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Request For Proposal: (Agency Name and RFP #)

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(Agency Name and RFP #)

1. Table of Contents
2. Section 1: General Information and Instructions
3. Section 2: Instructions to Vendors Submitting Bids
4. Section 3: General Terms and Conditions
5. Section 4: Project Specifications
6. Section 5: Vendor Proposal
7. Section 6: Evaluation and Award
8. Certification and Signature Page


1.1. Introduction:

The West Virginia Department of Administration, Purchasing Division (hereinafter referred to as

the “Purchasing Division”) is issuing this solicitation as a request for proposal (“RFP”), as authorized by
W. Va. Code §5A-3-10b, for the [insert official title of state agency] (hereinafter referred to as the
“Agency”) to provide [insert goods and/or services to be provided].

The RFP is a procurement method in which vendors submit proposals in response to the request
for proposal published by the Purchasing Division. It requires an award to the highest scoring vendor,
rather than the lowest cost vendor, based upon a technical evaluation of the vendor’s technical proposal
and a cost evaluation. This is referred to as a best value procurement. Through their proposals, vendors
offer a solution to the objectives, problem, or need specified in the RFP, and define how they intend to
meet (or exceed) the RFP requirements.

1.2. RFP Schedule of Events:

RFP Released to Public ..........................................................................See wvOASIS

Mandatory Pre-bid Conference ...................................................................... xx/xx/xx
Vendor’s Written Questions Submission Deadline ....................................... xx/xx/xx
Addendum Issued ........................................................................................... xx/xx/xx
Technical Bid Opening Date .......................................................................... xx/xx/xx
Technical Evaluation Begins ......................................................................... xx/xx/xx
Oral Presentation (Agency Option) ................................................................ xx/xx/xx
Cost Bid Opening ................................................................................................. TBD
Cost Evaluation Begins ........................................................................................ TBD
Contract Award Made .......................................................................................... TBD

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Instructions begin on next page.

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Terms and conditions begin on next page.

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4.1. Background and Current Operating Environment: [insert information relevant to vendors that
will be providing service. Include things like: location where work is to be performed, current
systems, current processes, operational deadlines, issues that agency faces, etc. Also include a
description of how the agency sees the operating environment potentially changing as a result of the
RFP. ]

4.2. Project Goals and Mandatory Requirements: [insert high level summary of service or problem
that vendor will address]. Vendor should describe its approach and methodology to providing the
service or solving the problem described by meet the goals/objectives identified below. Vendor’s
response should include any information about how the proposed approach is superior or inferior to
other possible approaches.

4.2.1. Goals and Objectives – The project goals and objectives are listed below. [Goal/Objective 1] [Goal/Objective 2] [Goal/Objective 3]

4.2.2. Mandatory Project Requirements – The following mandatory requirements relate to the
goals and objectives and must be met by the Vendor as a part of its submitted proposal. Vendor
should describe how it will comply with the mandatory requirements and include any areas where
its proposed solution exceeds the mandatory requirement. Failure to comply with mandatory
requirements will lead to disqualification, but the approach/methodology that the vendor uses to
comply, and areas where the mandatory requirements are exceeded, will be included in technical
scores where appropriate. The mandatory project requirements are listed below. [Mandatory Requirement 1] [Mandatory Requirement 2] [Mandatory Requirement 3]

4.3. Qualifications and Experience: Vendor should provide information and documentation regarding
its qualifications and experience in providing services or solving problems similar to those requested
in this RFP. Information and documentation should include, but is not limited to, copies of any staff
certifications or degrees applicable to this project, proposed staffing plans, descriptions of past
projects completed (descriptions should include the location of the project, project manager name
and contact information, type of project, and what the project goals and objectives where and how
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they were met.), references for prior projects, and any other information that vendor deems relevant
to the items identified as desirable or mandatory below.

4.3.1. Qualification and Experience Information: Vendor should describe in its proposal how
it meets the desirable qualification and experience requirements listed below. [Qualification and Experience Desirable - 1] [Qualification and Experience Desirable - 2] [Qualification and Experience Desirable - 3]

4.3.2. Mandatory Qualification/Experience Requirements – The following mandatory

qualification/experience requirements must be met by the Vendor as a part of its submitted
proposal. Vendor should describe how it meets the mandatory requirements and include any areas
where it exceeds the mandatory requirements. Failure to comply with mandatory requirements
will lead to disqualification, but areas where the mandatory requirements are exceeded will be
included in technical scores where appropriate. The mandatory qualifications/experience
requirements are listed below. [Mandatory Requirement 1] [Mandatory Requirement 2] [Mandatory Requirement 3]

4.4. Oral Presentations (Agency Option): The Agency has the option of requiring oral presentations of
all Vendors participating in the RFP process. If this option is exercised, it would be listed in the
Schedule of Events (Section 1.3) of this RFP. During oral presentations, Vendors may not alter or
add to their submitted proposal, but only clarify information. A description of the materials and
information to be presented is provided below:

Materials and Information Requested at Oral Presentation:

4.4.1. [in person presentation outlining proposal]

4.4.2. [question and answer period]

4.4.3. [specific topics discussed]

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5.1. Economy of Preparation: Proposals should be prepared simply and economically providing a
concise description of the items requested in Section 4. Emphasis should be placed on
completeness and clarity of the content.

5.2. Incurring Cost: Neither the State nor any of its employees or officers shall be held liable for
any expenses incurred by any Vendor responding to this RFP, including but not limited to
preparation, delivery, or travel.

5.3. Proposal Format: Vendors should provide responses in the format listed below:

5.3.1. Two-Part Submission: Vendors must submit proposals in two distinct parts: technical and
cost. Technical proposals must not contain any cost information relating to the project.
Cost proposal must contain all cost information and must be sealed in a separate envelope
from the technical proposal to facilitate a secondary cost proposal opening.

5.3.2. Title Page: State the RFP subject, number, Vendor’s name, business address, telephone
number, fax number, name of contact person, e-mail address, and Vendor signature and

5.3.3. Table of Contents: Clearly identify the material by section and page number.

5.3.4. Response Reference: Vendor’s response should clearly reference how the information
provided applies to the RFP request. For example, listing the RFP number and restating
the RFP request as a header in the proposal would be considered a clear reference.

5.3.5. Proposal Submission: All proposals must be submitted to the Purchasing Division prior
to the date and time stipulated in the RFP as the opening date. All submissions must be in
accordance with the provisions listed in Section 2: Instructions to Bidders Submitting Bids.

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6.1. Evaluation Process: Proposals will be evaluated in two parts by a committee of three (3) or more
individuals. The first evaluation will be of the technical proposal and the second is an evaluation of
the cost proposal. The Vendor who demonstrates that it meets all of the mandatory specifications
required, attains the minimum acceptable score and attains the highest overall point score of all
Vendors shall be awarded the contract.

6.2. Evaluation Criteria: Proposals will be evaluated based on criteria set forth in the solicitation and
information contained in the proposals submitted in response to the solicitation. The technical
evaluation will be based upon the point allocations designated below for a total of 70 of the 100
points. Cost represents 30 of the 100 total points.

Evaluation Point Allocation:

Project Goals and Proposed Approach (§ 4.2)

- Approach & Methodology to Goals/Objectives (§ 4.2.1) (#) Points Possible
- Approach & Methodology to Compliance with
Mandatory Project Requirements (§ 4.2.2) (#) Points Possible

Qualifications and experience (§ 4.3)

- Qualifications and Experience Generally (§ 4.3.1) (#) Points Possible
- Exceeding Mandatory Qualification/Experience
Requirements (§ 4.3.2) (#) Points Possible

(Oral interview, if applicable) (§ 4.4) (#) Points Possible

Total Technical Score: 70 Points Possible

Total Cost Score: 30 Points Possible

Total Proposal Score: 100 Points Possible

6.3. Technical Bid Opening: At the technical bid opening, the Purchasing Division will open and
announce the technical proposals received prior to the bid opening deadline. Once opened, the
technical proposals will be provided to the Agency evaluation committee for technical evaluation.

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6.4. Technical Evaluation: The Agency evaluation committee will review the technical proposals,
assign points where appropriate, and make a final written recommendation to the Purchasing

6.5. Proposal Disqualification:

6.5.1. Minimum Acceptable Score (“MAS”): Vendors must score a minimum of 70% (49 points)
of the total technical points possible in order to move past the technical evaluation and have
their cost proposal evaluated. All vendor proposals not attaining the MAS will be disqualified.

6.5.2. Failure to Meet Mandatory Requirement: Vendors must meet or exceed all mandatory
requirements in order to move past the technical evaluation and have their cost proposals
evaluated. Proposals failing to meet one or more mandatory requirements of the RFP will be

6.6. Cost Bid Opening: The Purchasing Division will schedule a date and time to publicly open and
announce cost proposals after technical evaluation has been completed and the Purchasing Division
has approved the technical recommendation of the evaluation committee. All cost bids received will
be opened. Cost bids for disqualified proposals will be opened for record keeping purposes only and
will not be evaluated or considered. Once opened, the cost proposals will be provided to the Agency
evaluation committee for cost evaluation.

The Purchasing Division reserves the right to disqualify a proposal based upon deficiencies in the
technical proposal even after the cost evaluation.

6.7. Cost Evaluation: The Agency evaluation committee will review the cost proposals, assign points in
accordance with the cost evaluation formula contained herein and make a final recommendation to
the Purchasing Division.

Cost Evaluation Formula: Each cost proposal will have points assigned using the following
formula for all Vendors not disqualified during the technical evaluation. The lowest cost of all
proposals is divided by the cost of the proposal being evaluated to generate a cost score percentage.
That percentage is then multiplied by the points attributable to the cost proposal to determine the
number of points allocated to the cost proposal being evaluated.

Step 1: Lowest Cost of All Proposals / Cost of Proposal Being Evaluated = Cost Score Percentage

Step 2: Cost Score Percentage X Points Allocated to Cost Proposal = Total Cost Score


Proposal 1 Cost is $1,000,000

Proposal 2 Cost is $1,100,000
Points Allocated to Cost Proposal is 30

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(Agency Name and RFP #)

Proposal 1: Step 1 – $1,000,000 / $1,000,000 = Cost Score Percentage of 1 (100%)

Step 2 – 1 X 30 = Total Cost Score of 30

Proposal 2: Step 1– $1,000,000 / $1,100,000 = Cost Score Percentage of 0.909091 (90.9091%)

Step 2 – 0.909091 X 30 = Total Cost Score of 27.27273

6.8. Availability of Information: Proposal submissions become public and are available for review
immediately after opening pursuant to West Virginia Code §5A-3-11(h). All other information
associated with the RFP, including but not limited to, technical scores and reasons for
disqualification, will not be available until after the contract has been awarded pursuant to West
Virginia Code of State Rules §148-1-6.3.d.

By signing below, I certify that I have reviewed this Request for Proposal in its entirety; understand the
requirements, terms and conditions, and other information contained herein; that I am submitting this
proposal for review and consideration; that I am authorized by the bidder to execute this bid or any
documents related thereto on bidder’s behalf; that I am authorized to bind the bidder in a contractual
relationship; and that, to the best of my knowledge, the bidder has properly registered with any State
agency that may require registration.


(Representative Name, Title)

(Contact Phone/Fax Number)


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Attachment A: Cost Sheet

Revised 08/02/2018

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