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Unit 5 NLP

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Statistical Methods in Ambiguity Resolution

Definition: Statistical methods in ambiguity resolution refer to the use of

probabilistic models and algorithms to analyze and disambiguate ambiguous
language structures based on large corpora of text data.

Key Points:

1. Probabilistic Parsing:
○ Definition: Parsing algorithms that assign probabilities to different
parse trees for a given sentence.
○ Usage: Select the most likely parse tree based on statistical
measures such as likelihood or entropy.
○ Example: Probabilistic context-free grammars (PCFGs) assign
probabilities to production rules in CFGs.
2. Part-of-Speech Tagging (POS Tagging):
○ Definition: Assigning grammatical categories (tags) to words in a
sentence based on their context.
○ Usage: Statistical models, such as hidden Markov models (HMMs)
or conditional random fields (CRFs), predict the most likely tag
sequence for a given sentence.
○ Example: Determining whether "bass" in "bass guitar" refers to a
fish or a musical instrument.
3. Word Sense Disambiguation (WSD):
○ Definition: Identifying the correct meaning of a word in context
when it has multiple meanings (senses).
○ Usage: Statistical methods use features such as word co-occurrence
patterns or context similarity to predict the most likely sense.
○ Example: Distinguishing between the different senses of "bank"
(financial institution vs. river bank) in a sentence.
4. Machine Learning Approaches:
○ Definition: Utilizing machine learning algorithms to learn patterns
and relationships from labeled training data.
○ Usage: Statistical classifiers, such as support vector machines
(SVMs) or neural networks, are trained on annotated corpora to
perform ambiguity resolution tasks.
○ Example: Training a classifier to disambiguate prepositional
phrase attachment ambiguities.

● Statistical methods can handle large-scale data and capture subtle patterns
in language usage.

Probabilistic Context-Free Grammars (PCFGs)

Definition: Probabilistic Context-Free Grammars (PCFGs) are extensions of

traditional context-free grammars (CFGs) that assign probabilities to grammar
rules, allowing for the representation of the likelihood of generating or deriving
a particular sentence or phrase.

Key Points:

1. Rule Probabilities:
○ Definition: Each production rule in a PCFG is associated with a
probability indicating the likelihood of that rule being used in a
○ Usage: These probabilities represent the relative frequency of each
rule in a training corpus of sentences.
2. Parse Tree Probability:
○ Definition: The probability of a parse tree is calculated as the
product of the probabilities of the production rules used in that tree.
○ Usage: PCFGs can generate or parse sentences by selecting parse
trees with the highest probability according to the grammar's rules.
3. Training from Data:
○ Definition: PCFGs are often trained from large corpora of
annotated sentences, where frequencies of grammar rules are
○ Usage: Maximum likelihood estimation or other statistical methods
are employed to estimate rule probabilities from the training data.
4. Ambiguity Resolution:
○ Definition: PCFGs can help resolve syntactic ambiguities by
favoring parse trees with higher probabilities.
○ Usage: The most likely parse tree according to the PCFG can be
selected as the preferred interpretation of an ambiguous sentence.

Best-First Parsing
Definition: Best-first parsing is a parsing strategy that prioritizes expanding the
most promising nodes in a parse tree based on some heuristic evaluation
function, with the goal of finding the best parse tree first.

Key Points:

1. Heuristic Evaluation Function:

○ Definition: A function that evaluates the desirability of expanding
a node in the parse tree based on various criteria.
○ Usage: The heuristic guides the search process by estimating
which nodes are more likely to lead to the best parse.
2. Priority Queue:
○ Definition: Nodes in the parse tree are stored in a priority queue,
with their priority determined by the heuristic evaluation function.
○ Usage: Nodes with higher priority (i.e., more promising
candidates) are expanded first.
3. Incremental Expansion:
○ Definition: Best-first parsing expands nodes in the parse tree
incrementally, selecting the most promising nodes for expansion at
each step.
○ Usage: This incremental approach allows the parser to focus its
resources on the most relevant parts of the parse tree.
4. Backtracking:
○ Definition: If a subtree fails to produce a valid parse, the parser
may backtrack and explore alternative paths in the parse tree.
○ Usage: Backtracking allows the parser to explore multiple
hypotheses and recover from incorrect decisions made earlier in the
parsing process.

Heuristic Evaluation Functions:

● Predictive Accuracy: Estimate the likelihood that a subtree will lead to a

correct parse based on features such as lexical and syntactic information.
● Efficiency: Consider computational efficiency to ensure that the parsing
process remains tractable, especially for large grammars or input
● Coverage: Aim to cover as much of the search space as possible to
increase the likelihood of finding the best parse.

● Used in natural language processing tasks such as syntactic parsing,

where finding the most likely parse tree is essential for accurate
interpretation of sentences.
● It is also used in machine translation, semantic parsing, and other areas
where efficient and effective parsing of natural language is required.


● Best-first parsing can lead to more efficient parsing by prioritizing the

most promising parse tree candidates.
● It allows parsers to focus on relevant parts of the parse tree, potentially
reducing the computational resources required for parsing.

Word Senses and Ambiguity in Ambiguity Resolution

Word Senses:

● Definition: Word senses refer to the different meanings or interpretations

associated with a word in a language.
● Example: The word "bank" can refer to a financial institution, the side of
a river, or the act of tilting.
● Significance: Words often have multiple senses, and understanding
which sense is intended in a particular context is crucial for accurate


● Definition: Ambiguity occurs when a word, phrase, or sentence can be

interpreted in multiple ways, leading to uncertainty or confusion.
● Types:
○ Lexical Ambiguity: Arises from multiple senses of a word.
○ Syntactic Ambiguity: Arises from multiple possible parse trees
for a sentence.
● Example: The sentence "I saw the man with the telescope" is lexically
ambiguous (multiple interpretations of "with the telescope") and
syntactically ambiguous (multiple interpretations of the structure).
● Significance: Resolving ambiguity is essential for accurate natural
language understanding and processing.
Ambiguity Resolution:

● Definition: Ambiguity resolution is the process of determining the

intended meaning or interpretation of an ambiguous word, phrase, or
● Methods:
○ Contextual Clues: Utilize surrounding words or context to
disambiguate the intended sense.
○ Word Sense Disambiguation (WSD): Determine the correct sense
of an ambiguous word based on its context.
○ Syntactic Analysis: Select the most likely parse tree for an
ambiguous sentence based on syntactic constraints and
● Example: In the sentence "I saw the man with the telescope," the context
may indicate whether "with the telescope" refers to the man or the action
of seeing.

Encoding ambiguity in logical form involves representing ambiguous language

expressions using formal logic in a way that captures all possible
interpretations. Here's how it can be done:

To encode ambiguity in logical form:

1. Use disjunction (OR) operator to represent alternative interpretations.

○ Example: bank=bankfinancial∨bankriverbank = bank_{financial}
\lor bank_{river}bank=bankfinancial​∨bankriver​
2. Utilize quantifiers and existential statements for ambiguity about
○ Example: ∃x (Student(x)∧PassedExam(x))\exists x \, (Student(x)
\land PassedExam(x))∃x(Student(x)∧PassedExam(x))
3. Introduce modal operators for uncertainty.
○ Example: ◊ComeTomorrow(She)\Diamond
4. Use parentheses for scope ambiguities.
○ Example: ∀x ∃y Love(x,y)\forall x \, \exists y \, Love(x,
y)∀x∃yLove(x,y) vs. ∃y ∀x Love(x,y)\exists y \, \forall x \,
Love(x, y)∃y∀xLove(x,y)
5. Consider multi-valued logic for gradual ambiguity.
○ Example: Warm(weather)=0.5Warm(weather) =

Obtaining lexical probabilities involves determining the likelihood of

particular word senses or interpretations based on statistical analysis of a
corpus. Here's how it can be done:
Frequency Counts:

● Count occurrences of word senses in a corpus.

Contextual Analysis:

● Analyze surrounding words to determine likely senses.

Word Embeddings:

● Use models to capture semantic relationships.

Supervised Learning:

● Train models to predict word senses.

Word Sense Disambiguation Systems:

● Utilize existing systems for sense prediction.

Probabilistic Models:

● Develop models assigning probabilities to senses.

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