Neere! Songide “Pabernon
Rolls- LHW
prog rown te MeA
pode - ¥2 (A)
S ab} ote Momagement Accounting
TS no t- Wve 04 /23/4%/ FULi
|— : Assigned
* Decision -
The. Comper Should accept ne special
| onder becoune. tre Bromelal advoen
of ceeptng ue onder !s ¥ 2,600
Exen though Ye $668 price is debaw
The ronal ney unit Product eset.
| Te Imenementel peyenut from fhe
| speci onlin onecedi the Imenemented
Gast, Reredting In ox mt fromedul
benefit to due, Company |
* Te Fired egsts
Te, Pee) od ‘mcthis cane. bg agsoeiodes
with pe punchom of shenails ee
Sera pointing tua. spollee department|
Lown omd — ortken. entity ing “merds,
The Pred cost ts explicttly chided an
#2400 inthe ttfaremadion provided
Tranene, pe fed cost is 2,400.
* Caution
The carson principle soot
decisims Should foun on imenementad
| Costs ond benefits amonided sus a
particulon. certin. Tn ofals cone, fre
ig exolusding OO specdel
| onden fast is sepande trom is
prraduetion ond doer mot
Inpoet its existing Pixed momufaefunivg
Ovenhead Casts, “Thenefone, The Coumpoorp
| ig Consibening tre adtttional yantable
Costs, Suctk or, dineet motendts,PO
Sinest fobor, vaniable nomelokunin
overhead, omnd ~Hhe Speclal medifientians
Tn. neledion to fre menemental nevenve
| from tee Speetol onder.
(% feewing on ‘nenernertel costs amd
enchts , Mourtain. Gaoat cyclen ba duadk
a Samd deeision to crcegot