Performance-Based Assessment Notes
Performance-Based Assessment Notes
Performance-Based Assessment Notes
1. Usually the most costly approach
2. Time consuming and labor intensive to design and execute for faculty and students
3. Must be carefully designed if used to document obtainment of student learning
4. Rating can be more subjective
5. Requires careful training of raters
Performances allow students to show how they can apply knowledge and skills under
the direct observation of the teacher. These are generally done in the classroom since
they involve teacher observation at the time of performance. Much of the work may
be prepared outside the classroom but the students “perform” in a situation where the
teacher or others may observe the fruits of their preparation. Performances may also
be based on in-class preparation. They include oral reports, skits and role-plays,
demonstrations, and debates (McTighe & Ferrara, 1998).
Intended Learning Outcomes: The students are expected to design a lesson plan
utilizing the Gagne’s Nine Events of Instruction.
Description Example
Goal state the goal, problem, The goal is to design a
challenge, or obstacle to lesson plan utilizing the
be resolved in the task Gagne’s Nine Events of
(This should be consistent Instruction.
to the intended learning
Role define the role of the The students are the lesson
students in the task and planners/designers.
what they are being asked
to do
Audience Identify the target The target audience is the
audience within the teacher and the students in
context of the scenario the class.
(Remember, the audience
is not limited to the
Situation Provide and explain the The situation is the students
context of the situation are assuming the role of the
and any additional factors teacher as lesson
that could impede the planner/designer. They need
resolution of the problem to use Gagne’s Nine Events
of Instruction effectively
deliver a lesson in their
respective classes.
Product, explain the product or Students need to write a
Performance, performance that needs to lesson plan following the
and Purpose be created and its larger stages of instruction as
purpose. prescribed in the Gagne’s
Nine Events of Instruction.
These stages are: (1)
Gaining the attention of the
students, (2) Informing the
learner of the objective, (3)
Stimulating recall of prior
learning, (4) Presenting the
content, (5) Providing
learning guidance, (6)
Eliciting the performance,
(7) Providing feedback, (8)
Assessing the performance,
and (9) Enhancing retention
and transfer.