Classical Mechanics PPT
Classical Mechanics PPT
Classical Mechanics PPT
Classical Mechanics
Inertia F= F12 = − F21
Dr. Soumyadipta Pal Physics Class
1. Newtonian mechanics is valid only in inertial frames of reference which are by definition
Cartesian-like and move with constant velocities. Newtonian mechanics can not be
applied in case of non-inertial frames of reference.
2. For writing the differential equation of motion, a particular coordinate system has to be
selected by considering the symmetry of the system.
Dr. Soumyadipta Pal Physics Class
dt dt
d 2r
which is not in the form m 2 = Fr . Here, the force depends on both the parameters
r and . Such a coupled dependency of coordinates is very much inconvenient. This
inconvenience can be avoided if one selects a generalized coordinate system without
making any reference to a specific coordinate system.
Dr. Soumyadipta Pal Physics Class
4. The Newtonian formulation require complete specification of all the forces which act on
the body whose motion is under consideration. But it has been observed that sometimes
the independent form of some forces can not be known though the effects of them on the
concerned system are well known. Consequently, it becomes difficult to find the solution
of the equation of motion in order to know the nature of motion of the particles of the
One can easily avoid all these aforementioned difficulties if one uses the new
formulation called Lagrangian formulation, Hamiltonian formulation.
Dr. Soumyadipta Pal Physics Class
What is Constraint?
Constraint: Curve or Surface on which the particle must move. The
limitations on motion are often called constraints.
Constraint Equation
Holonomic Non-Holonomic
constraint constraint
[Constraints can be expressed as an [Constraints can not be expressed
equation connecting position of the as an proper equation connecting
particles and the time. position of the particles and the
f(q1,q2,q3,…..qn,t)=0, time.
where {q1,q2,q3,…..qn} are n generalized f(q1,q2,q3,…..qn) ≥ 0.
coordinates. They are independent of
velocity of the particles.] They are dependent of velocity of the
Scleronomic Rheonomic
constraints constraints
[Constraints which
[Constraints which
do not explicitly
explicitly depend on time.]
depend on time.]
Dr. Soumyadipta Pal Physics Class
Equation of Constraints
x2 + y 2 + z 2 = a2
r 2 = a2
r 2 − a2 = 0
Holonomic Constraint Equation
r2 = l2 r =l
Positions of the bob in the simple pendulum
can be described by component.
, → Generalized Coordinate
Due to constraints in a system, we can reduce the number of coordinates required to
describe its motion. And we can simplify the mathematical description of its motion.
Dr. Soumyadipta Pal Physics Class
m1a1 = T − m1 g
m2 a2 = m2 g − T
m1a1 + m2 a2 = ( m2 − m1 ) g
a2 =
( m2 − m1 )
g As magnitude of accelerations of
( m2 + m1 ) m2g m1 and m2 are same,
( m2 − m1 )
a2 =
( m2 − m1 ) | a2 | = | − a1 |
a1 = − g g
( m2 + m1 ) ( m2 + m1 )
a1 = − 2
( m − m1 ) g
( m2 + m1 )
Dr. Soumyadipta Pal Physics Class
1. In each of the following cases state whether the constraint is holonomic or non-
holonomic and scleronomic or rehonomic, give reason for your answer.
2. Three masses m1, m2and m3are connected by massless thread as shown in
figure, shown below. The horizontal table is frictionless. Find the relation between
acceleration a1, a2 and a3.
3. A pole of length l and negligible mass leans against a wall at an angle θ with the
horizontal. Find the constraint relating vertical velocity of one end to the horizontal
velocity of the other.
Degrees of Freedom
✓ Degrees of freedom is important in the analysis of systems of bodies
in mechanical engineering, structural engineering, aerospace
engineering, robotics as well as in thermodynamics for finding out
thermal energy, specific heat etc.
Positions of the ball on the sphere Positions of the bob in the simple pendulum
can be described by and can be described by coordinate.
, → Generalized Coordinate → Generalized Coordinate
2 6
3 9
N 3N
Degrees of Freedom
Translational Degrees of Freedom
No. of degrees of
No. of particles Or
moving in 2- No. of independent
dimensional plane coordinates required
to specify the state of
the system
1 2
2 4
3 6
N 2N
Degrees of
Degrees of
Degrees of Freedom
Ref: Free
Degrees of Freedom of a Rigid body which can move freely in 3-
dimensional space: ✓If 3 non-collinear points of a rigid
z body are fixed in space, then rigid body
is also fixed in space.
(x1,y1,z1) (x2,y2,z2) ✓ These 3 points have total 9 co-
✓ Since the body is rigid, we have
constraint equations:
( x1 − x2 ) 2 + ( y1 − y2 ) 2 + ( z1 − z2 ) 2 = constant
( x2 − x3 ) 2 + ( y2 − y3 ) 2 + ( z2 − z3 ) 2 = constant
x ( x3 − x1 ) 2 + ( y3 − y1 ) 2 + ( z3 − z1 ) 2 = constant
✓Hence 3 coordinates can be expressed in terms of remaining 6.
✓ Thus, 6 independent coordinates are needed to describe the motion.
✓ So, there are total 6 degrees of freedom.
Degrees of Freedom of a Rigid body which can move freely in 3-
dimensional space: Different explanation
𝑑 𝜕𝐿 𝜕𝐿
− =0
𝑑𝑡 𝜕𝑞ሶ 𝑘 𝜕𝑞𝑘
𝑑 𝜕𝐿 𝜕𝐿
− = 𝜆1 𝐴𝑘
𝑑𝑡 𝜕𝑞ሶ 𝑘 𝜕𝑞𝑘
Simple pendulum via Lagrangian mechanics
Simple pendulum via Lagrangian mechanics
Simple pendulum via Lagrangian mechanics
‘Cyclic ‘ is sometimes used in a different sense in connection with periodic variables.
1. Find the equation of motion of a system of spring
(spring constant = k ) connected to a body of mass
m at one end and other end attached to a fixed support,
using Lagrange’s equation.
4. Derive equations of motion for a particle moving under central force, when 𝐹 = − 𝑟 2 .
Then what is the form of those equations?
5. Use Lagrange’s equations to find the differential equation for a compound pendulum which
oscillates in a vertical plane about a fixed horizontal axis.
6. A particle of mass m moves under the influence of gravity on the inner surface of the
paraboloid of revolution 𝑥 2 + 𝑦 2 = 𝑎𝑧 which is assumed frictionless. Obtain the equations of
7. A double pendulum vibrates in a vertical plane. (a) Write the Lagrangian of the system.
(b) Obtain equations for the motion.
8. A bead slides without friction on a frictionless wire in the shape of a cycloid with equations
𝑥 = 𝑎 𝜃 − 𝑠𝑖𝑛𝜃 , 𝑦 = 𝑎 1 + 𝑐𝑜𝑠𝜃 , where 0 ≤ 𝜃 ≤ 2𝜋. Find (a) the Lagrangian function, (b)
the equation of motion.
9. (a) Set up the Lagrangian for a particle of mass m falling freely in a uniform gravitational
field and (b) write Lagrange’s equations.
10. Use Lagrange’s equations to describe the motion of a projectile launched with speed v0 at an
angle α with the horizontal.
11. Use Lagrange’s equations to describe the motion of a particle of mass m down a frictionless
inclined plane of angle α.
Concept of Gradient
Gradient definition
Gradient of scalar field give the magnitude and direction of the maximum
space rate at which scalar field increases.
n̂ =
The direction is perpendicular to the scalar surface.
E = −
Concept of Gradient
Important Theorems
If A = , then
A . dr is independent of the path C in the region joining P1 and P2 .
A . dr = 0 around any closed curve C in the region.
C A. dl
S A = Lim nˆ
S →0 S
Q: (a) Prove that F = ( y 2 cos x + z 3 ) iˆ + (2 y sin x − 4) ˆj + ( 3xz 2 + 2 ) kˆ
is conservative force field.
(b) Find the scalar potential for F .
(c) Find the work in moving an object in this field from (0,1,-1)
to , −1, 2 .
(a) A necessary and sufficient condition for a force will be
conservative is that Curl F = F = 0.
i j kˆ
Now, F =
x y z
y cos x + z 2 y sin x − 4 3xz + 2
3 2
= i ( 3xz 2 + 2 ) − ( 2 y sin x − 4 ) − j ( 3xz 2 + 2 ) − ( y 2 cos x + z 3 )
y z x z
F .dr
ˆ ˆ ˆ
( )
P2 P2
= .dr [ F = ] = iˆ ˆ
+j +k . i dx + ˆj dy + k dz
P1 P1
x y z
P2 2 P P
= dx + dy + dz = d = d ( y 2 sin x + xz 3 − 4 y + 2 z + constant)
x y z P1 P1
, −1,2
= y sin x + xz − 4 y + 2 z
2 3 2 = 15 + 4
(0,1, −1)
Physical Interpretation of Divergence
Positive Divergence
Negative Divergence
Zero Divergence
.B = 0 .E = .E = 0
Solenoidal Non- Solenoidal
Physical Interpretation of Divergence
Ans: . A = iˆ + ˆj + kˆ . x 2 z iˆ − 2 y 3 z 2 ˆj + xy 2 z kˆ
dx dy dz
= ( x 2 z ) + ( −2 y 3 z 2 ) + ( xy 2 z )
dx dy dz
= 2 xz − 6 y 2 z 2 + xy 2
at (1, −1,1)
= −3
Physical Interpretation of Divergence
Q2: Find the value . . Here r = x 2
+ y 2
+ z 2
is the radial coordinate of sphere.
1 + ˆj 1
= iˆ
dx ( x 2 + y 2 + z 2 )
dy ( x 2 + y 2 + z 2 )
r r 3 3 3
So, . 3 = −3 5 . r + 3 = − 3 + 3 = 0
1 r r r r r
+ kˆ
dz ( x 2 + y 2 + z 2 )
3 3 3
− ( 2x) − (2y) − ( 2z )
= iˆ
2 ˆj 2 ˆ 2
+ + k
( x2 + y 2 + z 2 ) ( x2 + y 2 + z 2 ) ( x2 + y 2 + z 2 )
5/2 5/2 5/2
3 x iˆ + y ˆj + z kˆ ) = −3 r
(x 2
+y +z
2 5/2 r5
Conservation of Linear Momentum
If the force acting on a particle is F , then the moment of force or torque about O is defined as
Differentiating Eq. 1 time, then
Thus, the time rate of change of angular momentum of a particle is equal to the torque acting
on it.
Now, work done by an external force F upon a particle in displacing from point 1 to point 2 is
defined as
Thus, if the force is conservative, the work done on the particle around a closed path in the
force field is zero. In case of a non-conservative force like friction, the amount of work done
around different paths are different and in closed path not zero.
According to Stoke’s theorem,
So for ds ≠ 0, in general
Conservation of Energy
Therefore the force can be expressed as
The amount of work done by a force in moving a particle from position 1 to 2 is given by the
change in kinetic energy, as
And, if the force is conservative in nature, the work done by that conservative force is
The sum of kinetic and potential energies (i.e. total mechanical energy) of a particle remains
constant in a conservative force field. This is known as law of conservation energy.
Definition of Central force
The central force is attractive or repulsive if f(r) < 0 or f(r) > 0, respectively.
Some important properties of Central force field
If a particles moves in a central force field, then the following properties are valid.
1. The path or orbit of the particle must be a plane curve, i.e., the particle moves in a plane.
3. The particle moves in such a way that the position vector or radius vector drawn from O
to the particle sweeps out equal areas in equal times. In other words, the time rate of
change in area is constant. This is sometimes called the law of areas.
Equation of motion
The path or orbit of the particle must be a plane curve, i.e., the
particle moves in a plane. Choose this plane to be the xy plane and
the coordinates describing the position of the particle at any time t
to be polar coordinates ( r,).
1.The path or orbit of the particle in central force field plane curve
Let F = f(r) r1 be the central force field. Then
Where h is a constant vector. Now operating dot product with r both sides of the equation.
Thus r is perpendicular to the constant vector h, and so the motion takes place in a plane.
We shall assume that this plane is taken to be the xy plane whose origin is at the center of
2. A particle moving in a central force field the angular momentum
is conserved.
As F = f(r) r1 be the central force field. Then
Since the left side of the equation is the angular momentum, it follows that the angular
momentum is conserved, i.e, is always constant in magnitude and direction.
3. A particle moving in a central force field the areal velocity is
Suppose that in time t the particle moves from P to Q. In that time
The position vector moves from r to r + r. Then the area swept out by
the position vector in this time is approximately half the area of a
parallelogram with sides r and r .
= constant vector
The result is often stated as follows: If a particle moves in a central force field
with O as center, then the radius vector drawn from O to the particle sweeps out
equal areas in equal times. This result is sometimes called the law of areas.
Kepler’s Laws
1. Planets move around the Sun in ellipses, with the Sun at one focus.
2. The line connecting the Sun to a planet sweeps equal areas in equal time
3. The square of the orbital time period of a planet is proportional to the cube of
the semi-major axis of the ellipse.
Kepler’s 1st Law
Equation of motion
The path or orbit of the particle must be a plane curve, i.e., the
particle moves in a plane. Choose this plane to be the xy plane and
the coordinates describing the position of the particle at any time t
to be polar coordinates ( r,).
If E < 0,
So, the conic is an ellipse.
Kepler’s 2nd Law