Problems and Methods of A Closed-Loop Blood Glucos
Problems and Methods of A Closed-Loop Blood Glucos
Problems and Methods of A Closed-Loop Blood Glucos
Abstract. The automation of the insulin therapy in the closed-loop blood glucose control
system is accompanied by such problems as delays of the feedback and the controlling action
effect on blood glucose dynamics, difficulties in low and high glucose levels advance detection
and timely compensation, a human factor, complexity of a mathematical model of control
object building, evaluation of blood glucose control efficiency. In the paper, these automation
problems and methods for their compensation are considered. The closed-loop system based on
the model predictive control, adaptive adjustment of the controlling action and decision-
making support was developed. Experimental testing with UVA/Padova Type 1 Diabetes
Mellitus Simulator showed that the application of suggested methods in the closed-loop allows
increasing the efficiency of the blood glucose maintaining in the target range.
1. Introduction
Type 1 diabetes mellitus is the endocrine chronic disease associated with high blood glucose (BG)
caused by violation of insulin production in the pancreas. To control BG and maintain it in the target
normal range, all over the world personalized closed-loop systems are being developed with different
automation levels, control methods and strategies [1]. The main goal of researches and developments
in the field is to build an automatic control system that will allow minimizing a patient participation in
BG regulation.
Closed-loop control systems consist of an insulin pump as an effector, a continuous glucose
monitor (CGM) as a feedback sensor, and a regulator that provides regulation of controlling action
(subcutaneous insulin infusion) according to the feedback and built-in control algorithms [2]. Existing
and developing systems show promising results in BG maintaining during clinical trials [3–5],
however, along with the high cost of devices, the efficiency and safety of most systems today is not
sufficient for their widespread use by patients with type 1 diabetes.
A number of difficulties related to the system structure, choosing the control method, physiological
features of hormone regulation, mathematical modelling of the system and the efficiency of BG
control evaluation accompanies development of an automated closed-loop system. This work is
devoted to considering these problems and compensating methods including commonly applied as
well as proposed ones.
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ICCT 2021 IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2091 (2021) 012020 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/2091/1/012020
Food intake causes a sharp BG increase and requires an impulse controlling action to compensate it
– a high-rate insulin infusion (bolus). Taking into account the delay in the insulin effect, to increase
the efficiency of BG normalization, prediction algorithms are used to calculate the optimal bolus form
and dose according to meal data and to inject insulin in advance. Modern closed-loop systems
commonly use such control methods as PID-regulation, model predictive control (MPC), fuzzy logic
or their combinations.
PID algorithms [9] respond to measured glucose levels and do not perform direct prediction with
taking into account a number of physiological parameters but analysis of the future BG dynamic by its
differential component. Therefore, even with well-optimized constants, PID-regulation is usually
accompanied by significant overshoot and has a fairly long regulation time. When impulse controlling
action, this can lead to a significant sharp decrease of BG and a risk to the patient's health.
A more physiological control method is MPC [10], which predicts the BG dynamics based on the
mathematical modeling of the control object. The method takes into account not only current
measured BG levels but also meal data and physiological parameters of a particular patient when
formatting a controlling action. The disadvantage of the method is the complexity of constructing a
sufficiently reliable mathematical model of the object. However, the method implies the possibility of
the model parameters optimization during the system operation to improve the prediction accuracy.
ICCT 2021 IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2091 (2021) 012020 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/2091/1/012020
Fuzzy logic methods [11] are based on modeling of physician’s decisions on real-time adjustments
of insulin doses based on CGM data. Compared to MPC and PID-regulation, fuzzy logic control uses
more information from experts and relies less on mathematical modeling of the physiological system.
Figure 2. Events detection: one type of trends correlation can correspond to several possible events.
ICCT 2021 IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2091 (2021) 012020 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/2091/1/012020
As a result of the trend analysis, such events are detected as the absence or falsity of data about
meal or manual insulin injection, the absence of the meal fact, an insulin pump malfunction, a glucose
sensor error, as well as stress or physical activity.
Jt 1 , J t 0;1 (4)
g min Gn
BP tm tm 15 , B [0;1] (5)
G fasting Gn
where gmin is a minimum BG, Gfasting is a target BG, Gn is the lower limit of the target range, gmax is a
maximum BG, Gcrit is the upper threshold value, GHb is the average BG value for a normal glycated
hemoglobin index, Jh is the integral value under similar conditions for a healthy person, τcrit is the
maximum regulation time, g min is a minimum BG for B criterion, tm is the meal time.
ICCT 2021 IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2091 (2021) 012020 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/2091/1/012020
The criteria combination using to calculate the overall efficiency function depends on the purpose
of the method usage. For example, the criteria Jg and Jt are correlated and it is sufficient to use only
one of them. At the same time, the hyperglycemia integral index is more complex in calculation and
requires processing a large amount of data and is applicable rather at the stage of optimization of the
control system parameters, while the regulation time can be used when testing closed-loop systems
during preclinical trials. Criterion B is related to modeling the possibility of meal delay and the
predicted risk to the patient's health in this case. As such, it cannot be evaluated when analyzing the
results of research trials, but it can be used to determine the optimal and safe bolus form.
3. Results
Taking into account the considered problems and on the basis of proposed methods, the closed-loop
BG control system was developed [18]. The system comprises of an automatic adaptive adjustment of
basal delivery according to CGM data, and decision support algorithms based on model predictive
control for calculation of optimal after-meal boluses, corrective boluses and carbohydrates as well as
detecting and compensation of the system functioning and operation violations (figure 4).
Figure 4. The structure of the closed-loop insulin therapy system with decision support.
ICCT 2021 IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2091 (2021) 012020 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/2091/1/012020
In silico testing of the system was performed via UVA/Padova Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus Simulator.
The proposed system was compared with a simulated open-loop one that provides instant bolus
injection and constant basal delivery. A comparative analysis of the BG control efficiency was carried
out according to the method proposed in 2.5. The overall efficiency function was compiled on the
basis of overshoot, maximum BG and regulation time criteria. For each BG fluctuation, the efficiency
increase for the proposed closed-loop system compared to the open-loop one had been calculated.
The control algorithm showed promising results in BG maintaining in adults and adolescents [19].
The 91 % of measures were in the target range during 72-hours simulation with regular meals from 20
to 75 g (figure 5). The adaptive adjustment of the controlling action allowed decreasing the overshoot
during nights in comparison with insulin infusion with constant rate. The average increase in BG
control efficiency was 27.3% with a decrease in the maximum value of 10.6%, a decrease in the
regulation time of 22.5% and an insignificant increase in overshoot of 4.3%.
The ability of the system to detect the risk of low and high BG levels and the quality of proposed
optimized corrective actions was tested. The system allows advance risks detection and
recommendations making, while the simulations shows better BG dynamics when a patient makes a
decision to inject a recommended corrective bolus or to intake the calculated corrective amount of
carbohydrates than without the decision (figure 6).
(a) (b)
Figure 6. BG dynamics with and without corrective action in cases of low (a) and high (b) BG.
ICCT 2021 IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2091 (2021) 012020 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/2091/1/012020
The developed decision support algorithm detects the violations with high sensitivity (96–100 %,
CI 95 %, p < 0.001) and high specificity (91–100 %, CI 95 %, p < 0.001), that allows preventing BG
deviations from the normal range caused by the human factor or system functioning violations. The
results of evaluating the ability of the algorithm to detect the events of absent meal data and additional
insulin injection data, absent meal fact and pump malfunction for a given threshold time Tthr are
presented in the table 1.
Meal data absence 90 40.0 ± 6.7 100,0 (CI 95 %, 95.8 – 100.0) 91,5 (CI 95 %, 90.1 – 91.5)
Additional insulin
80 42.4 ± 3.0 100,0 (CI 95 %, 96.9 – 100.0) 99.7 (CI 95 %, 98.6 – 99.7)
data absence
Meal fact absence 120 74.7 ± 19.5 96,0 (CI 95 %, 90.8 – 98.6) 95.0 (CI 95 %, 93.3 – 95.9)
Pump malfunction 90 71.4 ± 16.5 97,0 (CI 95 %, 93.6 – 97.0) 100.0 (CI 95 %, 98.9 – 100.0)
The reported study was funded by RFBR, project number 19-37-90028.
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