Dual Magnetometer Space
Dual Magnetometer Space
Dual Magnetometer Space
Space-based magnetometers
Mario H. Acuñaa)
Laboratory for Extraterrestrial Physics, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Code 695, Greenbelt,
Maryland 20771
共Received 16 October 2001; accepted 3 June 2002兲
The general characteristics and system level concepts for space-based magnetometers are presented
to illustrate the instruments, principles, and tools involved in making accurate magnetic field
measurements in space. Special consideration is given to the most important practical problems that
need to be solved to ensure the accuracy of the measurements and their overall impact on system
design and mission costs. Several types of instruments used to measure magnetic fields aboard
spacecraft and their capabilities and limitations are described according to whether they measure
scalar or vector fields. The very large dynamic range associated with magnetic fields of natural
origin generally dictates the use of optimized designs for each particular space mission although
some wide-range, multimission magnetometers have been developed and used. Earth-field magnetic
mapping missions are the most demanding in terms of absolute accuracy and resolution,
approaching ⬍1 part in 100 000 in magnitude and a few arcsec in direction. The difficulties of
performing sensitive measurements aboard spacecraft, which may not be magnetically clean,
represent a fundamental problem which must be addressed immediately at the planning stages of
any space mission that includes these measurements. The use of long, deployable booms to separate
the sensors from the sources of magnetic contamination, and their impact on system design are
discussed. The dual magnetometer technique, which allows the separation of fields of external and
spacecraft origin, represents an important space magnetometry tool which can result in significant
savings in complex contemporary spacecraft built with minimum magnetic constraints. Techniques
for in-flight estimation of magnetometer biases and sensor alignment are discussed briefly, and
highlight some basic considerations within the scope and complexity of magnetic field data
processing and reduction. The emerging field of space weather is also discussed, including the
essential role that space-based magnetic field measurements play in this complex science, which is
just in its infancy. Finally, some considerations for the future of space-based magnetometers are
presented. Miniature, mass produced sensors based on magnetoresistance effects and
micromachined structures have made significant advances in sensitivity but have yet to reach the
performance level required for accurate space measurements. The miniaturization of spacecraft and
instruments to reduce launch costs usually results in significantly increased magnetic contamination
problems and degraded instrument performance parameters, a challenge that has yet to be solved
satisfactorily for ‘‘world-class’’ science missions. The rapidly disappearing manufacturing
capabilities for high-grade, low noise, soft magnetic materials of the Permalloy family is a cause of
concern for the development of high performance fluxgate magnetometers for future space missions.
关DOI: 10.1063/1.1510570兴
0034-6748/2002/73(11)/3717/20/$19.00 3717
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3718 Rev. Sci. Instrum., Vol. 73, No. 11, November 2002 Mario H. Acuña
ionized gases, ‘‘permanent’’ magnets like those that occur the martian field is organized in linear structures and is
naturally 共magnetite or lodestone兲 and those made industri- closely correlated with the age of the crustal terrain. The
ally of materials like iron, iron oxides, cobalt, nickel alloys, Lunar Prospector 共LP兲 mission23–25 provided a new and de-
and rare earth compounds. tailed view of the lunar, crustal magnetic fields discovered by
The beginnings of space magnetometry trace back to the Apollo missions.26 –31 These are correlated in a puzzling
measurements of the Earth’s magnetic field with instruments way to the antipodes of the great impacts that created the
flown on balloons and rockets in the early 1950s. The mea- lunar basins. The MGS and LP magnetic field observations
surement techniques used in these experiments were largely are revolutionizing our thinking about the early history and
adapted from instruments developed around the time of thermal evolution of Mars and the Moon. They are certain to
World War II, when magnetometers were widely used in geo- result in significant revisions of our views of Earth’s mag-
physical applications, navigation, salvage, and mine and an- netic anomalies and their origin. The role played by giant
tisubmarine warfare. The early space probes made significant impacts during the formation and early evolution of the solar
discoveries: the Earth’s magnetosphere, the comet-tail-like system has now achieved a new level of relevance in our
geometry of the antisunward Earth’s magnetic field, the in- limited understanding of the processes that took place more
terplanetary magnetic field 共IMF兲, its sector structure, and than four billion years ago.
the many boundaries associated with the interaction of the Planetary space missions such as Pioneer 10 and 11, Pio-
Earth’s magnetic field with the solar wind. Dolginov neer Venus, the Mariner series, Voyager, Helios, Ulysses,
et al.,1–3 Sonnet,4 Heppner et al.,5 Cahill,6 and Ness7,8 were Giotto, Mars Global Surveyor, Galileo, and NEAR have car-
among the first investigators to equip rockets and satellites ried out magnetic field measurements in the immediate vi-
with magnetometers and carry out measurements in the cinity of most of the planets in the solar system, as well as
Earth’s ionosphere and magnetosphere in the interplanetary around comets and asteroids.32– 41 The NEAR–Shoemaker
medium and around the Moon. spacecraft was placed in orbit around the asteroid 433 Eros
Why is magnetometry so important in space explora- on 14 February 2000 and spent one year making magnetic
tion? Magnetic field measurements are essential to organize field measurements from 35 and 50 km orbits. On 12 Febru-
and understand energetic charged particle and plasma mea- ary 2001 the spacecraft landed on 433 Eros and continued to
surements and to derive fundamental information about the make magnetic field observations from the surface for sev-
environment surrounding different bodies in the solar sys- eral days.33,42– 44 Contrary to expectations based on measure-
tem. Charged particles move easily along magnetic field ments and analyses carried out at asteorids Braille and
lines because their transverse motion is opposed by the Lo- Gaspra by Deep Space-1 and Galileo,36,38 no magnetic field
renz force. Knowing the geometry of the field is equivalent of asteroidal origin was detected, making 433 Eros a remark-
to having a map of the pathways followed by the particles’ ably nonmagnetic, undifferentiated primitive object.42 The
guiding center. Magnetic field measurements also represent weak IMF has been measured by spacecraft such as the In-
one of the few remote sensing tools used by spacecraft 共grav- terplanetary Monitoring Platform 共IMP兲 series, Pioneers,
ity being another兲 that provide information about the deep Voyager, Mariner, WIND, ACE, GEOTAIL, and many
interior of a planet rather than just its surface and/or atmo- others.8,40,45,46 A recent review of the history of vector mag-
sphere which are customarily studied with multispectral im- netometry in space was given by Snare.47 Magnetic field
aging instruments. Planetary magnetic fields like those of the measurements are used as well in many Earth-orbiting space-
Earth, Jupiter, and Saturn are generated by currents circulat- craft for engineering applications. These include attitude de-
ing in their liquid metallic cores or perhaps the core–mantle termination and control, spacecraft momentum management,
interface. The primary energy source powering these dyna- and scientific instruments pointing.48,49 The Earth’s magnetic
mos is thermal convection of electrically conducting fluids field provides a convenient ‘‘natural’’ frame of reference,
driven by the internal heat flux and organized by planetary which can be modeled with good accuracy, and modern sys-
rotation. The outermost giant planets Uranus and Neptune tems and spacecraft utilize it to establish their orientation and
are not assumed to have formed metallic cores and their activate control systems. Where absolute angular measure-
magnetic fields are generated closer to the surface, where ment accuracy of the order of 1°–2° degrees is acceptable,
electrical currents can flow in high-conductivity crustal magnetic systems provide significant cost, simplicity, and re-
‘‘oceans.’’ 9–12 In the case of the terrestrial planets, Venus liability advantages over inertial sensor-based systems. A
does not possess an intrinsic magnetic field13 while Mercury common space-based application of magnetometers aboard
is believed to be currently magnetized by the remains of an spacecraft in low and geostationary Earth orbit is the control
ancient dynamo which is decaying over time.14 The study of of electromagnets which, when energized, apply torque to
the Hermean field is one of the primary objectives of the the spacecraft by interacting with the geomagnetic field.
MESSENGER and Beppi Colombo missions that will be These ‘‘magnetic torquers’’ are generally used to ‘‘de-
launched in the 2003–2005 time frame.15,16 The existence of saturate’’ momentum wheels 共reduce the accumulated angu-
an intrinsic magnetic field at Mars was a topic of consider- lar momentum resulting from the operation of reaction
able discussion.17–19 Recent measurements by the Mars Glo- wheels aboard a spacecraft兲 or to orient the spacecraft along
bal Surveyor 共MGS兲 Mission not only demonstrated that a desired direction.48 –50
Mars does not currently possess an internal field, but made Numerous discoveries have been made studying the
the remarkable discovery of the existence of strong crustal sources, geometry, and temporal behavior of solar system
magnetic fields of paleomagnetic origin.20–22 In many areas magnetic fields but there is still much to be learned. In recent
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Rev. Sci. Instrum., Vol. 73, No. 11, November 2002 Space-based magnetometers 3719
years the new field of ‘‘space weather’’ has evolved from the individual sensing technologies. The reason for this approach
extended, multipoint observations of the Sun–Earth environ- is that the latter are reasonably well developed and have been
ment that have been carried by international collaborative extensively reviewed in the literature.8,49,69 On the other
programs such as the International Solar-Terrestrial Physics hand, system level trade-offs, which determine the ultimate
共ISTP兲 Program since 1992 that utilize multiple spacecraft success or failure of magnetic field measurements on a given
and ground-based systems.51,52 Solar transient events such as space mission, have not received equal attention. Spacecraft,
coronal mass ejections 共CMEs兲, solar flares, and magnetic components, and instrument design philosophies have
clouds can affect operation and even cause failure in Earth- changed significantly in the last 20 years, particularly with
orbiting spacecraft and power distribution systems on the respect to the use of ‘‘heritage’’ or ‘‘off-the-shelf’’ sub-
ground such as the North American power grid.53–58 The systems to reduce development costs. To ensure the accuracy
reliable operation of contemporary telecommunications, glo- of magnetic field measurements, space vehicles have to be
bal positioning, and strategic satellites today depends to a designed to minimize the generation of undesirable static and
significant extent on near-real time knowledge of space dynamic fields, regardless of the type of sensor used, and
weather conditions. The prevention of power grid failures these requirements are seldom met by low cost, readily avail-
and associated large area blackouts in North America and able components. The magnetic signature reduction process
northern Europe which are caused by ground currents in affects all aspects of spacecraft, instruments, and mission
transmission lines induced by the time-varying geomagnetic design and can have a dramatic impact on the cost and
field and can destroy distribution transformers, is also depen- schedule and even the viability of sensitive magnetic field
dent upon timely access to space weather information.59– 61 measurements, if not addressed early and correctly in the
Space magnetometry is now an established and mature sci- development cycle.
ence which plays a critical role in the activities described
above and is expected to remain so for the foreseeable future.
In the US, the National Space Weather Program, NASA’s II. MEASURING MAGNETIC FORCES
Living with a Star 共LWS兲 program and the Sun–Earth Con- The magnetic force between two magnetic poles is given
nection research efforts, including NASA’s Solar Terrestrial by an expression identical to that of the gravitational force
Probes, all rely on space magnetometry as one of the key between two masses,
measurements to be carried out. Similar programs in Europe,
Russia, and Japan reflect the essential importance of mag- F⫽ 共 m 1 m 2 / r 2 兲 r, 共1兲
netic field measurements in space.62– 66 where F is the force in dynes 关centimeter-gram-second 共cgs兲
The magnetic field measurement techniques and instru- system兴 between the poles that are separated by r cm 共r is the
ments described in this review date from the late 1930s until unit vector directed between m 1 and m 2 ). The permeability
the present time. Important sensor developments took place of the medium is denoted by . Since the lines of force are
in the 1936 –1955 time frame such as the invention of the closed, magnetic poles cannot exist by themselves and al-
fluxgate67 and the application of nuclear magnetic resonance ways exist in pairs (ⵜ•B⫽0), while the force between them
to magnetometry. The traditional definition of space-based can be repulsive or attractive depending on the polarity of
‘‘magnetometry’’ does not include the sensing of time- the poles involved.
variable magnetic fields by induction sensors such as search The magnetic quantities derived are the magnetic field
coils, which will not be discussed in this review. Contempo- strength H, which is defined as the force F per unit pole and
rary advances in wide-dynamic-range magnetic field sensing is measured in oersteds 共cgs兲, and the magnetic field induc-
technology have focused on improvements in sensor noise tion, which is the field B induced by the excitation H in a
performance, analog and digital signal processing tech- medium of permeability ,
niques, as well as instrument miniaturization. Modern, high
B⫽ H. 共2兲
volume magnetic field sensing technologies, e.g., anisotropic
magnetoresistance 共AMR兲, giant magnetoresistance 共GMR兲, In the cgs system of units, B is measured in gauss. In air
and micromachined devices 共MEMS兲, have yet to compete or vacuum, the permeability is unity so for all practical
effectively with established sensors in space applications. applications in space oersted and gauss can be used inter-
Devices based on magnetoresistance effects 共AMR and changeably. In the Systeme International 共SI兲 of units, the
GMR兲, although they offer adequate sensitivity for Earth- magnetic induction is measured in tesla (104 G), while the
field sensing, suffer from problems like hysteresis and poor magnetic field strength is measured in ampere/turns/cm. The
stability that are introduced by the use of ‘‘flux concentra- permeability of air 共vacuum兲 in the SI system is ⫽4
tors’’ or biasing arrangements to enhance the output signal or ⫻10⫺7 . To quantify weak magnetic fields the nanotesla
to linearize the transfer function.49,68 Magnetometers using (1 nT⫽10⫺9 T) and the older, equivalent cgs unit the
superconducting quantum interference devices 共SQUIDs兲 gamma (1 ␥ ⫽10⫺5 G⫽1 nT) are frequently used inter-
can exhibit significantly increased sensitivity over those de- changeably. The Earth’s magnetic field at the surface and
scribed here, but the complex logistics of cryogens and as- near the equator has an approximate strength of 31 000 nT or
sociated systems have prevented their application to space- 0.31 G, whereas Jupiter’s north magnetic pole field strength
based measurements.49 is more than 14 G or 1 400 000 nT. Solar magnetic fields
The primary emphasis of this review is on considerations associated with coronal loops and prominences can reach
at the space systems level rather than detailed discussion of values as high as several thousand Gauss. At the opposite
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3720 Rev. Sci. Instrum., Vol. 73, No. 11, November 2002 Mario H. Acuña
end of the dynamic range, the IMF at the Earth’s orbit 关1 where B is the magnitude of the external field and the pro-
astronomical unit 共AU兲兴 is typically of the order of 5–10 nT, portionality constant p is the gyromagnetic ratio of the pro-
while at the orbit of Uranus and Neptune it may be as low as ton. This is the ratio of the proton’s magnetic moment to its
0.05 nT or, equivalently, 5⫻10⫺11 G. This very large dy- spin angular momentum. The value of (2 / p ) is known
namic range of magnetic field intensities presents unique very accurately from quantum mechanical principles,
challenges to the design of magnetic field instrumentation for 23.4874 共nT/Hz兲, and the proton precession magnetometer is
space missions to the outer planets. the primary standard used in the calibration of other magne-
tometers and coil systems.
The basic proton precession magnetometer is therefore
III. MAGNETIC FIELD MEASURING INSTRUMENTS composed of a liquid sample rich in protons 共water, naphta,
kerosene, etc.兲, a polarizing/sensing coil that surrounds the
As already introduced in the above paragraphs, the in- sample, an ac amplifier, and a duty cycled current source,
struments used to measure the strength 共and direction兲 of the which are alternatively connected to the coil. After being
magnetic field are called magnetometers. Since the magnetic used to polarize the sample the coil is connected to the am-
field is a vector quantity that has both magnitude and direc- plifier to sense the Larmor signal, which lasts only a few
tion, we usually differentiate between two generic classes of seconds and whose frequency is then measured with an or-
instruments: dinary computing counter. The polarize/count cycle of con-
ventional proton precession magnetometer designs is typi-
共a兲 scalar magnetometers, which measure only the total
cally 1 s or more. The liquid sample volume is relatively
strength or magnitude of the ambient magnetic field
large and massive, particularly when the polarizing coil mass
regardless of its orientation, and
is considered, and liquids that can operate over a wide tem-
共b兲 vector magnetometers, which produce an output pro-
perature range are required. The power required to generate
portional to the strength and direction of the magnetic
the 100 G or more polarizing field is appreciable, and useful
field, referenced to a principal axis in the sensing ele-
signals can only be obtained for ambient fields larger than
ment. The polarity or sign of the output in general de-
approximately 20 000 nT and only if the local spatial field
pends on the direction of the ambient field with respect
gradient is small. These limitations have restricted the use of
to the magnetometer sensing axes.
traditional proton precession instruments for space measure-
Both classes of instruments have been used for space ments to a few, very specialized applications such as sound-
measurements but vector magnetometers are far more com- ing rockets and balloons 共see Ref. 49, and references
mon due to their capability of providing directional informa- therein兲.
tion. This is essential for understanding of the physical phe- Recent improvements to this basic sensing technique,
nomena being studied or for the intended application in like the Overhauser effect proton precession magnetometer,
attitude determination and control. We will discuss below use an indirect technique to ‘‘polarize’’ the sample much
some of the principal characteristics of these instruments, more efficiently and can generate a continuous Larmor pre-
their advantages and limitations, and the challenging prob- cession signal.65,66,70 The proton-rich liquid sample is doped
lem of performing sensitive magnetic field measurements with a free radical as a source of electrons which are pumped
aboard space platforms such as spacecraft, planetary probes, with rf energy at ⬃20– 60 MHz. The electrons are effectively
rockets, and balloons. For a comprehensive review of early coupled to the protons in the sample, which are then polar-
space research magnetometers and techniques, see the review ized dynamically by the rf excitation. This method of polar-
by Ness,8 and references therein. ization is much more efficient than the dc method 共a few
watts versus tens of watts兲 and yields Larmor signal ampli-
A. Scalar magnetometers tudes which are 100 times larger, allowing continuous mea-
The most common scalar magnetic field measuring in- surements to be made with sensitivity of ⬃ 0.02 nT.
strument in general use is the proton precession magnetome- Optically pumped magnetometers are another class of
ter, which is based on the phenomenon of nuclear magnetic magnetic field measuring instruments which have found ap-
resonance. At the end of World War II it was discovered that plication in space measurements, both as scalar as well as
many atoms possess a net magnetic moment and behave as vector instruments.41,71–74 In the scalar configuration, they
small magnets. A sample of a liquid rich in protons 共hydro- are capable of measuring magnetic fields over a wider range
gen nuclei兲 surrounded by a coil is magnetically polarized to than the proton precession instruments and with much higher
align all of its magnetic moments in a given direction. The time resolution. These instruments use the energy required to
sample is then allowed to ‘‘relax’’ in the presence of an ex- transfer atomic electrons from one energy level to another as
ternal magnetic field. The protons that have been aligned the mechanism for magnetic field detection. A cell containing
parallel to the polarizing field will precess like spinning tops a suitable gas is irradiated with light from a discharge lamp
around the ambient magnetic field and induce an ac signal in at the proper frequency to excite the atoms to a quantum
the polarizing coil whose frequency is proportional to the level, which becomes overpopulated as a consequence of for-
magnitude of the field. This frequency is called the Larmor bidden transitions in the system. Under these conditions, the
frequency and is given by gas cell becomes transparent to the irradiating beam 共the pro-
cess used to achieve this is called optical pumping兲. If the
f 共 Hz兲 ⫽ 共 p B/2 兲 , 共3兲 cell is then subjected to a rf signal with energy appropriate to
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Rev. Sci. Instrum., Vol. 73, No. 11, November 2002 Space-based magnetometers 3721
FIG. 1. Schematic for an optically pumped magnetometer 共after Ref. 8兲: 共a兲
basic configuration and 共b兲 self-oscillating loop.
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3722 Rev. Sci. Instrum., Vol. 73, No. 11, November 2002 Mario H. Acuña
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3724 Rev. Sci. Instrum., Vol. 73, No. 11, November 2002 Mario H. Acuña
electronic system. These sweep fields produce synchronous where in this review, this advantage cannot be totally real-
modulation in the photodetector light output, which can be ized in practical spacecraft applications due to external ef-
used to derive vector information about the external mag- fects. A state-of-the-art fluxgate magnetometer will exhibit
netic field. Typically, a frequency of 200 Hz is used for the zero level drift of ⬍0.2 nT/yr and ⬍0.5 nT over the tempera-
sweep field and the resulting signal at the photodetector is ture range of ⫺55 °C⬍T⬍75 °C. The noise performance of
amplified, synchronously rectified, and the current fed back fluxgates is strongly affected by mechanical and thermal
to the sensor assembly to cancel out the field applied. The stresses, which vary over time and with exposure to extreme
operation is very similar to that implemented in a fluxgate environments. These are usually at their maximum during
magnetometer. Some differences are that the excitation and instrument development and testing and it is common for
signal frequencies are identical and vector information is de- noise performance to improve over time after the launch,
rived not from individual sensors but from sweeping fields particularly if exposure to the environment is constant or
applied to a common sensor along two orthogonal planes. limited. The Voyager mission magnetometers improved their
The directions of the sensing ‘‘axes’’ are thus derived elec- noise performance from 0.005 nT rms immediately after the
tronically and are not uniquely related to the mechanical launch in 1977 to 0.001 nT rms 共0–1 Hz bandwidth兲 during
alignment of individual sensors, as in fluxgates. The transfer the Jupiter fly-by 2 years later.
function of the vector helium magnetometer 共VHM兲 is iden- The traditional fluxgate magnetometer design shown in
tical to that of the fluxgate magnetometer given by Eq. 共5兲. Fig. 3 has also evolved to include ‘‘short-circuited’’
The mass and power requirements of VHMs are still higher fluxgates,95,96 ‘‘digital’’ fluxgates,97–99 fast Fourier transform
than comparable performance fluxgate magnetometers with 共FFT兲-based fluxgates,97 ‘‘current output’’ fluxgates,100 and
2–3 kg and 4 – 6 W being representative figures. The power many others. The basic principles remain the same, with the
required to generate the sweep fields over the volume of the differences being mostly in how the error signal is processed
cell and increasing transfer function nonlinearity limit the to generate the feedback field.101 It is difficult to assess the
upper limit measurement capability to ⬃1.5⫻105 nT. As is advantages or disadvantages of each implementation given
the case for all optically pumped magnetometers, the lifetime the multiplicity of requirements and constraints associated
of the gas cell and the stability of the light source are most with each space mission. However, low cost, accuracy,
important considerations for missions of long duration low power consumption, small mass and volume, large
共⬎3–5 yr兲. In 1978 –1979 NASA funded Scintrex, Canada, dynamic range, low noise, and good zero level stability
to study the aging process of cesium vapor lamps for the remain the premier characteristics sought in space-based
MAGSAT mission. It was concluded that lifetimes of the magnetometers.8,49,76,95,102
order of ‘‘several years’’ could be achieved under a stable
thermal regime which maintained the lamp stem at 50 °C and IV. ELECTRON REFLECTION MAGNETOMETRY
the lamp envelope some 150–160 °C hotter. New techniques
in striking the lamps and bringing them to their stable oper- The Mars Global Surveyor and Lunar Prospector mis-
ating point were also necessary to extend their operational sions included magnetic field investigations capable of mak-
life. In the case of helium magnetometers, like those on the ing in situ measurements with high performance fluxgate
Pioneer 10 and 11 missions, the cell and lamp were con- magnetometers like those described above, as well as remote
structed using special glass and seals to minimize gas leak- sensing instruments capable of deriving the intensity of the
age. magnetic field at a significant distance from the spacecraft.
The stability of the zero level or bias over time and The latter use the technique of electron reflectometry, which
temperature and the noise performance of a vector magneto- is based on the fact that ambient electrons, like those in the
meter are some of the most important performance param- solar wind and in planetary environments, can travel along
eters to be considered for weak field measurements such as magnetic field lines and be reflected when they encounter an
those of the IMF, the distant terrestrial magnetosphere, and increase in flux density associated with a source of
around unmagnetized bodies. The data reduction and analy- magnetism.26,29,32 Thus, an electron reflectometer is an in-
sis effort associated with weak field magnetic field investi- strument that measures the flux of electrons moving along
gations are traditionally dominated by ‘‘zero level’’ determi- the local magnetic field lines and the ‘‘pitch angle distribu-
nation issues. The scale factors and intrinsic sensor tion’’ for both directions. The presence of a magnetic source
alignment are stable and once calibrated remain largely con- in the path of the electrons will cause them to be reflected,
stant for the life of the mission. The noise power spectral altering the pitch angle distribution. This information can be
density of a high performance fluxgate magnetometer is typi- cast in the form of a reflection coefficient, which is directly
cal of ‘‘shot noise’’ devices and characterized by a 1/f spec- proportional to the intensity of the field at the point of reflec-
trum with a typical value of ⬃10⫺5 (nT2 /Hz) at 1 Hz for tion. This sensitive technique is particularly useful in the
space research-grade instruments. The source of the noise is case of the Moon where no atmosphere exists to absorb the
attributed to Barkhausen-like mechanisms that affect the mo- electrons and thus surface magnetic fields can be measured
tion of domains in ferromagnetic material in the sensor from an orbiting spacecraft.26 –28 In the case of Mars, the
cores.49 The absence of ferromagnetic materials in optically presence of an atmosphere limits the measurement altitude to
pumped magnetometers results in a flat noise spectrum for the top of the atmosphere or ⬃100 km although the existence
these devices and, in principle, improved long term stability of strong crustal fields limits the usefulness of this
over fluxgates. However, and for reasons discussed else- technique.32 An important advantage of electron reflection
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Rev. Sci. Instrum., Vol. 73, No. 11, November 2002 Space-based magnetometers 3725
FIG. 5. 共Color兲 Artist’s illustration of the Voyager spacecraft and mission to the outer planets. The 14 m long magnetometer boom can be seen in the lower
half of the picture and dominates the dimensions of the spacecraft when deployed. Four triaxial sensors are mounted on this boom, one at the tip, a second
two thirds of the distance from the tip to the base, and two on the support canister.
magnetometry is the improved spatial resolution obtainable agers, engineers, and scientists. Since it is practically impos-
since the ‘‘footprint’’ of the electrons at the point of reflec- sible to reduce the stray spacecraft magnetic field to the
tion is their Larmor radius 共⬍ 2 km for lunar fields兲. The smallest levels required for sensitive measurements, place-
spatial resolution obtainable from in situ measurements with ment of the magnetic sensors away from the main body of
conventional magnetometers aboard an orbiting spacecraft is the spacecraft is commonplace. This technique exploits the
at best equivalent to the orbit altitude above the surface. fact that the magnetic fields produced by finite sources de-
crease rapidly with distance, proportionally to 1/r 3 as a mini-
V. ROCKETS AND SPACECRAFT AS MAGNETIC mum 共higher order multipoles decrease even more rapidly兲,
FIELD MEASUREMENT PLATFORMS where r is the distance to the source. The above is true when
The measurement platforms for the instruments de- the dimensions of the source are smaller than the distance to
scribed above are spacecraft, rockets, and balloons, and they the measurement point. Many missions use long, deployable
include complex systems of mechanical, electrical, and elec- ‘‘booms’’ or masts for this reason and they must be rigid and
tronic components. They all have the potential of producing preserve the alignment required between the magnetic sen-
magnetic fields of their own and careful control techniques sors and the attitude determination sensors mounted on the
must be used to minimize errors introduced by these un- main spacecraft body, which imposes limits on the practical
wanted sources. Batteries, solar arrays, motors, wiring, ma- length of booms. The magnetometer boom of the twin Voy-
terials, etc. must be especially designed and/or selected to ager spacecraft launched in 1977 to explore the outer planets
minimize the generation of ‘‘stray’’ magnetic fields that will of the solar system had a length of 14 m 共42 ft兲 when fully
affect measurements of the ambient field. The design and deployed. An artist’s illustration of the Voyager spacecraft
implementation of a magnetically ‘‘clean’’ spacecraft that shown in Fig. 5 gives a sense of the relative dimensions
meets the stringent requirements of a high accuracy Earth- involved. For a given spacecraft design, the trade-off be-
orbiting or interplanetary mission is an extremely demanding tween boom length and level of magnetic cleanliness re-
task that has tested the fiber of many seasoned project man- quired in the main body and major subsystems is a major
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3726 Rev. Sci. Instrum., Vol. 73, No. 11, November 2002 Mario H. Acuña
FIG. 6. 共Color兲 Illustration of the Mariner 10 spacecraft showing an example of a rigid magnetometer boom and a dual magnetometer arrangement. The boom
is 6 m long and composed of two rigid segments which deploy sequentially.
decision that must take into account many conflicting re- by a center lanyard or restraining mechanism. This lanyard is
quirements, including whether the spacecraft is spin or three also used during deployment to control the rate at which the
axis stabilized. Details on the magnetic interference control, structure unwinds out of the canister. Booms as long as
spacecraft testing, and magnetic cleanliness programs used 45–50 m have been manufactured and mass-per-unit-length
on early spacecraft were given in a review by Ness.8 The ratios of the order of 150 g/m are achievable. Careful control
early boom designs were mostly of rigid tubular type, folded of expansion coefficients and the effect of solar illumination
against the top or side of the spacecraft in the launch con- on the elements yield booms, which exhibit torsional and
figuration. To achieve longer lengths several rigid segments bending stability of the order of a fraction of a degree for
could be deployed sequentially, but the complexity of the lengths up to 10 m or more. An important consideration in
mechanisms required to insure correct deployment limit the computing the total mass associated with a long magnetome-
maximum number of segments to no more than three. Other ter boom system is the weight of the cables connecting the
boom types included ‘‘scissor’’ booms, helically wound sensor at the tip of the boom, since the electronics are located
booms, etc. Figure 6 shows the rigid boom used in the Mari- in the main body of the spacecraft. This mass can easily
ner 10 spacecraft, while Fig. 7 illustrates the scissorstyle exceed that of the boom itself by a significant factor. The
boom used in the MAGSAT spacecraft. rigidity of the sensor cables in cold temperatures and its im-
In the early 1970s a new type of truss-like, deployable pact on boom deployment safety margins are also critical
boom was developed, generically called an ‘‘astromast.’’ issues, particularly in missions where successful boom de-
This very interesting structure is shown deployed in Fig. 8 ployment is a mission critical event.
and is characterized by an extremely favorable length-to- The high cost of deployable booms, their potential ef-
mass ratio. Three, lightweight main longerons, typically fects on spacecraft dynamics, mission success, and magneto-
made of fiberglass, are stabilized by a series of battens and meter alignment, and the complexity of the associated me-
diagonal elements to form a rigid truss. In the undeployed chanical systems limit the affordable boom length that can be
state 共Fig. 9兲, the longerons are coiled inside a canister realized for a given spacecraft design. The dual magnetome-
mounted on the spacecraft and are prevented from deploying ter technique was introduced in 1971 by Ness and co-
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Rev. Sci. Instrum., Vol. 73, No. 11, November 2002 Space-based magnetometers 3727
FIG. 7. 共Color兲 MAGSAT spacecraft and its 6 m scissors boom. Optical mirrors are mounted on the magnetometer sensor platform to ‘‘transfer’’ its
orientation to the main body of the spacecraft using infrared beams.
FIG. 8. 共Color兲 Deployed astromast-style boom used in NASA’s WIND and POLAR spacecraft 共12 and 6 m in length, respectively兲 to separate the sensors
from the body of the spacecraft.
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3728 Rev. Sci. Instrum., Vol. 73, No. 11, November 2002 Mario H. Acuña
FIG. 9. 共Color兲 Undeployed astromast-style boom showing the center lanyard and deployment mechanism.
workers to ease the problem of making sensitive magnetic The dual magnetometer method is illustrated schemati-
field measurements in the presence of a significant spacecraft cally in Fig. 10. The spacecraft-generated magnetic field de-
field.103,104 This method is based on the experimental obser- creases with distance due to the finite size of the sources,
vation that beyond a certain distance most spacecraft- which are assumed located at the center of the spacecraft,
generated magnetic fields decrease as expected for a simple and leads to the existence of a spatial gradient between the
dipole source located near the center of the spacecraft two magnetometer sensors. The ambient field being mea-
(⬃1/r 3 ). Thus it can be shown that if two magnetometer sured is identical at both sensors because its spatial gradient
sensors are used, mounted along a radial boom and located at is insignificant over the dimensions of the spacecraft and
distances r 1 and r 2 , respectively, it is possible to uniquely boom. Thus, each sensor measures a different mixture of
separate the spacecraft-generated magnetic field from the ex- spacecraft and ambient field. For the special case of a dipolar
ternal field being measured. If we denote by B1 and B2 the spacecraft field, the fields due to the spacecraft at the two
vector fields measured at radial locations 1 and 2 with r 2 sensor locations are related by a simple proportionality con-
⬎r 1 , the ambient field and the spacecraft field at location r 1 stant. Thus, the ambient and spacecraft field can be separated
are given by
Bamb⫽ 共 B2 ⫺ ␣ B1 兲 / 共 1⫺ ␣ 兲 , 共7兲
B2 ⫽Bamb⫹Bs/c2 , 共10兲
␣ ⫽ 共 r 1 /r 2 兲 3 . 共12兲 FIG. 10. Illustration of the dual magnetometer technique and associated
formulas. The spacecraft-generated magnetic field (Bs/c) is assumed to be
Note that Eqs. 共11兲 and 共12兲 assume that the spacecraft dipolar and centered at the body of the spacecraft while the external field
field can be represented accurately by that due to a dipole (Bamb) is gradient-free over the separation of the sensors. Bobs is the field
quasicentered on the main body. measured which includes a constant offset Bz0 .
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Rev. Sci. Instrum., Vol. 73, No. 11, November 2002 Space-based magnetometers 3729
analytically as shown above. An immediate benefit of the time and resources, the magnetic fields associated with ex-
dual magnetometer technique is that shorter booms can be isting or heritage components and systems. Current philoso-
used to achieve a level of accuracy equivalent to that af- phy concentrates on first minimizing time-variable space-
forded by a much longer boom. The small increase in mass craft fields associated with soft magnetic materials and
represented by the second magnetometer is more than offset circulating currents in power systems, loads, motors, actua-
by the reduction in boom length and associated cabling. It is tors, solar arrays, etc. since these give rise to unknown and
customary to see this arrangement in spacecraft used for variable errors which are difficult to measure and remove
outer solar system exploration missions where the from the data. Truly static fields associated with hard mag-
spacecraft-generated magnetic field at the sensors may be netic materials can be measured prelaunch and subtracted
many times larger than the weak ambient field. A particular from the measurements assuming that they are time and tem-
advantage of the dual magnetometer method is that it allows perature stable. The techniques used for static and dynamic
unambiguous real time identification and monitoring of the field compensation and minimization include permanent
time variation of the spacecraft-generated field. In a single magnets, single point grounding systems for power distribu-
magnetometer system a change in the field measured can be tion, twisted pair wiring for all significant loads, and the use
attributed to either a change in the spacecraft-generated field, of dummy current loops to create equal but opposite signa-
or a change in the ambient field which leads to a unresolv- tures from circulating currents. Advanced computer con-
able ambiguity in interpretation. Last and most important, trolled laboratory magnetometers that use synchronous sam-
the use of two sensors provides full measurement redun- pling techniques to reject magnetic signatures at 50/60 Hz
dancy, which has proven essential for success in missions of and higher power line harmonics have been developed to
long duration such as those to the outer planets.83 carry out sensitive measurements 共⬃⬍0.2 nT sensitivity兲 in
Some miniature magnetometers used for attitude deter- the Earth’s field and in the normal environment of laboratory
mination and control integrate the fluxgate sensors and elec- and spacecraft development and integration facilities. These
tronics into a single package. This approach is adequate if instruments have largely eliminated the high cost and logistic
accuracy of the order of 10%–20% is acceptable, such as in complexities associated with time-consuming measurements
momentum wheel desaturation applications. However, the at specialized distant magnetic test facilities. They typically
proximity of the sensor to the electronics introduces addi- incorporate real time visualization of the magnetic field data
tional biases and hysteresis effects and limits the environ- being measured, and have literally transformed spacecraft
ment to which the package can be exposed. Fluxgate sensors, magnetic control techniques by eliminating the ‘‘black
by themselves, are capable of withstanding penetrating radia- magic’’ aspects of the field and significantly reducing costs
tion doses of tens of megarads and temperature extremes of and complexity. It is important to emphasize that the useful-
⫺100 to ⫹200 °C without major difficulty, a fact that is not ness of these measurements made in the presence of the
true for the signal processing electronics. Thus, integrated Earth’s field is limited to those applications where induction
sensor-electronics instruments must be mounted within the effects are small. When large structures made of high perme-
main body of the spacecraft where temperature extremes are ability materials, particularly those having a large length-to-
within operational limits but unfortunately the close proxim- diameter ratio 共e.g., magnetic torquers兲, are present, induc-
ity to many sources of stray magnetic fields, substantially tion effects will dominate, thereby introducing great
limits their accuracy. difficulties in interpretation of the data.
The complexity and cost of the early spacecraft magnetic Another important magnetic control tool has been added
control programs were truly staggering by today’s standards. by today’s widespread availability of mathematical modeling
Special nonmagnetic materials were selected for custom- software in personal computers, which has allowed rapid nu-
built passive and active electronic components and very of- merical and/or analytical computation of the magnetic fields
ten were incompatible with reliability considerations. Every generated by permeable structures and different circulating
spacecraft component was magnetically characterized in de- current geometries. These are particularly useful in the case
tail at magnetic test facilities and either compensated for or of solar arrays where many linear current segments and cur-
its design modified to use nonmagnetic parts. The Pioneer 10 rent sheets are involved and a minimal magnetic signature
and 11 spacecraft launched in 1973 to explore Jupiter and due to the variable circulating currents is desired. In some
Saturn105 were able to achieve a residual static field of less cases, like in the Mars Global Surveyor mission, the large
than 0.01 nT 共basically, the limit in practical measurement size of the solar arrays 共⬃15 m2兲 made it possible to use
capability at magnetic test facilities兲 at the end of a 3 m them as booms to place the magnetometer sensors some 5 m
boom where the principal magnetometer sensor was located. from the main body of the spacecraft, at the outer edge of
Similar results were obtained for the Interplanetary Monitor- each panel, obviating the need for a classical deployable
ing Platforms 共IMP兲 launched to explore the Earth’s mag- boom 共see Fig. 11兲. However, that approach required that the
netosphere and the interplanetary medium in the late current paths in the array and solar cells be modeled, calcu-
1960–1970s.8 lated, and manufactured 共to precision of 1.5 mm兲 to cancel
The evolution of technology markets and spacecraft cost out the magnetic field at each sensor location. The final con-
reduction efforts has made it impossible to implement the tamination level achieved in Mars’ orbit for the solar array
kind of magnetic control programs described above in con- contribution was ⬃0.25 nT. This impressive performance
temporary space missions. Most efforts are directed towards was unfortunately compromised by the presence of large ar-
the goal of minimizing or compensating, within available rays of uncompensated magnets in the traveling-wave-tube
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3730 Rev. Sci. Instrum., Vol. 73, No. 11, November 2002 Mario H. Acuña
FIG. 11. Mars Global Surveyor spacecraft, solar panels, locations of mag-
netometer sensors 共OB and IB兲, and high gain antenna which includes the
traveling-wave-tube amplifiers and their magnet assemblies.
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Rev. Sci. Instrum., Vol. 73, No. 11, November 2002 Space-based magnetometers 3731
cessing techniques and algorithms are used to implement usually aligned with the spin axis, the magnetic field compo-
data compression and extraction of information from the on- nents in the spin plane will exhibit large amplitude modula-
board raw data. Many forms of data compression, both loss- tion at the spin frequency. This requires that additional band-
less and lossy, have been used to increase the information width be provided to the magnetometer to resolve the spin
content per magnetometer bit transmitted to the ground. Av- frequency accurately and avoid aliasing, or that spin modu-
eraging and/or data differencing between adjacent samples lation be removed on board prior to data compression and
with periodic baseline recovery is the least complex method transmission to the ground. The same applies if onboard
and is easily implemented with simple logic algorithms. For FFT-based spectral analysis is used: the large amplitude spin
a typical magnetic field power spectrum it achieves compres- induced signals must be removed from the data prior to FFT
sion factors in the range of 2–5 without major penalties or processing to avoid spectral leakage and dynamic range
storage requirements and hence it is often used in data rate problems in digital signal processor 共DSP兲 algorithms. Mod-
limited missions where accurate inversion of the compressed ern space-based magnetometers like those on the WIND and
signal with minimal spectral distortion is an important objec- ACE spacecraft incorporate data de-spinning capabilities in
tive. At the other extreme, complex adaptive lossless algo- their digital processing units45 as part of the onboard FFT
rithms exist which can achieve compression factors in the processor. The de-spinning algorithm utilizes onboard infor-
range of 10–100 but require significant onboard storage and mation on the spin rate and spin phase to transform the mag-
processing capabilities and extremely careful time synchro- netic field data to a coordinate system aligned with a refer-
nization management. It is important to emphasize that the ence direction, usually the Sun.
greater the compression efficiency 共or entropy per bit兲 the The attractive advanced onboard computational capabili-
greater the sensitivity of the system to bit errors introduced ties provided by today’s microprocessors, DSPs, and large
by communication channel performance which may or may memories have to be traded off against the costs and com-
not be correctable. Where significant light-trip times are in- plexities associated with the space environment, the avail-
volved, retransmission of data packets 共as in ground data ability of high reliability components, fault-tolerant software
networks兲 is not an option since space magnetometers gen- development, and testing costs. The high radiation environ-
erally require the acquisition of continuous data streams ment associated with orbits where spacecraft spend a signifi-
without significant gaps and fixed data rate allocations are cant amount of time in the radiation belts or missions to
commonplace. Typical effective data rates for spacecraft Jupiter like Voyager and Galileo severely limits the types of
magnetic field experiments may range from a few bits per devices that can be considered for flight instruments.
second to 2 kbits/s or more while for rockets and balloons Latchup and single-event upsets in memories, processors,
rates of up to several tens of kbits/s are common for direct and complex logic devices must also be considered in de-
links. signing magnetic field instruments for space applications.
Onboard spectrum analyzers based on FFT algorithms The radiation protection afforded by the spacecraft bus, fuel
have been used in advanced magnetic field experiments like tanks, and subsystems can be substantial and is usually taken
the one developed for the WIND and ACE spacecraft.45,46 into account in trade-off studies. Magnetometers with sepa-
The availability, starting in the early 1980s, of high reliabil- rate sensors and electronics can take full advantage of this
ity, low power digital signal processor chips and radiation protection since the sensors are typically much more radia-
hardened memories made possible the efficient implementa- tion tolerant than the electronics and are placed on booms far
tion of FFT engines to process high sample rate magnetome- from the main body of the spacecraft for magnetic contami-
ter data on board spacecraft. Since the magnetometer data nation reasons.
consist of three simultaneous time series that correspond to
the three orthogonal components of the field, each one must VII. PRE-LAUNCH AND IN-FLIGHT CALIBRATION AND
be stored and processed independently. Phase information is ALIGNMENT TECHNIQUES
important, hence both real and imaginary components of the
Accurate calibration of space-based magnetometers with
power spectral matrix are preserved to compute auto- and
a dynamic range of a few nanoteslas to hundreds of thou-
cross-spectral power densities as a function of frequency. In
sands of nanoteslas full scale presents unique problems
general, logarithmic frequency scales are desired and these
which require special techniques and facilities. Among the
must be synthesized from the resulting linear FFT transfor-
many issues involved, the following are typical.
mation. A number of real time and/or frequency domain data
weighting windows are also implemented to attenuate the 共1兲 Shielding or cancellation of the Earth’s magnetic field
spectral contamination effects of discrete length data sets. and the generation of accurately known magnetic fields
Spinning spacecraft are usually preferred for simple at- 共magnitude and direction兲 including very weak fields,
titude stabilization and studies of the plasma and charged ‘‘true zero field,’’ and the minimization of thermoelectri-
particle space environment if full solid angle coverage by the cally induced magnetic fields caused by temperature gra-
instruments is desired. The spinning motion of the spacecraft dients. The typical frequency range considered is 0 to
sweeps the limited field of view of particle instruments 25–50 Hz.
through solid angle space to achieve a much larger spatial 共2兲 The extreme environmental range over which the mag-
sampling of the charged particle population 共the distribution netic field sensors and their electronics must operate and
function兲. Since the magnetometer is fixed to the body of the be characterized 共temperature, pressure, radiation, vibra-
spacecraft or to the boom and one of its sensing axes is tion, shock兲. The parameters of interest are, at a mini-
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3732 Rev. Sci. Instrum., Vol. 73, No. 11, November 2002 Mario H. Acuña
FIG. 13. 共Color兲 Voyager magnetometer boom, supports, and magnetic shields during spacecraft integration and tests. The shields are required to attenuate the
Earth’s field 共⬃31 000 nT兲 so test measurements in the most sensitive range 共⫾8 nT兲 can be made.
mum, noise, zero level, scale factor, and dynamic re- 100 000 and a few arcsec, respectively. Figure 13 illustrates
sponse for each magnetometer dynamic range. some of the complexities associated with integration activi-
Depending on the complexity of the associated onboard ties that involve long magnetometer booms, in this case that
analog and digital processing units, many additional of the Voyager spacecraft. The large structures are not de-
functions and parameters are typically monitored and signed to be self-supporting in the Earth’s gravitational field
characterized. and relatively complex mechanical support equipment must
共3兲 Determination of the angular alignment of the sensors be used to deploy them.
with respect to an external reference coordinate system It is a well-known fact that the launch environment and
over the environment defined in 共2兲 and in controlled the transition to the mission phase environment always result
magnetic fields defined at the beginning of Sec. II. in minor shifts in magnetometer calibration and performance
共4兲 Determination, calibration or elimination of induced parameters except where absolute instruments are involved.
magnetization effects caused by the presence of compo- It therefore becomes necessary to apply in-flight calibration
nents with ferromagnetic materials of high relative per- techniques that have been developed to recover accurate es-
meability 共e.g., electromagnet cores兲. Although the ma-
timates of the true performance parameters for a given space-
terial may not contribute significantly to the stray field
based instrument. To this end, spacecraft attitude maneuvers
its permeability distorts the geometry of the ambient
constitute a powerful calibration and verification tool. They
field sensed by the magnetometer.
can be used effectively to establish effective zero levels and
The cost and complexity of the calibration and space- sensor alignment with respect to the reference axes.43,107
flight qualification activities for space magnetometers can Spinning spacecraft are particularly good for the estimation
match and exceed those of their development and manufac- of zero levels for the two magnetic field components in the
turing phase. For this reason ‘‘heritage’’ instruments that spin plane and the angular alignment of the component par-
have already demonstrated their capabilities and limitations allel to the spin axis. In many three-axis-stabilized spinning
over many space missions are usually preferred since many spacecraft, mechanical sensor ‘‘flippers’’ are used to rotate
of these tests can be simplified or eliminated. The most de- the fluxgate sensors through 90° or 180° and thus establish
manding calibration programs are those associated with ul- the effective zero level of the sensors 共see Fig. 14兲. This
trahigh accuracy instruments designed to map the Earth’s mechanical rotation is equivalent to inverting the leads in a
magnetic field77,79,81 where the absolute magnitude and an- bipolar voltmeter to determine its zero offset. Typical devices
gular accuracy required are of the order of 1–2 parts in used to develop the mechanical force needed to rotate the
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3734 Rev. Sci. Instrum., Vol. 73, No. 11, November 2002 Mario H. Acuña
strongly on precise knowledge of these parameters, many of sarily designed with sensitive magnetics performance re-
which are closely related to system level performance char- quirements in mind. The current stock of high performance
acteristics. Scalar measurements are obviously insensitive to grade, fluxgate sensor materials will be exhausted in the near
coordinate transformation issues and are concerned only with future, just when spacecraft constellation programs involving
spacecraft magnetic contamination levels. perhaps hundreds of spacecraft 共Magnetospheric Multi-
Scale, SWARM, ANTS, etc.兲 are supposed to be coming on
line. Unless a significant investment is made to recover pro-
IX. THE FUTURE duction capabilities for high-grade Permalloys, the perfor-
The preceding discussion has illustrated the significance mance of magnetometers aboard these missions will fall far
of space-based magnetic field measurements and their rel- short of the requirements for ‘‘world-class’’ science and en-
evance, not only for space physics research and planetary gineering.
exploration, but also for the emerging field of space weather
prediction and quantitative assessment of the geoeffective-
ness of solar-terrestrial events.53 Engineering applications in
low and geostationary orbit will continue to take advantage The following are space mission acronyms used in the
of the reliability, simplicity, and low cost of magnetometers text.
as attitude sensors and a control element for magnetic torqu- ACE—Advanced Composition Explorer, NASA Explorer
ing systems. Fluxgate magnetometers are expected to con- mission launched in August of 1997 to measure and compare
tinue to dominate the field although recent improvements in the elemental and isotopic composition of the solar corona
magnetoresistance technology will certainly have an impact and to monitor the interplanetary medium.
on high volume applications such as spacecraft constellations ANTS—Autonomous Nano-Technology Swarm, a fleet of
used for communications from Earth’s orbit where absolute miniature spacecraft that would cruise independently to the
accuracy may not be a primary requirement. In the area of Asteroid Belt. Each probe would hoist its own solar sail to
space research applications, a significant shortage of low capture the minute pressure of the Sun’s rays.
noise, high permeability materials, such as those in the Per- BEPPI COLOMBO—A joint mission by the European Space
malloy family, is a source of concern. The widespread use of Agency 共ESA兲 and Japan’s Institute for Space and Astronau-
ferrites as magnetic core materials in industrial and commer- tical Science 共ISAS兲 to explore the planet Mercury. It will be
cial applications, with their significant cost and performance launched in the near future.
advantages, has caused the almost total disappearance of CASSINI mission—This spacecraft was launched by NASA
U.S. manufacturers of tape-wound cores and specialty in 1997 to explore the Saturn system beginning in 2004.
nickel–iron–molybdenum alloys used in high performance CLUSTER II—An ESA mission consisting of four identical
fluxgate sensors. The increasing use of amorphous metallic spacecraft launched in the summer of 2000 to explore near-
glasses to replace Permalloys49,109,110 is a compromise since Earth space.
their lower Curie temperature 共⬍300 vs ⬎600 °C兲 implies DEEP SPACE 1—A NASA New Millenium Mission
poorer temperature stability. Specialized temperature anneal- launched in October 1998 to demonstrate new space tech-
ing of these alloys to improve noise performance does not nologies in propulsion and guidance.
always result in better temperature stability. The market for GALILEO—The GALILEO spacecraft was launched by
research grade instruments is extremely limited and it is not NASA in October of 1989 to carry out a 2 year detailed
expected that recovery of the high-grade Permalloy produc- exploration of Jupiter, its moons, and environment.
tion capabilities of the 1970s will take place any time soon. GEOTAIL—The GEOTAIL mission is a collaborative
Limited high-grade Permalloy production capabilities exist project by Japan’s ISAS and the National Aeronautics and
in Europe and Japan but their future is probably just as un- Space Administration 共NASA兲. Its primary objective is to
certain as it is in the US. study the dynamics of the Earth’s magnetotail over a wide
The current trend of spacecraft miniaturization consti- range of distances. It is also part of the International Solar
tutes another significant problem for sensitive, research- Terrestrial Physics Program.
grade, magnetic field measurements. In addition to the sig- GIOTTO—An ESA mission named after the Italian artist
nificant decrease in signal-to-noise-ratio resulting from Giotto and launched in July of 1985 to encounter the comet
reduced sensor dimensions, as the spacecraft size is reduced Halley.
the distance from the sensor to the sources of unwanted HELIOS—A joint NASA–Federal Republic of Germany
fields is also reduced, and their effect amplified as ⬃(r 0 /r) 3 project consisting of two spacecraft 共Helios 1 and Helios 2兲
where r 0 denotes the reference distance and r the reduced launched in 1974 and 1976 to explore interplanetary space
distance to the source. The overall reduction in spacecraft close to the Sun 共⬃0.4 AU兲.
power consumption with miniaturization is not sufficient at INTERPLANETARY MONITORING PLATFORM 共IMP兲—
present to compensate for the deleterious effects of the prox- IMP-8 was launched by NASA on October 26, 1973 to mea-
imity of the sources. In principle, custom spacecraft and sub- sure the magnetic fields, plasmas, and energetic charged par-
system designs that take into account magnetic field mea- ticles of the Earth’s magnetotail and magnetosheath and of
surement objectives could result in acceptable performance the near-Earth solar wind. IMP-8 was the last of 10 IMP
but are ruled out by cost considerations. Low cost, spacecraft launched over 10 years.
commercial-off-the-shelf 共COTS兲 subsystems are not neces- LIVING WITH A STAR 共LWS兲—This is a space-weather
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Rev. Sci. Instrum., Vol. 73, No. 11, November 2002 Space-based magnetometers 3735
focused, applications-driven NASA research program. Its WIND and POLAR Missions—The WIND and POLAR
goal is to develop scientific understanding of those aspects spacecraft are part of the ISTP to study Solar-Terrestrial
connected with the Sun–Earth system that directly affect life Physics. They were launched in 1994 and 1996, respectively.
and society.
LUNAR PROSPECTOR—A NASA Discovery mission 1
Sh. Sh. Dolginov and N. V. Pushkov, Dokl. Akad. Nauk USSR 129, 77
launched in January of 1998 to orbit the Moon and map its 共1959兲.
surface composition and polar ice deposits, and measure Sh. Sh. Dolginov, L. N. Zhuzgov, and N. V. Pushkov, Artificial Earth
magnetic and gravity fields. Satellites 2, 63 共1959兲.
Sh. Sh. Dolginov, L. N. Zhuzgov, and V. A. Selyutin, Iskusstvennyye
MAGNETOSPHERIC MULTI-SCALE 共MMS兲—A fleet of Sputniki Zemli 4, 135 共1960兲.
four spacecraft similar to CLUSTER designed to study the 4
C. P. Sonnet, J. Geophys. Res. 68, 1229 共1963兲.
Earth’s magnetosphere. This mission is part of the NASA 5
J. P. Heppner et al., Space Res. 1, 982 共1960兲.
L. J. Cahill, Space Physics 共1964兲, pp. 301–349.
Solar Terrestrial Probes program. 7
N. F. Ness, J. Geophys. Res. 70, 2989 共1965兲.
MAGSAT—The Magsat project was a joint NASA/U.S. 8
N. F. Ness, Space Sci. Rev. 11, 459 共1970兲.
Geological Survey 共USGS兲 effort to map near-Earth mag- 9
N. F. Ness et al., Science 233, 85 共1986兲.
netic fields on a global basis. The spacecraft was launched in
N. F. Ness et al., Science 246, 1473 共1989兲.
J. E. P. Connerney, M. H. Acuña, and N. F. Ness, J. Geophys. Res., 关Solid
October 1979 and re-entered the Earth’s atmosphere six Earth Planets兴 92, 15234 共1987兲.
months later. 12
J. E. P. Connerney, M. H. Acuña, and N. F. Ness, J. Geophys. Res., 关Solid
MARINER missions—A series of NASA missions launched Earth Planets兴 96, 19023 共1991兲.
since the early 1960s designed to explore the interplanetary C. T. Russell, R. C. Elphic, and J. A. Slavin, J. Geophys. Res. 85, 8319
medium and the terrestrial planets. The last spacecraft in the 14
N. F. Ness, Annu. Rev. Earth Planet Sci. 7, 249 共1979兲.
series were the twin Mariner Jupiter–Saturn probes launched 15
S. C. Solomon, New Sci. 165, 2223 共2000兲.
in 1977 later renamed Voyagers 1 and 2 共see below兲. 16
D. MacKenzie, New Sci. 168, 2261 共2000兲.
Sh. Sh. Dolginov, L. N. Zhuzgov, and S. I. Shkolnikova, Kosm. Issled. 22,
792 共1984兲.
mission launched in 1996 to map the red planet and study is 18
J. G. Luhmann, Rev. Geophys. 29, 965 共1991兲.
topography, magnetic field, and gravity. 19
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