610de5ceee34e465ed1cafcb - Brand Questionnaire Taro
610de5ceee34e465ed1cafcb - Brand Questionnaire Taro
610de5ceee34e465ed1cafcb - Brand Questionnaire Taro
Brand Voice
Use this spectrum as a tool to help identify your brand’s voice.
4.0 Questionnaire
01 What is the story behind your brand? 06 How would you describe your personality and
Pinterest, Dribbble, Instagram, the Outline as many details as you’d like to Photography is a hugely defining factor
street, the beach, and Earth are form a well-rounded profile of your ideal for many business, and should be
all great places to start. Source client, so that you can refine your brand approached with the idea that it offers
and gather photos, work from and speak to your audience with this the quickest, most succinct means to
others, and any elements relevant person in mind.Think: convey exactly what your business does.
to your brand together into a It can also be used to convey non-verbal
moodboard or collection. How old are they? messaging, emotion and mood.
Where do they live?
What do they do for a living? There are a few different routes - style a
What are their hobbies? photoshoot, or source stock or bundled
What is their name? images. ideal client, so that you can
refine your brand and share your work
with this person in mind!