Theater Script - The Birth of Jesus
Theater Script - The Birth of Jesus
Theater Script - The Birth of Jesus
Joseph: Well, if this is the case, I will fulfill the mission José: Thank you, good man! That will be fine.
entrusted to me and I will love Jesus as my son.
Innkeeper: (Surprised) How? Sir, I was kidding, that's the
Ángel Gabriel: (Exiting the scene) Remember José, Mary animal barn.
loves you and continues to preserve her purity and
innocence. José: It doesn't matter sir, what we need is a place to
rest and protect ourselves from the cold.
Innkeeper: Well, if you insist, come forward, it's at the
Narrator: A few days before Jesus was born, Joseph and back. It's not much, but the ox will keep you warm.
Mary had to make a long trip from Nazareth to
Bethlehem in Judea, Joseph's hometown, since the (Joseph, Mary and the Innkeeper go to the stable)
Roman emperor Caesar Augustus had ordered a census
to be taken to make sure everyone was José: Thank you sir, how much do I owe you?
paying taxes, so each family had to travel to the city of
origin of the head of the family. Innkeeper: Nothing, sir. How do you think of it? I can't
charge you anything, come forward. (To María) Here,
(Joseph walking, pulling the donkey on which Mary is my lady, take this lamp and this blanket to cover you
riding) from the cold.
Soldier : By edict of Emperor Caesar Augustus I order María: Thank you sir, you are very kind, God bless you
that every person Jan has to go to his place of origin for and reward you for your help.
the census.
(The innkeeper leaves and the little donkey lies down
José: María, are you very tired? next to the ox)
María: Yes José, a little bit. Well, quite a bit because the José: Lie down, Maria. Are you cold?
road to Bethlehem is very long.
María: A little bit, José.
José: The night is approaching and we must look for a
place to rest. José: I'll cover you with the blanket.
María: Look, there is an inn nearby, let's ask if there is (The light goes out)
room for us.
(María stays next to the donkey and José knocks on the
door of the inn) Narrator: That night Joseph and Mary saw the promise
of the Savior's advent fulfilled, upon hearing the cry of
Innkeeper: Good evening. their long-awaited child in the humble manger. Near the
stable, there was a group of shepherds who, under the
José: Good evening sir. I would like to know if there is a cold blanket of night, chatted and sang while they
place for us to spend the night, since we have come watched and took care of their flocks.
Juan: It looks like something that flies!
Juan: How quiet the night is! Leticia: Could it be an angel?
Samuel: Yes, there is something in the environment that Samuel: He's an angel!
gives a feeling of peace.
Leticia: Oh, how beautiful it is, everything full of light!
Leticia: Look! That star shines brighter than any other!
(The entire stage lights up and the shepherds try to run)
Juan and Samuel: It's true!
Angel Gabriel: Glory to God in the highest and peace on
Leticia: That star must mean something. earth to men of good will. Do not fear, do not flee. I
have good news for you that will bring joy to the entire
Juan: You're right, but what? town.
Samuel: I feel like something will happen soon that will Juan: What is that good news?
change things forever.
Angel Gabriel: That the Savior of the World has been
Leticia: Mmm... I remember our father was commenting born. The king of Kings. The son of God.
something about a prophecy.
Angel Gabriel: Follow that big and bright star, and there
Leticia: Hey Samuel, what do you know about the you will find the Child wrapped in swaddling clothes and
prophecy of the redeemer? resting in a manger in the company of his parents, an ox
and a small donkey.
Samuel: Well, what my grandparents told me is that a
Messiah will come who will be the hope of the people of Samuel: Let's go look for him, and let's go and worship
Israel. the Child God who has already been born.
John: Could he be the king who will expel Rome from (The shepherds walk following the light and arrive at
Israel? the stable where an Angel is)
Samuel: Well, just so you know, John, the prophet Leticia: Here it is... here it is... let's go in!
Malachi said: “And your Bethlehem, you are not the
least of the cities of Judea, since from you will come the (The shepherds enter and approach where the child is
one who will govern my people.” lying)
Juan: In Bethlehem? In our city? I don't believe it. (Mary and Joseph are at his side)
Leticia: When do you think the Messiah will arrive? Juan: The baby is lying in a manger, just as the Angel
Samuel: Hopefully it will be soon, since Herod and the
Romans treat us worse and worse. Leticia: How beautiful it is!
Juan: It's true, we need someone to remember the poor (All the shepherds kneel to worship the child)
and dispossessed like us.
Leticia: We have to give the Good News to everyone.
Samuel: Let's enjoy that wonderful star that the night Everyone should know that God sent his Son to be our
has given us. Savior.
Leticia: Something is happening, the star is shining ACT VI (THREE KINGS OF THE EAST FOLLOW A STAR)
brighter than ever and has illuminated that abandoned
stable that is near here! Narrator: The shepherds returned to their flocks,
praising God for sending his son to save his people.
Samuel: Look... Look... something is coming! Later, three wise men from the East saw the bright star.
1 Wizard King: Look, that bright star in the sky!
Three Wise Men: (To Joseph and Mary) Good night, we
2 Wizard King: We already know what that means. come from far away and we have brought gifts for our
3 Wizard King: Yes, ancient prophecies comment that
when the child King is born, a bright star will appear in José: Come forward.
the sky.
3 Wizard King: I brought him the myrrh that should be
1 Wizard King: Let's follow her! anointed on the chosen men, since this child will be a
great man among men.
2 Wizard King: Yes, we have to find the new King, the
star will guide our path. 1 Wizard King: I have brought you the incense that is
offered to God, since Jesus is the son of God made man.
Narrator: The three Wise Men followed the star to the
country of Judea and when they arrived at the capital, 2 Wizard King: And I brought him the gold that is given
Jerusalem, they began to ask the people. But when to kings, because your son has come from God, as king
Herod, the king of Judea, heard this, he sent of the world, to bring justice and peace to all peoples.
to look for the three wise men to talk to them.
Narrator: That night when the Three Wise Men were
Three Wise Men: Where is the child who was born to be sleeping, an angel appeared to them in their dreams.
the King of the Jews? We have come from the far east to
worship him. Angel: God sent me to warn you not to return to Herod,
since his true plan is to end the life of the Child Jesus.
Herod: (Thinking) I can't let someone else take my Take another way back that takes you away from Herod.
place. I am the only king of this land! I have to do
something! Soldier! Narrator: The next day, when I woke up,………….. They
returned to their countries in the East following a
Soldier: Yes, your majesty. different path. When the Three Wise Men left, Herod
was furious because they had not returned to inform
Herod: Bring before me those three Wise Men who ask him of the whereabouts of the Child God and his plan
about the new King. Tell them I need to talk to them. had failed.