc-49d9-91b2- are automotive mechanical careers, systems analysis, fashion design,
and electricity.
There is no minimum grade to get into in public institutions.
The score needed is proportional to the demand for seats for each career.
So, the more students throughout who want to study these careers,
the higher the score must be.
Compare it to a marathon. Anyone can participate in a marathon
without training. However, they will not reach the goal or be even close
to winning. A student may apply with a 400-point mark for medicine,
but will not be in the quota because there will be so many students
who reach a higher score than that. For this reason, it is important
to get good scores on the final exams if you wish to follow any university
Vocabulary Retrieved from: https://educacionecuadorministerio.blogspot.com/2018/02/lista-de-carreras-
nationwide. extending
or reaching throughout
a whole nation
2. Why are grades important?
among. being a member
or members of (a larger set)
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3. Do any of the careers on the list belong to your list of possible careers?
or maximum number of a
particular group of people
allowed to do something
Oral Communication
University Decisions
1. Listen to the audio about what to do during the last year of class
and answer the questions. Audio
Listen to the dialogue.
a. What is the situation of each girl?
• Kathy has got a clue of what she is going to study next at university.
Grammar Tip
Remember that different modal
verbs have different functions.
Must expresses obligation
2. Match the picture with the career. Write the career under the picture. or prohibition. For example:
You must be careful. “May” “can”
Nursing - Economics - Engineering - Medicine - Clinical and “could” express possibility;
psychology - Architecture - Electricity - Fashion designer For example: You may pass
the exam if you study hard. “Can”
and “Could” express ability or
skill but “can” is less formal. For
can get a place at the university.
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to a problem, question,
or mystery
Value: Gender equality
Think of another consequence 3. Do people all over the world see technology as a serious problem?
Oral Communication
How do you recognize someone who is going to be great one day? What traits do they have?
2. Money is the motivation, not the main objective, but the medium.
People will pay for something that impacts and gives value to their
lives. Successful people take money as recognition and a reward Describe someone you think
for their work. will be successful in the future
and explain how and why?
3. People really matter. Public is not seen as a flock; they are seen as Do they match any of the
individuals. The tastes of the person to whom the product is aimed criteria on the text? Explain it
for are important. in 90 words in your notebook.
4. Constant improvements. A person who will be successful is always
preparing and improving.
5. They surround themselves with similar people. The people around
you them offer opportunities and serve as example and motivation.
Retrieved from: https://medium.com/the-mission/10-signs-you-will-make-it-big-one-day-d732609d63b2
What are other signs of someone who will be great one day.
• Exceptional
• Transcendental
• Overnight
to aim. point or direct at
• Reward a target
• Improvements to surround. be all around
Language Through the Arts
Will technology be able to create pieces of art such as paintings, sculptures, and music?
The simulation of people’s What will happen to art forms in the future?
intelligence in machines
Ray Kurzweil, the director of engineering at Google has made
or devices is known as
statements about the changes that art will undergo in the future and so
artificial intelligence (AI).
far, he has been correct. His first prediction is that A.I. will create better
The AI is divided into
art than humans will. Computers are already capable of painting pictures,
2 categories, the weak
creating stories or composing music. Kurzweil points out the amazing
or strong. Assistants such as
progress of the machines that a decade ago could not even distinguish
Alexa from Android or Siri
between two figures and are now able to paint a classic in another style.
from Apple are weak AI
because they only do one task What the A.I. still lacks is to be able to make works of art with the
for which they have been same sensitivity as a person and to reach logical conclusions. According
programmed. Strong AI can to Kurzweil, we are today much smarter than we were 20 years ago
carry out more complex tasks thanks to technology. In the future, our communication skills will be
or solve problems without better because our brains will have a connection to the cloud through
the intervention of a human. a chip. We will have access to more language by connecting to the
dictionary. Stories will no longer be simply stories, in the future we will
be able to participate in the stories. Virtual reality will make literature
more realistic when we immerse in them. This may be both good and
bad and it could make our personality much more flexible.
Finally, Kurzweil says that we will be resurrected through avatars,
Summarize what you read thanks to all the information about our personality that we leave in the
about the future of art on cloud such as photographs, emails, letters, diaries, videos, tastes, interests.
a mind map. Retrieved from: https://viva-mundo.com/en/noticia/post/what-motivates-students-study-abroad
Retrieved from: https://www.inc.com/kevin-j-ryan/ray-kurzweil-future-of-
1. How long do you think it will take to get to the point where we can
experience the changes mentioned in the text?
statement. clear
expression of something
in speech or writing
• Imagine you are a software developer and can make A.I. carry out
to lack. the state of being an innovative task. What kind of functions and appearance would
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Oral Communication
1. Listen to the audio and match the phrasal verb with the meaning. Write
the number of the phrasal verb next to its meaning. Compare your Audio
answers with your classmates. Listen to the dialogue.
to go and fetch someone from a place
a. Set out and take them somewhere else
2. Answer the following questions:
astonishing. extremely
surprising or impressive;
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1 Your friends that live abroad are going to visit you
for the first time and you are going to plan their
vacations. Write a letter (80-90 words) and explain
what they will do during their trip here. Use will
and going to and phrasal verbs.
Ideal 1
Ideal 2
b. Womb e. Undergo
2 Read the following excerpt. What does it tell you the uterus
about power and evolution? Crime and prisons?
Pharmaceutics? Write down your ideas in your
notebook. experience or be subjected to something
Assessment What will I do in the future?
Listening Speaking
1 Listen to the following audio about the weather 3 Wall-e is a Disney pixar movie that shows a
forecast and determine if each of the following futuristic world. In an important scene Wall-e gives
statements are True(T), False(F), or Not her an old shoe with a plant. Draw the scene and
Mentioned(NM) in the audio. explain the emotion of Eva in the scene and why it
is important.
a. The average temperature
of the country is 7 centigrade.
d. There will be a lot of sun Do you consider this film realistic? Do you think it
in the south. is a good movie or not? Explain. Who do you think
was the target audience for this movie?
e. There will be many clouds
on Tuesday in the north.
Grammar / Vocabulary
English Guess what
Pedagogical Module 4 I learned today?
Curricular Threads: Communication and Cultural Awareness,
Oral Communication, Reading, Writing, Language Through the Arts
devices and developments
Past continuous
Inventions and
5 historical facts
Conditionals: review 2
Narratives and
Facts 6
Reported speech:
1 biographies
the World
9 Democracy 8 Foresight 7
• What other things wouldn’t you have if you didn’t have electricity?
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Lesson A
The Wheel
Do you think that the wheel
was an invention or
a discovery? Explain. There are many inventions that are made every year. Some good, some
bad, but few as wonderful, revolutionary and practical for the history of
mankind as the wheel. A world without wheels is unimaginable because
there are wheels in almost every object we. For example, transport or
the manufacture of products through machines would be practically
impossible if someone hadn’t invented the wheel.
The wheel, logical as we see it, is not logical at all. Unlike many other
inventions that were inspired by objects found in nature, the wheel is not
part of nature. There is no element in nature like a wheel and an axle.
We may consider the wheel as a basic and almost natural invention
and without it, almost nothing could have been done. However,
the wheel with an axle was created in the Bronze Age. This is a relatively
late historic period of mankind. Unlike other inventions, the wheel is not
the creation of a single person or the result of the combination of creations
Pixabay / Epodcaster
life does the wheel affect
according to the text? Select the correct option.
• Have you ever thought of 1. If nobody had invented the wheel, we wouldn’t...
the importance of wheels?
have learned to communicate
• Why do you think
have invented machines
the wheel was invented
so late in history? have had crops
• How do you imagine life
before the wheel? 2. Trade and mobilization would have been almost impossible if the people
in Mesopotamia...
hadn’t invented the wheel
had discovered pottery
mankind. human beings
considered collectively hadn’t found bronze
axle. a rod or spindle (either 3. If the wheel and axle had existed in nature, it would have been_______
to come up with the idea of wheel and axle.
through the center of a wheel
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Oral Communication
e. Amanda’s opinion is that we would have achieved the actual
state of development if nobody had invented the wheel.
• Why does Amanda convince the teacher?
change one’s mind. have a
• Is Ruben completely convinced that the wheel is the best invention different opinion or plan than
made? Explain. you had originally
What are some geat and simple inventions you use a lot in your daily life?
Grammar Tip
1. Pay attention to the conditionals and try to distinguish which conditional
Remember that we use a comma they are.
when we write conditionals
after the if clause. However,
we don’t need a comma in the
middle when the if clause is at
the end of the sentence. For
example: In the history of mankind, there have been some inventions that
make it really difficult for us to imagine a life before them. One of them
is paper. We use paper every day in many ways. While it is true that
today we have digital books and can send emails and messagge instead of
him. letters, paper still plays a very important role in our lives.
Historians claimed that Cai Lun, a member of the Chinese court,
presented a piece of paper to the emperor of the Eastern Han Dynasty
in 105 CE. However, there are archaeological records from western
China and Tibet that indicate the paper was invented earlier. If samples
of ancient paper from 200 BCE had not been found, we wouldn’t have
discovered that Cai Lun wasn’t the inventor of paper.
Discuss with a partner:
How is it possible for a piece of paper to survive from ancient times
• What is the story about? to the present? We owe this to the special weather conditions
• What would be the best of some parts of China. It is true that paper was a revolutionary
title for this text? Write your invention worldwide. However, before paper people had already
own title for this text. used other materials to write on. If no one had invented paper, some
cultures would have carved into stone or bone, and others would
have pressed stamps into clay and then dried or fired the tablets
to preserve their words. However, the whole story of humanity would
be different if nobody had come up with the idea of paper.
Retrieved from: https://www.thoughtco.com/
to owe. have an obligation 2. Complete the conditionals below with your own ideas and information
to pay in return for something from the text.
a. If Cai Lun had been the real inventor of paper,
bark. the tough protective
outer skin of the trunk,
branches, and twigs
of a tree or woody shrub b. If the weather in western China were different,
to carve
in order to produce a desired
shape c. If other cultures had used other materials,
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Language Through the Arts
Social Studies
Before you read a text for a better There are many ways to convey ideas in art, music, painting, fashion,
understanding of it, skim the text. among many others. Many of them use paper. If people hadn’t had the help
In other words, read it fast to get of the two inventions we have seen in this unit, paper and the wheel, we
a general idea. Look at the title, wouldn’t have had access to many art forms we have. However, there is
the heading of each section and another form of artistic expression that wouldn’t have been possible if a
the pictures. German man hadn’t come up with his invention and many other devices and
products related to it. Do you know who we refer to and what expression of
art he affected with his invention?
Retrieved from: https://www.thoughtco.com/johannes-gutenberg-and-the-printing-press-1991865 and https://
Grammar Tip
to someone
• Why isn’t there much information about Gutenberg’s life?
to remain. continue to exist
• Why do you believe it took Europe so long to adopt some inventions
to reach. get as far as made in other parts of the world?
Oral Communication
I can’t remember.
He didn’t come because he stayed with
Do you want to stay here and watch the
We have to go to the doctor. I will call you
when we come out.
They took my idea wrong for the movie.
Caleb: He said
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Lesson B
Where do inventions come from? Where are the best investigators and researchers from?
2. Listen to the audio and answer the following questions in your notebook.
Remember to use conditionals.
Listen to the dialogue.
a. What is the audio about? Write a sentence with the main idea
of the audio.
g. Explain what the following quote refers to: “If research received more
attention, more people would be interested in doing it in many study
3. Listen again, select the right option according to what you hear.
delayed. be late or slow b. If governments Cristobal Colon wouldn’t have been famous
had invested
squid. an elongated, more in there would be more inventors
fast-swimming ocean animal research in
with ten arms education would be free
Latin America...
rocketry. the branch
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Oral Communication
Social Studies
What are some problems when several people meet to discuss someting?
Inventors at a Meeting
1. Listen to the dialogue and answer the following questions. Listen to the conversation
of 3 friends.
a. What are they talking about?
b. Make a list of 3 reasons why you think a meeting with many different Grammar Tip
inventors from throughout history could be a mess. Use the second
conditional. Remember Zero conditional
is used to talk about facts which
are generally true, or when
the same the result is always
1 the same. The Zero conditional
2 is formed by: Present simple +
present simple.
2. Inventors explain their inventions. What happens if you use it? Complete
the conditional with the consequence and write the name of the household
Listen to the conversation.
Kettle Oven Washing Machine Iron Were your predictions correct?
Write a check if you guess
Stove Refrigerator Vacuum cleaner Television correctly or an X if you don’t.
What is it?
What is it?
What is it?
What is it?
What is it?
What is it?
What is it?
What is it?
Language Through the Arts
An Invention That Creates What is the perfect life for you? What do you consider the ideal
Messages life? Does technology make life easier? How would life be if we didn’t
need to struggle to get things? Well, technology has been developed by
There are many art forms today
humans to make our lives easier. However, do you think that an easier
that would not be possible
life is better? The main goal of humanity is developing technology that
if someone had not invented
reduces pain, stress, or any types of problems. However, the effects of
other devices in the past.
total happiness as a solution are part of a philosophical movement and it
Sometimes inventions don’t
has been represented in multiple types of art.
seem so important. But if we
do not think about everything Japanese animation is a type of art that portrays realistic and fictional
we can do with an invention worlds. The truth is, however, that the majority conveys a message or
and how it is related to other has a deeper meaning than the literal storyline. Some animes are based on
forms, we will not be able philosophical ideas. One anime that looks very nonsensical and childish is
to appreciate the true value One Punch Man. The story of Saitama, is about a bald man without any
of many inventions. The first superpower other than super strength that he got after training 3 years.
instruments used to record He is the strongest man in the whole universe, so, he can’t lose. Every
messages by means of drawing chapter ends with Saitama winning any fight with one single punch. It
were sharpened stones. doesn’t sound very interesting, does it? You could ask yourself who is
However, after hundreds of his opponent if everyone is weaker than him? Nobody. The enemy of
years humanity developed Saitama is boredom. One-Punch Man is the perfect portrayal of a life
and replaced many inventions with no obstacles, no problems, and no challenges. According to the
which led to fountain pens. Japanese philosopher Masahiro Morioka, a perfect life takes away the
chances to experience the joy of encountering an undesirable situation
Retrieved from: https://www.thoughtco.com/
brief-history-of-writing-4072560 and the obligation to transform ourselves to find a new way of being and
Wikimedia Commons
Language and Literature
Why is it important to think before acting? What happens when we do things without thinking?
A destructive Invention
Before Reading
1. Read a page of a diary. Pay attention to the conditionals. Underline with
Look at the picture and imagine one line the if clauses and with two lines the consequences.
what the situation is. Without
For example: If I hadn’t said her secret she wouldn’t have gotten angry.
reading the text, make a prediction
of what the text will be about.
is used to talk about an imaginary
past that did not happen. It is
formed with past perfect + would
have +past participle. Answer the following questions:
For example, If I had studied • What does Einstein regret in his diary?
I would have gotten a better grade.
• How involved was Einstein in the fabrication of the bomb?
Assessment Guess what I learned today?
1 Read the following text. b. The mayor will rebuild the houses with a
colonial style
The candidates for mayor already Yes
present their proposals.
2 Choose the correct option. 4 Choose 3 new words that you learned in this
module. On the lines below, write 3 sentences and
a. Who proposed to rebuild the houses in the include one new word in each sentence.
historic center?
Everyone 1
Rodriguez 2
Unknown 3
I can write and speak about a different past or express regrets
using the third conditional.
Lesson C
Many of the things we have today are the result of years of research
and work. Many inventors were trying and trying many times until they
got their inventions to work as they had wished. However, there are other
inventors who found their products or machines by accident. That is the
case of a meal that is part of the breakfast of many people around the
world, corn flakes. Corn flakes seem like a very simple and basic invention;
But it wasn’t until 1894 when people started eating this type of cereal
for breakfast. The Kellogg brothers, John Harvey and Will Keith, were
working in Michigan at Battle Creek Sanitarium when they discovered
the famous cereal. The brothers were working there place because they
were following the moral principles of Seventh-day Adventism. They
were also investigating the effects of diet on patients. While they were
World Fact doing an experiment in 1894, one of the brothers was cooking wheat. He
let the dough dry a little, but it dried too much and when he was trying
Breaking the fast to roll it out. The dough broke into many pieces. Kellog, who wanted to
“Breakfast is the most know how these flakes tasted, baked them. Then he replaced wheat flour
important meal of the the day,” with cornmeal and it became one of the most popular cereals in the world.
is a phrase known worldwide.
Parents do not get tired
of repeating it when we are
1. Answer the questions according to the reading.
children. But how true is it that
the most important meal of
the day is breakfast? The truth a.
is that the first meal of the day
helps our body recover from
the previous night. This is b. What religion did the Kellog bothers practice?
because at night the body to get
energy and be ready for the rest
of the day. c.
2. Choose the correct option.
sanitarium. an institutions b.
for the medical treatment
of people who have a chronic teaching the effects of diet.
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describing the effects of cereals.
wheat. a cereal plant. Its grain
investigating the effects of diet.
bread, pasta, pastry
Oral Communication
c. Katy was brushing her teeth when she saw a shooting star.
Create a hypothesis of what the inventor was doing when they invented
their product. You may choose any invention or product you want for
this activity.
Go around the class asking your classmates what they think and
complete the sentences.
syrup. a thick sweet liquid
made by dissolving sugar
in boiling water, often used
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Language and Literature
Do people travel by boat these days? Where? How far? What for?
• Look at the picture and On the night of April 14, 1912; the captain of a ship received the news
the title of the text. What do that there were icebergs on the route. So, to avoid accidents, he changed the
you think the reading will be route of his ship. At 9:40 pm, when a boat named Mesaba sent a warning to
about? say that there was an ice field, Jack Phillips, the radio operator of the boat
• Have you ever sailed on was delivering messages to passengers and never delivered this message.
a boat? For how long? At 11 pm, the passengers were tired and were going to their rooms to sleep.
Was there any problem? At 11:35, the lookout Frederick Fleet was looking to check if there was an
iceberg in front of the boat when he saw an iceberg in the sea and rang the bell
• What are the risks of traveling to announce what he saw. Another worker gave an order
by boat? and the ship was then going to the left and the
engines were reversing when the side of the
boat struck an iceberg. A crew member
informed the captain that the mailroom
was filling with water. The designer of
the boat calculated that the ship had only
one or two hours before sinking.
Retrieved from: https://www.britannica.com/story/
Do you know which ship the text is about? What do you know about
this ship?
1. Put the events in order. Write the number next to the sentence to put
the events in chronological order.
Language Through the Arts
Social Studies
The internet marked a before and after in history. Social networks gave
people access to works of art from thousands of authors and artists. People
can not only access the works of famous authors, but any artist or person
can also share their art with other people from anywhere in the world.
The inclusion of cameras on smartphones was another way of creating art
that has led people previously unknown to become artists or celebrities.
The internet is the home to hundreds of applications, social networks,
and platforms where hundreds of new artists or people who want to
share or present their work can reach millions of people. People like
Justin Bieber, Adele, Charlie Puth, Tori Kelly and Ed Sheeran became
famous after putting covers on YouTube or their own songs on other
platforms. And although they are the most recognized, there are many
other artists such as illustrators, fashion designers, photographers, actors,
actresses, models, and many other artists who have gained worldwide
fame thanks to the internet. The internet also helps spread the news of
cultural events such as exhibitions or galleries, as well as presentations,
films and concerts.
Retrieved from: https://edition.cnn.com/style/article/
1. Make a list of 3 artists that you know about that got got famous on the
Go around the class asking internet.
one question to a different
classmate until you got 1
responses. 2
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Oral Communication
Social Studies
Is it a career that you might be interested in?
What is electrical and electronic engineering? What do electrical and electronic engineers do?
Becoming an Engineer
1. ListenWould
to the interview and answer Audio
What I do Without It?the following questions.
Audio to the dialogue.
a. Who is Niklas Barley? Listen to the dialogue.
Grammar Tip
b. What was he doing the day he decided what he wanted to study? Fac t use direct
Remember World that we
speech to quote the same words
that a personandsaid.
To do this,
c. When did Niklas decided he wanted to study industrial engineering? engineers do more than we“ ”.
we need quotation marks:
On Theirhand,
the other workreported
is really
1. Listen to the audio about 5 inventors who developed electronic important. Most
speech is used to say whatof the things
d. Was the family
engineering for orinvention.
with their against Niklas’ decision?
Put them in order of birth. we use in our daily
someone said, but using other lives would
not exist
words andand wouldquotation
without not work
Inventor Date of birth Nationality Invention as they do if they
marks. We usually change did not dothe
their job. That is, if
tense of the verbs. From presentelectrical
2. Are the following statements and ? and electronic engineers did not
to past and from past to past
exist, we would not have cars,
a. The radio program is on in the morning.
alarms, telephones, televisions,
Look at the examples below.
b. Niklas has not graduated. computers, telephones, radio,
assistants “I am
such ready for the
as Alexa,
test because I went to
internet, Wi-Fi, heating, airstudy.”
c. Niklas always wanted to be an engineer.
conditioning speech:
or many other
d. Niklas went with his whole school to the cups factory. was ready because
devices that we use he had everygone
2. Go around the class, ask 5 classmates what would happen if electrical study.
e. Niklas had the idea to change the production of cups Retrieved from: https://www.youtube.com/
of your they had listened
about 5toinventors/inventions.
the explanation of the boss
3. What words were actually said when the person spoke? Listen again.
Choose 4 phrases of the interview and write them in reported and in
direct speech. For example: Vocabulary
Reported speech: The host said that they had a young student that day.
to rule. exercise ultimate
light. in the sky which
a particular is
Mother: “ naturally
of study or caused electricity
Lesson D
How many inventors are there in various countries around the world?
1. Why do you think that The United States is the country with the largest number of major
the US is the country inventions and Taiwan is the country with the largest number
with the greatest number of inventors in relation to its population. For every 1000 inhabitants,
of important inventions? there are 23.4 inventors. An interesting fact is that in the USA
2. Why do you think the inventors are grouped in a few cities. More than 60 percent
Ecuador is not on the list of patents in the US come from inventors that live in only 20 cities. Most
of countries with a great inventors live or work in the vicinity of top universities and research
number of inventions? centers of companies.
3. If you could change
Retrieved from: https://educacionecuadorministerio.blogspot.com/2018/02/lista-de-carreras-
the situation for inventors universitarias-ecuador-mas-demandadas.html
in Ecuador what would
you do?
2. Make an action plan and a list of proposals you would apply if you were
the president of Ecuador to increase the number of inventions and
inventors in the country.
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a. Use conditionals to explain why your ideas are good and what would
inhabitant. a person or animal be the effect of each of your proposals if they were applied.
that lives in or occupies
a place b. Make a poster and present it to the class.
Oral Communication
Becoming an Engineer
1. Listen to the interview and answer the following questions. Audio
Listen to the dialogue.
a. Who is Niklas Barley?
Grammar Tip
b. What was he doing the day he decided what he wanted to study?
Remember that we use direct
speech to quote the same words
that a person said. To do this,
c. When did Niklas decided he wanted to study industrial engineering?
we need quotation marks: “ ”.
On the other hand, reported
speech is used to say what
d. Was the family for or against Niklas’ decision? someone said, but using other
words and without quotation
marks. We usually change the
tense of the verbs. From present
2. Are the following statements and ?
to past and from past to past
a. The radio program is on in the morning. perfect.
Look at the examples below.
b. Niklas has not graduated. Direct speech: “I am ready for the
test because I went to study.”
c. Niklas always wanted to be an engineer.
Reported speech:
d. Niklas went with his whole school to the cups factory. was ready because he had gone to
e. Niklas had the idea to change the production of cups
after they had listened to the explanation of the boss
3. What words were actually said when the person spoke? Listen again.
Choose 4 phrases of the interview and write them in reported and in
direct speech. For example:
Reported speech: The host said that they had a young student that day.
Father: “
Brother: “
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. a particular branch
Mother: “ of study or interest
Language Through the Arts
Social Studies
Assessment Guess what I learned today?
Listening Grammar/Vocabulary
Have you read “The Little Prince” by Saint-Exupéry? 5 Read the following quotes that changed history.
Imagine how would life have been if these people had
1 Listen to an excerpt of the second chapter of “The never said them. Choose 1 quote and explain your
Little Prince” from Antoine De Saint-Exupéry. Pay fictitious scenario in a 70-90 words paragraph.
attention to the direct and reported speech sentences.
6 Write a 70-90 word paragraph about an invention
2 Answer to the following questions about the audio that you use a lot. It can NOT be your phone or
in your notebook. computer. It can be something simple at home.
a. Why was it hard to get to know to “The Little Explain what it is, what it does, why you like it, how
prince”? often you use it, what you would do if you didn’t
have it, etc.
b. How did the protagonist learn where “The Little
prince” came from?
c. What did the little prince ask when he saw the Introduction:
d. What was the reaction of the little prince when
he learned that an airplane can fly?
e. Who said the last phrase? 1
4 Work in pairs. Imagine you are a journalist and
you just interviewed an inventor. Create your own Conclusion:
dialogue using direct and reported speech. Then
role play it in front of your class. Write the dialogue
in your notebook.
I can talk about inventions, inventors, and historical facts using
vocabulary related to these topics.
English How would you handle
Pedagogical Module 5 an emergency?
Curricular Threads: Communication and Cultural Awareness,
Oral Communication, Reading, Writing, Language Through the Arts
Conditional phrases 5
around the world
Modal of deduction 4
People in
7 emergencies
Causative verbs 3
It's an
accident report
Future with “will”
and “going to”
This is an emergency!
Every day many people live through
unexpected situations that are
beyond their control, put them at
risk and require immediate action.
These are called emergencies.
When facing these situations it is
necessary to make quick and correct
decisions because a decision during
an emergency can be the difference
What do you consider an emergency? In pairs make a list of 5 situations that you
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Lesson A
provide so the 911 dispatch operator can help you. First, you should say
what the emergency is. Then, where you are or where the emergency is.
Finally, if you are you alone or with someone and who needs help.
• What information did you b. Why do you think it is important to call and give information before
give? Did your call help the anything else?
situation? How?
injured. harmed, damaged, 2. Imagine an emergency happened right now where you are. What
or impaired information would you give to the dispatcher? Write the information you
have to give to the 911 dispatch operator. Check the text above for help.
in breathing because of a
constricted or obstructed a.
throat or a lack of air
dispatcher/dispatch operator.
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Oral Communication
What are some things that people can do to prepare for an emergency?
Be Prepared!
b. During an emergency
• it is impossible to call an ambulance.
• people can’t get what they need.
• people may forget the instructions of dispatchers.
c. It is helpful to respond to the most urgent thing.
change one's mind. adopt
a different opinion or plan
How important is empathy when you are a 911 dispatcher? What other characteristics are important?
Empathy is very important If someone asked the 911 dispatcher, Donna Reneau, she would
because it helps us understand confirm that a lack of empathy can destroy your career as a 911 dispatcher.
how others are feeling. It is In August 2019, Debbie Stevens called 911 at 4 am after she was swept
like being in someone else’s away by floodwaters while she was delivering newspapers in her car.
shoes. As a dispatcher, the However, Reneau, the dispatcher, did not handle the call very well. In
life of other people depends the police recordings, she asked where Ms. Stevens was, and repeated to
on your understanding of a sobbing Ms. Stevens, “This will teach you next time, don’t drive in the
their situation, and a quick water” and “You put yourself in danger”.
response. We should also
show empathy for people Stevens died from drowning after 22 minutes on the line with Reneau
even when situations are begging for help and explaining that she could not swim.
not an emergency. In simple The police department informed the public that after the event Debbie
terms, consider how the other Reneau handed in her resignation.
person feels.
Retrieved from: https://www.nytimes.com/2019/09/01/us/arkansas-911-dispatcher.html
Grammar Tip
live?” d. Ms. Reneau: “Are you hurt Ms. Stevens asked where the
Reported Wh question Ms. Stevens?” police were.
Mark asked where Gaby lived.
Language Through the Arts
The Call
The Oscar winner Halle Berry and Oscar nominee Abigail Breslin made
a movie in 2013 called “The Call”.
This movie is about a 911 dispatcher who loses self-confidence because
she made a very serious mistake that cost a girl's life. Later, the same
dispatcher is in another situation with the same criminal. A girl makes a call
to ask for help because she was kidnapped, and put in the trunk of a car. The
dispatcher makes a promise and tells the girl that working together they will
save her life.
From then on, the dispatcher makes an effort to find the girl who gives
her instructions and hints on how to find her. The movie is a mix of action
and suspense with an unexpected ending.
Circle the letter that is the 1. Write the letter of the expression next to the picture it describes.
main idea of the passage? a. Make a mistake d. Make an effort
a. The girl was in the trunk of b. Make a call e. Give instructions
the car.
c. Make a promise
b. The movie is about a
dispatcher tries to recover a
girl who is kidnapped.
Oral Communication
Have you ever called 911 for an emergency? What was the situation?
1. Before you listen, look at the image. What is happening? Discuss possible
answers with a classmate. Audio
Listen to the dialogue.
2. Mrs. Valencia is calling 911. Listen to the conversation. Was your guess
correct? Work with a partner to discuss the questions below. Make sure everyone in your
home knows how to dial 911,
• What is the problem?
and what information to give
• What information does the dispatcher ask for? the dispatchers. This includes
young children, who may be
• How would you handle a similar situation? responsible for calling 911 if
an adult is in an emergency.
3. Listen to the conversation again. Read the statements and write True(T)
or False(F).
e. The dispatcher tells Mrs. Valencia she can give her Write ideas in your notebook
husband aspirin. to prepare for the role-play
described below.
4. Listen to the questions the dispatcher asks on the audio. With a partner •
practice asking and answering the questions below with a calm and clear 911 because you had an
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Lesson B
911 was born as 999 in the UK. It was chosen because it was almost
impossible to dial it by mistake on old pulse-dial phones. The number 911
was designated in the 1950s in Canada, and years later in the US by the
fire departments to ensure public safety. Firefighters didn't want people
to call different numbers for different emergencies. They wanted to give
a centralized public health service. They chose 911 because it was easy to
remember, easy to dial, and had never been used.
The number 911 is not the emergency number around the world. In
Europe, you must dial 112, in China and Hong Kong 999, in Australia
000, in New Zealand 111, in Bolivia 118, and in Brazil 192. In many other
countries, there are different emergency numbers.
In summary, there is a centralized number to handle emergencies in
every country. Therefore, if you travel to another country, you should ask
for what number to dial in an emergency since that information since it can
save your life.
Retrieved from: https://www.medicalalertadvice.com/articles/the-history-of-911/
c. .
to ensure. guarantee
Oral Communication
Can you plan ahead for emergencies? What can you do to prevent them?
Thinking Ahead
children. Then complete the sentences below with information from the Audio
audio. Listen to the dialogue.
2. Monica is also in the airport. Predict where is she going to travel to?
Grammar Tip
3. Read the questions. Then listen to the second part of the conversation
and circle the correct answer. Remember we use will and
going to to talk about the
a. Mónica is going to spend her vacation in future.
• Stockholm.
Use will to express promise or
• Madagascar. willingness to do something
right away.
• The Amazon.
Use going to to talk about plans
b. Monica knows the other person from
or things that someone intends
• school. to do in the future.
• work. Examples:
• travel. I'll get milk on the way home.
c. What is Monica sure about? I'm going to study economics.
• She is going to travel alone.
d. Which of the following is Monica not going to have with her all the time?
Discuss. What type of photos
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Language Through the Arts
b. Inform
c. Persuade
2. Work in small groups and discuss the questions below. In your notebook,
answer the questions based on your discussion and the text you just read.
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a. Do you think Orellana’s and Pizarro’s crew had to face any of the
dangers mentioned in the second text?
b. Why do you think that people respect and applaud what Francisco de
Orellana did?
Oral Communication
Home to ten percent of the known species in the world, the Amazon
rainforest has some of the rarest and most unique forms of life on the planet.
Some of the most dangerous and deadly species in the world also live there.
Therefore, nature lovers have to be careful when traveling through the
Amazon because of animals such as the jaguar, the green anaconda, the toxic
poison dart frog, the electric eel, the piranha, the giant yellow-leg centipede
and mosquitos.
Retrieved from: https://www.worldatlas.com/articles/the-most-dangerous-animals-of-the-amazon-
3. Now listen to the conversation later between Monica's parents. Put the
following phrases in order from 100% certainty to 0% certainty.
1. Before reading: Look at the picture and imagine what the situation is.
Read the title and predict what the main idea of the article might be?
We often think about the risks that humans have when going to the
Amazon rainforest. We talk about deadly animals that could kill a man
in a matter of minutes. However, we should stop for a moment to think.
Tip 2. Check the following ways the author uses to give details in the text?
Then, underline them in the text.
When you read, pay attention • Examples
to the details the author
uses to help you understand • Names of people or places
important details. Authors
• Personal stories
often use personal stories,
examples, numbers, and • Numbers
names of people or places.
3. Find the boldfaced words in the text and guess their meaning from the
context. Write a synonym for each word.
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deforestation. the cutting
down and removal of trees
from forests
Assessment How would you handle an emergency?
1 Read this email: 2 Read the mail Monica’s boss sent her. Select True(T)
and False(F). Explain why if you chose False in some
Lesson C
How important is it to keep traditions alive for current and future generations?
For anyone who doesn't come from the highlands, it is not always easy to
walk around cities like Quito, or La Paz because the lack of oxygen. It makes
people have to stop frequently to catch their breath, gives them headaches
or even makes them dizzy. That is, however, something Baltazar Ushca
can't relate at all with. This man is known for being the last ice-man in
Ecuador. Baltazar Ushca climbs twice a week to the Chimborazo glacier to
collect ice, and then goes back down to sell it in the market. He has been
doing it for more than 50 years. It is not an easy job, because he has to travel
for about four hours, then it takes him three more hours to take the ice from
the glacier. Baltazar is the last person who does this work. Getting ice is not
profitable anymore, so he guides tourists up Chimborazo.
Retrieved from: https://www.nationalgeographic.co.uk/travel/2019/04/ecuador-last-ice-man
Interesting Facts
Oral Communication
2. Monica and the doctor are talking about her health, the infection she had,
and the safety measures she should take to avoid getting sick again. Audio
Listen to the conversation and answer the questions below. Listen to the dialogue.
3. Read the statements below, and then circle the best answer.
• It doesn’t matter if you feel better or not. Take all the pills anyway.
• If you don’t take the pills, you won’t have another infection.
• I will only drink tap water if I’m thirsty.
4. Work with a partner to role-play the situation below. Then, switch roles.
a. Student A
How can you avoid getting lost while in nature? What steps should you take?
Dangers at Heights
1. Look at the picture and the title of the text. What do you think the reading
will be about?
2. While you read, pay attention to any words you don’t know and underline
Work in groups. In your 3. Read the sentences and write True(T) or False(F). Correct the false
notebook, write a list of statements.
4 other indications and
a. Report to your family where you are only if you
recommendations for people
are going up a volcano.
who want to explore the
highlands and the mountains
conditional phrases. Share b. As long as you follow the marked paths, you won’t get lost.
your recommendations with
the class.
c. Even if you are single, you don’t have to go alone.
Lesson D
Language Through
Communication andthe Arts Awareness
Social Studies
Is mountain climbing a good topic for a movie? What movies can you think of about people hiking on mountains?
b. Why do you think that these movies are successful?
2. Make do
c. What groups and discuss
you think the following
is the purpose points.
of these movies?
Vocabulary a. What are some possible ways to prevent or avoid all the dangers
mentioned in the text?
adrenaline. a chemical in
b. Create a list of rules using conditionals and causative verbs to stay
the body that helps physical
safe when
d. According at the
to the beach.
text, whatCheck
is thethe grammar
difference tip on page
between 23.
free climbing and
activity, and sometimes
causes a feeling of excitement normal mountain climbing.
landscape. Physical features •
of the earth that are often
beautiful to look at and •
take pictures of, mountains,
Vocabulary • In•pairs, discuss which of the movies listed in the article you consider
waterfalls, etc.
the most interesting? Explain why?
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Oral Communication
a. a bartender.
Monica’s father had
b. a barber.
cut his hair c. a hairdresser.
a. go back home.
Monica’s boss let her b. stay more time.
c. dye her hair.
a. tomorrow.
Monica got someone to
take her to the coast b. in the morning.
c. that night.
3. Work with a partner. In your notebooks, make a list of things that other
people do for you because you can’t do them, you don’t want to do them,
or you prefer to pay for them to be done for you.
Grammar Tip
• After you have your list
We use “make” to express that someone requires another person to do completed from activity 3,
something. We use “have” when someone asks another person to do write 4 sentences in your
something. “Let” is used to express that someone allows someone to do notebook.
something, and we use “get” when someone persuades another person to
• Write one sentence for each
do something. Get is the only causative verb followed by the infinitive
of the causative verbs.
instead of the base form.
• Talk with classmates to hear
Review the examples below. ideas you may not have
thought of.
I have the hairdresser cut my hair. (The hairdresser has the choice to accept
or not)
My teacher makes me do homework. (I have no option.).
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Lesson D
1. Work with a partner to make a list of other dangers people could face at
the beach.
a. What are some possible ways to prevent or avoid all the dangers
mentioned in the text?
Vocabulary •
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Oral Communication
Social Studies
the riskiest
in need
do every
the world?
The family was sure that the lack of good labels was a risk for people
with allergies and made them fear eating at restaurants.
2. Which of the titles below is the best for the text? Select one option and
explain why the other options shouldn’t be the title.
b. Eating.
2. Work in groups and write ideas in your notebook. Perhaps through the
c. The boy whose allergy changed the law.
WHO website, research a country that is in an emergency situation right
now. What is the emergency? Place the emergency or emergencies in
3. Answer the following questions with complete sentences using your
one of the three categories and explain why you consider it part of that
own words.
category. What can be done to help the situation? Be prepared to dicuss
your ideas with the class. a. Who was Owen Carey and what happened to him?
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Allergic Reactions
It is still unbelievable for Owen Carey’s family, that he died on his 18th
birthday. The incredible part is that Owen wasn’t doing anything special
or out of normal. He died after eating chicken. Owen had the waiter bring
him grilled chicken. Even though Owen informed the restaurant that he
was allergic to milk and lactose, the restaurant did not tell him the dish he
ordered had whey. After eating half of it, Owen had an allergic reaction,
which made him collapse and die.
His family asked the state to make a change. They said that Owen’s
death could have been avoided and that something good should come out
of Owen’s death. They asked the state to change the labeling policies on
food and menus. Their petition stated that food labeling should be more
2. Which of the titles below is the best for the text? Select one option and
explain why the other options shouldn’t be the title.
b. Eating.
Where do you think the phrase "blue blood" may have come from?
Blue Blood?
Who hasn’t heard the phrase “this person thinks he/she is blue blooded”,
meaning that the person acts in a special way, as if they are refined and
better than other people. However, where does the phrase come from?
Well, the term refers to European royal nobility and it is a metaphor. The
phrase describes people whose blood in the veins appeared blue under the
skin. There are some factors that may have created this term.
First, the royal family is RH-type O. This blood type has a high copper
concentration, which makes it easier to distinguish. Less than a 1% of
the people in Europe have this blood type. This makes the characteristic
almost unique in the royal family. Second, the use of silver spoons, forks
and knives may have also contributed to the phrase “blue blood.”. High
levels of silver may cause a condition called Argyria, which can cause the
blood to turn a little bit blue. Finally, there was a lack of sun exposure
because royalty didn't work outside in the sun. This was something they
simply wouldn’t do.
Oral Communication
Language and Literature
Accident Reports
accident report.
from them?
3. Complete the accident report with the information you listen to in the
Accident report
Name Last Name
Male Female X ID Number 1858934890
Home address Bolivar Marital status Single
Date of birth
Home phone number Cellphone number
Job title
Employment start date October 16th, 2017
Date of the accident
Describe in detail how the accident occurred
Party of the body injured
Type of injury Stroke
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Assessment How would you handle an emergency?
Listening Speaking
1 Listen to the story about an earthquake. Pay attention a. Ask your partner questions about the emergency
to the order of the events. and take notes on the line below. Then, swich
roles and you can tell your partner about an
emergency you experienced.
Other details
I can discuss what steps need to be taken to be prepared for an emergency, and
what to do if one happens.
English What does success
Pedagogical Module 6 mean to you?
Curricular Threads: Communication and Cultural Awareness,
Oral Communication, Reading, Writing, Language Through the Arts
Compound adjectives 4
Question tags
6 Successful stories
Stories of
Success in
Success 7
different cultures
Modals of deduction
Successful People
What do Lionel Messi, Steven Spielberg, Bill Gates
and J.K. Rowling have in common? They are successful
doing what they love. In this unit we are going to learn
about people who have achieved success. For these
people, it wasn’t easy to get where they are and have
what they have today.
Lesson A
What is Success?
you want. This does not mean that you shouldn’t take advice from other
people. But before climbing a mountain, you should know if you really
want to achieve what is on top. Otherwise, once you get there you may
realize it was the wrong mountain.
Look at the picture. What
is the person in the picture So, before you find yourself striving to be “successful” according to
doing? What does that person someone else’s standards, take a moment to think about what success
represent? means for you.
to you.
Oral Communication
What are some examples of people, products and events that are not successful?
1. Listen again. Write True(T) or False(F).
Listen to the dialogue.
a. Emma thinks that being happy with what you have is not
d. Julia thinks that success isn’t working at what you don’t like.
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ik p
The Mindset
The way we think, how we see life, and how we manage our feelings is
important; but can it change your life and be the difference between being
successful or unsuccessful? According to author Karima Mariama-Arthur,
the mindset is the greatest difference between people who are successful and
everyone else. It may seem like a small, unimportant thing, but according to
Mariama- Arthur, people must work on their mindset in order to get ahead
of others. But, how can you work on your mindset? There are some things
you need to do to change and develop your mindset. One important thing is
to get along well with yourself, and to manage your feelings of confidence,
• Get ahead 1. What are the characteristics a successful person has? Write a list of 3
characteristics mentioned in the text.
Language Through the Arts
What are some of the biggest enterprises today? How did they become so successful?
1. Read the text and answer the following questions. Circle the word that
Look at the image above. best completes the sentence.
With a partner, discuss how
you know which company a.
it is associated with.
happy / defeated / outraged
have been .
2. Read the boldfaced words in the text. Write the correct word next to its
a lack of success.
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Oral Communication
Pioneering Programmer
2. Who is Grace Hopper? Why is she important? What was she successful
at doing? Why do you think that she is almost unknown? Write your
answers on the lines below. Audio
Listen to the dialogue.
Grammar Tip
Lesson B
Is failure important? How can failing at something be helpful in the long run?
A Magical Ending
Values: Perserverance
One of the most famous series of books in history is
Why is it important to keep without a doubt the Harry Potter saga. With incredibly
on trying? It makes people enthusiastic fans all over the world, a very successful movie
stronger when they persist and saga, and even two amusement parks, it is hard to believe that
rise after falling, rather than J.K Rowling’s book was rejected on multiple occasions.
if achieve everything on the
J.K. Rowling is today one of the most famous and wealthy writers in
first try. Together, failure and
the world. However, getting to where she is now was not easy. Her worst
perseverance can be powerful
nightmares had become true a few years after graduating from college.
and important.
During a speech at Harvard, she said that by 1999 she was the biggest failure
she knew. She had had a failing marriage, she had no job, depression, and
she had to take care of her kid without a father. She was as poor as someone
can be without being homeless. One day, she was at a train station when the
idea of the Harry Potter’s world came to her mind.
While fighting poverty and depression, Rowling wrote her first Harry
Potter novel, but it wasn’t until two years later that Bloomsbury Children’s
Books bought the rights to it for only £10,000. She was not rejected by
only one, but twelve publishers. That, however, did not make her stop
following her dream of publishing her story. In her own words, “One has
to appreciate the importance and value of failure.”
rejected. not accepted d. J.K Rowling with 12 publishers before one decided
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Oral Communication
b. What is a Potterhead?
Pixabay / Maurygraf
2. Listen again. Circle the correct option to answer the question.
Language Through the Arts
also caught people’s eye because while watching it, the audience learns
something. The book-based play really sticks to the real facts of Alexander
Look at the image above
Hamilton’s story.
and discuss the folowing
questions with a partner. Hamilton’s story happened centuries ago. However, his story and
Have you seen this man
problems can reflect and mirror today’s situations, such as the consequences
before? Where? How do you
think that he is related to
of speaking one’s mind, immigration, and the American dream.
the arts?
Retrieved from: https://www.theperspective.com/debates/entertainment/hamilton-overrated-worth-hype/
b. What are the three reasons the author gives to justify Hamilton’s
Oral Communication
Language and Literature
What past experiences might give authors inspiration to write horror and thrilling stories?
Grammar Tip
words that add information
to a noun. They are usually
separated with hyphens and can
be formed with different word
1. Listen to the conversation, and answer the questions below. types like:
d. List the three theories they have to explain where Stephen King gets Noun + Past Participle
his inspiration from. Sun-baked, child-wanted,
Noun + Present Participle
English-speaking, time-saving,
2. Rewrite the phrases expressing the same meaning.
Adjective + Present Participle
Good-looking, long-lasting,
The 6-page document The document has 6 pages.
slow-moving, far-reaching
Look at the picture. Who is the It doesn’t matter if you are an art expert or not. The name Vincent
man? Do you know him? Do you Van Gogh is so well known today, that even if you haven’t seen one of his
consider him a successful man? paintings, the name must ring a bell.
It is incredible however, that Van Gogh, a world-famous painter today,
sold only one painting during his lifetime. Vincent Van Gogh was a different
man, who showed a strong and complicated temper at an early age. His
life, as the life of many other successful people, was full of difficult and sad
moments. He had periods of extreme poverty, he lost many friends, and
was rejected by women on many occasions. Once, he had to leave a woman
he wanted to form a family with, due to his family’s pressure. Moreover,
he had to fight against depression and epilepsy. One of the events that
marked his life was when he cut off part of his ear. This was captured in
Wikimedia Commons / Public Domain
a self-portrait. At the end of his life, Van Gogh had psychiatric problems.
Something positive, during Van Gogh’s life, was his great friendship with
his younger brother, Theo. Vincent wouldn’t have had the chance to live
like a painter without his brother’s emotional and financial support.
Vincent produced more than 1600 drawings and 900 paintings, among
them 43 self-portraits and 148 watercolors. However, while he was alive, he
sold one only painting for $109. It wasn’t until a decade after his death that
his paintings were found and appreciated. Today, Van Gogh’s paintings are
worth millions of dollars.
Retrieved from: https://www.scoopwhoop.com/People-Talent-Only-Recognized-After-Death/
When you read, pay attention to
what the author doesn’t tell you
explicitly. Use what you read to
make a logical guess about what In groups, discuss and answer the following questions.
is probably true. This is called
• Why do you think that Van Gogh became famous only after his death?
making inferences.
• What role did Theo Van Gogh have in Vincent’s success?
• How did the obstacles in Van Gogh’s life impact in his work and his
Family ties b. Vincent Van Gogh had a bad temper all his life.
e. The portrait Van Gogh did of himself after he cut his ear is
the only portrait of him there is.
Assessment What does success mean to you?
1 Do you know the story of David and Goliath? 2 After reading the story, answer the questions below.
David & Goliath
3 Write a 70-90 word story where someone fights
The Bible tells us that one day the Israelis had
or struggles to become successful. Don’t forget to
to fight with the Philistines. Goliath, a giant
include, the name of the main character, their goal,
Philistine who mocked the Israelis and their
and also their personal qualities. The story should
God, challenged them to fight against him.
be real, and based on a person and situation you
None of the Israelites dared to do a thing,
know about.
because they were terrified.
The skinny-little David offered to fight
Goliath. Armed with just one sling and five
stones, David fought Goliath. Goliath, armed
with a sword and spears, mocked the young
boy, but the skilled and brave David threw
a stone that embedded itself in Goliath’s
forehead and killed him.
Any reader can see in this story a brave
character, who despite having everything
against him, decides to fight for his ideals and
take advantage of what he knows to win. It
is clear that David’s fast and strategic mind is
what helps him win, not his strength.
Retrieved from: https://www.bibliavida.com/historias-biblicas/
I can read and talk about successful people and their personal qualities.
I can make deductions about the past.
I can write about what I consider success.
Let's Review
Vocabulary Grammar
Lesson C
Is success the same around the world? How could success be measured differently in different cultures?
When you describe success, and everyone agrees with you, it could be
the result of the social collective mind. That is, success is different depending
on where you are. According to a survey done in Asia, Africa, and the
Middle East; the concept people have of success is different depending on
the culture. The survey asked affluent people who averaged 37 years old,
and who had a kid. The results were the following:
Work with a partner. Discuss and then answer the questions below.
After your list is complete, ask
your classmates if they agree a. What does the text state about the social collective mind?
or disagree with your list.
c. Why do you think that all the nations shared a similar idea of what
success is?
. having plenty of
money and living a very
comfortable life
Oral Communication
Recognizing Talent
c. List the three movies for which DiCaprio has been nominated?
d. How did Leonardo DiCaprio feel the night before the Oscars?
Grammar Tip
2. Complete the sentences with the correct question tag.
Use question tags to verify
a. Leonardo DiCaprio is a good actor, .
information. They are short
questions at the end of sentences
usually used in spoken English.
aren’t he? / doesn’t he? / isn’t he? To form them, we need to use
the opposite(positive/negative
form) of the sentence. If the
b. He was very happy, .
main part of the sentence is
positive, the question tag is
isn’t he? / didn’t he? / wasn’t he? negative. If the sentence is
negative, the question tag
is positive.
c. Leonardo DiCaprio won the Oscar, .
For example:
didn’t he? / doesn’t he? / wasn’t he?
“She likes you, doesn’t she?” Or,
“You don’t eat meat, do you?”
3. Write two of your own sentences with question tags on the lines below. The main sentence is in simple
present affirmative, so the
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Look up the meaning of legacy in In this unit, we have talked about successful people and some traits you
the dictionary. In pairs, discuss need in order to achieve success. However, we haven’t really gone deep into
how it is related to the picture. the question, “what is success for me?”
Wealth, fame, happiness, luxury, and beauty are all synonyms of success
according to different people. There are articles, self-help books, and life
coaches that explain the steps to achieve success. The problem is, success
is something different for every person. If we start there, it is very difficult
to achieve success following the same steps as other people. However, that
doesn’t mean that other people cannot inspire us. Role models can be a
great motivation for many people.
In order to accomplish your dream of success, you must establish what
success is for you.
To do that, you can ask yourself the questions below.
• If I could leave a legacy right now, what would it be?
1. With a partner, read the text and answer the questions below.
Compare your classmates’ answers to your own. Are they somehow
similar? Are they very different? Share your results in a small group, and
perhaps the class.
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Language Through the Arts
How is success portrayed in literature, music, and visual arts? Can you think of examples?
Martínez, Juan.
b. Think of other “driving” examples to help describe success.
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Oral Communication
2. Quiz time. Go around the class asking two classmates for their opinions.
Fill in the chart.
Useful language
Name someone/
Name Answer Name Answer
something that is
The novel “Brothers” The movie
Thought-provoking Daya Lucía
by Yu Hua “The breadwinner”
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come off. become detached
or separated
Mouth watering
fade away. lose intensity
Lesson D
How long does success last? Can you think of people that were successful, but aren’t any more?
Look at the picture. Make groups to discuss and answer the questions below in your
• How might this picture
be related to the movie? • What is the ironic situation that the text describes?
• What is the movie about? • Why do you think that the kids didn’t get very much money?
How is the movie related
to success? • Do you consider the situation fair or not? Explain your reasons.
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Oral Communication
In what ways can peolple help themselves? What do you do to help yourself?
1. Listen to the interview. Work with a partner to discuss and answer the
questions below. Audio
Listen to an interview with
a. What is the program about? an author.
2. Write numbers in the circle next to the tips in the order they were said in
the audio.
Avoid negativity.
In small groups, discuss and answer the following questions. Write Freepik
notes in your notebook and be prepared to share your ideas with the
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Richard St. John assures in his Ted Talk, that success is not a one-way
street, but a constant journey. According to St. John, the process does not
follow a linear order, since there is no specific end. In other words, St. John
explains that success is a circle. There is no such thing as being on top,
because after putting in passion, working, focusing, pushing, having ideas,
improving and persisting; success may not come. On the contrary, Richard
St. John explains that if someone takes all of those steps and expects to be
successful forever and remain on top because they worked hard, then, they
will be surprised when everything goes downhill or not the way they want.
The advice he gives out from his personal experience, is that the only way to
keep being successful is to repeat the whole cycle again, to keep constantly
working towards success.
partner, select one option and explain why the other options can’t be the
main idea.
In small groups, discuss Success is not a line because if you see it as a line, then once
and answer the following you have achieved success you will not know what to do next.
2. In small groups, discuss if you agree or disagree with St. John? Why?
After your discussion, write a short paragraph on the lines below
explaining if you agree or not with Richard St. John.
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Language Through the Arts
Which songs can you think of that are about being successful?
Work in pairs. According to the lyrics of the song, discuss and answer
the questions below.
• What is the meaning of this 2. They achieved success already, didn’t they?
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Oral Communication
What are things that make you feel successful every day?
ik p
Complete the phrase with
your own ideas.
2. Listen again. Ask classmates what they consider to be the three most
important examples of success in the poem? Why? Use their names and
examples to complete the chart below. Freepik
Most important
Name More information
examples of success
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Assessment What does success mean to you?
Listening Speaking
Student A
You work in a store that sells movies/
DVDs to watch at home. You know a lot
about movies. Your customer wants to
watch a movie with characters who take
risks and succeed.
Student B
You have seen many movies in your life, but
you are looking for a movie with characters
who succeed in a special, not classic way.
b. Both like Mulan, but they can’t see 3 Think of someone you consider successful that
it now. you admire. Write 3 short sentences that include
compound adjectives to describe them. Look back in
c. Both are excited to see “The Princess the module to pages 11 and 23 for ideas to help you.
and the Frog”.
Project 2
Solving a Case
1. Can you solve the crime?
Write a police report and create a 90-word dialogue of the trial retelling
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